Dating Agency Cyrano: Episode 6

We wrap up one case and acquaint ourselves with another, while relationships get cookin’—and on multiple fronts. This show is deftly juggling its brisk rom-com-iness with its subtle character moments, and I’m really loving the balance. There’s the risk of bogging down a show like this too much with the client cases because that plotting occupies so much of the screentime, but in a good show you find ways to make those those matter. Thus far I’m classifying Cyrano as one of those good shows because its main characters remain at the heart of the story, even when they’re working to make other people fall in love, though I’m not blind to the fact that there’s no guarantee it’ll stay this way. But hope springs eternal.


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Min-young watches Byung-hoon dashing into a shop to confront Yi-seol with his feelings, and she wonders if the sudden tight feeling in her chest is indigestion. So close, but so far.

Byung-hoon prods Yi-seol to recall what she’d said as she’d given the Sherlock pendant to him. A flashback shows us Young Yi-seol offering it and asking, “Do you know what the gift of a pendant means?” Hearing that now, Yi-seol laughs at her youthful innocence, like it’s all so silly. Her reply takes the wind out of Byung-hoon’s sails, poor guy. His reaction also proves that Byung-hoon hasn’t actually lost that sense of youthful romance; he’s just buried it way, way, way down under a teflon-coated armor of cynicism.

So now he blusters that he didn’t come all the way over here just to tell her that, nuh-uh—he was in the neighborhood. He pretends that the old pendant just made him think of buying one from her (I guess she makes them) and returns to the car in a huff.

Min-young complains about him ordering her around without explanation, and he holds out a necklace to her: “Your driving fee.” Ha. She scoffs, “I see you couldn’t say what you went there to say. You just did something dumb and came right out.” She’s got his number, that’s for sure.

Yi-seol watches him go and calls him a dummy: “If you were going to ask, you should have asked then.”

Min-young wonders if Arang is doing okay after losing the girl, and Byung-hoon tells her he’ll be fine—just think of it like getting vaccinated. Uh, against love? Which makes her scoff, of course, calling him Empty Can again.

He makes a jab at her history of being dumped, and she retorts that at least she experienced it rather than doing nothing. Byung-hoon says, “Oh, I’m sorry for getting it wrong—so being dumped is something you’re proud of?” HA. I’m about to give him the point here, but she bounces right back by saying it’s better than being a coward like him, leaving him without rejoinder.

Moo-jin takes Arang home on his motorcycle, and during the ride Arang thinks of how he sent off the girl to the other guy. She had left him with a sweet comment—that liking Arang proves she had good taste. It’s a nice thing to say, albeit still a rejection.

We move on to a new scenario, joining a TV studio for the final reveal of a Top Chef-like reality show. One finalist is a gangly, nervous man (Lee Kwang-soo), the other a mean-looking woman (Gu Eun-ae). The announcer says, “And the winner is…”

Cut to: Cyrano Agency, where the male finalist is now a client. “At first, I wondered how such a terrible woman could exist,” he starts to explain. “I thought I had met my worst nightmare.”

Back to the final, where the judges taste dishes. The woman, Mi-jin, gets some nods for her dish, but it’s our client Dal-in who gets the big “Wow” reaction. Incensed, Mi-jin barks at the judges for having (literally) no taste.

Dal-in wins the competition and Mi-jin shoots him a hateful glare, just before she takes her losing dish and dumps it in the trash. Wow. Now there’s a sore loser.

It’s a wonder that the nice guy would fall for someone like her, and in fact Dal-in is trying to wrap his head around it too. He says that he intended to never think of or see her after the competition, but fate kept thwarting him: Her restaurant was in the same neighborhood as his bakery, and he kept thinking of her. Finally, he had to admit: “I fell in love with that terrible woman.”

Min-young points out (having watched the reality show) that Mi-jin really hated him, which he knows. Still, he was recommended to the agency by his uncle… who turns out to be one of their loan sharks. Haha. It’s a clever way to force the agency to take on an impossible case, because the loan shark happily threatens them with pain if they don’t make his nephew happy.

Byung-hoon makes a dramatic promise to fulfill this love, and the adorable geek hugs him in gratitude.

Of course, the minute he’s gone, Byung-hoon is punching the wall (wearing Hulk gloves), growling, “Dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit!” It’s not looking great as a financial choice, since he can’t gouge this client for expenses and failure means nonpayment. So he tells his team that this mission’s keywords are low-cost and efficiency. If any of them make a mistake that ends with him on the roof, he’s taking them with him. I love Min-young’s very practical response: Then they can just quit.

Next door, the two loan sharks cackle as they inform Seung-pyo about the case. Byung-hoon is going to have to suffer to make this love connection—especially since they sent the client to him purposely knowing it’s an impossible task.

Heh, then waitress Hye-ri arrives and the three jump up to disperse the cozy scene. Seung-pyo immediately goes from nonchalant boss to penitent debtor, and the loan sharks growl at him to pay up or die. It’s adorable how the gangsters strut their way out, but turn back to quickly bow to Seung-pyo behind Hye-ri’s back. I love these little details.

Byung-hoon takes to his planning board, while Min-young asks if it’s possible to change loathing into love. He snaps at her not to be so impatient, because he’ll figure it out. Her cheeky response: “I’m not at all impatient. It isn’t me who’ll have to go up on that roof.”

Step one: surveillance. Byung-hoon and Min-young scope out the neighborhood where Mi-jin and Dal-in both work, taking note of the target’s habits and mannerisms. They deduce that Mi-jin is efficient and in charge, never betraying weakness or faltering.

Min-young recalls that Mi-jin was cool all throughout the surprises on the TV show, while Dal-in had sweat up a storm. Too bad Min-young explains this just as Dal-in arrives and says defensively that he was sweating because of the studio lights.

Byung-hoon sends him down to engage with Mi-jin so they can observe the interaction. As he commences with small talk, she’s curt and dismissive, then turns fierce when her employee is late yet again. As he watches her scold, Dal-in starts fidgeting and sweating nervously.

Byung-hoon asks a few follow-up questions about the client’s personality and confirms his hunch: He’s an “M.” I laughed out loud at Min-young’s response: “An M? Like with the green eyes and everything?” (She’s thinking of the ’90s horror drama titled M where Shim Eun-ha was possessed and her eyes famously glowed green.) Byung-hoon clarifies: He’s a masochist.

Min-young asks if that makes Dal-in a pervert, and Byung-hoon chides that everyone’s got a little of that in them. She muses, “Well, I do know one sadist…” He balks to be named as such and threatens to show her what a real sadist is, and she chirps, “You pervert ajusshi.” LOL. I do enjoy their banter.

Then as they watch the disgruntled assistant complaining about wanting to quit, a gleam enters Byung-hoon’s eye. Min-young takes this as proof of his twisted mind. He tells her she’s about to get very busy.

Byung-hoon assigns tasks to the team members, and Min-young is sent out to make contact with the target. She sidles up to her while Mi-jin is on a shopping run and calls herself a fan from watching the show, while Moo-jin futzes with her car so that it won’t turn on.

So Mi-jin is stuck with fresh groceries and an insurance company that’ll take an hour to respond, and starts to walk instead. Min-young drives by and offers her a lift, and somewhat against her better judgment, Mi-jin ends up accepting.

Introducing herself as an aspiring chef, Min-young works her way into the target’s favor by complimenting her talents and referencing a dish Mi-jin unveiled on TV. Right on cue, Mi-jin gets a call that her assistant quit. Convenient opening, that. (They were tipped off by Dal-in, who knew the assistant was planning to skip out for a new job.)

Byung-hoon isn’t too worried about sending Min-young into the kitchen—they need her since Mi-jin only hires women. Plus, Min-young had assured them her cooking skills were at least average. Moo-jin points out that she had said her drinking tolerance was also average, and that induces a brief flash of panic. Hee.

The ladies make a stop at Dal-in’s bakery, and Mi-jin does allow that although she dislikes the man, he makes great bread. She cuts off his attempt to converse and flatly declines his request for her to appear on his upcoming show; she’s cold, yet Dal-in looks blissful. Masochist indeed.

Min-young doesn’t have the job yet, but she broaches the subject of the assistant opening when Mi-jin thanks her for today’s help. I’m warming to Mi-jin, who seems to have a niceness hidden deep under that steely exterior, and she’s pretty friendly to Min-young by this point.

Thus Mi-jin allows the help and gives her small tasks. Too bad Min-young is terrible. Watching in the van, Moo-jin wonders, “Should we dress Arang as a girl and send him in?” Haha. Byung-hoon calls her to order her to leave asap.

Min-young does, however, prove to be inadvertently helpful. Mi-jin’s assistant failed to prepare ingredients that needed to be done in advance, and Min-young offers a common-sense approach that Mi-jin supposes might work. As a result, Mi-jin offers her the job, starting tomorrow.

At the agency, Arang has unearthed some rumors about Mi-jin, though they sound like tabloid gossip. Byung-hoon says any info is worthwhile and keeps him on the task. Meanwhile, he watches clips from the cooking show and seems to appreciate Mi-jin’s no-nonsense, prickly nature (he would, wouldn’t he?). He also realizes, “It wasn’t only the client she disliked.” I’m getting a suspicion…

Min-young returns to the agency feeling mighty proud of herself, calling herself a potential genius in the making, and Arang thanks her for sparing him a crossdressing excursion. Still, Byung-hoon sets her before a table of ingredients and orders her to practice her abysmal knife skills. “Have you only lived eating ramyun?” he asks. She banters back, “We’re a delivery culture. What is there that isn’t delivered these days?”

Moo-jin gets an idea and goes digging through supplies to find a heart-rate monitor worn like a wristwatch. He jumps up and down to test it out, but the number remains stuck at a modest 80 beats.

On his way out, he stops by Min-young’s workstation and surveys the vegetable carnage there. Basically, she’s got zero shot in hell of not getting fired on the spot.

She concedes that her innate genius is clouded by her lack of actual experience, and Arang laughs that it seems like she’s turning into Byung-hoon with her bravado. She protests: “I’d rather you cursed at me.”

Bravado notwithstanding, Min-young knows she’s doomed tomorrow and wonders what to do. And gets an idea. She heads next door to ask Seung-pyo to be her teacher, saying that she needs to learn how to cook quickly. Perchance he can clue her in to a secret that’ll turn her into Dae Jang-geum overnight. Oh, is that all?

Moo-jin heads to a restaurant supply store, and Hye-ri happens by and offers a hand. I love the way he reacts to her presence, wary and nervous but in his robot-alien-boy way. Like he’s waiting for his processor chip to compute what to think about her.

Seung-pyo begins the lesson with knife skills, showing Min-young how to cut vegetables. She tells him of their unusual client, who likes when the target is being mean, which she finds curious. Seung-pyo offers the point of view that it doesn’t have to be viewed as sado-masochism when a similar dynamic is present in many relationships. At the outset when one side’s feelings are much stronger than the other, it’s easy for the smitten side to become debased while the other side becomes cruel. Sad truth.

Min-young says it would be better if everyone could treat each other equally and lovingly. If only it were so easy.

As Moo-jin and Hye-ri walk back from their shopping trip, she comments about the client being in love with such a woman—she’d always thought men didn’t like women who were so tough. What about Moo-jin, then? What’s his ideal type of woman?

He’s never thought of it before, so he asks which type Hye-ri is. She calls herself a cute type and urges him to think it over, I suspect while hoping that she’s it. Instead he peers into his shopping bag just as she trips, and thus gives absolutely zero reaction when she tumbles out of view. HA. I love that shot.

She has to call out to get his attention, but he does turn back to help her (in his plodding robot way). As he reaches to help her up, he stops, confused: “It’s strange.” He checks his wristwatch monitor, and now his heart is beating like crazy.

While finishing their dish, Min-young asks if there was ever a person Seung-pyo wanted to cook for. He says that there was, but he hadn’t been able to because (s)he “disappeared from this world.” Hmm. Note that he doesn’t use a gendered pronoun so he could be talking about a guy, although the assumption is that he means a girlfriend.

Byung-hoon heads next door to peek at the cooking lesson, scoffing like this totally means nothing to him. And that’s how he sees two very suspicious figures lurking outside the restaurant, crouching just outside the windows. At least they’re terrible at the lurking, and scatter the moment he calls out to them.

Everything Seung-pyo does has a tendency to creep me out (or at least make me suspicious), but I think it’s fair to say he’s working a suspicious vibe as he opens the window, then asks Min-young, “Would you like to date?” And standing just outside the open window to hear this is Byung-hoon.


Hm, so what is Master’s deal? He’s definitely rockin’ a shady vibe and I think we’re supposed to be suspicious of his motives, though the question may be(come) about where the line gets drawn between his real feelings and whatever plot he’s cooking up. There have been enough curious shots of Seung-pyo looking at Min-young with an inscrutable expression that I’m sure this is all part of his master plan, but I do also think he finds her amusing and cute and entertaining to be around. Will he fall for her too? (K-drama rules say: It is decidedly so.)

I do hope that it takes Byung-hoon a while longer to fully realize he has any interest in Min-young, because tracking his jealousy and denial is half the fun. She’s had her moment to feel twinges of envy (with Yi-seol), so now it’s his turn. Let’s just see if he thinks it’s indigestion, too. Given that she’s the airhead and he the genius, I’d say no… but I wouldn’t put it past him to consider it a mental condition.

I liked that we got a glimpse into Byung-hoon’s softer underbelly, though not too much—just enough to show us that it’s there. He worked up his gumption, finally, to head over to Yi-seol and do something, only to be deflated the minute she kept him at arm’s length. And the fact that he deflated was hugely telling, because the indifferent “love is fantasy” Empty Can persona he projects would have laughed at the high school boy who walked in there, who couldn’t muster up the courage yet again and bought a dumb necklace to cover up his embarrassment. Here’s a lesson he could learn from actual high schooler Se-kyung: You doesn’t make a confession for the sake of the listener, but for the sake of yourself. You do want a positive result, of course, but mostly you confess because you can’t stand NOT confessing.

Even so, I’m glad we didn’t spend much time on the first love. It’s part of Byung-hoon’s story, but I’d rather it didn’t constitute the whole of it. He’s too interesting for that.

I’m also really liking the pacing of the show, with two or three episodes dedicated to a case before moving along. I don’t have any problem with the clients’ cases depicted thus far, because I’m not being told to buy into their love stories; they aren’t being sold to us as happy ever afters with nice neat endings. The agency gets the ball rolling and allows the relationship to begin, and then they take their paycheck and step out of the picture. There are no guarantees for the future. What the stories do is act as devices that draw out our main cast’s characters and spur personal development, so they have a purpose other than the romances themselves.

So for me, I enjoy the cases as cute, cleverly executed little examinations of human nature. My favorite part is seeing where the machination meets real human response, because I don’t think those two things are mutually exclusive. There’s a spectrum, and inasmuch as you can’t force anybody to feel something they don’t feel, the agency can’t manufacture a love connection. They’re paving the pathway for the romance to take root, only covering their tracks carefully so you don’t see the road.

Is it manipulative? Oh hell yeah. I’m not arguing that it’s natural or without ethical questions, not at all. But I do find it a fun exploration of how people can be steered into a certain mindset or pathway by the power of suggestion. (The Shape of Things is a great example of that concept.) Are they con men or salesmen? What constitutes trickery, and what constitutes persuasion?


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Thanks for the recap.....


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Thanks so much for recap this drama <3


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I saw Kwang soo's name and squealed. I'd been planning to start watching for a while, but that sealed the deal. (I know I have a huge Running Man bias) Thanks for the recaps, and for sharing an awesome show with us!


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I'm sure I'll add more substantial comments once I start actually watching the show and not just reading about it >_>


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I thought this episode was much more interesting and compelling than ep 5: The game of who's loving who and who's manipulating who is more effective to keep me on my toes. Master is shady indeed and I'm dying to know his hidden agenda. In fact, I realized that I don't care much for the client of the week but I care for the team members and their interactions.
PS: We had a lot of Dramaception this week. Show has LJH and Sooyoung but it also reuses shamelessly the OST of A Gentleman's Dignity (songs AND instrus). Maybe we could tone down the [borrowings] tributes, just a little?


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Huh. Had no idea they borrowed from AGD but then again I didn't watch AGD.

Have to say though since I started watching Dad Where Are We Going? obsessively I have had slight problems readjusting to LJH exuding charisma as a leading man. I keep thinking of him in the variety show and bursting into laughter spontaneously because of how afraid he is of Jia.


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Totally agree with you about the cast interest and the hmmm client story. I love how the cast interacts with each other.


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I agree that ep 6 was much better than ep 5. I don't mind the client of the week, but I enjoy them for how it informs us of the main characters and their thoughts and actions. It's pretty much how I've taken them the whole show.

Also, I've thought all sorts of things about Master, including that he's another high school friend who was in love with Yi Seol to the theory that he's Do Il who had faked his own death and had plastic surgery to come back and observe the proceeding.

However, now my latest theory is that he was in love with DO IL and never was able to tell his love either because Do Il had a fiancee or wasn't gay.

I dunno, it's fun speculating on this.

Either way, the dating question from Master was definitely meant as some sort of prod against Byung Hoon.

We'll see how it plays out.


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"However, now my latest theory is that he was in love with DO IL and never was able to tell his love either because Do Il had a fiancee or wasn’t gay."

This is what I'm thinking as well. He's awfully bitter.


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Me too, I got a gay undertone when Master said he never got a chance to cook for the person he cared about. But I hope they don't go there. Master isn't at all a likable character, so making him gay on top of being vengeful and scheming is just...I don't know, I hope we're wrong.


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Hmm, I actually don't think they're using AGD's OST . I think most Big Baby Driver songs sound really similar so it's pretty easy to get them confused. I remember King of Dramas also included a Big Baby Driver song in its OST ^^

Cyrano http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q72DOWGwYl8

AGD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DT3QOayZaQ0

KOD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2a_B7y4y2M


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Not the same song but a close one. You're right: BBD is basically used in a lot of dramas aired these days. As much as I like them, it's getting tiring and distracting. #MoodMusicAlert.
As for the instrumental, I'm formal: It's from AGD. Looong bits of it.


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I'm quite as 100% sure that it has 3 instrumentals of King of Dramas.

What instrumentals did it use from A Gentleman's Dignity? It's been used in Ep. 1, Ep. 4 and the succeeding episodes. I have all the inst. of AGD but I don't quite hear any AGD instrumentals here.

The 3 inst of King of Dramas used:
In Ep 1: When MY was fired.

In Ep 4:
• When MY was like fooling around (the theme song of Kang Hyun-min)
• When BH saw his first love

In Ep 5:
Before Byunghoon asked her to "turn around"


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But I agree with you on their overusage of Big Baby Driver songs... Ahhhhh.


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Maybe they use the King of Dramas instrumentals regularly because KOD never released their official OST. The same happened with Last Scandal taking Goong S' OST. They have the same theme song.


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I think its great so far, this show. Totally agree with what you said JB, regarding what this drama is exploring in terms of themes of relationships. Its not that unrealistic from what happens in real life to be honest - they are just helping socially awkward people who may not know how to organically engineer such scenes by themselves! A lot of relationships have an intricate social structure that can be baffling if a person isn't quite in tune with the broader social structure. So I'm totally enjoying the glimpses into some of the engineering that goes into creating that first encounter and thereafter how the relationship is fanned for that first spark.

It helps that the story format manages a great balance between the small emotional beats, the episodic client cases, the greater / broader mystery behind SP and BH's (shared?) history and all the while touching and developing some of side characters so it feels like the world that they inhabit is one that we live in too.

I'm starting to subscribe to the possibility that SP was DI's brother or something...he's been very shady for the past few episodes and he knows way too much about SP and seems to care way too much about anything related to DI!

Also totally enjoying MJ's unfolding cute romance which is absolutely adorable! Just wanted to also say thanks to one of the commenters in the previous recap who informed me that the OST song I was looking for was by Big Baby Driver. Thanks DB community and JB! You guys are great!


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That's what I was thinking too, he could be a little brother who was in cooking school or went away to study cooking and when he came back his brother was dead.
I think thats why he hates BH, because he thinks he is responsible for his dead and therefore doesn't deserve to be happy, or something like that lol. It's hard to really know what's going in Master's head.


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KWANG SOO! God, I love him. Running Man has ruined me. (In a good way).

Anyway... I really like this show. I've no problem whatsoever with the cases, because I agree with JB: they don't promise us a happy ending, they just get the relationship started. That said, I love how the cases help us see little snippets of our characters' personalities and the shifts on their relationships inside the agency.

I do love the balance DAC is creating between being a "laugh out loud" rom-com (Min-young's one liners and banter with Byung-hoon, our resident Master's minions actions, Moo-jin robotic reactions, etcetera) and being insightful about love, relationships and the human character in this really mellow aura.

So far, I'm hooked and I hope DAC will also become one of my favorite Kdramas, just as the other ones from the "Oh Boy!" series.


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Ah...and I was wondering when Kwang Soo would appear. Haha...not much scenes of him baking though. That would have been interesting! But I do like where the show is going so far. Hope to see more interesting cameos too!


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umm have anyone else noticed that theres always this one guy in the restro along with the gangsters and master? he sorta looks like Seo's best friend in the past..... i have a feeling that Master is his little bro and he died... and thats his ghost sitting there in the restro 24/7!

lol Moo-jin is extra cute in this episode :)


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OMG yes! I've been wondering about that guy (with Hawaiian shirt?) too. We only got to see his back on first ep, but he's always there and his appearance is gradually getting more exposure by each episode. I'm not sure if he's a ghost though, he called Master several times and unless Master has a delusion...


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I noticed him too! and I was wondering who he is. He is not a ghost because in one of the latest scenes I remember the waitress (forgot her name right now) is serving him something.
I love all the little mysteries and the little details this show puts out :)


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I am happy with the relationship developments, or should I say, inklings of potential developments, between the cast. Never mind their clients and targets; their stories are okay, but what I really think will make this drama cook are the internal affairs.

I love that Master asked Min Young to date him within earshot of BH~

And what's with Moo jin - I really like his everything black personality, but the guy's gotta be stoned. Line 'em up, and I'll go for the lingering dark cloud presence fb every time.


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Love this show! Thanks for the recaps! You're a great writer, JB!


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This show is really hitting the right notes for me. So full of win & cute. I had some qualms about The age difference between the two leads but you can hardly tell by the way they bicker. And compared to the doom & gloom of the other 2 shows I'm watching (jang ok jung & heartless city) the rom com antics are a welcome departure!


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Did anyone think Dokko Jin with Moo-jin's Heart Rate Watch?


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Of course. ;)


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Me, definitely! xD


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I think that was intentional, since her surname is "Dokko" as well and like the surname means, she's also acting like an orphan.


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Dangyonhaji... :D


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The song is 어떤 설레임 by Ra.D, but it hasn't been officially released yet.


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Thank you so much! You rock! I've seriously been looking for that song everywhere!


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Aw, I loved that short scene and what she said to Arang. First love...so bittersweet.


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Seriously, episode after episode, I'm loving Byung Hoon and Min Young's chemistry more and more.
It is amazing because they have such a big age difference and yet, both of them are working their "romance" so well. I love their expressions when they are looking into each other's eyes. It is sassy, smexy, hot ... whatever you want :D
(Byung Hoon saying "You want me to show you a real sadist ?" and then, she answers "No thanks, Pervert" THIS IS SMOCKING' HOT !)

Although I loved episode 5, I would say that this episode was an all-kill for me :
- the bickering between Min Young and Byung Hoon after he gave her the necklace, the introduction to the new client (Kwang Soo-ah !) and his hideous target who I find gorgeous. I love her glares and the way she talks. It is so mean and yet, you know deep inside that she is nice. Just very cold.
I laughed so hard when Byung Hoon said he is a masochist XD.
- Moo Jin and Min Young becoming closer. At first, he didn't respond to her. I guess he didn't know if she was going to stay for a long time but then, even though they don't share deep conversations, I would say they really became teammates especially when she says "then, we will quit, huh ?" "yeah"
- Byung Hoon in panic when Moo Jin told him that Min Young said that she was average when it comes to drinking.
- Ah Rang and Min Young always sneaking together. They are cute together but in a older sister/younger brother way.

I wouldn't say that I'm not interested in the client's lovestory but as a viewer, I think you are more attracted to the agents' relationships.
But I do love the client and the target. Their story is quite interesting because heck, it is true that everyone is a little masochist when it comes to love and I want to know how it is going to end.

I just want to add that it's a shame that the drama isn't doing well concerning the ratings. This episode recorded a disappointing 0.188 % which even for a cable drama is very low. I'm thankful that in an international scale, a lot of people are loving and compliment it but still. It is upsetting how netizens are complaing over the lack of originality of dramas and yet, they don't seach for good ones.

To conclude, I'm proud of Sooyoung. Her acting really improved and I trust people when they say she became her character. These little expressions and gestures that she showed in that episode were natural and yet so fitting for Min Young.


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There was a really beautiful song that started 6 minutes into the show when Arang is motorcycling with Moojin. Does anyone know what that song is?


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me too! I like that song. I've been googling about it for 2 days now. I wonder if that song is by a boy group or solo artist.


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That pyo guy is a total bastard ! Aggghhh


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My guess is that Master was in love with Do Il and maybe his death had something to do with his upcoming wedding? Like, an accident on the way or something? And Master blames BH because if BH had confessed to YS, DI wouldn't have been there at all...or something. I'm just guessing. :P


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Thanks for the recaps, javabeans!

So far, this show manage to satisfy my craving of fun, breezy, and well-made rom-com. I hope it stays that way.

Kwang-soo is hilarious as the client of the week, as expected. Byung-hoon and Min-young banters are fun as always, they sure do have the chemistry to make them work! The new cases and cameos every week are fun and interesting, but I suppose it's a good thing that what I like the most about this show is the main characters' dynamics. It means they're doing it right :D


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I have wondered whether this is an elaborate agency setup between sungpyo and minyoung, especially as they had already researched her and that maybe this will be the one case they lose. It's most likely a wrong theory but it is something I thought would be interesting to ponder.


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Also, don't know if anyone else noticed, but Byung-hoon's wearing lighter colored trench coats in this episode! Coincidence? I think not. Show's way of alluding to Byung-hoon opening up like a flower to our sunny Min-young? Mebbe.


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“An M? Like with the green eyes and everything?” (She’s thinking of the ’90s horror drama titled M where Shim Eun-ha was possessed and her eyes famously glowed green.)"

Thanks for clarifying that I had no clue what she was talking about.

I've got it, The Master is gay, he was in love with Do-il being with Yi-seol because he knew Do-il wasn't gay and wanted him to be happy then Do-il killed himself and The Master blames Byung-hoon for some reason.


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He could be bisexual too. It's not all or nothing...


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I'm with you on the Master-loving-Do Il theory, but don't think suicide went down. Must have been an accident since BH won't drive.


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so...this might just be me...but I'm starting to have a crush on Master.
I mean, he just has this cold, calculating, mysterious personality, yet kind of fuzzy and cute when he is with Min young.

And we all know that the bad guys are the hottest.

I may also be a little biased because he's my favorite clumsy chunderella from "Family Outing"... :D


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I loved it when Master said "Aren't all relationships S&M?" or something along those lines.


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Okay there is this one guy who is always in the restaurant. Seems to be the only dude in there btw. I don't know why but his presents seems uber important. He seems to be paying a lot more attention to conversations then he lets on. I wonder if he's the one pulling the strings. What if he was a Cyrano client whose love connection ended up as a disaster as soon as the team left and he is seeking revenge? But if thats true whats his connection to SP? Is it just two people who have the same frame of mind when it comes to BH? There is something there I know it.


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I was noticing that too! Why is this same guy always in the restaurant, yet has not interacted? Seeing him that many times, I was thinking, like you, it's got to mean something.


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Leave it to Kwang Soo to play the Masochist ! It's so funny to watch and I enjoyed it! Still don't trust Master but it was cute when he was smiling it her! Can't wait for next week!


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Here's what I wonder: Is Master taking a page from Dok Il's book? Or vice versa? Because Master is running a LOOOOOONG con here. I completely believe that the 'suspicious guys' Cyrano Dude saw are the two thugs that work for Master, and that it was all meant to bring him to that window, so he could 'overhear' the date request.


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As I said, this show needs a feminism upgrade. I pointed it out from the first episode, but the points against it continue, which is kinda weird, given this is supposed to be catered towards females. Makes me wonder if the writer is a male...


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I think it plays on many women's fantasy about being in the centre of attention and being courted with so much effort. Somehow, it is a flattering sensation to identify yourself with the "target" and not be the hunter. I can also imagine that if a woman did the same, the reaction would be like "don't you have any pride?" or "stop being delusional".

On the other hand, we know that in dramaland, it's enough for a woman to get a total makeover (make up + straightened hair + pink clothes) to make any man fall for her instantly. So why bother plotting elaborate scenarios when one could simply buy some cosmetics by brand X, shoes by brand Y and clothes by brand Z ;). Did I mention a ridiculously expensive bag?


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Just wanted to jump in here because I am a strong feminist myself and actually admire the way that the show has handled its female characters.

Sure, all of the targets so far have been female but take a look at them. One was a strong-willed, inquisitive librarian who turned down numerous dates because she found them too boring and never noticed the sweet, lovelorn veterinarian who frequented the library for six months. The second was a capable class president who wasn't swayed by an idol's (initially) egotistical declaration of love. She also never went easy on the guy she really liked(Arang) when he fell behind on assignments. The current target is an independent and accomplished chef running her own very successful restaurant. From my perspective, all of the clients/men seem to be weaker/more vulnerable in the balance of each potential relationship.

Lastly, Min Young may have a ditzy/idealistic air about her but she never fails to stand up for herself or go toe to toe with Byung-hoon in an argument.

All that being said, it would be fun to see a female client/male target, just to shake things up. I might have too much faith in the show but something tells me that they will deliver on that :).


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I still wish she had ONE talent to contribute to the team OTHER than she has boobs and not one of those. Being a girl isn't a talent. Sorry, show.

I do like the rest of the drama, but even giving her cooking talent, or that oddball instinct--or being able to contribute *something* would be nice. I'm still waiting for her to be a bit more than a character device. (In writer's terms).

Kwangsoo, is a ++ in this. <3. Naturally Dorky and an M is funny. I wonder if the Running Man cast will comment, or be forbidden because it's not an SBS show...

I'd like this show to strike a balance between the love story in front and the love story for the clients. (Also the clients to be occasionally FEMALE. Three clients already and all are male... just pointing that out What? Females can't also want that kind of service?).

So basically: Basic story, plotting and pacing are great.
On feminism: Booo, needs an upgrade. (Is the writer male or female...? Jae Won can go either way...)


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Female clients can't happen. In Dramaland, women are awful gold diggers and/or sasaengs by nature: Scheming is natural to them. When they harbor a pure love, they can only acknowledge it after the man has made its move.


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Not always... There are lots of exceptions to that rule. Plus they haven't played the Oblivious to the fact he's already card yet. Or even the, female that hasn't gotten dates because she's been too aggressive and she doesn't want to screw this one up... (though I can keep hashing out scenarios that would fit into this show/K-drama land for pages. =P It's my job).

You have Oh Soo Jeong, Mi Ho in My girlfriend is a Gumiho, etc. (Other Hong Sister's dramas also mix it up). In many dramas, the girl realizes it before the guy does and tries to take a little action.

Besides, female clients should happen. (Just use some imagination) Just like Min Yeong should have some talent other than having breasts and none of those.


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It's pretty realistic for the clients to be predominantly male.

IRL, generally the men are the ones who need more help trying to attract the attention of the other sex. Most women seems to know what it takes to attract men, and if not, they can always ask their girl friends. Heck, they can always ask their male friends, also.

OTOH, I wouldn't mind having a female client as I think it would highlight a lot of differences in attracting males and females. It would probably be more boring, though. Maybe it could be a woman trying to attract a woman?

Is that too risque for cable?

I agree with you completely on Min Young, though. In keeping with the IRL vibe, she needs to have a real skill which would make someone want to keep her around instead of just her gender. Otherwise, people wouldn't put up with her lacking.

May be it could be that she's a quick learner with good intuition? I would have liked to have seen some more obvious skill, though earlier....


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well she does seem to have a way with people, and she humanizes everyone/situation. Are you saying someone who is a good person and has many good qualities is not worthy unless a they have a specific talent?


I'm more saying that I wish there was a reason why CDA and BH, specifically, would want her around in the first place.

IMO, that was the main thing that I had issue with in the first episode.

I agree that she has a way with people and humanizes the situation, but in BH's eyes I don't see that as enough for him to want to hire her, particularly since he just takes the point of view that love is just hormones.

Now, if in the future, we see that there might have been some underlying factors for why he hired Min Jung (e.g., he was told by gangsters to hire a female, she reminded him of his first love), I'd be more satisfied with it.

I do also think that she needs to be more than just a good person with good qualities. She needs to help contribute to the team, which thinking about it, she does in a way as she's very empathetic and can seem to bond very well with the clients and targets (vet in first couple, class president in second, chef in third).

It just sometimes feels a little ham-fisted. For example, with the chef, does she really need the milk idea out of the blue for the mushroom? I'm not a chef, so I don't know if that would even work, but where would MinJung come up with that idea anyways?


Aw, this weeks episodes brings me alot closer to the heart of the story and its characters.
I love how Master brought up the fact that in a way all relationships have a bit of S&M in them to varying degrees. It is rather enlightening.
Min young as a character on paper sounds sort of like a common heroine in k-drama but now that we know more about her I don't think she's just a girl that doesn't contribute anything. She's not the most badass or toughest heroine because that's not what the show set her up to be. Like JB said in the previous recap, she's kinda like the glue in Cyrano. She helps people realize their own dreams and to set out to achieve them even if it seems impossible. She gives them hope. Before min-young, it seemed as if the boys were all robots and cyrano's only mission was to reach a goal with emotions detached. But it seems more and more we have our characters understanding what it really means to help people fall in love while discovering who they are and what they want. We're almost to that happy medium i've been waiting for!


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My new theory: Do Il and Yi Seol are fighting in the car because Do Il belatedly discovers Yi Seol has feelings for Byung Hoon. During their heated argument, Do Il accidentally hits Seung Pyo's girlfriend's car, and Do Il and Seung Pyo's girlfriend die, while Yi Seol is critically injured. Yi Seol doesn't attend Do Il's funeral from guilt over causing the accident. Seung Pyo, through his mobster connections, learns the reason behind Do Il and Yi Seol's fight and wants to gets revenge against Byung Hoon.

This is exactly how I picture Kwang Soo to be in real life. Minus the SM (or maybe with it ;)). Could Mi Jin be one of those women who had been burned once, so now swears off all men? It was obvious Moo Jin's heartbeat would increase in Hye Ri's presence. Can't wait to see how their relationship develops.

Thanks for the recap, javabeans!


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Omg gahhh by reading this recap I was able to finally figure out what one of the dramas I watched in Korea when I was 8 years old! I remember being traumatized by the drama "m" that whole summer and seriously still have the most horrifying scenes of the drama etched into my memory. I guess that's one drama off my name that drama list, woohoo.


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I like this format of having a new case every week....This kind of thing is not bad at all... Kindof reminds me of CSI and NCIS ofcourse minus the genre.. And I dont think the Master will in any case turn out to be bad...I'm sure they will have a good backstory for him. I also like Sooyoung... In any case Byung hoon is the mastermind and the others work towards acting out the plot. Anyways having Sooyoung is not bad at all....


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I like this format of having a new case every week....This kind of thing is not bad at all... Kindof reminds me of CSI and NCIS ofcourse minus the genre.. And I dont think the Master will in any case turn out to be bad...I'm sure they will have a good backstory for him. I also like Sooyoung... In any case Byung hoon is the mastermind and the others work towards acting out the plot. Anyways having Sooyoung is not bad at all....


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Call me a broken record, but I think this drama is worth watching, even if only for SooYoung. The character is written to be likable, but she does give MinYoung something unique, some combination of being naive, carefree and cheerful, but without overdoing it with sugar. She is not your cute dumb girl. Even if she's not always the brightest bulb, she does use her cerebral functions. And she has her own opinion.

There were some complaints that there were no female clients, and thus the show was anti-feminist. The way I see it, we get to see a lot of independent women who take charge of their own lives - even if it's manifested by hitting your boss on the head with your handbag or kicking a guy on the shin when he's been a jerk to you. In an average drama, the girl would go away to cry and ponder what she's done wrong.
That being said, I don't mind watching a girl being helped to get her date.

I wouldn't be myself if I didn't make a random remark. MinYoung's car makes me think of Postman Pat. In way she is a similar character. So whenever I see her driving, I start singing the intro song. I wanted to watch an episode or two and went to YT. Guess what, the episode I picked turned out to be about the policeman practicing his banjo skills to impress the doctor. LOL. After all, it's all some kind of universal continuum - people making efforts to woo the ones they care about. It's not much difference, regardless of genre, country, time.


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I am not a fan of Sooyoung but I must admit that she surprised me here with her lively expenses. She is really on the way of a good actress. I know that she supposedly be one of the nice and bright SNSD member but I never thought it would translate better in an acting gig. Especially when she is acting against a much older leading man. She is really keen on the chemistry and I just hope they let her kiss anyone in this story. I mean, yeah, they really hesistant on letting idols kiss scene, right? Why bother put them in the first place then? Where is Taemin's kissing scene? Isn't he suppose to play a love bitten teenager?

Anyway, as for female clients I think there will be one. Or that perhaps will be Gong Minyoung herself?


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I'm thinking maybe BH doesn't drive due to causing DI's death via car accident and that Master is DI's brother... though I could be wrong.


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This was a fun episode, mostly because I just adore Lee Kwang-soo thanks to Running Man. He's such a great actor and a funny guy, too.

I still think Do-il was Master's brother, or half-brother, at least. I think he blames Byung-hoon for Do-il's death. Was it suicide? Or just bad luck that led to his death? Has it been stated yet? Maybe Do-il was in a car accident, and that could be why Byung-hoon doesn't want to drive. I don't know. I love all the snippets we're getting of Master's motives, without actually being told what his motives are. He's my favorite character, probably because we know so little about him, and that adds to the mystery around him. I also am looking forward to his falling for Min-young. 'Cause, that's totally gonna happen, right?

Another relationship I find interesting is Moo-jin and Hye-ri. They're so cute together. That heart monitor thing reminded me of Dokko Jin's in Best Love. When Moo-jin found it, I kinda knew what it would be used for, and just sat back and waited.

Anyway, thanks for the recap, JB!


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I finally gave this drama a chance after reading the recaps the past couple.weeks and many hours later, I've marathoned all 6 EPs x.x sigh! Lol looking forward to the next recap and the next ep! I'm officially.on board ^^

Also, anyone else intrigued and slightly crushing on moo-Jin?


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Moojin is such a cutie being a nonverbal!! Haha!


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If I wasn't so free when my summer break began, I would not watch this drama despite my great love for SNSD. There is no profound concept to the plot, it is more of a fun drama for middle school students to watch because they have so much free time. The romance part alone is not realistic and is very predictable. I am a college student and I have been there done that so all these romance advice and stories are not surprising to me at all. I do not even consider to look up to the drama for the solutions to love. Anyhow, I decided to watch the drama just for fun and for Sooyoung (SONE :D) I then got caught up with the chemistry between ByungHoon and MinYoung. I find it interesting to see ByungHoon so mean to her and she's just being a "romance maniac". In spite of my love for Sooyoung, I do get annoyed at her character now and then. Especially when MinYoung keeps talking about the first love and all; it's giving me goosebumps.
Anyway, I am glad to see that Master asked MinYoung out because now the love triangle begins! I really want to watch the next episode to see how will ByungHoon react to this. But at the same time, I have a feeling MinYoung will somehow reject Master or someone will interrupt the scene and MinYoung cannot answer Master's request.

Thanks for the recap! :)


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really really thanks t production crews and writers to have Taemin and Lee Kwangsoo cameos, if we could get more idol or uprising actors cameo, it would be great.... I want to see
1. L(infinite)
2. Seohyun (SNSD)
3. Lee Jonghyun (CNBlue)
4. Lee Soohyun (Vampire Idols, What's Up!)


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kwang soo loved him!!


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God, I absolutely loved the TGL and Dokko Jin meta in this ep. And of all people, it has to hit the hardest with Moo-Jin and that silly heartbeat measuring contraception. And as fate has it, he is played by HJH, of whom I have a massive growing interest in after watching his underrated but rather brilliant stint in White Christmas.

Now, that makes two Jins (and two actors) that I adore. The universe is telling me to watch every HJH production possible because for awhile I was obsessed with CSW/TGL and it's time for him to pass the baton on... (Don't mind the crazy, it's just me fawning over the TGL reference, lulz)


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