Gu Family Book: Episode 17

The romance takes a big swing upward, because there’s nothing like a brush with death and mayhem to make you cut through the crap and tell a girl how you feel. Kang-chi’s family drama gets more complicated—and more interesting—when Wol-ryung starts to show signs of vulnerability, in more ways than one.


As we parade through the highlight reel of Kang-chi’s Moments of Stupidity when it comes to Yeo-wool—and she asks if Chung-jo is the most important person in his life—he narrates: “Why couldn’t I say anything then? Why couldn’t I tell you in that moment? The truth is… the truth is, Yeo-wool-ah…”

Back to where we left off last week, when Kang-chi finds out that Yeo-wool has gone missing. He assumes it’s Wol-ryung’s doing, but when we catch up to her, it’s two henchmen dressed in black who carry Yeo-wool through the woods.

Kang-chi tells Master Dam and Teacher Gong the truth about Wol-ryung. You’d think Master Dam would be a little more surprised that the gumiho he killed isn’t so much dead, but maybe he needs a moment. He asks why Kang-chi kept this to himself all this time.

He hangs his head, and Teacher Gong guesses that he still wanted to protect his father in some small way. Kang-chi takes off his bracelet and looks up with his green eyes to promise that he’ll bring Yeo-wool back here safely, or he won’t return.

When Yeo-wool gets brought to a clearing in the woods, it’s Jo Gwan-woong’s trusty sidekick who steps out. He asks if she’s Dam Pyung-joon’s daughter, and then we see that it was her father stepping in repeatedly that drove Jo Gwan-woong over the edge.

He rails at his minion to kill the thing Dam Pyung-joon holds most dear, to teach him that he can’t mess with Jo Gwan-woong. The minion now orders his men to cut Yeo-wool’s head off, and take it back to the martial arts school, and leave her body in the woods to be eaten by animals.

Three assassins come at her with swords, but even blindfolded and hands tied, Yeo-wool fights them off for a while. But they overtake her eventually and one raises his sword to strike… and then we hear a squelch noise offscreen, and he falls to the ground, dead. It seems wrong, but I’m happy and horrified at the same time.

The other two go down the same way, and then the mystery rescuer, also dressed in black, unties Yeo-wool. It’s Wol-ryung. Whew. Wait, is this worse, or better? I can’t decide.

Head Minion is the one who’s really scared, because he recognizes Wol-ryung immediately. He tells his men not to engage, and they start to run… only when they turn around he’s standing in their path. More offscreen squelching noises! I just have that image ingrained in my head, from that one time he ripped a guy’s heart out of his chest. Remember that?

Anyway, it gives Yeo-wool her chance to flee, and she runs for her life. Kang-chi is running as fast as his gumiho baby legs can go, and they both run run run towards each other. Er, hopefully it’s towards each other…

But it’s Wol-ryung who catches up to her first, and he asks with a hint of disbelief: “Are you running away from me?” She tells him to get away, but he tells her that if he makes up his mind, she’ll never be able to get away from him. Said the creepy stalker.

She backs away in fear, and then suddenly Wol-ryung can feel Kang-chi coming nearer. He shows up growling, and Wol-ryung quickly grabs Yeo-wool by the throat. Aw man, I was so close to feeling bad that you’d be misunderstood as the kidnapper, but now you’re just the second kidnapper of the evening.

Kang-chi growls at him to get away from Yeo-wool, but Wol-ryung tells him that there’s only one way to save her—give up on his quest to become human. She whirls around to look at Wol-ryung, and he stops for a casual side note: “Oh, did I not tell you who I am? I’m Kang-chi’s father.”

Kang-chi starts to waver, but it’s Yeo-wool who shouts, “No, Kang-chi! You can’t give up!” Wol-ryung spins her around to face him, and she cries at him not to bother Kang-chi anymore because he’s had plenty of pain his whole life without him adding to it. Are you telling off his deadbeat dad?

“If you’re really his father, then don’t cause him any more pain!” It moves him for a split second, but he gets ready to attack anyway. Kang-chi attacks first and they fight, but he’s no match for Dad, who hardly breaks a sweat while beating Kang-chi to a limping bloody mess.

Wol-ryung says he’ll never win, and turns to walk towards Yeo-wool. But Kang-chi gathers all his strength to stand between them, and tells Wol-ryung not to go near her. Wol-ryung hits him, but he stands up and says it again. He hits again, and Kang-chi, now bleeding AND crying, says it again.

Wol-ryung raises his hand one more time, and Kang-chi cries, “Yeo-wool is my person!” Omo. His hand stops in mid-air.

Kang-chi: “Don’t lay a hand on my person!” Wol-ryung hears his own voice echoing those same words, and suddenly he’s flooded with memories of Seo-hwa. He stands there stunned, watching Kang-chi cry and plead the exact same way he did when Seo-hwa was ripped from his arms.

His eyes start to well up with tears, and then suddenly a familiar blue light starts to circle around him. A tear falls as he looks over at Kang-chi, surrounded by blue lights, still guarding Yeo-wool.

He slowly lowers his hand, and at the same time, a huge gust of wind blows through. Kang-chi turns around to hold Yeo-wool, and as Wol-ryung watches them, we fade to black, and he’s gone. Did he… disappear?

Kang-chi clasps Yeo-wool’s face in his hands and says through tears, “I thought I lost you. I was so scared.” She hugs him, and then we hear him finish his thought from the opening narration in voiceover: “The truth is, Yeo-wool-ah, you are the one who’s most precious to me. Without you, I have no meaning.”

And then he pulls her in for a kiss. Whooo!

See, even the blue lights are happy when you kiss her. They swirl around and then when Kang-chi pulls away, his eyes are back to normal.

And THEN, you guys, she goes in for more kisses. I knew I loved her.

So-jung heads down to his library and finds Wol-ryung crouched on the floor, bleeding. He asks why he’s not healing, and Wol-ryung says he doesn’t have the power to heal anymore—all he has is hate and anger and death.

He says almost to himself, “When was it? I said those words once. I don’t remember why, or because of whom.” He muses that once he loses all fragments of his memories, he really will become nothing but a demon. “I wanted to die before then.”

He says with a tear that Kang-chi is the only one who can kill him, and murmurs, “If I could just die and go to where Seo-hwa is…” Awwww.

What he doesn’t know of course is that Seo-hwa is still alive and currently making an offer to buy something from Jo Gwan-woong. He asks what, and her assistant ushers in Tae-seo. She wants to buy Tae-seo?

She tells Jo Gwan-woong that she plans to restore the Hundred Year Inn to working order since he ran it into the ground, which only doubles his annoyance. He reminds her that the inn is his, but she in turn reminds him that he bought it with her money. Ooh. Interesting.

Jo Gwan-woong fumes and pulls the curtain back, and she quickly turns her face away. He warns her that threatening him is a bad idea, and she just says the same to him. He asks after his favorite minion, who just now wakes up in the woods, bloodied but alive.

Kang-chi and Yeo-wool report to Dad and Gon, and they don’t reveal that Wol-ryung was there, and she says she doesn’t know who kidnapped her, since she was blindfolded. She asks Dad to lift her house arrest, arguing that if she’d had her sword on her last night, it wouldn’t have gone that far.

But Kang-chi pipes up that he disagrees, and Dad should keep her locked away, because the girl doesn’t listen. WHAT. Does kissing make you stupid if you’re a gumiho? It would explain a lot.

They start to bicker right then and there, leaving Dad and Gon totally confused, and then storm out in a huff. They stand outside glaring at each other, and then suddenly Yeo-wool breaks into a huge grin: “It seemed real, right?” Ha.

Kang-chi beams, “It seemed totally real!” They giggle at each other, and then start to get self-conscious staring at each other’s lips.

But then Gon comes out, so it’s back to their bickering show. Flashback to last night, as they walk home holding hands. Yeo-wool asks Kang-chi to act like they’re fighting, at least until Dad lets her out of the house and gives her back her sword.

She adds that they should keep the encounter with Wol-ryung a secret for now, which he doesn’t understand, but she thinks to herself: “I’m sorry, I can’t tell you yet—that the person who made your father that way was my father.”

Kang-chi smiles to himself in the kitchen, and Teacher Gong sneaks up behind him to ask if he’s thinking about a girl. He stammers that he was NOT at all thinking about Yeo-wool. “Who said anything about Yeo-wool?” Ha.

Teacher is still weak from Wol-ryung’s attack, and Kang-chi apologizes because he feels responsible. Teacher Gong tells him not to burden himself with things that aren’t his fault, and asks what he plans to do next. “Now that you can control your beast half, aren’t you going to look for the Gu Family Book?” Oh, that. Right.

Jo Gwan-woong gets offered twice the cost of a regular servant for Tae-seo, but he just snarls that he won’t even accept ten times the normal cost. Seo-hwa’s assistant warns Jo Gwan-woong not to lose sight of the bigger picture over a matter so small—doesn’t he want the southern province? Servant Choi overhears the conversation and relays it to Tae-seo, who realizes that Jo Gwan-woong has bigger aspirations than just selling state secrets—he’s planning on selling off the country.

Kang-chi joins in on sword-fighting class today, much to Gon’s annoyance. He orders Kang-chi to run off and look for the Gu Family Book, but Kang-chi says there’s something more urgent he has to do first (thinking of his fight with Wol-ryung), and he has to become stronger to do it.

He asks about the other two masters because he wants to hurry up and learn stuff, but Gon refuses to tell him who they are. Kang-chi: “I don’t think you know!” He still finds it hard to believe that Gon is one of them.

They start getting into a pissing contest, which is always a good time. Gon: “Wanna die?” Kang-chi: “I don’t really die, so…”

But before it comes to blows, Tae-seo arrives for a visit and Kang-chi lights up to see him. Tae-seo reports what he found out, and Master Dam plans a reconnaissance mission at the inn to dig around.

Gon comes by to tell Yeo-wool, who pouts about being left out. Her teacher becomes hilariously shy when she sees Gon, and he just looks at her strangely as she smiles. She announces that Tae-seo is here to see her.

Yeo-wool goes out to see him and says brightly that he’ll do well on his mission. She’s still miffed about not being able to join in on the spying, but he says he wouldn’t want her to. She sighs, all Not you too. “Is it because I’m a woman?”

Tae-seo: “Because you are my betrothed.” That’s not the answer she expected. He says he knows it was her father’s one-sided wish, and that he’s still not good enough, but he says that it may have been her father’s way of giving him a moral duty—something to live and fight for. Aw, how’s a girl to reject you when you say she’s the reason you’re fighting?

Kang-chi watches them with a long face, and when he turns around, he runs right into Gon doing the same thing. Ha. Like a rake gag, but sadder, and with puppies.

As Kang-chi brushes past him, Gon says, “It’s just to there—that’s how close you can get to Yeo-wool. It’s best not to go any closer.” Why does that break my heart? It’s clearly spoken from experience, too.

Kang-chi doesn’t turn around and just keeps the ruse going that it doesn’t concern him. Didn’t he see them fighting earlier? Gon asks if he seems like enough of an idiot to fall for an act like that.

He warns Kang-chi that he and Yeo-wool will both be left with nothing but scars, so it’s better to give up now. Kang-chi: “Give up before starting? Don’t you know that Yeo-wool hates that the most? I’m never going to do anything that Yeo-wool doesn’t like.” I’m gonna hold you to that, buddy. No letting her go for her own good in the eleventh hour!

He broods alone in the kitchen, mindlessly sweeping the floor with a broom, when Yeo-wool sneaks by to pout that they’re all going on a super secret mission and leaving the two of them out.

Kang-chi just asks what Tae-seo said without looking at her, and she asks, “Are you…jealous?” He gets all flustered with the denials, naturally, but she just says, “Isn’t jealousy for someone who can’t have something?” Cute.

He says he honestly doesn’t know. “I’ve never in my whole life had something of my own. I’ve belonged to other people, but I’ve never had a person who was mine.” He finishes the thought in his own head: “So I don’t know what I should do. Can I really have these feelings for you?”

Yeo-wool tells him he’s not the only one—it’s the first time she’s ever felt this way too. “So, what do you want to do tonight?” Kang-chi’s mind goes straight to the gutter: “Huh? Tonight?

Yeo-wool: *blink blink* “What are you imagining?! The reconnaissance mission!” He laughs sheepishly. And then he fondles his broom. No really! I don’t make this stuff up!

So while Kang-chi spies on Gon, Yeo-wool asks her teacher to take her into town, or be tied up again. Heh. Teacher chooses to take her into town and tries to teach her about different fabrics, which Yeo-wool finds about as exciting as watching snails crawl.

She knocks the vendor’s table over for a quick distraction and scurries off. She peels off her dress, already prepared with her spy outfit on underneath. She’s about to go when Chung-jo, who spotted her in the marketplace, stops her.

Yeo-wool greets her with a big smile, and Chung-jo notes that she seems happy, and that Kang-chi has a way of making people feel that way. But then she adds that the thing about Kang-chi is, once he gives his heart to someone, it’s absolute. She says if she calls him to her now, Kang-chi wouldn’t be able to turn her down.

Aw, Chung-jo, why? I can see her saying something like that in a jealous outburst, but I really hope this isn’t the only place we’re going with her character. Yeo-wool asks what she means, and Chung-jo just lets her wonder, leaving her feeling nervous.

Meanwhile, Kang-chi heads into town, and Gon discovers their not-so-sneaky plan.

Soo-ryun comes to the inn and offers to throw a party here to make up for the last one, and Jo Gwan-woong agrees, but says he has a request.

Seo-hwa asks her assistant about his search for the monk So-jung, but he still hasn’t found him, and he assures her that they’ll find her son. Ah, so she IS looking for Kang-chi, and her interest in Tae-seo must be purely because of the inn and Jo Gwan-woong, not realizing how closely Kang-chi is tied to that family.

Soo-ryun arrives with her gisaengs in tow and exchanges a furtive glance with Tae-seo. One of Seo-hwa’s men keeps watching Tae-seo closely, but so far he just seems to be keeping tabs on him.

Kang-chi and Yeo-wool get ready to sneak in, when Gon finds them. They’re all prepared with arguments about how Kang-chi knows the place like the back of his hand, and basically they just aren’t going to take no for an answer. They’re so cute when they’re ganging up on Gon. Team mission it is.

At the party, Jo Gwan-woong asks the veiled mystery lady to show her face, and offers to sell Tae-seo to her in exchange.

Kang-chi starts poking around, and suddenly a group of men stop him to ask something in Japanese. It turns out they dressed as ninjas for the mission to purposely blend in with Seo-hwa’s men, but it also requires Kang-chi to pass as one of them now.

He just repeats the one phrase Yeo-wool taught him, and manages to blend in with the group that’s gathered for the secret meeting. There, the leader asks if they completed their mission, and a few of them present pieces of a map.

Suddenly one man speaks up to say that there’s a spy here, because they only have twenty men, but there are twenty-one standing in here right now. Whoops. The leader orders them to un-mask, which leaves Kang-chi looking mighty guilty.

He turns around, slips his bracelet off, and faces them with green eyes. Next thing we know, he’s walking out with a room full of injured ninjas in his wake. He tucks the maps into his shirt and starts running.

At the party, Seo-hwa agrees to take off her hat, and Soo-ryun watches warily. But when she unveils, it’s a decoy, and Seo-hwa’s sitting in her dark room, smiling.

Kang-chi slips into a dark room to avoid being seen, but it’s not empty… He’s walked right into his mother’s room.

Seo-hwa lights a candle and comes closer to Kang-chi with a knife in her hand. She asks (in Japanese), “Who are you?”

He turns around slowly to face her.


The first half of the episode was much stronger than the rest, given that the other conflicts don’t really hold a candle to Wol-ryung vs. Kang-chi. I don’t really care about Jo Gwan-woong, so the setting of the pieces for the next battle was just more of the same, plotwise. I’m glad Seo-hwa is starting to DO something, because I’ve had enough of her hat shenanigans, and I’d like to know what she wants. At least we know she’s looking for Kang-chi, though if she’s actively been searching for twenty years, she ought to look into better minions.

I love that Wol-ryung is starting to show signs of humanity, or what tiny fragments are left. This was a good use of the repeated setup, like father like son, which works twofold to make us appreciate the happy version of the love story (because we know how badly it turned out the first time), and also to get through to Wol-ryung and remind him that he once felt the same way. The idea that his former self is just a hazy memory and that he’s holding on until the hate completely consumes him is a great place to be with his character, and it gives us hope that there’s something to recover in him. That moment in the forest was great, when Kang-chi’s fear and love and desperation made him see himself in his son.

Now that Kang-chi and Yeo-wool have confirmed their feelings, the love square is rearing its ugly head, which feels a little late. Or maybe I just dislike it when this couple’s main obstacle is anything other than their own foot-in-mouth disease (because that’s cute) or life-threatening path-altering stuff, like gumihos becoming human, or demon fathers back from the dead. At least Tae-seo is part and parcel of Master Dam’s plan to marry her off, which is a conflict that I like for her because Yeo-wool has a chance to assert herself as a woman who makes her own choices.

But I really wish they’d let Chung-jo move on, because I like her, and I don’t want to dislike her because she hangs on and starts meddling in their relationship. Her still being in love with Kang-chi, or saying harsh things to him to push him away while secretly pining for him—that’s all great. But turning her into a convenient meddlesome second lead is just wasting her character, which makes me sad. Good thing Gumiho Baby Smoochies are an instant pick-me-up.


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KISSES! FINALLY! Also, dude, I'm pretty sure you're allowed to like her if she kisses you.

Agree with all of the above, but Chung-jo was also my least favorite development this episode. There is so much more they could be doing with her, and actually started to do with the drum stuff and her telling off the other gisaengs, not to mention that face-off with Jo Gwan-Jerkface. What happened to that? I don't understand why they sent her back ten steps to jealous and petty, which is definitely the least interesting facet of her character. Gah.

Speaking of, didn't Tae-seo pick up on the fact that Kang-chi and Yeo-wool are like, meant to be, and shit? I guess he might have just been sympathizing, but they just haven't seen each other. I'd be much more invested in his crush if they'd shown it more than once or twice since the beginning of the frickin' drama. As it was, his comments about Yeo-wool being ~his betrothed~ and all just came off manipulative and selfish, and I wish she'd have told him how she felt. I thought her googly-eyed response didn't really match what he was saying; there should have been a "thanks so much, but this heart belongs to that monster over there *finger-guns*".

The only thing I can come up with is that they're trying to fill time, and that this should be a much shorter drama than it is. Anyway, still loving it and can't wait to see the distaff counterpart Vader moment... which probably won't happen for another couple episodes, but whatever.


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"I thought her googly-eyed response didn’t really match what he was saying; there should have been a “thanks so much, but this heart belongs to that monster over there *finger-guns*”."

LOL My girlfriend is a gumiho anyone?


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Regarding Tae-seo, I guess it's his deep conviction in the prescribed social orders plus a bit of "hope dies last" case. Gon has similar convictions too. The reason YW didn't "finger-gun" KC during that conversation was that Master Dam had set Tae-seo on a mission with the motivation of "getting the girl."

But don't worry, it's the girl who makes the choice. ;)


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What Tae Seo said to Yeo Wool was really gross to me. I can understand (sort of) why YW didn't say anything to him because he basically just told her she's his sole reason for living. Guess he forgot about his sister, Inn family and Kangchi?

But TS barely knows knows her and has hardly interacted with her so I find it hard to feel sorry for him. Gon on the other hand has loved her for awhile and doesn't have any hopes it it being more and actually seems to want to spare Kangchi from being hurt... and he's not even supposed to like the guy much.


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1: That serial kiss is a masterpiece. I know some rom-coms set in modern times which could learn from this...
2: WR is as hot as ever but now that he is a poor soul, my heart is breaking. KC better find a way to save him or I will cry rivers.


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I have a question-
What does that mean? when Kang Chi and Wol Ryung said "my person" is that like girlfriend or something? Or does it have a more meaningful definition in korean?


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it is like "She is MINE!"

similar to my girlfriend but feels deeper...


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OMG O.o I always get confused :D. When they talk fast (even when they talk slowly, for me it could be fast :D lol), I sometimes mix sarang with saram haha... My Korean really sucks indeed :D. Aigoo...


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In the viki subs they translated it as "my woman", but I don't know how accurate that is.


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Thanks for the recap, girlfriday! :) I love reading them, and this is my first time commenting ^_^

I honestly hope CJ's character won't turn out to be the jealous one, it totally puts her to waste and I would be so disappointed in the writers after building her up. Like seriously, if they did that to add more angst and 'drama' in the show, I'm gonna flip some tables. That scene where CJ spots YW and b*tches about Kangchi is so kdrama typical -- and I don't want this to turn out to be a love rhombus between TS, YW, KC, and CJ.

And seeing the preview discouraged me a little :( My heart is not ready for the roller coaster ride! The part that bothered me most was about YW keeping that secret about her father killing KC's dad. -_- Typical misunderstandings, sigh. Writers please do not disappoint me! I don't want to give up on this show.

But besides from those nitpicky things, I am loving the plot development with Seo Hwa and all. I sincerely hope Wol Ryung will get a 2nd chance at a happy ending. He deserves it.

May I add.....that kiss was fangirl-worthy. Exceeded my expectations ^o^


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I may be wrong but I seem to recall it being said that if Seo-hwa really loved Wol Ryung that he would be spared the curse of being a 1000 yr demon. I know she betrayed him but it was because she felt his lies was his betrayal of her along with her ignorant superstitious fears. The tears in her eyes as she watched him being killed, told me she still loved him, that her actions were out of anger and misunderstanding. Then after realizing her baby wasn't a monster; it seemed she woke up and saw how wrong she had been and saw how Gwan-woong had not only destroyed her blood related family but had manipulated her into betraying and destroying her new family with the one man who loved her and that she loved and their child. It seemed to me when she went to kill Gwan-woong it was her trying to atone for the wrong she had done and her attempt at, "suicide by cop," so to speak, and her way of trying to join Wol Ryung. So it stands to reason that since she always loved him but he just didn't know it, the curse isn't compete. That's the reason he hasn't returned as full demon. That and the fact that he still loves and longs for her; makes me believe that all that's needed for him to be rid of the curse is for Wol Ryung to know that Seo-hwa loved, hopefully still loves him and he will become human or at worst return to the good being he was at the start. Maybe that's wishful thinking on my part.


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No offense, and I apologize if I go Anti-Seo Hwa, but I don't think Seo Hwa's love is really true. In fact, I don't think she deserves a second chance on love either. While I agree with you that she felt betray about his lies, I don't think she's really truly love him until after trying to kill her baby. Because if she really loves Wol Ryung after watching him being killed, she shouldn't dare try to kill her baby, whether it be a monster or not. If you really love the person so deeply and know that the person is the father of the child, you shouldn't dare kill the child. Heck, even with all the memories she thought about Wol Ryung when giving birth, she was willing to kill the child. That's no love, darling. That's denial.

However, you are right about her trying to kill GW is her way to atone her guilt, as well as why Wol Ryung hasn't become fully demon.

But like I said before, I don't think she deserves a second chance of love, even after realizing that she truly loves Wol Ryung. However, I have a theory how it's going to end once she meets Wol Ryung as well as how she's going to atone her "sins."


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First thought that came to me when i read the kissing scene is.. Inuyasha movie live action! LOL with the whole turning back to human after the kiss thing. On another note, I also noticed a couple of obvious editing cuts..must find bts video hehe


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So yes, I was waiting for the kiss and I LOVED it. But unlike some, I still like Chung Jo. Yes, we know she pushed him away, however, you could obviously see she was having some sort of conflict in doing that. Even she is confused with herself. Therefore, I wasn't surprised at the seen between her and YW. Of course she'll get jealous. I mean, of course, I agree I hope that's not the only thing they do with her character. She'll become the hated one then -_- I want YW and CJ to be good friends actually.I don't know, I'm just not the type of person to hate/seriously dislike a character just because they're causing conflict between a ship, even if it's a couple that I really like. I try to understand from every person's viewpoint. As long as they get together in the end, I don't care what CJ does or says. I really like Chung Jo's character, maybe even better than YW's. If YW and KC are truly meant to be together, is Chung Jo really gonna be the main reason for their separation? if so, YW and KC need to straighten up and know who they belong with. I already saw YW doubting the relationship because of the talk with CJ. But of course that's her reaction at this time. I just want everyone to be happy! Including CJ and TS. My issue though, even if this is a drama, he sure got over Chung Jo quickly, even if she did push him away, he was head over heels for her in the beginning.


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I'm actually going to stop watching until I see what else they do to Chung Jo's character. I wasn't surprised at her jealousy, if I were in her shoes I would be plenty bitter jealous, too, but they were giving her a stronger, more interesting direction and right now that seems to be gone. Right now she is getting the straight second-lead b--tch role, and so the fangirl hate (how dare she say that to YW!) is rolling in and they are after her with knives and pitchforks on soompi. I feel sorry for the actress, having to go through all of the deaths and the rape and the poor treatment at just about everyone's hands, and then being made to kick the puppy so everyone hates on her.

It's just too depressing and annoying.


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I agree, I hope they take a different approach with her character. Making her play the jealous role is already getting her hate, and it is annoying. I'd be very depressed if it ended up that way


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Wahahaha all comments are great its really makes me laugh at their trademark baby gumiho 2 bad i cant watch it on computers but im waiting for mobile version thanks for the recap


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That was some kiss. Suzy.. from stiff to intense. There must be something special on lee seunggi. Can't wait to see him kiss Moon Geun Young. Kiss is that special talent she seem not to have. Maybe a kissing scene with LSG can cure it.


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wow.. that kiss is beyond my wish..

and for eps 18,,look like i need tissue


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Yeah,aw,Chung-jo,why?I am not hating her but rather what they made of her character.One time i was cheering her on and then at another i wanted her get a grip of herself.I wanted her to be stronger and be something and be above Jo Gwan-woong.So then she can get back Kang-chi,that is if she can accept his being half-beast.I want her to prove that being a gisaeng doesn't always mean low class.That even if you are one ,you can always be something more than just a gisaeng.Anyway,moving on.

So there is really a gu family book?I'm wondering because when it was Wol-ryung there were a few things that the monk asked him to do and not to do.I was thinking if it was that and there's more or if it's entirely different with Kang-chi.

Daddy gumiho will always be my favorite no matter what.

Thanks,GF for the recap.You made my day with the funny recap,always do.


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Thanks for the recap girlfriday!!! You rock as always :D.

YW keeping this secret about WR's death from Kangchi is making me nervous. Why doesn't she just come out clean with it and tell him the truth. Or why didn't Master Dam tell him about it when Kangchi told him about WR in this episode? He did have opportunity to explain Kangchi the possible reason why WR kidnapped YW. It's not a YW's fault because her father killed WR. But it seems that tonight there will be some heartbreaking moments because of that. Wtf?! This looks like the history is repeating. Like when WR kept the truth from SH about the death of her brother.

Tonight it will be very intense and interesting but also it will leave us frustrated and in longing for the next Monday.


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THanks for the recap~! I just realized old fogey was Ha Ji won's daddy in K2H....

the kiss was wonderful can we have more?


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Remember how some of us complained about Kang-chi's horrible gumiho hair? I didn't think it was that bad and now I want him to have gumiho hair in every episode! Gu Kang-chi is so much hotter LOL


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What a kiss !! So passionate. KC and YW rocks. Can't wait for tonight's episode.


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Another excellent, funny recap. One thing I can say of Chung Jo is that she has always hated or, shall we say disliked, Yeo Wool. Remember when they were young and YW asked her to give the ointment to Kang Chi? What did she do? The little brat threw it in the lake! I feel ambivalent towards CJ. But I must say, I could so easily not like her.


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"fondled the broom"!?!?! i sooo did not see that lil action THAT way :p my mind must not be as deep in the gutter as dear ms. gf & poor baby gumiho if she ever lay her paws on him! not even his gumiho strength could save him i think!
I liked the comic inserts n the kisses of course but the YW+KC vs Gon argument was the highlight with their "hmmmm?" arms defiantly folded, chins stubbornly out, 2 cute!


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When I realized that Wol Ryung was screwing with Kang Chi just to try and get Kang Chi to kill him, that just hit me right in the heart. I cried. It is so pitiful. I hope there is someway we can still have Seo Hwa get stabbed with that hawthorne dagger and save Wol Ryung's soul because I just can't stand to see him hurting.

On another note, that kiss was the best piece of acting Suzy has done this whole show. Sure that's not saying much, but as kisses go (or should I say 2 kisses), that was a good one and way more than I normally expect from a sageuk or pretty much anything on a regular network. Nice job!


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Now if we could just graft Suzy's kissing ability with PSH's acting ability...


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Something fishy is going on with Seo Hwas men. The 20 ninjas who were with Kang Chi, are they like their own group? Cause it seems like Seo Hwa never asked them to go on a mission..or I dont know >< Maybe the next episode will tell us why! Cause one of the men, the one who was standibg next to Seo Hwas body guard is suspicious. He was evesdropping earlier too...hmnmm.... And what is Seohwas motive?! Does she really want the Japanese to take over joseon or is she being tricked by them? hmmmmm.....Cant wait for ep 18!


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cool episode....
thank ^_^


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"And then he fondles his broom"

GF, I see you are thinking perverted thoughts yourself ;)


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I like the episode but for one tiny little detail that totally distracted me - yeo wool's hands are tied in front right? so errrrr...logically, she could've just reached up and pull down her blindfold. Buuut...I guess then they wouldn't have the reveal that it's Daddy Gu who rescued her...oh well...
Or they could have tied her hands to the back instead. Sorry. somehow it really distracted me.


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Thanks for the recaps!


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The story is finally moving forward now that we have had more interaction between father and son! Love it. Give me more!

And that kiss... As I was watching it, it instantly became one of the top five kisses in this year's offerings of dramas (I would say it is number one on the list , but we still have 6 months to go...)!

Thanks for the recap, girlfriday :)


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I was offered Kellogg's Krave Chocolate Snatchers to sandwich the two kisses. Yum-yum!


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Thanks for the recap! I am glad that ep 17 was better than the last two. However, I hope that ep 18 will move fast. I really love KC&YW relationship, but I wish that the drama didnt focus too much on it. I know that GFB is more based on romance but it would be nice if they add some drama to it (i can see it coming in ep 18!!!). It would be interesting to see their relationship fall apart in ep 18 and then slowly building up again. For the last couple of Eps it got kind of boring seeing YW get hurt/lost and then KC rescuing her. And the whole thing with CJ getting in the way, I dont like it. It's very cliche of how theres always the "other girl" to make the main girl have doubts or whatevrr. I think that YW is smarter than that so I dont want her character to become the bratty/helpless girl. Just dont make her ignore Kangchi, please?

And TS, Im loving his character so far. He needs more drama though. Would love to see him interact with Seo Hwa more and why hasnt the evil guy GW give him any tasks? Wouldnt he like to test TS loyalty? Oh well seems like TS will be freed soon.

As for Wol Ryung, I expected more of the demon side of him. I thought that he would create more issues but i guess not. However im sick of seeing him hide and steaing YW. Its about time he sides with the Admiral. And the monk! Oh dear i miss him! Bring him back please! Admiral & YW's dad, they need more action too!

I feel that the last weeks eps and ep 17 was getting boring. The characters dont feel strong anymore and theres too much focus on YW&KC. I really love GFB because of its focus on every character but I dont know how I feel about it now. I hope to see more of KWs relationship with wol ryung, seohwa, the admiral, and YW's dad.

OH YEAH. And the evil bastard GW needs more evilness. He cant be defeated this easily. Need more evilness from him!


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So happy that the writers did some improvements in the Gu parents. I love how Wol Ryung showed some humanity, as well as his old self, after hearing Kang Chi saying the same words he used to say. (Also, did anyone notice that during the running scene, both Kang Chi and Yeo Wool were running in the same area over and over?) I'm also happy that not only did the writers show the Seo Hwa was using Tae Seo to rattle GW's cage (as well as trying to ruining his plots) but also that they used what I suggested about looking for her son. I never expect they would use my suggestion about finding So Jung to know what happened to her son, but I do agree with girlfriday that she needed to hire better ones. However, I still can't believe that the writers are still making them not hearing about the rumors. It's not that easy to make that rumors disappear or invisible. Oh well... At least Seo Hwa will have new trails to find her son.

I also agree with GF that the writers need to work on improving Chong Jo. She was doing so well about wanting to start a new life. I really do want her to continue moving on and try to survive instead of ended up as a jealous, heart broken woman. >:

The only thing I don't understand in the episode is Yeo Wool and Kang Chi having a "fight" in front of Gon and Master Dam. Yeo Wool could still ask to be released from the lock out without that "fight." And like Gon said, do they think they're idiots to fall for that ruse? Both Gon and Master Dam knew very well about those two and they knew how their relationship are to each other. It's not like they're naive to fall for it.

Let's see how well they will continue with the plots and not get distracted with filler stuff.


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So why wouldn't Gumiho Sr. go after Jo Gwan-woong right off the bat? When are they going to explain how SeoHwa survived? Will be cool to see some Joseon vs. Nippon battles.


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Choi Jin-Hyuk is so hot as Wol-Ryung.


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where is Episode 18? Cant wait for the episode 18


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I finally started watching this one um.... looks at clock.. 24 hours ago and now I'm waiting for the episodes to post. grrrr, I really neeed to learn to wait for the DF marathon alert.

I have to laugh when you mention not knowing what Seo is up to. Mommy Park curse is coming home to roost and Seo is just the person to set up the nails in the coffin so they can be hammered down by everyone else. After everything she's lost, there is no way she's going to let that slimeball live. Right now, I love how she is setting him up to fall.

I really like that demon daddy is struggling. He was so good in the first part that my heart breaks to see him twisted by hatred.

And I'm with everyone on the kiss... they made us wait what seemed like forever and then they made sure we enjoyed the hell out of it.


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Thanks for the recap.

One of the things that bother me the most in the brother sister interference is something that seems to plague Kdrama, and that's a lack of emotional attachment. I don't mean the stalker I love you she can't have you kind. But the family kind.

The three of them were raised like family the father even sacrificed his own life to save KC, which everyone there saw, but these two at the first sign that he was different turned on him and discarded him without a look back. Of the three he has been the only one loyal and trust worthy.

TS now wants to be with YW but to me it seems it just to stop her and KC from being together. The same with CJ. I never thought that CJ loved KC as much as she enjoyed his admiration and devotion to her. Now that she seem him giving that attention to someone else and that YW returns his feelings she want's to get in the way.

Yet in all of this not either one of them is giving any thought to KC. It's as if they never cared for him only cared about what he made them feel.


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Gon's face when he saw Yeo Wool and Kang Chi faking their quarrel was hilarious ! Like "What the hell are you trying to do ?" I really like this actor :)
And YW and KC are sooo cuute together ! :D I hope what Chung Jo said to Yeo Wool won't have too much impact on her (though I don't have too much hope considering the preview where she walks past KC...)


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If YW was only tied at the wrists why didn't she bend her elbows and take off the blindfold?


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Oh my gosh I love this drama sooooooooooooooooooo much I can't wait till all the episodes are out. Thank you! I love the song and I love the part where they were kissing in the forest and it was so romantic didn't expect that to happen. Thank you again for making that korean drama!!!!!!!!!!!


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I loved the scenes with Wol Ryung too. It shows him that humanity still has hope. Not all humans will forsake him when they know he is non-human. Yeo Wool for the win! Finally no hidden feelings anymore, except to hide from Gon (unsuccessfully though) =D


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thank god i have nearly caught up with everyone! Have marathoned previous episodes and now i'm on episode 19.

But i felt the need to comment on two things on this episode... I have my own definition of HOT... If i suddently want to grab my hubby by the collar and let passion take over... then what i saw was absolutely HOT!

And those two things?

1. Daddy Ho (and his myriad of expressions!)

2. The kiss!!! (no explanations needed)


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