Heirs: Episode 4

We go back to Korea! Huzzah. Pack your bags, pop the champagne, and do as our heroine does, and consider the last three episodes a hazy midsummer night’s dream. A return to Seoul also means a return to reality, which for most of our characters means facing some harsh truths. I’d be sympathetic, save for the fact that it’s the first episode that doesn’t move completely like molasses on a cold winter’s day, so hell, bring on the drama, Drama.


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Eun-sang walks into the airport just in time to witness Tan and Rachel hugging. Well, Rachel’s the one hugging while Tan stands there, but the effect is the same. She turns around to avert her gaze, which is when Tan sees her and calls out her name to stop right there.

Eun-sang freezes, and Tan hurriedly gives Rachel her send-off before walking up to Eun-sang with that jilted boyfriend tone in his voice, wondering why she didn’t return any of his calls.

He sticks his phone out for her to give him her number, but she looks over at Rachel and says she’s said her thank-yous and goodbyes, so that leaves nothing else left to say. She adds that he shouldn’t leave his fiancée standing there, and walks past him without looking back, leaving him still holding out his phone.

For once Rachel is deservedly pissed, though of course she goes overboard and decides to harass Eun-sang since they’re on the same flight. She gets up from first class to go find Eun-sang in coach, and steals her customs form to get her address.

She says it’s because she has the sinking feeling that this won’t be the last time they see each other, and she gets the sense that Tan will go looking for her the second something bad happens in his life. So… then why are you helping him along? I don’t know. She makes little sense to me, but I like her trench coat. Moving on.

Rachel arrives at the airport to a combative Young-do, who’s come to pick her up after all. He’s holding up a seemingly innocuous “Welcome, my stepsister!” banner but we know better than to trust his smiley faces.

He still blames her for this stupid errand, while she naturally thinks it’s his own fault for losing to his father in the first place, and shoves her cart at him like a luggage boy. Ha. I do enjoy that each of these assy characters knows someone assier than them. It’s a delicate system of checks and balances, if you will.

They have this petty fight in the car over the stereo (I did actually laugh to discover that after all that complaining, he didn’t even drive to the airport to pick her up) and Rachel is the first to mention that he’s probably dying of curiosity to know about Tan.

She says he’s doing well, and that he asked about Young-do. She assures him that she said he was living well without him, and then adds with a bite to her voice: “like a fox playing king while the tiger is away.”

Young-do orders the car to stop and turns to her: “Did you ever stop to ask why the tiger isn’t in his cave? Could it be that he was just playing a tiger? And that he ran away so he wouldn’t be found out?” He gets out and stands in the street with a long sigh.

Eun-sang, meanwhile, makes her own way home only to find it completely emptied out. There’s no sign of Mom or any of their stuff, though thankfully the landlady comes by to tell her that Mom recently moved because she became a live-in housekeeper.

She borrows the ajumma’s phone to call Mom, who tells her to stay at a jjimjilbang for the night because the chairman is sick and the mood in the house is bad. Eun-sang huddles by her suitcase in her old room for the night. And in LA, Tan sits poolside, still mooning over Eun-sang and staring at her photo all day.

Prosecutor’s son Hyo-shin arrives home and overhears his mother giving the tutor a lecture on her overly revealing skirt. It’s knee-length, but given that she asks her not to come here without socks on, I think reason isn’t really her game. The tutor, JEON HYUN-JOO (Im Joo-eun), agrees readily to all her demands.

She’s on good terms with her student Hyo-shin, who asks if she doesn’t dislike all of his mother’s strict rules, adding a little flirtatiously that he likes all the things Mom hates. But Hyun-joo says none of it matters because she pays a lot, and the person who pays is always right.

As they get started on his lesson, she conspicuously ignores a call from Won. Hyo-shin asks if it’s her boyfriend, but doesn’t get a reply. Won is calling from a jewelry store, and decides on a necklace instead of a ring. Hm.

Eun-sang goes to see Mom in the morning as requested, and Mom tells her the bad news that the money unni took was their apartment deposit. What in the what? MOooooooom. She says unni called to apologize, and despite everything, still chastens Eun-sang when she calls her sister a bitch.

Eun-sang asks if they’re living in the street now, and Mom asks her to wait here and leaves her at the gate. Madam Jung arrives at the house, stopping to give Eun-sang the disapproving once-over before walking in.

Mom goes straight to Madam Han and mentions that she didn’t tell Madam Jung about her spying on her… yet. Ha. I love the incongruity of threatening someone sentence by sentence in polite note form. Mom says this hurts her too, but yes, she is threatening her. Madam Han is quicker on the uptake than she looks, and asks what she wants.

So that’s how Eun-sang gains entry into the House of Many Wives, aka Tan’s Many Mothers, who are currently going at it with Round 2. Madam Jung storms in and asks why she wasn’t informed that the chairman is sick again, while Madam Han thinks it’s hardly news since he’s sick every other day. And besides, is she hoping he dies or lives?

Madam Jung has the family registry on her side, and calls her the outsider playing house with her husband. Madam Han gets her where it hurts and calls her barren. Madam Jung spits back that having children sure did her a lot of good: “Is that child in your arms now? That’s what family registry is.” It ends with Madam Jung slapping the mistress across the face to make her point.

As Eun-sang’s first introduction to this household, it’s a pretty good one. Won’s arrival is announced, and the ladies turn on a dime and smooth their hair. It’s not quite Austen but it’s pretty damn funny. My favorite bit is that Madam Han didn’t even know he left the country and came back.

He notes Eun-sang without a word, but then when Mom asks her to take the chairman his medicine, it’s Won who finds her aimlessly wandering the house, not knowing where to take the tray. He points her in the right direction and she introduces herself to the chairman.

Won makes excuses for having to go right back to work, but Dad tells him it’s time he let Tan back in. Dad says he understands Won’s hurt and that’s why he turned a blind eye to the pain that he’s been inflicting on his younger brother till now, but it’s gone on long enough.

Dad says he doesn’t have one memory of hugging Tan because he was so concerned with Won’s feelings, and doesn’t want to have any more regrets. Won says bitterly that the statement makes it sound like he raised Won with warmth and love, which is obviously not the case.

Madam Han realizes that Won’s trip to LA means he must’ve seen Tan, and rushes up to ask about her son. Won isn’t very compliant, unsurprisingly, despite her earnest pleas. A photograph of Tan on the beach fades into him doing the same now, watching the sunset all alone as he thinks back to his brother’s harsh words back at the orchard.

As Eun-sang eats with Mom in the kitchen, she asks which of the wives has more power, and Madam Han interrupts to finally greet Eun-sang. She’s terrible towards Mom as usual, but also hilariously forthright about their household being gauche. Eun-sang tamps down her pride and thanks her for letting her stay here.

Eun-sang sees how hard Mom works and helps out that night, and in the morning she unpacks her things and apologizes through tears for running away and leaving Mom behind. Mom just hugs her reassuringly.

It’s back to multiple part-time jobs for Eun-sang, who works around the clock. Tan spends his days haunting the places he went with her, while she gazes at their couple shirt, now tucked away in a drawer.

After working all through vacation, she calls Chan-young with the news that she’s ready to pay him back for the plane ticket, but he announces that he’s on his way back since school is about to start.

Madam Han is still as anxious as ever for Tan to come back, while Dad is more about the tough love—if he’s too afraid of his hyung to come back, maybe he should stay away. Mom calls anyway, but Tan ignores the call as always.

He sits on a bench at school and thinks, “I always imagine, that the people who are lonely because I exist… will be lonely because I am gone.”

And then we watch as imaginary Tan looks in on his family members one by one, each so alone. “I want to come home, father. I miss you, mom. After sending me away so hurtfully, I want to believe that it pained you just once, hyung.”

He comes out of his reverie with a decision, and makes a call. He stops in to see his professor, and hands in his journal. The last entry reads: “One who wants to wear the crown, bears the crown.”

With that, he returns to Korea, where a happy Manager Yoon welcomes him back. He says that his parents are eager to see him, but Tan says grimly that Won comes first.

It’s as frosty a greeting as you could imagine, as Won asks how many days he’s staying. Tan says he’s here for good, and assures hyung that what he’s fearing might happen, won’t happen. Won snaps back, calling him the son of a concubine, and says it isn’t his place to decide what will or won’t happen. Yeeeouch.

He makes it clear there’s no such thing as peaceful coexistence between them, and announces that Tan has just thrown away the one chance he was given. Won storms out and tells Manager Yoon to book him a hotel for the time being, not wanting to be at home for Tan’s return.

Madam Han is on cloud nine, though Tan is clearly more focused on his father, who greets him in his usual terse, not-cold-but-not-warm indifferent manner, giving him about two seconds of his time before sending him upstairs.

Mom follows him up, buzzing like a doting bee, and has to be ushered out for some breathing room. The housekeeper takes away his laundry, including the pair of Eun-sang’s socks that she left behind at his beach house.

Tan takes out the dreamcatcher to hang in his window, while Eun-sang sits in the courtyard down below. She snaps a photo of her plane ticket and posts online: “I have no way to prove that I was in my dream last night. That place is like that to me. Was I… really there?”

And in the ensuing days, they continue to live in the same house without crossing paths. It’s pretty funny.

He pauses at the pair of red sneakers hanging on the clothesline, and sees a figure leaving rooms as he enters them. During dinner one night he gets up with a start, either because he hears a horror movie playing from somewhere in the house, or his spidey sense is tingling and the soundtrack is getting cheeky. He basically chases her around corners like a ghost…

But they never run into each other, partly because Eun-sang is purposely taking pains to be as invisible as possible while living there.

All she knows is that Second Son is back in the house, and Mom stirs her awake at the crack of dawn one morning to tell her to stay out of the house till late that night, because the mood in the house is bad. First Son hasn’t been home since Second Son’s arrival, which is making tempers flare.

So Eun-sang gets ousted out of her own bed, and walks out just as Young-do and his friend (fine you get a name) JO MYUNG-SOO (Park Hyung-shik) split up after being out all night. Myung-soo jumps out of his skin to see a stranger walking out of Tan’s house, and wonders if they moved.

She basically sleepwalks over to the convenience store, where Young-do is waiting for his morning ramyun to cook, and he watches as she buys a drink, downs it in one shot, and plops down for a nap, all without opening her eyes. He chuckles and sits down next to her, curious.

When two little kids come by making a bunch of noise, he shushes them because she’s sleeping, but that only makes them cry, and she gets up and leaves without a word.

Bo-na makes her way around Idol Central looking for her entertainment CEO dad, where she runs into Heechul and is friendly enough with him to call him elderly. She’s just in the middle of telling oppa about her boyfriend, when Chan-young asks in a text what she’s doing talking to another man.

He’s in the stands, having sprung his return on her. She wants to celebrate, though he reminds her that she was looking for her dad not two minutes ago. She says he’s unimportant now, and Chan-young jokes that he’s not having a daughter. Bo-na: “Who says I’m going to give you one, you perv?” Ha.

They eat at home instead, where Chan-young and his dad cook up a meal like a pair of expert chefs. She freezes when Dad mentions that Chan-young met Tan while in LA, and lies through her teeth that she doesn’t know who Tan is.

At school, she sighs to Myung-soo that she might get dumped, because Chan-young might know about her past with Tan, and might have beat Tan up because Tan obviously hasn’t gotten over her. Haha. I’d like to spend a day in her head, this one.

Meanwhile, Tan sees Eun-sang’s latest post online, and answers that she was there (in LA)—he’ll be her proof. Only he’s leaving the messages still logged in as her, which she realizes when she sees herself posting things she didn’t write. She tells him to log out, which he naturally refuses to do since it’s their only link.

As they argue back and forth online, she’s about to walk into the house as he’s about to walk out… but they turn out to be at different doors, missing each other again by a split second. But as he passes by Eun-sang’s mom, her I ♥ California t-shirt stops him in his tracks.

Madam Han happens to be wearing Eun-sang’s socks too, which Eun-sang notes curiously. There are more pressing concerns though, namely Madam Han thoughtlessly shuttling Mom back and forth to get the proper wine, and Eun-sang yanks the bottle out of hands to go run the errand herself. Madam Han agrees it’s a good idea that she earns her keep around here. Ugh.

Tan is busy staring at his phone, so annoyed that Eun-sang isn’t responding that he misses entirely the fact that she walks right past him in the background. He keeps seeing her just as she disappears around corners, and he goes in to ask Mom if their house is haunted or something because he keeps seeing a girl.

She says that’s just the housekeeper’s daughter, who’s his age… named Cha… Eun…sung. It’s close enough that he freezes and asks why she’s living here. Mom says the housekeeper spent her apartment deposit on the older sister’s wedding.

Another piece of the puzzle falls into place, and Tan paces in his room, wondering if it could really be Eun-sang. He shuffles through her old messages and re-reads the one about hating Jeguk group, which makes a whole lot of sense if Mom is the housekeeper.

He leaves another message asking what she’s doing right now, and nearly has a breakdown waiting for her reply. She finally leaves a message that she’s drinking water, and he runs through the house toward the kitchen.

He stops outside the kitchen door and hesitates, and braces himself before sliding it open just a crack…

And there inside is Cha Eun-sang, drinking a glass of water in his kitchen.


That was a nice build. I enjoyed the hide and seek, if only for the ridiculous fact that his house is so big that you could actually live in it and never see someone else who lives there. Him finding out first is the best part, because that hesitation outside the door feels so real. It’s yet another reason for Tan to hate his wealth and privilege because it keeps him from the things he wants most in the world—to be loved by his hyung, to be thought of as a son and not an heir. And now with Eun-sang living there, the daughter of the housekeeper… I mean, you know exactly how she’s going to respond to that. I actually want him to keep playing hide and seek and get her to fall for him first before outing himself as Second Son. Would that be so wrong?

It’s a nice twist on the usual chaebol character that he feels weighed down and trapped by his position (again, more like royalty than just a guy loaded with money), and I like that along with him falling for Eun-sang first, comes him sizing up just how far apart they really are. They both guess as much when they first meet, but damn if real life isn’t so much worse than they ever imagined. It’s the first time that the meaning of them being under the same roof—so clearly separated by the upstairs-downstairs divide—actually overtakes any joy I’d feel about cohabitation hijinks. Okay, I’ll probably come around in about two minutes (think of all the shirtless run-ins, woman!) but for now the oh-crap-no impact is greater.

You know, I really didn’t care for the LA portion of the drama, but once everyone else is back in Korea (thank ye) while Tan remains there, California really does start to feel like exile, like Tan is suspended in time, without home or family. That loneliness and isolation really hit home today, and I enjoyed how out of place he felt. To Eun-sang it would remain a dreamlike place, but for Tan it was his prison, and I like that he called the house dark (when he arrived home and Dad asked how he liked the beach house). Visually that place is the opposite of dark, but that’s what it was to him, and the sentiment really lands in this episode.

Tan’s relationship with his hyung continues to be the most interesting one in the drama, though I suspect once school starts his past with Young-do will be as engaging. It sure looks to be just as antagonistic, that’s for sure. And I already like the hint that Young-do will like Eun-sang on his own, not just as a way to get under Tan’s skin (still a probable way the love triangle will go down, though I prefer the earnest version, naturally). Can I just say, I cannot WAIT for school to start. I feel like that’s where all the drama is going to happen, and we’ve been in limbo waiting for things to rev up. Vacation’s over, guys. Let’s go back to school!


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Okay, I have to confess, I was ready to just read the recaps throughout this drama. I watched the live broadcast of the first episode and couldn't engage. Then I watched Episode 3 and my interest caught. After this episode, I'm in it for the long haul.

And my heart still bleeds for Tan and Won. Pleeeeeease let them make up. Pleeeeeease.

And Chan Young and Bo Na are ridiculously cute. As is Heechul. Oh man, I squee'd like an idiot throughout his whole scene/cameo. That was such an awesome surprise.

Thank you for these recaps, seriously. Because of them I decided to give this series a second chance and I'm glad I did :)


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Me too. I only read recaps for this drama and then I read episode 3 recap, and decided I must download and watch this drama. I thought I'll never want to watch this drama before.
Thank you for the recaps, javabeans and girlfriday...


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ok random.....my first ever K-drama was Boys over Flowers, then i watched City Hunter, then Personal Taste then Faith, now i am watching The Heirs...anyone sensing a running theme here???


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This was the deciding episode for me too :) I've been watching (and cringing) up till this, but haven't felt engaged in it until this one. I can't say it won't misstep in the future, but what could be worse than some of those California scenes? ...Um, please don't answer that Show.


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what could be worse? a tsunami.


I am hooked with this episode too. oh those messed up people. I don´t even know who I am more interested in. when one is one screen, I want to know: but what about him? what about her? what about those others? they are all interesting for a change, not just fillers.

one thing I missed was Tan having an actual spook there MIGHT be a ghost. but it is ok the way it is. hope he doesnt reveal himself right away.

not enough shirtless Woo Bin here. show, take note and fill the quota.


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Love Chan Young and Bo Na. They are the best...so much in love. The caring BF and the annoying and suspicious GF (she's cute though)..love then for now.

The Hide n Seek was fun..continue it for sometime. Seriously.

I am official HOOKED to THE HEIRS!!


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I'm the opposite: I've been watching, but now it's recaps only for me. And that's because DB recaps are always fun.


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I have to agree with you some what... I watched the ep (love it) but couldn't wait for the review just to see what would be said....(I so said that i have to wait another week to read about and watch this drama). So thankful to DB for feeding my new K-drama addiction....


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i'll be rewatching this episode after reading everyone's comments...thanks...i thoroughly enjoyed everyone's comments...i think someone said they read dramabeans then watch the episode or was it vice versa. i like to watch the episode then read the recap and comments then rewatch to understand more....


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after watching episode 4 yesterday i was like finally! i could literally feel the pace in the show just alter considerably. They laid down the ground work and it felt like these first four moved the way the did so you would understand the relationships and the hookups and the characters so you would appreciate the direction it's ultimately headed in. Also good foundation for the onion like relationships.(all the layers to unravel and savour!)
i like tan but for once i want to see the second lead snag the girl. Loving won bin. I got from the first episode that he always liked Rachel and that the engagement between her and tan is what made it collapse. U hear tan when he said why he got engaged and that was probably a claw in young do's side.
Anyway we will see what the next 8 weeks bring.


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Personally I started at ep 4. I just didn't feel like wasting my time with the California set up.


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This episode was better... maybe because it was in korea for the most part and they didn't have fake rockslides and random sprinkler system turning on in the middle of the day.

Won is a mystery to me I do not get why he is so mean to Tan... his little brother is not at fault that his father has so many women! but otherwise Won is so handsome!

Well by the end of the episode I was already looking forward to episode five! hopefully the week will pass by quickly!


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I am happy that we're back in Korea, too. But I did like the Cali scenes (minus the horrible English, and bad acting...no matter how humorous). I feel if Tan had met Eun-sang in Korea, it would be the typical rich jerk, poor candy girl drama. Even though their differences in life are miles apart, in Cali they were kinda on equal footing, both alone. What's next will be fun to watch, I can feel it in my bones (please don't prove me wrong drama...).


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HAHAHA, I know! During that sprinkler scene one part of me was "Ooooh, pretty image!" and the bigger part of me was "WTEff?! Are the sprinklers motion-detection-sensitive?"

I get the feeling that Won's resentment isn't as cut and dried as some may expect. I think their relationship is my biggest draw to this drama (sorry, PSH). I'm really hoping it doesn't take something crazy dramatic (like, someone throwing themselves in front of the other to protect them) to get them civilly talking to each other again.


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Maybe the girls will be what brings them together. It looks like Won likes that teacher/tutor who is not -I think- rich and there is Tan with the poor girl too. Maybe they will learn to sympathize with each other due to their forbidden loves.


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In defence of the sprinklers, they are usually set on timers. We had them at uni and it was a massive pain to be sitting quietly chillin with friends/man interest and all of a sudden you are getting sprayed by little retractable (ie stealth) sprinklers.

but as usual we have massive drama coinkidinks.


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Won is protecting his inheritance against someone he sees as a cuckoo in the nest.


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I still think Won had the gardner turn on the sprinklers.


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this gave me the chuckles ^_^ @Plum Wine


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Haha..Nice One ^_^...


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Right? The pain to which their father was referring was actually... silly pranks like sprinklers. Ahhhhahahahahahaha


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that was my first thought, aka let me show you how unwelcome you are.


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LOL, now I am imagining him ducking behind an almond tree waiting for the perfect moment to shout *in villain Korean voice* RELEASE THE SPRINKLERS!!!


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I loved this ep. as well, funny, sad in some places and we get more characters. I am on board.


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And yeah, thank you for the recaps, always...


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Ivoire, hi, nice to see you around ^_^


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Hello back ai, same here :-) Did you like this episode?

I thought it was interesting that the little madam (aka the concubine) wears a ring on her finger. It looked like it was the finger where one would put the wedding ring, however, the shot was quick, so I could be wrong.

The ep. was really moving, in some places and I was touched by that. I was glad that ES is now a good girl, in that she apologized to her mom, and came to see how she might have treated her poorly. That was nice. Man, is PSH a good crier. Her crying is just awesome. She is good at emotional scenes, I like that.

This ep. made me realize how tall LMH really is. He is almost as tall as the door of his house.

I loved how the two women regrouped when KW arrived, acting as if nothing had happened. And the scene with YD and the kids, priceless! KWB is rocking his role, and LMH is finding his groove. All good stuff. I really liked this episode, I found it engaging. I am liking the pace of the drama, and the dialogues. OST is good as well (so far).

It is nice to know that in spite of being treated coldly by his brother and his dad (or indifferently by his dad), KT is actually loved. I think his brother actually loves him, but he is letting himself being consummed by his hurt (which he masks as hate towards KT) over KT's existence and possible jealousy about the fact that dad loves him as well. This part of the drama is really interesting. So much to unpack there over the episodes to come, and I look forward to it. KW has serious issues, and I am curious about their source. That scene between KT and KW at the office? I could feel the coldness all the way here in my room. Brrrrrrrr...

I TOTALLY loved the cuteness and the cheesiness in this episode. When it is well written and well acted, man does cheesiness work. It does not get old for me.

Do you know what GF meant here, please? "It’s not quite Austen but it’s pretty damn funny."


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Haven't watch it yet, still waiting for download links, but judging from the recap I started to fall in love with this drama more.

That's funny that you said Lee Min Ho is as tall as the door. Park Shin Hye and Kim Woo Bin is awesome too.
Agree, the OSTs are good for the ears. Nice songs they are.

I think there's specific reason for Won to treat Tan coldly. And it's not hatred or envy.
Is Won protecting Tan from something by pretending to hate him? And somehow Tan senses those
affectionate feelings since he still loves his hyung.

I believe girlfriday referring to Jane Austen, that brilliant and witty writer :)


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Hi ai again,

You were fast with your response :-). I think that after watching this episode, you might be in love more with this drama.

The comment about LMH being as tall as the door is true, you will see it when you get to that portion of the episode. That got my attention right away. You might think of me, when you get to that scene :-).

Yes, PSH and KWB are really good. I am actually liking all the actors and actresses (so far) in this drama. It might have helped that my expectations were not very high, going in. Regardless, I still like their acting, so far.

I find your theory on KW's treatment of KT interesting. I don't feel like KW is pretending to hate KT. I think he currently hates him, but I also think that deep, deep, deep down inside, he actually loves his brother, and something will have to happen to jolt KW out of his hate for KT to make him turn around. I am expecting (and hoping) for a great bromance with those two. Their conflict is rich with potential, if written well. We are already seeing that the actors can act the part. Just please, continue to give them a good script.

In ep. 1, we saw a picture of KW and KT, with KW touching his brother and them being physically close. I think there must have been a time when they were close, and something or some things happened and KW has been rejecting his brother ever since. If that is the case, then KT would be even more hurt, because it would mean that he knew his brother's love at some point, and so he (KT) knows what he is missing out on, (and KW is missing out on a lot as well).

About Jane Austen, thank you for pointing that out. I have not read any of her works, so I am not familiar with her style.
I loved reading your response :-).


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Hi Ivoire...
Do you know? I watch this drama backwards :) From Episode 3, then 1 and 2. I'm already in love.
I'll be remembering you when I see Lee Min Ho and any doors in Episode 4. Still waiting for links...

My theory about Won' pretended hatred, that's how it become when you watch something not in an order. I just finished watching Episode 1 and half of Episode 2, and yes, looks like Won is really hate his dongsaeng. I'm curious why... I think everyone else is curious too... Why love and hatred collide...

Jane Austen is a great novelist. If you have spare time, do try to peek at her works. They're available online for free.
My favorite is Pride and Prejudice.


Does anyone think that Tan might have actually done something bad? Like broke up his brother's relationship or bullied a close friend. Maybe someone died, either accidentally or suicide? Even after a nights sleep this is my biggest question.


Hello everyone,

And thank you so much for your responses. I am traveling today, so it will have to wait until this afternoon or tonight (DB time) for me to be able to respond as well. I love your comments. I will be back, I really will. It's just that I have to go deal with real life, you guys know how that goes.

So please check back here tonight, or tomorrow and over the weekend, basically. I am loving the conversations we are having. Thank you!


Hello PlumWine,

I don't get the sense and feeling that KT did anything wrong to deserve his brother's hate. So far, he looks more like a puppy who wants to be accepted and loved (by his hyung and by the rest of his family) than like someone who had done something wrong, and created death or something bad as a result.

KT, both times that he saw his brother, did not say that he was sorry about something he had done. If he was guilty of something, I feel that he would have brought it up already. And I would add that having something weighing on his conscience would add to the weight he would have to bear in this drama. Remember the title of the drama? All those kids are heirs to something, which means that they have to/or will have to bear the weight (or responsibilities) that come with wearing or carrying that crown. Adding guilt to KT's crown (and responsibilities) would make it very, very, very heavy, for such a young man.

I hope I made sense, in what I was trying to say.


@Ivoire, Hi,

I'm a bit late to the party. Yesterday you asked what javabeans meant by:
“But this extensive sequence in the States actually incorporates the setting into the romance of the romance, if you get me.”

In Ca, KT and CES meet and have a budding romance. Becos it is Ca, where they are away from their parents, their families, their social respective social standings, where it is sunny, with lots of open space, where they can drive along the Pacific Coast highway, where they can drive for hours from scenic Malibu to the quaint beautiful small artsy town of Harmony, where they can sneak into a cinema for him to whisper sweet-nothings, (well it actually wasn't at all nothing, to ask if He might like her), their budding romance takes on characteristics that are only possible in that Californian landscape and American society. In other words, they are able to become quite close, quite quickly, without paying any attention to the great social divide between them, which would have been a deal-breaker in Korea from the start.

We all dislike Surfer-boy meathead. It is becos the show can't afford to hire a decent American actor. But that is no reason to hate the sequence in the States, becos it does give the relationship between KT and CES extra meaningfulness. I think the American setting is well integrated into the texture of the story. IMO.


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Hello KDaddict,

Sooo good to hear from you! And it is OK that you are late to the party, we would rather have you, than not have you at all.
Thank you so much for explaining what JB meant in ep. 3, because I was not sure I understood what she meant. And you explained it well, so thank you again.

About your 2nd #, I wasn't crazy about Surfer-boy meathead, however I didn't hate him. I felt that he was a plot device and he had to play his role, which he did.

Also, I personally liked (a lot) the CA setting, because I understood its purpose, and I appreciated it, for its role in the story. You will not hear any complaints from me about that :-).

Great to read from you, and I look forward to more of your thoughts on the drama.


I think it references Jane Austen novels, movies/dramas where the women are always removing aprons, smoothing dresses and patting their hair in preparation for the arrival of a man or men.


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Hi linda macy,
And thanks for explaining. I should read more about Jane Austen, to find out about her characters, and some of what makes them particular.


I believe GF is talking about the Austin Powers the comedy movie character, played by Mike Myers. Lots of catch phrases and schtick comedy came from those movies, like "Whats wrong with your neck?" " I took viagra and it stuck in my throat, I've had a stiff neck ever since" keke!


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Sorry, my reply to everyone is a little higher. Here, Ivoire October 18th, 2013 at 8:49 am


Hello chivalierededrams,
That joke was actually funny. I don't think GF was referring to the Austin Powers movie. I tend to agree with the others that she was referring to the British author, Jane Austen.


I get it now. Thanks Ivoire. I didn't read Linda Macy's reply before I posted. She explained it well. Sometimes it takes me forever to type up and reply. Sometimes they even disappear and I have to start all over. By that time others have posted and cleared it all up. Joke is funny though.


Do you know what GF meant here, please? “It’s not quite Austen but it’s pretty damn funny.” =

What went through my mind was the scene in Pride and Prejudice where the ladies in the room were trying to look composed and settled as they received guests. I've noticed that in most Jane Austen movies we see ladies trying to act composed and serene when other people come into the room.


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Hello boholanna,
Based on what the other commenters have said about that line from GF, I am agreeing with you, because what you said is actually congruent with how the women acted. Thank you for your response.


Hello ai,

This is somewhat late, however, I wanted to make sure that I responded to the comments here. So, have you watched the episode yet? If so, what did you think of it?

Did you see the scene with LMH and the door? If so, did you think of me?:-) Thank you for the recommendation about Jane Austen. I will look at it when I have the time. I hope you enjoyed the episodes you watched of the drama (which are all the episodes, right? :-) )


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Hi, Ivoire... welcome back...

Yes, I've finished this episode and the previous ones. This drama is getting better and better. In this waiting time, I keep repeating the ending scene of Episode 4. Lee Min Ho and his eyes...

I saw Lee Min Ho and the door, you're absolutely right, he's as tall as the door and that made me think of you :)
Yes, try to look at Jane Austen's works. I hope you'll like them.

I can't wait for Episode 5, just like everyone of us...


Hello ai,

Sorry, I was away for a few days. I had to focus on some things I needed to get done. I am glad you were able to see my last comment.

I agree with you, the drama is getting better. Let's hope it stays that way :-). Now you make me want to go back and rewatch the ending of ep. 4. I am glad that you saw what I saw, about LMH and the door :-)

Now, I am going to go and watch ep.5. See you on the next recaps (of ep. 5 and 6), I hope.


Wow, you're fast girlfriday!

Sooooo glad they are back in Korea now. Tan no longer has to suffer as a prisoner of Crazy Stoned Surfer Jay's friendship.

LOVED the part where the two little kids burst into tears when Kim Woo-bin tells them to quiet down. Then he tells his friend (who I guess is a neighbor to Tan's family?) that they were picking on him because he doesn't have a mom. I guess there's more story about that to come, and maybe even some jealousy over his former BFF who had two moms? Just wondering. The big fallout between everybody seems to be a bit more than Oh no! Tan is actually illegitimate! but maybe I'm being a bit naive to think that family and friends wouldn't be so petty over something like that.


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The part where he made the kids cry and then accused them of making fun of his lack of mom was my favorite in the whole episode. It was just so ridiculous and unexpected :)


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Hilarious...so was the Bona-Heechul-ChanYoung. There are some things I already don't like about this writer, but her humour is all there!


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My favorite part ever as well!

I want to see more of the rest of the gang though. This week they focused rather heavily on Eunsung and Tan


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That was cute, true.


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That was really good. I actually felt sorry for him. He wasn't even being mean, in fact he was being considerate for the sleeping girl. It sure did crack me up though. 'They're picking on me!" Ha!


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loved that part too! Kim Won is so funny loved the way he delivered the lines he actually came across as a nice guy tho on surface level his words sounded mean. Am so looking forward to his nuanced portrayal of choi young do.


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You mean Kim Woo Bin...


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I love how the kids took one look at him and started crying and he took it as bullying because they called their mom... his argument " I had a mom too when I was your age" hehehehe made me laugh. I don't know how i feel about him most of the time but that moment endeared him just a bit too me.


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I think there is so much mystery to the drama..lots of characters yet to evolve!
PSH might not be poor...there could be a adoption detour somewhere or she could be illegitimate like Tan!!
Her mom might not be dumb for no reason..
Won might be the really caring brother trying to protect his little bro..tries to mask himself as uncaring for a reason..
Why does the shameless dad have 3 wives?? Why Why?


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To your point of three wives, make that one wife and mistress( since the first wife is dead), how come in every drama it's always the women or children who are blamed, never the man? That drives me bonkers! Is the answer in the Dramabeans book? If not can you answer it?


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am picking that lines too! when ES delivered the medicine to KT's father and ES introduced herself and asked her if she is the daugther of mrs park....(ES mother) could there be a connection to ES life? hmmm that's a saucy twist if ever... just thinking beyond :)


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I have the same Qn:

Why did Kim Woo Bin's friend get out of the taxi in front of Kim Tan's house, when he said that he had to go in to say Hi to his father before father went to work?

For a min. there I thought he was the 3rd son in Kim Tan's family. I had to check the relationship chart to be reminded that he wasn't. He's just a friend to KWB's and Krystal's chars, just another student at that high school.

KWB sure looks good in that yellow sweater and big sun glasses at the airport.


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I think Myung Soo lives in the same area, because he just passes by Tan's place..


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Kim Woobin's friend, aka Myungsoo, resides next to Tan's house.

Myungsoo said that his father doesn't like Youngdo ( Woobin )... I wonder if, Myungsoo likes Youngdo so much, so his father worries that he might be gay, hence the hate?


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My thought too. There's a LOT of gay jokes between them. More than you'd expect a couple of straight guys to be comfortable with.


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I re-watched that scene, and see that MS stopped the taxi at the T-junction, so that Young Do can ride on to the convenience store up ahead. His house has to be next to Kim Tan, and he walks pass it to get to his own.

I think MS's father hates YD's guts, becos YD is a bully, a rebel, not respectful to elders, does not behave himself, etc. Any parent would want their son to keep away from such a bad influence. Plus the fact that MS does seem extremely fond of YD and keeps making those gay jokes. There is the saying that No joke is ever just a joke.


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Ha: this scene and the bit about "Many Wives, aka Tan’s Many Mothers, " reminded me of Personal Taste (or was it Cheongdam-dong Alice?) where Kim Ji-seok (the lead's crappy ex) is the guy with a bunch of step-mothers, and he's close to all of them, so that he's constantly treated like a spoiled youngest son by everyone.

I'm not a Woobie fangirl, but he really does steal every episode, even when his scenes are not really central to the plot. This scene is a prime example.


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totally agree...did not expect the actor that plays yong do (woobie?) to be this good especially since there's so much eye candy around... but he is a scene stealer


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Surprisingly, I like the relaxed pace of the drama..

Lee Min Ho is portraying Tan so perfectly that I'm falling in love with him all over again... :-)

And it looks like after ep 3, my 'like' for Heirs is converted into love..


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Same feelings here, exactly. Lee Min Ho just has tremendous screen presence! Very captivating...:-)


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Up till now, I thought of LMH as a pretty boy that the camera loved. With this show, he completely changes my opinion; I'm now a fan. I think he's fantastic as the rich but lonely KT, the bully with the soft underbelly.


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Yeah, i though his portrayal of Kim Tan was a bit awkward in ep 1, but from then onwards it has been a steady progression.. Lee Min ho in stills no way looks like a high-schooler but in motion he does feel like a teenager without resorting to OTT kiddish acting that makes you wonder if that is a teenager or a 10-year old (like for eg, say Biscuit Teacher or Big, Gong Yoo was perfection but he did have exaggerated I-am-young type acting, which made those characters heart-tugging and suited those series since they were comedies, but would seem OTT in a serious series like this; or jung il-woo's take in Flower Buy Ramyun Shop, his immature clueless brat acting suited the comedy and made him look somewhat believable in that comedy but that type of acting would suit a character like Bona here than a mature, introspective character like Tan.)

so i am loving his portrayal that shows that to act younger as a kdrama teen, you don't have act childish just boyish.. i like his acting whenever he tries to stall Eun-sang, the typical impatient, exasperated teen expression.. his hair-style and clothing and general lankiness in the dressing (as opposed to the muscles shown in half-naked scenes) make him seem young and earnest, such that i can buy him as being younger than im joo-eun whereas he looks as old in real life. it's the mien and aura. he is especially nailing the looks of hesitancy, nervousness, longing and yearning, a child-like expression that makes him look much younger.

as for the other characters and actors, i actually like all other characters and the actors' portrayal except park shin ye's Eun-sang.. PS is spot-on in acting out scenes that require natural acting, resentment, anger, empathy, sympathy, hope come naturally to her, which is why her eun-sang of ep 1 was much better than LMH's Tan.. but from ep 2, the focus being on Tan's developing feelings, ES seems to have regressed to a regular Candy character. Not that that is necessarily bad, but the shift to sweet, friendly ES has PSH sometimes reverting to her pursed-lips wide-eyed look-of-innocence type acting. and that acting is no help. she is again natural in scenes of witty banter and sassy remarks, so she should remember that that acting is perfect enough to show her as a well-rounded normal teen who is sometimes nice sometimes selfish, and not do the innocent candy acting which doesn't do the character of Eun-sang service, cuz Eun-sang is not a sunny, i-am-in-love-with-my-life teenager, she's a bit rough in the edges, don't soften them.

i like Kim Ji won's Rachel, she is portraying her perfectly. The haughtiness and arrogance are undercut by the vulnerability she shows with Tan. Like in the scene where Tan comes to her hotel and she postpones her trip or her good-bye at the airport, you can literally see her eyes go from dead-fish-arrogance to hopeful-and-vulnerable. and the quiver in her voice whenever she tells her feelings to Tan (even in her i-still-hate-you) or the slight hope and daring-to-smile expression whenever she's happy about his company.. they pull me back into wanting to know her character better even when her previous actions irritate me.. and other than the acting, the character is also very interesting, she seems as lonely as Tan but masks it with arrogance and brattiness and seems to genuinely care for Tan.. and inspite of Tan's douche-move at the airport, i think he does care for her too, not in love, but as a friend he has known for 8 years.. i think the care is also one reason he doesnt spend too much time with her, it's not that he hates her or wants to hurt her, but that he doesn't want to give her false hopes.. looking forward to her character, she reminds me of Blair Waldorf. (even though the Tan-Youngdo friendship is like Serena-Blair, Tan is more like 'lonely boy'Dan and Youngdo like Chuck)

kim woobin's Youngdo is pitch-perfect, in that, i both don't really like the character but am also intensely curious about his backstory, his motivations and his arc-of-redemption (there has to be oen right?) woobin's portrayal is insanely charismatic, but at the same time sometimes you want to deliver a smackdown to the character.. then his scenes with myungsoo and bona show another facet and a glimpse of how he might have been as friends with Tan, and you just want MOAR...

speaking of the trio, i just love the natural chemistry and camaraderie of youngdo, myungsoo and bona.. they behave (act) the way normal teens do, pulling each others' legs, alternating cute and snappy, hanging out listening to the other person's complaints.. it just shows that they ARE still teens despite the heavy crowns they possess..

i know there have been a lot of complaints about krystal's lee bona, but i find her harmless and charming actually.. there's not a lot in terms of acting that she has to do here, but whenever the scene requires her to interact with her friends or her future father-in-law she is very natural..it doesn't seem like acting (as characters do in dramas) but like nomral conversation, like you could see a BTS of it and not know that that is a scene filming.. so while she may be limited, her character has limited-enough scope to coast on her charm and natural presence.

and i like Bona as a character too.. she maybe clingy and whiny but she is not being that way to someone who finds it exhausting.. chanyoung is a very smart character and for him to put up with her antics, he must value her blind devotion to him and underneath all the snobbery she must be decent person for him to date a person who's codnescending to his best friend.. also, in a sea of complex, tortured characters, she is a straight-shooter, one who calls it as it is and honest in her feelings.. she loves CY, she is possessive of him, she doesn't like ES or Tan, she likes her friend and is fond of her father in law.. she is open and her motivations are clear and i can foresee her as a character who can actually knock sense into our protaganists whenever they are agonising over thier complicated problems (if her char gets developed good)

and Minhhyuk as CY is adorable.. he has a baby-face but carries himself with a maturity.. like a grown man.. the character CY also is a character who both seems advanced-beyond-years and child-like, so the actor suits the role to the T..

now, i am just hoping they make Won and Hyunjoo as interesting as these characters (Won because he is Tan's brother and it's CJH and Hyunjoo because Im Joo-eun is pure love and it would be waste of her talent otherwise)..


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I agree with you about Bo Na. I think Krystal is perfectly fine acting as her! Her scenes were simple, but light-hearted and nicely interjected in a drama where brooding takes up half of it. And I love the scenes where it's just Bo Na, Myung Soo and Young Do as well! Just so fun and natural, makes me feel like joining in as well!

But it makes me wonder if Chan Young is actually good friends with them.. Like from his father's position, he would probably like Rachel said be on a lower social class than them, yet they all talk about him like he's a friend. It'd be great if he is though!


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Hello Chintu,

I really loved your analysis of the characters in this drama. I agreed with almost all that you said (except for maybe one point), and I loved that you made me think. I found myself saying, "really? Hum... I had not thought of that in that way, " and thank you for that. I hope to read more of your thoughts, as this drama unfolds. You are so deep in your analysis, and I love how you can see through the characters, and the actors and actresses who portray them (and how they do it). I felt like I was seeing them through your lenses. That was great!
You made me revise my opinion of Rachel. I see her differently now.


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soo fast... thanks for the recap!!! off to read :)


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chan young and lee bo na are the couple more sweet and cute, really i need more of this couple.


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They are! I love them


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Oh gosh", I thought I was the only one thinking like that. They are just so damn adorable together. You can't hate them, gosh' !


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i was ready to hate bo na as the typical jealous gf, but i think the actress' delivery was great. hr style of delivery --fast talking, self-absorbed (but in such a cute way!), all out harmless devotion to chan young is so endearing. loved the 'abonim' scene in ep3 and the little bow she made to CY's dad. cute!


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One poignant thought struck me when watching this episode -after chasing Eun Sang for so long, Kim Tan is finally as close to her as one can possibly be -living in the same house as her. And yet, because of their circumstances, he's now as distant from her as you can get -master and servant. That is some bitter irony. And LMH is really selling the feelings here, to a degree I hadn't expected.


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Agreed 100%

LMH is really selling it. I have to admit he was heartbreaking at the end of the episode with how nervous he was before he opened the door. Just wonderful.


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So near and yet so far.
That kitchen door effectively divides them into 2 classes that are polar opposites.

In Ca, they get to pal around, take long rides, run thru the streets of Hollywood. In Korea, esp. in this house, their status in life are set in concrete. That's why he can't open that kitchen door. The magic would be gone in a puff, turn into a pumpkin. I think he's gonna wait to approach her at school, away from their parents' eyes and severe disapproval.

It makes me fear for their future. How can there possibly be any? Unless the Chairman dies, and KW comes around to love and support KT? But 18 is way young to fight for and protect the love of his life when everything is against them, isn't it?

I don't envy this girl for being caught between the two big baddies at school, handsome as they are. Having 1 of them chase her is headache enough, but 2 of them, both top bullies, who have bad blood between them? Ough!

How will she cope? Rachel and Krystal (what's her name) aren't going to help matters any.


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What a great insight! I feel the same.


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Agree...very insightful. I find that last scene at the kitchen door a very pivotal point in their relationship in this drama. Well done, writer & PD.


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and actors


Yay. FINALLY, we're in Korea! Can't wait for more Youngdo-Eunsang scenes!


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Eeeeee! This episode was sweetly therapeutic for me after watching the traumatic but strangely addictive Secret. Enjoying both shows in their own different ways.

- any scene with Kim Tan’s (bio) mom. She’s hilarious. (loved the scene where she was wearing Eun-sang’s socks)
- Young-do making the kids cry
- the OST. It’s making me laugh because it sounds so serious and it distracts me from the scenes.

- any scene of Kim Tan brooding, staring, mooning after Eun-sang
- Heechul!
- The almost glimpses Tan had of Eun-sang in his house and that last scene

- the blue coat Tan was wearing arriving at the airport (why, coordi noona, why?)
- Bona singing Maria from OST part.1


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HAHA that blue coat was awful. as soon as he walked out i was just like "that jacket tho. whyyyyyy."


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The blue coat was awesome! and so was the hairdo!


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And it was paired with bright neon sport shoes! LOL


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Don't know what's with his stylist. He's supposed to be a super-rich kid. Stylist turns him into a high class gigolo for some scenes. It's a crime.


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Probably , they want to sell all those hair dyes, funny coats, bleaching creams to the younger audience. I also think, they could go easier on LMH- he is best in simple clothes, TANNED skin and natural hair. He doesn't need all those "improvements".


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Go Jun Pyo would approve of that jacket..


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That was exactly what I thought! It's a Gu Jun Pyo jacket!


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I wonder if it was meant to be a GJP coat? I could see a savvy stylist making the point that Kim Tan is essentially a sheep in wolf's clothing (a Tan in Jun Pyo coat) in order to deal with all the strong personalities in his family.

Like, he needs to be GJP in order to deal. It would be a cute joke on the stylist's part to know that there would be such heavy comparison to BBF, and then to have this moment where everyone said "GJP COAT!" because it draws attention to just how NOT like BBF this character is.


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If you can't tell, I'm totally channeling Tom and Lorenzo's Mad Style right now. :)


whoooboy the fact that I saw Heenim was probably what made me squeee the most... it landed for me that he's back from military service! yay!

the blue coat was horrible horrible! made me squint and look away...


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I agree about the blue coat.

That and the hairstyle he had with it had me thinking 'ghost of Jun Pyo'


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I liked the hairstyle and the clothes he was wearing under that awful blue thing. I don't think anyone, no matter how hot they are, could ever make that blue coat work. Reminds me of some stuff you see in fashion runways that makes you think you could be a fashion designer because what they're trying to sell as (expensive) fashion is a joke.


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I was cringing at the hairstyle, too. I was trying to imagine him sitting still while a hairstylist tried to force his hair into that horrific frozen wave... but then, wait, who goes to a hairstylist before getting on an 18 hour flight?! He would have had to do that to himself. No.freaking.way.


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Haha, the blue coat made him look like he was wearing a bathrobe or something.


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Talking about the Blue coat:
Items that big stars wear in dramas are often sold-out very quickly. I don't think the blue coast would be.

The sneakers he wears are a diff story. Too bad we international fans can't order them online.

And his little-bear silver necklace. I'd love one.

That's not very effective PPL!


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his brother had a blue coat quite similar at a point. same length, same collar and everything.
he is desperate to win his brothers acceptance.
case closed.


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plus I liked that coat :-(( nice fabric. you don´t share the same eye with textile people I think.....


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Heh heh heh- the blue coat said I'm in Korea now.


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I feel like every episode is better than the last. This episode was moved so much quicker, I'm thrilled they're back in Korea, and next week looks awesome. I agree with gf, the first two weeks felt like prologue and now we're getting into rhythm. Bo Na is definitely my favorite secondary character, she cracks me up. And I am really hoping Young Do and Eun Sang's relationship is able to develop more before her connection with Tan is revealed, it will make me much more conflicted! I love it more when I can believe both love lines! My favorite scene was Young Do watching Eun Sang go about half asleep, it was funny and cute and a bit poignant (maybe it's just me!).


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Not just you. It was kinda cute for me too. It showed that he's more than a mean, coldhearted bully. When the kids started bawling I was like WTF? He didn't even raise his voice or anything. They were being an absolute nightmare. But as much as I hated the kids overreaction IMO I was amused by Young Do's response. He didn't even worry about making the kids stop crying for their mother. It also tickled me how he told his friend that the kids were mocking him because he has no mother. The absurdity of the idea of the big bully being bullied by little kids. Lols.


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I am so hooked on this - I see my adorable CN Blue chipmunk cheeks flashing that killer smile of his and just want to cuddle and pet him like a favorite teddy bear!

This episode was a really good watch. I can't wait to hear what the blow-up was that got Tan booted to the U.S. and what made Big Bro all pissy. BTW, Tan's mother cracks me up laughing and then a minute later I'd like to get in a faceslap of my own when she speaks so thoughtlessly to Mom.

Thanks for the recap - good read!


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Ugh!! And now I'm desperately wishing more than ever that Kim Woo-bin and Kim Ji-won were not cast as soon to be siblings!!! I wanna see them together!!!


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will they be siblings tho? maybe their parents wont get married..


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Yep. Almost sure that's what will happen. The mom of hers still loves her first love (CY's dad) & I'm almost sure that love will prevail over money & position.


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Mysti, You are such a romantic!


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Second chances, redemption and all that.... And yes, I am. ;)


I'm not so sure love will prevail... based on her comment in the elevator, it didn't twenty years ago...


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But even if they become siblings it wouldn't be gross if they fall for each other. They are not blood related and they did not grow up together as brother and sister. I want them together too!


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me three! is it me or was there some gd chemistry between the two (actors/chars)?


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I thought the same for the first couple of scenes Young-Do and Rachel had together, but then I got intrigued seeing how comfortable Won got around Rachel ( and vice versa) at the graveyard scene. I know he's got the tutor girl on the side. But just maybe. I'd love the age difference, if ever.


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I love Lee Min-ho's portrayal of Kim Tan. I think he was lost somewhat in first 2 episodes but he is bringing his game back. Ready to fall in love with you again, Lee Min-ho.


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I feel disappointed in myself that I haven't been watching the show despite being the one probably most excited for it. School is killer -__-

Love the caps and thanks. I can at least watch certain parts.


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1) I'm not a fan of this co-habitation plot. It's way too convenient and it sets us up for Eun San to go Super Candy and be everyone's doormat once the truth comes out.

2) I'm even less of a fan of how it took them like a week to figure out they are living in the same house. Especially since she's not exactly making herself inconspicuous. I almost got up and shut the computer off at that Door Fakeout.

3) What's really wrong with Won. He can't be that bitter just because his mom died and his dad remarried (twice). He can't be that afraid that Tan is going to supplant him when the boy has neither the ambition or the interest to do so. And he can't be that jealous of his father's affections since it seems pretty obvious that he hasn't been throwing the love his way either. I don't get it but I really don't like him.

4) Young Do is scary... and not just because he's obviously a vampire. If he was a real person I would put money on him doing time at some point in his life. He's just going to explode into a big mushroom cloud of Angsty Rich Boy Rage one day. THough, that tirade he went on about having a mother was hilarious!

5) I meant to mention this yesterday but forgot. I'm so glad that Mom is not a total sad sack and has a little spice to her. Hopefully that rubs off on Eun San when this train makes it's scheduled stop at Melo Station a few weeks down the road.

6) I mean I REALLY REALLY don't like the co-habitation. They are connected enough to make it plausible for them to reunite in Korea without the writers literally putting them in the same house.


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7) If I was Rachel I would set all of tan's things on fire and then move on with my life after that stunt he pulled at the airport. Who asks for another girl's phone number IN FRONT OF his fiance? Really? REALLY? Guys, do the world a favor and BREAK UP with your current attachment before chasing after your new one. He's a jerk.


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You know as much as I'm rooting for our OTP, that was a total dick move. And I loved how Eun Sang just cut him off and told him to buzz off since he has a fiancee.


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I share the sentiment. It boggles the mind why he still haven't broken it off with Rachel. She already knew he's into someone else (Eun Sang). Their relationship is not really a relationship anyway (he's pretty much ignoring her most of the time). He told her point blank that the only reason he's engaged to her is because he doesn't want/plan to marry her further down the road. So why is he still engaged to her? Family obligations? What is it? I'm confused. He's so not sparing her feelings by keeping her hanging like that. If he wanted to break things off without damaging her reputation/pride or something like that then by now he should have talked to her about how to break the news about breaking their engagement to others.


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You guys still don't get it. This is no regular engagement. Love has nothing to do with it (though Rachel understandably wishes it did).

They're not even 18. Do you think they made their own engagements? You bet they didn't. Welcome to chaebol land.


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Maybe so, but Rachel is still in fiancée position: whether it's an arranged or love position, she is entitled to certain respect and courtesy.

I don't blame her for going ballistic.


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I don't think I like chaebol land then. Bleghh!!!

But thanks for making it clear, I wasn't understanding why they were still engaged.


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That is exactly what I think..the chabeol thing!! Rich guys forced to marry rich girls (and vice versa) to keep the wealth within the family..have we not seen too many of these in Korean Dramas anyways??

Rich Chaebol guys tend to always fall for poor girls and ignore their rich fiancees'!! This one is going to be the same.


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Even if it's an arranged marriage it's still an engagement so you can't treat the other person like crap just because. Also, I'm pretty sure they agreed to it so they did have some choice. They have both made allusions to having discussed this beforehand and deciding to become engaged (her because he seemed like the best possible match and him apparently to get him out of having to marry her later). Whatever the reasons they did it orrigianlly, Rachel is obviously invested now and it's therefore a total jerk move for Tan to keep up the pretense if he's just going to ignore her.


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I don't know about that. How would you feel if your parents decided one day that you are going to marry so-and-so? (Even in Korea, this is not very common anymore).

Is a forced engagement setup by the parents really an engagement?


From the way they've been talking about it, the kids had some say in the decision. Which is the way most modern arranged marriages work these days. The parents might set it up but it's up to the kids to decide if they are going to go through with it.


My impression is Tan has always been upfront that he saw this engagement as a chore he has to go through. That if he agrees with the engagement he'll not have to go through with the wedding and that's why he's doing it. And he seems to think Rachel knows it, too.

If they did talk about it beforehand I'm sure he made it clear that it was no love-match, he's totally against it, and he'll not be following through on it later. If Rachel is choosing to pretend otherwise... well, that's her business, not his.

He's being rude, sure. But she's being an idiot in trying to force him to go along with something he's obviously against. (I got the sense this is an old argument between them.)




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I have serious questions about her actually being his fiancé. It was an M&A deal set up by the parents between a couple of high school kids. Rachel seems more desperate to be loved by Tan - or ANYBODY at all - than any actual thoughts of what marriage might actually mean.


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8) I think Tan borrowed Gu Jun Pyo's outfit for his return to Korea. I took one look at that blue jacket thing and started singing "Almost Paradise."


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OMG! I literary laugh out loud when I read this comment. Now that song is stuck in my mine.


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I thought the same thing!

What is going on, honey? Burn that jacket now! And the jersey he's wearing in the preview, when he goes looking for Eun Sang in front of her school, can also be added to the burning list!

Is a a mystery to me why stylists dress rich young people like that in dramas. He dressed fine (most of the time) when he was in LA! Is it the weather in Korea that makes them wear things like that hideous jacket?? LMH, feel free to wear the school uniform 24/7 from now on!


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LOL. Classic critique. And thank you (not really) for that earworm...ALMOST PARRRRADDDDIIIIIISEEEEE!


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You are Evil!!! :)


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HAHAHAHAHAHAH. as soon as I'v read the words "almost paradise", my brain played the song instantly. oh my. LSS all over again.


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i've been reading this page ever since The heirs started...and let me tell you...IM LAUGHING A LOT WITH COMMENT HAHAHAAHAHA

Well played sis, well played xD


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9) I love how Tan is "facebook stalking" Eun San from her own account. I spent half the episode thinking "why doesn't he just send her a message?" before he wised up and did it himself.


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When I first saw Eun Sang moving into Casa de Korean Bluebeard, I literally rolled my eyes. I lived through that plot point in BOF and I had no desire to revisit it. There's even a fiancée, a la BOF! Once I thought about it, though, I decided it wasn't a bad twist. Think of the anguish this will cause Tan. Here he is, with the object of his desire/budding feelings literally living in his own house. But because she's the housekeeper's daughter and he's the master's sun, he can't pursue a relationship. If she was just another poor scholarship student he met at school, it wouldn't have the same impact.


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Yeah, once I read the recap and thought about it from that point of view I can see how they can do some interesting things here. Though, if it's brooding distance instead of funny shenanigans then the co-habitation is probably going to go a little melo for my tastes. We'll see how it goes though.


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"master's sun" lol. Don't you mean "son"
withdrawal syndrome? ;)


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LOL, how in the world did I make that mistake? Definitely a Freudian slio.


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"Casa de Korean Bluebeard" -- LOL


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+2. This is why I love this sight.


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*site. And hate autocorrect.


"obviously a vampire" LOL

and yes YoungDo is scary, seems like the kind of rich kid that decided it would be fun to kill someone to watch them die

not looking forward to super Candy


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I feel you on the co-habitation thing. Even without it, all the relationships in this drama are so emotionally charged as it is that things are bound to go down real bad. The preview scenes of the school are also giving me a big Hana Yori Dango vibe. Young Do is scary enough as it is (I totally believe he is the tiger, not the fox), but I bet Tan is scary, too, in his natural habitat. I am really hoping that Eun-Sang goes Tsukushi Makino on Tan and Young Do and kicks some rich guy behind. Else... the next 16 episodes are going to be hell...


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Hopefully if that happens we'll be treated to the real, kickass Tsukushi Makino and not that Jan di impostor.


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Re pt. 2)
She kept to the servants' side of the house. He saw her out of the corner of his eyes. She hasn't been making herself conspicuous.

pt. 6)
The writer didn't put them in the same house becos they couldn't get connected otherwise. It is to show in the most stark way possible the difference in their social status, two polar opposite classes, which in a strict hierarchical society like Korea, is an uncrossable barrier. KT comes face to face with it, and that's why there is that look of shock instead of glee on his face.

pt. 7)
Rachel either has the hots for KT and/or she agrees with her mom's arrangement in that she thinks she can't do any better in marriage than KT, as he told KT at the time of their engagement.

We obviously don't live in that rarified world of the super rich in Korea. We can watch the drama by trying to see things from the char's POV, or we can keep complaining that things don't make sense from where the stand of a commoner from overseas.


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-I didn't say she was making herself conspicuous, I said she wasn't really making herself inconspicuous. I know she's trying to keep out of her way but she's also helping Mom with her work, hanging out in the courtyard, passing through the main hall (or whatever you call that foyer type area where she caught a glimpse of him going up the stairs), taking meds and snacks to his parents. She's pretty much a junior housekeeper at this point so you can't really say she's been hiding that well.

-Regardless of why the writers put them in the same house (I assume it's a revisitation of the "so close yet so far away" discussion they had at the Hollywood sign. I still don't like it. It's too convenient for MY tastes. She is already the housekeeper's daughter. A fact that was bound to come out rather quickly and they would still be faced with the same stark reality. I just don't like it because I can see where this is going. Eun Sang is going to get slapped around by one or both of the moms, chances are they are going to end up with their stuff on the sidewalk before one of the men swoops in and reinstates them. We're going to get a lot of scenes where they are both staring out of adjacent windows brooding about each other. He's probably going to make her life miserable around the house just to get her attention. Wake me up when she moves out.

-I get Rachel's dilemma, that's why I think Tan is the one in the wrong here (well, Rachel is wrong for taking it out on the wrong person). Even if she breaks the engagement, I bet it would ruin her reputation and she would have a hard time finding another pairing. I alluded to this in my original post when I said her world is too small. That's why Tan should take responsibility and take the blame for himself. Because she is at least trying to make it work when he couldn't care less. Do the girl a favor and take one for the team.


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"We obviously don’t live in that rarified world of the super rich in Korea. We can watch the drama by trying to see things from the char’s POV, or we can keep complaining that things don’t make sense from where the stand of a commoner from overseas."

Absolutely agree! Interpretation should always be done in the context in which the narrative occurs. The lens should include historical, social, cultural, political, and what have you issues in which the characters move and interact. Then we can better understand their motivations and behavior, and we can also see where the writing is coming from.


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This is sort of side-topicing, but I love the actress playing mom, but I don't like her in this role. She's done so many of these tough, straight-talking roles that I love. I have been watching Baby-faced Beauty lately almost entirely because of that actress playing the tough, kind-but-firm older designer. She's really terrific. Even in Master's Sun, I kind of ended up rooting for her... as the tough, straighttalking if somewhat antagonistic to the OTP role she had.

OH and court lady Choi in Faith. Besides Lee Philips lips, she was the reason I actually stuck that one out.

You know you've officially become an addict when you begin to have favorite older/character actors.


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Kim Mi Kyung - one actress I really respect.

I saw her for the first time in A Man's Story where she played a kickass police officer, and loved most of the characters she has played, especially the head abalone diver in Tamra, the Island. Her characters range from strong women like these to more gentle/meek ones (Sungkwungkwan Scandal).

The only character she has played that I did not like (though it was only a cameo) is that of the woman (biological mother of character played by second lead Lee Da Hee), who cut her hand to frame her husband. (sorry for the spoiler).

Hats off to her acting chops. Her versatility is shown by the long list of dramas she has appeared in. She seems to hop from one project to another--e.g., right from The Master's Sun into Heirs.


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I had considered that it might be that I just like her roles. I'll have to see Sungkwungkwan Scandal to see if I still like her meek. :)

And I'm DEF going to check out Tamra the Island. Thanks for the rec.


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I was thinking of that...the head abalone diver was certainly my favorite role of hers. I can't remember her in Syungkyunkwan Scandal...


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Thank you!!!!

Somehow, Heirs feels like boys over flowers... but more meaty or something.


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I know what you mean. It's like BoF got slapped around, and flipped over, seasoned and let to mature. XDDD

Thanks for the recap!

I know many pple are attracted to bad boy YD but for now, I'm firmly on Tan ship. Nothing more attractive than a good soulful boy whom we know DOES have bad boy in him from his past, but without having to experience him actually bullying someone in the present. In short, he's a good boy, without the boring that goes with it. It's like getting money for the cake and eating it too. XDDD


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Haha. I thought I was the only one!

I agree with you about YD vs Tan as well. I think all the characters in this drama are well written, and are all distinct from each other. I even like "side" characters like Bo-na (she's a hoot). Even the cameos are hilarious (heelllooo Heenim)!!!!!


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Btw... You actually get to see Tan being a bad boy... so easy to slip back into what you were when you get back to your old high school circle. School reunions anyone?



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Yes, I totally agree with you! Something so sexy in a boy who could be bad, but chooses to be good.


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I'm impressed. You basically said everything I wanted to say, but better, and in one sentence. *bows*

And it also helps if said boy is Lee Min Hot. kkkk.


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At least we are spared from a weird/overacting heroine. Gu Hye-sun is a good actress but I didn't totally like her character portrayal of Jan-di.


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lol. You're right, I'm not a fan of Jan di's brand of "candy" heroine. I think that's what I meant by more meaty.

All the characters feel less like caricatures, and their relationship between each other have more substances despite having many more 'main' characters. Like somebody looked at BoF as a concept and revamped it entirely.


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Young Do is more like Joon Pyo with his bad boy personality, while Tan is the nice guy like Ji Hoo. I hope Eun Sang doesn't become annoying like Jan Di.


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Goin' back home. Yippeeeeeeey!!! I can listen to them talking again! No more silent movie-things.


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Guys, what website did you watch the show? Tks!


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I could be wrong, but I think Dramafever has an exclusive on Heirs. It's probably around somewhere else, but if it is, I haven't seen it. It's "not available in my region" on viki.


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you're right. as co-producer, dramafever has exclusive rights and gets to decide how it distributes it to other online sources (like viki, hulu, netflix...) so you can watch it on viki if youre in europe or certain other countries (dramafever gave viki rights for limited countries only), and ive seen hard-subbed versions on at least one other website (though i'm sure DF didn't give them rights, lol).


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I seem to have a hard time to watch this on HULU... Is it free on HULU? Please give me the link? Tks much! :)

Thanks to the recaps DB!


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Except for this one, Dramafever is usually a day or two late in subbing than Viki.com or Gooddrama.net. My preference these days is Gooddrama.net.

I just don't like the subs on Dramafever, due to the 'westernization' and 'modernization' of the dialog, especially in saeguks. Keeping names correct (last names first), using terms such as 'oppa', 'unni', etc., and keeping many of the uniquely Korean terminology in the dialog is what makes Kdramas so endearing and culturally correct. For me, Dramafever seems to take too much license with translating the dialog.


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Dramafever had it up with English subs this evening. I believe viki and gooddrama.net had English versions earlier in the day.


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Dramafever...That's the only show they sub the same day because they are the producer.


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pretty much I am watching this to support dramafever because I just cannot watch Isabel


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i watched this episode on dramafever (i haven't used it in forever so they gave me a month of premium membership to draw me back in muahaha)


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dramafire works as well.


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Guys, tks for the info about website dramas. Now on to marathon Heirs episodes :) Have a great day!!!


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Thanks for the recap.
Also, i read somewhere that Young-do is like Gu Junpyo and Kim Tan is like Jihu from BOF. I agree to this to some extent.
So that means Jihu will be getting the girl this time :-)


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Once i started watching it,the drama is all intresting and have that flow that keeps me engaging.Though after the broadcast the feeling is all new.Maybe because of how they potray it.
Thats exactly why i also want them back in school,as i guess that life would be more engaging and all.....
I really love the scenes where they show us how Tan feels about family and all.....


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I can't watch it this time so I'm just gonna read the recaps! I'm THAT EXCITED!!!!!


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A very good episode overall -as we anticipated, once they moved back to Korea, things really picked up. That being said, I have to eat crow and admit I now see the necessity of the California interlude. Only in a place like America could Kim Tan and Cha Eun Sang have met more or less as equals, as two strangers in a foreign land. Even though they were thrown together in an outlandish situation, they got to know each other organically, without any of the prejudices or preconceived notions that would have ensued from their meeting in Korea as their "real" selves, Kim Tan the heir and Eun Sang the housekeeper's daughter. In CA, they were just a boy and a girl, intrigued with each other, and in Tan's case, falling hard.

However, now they're back in Korea. The halcyon light of California and the glorious make believe of Hollywood are gone. Korea is reality for both of them, for Tan the troubled heir and Eun sang the struggling poor girl. Here they can't just grab each other's wrists and run off laughing. Sad for them, but great drama for the viewers. Add in this cast of supporting characters who all have their own issues and connections to the protagonists, and it should be a heck of a ride :)!


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I meant Eun San, not Eun Sang. Sigh . . .it's been a long day.


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Her name is Eun Sang, with a 'g'.


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I agree--it reminded me a little of Grease in this way. But without the actual summer romance, which would have been nice too.


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Erm....two things I am wondering..

1) Eun Sang doesn't have a handphone? Her mom and her share one?

2) Why did Eun Sang need to fill in the customs form on a flight returning to Korea? Isn't it compulsory only for visitors?

*scratches head*


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Well I don't know about Korea but everytime I return to the US i have to fill it and I"m a citizen... I'm also a citizen of Mexico and I have to fill the custom forms when I return.


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Hey! A fellow dual! Cool!


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Nah, returning citizens also have to. They always wanna know what you've brought back from the country visited


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1) She probably just left her phone with her mom while she went to the US to avoid roaming charges. What kind of a kdrama would it be if the poor heroine was not sporting the latest cell phone model?

2) Everyone has to go through customs. Citizens of the arrival country usually have a separate line with less hassle.


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Anytime you travel to or from another country you have to fill in customs information. Basically declaring anything you bought while out of your country above a certain amount and certain types of items. And declaring that you're coming or going. How long you're stay was/is. That kind of thing. Then you actually have to go through customs when you land showing your passport and sometimes allowing a search of your luggage. It's standard.


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Hmm cos i never have to fill it up when I return to my own country. Only when I visit the country. Maybe it's just my country..? Thanks anyway!


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You pretty much have to fill out a customs form anytime you are coming in from another country. It has nothing to do with where you live or your citizenship. It is so they can charge you duty or taxes on overseas purchases.


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wondered about that custom form also... I thought Korea is high tech...

At my side, we just past a special channel with our ID.. no forms needed


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correction 'pass' instead of 'past'


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I fill in a customs form every time I enter another country and each time I return to the Philippines, as well.


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I hate Young-do's Ken doll hair!


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Finally a good strong consistent episode! Can't wait for next week, the preview looks really juicy.

I'm enjoying all of the characters. Poor Mom and Mistress Mom are hilarious together. Won is just as scary ad Youngdo. Youngdo always seems to walking on a razor age of rage waiting to explode in violence. Won seems like the type to poison the other heir to the throne.

Bona/Chanyoung/Yoon dad are the best. All of their scenes are funny and cute.

Tan is such a lost needy puppy around his brother.

Tan and Won both have one royalty style names.


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hahh i'm glad i'm not the only one not feeling the pompadour.


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That was a perfect disruption of 'it'!


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Can't wait for the next ep. I want all the school drama!!!


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i agree with Young-do, Tan could still be the tiger just waiting to pounce on his prey.

i'm liking where the story is leading about the brothers. I just can't understand why all the characters story are so intertwine, more like just 2 degrees of separation =)


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I love all the relationships so far on this show, messed up though they might be: Tan-Won, Chanyoung-Bona, Youngdo-Rachel.

As for Hyoshin--by "teacher" did they just mean "private tutor," not classroom teacher? For me, that excepts it from being a major breach of professional responsibility but keeps just the right layer of wrong to make me want to ship it like burning. Anyone else?


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I totally ship it but looks like the tutor is involved with Won. I kind of think they are engaged but she said she needs the pay and I feel like Won would have an arranged marriage to a rich girl.


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Really? I think the opposite given what he revealed about his Mom's roots to Rachel @ the gravesite.
Maybe she didn't answer the phone because he was being a dickhead to her as well as Tan.
I mean if she's only a tutor during summer vacation & an actual teacher @ the school, it would mean she knows Tan on a personal, not just a student basis. Right?


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I think Won likes the tutor, but she is no longer happy with him. I thought her line about the people who have the money are always right was very telling. Perhaps he said something similar to her in the past?


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Me too! I'm shipping it already.
and I think I read somewhere that they had history 10 years ago or something!


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Braveheart yell time: FREE--I mean..KOREA!!!!! Seriously, so glad they are all there now.

Ok, I wasn't sure until now if I was going to stick with this show, but this episode has me looking forward to more. Bring on the school time!


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Loved this episode. I don't know if it was because I didn't have any expectations with this drama... but I'm enjoying the experience.

It's amazing when you have a very good drama to watch. But getting to to experience the whole buzz and fanfare around Heirs is super fun and makes me happy.

So far, I love Kim Tan and how he is withvEun Sang but contrary to what other people say, that they cannot see the old bully Kim Tan in the current version... I can. Sometimes you see the shades of darkness still lingering in him, like when Min Hyuk interrupted the whole 'you should take your friend money and stay here in my house' the stare KT gave him was not pretty!

Kim Woo Bin, my love... I love you and today you were less of an ass. You were an ass with Rachel... but don't particularly like her so... yeah.

I'm gonna miss nextvweek episodes! :'(


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Hallelujah! Finally some Im Joo Eun bits in this episode...even though lord knows that sure is some really measly bit....really curious to know more about her storyline with Won..please let school start soon!!


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me too I really wanna know what happened with Won and the teacher! though there are so much backstories but I'm really excited to watch it unfold!


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Yes! You with the flawless taste in Im Joo Eun! I totally turned in just for her and her awesomeness!


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This episode is the best so far. I enjoy this drama. It might be because I wasn't really expecting too much. The plot maybe cliche and light but I'm gonna bet that for the next episodes, it'll be more than this cliche and light drama that some people are talking about. I gotta say that there's so much depth on this drama than makes me want to watch it more. Gonna wait more for the net episodes.


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Young Do and Eun Sang -- I will go down with this ship. Their (non)meeting was so cute. As much as I enjoy the butterflies in my stomach feeling as Tan slowly slid open the door, I find his fascination with Eun Sang to be a bit obsessive, similar to Domyouji’s fixation with Makino. I’m sure Young Do is going to start out as a Grade A douche disrespecting her boundaries and acting as if he owns her, only to turn into a giant softie when he falls in wuv, so I’m shipping it.

Eun Sang must’ve felt like she was watching a makjang when she got her first taste of the Kim Household. Won: “This is not a Catholic church. Go confess somewhere else.” What a great line. I’ve got to use that some time.

I know Bo Na is meant to be comic relief, but she is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters, my favorite being her boyfriend Chan Yong. And I really like Im Joo Eun’s character from the brief glimpse we got of her. I have been out of school for forever, but this is the first time in my life that I am excited for school to start. I can’t wait until these kids go back to school.

Thanks for the recap, girlfriday!


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Lol, I know you identified Yan with Domyouji, but I think your description of Young Do also portrays Domyouji's character to a T. "Grade A douche disrespecting her boundaries and acting as if he owns her, only to turn into a giant softie when he falls in wuv" YUP sounds like him too ;D

But I totally get what you mean. If Young Do turns out exactly to be that guy, I'm totally going down with that ship too. I love a big ol' softie with a hard outer shell!


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Young Do character reminds me of Gu Jun Pyo/Domyouji! Possesive, obessive and unreasonable. He probably doesn't even bother to think why he likes her. Poor chap is going to fall hard. I likey! I want that tussle between Kim Tan and Young Do. Gladiator fight - fight to the death!

So glad the drama is back in Korea! Looking forward to ep 5 and 6.


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This movie must have a Sabrina-ish turn of events. (Insert long fangirl squee here.)

As the series ends, Eun-Sang eventually falls in love with Won. Tan, who will be the first to realize this fact (before Eun-Sang does), will run the company in his brother's stead, .. and so on and so forth.

I would love to see the Humphrey Bogart version of events.


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series, not movie


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Wooo. An old-school movie fan FTW!

But I think Tan is much more complex than william holden. He might surprise you. :)


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I love this! I would so love to see that happen. And Choi Jin Hyuk is so much sexier than Humphrey Bogart.


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no he aint. not even pulling close. not enough confidence and but I can totally see him as the Korean counterpart.


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I'm pretty sure Tan is going to stage a coup at some point. Right now all he wants is his brother's love but I sense an oncoming rage explosion and he's going to steal Won's heir status right before Dad kicks it.


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I enjoyed this episode very much! I snickered when I saw Tan's and Eun Sang's moms wearing their kids' mementos for each other (the pair of socks and California shirt). Looks like our OTP won't have problems figuring out the taste of their future in-laws ;-) I'm loving this drama! Thanks for the fast and insightful recap!


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I love love love the last part....why was my heart beating so fast even though i knew that when he takes a peek it will be her cinderella EunSang?
i can't wait for next week....i hope the ratings keep going up...

also...i was laughing so hard on 4 scenes:
1. we see Tan's mom wearing EunSang's socks
2. we see Tan's surprised look when he saw ES's mom wearing the I love California tee
3. EunSang sleepwalking and chuggin a whole bottle of drink in one gulp!
and last but not least:
4. Young Do telling the twin kids to shut up and complaining to Myung Soo that they were teasing him for not having a mom...


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4. Young Do telling the twin kids to shut up and complaining to Myung Soo that they were teasing him for not having a mom…

Young-do bullies his schoolmates, but can't handle those little kiddos :D But that no-Mom excuse was the kicker.


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I know,I love that scene.... it was super hilarious...makes me wonder what he'll be like as a dad of twin boys or girls...ke ke ke...


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Girlfriday- In the recap you mention that a picture of Tan fades into him doing the same thing watching the sunset. But i'm pretty sure that Won is staring at a picture of himself on the beach which fades into Tan doing the same thing. This is a huge difference because it brings a little insight to Won's past.


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Very true.

I feel like it is to show that Won's past is much like what Tan is going through at the moment. Won was not shown love and affection from his father, and Won is taking it out on Tan now. Won and Tan are much more similar than it seems.


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I completely agree with you in the sense that Won and Tan may be a lot more similar than we see. Plus, I'm a little more interested in Won's story and why he is the way he is.


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That sounds plausible, but even after pausing the vid on the picture, it's hard to tell who it is. They should've done a much slower transition if they wanted to make a point there about Won.


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Oooh, thanks for noting this--I totally missed it the first time around. Interesting...


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I still don't know who was in that picture. Could it have been a third person we know nothing about yet?


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it was totally Won, I rewatched it to make sure. I've seen all of choi jun hyuk's dramas so I was able to recognize him right away. I've also seen pretty much all of lee min ho's dramas and I could tell it was not him.


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when I saw that, I was like "oh so he was also once exiled and lonely ball of lonely too?" So many question. Did the father exile him? Why? Was it when Tan was born and this is where the rift began to manifest? i need more background on Tan/Won.


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I havent watched this series in earnest, but reading the recaps, it sounded rather low key, comtemplative and breezy to watch. Like something I get while watching it's okay daddy's girl or panda and hedgehog. Which is not necessarily bad in my book. Though with characters getting ready for school, maybe more tension can spice things up a little. And I want the drama to reveal more resonably why won hate tan so much as soon as possible coz without that, it seems hard to accept won's seemingly unjustifiable act which makes it hard to enjoy the character.


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I'm really loving this drama now. It felt like the real drama really started and all the LA part is just like...unimportant fillers. Can't wait to see how it will go!


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I just love young do try to pick up a fight with those little kids,so cute ;)


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and he told on them to his friend that the kids were picking on him for not having a mother.ha...I have no idea where he even came up with that.


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So I was reading the character descriptions over at the SBS web site for the drama and after watching these episodes I'm thinking Madam Jung may be responsible for a large part of Won's wariness of Tan. Madam Jung's and Tan's father's marriage was strictly a business transaction. Madam Jung has not been happy with the small role she has been given with respect to the running of the chaebol group she's married into, and according to the SBS character description she's biding her time to extract her family's fortune away from Jaeguk. So having Tan as her legal son is one way to have control of a significant number of the Jaeguk group's shares. Having Tan marry Rachel is also a way to get the Jaeguk shares that Rachel's mother is holding. Won might be aware that Tan is a threat because he can be used by others such as Madam Jung.


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I can't decide which I like best, Rachel's trench coat or Mom wearing Eun Sang's I Love Cali T-shirt :D


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Uh was Kim Tan not in university in California?? The scenes of his school in episode 1 pretty much looked like a university to me. So did he attend uni in Cali only to go back to high school in Korea? :S


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Tan was in high school in California.


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They pretended that Redlands was a HS... Quite a fail, since even the extras (the real students of the Uni) looked way too old. Whatever, glad that this period of the story is over... ;)


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maybe some future teachers are born looking old


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Yeah, since when did high schools have lecture halls and a professor? lol just roll with it, just roll with it


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Many American elite prep schools have VERY college campus-like settings, with multiple academic buildings and dorms. They can cost just as much per year as elite colleges also. Tan family obviously can afford such a prep school. I wasn't at all thrown off by the school setting in California.


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Exactly. Tan isn't going to a regular public school guys. There is a world that exist outside of the one you live on a everyday basis. We would be surprised to see what some high schools look like.


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heh, even my former high school has a lecture hall and a large blackboard like that. they buildt the auditorium where our picnic ground used to be, bastards.


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i guess he was taking free courses in some Californian Uni. but they all seem old for a high school though.


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I must have said "Hooray!" when KT decided to go back to SK. Was the prologue in L.A necessary? Yes. But 2 episodes would have been enough. Quality of drama is slowly but steadily increasing.
The forced cohabitation trope is awesome: We have people from different classes, different families, and with different interests too. Just wait for Big Bro to come back and we will have fireworks. ^^
Finally we met our teacher and her troublesome pupil: She's KW's fiancee but since cold a$$ doesn't know (yet) how women work, the youngster could spice up things for her.
Baby Heir with his dad and LBN are a hoot.
YD will end up with Rachel: I'm almost sure of that but that doesn't mean he won't fool around & do stupid things before...
In fact there is so many ships in that drama: I don't even know where to look.
Did anyone notice the black pants of KT at the end? Hint: The top which matches them is blue and has been made stitch by stich by an Italian couturier. ;)


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The pants...ha! I did a double take and had this wait, what, and thought no way omg and cracked up, and then I was debating on whether or not to go scan SG to check it out but I thought I'll just check the recap on DB, Mystisith will know.


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Inside jokes radar activated! I'm a simple girl: It's the little things in life that make happy. :)


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I am enjoying the Young-do / Myung-soo comic pairing. In this episode, Myung-soo sends off Young-do to wait for him at the convenience store, because he doesn't want his dad to see Young-do. Young-do asks shouldn't he resolve any misunderstanding with Myung-soo's dad. Myung-soo sunnily replies that he wishes there was a misunderstanding, no, his dad just doesn't like Young-do. And Young-do's all cool about it.

The character chart indicates that Myung-soo is friends with Tan, Young-do, and Hyo-shin. I wonder if this is due to Myung-soo being so frank and guileless. This might also be why Bona also appears to be friends with all the guys. Both Myung-soo and Bona are frank and probably quite loyal to their friends, although I suspect not as nice to people not in their friends circle.

We've been shown quite a bit of the male characters' interactions - I would like to see more of the female characters together, especially Rachel and Bona. Are they friends, enemies, or just ignore each other? I'm curious if either of them will end up being friends with Eun-sang. It would be sad if Eun-sang had no female friends at her new high school.


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I'm in agreement with this whole comment! I love Myung-soo, and I especially love how we get to see another "cute" light-hearted side of Youngdo with him.

And yes, more girl interactions please. Catfights, frenemies, bffs, whatever. Just bring it on!


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we just might see a catfight soon between EunSang and Rachel...with ES returning the favor of taking her nametag off...

and as far as Rachel and Bona, they seem to be indifferent to one another because Bona was a KT ex gf...they just may become friends if and when KT breaks off with RAchel, then they'll both be EX GFFs... ke ke ke


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I think Rachel and Eunsang might end up becoming friends, Bona dislikes Eunsang due to her possessive nature. Also, Bona is that type of flighty, childish character that might not meld with rachel's adult-like, haughty demeanor. Rachel seems to be the intelligent well-read type, while Bona seems street-smart. Rachel and Eunsang might make great frenemies in the tradition of Selena-Blair, seemingly mature and intelligent but childish in their hurtful spiteful ways, and Bona could turn out to be that type of everyone's-good-friend type character in series, who nobody admits as a best friend cuz they consider them immature but who actually gives sound advice at the right time because they are straigh-shooters.. I think it might not make much sense...


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Hmmm could Myung Soo et al have been Empire High's F4, before the big falling out?


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It would be nice to see a change, but I think Candy's are pretty much contractually obligated to never have non-backstabby female friends, ever. I would like to see that change with this one, though. I'm really rooting for Eun-sang and Rachel to form a bickering friendship.


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they only exception i've seen is dream high. i liked the friendship displayed in dream high, despite the flaws.

suzy had a motivating frenemy and a ditzy best friend (lol IU) that didnt seriously impact the "loveline(s)"


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Alright, this is most definitely my crack of 2013.

Two episodes a week is soooo not enough, especially with such a HUGE cast and sooo many complicated relationships going on. How are they going to peel back all the layers in 20 episodes??

What I didn't like about Gentleman's Dignity was that there was a LOT of set up and potential for adding layers to the story. But they just totally threw it away at the latter episodes.

Here, there are A LOT of set up, I really want the show to really go into every single one. PLEASE DON'T FAIL MEEEEEEE


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What I love best in this episode is the the OTP's unintentional hide and seek. I was literally holding my breath when Kim Tan is in hurry to go to kitchen. I like his excitement. I was nervous too! The OST, the change of music on the last part, his reaction, they were all great! I can't wait for the next ep. Really!!


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i was holding my breath too...esp the first 'would be' meeting at the entrance door..whoah...

then the ending, even though i knew it was EunSang, i was still feeling Tan's eagerness to see her that it really is her...

can't wait!!!


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I wish a hot guy like Kim Tan looks at me in secret like i'm a goddess when i'm just drinking plain water!!!


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LOL... you are not alone, most of us would wish that too!!:)


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Scriptwriter's idea obviously came from Boys Over Flowers with one or two ingredients changed.

For me, the scriptwriter is not as brilliant as what is described of her.

But it will be interesting in the next episodes. First I will be comparing with BoF plot, secondly it will be exciting to see the conflicts among the male second leads.


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Maybe it's just me, but I love how it's all the connected, like Eun Sang is friends with Chanyoung, who's with Bo Na, who's friends with Young Do, who used to be friends with Kim Tan, and Tan's fiancé Rachel, is now almost siblings-in-law with Young Do. Not to mention how Young Do and Kim Tan both seem to have interest in Eun Sang, who Bo Na hates. Yeah....
It just makes me feel giddy knowing all this while the characters are clueless, almost like living under the same roof without knowing it (sorry I had to).


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Also forgot to mention this, if you trace back all the lines far enough, you end up with Eun Sang. First time candy girl's apparently been the center of everyone's universe huh?


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Six degrees of Eun Sang, ha!


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And isn't it funny that all the girls are hating EunSang since all the guys seem to be swarming her like bees to a sweet scented flower...


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Lol at the roof reference.

I thinks it's because the characters are all connected that it makes the dynamics so interesting because if one change, you're always wondering how it will affect all the others. And Eun Sang getting into that circle of heirs will definitely change the whole dynamics.

Btw, there's a video illustration of the relationship web you described here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pXXBQJ-ZyI (towards the middle).


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Is it weird that i read this recap earnestly than my nursing books?


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We are in the same boat winda!


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I am boarding the boat with you *jumping into the boat and watching my office workload sink into the ocean gleefully


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