Gu Family Book: Episode 22

Kang-chi finally gets ready to go on his quest to become a real boy, and Yeo-wool prepares to say goodbye, not realizing that he’s doing the same. It’s an episode of fallouts and setups, so there is a bit of an epilogue feel to some of the proceedings as we close a few chapters and head into finale week. Thankfully there’s a lot of cute to counter the angst to come.


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As Kang-chi cries on Yeo-wool’s shoulder after his traumatic day, she starts to cry thinking of the conversation she just had with Dad. He said it was time for Kang-chi to go on his quest to find the Gu Family Book, and that she’d have to let him go.

She worries that things might go wrong and Kang-chi could turn into a demon just like Wol-ryung, but Dad asks, “Aren’t you the one who wants Kang-chi to become human, more than anyone?” You can’t argue with that.

He offers to tell Kang-chi himself, but she says she’ll do it, and asks for three days. She hugs him now, thinking to herself: “The time we have left… three days. Can I let you go in that time, Kang-chi-ya?”

He opens his eyes the next morning, and finds Yeo-wool sleeping next to him. He holds her hand and gently wakes her, asking why she’s here. She murmurs half-asleep that he cried so much she couldn’t leave his side. Aw.

He tells her that it’s morning and then counts down on his fingers for her to respond. Three seconds later her eyes dart open and she pops up. “What?” She flails about wondering what she’s going to do, while he laments sleeping through their first night together. Heh.

Her thoughts return to their three days left, and she asks him for three wishes. His first is food, which she finds trite, until he clarifies that he wants food she makes for him… and then her eyes glaze over.

Before he can say the second, Gon comes by to wake Kang-chi. Gasp. He opens the door and is about to turn back when he sees Kang-chi sleeping, but then notices a familiar-looking umbrella in the corner.

He slams the door shut, and Yeo-wool peeks out from under the covers and they sigh in relief… which is of course right when Gon opens the door again to catch them red-handed. Ruh-roh.

They can’t even get a word in before Gon rushes Kang-chi and lands on top of him. I know they’re fighting, but he’s half choking him and half stripping him. It’s getting saucy in here. And THEN, Yeo-wool’s teacher comes by, and this is what she sees:

Hahahahaha. Also, rawr. Guess what my new screensaver’s gonna be?

Teacher averts her gaze, and then asks what Yeo-wool is doing there. She quickly says she’s here to stop the boys. Teacher: “From doing what…?” Yeo-wool: “Things they shouldn’t be doing.” Pfffft. Scandalous!

Gon asks why Yeo-wool would say such a thing, and she just grins back and retorts snidely that fighting is a thing they shouldn’t be doing.

He freaks out that her teacher might misunderstand and spread rumors, and she says pointedly that that’s how misunderstandings can be—so he should stop assuming the worst about her and Kang-chi too. Nicely played.

Kang-chi sees Gon’s reaction to Yeo-wool’s teacher and laughs out loud. He thinks to himself: “It passes. Because of these people by my side, I laugh again.”

Wol-ryung comes down from the mountain to see So-jung, who nearly bursts into tears at the sight of him. “Is it really you? Is it my friend Wol-ryung?” He grabs Wol-ryung in the biggest bear hug. It’s so sweet.

So-jung comes to the school to see Kang-chi, and tells him someone really wants to see him. Aw, does Kang-chi finally get to meet his father without the death and mayhem and thousand-year curses?

Meanwhile, Yeo-wool asks her teacher to move on to cooking lessons, declaring that needlepoint isn’t enough for her anymore. This ought to be good.

Kang-chi approaches Wol-ryung cautiously and asks if this is his real face. He asks about Mom, and Wol-ryung says wistfully that she’ll be with him forever now.

When Kang-chi asks about Seo-hwa betraying him, Wol-ryung says it was perhaps his own fear that she’d betray him that started all of it in the first place. “Perhaps it was my own heart, my fear, that made me into a demon.”

Kang-chi says he wants to hate someone, but doesn’t know where to put the blame. Instead Wol-ryung tells him not to keep hate or thoughts of revenge in his heart at all.

Kang-chi confirms that he still wants to be human, and Wol-ryung advises him not to give into fear once he’s decided his path. “The moment you give into fear, you lose everything. The opposite of trust is not faithlessness. It’s fear.”

He walks over to put a hand on Kang-chi’s shoulder, which is just a nice beat, and an echo of all the father figures Kang-chi has had over the years. They exchange one small bittersweet smile, and Wol-ryung turns to go.

Kang-chi calls out after him: “This is the last time, isn’t it?” Wol-ryung says it probably is, and Kang-chi says hesitantly with tears pooling in his eyes, “Still, once in a while, once in a while… I’ll miss you.” *whimper*

Wol-ryung smiles back at him gratefully, and then walks away. Only when his back is turned does Kang-chi finally let one tear fall.

So-jung stands by Kang-chi’s side as they watch him go, and Kang-chi thinks to himself: “It passes. Another farewell passes by.”

Wol-ryung returns to the Moonlight Garden, where he’s surrounded Seo-hwa’s body with flowers. He takes her hand and lies down next to her, and closes his eyes.

The blue lights surround them and lay them to rest in each other’s arms, and seal up the cave and the Moonlight Garden forever. That was beautiful. I…I have something in my eye.

Jo Gwan-woong is still a listless zombie after losing Seo-hwa, and then we finally pick up that thread of Tae-seo being caught spying on the bad guys, which I had already forgotten about. He’s brought to Jo Gwan-woong to decide his fate.

Kang-chi goes to see So-jung, eager to find the Gu Family Book now. So-jung tells him he has to control his gumiho form on his own first, and Kang-chi yanks the bracelet off to show him proudly. So-jung is totally taken aback at how quickly he mastered that.

He reluctantly hands over a book (the book on how to get the Gu Family Book, because The Book is a big ol’ tease), and tells him the cliff’s notes version. For one hundred days: he can’t kill (including animals), he can’t refuse any human’s request for help, and he can’t show his beast side to any human in those hundred days.

Kang-chi asks what he’s supposed to do about the people who have already seen his gumiho face, and So-jung says he has to leave them. Kang-chi figures he can leave and then just return to them, which doesn’t sound so hard.

He reminds Kang-chi that he could end up a demon just like Wol-ryung, but Kang-chi says he can’t imagine a life without Yeo-wool, and wants to grow old with her, end of story.

So-jung asks if he really doesn’t know, and that’s when he tells him the fate he saw—that he or Yeo-wool could die. Kang-chi is stunned speechless at that, and puts the book back down.

Yeo-wool’s cooking lessons go about as well as you’d expect. It sort of looks like she attacked the kitchen with her sword. Teacher Gong finds them standing in there with his kitchen turned upside-down and practically has an aneurysm.

I love that Yeo-wool and her teacher are trying to play it off like it’s no big deal. Be cool. Be cool.

Back to the monk’s library, where So-jung says between Yeo-wool who’s human and Kang-chi who isn’t, who will probably be the one to die? Kang-chi argues that if something happens to her, he can just heal her with his blood.

So-jung tells him that only works once per person—once you save one life that way, that person can’t be saved again. What? These rules, I swear. It might’ve been nice to know this earlier, buddy.

Kang-chi says that if he becomes human, it’ll change his fate. But So-jung says the death warning isn’t his fate—it’s hers. When she met him under the crescent moon hanging from a peach blossom tree, that became her fate.

Kang-chi thinks back to the moment and wonders, “Was that Yeo-wool?” Wait, I thought he already remembered that. So-jung tells him that her fate is not something he can change by his will, and urges him to let her go. Augh, great. Now we have BOTH of them getting ready to compete for Noblest Idiot of the Year.

He sits on the front stoop for a while lost in thought, and Yeo-wool comes out to get him, having prepared his first wish. She excitedly brings him to the kitchen and makes a great deal of fanfare about the first meal she’s ever cooked… and then reveals a bowl of rice with kimchi on the side. HA.

He’s like, I asked for rice so you literally made just rice? And she pouts that this took forever, so he should appreciate it. He eagerly takes a giant bite and crunches on what sounds like a rock, but pretends it’s delicious and swallows it anyway. How cute.

As he eats, she stares at him and thinks, “Just three days… Will I be able to let you go?” while he thinks, “One of us will die… What am I supposed to do?”

They’re interrupted with urgent news that Tae-seo’s been captured, so the good guys head out to see Lee Soon-shin to discuss their next move.

Tae-seo seems to be handling himself okay though, because he uses the opportunity to tell Jo Gwan-woong that he’s been spying on everyone, and he could be persuaded to give up some crucial intelligence that would save Jo Gwan-woong’s life… IF he’s willing to deal.

Pil-mok and Co. think they have a leg up after raiding Lee Soon-shin’s camp and stealing the maps back, but they worry about the strange looking ships they saw being built.

Meanwhile Lee Soon-shin shows Master Dam and the kids the real map, and says the one they stole was a fake. I wish I could say I cared about this plot, but I don’t. It was tangential before, but now that we’re getting down to the wire, it feels even more so.

Kang-chi takes a moment to gape at the badass model ship in the room, and Lee Soon-shin introduces it as a turtle ship for the first time, which is cool.

Jo Gwan-woong mulls it over and asks Tae-seo what he wants in exchange for state secrets. Tae-seo wants the inn, of course, and his father’s name cleared. Jo Gwan-woong is skeptical that the information would be worth that much, but Tae-seo says that Lee Soon-shin has a list of names given to him by Seo-hwa… Whaaaat. Is Tae-seo seriously switching sides right now? It’s another fake-out, right?

But the list he gives Jo Gwan-woong is the same as the one that Lee Soon-shin has, because as his men arrive to arrest the traitors one by one, they’re all found dead. Jo Gwan-woong’s men are hurriedly trying to do a clean sweep before Lee Soon-shin can get to them, and before they can name him as an accomplice.

Pil-mok demands to know why Jo Gwan-woong is murdering their allies, but he says this is their fault for not getting rid of Seo-hwa properly. He says that power and status can be reacquired later, but right now they have to kill the others to survive.

Both sides get word that the last three men on the list have come to the gisaeng house to meet Jo Gwan-woong, with threats that if he doesn’t come, they’ll go straight to Lee Soon-shin. Both men race to beat the other there.

Kang-chi, Yeo-wool, and Gon set out on a separate mission ordered by Lee Soon-shin, and just before they sneak into the Hundred Year Inn, Kang-chi tells Yeo-wool to wait outside. She refuses to sit out, so he pulls out one of his remaining wishes and says his second wish is for her to wait right here. Dude, you can’t do that. That’s no fair!

Yeo-wool argues that he can’t go mixing orders with wishes, but he insists and they go in without her. Lame.

Jo Gwan-woong arrives at the gisaeng house first, and Chung-jo tries to remain in the room to eavesdrop, but it doesn’t work, and as soon as he gets them alone, they’re slaughtered just like the rest.

Lee Soon-shin arrives just as Jo Gwan-woong is leaving, and says he’s here to arrest traitors who are selling state secrets. Just then a girl runs out screaming, and they find all three men dead.

Jo Gwan-woong looks totally self-satisfied at having beaten Lee Soon-shin to the punch, but the admiral doesn’t look very perturbed. He asks if he knows the proverb that to fight two tigers, you needn’t get your hands dirty at all.

He thanks Jo Gwan-woong for taking care of eleven traitors so swiftly, and then Tae-seo steps out from behind him with a smile. He fumes that they’re going to have to do more than this to frame him as a traitor, and Lee Soon-shin just calmly agrees that that’s probably true, and lets him go. Tae-seo smirks at him as he passes by, and Lee Soon-shin tells him he did a good job.

Kang-chi and Gon sneak into the inn where ninjas are waiting to attack them, because that’s just standard inn procedure now. Yeo-wool waits outside, but she gets attacked anyway by a ninja who happens to be checking the perimeter.

He manages to slice her in the stomach, so she takes off running. I’m not sure why she brings that ninja to the bigger fight, but anyway she joins the boys, maybe to get their help.

Kang-chi is so busy fighting that he doesn’t notice that she’s there, and turns around claws-first, swinging at the person who’s coming at him. Only it’s Yeo-wool, and he’s just sliced her arm. OH NOES.

They’re both stunned, and she starts to cry from the pain. Kang-chi just stands there frozen, his worst nightmare happening right before his eyes.

She collapses into Gon’s arms, and Kang-chi just looks down at his own hand in horror. The man who was Seo-hwa’s bodyguard comes outside and tells his minions to stop attacking, and Gon hands him a letter from Lee Soon-shin. Huh. Is everyone in this universe a double agent?

Kang-chi becomes frantic and grabs a rock to cut his hand and pour his blood into Yeo-wool’s wound. But nothing happens, per the rule we just learned.

But Kang-chi just keeps cutting into his hand over and over because his wound keeps healing over, while hers doesn’t. Augh, this is terrible.

He screams like he’s going to rip his own hand off, and Gon has to stop him before he slashes it to shreds with that rock.

Jo Gwan-woong throws a tantrum for being outsmarted for once, and asks for ten of Pil-mok’s ninjas so he can kill Lee Soon-shin. History says: nice try.

Once the kids get back home, Teacher Gong bandages Yeo-wool up and she’s back to her smiling self. Dad runs in after hearing that she was hurt because of Kang-chi, but she swears it was just a scrape, and Kang-chi was busy fighting ninjas the whole time.

She says it was her fault for joining the fight when he told her to wait outside, and it looks like Master Dam buys the story for now.

The bigger problem is Kang-chi, of course, who’s busy beating himself up for the mistake. She finds him sitting outside and he noticeably keeps his distance from her and gets up to go inside when she sits down next to him.

She knew he’d be this way, and says it wasn’t his fault. But he says he wasn’t himself—he was crazed with the smell of blood, and next time he could hurt her even more, or even kill her.

Now she knows why he’s extra-freaked out, and asks what he heard. He admits to knowing about her fate if she stays with the one she met under the crescent moon, and that it’s him. He asks how she could let things get this far knowing that she could die.

Yeo-wool: “I didn’t want to lose you now, just because of a future I don’t know.”

As he looks into her eyes, he thinks of Wol-ryung’s final words: “The moment you give into fear, you will lose everything.” He answers back in his thoughts: “But I’m scared. Yeo-wool could die.”

And aloud he answers: “Our fate ends here. That is my third wish, Dam Yeo-wool.”



Why. We all knew it was coming, but still. I mean, your thousand-year-old father even told you not to cave to your worst fears but you did it anyway. Bah. The thing about noble idiocy is, being nobler doesn’t make you any less of an idiot. It’s not a reciprocal thing. You can still be just as idiotic, or cowardly, or both, no matter how noble your intentions. The girl you love is standing there telling you she chose you over some unknown future that has yet to be, and STILL you choose the other thing. Urg. Drives me batty, that move.

Even though this writer’s setups are clunky—you can see the puzzle pieces being carved to fit just so and then slotted into place just before you need them to be there, which lacks finesse and subtlety—they are arranged to make everyone’s motivations crystal clear. I thought the accidental claw swipe at Yeo-wool was a good setup to push Kang-chi over the edge, but I wanted it to be… bigger somehow. More dangerous, and more deadly. I actually wanted her to be hurt so badly that she could die. It’s horrible to say, since I don’t want her to be hurt, but for the purposes of making us feel Kang-chi’s angst so that we’re with him when he chooses to leave her, it should’ve been that scary and that dire.

They keep talking about death because it’s part of her so-called destiny (And really, I blame So-jung for telling them this in the first place. I mean, why isn’t there a Fortunetelling Monks Association rule that you shouldn’t tell human beings their futures?) but that’s never going to be as high-impact as an actual near-death experience. The fear that he might actually hurt the one person he loves most is a fantastic thing to explore in this genre, but it felt underutilized here. Kang-chi was feeling every bit of the guilt and fear, but she got clawed in the arm and bandaged up in a jiffy, before we had a chance to concede that he might be justified in leaving her. It lacked the visceral impact of seeing him as a bloodthirsty beast (c’mon, where was the green-eyed monster when you really needed him for narrative oomph?) and fearing for her life instead of thinking she might need a tetanus shot. The ingredients were totally there, but just served undercooked.

It was sad to say goodbye to Wol-ryung, but his story felt closed, so it seemed fitting that he’d lay at rest with Seo-hwa instead of lingering in this world for eternity as a shadow of his former self without the love of his life. As a person, you just feel terrible for Kang-chi because the poor kid just gets abandoned in like every other episode, but as a character, it seems better that he has to forge ahead on his own. Hopefully he’ll come up with some answers that he’s learned by being a part of something bigger than himself, and not forget why he wanted to be human in the first place.


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Thanks, GF!

Also, did anyone else notice how Gon only pulled his hand back when Yeo-wool's teacher caught them? His leg stayed around Kang-chi until he stood up. Mmm, do I sense something~? xD


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P.S. Gon is a total tsundere xD


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LOOOL OMG your comment!!!! baahaahahaa
it brought me back to my manga high school days


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OMG Tsundere....Epic. I haven't heard that word in a long time...these damn Korean Dramas and Manhwas are addicting.


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Hi Melissa, what is a "tsundere," please?


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Hi Ivoire! Tsundere comes from "tsuntsun" meaning cold/aggressive/mean and "deredere" meaning cute and kind (or something along those lines, haha). Basicallly, it means that you're mean on the outside but really nice and cute on the inside :)


Hi back Blah2013,
And thank you for explaining :-). That makes sense, based on what we have seen of Gon throughout the drama. I don't think he will change in the last 2 ep.


His arm was behind his shoulders too~ The stripping was funny enough, but it STAYING there was the funniest part of it. Just laying there chilling on top of Kangchi while everyone misunderstands. I died.


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Do they give a timeline when YW is going to die. Of course she's going to die. She's human. What are they all worried about. YW had it right before, saying, she wants to live in the present and not worry about the future.

Im very disappointed in the writers with this episode. They are missing the obvious, which is common sense to us viewers. It makes me angry and I hope YW stops him because she should know all humans die someday.

Writers please pull your head out of your ***..and put it back into a wonderful ending.

If I did miss something I would appreciate it if someone lets me know.

thanks in advance

I still love this drama and it is in top 3 so for this year, down from #1, since ep.22 aired.


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So this is what it's come down to. Hijacking and cutting the line and "replying" on a comment when your comment has nothing to do with the original - just because you want your comment to be one of the 1st.

Very sad, y'all.
Why don't you wait in line like the rest of us and be #88. #122 or whatever with your comment?


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Meant to reply to comment #1 since it applies to all who put in random comments under Ivoire's "Thanks".


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I must've missed something, because didn't that ninja slice her pretty badly in the stomach? Why did they only take care of her arm?


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The ninja did not slice her with his sword; he had a whip in his other hand. It was the whip that wrapped around her waist. It might have 'sliced' her clothing, but not the body underneath.


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Thanks KDaddict for this answer. I didn't see that. Things were going so fast that I thought she had been sliced with a sword. I guess my comment below should not count then, and I stand corrected.


He was holding two swords and whatever hit her made her bleed.


It also sounds like a sword slicing through flesh, not a whip. But yeah, the next shot right after she gets sliced is her looking at her wound, and there's blood.


He did make her bleed. That's why Kangchi attacked her. He smelled blood. So even if he knew she was there it's possible (in his mind) that he would have attacked her if she was injured.

Though I guess men wouldn't tend to an injury like that on her.


@Ivorie, Mollee,
The way the weapon landed on her looked like a whip, but the ninjas did all use double swords. And it did draw blood. @lemondoole is right that KC smelled blood--that's why he attacked her in his altered state.
There is certainly more than 1 WTF moment in this drama, as in a lot of dramas. Just like someone asked in a comment below: "Whatever happened to the jacket that CJ has been shown painstakingly embroidering?" If it doesn't show up again, it might be that the PD has forgotten abt it. Wouldn't be surprising, u know, given that he has forgotten abt whole chars, like CJ, head gisaeng. I imagine if we ask him why no one treated YW's wound on her waist, he might go: "Oh, that." ;)


Hello Mollee, and excellent question! I saw the same thing, and I wondered: 1-- how she could still run and fight with that wound in the stomach (and we didn't see her stomach bleed either), because she ran to KC and Gon and she fought until KC sliced her, and 2-- as you asked, "Why did they only take care of her arm?" I thought the wound in the stomach must have been pretty bad, from the look of it (she was sliced with a sword, after all).
That didn't make sense to me. Those scenes were not handled well, imho.


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OK! So based on what lemondoodle and Mollee added, I guess I stand corrected, again?... Another reason to rewatch the drama (trying to marathon it), with the hope that I will see scenes like this better this time around.


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@Ivoire, Hi,
I replied to you and to Mollee and lemondoodle's new comments above. I think we might be tidier persons than this PD; you certainly are.


Hi KDaddict,

So good to "read" from you, as usual :-), and thank you once again for being one of the few people who always seem to take the time to read my questions and (long) comments, and one of the people who help me think through this drama, and in so doing, helps me understand Korean culture (and by extension Asian culture to an extent) better.

Thank you also for saying this, "I think we might be tidier persons than this PD; you certainly are." I appreciate the compliment, though I am curious by what you meant by that (and no, I am not fishing for another compliment :-) ). Did you say that because I tend to pay attention to everything (or to as many things as I can) that is/are going on in the drama? (That was the only answer I could think of).
I also wonder if the PD is the only one to blame. Don't you think the writer might have some responsibility as well? After all, she is the one who writes those scenes, isn't she? (Granted, the PD is the one who has to execute/film the scenes, and the one who has to direct the actors/actresses as to how to move/"fight," since he has to be able to film said scenes and make them look believable). What do you think?


OK, so I just wanted to add that I reread the recap, and even GF said that YW was "sliced" in the stomach by the ninja she was fighting against. So I guess she was sliced, but I didn't see the blood, and she didn't act like it hurt. Her wound on her arm got all the attention and was the focus later on (and we know why).


So I went and rewatched that fighting scene on Viki, and yes, YW was slashed by one of the swords on her stomach and she bled (I saw that). I think that was why I was surprised that she could continue to run the way she did, and continue to fight next to KC and Gon, because I was thinking that a wound on her stomach would debilitate her, and she didn't look debilitated at all, until KC wounded her. No attention was brought later on to that wound either. Definitely a "What the Heck" moment there, and now I understand why KDaddict said that the PD (and probably the writer as well) are not very tidy.


As I rewatched the last fighting scene, I wondered why KC is still wearing the bracelet. Does he have a need for it still? During his transformation (for the fight), he didn't change. Not his eyes, his fingernails, nothing and he can control his changes/transformation. So what purpose(s) does the bracelet serve, at this point?


Thank you GF for the recap, as always!

I remember reading on a blog that LSG had said in an interview that things were going to take a melodramatic turn in GFB (and this was a month or more ago), and I have to say, he was not exaggerating. He had said this around the time they were airing the date scenes between KC and YW (festival of lanterns). I do feel for KC, a whole lot. This is one character who will deserve his HEA (because we know that is coming, right?)

I will start with the questions I have, regarding this ep.

1--OK, the bed scene between KC and Gon, I get that it was for YW's teacher to find them in a compromising position. I didn't understand the need for Gon to strip KC, however. Was it really necessary? I first saw this ep. raw, and because I do not understand Korean, when I saw Gon stripping KC, I thought he was checking him for wounds or something of that nature, since KC had been in fights and had had some traumatic days earlier. And when I saw the ep. subbed, I realized that there was no reason (really) for Gon to do that. There just seemed to be no rhyme or reason for what Gon did (besides the fact that the scene called for the teacher to be extremely shocked at what she saw). I thought the fact that Gon was on top of KC (so to speak) would have been good enough, but maybe that's just me. When men fought in Joseon times, did they disrobe each other as well, in the process? I have never seen that in a Kdrama (an historical one), not that I have seen that many to date, but still... That part felt gratuitous to me.

2--TS still hasn't given a test to KC, has he? I wonder if he will, in the next couple of episodes. I guess we will find out next week.

3--I am still thinking about the shirt CJ brought to KC (since they showed it twice), and I can't help but wonder if we will be told why that shirt got some screen time (twice). Yes, I kind of like to know what happens, even with the tangential themes that do not seem that important to the main plot.

4--When SJ told KC that YW could get hurt, KC figured that he would just heal her (and then we learned that he couldn't). How would that work though, because I assumed that KC would lose his divine abilities IF he became human. Isn't that how it is supposed to work? It's like KC wants it both ways, the divine abilities of a divine creature, AND the ability to become human. Wouldn't his dna (or blood type) change? Or are there some loopholes I don't know about, and that SJ forgot to mention (again...)
I guess though that since the monk said that he can only heal one person once in his/her lifetime, it means that even if KC becomes human, he gets to keep the divine abilities he had before? (ability to heal, to jump high in the air from one place to another, to be extremely strong and fight like he does, a high sense of smell, hearing, sight, etc...) How does that make him human then? (I thought he would have to be vulnerable like humans are, you know, vulnerable to getting sick, dying etc...)

5--I have a question about "bap (sp?)" mentioned by KC as his 1st wish. Viki translated it as "rice," and GF mentioned "food" in her interpretation of it (1st time). Later on though, GF wrote that KC asked for "rice." So which one is it, really?
I am asking because that makes a difference. If KC literally asked for "rice," then YW was right to serve him rice, because technically, that was what he had asked for, and as she said, it was a big effort for her to cook it (and it was expensive for her to cook it, considering all the dishes she broke and teacher Gong's medicine that was destroyed), and so I am with her on that one.
If "bap (sp?)" means "food," then KC was right to expect more food, and not just a vegetarian meal :-). He is still growing, he is 1/2 beast, so the boy needs to eat. When he asks for food, give him food, is all I am sayin'. That whole scene was funny and cute though, I loved it.

6--I really didn't like how SJ doled out the rules in this drama, just willy nilly. Couldn't he have told them ahead of time? (Rhetorical question, I know...)

7--I thought it was interesting when WR went to lie down next to SH, and I was a little curious about that. I always assumed that he would live forever, but I guess he could chose to "die" or "go to sleep eternally." I just didn't think that was an option for him, to be honest. The things we find out, while watching this drama, regarding the gumihos/divine creatures, *SHM*. So, is there a book that lists all their powers and abilities? What they can and cannot do? (That's a rhetorical question of course, but I am still curious...)

Those are my questions, for now... Thanks for reading them, and to whoever attempts to answer one or more of them.


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And my thoughts on the ep. will follow...


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1. Gon didn't "strip" KC, purposefully or non-purposefully. Just that KC was wearing this 'night-shirt' that is like a taewondo or judo jacket, which slips off the shoulders easily.
5. The literal translation for 'bap' IS rice. But in Asian countries where rice is the main staple, when ppl eat rice, they always eat it with accompanying dishes. So when sb says he wants rice, it'd mean he wants a meal; no one would take it to mean that he wants steamed rice alone.
7. Part of the fun of a drama using a fantasy-based creature is that rules abt them can be made up. However, this PD/writer team whipping things out of thin air along the way, willy-ninny, rather than stating them at the outset, can be irritating.


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Hello KDaddict,

1--This comment is in response to my saying that Gon "stripped" KC off of his kimono-like shirt/jacket, and it is a response to lemondoodle 1st response as well (below).
I am so thankful for your answers, because you seem to be able to read into the minds of the writer and the PD. I had not thought of it as simply being that the jacked came off during the fight. I did go back and rewatched that scene, and I have to say that I stand by what I wrote earlier. I rewatched that scene several times (really!) and Gon does disrobe KC. I think that this is a scene where the PD did not manage to accomplish what he and the writer were trying to accomplish, really. It seems to me that in fighting (and they might have rehearsed this scene), the jacket did not come off of KC (LSG), so Gon (or the actor playing Gon) had to take it off. The jacket was just not coming off... That scene starts around 8 mns in (or something like that), and around 8mns and 55 seconds, you can see more of what I am talking about. If you can freeze or pause the ep. at 9mns 11secs to 9mns 17secs in (something like that), you will see even more clearly what I mean. I also think that if we were able to see that scene in slow motion, we would clearly see that Gon is pushing the jacket off of KC's shoulder.
That was what confused me in the 1st place, and I did not dream what I saw. Thank you guys for letting me know what the intent was. I would have to say that like a few other scenes in this drama, the execution of said scene failed (or was not good).
It reminded me of the scene where YW took her knife out (She was on top of KC) to hurt him, only to realize that it was KC, once she opened her eyes. We talked about that then, the execution there was not well done either, because there is no reason (and no way) someone is whirled around and opens a knife (the way she did), without opening his/her eyes. (I don't remember in what ep. it happened, otherwise I would mention it).

2--Thank you for explaining "bap" to me. I did think it meant rice, and based on your explanation, I can see why KC was stunned to only be given rice and kimchi by YW. In my part of the world, the same would apply. If someone asked you for rice (or other staples that would accompany a stew), you would not just give that person rice. You would serve the rice with other dishes (and some stew, with meat or fish).

3--The comment you made, regarding my comment/question #7, I agree with and I second all that you said in your last comment. Thank you again for reading my questions and for answering some of them. I appreciate that.


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1. It was half fanservice, half Gon was trying to attack KC and the clothes come off easy. A punch to the face would have ruined the humor of the scene.

2. Yes, his test comes next. I figured he'd be a jerk and test Kangchi's feelings for YW, but I feel it might be similar but in a way to make Kangchi get over his fears. So TS will end up being selfless and giving up on his engagement.

3. I still think it'll come up. If you watched a few episodes back YW was still had that worried look about CJ (when she came to tell him about his mother) and Kangchi has yet to officially make it clear that YW is the most important person to him. The shirt might lead to this....

4. Kangchi thought the bad fate was just because of he was not human. So even if their fate could lead to her death he could still heal her. SJ confirms it doesn't matter if he's human or not, the fate is still the same. I don't think he would keep the abilities.

6. SJ is kind of a jerk all around. Not only telling humans they might die but never being clear on the rules.


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Hello again lemondoodle,

And thank you for taking the time to read my questions and for answering them. On to my responses then...

1--I have already written some comments about what I thought about my first question (in response to KDaddict above), and so I won't repeat my same arguments here. I do see what you mean here however, " A punch to the face would have ruined the humor of the scene." Yes, it would not have conveyed what the intent of the scene was, yet, as I mentioned earlier, that was really badly executed. Thank you for making me see what the writer/PD were going for.

2--I do hope that you are right about your 2nd comment. I didn't understand this, however "but I feel it might be similar..." similar to what? I was not sure about what you were trying to say here. I also agree with you on TS giving up on his engagement, we already know that him and YW will not happen.

3--Let's see what happens with the shirt (that CJ was sewing on). I do hope that we see some resolution about that shirt.
Regarding KC making it official that YW is the most important person to him, it seems that everyone in the drama is in on what YW means to KC. TS, Gon, CJ, DPJ, Gong, even the kid (Gong's assistant), SJ and anyone who has spent 5mns in the presence of KC and YW would know how they feel about each other. Heck, even the governess knows (though that was because YW told her herself). CJ definitely knows, because in ep. 15, when she goes to the Martial Arts School with the head gisaeng, she sees KC giving the flower to YW and she sees KC looking at YW adoringly. That was enough for her to know that she was out of the picture.

And also, next week, we are dealing with the finale, so KC won't have the time/the need to let people know that YW is "his," except maybe for the last ep., which we are kind of expecting will happen. KC just broke up with YW, for good (at least as far as he is concerned), and so I think that their last reunion will be one that will make us assume that they will live happily ever after (that's my take on it, at least).

4--It seems that like me, you think that KC might not keep his divine abilities. I can't help but wonder if KC has realized that, and if he fully understands what that means... He is so used to having them, I wonder if he won't miss them (he was able to do good with them). I guess we will find out next week (or better yet, in a few days :-) ) whether he gets to keep them or not. Hopefully the writer will make that point clear. If he keeps his divine abilities, then he won't be fully human. A human does not have the qualities that KC has (imho).

5--This, " SJ is kind of a jerk all around. Not only telling humans they might die but never being clear on the rules," made me LOL. I don't see SJ as a jerk per se, but I totally relate to your frustrations. Not a well written character, if you ask me. I do think he meant well when he warned YW and KC that one of them might die (most probably YW). I mean, he did try to warn WR, and he was not wrong in the end (about his predictions). I can also see his need to say something to the people involved, if he knows something. We just wish he would say ALL that he knows, and not tell part of it at a time, and then doll out the rest later, (sometimes when it is too late).

So good to hear from you as always lemondoodle, and thanks again for your input. I always appreciate them...


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@ KDaddict and @ lemondoodle,

I soooo appreciate your answers, and I thank you guys. I will respond, I promise. It is just that I want to post my comments before daylights (the morning) comes, because I have noticed that once it is daytime, the day seems to get away from me and I don't have the time to be here and post, like I used to (my schedule has changed).
So please, continue to visit the page (can I say until the next ep. recap is posted?), as I love our discussions, I really do...


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By being tidier persons than the PD, I just meant that we notice the loose ends more than he, and you are excellent at noticing them.
In another post, I did write PD/writer team, acknowledging that they are both responsible for the outcome. I just don't write that every time, assuming it's understood.
Many ppl respond to your Qns, as more n more ppl catch up w the viewing a few Ds after the broadcast.
See u next ep.


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Hi KDaddict, and thanks for explaining what you meant by "being tidier," I wasn't sure of what you were referring to. I am sorry that I haven't come across the post where you wrote PD/writer team, and so I didn't know that you meant both of them. I hope I didn't offend you with my comment. If I did, I apologize.


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My thoughts on ep. 22...

One of the things I like about KC is how he has always gone to YW when he needed to be comforted (emotionally or physically) or when he wanted to be around someone who would understand him, or at least around someone who would try to understand him (the incident when she passed him by in the Martial Arts School yard was different. KC did look guilty and it looked on the surface as if KC had hurt DPJ). I think KC was playful with her when he thought she was a boy, and he let her manhandle him, however, after he thought he had lost her (ep. 17) and after he admitted his feelings for her (to himself and to her), it has been interesting to me to see how easily he seeks her out, both emotionally and physically. That behavior is of course encouraged by the fact that YW can read him like a book, and that she doesn't beat around the bush when she sees that he does not seem to be doing well. I do love that she does that as well.

I have liked that he doesn't (or didn't, until the end of the ep.) pretend when he is in front of her, trying to act tough or strong when he didn't feel tough or strong. I love it when men are men enough to say or express the fact that they are hurting, angry, vulnerable, afraid, etc... It is actually a good trait and a strength in my book, because tbh, we all feel those emotions, however women are expected to show those emotions, and men, not so much (not manly, I guess). Interestingly enough, KC was the same way with CJ, he didn't really hide how he felt. I do think it is courageous to show how we truly feel in front of people we love and trust, even though in doing so, we are also giving them ammunition to hurt us if they chose to do so at some point. That trait, and how loyal KC is, are two of the qualities that I have really liked about him as a character. I give a lot of credit to LSG for being so immersed in his role, and for showing KC's vulnerable side, not only when he was with YW, but with others as well (LSS, DPJ, his mother, his dad, manager Choi, TS, CJ, etc...).

I think that as KC loses important people to him (Lord Park, his parents, CJ betraying him [then seeing the light], Ts doing the same, the village people doing the same at some point, then rallying around him), we understand why KC would cling on to YW, though I would also argue that YW being by his side from the beginning, constantly protecting him (when needed), helping him and defending him, made it easy for KC to want to be close to her, both emotionally and physically, probably (also) because she felt that way herself (about him), before he did. I guess another good reason is, since romance is an important part of this drama, once the OTP admitted their feelings to each other, why not have them show how much they care about each other and how much they need each other... right?

As I have been reflecting on this drama, I have been impressed by (and I have noticed) the amount of skinship between KC and YW (since it is a sageuk, albeit a fusion one, so maybe the rules are different?) When KC thought YW was a boy, he felt free to put his arms around her neck, "fall" on top of her (or tumble with her, like when they were in the forest) etc..., and even after KC found out she was a girl, they still had a lot of skinship. And YW was an equal participant as well, touching him every chance she got, pulling his ears, hitting him (sometimes lightly, sometimes hard), holding his hands, etc... And I am not mentioning all those things because I am against them, it is more the fact that being so immersed in this drama has made me reflect on the Kdramas I have watched so far, making me see in which ways this particular drama is different, and in which ways it has the traits of a Korean drama.

As GF mentioned, we get the epilogue to the parents' story. I liked that their story had a beginning, a middle and an end, and I thought that as a whole, it was well done. I never saw SH as a bad person, as I have said before, more like someone who couldn't and didn't know how to handle all that came to her in that season in her life. I was glad that we saw that she had reflected on what had happened and how she had handled it, and that given the opportunity (20 years later), she sought to right some wrongs. I really liked the scene when WR went back to MG, and she was lying down, beautiful as ever, surrounded by all those flowers. I loved that her hanbok matched the white that WR's outfit had, they looked good together as well.

I really liked WR, and I loved him in the first 2 ep. I was therefore conflicted (I had mixed feelings) about how he "died." He did not pay for his crimes (killing all those innocent people, even though those were urges he couldn't control), and he got to choose his destiny, moving forward. The people he had killed didn't have that opportunity, neither did the families they left behind. That was sad... I am still impressed (as in, it left me thinking) by the fact that humans could not kill WR (just decapitate him, per JGW), and yet he could choose when he would "die," and just do so.

I also felt that the speech he gave KC was a nice one (about not keeping fear, anger, resentment and blame in one's heart), however I am not sure that his fear alone was what turned him into a demon. I think that their story was going to be tragic, no matter what angle one took or looked at. In a way, he had reasons to be afraid and to not trust her and not tell her the truth (though it was wrong, and he was well intentioned), yet if he had confessed who he was before marrying her, I don't know that the betrayal (her turning him in) would not have happened either. As she aptly said, she was just too young to appreciate who he was, what he did for her and what that meant, in light of her circumstances at the time. I think that except for her escaping to Japan (or being taken there when she was), there was really no one who could have effectively helped her at the time (except for WR). She was a wanted fugitive, and a slave. It didn't look like she had much of a future in Joseon. WR and SH had their reunion in the end, and as we saw in this ep., they are forever together, something they both wanted. That chapter was closed nicely.

At some point, I stopped caring about the Gu Family Book, however, since it keeps being mentioned, I am back to being curious again. I accepted, as some beanies had mentioned, that the book might not have existed, and that it might have been more about KC's journey as he discovered who he truly was and how he came to handle it, as well as how that transformed him (mentally, emotionally, psychologically, etc...). Now I am not sure what to think, so I will wait to see what the last two ep. reveal to us.

Speaking of KC, I was one of those who was hoping that there might have been a hug between KC and WR, though it made sense that it didn't happen, for various reasons. They didn't really know each other, and they might not have felt comfortable hugging each other. Still, realizing in the last few ep. how much KC longed to know his real parents and experience what a family feels like (with those who brought you into the world), I just kind of wish that he had experience that. I did understand the pat on the shoulder however, and CJH really did an excellent job in that scene, down to the subtle smiles and changes on his face and in his eyes. That scene was beautiful, and emotional as well. I was glad KC got to at least have some emotional and physical connection with his mom, while he was with her.

I personally continue to like the cute in this drama, and I loved the "bed scene." The misunderstood scene was not well executed, imho, because it came across looking different, though I did like the play on words YW had, for her teacher and for KC and Gon. That was clever...

When TS did what he did (fooling JGW), he got me nervous, and I wasn't sure what camp he was in. I was really relieved to find out that he was still in LSS's camp. Since he is still staying at the Inn, I wonder how he will be treated, moving forward. Granted, we only have two ep. left, *phew*

I absolutely loved the scene about YW's cooking lessons, YW is definitely not your typical Joseon woman. I especially loved it when teacher Gong came and said, "what are you (ladies) doing in my kitchen?" I love it when a man says that. Poor teacher Gong! That scene was funny, and well acted.

I had the same reaction KC had when he saw the rice and the kimchi. Based on how much fuss YW made, I was expecting more as well. I totally understood KC's being disappointed. That scene was cute and funny.

I continue to love LSS as well. He is so smart! (And considering how important he is in Korea's history, why would anyone make him dumb? I know...). Hiding the real maps and leaving some fake ones laying around was genius. I look forward to whatever tricks he has for us next week (and to JGW's demise, of course).

I was glad to see CJ, though we only got to see her for about five minutes. And KC frantically trying to save YW after wounding her was sad. It took me by surprise when KC hurt YW, I did not expect that.
I thought it was interesting that YW felt the need to lie to her dad. I felt that she felt the need to lie to her dad, something was not right, and maybe KC had valid reasons to be seriously concerned and afraid. Even the other people in the room looked uncomfortable about her lying. If it was nothing, and everything was OK, why the need to lie to dad?

I understand KC's fears and I find them valid. GF wanted to see something more tragic happen, I on the other hand, was satisfied with what we were shown, as I understood what the writer was driving at. Yes, this is a case of noble idiocy, yet, it is an understandable one, imho. It reminded me of LMH's character in CH, who also pushed the love of his life away, because her being around him placed her in the mist of some serious danger. I remember the recapper at the time (either GF or JB) writing that she understood that kind of noble idiocy, and she found it justifiable. I agreed with her at the time, noble idiocy in that drama made sense, and they eventually got back together.

I don't see the situation any different here. I think KC wounding YW brought home SJ's warnings, and though I regret that KC feels fearful now, I totally understand why. Yes, this is angst in the very last stretch of the drama, and I don't have a problem with it. YW is the most important person to KC, if something happened to her (and especially because of him), he would not be able to live with himself. Though YW was back on her feet quickly, I think that KC did not need a lot to (fully) realize what SJ meant.

By the end of ep. 22, based on what KC knows (what SJ told him), and what he has just experienced with YW (wounding her seriously, it seems), how is he supposed to feel and think? He doesn't know the future, he just knows what we know and what we have seen (so far). With everything we are told up to the end of ep. 22, I don't see how KC could react and think differently. Even I feel that yes, he could have killed her (or he could kill her in the future). I know they will be together in the end, and I look forward to that resolution. As for now, I am OK with how the ep. ended. It made sense to me. I feel that if I were in his shoes, I would have felt the same way and I would have done the same thing.
I am glad that YW feels otherwise, yet I can't help but feel that KC has some legs to stand on this time. He can't help it to feel afraid, this time around. This is a tough situation for him (at least where we are at the end of this ep.). KC has not been given a caveat or a loophole, so I think he is doing what he thinks is best for YW.

That being said, he will be miserable without YW, and he will constantly be worried sick if he stays with her. What if something happens to her, because of him, as he said? I am liking this dilemma. Let's see what next week brings...


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Thanks for the recap.....


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Show, if you are trying a “New Moon” move on me, don’t ever think about it.

The whole “I am not right for you” thing is pissing me off. Can’t you just let our hero and heroine skip the Noble Idiosyncrasy phase?

We need Yeo-wol to whack Kang-Chi on the head at times like this. I sure hope this gal wouldn’t let go of him.


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Oh noble idiocy how I hate thee -.-
Yeo Wool is gonna kick his ass next week right? RIGHT?

I am glad that I am not the only one who was a bit disappointed with Yeo Wool's injury... First I thought "Ack he nearly killed her right?" only to find out that she has a few scratches on her arm? SERIOUSLY?

Well at least the cliffhanger wasn't that strong so the days until the final episodes won't be as unnerving as with other dramas *cough*gaksital*cough*^^


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I do hope Yeo-wool remembers Seo-hwa's advise and keep fighting for her love.
That's what I don't get, all she had is few wound in her arm and doesn't look too serious. And they act as if she's dying. lol.
Since she's bad ass, I think she had of share of wounds in the past right? It's not like Kang Chi's claws have tetanus.
Well, maybe they are more of the shocked "It's me who hurt you." But really show, too much drama for that situation.


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She'll keep fighting, but it's Kangchi who is the problem. Though we still have TS test for him. Though who know what Kangchi is planning on doing now (leave the school?) so it could be invalid. But it's not like he has anywhere else to go.

I still don't think how much he injured her matters. It's just that he did and he just heard she's human so she's going to die. Though they did totally forget about her probably bigger sword cut on her stomach.


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"But it's not like he has anywhere else to go."
Bat cave? ;)


Yeah, that makes me wonder too. He has nowhere else to go except maybe... So-jung's library?


SJ will finally get his very own cute gumiho? He seems to like to keep them to himself with his always trying to break up their relationships with his prophecies.


That's a really astute observation! Why didn't I think of that? The guy is ultra lonely in his basement library and is in love w gumihoes! Who wouldn't be, with this super hot father and super cute son duo?


bat cave? nah! fox hole is more like it


if he's gonna keep KC as his puppy, gf will surely have something to say.. ;)

he must lived a very boring life meddling with gumihos love life and stringing bracelets. lol


@lordj - that remark about SJ stringing bracelets cracked me up! LOL. He just kept coming up with them didn't he. Wonder where he found the time to string them with all the doomed prophecies he's been so busy handing out


Awww, thanks...


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Thanks... Big hug to you.


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Next week can't come soon enough!


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Can't stand the sadness. Papa and Mama Gumiho.. T_T


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Thanks gf!


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It's coming to an end,isn't??#preparing a tissue box...oh no..change with a bucket instead ;)


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Kang-chi calls out after him: “This is the last time, isn’t it?” Wol-ryung says it probably is, and Kang-chi says hesitantly with tears pooling in his eyes, “Still, once in a while, once in a while… I’ll miss you.”

Ah finally father and son moment. Thanks for the recap dramabeans. Preparing tissues again for next week.


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This ep is anti-climatic after what happened in the previous one. I appreciate their father and son reunion, but the rest of it I can do without. " I'm leaving you cos you might die if we are together" is just such a weak device to drive the plot, isn't it? Urgh.


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exactly how i feel, but is it just me or does this drama seem to fall short little by little each episode ? the seohwa and wol ryeong line started out beautifully, but since then its been run a slow downhill track...


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I'm confused about Taesoo. Is he a good guy or a baddie?

I wonder how they're going to beat the what's "supposed" to happen to Yeo Wool per the monk - yet make it a happy ending? You know us fans. We don't like sad endings! Stay tuned, I guess


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Tae Seo is definitely one of the good guys. He's one of the four masters now, remember? I believe he made that "deal" with Jo Gwan Woong on Lee Soon Shin's orders. The good guys basically just made him kill his own allies for them.


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LSS actually wants those 11 corrupt officials killed. He and TS get Evil Lord to do the dirty work instead. TS just bluffs, scares and hooks E Lord into beating LSS to the punch, saying that LSS is going to arrest and beat the info out of them that they are working w the Japanese thru E Lord. A clever double-agent maneuver.


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What I don't understand is why LSS would reveal his true intention to E Lord, and out TS's true affiliation. It ends TS's usefulness to the good guys and put him in jeopardy since he is still tied to 100 year Inn where E Lord's base is!

I feel that this PD doesn't trust the viewers to get much of anything. Case in point: All those exaggerated 'nods' and "head shakes" that are supposed to be SECRET signals, which can be seen a mile away. Secret my butt!


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WR's reunion w Monk SJ ends in a hug. So why is his reunion with his son so cool/cold? The wisdom he imparts on his son is good and well, but the body language and all is kinda heart-breaking, fr KC's pt of view. After KC said: "From time to time, I'll think of you/miss you", WR just keeps walking without even turning around. Sob sob. :'(


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Given the fact the only relationship they ever had was a very abusive one... I think we got the best we can expect. He didn't have a good relationship with his mother either, but she's also the only mother figure he's ever had and he deserved more answers (being abandoned) from her then he did WR.

I just don't think WR cared all that much about Kangchi, or obviously not as much as he cares about SH. He could have lived to be with him, but he didn't have to desire to. Kangchi seemed to accept that and I see that as why he never called him dad either.


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I think WR did care for Kangchi alot. Even when they first met he was trying to keep Kangchi from being hurt like he was by telling him not to trust humans. As a DEMON! He still didn't want Kangchi hurt while he was aware of their relationship. I don't think that WR leaving was a sign that he didn't love Kangchi but didn't want to live without SH.


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I dunno. I always thought the whole don't be human thing was more about WR than it was about Kangchi. Forcing his own issues on someone like him.

Though someone pointed out elsewhere that it's very possible that WR couldn't actually live for long. He had already been killed once. So if he used his final energy to say goodbye to his son and then follow his wife into death that makes me feel slightly better.


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Agreed. It would've been nice if Wol-ryung had shown some more affection for his son. I would've directed the scene differently: maybe have WR apologize first of all for trying to um... oh, how about ...kill... his son for starters??
The whole scene needed better dialogue, something with more meaning.


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and emotions. for it to make sense. he is the father after all. and it is his 1st sober meeting w his son. and probably last, as he says.
sure he cares a great deal more abt SH, but this encounter and goodbye is more appropriate for acquaintances, not Holy beast father and son pair.


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I agree. This scene had me thinking if that's how father and son interacted back in the old days. But, I can't really blame WR for not being very emotional during this scene. After all, he never knew that he had a son until he came back 20 years later as a demon. After that, all KC and WR do is fight each other. Therefore, they never had time to bond with one another.
In contrast to SW, who found out that she was pregnant with KC right after WR dies and carried KC in her womb for 9 months (because she couldn't abort him). SW gave birth to baby KC alone in the cave, abandoned him to seek revenge, then tried to run back to baby KC. She even searched for him for 20 years. Therefore, SW has a stronger bond with KC then WR is to KC.


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I don't know if that's how people acted back then, but it's not how they act in this show. Look at all the amazing father figure relationships Kangchi has had with other people! His adopted dad, Lord Park, LSS... Though I agree an emotional reunion with a guy you barely know and who had previously tried to kill everyone would be slightly awkward.


I explain it very simply: their goals are different, even opposite.
Nothing brings together as close as common goals and perspective, not even the blood ties.
Plus, psychologically, it is mothers who have that special sweet kind of relationship with their sons. Fathers also have those, but with daughters.


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Exactly!!!!! I lied the episode, but I was really, REALLY, bothered by this scene and the one with the monk as well Wol Ryong's demeanor did not return to his previous state - yes, I know he is in mourning over Seo Hwa but he sees his friend (Mon) and is rather cold. Them he sees his son and again he is cold and distant - very unlike his former divine creature self. Kang Chi gives him every signal (words, tears, I'll miss you) and yet WOl Ryong is unphased with the exception of the half smile which was his trademark as a 1000 year demon. I do not blame the actor here at all as I think Choi did a great job. I am, however, greatly annoyed at the way this scene was written. Unless Wol Wrong is going to make another appearance and warm up to Kang Chi or protect him in some way, the writer failed for me.

Along with this, I feel we needed a bit more explanation to the Moonlight Garden scene....I liked the idea, but just want to now more about this. Is Wol Ryong keeping her in a constant state of suspension by using his power? Is he dying? What were the after effects of no longer being a 100 year demon? ( i say thing because he just was not himself in the last scene - he had more hints of the 100 year demon and very little of the original Wol Ryong we were introduced to in the first few episodes)

Ugh!! This irks me no end!!

[End rant]


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Read through the typos, folks. I have a cast on and ranting at the same time....sorry!


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Oh yeah...and Kang Chi never addresses him as father.

Even I am missing the real Wol Ryong. Sorry that you never really met your REAL father, Kang Chi. Sadly, he was a lot like you but the writer's brain has effectively left the building and you'll never really know that.

Okay...end rant, again.

I am already hoping for a Gu Family Book 2: Return to the Moonlight Garden. Yeah, yeah, I know...wishful thinking and it would probably destroy any good points this story had.


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I sort of hoped that KC would go on an adventure to become human with his dad. I don't think their relationship only had to amount to that.


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I was a bit disappointed too ; I'm one of those that half-expected KC to get a hug from WR. But as lemondoodle pointed out, given the fact that when they first met it was all death threats etc, and don't forget; WR never watched KC grew up, or present at his birth either - there wasn't much of a bond there to start with.. From the beginning, it was always SH for WR. The fact that KC is WR's son probably doesn't give too much of an impact in what WR wanted to do next. However, if you guys noticed, when WR put his hand on KC's shoulder, the expression in his eyes.. he looked really sad. I felt at the time, the fact that KC was from his flesh & blood dawned on him, but he had to leave anyway as to WR a world without SH means nothing.
After KC said "I'll miss you.." to WR, WR did turn around once, after a sigh, & gave KC a sad smile.
The song that CJH sang made me cry so much. Sob sob... =_=,....


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WR's cold relationship with YC makes complete sense - they are supposed to be partly "animals," right? If you think about it, a lot of male animals are not attentive fathers. They have a standoffish or nonexistent relationship with their offspring. WR and YC fighting reminded me of an alpha lion and and young lion battling each other. The alpha male is not going to be lovey-dovey with another grown male, even if it's his offspring.


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Hahah the Gon and Kangchi scene made my week.

I can't totally understand Kangchi's fears right now, even if I'd rather he didn't have them. It's only natural that he does. He's going to need a little time to get over it. He's lost so many people that losing the one person who is more important than anyone is just too much. Either way he'd lose her (possibly), but at least this way she can live.

But he is forgetting he's doing the one thing he didn't want to do - live forever and be alone.

I don't think it matters how much he hurt her (and YW can't be seriously injured 2 episodes before the end), but just that he did was enough to send him over the edge.

SJ is just wrong to tell them one will die. That can happen to anyone ever. It's just ridiculous. I don't know he doesn't mean badly and he's just the messenger, but please just shut up. I swear there is some rule about not telling human's their fate somewhere...

WR and the best end I could imagine he could have after everything he's done. I like he took responsibility for his part in what happened. The scene with Kangchi was nicely done and appropriate.

I'm not too worried about the ending. I don't think they'll make it sad after everything Kangchi has been through and how the parents ended. I do get the feeling his journey won't become until the very end of the last episode though.


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KC is mighty worried tho her wound on the arm is slight; he said to YW: Next time I might kill you.


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"But he is forgetting he’s doing the one thing he didn’t want to do – live forever and be alone."

Exactly!! That's the fate he just chose for Yeo Wool.


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It is precisely bcos he is worried abt YW being hurt that she is hurt. If he hadn't forbidden her to enter the in with them, he wouldn't have hurt her thinking she is one of the enemies.

It may also be bcos he is afraid of losing her and leaves her that she might die. Prophecies have a way of messing with you like that. Guess he didn't read Macbeth.

It'd be nice if he could go to the cave, wake up dad, and ask for advice, but that guy is too involved w his wife to care abt his kid. I Don't know what to think abt that!


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WR did gave KC advice. He told KC not to give in to fear or KC will lose everything. KC just didn't listen to his father's advice because he is too scared to lose YW. Who can blame him? He had lost so many people that he loved already. Which is why this time he is determined to do anything in his power to prevent losing YW too; even if that means leaving her.
After watching the last scene, I'm kind of hoping that KC is not breaking up with YW after all of the things that they had went through together. I hope that he is just biding her farewell because he is going to run off and go on his 100 days fast. But that might not come true because of the monks warning earlier :(


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Thanks for your summary. All your recaps have been so detailed and are the best I've read so far!


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I liked the way thr parents' story was managed and even, Wol Ryung's goodbye to Kang Chi.

About the ending though...

I knew this was coming, I knew he was going to act like a noble idiot, but it pissed me off. For me, that's such an overused plot point. "I may hurt you, so let's break up." Please. And like GF said, it was just a little scratch basically, nothing deadly. So I can't get behind his predicament because I don't feel like his a threat to her. Even we has a threat to everyone, he was never one to her. Meh. Let's cross fingers we get a good finale!


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He's a threat*


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Gosh, stupid iPhone.


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What happened to Chung Jo? She seemed to have totally disappeared into the background without anyone realising. It's a shame the PD didn't get to develop her character fully. The finale's coming and she didn't have any big part to play in anything.

If you think about it, the plot's rather flat. There wasn't really a climax so to speak. Even Wol-Ryung's turning into a monster seems like a half-hearted attempt to build some sort of excitement into the story but the danger was over in a minute.


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CJ and Head gisaeng too haven't had much to do for a while now. A shame.


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I was wondering if Kang Chi ever saw the Blue Bird vest she made for him. She spent so much time making it and delivering it then poof!It was of no significance after all!


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oh noble idiocy...
dearest, where would drama land be without you ?
how would a drama build up episodes of angst and filler before the finale without you?
but dearest, sometimes i just want to strangle you like the way you strangle my dramas.... yeah, i hate this set up. ;_;


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Gah! What the hell. Somebody smack this boy... Teacher Gong get the broom, this boy hasn't learned shit! Shit I tell you!


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LOL, i just laughed so hard at this comment. Totally true.
Personaly, i wouldn't leave Suzy...er...Yeo Wool...alone... hehehe


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1. OK, WR is a holy beast, so he can choose to go to sleep for an eternity,hold SH's hand, next to SH's dead body. I suppose the blue lights will keep her body fr decomposing. But instead of romantic, the idea is still creepy to me.

2. So KC needs to observe those 3 rules for 100Ds. Why doesn't he just go to his dad's cave, lie down with them for a nap. Voila, he wakes up 100Ds later, and the Gu Family Book can be his. What's the big deal, huh?

3. As for that part abt YW's fate, I mean, she's gonna die one day anyway, we all are!


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1. Yeah, kinda creepy. I almost wish he would have given her a proper grave so Kangchi could visit it. What a sad goodbye for mother and son. They meet for half a day and there is no trace left of her in the world anywhere.....
2. I don't think finding the book is a big deal. WR was doing it with no issue. Kangchi had planned to come back when it was over if not for the monk's words. YW just didn't want him to leave at all. And the cave is closed up now.
3. Yes, someone tell the monk everyone dies so don't go telling humans they will die.


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So creepy. Phantom of the Opera creepy. yech


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3. Exactly! Whenever someone starts in on the whole, "But she could die!" thing, I can't help but think, "Yes, and it could happen in childbirth, or any other number of reasons that wouldn't happen if she hadn't ended up with KC, the same as any other woman who, because she marries a man and moves to a certain place to live with him and share his life, goes down a path that leads to certain events that result in her dying earlier than she would if she'd gone other directions with her life." I'm with YW in not living in fear of a future that hasn't happened yet. I understand KC's fear of what he might do to her, but that's why he needs to take off for a time, get the Gu Family Book, become human, and then come back and get married.

Speaking of getting married, it's been irritating the heck out of me how blase everyone is about how much time YW and KC spend together, considering she's betrothed to TS. YW and KC seem completely oblivious to the fact that is still very much in effect and unless her father decides to call things off, them being together is a completely moot point. Continuity. It's a good thing.


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1. I'm sure their two souls have left their bodies and set off for another world together. There's certainly no point to hover over the corpses (or sustain them for no reason).

2. That's KC's choice. He chose to become a mortal. I personally don't think it was a good idea. Instead, he should think how to make YW immortal, and then be happy together forever. So, the Gu Family Book does not present any interest to me, but his choice is different, and he will have to take the trouble to meet all the requirements and fulfill them precisely.

3. Yeah, right. But dying is not a problem. The problem is that we don't know when. And everybody is convinced that it's not gonna happen soon ;)

I personally believe we just change the bodies. So, if KC wants to become fearless, he has to come to this understanding too (just like WR mentioned to him). ;)


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In reply to your last paragraph:
What KC is saying is that since YW is mortal, he wants to be mortal too, bcos he can't deal with living in a world without her.


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Yes, that's what I think doesn't make sense. He should bring her into his world by helping her to become a divine being, instead of preparing himself to become a human for the sake of flickering happiness of mortals. Now he's staking his all for the chance to be by her side, but what will he do if she, say, accidentally dies? And, you know, there're hundreds of dangers at every step out there.


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"He should help her become a divine being", Problem being, there is no way that a mortal can become divine/immortal, not for lack of trying over the centuries.
If we really ponder it seriously, there is sth abt the premise of this story: Giving up divinity or immortality to be w sb is the ultimate proof of true love.
That can be a topic for debating teams. ;)


That's noble idiocy, because nobody wins from that.


Kang Chi you idiot. Not even a noble idiot, just an idiot. I hope this is some kind of fake-out and show has Yeo Wool slap him back to his senses because it's been fairly good about common tropes until now.

Until next Monday, let me just bask in the goodness of the cute -- Gon and Kang Chi! That was just hilarious and had me laughing so very hard -- and the well-executed angst of Wol Ryung and Seo Hwa's ending. It was really sad, but I'm satisfied. I swear I'm not crying anymore...


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Also I find myself not caring for any of the political stuff either. I just want to see Tae Seo get the inn back and end that thread, before Chung Jo gets her chance to kill Jo Gwan Woong.


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First off I'd like to drop kick that meddling monk across the nearest parking lot. Dude has been a real pain this whole show. He is such a Debbie Downer. And gives the worst advice.

Is it just the subs or is the "dire fate" of YW that she "could" die? Sorry, but could means maybe. Nowhere in this so called reading of fate does it say she'll die tomorrow. Let's face it, in life nobody gets out alive. She could be destined to die when she's 110. Noble idiocy...ARGH!!!

Thanks GF! :)


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YW is learning to make rice, and supposedly some dishes to go along w it. What is she doing messing w Teacher Gong's precious medicine? Another too too obvious move to get the 'cute' moments.

Love the Gon almost on top of an almost KC naked moment! With Ahjumma looking on! That should cure her of her Gon crush! Hee hee hee.


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It was SJ's assumption (and he made KC believes so) that it would be YW that dies. Why can't it be KC... and I am thinking of PART of KC, dies. Since he is half gumiho, he can self heal or maybe the gumiho side of him dies. Wouldn't that fulfill the prophecy? Then the lovers can live happily thereafter.


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You know what? I also think that's where they r going. They got to!

SJ is assuming 'death' means literally the ending of life, stop breathing, kaput, whereas prophesies are never that literal.

KC dies as a gumiho. End of stupid prophesy, end of story. They live happily ever after. That's fine as far as it goes, but is also anti-climatic, I'm afraid.


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Good point. To take it a step further, isn't the essence of his desire to become human a death wish?

Giving up his gumiho nature does nothing more than guarantee that one day he will die.


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and...KC should listen to papa Gumiho and YW should listen to mama Gumiho.


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exactly.i wish i could go and remind them -.-


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I agree with your sentence dream :
"and…KC should listen to papa Gumiho and YW should
listen to mama Gumiho".

The truth about prophecy is it's just a prediction. It'll happen or it won't . It was both KC n YW's lesson. WY said not to be 'fear' to KC, and SH said not to be 'foolish' to YW. The monk didn't do something wrong IMO. He just told what he had seen, and compared it with what just have been happenning to WR and SH. I think they (KC n YW) both can handle it.
I do hope for a happy ending!.


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Seeing Wol-ryung and Seo-hwa laid to rest together was just so beautiful. Hearing Choi Jin Hyuk singing again makes the moment so beautiful and yet so sad at the same time. Wol-ryung isn't going to die, but will probably spend eternity asleep lying next to Seo-hwa rather than live without her; it just hits you right in the stomach. Kang-chi and Yeo-wool's love is fine, but Wol-ryung and Seo-hwa's love story is the stuff of legends. Romeo and Juliet ain't got nothin' on them.


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I agree with you, mysterious. WR and SH's love story is more beautiful, tragic, and bittersweet then Romeo and Juliet's story.
SH died because she wanted to save WR from being a demon. WR laid himself to rest next to her because he couldn't imagine living the rest of his immortal life without her. Just like in the begining, when SJ was trying to persuade him not to try to become human. WR just said that he didn't want to wait around another lonely 1000 years. He wanted to become human so that he can grow old with the woman he loves :)


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I'm happy that at least Wol ryung and Seo hwa are together. They had closure. Even if it wasn't the happy ending I was hoping for. Somehow though, this feels like the end for this story. I was only really invested on these two's storyline. They will now be part of my growing list of OTP.


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ugh...i dont know if i can finish this show with all these happenings lately...*sigh* this show started out so good with so much potential...n it just went downhill after episode 10 IMO....

the noble idiocy thing pisses me off in every single show i have seen but this is just the worst...there is no need for it here....its just to drive up the angst...she gave a legitimate reason for not leaving him and yet he still choose to be an idiot...u freaking scratched her...she wasnt near death and its not like she could easily get treatment...if she was near death or something, i would understand...and now the war thing is JUST coming into play, 2 episodes near the end....well 2 more episodes to go...


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i've just checked choi jin hyuk, he's just 28! and lee seung gi 26. wuaaahhh jin hyuk looks like a man and he just fits the character as seung gi's dad (amazed).


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To think I thought I would be in tears after this episode but nope I'm more angry than anything. Kc is such an idiot. His dad has told him how to succeed yet he's ignoring it.


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He needs to be hit in the head. Remember that's the only way he learns.


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So Kang Chi was in the 100 day dash like his father (who missed by 10 days, right?). But did Kang Chi show himself divine to those who already knew (by being beast-like and clawing YW), so the quest to become human is moot?

What is the big deal about the Gu Family Book, anyhoot? And does the monk know what the book contains? It doesn't seem like he does. I am annoyed that the book has been the carrot all this time, and here it is, then very end, and still no book in sight. I almost don't care about it anymore, because what good can it do for all the bad that has already happened?


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I wonder if the writers will actually dare to end the series with a sad ending or rather a vague one. Imagine all of the violent reactions.


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@cheliwel - I'm anxious about this as well. If you've watched "Faith" and "Nine:Nine Times Time Travel" and "Iris" - you'll probably be as paranoid as me. How can these good dramas have really good storyline that kept you hooked the whole series, only to have crappy ending! (Faith - not even a hug or a kiss, just the couple staring at each other / Nine - after killing the lead once, we still don't know what will the future lead do / Iris - the hero died on the way to propose to his love) Argggghhhh. Please please please "Gu Family Book", don't disappoint the fans!! My heart's breaking 10 times already with WR & SH's tragic ending, don't do the same with KC!!


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Thank you :-)


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I don't have problems with KC leaving YW, remember the first time he didn't listen to SJ, Lord Park was dead, he hurt YW is the alarm for him. People seem to like YW's choice but it's not realistic.


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Oh, man. I had completely forgotten about that. I think you've hit an important point. Kang-chi has already ignored Cryptic Monk of Meddlesome-ness once and it resulted in Lord Park's death. I'm not saying the writers were completely aware of it (I hope they were; they wrote it), but Kang-chi having a full-on freak-out about Yeo-wool actually dying when the monk says it's so makes perfect sense. He believes what the monk says a lot more after seeing first hand that when So-jung says it will go south, it goes south.

Am I the only one who hopes we can misinterpret Kang-chi's words and he's really meaning to say something like, "Our [predestined] fate [where you die/one of us dies] ends here [but this doesn't mean we're breaking up girl]"? I don't know enough Korean (or any, haha) to know if that's even a possibility though. I just hope he's not actually going Idiot Sans Noble on us.


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unlike other drama where the separation felt forced, i actually like it here,
i actually understand where kang-chi decision to end his relationship with YW come from,because honestly if u realized that being with your loved one may coast her/his live, wouldn't your first instinct will be protecting them, pushing them away, trying to avoid such fate,
But what guarantee that she won't die anyway even if they are apart .
i'm anticipating the moment when he realizes that taking the risk is worth it, or even better that YW change his mind, and appease his fears, because honestly living a short life with your are loved one is much better than spending a long life alone.


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So Gon might have change to end up with yeo-wol.
Or Teaso with Yeo-wol.
But I love Gon more for her!:-)
and kangchi with chungjon
Since the monks remind her before to just wait
and her faith will come to her don't need to look for it!


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I don't know why... but I am not feeling the relationship between YW and KC. I know I'm going to be hated for saying this. :P:


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I dont feel it either, I just cant get behind the actress she is terrible, I can deal with all the other flaws but not an actress who cannot act playing a lead with a loveline, yet she cant do anything but act cute, which honestly for me she does not even do that well. The loveline ruined the show for me.

I am hoping that they are really kept apart for the remainder of the show at least until the very end of the last episode, I would like to see KC make some serious strides in his quest without her, and the rest of the storylines get tied up in a way that leaves the viewers satisfied. And I hope that they do something major with CJ in the last two episodes, she disappeared?? what a waste of a good set up and a female lead that actually can act.


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Thank you, I can't wait for next week


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I mean Gon might have chance to End up with Yeo-wol!


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for like the one minute bit with wolryung saying goodbai to kangchi, and then wolryung and seohwa being together finally...and forever....still made me cry...

clearly for me anyway, wolryung has all my love...

and spent 10 minutes laugh crying over the gon and kangchi in bed thing...i luff these two <3

so we all saw the noble idiocy coming, but i think yeowool has been pretty good about not dping wpts expected, and has been pretty forthright to kangchi through out, so maybe this can still go in another direction....

finale week here we come!


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thank you


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Although I don't fancy the Noble Idiot trope, I kinda get Kang-chi's fear of hurting Yeo-wool, even if the injury isn't fatal. Fear, desperation, and guilt - they're all in his eyes. I just wished that it was played with more impact. However, I don't get why YW is crying a lot in that scene. If it's because of pain, well, isn't she used to having injuries as a fighter? If it's hurt, well, KC is a beast after all. She knows already that once KC turns into a beast, he might not be able to control himself.

More than wanting to wring KC's neck for being a noble idiot, I want to wring the director's neck for playing that particular scene overdramatically while KC and YW stare at each other in shock (and the ninjas are content to halt the fight just to see them stare at one another). I appreciate how KC's fear is palpable at that time but that scene was stretched too long. TBH, I've been wanting to shake the director back to his senses for quite some time now. And the writer for bringing Noble Idiocy back. You've had so many potentially interesting plots lying around and instead of utilizing them you chose the Noble Idiocy route for the last stretch of the drama.

So frustrating.


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this show is in serious danger of losing me as a viewer in the last two weeks, but I guess if I've come this far I can go all the way.

If it keeps going where I think I'm going then my version of the end where Yeo Wool and Kang Chi both die so they can be happy together would have made me much happier.


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I have no love for the last 12 minutes of this ep. Skipped them altogether on my 2nd watching!


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what if the death will happen in after 50 years they are together? gosh, that prediction is so unclear, hahahah


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My thoughts exactly. Or she could die in childbirth in three years, or a freak accident in fifteen years, or pass away in her sleep at the age of eighty-eight. As others have mentioned, all humans die at some point, so it's not Fate of Doom to be told that if you meet such and such a person, death is likely in the cards. Death is just as much in the cards if you don't meet them. ;)


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puahaha. ikr? noble idiots...


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Thanks for the recap!


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Thank you recap. It near the end. Good job PD and writter. i thought this story really good job. if you back flash story until now really good point. I love fate of story. However , last part i never interest what will happen near future. In this episode , i'm unlike how dad and son. Dad seem like no feel or only for his wife. I can't wait next episode. kc and yw, now more better them love.i'm feel so This episode is better than yesterday. seunggi when he cry in eye really deep. Althought short or long really comfort look. Good job all cast.


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