You’re the Best, Lee Soon-shin: Episodes 43-44 [Open Thread]

Aw, there are a lot of really great character moments in this pair of episodes — the plot is standard stuff, as we’ve come to expect by now, but the quiet emotional moments between characters had a nice ring to them. Well, some of those moments, because half of the cast remains insane and ridiculous, especially the ones named Yeon-ah or Yi-jung. Really, the prevailing question for me while watching this show is: Why there be so many crazy bitches in this drama?


So Yeon-ah’s crazy, as we know, but the others also start to cotton on to this fact now that she’s wielding damning information. Like blackmailing Mi-ryung into breaking up Jun-ho and Soon-shin, although Yeon-ah’s response is to ask blankly, Blackmail, whatever do you mean? I’m asking for a favor. I trust you’ll help me. Honey, I wouldn’t trust you to double-cross me right—not when you’d triple-cross me instead.

So Mi-ryung tentatively broaches the topic to Soon-shin, urging her to think of her career instead of dating. Soon-shin promises to be careful of rumors. I do like that Mi-ryung has a moment of clarity in admitting that Soon-shin grew up well, “Maybe because I didn’t raise her. She’s nothing like me.” (Ironically—or not?—Mi-ryung recognizes that Yeon-ah is both terrible and like herself.)

Jun-ho’s mother fumes and files for divorce. She confronts Mi-ryung while Yi-jung drops by Soon-shin’s set, and basically the two ladies accuse the Mi-ryung/Soon-shin duo of stealing the Shin men. Which is so dumb. I get that it looks bad when you paint it in that twisted, martyred way that both ladies love to wallow in, but really, can’t you give the men in this scenario some agency for their actions? Geezus.

That’s why I find it surprising when Yi-jung actually speaks some sense to her father, although she does it in her typical pain-in-the-ass way. (She follows him at work, intent on checking up on his every movement. Because, you know, that has a point?) When Dr. Shin says he just needs alone time, Yi-jung accuses him of being selfish—he’s only ever thought of himself and work, never caring about his family, and now he wants alone time? Fine, then divorce, she says. Really, I think that’s best for all.

But I hate Yi-jung for adding fuel to Soon-shin-related rumors. Soon-shin’s role is increasing in the drama, rivaling Yeon-ah’s screentime, and all the buzz is about her. In-sung suggests to Jun-ho that they make the relationship public because keeping it quiet could bite them in the ass. The rumor is starting to paint Soon-shin as the wily fox who seduced the CEO to get ahead, stealing him from Yeon-ah. Poor, victimized Yeon-ah.

At least everyone is finding out that Jun-ho and Soon-shin are dating, and for the most part it’s no big deal. Mom even laughs that she oughtta scold Jun-ho for dating her instead of working. IS WHAT I’M SAYIN’.

They go on cute dates and Soon-shin buys everybody gifts with her first paycheck, including a gratifyingly grateful Mi-ryung and Manager Hwang. It’s heartwarming. And yes, I would be a terrible melodrama writer because I just like seeing people happy, okay?

Jun-ho makes Soon-shin promise multiple times not to cave to pressure to break up, because she shouldn’t worry about what people say. The first time he says this I got a little worried. The second and third times, the dread set in—the fact that he’s the one insisting means that Jun-ho is going to be the one to break that promise, isn’t it? Thus spake the Laws of K-Drama.

Yeon-ah tells Jun-ho about the whole Mi-ryung-may-or-may-not-have-killed-Soon-shin’s-father secret. She says it in the context of possessing the power to ruin Soon-shin’s life with one statement, which is something only a psychopath or a sadistic mofo would actually brag about.

Yeon-ah points Jun-ho to Reporter Park for the story, which pretty much seals the deal. Reporter Park is either insinuating that Mi-ryung was having an affair with Dad, or worse, that she had a hand in killing him. In any case, I think we can all agree that while the truth is bad, the twisted story in Reporter Park’s hands is way more sordid.

Bastard Ex-Husband is a bastard and I hate him and I want to slap his smug face. He flaunts his relationship with Woo-joo in front of Bread Man’s face and orders him around in his own shop, calling him Ex-con. The one upside is that he’s such an ass that even Woo-joo is sort of like, Um, Dad, don’t be such an ass. The tide is turning…

Then McBastardy Ex begs Mom and Grandma to help him win Hye-shin back. They’re not willing, so Bastard Ex plays his final card: He tattles that Bread Man is out to seduce Hye-shin, and that he’s an ex-con. Gahhhh.

Hye-shin defends Bread Man’s prison time as a youthful mistake and points out how decently he’s living. Grandma thankfully doesn’t blow her lid about the ex-con bit, but she warns Hye-shin not to get too friendly, which is still pretty bad. Then she tells Bread Man in a really gentle, kindly way—which makes it worse, frankly—that Hye-shin is so nice she can’t resist being nice to poor pathetic people. She also asks him to move out, then immediately takes it back and apologizes, which is like saying, “Sorry I shot your foot off.” Sure you’re sorry, but I WANT MY FOOT BACK. Or in this case, Bread Man’s heart.

Mi-ryung gets increasingly desperate about the accident secret, and every time she and Soon-shin have a bonding moment, it’s fraught with the fear that it’ll end soon. Isn’t it funny how now she’s more scared of Yeon-ah than the vicious gossip reporter with a vendetta against her? She begs Jun-ho to fix it, but while Jun-ho clearly wants to, he just doesn’t have that power.

Except he sort of has that power, kind of. Jun-ho asks Yeon-ah what he can do to keep her from hurting Soon-shin. She’s all, “Come back to me,” BAH. He points out that just doing that doesn’t mean they’d be happy together, and says he wouldn’t have gotten back with Yeon-ah even without Soon-shin in the picture. But Yeon-ah is firmly stuck in a ’90s drama and says in her crazy denial that he’s wrong, that Soon-shin is the problem, and that they’re meant to get back together. O…kay. *backs away slowly*

But regardless of whether or not Yeon-ah is sane (although… duh, NOT SANE), Jun-ho recognizes that he technically has the means to cover up this destructive secret (which is reinforced by scenes where Soon-shin wistfully thinks of her beloved father in front of him), and he starts getting cagey with her, not answering calls and such. Then he asks if she wants to go somewhere special, which, AUGH, is classic drama-speak for a goodbye date.

So they head to an amusement park and then to the neighborhood soondae restaurant, where Jun-ho looks pained everytime Soon-shin makes references to the future, like how she’ll treat him to a fancy restaurant next time. He particularly looks like he’s going to cry when Soon-shin fixes up a bite for him with a piece of kimchi, and she explains that he’s always taken such care of her that now she’s going to take care of him too.

After the date, he finally broaches the topic by asking, “You’d be fine without me, right?” He beats around the bush a bit (wouldn’t be Jun-ho without bush-beating) and then finally says, “Let’s break up.”


So… the fact that we end on the breakup pretty much means that the highlights aren’t really going to be able to overcome the lowlights, but I suppose we can give it the ol’ college try. Also, the one saving grace to the show taking so damn long to get anywhere interesting is that now we only have three weeks left so the terrible makjang self-sacrifices and forced breakups won’t have much bite at all.

There’s a cute scene right after Jun-ho makes Soon-shin promise not to weaken her resolve to be together (AHEM, REMEMBER THAT PROMISE JUN-HO?), and refuses to let go of her hand. She points out that everyone’s staring, and he informs her, “They’re looking at me. Because I’m so handsome.” When he has to use his hand, he just switches hands and keeps holding on, telling Soon-shin she’d better stake her claim because he’s so popular.

When Chan-mi sighs to Soon-shin about being single, In-sung pops up to tell her, LOOK CLOSE BY. Then he invites himself along for beer and chicken, and raises Chan-mi’s eyebrows by calling her father “Father.” Then he jumps up and insists that Soon-shin’s mother join them and takes over the serving role, which is really very sweet of him.

Yoo-shin misses out on a kimchi-making session with Chicken Ajumma because of work, and Ajumma naturally gets pi-iiiissed. Worse yet is that Yoo-shin is forced to go to a work dinner where everyone drinks, and she gets so drunk that she directs the taxi to her mother’s house and climbs into her old bed. HA. That’s really cute.

When Chan-woo calls her in concern, she mumbles that she’s home, why isn’t HE here? So he heads over to collect her, and of course gets caught by his mother on the way in at 4 a.m.

Ajumma blows her lid, naturally, blustering at the couple to move out and live at the other house then. I find it cute how Yoo-shin slurs how much she likes Ajumma and wants to live here and kisses her on the cheek. She may be off-puttingly drunk, but there’s honesty in that drunkenness.

To soothe Ajumma’s ruffled feathers, Yoo-shin takes her for a shopping and beauty day. Ajumma huffs that she won’t be so easily appeased, but she totally is. They get roaringly drunk and stagger home singing loudly, to the shock of their men. And now the ladies have bonded together in scolding their menfolk, saying that they don’t appreciate how much Ajumma does for them, with Yoo-shin ordering Chan-woo to say he’s sorry. Ha.

Reporter Park drops the accident secret in Soon-shin’s lap—that Mi-ryung was with her father before he died. She’s half in denial about it and half outraged just in principle, telling him he’s been misinformed.

She asks Mi-ryung about her biological father, though, saying she’s finally ready to know. So Mi-ryung describes that dark time in her life and how she’d wanted to lean on someone, even if he was a gambler and drinker. But he left her and she found herself pregnant afterward. Mi-ryung asks, “Are you disappointed in me?” She avoids Soon-shin’s gaze and braces herself for the rejection, which is really very poignant—she may be terrible at times, but you get the sense it’s coming from someplace real, and that it’s the hardest thing for her to be raw and open like this.

Mi-ryung tells Soon-shin quietly, “You can leave me if you want. I’ll just keep disappointing you.” So it’s this huge revelation for her when Soon-shin says that she isn’t disappointed, and that there’s nothing to feel ashamed of. Rather, she thanks her for mustering the courage to tell her the truth, and also for allowing her to meet her father.

Woo-joo’s father flakes on their amusement park plans, lying that he has important business although she can hear that he’s with his mistress floozy. So when she scrapes her knee walking home alone, she bursts into tears for the other thing, and lets Bread Man fix up her knee.

She’s still prickly with him, but actually seems let down when he tells her he plans to move out. They have my favorite exchange of the episode:

Bread Man: “Don’t upset your mother, because she’s pretty when she smiles.”
Woo-joo “Psh. My mother’s pretty always.”
Bread Man: “Yes, that’s true. But you know, Woo-joo, you’re pretty when you smile too.”

And then she gives this teeny little smile.

Hye-shin is startled to hear of Bread Man moving out, and in the middle of the night at that. Aw. He’s just trying to be as invisible as possible, and that’s almost painful—that after being hurt, he’s still concerned about sparing the family any discomfort.

Bread Man admits to Hye-shin that he can’t stay anymore, especially since it’s true that he likes her. She actually asks him not to leave, but he tells her she doesn’t have to pity him anymore. His chin does this terrible trembly thing as he tries to force a smile and it kills me.

Teary-eyed herself, Hye-shin she tells him it’s thanks to him that she’s experienced things for the first time, like boxing and playing hooky, “And confessing my feelings like this. I feel the same way you do.”

Bread Man takes this extended moment to absorb her words, and then he just bellows into the air. I’ve never been so relieved to see a guy smile, I swear.

Last but not least, the goodbye date is cute. Except then it ends with a breakup. And that’s way less cute.


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I'm so torn by all of the cute and crappy moments in these two episodes. @__@

Yay! Bread Man! Love!

And boo... Damn you, Junho, whyyy?


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Cute and Crappy moments. This is so like an addiction. The highs and the lows.
I'm relieved that this thing will end in 3 weeks. They and we, can be put out of our misery!


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Haven't seen ep 44 yet but saw like 15-20 minutes of ep 43^^ The parts I could bare to watch that is and my favourite moment? In Sung, Chan Mi and Soon Shin at the chicken shop and B2ST's Shadow playing in the background xD :P

No but seriously I kind of only watch the Soon Shin - Jun Ho moments and maybe something in between.... The others are just too damn annoying -.-

Thank god it's not long until the end so I won't suffer too much from the break up...Right? RIGHT?


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aww....but still you're the lucky ones who were still able to watch this...me, don't know if I'll be able to as this drama has been included in the long list of blacklisted dramas...so sad with 8episodes more to go that's why am still glad that DB is still giving us weecaps of this show, at least I'll know the ending right?....but still I'll surely missed watching the JunHo-SoonShin moments :(


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Why the forced break up so late in the game? It's not like they'll stay broken up. Why didn't this happen earlier in the series? Oh, right, we were too busy dealing with crazy moms to focus on the second-string crazies.

I am enjoying the relationship that is building between Soon Shin and Mi Ryung. It seems like they have worked really hard to build the bond between them. I find myself rooting for them and hoping that since Mi Ryung didn't cause Dad's accident that Soon Shin will be forgiving.

I think the Bread Man may be my favorite character. I want his dream to come true of having a meal together with both of his girls and enjoying life.


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Yeah, when I read that forced breakup thing, I thought it was "Oh sheesh, yet another stupid dead end plot line". By this time even that deaf, dumb, and blind kid locked in a Busan basement knows they will end up together, so why bother even tossing that in?


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I honestly wish we'd had this bonding plot earlier in the game so there'd be more to lose. At this point with 8 episodes, it's not like any of this has much stake anymore.

But I agree, I enjoy watching them bond and come together even if I still think MR and every other mom on this drama is batshit.

Like I'm half expecting SS to fix this and for them to get back together by next week. Unless this writer is REALLY crazy and focuses on how miserable everyone is again for another week...


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How about no breakup! How about mi ryung decides to not be selfish anymore and that she's gonna help her daughter be happy. How about she realizes she's already taken too much away from her already and that it's time to start paying foward!!!!!


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Ahh, the ol' good bye date -- it's never good, and it always comes from noble idiocy. It always takes awhile before the OTP get to the "together we can beat anything" attitude, but usually that shows up right at the second to last episode -- "the final make up". I guess the writer just doesn't have any fresh ideas, and wants to make Yeon-ah look like some escaped mental patient.

I'm guessing that we'll have a resolution soon with Hye-Shin and bread man, since Woo Joo is getting on board finally. I just wish it wasn't so by the numbers -- you can literally hear the writer thinking "and now we put the last date down here..."

And good ol' multi-personality granny. She's worked the "go/stop" with about every character in her house now. I suspect she'll finally admit that she's the one that has to leave but will go through the motions numerous times, changing her mind, what's left of it.

So let's see that leaves Soon Shin and Jun ho -- he'll be taking the fall for her. She'll be taking the fall for her real mother, and Yeon-ah will pretend that she actually gained the love of her man through her feminine charms. I wonder who will be revealed as the actual driver who hit Soon Shin's Father and drove away, sending him all the way to I hear Your Voice to become an uptight judge who never admits to anything wrong. But I guess that's another story ;)


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HAHA escaped mental patient XD


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"I guess the writer just doesn’t have any fresh ideas ..."

Fresh ideas? I don't think he understands the meaning of that. Through the 44 episodes, I have yet to find any of the plot developments refreshing or new. It's been a recycling process of one hackneyed trope after another.

I did a quick google on the writer and realized this is the first of his works I've caught. Has he written any drama remotely better than this?

I don't usually do long weekend dramas. This is my first and I picked it up because of Jo Jung Seok. If stuff portrayed in this show is the standard fare of weekend dramas, I doubt I'd be trying out another soon.


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More like a plot of DAILY DRAMA for me.

Makjang overload.

The only best thing about this drama is JJS and IU. IU surprised me with her acting, I bet she will grab the Best Newcomer Award at KBS Drama Awards.

But like all the makjang drama... 'The OTP will get a happy ending at the end of the drama.


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yap totally watching this shows just for JJS and IU, they a great chemistry together...


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Not all weekend dramas are this bad, in fact this is one of the worst in the past year or so. Many of them tend to be filled up with more characters, but sometimes - like this one - too many of the characters are just place holding robots put in there to spout the latest screamfest.

You might want to look at I Summon You Gold - it is actually much better than this one. Only one evil psycho MIL in that one, and most of the characters are actually 3-dimensional, not just puppets regurgitating the same lines over and over.


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But ISYG has the most boring OTP (interaction) that I've ever come across. They are written as chars who 'look at each other from afar'.


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It's hard to get excited about an OTP if their goal is just "may I hold your hand" or even worse, "may I just bask in your presence, it's all I need to love you"


Thanks Windsun33 for the recommendation. I googled on ISYG and realized that it's another 50-episoder. Oh shudders.

Once bitten twice shy. I think I'll give it a pass for now. Not ready to commit to another long drama. I don't want to end up doing, again, what I did with YTBLSS — pressing on episode after episode telling myself it'll get better only to realize that it doesn't, and then hanging on just because I've come this far.


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I'm hoping Soon Shin surprises us all by not letting him go. Even if he's stupid about it and insists on breaking up, I want to see her stick up for their relationship.


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Yeon Ah damn you woman!
I don't even have words to describe how I'm feeling about her. But all in all good drama just keeps dragging on and on. Love Jun Ho and Soon shin's moment.
Love the growing relationship between Soon Shin and Mi Ryung.


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Still waiting for the final moment when Woo Joo will accept that Bread Man is a better person than the stupid Ex. I always cared more about that dynamic than the actual couple (though that scene was really nice as well).

I loved the JH and SS's mom moment.. so cute. I love when guys are respectful to the girl's mom and is just so damn adorable in front of her thanking her for raising SS well. I have sweet spot for those scenes..


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I am actually more interested in the Bread Man parts than I am in LSS/JH. It is pretty predictable what will happen there. Elder sister and Bread Man are pretty much the only reason I am even keeping up with this.


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I loved the scene at the Chicken Restaurant... everything about that scene was so cute!! I'm loving the Chanmi-Manager love line, as well as the general happiness of the adults, and then Junho and Soonshin getting caught by mama and mama smiling made me SO HEPPY. It also helped that they were playing BEAST's Shadow (ok, i'm a secret b2uty here... you can thank monstar for that)...
I want more moments like that- cute moments that aren't compromised by something horrible to come...
I felt like I couldn't enjoy any of the theme park scene because we all knew what was coming.


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I noticed the chicken restaurant finally got a name.

Mexicana--did they pick up a new sponsor?

I noticed the chicken restaurant of YTBLSS and on I Summon You Gold both have the same new flavor of fried chicken they are pushing.


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I love how you started with the lowlights right away this time. So telling!

Still haven't watched (waiting for subs), so I'll join the discussion later...


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"while Yi-jung drops by Soon-shin’s set, and basically the two ladies accuse the Mi-ryung/Soon-shin duo of stealing the Shin men."

Yijung... look who is talking... seriously, how can she accuse anyone of being a man stealer when she pursued Chan-woo to the point of psycho-ridiculousness despite knowing he had a girlfriend he intended to marry?

Break-up date. Ughhhhhhh. Did we really need to go there? Now I think even less of the writer. It's always idiotic, but seriously? Did they have to make Junho into a lame character like that? Why does he even try to cover up the truth about Soon Shin's father? It's not just that it means he's lying about something to the person he likes (withholding information is lying), meaning that trust is going to be an issue from now on, but, come on, that is a secret you'll never hide forever. Especially now that the reporter has gotten whiff of it. AND because Junho shouldn't be interacting with Yeonah AT ALL, because he should know better after all he has seen her do (it's not like she can ensure that the secret will be kept, because no one can and, plus, we all know that she's more likely to do a 180 degree turn-around if it somehow serves her and be the one to reveal it all).

Why couldn't Junho just try and find out the full truth and be the one to help Soon-shin deal with it? That's what a good boyfriend would do. NOT bow to Miss Psycho-Crazy whom he should get a stalking order on!


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It has occurred to me that now I'm in this for the same reason as your average stock K-drama villain. Because I have come this far!


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So true! The writing is atrocious - cliched, bat-crazy at times and poorly paced, but the cute JH-SS scenes are really cute. I now watch this show while doing something else.....reading, manicuring, checking my e-mails, etc, then perk up to watch the JH-SS scenes.


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Waiting for a talented MV maker to assemble all the cutes scenes in 5 minutes. The rest can be trashed.


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Hahaha! Love your comment.


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I really hate it when there is a super bitch in a kdrama. I ended up cursing screen which should not be the case because I am just watching a drama right?

I can't wait to see Yeon-ha's harvesting the results of her bitchiness and again scream at my screen, "Serves you right bitch!" hehe


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With the level of writing so far, I think we all know that in the end that Candy Girl LSS will end up forgiving everyone, they will all repent their evil ways, and gather at someone's wedding to sing Kumbaya :(


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I agree with Windsun33... we can't be assured that she will harvest the results of her bitchiness.

Sure, she won't get Junho in the end... but Soon Shin will probably forgive her (she has pretty much accepted MR who treated her awfully enough to dropped forever) and since she's MR's other daughter she's even likely to attend any wedding that might happen...



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I am getting READY with the popcorn, pizza, beer, anzac biscuits and other super yummy food stuff and getting comfortable in my FRONT ROW seat to see Yeon-Ah get her comeuppance. Only 6 episodes left - surely that event will be coming very SOON. But crazy writer might make me camp out on the FRONT ROW seat for longer than I anticipate!!


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Jun Ho oppa, hajimasayo!


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I feel so disconcerted about Bread Man and Hye Shin's finally getting together. Their development was really slow which i don't have much qualms about but i just don't feel the sparks between them and it's mostly on Hye-Shin's part. She makes me feel like she choses to be with him just cause he's different from her ex and is coincidentally the only man actively being nice to her. She might like him, but i get the feeling that if he left, she would get over him in a short span of time and move on.

And i cannot comprehend Jun Ho's line of thought. Does he really think that Yeon Ah is the problem? Shouldn't it be the reporter? If Jun Ho can't stop the reporter from pilling on the shiz, what's the point of breaking up with Soon Shin? She'll need his expertise to help her weather the storm so if he quits, it's like he's helping Yeon-Ah bury Soon Shin. Gosh.....writer-nim, i know this is part and parcel of daily-drama but can we use the little nuggin' abit more?


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Re: Bread Man and Hye-shin, if he ever has to leave her I like to believe that he'll do it gently - unlike the Evil Ex - and leave Hye-shin with good memories. Whatever happens in the future, she'll be a better person for having had him in her life.

However, I would like to go on imagining them living happily ever after. I always got the impression that Bread Man adores Hye-shin and wants to be part of her life, bratty daughter (or stepdaughter, in his case) and all.


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When ever someone in a Korean drama comes up with the excuse about "doing for your own good", you know that something really bad and/or really stupid is about to happen. I simply cannot figure out how the writer came up with that stupid Idiotic Martyr plot line this late in the game.


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"I simply cannot figure out how the writer came up with that stupid Idiotic Martyr plot line this late in the game"

Easy-peasy. Went to the guidebook for Drama Writing for Dummies (also known as How to Write the Worst Makjang Dramas Ever with Infuriating, Hair-Tearing Plot Devices that Have Been Used So Often that They Can Be Spotted from by a Blind Old Bat from a Speeding Porsche) and picked cliché scenario #137.

Also agree with everything Niki says about Junho's idiotic line of thought.


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I must have an old edition, it only goes up to plot line #124 :(


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I sort of get what you mean.

I think, for me, the probably is that Hye-shin is a pretty boring character – quite flat and almost characterless. The only things that are interesting about her are a) her daughter (though she's been a pain in the a** and though her potential has been greatly wasted by failing to develop her character for too many episodes) and b) Breadman. But Hye-shin herself... she's so passive. Beautiful and perfect on paper, but who is she? What is she really like? What makes her tick? I just don't feel we know anything much about her, especially if we place her next to her two sisters.


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I think the flatness is exactly the point of her character. Like, she tried too hard to live the 'perfect life' and be that 'perfect flawless person' (and therefore a very boring flowervase wife), but when that failed (cheating husband D:) she kindof found herself with no personality (or spine) left.
Cue breadman, who is pretty much the opposite and is there to make her feel alive again, and make her grow a spine.

Or maybe I'm just giving the show too much credit and they were just too lazy to give Hye-shin a personality.


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The lack of chemistry between HS and Breadman contributes to the "flat feeling" about the resolution of their feelings as compared to the chemistry between the OTP.

As for JH, I think he thinks of himself as the problem not YA. I think he feels that if he removed himself from the equation, SS would have a smoother path to stardom - no more pesky interference from his sister, his mother, his obsessive ex, no more rumours about her and him, and her finding out about her biological mum's role in her adoptive dad's death would be put on hold hopefully until filming for her drama ends. Besides he needs to fill the pre-requisite quota in a k-drama of a noble idiot in love!


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That's an interesting point about Junho (although it's still noble idiocy).

I still feel it's shortsighted though. While some of those 'interferences' would be gone, the most devastating bit - the part about MR & Soon Shin's father – is not going to go away. There's too many people that know that information, and the two main ones are completely untrustworthy (Yeon-ah and the reporter), in other words, if Junho thought about it with some brain he would know that he cannot shield Soonshin from this truth, he can only help her cope with it (=be there for her).

I really, really hope that Soon Shin doesn't just accept the break-up but pushes him to reveal the truth of what's driving him, and thus learns about MR/her father. I don't want to watch a heartbroken Soon Shin, or a Soon Shin that's clinging onto Junho and chasing after him, or anything really. In fact, I think if they really break up, they shouldn't really get back together. (Yeah, despite all their cuteness.) It's just that a real partner supports you in tough times, and doesn't hide major things from you. Or bows to the manipulations of the ex. There is just too many things that bug me about this move on the part of Junho. *sigh* I never thought I'd be disappointed in Junho, not when he rejected Yeonah all this while.


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My exact feelings!


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Thanks JB for the recap.
After reading through the first part I thought the whole 2 episodes were full of negativity until I realized your comments were the highs.
Glad for Bread Man and Hye-shin. Hope for quick resolutions on the rest-wishful thing I know.


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Oops. That should read 'your comments'.


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Thanks for the recap! Haha, I was just thinking that things would have to get going now, because there's not much time left on this show's run!

I'm glad about the pretty big developments in Bread Man's story. (He's still my favorite character.) Hurray for Hye-shin speaking her mind, and Woo-joo apparently coming around. She was a brat for so long that I was fantasizing about someone giving her a good kick in the pants. I know that would constitute violence towards children, and tried really hard to tell myself that Woo-joo was acting out due to her parents' divorce, but she also needs some discipline.

I also love the Yoo-shin/Chicken Ahjumma bonding. Chicken Ahjumma MIGHT get a pass out of the closet where my mom and I want to lock her, Grandma, and Yeon-ah.

Looking forward to watching all of this in a few weeks!


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PS One bad thing about the coming finale? Rushed plotlines - hello, In-sung and Chan-mi! But they have always been cute together so I don't have a huge problem with him suddenly angling for Son-in-Law of the Year :)


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I'm actually not really surprised that Soon-shin and Jun-ho broke up, but I am surprised Jun-ho was the one doing the breaking up part. I expected it to be Soon-shin, because she is a bit of a martyr, as we've seen countless times in small ways. I'm mad about it. So freaking mad. But, we can't have a drama without someone playing the Noble Idiot card. Damn.

Yoo-shin and Chicken Ahjumma were so cute together these couple of episodes. Finally, they've bonded. Now that's one last thing I have to worry about.

In-sung and Chan-mi are adorable together. Well, In-sung is adorable. Chan-mi just seems perplexed by him.

I love that Hye-shin confessed to Bread Man. Now I can return to loving them, especially Bread Man. I hoper Hye-shin's Bastard Ex leaves soon. Why does he want her back if he's back with his mistress? Such a douche. Poor Woo-joo is finally starting to realize what a douche her dad is.

I actually feel bad for Mi-ryung. I KNOW! Who knew? But she's opening up more and more, and I want her to sit Reporter Park down and give him the scoop on her past, so he can print the truth, and not the "truth". You know? I'm glad she's telling Soon-shin the truth at least. She's found her daughter, now all she has to do is keep her. Telling the truth helps.

I'm not gonna bother saying anything about Mrs. Shin, Yi-jung, and Yeon-ah. We all know the truth, right? Two of them are nasty bitches, and one of them is a nasty, CRAZY bitch. Guess who's who.

I really can't believe we only have three weeks left! OMG! Jun-ho and Soon-shin better fix this horrible mess called Hurricane Yeon-ah, and get back together, so they can get married and live happily ever after. Is that too much to ask, Show?

Thanks for the weecap, Javabeans!


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Has anyone been worrying about the amount of literal sweating Mi-ryung has been doing.

Also, Mi-ryung constantly being sick concerns me. I'm not sure it is only because of her drinking--and then again. . .


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I didn't understand this, what is "the 'ol college try?"


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it means giving your best shot!


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Thank you Chloe...


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Also Chloe, if you happen to read this, do you know why JB said this, "not when you’d triple-cross me instead" ? How did YA do that?
I didn't get that either, sorry and thanks!


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JB often writes figuratively and also in a jokey funny style. It is bad to get double crossed, right? So to be triple crossed is worse. It means YA is worse, more tricky than a double crosser.
Some ppl seem to mind your saying "Thanks" and nothing else, tho I don't know why. Feel free to add something to that comment of appreciation. It could be short/tentative. 1 sentence/a thought. You'd be participating, and won't get picked on. Cheers!


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Awwwww KDaddict, Hello *waves incessantly at you*

You have NO IDEA how happy I am to see you here. You mentioned in the last OT about this drama that you would be going on vacation, and so I was thinking that I would have to wait about two weeks or so to start looking for you here.

I wasn't sure I would see you here, but I am happy you are (here :-) ) So, are you on vacation already? If yes, how is that going? Well I hope.

I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your comments last week, and for standing up for me. I wish there was a "like" button after each comment, because I loved what you said and how you said it. The best part was that your arguments actually made sense. You didn't have to do it, but you stood up for me, more than once. Risa just "killed" me with her comments. The thing is, she actually "knows" me, because she described me really well, and it was sooooo obvious she had been reading and probably had been participating on this blog before I delurked, and she had been reading my (many) comments from the beginning and had paid attention to what I said, and to how I said it. It was very comforting to read from someone who actually got to the essence of who I am, and who also had compassion and understanding for how passionate I had become about Kdramas, Korean culture (and what seemed like another world to me in general), and writing and yes, it seemed to have gotten out of hand for some, however, I am not the only writing loooong comments. I did end up seeing how it irritated some people however.

I was processing the reactions by different people, and I didn't want to add fuel to the fire, so I decided to keep my comments to myself. It is not that I do not have thoughts (you have read my comments, so you know :-) ) or questions, however I thought these incidents might be a good opportunity and a good time for me to just keep things to myself (maybe for a while). I did not want to spend my time and energy responding with negative comments, especially to people who obviously had not bothered to read my comments (and so they felt that I did not contribute to the dialogue/analysis which I feel is far from the truth, and I think you and Risa would agree with me), and to people who had obviously not noticed that I had barely written anything on DB in the last 3 weeks or so. I would go days without reading the blog, and without posting anything. So, to say that I "always did this" and I "never did that" when I had been barely there, made me realize that the attacks were not about my behavior (which had drastically changed), but about me as a person. The thing is, they didn't even know me, not that I think that they have to, mind you. I don't expect that from them or anyone, really.

I am going off in a tangent (sorry), but I just wanted to let you know a little bit about what was going on with me. I was really touched by what you did and by what you said. I soooo appreciate that you had the courage to do that, and the best part: you were right on point, in every one of your comments. I know I am repeating myself, but that is how much I was touched. I won't apologize for that :-)...

I know I am going on and on, however, I was and I am very grateful for people like you here. *bows in gratitude* Please keep that attitude, I believe it is one of your qualities.

KDaddict, I really hope you will get to see this comment.



I understand that JB and the other recappers often write figuratively and that they joke, and the problem for me is that I simply do not get it most of the time, so I end up asking the kinds of questions I ask, because I don't want to miss out on the joke or on the analogy.

English is not my 1st language (though I speak it well), and I did not grow up in this country (the US). What it means for me is that quite often (OK, very often) the cultural analogies and jokes or references are lost on me...


I read Risa's comment and agreed with it. That's why I hope you get to participate in ways that ppl don't object to. Then you can be a happy camper in a happy drama-lovers' universe.

I realized that English isn't your mother tongue, on acct of the Qn's u asked. May I ask if you r of Asian heritage? U asked Qn's about "Eat your rice" vs "Eat your meal" too. So that made me think you aren't Asian either. ;)


Hello again KDaddict,

Good to read from you again :-), and thank you for your response. I noticed that you didn't answer one of my questions, maybe you meant to and forgot? Are you on vacation now? I hope you are getting time to rest and have fun.

You know, the backlash I received for the way I commented on GFB made me stop and think. It's not that I was not thinking before, I had actually been thinking that I was probably spending too much time on this blog and I wanted to walk away for a while. My challenge, because I love writing and express thoughts and feelings, was that once I started writing, I didn't want to stop. No one around me is into Kdramas and Korean culture, so I have no one to share my excitement and disappointments with. You know... the kinds of things we do when we come here. I would also be honest and say that I also did get a lot of positive responses to my comments, not only with GFB, but Faith, TWTWB, AGD, IDID, etc... basically all the Kdramas I commented on. The nice thing (as that is often the case, not only for me but for others as well, as I have seen it happen), was that I would say/write something or respond to someone's comment, and then s/he would respond, other people would chime in, and that would generate other questions and comments, many of which I would not have thought of, and on and on we would go, until that particular conversation would stop. And I LOVED that, because it was engaging and it made me think and I learned a lot in the process.

I also loved that I could come here and connect with people from different ethnic origins and people would live in different places of the world, some of whom have become my friends on FB, and a few of us (who met here) are part of a small FB group (a closed one, meaning only the people of the group see the comments we write, so the ladies can let loose and say what is on their minds and hearts, and we share articles, videos, travel tips, etc...) that is ethnically and culturally diverse, and our love and interest of Kdramas and Korean culture brought us there, and we have grown into adding other elements to the conversation.

I think I am saying that because I am the kind of person who does take my connections/friendships and relationships to heart, and I think you and Risa might have sensed that. I am being me when I am here, you just can't see my face and what I look like, but the rest is authentic. In real life, I am very polite, I try to be kind (like anyone, I am not perfect and I have my flaws, and yes, I am aware of them), I put my heart in what I do (I try to always do that), I try to mean what I say, and I am service oriented, meaning I tend to serve others, a lot. Even my professions and my upbringing have been about that.

As I have mentioned, I do LOVE to write and I loved the responses (mostly) that I got. I wouldn't however know how to have and maintained a blog, so I didn't start one. I just thought I would do my writing here, mostly. I have participated on a few other blogs as well and I participate on the FB group page, but a LOT of my writing has been done here. Until about a year ago or so, I was very active on OTs on Fridays, I was the first one to comment a lot of the time, and the beaners were fine with it. I had people I looked for and people who looked for me as well, and that was really nice. I knew people's stories, what they were studying and I shared about my ethnic background and culture with the beanies there. One commenter ended up including me in a fan fiction she wrote, based on the beaners she had met here. I read some of it, and it was interesting to see how she had represented me and how she had touched on some of my gifts (I speak four different languages, and she used that in the fan fiction, even doing some research on my country of origin, so she could write something specific to my culture. That was neat and touching). I also have short hair, and my character in the fanfic had short hair as well.

KDaddict, this is part one of my response. I am not done and I will be back with more. I have to stop for now... Will be back later.


Hello again, Ivoire,
I totally get what you r saying, about sharing with other fans on dramas, and making connections. I think most of us end up spending too much time watching and commenting on Kdramas. ;) It never hurts to take a break and reassess, as u say.

I'm currently on vacation, hence I've only written 1 or 2 very short comment in 10 days. The trip also affords me a chance to think about some readings that I've been meaning to do but haven't. Truthfully, it might be better to do sth else once in a while, in place of watching BAD dramas like LSS or I Summon u Gold (less bad but still bad). Just that Jo JS is so hard to resist!!!

So, you Asian?


Hello KDaddict again,

Part two of my comment here, as I feel that there is a lot I would like to share, and I hope that you will indulge me with this. Thank you!

The other thing that made things personal for me is the fact that "Ivoire" is actually a translation of one of my names in French (meaning it is the French translation of my dad's mother's name from my native language). It actually means something in my native language, and my dad used to like to call me with that name, it was dear to him. Both my dad and my grandmother have passed away, and it was hurtful to see what felt like my name being thrown around by people who didn't even know me and know what the name represented to me.

I have come to see how I might have offended some people, though I didn't think so at the time. I tried to explain myself, and I was not trying to make excuses when I did so. The comment Risa made about the fact that when people are from different cultures, their behavior could be informed by it was very true and it resonated with me. However, when JB came out with the new rules, my behavior drastically changed, and I thought it was interesting that the people who were focusing on me had not even noticed that I had barely posted, and 2--my behavior had actually changed. The other thing I also find interesting is that I continue to see people posting after their first comment, in essence "responding" to their own comment. I actually understand that, because I think what happens is that one starts with one thought, posts it, and then realizes s/he forgot to say something else that was on their minds, or that they had just realized, and so they quickly add that thought. I saw it being done here, on this thread. I wanted to do it as well, just add my question, however I knew (or thought) that I would be attacked, so I decided against it.

I am also someone who does not really like conflict and confrontation, especially if it seems to be fueled by anger, which I am not sure will lead to a productive result. I tend to want to let things cool off, while I process them, before answering, hence my late responses. I can understand some people being upset with me, however I do think that there is a way to address issues, just my personal opinion.

The break I took from DB came at a good time, and I should have done it so much sooner, I will be the first one to admit it. I just had a hard time doing it. Once I did it however, it actually felt good and I realized that I didn't need to be addicted to the blog, aka write every thought I had on so many threads. Besides, there are so many witty and insightful commenters here, so it is OK if I don't comment.

What I am thinking of doing instead is creating a binder for myself, in which I will put a copy of all the comments and responses I have gotten on this blog, because many of those comments are answers to cultural and linguistic questions I have had. I don't have those answers in one place (and yet there so many of them), and so it would be a good project for me to work on. That way, I could have my experiences on DB in a binder, and I would know where to go to read about some of the cultural and linguistic questions I have had. That might be time consumming, however I think it is an endeavor I will enjoy, especially the part about having cultural facts and answers all in one place. I will continue to ask questions on the blog however, since this is a large community. It is helpful to throw out some questions here, at the risk of sounding dumb or ignorant at times.

I think the backlash I experienced cooled me off, "m'a refroidi" as you would say in French, which is not necessarily a bad thing. It just felt weird and painful to go through that, because some of the attacks just seemed so personal, and I have never done that to anyone, even when I would be irritated. The hard thing was that most people here don't know me, and that was hard to take. It made me reflect a lot. I sooo loved being here, I think I had become obsessed with the blog. Pulling away has proven to actually be a good thing, and I guess that is the silver lining. I found out that I didn't really need to know everything that was happening in Kdramaland or with Korean celebrities. It is not like they know me, and things are ever evolving, so I don't need to always keep track of what they are doing on the screen or in their personal lives. That was freeing. I also found that I am not as interested as I used to be in reading everyone's comments, not if I don't have a question about the ep., and that has been freeing as well. I am sure not everybody read my comments when I wrote them, they were sooo long, I understand.

The funny thing is that I actually do not watch a lot of Kdramas in a year. When the reviews came out at the end of the year about Kdramas (last year), I realized that I had actually watched (fully) less than 10 kdramas, total. Less than 10, in 12 months. I don't know if that even makes me an addict per se, because I am actually OK not watching too many of them, or not watching them at all. I did LOVE the part where I would comment and dissect a drama. I felt as if I was in school again, dissecting a book, a poem or discussing a philosophical thought (philosophy was my major in High School. Yes, HS, not college. I had 8 hours of philosophy a week, in HS. 2hours for 4 days out of 5, and I loved it. I would then come home and want to discuss what I had learned with my dad and quiz him and have him as my study partner. He felt like he was being in school with me, and I loved those times. I also made one of my younger sisters be my audience when I would study, so she knew about philosophical thoughts before she had to study philosophy. It was fun and I enjoyed it. I loved playing school).

Maybe I just didn't know how to behave on a blog, or on this one. This was the first time when I actually started contributing. So reflecting has been very good, and I have changed. I don't feel (and don't manage to feel) the way I did before the backlash, which is OK. The interesting thing is that the dramas I have participated in (as far as commenting), have left an impression on me. When I rewatch scenes from those dramas, I can remember to a "T" the comments I wrote, the responses I got and other comments I read, what the recapper shared about that ep., etc... I guess I had been soaking all of it in really, because I still remember a lot of things, even the negative ones.

Regarding your 2nd short paragraph, you are absolutely right, I am not of an Asian ancestry/heritage. I am actually from Cameroon in Central Africa. In the US, Cameroon is said to be in West Africa, but it is actually part of Central Africa. I was however born in Paris, and I lived there the first 3 years of my life, then my parents and I went back home. My mother worked for an airline company, so I traveled a lot since I was a baby, literally. One of the things I liked about my screen name was that it was an ice breaker when I starting contributing on OT, and we had some nice conversations about why I chose it, where I was from, my experiences, what I had studied, etc...

So I grew up being around different people, from the time I was a baby. My nanny in France was French and my godmother is part Senegalese (from senegal), and from Martinique, a French West Indies Island. I went there when I was 5, and I came back home speaking French with a Martinican accent, which was very funny (I used to do that when I was a child and a teenager. I would visit/vacation in a country and come home speaking with their accent until it wore off. It was sooo funny, especially because I was the only one doing that at my house, and at school. I can still pick up some accents). My godfather was from Ivory Coast, in West Africa, and he had lived and worked in Cameroon. Growing up and still now, I have had friends from different places of the world, because of the places I was privileged to visit and the places where I have studied (Cameroon, Spain, France, and the USA).

I studied Philosophy, languages and Communications, hence my curious nature and my strong interest in cultures and languages. It has been interesting to me to see how some cultures are actually different (for example, contrarily to what many people outside of Africa think, African cultures [from different African countries] are not the same. We have some similarities, but we have differences as well). I would think it must be the same for Asian cultures and for cultures in Latin America, and it is true also in Europe and in the US. The North is different from the West, and the East Coast is different from the West Coast, right?

I went to school with some Asians (indians from India, Pakistani, students from Bangladesh, etc... That was in France and in the US), and my church is also very diverse, one of the things I really love about it. When we have our Christmas and Easter plays, the different cultures are represented at the end of the play, soooo very cool. I have an Asian friend, she is Chinese American and she is 10 years older than me. She also grew up in France, and that was the thing that brought us together and got us talking. She is very nice and so is her family. I love going to her home (she had me stay over on 3 different occasions) and she explains a lot of Chinese and Asian culture to me, and she exposes me to Asian food. She is a really good cook of not only Chinese food, but of food in general, and she is very hospitable. I met her at my church, interestingly enough...

Watching Kdramas made me interested in the Korean language because I love how it sounds. I am a linguist at heart and by training, and I used to sing in choirs, being a soloist at times. I sang in different languages, both Africans and Europeans, so I had to learn how to pronounce words and I had to pay attention. Even if I don't understand a language, I always pay attention to how it sounds, and when I watch a drama, I try to guess what things mean, because for this drama for example, I watch it raw, because the subs are not out yet, by the time the weecap OT is posted. So to know what happened, I watch it raw, and that makes me grateful for the weecap or recap, since it adds to my understanding of the episode. I never say "Thanks or Thank You" on a thread if I don't mean it.

So watching Kdramas and opening myself up (more) to Asian cultures, I came to notice that some of the behaviors are the same (as African ones), and some are different, of course. And that just fueled my curiosity and interest as well. I actually remember my mother having some books with really good pictures about SK and NK, and her taking us to an exhibit about SK in Cameroon. That was a very, very, very long time ago. I love that about my mom, she always encouraged my curiosity and my desire to explore, and she helped me when she could.

So I hope you can tell by now that my interest in Kdramas actually goes way beyond pretty boys and acting. It started with it, and it has blossomed (genuinely) into an interest in those two countries (both Koreas), and an interest in Asian cultures and peoples as a whole. Our FB group is really neat, because we have ladies from Ghana and Cameroon, from South Africa and the Congo or Rwanda (Africa), from the US (both Black and White ethnicities), from Switzerland (Europe), from Malaysia, from Bhutan, from Indonesia and that is all I can remember right now. It is a small group (less than 25 people), yet very diverse. I met some of the ladies here, on DB, interestingly enough, and I brought them over to the group. And our personal experiences and travels amount to a lot, and it is a very educated group as well. Some are studying for their PhDs, some already have one. Many of us speak more than one language (usually three or more).

So I would like to build on what I have learned so far, and see where my curiosity will take me. I am excited, because I found out this past weekend that I actually have a female cousin who is Cameroonian-Chinese. Her dad (my mom's half brother) married a Chinese lady when he was studying in China, and then they went back to Cameroon when he was done. She still lives there, and she and I are friends on FB (I currently live in the US), probably because she is also friends with all my siblings and with some of my cousins. Her FB page says she speaks Chinese, Korean, English and French. I found out she loves CNBLUE, which I do as well. I look forward to exploring my relationship with her and her mom. I have been told they are very nice, and she is a lot younger than me, hence why we don't really know each other. I wonder if she watches Kdramas? :-) She seems to like some of the Korean current music (Kpop). My family is quite diverse as well, as far as who they ended up marrying, so I have cousins who are biracial and who I grew up with. I have an aunt who is Morroccan French, her children are simply gorgeous :-) (and no, I am not biased :-) )

Yeah, the question about "eat your rice" was because I usually don't want to assume when I am not sure about something. We also eat quite a lot of rice in Cameroon, but not as much as in Asia, I think. So when I saw that expression and what happened in the drama, I was curious, so I asked. Back home, the guy would be asking for a full meal, not just for rice. And if he wants rice, he would mention that as well :-)...

I apologize. This is another looooong post of mine, and though it is Korean related (some), it is not really about the drama. I hope that is OK. I don't have anywhere else to write to you, and you know me, I tend to be thorough. That could be my middle name, really :-)... Happy reading :-)...


Oh I saw that you just responded as well. Hope you like what I wrote. Also, I meant to ask you, are you Asian, and if so from where (what is your ancestry)?

If you want to take it somewhere else, here is my email address: [email protected]

You don't have to, just giving you the option :-). Glad you are enjoying your vacation :-). And yes, JJS is really adorable and a VERY GOOD actor :-)!!!!!!


I wrote you another comment with my email address in it, and it is awaiting moderation. Please make sure you read it as well. You could respond there (to my email), if you want to...


Glad someone answered your initial question to me, Ivoire! That is such a long comment on your background and your recent issue on the forum! (no big issue to me, I don't care much for placing of comments)

I have bookmarked this page to read your comment when I'm taking a longer break! :D


Hello Chloe,

Good to hear from you! :-) Thank you so much for coming back and checking on the comments. I really appreciate your responses and the fact that you will be taking some time to read my rather long comments. I should have kept them shorter, I guess I need to learn how to be shorter when I write on this blog, there is no need to write long comments. I need to restrain myself more.

I hope that you are doing well! If you are a little more curious, you could also read the reactions I got last week when I posted my comment. I was the first one to post, so that will not be hard to miss. It is the OT for YATBLSS, ep. 41-42. Some of my comments here are in reference to the comments written to me last week. As I said, Risa and KDAddict understood what was going on and what happened. I didn't want to add fuel to the fire, so I didn't respond. I wanted to process it first. I do not come here to be negative and to attack people, I stay away from that.

I hope you will enjoy what you read, when you get a chance to do so. You could let me know what you thought. I have included my email address, please feel free to write me there as well, since a lot of my comments are not completely Kdramas related. I am just giving you an option. Have a wonderful day or night, depending on where you live :-)...

Also, did you like (a lot) Mandate of Heaven? Would you recommend it? I read your comment below. Thank you for that.


@Ivoire in reply to, yes I actually read through it all! What an exotic background! Amazing. In reply to your question about Mandate of Heaven, I would certainly recommend it because I enjoyed it a lot. However, judging by the comments I've read and the overall rating of the show when it was airing, I'm cautious about recommending it to just anyone. I get the feeling that many readers on here are younger than me because of the fangirling in plenty of comments, although I can't be too sure. I think I do have an old, boring taste in kdramas. For instance, I enjoyed Dong Yi quite a bit (which many had criticized as well), so if you liked that, then I would recommend Mandate of Heaven, since the pace, apparent 'stoic acting' from both leads, secret plots and G-rated romance scenes make them pretty similar.

After reading your prose, the first thing that comes to my mind is that I'm definitely not addicted to kdrama at all, as compared to you and probably many of the people here. I always get the feeling that I'm an addict or I'm hooked, because I will go on a full drama marathon when I'm less busy, finishing 20 episodes in 2 days while skipping plenty of scenes (and meals and sleep). However, I don't know much about the actors, directors, culture and I usually catch about 4 dramas a year. I don't check this site often unless I posted something in the comments.

I do know that most beanies here are true addicts! Definitely can't keep up with the comments in the 'Podcasts' posts and 'Name that drama' posts.

Thanks I've noted your email and will drop you an email if anything less related to the posts comes to mind! With regard to what you termed your 'backlash', I personally don't mind or haven't noticed anything that ever irked me, but perhaps that's because I don't come here too often unless I'm getting less busy (like now, yay!). Just post to your heart's content without replying to an unrelated previous comment like 'Thank you', I guess? Don't ever stop, your obsession is amazing! :D


Hello Chloe,
And thank you for your response. I am currently busy, however I will respond when I can. If you don't mind checking back later, maybe much later, I would appreciate it.
Have a wonderful day, and a wonderful weekend!


Thank you for sharing with me your truly multicultural and exotic background. As u know, I'm traveling; I'll definitely read it with interest asap. Cheers.


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An old American saying that actually stems from the 1920's to 30's bad baseball and college football movies*. Not used much any more, but basically equivalent to the Korean "Fighting".

* - yeah, I have too much time on my hands and actually traced that down on Google.


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Haha thanks for googling! I never knew about that origin! Learning something new from the comments section always makes me happy :D


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Man, I always seem to be enjoying the not-so-popular dramas of each moment. This over IHYV, and Mandate of Heaven over GFB.

Looking forward to heart-warming scenes when they do get back together again! Hmmm I really wonder how everything's going to be resolved. Will SS forgive Miryung? How will HyeShin get past noisy grandma when she gets together with Bread Man? At least we can see the kid relenting somewhat. I would say YooShin's problems are pretty much resolved at this juncture...although is her father-in-law SS's biological father? Why is he so jittery? I hope he's not since Mi-ryung revealed that SS's father is some unknown, forgotten figure.

I swear Yeon-na doesn't have an inch of fat on her. Majorly envious. Thankfully she has a cold heart. One can't have it all.


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I hate to voice out what some of us have been thinking.

It is very unprofessional for a CEO of a talent agency to have a relationship with one of its trainees. By resigning from his position, Jun Ho is doing the right thing.


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YES. I know it's basic dramaland hand-waving, but this is a serious issue of professional ethics and I wish it had been hinted at somewhere in the drama. Of course, he didn't break up with her for this reason, but if they want to be together he'd have to find her new management. I would buy that as an organic conflict driving the plot forward, but of course we can't have that.


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But isn't Song Ji-hyo dating her company's president? Of course, she's an established actress, so the consequences may not be the same, but isn't it similar?


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That's what I'm thinking...


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I love your recap, big thanks!

"bastard ex-husband is a bastard". So damn true! He piss me of. I wanna slap his face. Yeon Ah too! Arrghh so selfish, full of denial. Such a bitch. Is there such a people like that in this world? K-dramaland maybe.

I love breadman!

Break-up scene is so sad. Three week left! Oh please.


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I thought the breakup scene was far more phony and contrived than sad.


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i just hope sooshin will probe further on the break-up and not just accept it at face value. Secrets are bound to come-out anyway. And Mother M should start confessing now. Didn't they know that heartbreak is harder to bear and accept than the cause of death? Well in my opinion at least =)


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Thank you, I am not watching this from the start,only following the recaps.Now, I won't watch it


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I really dont see anyone other than bread man ! I love him


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I love his acting. Especially his characteristic burst of laughter. He's sooo good at playing awkward!


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Okay too much to comment. But all I can say is, SS and Jun Ho were cute but this week? The others were cute too. I really really like the chicken ahjumma makeover and drunk scene.

Plus Woo Joo and the Breadman. Poor Breadman I felt so bad for him when he was moving out. That guy was devastated man.


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>>Why there be so many crazy bitches in this drama?

good question. first I thought the writer must have had a terrible experience with her mom/mom-in-laws. but now it seems (s)he 'must' be a woman-hater to the point of being psychotic about it!
any other explanation, if it exists, eludes me.


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I still hold to theory one. If it was theory 2, then even Lee Soon Shin would be written with something wrong in her head. Notice that the women get weirder as they get older too.

And it might just be one of the two writers handling all those scenes, but the other one should have given a check and said no...


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Really sad about the break up and can't understand why JH doesn't tell the truth to SS... He makes SS to promise not to break up but does it himself to SS... It's better he tells SS about YA's blackmaill and tell her about CH death and find the way out together... After more than 39 episodes JH tries to win SS's heart, but he just breaks their relationship like that... The story seems being made up without reasonable reasons...


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It's amazing this drama has all the cliches I hate and yet I refuse to stop watching until the very end.


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Haven't watched 44 yet as my Korean wife insists we wait for the subtitles so that we can be tortured together.

A few weeks ago I suggested to her that we buy some soju and take shots when anything stupid happens. The Korean wife reminded me that at over 60 such activity would be very bad for our health.

I then had the bright idea to suggest to the idiots who bring us this show that the story could be wrapped wrapped up quickly by packing a car with Mi Ryung, Yeon Ah, (name your other least favorite characters here), with Grandma driving. Except Grandma remembers too late that she does not know how to drive. DIAF scenario! Again, the Korean wife did not approve.

We can't blame the actors in this show for our pain, can we? Go see a daily from last year called "Glass Mask." I'll wait. The second lead was played by (drum roll) Yeon Ah! who demonstrated her lack of acting skills to an even higher degree. Perhaps we shouldn't blame the writer for everything.


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I was dreading this moment but... eventually we had to get there.
I think I'll try to force myself away from this drama for the next 3 weeks and come back for the happy ending.
I kinda hope that he wouldn't, he'd find a way to protect SS without breaking up with her... but I always have to remind myself, this is a drama.
What I observe is that once again JH is the one to protect SS, while her own mother is too selfish to do it. Gee MR I had high hopes for you this time... Guess I shouldn't have.
I don't even wanna talk about YA... she's a typical second lead bitch, there's nothing else to say about those kind.
I dunno why but I'm more pained for JH than SS, did you guys see the pain on his face?
Anyways... I'll see if I can stay away!

Thx for the weecaps Javabeans !


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Episode 43's How to skip through LSS guide for those who want to watch the cute only: (I'm not telling you exactly what cute scenes they are. And filling in the crap in between).

Gooddrama website, video 1, skip to 2:00 minutes in. Cake scene <3 Lee Soon Shin and President Shin together. Super Cute.

Stop at 3:26. Resume at 3:38. Fill in with Shin's mother asks him about him wanting to marry her. (though the translation on good drama says differently... I mean how many dramas do you need to watch before you catch that word???)

Stop at 4:00 minutes in.

10:53 start again. Stop at 11:45.

Don't watch the rest of the video, skip to the next one.

Part 2:

Hit pause to load the video. You have to stare at Ms. NPD for a while...

restart at 1:29.

You should be in the cafe.

Stop at 9:15 if you don't like Yu Shin. (I know 8 minutes without torture--it's a record!! This section has cute moments with Joon-ho and Soon Shin as well as some good friendship moments.

9:15-14:51 has the triangle between Chan Woo and Yushin and Chan Woo's mother.

The rest of it is NPD mother.

Part 3:
If you skip to 6:02 you will catch the words: "You should go to a mental hospital." which is so true, but it's not worth watching. It's almost like the writer who is in charge of this part is becoming more self aware of how messed up the characters actually are. (That or using this as therapy). That or just skip the entire part since it's one part NPD mother, one part Joon-Ho's mother complaining about the affair bit, and one part the lousy good for nothing father.

Part 4 (last part)

7:10 (because I'm sure you want to skip through, OMG bread man and our eldest daughter are dating with the melodramatic unhappy music.) Are they that thick... never mind... we all know the answer to that. Also the whole, women are against women.

End at 9:25 if you hate Yeon Ah that much. Continue if you enjoy watching her being scolded and defeated. End here. The "revelation" that her father is Lee Chang Hoon is the cliffhanger. I assume they mean her biological father.

Best streak: Part 2: 1:29-9:15. Best scene overall, Part 1: 2 minutes in.


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*The revelation that *Lee Soon Shin*'s father is Lee Chang Hoon.

Sorry, my English slipped and I should have proofread. =P

I'll watch 45 and put up a guide too.


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Actually, I've decided I don't want to watch episodes 43 and 44, despite all the cute that there might be.

I just won't want to watch a cute date only for it to end in a nobly idiotic breakup. This writer has made us suffer through so much crap, so we don't need that on top of it.

I don't remember who Lee Chang Hoon is... but I guess it doesn't really matter.


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Lee Chang Hoon, as in, the Lee family father, the guy that got hit by the car?


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@Kim Yoonmi HAHA so helpful!


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Finally, Hye Shin got enough spine to confront Mr. Bread Man.One of the most heart wrenching scene waswhen he was going to move out at night and you could tell his heart was breaking. Got all teary eyed..Poor man got kicked out due to Douche Dad.

I was wondering when Yi Jung was going to reappear. She was better looking in the earlier episodes, but she is looking weird in her hairdo and dress. Although I understand where she is coming from, she looked like another crazed bitch. like in Yeon Ah...the blackmailer.

Mi Ryung hasn't done anything wrong with Jun Ho's dad, so I don't know why he wants a divorce so fast.

I can't understand Jun Ho who hasn't come forward from day one to deny the romance rumor with Yeon Ah. Now, his only solution is to break up with Soon Shin? The damage has been done already, by her cast members gossiping about her as an opportunist and man stealer. Why doesn't he set the record straight with the reporter? I hope Soon Shin kicks some sense into him and stops him from doing something he'll regret.. Getting back with Yeon Ah? Geez, what a horrible thought.


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Well because this is one of the worst written shows ever.


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IJ is the most useless character. She's not working, she's not studying, so what is she doing exactly? What gives her the right to make a scene and yell at SS in front of her colleagues? Her mother is not any better, she's just imagining everything when nothing is happening, and it doesn't help that her husband doesn't do anything to reassure her. She looks really rough and borderline insane, especially in those scenes where she confronts JH about dating SS. Goodness gracious woman! Half of the characters in this drama needs to be admitted to the mental hospital.


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Yeon Ah and Yi Jung should be sworn sisters.

@Suzi Q haha yes Yi Jung's hair looks like a total mess at the moment. I guess it's befitting of her character.


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Because Jun Ho knows that Yeon Ah is a manipulative bitch, and now that Yeon Ah has information about Lee Chang Hun's accident, she can use it to her advantage. Even if he makes a press conference denying him dating Yeon Ah, there's a great possibility that she'd release info about Chang Hun's death, too.


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Am I the only one who thinks Reporter Park is a bit…mean? He keeps sugarcoating everything as getting the truth out, but he seems to take too much pleasure in doing it, and seems to be out for profiting from a major story.

I guess I’m the only one on this site watching for the plot? Well that and all the cute moments ‘cause they’re too cute to ignore. Soon Shin’s secret kept me going through the first half. I wonder if we’ll find out who the driver was.

Being a family drama, this show focuses on a lot of familiar themes. Most of the characters aren’t particularly deep, but they do serve as symbols to exemplify the themes. Some of this comes off as tropes though.

--Granny represents the older ways. She speaks of humiliation and pride a lot, and is really set in her ways. Those ways and people from that time are respected to a point, which is why everyone is seeking her approval. It’s a theme prevalent in lots of Asian societies in general. She shows the extreme of being too “old-fashioned” and wants her granddaughters to follow the code of the older days, when life isn’t like that anymore. It’s how I see her.

--Young Hoon is the kind and wise older brother figure, to both Junho and Soon Shin.

--Chan Woo is the typical “perfect son” save for the money department. This perfection ends up being the source of the problems between his mother and Yu Shin.

--Chan Woo’s mother- the mother in law. She thinks her son is too good for his wife, and wants her to take care of him like she did. My own mother was kind of like this with my brother.

--Yeon Ah is the vindictive sister. I think she’s crazy for thinking her and Junho would be happy and he should run for the hills with Soon Shin, but I understand her sadness when it comes to Mi Ryung. It’s just like she was the first child, and then the next one came, Soon Shin, and all of their mother’s attention was put towards her. She’s jealous of her sister. Doesn’t mean I like her though lol

--Mi Ryung represents, to me, the parents who weren’t quite there for their kids when they were younger and try to make it up, but having trouble understanding them. I always sympathized with her a bit, and I always felt she loved Soon Shin. She regretted giving Soon Shin away, but didn’t feel like she had a choice at the time, like lots of mothers who give their kids away. She was jealous of Soon Shin’s mother. I think her saying that she could provide tons for Soon Shin was her way of rationalizing the whole thing, and trying to make up when that’s all she felt like she could do. She didn’t go about it the right way sometimes, like when she deleted Soon Shin’s text and tried getting her roles, but I can understand some of it as the cries of someone who wants to be a mother to her daughter but doesn’t know how.

The plot line that surprised me the most? Junho’s mom, Soo-jung. She started off as just an average housewife to a wealthy man, but it’s nice to see how her story developed. I don’t agree with her not wanting Junho to see Soon Shin, but I can understand where she’s coming from. She’s a little annoying sometimes (but with a great hairstyle), but I don’t see her as crazy as others here do. Her husband isn’t sleeping with Mi Ryung, but it is emotional cheating, which some would argue is worse. I’ve seen her story play out in real-life, which is why I can relate to the feeling of your loved one hardly showing love to you, always belittling you, and never seeming happy around you, and then suddenly seeming happier than he has in years with someone else. It hurts. A lot. He constantly grazes over it, and never tries to improve their relationship always saying he’s busy.

His story showcases the theme that family isn’t necessarily where your blood ties are. He treats Mi Ryung and Chan Woo more as family than his own. Soon Shin’s family shows this theme as well.
Love Hye-shin’s story. Woo Joo is annoying, but she probably gets that from her dad. She’s like how a lot of 7 year olds might act in that situation.

The women in the show can be a bit crazy, but the show does focus on them a lot more than the boys. Only the 3 love interests really have a story.

There are things I don’t like, like how it drags on for a while, the lines can be repetitive, and the constant avoiding the truth, but I’ll save those for my final review at the end :)

BTW anyone know how to bold text on here?


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"Am I the only one who thinks Reporter Park is a bit…mean?"

He's cliché character #34 from Drama Writing for Dummies, so I can't even get worked up about him.

You can put text in bold by using {b} text {/b}
(replace {} with ). Html formatting works for comments (if you google that, you'll also find basic formatting for italics, underline, etc.).


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Sorry, erased the symbols.

< is one
the other one faces the opposite direction
(can't put them together, or they'll vanish again)

If all fails, google "html formatting for bold".


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Clap. Clap. Clap.

I super agree with your points. Jun Ho's mom can be super annoying but I feel her pain.


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Haha i'm sure all of us think reporter park is very mean! he is acting to portray that too, especially with his characteristic smirk.


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You are right - there are too many - way too many! - crazy bitches in this drama. Although I love the couples Jun-ho/Soon-shin and Chan-woo/Yoo-shin, I find that reading your recaps is much less painful than watching the drama itself. I am so looking forward to IU's next drama and I hope it's a 16-ep romcom, and just one crazy bitch.


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Can't bring myself to watch episode 44. No squeee-ing to be done this week. The breakup scene was HARSH.

If you must, just watch the amusement park scenes, it was a hoot seeing IU trying to comfort and still manage to laugh at JJS when he was freaking out about the pirate ship. HAHAHAHA.


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High points are high points and low points are low points, but oh my god, Bread Man's wibble-wobbledy little chin, and those gigantic tears, gah! My heart cannot take his adorableness.


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yeonah................. once a delusional bitch, always a delusional bitch. yeah not going to waste my words on this cruel, selfish, desperate, hopeless human being. its just not worth it. i mean she clearly heard junho say "even if i break up with soonshin, i will NOT come back to you" but she still decides to be delusional until the very end. i have lost all hope for this bitch. goodbye yeonah.

and omg that breakup shattered my heart into a million pieces )': THEIR HEARTBROKEN FACES AT THE END. I CANT. but whatever shinshin couple is endgame so i know whatever obstacle they go through, they WILL find a way back to each other at the end <3 my OTP is stronger than y'all think. they wont just break down like that! heed my words yeonah. THEY WILL NOT. THEY SHALL NOT. but still that scene was just the saddest breakup scene ever. thats it. jo jungsuk is an amazing actor. his facial expressions are simply flawless. THEY NEED TO GET BACK TOGETHER SOON LIKE HOPEFULLY IN THE NEXT EPISODE OR SO EVEN THOUGH I DOUBT IT

and i know i may be the only one who feels like this but ive gained mad respect for miryung in these recent 2 episodes. i give her props for realizing yeonah's true colors and telling her off. and even though she told junho to break up with soonshin at the end, at least we know that she's doing it out of real sincerity because she truly cares for soonshin, unlike yeonah who only did it out of her own selfish gains. so yeah.



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There's something a bit twisted when the best parent in the show turns out to be the ex-con who doesn't actually have any kids. Glad Bread Man *finally* got his reward, because sad Bread Man is just soooo sad, and Hye Shin really only laughs when he's happy, so two birds with one stone. Please give the guy at least a tiny bit of skinship before the end, show. You know he deserves a little non-fantasy contact. A little girl hug wouldn't be too much to ask, too, would it?


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The previous drama, my daughter soo young, i remember tt the eps 38 onwards really draw u in. This time round, we are still pressing fast forward button even when we are hitting last stretches. Actors like JJS deserved better and we viewers, dear KBS, are the best!


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I just want to thank JB and GF for continuing to do the recaps for this till the end.

I guess am easy to please because I'm still enjoying this show -- although this really could have been done shorter. I like seeing the main characters because of the chemistry that they have. And I guess I don't expect too much from this drama ;)


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Yes, I'm still following this drama and enjoying it.

I enjoy the cute JJS&IU moments. I just curse, swear and rant at the bitches. Good way to let off steam.

I am wondering how MR can say she wants to be a good mother when she does not put IU's interest first. Blood is not thicker than water?

Really hope to get more romantic momentswith JJS&IU instead of just a few seconds bliss at the end of the final episode. I still remember sobbing through so many episodes of Winter Sonata only to have an ending scene of BYJ and CJW together on the balcony.


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omg~~ why are they so cute! They're killing me!
The couples are just so endearing. and yes I'm ignoring those crazy $itches. :D


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Heh agreed.
Annoyances aside, the scene where JH showed up at the Chicken shop was really cute.
I dunno- I watched it like 10 times for some reason. He just looked really good and they were so happy!


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I am in fact watching the crazy $itches -- want to see if there is light at the end of the tunnel for these characters (which seems to have happened to both biological and adoptive mothers, sister #2 and possibly chicken ahjumma) or how low they can go (ex-girlfriend and reporter).


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Waiting for "Royal Family".
The anathema to this garbage.


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I don't like how the writer's are making Mi Ryun out to be sorrowful and caring now. Remember how mean she was to SOon shin at the beg?

Why doesn't writer show all the evil things mi Ryun did to soon shin to get her away from her family? Soon shin doesn't even know about the party that night either? Why not reveal the truth? I love her adopted mom. That's a true unconditional love !
Please write more about her adopted mom sacrifices and hardship! I think she deserves more airtime with soon shin. She really loves her unconditional :(


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Does anyone think that Miryung will die? She's been quite ill lately, drinking a lot and taking sleeping pills. I think the writer will kill her off to redeem her in viewers eyes. I can almost see the scene in the hospital with Miryung crying and begging for forgiveness... Speaking of adoptive mother's sacrifices: I had a feeling she had had quite a cushiony life with her adoring husband (minus having that hellish mother - in - law). When she got a job as a cleaning lady, it was treated as a disaster - wehere many a woman in Korea is lucky to have any job whatsoever. She was also very mean to Soonshin, rejecting her and slapping her and even kicking her out of the house, accepting her again when she was a 100% sure that Soonshin loved her more than her biological mother. Miryung is tough, but she doesn't know any better.she never received love in her life. As a child she had nothing to wear or eat, so she had to beg people for food and clothing, and grandmoter called that 'greed' not need. Orphans in Korea are traditioanlly treated as second class citizens. It's considred that it's somehow their fault that they are orphaned cuz they come from bad seed. So, please, give Miryung a bit of a break. Not liking her is one thing, but hating her with such passion without trying to understand what motivates her or without looking inot what made her into the person that she is, is quite an unforgiving attituded to humanity and our faults. If she dies, I think I will cry.


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Good post. I agree with you wholeheartedly. The adopted mom had a lot of issues which prevented Soon Shin from succeeding. She caused the problem of swindling at first and then refused to let Soon Shin act after that. The arbitrary one-month deadline caused Soon Shin to be egged by the other fans. Yes, the last many episodes have her as a great caring mother, but for a while I didn't mind that she and her mother-in-law died. You are right about the job situation, having any job is a blessing now, in any country. I was very happy when Soon Shin was working as a waitress in Young Houn's restaurant. I washed dishes in a restaurant for 5 years when I was young before I became a university professor in USA (I am now 63), I treasured those days. Since Junho has now broken off with Soon Shin, I am looking for Young Houn to rescue the situation again.


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I am glad you see my point, docster6. I am a prof, too, but in Korea. I started watching dramas to improve my Korean. I usually watch a weekend drama at a time because they are slow paced which perfectly fits my still shakey language skills. I like the adoptive mother, just find her a normal human being with faults and all. She was so quick to believe the worst about her husband and refused genetic testing, so sure of her judgement. If I were the writer of this show, I would finish it in a classic comedy way - with a wedding, with everyone forgiving and understanding everyone else. (oK, the mean Granny can be put in the corner ;-)), not with death. But, I'm dreading that this is where it's heading. Miryung, don't die, but go to the adoptive mom, apologize for lying about Soonshin being Changhoon's daughter, and thank her for raising Soonshin so well. Be honest with everyone, the way you were with Soonshin in the last episode. I think for the first time Miryung has somone who truly cares for her and she is responding by awakening her own humanity. I like YOunghoon too, but I'd rather have Soonshin and Junho fix their break up by themselves, possibly with Junho saying to heck with everyone and everything else and sticking by Soonshin.


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Hey, chickletta, I like you comedic ending but the chance of that happening is slim or none. I watch my dramas with my 15-year old daughter and we have developed a very strong bond. Because of Javabean's great recaps, I was able to start late and catch up. Episodes 20 to 30 or so were brutal and hard to endure. Since I read so much I alerted my daughter that the next 10 or so episodes we have to stay alive. I then told her than Young Houn's musical date with Soon Shin is what turned everything around. After that the shinshin couple had more interaction and that fateful end of Episode 39 turned everything for the better and there is reason to live again. Young Houn is about the only reasonable person in the show and he has no flaws at this point. That is the reason I need him to turn everything around because Junho did confide to Young Houn before his termination with Soon Shin. So perhaps Young Houn could tell Soon Shin how much the CEO still loves her. So there is hope, knowing how "I heard your voice" ended happily, there might be hope that this drama would have a fairy-tale ending as well. Keeping our fingers crossed.


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I guess we know now how the 'lovers' quarrel" was resolved (if it's fully resolved cuz Soonshin still needs to find out that Junho knew that Miryung had been present at the time of the car accident - and we know how irrational they all can be. I hope she will not throw another tantrum). Younghoon is quietly observing the world around him, offering a helping hand, a shoulder to cry, or a kind word. He's like a saint. Who would not love him for being so?


We are an emotional mess watching this thing unfold! We cannot wait until the end to see how it ends but will be sad when it does end. We watch every Tuesday night both episodes on Dramaever so we only have to deal with one "cliffhanger" each week. We just love the plot and the twists and turns - just wish someone would put grandma in a home!!!


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I see that many of us are absolutely smitten by Jo Jung suk and his acting. I found this little video he did to promote tourism in Taiwan (aimed at Korean audience). It's all in Korean (with splashes of Chinese and cute English) but worth a watch. He simply travels through Taiwan and marvels at everything. You can forgive him that he's not with Soonshin. Or you can even put yourself in the place of his female companion. That man is simply adorable. Now I am dying to go to Taiwan I(with Junho as a guide, kk)


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I feel so glad to find this blog & recaps in English! Thank you!

Also very glad to see that someone shares my annoyance+hatred for Choi Yeona. But you have to admit, she's one crazy/clever manipulator (with a 90's streak). :)


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