You’re the Best, Lee Soon-shin: Episodes 23-24

There’s a whole lotta good stuff in these two episodes, which is much appreciated—the drama took some time setting up its conflicts and getting its story pieces in place, but now that we’ve sat through that it sure is gratifying to get to the payoff. Multiple characters step it up and advance our plot in more enjoyable directions, with some spiffy hair to boot. Now all we need is to turn up the heat on the Jun-ho and Soon-shin romance… We’re inching our way there, but I’m a greedy little bastard. More please now!


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Mi-ryung slips out of her hospital room and heads for the exit, where she runs into Soon-shin. She asks to speak with her, but Manager Hwang and Yeon-ah rush up and pull her away insistently, with Yeon-ah shooting Soon-shin a dirty look for good measure because that’s what she does. She then rips into Manager Hwang for being too slow to take Mi-ryung to the hospital. Don’t you think it says everything about her character that Yeon-ah’s argument isn’t that Mi-ryung suffered, but that her image would take a hit if she were seen escorted “by a girl like that”?

Jun-ho’s mother calls Mi-ryung to chide her for her drunken behavior. Mi-ryung bites her tongue and repeatedly says sorry, but Mom won’t let up and says that Mi-ryung needs to marry because being alone too long turned her crazy. Gah, smug marrieds. Not all single women are Miss Havisham, y’know. Finally Mi-ryung snaps that yes, solitude has twisted her, happy? Even Dr. Shin comments that Mom’s picking on Mi-ryung instead of consoling her, which is true, but Mom is offended that her husband isn’t siding with her. C’mon, you were the one mom in this show who seemed all right.

The Lee family heads out for a hike and a picnic, despite Grandma’s hints that she wants to talk to Mom privately. Mom doesn’t want to discuss the whole maternity question anymore and brings along the daughters to keep Grandma quiet. Heh.

Even so, Grandma knows enough to connect dots and suspects that Kyung-sook is the mother, and Mom’s poor poker face convinces her that she’s right. For a family with so many secrets, don’t you think they could do a better job masking them? For instance, Mom makes Hye-shin promise not to tell Grandma about bio-mom’s identity. At this point I feel like they’re just trying to stop up a leaking pipe with chewing gum.

Mi-ryung crosses paths with the family while out on a walk, and though she tries to pass unnoticed, it’s Soon-shin who calls out to her. A few very awkward moments pass before Mi-ryung hurries on; she returns to the house in fidgets and orders her manager to put the house up for sale.

Yoo-shin and Chan-woo go on a date while lying to their respective families, but Chan-woo is getting tired of the whole sneaking-around act. He hesitantly proposes that they admit to their families that they’re dating because it’s too tiring to hide it forever. Yoo-shin points out that his mother would flip out to hear it, and though he protests that she wouldn’t, I’m pretty sure that’s just a courtesy defense. He’s a good son, but not a blind one… right?

Yoo-shin comes home to weird vibes and asks Soon-shin what happened to make Mom so uptight. Soon-shin, ever left out of the loop, doesn’t know since the only thing that happened was a chance encounter with Mi-ryung. Yoo-shin wonders if Mom was feeling overshadowed by Mi-ryung’s movie-star looks, and Soon-shin loyally says her mother is prettier. (Yoo-shin’s all, That’s sweet, but be real.)

Jun-ho looks over his Soon-shin Project files wistfully—okay, I’ll give you one more episode of that, and then you become creepy stalker guy, got it? He tells himself to get over it cleanly and move on. Is your new haircut your Felicity moment?

Yeon-ah calls him about Mi-ryung’s condition, and snipes at him for not doing his job properly. I would say prying into a client’s personal secrets isn’t his job but Yeon-ah’s just looking for nits to pick, which even Mi-ryung points out, saying that she’s blowing things out of proportion. Mi-ryung dismisses her weakened condition as a product of overwork and promises to be careful.

Yeon-ah asks to talk to Jun-ho afterward and notes that he’s changed—he’s so cold to her. She’s thought she was who he wanted and asks if she was wrong. Wasn’t that why he made the bet, to keep her close as his client?

Jun-ho says that he has changed, because he’s no longer stupid enough to put all his hopes into love, but answer firmly that it’s not because he likes Soon-shin. The bet was initially made out of pride, but: “Aren’t you even sorry to her at all? We took someone who didn’t know anything and used her for our amusement. If you were her, how would you feel? In any case, I’m just taking responsibility for and cleaning up after my own actions. That’s the minimum courtesy I can show to her.” Clap clap. Good speech.

Soon-shin realizes she still has Mi-ryung’s script and starts to act out a scene, which Mom witnesses. Soon-shin laughs it off and says that she doesn’t still harbor acting dreams, but I think we all know which way the wind is blowing.

Bread Man Jin-wook and his sidekick head to the bookstore for prep books, because they’d made a deal that once the bakery found its footing, they’d pursue their educations: Bread Boy with his high school degree, and Bread Man with university. Jin-wook cheers up to see Hye-shin browsing nearby, and upon seeing her English books he jokes that the only words he knows in English are: “Thank you, I’m sorry, Big Bang, TOP, Sistar, mother father gentleman.” Lol.

He tries to hide his prep book, which indicates that he needs to get his high school equivalency to test for university entrance. He lies that it’s not his, only to have Bread Boy cock-block by loudly mentioning the exam. Ha, he totally embarrassed him on purpose.

As Jin-wook and Hye-shin walk home together, he explains that he didn’t go to school regularly. He grew up poor and was raised by grandma, whose wish was for him to go to university. Sadly, she died before he could accomplish that.

Hye-shin tells him that his grandmother must be happy seeing him from heaven, and only now does he introduce himself as Seo Jin-wook. Oh ha, they don’t even know their names. She tells him her name and he lights up, saying, “Hye-shin-sshi.” Aww.

Jun-ho requests a meeting with Mom, and wouldn’t you know, they go to a new restaurant. New hair, new attitude? At Mom’s wariness, he apologizes for having upset her in the past and makes a request: Please help Soon-shin continue acting, even if it’s with a different agency, because he doesn’t want her to quit something she loves because of him. Because while she was pursuing her acting, she was happy. Okay, this new hair-attitude combo is really working for Jun-ho. Go you, being all mature and thoughtful.

After some serious brain-racking, Grandma is practically sure that Soon-shin is Kyung-sook’s daughter, and that Kyung-sook is Mi-ryung. One trip to the secrecy-inept Chicken Ajusshi confirms her suspicions.

Grandma rips into Mom furiously for withholding the truth, but on the upside, at least now she understands Mom’s prior behavior. She wants to meet Mi-rying and maybe rip out her hair like she says Mom ought to have done, but Mom begs her to let this rest—if Soon-shin finds out, the mess will just get worse.

Soon-shin is down to her last week working at the restaurant, which is a fact that saddens Young-hoon. I love him for being saddened about this. Aw, and now he’s suddenly switched to banmal; one minute he’s the polite boss, and the next he’s cut down to banmal like a friend. I’ll say, sweet oppa suits him way more.

He suggests that Soon-shin stay at the job until she decides what to do next. She admits to being tempted, but thinks that’ll just make her feel more pathetic. Young-hoon surprises her by saying he hopes she’d keep acting, which made her so glowing and happy. He advises her to read her heart, because the one answer to life’s questions is whether your heart responds or not. What’s up with all the forward-thinking life advice this episode? Everybody’s grown up! Not a complaint.

Jun-ho spots them walking out together, then follows ’cause he just can’t help himself. He doesn’t interrupt them this time (baby steps!), and returns to work muttering to himself that it’s all over.

A new problem crops up, or rather the resurgence of an old one: The rumors about Mi-ryung’s past and long-lost daughter are back and growing. Manager Hwang tries to bargain with Reporter Park to stop, but finds the reporter uninterested in making a deal. Manager Hwang asks what the point is of ruining somebody, which I think is a pretty good question.

Grandma wrangles Mi-ryung’s address from Chicken Ajusshi, then storms her house (you’d think a star would be more discriminating of who was allowed in). Using the name Kyung-sook, Grandma berates her for being shameless and subhuman and terrible.

Mi-ryung tamps down her reaction for much of the diatribe, but eventually bursts out that Grandma has the story all wrong and is blaming her for the wrong reasons—if she’s so upset to have raised Mi-ryung’s child, then maybe she should’ve allowed Mi-ryung and Dad to marry in the first place. She never asked him to take her baby, which was solely his decision.

She yells that she’s not Kyung-sook anymore, and that she doesn’t want to take Soon-shin away from them (so shut it). She orders Grandma taken away, which fires Grandma’s temper and sends her grabbing for the hair. Ha. To be honest I don’t know whose side to be on, since they’re both being pretty awful. I do think Grandma’s more out of line now, but Mi-ryung’s got a whole past of being awful, so maybe it’s a wash.

Mom gets the heads up from Chicken Ajusshi and hurries over with Hye-shin, and they arrive in time to take an enraged Grandma home. One silver lining in the mess: Grandma cries that she’s sorry to Mom, whom she’d misunderstood.

Mi-ryung reacts to this as she always does—drinking—and laughs bitterly. Admittedly much of it is her bad, but she’s got a point about Dad acting without her knowledge and Grandma misplacing her blame. Then Mi-ryung exclaims, “What did I do that was wrong?” Now is that a tragic question or what?

Practically feverish with anger, she declares that the news is bound to leak at some point, so she’ll leak it first: “I’m going to bring my daughter home!” (End of Episode 23.)

At home, everyone clams up around Soon-shin again. You know, one of these days she’s going to notice. You’re just lucky she’s not the sharpest knife in that drawer.

With Jun-ho’s words (and her own observations) weighing on her mind, Mom takes Soon-shin aside to tell her to pursue acting if she wants to. She says she was wrong to oppose her and advises her not to let anybody stop her from doing what she wants. She finishes by saying, “No matter what happens, you’re my daughter.” I know I can’t be the only one still smarting from Mom’s terrible treatment of Soon-shin who finds this exchange woefully inadequate.

Bread Man studies during spare moments, which leads to Woo-joo mocking him for his low-level English skills. He practices a few elementary phrases on her, to which she barks (in English), “I really don’t like you. Get away from my mom!”

Bread Man good-naturedly laughs it off, though Hye-shin apologizes and chides Woo-joo for her poor manners. As she goes, Jin-wook stares after her and wonders, “How can a person be so perfect?” Bread Boy tells him to get a grip, reminding him that they’d agreed to quit women to straighten out their lives (and also fighting). At home, Woo-joo beats up the teddy bear Jin-wook gave her on Children’s Day and talks back to her mother.

Yoo-shin and Chan-woo come home together after their date, and she insists he drop her off in the neighborhood while he’d rather drop her off at her door. Honey, are you trying to sabotage your secret-dating status? Actually, I kind of think he is, since he seems really eager to go public.

He finagles a kiss out of her, and it’s a good thing that they weren’t a few seconds later because their mothers come walking toward them in time to see Yoo-shin getting out of the car. She makes a break for it (smoooooth) while he feigns innocence and tells his mother some lady was just asking for directions.

Yoo-shin hurries home and pretends she was home all evening and just woke from a nap. Mom doesn’t press her, though she does tell her of her plans to start working in Chicken Ajumma’s kitchen, which Yoo-shin violently opposes. She insists that she can support the whole family (aw), but Mom doesn’t budge.

Chicken Ajumma, meanwhile, can’t shake her suspicion that it was Yoo-shin in the car and prods Chan-woo to admit that he’s dating. He confesses that he does have a girlfriend, but isn’t ready to say any more. His mother asks just to make sure—it’s not anyone she knows, right? Chan-woo uneasily lies in agreement, and it’s enough to keep her happy.

Needing a drinking friend, Mi-ryung calls Dr. Shin to a fancy bar and confesses that she’s going through hell right now. She once dreamed of marrying and raising a family with the one man who extended a hand to her in her miserable youth, and that was the only time she was truly happy. She identifies him as the man who died in that car accident, but when Dr. Shin asks if she means to turn herself in, she balks that she did nothing wrong so there’s nothing to confess. Said the psychopath.

She starts to cry at the mention of him raising the child without her knowledge, then falls over in a drunken sleep. Dr. Shin takes her home, and the next morning he instructs Jun-ho to pay particular attention to Mi-ryung. He lies that she wasn’t looking good when she dropped by the clinic, but Jun-ho’s mother finds his sudden interest odd and starts to wonder about it… and then cuts herself off.

Yi-jung proves she’s more delusional than even we thought when she suggests that Chan-woo might still be interested in her. She decides that his aloofness is merely his professional ethics regarding not dating the boss’s daughter, and Mom jumps at the idea. Because in their world, words that are spoken mean something other than what they mean. These two. Peas in a pod, I tell you.

To that end, Yi-jung sends Chan-woo an embarrassing aegyo selca, which he opens with a little bit of horror.

Mi-ryung comes clean about her hidden past to Jun-ho, explaining that the rumor he’s trying to block is not actually a rumor, and thus she doesn’t want to block it. It’ll leak anyhow, so she wants to call a press conference, thereby neutralizing the damage and commandeering the flow of information.

Manager Hwang argues strenuously against it, but Jun-ho—after taking a moment to react to the shock—agrees with Mi-ryung. He asks about her daughter, but Mi-ryung explains that the girl doesn’t even know yet so she’ll let him know after she’s taken care of it. With that in mind, Mi-ryung goes on a massive shopping spree for expensive gifts to take to Soon-shin’s family.

Hearing the news, shortsighted In-sung exclaims that Mi-ryung’s daughter is lucky and ought to feel like Cinderella. Jun-ho, on the other hand, expresses dismay on the daughter’s behalf, signing that she’s about to have her whole life overturned.

Chan-mi invites Soon-shin to tag along with her at work and offers to buy her lunch, but that gets postponed because of a work crisis. Chan-mi asks Soon-shin to help her when her assistant suddenly quits, so Soon-shin tags along to a drama shoot—which, coincidentally, is Yeon-ah’s—and watches an actress running her lines.

Yeon-ah clocks Soon-shin’s presence and flubs a line, then complains to get her kicked out. But that’s not enough, because when they run into her outside, she smirks that Soon-shin must be pursuing wardrobe coordinating now. Not that there’s anything wrong with being a coordi, but god Yeon-ah, could you be more catty?

Chan-mi, like everyone, figures that Soon-shin still wants to act. Today Soon-shin admits that it’s true, though she calls herself dumb for still having lingering wishes.

I just love the way Jun-ho lights up every time he sees Soon-shin, and he catches up to her to chat. There’s a moment when he asks why she’s here at the broadcast station, and then deflates a bit when she says she came to see a friend. Were you hoping she came to see you? I bet you were. And then she comments on his haircut and he reacts with self-conscious pleasure.

Jun-ho offers her a ride home, which she declines several times, but in the end he gets out of his car and opens her door. Which happens to be seen by Yeon-ah, who comes out just as he’s escorting her in the car. Serves you right. Muahaha.

In the car, Jun-ho wonders if her mother has said anything about acting, trying to find out whether his talk had any effect. She asks if he spoke with her mother, and he assures her no, that it’s got nothing to do with him. That comes out harsher than intended, sounding like he doesn’t care about anything to do with her, and he fumbles to take it back. Ah, foot still in mouth, I see.

Mi-ryung arrives at the house with armloads of fancy gifts, ignoring the fact that Grandma is fuming mad and orders her to leave. She remains put, intent on speaking with Mom, and waits while Hye-shin calls her home. So Hye-shin calls Soon-shin to stall her return home, making up a grocery list and asking her to drop by the market. Aw, Jun-ho hears Soon-shin taking the food orders and gets affronted on her behalf, asking if she’s still mistreated by her family. It’s super adorable.

He offers to drive her to the supermarket, then sticks around while she shops and insists on carrying her bags. He asks what she intends to do with her life now, and she points out that it’s not really his concern.

Jun-ho still struggles to get to the point and say what he means, but I do love to see him making strides—he IS trying. He’s just really bad at it. So he asks if she really means to quit acting, and blurts that she shouldn’t.

Soon-shin tells him he can stop feeling sorry now, because she doesn’t believe that he was only in the bet to use her. In fact, there are things she’s thankful for. But she needed time to think about herself, which is why she quit the restaurant; thus he doesn’t have to explain himself to her.

While he’s fumbling for words to argue, she cuts him off and says with finality, “Thanks to you I experienced a lot of good things. Stay healthy, and I hope you’re happy with her.”

Mi-ryung isn’t exactly supplicating, but she does apologize to Grandma for the other day and asks her to understand. The family, on the other hand, is nowhere near ready to be civil and demands to know why she’s here—is she going to take Soon-shin? Mi-ryung: “Can’t I?”

Mi-ryung fills them in on the rumors that have begun to leak and her plans to pre-empt them with an announcement. She also warns them on the probability of reporters coming to the house and instructs them not to talk. If they do as she instructs, she’ll get them through with the least amount of harm to themselves and to Soon-shin.

When Grandma protests and blames Mi-ryung, she points out that she never asked them to raise the child, so they can’t blame her for their choice. I hate to agree with her here, but I sorta agree.

Mom follows her out to argue some more and refuses to go along with the plan. She insists that Mi-ryung is rich and powerful—surely she can prevent the news from leaking somehow. Hasn’t she thought of how this would hurt Soon-shin?

Again, I hate to agree with Mi-ryung here but she states that this is out of her hands now, and that she’s done as much as she can to hide the truth, but it’s not going to stay hidden. And then she takes all the wind out of Mom’s sails by saying, “I’m her mother too.”

Tempers flare and moms get pushy, and just as Mom falls to the ground, Soon-shin arrives. She turns accusing eyes on Mi-ryung and ushers her mother inside.

Jun-ho spots Mi-ryung’s celebmobile outside Soon-shin’s house as he drives by, and wonders what she’s doing here. What business could she have with Soon-shin? Without batting an eye, Mi-ryung announces, “She’s my daughter.”


Now that more and more characters are discovering the long-held secret, the plot sure is zipping along quickly, and I’m really grateful for that. Remember when this show was just letting the secret fester and plodding along while glum characters sat on the info? Yeah, I’m glad that’s a question I can ask in the past tense, because if we were still there I’m pretty sure I would’ve given up on it. But now the plot is like a snowball gaining speed as it rolls down the hill, picking up momentum and speed and generally being a lot more exciting.

Or, to put it in terms of a different metaphor: Secrets are like contagious diseases in this drama (or in dramas as a whole); it’ll lay dormant for a long while and lull you into a false sense of security, but once it starts finding its way out it’s not long before it takes out everyone you know, till you’re all just huddled into a ball crying for relief. Just count yourself lucky if you’re able to escape unscathed, or barring that, at least set on the road to recovery.

For instance, Mi-ryung was quicker to react to the truth than I expected (based on watching Mom muddle through it), and I didn’t think we’d get the mom battle so soon after both sides figured it out. Nor did I think Jun-ho would know so soon. But I appreciate the constantly moving pieces, and what that does for the relationships: Mi-ryung takes Soon-shin under her wing, Mi-ryung rejects Soon-shin, Mi-ryung claims Soon-shin, Soon-shin (I predict?) rejects Mi-ryung…

Then, since the relationships are so interconnected, that one line has immediate effects on others, like Mi-ryung’s surrogate-mom relationship with Yeon-ah. I like how they were close at the outset, and then Yeon-ah found herself shunted to the side without warning, and then just like that she was taken back in. If I liked her more (or at all), I’d feel sorry for her being jerked around by a selfish mentor with too small a heart to play the mother figure to more than one daughter at a time, though you’d have to point out to Yeon-ah that she should expect bumpy roads ahead now that Mi-ryung is back to claiming Soon-shin. Honey, she dumped you the first time; there’s a good chance she’ll dump you again, just like all the shitty boyfriends of the world.

Since Bread Man is one of my favorite characters, I’m happy to see attention turn to his story now that the main plot is in full swing and we can devote some time to smaller threads. It’s a bit startling to realize that we didn’t even know his name until now (I knew it from the website, but nobody goes around calling him “Jin-wook-sshi”), and we actually know very little about his life other than that he’s got prison time in his past. Then again, it’s rather telling that we sure do know a ton about his character even without the cold hard “specs” like education or background—he’s a stand-up guy with a sunny outlook and strong work ethic who respects his elders and is hilariously clumsy, and good with children even when they hate his guts. That’s a pretty good start, I’d say.

I love where Jun-ho and Soon-shin are at this phase of their relationship, and I wouldn’t even mind letting them stay here for a while—she has gotten over much of the hurt and seems to enjoy talking to him again, so that even though she wants to stay “broken up” (for lack of a better term), the animosity is gone. It isn’t healed completely and it’s not been righted fully either, so it makes sense that they’re still struggling around each other, but it allows for their interactions to be tinged with wistfulness rather than angst. And wistfulness suggests longing and liking.

We see that most clearly on Jun-ho’s part (love his facial expressions when he’s being kept at a distance and trying to respect her wishes), and it’s nice to see him growing up and taking the mature approach to owning up to what he did. I really like that the drama is making him change for himself, not just for her—it’s not a matter of “fixing” that one mistake and making it up to her. First he has to become the kind of guy who wouldn’t make that kind of bet in the first place. That’s what he’s got to take care of by “taking responsibility” and cleaning up his mess, and after that the decision lies in her hands. It’s a subtle and very sweet approach to their relationship, and a slow building that suits this long-running format.

Of course, that’s what I tell myself because otherwise I’d just be too impatient for more drama, more romance, and more payoff. Patience. Breathe. Patience.


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Thanks again for the recap! I really love JJS's haircut now. He looks much better... I love the color too...


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I am so amused that so many people commented on The Haircut.


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He looks a little less like Larry and Moe had a love child... so he looks a lot less clueless and a man without noonchi, which fits his character change, so I really like it as a symbolic change also the whole "females must make over" thing... It feels like a jab at that, which makes me smile.


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am i the only one not surprised by his new hairstyle since it's nearly the same one he had in King2Hearts?


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I totally agree with you about Jun-ho's haircut! He looks so awesome!! Hehe!!! ;)


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yes! couldn't agree more..


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Especially in that last pic.... *swoon


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i agree with you, Ivoire. It' seems SJH wants to say, "I can move on" to CYA. And SJH/JJH more handsome and mature with his new haircut. *_*


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Couldn't agree more with you than that. Love how in this drama he has grown from an indecisive CEO to one who makes kinda quick decisions...

Glad he doesn't feel that nervous around Yeon-ah and the love-boy mode he has whenever he faces Soon Shin :)

He is getting his act together and I think we are getting nice payoffs from all the characters as well....

Now if only Mi-Ryung just realise how much wrong she had been, instead of blaming on others and not taking responsibility of her own mistake....


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I find IU's proptosis not as disturbing as UEE's. I wonder though if that's a course in acting school for idols.


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Thanks a lot!!

Sighh, the story is moving so slow!! I actually feel bad for soon shin's real mother. It wasn't her fault, it was the father's. Junho knows...eek! Can't wait for next week's episodes.


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I still can't figure this out - did SS' dad have an affair then or was he the standup guy who adopted his ex's daughter?


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I noticed after the grandma-mi ryung throw down and after mi ryung vowed to take SS back, that mi ryung's manager said "aren't you afraid of SS's father?"

that to me implied that he's still around and possibly in a position of power. However, it could have been a translation that didn't truly grasp the nuance of the statement.


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i read it like you did too, so maybe LSS's father is someone important who probably has his own family and told SMR to get rid of the baby, but in the end she kept it and gave it it to LSS dad to put up for adoption. If this is true, then at least I can say that SMR did one motherly thing after all and that is choosing to let her child live.


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Actually Ildo said "Aren't you afraid of Soonshin's dead father?" ( i think 'dead' was not translated) meaning of his ghost coming ot haunt her for stirring trouble in the family. Implication: the father helped her when she had an illegitimate child, and then she was there when he died without stopping to see if he was ok or calling police. Now she's messing with his family again , so shouldn't she be afraid taht his ghost would come to her. What the assistant said had nothing to do with Soon shin's potential real father.


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With the series only half over, I am sure there will be at least 3 more "dad" suspects before we hit the end :)

I think what annoys me most about this (and many other K-Dramas) is the absolute Jellyfish Spine that all the leading "good girls" seem to have. They never stand up for themselves and just do whatever the evil and/or crazy mother in law (or mother) wants.


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She wanted the child abandoned in an orphanage, and that's better? I don't feel sorry for her at all.


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rather than abortion i would think abandoning her to an orphanage will be the lesser evil of the two.


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@thorned sakura ;)

I totally agree with you!! It is much worse knowing that one is so unloved and unwanted that one is discarded like trash at the orphanage than not being born at all... :(


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Thanks for the recaps!
After I finished episode 24, I was thinking that we need a chart of who knows what about which secrets. (There's Soon Shin's biological mother and biological father, Yoo Shin and Chan Woo's relationship, Hye Shin's divorce, Bread Man's past, the circumstances of Dad's death, and a few more.)

I'm also watching "You're Beautiful", and I read the recap (of episode 9) that totally had a rundown of "who knows the secret." Clearly there's a need for more of this in k-drama land! ;-)


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Well, at this point I think everyone in Korea knows except Soon Shin...


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LOL!!! couldnt have said it better!


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Let's hear it for Bread Man winning every episode :]


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These episodes did feel really slow, especially ep 23 with no Jun ho-Soon shin interaction at all. And when they did Jun ho just did nothing -_- dude say SOMETHING! *that's what I kept screaming at my screen*
But the hair was nice
I know this is a family drama, and we have like what? 20 something episodes to go, but this week it was more about the journey, not the payoff.
Satuday, I'm waiting for you!!


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Oh man, that scene with Woo Joo was so awesome. "There is something on your shirt" FTW!


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I'm actually looking more forward to how he manages to win over Woo Joo than Hye Shin. That little ball of fury is endlessly amusing with Bread Man, and kids are normally not my thing in dramas. She makes up for Hye Shin being a little too prim and proper.


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I agree! I was just thinking that this particular romance has something extra in it because Bread Man has to win over Woo-joo as well as the main object of his affections. (Didn't she treat his teddy bear the way some drama heroines treat the gifts from their one true loves?) I'm just as excited to see their relationship develop as much as I am about Bread Man and Hye-shin's.

(I still reallyreallyreally hope that Woo-joo will be the one to stick up for him when the family finds out about his ex-con past.)


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Your wish is granted. AHHHH!!!


You're welcome :)


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I'm glad SS finally got a new bag and colored jeans.
and yay handholding!!


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Thanks so much for attaching the screenshots! So happy!! ;)


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Thanks! Super excited!!! I wish this is for this wk's episode


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It should be this weekend's episodes because in the preview for ep 25 Soonshin wears the same clothes.


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omo omo omo!!!!handholding!!!!!


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omg! <3


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Whoa! You need to put ***SPOILER ALERT*** before that link ... for the colored jeans ... Haha.


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Omg I don't want this to end ever I love every episode every character the Plot ,love lines and ohhhhhhh the new hair cut ! It's sure sexy and has changed his child look ! Hhh love can't wait. For what's to come !


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Wow, Jun-ho knows. In fact almost everyone in Soon-shin's world knows the truth, but her. Which is why I was irritated, with mom's angry. I also can't really appreciated grandma's new found love for Soon-shin, because it feels like it only came after the possibility of Soon-shin being dad's real daughter. I do like Mi-ryung's battle with herself, to come to terms with her secret being outed. I like that her first thought was to protect Soon-shin. This drama is so endearing...oh and it has bread-man (who totally ROCKS...I lub him).


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which part was she protecting soon shin? first, she tried her hardest to hide it coz it will ruin her reputation, then decided to reveal it to save her reputation regardless of whatever effect this might have on LSS. so, which part again was she trying to protect LSS?


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Agree with you here.

She simply does not understand that she had committed a terrible mistake, not owning up to her mistakes but instead blaming it on others.

She is just protecting herself, a selfish person.


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I feel like song mi ryung also wants the secret out cos so far this secret is sort of the only thing that has 'power' over her, and cos she's selfish i guess she doesn't want anything in life holding her back, therefore she want to let the secret out cos she wants to MAKE herself believe that once its done her way, she'd have eveyrything concerning soon shin in her lil' bag as everyone would know then she THINKS she can finally be free...but i'm sure she's wrong. Because her reason for wanting the secret out is rooted in evil roots i don't think it'd work all that well.

love this drama though, so much suspense lol.


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Seriously, we need more Bread Man-Hye Shin screen time! I don't care too much for Chan Woo-Yoo Shin's storyline...it seems so much easier than the other two couples' stories lol.

I can't wait for this weekend. I'm glad Junho found out so quickly. And seriously, can Mom stop playing the victim? She's so pushy but ends up falling all the time. Just tell your daughter the truth. She can't face the fact that Soon Shin may want to pick Mi Ryung over her...but she can't get over the fact that her husband may have cheated on her and resents Soon Shin as a result. I can't understand her and I really don't care for her or Grandma's characters.


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Aw.. Thanks!


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"they go to a new restaurant. New hair, new attitude" .... Hahaha .... Hands down JAVABEANS YOU'RE THE BEST .... I am liking JUNHO even more ... No I am falling for him ... He is such a adorable man

Oh the baker man .... I love him to the death ... Such a cutie pie ... Good afternoon ... Bow Wow ... How are u today ? ... Who doesn't love this man ... HS is so lucky woman ...


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I read an article awhile back when the show had just come out that said the writers on the show were planning on speeding the story up due to complaints and low ratings. I think that's why it seems like suddenly everything is coming out so quickly now when before it was dragging on. It seems to have worked because ratings have gone up a lot and I find the story more enjoyable.


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its not really that ratings were low, its just that its was not as high as their predecessors so there was a comparison but yeah, luckily they are starting to cross the 30% margin!yey!!!


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The writers took quite a while to set up all the story hooks and introduce all characters but this is understandable... since it is 50 episodes - if it goes too fast, the story will be draggy towards the back :)

I think the pace of this drama is just nice.


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I like the character of Mi Ryung, and not just in a love-to-hate-her way. She's more complex than the usual Kdrama villain. She had compartmentalized everything for so long, and it's interesting to see her reaction as her carefully constructed world starts to crumble under the weight of her secrets. Lee Mi Sook is an amazing actress.


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I totally agree. I love how she consistently can read people so well and how she tells it like it is. And she plays the elegant actress perfectly.

Looks like an affair is brewing with JH's dad too.


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i'm thinking that too which if it happens will only mean more bad news for our otp couple! huhuhu


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I really love her as well. There's nothing better than a "villain" (tho i don't see her as a villain really. If anyone I feel like Yeon ah is more villainous. Or manager Hwang. or reporter Park) that you can relate to and sympathize with.

And yes, great acting. Never seen her work but i kind of want to check out more now.


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I am so frustrated with her I could put a fist through the wall. You don't get to dodge responsibility for EVERYTHING and then shrug when it goes down in flames, all "It's not my fault. You're the ones who decided to do it that way." IT'S STILL YOUR MESS. Augh.

So as a person, she's inspiring a lot of violent thoughts. But as a character? She's fantastic. I can see the motivation and internal logic behind her choices; even if I don't like her, I do understand her, and she's certainly no one-note, stock villain. Lee Mi-sook is selling the hell out of it.


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I like her, too. She puts this cold façade on, but we can see that she is a genuinely unhappy person, torn by guilt and haunted by loneliness. She loved SS's dad -and had to deal with that scary grandmother, what with her lack of background. I think she had gotten sick and tired of being treated like a 3rd citizen and that's why she had become as hard as nails. I am hoping for Miryung's redemption.


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As much as I can sympathise with Miryung, there's no excuse to what she has done thus far. She is a very sad character who doesn't know her own fault, instead blaming on others and not daring to face her own daughter. I'm sure she feels guilty of abandoning Soon Shin BUT she is trying to justify her own actions.


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Thank you, Javabeans, for this recap and all the other recaps. I look forward most to your personal reflections, feelings and comments on the drama because your take and insight are always insightful (for want of a better word), and so close to my own that I find myself nodding in agreement at every word you wrote.

My personal take or what stood out most for me on this double-episode is the fact that Jun-ho is trying to tell himself that he does not want to be fooled by love, or be a fool in love, or be easily fooled by anyone in the name of love, but what he is actually learning to do is know the REAL meaning of love - learning to own up to the mistakes he has done to a certain someone and trying to put things right without her knowing about it, putting another person's interests before his own, trying his very best, in his bumbling, stumbling ways, to put across his thoughts and feelings but unsuccessful so far, looking at the other person with sad, longing-filled eyes and trying to tell himself to forget about her, for good, but the fact that he has to TELL himself to forget about her just means that he just cannot do that even when he tries. What do all of that mean in my honest opinion? True love will happen even when one tries to will oneself not to let it happen, or when one least expects it to.

I am looking forward to finding out how this romance will blossom because the OTP are just too adorable for words.


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I'm happy that I'm not the only one who noticed the change of restaurant. For a moment my brain was unable to compute it lol.

I love Bread Man, he is one of my favorite characters and I wish there were more people like him. But at the same time, it makes me wonder how many good people we don't get to know because of their past. Once people here of someone having been to jail, they rarely take the time to get to know that person for who s/he really is. We hear the word "jail" and suddenly our view of that person changes. A lot of these people don't get to tell their side of the story. Like with Bread Man, Grandma likes him but I wonder how she will react once she finds out he was in prison, and even how the rest of the family will react. We know he's a great guy and will eventually prove wrong anyone who doubts him, but I can't help it be a little worry for him.

Thanks for the recap JB! :)


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You're absolutely right about how we pre-judge people based on their past. We definitely need to keep an open mind and let a person's behavior in the here and now speak for them, and not just go by what's in their past. For those who've done time and want to make a fresh start, getting a job can be very difficult.


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This episode did show that he was probably deserving to be in jail. This I infer by their rule of three things to quit: fist, women, and (i forget). But that actually makes me like him more. To have worked so hard to change is admirable. He is striving for his own restaurant, an education, a better person. I'm on the fan wagon.


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"I’m happy that I’m not the only one who noticed the change of restaurant. For a moment my brain was unable to compute it lol."

haha, exactly how i felt, too!


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"Because in their world, words that are spoken mean something other than what they mean." - this phrase made me laughed out loud. kudos!


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Oh my god, YiJeong annoys me so much. She is like, seriously, the biggest delusional brat that I've ever seen and her enabling mother is not helping whatsoever. She is like a fly stuck on a piece of bubblegum that is stuck to your hair and is still wriggling around and getting the gum even more stuck.

*bzzt bzzt, bzzt bzzt*

Gurl, boy is not into you if he admits himself to your ENTIRE FAMILY that he has a girlfriend. He is NOT single or available (or ready to bingo) thank you very much! So please stop sending horrifying, mortifying messages. That comes under harassment, if you didn't know.

I thought her dad would be more sensible but after the way he tricked ChanWoo into his home, I don't think so either. Sigh, where is JunHo when you need him to slap her upside the head? Oh, stalking SoonShin because HE messed up with her big time.

This family... *facepalm*


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It seems like every K-drama needs at least one of those air-heads. I presume they are supposed to be funny, but to me they just come across as pathetic. Perhaps for Korean audiences Yi Jeong comes across better, but personally I just want to smack her in the face with a large shovel to make her shutup.


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Yes! Yes! I will sponsor that shovel of yours! The harder/tougher the better!


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I love the Chan-woo/Yoo-shin relationship!! My favourite side thread in this drama hehe


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Felicity moment - HAHA


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The mothers were even less tolerable this week and I figured out the plot points from episode 1, so as this was a romance light pair, these episodes went by quickly for me.

Someone has mother issues writing this show. It seems to be proportional to the mother's age as well. The older they are, the less tolerable they are.

I really, really, growingly hate all the mothers on this show. Each episode.... I mean they seem to get worse and worse. Some of them seem permanently stuck in the DSM Axis II.

The grandmother... the mother, the chicken mother, the Shin mother.... anything with mother... where is the concern for the children from the mother and trying to push them to be their best?

On the other hand, I love the romances... so I'm in it for that and watching for that, since the other family drama is getting tiring to me (and also the timing in terms of plotting seems a bit off... but I'm nitpicking as a writer.)

Please. May the next set have more romance and less overdrawn family drama about OMG she's adopted. Big woop. We figured that out from 1. Move on. Or are you out of plot?

And more scenes with Bread Man and Joon Ho. I loved that. Plus I'd love to see Joon Ho have to win the favor of Mi Ryeong... but I might skip that scene since she's been getting more NPD lately and more and more hateful.


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The grandmother was terrible in the past two episodes. Even though she did cry and apologize to mom, she is so selfish and insensitive. I hate that mom told her not to dig into the past any more and she still went asking around and even barging into Mi Ryung's house. Grandmother is one of my least favourite characters in this drama. She reminds me of an angry old Gollum.

I want more Soon-Shin Jun-Jo interactions. I love them together! I'm liking the romances of the other sisters as well!


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They are definitely out of plot. I agree about the story moving sloooowly (and in circles...). If we talk WE family dramas, more things happened in 15 episodes of I summon you, gold! than in 24 episodes of Lee Soon Shin.


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Thanks JB for the recap.

I missed a couple of things when watching so it's nice to be filled in.

All the older adults and YJ's negative traits so outweigh any endearing qualities. Would like to ship them off to boot camp and leave them there. The idea of MR and Granny and the rest of them doing PT makes me smile.

Caught myself thinking about the architecture of the houses and the lack of visible customers to the bread shop these episodes. Not that I was totally distracted and looking for weaknesses but it did have me thinking.

Bit worried for CW's character what with the oldies and wacko YJ's ideas for him. Sure he's going to be manipulated and am not looking forward to it.

Found Bread Man just goofy this week. Still think he's a nice guy but his language jokes fell flat with me.

LIke JH's character best at the moment as even though he's still to have his light bulb moment re: LSS he still is audibly showing support for her and regret for his actions. Once he realizes his feelings for LSS I'm sure he'll find the words to tell her come out of his mouth more clearly.

To all the younger generation-excluding wacko YJ-fighting!


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A nice recap...I was surprised by episode 24's ending too


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I love quite a few characters in here but one of the highlight was watching Lee Mi-sook. Amazing actress! But I need more Jun-ho/Soon-Shin moments. Sunday can't come fast enough!


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Thanks for the recap! Been waiting for this so that I could say how Junho looks so handsome with his new hairdo! :D and that there's a new cafe on the picture!

I like how Mi-ryung had her alcohol episodes problem but did not linger to it and become sober and face her problem. Although its kinda sad to see that her wanting to get her daughter was more of to safeguard her career rather than being a mom to her this time.


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LSS's grandma reminds me of my dad's mom when she bitches and moans, and the way she was reaming out MR sounded so much like the way my grandmother would rail on.

I like JH's new attitude. Hopefully, with the new attitude we'll see some new progress in the romance as well.


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haha...i think I am having SJH-LSS withdrawal symptoms in a way that SJH himself is having it towards LSS! I mean, I need to rewatch the SJH-LSS scene on ep 24 for like a gazillion times and overanalyze every eye blink just to keep my sanity!hahaha

Anyway, I just love how before sjh was obsessed with lss because of the bet, now he thinks he can't stop thinking about her because of his guilt and sense of responsibility? what other excuse will he probably make for himself next time just so he can think about her and glower at every man she smiles at? >.<

also, only SJH's mom and LSS mentioned JSS's new haircut, and how LSS's blinked and suddenly averted her gaze after SJH let out the most adorkable smile in the world?CUUUUTTTTEEEE (i did mention overanalyzing every eye blink before, right?hahaha)

and JB, how do you do it? i've been trying to tell myself to be patient and justify the lack of SJH/LSS moments BUT IT DOESN'T WORK!!!somebody--and by that, i mean the show's PD--save me and give me by SJH/LSS fix!o_o


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THANK YOU SO MUCH, thorned sakura!!

I absolutely, totally, 1000% agree with EVERY WORD you wrote, EVERYTHING you said, ALL OF THE EMOTIONS you expressed because I FELT THEM TOO!!! ;)

Thank you so very much for putting them all into words that I can enjoy squeeling over and over and over and over...a million times!!! ;)

I re-watched EVERY SINGLE SECOND of the interaction between Jun-ho and Soon Shin until my eyes cannot take it anymore and I FALL ASLEEP re-watching their utterly sweet, adorkable, adorable moments and scrutinising EVERY SINGLE eye twitch/blink, lip twitch/curl, smile, eyebrow slanting/squinting, cheek muscles twitching/stretching...YOU NAME IT, I have scrutinised each and every one of them to DEATH...hehehe...and yet, I cannot get enough of them!!!

I echo your thoughts...HELP!!! We are in need of a major emergency intervention...Saturday cannot come sooner!!! arrrgghhhhhh!!!!


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Hahaha...you and me both!i had to take notes--i mean literally write notes--of all the overanalyzed twitch/breath/glance/etc coz i feel like if i dont let it out in one way or another, i'd get a heart attack from all the pent up feels i have for the show!lol


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Hahaha...I just love how much love you have for the OTP because I am so in love with them too!!! ;)

In addition to all that you and I have scrutinised, I have to add a few more things that I scrutinised to death whenever Jun-ho interacts with Soon Shin :

Jun-ho's head tilts, when he looks up or down, at Soon Shin or away;

Jun-ho's voice : normal, trembling/tremulous, soft, harsh, angry, surprised, wondering, berating/nagging, happy, sad, guilty, wistful (as wonderfully expressed by Javabeans);

Jun-ho's sighs : heavy, light, sharp, soft, sudden, long-drawn-out...

Hahaha...I am having it real bad, this love hurts so bad its sooo gooood...hahaha ;)


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oooh...don't forget side glances and awkward hair playing (on both sides!) which I'm sure freudians would have a hoot interpreting!lol

also , i have already counted two scenes where LSS had to stop herself from staring at SJH's smile. first was when SJH was trying to get LSS to eat/drink/do ANYTHING with him--he smiled while trying to catch his breath and LSS had to take a moment before she reminded herself that no, she is suppose to be angry at this guy. the second one was the haircut scene I mentioned earlier.

seriously, we should compare notes!hahaha


"oooh…don’t forget side glances and awkward hair playing (on both sides!) which I’m sure freudians would have a hoot interpreting! lol"

also , i have already counted two scenes where LSS had to stop herself from staring at SJH’s smile. first was when SJH was trying to get LSS to eat/drink/do ANYTHING with him–he smiled while trying to catch his breath and LSS had to take a moment before she reminded herself that no, she is suppose to be angry at this guy. the second one was the haircut scene I mentioned earlier."

hahaha!!! you're so right!! how could i forget them??!!

oooohhh...the shy, utterly un-self-conscious side AND front glances...

and YES!! i remember exactly the 2 scenes you mentioned...because i re-watched those very scenes over and over again just to savour the moments when both of them let their guard down for just a moment, but a moment long enough for all of us to see how much their interactions affected them emotionally...

i especially love the the scene outside the recording/TV studio when SJH lit up like a Christmas tree upon seeing LSS from so far away (front loooong-glance)....soooo cuuute...

then, after LSS mentioned to SJH about his new hair-look, and SJH reacted by smiling and touching his hair, he seemed to be trying his best NOT to be TOO happy that LSS NOTICED his new look when he seemed to be suppressing his feelings by physically forcing his lips from breaking into the widest, goofiest grins of happiness that we have seen him make before (the time when he broke into just such a grin when he received a photo from LSS at the gym in an earlier episode)...hahaha

while SJH was smiling and touching his hair, LSS smiled comfortably, looked down for a split second...then...oh so gently her eyelids went back up again and her eyes WENT RIGHT BACK TO LOOKING AT SJH with this heartbreakingly soft, wistful look in them!! awwwww...

but then...the moment SJH's eyes were on her again, LSS immediately stopped smiling, blinked self-consciously, looked down and away (all of that within less than a second), then said to SJH, "Then...", bowed to SJH and walked away...siiiiiiiggghhhh...

i echo your thoughts...we definitely should compare notes!! hahaha....especially if it would help us muddle through till the new episodes come our way and not make us feel like the wait is FOREVERRRRR!!! ;)

shall we call it...hhmmm...muddle-therapy?? hahaha


hooray for play-by-play review!lol

what I loved about those two scene--and all their interactions in general-- are that they were not overplayed by both characters. each moment was acted as subtely as possible which only made it seem more real coz, seriously, who acts a huge internal conflict in front of their crush and expects the other person not to notice?!lol

That being said, I agree that a muddle therapy session is in order! anybody else care to join us?lol


"what I loved about those two scene–and all their interactions in general– are that they were not overplayed by both characters. each moment was acted as subtlely as possible which only made it seem more real coz, seriously, who acts a huge internal conflict in front of their crush and expects the other person not to notice?!lol"

@thorned sakura, I totally agree with every word you said about the acting...which is why I love both characters (and actors) so much because I prefer subtlety, grace and refinement in inter-personal interactions esp between men and women... ;)


Since you are such an ardent Junho observer, I am attaching this link (to a Korean blog - I hope you can open it). It's Junho in all his newly acquired changed hairstyle glory. Enjoy


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omo omo omo!!! thank youuuu chikletta!!! you are now officially one of my favorite person in the world!heeee

koreandramalover/kdl/kay , maybe we should start off our therapy with the link she gave us!lol


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Omo, omo, omo. I can't remember the last time I made anyone so happy. Your enthusiasm and love made all warm and fuzzy inside. There is plenty of junho on that same website. Just keep clicking the links. There're billions of pics of him from all episodes of Soonshin. Just watched ep 25. Junhoo was awesome one more time. That actor is a true thespian.


thorned sakura!! my sincere apologies for not replying to your comment sooner!! completely lost in the Jun-ho love and his interactions with LSS!! hahaha!!

absolutely! we definitely should start off our therapy but I cannot speak, read or write Korean so i think i can only contribute to the therapy over here... ;)


Arrrrrgghhhhhh!!!! MAJOR JUN-HO OVERLOAD!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! **spasms** **spasms** SPLAT!!! HELP!!! somebody peel me off the floor!!!

Chickletta!! I echo thorned sakura's words!! You are officially one of my most beloved person in the world!! Thank you so much sharing the Jun-ho love!!! If you have some more, do continue sharing, pretty please? ;)

Thorned sakura, we definitely need to start this muddle therapy or die trying!!!

**back to swooning over the Jun-ho love**
yiiiiippeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! yaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!


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Hahaha! so much love coming my way, I can't handle it. I'm swooning. I am happy to have made you girls (I assume you're girls?) happy. On the same blog there's heaps of Junho. Try to navigate around the Website. Scroll down and keep clicking the links. Most of them are episodes from Soonshin with nothing but Junho and occasionally Junho and Soonshin and their sweetest scenes. I just watched ep25 on kbs website without subsd. Thank god my Korean is good enough to follow this drama without difficulties. I'm not saying anything, kk. Wait for the recaps (don't want to steal the wind under dramabeans hard-working girls' wings). The preview of 26 looks very good. Keep swooning over Junho.


Chickletta! I am a girl alright...and old girl...an old married girl...an old (as in over 40 below 44 year-old) happily married (for almost 12 years) girl...hehehe...

don't get me wrong, my hubby is the love of my life and he knows that...and the reason I can't help but feel so enamoured with the character Jun-ho (acted so perfectly by Jo Jungseok) is because he is so much like my hubby when we first got to know one another - bumbling, clueless, a complete innocent, constantly getting caught with his foot in his mouth trying to put across his thoughts and feelings whenever we interacted...hahaha... ;)

I have also watched both ep 25 without subs and the preview of ep 26...this much I can say...I am a happy viewer knowing what is coming...hehehe ;)

Thanks again for sharing the link on Jun-ho! Luv u!! Muah!! ;)


OMG!!! i just saw ep 25 too--ok, saw it 2x then ran through all jun ho scenes 2x too...i've just started learning korean so i still don't understand whatever it is they're saying, but language is no barrier when it comes to fangirling!lol

Anyway, you are right chickletta, JJS is truly an artist...there's just so much emotion he can express with just his eyes or mouth or everything...if that man's hair can act, im sure it will!lol

No worries koreandramalover/kdl/kay, i've been lost in my own little SJH world too...just spent the entire afternoon changing my home and lock screen of ALL my devices to ANOTHER picture of him ( and i've got about 2 phones, 2 tabs, a pc and a laptop--so much work!!!lol) coz simply waiting for the next episode just wasn't enough anymore!lol

...and how fun is it that the three of us can't even directly reply to the last post anymore? Sorry DB for making a chatroom out of your comments thread, but this is the only place we can fangirl in peace! :)


"Arrrrrgghhhhhh!!!! MAJOR JUN-HO OVERLOAD!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! **spasms** **spasms** SPLAT!!! HELP!!! somebody peel me off the floor!!!"

@koreandramalover/kdl/kay -- hahaha, can't help you there, seeing as I am having my own sweet little breakdown as well!lol

and @chickletta, yes, we're girls so fangirling is excusable (i hope ;)) luckily for me too, my bf isn't the jealous type or we'll probably be having a fight by now since lately I've been raving about nothing but JJS!lol

So i estimate there is still around 20-ish hours before ep 26 is available...so maybe I take this time to screen shot every SJH moment in ep 25?lol


@thorned sakura

"Anyway, you are right chickletta, JJS is truly an artist…there’s just so much emotion he can express with just his eyes or mouth or everything…if that man’s hair can act, im sure it will!lol"

@thorned sakura and @chickletta - i totally agree with both of you about how wonderfully-expressive JJS's facial expressions are...swoooon...LOL

"No worries koreandramalover/kdl/kay, i’ve been lost in my own little SJH world too…just spent the entire afternoon changing my home and lock screen of ALL my devices to ANOTHER picture of him (and i’ve got about 2 phones, 2 tabs, a pc and a laptop–so much work!!!lol) coz simply waiting for the next episode just wasn’t enough anymore!lol"

@thorned sakura, I am so glad I have a kindred spirit who is also so enamoured of SJH!!! don't worry, my friend, you never walk alone in this SJH world that we muddle through with so much love... hahaha ;)

"…and how fun is it that the three of us can’t even directly reply to the last post anymore? Sorry DB for making a chatroom out of your comments thread, but this is the only place we can fangirl in peace!"

@thorned sakura...I know right? DB IS the ONLY place we can come to for us to fangirl SJH to our hearts' content! God bless Javabeans and Girlfriday for not banning us from fangirling over here... ;)

"@koreandramalover/kdl/kay — hahaha, can’t help you there, seeing as I am having my own sweet little breakdown as well!lol"

@thorned sakura...yaaaayyyyy!!! i have a friend having a breakdown on the Jun-ho love... ;)

"So i estimate there is still around 20-ish hours before ep 26 is available…so maybe I take this time to screen shot every SJH moment in ep 25?lol"

@thorned sakura...Hahaha!!! Join the club, my friend! I am doing the exact same thing but for me it is re-watching the ep 26 preview a gazillion times and re-watching ONLY the SJH-LSS interactions in ep 25... LOL ;)


Thanks for the recap!!

I'm really not feeling the main storyline anymore. I know it's a family drama, but I guess I'm just much more interested in the sister's storylines.


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aaaww...thank you so much for the recap


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- First things first, just cuz I need to get it outta my system: GAH!!! CHOI YEON AH!!! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE.... JUN HO'S OWNER?? THE QUEEN OF THE ENTERTAINMENT WORLD?? PFFT!!! SONG MI RYUNG WOULD BE CONSIDERED THE QUEEN OF THE ENTERTAINMENT WORLD-- BUT SHE'S NOOOOOT-- BEFORE YOU WOULD EVEN BE CONSIDERED AS HER LACKEY!!! SO PFFFFTTTT!!!!! *breathes* ..... Whew!! Okay, now that THAT is outta my system, I say... onto the good stuff n.n
- FINALLY a screenshot of Soon Shin with Young Hoon oppa is used as the title screenshot <3
- Jun Ho's new haircut awwww XD Jun Ho stuttering and going all shy at Soon Shin POINTING OUT AND NOTICING his new haircut AWWWWWWWWWWWWW <3 And then there's moments when he literally lights up when he sees Soon Shin and tries to make small talk with her and even pushes and pushes (albeit with considerate and nice intentions) to drive her home n.n Seriously, chop chop!! with the romance, please, Scriptwriter-nim n.n
- Jun Ho's speech to Yeon Ah about responsibility and all *applause* daebak!
- Bread Man is just too cute n.n
- yay to having MORE THAN ONE restaurant in the neighborhood and letting our characters find it!! lol
- Yay to Grandma finally finding out about and understanding Mom's prior pissy behaviour; Boo to Grandma ripping one into Mom for not ripping into Mi Ryung; Yay for Grandma ripping one into Song Mi Ryung herself, you go Grandma!!! Boo to Grandma not even CONSIDERING how and how MUCH the outbreak of this secret-to- Soon Shin-but-not-a-secret-to-the-rest-of-the-neighborhood is going to affect Soon Shin.... but then again, it's typical Grandma behavior to not consider Soon Shin in ANYTHING to start with anyways ugh =_= Kind of a damper on the mood when just about EVERYONE has already moved on from this secret-not-a-secret thing, really
- YOUNG HOON OPPA, YOUNG HOON OPPA!!! <3 <3 <3 Not enough luff is given to you, SERIOUSLY!!! But I agree, with Javabeans: awwww to saddened boss turned friend and/or sweet oppa <3 But *tear* I (and the rest of the readers) can see the heart break coming from 10 frickin' million miles away, and it hasn't even happened yet </3 *sob + moar tears*
- OMG Yi Jung sending that selca with the Gwiyomi Song along with it bahahahahahhahahahhahha
- awww Jun Ho's consideration (and constant thinking-then-not-thinking-then-thinking and worrying about Soon Shin is starting to spread through other parts of his work and other artists (Mi Ryung) that he's also managing, so sweet (and yay character development), but if only Jun Ho was as sweet as Young Hoon oppa n.n It's okay, we're gettin' there!! There's still hope!! Cuz cuz he asked and was concerned about her being mistreated at home!!!

So all in all, really good movement within these 2 episodes :D "just like all the shitty boyfriends of the world" bahhahaha But, but, Yeon Ah is the shitty GIRLFRIEND hahahahaha If Yeon Ah wasn't so evil and catty, I would probably be more sensitive to her being thrown around by Mi Ryung, but no, I got not even a hint of sympathy for people like Yeon Ah, not just in dramaland, but in real life as well =( Hate me for it if you must
I'm glad that some of the Questions of Life were asked in this episode, because I truly believe that some of our beloved characters NEED to face those types of questions and come out of them with practical solutions that they will hopefully put into actions =) I'm happy to say that I'm happy with the pace and all the feels (or lack there of, which ever) that's going on between Soon Shin and Jun Ho; I'm happy that he has to work and put in effort to make things right with Soon Shin, not only for her sake, but for the sake of his own conscience and kind heart :D All of this forces Jun Ho to really reflect what kind of work he puts out as a CEO of his own company and what type of person he is seen as, what type of person he sees himself as, what type of person people see him as, but mostly, what type of person he wants OTHERS (mainly Soon Shin... and maybe Papa Shin?) to see him as :D I'm also pretty happy with how the romance-non romance is going between our two main leads, this pace given to us gives us, as viewers, time, to really go through the feels and digest it all at the same time as our beloved characters and to relate and sympathize and empathize with our characters as well, so credits there =) Can't wait for what's to come next ^.^
Here's to another REALLY. LONG. 3. DAYS (it's only still Wednesday night from where I live, Canada) until the next episode, and a REALLY. REALLY. REALLY. LONG. WEEK until the next recap from our awesome bloggers of Dramabeans n.n Thanks so much, Javabeans, for this round of recaps ~!!! HWAITING!!!


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Super-awesome, super-spot-on, super-true comments!!
Cannot agree with everything you said!
Thanks for your hilarious, detailed venting and ranting!
Enjoyed myself thoroughly!!
Thanks so much, bebeswtz!! ;)


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haha I apologize for all the feels and the extremely long post, but I'm glad you enjoyed it =)


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My apologies, bebeswtz! I meant to say : I cannot agree MORE with everything you said. I TOTALLY AGREE with EVERYTHING you said and more!! ;)

Thank you so much for your time and effort in putting into words exactly what was on my mind but I am not as good with words as you are! :)

Please do continue with your venting and ranting! I look forward to more of them for the rest of the episodes!! ;)


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Granny goes overboard by attacking Song Mi Ryung in her own house. The way it plays out now, if not for the fact that Mi Ryung is complicit in the hit in run of Lee Chang Hoon, she can now play the sympathy card when it comes to Reporter Park exposing her past.

She can rightly say, Soon Shin's foster mother came over aggressively at least twice, and tried to forcibly enter her house. She also bit her head off when she asked if Soon Shin could continue to take lessons with her. In fact, she could say that the Lee family harassed her into trying to keep Soon Shin's existence a secret. I would have a press conference (and being a good actress) I would show real fear in recounting the heavy-handedness of Mama Lee and especially granny Lee. I would say that I didn't do it for me, but all for the sake of little Soon Shin, who should have been told of her parentage long before this, but because of the overwhelmingly aggressiveness of the Lees, I was forced to keep everything a secret!

Anyway, back on track, I'm getting tired of the birth secret road, as it's gotten silly. There are far too many adopted children out there who have been told the truth at ages much younger than Soon Shin and have accepted their lot in life. I hope the drama turns more towards Soon Shin's career, Hye Shin's romance with Jin Wook, and Yu Shin's attempts to stay in the good graces of chicken Ahjumma without all hell breaking loose, and they close the subject of both of Soon Shin's silly mothers lives.


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God, Jun-ho's hair is perfection. And the way he just lights up around Soon-shin has me smiling for days. Gotta love them.


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-New hair, new Junho lol. and he really does look like a shorter Yunho.

-Still curious about Bread man's past and the relationship between Junho's dad and Mi Ryung.

-Chan Woo looked hotter than usual in these episodes.

-I loved Yeon Ah's reaction to seeing Soon Shin get in the car. Why did she dump junho again.

-And because this confuses me more than anything, we don't TRULY know that Jeong Ah's husband is Soon Shin's father right? There are lots of hints, but also everyone is avoiding directly saying that. Mi Ryung talks about him taking care of her child, not theirs, and Granny never mentions him cheating, just that he did that terrible thing.


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Yes Junho does look like Yunho as my daughter has been saying long ago and which I am now only seeing.

Now that the writers are speeding up the story could they maybe think of shortening the series to 40 episodes? We don't really need too much of the mothers and grandmother; nor the irksome Yeon Ah and JH's sister, actually that whole family (with the exception of JH of course). Just speed up the romance of the 3 sisters, especially LSS and JH.

Many thanks JB for your as usual entertaining and insightful recaps. What would we do without you having to wait for so long for the episodes to air in our country.


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Soon shin and jun ho are the only reason I even continue to watch this show. Mind you, I say watching, when it's really skimming through and watching only their scenes the most intently.


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Aye, aye!!! Here, here!! Cannot agree with you more!! ;)


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Even there, I am getting a bit tired of Soon Shin's totally passive behavior, and wondering if she is naĂŻve, clueless, or maybe a bit dense. You would think that by now all the totally odd behavior by everyone around would at least arouse some slight curiosity. And even though it's a plot device, the constant lying to everyone about everything gets annoying - she tells everyone she has no more interest in acting, while being totally obvious that she is.


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Soon Shin is naĂŻve, clueless and a bit dense. Even more so, she's gullible because she's so innocent. With her parents having tried to protect her and growing up in a family where most everyone deals honestly with one another (on the surface, that is), she has no "worldly experience" to tell her other people aren't like that. Not to mention her family has always treated her as stupid and unable to fend for herself... so why should she believe she's any different than that? A belief like that, if strong enough, can determine a person from trying to be better, stronger, smarter, etc.

I will admit, her passive behavior and round-eyed, blank looks can get old after a while - but I have to remind myself she is very young and very sheltered and this show is supposed to be about her overcoming her weaknesses. And I hope that means Soon Shin will wise up and take a stand for herself when it's time.


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I love the way the story is progressing so far. Thanks for the wonderful recap. Love breadman Jin Wook <333333


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Thanks for the recap...yay the story is finally progressing.. And one or the other gets to know the truth in every episode..


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thanks for recap. they were good episodes. plots are moving along faster.

JH had to find a new restaurant because he was banned from 'the only restaurant in Seoul' by Young Hoon.

also was amazed that bread man n HS just introduced themselves formally now that we aew half way thru this series.


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Beleive me, that is nothing strange in Korea where it's all about formal introductions. I've worked at the same place for 10 years and with everyone who has their office on my floor, I'm still at 'Hello". Just last week one colleague said that we should have lunch together, and we did. It took us only 10 years to do so.


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I love this episode,Juho's haircut is a blast,Miriyung might be crazy and mean but she does have a good sense of judgement,Hye-sin's daughter is a brat,Yeo-nah is annoying. and I can't wait to see d look on her face when she finds out that Lee Soon Shin is Miriyung's real daughter. Thanks for d summary.


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Have to admit I'm a little disappointed with this show right now. I was hoping for a story that showed the trials and trajectory of an acting career, and how that affected relationships and family, and what we're getting is Birth Secret: the Actressing, with Bonus Horrible Parenting.

I guess there's still 26 episodes to work that plotline, bit I wish they'd drop a lot of the imposed/ situational conflict from bets and b**s and birth secrets and let Soon Shin decide to act already so we could get some character driven plot. Other than YS/ CW's relationship, which I find very low key and true to life and absolutely delightful, its been a while.


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These episodes went by a lot faster than the previous ones, but ye gods, I'm getting tired of the birth secret shenanigans. Toss me a few more scenes with the love lines and I'd be content, but right now the birth secret is overwhelming everything else. I know that cat's not going to claw all the way out of the bag for a while still and I can cope, but more balance would be nice.

But those scenes when they do happen are so worthwhile. Much as I miss the relationship Jun-ho and Soon-shin were starting to develop, that is some seriously QUALITY pining Jun-ho's doing. No one's going to buy that it's just ~responsibility~ when you light up every time you see her and come up with excuses to stay with her for just a little longer. We have a word for that feeling, dude, and that word is not "guilt." It's agonizing, and I kind of hope it sticks around for a bit.


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Ash, according to my hubby, you are so right...and I cannot agree with you more about wanting the agonising to stick around for a bit more because my heart aches and breaks into a million pieces just watching his pining, longing, agonising looks at Soon Shin... ;)

And how true that he tried so hard to keep her by his side for just a little longer and yet tried so hard to cover it up with his at times bumbling, at times rough/flippant mannerisms/words...sooo adorable... ;)


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hahaha...QUALITY pining indeed!!!

Also, although SJH does "quality pining" really well (heee), agony is not a feeling I cherish much--especially when I'm in as much agony as our main guy!So while he can still go on agonizing about their--umm,situation-- I hope he does it with LSS around, so I dont agonize about the lack of SJH/LSS moments!lol


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@thorned sakura ;)

I totally agree with you...we absolutely need more SJH and LSS time... ;)


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I think I would be satisfied if the show picked up the pace a little bit, got into some broody romance, and added some singing.

Seriously, they cast a musical actor and one of the most popular singers in Korea. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT AND NOT HAVE ANY SINGING?


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If that guitar practice from a few episodes ago doesn't pay off down the line, then so help me, I'm breaking out the torches and pitchforks.


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Hahaha!!! That's something interesting to see!! ;)


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Watch this show only for the sister's romance.Its too cute..
Everything else pretty much gets on my nerves especially the selfishness of the mothers.
Loving the new haircut and that adorkable smile of JH really gets me.:D


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Okay, things are really starting to move along at a nice pace. I like where things are going with The Secret. At least, I am glad more people are finding out the truth. I didn't expect Jun-ho to find out so soon, so I'm glad of that. I'm really wondering how he'll deal with the information. Probably try to protect Soon-shin as much as possible. Also, I love Jo Jong-seok's new haircut! It suits him better, I think.

Bread Man continues to be adorable. I just enjoy all his interactions with Hye-shin and Woo-joo. I look forward to them more than Yoo-shin and Chan-woo, who I'm starting to lose interest in. Their relationship just isn't as interesting. I mean, sooner or later the truth will come out about them. It's just a matter of time.

The moms are really annoying. And Granny, too.

This show is really addicting, so I eagerly wait for the next episodes. Thanks for the recap, Javabeans!


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Thank you thank you thank you for the recap!!!!

Of all the shows I am watching this is the one that I re-watch the week's episodes while waiting for the newest episodes.

Three love lines without a second lead to mope over makes for fun every episode; someone is always having a good relationship moment.


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I didn't really enjoy ep23 and 24, excpet shin-shin's couple's brief encounter. We know the birth secret so all the dialogs between GM and mother, GM and Miryung (what a pointless scene!), JH's mother calling Miryung - just like empty calories. I read viewer comments on the KBS website and discovered that Korean audience is also sick and tired of the birth secret and want moer JH and SS. Has anyone noticed the time lapses in this drama? When Junho meets SS in front of the studio it's broad daylight -Yeonha has her slaves carrying a sun umbrella for her. Then, lo and behold, they are driving in pitch dark. LOL I live in Seoul, it's a bit city but not sooo big that a drive from the studio to SS's home would take a whole day. I'm hoping for mor Bread Man and Woojoo/Hyeshin, more Junho and Soonshin and less far less less less of Grandmother and all the mothers.


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I've noticed that in many dramas -- the time lapse. I'm guessing that while continuity is important, shooting schedules are more critical so they shoot whenever they can squeeze it in, and hope that the audience doesn't notice that in one scene it's afternoon and suddenly it's late evening at the end of the car ride. You're right -- it makes it seem like Soon Shin's commute from the studio to her house took about 5 hours, LOL. If I hadn't seen it countless times with korean dramas I would have been shocked.

I'm surprised that if the Korean audience is also sick of the birth secret why the writer continues to torture us with it. Really, do the Ahjumma characters have big contracts that call for lots of airtime? All I know is that their presence sucks the fun out of the episodes.


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The Korean audience actually take birth secret plots well--especially with middle-aged women who is our drama's main target market for the timeslot it airs--that's why most dramas have it.


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What's "aegyo selca"? (From the sentence: "To that end, Yi-jung sends Chan-woo an embarrassing aegyo selca ...") I googled but didn't come up with anything solid. Is it like a selfie?


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It means a "cute selfie". Although I really think it was more of a horrifying picture of pathetic. But my thoughts don't matter in answering your question. Haha.

Aegyo in Korean basically "acting cute" or "acting lovable" and Selca is short for "self camera"


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Thanks! Super helpful. Aren't most selfies horrifying? That's just not a good angle for anyone.


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Google the term, and you will see some truly horrifying ones on Google Images.


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Why is Mi-ryung's so inconsistent? One minute she has a conscience and the next she is Uber-Biatch. I kept hoping she might become likeable but it doesn't appear to be the case. Soon-shin is really a pabo if she cares about her at all after her treatment by her.

Any chance that Soon-Shin's father could be the Plastic Surgeon? Or maybe some character we haven't met up with yet? Doesn't seem logical that her dad would have cheated on his wife. Why would Mi-ryung be involved with any guy that couldn't further her career.

I'm baffled as to why breadman went to prison since he is such a grandmama's boy. Any speculation on that?


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1. What I'm really dying to know is just WHO IS THE FATHER?? Like WHO IS HE? Damn, imagine if a new character pops up and he is this great amazing rich business man or something? Would they do that? I thought it was Mr Shin's father at first but then they dropped many hints that it wasn't, like him admitting to Mi Ryung that he never liked her at first.

2. BUT, I am PRAYING for a romance between Mi Ryung and the doctor. I really want these two ahjumma and ahjussi to go down that path. Meeting up secretly in hotels, the cosmetic surgeon ahjussi lying to his loving wife that he had to attend to some things at the hospital, late night drinks, feeling 21 again... Wooooooo, come on scriptwriter, I know you want to, now JUST DO IT!!

3. Love Director Shin's haircut. I felt disappointed at the beginning of the drama when he had his hair down and longer. I always liked Jo Jung Suk with his hair styled up, brings out his looks more. Like in King 2 Hearts. And lucky him, twice in a row he's been given loveable characters! Even when their completely diff (K2H: the shy guy, does what dad says, boring and too prim and proper, etc. And YTBLSS: very arrogant, cocky, inconsiderate, etc) but yet he delivers them both so well! Deffo can't wait to watch more of his dramas!

4. And I love how LSS and SJH's romance is sloooowly developing! These last two ep's have been more about the birth secret but we should be happy, seems like their planning to make up for it BIG time once the secret is out. Hopefully they'll get over it soon and give way for the epic K drama LOVE TRIANGLE! Its only a GUESS, but restaurant oppa should have a lot more significance in the later episodes. I mean come on, his wikipedia states he is regarded as 'the prince of k pop!' we need more restaurant oppa please.

5. And I can't wait to see how Bread Man wins over Woo Joo. Her sass makes me laugh so much. We find it funny when lil kids have attitude like her but I do feel sorry for her mum when she becomes a teen! She will be the true definition of what a 'foxy diva' is.. But I love how the romance is supposed to be between Hye Shin and Bread Man Jin Wook, but REALLY its between Bread Man and Woo Joo. Hehe.


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Less of adults and more of the younger ones please..
I just finished Ojakgyo Brothers (yes, I know long overdue) and I now can feel how slow this drama is.. I stopped watching after episode 22, and just read your recap.

I probably would watch the episode though, just to see OTP, breadman and Chanwoo.



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So frustrated with the snail steps this drama is taking that i called this drama "The Birth Secret of Lee Soon Shin". Scriptwriter dragging half episodes of this drama (normally, family drama takes about 50+ episodes) on birth secret when it should have been used to develop the characters in much more interesting ways. What with episodes on the mother and grandmother rambling on about the paternity when DNA test could have just been done. Sigh!!!

The title is You're the Best LSS, the story should have been on developing her way to becoming a successful actress.

Then there's the story of bread man himself, and his love line and relationship with the child.

Now, the writer will just throw everything in the remaining half.

LMS is a good actress.
SJH interaction with LSS, every scene from the start of this drama are so cute... his self conscious reaction after LSS complimented him about his hair (good he got rid of his ridiculous hairstyle)

Hope the 2nd half of this drama will have a faster pace and interesting story...


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This show could be great. It's a great story. But the execution... Is the writer? Maybe the director? Who's telling Grandma to overreact to everything? I agree with a commenter earlier, get a move on with the birth secret. It's impossible to feel sympathy for any of the characters, except for Junho. Maybe Mi Ryung... I did love her telling off her friend to mind her own business. Anyway, it's a good story. They just need to make the most of it. Please.


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Ok, she didn't know he was raising their daughter but she knew he was married and her child was out there. It took her 20 years to want to be a mother?

I would have punch her in the mouth the minute she tried to claim that title...


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No one seems to be interested in the middle sister & her romance & I think it's just adorable - however, she's facing the mother-in-law from you know where if show marries him!


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I think they made that romance realized too early. It would have been more interesting to have Chanwoo chase her a bit longer and her struggling with her own feelings. We don't care because there are no obstacles there. There are coming - on the wings of the chicken ajumma.


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I think it's smart, myself. There's three sisters, and you don't want to have them all peak in their relationships at the same time in the show. This way they can show each of the sisters in different stages of romantic interest through the timeline of the show.

And I'd say there's still a number of obstacles with Yoo Shin. Her problem isn't the chase so much as the fact that she hasn't dealt with adjusting her life to being in a committed relationship. Right now it's still a fling, something to sneak off to do so the family doesn't know and the co-workers don't know and she can have everything else the way it used to be. Her drama is her running from change, not her longing that things would change. IMO that's a nice contrast to where the other sisters are, particularly Soon Shin, who's got so much dumped on her that we'll likely never see how she handles the ever-after of the happily ever after.


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