Gu Family Book: Episode 18

The beans are a-spillin’. It’s an episode full of reveals, as each character learns a monumental secret, from the source of family tragedies, to long-lost gumiho babies, to first love obsessions that literally will not die. They say your past always catches up to you, but damn, can’t we get an handle on that mess before it infects a whole new generation?


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After running off with the Super Secret Spy Maps, Kang-chi chooses his mother’s room of all places to hide. But they know nothing of each other, so Seo-hwa inches closer armed with a knife, thinking he’s a killer or a thief.

Meanwhile at the party, the decoy Seo-hwa unveils herself and gets ready to leave. Soo-ryun isn’t satisfied and signals her gisaengs to pull a Plan B maneuver, so they spill a drink on her and fawn over her in apology, yanking the corner of her gown off her shoulder.

Soo-ryun takes a look, but there’s no tattoo. She tells Jo Gwan-woong that that woman was a fake, and wonders how he’s done business with her for twenty years but never seen her face. It clearly bothers him now, because it’s gone from mere curiosity to injured pride.

Kang-chi swears that he’s not a bad person, and Seo-hwa chooses to believe him, even sending her sentry away with the lie that everything inside is fine. He thanks her sincerely for believing him, and leans in close to whisper the three best dishes at the Hundred Year Inn that she has to try while she’s staying here.

She notes that he talks about the place like he knows it well, and he smiles sadly. He says he did once, while Lord Park was still alive. She asks his name, and he gives it, even with the explanation that he was named for being abandoned in a river.

But judging from her non-reaction, she knows nothing of how So-jung gave her child away. She just smiles as he leaves, thinking him sweet and amusing. But once he’s gone she notices one map fragment left behind, and calls for her assistant in a panic.

Yeo-wool worries while waiting, but Kang-chi sneaks up behind her and takes her by the hand for the getaway. They turn around and run right into Tae-seo and Gon, and everyone stands there awkwardly noticing the handhold but not talking about it.

They don’t let go, even as they argue about the best getaway, and Gon has this great moment where he just looks at Tae-seo, and then back at the couple, and lets out this are you kidding me laugh.

Tae-seo barks at them to follow before they’re all discovered.

Jo Gwan-woong finds out belatedly that there was a theft tonight, and he stops Soo-ryun at the gate, now finding her timing extremely suspicious. He orders a search of all her girls, and I don’t like how nervous Tae-seo looks right now.

She complies, and thankfully the search turns up nothing and they’re free to go. Soo-ryun leads them out, and around the corner, the three stooges are waiting to join the entourage, dressed in skirts and covering their faces. Ha.

They slip into the crowd unnoticed, and follow Soo-ryun to the gisaeng house. They get ushered into Chung-jo’s room, where the maid asks her to house them for the night so that Jo Gwan-woong’s spies don’t see them.

They just stand there awkwardly until Chung-jo laughs, and then they realize how ridiculous they look.

Soo-ryun takes the boys to meet Lee Soon-shin and Master Dam who have just arrived, and when Master Dam asks what Kang-chi is doing here, Gon totally steps up to say it was his idea. Aw, can you be besties now?

Kang-chi shows them the map, and they note immediately that it must have taken months of planning to make these. They coincide with the string of murders across the province that they’ve so far been attributing to Jo Gwan-woong—oh right, that old plot point.

But the map itself isn’t proof, and Lee Soon-shin worries that it’s another sign that war is imminent, despite the state refusing to believe it and prepare.

As they’re saying all this, Kang-chi just keeps digging around in his shirt like it’s a Mary Poppins bag, and finally confesses that there were eight pieces, but he doesn’t know where one of them went. I love that all the adults look back at him like, You did what, now?

He thinks about it and realizes he must’ve dropped it in that woman’s room. At the same time, Seo-hwa addresses her men with scorn, reminding them that it took months of painstaking planning to get this far. She orders them to find Choi Kang-chi and get those maps back, even if they have to kill him to do it.

Kang-chi tries to explain what happened to Gon and Yeo-wool, and the conversation is pretty hilarious. “You didn’t show your face, right?” “Well…”

“As long as she doesn’t know your name.” “Um, about that…” They roll their eyes in unison, and Gon guesses that the woman was pretty. Yeo-wool gets adorably huffy: “Was she pretty?” Cute. Kang-chi tries his damnedest to backpedal, but he just keeps shoving his foot in his mouth. Hee.

Soo-ryun shares her suspicions with Master Dam about Seo-hwa being alive. She hasn’t been able to confirm it, but the timing fits with Wol-ryung’s return.

They wonder what it all means, and Soo-ryun is even more curious what on earth she’d be doing taking Jo Gwan-woong’s side. Right? That’d be my first question too.

Chung-jo happens to overhear their conversation as she’s bringing them tea, and runs back to Soo-ryun’s maid to ask who Seo-hwa is and what she has to do with Kang-chi.

At the inn, Seo-hwa admits to Jo Gwan-woong that the maps were stolen, and asks for his help in recovering them. He’s had enough of these games, and demands that she show him her face first.

She finally relents and tells them to lift the curtain, and Jo Gwan-woong only needs one look to recognize the woman he loved (in a creepy obsessive way, naturally). “Yoon… Seo-hwa…?” She denies it, insisting that her name is Ja Hong-myung, but he leaves completely shaken. “How can this be?”

Soo-ryun sits Kang-chi down and he asks cautiously if Master Dam was really angry. She says he’s just worried, and then notes that his eyes are like his mother’s. He’s surprised to hear that she knew his mother, but she doesn’t say any more.

She writes down a character (for a tree) and hands it to him as homework, and reveals herself as one of the four Men of Honor. His jaw drops and she asks if his surprise is because she’s a woman or because she’s a gisaeng.

She tells him that there is no such thing as status in the group, whether nobleman or slave, man or woman. She tells him his homework is to cut that tree and bring her a house made from it. Kang-chi stares at the paper blankly. Guess we have another riddle on our hands.

Yeo-wool paces anxiously in Chung-jo’s room, and Chung-jo finally asks if she knew that Kang-chi’s mother’s name was Seo-hwa. And then she asks if she knows who killed Kang-chi’s father. Yeo-wool freezes.

Chung-jo guesses that Yeo-wool has known all this time that her father killed his, and accuses her of hiding the truth from Kang-chi and smiling in front of him, betraying him with lies.

Yeo-wool swears that’s not what it is, and says this isn’t something she wants to discuss with Chung-jo. She opens the door to leave… and Kang-chi is standing right there. Oh no. He looks at her with pleading eyes, “What did she mean, Yeo-wool-ah?”

She can’t answer, and just runs past him. Gon finds her crying outside and asks what’s wrong, and she just bawls, “It’s all over! Kang-chi will never want to see me again!”

Kang-chi stands there numbly, and Chung-jo says she’s sorry he found out this way—it wasn’t her intention. He asks her to tell him what she knows, so she tells him that Master Dam killed his father, his mother had him alone, and then died soon after.

He sheds a tear.

Wol-ryung writhes in pain and So-jung rushes downstairs with some medicine. But he growls, “Where is this? Who are you?” and attacks, as if the demon has taken over and erased his memories.

So-jung ekes out, “It’s me, So-jung. Your one human friend.” Wol-ryung finally gets it together long enough to remember him, but warns him to stay away. Urg, he’s losing control, and fast.

Worried, So-jung decides to head down the mountain and goes to see Master Dam.

Yeo-wool and Gon return to find Kang-chi gone, and Chung-jo guesses he went to go see the man who killed his father. They run out, and Chung-jo completes the blue bird (for her name) that she’s been sewing into what looks like Kang-chi’s shirt.

Master Dam is waiting with a sword on his desk when Kang-chi storms in, and then he tosses it to him. “This is the sword. Twenty years ago I stabbed your father with that sword.”

Kang-chi asks why, and Master Dam says he lost fifteen of his men to Wol-ryung, and in the end he attacked Seo-hwa. He had no choice. Kang-chi asks if his father was really such a monster that he even attacked the wife he loved.

But Master Dam surprises him: “It was your father who was betrayed.” He explains that Wol-ryung was looking for the Gu Family Book and trying to become human, but Seo-hwa saw his gumiho face and fled in fear.

Kang-chi asks with tears in his eyes if that’s his excuse—that he killed his father to save his mother. He draws the sword and screams, “So the tragedy of my family began with the edge of this sword!”

Yeo-wool and Gon race back, but by the time they get there, Kang-chi is already walking out. Eep, his hands are covered in blood. Gon races inside, and she stands there looking up at Kang-chi and then back down at his hands.

He calls her name, and she walks closer… and then goes right past him without a word. Oof. I know it looks bad with the blood on his hands, but man that hurt.

Kang-chi stands there is utter shock, as Wol-ryung’s words ring in his ears: “If you trust humans, the only thing you’ll get in return is betrayal.”

Yeo-wool and Gon race in, but Dad is perfectly fine. He’s standing behind his desk, staring down at his sword, broken in two.

A flashback to the rest of that scene shows Kang-chi breaking the sword in half with his bare hands. He cries, “Whatever happened twenty years ago, it happened between adults before we were even born. So please don’t connect that past to us! Whatever happened between you adults, you figure it out yourselves!” Bravo. Slow clap.

The instant Yeo-wool sees the sword she realizes her mistake and runs out of there calling Kang-chi’s name. She finds him outside healing his hands with his blue lights, and carefully walks closer, not knowing what to say.

She finally squeaks out his name and he turns to face her, and then walks right past her like she did to him. Ouuuch.

She’s about to burst into tears, when suddenly he wraps his arms around her in a back-hug. Aw, you came back. Kang-chi: “Don’t do that again. Don’t make secrets. Don’t walk past me like you don’t know who I am.”

She says it was because she was so sorry and didn’t know how to tell him. He turns her around and tells her to look at his face, and just says, “I like you. I like you a lot.”

It seems like a weirdly timed confession, given where the conversation was going, but I’ll just take it as a …And nothing else matters. See, it’s like a participatory script, where we fill in the blanks together as we watch. Interactive! Fun for the whole family!

As he holds her, Wol-ryung’s warning comes back in his head, but this time so does his answer: “I want to trust people. I want to be with them till the end.”

A dark cloud descends on So-jung’s library, and a thick black fog comes closer and closer to Wol-ryung, until his veins grow black and stretch across his face. He opens his eyes…

It’s as if there’s no trace of humanity left. Is it all gone? Did the demon take over?

And in her room, Seo-hwa senses something that frightens her to her core. It would be interesting if they have a psychic connection, but he should sense her too if that’s the case.

Jo Gwan-woong isn’t convinced that she isn’t Seo-hwa, but for now he just accepts the cover story, and hands over Tae-seo’s slave papers. He confirms that it was Kang-chi who stole the maps, and that he spent the night in Chung-jo’s room at the gisaeng house.

Chung-jo’s maidservant comes to get Kang-chi, saying that Chung-jo asked him to stop by. But then as he arrives to meet her, Gon is told that Chung-jo came to the martial arts school to see Yeo-wool. What.

Both Kang-chi and Yeo-wool are in two separate places, looking back at Chung-jo. But the one with Kang-chi has a familiar incense burning…

The real Chung-jo tells Yeo-wool that she came here to say something about Kang-chi, but Gon interrupts to ask why she isn’t at the gisaeng house to meet Kang-chi. She has no idea what he’s talking about, which raises red flags.

Fake Chung-jo pours Kang-chi a drink, which he finds weird, but she feigns offense that he won’t accept a drink from a gisaeng and it works—he downs the glass. She pours another, and another, and I’m just hoping that gumiho constitution is roofie-proof.

Thankfully Soo-ryun comes by to see Chung-jo, and notices her maid acting squirrelly. She opens the door to find Kang-chi drunk, and asks what he’s doing here… with Wol-sun. He turns around, and there’s Wol-sun, smiling back at him.

Before Soo-ryun can intervene though, Jo Gwan-woong storms in with his men to capture him, and warns Soo-ryun to stay out of it unless she wants to be taken as an accessory.

Wol-sun says she had to feed him five glasses of the drugged liquor before he got drunk, and Soo-ryun gasps. That just convinces Jo Gwan-woong all the more that Kang-chi isn’t human.

He gets hauled away to the inn, where Jo Gwan-woong brings Seo-hwa in to confirm the thief’s identity. She wants her maps, but he says Kang-chi is too out of sorts to be interrogated at the moment, and she’s shocked to see him drugged out of his mind and chained up.

She wonders if all this was necessary, and Jo Gwan-woong explains that it is, because Kang-chi isn’t a person. OH. He’s gonna tell her? He says pointedly that Kang-chi is half-beast, and half-human… on his mother’s side.

Seo-hwa stands there in shock, trying not to betray a reaction. Jo Gwan-woong orders his minion to take Kang-chi’s bracelet off. He begs them not to, but he’s too out of sorts to stop them, and they pull it off. Eep. He writhes in pain and struggles to stay in control…

He screams, and Seo-hwa’s eyes start to fill with tears. When he looks up at her, his eyes glow green.

Jo Gwan-woong waits for her reaction, relishing every second of it. He asks, “Is that monster the person you’re looking for?” Crap, if she defends Kang-chi, she confirms Jo Gwan-woong’s suspicions, but if she plays dumb, what happens to her son?

Before she can answer, Kang-chi screams out in pain and collapses in a heap, unconscious.


Strangely, it was an episode in which a lot happened, and in which nothing happened. In the realm of secret-revealing and information-exchanging, there was actually quite a lot going on, but in the grand scheme of things, we already knew every single secret that got spilled today, so plotwise it was rather uneventful until the last scene. It was basically an entire episode where everyone finds out what everyone else knows, though obviously some were big reactions that we’ve been waiting to see—Kang-chi finding out about how his father died, Jo Gwan-woong discovering that Seo-hwa might still be alive, and Seo-hwa finding her son.

But I only really care about Kang-chi’s reactions among them (the other stuff has to happen, but it’s not gripping, emotional stuff), so it only mattered to me that he did what I expected, and chose Yeo-wool over revenge. It wasn’t a surprise, because nothing about Kang-chi suggests he’d murder her father over a father he hardly knows, but the moment of distrust between them was played nicely. It feeds into his worst fears about feeling different and being distrusted by default because he’s a monster, and we already know how important it is to him that Yeo-wool of all people chooses to give him the benefit of the doubt.

I really do appreciate how the typical your-father-killed-my-father (-prepare-to-die) angst of every other drama was nipped in the bud. It drives me bonkers when the sins of the father start to outweigh actual conflicts between the people in the relationship, so I’m glad that this story has been consistent on that one front. It’s an important one, since Kang-chi’s major throughline is really to do the opposite of what his father did in every way, and why the repeated setups work. Because he always chooses the better thing—to trust one more time, to forgive the past.

Hopefully now that secrets are out, we can move forward with more eventful episodes. Kang-chi has yet to find out that his mother is even alive, let alone staring right at him, not to mention that Wol-ryung may have lost his humanity for good, which is freaking me out. Also, at some point, I would like for Kang-chi to—I dunno—BEGIN his quest to find the goddamn book? Or was that the one thing in this drama that wasn’t literal? Tick tock, baby. Not everyone lives a thousand years you know.


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Thank you again for the recap, GF! I will start by writing the questions I have had from previous episodes, as well as from this episode, to see if I can get some answers.

Questions about this episode:

1--I am perplexed as to why SR told JGW about SH possibly being alive, and about the decoy. I know she (SR) is not on GW's side, so why did she share that infonwith him? I understand that she is curious as to why SH came back, and as to why SH is involved/doing business with GW, but still... She has to know that GW's intentions towards SH would not be good, if he knows that SH is back, and staying at the Inn, no less. Does SR wish to endanger SH?
Also, SR does know that KC is 1/2 and 1/2, right? Is that why she tried to protect him, when she saw him drugged? (She did mention to him that he had his mother's eyes, so she must know, since she must have known that the baby's father was a gumiho?)

2--I thought I would nitpick while commenting on this episode. Is it safe to assume that the other students (from the Martial Arts School) who were part of the mission left safely? We saw those students when they came in (to the Inn), but we didn't see them leave (and they were wearing black like the Japanese guards, so maybe no one suspected them?) I am going to assume that they left safely, since they looked like the other guards, and could therefore come and go in the Inn.

3--Something I didn't understand: when KC was outside, healing his hand, he took his bracelet off, and his eyes didn't change (he did not become a gumiho) and YW was not standing next to him. How does that really work then? Because when he was at the Inn and they took his bracelet off, he changed. That is kind of confusing to me.

4--Am I the only one who has noticed that SB, GW's top minion has not been seen since the time they tried to kill YW (ep. 17)? I know that SB was injured (not dead) when WR showed up and protected YW, but now, we have not been told IF he ended up dying (which I am assuming) since he was a no show in ep. 18, even though GW had asked about him in ep. 17.

5--Do the beanies think that WS is dabbing into magic as well? She was able to fool KC and the maidservant into thinking that it was CJ, so... Or maybe she didn't fool the maidservant, who looked remorseful when she got to the gisaeng house and was about to usher KC in. Do you guys think that the maidservant was involved in the trickery? Her behavior during that scene was very suspicious, and I am not sure why she complied with WS'orders. Maybe because she had to? And how come SR was not fooled when she saw WS?

6--I guess the process of becoming a demon did not happen right away. When WR came back, we (most of us) assumed that he must be a demon. Based on what we saw however since WR has been back, and especially based on what WR said in this week's episodes, becoming a demon seems to be a process and not something that happened as soon as he was stabbed. Does that mean then that when he was covered by the grass, he was just dormant (for 20 years)?

7--When the gisaeng(s?) left the Inn with those covers over their heads, are those like coats in the Joseon era? YW had the same one when she was at the lantern festival, waiting for KC, and Gon, KC and YW had those, of course when they left the Inn, with the gisaeng(s). I was just curious about those.

8--I know this is a cultural reference and no, I have not seen Mary Poppins (yet), so when GF said this, "Kang-chi just keeps digging around in his shirt like it’s a Mary Poppins bag," what is she implying? (Mary Poppins must have had a lot of things in her bag, I guess?).

9--Is KC 20 by now? I was wondering about that because the big deal at the beginning of the series was that if KC could only turn 20 without having his bracelet taken off, then... (and we were never told what would happen). I have also been wondering how old YW might be, probably or maybe younger than KC? I don't know why I don't think of her as being KC's age.

I will be back later with more questions and my thoughts. Thank you for any answers!


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8. yes, mary poppins had a bag that was able to store most unexpected items and many of them.

9. it was mentioned, the monk (if i remember correctly) told KC that if he didn't turn into a gumiho before he was 20, he'd remain human forever, but that was not the case. I think this was mentioned in the same episode after he first changed. i think it's also safe to assume that he's at least 20 now, in the early episodes, there were around 10 days until his birthday and i think it's been more than 10 days.


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Hello tearfulheart, and thank you for your response!

So now I know one more thing about Mary Poppins, (besides the fact that I need to watch it).

And you are right! KC must be over 20 by now (with the hardships he has been having lately, what with being stabbed by his "brother," and the other things that happened to him, no wonder he couldn't celebrate his birthday :-) ).
I remember that when he met the monk, SJ (I think) thought there were 10 days to his birthday, and KC corrected the monk, telling him that there were in fact 11 days left to his birthday. I remember that scene, because it mirrored the exchange WR had had with SJ (the monk), when WR was fasting and praying to find the GFB. SJ thought there were 10 days left, when in fact, there were 11 days, and WR had corrected him as well. It's a small detail, however I liked how it mirrored SJ's exchange with WR (the exchange SJ had with KC, when he met him).


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First, I must say that you approach KDs w so much seriousness it's amazing. On this website, I feel ashamed to use my nickname, cos I know I don't deserve it next to all you guys. ;) But I've been using it for many years on another site. So I let it be.

Now on to your Qns:

1. I wondered abt SR's intention too. But remember Evil Lord asking her for a favor when she asked to put on a show for the Tun Joo? I believe that is his task for her.

2. No news (of any hurt student) is good news.

3. KC no longer changes into a half-heast w/o his bracelet or WY nearby. He is more in control now. But when he is in danger, when he has to fight, or when he is tortured, his beastly self appears for his protection. These days, it looks like he has to make a deliberate effort to wish/call it into being.

4. Top minion is out of commission--injured, recovering, or that actor has to bow out.

5. It's not that particular gisaeng who is practicing black magic. Remember Evil Lord has access to it? Thru whom, we don't know. Or else, it's the incense being burnt in that closed room having a hypnotic effect that makes KC fall for the suggestion that he is sitting w CJ.

6. I love that we don't know everything abt the demonization process. It leaves room for speculation and hope. The monk was rather cryptic. Maybe he didn't know everything abt it either. See, WR laid dormant for almost 20 years. He woke up when KC's bracelet came off, n soon SH came back. Was there a connection?

As he woke up, he was supposed to be a demon, but he was still in one piece, so to speak. After fighting n being hurt by KC, he is now a hot mess. He is in pain, he is losing his looks as well as his memory. So that injury takes his demonization a step fwd.

Is there sth that KC or SH can do to reverse the process? Hope springs eternal.


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I have a question. Why was KC in such pain when they took his bracelet off at the Inn, in front of his mum? Previously, it was no big deal, and his eyes just turned green... and interestingly, no more claws. Perhaps he can control his beastly side better - but I guess, it's just that it takes too long to fix the claws and they have a tight schedule.

I am also curious as to why he couldn't break the chains when they took the bracelet off. Could it be the effects of the drug?


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i think its due to the fact that he drank like 5 bottles of soju and the drug that was in the room....whatever that drug was.


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I don'tthink it'susual soju. Remember the one that SooRyun gives to keep Gwan Woong stay when Gon and Yeo Wool need to relocate the silvers? I think that one


The pain is probably because he was trying to stop himself from changing. Kind of like how he was trying to hold back his gumiho half in Moonlight Garden. Though this time he's drugged out of his mind so he can't stop it from happening. Considering that drink can kill people with a couple? cups, gumiho half is probably feeling the effects too and he's not strong enough to break the chains.

I think the no claws/lack of makeup are just a time issue. It takes hours to do.


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As for the claws transformation..i can't find a valid excuse why it was being left out..except for the fact as what @emondoodle & crazyajummafan pointed out that perhaps it requires a lot of time doing it that the time frame for shooting couldn't fit in.

but in my wildest thinking i would like to believe that maybe KC is slowly controlling his beastly side, that he is gradually losing one by one his beastly side turning into human sooner..*well its just my foolish thinking* since until now there's no sight for Gu family book that he supposedly searching right now.


Absolutely. It's the alcohol. It isn't just any kind of wine or soju. They said that 3-4 cups of that stuff would kill a normal person; the fact that he is still alive after 5 cups of it proves he was a beast. So, he has been heavily drugged, making it impossible for him to either control his beast fr coming out, or to call it forth to break the chains. It'd seem that balancing/controlling his two sides involves cognizance.


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and there's no more eye liner when he changes *pouts*


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Hello crazyajummafan,

That was a very good question, and I am not sure what the answer to it is, really. I wonder if the writer will touch on that next week. It seems to be that when KC is totally lucid and in control of himself, he can choose and control the degree to which he wants to change. So, when we saw him heal himself in this ep., his eyes didn't change, the claws didn't come out, his hair didn't change and the make-up was not on.

On the other hand, when he was going to fight daddyho in ep. 17, he intentionally changed, becoming a gumiho (though we didn't see his claws. Maybe like lemondoodle indicated, they don't have time any more to go all the way with the gumiho transformations, so they do what they can, and they are careful when filming [or try to be], so it is not too obvious or easy to detect what they didn't do, changes wise). KC knew he would be in a serious fight, and he knew that his dad was a powerful opponent, so in preparation, he became a gumiho.

OK, I just reread your question, and I do think that his pain has to do with his gumiho transformation. It seems to me that the writer and director wanted to make it dramatic, so they went for KC fully transforming, so his mother could witness the kind of "monster" he was. This reminds me of when he was in the Moonlight Garden, and he was in pain. I think he was probably in pain as well when he transformed the first time in front of GW's men.

My 2nd theory is that as much as he is transforming into a gumiho, he has also been heavily drugged (both alcohol and the incense), so he can't stop the transformation from happening, however, he is not in that moment strong enough to stand, fight and break his chains. It would be like drugging a lion or any strong animal, he would still be strong, but not strong enough to resist or fight.

I also agree with the theory of the lack of time for the absence of claws and make-up. Those are the only theories that make sense to me. I hope this helped. And I just realized that I basically repeated what the other beanies have said, I don't think I added anything new, really. It was good to think about it though.


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Hello KDaddict, sorry I haven't responded yet, but I will. Will try to do it at some point today.


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Hello KDaddict,

This is a little late, however, better late than never is the motto I like to try and live by.

You said this, "First, I must say that you approach KDs w so much seriousness it’s amazing. On this website, I feel ashamed to use my nickname, cos I know I don’t deserve it next to all you guys."
As I mentioned yesterday, I do take it as a compliment and I appreciate it. Yes, I do like dissecting Kdramas and think through them, and in so doing, I have learned a lot about the language, the culture, the food, the peoples, etc... I do thank beanies like yourself who take the time to read my long posts AND respond, when they think they have an answer. I also think that you totally deserve to be with us and next to us. You bring a lot to these discussions and it is more enjoyable to think and feel through these dramas together. So again, thank you!

I will address the points by the numbers you assigned to the questions:

1-- What is a Tun Joo? Was that the celebrations that SR was putting together for SH?

3-- Thank you for explaining # 3, your explanations seem to make sense, especially since I don't see the writer tell us how this gumiho transformations business is supposed to work. We don't have the rules (or they are not explained well), and we are left to figure things out on our own. It is interesting to me that KC can now control his gumiho transformations to the point where YW does not even need to be around... Hum...

4--Loved your answer to this question.

5--Your answer here also made sense.

6--I don't think WR woke up when KC's bracelet came off, I think he woke up AFTER KC's bracelet came off, much later. WR comes back in ep. 12 (very end, and beginning of ep. 13), and KC's bracelet was 1st taken off in ep. 6 (I just checked), and then taken off again by TS in a latter ep., as we know. There might be a connection between SH and WR's returns, but not KC's bracelet taken off, as that happened much earlier.

For some reason, I am not sure that the process can be reversed for WR (demonization). I think it will only move forward. His and SH's are tragic stories, and though I don't know how SH will end or be by the end of the drama, I have a feeling that WR's story will end tragically. I would love to be wrong, of course, and by the end of the next three weeks, we will know for sure what happened. Personally, I am not holding too much hope for WR. I do hope that he will at least have a moment (or more) with KC, and will have the opportunity to let him know that he loves him and that he is sorry (though he didn't know that SH was pregnant, in his defense) for what KC had to go through.

I would also like to know about the GFB, which was hinted at in the beginning of the show, but now seems to be cast aside.

Thank you KDaddict for your time and your thoughts. You and the other beanies are helping me dig deeper into this drama, and I am learning a lot, using my brain, and enjoying it.


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Hi guys,

Thank you so much for your answers, which I haven't read yet. I will do so tonight (DB time), which means after probably 9 or 9:30pm, DB time. I plan on responding and I would like to share my thoughts, as I mentioned earlier, as well as sharing my thoughts on ep. 17, for those of you who might be interested in what I thought (and you know me, I think a lot :-) ).

So this was just an FYI. Could I please beg you to come back and check both episodes recaps to see if I was able to post some thoughts? This is what I LOVE doing after the episodes have aired and I appreciate your time and interacting with you guys.

KDaddict, thanks for the compliment, I am assuming it was :-). Hope that we (the beanies) will continue to dissect this week's episodes.


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Just in case anyone might be curious, I am still planning on responding to the comments. Lemondoodle, I left you an answer below.


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A few more questions I have:

1--I was wondering, based on the conversation KC had with WR, at the beginning of ep. 16 (when WR asked him to give up wanting to be human), did/does KC want to become human because of YW, because like he said he doesn't want to end up experiencing an eternal life the way his dad did (lonely, not being able to see the person you love, etc...) or is it because of both reasons (Did KC started wanting to be human for YW, CJ or for himself, of his own volition or did YW prompt that desire)? (At some point, YW reminded him that he wanted to become human, when KC was leaving with CJ). And so, did he start with his desire to become human at some point on the spectrum, and then the reasons changed or evolved or were added to his original reason? (I am just trying to be clear with my question).

I am asking, because after KC asked YW why she was so good to him, and she gave her awesome response, at 1st, (when I watched the drama raw), I thought he wanted to change for her, because he liked her, even though he had not admitted that to himself. However, that didn't seem to be the reason he gave LSS when they were together. I am totally OK if he started with one reason and then there were more reasons down the road, I just don't remember (and I am not sure) how his thinking process and how his desire to become human (and stay that way) started and evolved (or changed, if it changed at all).
Looking forward to any thoughts on this since I am (very) curious about it.

2--There is a character named Kimura who is mentioned in ep. 17 and he is associated with SH. Does anyone know who he is, and his role in the drama?

3--So I guess it is fairly safe to assume that KC knows that WR was not the one who kidnapped YW, even though he (WR) acted like he wanted to kill her, once KC showed up? (Since YW must have told KC what happened, and hopefully she realized that it was GW's men).

4-- This is not really a question, more like a comment: I thought it was interesting that KC had a hard time learning how to fight, during the training session with Gon (in ep. 17), even though he is a good fighter. That was funny and a little weird.


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Some of my thoughts on ep. 18, part 1 (maybe. If I don't get it done in one swoop, I will finish them later)...

I love the actress who currently plays SH (Yoon Se-Ah), I find her to be quite expressive with her face (beginning and ending of the ep.). I also like it when she acts cool, detached and in control. I have a feeling that deep down inside, she must be loving and yearning for her son (please don't kill me). I kind of get the sense that she must have changed some, over the years (I am talking about SH here). Personally, I don't think she was bad to begin with. Immature yes, very afraid yes, misguided very much so (which led to some really bad choices), but I don't think she was awful at the core. What she did to WR was not right, and she did express remorse, while she was looking for GW to kill him, so even before she went to Japan (before she was taken there), she knew the errors of her ways.
I loved how SH "devoured" KC's face, as if she was looking for her son (who was standing in front of her) through his eyes. Awww, before SH ordered that KC be arrested, she thought he was sweet and amusing (she thought that of her son :-) ).

I loved how the three stooges cross dressed (they were so funny and kind of cute). The first thought that came to my mind was "cross dressing Joseon Style, or the Joseon Way" hehehe... This is definitely a fusion sageuk. I like how modern themes (I think? Are those modern themes?) are infused in the drama. Speaking of modern, I love the beliefs held in the Men of Honor group as well, especially the fact that they don't discriminate across gender, social class and status to accept a member.

I know I have said it before, however I would still like to know how SH got to Japan and what happened when/while she was there, and it would be nice to hear it from her.

The way KC found out about DPJ and WR was sooo sad, and heartbreaking to see KC experience that. Poor guy, finding out about his lineage and what happened to his family has not been a walk in the park.

Interesting thing, CJ sewing a blue bird on a shirt for KC. She really does have hope that KC would want to be with her? I mean, it doesn't seem that she really wants him back, does she? (She might want to, but I don't know that she would act sincerely on it).

I also loved the confrontation between KC and DPJ, how honest DPJ was, and how vulnerable and bold KC was (loved that about KC). With KC, it's like sometimes he acts like a puppy, and then he does stuff like that, and one realizes that he is growing up (remember his confrontation with TS, which led to KC being beaten up?) and standing on his own two feet. Awww KC... I liked that KC asked tough questions, and DPJ did not run away from those questions.

The whole confession thing had me thinking, and I will write a separate comment about that later.

GF said this, "But the one with Kang-chi has a familiar incense burning…" Question: was there a scene before in which incense was burning, and was it a drug?

I can't help but wonder how WS knew that CJ was going to be out of the gisaeng house, that evening (to concoct her little plan), because the maidservant went to get KC during the daytime, so this was well planned (in advance), I guess and yet, WS and CJ don't talk to each other, I am assuming. It's not like they are friends...

By the end of the ep., JGW has confirmed once again, why he will/should live a life of pain and misery and get some serious comeuppance, when this show ends. The way he was enjoying torturing SH... *goes to look for a voodoo doll resembling JGW to stab really hard with needles* The actor is great, but the character Ugh!!!!

I will be back later...


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SH was never a bad person. She just made some bad choice under really extreme circumstances. I think she's probably changed over the years, but I still feel she's probably still consumed by revenge. Will be interesting to see what she does now.

And aww I loved that she actually liked Kangchi before she even knew who he was.

I'm pretty sure CJ is going to give Kangchi that bird. She still seems to think Kangchi would still come running to her over YW if she called, as if she's letting YW "borrow" him but when she wants him back she can get him anytime. Which is obviously not true...

Does she wants him or does she want him because someone else has him? Who knows.

The incense was used to hypnotize TS, or during the scene. It must be some kind of drug.

I'm pretty sure stupid maid probably let them know CJ was going to be out. She looked awfully guilty.


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Hello lemondoodle, good to "read" from you (as opposed to "hear" from you :-) ). I saw that you commented earlier, and I appreciate that. I will get to those comments later.

You said this: "SH was never a bad person. She just made some bad choice under really extreme circumstances," and I totally agree with you. It is just that (and I don't know if you know that, or if you remember that) SH was really vilified in the comments section of the ep. 2 recap. I know that people are entitled to their opinion (they are), however, I was a little surprised at how strong those sentiments were. I felt otherwise about SH (which I expressed at the time) and my feelings about SH were the ones you just wrote (They still are).
Just watching SH's face at the end of this ep., I feel that she cares about her son (or that she will). I agree with you also, about the fact that she might have changed over the years. It will be interesting to see how.

With KC being chained (and her secret revealed to JGW), her hands seem tied at the moment. Things might change, maybe, if somehow LSS, WR, DPJ and his gang (YW, Gon and Gong) get involved, or maybe SH has a few more cards up her sleeves. It could also be that SH will make a huge sacrifice for KC, reliquishing her deals with GW (who then will have the upper hand, temporarily). Let's not forget that daddyho is still around. He might do something as well to save KC, as a last gesture to show his son he loved him (and KC needs to know that. He should know that his parents love him, because I think they do). So many possibilities... Next week should be interesting.

You also said this, "And aww I loved that she actually liked Kangchi before she even knew who he was." And I feel the same way as well.

Yeah, I am curious about CJ and that shirt. Let's see if the writer fully addresses that small plot before the drama is over or if she drops it.

About this, "The incense was used to hypnotize TS, or during the scene. It must be some kind of drug." Thank you for reminding me. I couldn't remember where that incense might have been used.

You know, the thing that bothers me about the maid is that she looked guilty in a way that seemed to indicate that she knew what was going to happen to KC, and she still did it. Well, at least she knew that the real CJ was not inside that room. I guess she had to do what they asked her to do (trick KC?) since she is supposed to follow orders?


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SH was vilified because she betrayed a cute and hot guy. That's basically why she gets all the hate even though if you look at what he did (lie about who he was, marry her and impregnate her anyway....) you can understand why she'd be slightly upset. But I don't ever feel she was a bad person. We could all see his reasons for what he did, but she couldn't and everything happened so quickly too.

Yeah, I'm more interested in the parents relationship with Kangchi than their relationship with each other. WR loves SH still, she probably still loves him but that's not really what I want to see. I want them both to finally do something for the son they left behind. What SH will do is anyone's guess, but I don't think she'll play into GW's hand and admit she's SH and deny he was the thief. She's really in a tight spot right now.

Hopefully the maid was threatened in some way, because she not only betrayed Kangchi she betrayed Chung Jo as well.


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I come to like this very line in this episode: "Deception and Betrayal, what's the difference?", Chung Jo.

Apparently this writer has strong foundation in delivering strong line (but problematic with some weak set up of reasoning). That line explain many things, like what you @lemondoodle says, yes, Seo Hwa betrayed Wol Ryung, but Wol Ryung is also was deceived her. We tend to defend Wol Ryung all this time, but finally someone in the drama pointing this out, that is: what's the difference?


Hey again Lemondoodle,

In your 1st paragraph, you expressed well some of the conflicts that arose between SH and WR, and some of the reasons why they could not overcome them. I don't need to repeat what you said (I was tempted to), I would say however that WR and SH are compelling characters to me. I care about them (both), and I totally understand why they did what they did. It was sad to see SH so vilified. I am glad that you are one of the people who understood both parents.

You said this, " I want them both to finally do something for the son they left behind," and I concur. I do find it sad however that it was through no fault of his own that WR did not know that he had a child. That has to hurt a little. I do feel for WR, to a certain extent.

I am interested in the resolution of the ending (in this ep.) next week. Part of me feels that it was/might be a fake out, and that there will be a way for SH not to reveal who she is to GW. I have the feeling that WR will be involved in KC's life a little more and that he (WR), might do something that will be helpful to KC. I am waiting to see if my theory was accurate.

This, "Hopefully the maid was threatened in some way, because she not only betrayed Kangchi she betrayed Chung Jo as well," I agree with and I wonder what will happen between the maid and CJ (I kind of doubt that we will see it)...


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To whoever might be interested in reading my thoughts on the confession scene, I have started writing them. I will try and post them by tomorrow (hopefully). They will definitely be posted by Sunday evening, before the next ep. I thought it was a crucial scene in this ep., which is why I am spending time on it.


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My thoughts on the confession scene, part 1:

There are many scenes that I liked in this ep., and the two scenes that stood out for me were the confrontation between KC and DPJ (brought on by KC), and the confession scene by KC to YW.

As I mentioned in a previous comment, I was moved by the way KC handled the whole confrontation. I have loved that in spite of the very difficult interactions KC has had with his dad, he still protects him (in a way) in front of others (he didn't tell right away to DPJ that WR had attacked Gong) and even when he learned that WR had killed 15 of DPJ's men, he questioned why a being who loved his wife would want to kill her (when WR put his claws on SH). I was glad that DPJ also mentioned the betrayal WR had suffered from SH. And I agree with DPJ, I don't believe he was making excuses, I thought he was explaining what had happened.
I have also mentioned this earlier, that that whole exchange made me realize how much KC had grown. I don't know that the KC we had a few or some ep. earlier who have acted the same way.

In the long comment I wrote about my thoughts on this ep., I wrote this: "The whole confession thing had me thinking, and I will write a separate comment about that later." I know this is late, however I thought I would still write my thoughts on why it occurred to me that the confession by KC to YW was an important scene, and why that scene was timely in this ep.

Regarding that scene, GF wrote this, "It seems like a weirdly timed confession, given where the conversation was going, but I’ll just take it as a …And nothing else matters. See, it’s like a participatory script, where we fill in the blanks together as we watch. Interactive! Fun for the whole family!"
I agree with her that it does seem like a participatory script, because I found myself filling in the blanks as well. This is how I ended up seeing the confession scene.

At first, I thought the confession scene was just that, a confession scene, which we eventually get in any drama that has a romantic plot and an OTP. I expected it at some point. Then as I thought about it more, I realized that it was something that YW needed to hear, and that she needed to hear it when KC said it.

The bigger context (imho) leading up to that scene is that when we look at YW and when we consider how things must appear from her perspective, we realize that by the time KC made his confession, she was afraid, very insecure (about KC's love for her) and doubtful.

According to what the drama has told us, YW started to have feelings (felt attracted or had an interest in KC) when they were still children, when KC protected her from a vicious dog. They meet again later in life, and her feelings for KC have not completely died. KC saves her life again a few times, when they were fighting the ninjas assassins (illusions), when she was sick (and he healed her) and when WR threatened her in ep. 17 (or used her as a bait. WR did strangle her and her life looked in danger). KC might have saved her a few more times, however I only remember the times I just mentioned for now. So YW feels indebted to KC, and her feelings grow deeper for him, as time goes by.

At the same time, when YW is reunited with KC, he is in love (I believe he was, and that is my humble opinion) with CJ and has only eyes for her. This continues until CJ rejects KC, especially after she finds out that he is 1/2 gumiho. During that time, YW does not think that she stands a chance with KC (romantically), and she resigns herself to do all that she can to help KC in any way she can, whenever she can. As she tells him, "that is just how my heart feels," (to be so good to you) in answer to his question. She watches KC love CJ from a distance and she doesn't fall into mean ways to attack CJ or stand between them.

YW probes again KC's feelings (for her? for CJ? I am not sure...) when after the lantern festival, in the early morning, KC comes back from having taken CJ back to the gisaeng's house. "She is the most precious person to you, isn't she? And no one (or nothing) could change that, could they?" KC doesn't answer, which is the equivalent of a yes for YW.

What follows is CJ planting the seeds of doubt and insecurity in YW when they meet at the market (ep. 17), when she insinuates that KC might still be in love with her and that he is extremely loyal. If she were to call for him, KC would not turn her down. The 2nd time this happens is when YW spends the night at the gisaeng house, and CJ confronts her about how much she knows about KC's parents. Once again, CJ insinuates that YW has not been truthful with KC (which she hasn't), however CJ makes it sound worse than it is. YW, who already feels guilty leaves the room, only to run into KC who heard everything.

KC is shocked and overwhelmed to learn what he learns. YW is devastated, scared and she breaks down. She tells Gon, "it's over, KC won't want to see me ever again" (or something like that). In her mind, KC is done with her. She has jumped ahead, and not in a good way.

Looking at KC's side, he did not remember YW for a long time and mistook her for a guy. Even when he finally recognized her, his feelings for her took a while to come to the surface and to a place where he (KC) would recognize that he was falling in love with her. In the meantime, he was still acting loyal and friendly towards CJ. YW did a lot for him as well: she ran to his side every single time she thought he was in danger, she worried about him 1st, and acted, and thought of the consequences later. She saved his life as well a few times (in the forest, when she helped him escape; when she took his bracelet off so his wound would heal, etc...), and she silently stood by his side, loving him.

If their relationship were a bank account (emotional and otherwise), YW deposited A LOT in that account over time, a little more than KC, imho, who took his sweet long time to realize and show YW that he in fact loved her.

By the time they kiss in ep. 17, KC has been jolted and realizes (because he almost lost her) that she is the most precious person to him, yet he doesn't tell her that (just to us, in his head). So she still doesn't know that he loves her, and still doesn't feel secure in their relationship, which is kind of new.

The revelation about DPJ and his hand in WR's fate happens and understandably, KC is upset. He takes off and goes to see DPJ. Gon and YW imagine the worst and run to the Martial Arts Institute. When they get there, KC walks outside, with blood in his hands. What is YW to think, based on what had previously happened and based on the context I just gave?

In this case, I feel that YW was justified in thinking what she thought (KC killed her dad, out of anger) and in choosing her dad over KC. I mean, he IS her dad, who loves her, and has let her live the way she wanted in Joseon times. She is not promised to KC (yet), and even though KC kissed her passionately the day before (or so), he has not said more about his feelings for her, (except for I was afraid I had lost you).

We have to remember that YW is this fearless, bold and unconventional woman, who kicked KC, hit him on the head, bossed him around, dragged him when she felt like it, put him in his place. She is/was not afraid of him, as a person. She stood up for him and publicly confronted her dad and disobeyed him, for KC, and she proved that KC was indeed a very good person who could live among humans (and not a monster). Let's also remember that YW waited for KC the whole night, while he took CJ home, after the festival was over. How many girls would have done that, really? And she was not even angry when he came back.
However when it comes to love, she so loves him and wants him that KC's reaction and KC finding out what happened in the past, leaves her breaking down and very fearful. Her worst fears have materialized, or so she thinks, and it is in that mind frame that YW operates when she passes by KC at the gisaeng house.

I have more to say, I will be back later to finish my thoughts on the confession scene.


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Thanks gf!


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Thanks gf... How awesome KC is! We definitely need alot more kdrama heroes like him!!!


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Now that Kang Chi met the 3rd member of the Men of Honor, we are left with Tae-seo and Im beginning to wonder what will be his test for Kang Chi. It wouldn't be "Let go of Yeo-wool" right?


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HA! I think you just gave away the writer-nims plans right there.

First it's Chung Jo trying to split them apart by planting seeds of distrust.

Then i'm positive Tae-seo will make his attempt at splitting them apart.

I wish the writer-nims would have killed off these siblings. They're annoying the hell out of me.


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I'm 99% sure it will have something to do with YW even if he has no right involve her. She doesn't like him and they don't even seem to know each other all that well.

Honestly I wish PJ would just end the engagement (would be a nice gesture since Kangchi didn't murder him and all!) so TS has no power over them.


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"Honestly I wish PJ would just end the engagement (would be a nice gesture since Kangchi didn’t murder him and all!) so TS has no power over them."

Lemondoodle, i'm hoping for the same thing. But i doubt PJ will go back on his word easily...

Honestly, something in the last episode made me think....Kang Chi has now met 3 of the masters. The old man, Gon, and Head Gisaeng. They each gave him a task...

So since Tae Seo is the last master, i think his last task will be some stupid dramatic "stay away from Yeo Wool" crap.

Either that, or he's going to get gravely injured, reveal to Kang Chi that he is the last master, his task is to protect Yeo Wool from now on, and his title of master will be passed on to Kang Chi. But i doubt the writer-nims will go in this direction....

just a thought...


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I think Kangchi will take over Gong Dal's spot so I doubt TS will die. Seriously, the thought of TS telling Kangchi of all people to "take care" of YW as if he owns her (or has ever protected her once) just annoys me to no end. He really has no place in their relationship. There was never a triangle, just a forced engagement she doesn't want. You are right that it's going to probably be TS who will have to back out of the marriage, not PJ canceling it.

TS making the last task about YW seems likely, but man its' going to bother me. Even Gon didn't make it about her! I guess we'll see. The siblings have a way of attempting to ruin YW/KC while bringing them even closer together so I expect something from him that's going to annoy everyone.


Thanks GF!


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I really like this part ~~~Whatever happened twenty years ago, it happened between adults before we were even born. So please don’t connect that past to us! Whatever happened between you adults, you figure it out yourselves!

~~~ so different from other shows, even Chinese Historical shows can't escape that!

And how Kang Chi gave himself and Yeo-wool ONE MORE CHANCE and listen to her explanations, not conforming to the typical drama reaction --- NON-COMMUNICATIONS which causes a lot of misunderstanding/sadness !

Good job ! PDnim!

All the actors and actresses did well in this episode.

I can feel Seung Gi's every emotion through the screen, Seung Gi, Fighting!

Suzy has improved a lot, too! Keep it up, Suzy!


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Yes, this was these were the best lines in this episode! I'm so glad that KC rose above the pettiness and angst to NOT kill or hurt DPJ. And I love what he said to him. But doesn't that happen in real life too? That parents and adults involve their children and the younger generation in their problems.

I also love it that KC so willingly forgives YW. That's true love. So their love is not just one-sided.

GF- as for the quest of the Gu family book. I think that it isn't really a book. The monk told WR that after he followed certain procedures, the book will appear in front of him. I don't think that it's an actual book, but rather a revelation of what it means to be a human.
KC is already showing signs of this in his actions and words in this episode. In the words of Jade Butterfly, "he is a better human than everyone else" already.


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Correction: "These were the best lines"


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This morning, regarding the lines, I say this: "Yes, say no to makjang" (yunno,like we-can't-be-together-cuz-your-father-killed-mine) :D Love this part very much


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"I say this: “Yes, say no to makjang”



I totally agree: these were the best scenes of the episode. Very well-written...


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ang pangit


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ohhhhhh snap!!!!!


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now that i have watched the episode, i have to agree with you GF that a lot of stuff happened in the episode but at the same time nothing did...yea everything except the end scenes were things we already knew and expected....i was just happy that now people are on the level and i want to see what happens from here on out....

this actually supports my initial thought that 24 episodes were just way too much... if the episode count was shorter, this episode would have been like epi 14 or something...i think the writer realized how much episodes they had left and was like oh shit...lets fill the past four episodes with YW and KC lovey doveyness....

anywhos i cant wait for the next developments, now that evverything is out in the open...i'm especially looking forward to what Tae Seo's "quest" will be and also looking forward to what happens with CJ...what was she going to tell YW before they were interupted...i really hope they become friends cause one thing m freaking tired of in kdramas is the absolute lack of female friendships...especially between the first and second lead, ESPECIALLY when its over a guy....i mean gimme a break...they aint that special!! haha


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Yes, can Yeo-Wol and Chung-Jo please have a relationship that is not of rivalry over a guy? It's not as though we haven't seen enough dramas where characters dance around an already decided love triangle. They're both strong in their own right so it would be fun to have them collaborate rather than exchange petty, angry comments at each other.


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mukang tae


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I know that's right! I was thinking "Oh SNAP" when I figured out JKWs plan. Can't accuse the dude of not being an interestingly smart villain. He kicked Seo Hwa where it hurt the most and rubbed his hands as he watched.


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Thanks a lot!!


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yeah, i was wondering about that Gu Family Book. ha. it'd be nice if he started on that.


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Kang Chi ya, you made me cry so much in this episode especially when YW walk pass you and that tear drop just made me feel so sad for you...

And with the ending, the next episode will get worse huh?

Why is Mon so far away???


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You know...I forget to mention how much I appreciate the recaps and the way they are written...too funny! :)


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Me to.


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Thanks GF for the best recap. I enjoy reading your recaps as much as the drama.


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I get the sneaky feeling that gf loves this series too, for the recaps to come out so quickly. ;) TQ.

Love this ep.
The 1st encounter between mother n son is warm and intimate. Good foundation.

The secret is out quickly, with KC overhearing that conversation between CJ n YW, more like a soliloquy by CJ, who by her expressions, shows that she is saying what she is saying not out of concern for KC, or his relationship w YW, but as a means to put YW in her place, to make her feel awful. But when the ep is over, we still don't know what CJ is there in the martial arts academy to see YW abt. Dare I hope that she's up to sth good now?

Isn't it awesome how KC puts an end to a supposed unforgivable deed? Just by confining what happened between the parents to their generation, n refusing to be sucked into a vendetta? How can anyone not love him? Ah, it can be sth this simple! If all heroes can behave like so, there'll be no more melos on TV ever.

Poor WR is dying, bcos of the wound he sustained while fighting KC, n he no longer heals. For him, part of dying involves the loss of memory, as he forgets where he is, who SJ is. I feel sorry for him, for he doesn't deserve such a despicable end. Hope SH will arrive in his life soon enough for a reconciliation, to give him so solace before his end.

I love how shaken Evil Lord is upon seeing the Tun Joo's face. (I still refuse to learn his name). Of course with that guy, everything is turned into a scheme, in this case to force the Tun Joo to reveal that she is indeed SH.

Love the end of the ep too.
There is no dickering around. SH gets to know beyond the shadow of a doubt that KC is her son.
What will happen next?
I believe Gon n YW arrive in time to save the moment, such that SH won't have to betray her identity in front of E Lord.


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I wish they had some yunno, actual scratch marks on clothes and etc to make me feel like WR was actually really hurt. Claws would be nice, but that would've made the kiss awkward. Oh well live shoots.
I too really love how they didn't make the whole WR "murder" fiasco a big deal. Like KC said before, they basically had nothing to do with his life other than making it worse, so why make a big deal about it? And that back hug was beautiful!
If there's one thing the writer is really good at, it is the cliffhangers. While this may not be the best written, directed, acted drama out there, those cliffhangers really annoy me day and night and has me actually going on the nate and official site to continuously rape that f5 button.


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WR isn't dying he's becoming a demon. The way it works is that by losing his memories he loses all connection to humanity and instead is left with only a sense of betrayal, rage, hate, and bitterness without knowing why, since his memories r gone. Then with the lose of his power to self heal what will happen is his self preservation instinct will kick in and he will start killing people to take in their life force since that will be his only way to survive. Except without his memories he will become a demon without mercy or compassion, just rage and thirst for human life. That's why in ep 17 he tells the monk that he hates what he is becoming and wants to die and the only one who can make that happen is his son, Kang Chi.


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Thanks for the background material on deamon transformation.

Let's hope his son finds a way to short-circuit the metamorphoses before it is complete.


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Ok so hold up, I have a question about that. So Wol Ryung is becoming a demon, but the thing is didn't he already return a demon like So Jung said? If he wasn't a demon yet, what was he?

Also how in the hell can Seo Hwa sense Wol Ryung but not figure out that Kang Chi is her son when he told her he was found in the river? I was like... worst. mother.. ever


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He is a demon.

Remember when he just return, he did not remember SH and little about the monk. Then the monk reminded him of himself and his life.
Then he remembers more as he heard the same words he spoke before by his son KC.
However since he is a demon and no longer sacred being of the forest, he does not have the power to self-heal and thus when he gets hurt, he just loose more of himself, his memory and becomes more demon.


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Ok then yea he's a demon, then what is he turning into now is what I mean, a different version of a demon? A demeor-demon? That's what confused me with the whole veins, black lights thing, he was already a demon.


That's why I think he is dying. A dying demon, unless SH and/or KC can do sth abt it.


I'm thinking SH probably did not get a chance to mull over this bit of information because what was foremost in her mind at that moment was the piece of map that was on the floor. She probably might have thought about the possibility that KC could be her son, given the time, but the idea that the map was stolen took precedence over any nascent thoughts she's having about KC.

Also, she doesn't know how KC was brought up as she's probably thinking her son is still with the monk.


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episodes 17 and 18 were really good and made up for how awful episode 16 was

if they just stay away as much as possible from the gruesome twosome brother and sister of the inn the rest can be pretty good also it appears


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It's just so sad watching Wol Ryung lose his memory and himself. Reminds me of that movie about the guy whose wife was getting Alzheimer's. Just sad to watch as he tries to hold onto himself


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Thanks...getting intense...


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The last scene was awesome. Yoon Se Ah is a much better actresses than LYH and for the first time I really feel for her. I wonder what she'll decide to do this time. Revenge or her son? Last time she picked revenge... though she's in a tight spot. I doubt her minions are going to turn out to be completely loyal to her either.

GW messed with the wrong gumiho baby though. I hope demon daddy isn't fully demony yet and comes quickly. If not to save Kangchi at least comes and screws with GW. Not to mention YW, Gon and the rest of the school.

I'm really glad Kangchi forgave Yeo-wool so easily for her moment of weakness and stupidity. I mean, he was upset but he wanted to talk. And she ran away from him twice. Argh. She's not the one who should run away and cry!

Overall, loved this episode. I can't help but feel WR and SH probably aren't going to last past next week.


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I like Yoon Se Ah so much better in Gu Family Book than I did in Gentleman's Dignity or in My Love, Madame Butterfly.

Her character in MLMB was awful and her acting choices made me hate hate the whole thing. Every time she yelled "Nam Na Bi" I wondered when did I become so much of a masochist to willingly put up with that torture.


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Haha... I'll have to pass on that then.

I hadn't ever seen her in other things, but I know here she made me feel horrible for SH for what GW was doing to her. Even if SH is the one directly responsible for Kangchi being drugged and captured I could feel her anguish and didn't blame her. Makes me wonder had she played younger SH if her character would have been more sympathetic.


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I now know why they cast Yoon Se Ah as the older SH. The emotions and acting needed in this ep, needed a much better actress, than LSH. She didn't too badly in the first 2 eps, but YSA, did a fantastic and believeable job here.


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Me too! I did feel sympathy for Yoon Se Ha's Seo Hwa, but not LYH.
It's Yoon Se Ha's face, I just trust it lol


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Her acting touched me. I can feel the ache in her heart as she struggle to put up a cold front as she watched his son cry out in pain.

Please be a great and fierce mother to Kang Chi!


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I think Kang Chi's 'Gu Family Book' is Yeo Wol, if you get what I mean. She's his ticket to humanity, as we have seen in the way he comes back to being human every time she calls out to him or is near him. That's prolly why they're not spending that much time looking for it - he's already found it. Now he just needs to realise it.


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Nice one! I've always thought it's not an actual book, but something that will give them the strength to become human.


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I do not mean physical strength per se.


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so what, he can't be human without YW? I do not buy that, and do not think that will be the end result. I will be ticked if that was the case.


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I think it both YW and SH represent the Gu Family Book in the sense that they symbolize humanity for both KC and WR.

WR was always told at the start that he is not to interfere with the human world and that he didn't understand. Meeting SH allowed him to be able to love wholeheartedly and to trust undoubtedly.

It's not YW or SH that is special, but it's them being special to KC and WR that makes them the key to Gu Family book.

But for WR, it was also the lack of trust that had also caused their rift, he did not trust her enough to reveal his true self.


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I was thinking the same thing, that it's not an actual book, but a person. I'm hoping Seo Hwa is that to Wol Ryung also. That with her reappearance he will come to know that she loved/loves and accept of him in spite of what he is. That and the love I know he feels for their son will be his salvation and key to his finally becoming human.


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That is a good theory that the "Gu Family Book" is not really a mythical book but a person that the divine creatures love.

However, I think people kinda forgot about what So Jung told him how to "find the book." In order to find it, they have to perform a 100 days of praying, along with following the three taboos: Do not harm/kill living beings, help out to those who request help, and never reveal your true identity.

Wol Ryung was ten days away to complete his praying, but failed when Seo Hwa was in danger. Thus, he broke two of the taboos. So it's unknown if he had another chance to find it or if there's an alternative to find the book.

As for Kang Chi... He hasn't started his quest yet. >>; Kang Chi did ask So Jung where can he find it, but the monk informed him that he needed to control his beast side first before he could tell him how to obtain it. And after Kang Chi was able to control his beast side, he was forced to put his quest aside due to Wol Ryung being a threat to him. Thus, taking training lessons in Dam Martial School in order to become strong to stop his father and to protect Yeo Wool and the people he care. If I was in Kang Chi's position, I too would do the same. How else can you protect the people you care and love from someone who is more powerful than you?

However, you may be right about what is the "Gu Family Book." Let's see how the series is playing. As I said in the previous article, that Kang Chi is becoming more human as the episode goes by.


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@DesertStorm: great analysis :D


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Thanks for the recap--and for this thought.

"Also, at some point, I would like for Kang-chi to—I dunno—BEGIN his quest to find the goddamn book? Or was that the one thing in this drama that wasn’t literal? Tick tock, baby. Not everyone lives a thousand years you know."

ditto, seconded, me too, etc.

Also, is my computer resolution so poor that I can't see/recognize the monsterness that is Kang-Gumiho-Chi.

It must be weird to watch brown-black eyes turn green, but MONSTER?!?! Not quite seeing his transformation as such.


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It's not just your computer; it's an effect of the live shoot, I believe. The transformations weren't all that high tech to begin with, and as we've gone on they've gotten less and less monstery.

We just have to use our imaginations, I guess...


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I think the transformations becoming less Monsterly is meant to suggest that KC is more n more anchored in his human side, n in the human world. So I doubt it is your computer or a function of the live-shoot system in this case. In the end, we don't, no one does, see him as a monster at all, cos he just isn't one anymore.


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Thank's DB .. you would never imagine how many times ive been refreshing the page for ep.18 recap. Off to read


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JKW is so going to pay for all the suffering he caused to Kang chi's family. Seo hwa looked bloody furious for the pain Kang chin is in. And Wol ryung is getting close in becoming a true demon. I hope Seo hwa finds a way to help Kang chi and still hide her secret. Maybe she can say she wants to punish Kang chi herself and therefore gets to keep Kang chi, or some such.

Thank you for the wonderful recaps!


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Yeah. I was thinking about that too~!

She can just say, "Yes. That is the thief I am looking for. Now hand him over!" and with a satisfying smirk towards JKW!!!


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Or she could say, "He looks like the thief, but it's not him."


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Or "Stop trying to kill MY thief you crazzzyyy person!!Get your own thief to tie up in chains and give me back mine!" While unleashing all her hair if fury, angst and makjang only rivaling that Kang Chi wind that I wish would blow JKW away!


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I actually enjoyed this episode more than I did the previous one. What got to me was the way Seo-Hwa looked at Kang-Chi at the very end.

Remember that she also went through hell to get to there she's at and that's why she's cold towards others. But that does not mean that her past never crosses her mind. I'm very sure she still thinks about Wol-Ryung and her abandoned son a lot (speaking from a mother's point of view). I can't wait for the next episode to see what they have in store for us but---- AGAIN, my only complaint is that Chung-JO, who was my one of my favorites is now the sitting on the back burner; which highly irritates the crap out of me.

I hope to see more character involvements with each one of them. This story started off extremely strong and it did sort of slowed down but now that we're rearing towards the end, I hope that it ends strong!


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Yes, I'm just going on recaps/skimming until I find out what they do with Chung-Jo; if the writer is going to reduce her to jealous 2nd-lead nastiness, then I'm not investing lots of time. Poor girl doesn't get cut any slack in this show.
And I was annoyed with the whole scene where Yeowool ignores KangChi and thinks that he harmed her father - really, do we have to go through this 'beast-you-hurt-my-[insert human being here] for what, the fourth time? And just like everyone else, she assumes the Beast is the aggressor? I thought she was supposed to have this transcendant love and trust that was so strong and pure it even kept the beast at bay? What happened to that? Of course he forgives her, and that shows the extent of his love, but what about hers? Not impressed.


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Hopefully Chung Jo will get over her issues next week when Kangchi is in danger. I do think Kangchi needs to finally just end their messy relationship so she can move on. She has thoughts that Kangchi is still more in love with her than he actually is. If she finally knew that YW was the person for him and she has no place anymore other than being a family member I'd think she'd move on. I wish she'd work with SH or do something more useful than trying to start fights with KC/YW though.

YW (and the audience) is lucky KC is so forgiving. I think she probably needed so suffer a bit for her stupidity, but I'm glad they didn't drag it out. Not even bothering to talk to him about it, but assuming the worst and running away really bugged me.


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The last scene hurt me badly. :( Be strong Kang Chi ya.
Thanks GF.


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The back hug scene touched my heart so much. I thought there was going to be a huge misunderstanding and no resolution till the end. So, it was shocking to see KC come back and forgive YW. Most eeeeek moment ever for me on their relationship. I knew it was going to be hard to overcome all of that drama, but I'm glad it wasn't drawn out. It probably will foretell that KC may not be physically full human, but he has the compassion and love for humans. So, to be able to feel is already being human.

The part where I cried so much was seeing mommy and son together, yet mommy not knowing it is her son until she was told he was half creature/half human. Just so many emotions.


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It was done very nicely. I had expected a back hug from the stills, but when KC walked pass her, the same way she walked pass him, my heart broke, only to quickly come together again when he returned and gave her a back hug, I squeeled so loudly, it was good that everyone was asleep by then. It was totally unexpected then. And of course, I cried. How not to? KC ah... I love you!


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I am so excited for Ep. 19 now. What will the mom do?


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thank s GF for recapp..

ommo!! the last scene,, breaking my heart T T,, soe hwa,, why you did that to your own son!!!!!!!!


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If I had a patron saint it would be St. Jude--since I can't stop believing in lost causes.

I'm still hoping for a happy ending for both gumiho father and son.


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Right there with you. ^^


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It does seem Wol Ryung and Seo Hwa have some kind of connection. He wakes up at the same time she arrives and now she senses this change in Wol Ryung. They may not know what the feeling is or why it's happening (she doesn't know why she felt scared; he doesn't necessarily know why he woke up at that particular time) but it would be understandable if those two still had a connection all these years later.

And to Kang Chi: THANK YOU!!! for not letting the past dictate the future.

And Chung Jo: mind your own business! You had your chance and what did you do? You called him a monster and threw rocks at him. Can anyone blame him for going with the girl who loves/trusts him and his gumiho side without prejudice? I think he made the right choice, so Chung Jo, just focus on your revenge and stay away from Kang Chi and Yeo Wool. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.


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Maybe she has that magical wooden knife on her and that woke him up.


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I love the scenes where KC and YW walked past each other without a word! I can literally feel KC's feeling of shock and betrayal when YW walked past him. SeungGi, so good!


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Not to mention his look when he found out the truth about DPJ killing his father and the way he went to confront him. The mix of anger, disappointment, sadness and frustration was so good.


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YES! Very very good~ (keep replaying the scenes and crying my eyes out! haha~)


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Thanks for the recap!

I am really worried about Wol-ryung. I am still hoping for his redemption. And I am excited for that moment when he sees Seo Hwa again. I can't wait for that exciting Gu Family Reunion!


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What's most interesting to me at this point isn't the romance between Kang-Chi and Yeo-Wool, but Kang-Chi's relationship with his parents.
I'm really wondering how Seo-Hwa will react to KangChi being her son, to Wol-ryung being alive still (well, sort of alive?). Also, how Wol-ryung will react when he sees Seo-Hwa.
Will this trio ever find peace? Hmmm, a few more episodes will tell.


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I totally agree. I like the Kang-Chi and Yeo Wool story but from the beginning it has always been the Swo-Hwa and Wol-ryung story that has enraptured me. I want a happy ending for everyone but I especially really, really, want one for those two.


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I'm also eager for the drama to cut down on the OTP love scenes and focus on the Kang-Chi's family reunion. Also, interaction between new combination of characters would be good too - e.g., Seo-Wha & Soo-Ryun, Seo-Wha & Chung-Jo... there are so many dynamics to explore.


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Thanks so much Girlfriday, been seeing the ep without subs and waiting so patiently (refreshed screen so many times lol lol) for your recap! For I so wanted to know what he said when he did that backhug thingy!

I so do love this drama! Awesome - nipping the "you killed my father and so I will avenge him and my love can take a backseat and I cannot be with you now.." tagline !

Mani Kamsahamidah PDnim & scriptwriter nim!! woot woot!


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This is just my theory, but I don't think the "Gu family book" is a literal book. Some people are saying it's YW, but I don't think I'm on that train either.

I feel like it's a philosophy, or just a way of life, in general. Maybe it's the self-control that KC has to learn in order to not become a beast without his bracelet, and not just around YW either.

Thanks for the recap!


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yeah maybe its the self control to choose to be good and fighting the beast in him! it's like our immune system fighting off bad germs & when it succeeded they just die off!


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you gave me an idea to think about... i also think that she is the symbol of that so called book....not specifically book but probably that contains specifically how he can be human...person who will stand and belive in him...


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I had been going down the literal 'book' track, but you have my attention about it being a philosophy.

I think it's a riddle that Kang-Chi has to solve.

Almost all Kang-Chi's education has been about seeing beneath, seeing differently, rethinking assumptions.

Those are the skill he has had to master to solve the riddles presented. The first half of this drama was devoted to the sack of beans riddle. Now he has a 'tree" make me a house riddle.

I think you are right, Kang-Chi will recognize the Gu Family Book when he solves the most important riddle.


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I too think that its not a literal book. When Monk told WR to follow the set of instructions to be a human, he said that after that the book will appear before WR. So I think that what he meant was the solution, the light bulb moment. Once he fulfills those conditions, the answer would be very clear, cos he'll he more human than ever.
In any case. don't you think that KC is already "a much better human than everyone else" (to quote Jade Butterfly)? What he said to Dam, and how he forgave YW, is much more than what most humans do.


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Sorry, didn't realise that I had posted a similiar comment earlier. Thought that it didn't go thru! Aish! Must be sleep-deprived brain!


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must be sleep-deprived due to watching too many good k-drama like GFB...I am too....


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I think Soo Ryun's riddle has something to do with uprooting the tree of one's own conventions and prejudices and then bringing oneself to the common goal.


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I quite agree with you about SR's riddle. The answer to that is uprooting Kang Chi's family tree history and built his new goal(s) from what he learn about his family's history. After all, SR didn't specifically say what "tree" and whose "house" that Kang Chi needs to do. Let's just hope Kang Chi knows that the words are figurative and not physical objects. >>;


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@kumi and desertstorm - you both so clever! they should you both honourary "Men/Women of honour"!


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In case it's right ... can I instead be taught to play those drums? :)


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@DesertStorm "Let’s just hope Kang Chi knows that the words are figurative and not physical objects." It actually cross my mind that KC will start to chop trees to build a house or something...LOL

@kumi & DesertStorm: wow! I was scratching my head like KC when he was given that riddle but you just nailed it so easily kekeke, now I feel so dumb! :D


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To be honest, when I first read the riddle, I was being a smartarse and jokingly said, "... Just cut the paper in half and make origami house to her." After all, the paper has the word "tree" on it, but I know that's not the answer SR was looking. >___>;

Not to mention, if doing physically, there's no way Kang Chi can solve it. After all, it's impossible to built a house made with only ONE tree (unless it's building a doll house) and it's impossible to bring the house to SR since the foundation is rooted to the ground (unless again, it's a doll house.) Anyway, let's hope Kang Chi doesn't think it's physical to do so.


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ahh..i love this drama!!!
I think the GU FAMILY BOOK is not literal and it does not exist. Maybe SJ will just tell KC about it's contents, presumably the rules. I just hope it will not be a shortcut though, where it just "puffs" & our gumiho baby becomes human.


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Yahoo! I've been waiting for this! Thank you GF.

I really, really love the last scene. Mom needs to do some action. When she glared fiercely at Jo Gwan Woong for hurting her baby, I was like, "Man. You mess with the wrong family."

And she needs to meet with Daddy Gu before it's too late! (agh! I can't wait! I really, really want to see SH-WR together again even if only for a short time. Make it happen, drama. Or else)

And this: “Whatever happened twenty years ago, it happened between adults before we were even born. So please don’t connect that past to us! Whatever happened between you adults, you figure it out yourselves!” --> Dramaland, take note from Baby Gu.


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aaaahhhh my heart can't take it anymore!! thanks for the awesome recap!!!

i was really hoping he'd be able to control it...or that he would've thrown up and made the whole moment anticlimatic :P i would've busted out laughing. but i guess the bad guys have to win so wen the good guys win in the end, it felt like a battle.

and oh noessss wol-ryung!!!! :( please tell me there's a teensy bit of humanity left that seo-hwa can save?


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also....totally love the Princess Bride reference :D


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Off topic.
I wonder how Yoon Se Ah's reaction was after receiving the offer to play Seung Gi's mom in this drama. I remember in one of Strong Heart episodes she talked about her first love who looked like Seung Gi and how her heart beat faster everytime she sees him in variety shows. Ms. Yoon, how do you feel now that you act with Seung Gi? Hehe.


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Interesting piece of information Osi.
I thought that the scene between KC and mom was a charged one. From her eyes, you can see that she was charmed by him and was drawn to him, hence she asked him for his name. If she wasn't his mom, I would think that she was wishing she was 20 yrs younger. (Quite scandalous, I know - but those were the vibes I got).


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hmmm... I remember that Strong Heart episode~

At least it is a mother character of Seung Gi, thus love is still there~


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That's so funny. Hopefully she gets a motherly hug or something from Kangchi~ :D


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"Or was that the one thing in this drama that wasn’t literal?"

Actually, yes. The book cannot be found by normal means. It only comes to gumihos that succeed in the following conditions:

1. Pray for 100 days
2. During this 100 day period...
2a. never eat from living/slaughtered flesh (go vegetarian)
2b. never kill another living creature
2c. help all creatures in need
2d. Don't go into beast mode in front of anyone

Failing all that, he becomes a 1000 year demon (or half demon?) like his daddy unless he stabs the last person who sees him in beast mode through the heart with that sacred dagger (where's that monk when you need him?). If he does all the above without issue, the book will appear before him and he'll become human.

This was all explained in Episode 2. KC has yet to begin the praying period which is what he needs to do to get started. At the way things are right now with all these antagonists running around causing trouble, if he started praying now he'd lose his chance to become human the second he or someone else takes the bracelet off.


Now the episode in question... yea... not much happening plot-wise other than the aforementioned anvils being dropped on KC head (which was needed), but the ending makes me feel for SH who's in a Catch-22. Either way JGW wins unless someone thinks fast.


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Also, the book doesn't have to be literal because the rules in obtaining the book can be seen as a lesson in humanity...

Don't kill/harm others. Help those in need... Learn to function peacefully and productively in society with others. Respect the natural order of life and death and don't interfere in that without good reason (let others die naturally unless you're capable of saving them).

Pray for 100 days... Have faith (in others, yourself, in whatever higher being you're praying to) and have patience.

Don't go into beast mode... Don't play dirty and use the advantages you have unfairly. Don't lose your cool in a situation and fly off the handle.


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I'm on the train that says the Gu Family Book is a McGuffin.

I wonder if Kang-Chi is already more than half way through the requirements.

What does pray mean, how must is be done?

Perhaps gumiho's praying in a state of practice that the religious activity we think of it as.

How long has Kang-Chi been at the martial academy. Is bean counting, over and over and over the same as praying?

"Don’t kill/harm others. Help those in need… Learn to function peacefully and productively in society with others"
--He's done that. Wasn't that the lesson he learned when he was suspected by trainees of harming his kitchen master?

"Respect the natural order of life and death and don’t interfere in that without good reason (let others die naturally unless you’re capable of saving them)."
--He did this by saving the Kitchen master.

"Pray for 100 days… Have faith (in others, yourself, in whatever higher being you’re praying to) and have patience"
--His faith in Yeo-Wool seems unshakable.
--His recognition with Teo-seo is another example of that.

"Don’t lose your cool in a situation and fly off the handle."
--He no longer goes into beast mode against his will. Unless he's been plied with liquor.

I think he is well on the way to getting the book.


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He has exhibited these qualities more than most, if not all, of the characters in this drama!


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For the most part: yes.

Thing is though, he has to not use his powers under any circumstance, even life threatening circumstances (kind of hard to do that and stay alive when you have a demonic and homicidal father, a man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants - victim collateral be damned, and maybe even a mother desperate for a map to use in her Joseon Domination [or whatever] scheme). He has to be as physically vulnerable as any human (even though he would take longer to die than a normal human) and it must be on a consistent basis of 100 days. He cannot show the traits that identify him as a gumiho (claws, ecto cooler/anime green eyes, any hair color changes) to anyone either. Yes, KC can - for the most part - use his powers at will, but it's not just about physical control. It's about learning emotional control as well when things really hit the fan (when both father and son get emotional/pissed, they can go into hulk-smash rages and can tear people/things to shreds when not reigned in). That's why WR failed. He acted with emotions first, rational thinking second and let himself be exposed before slaughtering everyone in sight.


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As much as I see how much improvement Kang Chi is to become human, I have to disagree with you about Kang Chi's process.

Because truth be told... He hasn't even started at all. >___>

Kang Chi is aware there's a book for him to make him become human, but he doesn't know how to obtain the book. He did ask So Jung how to obtain, but the monk informed him that he needed to control the beast side first before he could learn more about the book. After accomplishing that, Kang Chi was forced to put that quest aside (even though he hasn't started it either) because Wol Ryung was being a threat to him and the people he cares, especially Yeo Wool.

So if you like to know how far Kang Chi made in his praying status, the answer is 0. He hasn't start it yet.

But if he did start it, then Kang Chi failed. Here are the proofs to show that he failed:

Do not harm/killed living beings: While Kang Chi had never killed any living beings, he had harmed the living beings. He harmed Tae Seo, the gang leader, and the bounty hunters when Tae Seo removed Kang Chi's bracelet. And recently, he had harmed Wol Ryung. Thus, he failed not to harm the living beings.

Do not reveal your true identity: Although Kang Chi tried his best to hide his identity, he also failed too. After all, about half of the people now know his identity. First it was Yeo Wool and Gon. Then Master Dam and Admiral. (Then it was Teacher Gong. When did he know? I don't know.) Then it was Tae Seo, Chong Jo, the gang leader, and JGW's minions. Then it was JGW. Then it was the students in the Martial School. Then it was Sol-Ryun (When did she know? I don't know either.) And last but not least, Seo-Hwa and her men. Nearly the whole cast knew his identity, it's a failure.

The only taboo he has managed to keep for the 100 praying days is to help those who cry for help. After all, you never see Kang Chi refuses when someone cried for help.

So far, Kang Chi failed two out of three taboos if he were to do the 100 days prayer... And yet, it parallel the same way Wol Ryung failed his 100 days prayer. >__>;


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To perform this austerity, one has to (at the very least) live in a secluded place. Presently, I don't see any such possibility for KC. He's not even a vegetarian!

Sometimes, when a scripture prescribes some definite method of attaining something, it also gives an alternative method (or even a bunch of them) for that. Plan B, if plan A isn't applicable. So, if KC is so eager to stay in a human form, he has to first of all find a person who knows such scriptures and then find out about a suitable method from him.

By the way, what's that Sacred Dagger?


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"Also, at some point, I would like for Kang-chi to—I dunno—BEGIN his quest to find the goddamn book? Or was that the one thing in this drama that wasn’t literal?" - My guess is that he won't actually go looking for that book. :) or, he might find it and something in it, like an exceptions clause, would say that one true love would make him fully human. haha! I love the guessing game. :)


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yeah. but one things for sure, true loves kiss didn't work :))


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i wondered wat will happen now?and tis curiosity is killing me softly,i cant wait 4 next week


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DUDE! I bet anything Wol Ryung decides right then and there to pop in. Surprise Seo Hwa, your husband is alive and evil to boot.


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I to appreciate how the illogical and typical your-father-killed-my-father (-prepare-to-die) regardless of me knowing you as a person or the situation; angst was discarded here. I hope that in the future other shows will be as logical. I like that Kang Chi is his own person following his on sense of right and wrong. I think this has a lot to do with the innate goodness of his biological parents (I know what his mother did, but inside she was/is a good person), the goodness of the people who loved, raised, nurtured and mentored him along with his sense of his own otherness. These allow him the ability to look at thing differently instead of traditionally. I like that he can reason that even though her father's actions have caused his father the pain he's suffering that this very man has treated him fairly and protected he at the risk of him own life. With Kang Chi's character, his practical way of looking and reasoning with life firmly established and his added knowledge of his parents true circumstances, his knowing the guilt shared by otherwise good human beings due to their action towards his father; all he needs to know and understand now is what is actually happening to his father; then I'm really looking forward to his meeting with both parents. I want not only to see his reactions to them but how he just may be the salvation of all who have been wronged or who are suffering guilt and regret their past actions. If that's the direction the writer takes then it would tie into the biblical references used at the start of Kang Chi's life journey. This show is truly great and very intelligently written and directed.


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i wondered what will happen now?????? mom finally come to realization about her son,Kang chi. cnt wait 4 next week

thanks a ton GF,love yea :)


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May I just say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR RECAPPING. Dramabeans is what feeds my needs for KDramas. Everyone in the team is awesome. :D


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Wol ryung says that only Kang chi can kill him, but I keep thinking that only Kang chi can save his life, meaning, keep him from becoming a full demon. Wol ryung can no longer heal himself, and as time passes, his gumiho self dies a little more. However, Kang chi has the ability to gumiho blood infuse his father and thereby help his father retain some of his memory/goodness. What do you think?


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I think you have a great point there.


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I'm thinking blood transfusion?


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Blue light infusion, maybe.


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Maybe Kang Chi could pour all of his energy into Wol-Ryung and thus "drain" his gumiho side (become human) and save Wol-Ryung. Who knows? It would be interesting.

I am so pleased that they are giving a strong story line to Seo Hwa and Wol-Ryung. These veteran actors can meet the best of plots, and as a member of Gu Family Book audience- I am loving EVERY MINUTE of watching this series because of their thickened storylines. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy the children, too. I am **extremely*** pleased, however, that the writers aren't giving up on making the parent's storyline ROCK.

On another note... It would be really interesting (read extremely satisfying and/or hilarious) if the guy that is so evil (what is his name? It escapes me, sorry!) thinks that he is getting away with all his awful crimes and Wol-Ryung "takes care of him." (Kills him mercilessly). Bahaha! I want Wol-Ryung to be redeemed and all, but my sinister side really, REALLY wants to see that bastard that raped all those times and has started the Gu tragedy to get his just desserts. And... no one would hate or harshly dislike WR for that... would they? *sighs* of course SOMEBODY would, so we had better not do that... but *rubs hands together gleefully* but... that would be secretly awesome! hee hee!


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Interesting, though I'm not sure it would work considering nature/gumiho side seems to have rejected WR.

Though I don't think Kangchi will physically save WR (more the opposite, I think the parents are the ones who need to save/protect their child in this case after everything BOTH of them have put him through) but more along the lines of saving his soul from being consumed by the whole demon thing. What Kangchi did before was remind WR of who he was, I can see him doing the same but on a bigger scale.


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Awesome episode!!

I have to agree with girlfriday. I really like how they didn't make a big deal with the whole your-dad-tried-to-kill-my-dad scenario. It's as cliche as it gets and I have to salute the writer on not dwelling on it for long.

How they dealt with the dad conflict was the best I've ever seen a k-drama deal with it so far. The scene when Kang Chi back-hugged Yeo Wool was one of the sweetest thing I've ever seen him do. And the fact that he chose to forgive her even after all the doubts Wol Ryung placed in his mind about how people cannot be trusted, well, that's got to say a lot on how he loves her. <3

The scene when Chung Jo was seen sewing a blue bird on, probably, Kang Chi's clothes seriously creeped me out. She turning into some other person with her obsession on Kang Chi and I don't like it. Please bring back Tough Chung Jo!! :(

It's sad how I thought Papa Miho was finally getting back his humanity in the last episode, only to be proven wrong in this one. I wish I could say that I still have hope for his happy ending, but with his scene with the weird black veins...I seriously doubt it. Still crossing my fingers though. Just hang in there Daddy Miho!!

Although there are many great scenes, I have to admit that the peak in this episode was the last one. Seo Hwa's expression when she finally realized that Kang Chi was her son while Kang Chi was screaming in pain was...heart-wrenching. I can't wait to know what she will do in the next episode! There are so many scenarios that are popping up in my mind right now. I don't think I will be able to sleep at all until next week. Baby Gumiho, what are you doing to me? XD

Thanks for the recap girlfriday!! :D


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Are Phoenix a part of Korean tradition?


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I love how this story shows us the truly evil, destructive beast/demon (Jo Gwan-woong) among them. He looks totally human but has no humanity what so ever.


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That Gu Family Book is that like a literal thing or are they going with something find "in yourself"? Or is it ~love~? I hope it doesn't just fall into his lap on the last episode.


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Finally! Drama! So glad evil bastard JGW set a trap. I was waitingg for him to do something. I was sick of seeing him lose his game so easily. Now I worry for Seo Hwa. Will her men betray her? Esp. The korean body guard ><

Cant wait for next weeks episode!!!


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I really really don't think the book is a literal book. It's more a journey, i feel. And in this episode our gumiho baby made huge strides. That scene where he forgave papa Dam and Yeo Wool was fantastic.


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BERN!! YOU ARE HERE!! *hugs*
Sorry gals, hearties reunion here *clinging into Bern's arm*


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haha reglest! =) *hugs*

I am now scratching my head trying to figure where the plot would bring us next. How to save Kang Chi, how are they going to succeed and save the country from traitors, whose side is Seo Hwa actually on and her purpose back in Korea, what actually happens to Wol Ryung (is he totally demon, or nearly there but fleeting in and out of humanity), is Wol Ryung actually going to saved from demonhood... lots of stuff. But more importantly, i think Kangchi will reach humanity through the exercises that he has been given to by the Men of Honour. That's his quest for humanity. can't have Yeo Wool joined to his hip forever, as witnessed in the last scene. she can't be his savior and permanently be by his side. He has to discover and own it himself, and that is his GFB.

rem what Lee Soon Shin said to him in ep 12: “A man needs only a friend to share his thoughts, a loved one to share his heart, and a country for which he can give his life to defend, and he can say he has lived the best of lives.”

Kang Chi has got friends who can share his thoughts (Tae Seo, the academy, etc), a loved one who shares his heart (Yeo Wool) and now a chance to fight and defend his country. I think if he completes this last one, he becomes human.

So i think the political drama, which most people are bored of watching, will take centrestage in the next few episodes. And alongside with it, sorting out Wol Ryung and Seo Hwa's fates. That to me is exciting too. Cos the love lines are sealed - I think Kang Chi's forgiveness of Yeo Wool's deception/betrayal has solidifed their love story.

I'm watching the drama slightly differently, i guess. I love the love lines and all, but I'm most intrigued by his quest for humanity. that grips me much more.


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Very Insightful. I hadn't thought about the book presenting itself this way, but it sounds like a plausible conclusion to this story.


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Clap! clap! Well written, Bern!


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Well said, Bern.


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As expected from Bern! ^^
"but I’m most intrigued by his quest for humanity. that grips me much more.", we do bern, we do. :)


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What will happen to Kang Chi! He Drink Drugs then captured then the braclet were off and he sees his mother. And what will Seo Hwa do? Ugh!! What will happen!!


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"But I only really care about Kang-chi’s reactions among them (the other stuff has to happen, but it’snot gripping, emotional stuff), so it only mattered to me that he did what I expected, and chose Yeo-wool over revenge."

Strangely GF, I feel the same from this time recaps... I can feel the emotion only in this part, it's like skipping all over episode, which I understand since yes..all the revealed things are what we've known. But thank you very much for the recap :)


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Loved Kang Chi in this episode. Lee Seung Gi was awesome...
Thanks for the recap.


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