I Hear Your Voice confirms extension, scores star cameos

So the verdict is FINALLY in: SBS’s hit Wednesday-Thursday drama I Hear Your Voice has a confirmation from producers that the cast and crew are in for a two-episode extension. At this point I’m just glad they decided before Episode 16 rolled around. I know dramaland likes to cut it close with just about everything, but yeesh. And on the heels of the announcement came the news that Kim Min-jong will be swinging by for a cameo. Way to butter me up. Did you think that casting Oppa in this drama would make me forget my extension-related fears? Be strong. Fight urge to squeal.

The cameo is actually an interesting one because of the meta joke — Kim Min-jong will be reprising his latest drama role from A Gentleman’s Dignity, as lawyer Choi Yoon. Dramaverses colliding! In Voice he’ll be the same Yoon, and a lawyer sunbae to Yoon Sang-hyun’s character Kwan-woo. It’s a short appearance, but he’s doing it as a friendly favor for the PD, who directed his 2006 drama Hyena. (Hyena and Alice in Cheongdam-dong were also the reason for the So Yi-hyun cameo as Min Joon-gook’s lawyer in Episode 1.)

Not to be outdone, the writer is bringing in her share of friendly star cameos too — Dream High’s Eom Ki-joon has reportedly stopped by the set to shoot a cameo (playing another lawyer), and Kirin’s principal Lee Byung-joon already played a nasty plaintiff earlier on in the series. I know they probably need lots of lawyers on this show, but couldn’t Eom Ki-joon have played an arts school teacher who needed a lawyer, or Dr. Poopypants consulting on a medical case?

The extension takes the final episode count to 18, and despite the official press-speak about having more story left to tell, it’s clearly a decision based on the popularity of the show. Ratings hit 22.8% last Thursday, and it was the first weekday drama to pass 20% in months (the last was Yawang earlier this year). Let’s just hope the crew’s got a secret stash of genius pills lying around, because if the extension tanks the quality of a show I love just for the numbers, we will have words.

I Hear Your Voice now ends on August 1, and the Hong sisters horror rom-com Master’s Sun will premiere August 7.

Via My Daily, Sports Seoul, Osen


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More reasons to watch. My favourite AGD oppar and Dr Poopypants sobs. I'm up until ep4 right now I think; I'm so late because I got turned off by my friends' nonstop incessant annoying over-promotion.


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Mmm, over-promotion. I can see us both eager to watch Heirs


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Over-promotion by anyone else is fine, just not my friends. Especially when their words range from "OMG LJS SO HANDSOME" to "MY FEELS WHERE CAN I FIND A GUY LIKE LJS"........ yeah I stay away from things they're currently gushing about with a 10m pole.

Heirs is interesting on paper......... but the execution needs to be sharp. I'll reserve my judgments until ep1 comes :)


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Hahaha, I envy you, none of my friends is interested in anything related to Asia. But yeah, they're all day long talking about the Grey shadows book and trying to force me to read it, so I can understand your feelings ^^.


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Useless Shades of Grey? Ew. Excuse me for that. Pls stay away from that book. Lmao.

We're Asians, so yeah naturally we stick like gum to all these pretty-boys. Lol. Don't worry. :)


I agree with Daniaa, both on the love of flower boys and to steer clear of the Shades of Grey books. Watching Voice is so much more fulfilling. Although I am a bit apprehensive about the extension. But I will keep my faith on the writer to maintain great story quality.


I'm Asian too and love these pretty flower boys but sadly I live in Europe so no one I know like kdramas :(


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it's so odd seeing the actors normal. and laughing together and all. : )


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Yeah, imagining min jong gook and park Su ha being chums. ?


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I just can´t, it seems so off. so weird.
character over the actor syndrom or something. it is strange how the actor can be as nice as you can dream but when he plays a villain you see the character first, forever. yet the aura of a positive hero, on the contrary, is transfered onto the actor.
aghh my dramaverse is ruined. I am confused. I am very confused. I am very very confused.


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I know! That Min-jook / Suha picture was startling!


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I love photos like that. It's discombobulating in a fun way.


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Well, if I must. I'm with GF on this one. I will be so, so disappointed if the story quality gets wrecked for the sake of numbers. Please don't go for the Oh! The Drama! method of spinning out the episode count. Please.


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I'm usually not a fan of extensions, purely for this reason! I'm sure they can fit in whatever they need to fit in into four more episodes.

Unless they decide to create a new storyline in another six episodes...then I guess I can forgive them. Until then...no, cannot accept extension. Grrrr.


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There is the judge mystery, who is the real father of prosecutor, why Su-ha's father was blamed for a death, there is some room to expand.

Me, I would like to see judge pay for putting a helpless mother and daughter out for what he knew was a lie.


puahhaa, yes.
That photo stuck out the most to me. odd seing su-ha and min joon gook laughing together.


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That photo's messing with my head, seriously!!


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I'm okay with the extension, but please, don't let the photos be spoilers and have Min Gook go through redemption and get all best buds with Su ha.


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But that's not going to happen. Redemption might be a nice turn for our lady prosecutor but NOT for someone like Min Gook who kills indiscriminately (dear writers you'd better take note of this).


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That's not gonna happen cause if min joon gook was to go through redemption it would have been obvious since the beginning. At this point in the story, he's done too much and gone too far to turn back.


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No worries, he has both hands in that pic!


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I know this can go disastrously wrong, but I'm going to keep being hopeful and I can't help but be so happy for getting to have an extra two hours w/ this drama's characters!


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YES. *Victory dance*.
Probably multiple factors for the extension, including fan service, rewriting of the ending and cow milking. BUT, I honestly believe that the story deserves the extension: A lot of ground to cover and imo, 4 episodes were just not enough.
The cameos are the cherry on the cake. Lawyer Choi Yoon: Will he be there for a divorce case or for something else? Lol, that crossover cracks me up.


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It's been a while since a drama has made me feel the way this drama has. I love this show so much!


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Thank you! I really hope this turns out well (':
It's the best drama in AGES <3


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I hope it is worth it, but I dare you ruin it, writer and PD! less is more. you will grow horns and fangs and your granny will turn into a hamster if you ruin it.

on the other hand: more jong-seok!!!


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Sigh, I can see an extension... of courtroom scenes. Fun! ...


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That was my thought, too. More courtroom drama, not more noona killing fun.


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Fun fun fun...

I realize that this drama needs to have courtroom scenes because it is centered around the story. But, the strength in the drama is the STORY, rather than the endless rounds of debates in the courtroom- though it is an essential piece to the story.

Here's hoping a whole lot of cute from Hye-Sung and Su-Ha to carry this extension. Otherwise, I'll be very disappointed.


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yay! Two of my fave actors are in for the cameo! I super love Eom Ki-joon in Dream High while Kim Min-jong is my most loved character in AGD. :) That would be awesome to have them both in this awesome drama.

I initially thought that having this extension would be bad story wise. Although I thought otherwise later, it seems that they still have a lot to cover without making us feel rushed. And giving us more of Hye-Soo moments I can't complain. I would love to see them develop their feelings towards each other and see us how they play out as a couple with the feelings of each other in the open.

Thanks so much for the post GF!


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Seeing Mingook laughing with Suha is .... just so wrong. Shows how good actors they are LOL. I am loving Voice. My fav drama in a while. First one in a long while where I can't wait to see the next Episode.


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I last had the same feeling with behind the scenes pictures of Shunji and Lee Kang To from Gaksital. all the creepyness I felt then towards Park Ki Woong is vanished now, but he is so cute and a funny drama aired right after where he was cuter than cute! but there is nothing cute about this ahjussi. the chilling character whose effect still hasnt worn off: the father from City Hunter.


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Didn't Eom Ki Joon also cameo as a lawyer in Oska's other drama? Can't Lose? :D

(Also, laughing Joon Gook pic. MIND = BLOWN.)


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Sorry out of topic, but i cant help to love the behind the scenes pics up there.. they just cool down all the tense with their smile.. :))
Soo ha and min joon gook smiling together like besties? Priceless.. :D


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Awww yeah Kim Min-Jong and Eom Ki-Joon having a cameo appearance?!!?
Hopefully the 2 episode extention wont worsen the quality of the drama.
And ohmygahhd... is that Min Joon-Gook laughing/smiling? Looking friendly? Gahhhh that moment when you see BTS pics of evil characters from a drama looking like normal people not gone insane..


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What I'm always worried about in these situations is how this will effect the story.


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I hope hope hope this is not going to lower the quality of the drama in any way.

Always so wary of extensions....

Fingers crossed it will stay intense and that we get SH/HS as endgame (no one dying please!!!).

(SH/HS ---> doesn't that show that they are perfectly matched?)


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I just hope this turns out well.

But at least I can watch the finale at home and right after they're subbed (next week I am off to London so I doubt that I get to the episodes on time^^).


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Kim woo bin as soo ha's long lost cousin, pleeeeease...
Or ha ji won as soo ha's long lost noona (fandom collides!)


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OMG please yes, Kim Woo Bin, I would just die!!!


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I second you on KWB! *Joining the chorus of "Pretty pleassseeeee*
As of HJW, errrr....


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ooh...good choice. If he is free, I think he would definitely do it as a favor for his best buddy XD But I am already pleased with these 2 cameos announced. Love them hope they bring life to the story. One of my fav cameos ever is Lee Seung Gi for Best Love!


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ahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!

Only someone would have to bury me afterwards because I'm quite sure mk. II of LJS/KWB would leave me dead (Hye-sung, who's Hye-sung?)


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Omg Woo Biiiiin. If there was anything to make this drama even better, it.would be his cameo!


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I'm actually not pleased with the extension. Honestly I like my dramas to be as short as possible. I love this drama, so I really hope they don't ruin everything just to make it last longer.

All will be forgiven if they give Soo Ha and Hye Sung a really happy ending... including a wedding scene and a few kids!


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If the extension just means more angst added on angst, then that'd be such a waste to a fantastic drama IHYV has been so far.

Crosses fingers (and anything else possible) for happy times with Su-Ha and Hye-Sung. I need my emotion payoff.


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Right now in the recent eps Yoon Sang Hyun has become the typical second lead which is a shame because I really love flower ahjusshi.
I hope in his next project he will be the lead and get the girl.
I think he was supposed to be the OTP but then suddenly it was changed to LJS.


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About the last sentence, maybe, at the very beginning. But the drama is good, why would Kim Jae-won say no if not because he didn't want to be second lead? I don't know, this is just my opinion...


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I'm guessing because KJW was offered the second lead and not many "big" names want to play second lead. Now he's the leading actor in Scandal. Then I'm thinking the character was changed into a lead-ish part and offered forward and YHS accepted only to have his character become the secondary male lead and not not the romantic interest as it was very strongly hinted at in the beginning.


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Writers are more invested in their characters than that. They really are. Especially with a story dealing with romance. Writers generally are in love with both the rivals for the heroine...but more so with one character...and they will stick with that love story no matter what. They won't change it just because viewers are shipping the other guy. Writers may be working for money but they also have emotional connection to their story. If the writer had wanted to ship Lawyer Cha and Hse-Sung, she would make sure she gave us reasons and plot points to believably accept that relationship. She hasn't. She doesn't intend to.


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Agree. I never see Lawyer Cha as the male lead here. Not once. It's Su Ha from the very first episode. And I never have doubt not even for a second that our leading lady will choose lawyer Cha. This is not the case where the writers switch the OTP.


Seconding this as a writer. Cast listings were determined a while back and cast listings don't change because you get paid by billing.

When there is a couple, writers usually have the rule of "something that the other person cannot live without built into the character."

From Lawyer Cha she is getting a little bit of morality in her arguing, however, Soo Ha acts as a permanent compass for her. Without Soo Ha, she gives up and gives up listening to her clients.

From Lawyer Cha, she can learn that lesson, but once she learns it, she doesn't really need him anymore. With Soo Ha, it's more of a permanent problem that he fills for her. She in turn fills a problem for him, which is purpose and maturity. He can learn the maturity, but right now she's kinda giving him a purpose to move forward and act. (Though not in codependent ways, thusfar). This isn't something that can resolve easily, and can evolve easily from a writing standpoint, which gives Soo Ha a reason to stay.

Lawyer Cha doesn't have the same reasoning.


Well said Carole.

I understand a writer changing a few things around for the sake of popularity and fan service but their connection with the characters go beyond that -- they don't change OTP so easily.
I personally think she wanted hye sung and su ha to be OTP from the beginning because right off the bat their relationship is even more poignant, and su-ha was always the one with more screen time/fleshed out background.


I'm sorry but I thought it was quite obvious that the main OTp is SooHaxHyesung.

The drama focus on the bond of SH and HS. SH's promise and HS testifying. For me it is very obvious. KWxHS is just there to make SH jealous. It's only my opinion.


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Let's just agree to disagree ^^
Because yes there is a bond but it seemed that SH was someone to teach HS to become a better attorney and push her in the right direction. But because they have a crazy amount of shippers it was changed that they become the OTP.
Why otherwise have HS get all flustered and have flower ahjusshi have a makeover.


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No~ It's the cast listing was always like that. Cast lists spoil all.


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I agree with MilkyBubbleTea and KimYoonmi --- the OTP always seemed to be indicated as SH/HS...if not just from cast listing (i.e. they're the two leads), the typical drama tropes give it away: (1) she met him 'first', (2) she's not interested in him initially (i.e., usually w/ OTP one likes the other, but the other doesn't like them back right away), and relatedly, (3) she's interested in the other guy first, who is also interested in her (and admits it and asks her out).... which most times, the OTP has conflict/misunderstanding in liking until they grow closer together and viewers get their pay-off at the very end). It may not be the OTP everyone wanted... but sometimes I feel like you can see these match ups coming a mile away in dramaland.


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Point structure so far. (May ruin dramas forever warning)

- Practically marries/cohabitating. +3
- Meeting in childhood first / triggering childhood memory where both parties are shown on screen.+3 (Multiple times)
- Doing something for the or about the other's family. +3
- Main Romance BG. +3
- Walking together in the rain after meeting at the bus stop. (there is more points on one side than the other) +2
- Doing Laundry together +2
- Cooking together alone, (rival must not be there) +2
- Didn't they do the Cinderella effect with the shoe???
- Piggy back, extra if the rival sees. + 2
- Taking a guy home and he confesses a darker past +2 (He did--he revealed his true identity this way, I believe)
- Guy listens to girl's troubles and tries to fix them without using money or taking credit.+2
- Girl listens to guy's troubles +2
- Man does Laundry for girl +1
- Cooks favorite dish +1
- Man cooking for the woman +1
- Color coordinated clothes?? Don't remember (usually +1)
- Long Night on the town together +1
- Man puts up with a loud head-strong girl
- Main girl wears mainly pink make up.

Granted, the rival in this case has done some of these, but not as many.

Cohabitation is pretty much a sign of who will end up with who.

If not that, then the theme gives it away--I can hear your voice. SH listens to HS's voice literally. Then the reverse happened and the literal line was, "I haven't been listening to [SH's] voice." from HS. And then KW asks why she can't hear him at all, and she literally hasn't been hearing him at all, focused on other things. It's like a blunt mallet sometimes.

Harder ones are the reverses, but the cast listing spoil it.


I feel that their having us guess who the true OTP is, is very reminiscent of Dream High! Remember, it was Sam Dong vs Jin Gu?


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If I'm not mistaken someone had mentioned that HS's reactions to Lawyer Cha is very her.

She's rather fickle. So, being attracted to Lawyer Cha suits her. He suits her idea of whom should she marries. But she switches her goals depending on her moods all the time. But where it counts she sticks her gun to it.

She loves Su Ha more than any body could ever guess. And not as a dongseng. We all know that Su Ha will give up his life for her without blinking an eye BUT the drama showed us that it's HS who gaves her life for Su Ha without even blinking an eye or even thinking. It's a spontaneous reaction out of her love for him.


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I'm actually really excited about the extension. I think the decisions everyone involved with the drama have made so far have been spot on, and I think they've earned some trust. Trust that they won't compromise quality for quantity.

Also, considering the number of fans this show has accumulated, I doubt the Voice production team wants to anger everyone by effing up the storyline.

Fingers and toes crossed!


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Well... I'm not too hot and bothered about it. I want to have faith in the writers - and they've always been ahead of my expectations so far - so we'll see how this plays out.

The only thing niggling at me is having to wait ANOTHER week to see how it wraps up. The suspense is killing me and I'm just hungry to see what happens next.


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It's only one writer, though she'd have to get a lot better from the last I've seen her to pull off an extension. I'm hoping I'm not right. She explicitly structured this drama for 16 episodes. (I can feel her outline) 'cause around episode 8 was the reversal. So I'm not sure....


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Somehow I just love the photo of 'Min Jong-gook' and 'Park Su-ha' laughing together! They really do act very well in the drama as mortal enemies.


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Precisely! Boy, LJS can act! :)


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I pray the writer won't tank the wonderfully woven and written story as is...
I pray the writer would add tons of fan-service scenes too..

~ Yes, writer-nim and PD-nim, high rating is due to the # of viewers.. Time to fan-serve us some more, a lot more... ^^


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Unfortunately, though, we overseas viewers don't count when it comes to the rating. So I think we are the last people on their minds to please.


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Yup - YTBLSS is a good example of that - even though it has been pretty badly bashed by overseas viewers, it has been in #1 or #2 spot for weekend dramas in Korea since forever.


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btw writer, PD - no matter how many episodes you add, we will still miss this show the same amount, so there is no point really. when people are already addicted, you increase the amount of drug?


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Totally agree. Please-please-please make it happen, writer-nim.


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Please, please don't stretch the plotline. Add a new one from the side stories pile naturally springing from the show. Learn from KES. Pacing is what keeps this drama moving forward. Add a nuance to the main plot too... Pacing, please. *begs the drama gods since the writer can't read it.*

I'm hoping the extra guests are a sign of that. Break the previous track record for this writer.


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I'll join your prayer circle, this drama is too good to have its ending stretch addled by an extension.


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I'll join in this mantra too.


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I must be so deeply attached to the characters in this show because I got freaked out by that shot of our Su-Ha with Joon-gook and he.is.laughing.

Please please drama gods... don't make the storyline falter with the extension.


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Although I'm not particularly excited about the extension, since they threw in Eom Ki Joon to soften the blow, I'll accept :). I didn't watch GD but I'm in favor of mixing dramaverses! I've already been doing somebody my own ;).


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"Dr. Poopypants consulting on a medical case?"


or to cut down on the courtroom scenes, maybe have Dr. Poopypants try and figure out what extra special thing is sparking in Suha's brain that lets him read minds. hahaha

I can't wait for my summer class to be OVER and I can marathon IHYV goodness. OMG.


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Is it just my eyes? Or does K-dramaworld have special tonic that allows its resident to go ageless?
I swear, Dr Poopypant is as young as...how many years ago?
And the man who is also in Secret Garden... dunno, but my eyes said Oska looked older than this lawyer.
What is the recipe to turn around the number in your age? Instead of going old, you are going younger.
I would love to know it, too...


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Recipe =
A)Age Defying Medical and Skin Treatment Procedures
B)BB Cream
C)Cinematography- a filtered lens that softens age lines, blemishes, etc.


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I have my fingers crossed that this show stays as great as it's been so far, and that we won't have tears and disappointment in the series roundup or the end-of-year reviews.

Extensions are rarely good news, but some dramas wouldn't be hurt by them (School 2013 was the last I felt this way about, funnily enough) and I hope writer Park has it in her to hold things together through that extension stretch.


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Eom Ki Joon! Aaaaaw... i miss him on my screen. What a sexy man he is. Really hope someday he'll lead his own romance drama so i can fangirling and keep fangirling for like 16 episodes just for him.


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This excites and scares me. On the one hand, I really can't complain about seeing more of Lee Jongsuk... but on the other hand, they better not screw up this show with badly thought out fillers.


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This get me excited for this drama. Not that I don't love the earlier episode. Please don't screw up overall.


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I lost the fight.... to the squeal. OPPA!!!! *fangirl go away!!!*

Sometimes there are annoucements that make it very hard not to revert to my inner teenage fangirl. She takes the mature me hostage and has a party, while I'm tied up & gagged watching the whole thing.


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Which oppa are you squealing for?? I'm as bad... I let out a giggle when I saw Yoonie oppa's picture on top. Hehehe.


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Nooo :( I don't want an extension. More likely than not, it'll ruin the pacing. And use cliche plot devices to stretch out its plot. I really don't want to leave IHYV on a sour note.

Su-Ha, use them puppy eyes on the PDs and stop this extension. Or Hye-sung/Kwan-woo/Do-yeon/Lawyer Shin, use your (somewhat-terrible-but-effective) lawyering skills to save this innocent show...


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I am very excited with the extension! I wish no more court stuffs...hope the story develops the loveline between HyeSung and SuHa more...
I can watch both of them the whole day... Many might think I am crazy but probably I have watched single episodes like 6/7 times already and especially now I skip to only their part together especially I have played the aquarium scene, the one where they are waiting outside SuHa's flat for the locksmith to come, the last scene of Ep.12...etc...etc.. SIGH....
I am going to miss this drama for a long long long time....


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I'm all for the extension. Hopefully they'll use two extra hours to add more HS/HS scenes and unfold all the mysteries logically


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I am not sure how I feel about extensions. Sometimes extensions work very well, case in point, Smile, You, other times it completely ruins the drama, "May Queen", "I Miss You" are the most blatant one that come to mind at the moment, but there are a whole litany of others. I will keep my fingers crossed that this drama continues to shine with the extension.


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EKJ!!! So happy right now.


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Yay for the cameos! Not-so-yay for the extension! I want this to end as planned. Now that the writer will have to stretch the story for another two episodes, it's going to ruin the pace. The storyline has already passed its peak, I highly doubt they can come up with any other great men-bbong plot twist. It should've been time to wrap it up nicely and bid it farewell, but I guess another week of my life will be ruined with this drama.


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I wanna see min Joon Gooks´ presumably dead wife come alive as well


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I love Kim Min-jong. I especially loved him in A Gentleman's Dignity.

I've fallen behind on this show, but I'll try to catch up. I hope the extension doesn't tank it.


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Fingers crossed, please up the level of court room drama/lawyer banter, no party pooper and no fillers just for the ratings.

I have to hold my breath and hit pause on every episode and am enjoying (most) moments, don't let the extension ruin the fun~


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Not a fan of this news but I'm going to look on the bright side and say that it gives the true OTP of this story (Hyesung and Doyeon) a chance to patch up their Big Misunderstanding and declare undying love for one another.

On another note, I'm more than a little freaked out to see Suha and Min Joongook chumming out up. Especially since we know that when Joongook smiles someone is about to die.


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Oh snap, my hot ajjushi oppa Kim Min Young is making a cameo! And I thought I couldn't love this drama more than I do. I'm still iffy about an extension, but we'll see.


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I I have mixed feeling about extensions but this drama has delivered on every episode thus far so I'm hoping...no praying that it continues to do so.... as for who HS is going to end up with I don't know I'm confused slightly because although I know that the care that HS and SH have is great,there's no denying that there's history between them..... but when I see HS act towards SH I see the concern and the caring but LOVE?I don't know.... we still have four more episodes to go and I would like to see HS really breakdown that cold exterior of hers and warm up to SH who is like a gushing puppy of love/tenderness when it comes to her. I want to see emotion from this woman...the only times I've seen something close to it has been when her mother died and one time when she told Lawyer Cha that she had to meet up with SH or else he would be sad.

All that being said I'm still glued like crazy glue to the TV every wednesday and thrusday which is something thatno other drama has done to me for their whole duration.
So we'll see... here's hoping it gets better and better :)


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Really wish I got into this drama!! It seems really cool but just didn't hook me for some reason. Oh well...hope the story ends awesomely regardless!!

Guess I'll just have to wait another week for Master's Sun!


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Eeeekkk. It's Kim Min Jong!!! *fangirling* So excited. :D


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I hope the extension doesn't tank the momentum of the series.


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