Heirs: Episode 3

The show is settling into its groove, and not just because we’re packing up to head back to Korea soon. (Soon!) I’m actually warming up to how the California setting is being integrated into the story, now that we’ve put the horridness of the Cali stereotypes behind us. (The less we speak of those, the better.)

There’s an interesting effect that comes from shooting a quintessentially Korean romance drama in a place that’s both so iconic and so NOT the norm for quintessentially Korean romance dramas—it’s weird, but in a good way. It feels fish-out-of-water-like for us too, giving us a taste of what the characters feel, being out of sync and not quite there, there. And you know, I do think that’s quite the point.


Park Jang-hyun & Park Hyung-kyu – “Love Is…” from the Heirs OST
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In the movie theater, Tan translates the conversation unfolding onscreen for Eun-sang. Then he veers off-script, tacking on his own scenario about meeting a girl named Eun-sang that ends on: “Do I… like you?”

After a few charged moments, Eun-sang offers, “Probably not.” She points out that he’s engaged as though that’s explanation enough, and he brushes that aside impatiently: “What if I do anyway?” She says that’s too much like the movies, and Tan replies that this kind of thing happens in real life too.

Eun-sang gets distracted with the realization, “Are we really in Hollywood?” Rather, it’s her excuse to be distracted, and she marvels at the Hollywood sign while studiously ignoring Tan’s attempt to have a conversation about what he just said. Clocking her avoidance, he relents and offers to take her to see the sign up close.

She declines, telling him he’s done enough for her. Hers is the rational decision, but Tan is upset by the rejection.

They return to his house to pick up her luggage, by which time he’s become silent and gloomy. She says her goodbye and starts to head off… and then Tan grabs her bag from her and carries it back inside the house.

By now, best bud Chan-young has responded to her online plea for help and urges her to call him asap. But rather than relay that message, Tan tells Eun-sang to stay at the house until her friend calls. Trying to cling to any reason to keep her here.

He gets a call from Manager Yoon, one of Jeguk’s executives (who stood up to big bro Won the other day) and also Chan-young’s father. Manager Yoon informs Tan of the stockholders family gathering he is to attend, per Chairman Dad’s decree. Also, Won will be there, and Tan understands that his presence won’t be met with brotherly welcome.

On the other end of the call, Manager Yoon hangs up and gets accosted by a friendly Bo-na, who’s already calling him “Father.” Haha. I know she’s a ditzy girlfriend with a one-track mind, but I do find her attachment to Chan-young harmlessly cute. She complains that Chan-young is probably cheating on her already, but the moment Manager Yoon agrees that his son was bad, Bo-na jumps to her boyfriend’s defense. She’s a riot.

Bo-na is part of the broadcasting club and joins fellow club member Hyo-shin (prosecutor’s son and mysteriously vomiting sunbae). After dismissing annoying underclassmen who’ve come to fawn over Hyo-shin, Bo-na chats with him about one of their members whose family made him quit the club. I suppose it makes sense—why be a creative when you can own the creatives as some CEO or another? Hyo-shin himself would be forced to quit if his elders found out, and he figures that either he’s hid the secret well, or his parents have hid it for him. (So… grandpa rules his family, I take it?)

Bo-na wonders what pill he’s popping, and Hyo-shin waves it off as vitamins for his advanced old age—yunno, nineteen versus her eighteen. But we know better.

Tan dresses for the stockholders meeting and tells Eun-sang to stay at home till he’s back. And then, oh god, Terrible Stoner Surfer Meathead is back, make it stop make it stop make it stooooop. Never have I been so mad at beans for not killing somebody. I envy Eun-sang’s inability to understand him.

Terrible Meathead is happy to sidle up flirtatiously to Eun-sang, which at least gets Tan rethinking his plans for the day. Off she goes with him. I’m so relieved for her.

Tan’s mother, Madam Han, consults with her sister about grounds for divorce. Little Sis speaks with a conspicuous saturi accent (i.e., distinctly non-high-society), and Madam Han urges her to keep her voice down before slipping into saturi herself. (Ha, anybody else reminded of Julie “How dare he say I’m from Riverside” Cooper?) Little Sis gives her the name of a guy who’ll follow people to snap adultery photos, because adultery is her only viable grounds for seeking divorce.

I’m wondering why she’d want a divorce from her cushy situation, but no, it turns out she’s sending the rat to sniff out Madam Jung—aka Wife No. 2. Ah, is she still legally the wife? So Madam Han really IS a concubine. That explains why Tan is registered under Wife 2’s name in the family registry (until the law was reformed in recent years, children had to be registered under their father’s name, and to keep Tan legitimate he was listed as the child of the lawful wife). Granted, Madam Han has been the chairman’s recognized partner for years, but she’s eager to claim her place officially.

As she’s making her furtive call to the private eye in the cellar, she fails to see the housekeeper, Eun-sang’s mother, until it’s too late. (For convenience’s sake, she’ll be simply Mom.) Mom may be mute but she’s certainly not deaf, and she confirms that she heard all.

I’m getting the sense that Madam Han has been unsuccessful in asserting her place not because of meanie oppression but due to her own lack of mental acuity. Her argument is all, You should’ve heard how secretive I was being and made your presence known so I wouldn’t keep talking about myself incriminatingly! Silly billy.

Mom dryly notes that she was standing here the whole time doing just that, holding out messages to her employer that went unseen. Hilariously, those notes read: “If you’re lucky you won’t get caught” and “You should really use an unregistered phone for these calls.” Ha.

Tan takes Eun-sang along for the long drive to the Central Cali orchard where the company event is being held. He advises her to take a look around while he’s inside, not sure whether it’ll take him five minutes to get kicked out this time, or longer. Just be sure she avoids “the coldest-looking person” here, he warns.

Speaking of whom, Won is smiling it up as he wines and dines the attendees, though that smile immediately disappears upon seeing Tan’s arrival. Won curtly orders him aside, and Tan nervously tries to open with pleasantries. He keeps going despite hyung’s frosty reception, saying that he wanted to see him and that it’s been three years. Won sneers that he’s just a kid, lacking the judgment to know he shouldn’t have come.

Ack, Tan’s little-boy hopefulness is quite a jab to the heart as he tries to earn approval somehow, and says that he’s grown a lot taller since the last time. Won spits back, “That’s all you’ve done since you’ve been in America, isn’t it? Stick to that. Coming here overstepped your bounds.”

Poor heartbroken Tan. And standing at within earshot is Eun-sang, eyeing him sympathetically. The sprinklers suddenly switch on, drenching him. But still he stands there, lost.

Eun-sang approaches. “Are you okay?” she asks. “I’m not,” he says. He asks why she eavesdropped, and she says she was ready to jump in, grab his wrist (heh) and run away if he became endangered. He replies, “Then why didn’t you? I was in danger the whole time.”

With that, they make the long drive back home. He tells her to forget what she saw, and she answers that she’s going to forget this all—it’s just one midsummer night’s dream to her.

Tan belatedly registers fallen rocks in the lane ahead (that’s what you get for staring at the girl while driving), and swerves to avoid the boulders. They screech to a halt, and the car grinds to a halt in the sandy dirt. No cell reception means they’ve got to get themselves out of this fix. Eun-sang can’t drive, so… cut to her pushing, ha.

Still, no go. With dusk approaching, Tan suggests heading out on foot to find civilization. Eun-sang protests, because her extensive horror-movie knowledge tells her that people always die that way. On the other hand she’d die if she’s left behind, so she tags along. (Tan: “So we’re dying in the end?” Eun-sang: “Well, one of us has to stay alive for Season 2.”)

They walk on toward a roadhouse Tan remembers seeing, and he asks what she intends to do when her friend replies to her message. She says she’ll borrow money for a ticket back home, and he points out that he could lend her money too. But no, she’s not about to mooch off him to that extent.

They finally make it to a motel, where they have to spend the night until a tow truck can be called in the morning. Tan buys a couple of matching T-shirts to change into, then changes into his right then and there. I love that while she whirls around before he gets (half-)nekkid, she then sighs to herself, “What a shame, I should’ve looked.” Yes you should have, honey. I looked, and it was great.

They eat at the adjoining diner, and he finds her so cute he just stares and stares. She warns him that if he keeps that up she’ll start asking uncomfortable questions, but he beats her to the punch. If she was wondering who he was talking to earlier, “It’s the person I like most in the world.” Aww.

She leans in close and nosy-like to pry about his hyung, and his reply growl makes her rear back reflexively. But they’re sitting on barstools, so he lurches to grab her before she falls, leading to the classic rom-com clinch. Enjoy, folks.

He chuckles at her blush, which she blusters isn’t a blush. It’s, um, upset at not being able to eat pancakes on her trip to America, yeah! He offers to take her to his favorite place on Melrose later, and she orders him to stop making promises he can’t keep, because that means he’ll die (according to the movies). Psh.

Back in the room Eun-sang pretends to fall asleep right away, but Tan is on to her and persists until she gives up the act. He asks why she wants Jeguk Group to be ruined but doesn’t get a straight answer, and after a round of bickering they head to bed and Tan warns her not to get pervy with him while he’s sleeping.

Lying in bed, Tan asks when she’ll return to Korea. She yawns, “As soon as possible.” He starts to ask, “What if… I…” only to see that she’s nodded off. She starts to topple over, and he pitches forward to cushion her head, then tucks her in and watches her sleep.

Pissy fiancée Rachel had sent Tan’s address to Chan-young, eager to get rid of Eun-sang. He arrives in Malibu just as the other two pull in, and Eun-sang lights up to see her buddy. Tan glowers.

Once again when Eun-sang starts to say goodbye to Tan, he draws it out, suggesting that she stay here until her flight. The offer takes her aback, and he reframes the offer as being the fair thing to do after she got her passport confiscated because of him. All through the exchange Chan-young gives him the shifty eye until he guesses, “Are you Kim Tan?” He says they know each other, though he declines to explain how.

Their taxi arrives, and with it go any last excuses to hold onto her.

Chan-young and Eun-sang arrive at his place, and she asks if Tan is a bad guy, to which Chan-young replies merely that he’s not a nice one. Eun-sang is finally able to let down her guard a bit with him and tearfully confides about her sister running off. She’s still hasty to assure Chan-young she’ll pay him back asap and leave right away, though he urges her to take her time.

They head out to enjoy the day, and Chan-young snaps a selca of them to upload online “to show you something funny.” And there it is, on the count of three: the angry call from Bo-na. Hahaha. So predictable. He finds it cute, while Eun-sang complains that he’s going to get her in trouble and her hair possibly yanked out. I’d bet on Bo-na, ‘s all I’m sayin’.

Tan also takes note of the photo with annoyance. Then he sees his engagement photo with Rachel and sighs, “It’s tomorrow.” I don’t really feel sorry for Rachel given that she and her barbed tongue can take care of herself, but it’s gotta suck to be that unwanted by your fiancé. She’s pissy when he calls, but as the call comes with an in-person appearance, it smooths over some of her ruffled feathers.

Rachel’s mother calls her to get their stories straight—Rachel went to America on Tan’s request, not on her own whim—before she meets with (Wife No. 2) Madam Jung, whom she refers to as Tan’s mother. I wonder who exactly knows of Tan’s birth situation, though the ambiguity is certainly done on purpose.

Neither Rachel’s mother nor Madam Jung know why Tan and Young-do are no longer friends, given how tight they were right up until Tan’s departure for the States.

Young-do is called by his father to essentially get body and ego bruised by the judo mat. Why do I feel like his father is using judo as an excuse to thrash his son? His father rubs in the loss with a few “tips” afterward, saying that Young-do loses because he attacks unnecessarily, both on and off the mat.

Dad orders Young-do to pick up Rachel at the airport tomorrow, which Young-do haaaaaates but can’t exactly argue. I have to say that while I find Young-do’s just-under-the-surface rage unsettling, it’s vaguely satisfying to see him at a disadvantage for once, after watching him lord it over everyone else. What goes around, et cetera.

Restored to a good mood, Rachel thanks Tan for going shopping with her all day, happy more about his presence than the clothing gifts. He wipes the smile from her face by telling her that he likes shopping with her because anything else would seem like a real date. Snappish again, Rachel confirms that Eun-sang left his house, then orders him to stop talking about her, to which he reminds her that she brought her up in the first place.

They’re interrupted by a furious call from Young-do, who’s not about to meet her at the airport and tells her to find a way to make that not happen. I guess just not going isn’t an option.

And here, just because this scene couldn’t have been included only to be overlooked:

Rachel complains about his high-handedness to Tan, who asks how Young-do’s doing. She says he’s great, doing on his own what he and Tan used to do together. We’ve gotten hints here and there before, but I guess that confirms that Tan used to be a big bully too, though something tells me he didn’t enjoy it.

Rachel wants to go for pancakes at Tan’s favorite place, and he declines, saying that he thinks Eun-sang will be there. Rachel sneers at his naive belief in fateful meetings or whatnot and digs in her heels more, wanting to prove him wrong.

The scenario goes the other way, of course, and they walk up to see Eun-sang and Chan-young already seated. Tan still tries to pull her away, saying that he’s trying to do the polite thing to Rachel, and that makes her more stubborn: “Being polite” would suggest there’s more to the relationship than she can allow. She forces her way in.

Rachel walks right up to their table and declares, “I’m sitting here. We’ll pay.” God, she’s going to be such a nightmare when she’s all growed up, isn’t she? (Not that she isn’t already one, but I see her as the miniature version of shrieky psycho played later by someone like Seo Hyo-rim.)

Rachel proceeds to make everyone exceedingly uncomfortable, announcing that this is their engagement anniversary and generally being imperious and nosy. She has to rub salt in things by pointing out that Tan is Bo-na’s ex-boyfriend, while Chan-young is her current one. She then pointedly asks Eun-sang if she only hangs out with guys who are taken. Blaaaagh. Somebody shut her up please. I don’t care how.

At that, Tan grabs Rachel and drags her away. Once they’re at some distance, he reminds her of their first meeting, back when they were ten and he’d thought her a young genius—he’d felt the novice next to her English and Japanese fluency. And bossiness, you forgot her bossiness. Then when they were fourteen, she’d liked his brother and called Tan a kiddo who couldn’t compete, and Tan had felt again that he was the green little boy.

“For eight years, the Yoo Rachel in my memory was always smart, pretty, and adult,” he tells her. “But right now, you’re not looking that great. Don’t be like this, especially if it’s because of me.”

Well, I’m glad he said it. And moreover, I’m glad that there’s somebody in this world who can call Rachel out on her crap and have it land.

Or maybe there are two people: Back at the hotel, she crosses paths with Won, with whom she’s on friendly terms. She asks to tag along with Won, preferring his company to an empty hotel room, and he takes her along to visit his mother’s grave. She’d been a plain country girl growing up in a California vineyard, whom Won supposes must’ve found Korea suffocating.

Aw, I like Won and Rachel’s rapport together, considering that they can put their thorns put away with each other to have some genuine conversation.

Back in Seoul, Manager Yoon has a Dramatic Elevator Eye-Lock with Rachel’s mother. Gah, is everybody in this drama going to have a Secret Past Relationship?

Once her fiancé steps aside, Rachel’s mom turns to Manager Yoon with an awwwwfully familiar tone. Referring to her upcoming wedding, she notes, “Both twenty years ago and now, you’re not the one, Oppa.” It looks like she was digging for a reaction, as she seems disappointed at his bland congratulations.

She tosses out, “It’s quite strange how seeing you still makes my heart race.” He tosses back, “I hope that happens after your wedding too. Take care.” Just to get this clear: We’re talking Rachel’s mother, Chan-young’s father, and Young-do’s father. Because the relationships in this drama weren’t complicated enough.

Tan finally connects Chan-young with Manager Yoon and mentions it when he calls Chan-young. He’s looking for Eun-sang and asks (demands) that she call him back. But upon hearing the message, Eun-sang decides not to return the call, figuring their connection is at an end.

So Tan, poor sap, sits staring at his phone all afternoon, afraid to leave it out of his sight. He smiles to see a pair of socks on his door handle, ostensibly Eun-sang’s payment for some favor or another. Meanwhile, she drops by his school campus to pin up a goodbye message amidst all the other flyers: “It was like a midsummer night’s dream. I’ll be disappearing now, like last night’s dream… Goodbye.”

Tan dutifully shows up to take Rachel to the airport, and she asks whether he has any plans to come back to Korea. He answers, “I always have plans, I just don’t have the courage.”

Rachel hesitates a moment before hugging Tan goodbye, telling him she’s still mad at him. He keeps his hands in his pockets but lets her keep holding him… just as Eun-sang walks into the terminal. Agggh! I can’t even be angry at the coincidence since this departure was mentioned multiple times, but of course this would happen.

I doubt Eun-sang would ever admit to herself that she had feelings for Tan, but this really seals the deal. She turns away, which is when he looks over and spots her. “Cha Eun-sang! Stop right there!”


Despite how many of the characters I don’t like as people, I do like their characterizations as characters. Like Rachel, who’s a real piece of work and who, more dangerously, possesses the destructive power of a small tornado—I don’t like her much, but I find her a compelling character. I get why she lashes out in certain ways, and while I’d love to see her humbled and maybe left to fend for herself as a penniless wretch, I see why she’s become the person she is. It’s a real relief to see her scenes with Won (and to a lesser extent, the ones where she’s not pissed off at Tan), because it proves that she can be a happy and reasonable person, given the right circumstances. Too bad she can’t be a decent person when everything doesn’t go her way, but maybe there’s growth in store for her? Please?

Young-do’s another character I’m having a real hard time feeling any sympathy for, given that he’s so menacing and screams malevolent energy, but nobody say he isn’t charismatic. Or interesting. The dark, twisted flawed ones always are. And on the flipside I have much love for Chan-young, who rather seems like the ubiquitous Daddy Long Legs second lead de-sexified, in that he has no stake in claiming the heroine’s heart for himself. Does that make him an even more perfect second lead than the typical nice-guy second lead? (As a corollary: Please oh please don’t give him any sudden interest in the heroine, y’hear? That would be a surefire way to ruin a good thing.) And even Bo-na strikes me as an amusing bit of comic relief, kind of a like a yappy puppy you can’t shoo away.

Won and Tan are another slice of tension and conflict that adds a jolt of energy to the proceedings—Lee Min-ho does a lot of silent staring in this show, but damn if it isn’t soulful. And so I’m wishing really hard right now that the heroine pulls through as well, because Eun-sang is… I dunno. Kind of expected. I like Park Shin-hye and I think she’s doing a good job portraying the multiple sides of Eun-sang—the bubbly side, for instance, when she’s not being so guarded and defensive—but I don’t know that she’s being written as interestingly as the others. She’s just The Heroine. I’d love it if she were more.

With the English-language scenes pulled back to a minimum (although if somebody could kill off Surfer Boy, I’d be much obliged), I’m quite okay with the Southern California location shooting, and not just because it’s pretty or because I recognize the locations. It actually has a strong narrative function, in that there’s a weird dissonance to shooting what is a very Korean drama in such a different locale. Normally in other dramas, foreign shoots are a quick jaunt overseas that often hinder the character of the supposed backdrop from coming through. But this extensive sequence in the States actually incorporates the setting into the romance of the romance, if you get me.

There’s an ethereal, dreamlike quality to the relationship that Eun-sang notes in her Midsummer Night’s Dream allusion (minus the manic fairies, I suppose), and perhaps it’s because they are out of their element—both of them, despite his extended stay here—that allows their feelings to boil down to a very simple, basic matter: Do you like me? Do I like you?

I suspect that the reason for the swift romantic development is because feeling the feelings isn’t this couple’s problem, but rather living with the reality. And for them, reality is back in Korea, within the strict outlines of their socially conscious society, where it means more to be a chaebol than having a spiffy house by the sea. So while I’m never really thrilled to watch yet another Candy-chaebol, rich-poor, parental-opposition romance, I do appreciate how this drama has set up the conflict and made it feel real. Well, not real-real in the case of our reality, but the emotions feel genuine, and that’s the kind of real I care about.


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Yes! You guys rock! Now for my drama crack...


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I enjoyed this episode as well. Thank you sooo much for explaining the relations. I was confused with Bo na calling Manager Yoon her father then Chan Young being mentioned his son... I thought OMG INCEST! lol sorry slow-slow.


I have a question: I thought Chan Young was from poverty? Is manager Yoon not somewhat rich? I don't see how Chan Young and Eun Sang could be of the same class?

P.S. for some reason I actually didn't want Eun Sang to leave Chan Young's side and stay with Kim Tan. I just didn't like the "air" around them. Chan Young was the perfect person to set this comfortable happy scene up because honestly there's always some damn drama when Kim Tan and Eun Sang interact. Come on 2 chase scenes, the drug scene, the cop scene, the Rachel scene and now the car scene? Give me a break. Too much tension, can they have a few enjoyable scenes? Not even the motel scene was as pleasant as it should have been.

(Disclaimer: this is actually the first time I'm writing Korean names so forgive me if I got it wrong :( )


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I assumed that Rachel means that he's not as well of as her and Tan. It does not mean that he's as poor as Eun Sang it just means that as far as Rachel's concerned he's not rich enough to be in her league. So in a nutshell he is simply poor by her standard.


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because unlike the others, Chan Young's father is only an employee. The others' parents are the bosses..
But Chan Young is pretty well off too I believe, middle-high class.. The others, are on the sky level lol..


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Hello FrostBitten,

I don't think CY and ES are from the same social class. We saw in ep. 1 that CY and his dad live in a better home than ES and her mom (I do find interesting and funny that the actress playing ES's mom was LMH's aunt in Faith, his last drama, but that's an aside).

Also, ES works many jobs, and we get the feeling that CY doesn't work, and yet he gets to go to the US for a language program, AND he has enough money to lend to ES when she is in trouble (and he tells her that she is not in a hurry to pay him back, so money is not an issue for him, apparently).

I agree with Kae that CY is not in the same social stratosphere as the other kids, aka Heirs. Though CY's dad has a really good job as the secretary of the chairman of Jeguk Group, he doesn't "Own" anything (maybe some shares in the company and his home?), AND he has to work for someone, the parents of the other kids don't, they have people working for them.

The other kids and their parents belong to the (small)1% wealthiest class in South Korea, CY and his dad do not. Even though CY's dad might have some money, it is not enough to send CY to the school the other kids go to, making CY a student who attends on a scholarship. So CY's social class is lower than Rachel and the rest, but higher than ES.

Also, as CY explained, ES and him have known each other since they were children, and the fact that they belong to different classes has not affected their friendship and affection for each other.

I hope my answer helped you in understanding this drama better.


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I think it's more like the .01%. CY and his dad are in the 1% if you look at SK statistically. His dad probably makes like 6-7 figures. CY's on scholarship to the school because he's the smartest I think and not because he is poor. I read somewhere that he is at the top of the class or something like that.


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Thank you blapblapblap, for adding some info to my answer. I think we basically meant the same thing, meaning that Rachel and the other kids belong to a very elite group, and I might not have been accurate with the statistics, but that was essentially what I was getting at.

Info about CY is confusing to me, because I did read somewhere that he was not a genius, that he was not really (that) smart, but that he worked very hard (studied a lot), which we saw in the drama, so far. I guess we will find out as the drama unfolds. I am not too worried that part.


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Ohhh Okay. Thank you for everyone who answered my question. The main reason why I got confused was because I recall seeing a trailer or explanation (not quite sure) where they showed the different level of heirs and I believe Chan Young was in the section that said "will inherit poverty" so to see his dad a Manager threw me off completely.

Thanks again to everyone who answered.


You are very welcome, FrostBitten!
I remember that trailer. In it, CES is the one who is the heir of poverty, though that could change by the end of the drama. CY is some other kind of heir, and I can't remember which one at the moment.


chan young is the intellectual heir.


That, yes! Thank you Bibigirl...


I heard the Legal Mom told Rachel Mom that they own the school when they talking about YD & Tan, so pretty much Since CY Dad works for that company, they probably get scholarship for their kids.


I don't understand. If rachel like kim tan step brother, why did she still marry the younger brother?

If kim tan don't like rachel yoo, why did he eat lunch with her and still willing to bring her go out?


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Hi Goo So,

I think that Rachel "liked" Kim Won, I don't think she likes him any more. She had a huge crush on him when she was younger, as that can often happen to young girls. I know I went through that (a crush on someone who is older, quite older than your age, when you are a little girl or a young teen).

She does love KT, otherwise, she would not have gone to the US to see him. She was also happy that he gave her his time (when they went shopping), more than the clothes, and she would not have hugged him the way she did at the airport, if she didn't love him. She said she was mad and that she had not forgiven him, but it was obvious that the outing they had had the day before had melted her anger (some), and I think Tan knew it as well. She didn't want him to think that he could ignore her, and mistreat her and be easily forgiven each time, is how I read it. And KT wanted to comfort her as well, because he almost hugged her back, but he stopped himself. I have said this before, he does not hate her, and I think that he actually knows her quite well, as evidenced by what he says about her (often to her) and how well he deduces the meaning behind her actions (she gave CY the address so he could pick up ES, she has been mean to ES, because she is jealous [which also means she loves him, I think]) and she knows that KT is not into her, the way she is into him).

Your 2nd question: I don't think he ate lunch with her. He just took her shopping, and they ended up going to the Pancake place, but they didn't stay. I think he wanted to make her feel less bad about being neglected and abandoned by him in the past year and while she was in the US. You have to remember, he is not a total jerk. He also knew she was going to leave in a few days, so that was his way of soothing her hurt, is how I read it. He knows he won't marry her (he doesn't love her), however, he still tries to do a minimum (very minimum) of things for her and with her. He is very passive aggressive when it comes to a lot of things in his life, but not when it comes to ES, that's for sure.

This was long winded, but I hope it helped. Just my two cents...


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The intensity of the them liking each other but not saying anything reminds me alot of the the heavy oppressing love between bella and edward(not that this reminds me of that nonsense twilight in any other way.)


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There is still a mystery about the relationship between CY and ES. She seems pretty upper middle class in terms of affect. Perhaps her family was close to CY's and took a downward trajectory after her father's death.


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Hello sobohomom, interesting perspective... I guess we will find out as we continue to watch the drama.


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Their relationship is like Lady Gaga and the Hilton sisters. They all came from rich families and were sent to the same private school for rich kids but Lady Gaga's family wealth is nothing compared to the Hiltons'.


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Yes, this is quite an addictive drama. With a lack of logic from the very first minutes of an episode, it really convinces me to keep watching. "Oh, I don't go to your house. You did enough already. But let's go TO YOUR HOUSE for my bags." Please lady, make up your mind.
I am sorry, I gave my best intentions, I really wanted to watch it, but this movie is so 2 000 and something. We had already BOF and the actors - I though - got into a totally different league, not fit to junior high, anyway.
I liked both LMH and JGS and both decided to pick wrong projects - we've seen them both in the same kind of projects already. They should both grow up, maybe!?


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That was a subbing issue. He offered to take her closer to the Hollywood sign. She refused and suggested they go get her bag from his house.


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Thanks a tons for the recap. Kim Tan is so quite. He does more of staring than to talk. I want him to fight back to his brother Kim Won who is so mean. Every episode is getting better. Hope there's a lot more. Excited for next episode later.


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Hi TheLIBRAontario,

I actually like the staring that KT does. It tells us a lot about him. I find this drama to be evocative (in its tone), and I love that, personally. We are getting to know the characters slowly, and again, I love that.

KT does not want to fight his brother. He loves him more than anything in this world, more than his mom, who gave birth to him (actually he does not love his mother). So KT is not interested in the company (yet), and he would not want to risk losing his brother's love (if he could have it) over the company. His brother is his world.


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Having watched ep. 4, I revise my opinion: KT does love his mom. He also likes to give her a hard time and he does not respond in kind to her public display of affection. He seems to play "hard to get" with her.


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Loved, loved this ep. Thanks for the recap!


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I am starting to like it more and more as the episodes progress! Let's hope it keeps getting better!


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Hello Alicia, and yes, let's hope :-)!

I wanted to be/feel sucked in when I watched ep. 1 and 2 last week, however I did enjoy the dialogues. I enjoyed it here as well (a lot) and I am loving the pace of this drama, so far. It gives me the time to absorb what it going on, and the time to process it (and enjoy it along the way). I like ECS and KT as characters, and together. And Chan-young is soooo cute (and so is PMH), and that just adds to my pleasure :-).

My favorite scene was the orchard scene with KT and his brother. KT's hesitation, his nervousness, the softness of his voice when he spoke, the deep longing for approval and acceptance (and love) when he saw his brother, were so beautifully portrayed by LMH and I could feel all of it. His hurt and almost there tears (his eyes became red and you could tell he was trying to hold back his tears), at his brother's rejection were just heartwrenching and I loved it. I wanted to go give KT a hug after that. I thought CJH did a good job too. I feel vested now in their relationship, and I am looking forward to seeing how their conflict evolves. I am hoping for some serious bromance, by the end of the drama.

I really liked the scene at the cemetary, because we got to see KW and Rachel being themselves when they are not busy being mean and domineering. KW definitely has mommy issues and it looked like he misses his (birth) mother. I liked that side of him.

I liked how KT put Rachel in her place. He didn't yell, he didn't put her down (per se), he just pointed out that she was stooping low (which she was), and that he thought better of her than the way she was acting now. I liked his "I am not worth it," and the way he was with her when she hugged him at the airport. It feels like he doesn't (deeply) want to hurt her, though since he let himself be engaged, he has not been a good fiance either (which then hurts her feelings).

Like some commenters have mentioned, I too love the parents conflicts in this drama, and I am waiting to see how they unfold. I didn't like YD in the 1st 2 ep., and now I find him interesting... We are starting to see his weaknesses and issues as well.
Myung-soo keeps acting cute which is... well cute, so far. I hope to see him fleshed out as the drama goes on. I actually hope all the characters will be well fleshed out, for our (and the drama's) sakes.

I could say more, however I am going to stop here for now :-)...
I do have a couple of questions though: 1--I didn't get this, "But this extensive sequence in the States actually incorporates the setting into the romance of the romance, if you get me." Did you? (or anyone who did, I would appreciate some explanations).
2--I have read that KES, the writer for this drama likes to use themes for her dramas, and she comes back to them often (so far, the dreamcatcher, now the Midsummer's Night dream). I am not very familiar with her dramas. How did you understand or interpreted the Midsummer's Night Dream mention in relation to ES and KT(so far)?


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I'll let the more knowledgeable answer your questions, but I just wanted to spazz with you a bit haha. This is definitely a crack drama for me. You know it's not going to be a perfect drama but somehow you can't stop anticipating it!

Now, excuse me while I go hunt down Terrible Stoner Surfer Meathead. This better be the last episode I see him!


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Hello Pabo,

To this, "You know it’s not going to be a perfect drama but somehow you can’t stop anticipating it!" I agree. It does help that I went into it with very low expectations (Faith taught me that :-) ).
Like I said in my comment, I was disappointed last week to not feel sucked into the drama, but with ep. 3, I am fully on board. I care about the (many) relationships and conflicts, and I am curious about them as well. I am also liking the acting overall, I have my gripes here and there, but that's OK. I am liking the OST and the scenery, another plus. I didn't always like the dialogue in SeGa, however I like it here, so far.

I hope that you will find Terrible Stoner Surfer Meathead, and that thanks to you, we won't have to see him again :-)...


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oh my God the things i would do to Kim Tan..that scene with his brother at the farm just melted my heart, that was beautifully played Lee Min Ho, the crack in his voice, the almost tears, the gentleness, and the wet hair...arghhh. lemme stop right here...this drama is doing things to me that i never expected, esp this episode.

oh wait, i loved the car break down scene too, oh and the motel scenes with the ost's and all. ok im gonna stop for real now.


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I want to give Kim Tan a comforting hug after the scene with his brother and tell him that everything will be ok...Agggh! Kim Won is so mean. But I was so touched when Kim Tan told to Chan Eun Sang "that's the person I really like most." Oh!...my heart melts on that scene. ???


I was actually yelling at the screen at that scene: "Eun Sang! The poor boy needs a huug! Do something!"

She didn't hear me. :D


Hello Sharon,
I really loved your fangirling! So fun to read. I can see you are enjoying the drama.


Hello TheLIBRAontario,
Welcome to the club of the people whose hearts melted during that scene :-).


Laya, you should have yelled louder :-)...


Well, to be facetious about the play, "The course of true love never did run smooth" means we'd better strap in and prep for a bumpy ride ahead ;D


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Hello DDee,
I could see how what you are predicting could happen. And to be honest, that would make for a very interesting drama as well, if the "bumpy ride" is well written and doesn't rely too much on cliches. I guess we will find out as we continue to watch the drama :-).


A midsummer's night dream - a dream. I believe it meant that she will make sure to realize that she was never there except the fact that it was all a dream. She will believe that it is a dream not reality that way Kim Tan would feel secured that she didn't see or hear what she shouldn't was to.


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Hi Mai and thank you. I have the feeling that she considers her whole trip and experience in the US a dream, so the Midsummer's night dream I think refer to the whole trip, and not just what happened in the orchard. I could be wrong, but that was what it seemed like to me.


Me too, I love love it! but i really need to find that song they keep on playing... On Episode 2 was when they were driving then Episode 3 when ES and CY is at City Walk and he got a call from Bo-Na.. I can't sleep anymore :(


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This, "I can’t sleep anymore :-(", sorry about that. You must have it bad for that song. I hope you find the name, and hopefully a video with that song soon :-).


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Thank you, I keep looking for it, sound hound does not recognize it. It played at 36:43 and played for a good minute..


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When I rewatch the ep., I will be paying attention, when it comes close to that time you listed. Thank you for giving the time at which the song was played, I love details like that. I do the same sometimes (ask for a song here that I heard in a drama).


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this song might be one of the songs you want, not sure though, please check it out.

Love is by Park Jang Hyeon (박장현) & Park Hyeon Gyu (박현규)

Good Luck!


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Thank you, Em.


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Thank you so much Javabeans!


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I'm starting to appreciate this series taking its time. I'm starting to predict certain aspects of the drama with the little information they are giving me but there is still a lot of vagueness to keep me guessing and watching.

Kim Tan is such an interesting character even if Eun Sang is extremely predictable.


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Me too. There so much possibilities...
Like why Won treats Tan that way? Does he know that Tan's real mother is the mistress? The little tidbit about his mother's humble background and how he imagine her life was like in Korea made me wonder if maybe he's trying his hardest to be his father's successor, and sidelining Tan, for his mother? If his mother lived such a hard life then he was going to reap all the benefits so that at least his mother did not suffer for nothing. Was his father's 2nd wife his mistress before Won's mother died? Is that why he doesn't like Tan, assuming he thinks Tan is her son?
Then Secretary Yoon and Rachel's mom. Honestly I used to think that maybe he was her ex-husband but seeing Rachel and Chan Young's relationship that was obviously not it and then the elevator scene confirms it and also that there was something going on between them in the past. That opened up a new can of worms... what if Rachel is his daughter? *gasp* Remember how Rachel insulted Chan Young? The dig about his family's low social standing? If they're half sibling that would be ironic.
Then there's the vomiting sunbae taking pills. Medicine? Does he have an illness he's keeping secret?
And that is not all of it. There are so many more questions. It's interesting. So many hints dropped here and there to keep me from being totally frustrated...yet just enough to keep me hooked. I'm so in LOVE with this drama~


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Could you have predicted Eun Sang saying "I should've looked"? ;)


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I kept waiting for a shot of her looking into a mirror to see him. I just kept saying 'peek peek peek' under my breath! Lol


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Thanks for the recap JB..

I'm really liking Heirs a lot...

Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye are so sweet together....I like the smooth and breezy mood of the show...


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Yes I love their chemistry. It is pitch perfect. It is isn't the hot electrifying chemistry, and it is not supposed to be that. Instead we get this adorable, yet meaningful chemistry that long lasting relationships are made of.

I can dig it.


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They are hot together noh? :D

I just hope she won't turn into a "Oh-I-Love-You-But-Cant-Becoz-You-Rich-Boy" suffering, staring from a distance noble idiot later on though!
I might throw things! :/

I loved this episode and I loved how 'teenage' their chemistry is. It's unexpected. Me likey!!


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Or.."I love you, but you're the heir of that meanie corporation which my mom works for the family, and I hate, hate that corp!" But from what I've been watching, I think ALL of those usual tropes will be in this drama.


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Looooooooove it!
Million thanks, Javabeans!!!


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wow! more abs in this episode! thanks for recaping... can't wait to watch it with sub! yeay..


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“What a shame, I should’ve looked.”

HAHAHA. Okay, now, I'm in love with her.


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Help meeee i'm dying from those brooding, intense stares of his!!!!


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The leads still lack chemistry, but I'm enjoying Heirs :) thanks for recapping.


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That is my feeling also - like they are setting up some semi-fake almost romance that will never come to pass.

Most k-dramas are pretty predictable, but I suspect that in this case we will see 10-12 episodes of non-romance between them before they actually end up together, while they supposedly get hooked up with others, at least temporarily.


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I'm enjoying the pretty and there are a couple different relationships where the dynamic really interests me, so yay!

Plus, Woobie Boobies.


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Uhm, dear, I'm going to wipe the mental image lest I'm unable to focus on my boring office job *Woobie Boobies... OK Stop.


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Ahahaha woobie boobies.
please, let us have some more!


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Ha! Woodie boobies! Yes, more please. Needless to say I rewound that a few times. My mouth went dry. When did he get such a manly chest?


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Thanks for recap.
I'm staying here for comments. *popcorn* :-)


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I just want to share my prayers for tonight with you guys,

"Dear Drama Gods,

Thank you... Because even though I'm not a good girl, you still give me Kim Woo Bin shirtless and sweaty and angry! Love ya, guys!!!"

Woo Bin-ah! You can't do this to me... I am your nonna! How can you make go back to being a 17 year old teenager drooling over you???!!!

Keep them coming, though... I have this really embarrassing infatuation with you, right now. So, scenes like that one are welcome any time!!! ♥


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the Noona's love Woo Bin-ah


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Yes, yes we do. Before, I was so happy that none of the actors I love were younger than me... Suddenly, Kim Woo Bin reveals himself to me in Vampire Idol and I fall in love.

Kind of interesting that the two leads are my first love (since BOF was the first kdrama I watch and LMH the first actor I Ioved) and my current one. It's gonna be a long a confussing road for me between these two. Eun Sang, be greedy, maybe you can have them both! That would be my goal, just saying!


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I must admit that I drooled over his shirtless scene too. *Sighs*


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Being a guy, I would be much more interested if the girls went shirtless....


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Ha! Sorry not going to happen in this one, but I'm sure you'll get to see lots of leg. Lol


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Same here, noona like.. How is he soo cut? He looks so tall & thin. I like, he can continue to be an ass as long as he does it shirtless


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Being an ass while shitless?! I'm going back to my teenage years of drooling over Spike in Buffy!!! Same sentiment, Kim Woo Bin.


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I still need an extra umph from the show. It seems nothing pivotal is happening after 3 episodes and at this point some characters are still at a stage where you can do away with them. I hope they give it to us soon, now that they're headed back to Korea. Thanks for the recap.


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"...some characters are still at a stage where you can do away with them."

Particularly Myung Soo. Like, what is his point? Just hanging out in their loft and making cute V signs?


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But... But... He's so adorable! D:

I may be biased though :(


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I think he is Young Do's button pusher. I feel like his actions or conversations later could act like like a catalyst especially for Young Do.


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idk, i don't really mind that the drama is kind of taking its time. i like that we're kind of eased into their world and slowly finding out about how everyone knows everyone etc. i like it this way.. i'd rather be given time in the first few episodes to really get to know a few characters than to be introduced to twenty characters and get whiplash from switching from one to another every few minutes. i like it this way cos... well, from what we've seen, i'm pretty firmly on tan's side. i like the character, so i care about something like why all the characters we haven't seen much so far hate him so much. i feel like i'd care less about why he says he doesn't have the courage to go back to korea if the drama tried to do too much too quickly. idk. that's just me:)


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I agree with. The pace is good as far as I'm concerned. Just keeping the relationship chart (and we are still finding out new ones or about old ones really) is enough of a twisty ride for me right now.


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I have that feeling about a few of them also. It does not look like the various sniping moms and mistresses really play much of a part in the real story for instance.


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This series improved a lot through this episode. The landscapes and lack of stereotypes were enjoyable and I loved how both of them intensely stared at each other (once again)! The chemistry between Lee Min Ho and Park Shinhye is great! ^^


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Thanks for the recap! I liked this episode, but I still want more to happen. It feels like they're mistaking serious & melancholy for slow & boring. I rather like the former but I'd prefer it without the latter. However, it looks like things are going to start picking up in the next episode as everybody gathers back in Korea, so that's nice. And I completely agree with JB about the characterizations, while I don't like them (Rachel) per se, I appreciate how they're becoming more layered and fleshed out. But despite the pace, the romance is really chugging along which is a lovely surprise. I felt like the best moments in the episode were the candid conversations between Tan and Eun Sang. There's so much empathy and relatability (is that a word? lol) between them that I completely believe their relationship. And the way she is pushing him away right now is actually really reasonable. Love the tone, the OTP, and all the unique relationships between this large cast of pretty people (I feel like I should hate Chan Young and Bo Na couple. But I don't. I love them. So much. It's a great secondary love line.) Really excited for tomorrow!


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I'm really ok with the pace right now. I feel like it is just right. It is going to be 20 episodes after all. And I want to keep guessing.

I feel like they have been giving us just enough information to feed our appetite but keeping just enough back so we stay hungry.


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it does not seem slow looking at the preview of ep 4. moving in a lot faster than in BOF.

agree on the romances. she pushes him away cause she feels uncomfortable. anyone would. you need to get over the awkwardness and embarrassment. Tan feels none of that. he has been denied that human warmth for so long, a chance comes along - he grabs it. it is like the fish at the deep dark parts of the ocean. never know if you´ll be alone forever, tingle that light and hope a fish swims closer. please, somebody. I am 5000 m below. who on earth would come here into this darkness?


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pretty fish metaphor and yes it is clean Tan has not had anyone he could relate to or feel close to for 3 years, he is lonely and falling hard for EunSang


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I love what you just said. Awesome sauce.

I think she pushes him away because she views him as unavailable, and she doesn't want to give herself a glimmer of hope that this could actually work between them. Plus after meeting Rachel, I would stay clear of him too lol.


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yeah that too, but he has made it pretty clear he is only engaged for show.
although that hug....
ah a hug is nothing special. even random toursist sometimes hug me.

you know what is really sad? usually people are alone and abandoned when they are old. Tan is not old. I think his random surfer friends might be all he could get out there. you just take whatever comes along first. old people often starts telling their woes to any random stranger on a bus and you know, just to talk to someone. maybe Tan is a bit like that. maybe surfer dude is the football in Cast Away.


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Haha. I hated that character! I cringed at his reappearance in this episode, just when I was convinced we've seen the last of him. Now when I recall the absurd character I see Cast Away's football. It made him somewhat bearable when thought of in the league of the football.


You just totally made his presence understandable. Thanks.


totally agree !


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I see her a little bit differently more in line with LoveIt. To me she wasn't so much rejecting him due to discomfort. Awkwardness and embarrassment aside, it seems to me that she's being cautious and trying to be realistic. As she said it was like a dream and as great as a dream can be you still have to wake up eventually. She's not willing to risk her heart when chances of getting hurt is too high. She thinks the possibility of a real lasting relationship is pretty much non-existent.
But the scene with Rachel made me like Tan's character more. I used to not really like him because I didn't get why he was still putting up with Rachel when he was also kinda falling and deciding to pursue Eun Sang. Now I get that he might not like Rachel now but he did in the past, and he doesn't quite hate her now either. So I see him putting up with her as him being a gentleman and a decent ex/friend rather than simply a spineless guy.


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well the way park Shin hye delivers it certainly feels more because of awkward. but awkward itself comes from sense of reality and that it is a situation you NEED to brush aside. you need to live through a situations that would be reasonable to forget but while you are in the situation it is awkward.


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When you put it that way I'd have to say that yes, I agree that her choice of response is logical considering the whole situation from her point of view. Anybody would choose to not take his confession seriously if they were thinking rationally.


I am betting that the early romance is a setup so that they can break up - or most likely be broken up - for a few episodes later in the show and not actually get back together until near the end.


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it seem Kim Ji Won will be new 'it' girl from this show...she got so many buzz even compared to the leads...


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I love KJW, she has charm and this role is completely opposite to her role in 'What's Up' and girl does it so well. Can only hope the writer has more in store for Rachel ^^


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This episode is by far the strongest of the three. I feel like the show is finally hitting it's stride. Just in time to return to Korea where the real story begins.

Thanks for the recap!


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Thanks for recap!

Pretty good episode, will right up my thoughts this weekend. It seemed a bit more cohesive than the first two episodes. I enjoyed what was going on with the characters. I liked the visuals, I liked the soundtrack, mostly. I agree that both Rachel and Young-do are not likeable, but are we supposed to like them? I am okay with not liking them. I too would also like to see more interesting development with Eun-sang. Hopefully we will see more. I do like a bit of what's going on with her, she's not completely typical. The Mom's are a hoot-I'll take more of that!


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yeah the moms are fun to see, in most dramas I fast forward mothers´ parts, but here they are themselves acting like teenagers. not immature, but certainly somehow less grounded.


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Kim Tan's Mom is so whacky and Eun-sang's Mom is so deadpan, they are great foils for each other. I hope Lee Min Ho gets to do some scenes with them that are a bit comic, that will rock.


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Oh, that would be great. I do enjoy those two moms' scenes the best.


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OH YES THE MUSIC...esp that song that that they played when Kim Tan watched Cha Eun Sang sleeping.


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chan young and lee bo na are so cute, i love to this couple.


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they're my favourite! would be great if they have some sort of their own side story :)


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Still no sign of my favorite Im Joo Eun, huh?....they better be headed back to Korea in the next episode so I can see her soon enough? Can't wait for her love line with older bro to get started


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I was thinking about that all throughout this episode. Can't wait for her to show up either and (hopefully) soften up big bro a bit.


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you are me. since the first ep i have been waiting for her to show up and let me see if my OTP is worth shipping.


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Me too!! I hope she can steal the screen.. On the caracter desciption they say Kim Ha Neul will have a crush to the teacher too.. I hope she show up in epi 4


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I'm enjoying it slightly better than last week. At least we're going back to Korea soon.


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Maybe just me but I personally love Lee Bona's character. Yes, she is high maintenace and controlling, however, I feel like her character is the most realistic and true to herself. Everyone has secrets in this drama, but she speaks her mind. Although shes not in good terms with Cha Eunsang, shes not cunning, unlike Rachel's character. What I love about this drama the most is that its essentially an allegory of sageuk dramas. I love the themes that the writer applied that parallels the two contexts. I think this episode was heaps better than the other two. Looking forward to the rest.


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Ha! "Meathead." Yep, let's all go back to Korea now, pretty please!

Thanks for the recap! :)


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Thank goodness this episode wasn't just much better than the last, but gripping for me. The characterisations seemed expected and bland for most of them, but the characters are still acting their hearts out so it's good to see. I'm loving the Young Do-Tan broken bromance, I'm guessing the latter isn't a fan of his old self anymore (all the bullying etc) and distanced himself away physically as well as emotionally. Bo-na is so cute, it's an easy enough job for Krystal but still so winning. It helps when her and her boyfriend are the only two characters we don't want to drown, heh.

(I died at the throwaway comment of Seo Hyo Rim. Basically because it's so true. But I'm hoping we do see some rifts in this generation - it might be a bit boring if you look at the korean drama timeline and how it's always the younger generation that manage to spin away from the elder at some point, somehow, even a little bit - but in terms of where korea is rn, it makes a lot of sense.)


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thanks for the recap. Liked this episode, cause the characters are getting more complex. Must admit that it has good writing.
Won, you dog, do you even know what big brothers are meant for?
I like that most actors have to be a little more raw, a little more vulnerable. this show doesnt let them depend on any hijinks. you really need to think about the text and the context. dont get comfortable. pay attention. *self slap* no! pay attention. never mind they´re nekkid. *slap*


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"Please oh please don’t give him any sudden interest in the heroine, y’hear? That would be a surefire way to ruin a good thing.)"

I have more of a feeling that Bo Na might get hooked up with someone else and chan Young would have to fight for that relationship.
I like that we see a simple friendship here between a boy and a girl. no matter what they say it is not impossible in this world and I like that Eun sang has a sibling-like friend now that her sister became a traitor.


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maybe a triangle between them and Yeong Do's friend (played by Hyung Shik)~


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Thanks for the recap! I found it interesting how they filmed in the Gaslamp District in San Diego and called it "Melrose". hehe ;-)

Other random stuff:

- Bo Na is not so bad (as seen with Hyo Shin) when she's not agitated, but she's so much funner when she's mad!

- I should feel bad for Young Do, with the way his dad treats him, but he's still so scary to me. Will he only show a good side when he eventually falls for Eun Sang? (At least that's what the production stills that I've seen of KWB and PSH look like.)

- Kim Tan/LMH does that staring thing really well!

- I want to pinch Chan Young's/Min Hyuk's cheeks every time I see him on screen.

- And Rachel? Eeeek that girl. It's like someone fed her gunpowder as a child, that's why she's so mean. KJW is such a good "mean girl", isn't she?

- As much as it would be cool to see Won and Rachel hook up, I know he's supposed to develop a thing for one of the teachers at the school. I wonder if that will be better than having him hook up with Rachel.

- I want to see more shenanigans between Eun Sang's mom and Kim Tan's mom! (As much as is allowed between those two characters, that is.)


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"I want to pinch Chan Young’s/Min Hyuk’s cheeks every time I see him on screen."
hehe, yeah, brings out the auntie in me as well. "my my look at you, who´s this young man, why let me see you *pinch pinch pinch* "


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oh my goshh are you me? these are my exact feelings on all of those characters lolll.


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Really? I feel sorry for Rachel every time I see her...


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Other than Rachel's mom remarrying, and Rachel expecting more from Kim Tan as a fiance (even though she doesn't treat him all that great), I feel like I have to hear/see more of her background before I can change my mind about her. Right now I just feel like she chooses to be mean. hehe... I mean, even that scene with Won -- was she just nice to him because she had a crush on him in the past? I hope my view of her changes for the better as the show goes on.


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hmm I think it's clear that the girl is just lonely. She might look like she has everything, but her mother like that, and everything around her is business, no sincerity to the least. I can get why she's built herself a defensive wall. It's selfish of her wanting to keep KT, personally I think she just needs someone to treat her with more sincerity and even loves her for who she is. I know she should treat others more nicely first but you can't expect her with her pride to change in just one day. I really hope her character will grow, she can stay bitchy, sharp tongued all she likes cause i like that about her too, but more reasonable would be lovely yea


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Exactly. She has no one. And the one person she thought she had...


Yeah, the locations are weird. Like in the last episode, they ran from Malibu all the way to Hollywood. I don't know how fast these people run but that is a completely different city in LA county. How did they run across freeways? K-Drama magic, that's how.

Also, in that same scene, they were supposed to be in Hollywood but the street they were running in (when they went in to the theater) is in Downtown San Diego (Gaslamp) I should know, I grew up 5 minutes from there. When they were drinking Americanos? Also San Diego, Balboa Park to be exact.

And like you mentioned, Melrose is in fact San Diego in this scene.


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He lives in Malibu but surfs at Huntington Beach. The restaurant where the sister worked is Duke restaurant at HB pier.


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Is Tan going to be a lovesick puppy for 18 episodes? Because that’s not going to get annoying (sarcasm). As sad as the hyung reunion was for him, I’m glad we got some insight into Tan’s abandonment issues so I can sympathize with his irrational attachment to Eun Sang. Still, he was overreacting (she was not going to fall and hurt herself) and overbearing (I’ll be staying with my best friend now, thanks).

You could cut the tension at lunch with a knife. Can we please have more of that with all the rich kids, preferably Young Do because Young Do can do tension like nobody’s business. Yes, we’re finally on our way to getting half of our cast back to Korea.

Thanks, javabeans, for specially including Woo Bin’s shirtless scene and for the recap!


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Thanks for the recap, Javabeans! :) You keep getting stuck recapping the episodes with Surfer Dude, don't you? >.< I was hoping he had just dropped off the face of the Earth.

I would really love a scene with LMH & PSH watching a horror movie together! :P

Hoping that they're all back in Korea by the end of the next episode!


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Aye! For the movie scene. Which would be better; him hiding behind her, her behind him, or him looking at her as if she was nuts for liking that type of movie? Oh, or coming in to scare her while she watches one night!


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PSH is boring to me... When it comes to romantic scenes, it seems to me that she just freezes...
Could she have some issues in real life in that department? This is a recurrent issue in all her dramas... Something really does not add up, because she's good at expressing all other emotions like anger, crying etc...

LMH ....step it up dude! I know you can do it....

Anyway, I still don't feel their chemistry despite the amount of screentime that they gave them together.
I sort feel like the writer is "forcing" me to like them, but it's not working.

I find the writing, directing, editing, styling, and even make up below par...

But I'll keep watching because I like watching LMH, Woo Bin and my baby MinHyuk who IMO is stealing the show so far...


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actually i thought that orchard scene between the brothers were pitch perfect. his expressions, the hurt in his eyes, etc.... LMH played that scene exceptionally well that I wanted to give him a hug right after. not everyone can make that kind of emotional connection in just a few sec/mins.

I get why some people are dissatisfied with LMH's acting. It's just so subdued - partly the role, partly all the gazing he's doing. But darn, as javabeans said, those gazes/stares are so soulful you know he's definitely acting. It's not perfect plus I suspect we'll be getting more acting from him as the story progresses.

I really cant wait to see the revelations on the whole YD-KT friendship, the BN-KT break-up and the brother's conflict. The writer better make it good since she's set it up well. I wonder why KT is afraid to go back to KR too. Can't wait.


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Yes, I really liked LMH in the scence with the brother, he played that beautifully. The gazing I'm not crazy about but after this episode I have hope that he will bring this Tan character to life and will make me really root for him. The episodes are getting progressively better and now that we are heading back to Korea and all the characters get to interact I think I can (finally!) get hooked on Heirs.


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I find the makeup distracting also, thought it was just me.

As far as PSH goes.. I am just not feeling much either way about her (or her character). Overall just seems a bit flat to me.


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ACK I'm getting homesick!!! I never thought I'd say that while watching a Kdrama... but I want to be in SoCal right now... I love my SoCal... ocean, mountain and desert landscapes within an hours drive. aaah...my home... ok enough pining... oh and one thing was funny that mountain freeway is rarely as empty as they showed it to be, yeah it's always picturesque but it's almost always busy busy.... they were very lucky.

can I say I find Yoon ahjusshi(Choi Won Young) cute ? I thought he was cute since I saw A hundred years Inheritance but unfortunately his character was a whack job mama's boy.

Thanks for the recaps and sorry for my random scattering of comments... lol


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oh and the water suddenly turning on for the perfect sadness quotient filler... not something to happen while the sun is still so high up, cali is too hot, it'd ruin more than help the plants plus it'd be a waste of water which we're always having random shortages of especially in the summer time.

But I'm just being picky, I still like this drama a lot, but not quite as much as I thought I would... somehow it was faster to fall for Mirae's Choice.


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I wondered at that too, we always water the garden in the evening.


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bahaha i was totally thinking that when the sprinklers came on. "what kind of farm is this?! they should know better than to turn the water on in the middle of the day like that!"

i also think its funny how Tan and Rachel walked from the restaurant on Melrose to what looked like the same archway that Chan-young walked under in episode 2. I'm fairly certain that archway is at or near U of R, where they did Tan's other school scenes... which is a good hour away from their other SoCal locations. Lol.


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no actually that archway is in balboa park, san diego. they shot those scenes there.


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oh hahah just kidding


Plus I doubt any serious grower "sprinkles" his orchard....very Kdramaish, though.


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for almond trees you're supposed to water from the ground and not from overhead. the method was fine it was just a weird time of day, cos you should really do it early inthe morning it in the evening.. they would've had to drive for a couple of hours to get to get to the harmony area, so it would have to be around noon that they were there.. so yeah. just weird timing, I think.


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My first thought was that his brother Won called the gardner to turn the sprinklers on in that section, just to make sure he didn't return to the party. I guess that's my evil mind though.


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oooh that would have been more interesting! that would be like upping Won's petty quotient jajaja and somehow make him more childish... it would have made me giggle because of the pettiness instead of the silliness.


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Yes! Choi Won Young is my new ahjusshi crush. I'm looking forward to unraveling his past romantic history.


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Also the random rocks in the road... that was very strange... the mountains were far away... in the middle of the desert it's hard to have a rockslide with those little hills... yes there are rckslides frequently but not in the setting they placed them in. and don't they have cell phones? Cali is a desert but not deserted and he's rich so he should have AAA insurance or something for road assistance.


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The "rocks in the road" scene was so fake I almost giggled. Wrong type of fake plastic rocks, wrong color, not in an area where you would get falling rocks, left lane was clear - why didn't he swerve left instead of into the sand, etc.


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The route and road they are on is a bit confusing. There are places in the Big Sur along the coastal drive where cell phone reception is very lacking, but the particular area that they were actually in does have cell phone coverage. But I suppose that the actual filming location has little to do with the drama land location.


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Man.. these episodes just fly through 'cause there are so many snippets going on. Before I know it, the episode is over! :(

Totally agree on the Rachael thing - I was surprised she was given the ability to be reasonable in a different setting, and for Won too. Too many times have we seen characters who are just simply "crazy bitch" or "rich cold man" Though I found it really weird that Rachael and Won could have such a friendly conversation when Won seem to despise Tan soooo very much. Doesn't Won realize that with Rachael, Tan would come with the package when they get married? Strange.

Liking the drama so far!


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YAY that was quick!!! Thanks for the recap!

I'm still not sure what I feel about this drama - I think it still has a lot of potential. Everyone has such a good potential background that if they would flesh out the characters, it'd be really awesome.

I don't see Rachel as a real threat, so I actually feel bad for her because I see why she's the way she is. Tan is her way out, in her eyes. I'd hold on for dear life to anything that would get me out of the mess. I bet age was a huge factor for her and Won, but damn they have awesome chemistry. I hope something happens for them.

I'm really not liking Young-do. I haven't seen any dramas with the actor, so I don't have any left over feelings, and I'm sure he has a bad childhood as well, but his ass-y ness is just too much at the moment for me. I'm not sympathetic at all.


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I don't like Young Do either, and he hasn't given me a reason to.


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We aren'.t supposed to like Young-do cause he hasn't given us a reason to like him. He is a rich asshole who's rather treats him like shit and i turn treats others like shit. Oh he also has trust issues with his mom being kicked out? leaving? and his BFF exiled to the US ad since then no real contact.

I like him in that he is a character that is interesting and fascinates me in his ability to actually have friends who he is nice and playful with, then go on to be/have such an f-ed up relationship with his dad. I also am curious about him and Tan and whatever the heck happened to his mom.

Basically not likable but interesting.


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Fierce, sweaty, shirtless KWB on my screen.. My word. I froze. My screen froze. My entire nervous system froze. He is so, so fine. And freaking hawt.

Thank you, Show. More please. *hits rewind in the meantime* Swooonn~~


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Hahaha I saw the gif set of that scene on tumblr before I saw the actual episode and I literally sat through the whole first half just super impatiently waiting for the shirtless KWB scene lol


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Am I the only one who actually likes Rachel? I feel like her transformation/comeuppance would be a worthwhile watch... Sure she seems so fortunate in terms of her social and financial status but she is a picture of loneliness... just sayin.


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I think her transformation, and Young Do transformation, will be the more complete ones. However, right now, she is acting like a princess with a gold spoon in her mouth. Typical character that is so easy to hate!


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I'll agree... I don't actually hate her.


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I love her. She is my favorite female character. I think she does bitchy really well. The actress allows you to sympathize with her. She is not bitchy for no reason at all. I totally understand why she reacts the way she does.


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I'm enjoying watching Rachel's character the most at the moment. It's half the way she's written (cold, snarky, unapologetic) and half the way Kim Jiwon has been playing her with such easy confidence. She can be ruthless, but for some reason her actions never spell out as petty to me. Like jb said, I see where she's coming from, especially when she was being bitchy to Eun Sang. I've actually enjoyed watching her interact with all main characters we've seen her with so far. I think it would be so very interesting if Eun Sang and Rachel ended up being friends eventually. Can we please have some positive development between the female characters in this drama? Pretty please, drama gods?

On a side note, I adore the way Rachel is styled. Everything from her blunt bangs to her elegant yet youthful outfits are so pretty. Whether it is intentional or not, both Kim Jiwon and her stylist seem to be channeling Blair Waldorf, and I'm loving it.


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I'm with you. I hurt for her every time she comes on. She has...who? Won, maybe?


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ohmy i'm glad to see people liking this character! KJW is nailing the role so far. I'm looking forwards to her development (with Young Do if there's any possibility lol)


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rachel and young do = OTP


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Rachel and Young Do are the Chuck and Blair of Heirs, I don't like them as people but as characters I'm interested to see where the show takes them.

All the intense staring is killing KT/CES for me, they feel so unearned, thrown in because LMH does them so well. By the time the plot calls for some intense, longing looks all the omph will gone.


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I agree with everything you said (the gazing is not doing anything for me). However, LMH and PSH are kind of cute together. Even if I am not crazy about the OTP romance - at least not yet- I am not annoyed by it either. They are doing ok.
I can't wait for YD and Rachel to start plotting together against ES and Tan. They are good actors and if they do Chuck and Blair half as well as the originals this is going to be fun.


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I agree, LMH and PSH have cute chemistry and they're on the verge of falling into a nice rhythm with their banter. It's the prolonged looks and freeze frame while the camera loops around that's throwing the romance off for me.

The PD is trying to sell it too hard, it's like he (she?) doesn't trust the actors to convey the characters emotions so is using the bog standard rom-com tricks to tell the audience 'See! See that, he likes her!'.


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I can't say that I actually LIKE her character, but I do find her more interesting than PSH at this point. She obviously has a lot of issues, and seems more-than-desperate to get out of them, by any means possible. My fear is that the writer will take it too far and make out to be some standard evil bitch from hell, but hoping that does not happen.


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My favorite female character too. And her clothes are so so pretty!


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I think she's a great character - and characters don't have to be people I'd like in real life, to be well-written or interesting.

If anything, the opposite is true - if she was too perfect and always did the right thing, she'd be a boring Mary Sue. So while she and Young-do were basically being presented as Complete Bastards up to now (and they'll continue to be that way for a while I guess), they're far more interesting than Tan and Eun-sang, who basically have neon writer-signs hanging over their heads saying 'LIKE ME AND SYMPATHISE WITH ME PLEASE'.


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I'm so glad they're going back to Korea. No more cringe worthy English. Young Do and Eun Sang will finally meet each other.


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Thanks for the recap!

I think it might be pretty interesting from people in Korea watching a drama that spends a lot of time in the US. A bit like what is appealing for American watching kdramas!

I liked this episode more than the two first ones, hopefully it will keep getting better!

I agree with LMH glaze: he stares a lot, but you can see the emotions.
I am also not so impressed with PSH so far. Hopefully she will kick ass soon!!!!

KWB. half naked. ha.pi.ness.


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I liked Rachel and Won's scenes. To the point that I might like them together. Do we know how old Won is? Just so I know if I can safely like it. They had more chemistry in their short scenes than Eun Sang and Tan had in the whole drama so far, oops.


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I hope Rachel and Won end up together. Their chemistry is good and Won is who she originally had a crush on. Seems like she is settling for Tan.


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Agreed. In fact I think most of the secondary characters have more chemistry with each other than the leads.


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I noticed the chemistry too. He is sooo hot. Maybe Wan will meet and fall for Eun Sang later on. Is that too much to hope for?


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Thanks for the recap - I'm loving the intense stares and little moments!

Is anyone else as distracted as I am that LMH's house is Nolan's from Revenge?


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Are u fuckin kidding me its trueeeeeeee. I love love love Nolan from Revenge, and I wasnt planning to waatch episode 1-4 but i'm going to watch just to drool over d house, i've been crushing on the house ever since I saw it in revenge. But if it is Nolan from Revenge house that means Revenge was shot in california and i'm pretty sure revenge was shot in the hamptons. It should'nt be the same house.


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It's definitely the same house, although you get to see more of the interior on this show. It's an absolutely stunning house and the view as set up in the show is fantastic.
I believe that parts of revenge are filmed on location in the Hamptons but since the studio is in California, it's very possible that parts of the show are filmed in California with footage from the Hamptons superimposed onto them. I love Revenge but sometimes when they show the characters looking out at the ocean, etc, it looks really fake so there is definitely some photoshop happening there.


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You hit the nail on the head about the two things I've most enjoyed about this so far. I've loved the dreamlike Cali setting, and have had serious real estate envy, especially for Chan-young's art deco apartment building. I'm also liking that even the "bad" characters have some nuance and motivation. Going in, I wasn't sure if the large cast was going to work for me (would it cut into LMH time?), but right now it's one of the things keeping me engaged.


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hm.... the relationships in this drama are REALLY REALLY messed up.....

everyone hates Rachel(and for good reason), but tbh Tan is kind of being an ass to her, I can't ignore that. He should call off the engagement already.

What I don't understand is, why doesn't she just get married to Won instead lol? They'd make a perfect couple.


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Open your eyes a bit before you talk. None of it is half that simple.


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Sorry, that sounded a bit harsh. But really.


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lol it's ok, but the fact can't be erased that he is kinda being an ass. Like I understand where it comes from, but it doesn't change that what he's doing is wrong.


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What I meant was, obviously the engagement is not their choice. A little background in chaebol family life would tell you that. None of it is about marrying the person you like. I think he's nice enough to Rae, considering. Especially when he doesn't want to deceive her into thinking he loves her.


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I suggest you rewatch the episodes. There is a lot going on that you seem to have skipped over. I don't really see where anyone "hates" Rachel, nor do I see any possibility at all of Rachel getting with Won - they are far from perfect.


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When I meant that everyone hates Rachel, I was talking about the people in the comments/who's watching it lol...

And also, maybe "perfect" couple was a bit of a stretch, but Won seems to actually like Rachel and vice versa, so I was kinda joking that they should just get together and leave the main leads alone.


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The purpose of the Rachel character so far is to make us hate her because she is so mean and arrogant to the "little people". If we hate her, that's a good sign that the actress is doing what she is supposed to do with the character. Hopefully she will be developed more as the show goes on and we will be able to sympathize with her. Although, I think I would still enjoy seeing her if she is bitchy just because. It adds a layer of fun to all the drama and we know that there are plenty of bitchy girls around that are bitchy just because they can.


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I understand where you were coming from about Rachel. She flew all the way around the world to see him (and he knew she was coming) but he ignored her calls for like two days. Then she goes over to his house and find that some strange girl has been staying there. I get why she's pissed, even though her anger is totally misplaced. She should be taking it out on Tan instead of Eun San. He is treating her really badly. I get that it's an arranged marriage but he still agreed to it so he might as well put in some effort. He didn't bother to be nice to her at all until he needed to distract himself from being lonely after Eun San left. What a jerk more. I don't agree with her methods but I do think she has a right to be upset. I'd admire her more if she just called it off but I'm sure their world is so small that it's just not an option for her without some harsh social repercussions.


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I love Chanyoung and Bona so much, they're so cute and harmless and fun hahaha


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I know right? They are like the cutest couple, ever! :D


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Thanks Javabeans, for the recap. I really enjoyed ep 3 and love the progression of Tan Eun Sang's relationshiop. I like how we have had an opportunity to see them outside of "their element" and they have had a chance to get to know each other, before they head back to Korea and all the characters start to interact. It helps ground their relationship. Although, of course I look forward to the the storyline developing as they return to Korea.


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I like this drama. Just plain old like and don't feel the need to analyze.

Thank god for a drama I can watch and smile about.


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you have verbalised all that I wanted to say.. me grinning from ear-to-ear too. cheers..


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i feel like i should hug you right now!


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"Never have I been so mad at beans for not killing somebody." oh, jb, I luff u. Thanks for the recap.


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I don't think Heirs is particularly spectacular by any means, but it has enough going for it to keep the drama interesting. The sageuk allusions, an almost mythic intensified California to contrast reality and excluding the awkward conversations in English, I think the drama has some really realistic and refreshing dialogue. In fact the dialogue was so easy and real to life, it made me realise how jarringly different kdrama speech typically is from how people actually speak.


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If that writer is gifted for something, it's the "design" of the characters, including the speech habits of everyone: Agressiveness or avoidance, metaphors, funny language, speaking habits. 1000X better than those drama dialogues with "ottoke, what did you say?" every 3 sentences: Those drive me nuts.


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Agreed! Here the dialogue is witty yet natural, littered with pop culture references (Bo Na's "Ahjusshi is for Won Bin" cracked me up!), yet there's genuine conversation. It's a big part of the appeal of the show for me.


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Also, (FINALLY) when Tan said " You brought her up" after Rachel said she wanted to stop talking about Eun Sang. Needless to say that issue has bothered me in many a drama. Arghh!!! Yes, finally!

I also loved the Ahjusshi = Won Bin comment.


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you know what, I don´t care what my colleagues say, I am gonna print that picture of Woo Bin and put it up in the dressing room. not MY locker, just on the wall. I win´t risk EVERYTHING for that but it is worth SOME extra attention.


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The shopping scene was shot in San Diego!! I know my city & I love me some Gaslamp Strip Club^^


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I'm hesitating to watch this just because there are WAY TOO MANY characters in the story. Are we suppose to care for all of them? The adults relationship is a gazillion times more confusing than just "it's complicated". And all the "kids" have some sort of issues. I can't concentrate on the main story which is....which one is it again?


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life has many characters. I felt this with my story: there have to be many different people cause at no point in life are there just "me and you"
I have...at least 12 significant characters


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I'm the opposite. How can there ever be too many characters in a story? There are so many in the world! And each one is special...
I loved School 2013 for that very reason. No one was filler. Everyone was 3D.


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"Everyone was 3D". Thumbs up for this one :)


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if it was just the "kids" and maybe a parent or two...i'm fine with it (school, reply, monstar etc)...but it seems to me it's not just about kids relationships...it's also their parent's messed up baggage i and the "kids" have to deal with.
it's probably why the rating is a little below what is expected...teen-story is a little hard to sell in general and having to deal with rich people problems like their web-like relationship (it's like they're playing relationship charades), controlling their kids lives and how to acquire more money...it looses the core of what we should focus on.


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The fleeing from Blonde Druggie Dude was easily the smartest thing Tan did all episode, else all that horror Eunsang was scared of would've happened, either to her or to my TV.

This ep was a definite step up from the previous ones, and not just because there was lower amounts of terrifyingly bad American acting. Tan and Eunsang have a nice rapport, and it was interesting to see the other sides of the other characters as well. Going to be a hoot when Eunsang finds out how connected to Tan she really is...


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"The fleeing from Blonde Druggie Dude was easily the smartest thing Tan did all episode, else all that horror Eunsang was scared of would’ve happened, either to her or to my TV."



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Lol .. to my TV. Ha!


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It's the sageuk's glory projected into the modern background..I wonder what would be the title if it's a sageuk..The Yangbans?


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