Heirs: Episode 4

We go back to Korea! Huzzah. Pack your bags, pop the champagne, and do as our heroine does, and consider the last three episodes a hazy midsummer night’s dream. A return to Seoul also means a return to reality, which for most of our characters means facing some harsh truths. I’d be sympathetic, save for the fact that it’s the first episode that doesn’t move completely like molasses on a cold winter’s day, so hell, bring on the drama, Drama.


Standing Egg – “In My Dream” [ Download ]

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Eun-sang walks into the airport just in time to witness Tan and Rachel hugging. Well, Rachel’s the one hugging while Tan stands there, but the effect is the same. She turns around to avert her gaze, which is when Tan sees her and calls out her name to stop right there.

Eun-sang freezes, and Tan hurriedly gives Rachel her send-off before walking up to Eun-sang with that jilted boyfriend tone in his voice, wondering why she didn’t return any of his calls.

He sticks his phone out for her to give him her number, but she looks over at Rachel and says she’s said her thank-yous and goodbyes, so that leaves nothing else left to say. She adds that he shouldn’t leave his fiancée standing there, and walks past him without looking back, leaving him still holding out his phone.

For once Rachel is deservedly pissed, though of course she goes overboard and decides to harass Eun-sang since they’re on the same flight. She gets up from first class to go find Eun-sang in coach, and steals her customs form to get her address.

She says it’s because she has the sinking feeling that this won’t be the last time they see each other, and she gets the sense that Tan will go looking for her the second something bad happens in his life. So… then why are you helping him along? I don’t know. She makes little sense to me, but I like her trench coat. Moving on.

Rachel arrives at the airport to a combative Young-do, who’s come to pick her up after all. He’s holding up a seemingly innocuous “Welcome, my stepsister!” banner but we know better than to trust his smiley faces.

He still blames her for this stupid errand, while she naturally thinks it’s his own fault for losing to his father in the first place, and shoves her cart at him like a luggage boy. Ha. I do enjoy that each of these assy characters knows someone assier than them. It’s a delicate system of checks and balances, if you will.

They have this petty fight in the car over the stereo (I did actually laugh to discover that after all that complaining, he didn’t even drive to the airport to pick her up) and Rachel is the first to mention that he’s probably dying of curiosity to know about Tan.

She says he’s doing well, and that he asked about Young-do. She assures him that she said he was living well without him, and then adds with a bite to her voice: “like a fox playing king while the tiger is away.”

Young-do orders the car to stop and turns to her: “Did you ever stop to ask why the tiger isn’t in his cave? Could it be that he was just playing a tiger? And that he ran away so he wouldn’t be found out?” He gets out and stands in the street with a long sigh.

Eun-sang, meanwhile, makes her own way home only to find it completely emptied out. There’s no sign of Mom or any of their stuff, though thankfully the landlady comes by to tell her that Mom recently moved because she became a live-in housekeeper.

She borrows the ajumma’s phone to call Mom, who tells her to stay at a jjimjilbang for the night because the chairman is sick and the mood in the house is bad. Eun-sang huddles by her suitcase in her old room for the night. And in LA, Tan sits poolside, still mooning over Eun-sang and staring at her photo all day.

Prosecutor’s son Hyo-shin arrives home and overhears his mother giving the tutor a lecture on her overly revealing skirt. It’s knee-length, but given that she asks her not to come here without socks on, I think reason isn’t really her game. The tutor, JEON HYUN-JOO (Im Joo-eun), agrees readily to all her demands.

She’s on good terms with her student Hyo-shin, who asks if she doesn’t dislike all of his mother’s strict rules, adding a little flirtatiously that he likes all the things Mom hates. But Hyun-joo says none of it matters because she pays a lot, and the person who pays is always right.

As they get started on his lesson, she conspicuously ignores a call from Won. Hyo-shin asks if it’s her boyfriend, but doesn’t get a reply. Won is calling from a jewelry store, and decides on a necklace instead of a ring. Hm.

Eun-sang goes to see Mom in the morning as requested, and Mom tells her the bad news that the money unni took was their apartment deposit. What in the what? MOooooooom. She says unni called to apologize, and despite everything, still chastens Eun-sang when she calls her sister a bitch.

Eun-sang asks if they’re living in the street now, and Mom asks her to wait here and leaves her at the gate. Madam Jung arrives at the house, stopping to give Eun-sang the disapproving once-over before walking in.

Mom goes straight to Madam Han and mentions that she didn’t tell Madam Jung about her spying on her… yet. Ha. I love the incongruity of threatening someone sentence by sentence in polite note form. Mom says this hurts her too, but yes, she is threatening her. Madam Han is quicker on the uptake than she looks, and asks what she wants.

So that’s how Eun-sang gains entry into the House of Many Wives, aka Tan’s Many Mothers, who are currently going at it with Round 2. Madam Jung storms in and asks why she wasn’t informed that the chairman is sick again, while Madam Han thinks it’s hardly news since he’s sick every other day. And besides, is she hoping he dies or lives?

Madam Jung has the family registry on her side, and calls her the outsider playing house with her husband. Madam Han gets her where it hurts and calls her barren. Madam Jung spits back that having children sure did her a lot of good: “Is that child in your arms now? That’s what family registry is.” It ends with Madam Jung slapping the mistress across the face to make her point.

As Eun-sang’s first introduction to this household, it’s a pretty good one. Won’s arrival is announced, and the ladies turn on a dime and smooth their hair. It’s not quite Austen but it’s pretty damn funny. My favorite bit is that Madam Han didn’t even know he left the country and came back.

He notes Eun-sang without a word, but then when Mom asks her to take the chairman his medicine, it’s Won who finds her aimlessly wandering the house, not knowing where to take the tray. He points her in the right direction and she introduces herself to the chairman.

Won makes excuses for having to go right back to work, but Dad tells him it’s time he let Tan back in. Dad says he understands Won’s hurt and that’s why he turned a blind eye to the pain that he’s been inflicting on his younger brother till now, but it’s gone on long enough.

Dad says he doesn’t have one memory of hugging Tan because he was so concerned with Won’s feelings, and doesn’t want to have any more regrets. Won says bitterly that the statement makes it sound like he raised Won with warmth and love, which is obviously not the case.

Madam Han realizes that Won’s trip to LA means he must’ve seen Tan, and rushes up to ask about her son. Won isn’t very compliant, unsurprisingly, despite her earnest pleas. A photograph of Tan on the beach fades into him doing the same now, watching the sunset all alone as he thinks back to his brother’s harsh words back at the orchard.

As Eun-sang eats with Mom in the kitchen, she asks which of the wives has more power, and Madam Han interrupts to finally greet Eun-sang. She’s terrible towards Mom as usual, but also hilariously forthright about their household being gauche. Eun-sang tamps down her pride and thanks her for letting her stay here.

Eun-sang sees how hard Mom works and helps out that night, and in the morning she unpacks her things and apologizes through tears for running away and leaving Mom behind. Mom just hugs her reassuringly.

It’s back to multiple part-time jobs for Eun-sang, who works around the clock. Tan spends his days haunting the places he went with her, while she gazes at their couple shirt, now tucked away in a drawer.

After working all through vacation, she calls Chan-young with the news that she’s ready to pay him back for the plane ticket, but he announces that he’s on his way back since school is about to start.

Madam Han is still as anxious as ever for Tan to come back, while Dad is more about the tough love—if he’s too afraid of his hyung to come back, maybe he should stay away. Mom calls anyway, but Tan ignores the call as always.

He sits on a bench at school and thinks, “I always imagine, that the people who are lonely because I exist… will be lonely because I am gone.”

And then we watch as imaginary Tan looks in on his family members one by one, each so alone. “I want to come home, father. I miss you, mom. After sending me away so hurtfully, I want to believe that it pained you just once, hyung.”

He comes out of his reverie with a decision, and makes a call. He stops in to see his professor, and hands in his journal. The last entry reads: “One who wants to wear the crown, bears the crown.”

With that, he returns to Korea, where a happy Manager Yoon welcomes him back. He says that his parents are eager to see him, but Tan says grimly that Won comes first.

It’s as frosty a greeting as you could imagine, as Won asks how many days he’s staying. Tan says he’s here for good, and assures hyung that what he’s fearing might happen, won’t happen. Won snaps back, calling him the son of a concubine, and says it isn’t his place to decide what will or won’t happen. Yeeeouch.

He makes it clear there’s no such thing as peaceful coexistence between them, and announces that Tan has just thrown away the one chance he was given. Won storms out and tells Manager Yoon to book him a hotel for the time being, not wanting to be at home for Tan’s return.

Madam Han is on cloud nine, though Tan is clearly more focused on his father, who greets him in his usual terse, not-cold-but-not-warm indifferent manner, giving him about two seconds of his time before sending him upstairs.

Mom follows him up, buzzing like a doting bee, and has to be ushered out for some breathing room. The housekeeper takes away his laundry, including the pair of Eun-sang’s socks that she left behind at his beach house.

Tan takes out the dreamcatcher to hang in his window, while Eun-sang sits in the courtyard down below. She snaps a photo of her plane ticket and posts online: “I have no way to prove that I was in my dream last night. That place is like that to me. Was I… really there?”

And in the ensuing days, they continue to live in the same house without crossing paths. It’s pretty funny.

He pauses at the pair of red sneakers hanging on the clothesline, and sees a figure leaving rooms as he enters them. During dinner one night he gets up with a start, either because he hears a horror movie playing from somewhere in the house, or his spidey sense is tingling and the soundtrack is getting cheeky. He basically chases her around corners like a ghost…

But they never run into each other, partly because Eun-sang is purposely taking pains to be as invisible as possible while living there.

All she knows is that Second Son is back in the house, and Mom stirs her awake at the crack of dawn one morning to tell her to stay out of the house till late that night, because the mood in the house is bad. First Son hasn’t been home since Second Son’s arrival, which is making tempers flare.

So Eun-sang gets ousted out of her own bed, and walks out just as Young-do and his friend (fine you get a name) JO MYUNG-SOO (Park Hyung-shik) split up after being out all night. Myung-soo jumps out of his skin to see a stranger walking out of Tan’s house, and wonders if they moved.

She basically sleepwalks over to the convenience store, where Young-do is waiting for his morning ramyun to cook, and he watches as she buys a drink, downs it in one shot, and plops down for a nap, all without opening her eyes. He chuckles and sits down next to her, curious.

When two little kids come by making a bunch of noise, he shushes them because she’s sleeping, but that only makes them cry, and she gets up and leaves without a word.

Bo-na makes her way around Idol Central looking for her entertainment CEO dad, where she runs into Heechul and is friendly enough with him to call him elderly. She’s just in the middle of telling oppa about her boyfriend, when Chan-young asks in a text what she’s doing talking to another man.

He’s in the stands, having sprung his return on her. She wants to celebrate, though he reminds her that she was looking for her dad not two minutes ago. She says he’s unimportant now, and Chan-young jokes that he’s not having a daughter. Bo-na: “Who says I’m going to give you one, you perv?” Ha.

They eat at home instead, where Chan-young and his dad cook up a meal like a pair of expert chefs. She freezes when Dad mentions that Chan-young met Tan while in LA, and lies through her teeth that she doesn’t know who Tan is.

At school, she sighs to Myung-soo that she might get dumped, because Chan-young might know about her past with Tan, and might have beat Tan up because Tan obviously hasn’t gotten over her. Haha. I’d like to spend a day in her head, this one.

Meanwhile, Tan sees Eun-sang’s latest post online, and answers that she was there (in LA)—he’ll be her proof. Only he’s leaving the messages still logged in as her, which she realizes when she sees herself posting things she didn’t write. She tells him to log out, which he naturally refuses to do since it’s their only link.

As they argue back and forth online, she’s about to walk into the house as he’s about to walk out… but they turn out to be at different doors, missing each other again by a split second. But as he passes by Eun-sang’s mom, her I ♥ California t-shirt stops him in his tracks.

Madam Han happens to be wearing Eun-sang’s socks too, which Eun-sang notes curiously. There are more pressing concerns though, namely Madam Han thoughtlessly shuttling Mom back and forth to get the proper wine, and Eun-sang yanks the bottle out of hands to go run the errand herself. Madam Han agrees it’s a good idea that she earns her keep around here. Ugh.

Tan is busy staring at his phone, so annoyed that Eun-sang isn’t responding that he misses entirely the fact that she walks right past him in the background. He keeps seeing her just as she disappears around corners, and he goes in to ask Mom if their house is haunted or something because he keeps seeing a girl.

She says that’s just the housekeeper’s daughter, who’s his age… named Cha… Eun…sung. It’s close enough that he freezes and asks why she’s living here. Mom says the housekeeper spent her apartment deposit on the older sister’s wedding.

Another piece of the puzzle falls into place, and Tan paces in his room, wondering if it could really be Eun-sang. He shuffles through her old messages and re-reads the one about hating Jeguk group, which makes a whole lot of sense if Mom is the housekeeper.

He leaves another message asking what she’s doing right now, and nearly has a breakdown waiting for her reply. She finally leaves a message that she’s drinking water, and he runs through the house toward the kitchen.

He stops outside the kitchen door and hesitates, and braces himself before sliding it open just a crack…

And there inside is Cha Eun-sang, drinking a glass of water in his kitchen.


That was a nice build. I enjoyed the hide and seek, if only for the ridiculous fact that his house is so big that you could actually live in it and never see someone else who lives there. Him finding out first is the best part, because that hesitation outside the door feels so real. It’s yet another reason for Tan to hate his wealth and privilege because it keeps him from the things he wants most in the world—to be loved by his hyung, to be thought of as a son and not an heir. And now with Eun-sang living there, the daughter of the housekeeper… I mean, you know exactly how she’s going to respond to that. I actually want him to keep playing hide and seek and get her to fall for him first before outing himself as Second Son. Would that be so wrong?

It’s a nice twist on the usual chaebol character that he feels weighed down and trapped by his position (again, more like royalty than just a guy loaded with money), and I like that along with him falling for Eun-sang first, comes him sizing up just how far apart they really are. They both guess as much when they first meet, but damn if real life isn’t so much worse than they ever imagined. It’s the first time that the meaning of them being under the same roof—so clearly separated by the upstairs-downstairs divide—actually overtakes any joy I’d feel about cohabitation hijinks. Okay, I’ll probably come around in about two minutes (think of all the shirtless run-ins, woman!) but for now the oh-crap-no impact is greater.

You know, I really didn’t care for the LA portion of the drama, but once everyone else is back in Korea (thank ye) while Tan remains there, California really does start to feel like exile, like Tan is suspended in time, without home or family. That loneliness and isolation really hit home today, and I enjoyed how out of place he felt. To Eun-sang it would remain a dreamlike place, but for Tan it was his prison, and I like that he called the house dark (when he arrived home and Dad asked how he liked the beach house). Visually that place is the opposite of dark, but that’s what it was to him, and the sentiment really lands in this episode.

Tan’s relationship with his hyung continues to be the most interesting one in the drama, though I suspect once school starts his past with Young-do will be as engaging. It sure looks to be just as antagonistic, that’s for sure. And I already like the hint that Young-do will like Eun-sang on his own, not just as a way to get under Tan’s skin (still a probable way the love triangle will go down, though I prefer the earnest version, naturally). Can I just say, I cannot WAIT for school to start. I feel like that’s where all the drama is going to happen, and we’ve been in limbo waiting for things to rev up. Vacation’s over, guys. Let’s go back to school!


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Heirs is finally getting into the good stuff!!! I can't wait for them to all go back to school. (In the preview, Eun-sang is going to be there too. Double yay!!) Bring on the love triangle of Eun-sang, Tan and Young-do as well.


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Thanks for the recap, Girlfriday! I'm liking where this drama is going. Keep it up, Show! And halleluiah for everyone finally being back in Korea!


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I am curious about one thing so far. What is making our heroine special? Does the lead like her just because he is lonely? Or he has not yet seen a poor Korean pretty girl? And why is the second lead attracted to her? I mean, before all hot rich guys start falling for our heroine for no obvious reason except - I don't really know....

I still like all the pretty though. I just feel it is exploitative of the cast so far.


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I think Tan paid attention to her because her story with her unnie reminded him of his hyung and after paying enough attention to her (a thing he never did for anybody before, too lazy lol), he fell for her!

And the second lead hasn't fallen for her yet! I think her sleepwalking was just amusing! He starts to pay attention to her...



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There is just probably something very endearing to males about a girl that planned to run out on her poor, mute mother, leaving her all alone, and walking around looking drugged that escapes me.


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Right? I know all drama's are contrived. But why does this feel overly contrived? May be I am watching too many dramas.


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No. I am with you. All the young female characters are really quite horrible. The show only shines when none of them are on screen.


Makes me like Krystal girl the most. LOL. Her relationship is the cutest and the CNblue guy is really cute too. I also like KWB and his friend's relationship. I think KWB's friend has the best lines in the script. Looking forward to all the male conflict. They are all pretty. I am sorry I don't really know anyone's names except the three leads. No disrespect.


I think the boys fell for her for her beauty.

That's the first.


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Kim Tan sees a kinship: she and her sister and he and her brother. If you think about it, the boardwalk scene where the sister takes the money and abandons Eun-sang is a parallel to Kim Won telling Kim Tan I'm going to be the heir (taking the money) to go to America and never come back (abandonment).

Young-do, sees a girl that doesn't see him. His attraction is more ego related.

And, as Buffy said, Love makes you do the wacky. If love was logical, well, look at couples all around you, lol.


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I completely understand the Kdrama logic. I am very entertained by it. Perhaps I am a little more critical about this one because of my own expectations. I am hundred percent certain that if not for the famous cast and the overall production value, just the script/direction would not carry this drama and that is disappointing. I am watching another drama called Secret. That one also has only KDrama logic but it is much more compelling. And I am not watching it for the cast at all. (It is completely different that now I will keep a lookout because that cast may not be pretty but darn good at acting).


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If you are not investing, you should probably drop it and save your energies for shows that make you happy. From lessons learned, I myself have decided that I am going to be increasingly selective in what I stay with...it's all based on personal taste of course. I have been learning to filter in this past year, and after hanging on to Master's Sun when and I never could invest in Joo Joong-won, I have decided to again re-evaluate how I choose to watch, and how long I stay on a crazy train lol.


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At this age, boys and girls fall in love just because the time has come. Ad they happened to be in the right place and the rifgt time.
He was sitting there , i surrounded by a bubble of comfortable loneliness, rested for 3 years after all the fights he had had at home. Suddenly she appears-,same age,speaking the native langiuage, looking all right with legs and hands on their place, AND familiar to his own culture- you know it IS difficult to fall in love with a foreigner, no matter how you may be attracted to him. He ( a foreigner) just seems so faraway from you. While this korean girl suddenly looked so close. He is 18 years old- so everything just clicked.
That's all.


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But the lonely foreigner doesn't really applied b/c her sister is the waitress plus it's not like he's in the middle of America. He's in LA where there is the largest population of Koreans outside of Korea.


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Rossi is correct, it's not the exiled foreigner factor. It was obvious he did not hang out with fellow Koreans or Korean Americans, probably part of a self imposed exile. He identified with her as a kindred spirit because of the sibling abandonment issues.


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I question it too, but I'm guessing it's "we both have screwed up sibling relationships" and the fact that she might've been one of the first people he identified with on a cultural level after having been gone for so long. Plus, sympathy goes a long way in kdramas :P

As for Young-do, I don't think he's interested in her in that way yet. I think he finds her amusing. Her eventual resistance will make him chase.


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Doesn't Young-do remember her as the girl who told off those delivery guys? I'm sure he likes her audacity. Plus I'm sure most of the girls he knows are primped to within an inch of their lives at all times, so seeing someone who doesn't care about that is probably intriguing him.

As for Kim Tan, I actually think his connection with Eun-sang has been pretty well done. Seeing someone else go through sibling pain is probably a balm to him, and she was also very genuine with him. You get the feeling he's faking his relationships in America (and not just because of terrible acting/English pronunciation), so when he makes a connection almost against his will, it jars him and makes him want to know more.


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I totally get why Tan is into ES. He identifies with her. They have bonded with each other, because they have seen each other at some of their lowest points.

I don't get Young Do and ES, that is what seems contrived to me. But it seems very much like she is a new toy, that he wants to own. I actually don't think he sees her as a real person yet.


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You couldn't wait for them to be back in Korea, you can't wait for them to get back to school!
No patience, girl! lol

I like Madame Han...I have the feeling she is 15 years old! So immature, so hilarious! I just hope she will remain a cute idiotic mom and not the evil witch mom like the one in "Secret Garden"...played by the legal wife here, Park Joon Geum! lol

Anyway, the crying kids! I don't get why they cried....I mean, except from the fact that scenaristically, it made Eun-sang go away while keeping her secret identity lol

Well, it's not the only thing that didn't made sense but it was so noisy, so annoying...my nerves...arfff


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Screaming crying kids: Unless they are about to die and then it's legit, I have 0 patience for them. Brats!


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Omo, me too.


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You have no kids of your own, perhaps?


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My kids don't cry for bullshit like that...sorry...and if they did...

Well we have a joke in my family...as we are french, the kids are only allowed to cry in english...

After nearly 13 years, she still hasn't figured out how so basically, she isn't allowed to cry lol


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Maybe it is the fact that YD looks like a vampire or alien? He might have looked scary to them. How else could we explain it lol.


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yes, I took it to be that YD is so scary that just a few mild words from him frighten children to tears.


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oh believe me, kids cry without any reason I myself have made kids cry just by appearing. I guess I have a menacing look as well.


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I am so on board this train, and unless the plot seriously derails, I'm riding all the way to the end of the line! Tan is SO gone on EunSang, and something about watching a man fall hard like this that makes me want to squee like a fan girl. That way Lee Min Ho has of looking like a man besotted is definitely something he can take to the bank. I will likely ship the Tan/Eun Sang pairing for the duration, especially given the fact that Young Do's cruelty displayed early in episode 1 made me despise him. Yeah, yeah, I know he's "wounded" (poor little rich boy) and is really a vulnerable child deep down, but as a child who was so relentlessly bullied in middle school that I swallowed half a bottle of aspirin in an attempt to escape, I have ZERO sympathy for unrepentant cruelty. It probably helps that I'm not a fan girl for Woo Bin. He's a really good actor, granted, but not swoon-worthy in my book.


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Sorry to hear about what happened in your past.


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yeah I never get the BOF type story lines where the girl falls in love with the guy that used to sadistically bully her. I was bullied too and I have no sympathy for bullies, We all have hard lives but that doesn't give us the right to hurt others


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This is indeed BOF Improved Version 2.0. The "could have been, should have been" edition which = Jihoo gets the girl! KES may have wondered if she could have done a better job with the BOF script at that point. Sounds like a fantasy fun ride for her.

Incidentally, PSH was one of the actresses considered to play as Jan-di. The role of Eun Sang is a better choice, IMHO.

Wednesday - you seem so far away right now. :(


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"Incidentally, PSH was one of the actresses considered to play as Jan-di. The role of Eun Sang is a better choice, IMHO. "

totally agree.
BOF was way over the top in most scenes, well it was from a manga, guess that explains it.


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I am sooooo looking forward to Young Do next week, him meeting Eun Sang was hilarious enough for me.
I would like for the hide and seek to continue on for Tan and Eun Sang just a bit longer. only bc Tan is mine (jk)
I also want more Rachel interactions, I love how you said for Rachel and Young Do that they have other ppl in their lives that are more of an ass and I like how they both challenge each other to see who is more of a a$$ keke.


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Things picked up well this episode.
The dysfunctional family is interesting. WWF with the women.
Am hoping the dazed cow looks vanish as well after this from looking at preview.


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I thought the picture of a guy sitting on a beach staring into the sunset was that of Won then we fade into Tan doing the same in LA? So I was thinking it was nice that they're more alike than they might think.


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Actually, after watching that scene for 5 times, I think it IS Won.


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You are right it is a photo of Won and not Tan! I re-watched it too just to make sure, because at first I was confused as to why Won would have a photo of Tan in his room.


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Just an idea-- (although I haven't read the character descriptions). What if Won is actually trying to protect Tan by sending him to the US? We saw that his mom couldn't "survive" in Korea with all the family politics and that he cared about his mother. I know so far he's shown almost no regard for Tan but I was just wondering if this could be a plot twist later on.


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That's how I see things too: KW said that at the same age he was already a shareholder of the Empire group. He knows that once KT comes back, it will be an ugly fight for the succession. Not because KT is interested in being a Heir but because the adults will play the puppeteers with them both. The preview for ep 5 confirms that theory.


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I was also wondering- why such a hatred fron Won's side, while such a puppy love from Tan's side? We shall find it out in the next episodes. It woud be a surprise if it turns out Won is not his father's son ? Anything can happen in a korean drama.


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Won is not his father's son? .... and the plot thickens.. believe all of us should have a hand in the script LOL:)


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Hmm, your point about the parents playing puppeteers and Won trying to prevent that seems sound. I think there is more to it, but I like it because it adds some warmth to Won as long as it's not totally self serving.


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yeah, that's what I think too. it comes off as cold but maybe it's his way of protecting Tan..


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I love In My Dream by Standing Egg!!! There, I said it. :)

Anyways, I'm usually very critical with what I watch but damn, I could watch this forever because of Lee Minho. I'm not really a fan of him though I've watched most of his dramas but oh my gosh, I don't even know why but this drama is making me breathless.


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breathless.. ditto..
I could actually feel the adrenalin rush and this is only K drama. No explanation but perhaps, I am over the moon with LMH&PSH.


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I really love Woo Bin's scenes here. Especially when he was swaying his head to Nickelback's hardcore metallic rock song in the car. And that scene at the convenience store, that was really cute! I do like the Eun Sang-Kim Tan tandem but it's really interesting how Young Do will play his part of the love square (him including Rachel Yoo) in the next episodes.

Soo excited! :D


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Woo Bin's voice when he tells the boys to be quiet in a public place - melt me^^!


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Haha! Me too! <3


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Did anyone know what song at ep 4 that woobin and rachel heard a rock song at the car?


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Wait. Friend of woo bin is lmh's neighbor??


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I was wondering if part of the reason why a regular kim eun sook drama didn't quite feel crack-like to me was due to the fact that she wasn't working with her usual pd on all her previous shows.
But i really enjoyed that build up and hide-and-seek until the very end of the episode. My heart was racing and i had no clue why!

This episode is a marked improvement in pacing (probably cause we are back in korea) but i'll take the first 3 episodes as though it were a dream (like eun sang) and officially start enjoying the start of Heirs. So ready for some drama.

How is it that Lee Min Ho always manages to look at everything with such soulful eyes. I don't know what it is, but his eyes, hubba hubba. They could tone down the amount of staring (esp when she was sleeping) but every time he looks at a woman it melts me.


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I think the issue is the PD as well. He doesn't have "the eye" to bring out everything as the writer intended. However, if he could duplicate what he did at the end of the episode, and the sequence where Tan was imagining saying thing to his family, I think I would be more satisfied with the drama.


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Still a little choppy but I think the show is pulling together. Loved the Kim Tan airport couture, so great, oh, back in Korea, must be fashion king, I look exactly like Lee Min-ho so I have to rock it for airport photo ops! Loved the coiffed hair also, much more flattering.

Tho, that sweater he was wearing at the end looks like it came out of Seol chan's closet, bleck. Next time, look for the white pants instead because his taste in sweaters were awful lol.

Glad to finally see Im Joo-eun, even though Hot for Teacher was kind of subdued. Bring it on.


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I love Kim Woo Bin despite how alien they make him look in some of the shots. He is so handsome in some shots and so 'creature' like in others. He needs to do a Hollywood alien movie. He can speak alien language so he does not have to speak English and he will be famous! LOL.

I am very biased.

I hope they give him more airtime. I have enjoyed every scene he has been in. However, I must admit some limitations in his acting of 'controlled rage'. I don't really care though. I know I will be charmed in the end.


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FINALLY THEY'r back to korea!!!
I want to see more chanyong and bona they'r way too cute!

too bad their parts are so little ! giv them more time pleaseeee


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It's been years since I last properly watched a Korean drama. Secret Garden was the last one 'till the Heirs bug got me. Wow! I never thought there would come a time that I will like Lee Min-ho. Help me, I'm falling... ^_^


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I had to completely skip the first episode and the second but after the last two I'm in for the long haul. I rarely watch dramas nowadays, especially while they're still airing, and tend to stay away from the teen dramas but I like this one. Maybe that's why I like it, not burnt out dramawise or anything to compare it to. It's a cute light drama with what seems to be lots of potential drama. Hopefully that means the certain storylines won't be dragged out. It actually kind of reminds me of a reading good fanfic lol

The cast looks older than high schoolers but I wouldn't be surprised if they skipped a few years and picks up when they're adults. I could be wrong but I don't really see Tan and his brother's issues with "who's gonna run the company" playing out while he's in high school.


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Just wanted to add that plot wise it would make sense to start out as high schoolers and skip to adulthood. Had they started out as adults the fight for the company (which I'm assuming will happen since the drama is called Heirs) would have either happened right away or already been in the middle of it when the drama started. It also gives Tan a chance to still have love towards his brother and not that adult bitterness for the way Won has treated him since he was young.


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I would love if they could spend 10 episodes in highwchool have a time jump so all of them could be adults and do adult things without us having to suspend some belief. Plus we could get hotter kisses. Maybe.


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LOL. I was content just reading the comments, but your "hotter kisses" comment had me giggling.

I wish the same btw.. ;-)


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I'd like to see them in high school for about half the drama as well and then jump to adulthood. It would be nice if Tan and Young Do can settle their differences as teens and be there for each other as adults because their families are a little on the crazy side. Although drama kisses have gotten better I think that's usually on cable dramas. I'm keeping my expectations low and just hoping for a kiss where they both have their eyes closed lol.


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Eyes closed seems to be a difficult act, especially with the actresses. Lol. But LMH always delivers in the kiss department. So that's my expectation. I just hope the recipient will respond accordingly. Please PSH...close your eyes and savour it!

Their journey to adulthood will be interesting. I'm curious to see who or how each character will develop, who will redeem themselves, who will gradually self destruct and more importantly, which couple will have the BEST KISS ever. lol.


Why does the dream catcher tinker if it doesn't even have chimes? Lol


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Perhaps the writer thought this was "That Winter the Wind Blows" Part 2? I cracked up when I saw KT in the window not looking out, but posing with his nose pointed at the curtain, and ES down below while the dream catcher tinkles.
Show, I threatened to quit watching you, but desperate times call for desperate measures. In other words, I needed to procrastinate on some chores. Thank god it's improved a little over Eps 1 &2!


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Why can't it be College love story since all of them are too old for School kids!
I can't even relate to school kids and it is just so impossible for kids to get this involved into family and business politics. I get that, it may affect the kids to an extend but these kids act like grown ups and make their own decisions and also are responsible for their individual choices and lives. This cannot be possible for school kids. Many things are not plausible. Given their circumstances, they may have to act grown up but why can't it simply be a bit more realistic.
Okay I get it, it is dramaland but c'mon the actors are too old to be school kids and also it would be real nice given the story, that they are in college at least. It would make more sense and be more realistic.


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Like most people, this ep is what got me hook, line and sinker. I loved everything tbh. Lee Minho's hesitation in the end nearly killed me. The fiancee and soon to be step brother one upping each other. Everything Krystal (although the peek into the music show felt a bit too real, especially with Heechul. Like it was rl and dramaverse getting too close): her pettiness, her easy friendships with everyone, how nobody can even think of hating her. Im Joo Eun!!!!! I thought she was just a super gorgeous tutor, but what, she's an actual teacher? Figuring out Woobin's personality: charismatic, cold, cruel, and yet nice to strangers? The broken friendship. ALL THE BROKEN RELATIONSHIPS.

The only in drama names I know so far are Kim Tan, Cha Eun Sang (because everyone screams it) and Bona though. So many people. (So many pretty, pretty faces).


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SO EXCITED for school. Bona is obviously going to be in the same clique as the heirs (because she is one, and we've already seen her friendships with Woobin etc), but shock she dates someone on the opposite side of the social spectrum? And with the two male protagonists vying for Eunsang's attention as well, things at that school are getting to get excitingggggg.


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I thought it was so interesting that Bo-na is clearly part of the super rich clique but is dating someone who Rachel considers not even worthy of talking to because of his lower status...


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I also want to say I cannot wait for school to start


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Just wanted to point out that the horror music that comes in when Tan is eating and spots EunSang walking from one room to the next is Psycho. I think the choice of film and music made the whole chase a little more intense.


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Lol! Is that foreshadowing? Although many teenage boys do become 'psycho' when they first fall. I hope they continue the scary music theme. I'm really enjoying it. I loved his reaction when he was eating and heard her ringtone. :)


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Ep 4 still couldn't make me interested in this movie. Only Park Hyung Sik and Krystal characters made me smile.
Seems like they tried to put as many idol possible to gain viewers. Ep 4 is another example of it. Come on, you have too many idols already in there. Hopefully next episodes will be better :)


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I believe in friendship...because I have....I like Chanyoung and Eun Sang ......I love the music to....


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Why is everybody talking about LMH'S blue coat? I thought he looked damn good in it :O


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am of the same sentiment about going back to Korea. finally, they are back and bring it on, Drama!! can't wait for ep. 5, let the bitchery of twisted web begin..


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Thanks for the super fast recaps. The smile and excitement for the next episodes hopefully can sustain me until the new recaps.


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Young Do has seen Eun Sang twice and has been curious and liking her yet she has no knowledge of him. I can't wait until school starts when Tan and Young Do will clash over their attentions toward Eun Sang!

I like Young Do who is a bully to his classmates, but in turn, the two youngsters bully him when they start crying. Also, I love the future step brother / sister scenes with Rachel who gives him back what he dishes her. LOL!

Eun Sang living under the same roof as Tan reminds me of Upstairs, Downstairs drama.It seems like lower class Eun Sang's mom runs the Chairman's household. In L.A. Tan and Eun Sang met as equals, but in Korea, he's the young master while she is the lowly housekeeper's daughter. Unfortunately the Korean social dynamics really restrict their association together. Also, how does Eun Sang attend the rich kids's elite high school?


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I'm guessing Tan will have something to do with it because quite obviously Eun Sang won't be able to afford the tuition on her own. But that's just my hunch.


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What the hell is going on between Tan and Won, it's obvious Tan loves Won, why does Won feel so threatened, i can't follow

I like lee min ho amd i think this is his first drama that he works with actors who have charisma as much as he has, kim woo bin and choi jin hyuk have it. They're all tall and can be intimidating, for most of his drama, he stands as a sole focus. I just realize it when i watch the preview for ep 5, lee min ho and kim woo bin on the same scene, battle of attention, the first time i fell lee min ho is not the only focus there.


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Beg to disagree about actors with less charisma than LMH in his previous dramas. To name a few that I remember---

Kim Bum as So Yi-jung
Kim So-eun as Chu Ga-eul
Lee Min-jung as Ha Jae-kyung
Lee Si-young as Oh Min-ji
Jung Eui-chul as Lee Min-ha/Lee Jae-ha
Lee Hye-young as Kang Hee-soo

Son Ye-jin as Park Kae-in
Wang Ji-hye as Kim In-hee
Ryu Seung-ryong as Choi Do-bin

Lee Joon-hyuk as Kim Young-joo
Kim Sang-joong as Lee Jin-pyo
Kim Sang-ho as Bae Man-duk/Bae Shik-joong
Hwang Sun-hee as Jin Sae-hee
Chun Ho-jin as Choi Eung-chan
Kim Mi-sook as Lee Kyung-he

Kim Hee-sun - Yoo Eun-soo
Ryu Deok-hwan - King Gongmin
Park Se-young - Queen Noguk
Kim Mi-kyung - court lady Choi
Yoo Oh-sung - Ki Chul

Just my two cents. Some mentioned above, I've known of from their previous films/dramas like Son Ye-jin, but most of them I've come to know because they stood out in the roles they were playing, no matter how big or small.


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Yay I have been dying for the confrontation in school scene.

No more awful accents and good old bitchin' in school. Bring it on!


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Right now, for me, as an international viewer, the shots in California is what makes this drama very special. It was shot very nicely, for the first. It brings my korean dramas heroes very close to me- I was glad to greet them . Probably, that was a tribute to Dramafever's international fans.
For the second, it had a deeper meaning : the opposition of the midsummer night's dream in America versus the realiyty in Korea. I wonder how both of our leads will manage in Korea after they got a gulp of fresh air and freedom in America. As for me, I will be missing LMH's simple american clothes and tanned skin . Must he really bleach his skin and dye his hair again and wear all those funny designer robes? I wish they could move on . He is a good actor and all tjose things just distract from watching his acting.


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Love this drama,LMH and KMH are so cute and KWB is doing a good job. I particularly found it hilarious that he asks his mother if their house is haunted cos he keeps seeing a girl.


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haha..influenced by her love of horror movies, maybe? =D


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Now our leads will have to perform " keeping the face" act. It is not easy for Kim Tan to have a girl friend of a lower class AND living at his home . In spite of him spending time in America, he is Korean and is brought up ths way: he belongs to the better sort of people, while she belongs to the dirt. What will people say? Remember BOF? "American style is not accepted here". It is not easy not to hurt ES 's pride,too. It is not easy for ES to accept KT's love, neither ,because it would come for a price in Korea, as I see in the other dramas. And ( hopefully) she is not that kind of girl, who would just live as Tan's mother does.
I wonder, will they manage?


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i know i shouldn't be thinking like this but am i the only who was like *OMGEEE* when Won met Eun Sang? I think they look good together. If only he was younger. LOL.


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Yes, if I did not know the plot beforehand with all the loveliness I would have said there is something there. But, the beauty of this drama is the huge possibility of any number of possible relationships and scenarios. The writer definitely succeeded there.


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Am I the only one searching here for Hyungshik, Heechul, and VIXX??? XD


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Thanks for the recap..


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How sleepy must she have been to not realise WOO BIN standing and staring at her?!


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Hahahaha.. So true..but i love my sleep way too much.


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I think this is a hint at their future relationship. Remember when ES went to LA, and went to the beach and was looking out at the people playing, she also looked at KT. She noticed him, and when she looked away, he noticed her.

However, she was in YD presence twice and never noticed him. I am sure when she has the confrontation with Rachel, she won't notice him there either, unless he says something to her.

I think this foretelling to what their relationship will be like in the future. No matter what YD does, she won't "see" him.


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.....I just realised that if this is based off Gossip Girl then Tan is the Serena.


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Amm ES is Don and YD is Brock or what ever her name :)


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I can't believe they are starting high school! I thought they were going to be university students?!


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they aren't "starting" high school... all the characters are in the middle of their second or third (final) year of it.


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it's nice to read recap I see the drama in different way , and I understand the the story more , thank you .
Pls talk as new friend and a fan . :)


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next week's preview makes me feel like we're heading towards Boys Over Flowers, Part 2


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Looks like episode 5 is going to be Boys Over Flowers v2 with Tan and Youngdo going at each other and Chan Young trying to protect a girl, who might not really need protecting! But I really enjoyed the hide and seek moment too. Entirely believable too with such a huge house and so many possible entrances! The side for the servants and the main entrance for the rich.


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I am wondering about the teacher and Won...well she is beautiful and looks friendly and warm but Won well you know hot but cold, so how did it happen? Very excited for the next episode because I could tell from the preview that a lot is going to happen! :D


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I've always wanted to know: 1) I know in Kdrama Land, all the chaebol heirs are portrayed as good looking, smart, charismatic, etc. Are the real chaebols in Korea like that as well? Or is that just a major exaggeration? 2) What's up with the separate beds for the husband and wives? I've seen that in a few dramas that I've watched but could never understand why 2 beds? Why not just get separate rooms?

I'd appreciate any answers or opinions. Thanks! :D


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Does Tan sense when the girl is around?? Some Telepathy here!!
Love the California T-shirt scene when the mom wears it. How cute..


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Tell you, guys. This drama is a feast of senses. I mean, I love the plot and everything. LMH and Woobin falling for the same girl? And the rest of the male leads... C'mon, ladies on this thread. Admit. Why else did we get addicted to Kdramas? Besides learning more about Korean history and language, of course. (in my case) Good thing my teenage kid won't read this comment. Time to quiz my kids on American history and biology. After re-watching this episode just one more time.


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This drama feels strangely hallow but quite entertaining. It feels like a bought a magnet for no particular reason but I find it strangely fun.

Kim Tan's older brother is very cold and I still don't like the fact that there are a lot of characters in this drama. I have some issues but I'm to curious to let this drama go.


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