Gu Family Book: Episode 24 (Final)

Uh… so THAT happened. There are words. They’re forming slowly because I have a melty puddle where my brain used to be. It’s finale time for Gu Family Book, and I’ll tell you one thing: It ain’t boring! Ha. Hahahaha. Heh. Heh. Heh… *cries*

The finale brought in 19.5%, which left it just shy of ever breaking that elusive 20% barrier. I feel that it’s fair, because the show left ME just shy of sane, so quid pro quo. Tit for tat, and all that jazz.


We backtrack a little to Kang-chi’s visit to Lee Soon-shin, where he says it’s time they take out Jo Gwan-woong. Or eons ago, but who’s counting? Lee Soon-shin says he’ll trust Kang-chi but in exchange he has to make a promise not to take any lives by his hand, in the name of revenge. Kang-chi promises.

After rescuing Yeo-wool from the Piñata of Doom, Kang-chi tells her to rest, but she says she wants to be there for the epic moment when Jo Gwan-woong finally gets his due. Well you can’t blame a girl for wanting front-row seats to that showdown. *grabs popcorn*

Now back to the confrontation with Jo Gwan-woong, where our good guys line up like sitting ducks for Jo Gwan-woong’s gun-toting minion to take his best shot. He lights the fuse, and Yeo-wool is the first to turn around and see him. Crap.

She sees that he’s aiming for Kang-chi (which confuses me since I thought we were going after Lee Soon-shin to pin the murder on Kang-chi, but whatever it hardly matters at this point) and jumps in the way.

She takes the shot in the shoulder. Everyone freezes, and Jo Gwan-woong scowls at the shot wasted on the wrong target.

She falls into Kang-chi’s arms and gasps, “Don’t go anywhere! Don’t disappear!” A tear falls, and then she closes her eyes.

Kang-chi’s eyes light up green with rage, and he storms over to Minion like the Terminator, not caring that the guy is fumbling to reload his gun. He’s not fast enough anyway, and Kang-chi yanks the gun out of his hands and starts punching him in the face over and over and over again.

Kang-chi strangles him as he bleeds, growling that a useless human like him needs to die. Whoa. So quick to forget our promises, Gumiho Baby.

Lee Soon-shin calls out to him to remind him that it’s an irreversible path once you spill blood, but he argues back that this one can die and it would be better for everyone.

He’s about to go over the edge when suddenly Yeo-wool calls out to him, and it works like an instant de-hulking pill. He runs over to tend to her like he wasn’t just about to kill someone two seconds ago.

The boys get ready to move her, when Jo Gwan-woong suddenly declares that no one can leave. Oh, you’re still planning to attack? Then why were you just standing around watching the show with the rest of us instead of attacking when you had a diversion?

So then we’re back to square one, with swords raised on both sides. Jo Gwan-woong orders them all killed, which is when Lee Soon-shin finally steps up to say that he can’t abide any more of his villainy, and calls in the troops.

Suddenly the place floods with his soldiers, and Lee Soon-shin arrests Jo Gwan-woong for framing innocent people as traitors, selling state secrets, and attempting to murder him. Uh, if he could just be arrested for these crimes, then why have we let him run around for twenty-four episodes?

The Japanese emissaries skedaddle post-haste, and Jo Gwan-woong is left to defend himself. Even though his guards have the slowest reflexes known to man, they use gas bombs to slip away. We don’t even get to see the chase, so I’m assuming that means he got away.

Next thing we know, Soo-ryun and Chung-jo are getting word that Yeo-wool is on her deathbed, and we see Master Dam sitting by her side as Teacher Gong says there isn’t much time left.

A flashback to Little Yeo-wool brings us to that day when she first asked Dad to teach her sword-fighting. He asks why, and she says that someone got hurt because of her, and all she could do was stand by and cry.

Little Yeo-wool: “If I don’t want anyone to be hurt because of me anymore, then I have to become stronger.” Aw. She learned to fight because of Kang-chi. Dad heaves another long sigh and stalks out.

Kang-chi is at So-jung’s house, asking for some way to save Yeo-wool. So-jung sighs that it happened after all, and that there’s nothing Kang-chi can do when a human meets her fate.

He doesn’t much like that answer, and insists, “There must be something I can do! Yeo-wool will die!” But So-jung says that’s how Fate works, and all he can do is accept it. He says that the best he can do is to go be by Yeo-wool’s side till the end.

When Kang-chi returns to the school, he finds out that Master Dam and Gon have gone after Jo Gwan-woong.

The hunting party scatters through the woods, and Jo Gwan-woong starts to show signs of a cracked noggin—when a guard asks for their next move, he mutters at him to ask Minion because he’ll know what to do. The same sidekick who got hauled off by Lee Soon-shin’s men?

It doesn’t take long for Master Dam to close in on Jo Gwan-woong’s location, and a fight breaks out. Even when he’s down to a few last guards, he manages to slip away… only to run right into Kang-chi.

Jo Gwan-woong orders his men to kill him, and Kang-chi just lets his green eyes glow and tells them they can live if they drop their swords and walk away. They choose life. It’s pretty funny to watch Jo Gwan-woong get ditched so quickly.

Even after all that, he’s still posturing and screaming that Kang-chi will die, and Kang-chi just super-speeds over to him and claws at his arm. They don’t show much, but he reacts like Kang-chi just cut his hand off. Or is that just wishful thinking?

Kang-chi looms over him: “Does it hurt? This is nothing compared to the pain you’ve caused us.”

We hear through gisaeng exposition that Jo Gwan-woong got hauled off to Lee Soon-shin, hog-tied and short of one hand. But… I wanted to SEE that. In all its bloody and ridiculous glory. What the hell?

Now that Jo Gwan-woong is powerless, Chung-jo can no longer be pushed around by the other girls, and they back out of her way.

Yeo-wool opens her eyes and finds Kang-chi holding her hand. She sits up and asks after Dad, worried and sorry for what she’s putting him through. Kang-chi holds her and says she should just hurry up and get better then. She looks up at him and says she has three wishes. Aw man, is she really gonna die?

That night the family gathers for dinner by candlelight, as we hear Kang-chi tell Master Dam that Yeo-wool’s first wish is to eat with everyone. I like that wish. They laugh and joke good-naturedly, though Master Dam is just sitting stoically, trying not to look at Yeo-wool.

They laugh about how Yeo-wool was taller than Gon until they were eleven, and how he still doesn’t eat carrots like a little kid. Kang-chi outs Tae-seo for picking carrots out of his food too. I’m taking that as a sign that they’re meant to be.

Yeo-wool starts to struggle against the pain, and both Kang-chi and Dad notice blood dropping on the floor. Kang-chi gently suggests they go back to her room now, but she wants to stay just a little longer. Oof, that one thing gets to me—her wanting to stay at the dinner table just another minute.

Dad finally turns to her and says she should go rest now. She starts to cry as she tells him: “I’m sorry, Father. I’m sorry, Father.” He just wraps her tiny hand in his, and says with tears streaming down his face: “You are my greatest happiness, Yeo-wool-ah.”

Once Dad cries, the floodgates open, and everyone starts to cry. He asks Kang-chi to take care of her, which is a bittersweet way to finally get that approval from Dad.

He carries her down the hall, and she asks for her second wish—to go on a walk with him. He takes her to the river where they sit for a while, and she asks something she’s always been curious about: “Why are you afraid of spiders?” Kang-chi: “Because they have too many legs.” It’s true! They have too many. What do they need all those legs for anyway?

He asks if she remembers what he said to her back then—to be his wife. “If I ask you the same thing now, what will you say?” She wonders when he remembered, and why he didn’t say anything about it till now.

He says the second he knew her name, he remembered, “But you had already begun to mean something to me.” He asks again:

Kang-chi: Will you marry me?
Yeo-wool: Even though I can’t cook?
Kang-chi: Will you marry me?
Yeo-wool: And my sewing is terrible?
Kang-chi: Will you marry me?

He starts to cry, and she wipes away his tears. “Don’t cry, Kang-chi-ya. I don’t want to be a sad memory for you. I want to be a happy one. I want to be laughter to you, not tears. When you remember me, I want you to be happy. That is my third wish.”

He takes her hand and makes her promise: “Let’s meet again. Let’s meet again. I’ll wait for you.” She nods.

Kang-chi: “I love you.” Yeo-wool: “I love you.”

As they kiss one last time, blue lights come floating in around them. Kang-chi thinks in voiceover: “When we meet again, I’ll recognize you first. When we meet again, I’ll love you first.”

And then her hand drops away from his, and she falls onto his shoulder. He calls her name, but there’s no answer.

He holds her close as he breaks down in tears, and then he narrates: “And like that, the sound of her breath stopped. And in that moment, my time stopped.”

Time stops for everyone as they mourn Yeo-wool’s passing, and then when we find Kang-chi sitting in her room, staring at the flower he gave her, now wilted.

Tae-seo finds him there, still numb and not knowing what to do. He asks if Tae-seo thinks Yeo-wool might still be alive and happy if it weren’t for him, and Tae-seo says that if he had to choose between living a hundred years or only living a hundred days but with the person he loves, he’d choose the hundred days.

Tae-seo: “Yeo-wool was happier than anyone because of you.”

Tae-seo leads him out, and that’s when we see that Kang-chi has a bag packed. Everyone is outside waiting to say goodbye, and he bows to Master Dam to thank him for everything.

Master Dam asks if he’s going to find the Gu Family Book, but Kang-chi says no—he’s going to spend some more time living as he is, waiting until he re-meets the person he wants to grow old with.

Teacher Gong gives him medicine and takes a ring off his finger and places it on Kang-chi’s hand, saying that it’s a sign that he is his disciple. Aw. Dad hugs him goodbye, and then Master Dam presents him with Yeo-wool’s sword, telling him it’s his to keep safe now.

He bows one last time, and takes his leave.

Gon, who’s been conspicuously absent from the proceedings, steps out to watch him go. He says to himself in a quiet voice, “Go well, Choi Kang-chi.”

Kang-chi doesn’t turn around, but he knows Gon is there. He just raises Yeo-wool’s sword above his head as he thinks: “Be well, friend.” Okay, that was kind of badass.

Chung-jo gets a package—it’s the shirt she made for Kang-chi, returned to her. She wistfully recites a proverb that means that first love makes a person grow, while last love completes them, and then sets out towards the prison with a purposeful look in her eye.

She bribes a guard to get inside, and walks right into Jo Gwan-woong’s cell. He does in fact have a stump for a hand. And the reason we were deprived of that violence is…?

She says she came here to pour him a drink, and tells him it’s time for him to die now. He takes the gesture as a sign of mercy, given the punishment he’s about to face, but she just steels her gaze and says that she just wanted to cut off his breath by her own hand, that’s all.

He takes a drink, and asks for another, as he calls his life un-fun and muses that he wasn’t greedy—he just wanted to feel alive. Her expression doesn’t change as he starts to cough up blood, and then she leaves him there to die alone. Farewell, Stumpy. It wasn’t nearly painful enough a death for you, but we’ll take what we can get.

Kang-chi runs into Lee Soon-shin on his way out, and says he doesn’t really know where he’s headed. Lee Soon-shin tells him there’s no real answer to being human, save for trying, every day. He tells Kang-chi, “Of all the people I have met in my life, you are the warmest, kindest person.”

Kang-chi promises to come running if he ever signals for help, and asks if he really thinks that the Gu Family Book exists. Lee Soon-shin says that if he believes in becoming human, then it must exist.

Kang-chi smiles and continues on his path.

And then in Yeo-wool’s room, the blue lights return and bring her flower back to life.

Fade out, and then when we fade back in, it’s 422 years later in present-day Seoul. Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. WHAT. Suddenly he’s Hong-Giljimae?

In a fancy modern apartment are very familiar old relics: Gon’s sword, Teacher Gong-dal’s medicine jar, Yeo-wool’s sword, her purple flower. We only see a man from behind as he showers and gets dressed, and then a close-up of the ring on his finger, and a familiar red shirt hanging in the closet.

As he flips through a magazine we see that Teacher Gong-dal has been reincarnated as a doctor of eastern medicine, and then he gets a call from Yoo Yeon-seok, which is Tae-seo’s actor’s real name. This is getting too meta for my liking. So this is Tae-seo’s soul reincarnated, and he shouts at his friend to hurry up and get to the party.

Kang-chi looks out his window and narrates: “The 5221st crescent moon I’m meeting alone.” And down below in the street, a familiar voice cries out, “Excuse me!” as she runs through the streets.

Kang-chi finally turns his face to the camera as his butler calls to him, and it’s Servant Choi. What, you made your dad a butler? WTF, Kang-chi-ya? And even Ok-man is a valet downstairs.

As he drives through the city, we get glimpses of modern life (and a little moment where he smiles up at the statue of Lee Soon-shin, ha). Kang-chi narrates: “The world changed so quickly, and the way that people live has changed so drastically.”

At an intersection, a woman runs past his car in a blur, and it makes him do a double take. But the light changes and he keeps driving ahead. As he arrives to meet his friends, suddenly he hears a woman crying for someone to save her.

He sighs and pretends not to hear it, but she screams again, and he can’t ignore it. The woman screaming turns out to be Yeo-wool’s teacher, reincarnated, and she’s currently about to get her purse taken from Ma Bong-chul, who’s still a loan shark gangster even in this life.

Kang-chi shows up to save the day, only to beam when he sees Bong-chul and Teacher. “Are you taking money from people even here?” Ha. He counts to three just like the old days, and flashes his pretty green eyes at him before he beats them to a pulp.

He’s just about to have his hero moment, when a familiar voice calls out behind him to freeze. Everyone else takes off running, and Kang-chi puts his hands up with a sigh, saying it’s all a misunderstanding.

But when he whirls around, he stops cold. It’s Yeo-wool, inching closer to him with her gun raised. Is she a cop? Seems fitting.

She comes closer and tells him to freeze, which he’s already doing because his mind is blown, and he finally manages to say, “Yeo-wool-ah…”

She looks back at him quizzically: “How do you know my name?” Huh, so she’s the only one who has the same name?

She asks if he knows her, and we hear Kang-chi’s voiceover again that when they meet again, he’ll recognize her first and love her first.

He finally answers cryptically with tears brimming in his eyes, “I might know you, and I might not.” And then he looks past her to find a peach blossom tree and a crescent moon hanging up above. He finishes in voiceover: “And my time that had stopped… began to flow once again.”

End credits… and then an epilogue.

Kang-chi’s doorbell rings and he’s shocked to find Gon at his door, bearing a national security ID tag. The man behind him takes off his sunglasses… and it’s Lee Soon-shin.



Is this writer on crack? The thing is, I totally see what she was trying to do, and it’s even theoretically the kind of ending I would love for a hero’s journey. Really really, promise promise. But dude, you can’t just slap that ending on without doing the legwork to make it organic, lived-in, and earned… hell, even remotely sensical. There’s a finesse to the execution! You can’t just decide your hero’s gonna be Iljimae and then shove us into the future. That’s messed up. I feel manipulated out of tears, and worse, cheated out of the hero’s journey that would have brought us here in a satisfying manner.

You know, I actually watched this series much like Jeon Woo-chi–with low expectations for a cute, fun hero story, delivered with cheeky laughs. It was never going to be epically amazing, but I wasn’t going to hold it to that when it was trying to be lighter fare. But this—trying to turn Kang-chi into one of those iconic in-every-generation heroes in the eleventh hour—was done so poorly. I may even have cringed less if they didn’t decide that he had to be Bruce Wayne, or that everyone from 422 years ago just happened to be reincarnated in the same lifetime. (Or was this the seventeenth Tae-seo he’s been buddies with? Who knows?) Just because you have a supernatural world doesn’t mean you get to do ALL supernatural things all willy-nilly. There are rules. What you sacrifice for that fancy surprise twist ending is that you went there on your own and left us all behind.

Kang-chi could’ve been that kind of hero… if that was what you were building towards for the past twenty-three episodes. But it wasn’t. And I know because I was there for all of it. We started in a good place, with an epic backstory and a great beginning for a hero. We set up a fantastic character who stood up for the weak and used his strength for the greater good. But then we let that sit there for the love story to take center stage. Living, loving, and dying was what he desperately wanted, and he fought for his human side to win out. So we wanted that for him. Because he told us so. We spent the rest of the episodes wondering if Kang-chi would ever get to the goddamn book and become human, and then gave up hope that this show would complete anything other than the romance. Because we spent SO MUCH time on the romance. And it was sweet, and cute, and all it needed was a pretty pink bow happy ending to satisfy us. That’s it.

Instead we got a death to wring tears out of us, and then a left-turn fast-forward so sharp that my whiplash is having whiplash babies. And the crux of it, really, is that it gained nothing in doing so. All we did was come back around to the romance. I suppose if you’re in it for a sequel, that’s another story, but then I hate people who shunt an ending in service of a sequel even more. Basically, if your endgame was this all along, then you should’ve done a better job shaping Kang-chi into a hero of the people. A champion. Someone who, I dunno, sacrifices becoming human to save the world? For instance?

And this is all before even getting to the fact that they pulled the reincarnated soulmance ending, which drives me crazy. The straight version: Kang-chi is still Kang-chi, but Yeo-wool is reincarnated, and he’s going to love her all over again. The fanwank version: Yeo-wool is also still Yeo-wool, because she still has the same name while no one else does, and her purple flower power gives her the right to do this. I dunno, I’m making it up. The point is, this kind of soul-in-new-body ending always leaves me with that niggling feeling that something’s not right. Because it’s not the same. Because she died, and he didn’t, and there wasn’t even any time travel for anyone who wasn’t us, and because then the healthier thing to do would be to move on with your life and date Catwoman or something. I get that pining for 5221 moons is, well, moony, but I thought the entire setup of the parents’ doomed tragedy of a romance was that the kids were going to get it right. And they did everything right every step of the way, only to get rewarded with a 422-year engagement.

I was all ready to put this show to bed with satisfactory B-marks, because it was fun and chipper, and a cool twist on gumiho lore. Though it didn’t explore the full extent of the beast/man divide, I thought that it had interesting ideas at the center and that we were just going to wrap up our narrative neatly. Even the sadder version that ends at the fadeout with Kang-chi walking down the dirt road—that would’ve been better. Less than stellar, but it would’ve been an organic ending. I might’ve even liked it. I’d still be upset at Yeo-wool having to die (because that’s just plain mean, is what) but I could be okay with Kang-chi setting out to live his life as half-human half-beast without her, and learning to accept himself as he is.

But so much of the emotional payoff I wanted was never delivered. And a finale that did that would’ve been enough for me to overlook the obvious flaws, like stretching story for 16 episodes into 24, or the unfortunate inverse stakes for Wol-ryung (epic, tragic, life-and-death) and Kang-chi (heartfelt, but juvenile, and not nearly as earth-shattering by a long shot). We were even shafted on the villain’s big comeuppance, which I know was not cut for censorship, (Remember when Wol-ryung yanked the still-beating heart out of a man and liked it?) not to mention that the drama’s over-reliance on Lee Soon-shin to come and save the day steals our hero’s thunder. I had fun with this show, even if it was never on a deep emotional level, but these last two episodes really took the wind out of my sails. It was such an interesting universe, rich with potential. To sacrifice closure in that world, for this… what a damn shame.


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Dear Show, you're such a big cheat. You gave us one of the best lead female characters in all dramaland so far and you kill her! You gave us an OTP with so much potential and then you don't give them a decent happily ever after? And then you just poisoned your one true villain??? You said it was a story of a half-gumiho and his journey to becoming human? You said it's Kang Chi, The Beginning? It all ended and he did not even start!!!

Dear Writer-nim, it's a make-believe world after all, why not turn it into a place where people wanting to escape reality would have somewhere happy to go to?

One writer added to the blacklist. That's it.


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I feel like they tried too hard to make it an epic story... I mean, Kang Chi was never a hero (as in a hero for the people), at least not portrayed as such after a few Hong Gil-Dong moments in the beginning.

And is it just me or is this name not appropriate at all for the drama.. Or may be I can't find the deeper meaning behind it..


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I am not seriously following this show.

So I say this with sincerity- all you poor fans for this drama.


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I feel bad for me too. Having a one second pity party for myself. Ok, I'm done. Moving on the the next more deserving drama!


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Thanks for your concern ck1Oz, but I don't think we're that pitiable >.<


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Th viewers on soompi live streaming yesterday was literally having either a moment or blowing a gasket .


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Yup, no need to feel sorry for this viewer too! Although ending did not go the way I wanted it too, I got to watch Seunggi for 24 glorious eps! That's good enough for me!


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Me too !!


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i was perfectly fine with the ending. i hate dramas where everyone dies at the end. so this fit perfectly.


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I think I am the only one who is not disappointed or bothered by the ending. I thought this was better than YW being magically cured out of nowhere and living with KC happily ever after. THAT would be more cliché in my opinion.


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I know some are dissappointed with the ending but....whatever my feelings about the ending(I still don't know what to think...) I for one, don't regret watching this series. I enjoyed the recaps too, thanks for that! I think the ending was to satisfy the whole romance factor. To be honest, I did find it interesting to see our characters during modern times. It made me smile. I didn't expect the series to end like this, not during present time. I guess it's because I didn't expect them to actually kill of Yeo Wool. They actually did that. I was surprised. Either way, I'm sad to see it go. I don't think there will be a sequel. I wouldn't really like it if they had one either.


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No, of course not dear
I follow without much expectation, and there's no regret, especially for the life quote..but yea..it can be better..MUCH BETTER. I don't oppose the modern life, but can't the writer give us a proper closure? And the meaning? Not saying many holes gape out (100 years inn, LSS's ship), but kang Chi's journey itself is already a let down :(


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The two last episodes didn't live up to all the previous episodes. The story could have been different. From the start it was really promising, and I feel bad that it ended the way it did.

But I have a question. The monk said that Kang-chi could only cure a person with his blood once. Then couldn't Wol-Ryung somehow save the day for both Kang-chi and Yeo-Wool? He could cure Yeo-Wool, couldn't he? Then the ending would have been completely different. I thought they would have a better ending than Kang-chi's parents, but I am really disappointed by how they wrapped the last two episodes.


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"What. The. Fuck." Is right, Girlfriday! I was waiting for your recap and reaction! Ha! Gu's ending sucked butt. Now-moving on.


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I thought I felt let down by the endings of some kdramas but this is the worst. I was so invested in this story because it started so great with such well draw characters that to watch it turn into dribble hurts my heart, more than I can empress. I should have realized this was going to happen when we started getting too much cute romance and convoluted foreign intrigue. I could take YW dying because it was established at the beginning that she would. But this ending, no I can't take it. It would have been better if when KC left the camp he went into the forest and became the new guardian, but one who has kept pace with the changing world. If the writer wanted a modern day twist and reincarnation, then have the reincarnated Tae Seo and the others from the inn and village still be there but the inn is now a fabulous resort and KC is part owner and family friend and the reincarnated YW be a guest who goes hiking in the forest and trip/fallen get injured and ask for help when the guardian (KC) appears or just have him meet her while visiting the inn. That way they could have used product placement and kept the continuity of the show a little better. This leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth and wary of getting that caught up in any more kdramas.


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Nice ideas. That would have been a great ending!


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P.S. Filming your storyline could have also easily been used to promote tourism in Korea.

I was just in S. Korea a couple of weeks ago and went hiking in the Seoraksan National Park. It is some of the most stunning scenery I have ever seen. Truly take-your-breath-away beautiful.


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You, are obviously Not on crack.


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I already wrote on Reddit but I'd figure I'd share my thoughts here as well.

I was definitely not expecting this at all. I'm happy to see Kang-Chi willing to wait for Yeo-Wool(or her reincarnation... whatever) and it really shows how much he loves her.

Am I completely satisfied with this ending... well not really. The only thing this last episode has done is open up for a season 2 and to reiterate what we already know, and that is how much Kang-Chi and Yeo-Wool love each other. There are too many unanswered questions. The writer(s) could have definitely made the drama much more crisper and cut out a lot of scenes. They could have easily cut down the amount of episodes and get to the present day much sooner if that's what they were planning on going for. And almost no talk about the book even though that's what the title of the drama is called. The beginning of the drama had a lot of promise, but ultimately fell short in the end.

However, do I regret watching this drama? Not at all. It may not be as emotionally driving as others and I scratched my head a bit more than once at some of the actions, but it was definitely a fun watch. Definitely entertaining to say the least. I would probably watch a season 2 if there was to be one. I just hope they would get a different writer because I absolutely love the cast and they did great for what they could with the characters they were given.

TL:DR Gu Family Book was entertaining drama. Not my favorite but fun to watch. Also lol at reincarnated Gon and Ma Bong Chool.


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I'm speechless. This is the second drama that I watch because of main actor (and their successful previous drama) that make me disappointed. 7th grade civil servant and now, Gu Family Book ~~


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*Hugs group for GF*
I'm just exactly like you, laugh, laugh cries *hugs GF again*



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Hugs all around.


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Yes, we certainly need group hug with LSG right in the middle!


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LOLs folks its just a story. Just make up your own ending. I laughed at the ending though and it is amusing and entertaining to read everyone's thoughts and feelings about this story .
The drama should have ended at 12 or epi 14 . My favorite scenes are between Kang Chi and Lee Soon Shin. Their dialogues were well written.

Anyway, I will be re-watching the drama "The Immortal Lee Soon Shin -TILSS" -which is my number one Best KDrama ever. If there is anything better than this (TILSS) , please let me know.
---bye folks. until next time :)


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okay. LSG learn your lesson and never work with this writer again please . LOL


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no words can fill the annoyance that i felt at this ending. #fail


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Wow. What a Frankensteinian creation this show turned out to be. The episodes that bookend it remind me of the greek theater masks of comedy and tragedy. Smiley face bookend: two episodes of a story so epic that it had the internet buzzing and instantly elevated an actor's career. Frowney face bookend: the last two episodes which relied on tropes and a surprise ending that seemed to be clumsily transplanted from another drama.

I'm hoping some kind soul can help explain who bears the primary responsibility for the outcome of this show.

In the comments for ep. 23, a lot of people were criticizing the writer for the unsatisfying direction the show had taken. Is that really the only place for blame?

It strikes me as odd that a writer who had such a clear and compelling vision for the story at the beginning could become so apathetic in the middle and then make such dramatic missteps at the end.

To me, it felt more like this drama had too many cooks in the kitchen. In other words, after the production started, the story was redirected by people other than the writer.

What seems to support this is the major changes in creative vision that happened along the way. The world and story remained consistent for the first 1/2 of the show. Then the tone and voice (and plot?) of the show made a pretty big shift and the show moved into a bog of redundancy. Finally, the last episode happened, which had such discontinuity that it left everyone saying "what the..."

The fact that they also changed the show's informal name from Gu Family Book to Kang Chi, the Beginning sometime during the first few episodes says to me that they made a change the creative direction of the show after the production was underway. If so, that doesn't leave much time to re-write the script in a way that is rich, organic and engaging. I'd think that the time/deadline pressure this would create is precisely the environment which would cause a writer to fall back on tropes.

So, is it possible that a writer will go into a story with a clear and mature artistic vision, and then lose that vision midway? If this is the case, shouldn't the PD catch it before production starts and ask the writer to iron out the glitches in the script?

If the writer is asked to change the plot, tone, focus and world/rules of the drama while the production is underway, isn't it unfair to blame the writer if the quality of the storytelling deteriorates?

Or - if I'm making assumptions that are wholly wrong, which is likely - just how does this whole process work?


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I TOTALLY agree with you on the "too many cooks in the kitchen comment."

That is the only logical explanation as to why the start, middle, and end feel so disjointed.

Whether it's creative differences and the author trying to appease everybody, pressure from the suits to deliver even higher ratings, something other than the writer was on crack! Or it could be that, too. The writer was on crack.

For how could you take a potentially phenomenal plot, take it 2,000 miles up in the air, only to hurl it back to earth in a splendid splatter?!


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Love your last comment.


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To me, the second half of the show definitely reeks of fanservice. There was too much romance (and quite a juvenile one at that) and my personal opinion is that the scenes were catered to the lead actress who does best in lighthearted scenes. I suspected that the producer or whoever may have interfered in one way or another but there is no way the writer could escape blame for this. There was already some writing inconsistency at the start (remember Tae-seo's hypnosis?) so while I believe that there were DEFINITELY other players involved, the writer cannot be excused for poor writing. Tbh, the directing is partly to blame, imo.


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LOL. I forgot about the hypnosis.


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Also, can you (or anyone else) share thoughts/examples re: how the directing helped / hindered the writing?

I'm honestly trying to learn more out how all this works. As a newbie at deconstructing a drama, most things aren't obvious to me yet.

(I wish I wouldn't have to ask such basic questions! I took Robert McKee's Story Seminar a number of years ago to try to learn about effective storytelling. But seriously, I'm learning far more here on Dramabeans than I did in that seminar / book.)


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Hmmm..all I can say that the more dramas you watch, the broader perspective you get. I watch whatever I feel like watching, so I can't vouch for other notably stellar dramas (from what mostly positive comments have hinted) like Tree With Deep Roots which I haven't watched. However, I did watch TK2H, and I really love the directing and editing even if the writing had a rough patch at one point. There was a certain fluidity and cinematic feel which I really love and the director (PD Lee Jae Kyu) managed to highlight emotions and gestures at the right moments. I don't know how else to explain it, but the directing managed to cover most of the weaknesses in the plot with clever use of camera angles.

Of course there are other dramas with stellar directors too and I might have forgotten some, but PD Lee changed my perception towards K-dramas. In the past, I would have been satisfied if the writing is good and the acting is decent enough, but then I realized that the director is equally important as well. Having a decent director is enough to pass by, but having a good director can really elevate the quality of the drama overall. Then again, directing is only a part of the overall package.

PS: I almost forgot about Tae-seo's hypnosis too, until I tried to think back what irked me the most in the earlier part of the drama. Haha.


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Not exactly what i expected but i guess it was ok though. N thats... Skipping the last part. How come every character was reincarnated in the same period??? N why??? The story should have been only about kang chi and yeo wool!!! I would have definitely loved a second season if not for this. Doesn't this mean jo gwan joong will also be reincarnated??? That means we're gonna have a modern day replay with same heroes and same villan too??? Hell man... I agree with everyone. The writer slipped off her mind while writing this.
Apart from this, the present yeo wool... A cop??? Seriously??? Why the hell???

N i really really do wish kang chi had told her when they would meet again, both would immediately recognize each other. At least, we would have got a final hug and kiss in the modern day too... But since this was my favourite drama before THIS ending, i am still willing to forgive the writer. Bcoz whatever it was, it show gave me a lot of happiness:) n am going to miss it a lot. Gu family book(Even though it never once showed in the story), wol ryung, kang chi... I love you. N i'll miss you...


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alright.... so everyone seems to be annoyed with this ending. and i am, sort of. but i have to say that YW dying just had me broken. i was a puddle of goo almost throughout that whole process. i didn't really think they were going to do it... but they did.

i was so invested in the parent's story... this show really had me and ep. 1 and 2 because of the parents. i loved how they came full circle on that... i was hoping that the death of his parents would mean that the children would get it right this time... but from the beginning, it was stressed that YW will die if she doesn't change her own fate.

i loved this drama nontheless. even with a so-so cop out ending. it could've been more but i'll settle for what we have. thank for all the recaps! i always come this way right after a show :)


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and as an afterthought... does that ending make you feel like there's going to be a 2nd season or something??? and if they did... i hope they spend time looking for the actual book this time!


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gah stop with your yakking already it ended and that's it!... if you don't like it then.. ost to your own dreamland where you can direct however you want..


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Instead we got a death to wring tears out of us, and then a left-turn fast-forward so sharp that my whiplash is having whiplash babies.

Hee! Let me know if you need a babysitter for them. ;D All I could think when I saw it had been 422 year was, 'Damn! That poor kid!' I don't envy him, having to watch everyone he knew and loved grow old and die while he remained. I wonder what business he ended up in and how he grew his money. He's done well for himself. The epilogue left me dissatisfied, because how the heck could they have Gon and LSS show up and then cut it off without any explanation? Hello? What's going on?

The writers could/should have sliced a lot of the useless fat off yesterday's episode, replaced it with some of today's, and fleshed out the 2013 material. YW dying yesterday would've made for a much tighter epi and I think it could have ended on KC and YW meeting again in 2013.


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ohhh! i like that. i think that would have been a great way to end it. :)


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Girlfriday, u took the words right out of all of our mouths, so thank you for this recap and for sharing your thoughts.

The former K2H Singapore spazzing group have been spazzing/ranting (mainly in frustration) for the most of last night over this epic(ly bad) ending.

Sigh. the first drama that made me lose sleep. and not in a good way. I hung on to it, loved many pieces of it (specially the Kang Chi bits), only to be horribly let down at the last 10mins. I didn't even mind if it ended sadly, y'know. but... sigh, sigh and sigh again.

it's like falling love with a wonderful man and being left at the altar on your wedding day.

I have no more words.


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With such a lousy ending, they should have gone all the way and showed a reincarnated Wol Ryung and Seo Hwa. Haha. Or not. I said that because I just wanted to see Choi Jin Hyuk again. Haha. October is so near, yet so far, for Heirs. I'm glad this drama gave Choi Jin Hyuk some fame, thanks to the wonderful Wol Ryung-Seo Hwa story arc.

Thank you, girlfriday, for the recaps... because after reading the recaps for the first two episodes, I was totally captivated and convinced to watch this drama. The Wol Ryung-Seo Hwa story is probably the only thing I will always cherish when I remember this drama. Their tragic love story is truly epic that I can watch episodes 1,2, 21, 22 over and over and I might still cry.

On the other hand, the rest of the non-Wol Ryung-Seo Hwa story became just too dull. And lastly, I will just pretend that the last two episodes never happened.


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Thank goodness the parents don't get reincarnated ! Can't say I miss them at all.


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Twenty-four hours of my life I'm never getting back. This was worse than Big, because at least with that show, it was already bad and frustrating early on.

This one had SO much potential! The first two episodes sucked us in, and they should have just ended it at 16 episodes since adding the extra ones just dragged the plot even more. Like the writer had no clue how she was going to end this thing--hence, this awesomely bad last episode.

Remind me again why this was called Gu Family Book? Was there an inside joke that I'm not privy to?


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Lol makes me think of Ga Concert King Of Ratings product placement ( doesn't make any damn sense but just include it)


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Exactly what I thought of.
Ratings are dropping, kill the girl. Add in lots and lots of sobbing. Go Idol!! Ok ratings are good. Here's the product placement.
Anthony did a better job


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....the ending was....... (speechless)


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....thanks for the recap...

I will love the ending of Gu family book if there was a second season...!!!

But I praise Lee Seung Gi and Suzy for their amazing chemistry and acting... and also the other actors involved in this drama...

If there's a second season, please make it an epic story and a satisfying ending...

But still really love KangDam Couple, really love to see Seung Gi and Suzy again --- CF, Movies or Drama - great plot....

My Reactions...

For Jo Gwan Joong --- don't really like his death, want him to suffer more...

Tae Soo and Chung Jo ---- what happen??? but looking forward to there reincarnated future...party people tae so...hahaha

Gon/Sung Joon --- save the best hairstyle for last...

MBC --- still a ganster?! but I really love his looks, kinda look giggolo...hahaha

Teacher/Ms. Manners ---- the future you, no more conservative looks...hahaha

Master Dam ---- at last I had seen you emoting... and best father-daughter interaction during last dinner scene...

Lee Song Shin ---- kinda looks a baddass in the future but still cool...

Teacher Gong ---- model teacher...

...the flower blooming means a new start but the crescent moon with cherry blossom ---- please, no more prophecy of dying, just destiny/fate of eternal love...


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LOL by the end of the episode everyone was in hysterics in my household. It was pandemonium. And I had never seen so much RAGEQUITTING and cussing on my twitter feed.

That said, I love open ended endings, such as this one. Not necessarily in the form of reincarnation, but I like it when I can make my own conclusions, because, well, the writers head and my head aren't one and the same.

The acting was great throughout the episoded too, and I'm happy to see Suzy improve a lot. My dad went bersertk when 'she' died though, in typical Korean ajusshi manner.


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I think I'm in K-drama shock or something. That was the biggest WTF ending ever...


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kangchi, the beginning
kangchi, the middle
kangchi, the end
kangchi, the new beginning
..... HAHAHHA..
okay so here's what
the modern Yeowool would never be the same as the old Yeowool. it didn't bring any justification of her character. After all who cares? She's just the incarnate! SO WHAT?? Ughh..

THE ENDING IS A JOKE! A FAILURE . A CRAP. I hate the writers. for bringing almost all the characters from a full saeguk drama to the MODERN WORLD:(( Such a waste of all the actors talent.


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ARE YOU SERIOUS?!? this was such a bad ending... even Papa Gumiho and mama developed a better love story then them in less then 2 episodes.... Sigh... honestly wasn't expecting this


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"the piñata of doom" (over Yeo-wool) Haha! Enjoyed the recap w/ the laughs.

I, too, hate reincarnation story lines. They never make any sense. I hope Lee Seung Gi gets some sleep now. He looked really tired the last several episodes.


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And here I thought that a drama entitled Gu Family Book would be about the effing GU FAMILY BOOK. Oh well..


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The title is Kang Chi, the beginning, for heaven's sake. Hate the ending or the whole drama if you want but at least get this fact straight.


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From what I have read, there is quite a bit of confusion over the title of this drama. It appears to be Gu... everywhere but on the Facebook page, or something like that? I have yet to hear anyone state the Kang Chi... title as a "fact." It was presented to us as Gu... and most sites still refer to it as same - when did this new title become a fact?


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To say "i'm dissapointed would be an understatement" the last two epis just plain fucked up the story the epilogue more so


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I don't like the reincarnation thing. To me, even they are reincarnated, their faces look the same, but they are not the same. The Yeo-wool that Kangchi loves has died. The modern Yeo-Wool is just someone with same name, same face. I mean reincarnation means your souls get reincarnated, not your whole body. So the reincarnated Yeo-wool might not look like her at all; and someone who has the appearance of Yeo-wool might not be her's reincarnation at all. So letting Kang Chi to fall in love with someone who just looks like Yeo-Wool is wrong... Yeo-Wool's reincarnated soul might be crying lonely somewhere in someone else's body...

And that's not even the point. Why you have to kill Yeo-wool, to severe their ties, and then hundreds year later you create a reincarnated Yeo-wool to continue their love? What is the point? I mean her death is not necessary at all. I'm quite pissed off T_T

... Unless this is to create a chance for a 2nd drama of Kang Chi in the modern times...


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oh and why the reincarnated Lee Soon Shin looks like a mafia head haha


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I literally LOLed at the ending. OHMYGOODNESS SO RANDOM. It was so different and unexpected and so totally wrong that I ended up just laughing. The drama is called Gu Family Book so I was hoping the ultimate theme would have to do something with the search for the book - which would symbolically represent the search to be human. But I don't think the ending did the title or the whole set up of this drama justice. Too much romance in the ending that it washed out all the other wonderful and magical elements of the show. It was so good. So much heart. And then flop. The ending was clever and made laugh, but I wish it were more than that. It made the drama almost seem like a joke. Oh well.... I mean they made it unforgettable... I guess.


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This post summed up my thoughts on that random ending.

Well.... we get what we got. Though I wouldn't mind the option of being able to cut the episode right to the flower reviving to life and have the jump to future ending as an alternate end. Overall, at least I had Wol Ryung-Seo Hwa story to cherish~ YW's death didn't really hit me as much as SH after all.

That aside, I had a good laugh from the episode. I mean... after spending almost the majority of the span of the series crying the bejeezus out of yourself, it's nice to have a good awkward laugh at the end. On the plus side, whether there would be a sequel or not... there's always fanfiction. XD

I don't know about other people, but at least I won't be feeling post series depression because of this show. XD


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WTF ending of the year. But, hey... Kangchi is not the only gumiho lives in modern life. Instead of insists being a human, why doesn't he look for that gumiho girl (Shin Min Ah) and live happily ever after. Literally.


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Someone should write a fanfiction/alternative endingg


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"but I thought the entire setup of the parents’ doomed tragedy of a romance was that the kids were going to get it right" - I totally agree with you on this GF, I thought they will give us happy ending?does it kill you dear writer to write a happy ending for all of us?and for the sake of Kangchi and Yeowool too..they've gone through A LOT of misery throughout the episodes,why didn't you give THEM and US the happy ending that we all deserve? this is going to be my second worst nightmare after What Happened in Bali? the moment YW died in GFB,I know this show will never be the same again..and I am a type who is severely suffering from an ending of a drama that like when it turns out to be sad ending.. How do I erase this from my memory,Kangchi ya?


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amazingly interesting,hahahaha! thank you for the recap i was so waiting for this final episode. but for me, i am still in admiration of his father's pure love.


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The recaps were the best part of this drama. Thank you!!

I loved the start (ep 1 and 2) and didn't mind most of show with the exception of WR's col demeanor at the end of his story line with KC and then this W.T.F. on steroids ending. It was so bizarre and out of placed that I was laughing. KC in the bath in Bruce Wayne's apartment (perfect description GF!!) and I could swear I heard John Travolta's Saturday Night Fever walking music playing when he was getting dressed. (see here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okpCx87orOA).

Another beanie mentioned that the ending was so off that it negated the entire show and that is how I feel.


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...and where was the book, ya know the Gu Family Book book that we were sort of promised?

I was completely on board for a part 2, but now that this insane ending took place, I am not invested in watching it. Caveat...it would need to have the original cast and bring WR back in order for me to watch it even marathoned with my finger on the Fast Forward trigger.

Side note: As I was writing my comment, I encountered this message on the DB site: "Error establishing a connection to database." This pretty much sums up how I feel about how this writer failed to handle this ending....disconnected. See, even the DB site thinks the ending was WTF!!!! LMAO!!


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"I could swear I heard John Travolta's Saturday Night Fever walking music playing"

LOL. Pretty much sums up the last episode:

Stayin' alive
Stayin' alive

Stayin' aliveeeeeeee ieeeeee ieeeeee ieeeeeeve


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@ girlfriday . Thumbs up!


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At least we finally got our shot of Sung Joon with non-disgraceful hair?


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At least they finally took that mop off Sung Joon's head??


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Such... a WASTE!
And I thought it would be a drama to move away from the typical stupid crap from kdramaland. -___-
CJ's character was never fully developed what about the drums?!

YW's death was just added to attract more viewers, I wasn't so hot for that. Everything was so great then we all got shetted on in the end, argh!



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i would love a sequel for this one :) just to justify this kind of ending... i just hope the monk wouldnt be revive ..
i still love the drama though. *sigh


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Here's my thought:

The Book is, first and foremost, a lie; there really was no Book in the first place. I think the Gods of Heaven and Earth (天地神明 천지신명) propagated that lie so that the otherworldly creatures would have a false sense of hope to cling on to.


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This final ep made me cry like..I really felt like crying a river while I watched YW die in KCs arms... And than that shit like ending, I mean wtf was that??
This drama had such an awesome start, showing us the sad love of a gumiho and a human. At least I hoped for Kang Chi to be happy with Yeo Wool. But no, of course I expected too much. What a crap ending, and it made me cry so much. The other characters were really pushed in to the backround.For example: I would have loved to see that Tae Seo has taken the inn back, and so on, so many things were left out.
Even if Kang Chi met Yeo wool again even if it is after...yeah 422 years, I am not satisfied. What is he gonna tell her? I am a gumiho and waited for you? He lived for so many years alone, and she doesnt know about anything..
Today I am going to watch with eng subs and gonna cry until my eyes are bloody.
This Kdramas are really tricky, making us addicted first and then disappoint us, like getting a punch in your face.. I am sad and disappointed.. It could have been sooo much better, if I would meet the writer I would seriously beat him/her up. This ending is really like a joke -_-


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Why are the writers coming up with such Stinko endings in these dramas lately (ie. BIG,MSOAN) and now GFB? What happen to their originality and imagination?
Totally agree about the whiplash into the future. Bad writing.[


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Thanks for the recap! Well at least GFB ended with a better way if we take a look at JOJLIL's ending (yucks, such a waste for the beautiful costumes) However i really want to see the real closure of Yeowool & Kangchi not just them meeting under the moonlight. Suzy's face is just flawless.


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