Gu Family Book: Episode 9

Cute. Now that Kang-chi has a new home to settle into, there’s a little breathing room for comedy and relationships to develop. Not to worry though—there’s still a spot of life-threatening violence to keep things interesting, not only for Kang-chi but for Yeo-wool as well, who finds that staying out of Kang-chi’s business is becoming harder and harder to do, the more she cares.


Lee Ji-young – “Love Is Blowing” [ Download ]

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We open in the courtyard of Master Dam Pyung-joon’s martial arts school, where a very hypnotized Tae-seo skewers Kang-chi in a murderous rage, believing that he killed Father.

Kang-chi falls to his knees before he can even say a word of defense, and Tae-seo raises his sword again, ready to strike…

But it’s Yeo-wool’s sword he meets. Thank goodness. Took you long enough. Not caring that Tae-seo walked up with a sword in his hand is one thing (everyone here carries one, sure) but the amount of time the entire yard full of armed warriors spent rubbernecking was starting to get silly.

Tae-seo tells her to get out of his way, but she doesn’t back down, and it gives Gon enough time to sneak up behind him and knock him unconscious with one swift blow to the back of the head.

Yeo-wool rushes to Kang-chi, who collapses in her arms.

At the gisaeng house, Chung-jo challenges top dog Wol-sun, declaring that she already traded her pride for a bowl of porridge so she has nothing else to lose. Wol-sun just throws the liquor right back in her face and strips off her clothes.

All her minions do the same, and they toss them at Chung-jo, with the order to have them washed by tomorrow morning.

In the aftermath of the stabbing, Tae-seo kneels before Master Dam and swears that he saw Kang-chi kill his father. Gon cocks an eyebrow at that since he was there, and Master Dam can tell this is more than a simple misunderstanding. He asks who else was there when it happened, and Tae-seo can’t remember. He only swears up and down that Kang-chi did it.

Master Dam tells Yeo-wool that it must be a spell using the power of suggestion, and says the only way to break its influence is to kill the person who cast it. And if he can’t be found, Tae-seo stays this way until the end. Yeo-wool: “Until the end of what? Until Kang-chi is dead?”

Kang-chi continues to bleed profusely while he lies unconscious, and he has a flashback to happier days with Tae-seo, when they sat under a tree looking over the inn. Tae-seo asks what Kang-chi’s dream is, and he says it’s just to live here at the Hundred Year Inn with the family for a long long time.

Tae-seo says his dream is to be like his father someday, and Kang-chi says he’s halfway there with the managing of the estate, and all he needs is to get married. He wonders if what Chung-jo says is true—is he afraid of girls?

Tae-seo insists he isn’t, so then Kang-chi guesses he must have a girl in mind. Ruh-roh. I think I have a guess which girl. Tae-seo refuses to tell him, so Kang-chi launches into a ticklefest. Awww. They’re so cute.

We come back to Tae-seo in the present, shedding a tear at the bittersweet memory. Was it his flashback all along, or did they just have a bro-mind-meld?

Chung-jo finishes doing the giant load of laundry, only to have the girls come back and stomp all over them, insisting they’re still dirty. Wol-sun watches with a smile, and Chung-jo fights back her angry tears and picks them up to start all over. Madam Soo-ryun hears about what’s going on but doesn’t interfere, leaving Chung-jo to navigate her own way through these shark-infested waters.

Yeo-wool paces back and forth outside Kang-chi’s room, and asks how he’s doing. Not well—if he keeps bleeding like that he won’t last the night. She goes inside to sit by his bedside, and runs her fingers along the scars on his arm, from the two times he saved her life.

She notices the bracelet on his wrist, and remembers what she saw that first night in the woods. When it came off, his wounds healed over instantly. Yeah, but remember that pesky side effect, with the bloody bodies?

She reaches over to take it off… Ack, this makes me nervous…

Suddenly So-jung’s voice rings out, telling her she can’t do it. Er? Is he here? Oh, it’s just her memory of the last conversation she had with him. Flashback: So-jung tries to talk sense into her, not to get further entangled in Kang-chi’s life. He tells her that giving and receiving feelings is something to be done between two people.

She argues that Kang-chi is trying to become human, and she wants to help him with that. And in any case, he thinks she’s a boy, so their feelings don’t go beyond friendship. So-jung sighs and asks for her promise then, that she’ll never be more than friends, and that she won’t interfere in his fate.

She hadn’t answered then, but now in the present she thinks to herself that she’s sorry, but she can’t stand by and watch Kang-chi die. So she makes the decision, squeezes her eyes shut… and yanks the bracelet off.

But nothing. Nothing happens. She tries to wake him up, but he doesn’t move, and she opens up the bandage to check his wound. It’s still there and bleeding. Was there a time limit on that thing?

Then suddenly a little blue light floats in front of her eyes, and then another, and another. Whew. They work their little blue magic and heal over the wound, and she lets out a breath of relief.

But Kang-chi darts awake, and as expected, sans bracelet he’s a green-eyed feral growlypants. He knocks her into the candle behind her, and the room goes dark as he hovers over her, ready to claw her heart out.

Gon hears a disturbance and goes running. Kang-chi asks what she was doing to him, and despite the hand on her throat, she ekes out that it was to heal his wound. He remembers Tae-seo stabbing him, and at least lets go of his death grip on her.

He’s still growling in attack mode, but she sticks the bracelet out on her hand and reminds him that he has to put it back on. She asks for his hand. It’s not unlike puppy training. Just sayin’.

He doesn’t look like he’s going to give in, but she calls out his name, “Kang-chi-ya…” and it works. He fixates on his name and listens to her, reaching his hand out to hers. She comes closer and puts the bracelet back on his wrist, and his eyes return to normal.

He immediately faints… right on top of her, of course. And that’s exactly when Gon comes running in. Hahahaha. Poor Gon.

Yeo-wool just asks for his help, calm as you please, and he just stands there blink-blink-blinking. He holds Kang-chi up while she re-bandages him, just to keep appearances up since not everyone knows about his half-gumiho-ness.

Once she’s done, Gon drops the sleeping Kang-chi like a hot potato and storms outside. She follows him out to ask if he’s going to tell Dad on her, and he asks which part—the part where she took off his bracelet, or the part where doing that almost killed her.

She doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but he points out her bleeding arm, and says that if he does anything to harm her, he’ll kill Kang-chi himself. And in the distance is Tae-seo, who now seemingly has even more reason to hate Kang-chi.

Soo-ryun finds Chung-jo asleep in the yard late that night, after rewashing the giant load of laundry. She tells her to follow, and takes her to the room where her drums are kept.

She tells Chung-jo that most people think gisaengs do nothing but pour liquor and sell their bodies, but she believes that it’s also an opportunity for a woman to learn new things, and have dreams beyond a restricted life.

She says the ruin of her family doesn’t need to mean it’s the end of a woman’s life, and tells Chung-jo to learn how to play the drums, and begin a new life here. Ah, she’s grooming her to follow in her footsteps.

Master Dam gets the news that Kang-chi up and disappeared, and Yeo-wool takes off running. Turns out he didn’t go very far, since the kitchen boy finds him crouched by the stove, stuffing his face with potatoes.

He asks if there isn’t anything better to eat, say with legs attached: “I don’t care if it’s two legs or four.” But the boy says Gong Dal keeps the meat under lock and key. Kang-chi asks where so he can break in, not realizing that the man is standing right behind him.

He gets whapped with a broom by the old man repeatedly for his rudeness, and basically gets brought to his knees with a few swift strikes. Yeo-wool shows up to drag him out by the ear, and Kang-chi gapes to see the old man suddenly limp away like he can barely stand. Ha. I like this character.

Yeo-wool nags him for running around when he’s supposed to be nearly dead from a stabbing, and Kang-chi whines that he was starving. She warns him that life here will be hard if he gets on the teacher’s bad side, and Kang-chi guffaws that he’s just the old kitchen fogey.

That just makes her regret risking her life to save him, and he asks if she was the one who took his bracelet off. She says he would’ve bled to death otherwise, and he says, “Thank you.” She freezes in shock that he actually said the words.

Kang-chi: “Thank you for saving my life. But don’t do it again… I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t want to hurt you.” Augh, stop making her swoon. She’s trying not to fall in love with you.

Gon interrupts, dressed in something other than black today, and sporting even uglier hair, if that’s possible. Sigh. Yeo-wool drags Kang-chi away by the ear before he can start another fight with Gon.

Kang-chi is at least well-mannered enough to bow to Dam Pyung-joon, though Yeo-wool has to teach him to use the title master around here. Master Dam sits them down and has Tae-seo brought in as well, but blindfolded for everyone’s safety.

He tells both boys that he’s taking them in because of his friendship with Park Mu-sol, but they still have to pass the entrance evaluation to be accepted as students. Kang-chi asks who determines whether they stay or go, and Master Dam says that the four head teachers will watch them and give their evaluations. Ha, knowing his luck, Kitchen Fogey is their leader.

He tells Kang-chi to avoid Tae-seo at all costs, until they can figure out how to undo his spell. But Kang-chi reels to hear that it’s just a spell. He turns to Tae-seo and shouts that he won’t stay away. He cries that he didn’t save Tae-seo, that Han-no and Chung-jo didn’t sacrifice themselves, just so he could fall prey to some stupid illusion.

He yells at Tae-seo to snap out of it and refuses to stay out of his way until he gets his head on straight, no matter how many times he gets stabbed. Heh, I both like and hate your answer. He storms out, where the kitchen fogey is waiting to tell him to eat before hobbling away.

Tae-seo seems to have enough control not to try killing Kang-chi as long as he’s blindfolded. Once he’s out of the room, Tae-seo takes off the blindfold and says that Kang-chi’s always been a hothead, which is why he doesn’t want to include him in their mission.

Yeo-wool and Gon get filled in on said mission, as Tae-seo shows Master Dam the drawing he made of the Hundred Year Inn. He points to where the secret safe is located, and Master Dam explains that they plan to raid it without Jo Gwan-woong ever knowing.

Easier said than done, as Jo Gwan-woong is currently being advised to rip up his entire floor and have it remade to fix the hole Kang-chi drilled in it. Worse yet, he’s gone through Park Mu-sol’s accounting books, and knows that the richest man in the county can’t have made so little.

He has head servant Choi dragged in, after being tortured. He threatens to kill him on the spot if he doesn’t tell him the truth, and demands to know if there’s a secret storage room on the grounds. Choi either doesn’t know or risks his life to keep the secret, because he says he knows nothing.

Yeo-wool doesn’t see how they’re going to move that much silver right under Jo Gwan-woong’s nose, but Master Dam has a plan. In walks the contractor who was just ordered to redo Jo Gwan-woong’s floors. Nice.

A flashback reveals that Lee Soon-shin came up with the plan after he was called to the inn and saw the hole Kang-chi made in the floor. He says this is all thanks to Kang-chi, and says that he doesn’t know why, but he thinks that boy will change the tide in their favor. Dam Pyung-joon isn’t so sure, and asks if he really trusts Kang-chi.

Lee Soon-shin says that in a world where people are constantly giving up the things that make them human, Kang-chi is fighting to become one. “Aren’t you curious what kind of person he dreams of becoming?”

Kang-chi makes his way into the dining room, where he lights up at the rows and rows of tables lined with delicious food. The other students enter, and the one who treated Kang-chi’s wounds last night is surprised to see him up and about.

Kang-chi says brightly that he’s fine, only to remember belatedly that he’s supposed to be weak and healing, and adds a cringing “ow” at the end. He’s told that the last table is his, so he skips over expectantly… and finds one bowl of plain rice porridge and a side of soy sauce.

He looks back and forth from his table to the others and finally snaps. He storms into the kitchen where the old man is gnawing into a chicken leg, and Kang-chi throws his bowl of food on the ground.

He argues that this is no way to treat people, but the old man points out matter-of-factly that he is not a person. To make his point, he sticks the end of his broom into Kang-chi’s stomach where his wound is already healed.

Kang-chi warns that the old man could get hurt, which just makes him laugh, and he tells Kang-chi that if he can take the broom out of his hands he can have the entire chicken sitting on the counter.

Kang-chi’s eyes light up and he attacks, which of course leads to him lying on the ground clutching his unmentionables and asking who on earth the old kitchen fogey really is. He introduces himself as Gong Dal, one of the four head teachers, called Teacher Jook Dal by all the students, after the bamboo stick that never leaves his side.

Yeo-wool treats her arm wound, which is hurting her more than she’s letting on. She joins Tae-seo and the small team gathered for the Hundred Years Inn mission, and asks after Kang-chi. Tae-seo says it’s already been decided that he can’t be a part of this, while she argues that he knows the place better than anybody and they could use the help. Seriously, isn’t this more like an all-hands-on-deck kind of situation?

Tae-seo thinks it’s too dangerous even for Yeo-wool, and she raises an eyebrow at that comment. “Do you think of me as a woman? Because I’m a woman, for that reason alone—not being able to help—that would be unfair.”

I love how boldly she speaks her mind. Tae-seo is taken aback, while Gon smiles. Tae-seo apologizes for hurting her feelings, but Yeo-wool says it’s the same for Kang-chi, and how hurt he’d feel not being able to help. She says she doesn’t know what it’s like to be under a spell, but she hopes that he not lose a good friend over it.

Kang-chi scrubs dishes in the kitchen as Teacher Gong supervises, and complains about being worked so hard on an empty stomach. That just earns him a threat to be kicked out of the school, and Kang-chi pipes up to ask if there are any other chores that need doing. Heh.

Teacher Gong sidles up to him to say that he heard a rumor about Kang-chi being close to Lee Soon-shin, and hooks him into a wager, betting that he can’t prove that they’re close. Kang-chi swears that he can, so the old man asks him to put the school on the line—if he loses, he leaves forever.

That makes him hesitate, but Teacher Gong knows how to yank on his pride in just the right way to make Kang-chi cave. He makes the old man promise to fulfill a wish if he wins, and then asks what proof he wants.

Jo Gwan-woong arrives at the gisaeng house to stay a few days while they repair his floors. That’s great for Yeo-wool and the gang, but not so great for Chung-jo, who catches his eye immediately upon his arrival. He lays a creepy hand on her chin as Soo-ryun looks on warily.

Kang-chi arrives at the Hundred Year Inn, disguised as one of the workers. Huh, is this what Teacher Gong’s bet was about? By the time Yeo-wool and Gon make their way inside, Kang-chi is already sitting there waiting.

He asks how he can help, but once Yeo-wool finds out that he didn’t come under orders from Dad, she tells him that he can’t be involved. But as they talk Kang-chi notices Yeo-wool sweating, and puts a hand to her forehead.

Gon gets in his face immediately, but Kang-chi says she’s burning up. She insists it’s nothing, but Kang-chi feels her forehead again, and this time Gon grabs him by the collar. These boys.

They’re so busy bickering and collar-grabbing that they don’t hear Jo Gwan-woong’s head minion coming towards them until he’s just outside. They panic, and the head contractor holds him off for as long as he can.

When he comes inside, Gon is the only one in the room, and the minion orders them to take down the painting on the wall, because it’s the boss’s favorite and he wouldn’t want it damaged.

But as we know, that’s the door into the secret storage room, and right now, where Kang-chi and Yeo-wool happen to be hiding. Crap.

They overhear through the wall, so Kang-chi signals at her to step back, but she trips. He lurches forward to catch her, and one hand lands around her waist… while the other one lands, er, elsewhere. Nothing like a handful of boob to turn your world upside-down.

No one’s more surprised than Kang-chi, who looks down at his hand and then up at Yeo-wool, while not removing his hand, might I add. Naughty boy. She panics. The man-jig is totally up.

But the bigger problem is that Evil Minion on the other side of the wall heard them, and tells Gon to move aside. Ruh-roh.


He knows! He knoooooooows! I was wondering how long they could keep her secret going if Tae-seo and Kang-chi were going to be on speaking terms, given that one of them calls her Miss Yeo-wool and the other calls her Young Master Dam. It’s not like Gon, who purposely lies for her, so one of them calling her name in front of the other would pretty much have outed the gender-bending ruse.

I’m happy that her secret’s out, since we’ve been waiting forever for Kang-chi to wake up and smell the destiny, but I am going to miss their easygoing friendship. Now they’re going to be awkward about the touching and the like, which of course is fun in a different way. I did like that Kang-chi treated her very differently from the other boys in her life—the way she wanted to be treated, as an equal (something I’m glad she had the chance to express in this episode). The real test will be if he can manage to do the same when he knows the truth, or if he’ll tell her to sit on the sidelines like Tae-seo did.

I’m still confused about the bracelet’s rules, because I thought there was a no-backsies clause on this new one, but I guess it’s a little looser than I understood it to be—he can take it off, but he just can’t break it. I think. Who knows with the monk’s arbitrary rules. He’ll likely show up in a month and say, “Oops, you didn’t do the hokey pokey after the seventh time. You can never be human now.”

I’m getting a kick out of the martial arts academy hijinks, with the funny old teachers and trying to get Kang-chi socialized and abiding rules. It provides a nice home base for the characters, and a good source of comedy, which is what I wanted out of this new stretch of story. We’ve had enough tears for one lifetime, maybe two, with much more drama to come, so I’ll take all the lighthearted fun I can get.

Well, yunno, all the lighthearted fun that happens when Tae-seo isn’t trying to stab him. I’m not really sure how blindfolding him is a solution (not a permanent one, obviously) or how the spell really works. Is it only tied to Kang-chi visually because of the literal command to kill him on sight? Because he seems to have his memories and faculties in order and can even talk to him, even though he still believes that Kang-chi killed his father, despite knowing he’s under a spell. It’s almost too compartmentalized to be believable, but I guess if we buy into it, it gives us an added layer of conflict between the brothers, not to mention the suspense of random stabbings to keep everyone on their toes. Anyone else think it might be a bad idea to teach the guy under the murderous spell how to better stab people?

I do love Kang-chi and Tae-seo’s true relationship though, without the spell, so I think there’s enough history between them that it’s a relationship we root for on its own merits, aside from the great tragedy of one surrogate brother promising to give his life to protect the other, who keeps trying to kill him. Oh, fractured bromance, the things you do to my heart.


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This was written in a hurry, so my thoughts are not well organized, and I might have repeated myself a few times, sorry :-(...

I watched this episode raw, so I have a general understanding of what happened and I look forward to watching it fully subbed. Thank you GF for the recap, and I love the song you posted, I have been listening to it a lot in the last two weeks. It is one of my favorite songs now, a good pick me up song for me.

I have a question:
I am assuming that TS was hypnotized when he was being tortured back at the Inn, before he was taken to the jail cell. What I don’t understand, was why he had to be hypnotized, when GW had already decided that TS would be killed the following day (that was what CJ told KC when he tried to save her, and she begged him to save TS instead). Later on, I think we saw GW tell his head minion that KC would be coming that day (or night) and yes, KC did come, but I am not sure that GW knew (for sure) that KC would successfully save TS, with the help of Han-no and CJ of course, since CJ begged to be left behind. This is probably a minor detail, but the whole hypnosis thing feels more like a plot device (so KC can be stabbed later on), and not as much a coherent and logical continuation of events. Like many of us, I tend to think through the drama (and the episodes), and I find myself mentally revisiting past episodes at times.

I will continue by saying that I really liked this episode, which makes me like YW more and more, she is so brave and so bold. She is curious (she strikes me as someone who has an inquisitive mind), and she dares to defy the rules. She has a conscience and she wants to do things right, however, she does understand that sometimes, you have to go against the warnings and pieces of advice given to you (for your own good). In this instance, she actually saved KC’s life.

Things are definitely moving along in this episode, and the relationship and dynamics between YW and KC are shaping up. I am going to leave that topic for a little bit, and start at the beginning of the episode. At the beginning of the episode, when KC was going through being stabbed and almost being killed, I was seriously shocked that the rest of the students and DPJ were just standing there, watching, doing nothing to help. I was thinking, “OK, I am watching this, doing nothing, but that’s because I am a viewer, watching from my computer screen. I actually CANNOT do anything to help KC. What are you guys doing, standing there, watching this, the way I am?” *SMH in disbelief* I felt that I knew what the writer was going for (and what the scene was trying to say), but it wasn’t logical. Were they all frozen in shock (all of them), to not react right away? (except of course for YW and Gon). I was not impressed. Even DPJ stood there, not reacting, not rushing to KC’s side, his daughter did, and then Gon followed.

OK, now I can go back to talking about YW, and how she is becoming more and more significant in KC’s life. I am liking her character more and more, though I still wish we would have been told what happened to her mother. I love how she has common sense, yet at the same time, she will break the rules if she thinks some good might happen in the end. She is a risk taker and she is adventurous. She feels fear and yet is courageous enough to confront it, and so far, it has paid off, when she has acted in such a manner.

The scene when she goes to see KC in his room was one of my favorite scenes. The fact that she spent time with him, deliberated over taking off his bracelet or not, and finally did it, so he would not die. I love that she is not repulsed by his gumiho side, and she knows in her heart who KC is and has compassion and understanding for his desire to become human (I think that the fact that she is falling in love with him adds to the whole dimension). I also loved how she reacted to him turning into a gumiho, how she didn’t let fear take over and instead talked to him. That to me was such a tender, gentle and sweet moment, and I love that KC and YW were having a moment of their own. I also love how her voice and her calling him Kang Chi-ya soothes him and calms him down, how he listens to her (it is as if he is learning to trust her, even in his gumiho state). As GF stated, it really is like puppy training, because he did act like one in that moment. I really loved that moment (which I rewatched many times and I awwwed, of course :-) ). For some reason, that scene reminded me of the movie E.T. (me E.T. … :-) )

Now I feel a little torn about KC’s dilemma and desire to want to become human, because yes, I think that it would be great if he were to become fully human, however, I do personally like that he has super strength (and other powers) when he is attacked and that his body can heal when he is a gumiho. Then of course, there is always the danger that he would harm people. Sigh, we can’t have it both ways, can we?

Like many viewers, I am loving jealous, protective and pissy Gon, and I love pissy KC, though KC gets pissed in this episode for reasons different from Gon’s, as we know.

Like many commenters, I do not like Gon’s new hair style (I liked the old one better), and I rejoiced at the reunion of the actor from K2Hs and LSG. I love their interactions which are full of chemistry, and I couldn’t help but chuckle at the reversal of roles: in TK2Hs, LSG (or Jae-ha) was the one with the power (to an extent), and here his character is subjected to that actor’s power (or his character rather). That older actor is awesome.

This is a minor detail, however 50mns into the episode, when KC is on the kitchen floor, he looks like Rain (the singer/actor), a lot. I looked at that scene several times and was struck at the resemblance, there was just something about his face at that moment.

I was happy to see the head gisaeng introduce the drums to CJ, and I am hoping that she has some tricks up her sleeves that will prevent CJ from selling her body, and definitely prevent CJ from sleeping (or better yet being raped) by GW. I am looking forward to how the writer will handle that.

As I was watching the episode, and before I got to the last scene, I too wondered when KC would realize YW is a girl and I wondered if the show would go SKKS on us. By that I mean that the writer would create a situation where KC inadvertently had to find out that YW is a girl and gets the shock of his life. And sure enough, this writer did, and as I suspected, boobs were involved (I didn’t think YW would slip into the water, however I thought somehow, female body parts might be involved. And I was not thinking lower body parts, for the record). I loved KC’s look, of slowing realizing what was happening (I am hoping he did put 2 and 2 together, because the boy can be dense at times, so you never know). That look totally reminded me of Yoochun’s character look in SKKS. I definitely look forward to the hijinks between KC and YW, but also Gon and TS, since they all love (or will all love) the same girl. Lucky girl, :-)! Those are some good guys to be loved by…

This is a very long commentary, I know. This episode was so rich in big and small moments. I wanted to touch on almost all of them :-)


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The question regarding TS's hypnosis did occur to me too initially. If GW was going to have him executed, then why hypnotise him? Then I realised that the execution plan was said to bring KC out into the open. Same with sending CJ to the gisaeng house. GW did say something to this effect.


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Hello crazyajummafan, and thank you for your answer, which makes sense.

I am also glad that the same thought/question occurred to you, as it did to me. I know that dramas are not always logical all the way through, and I am not sure when something really obvious(ly) not logical will happen with this drama, but I am glad to see that so far, the drama is doing OK, story/plot wise. And because we like a drama or love it does not mean that we should leave our brains at the door. I don't do it, because well... I don't know how to do. This is a Korean drama, I don't speak or understand Korean (except a few words and expressions here and there), so I can't leave my brain out, I need it. Also, I like to understand everything, and question things, so again, my brain comes with me.

So far, I have only seen ep. 2 fully subbed. The rest, I have watched raw so far, and read the recaps on another blog and here. That means that I still miss some things that are being/have been said. I do remember however GW saying (with assurance) to his head minion that KC would be there that evening or day, and I didn't at the time link it to TS being hypnotized. I do think, when it comes to CJ that her going to the gisaeng house served 2 purposes: 1--to bring KC out, and 2--if she didn't escape the gisaeng house (and even if she did escape, GW would do his best to have her back), to be made a gisaeng who would serve GW at his pleasure, and we all know what that would entail.


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I also wanted to add a comment about CJ and YW as the main female characters in this dramas. Pogo mentioned in a response to my comment last week that a commenter had written about how YW and Cj are both strong females (so far), albeit in different ways, and I suspect that it might have something to do with the fact that they are in different situations, which requires different strategies.

I personally like what the writer has done with those 2 characters so far, and yes, I do agree with Pogo (and that commenter), and others who do think that YW and CJ are strong female characters, in their own right. I hope that the writer will manage to keep it that way, and not turn them into damsels in distress, or at least not for too long, if that were to happen.


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Smart observations! I guess I haven't been watching as carefully as you.


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Hello and thank you, Houstontwin!

Responses like yours make it worth the time I spend watching, replaying certain scenes, taking notes while I am watching the episode, and finally writing down my thoughts and understanding of the episode, as well as the questions I might have. Thank you for reading my (long) comment and for being a part of this conversation :-)...


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I know, after such a long and wise and keen, comment my question might seem a little bit (well, a quite) silly. But is a new trend in dramaland these days? Women doing laundry and being tormented through this? CH does it in here, I saw OJ doing it in Jang Ok Jung, Live In Love. I just hope it does not become one of those overused tropes.


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I think it's only because laundry is such a physically tough job to start with. I'm just grateful that I'm doing mine with a machine.


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Hello Pearl,
I started to answer your question, and then something came up. I will be back later to finish typing my answer, and post it. If you remember, please check back later...(like tonight).


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Hello Ivoire,
I am really looking forward to your opinion!


Thanks Pearl! And just so you know, I have not forgotten that I said that I will post it. I would like to post my thoughts for ep. 10, so I am getting ready to work on that. You could read them in a few hours if you are interested, and if you remember.
Please check back here later tonight (I post things on Dramabeans' time, we are in the same time zone) or tomorrow. I will post my answer to you, I promise :-). Thank you for being interested in my thoughts and opinions. I love thinking through dramas and dissecting them, as you can tell :-)...


Thanks a lot Girlfriday :-)


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lol what? Hang ah’s father couldn’t forgive seung gi and decided to follow him to gu family book to beat him up. That’s pretty awesome. Their fighting scenes was easily the funniest this episode, for me. The broom? Ha suddenly kang chi sucks at fighting?And what? Some bromance potential in the academy? I am looking forward to this! Things are looking good for GFB as we begin a new chapter; I was getting a bit worn out with recent episodes’ pain and gore, even though it was needed to get to where we are at now.


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That last scene must've been awkward to film! haaaa
&Not sure if i be diggin' gon's new mane of glory, or lack thereof.


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Gon's cute no matter what but if they don't leave him alone, his hair will turn into a character of its own!


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LOL, I was wondering too: is that hair or some creature over there :))


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yes, that must have been awkward. In the making of some Taiwanese show they showed that they used body doubles for close ups for these scenes. As in, the hand on the boob is actually a female hand. Or, could be the other way around. Man boobs. lol


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Just watched this and am going to make a superficial yet crucial comment to agree...bring back Gon's mane of glory, please! This had best be a temporary thing to help with the a possible disguise. I could swear this style is a throw back to Kpop idols from the early 2000s or is it just me? I was also getting a little Partridge Family feel...Keith, is that you? Yup, dating myself again. LOL


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KC has always sucked at fighting people who weren't threats to him though.

I love Jae Ha's father in law though... I hope he stays alive.


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Yeah, one thing I always found intriguing about kang chi is that his fighting skills depend completely on his opponent.


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Kang Chi seems to have this built-in mechanism where he can only fight baddies. When they are good, he'll completely inept and hopeless! So cute!


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Correction: He's completely inept and hopeless.


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I think he has a hard time (or is inadequate) when fighting people who aren't a threat to him or to the ones he loves (or the people he cares about), like the people at the Inn, the villagers or townpeople and YW (he is not in love with her... yet, but he cares about her/him :-) ).


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it's a K2H reunion for them both! :)


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I think the prime minister from K2H was casted as well :-)


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hi, maknae!

I was surprised, too, (and happy) to see Hang-Ah's father here in Gu. Can't wait for more hijinks between these two. Heehee.


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Hi Heartie! Nice to see you here!


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Hi Minea! Good to see you here! Hope that more Hearties will join in the discussion!


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hello, ajumma! good to see you here, too. :)


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yep! glad to see a lot of hearties here, too! it's some sort of a reunion for most of us as well. :)


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OMG yes! He totally deserved that after what he did to Hang Ah :)


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LOL! I was looking quickly over the screencaps and suddenly it hits me too! I was about to post it but you beat me, maknae xD.

Teacher Gong is such a cute old man, though. Love that actor!


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Hang Ah's using mop, her father's using broom. Like father like daughter. Hehe.


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Kang Chi has an affinity for brooms. He's always breaking them to stick them into the ground. And now, he's been beaten up with one! Love the Kitchen Fogey! So cute!

Osi, love your point about the mop and broom! Poor Kang Chi!


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LOL Osi!


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Am awauting for duster to appear here kkkk


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My thoughts were along that line too: "Oh my, Hang Ah's father followed him here to give him some much deserved beating." Ha-ha. This just makes their actions funnier. Thank you show for the K2H reunion. It lifted my heart. I wondered if they did that on purpose?


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haha, and Ha-ah beat Jae-Ha with the mop and now her dad beat KC with a broom...


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Lol because he deserved it :-) remember Jaeha/Kangchi were both arrogant and stubborn when they got hit.


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Thanks gf! Off to read now.


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yay! It's here. been waiting all week :)


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Thank you! This drama has light humor and action. I'm liking it so far and not taking it too seriously.


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thank you very much :) I always look here for recaps but this is the first time I comment here:) Thank you :D
I really like this drama,
I start rooting for dam yeo wool more and more :)
I'm loving her character :)
And I really can't believe that they close the idiot-KC-not-knowing-YW-as-a-girl by accidently touching boobie hahaha It's kinda funny :D Excited for next episode hehehe


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YAY!... omgah... I literally screamed when I realized that the old man with the broom worked with Lee Seung Gi in King 2 Hearts! (he played his dad in law) OMG. I LOVE THIS.

and nothing like a little boob-grabbing to finally let him know that she's a girl. lol

but I also do wish they went more into the rules of the magic(?). explanations on the limitation (if there are any) of the bracelet and the blue magic balls of awesome-sauce would be fantastic.

other than that thank you for the recap!


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Thanks for the recap. I've been waiting for this episode the whole week!


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This episode had so many hilarious parts, I love it!

I really like Kang-chi's relationship with the "Kitchen Fogey" teacher hahaha. I think he'll be more of a mentor to Kang-chi than Yeo-wool's father will ever be. Looking forward to more hijinks with them.

And I love how Yeo-wool totally controls Kang-chi by the ear-grabbing and scolding like a little boy lol. Their dynamics are great.

Thanks for the recap.


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kinda slow but I like the fluffy episode. I'm still giggling with that last scene haha!

The things that I see here is the manner YW tame the beast. I immediately remember werewolf boy (I recently watched it ) I find it so cute....but I wonder how stable that method is when face in a different situation.

The old man and KC bickering is too fun :D I can't wait for the actual training. This is the start of the Dam Family Arc so I kind of expect more fun moments..at least before the storm starts.

Gon's hair is so hideous nuff said. I dunno why he changed hairstyle..maybe for the mission? idk TS..TS, I need this character to have more depth and not just the hypnotic guy that will go amoc when seeing KC. I want to know him more.

I will keep my delusions for myself in that last scene..


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About the hair, one moment I was thinking "Oh, Gon, you ARE a man", and the next one... change of hairstyles and I realize how superficial I am when it comes to dramas :P
But I'm glad KC looks more handsome.


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Goon's, sorry, Gon's new hairstyle, is a testimony to the excellent acting skills of LSG and Suzy. I know that if I had to look at him in with that mop on his head, I won't be able to act! I'll be giggling half the time and forgetting my lines, the other half. That the two of them can carry off their lines so well... kudos to them!

Not that I have anything against Sung Joon. In fact, kudos to him too, for being able to act so well despite that hairdo! I would be too self-conscious to even come out of the dressing room! It's as if his character decided to have a haircut, similiar to KC's, you know, so that YW would take more notice of him, but the barber was either drunk or blind! Poor Goon, I mean Gon!


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I am re-watching GFB with my youngest. We got to episode three, and as soon as Gon uttered two words she shouted out, "that guy! who is that guy! that voice!" I just said, "Shut Up Flower Boy Band" and she blushed ten shades of red - all he has to do is say two words and she is fangirling again. She doesn't mind the hair, he's still Sung Joon with the swoony voice, LOL.


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Lol isn't that how they usually find out? Heh


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I always find it funny how in any drama (not necessarily korean), the boy always finds out through the discovery of actual woman breasts.


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I'm not complaining. If I have to choose between watching lips on lips for several seconds or a male hand lingering on unexpected boobs, I much prefer the latter, at least is more realistic ^^.


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It's not like her breasts haven't been there all along, right under her clothes! LOL.


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I loved this episode. It was lots of fun. Yesss he finally knows. I honesty didn't figure he'd find out like this of all ways, but I'm all for it. TS seriously needs more reason to hate on KC than the spell because it's just kind of dumb and makes me dislike him more than anything else. Loved everything else. The new teacher, the bromance and the start of the loveline were all great.

Though Gon what did you do to your hair after you saw half naked KC on top of YW????


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Another thing, KC has a huge amount of affection for TS as we can see. He has the same affection for CJ but because she's a pretty girl in his simple mind he basically takes that as being in love with her. When he's probably actually not really... Unless he's also in love with TS (which is possible!). I was shipping CJ/KC, but Yw/KC just have such a nice and fun dynamic together.


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I was also shipping Chung Jo and Kang Chi but i'm still leaving room for Kang Chi and Yeo wool to start their own romance. I can always jump ships anytime. I also really enjoy tae soo&kang chi's relationship, minus the part where he stabs kang chi thinking he's his father's murderer.


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Yeah, the bromance was awesome. The new peach blossom couple? They are sooo cute. Wonder what they must have like as boys.


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Oops, sorry again. 'Wonder what they must have been like as boys."
I'm supposed to be marking exam papers, but can't resist coming here. So I'm furtively commenting! Shhhh!


haha heartie i am currently pulling an allnighter for the finals i have to take in 8 hours.. And i am just sort of floatin around watching my k-dramas.


Maybe he felt that YW liked more improper guys better. If he (just) maybe had a chance of getting out of friend-zone .. that hair ruined it all; KC moving in ..and.. with better hair.


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Yes probably. KC finally got rid of the horrid middle part that was holding back his full cuteness and Gon felt he had to compete.

Seriously go back to the old wig and we'll pretend this one was just a disguise for the mission.


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Hello lemondoodle! What horrid middle part are you referring to? (I don't remember it...)


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KC's hair in general from ep. 3 - until now. The middle part in his bangs/fringe. The hair this ep. is an improvement. Looks much cuter. Now to fix Gon...


Thanks Lemondoodle, I see. I am planning on rewatching ep. 1-8, so I will be paying extra attention.


what did they do with gon's (sung joon's!!) hair in the latter half of this episode?! HE LOOKS LIKE A SCARECROW. i was horrified.


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Now his hair and his personality match they both SUCK, LOL I think he wants to look like KC


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its like he got his hair stuck in an escalator and they had to cut and save what they could. i literally busted out laughing.


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Me too! I burst out laughing. He looks younger now, but somehow, with this hairstyle, I can't take him seriously! It's so out of tune with his serious character. The other one suits the character better.


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Darling Chingu , this is the Clementis Montana Style !
(Trivia:Fast growing creeping plants for quick cover - Clematis Montana is the fastest growing of all the clematis and also one of the easiest to grow.)
Remember the fast growing creeping plants in the forest that grows real fast to cover Wol Ryung & KangChi's body whenever they're in trouble ? Welll, whaddya know , its now the inspired goon look . I mean ,Gon.
I really don't understand why they have to mess with his hair? Its not like they have a Dam Salon specially catering to the fashion quibbles of the martial art world.
"Err, I'd like a style to act as a camouflage cos Imma going into 100yr Inn to do ...youknowwhat. Something light, wispy & that covers me good.Yeh .."
Give Gon his old style back. It fits his bodyguard role better!


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Good one, chingu! "light, wispy and covers me good!" lol.


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The hairstylist showed up for work drunk, and thought he was giving KC a haircut, instead of Gon.


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My main takeaway from this episode: whoever is in charge of Sung Joon's hair should not have a job. Or at least, THAT job.


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Maybe (this is just a theory, but...) an optimistic-and-hardworking-but-poor-and-clumsy young girl with multiple part-time jobs was working as an errand girl on set, and because of her (adorable) clumsiness, she accidentally made the super-genius hairstylist (whom she's in love with) sick. Determined not to let her love lose his job due to her bad cooking skills, she dresses up like him and fools everyone, taking his place as Sung Joon's hairstylist for the day. Naturally, she's totally inept and overwhelmed by SJ's attractiveness, but she does her best, copying what Lee Seung-gi's stylist is doing to the best of her ability.

The two will get fired from their jobs, and the he will turn on her, but by some twist of fate the two end up living together. Hilarity ensues as this odd-couple try to make ends meet while hating each other... or DO they???1

Premiering soon on MBC. Starring Gu Hye-sun and Jang Geun-suk, with Park Su-jin (playing JGS's long-lost love who he thought he'd killed in a car accident 5 years ago but it turns out it was all an elaborate plot by her uber rich family to break them up).


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omg lol


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Omg, haha!

I would definitely watch this :DD


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Thanks for the recap GF!! I liked today's breather episode. I can't wait to see the behind the scenes for that last scene and the taming scene. I wonder how many takes it took. I'm assuming the training arc would last for around 2 episodes since daddy gu will be back by episode 12 and KC would begin his journey by then to find the gu family book. I felt that Suzy's acting is really improving especially when she was taming KC. As TS joins in to fight with KC and Gon (though you lost with that hair) over YW, hopefully the writer will develop the rivalry to more than just the hypnosis.


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Yeah I really like the part where she tame KC.


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The same thing happened last time when his bracelet fell off in the fight. He had gone Wild, but the minute YW called his name, his eyes went fr green to normal. That's why the monk said: Can it be ......?


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OMG…he touch Suzy's ____ NO!!!! that scene is so hard for them to film I guess…but thank goodness finally he knows she's a woman...


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That was awkward :-)


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Gon's hairstyle hahahaha!

I love all the lighthearted interactions in this episode.

so for my wishlists

I hope Gon will develop frenemy relationship with KC so that the Awesome Trio will work out. I don't know what will happen with the mission but I hope they'll not mess up especially KC. I have a feeling he will become reckless again. I don't want another casualty.

As much as I want so much of YW and KC moments, I also want to see YW's thoughts outside her "KC's syndrome" I want more depth from her character. I hope the writer can execute her development well.

Lastly, since we are in a martial arts school, I want some action sequences.


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Uwooooh, lookin' forward to the next episode

Thanks for the recaps :D


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Off to read :-) thanks for the recap.


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This is the first kdrama I clenched my fist. I was so shocked in that b**b groping. I only see it in shounen harem manga/anime and it hurts me. My Yeo wol :( </3


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Well, it's not like she was COMPLAINING about the wandering hand.


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May I add that Seunggi totally nailed that scene! His expression was TOTALLY daebak! I love it!


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oh my~haha..i freaking love the last scene!!omg!
i really need the bts vid haha :D

the sweet moment is non other when Yeo Wool is taming the beast kangchi
omg!! KangDam couple!what have you done to me!!haha
loving them more and more! <3<3


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"BOOBS!?" I can totally hear it ringing in his head.


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i need bts clips of that end scene. i can just see seung gi and suzy awkward losing it knowing what awkward turtles they both are in real life
and yeo-wool for president!


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Hoot! The Dumbest Man in All Joseon finally figured it out!


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And I have to say thank you GF for that gratuitous shot of KC's half naked body.


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LSG has been dieting just for this scene ? WORTH IT =)


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Yes, yes, yes! Thank you GF for that half-naked body scene. Thank you MBC, writers, producers, etc too for that including that scene! Oh, and THANK YOU Seunggi for the fan service! I know that you hate to expose your beautiful body, but you'll do it for artistic purposes and for your fans!

So thank you for making this crazy ahjumma fan very happy last nite!


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Don't you think it's great that Seung Gi raaaaaaaaaarely exposes his body? It's like an expensive item, when we get to see a glimpse of it, we're like yaaaaay! It's different from the ones who likes to expose their bodies. When we see them half-naked, there's no surprise there at all because it's just a common view. Hehe. Maybe it's just me. ^^


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Yes less is more, the director could learn a thing or 2 about that.


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Nope, definitely not just you dear. it's like a rare treat.


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Agree 100%. So when he does, it's a real treat for us! Drool, drool and more drool! Had to mop up puddle in front of computer last night!


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hahaha.. love that thought @Osi and im 100% with you.. rare is more...It's one thing i love most about Seunggi that he tink his body as an expensive item not to expose it casually... truly to us his fans exposing it would be a big treat.


Dear , its not 'half naked'. Its more like 1/4 only of his upper body ! Too little ! I totally respect that Seunggi doesnt feel pressured to pander to popular demand & overexpose his choco abs. Goodness knows he is very well-loved for being his wonderful self without this gimmick.
BUT , Im a believer in , if you wanna do something then do it full measure. The whole upper torso & nothing less !
If you wanna give someone ice cream once in a blue moon , you cant give 1/4 of a spoon ! You give a great big dollop of a scoop. Yes !


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Shall we petition for MORE???
Why did you have to mention ice-cream Jade? Now we can only lick??? what little 'ice-cream' is given???..... my thoughts are wandering in a certain wayward direction....


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Crazyahjummafan !!! I'd blush if I could !
Imma gonna suggest meeting at Udders or Daily Scoop next.


Jade Butterfly, you know it ain't the same! Going to Udders and Daily Scoop will only put pounds on us. On the other hand, the other kind of licking, won't! I'm so bad.... my excuse... the horrendous stories that my students have churned up! It makes all Kdrama plot-lines look so super good! I need some relief!


Yes, I was mad at all the strategically placed items put in the way to obviously block full view of his body. I know he doesn't like showing his body so I'll forgive him since he got sort of naked two dramas in a row...


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The Story is getting better and better (except some scenes like 'what took them so long to react???' and KC surprise reaction to HA's dad standing beside him is a bit Slow??)

Thanks GF!


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Thanks GF for recap.
So Javabeans dropped this drama like she did King2Hearts last year?
As a big Seungi fan, i want her to like his dramas. sorry :-)


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She's probably gonna do tomorrow's episode and if not, totally understandable considering she's recapping mandate on her own. Seems like a fair trade. :)
I want the recappers to be in good shape when they're creating this wonderful recaps for us.


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Ha! I think the same mangoes!


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LOL, the last scene....why am I getting Hanakimi vibes here?

If Gon were to walk in on that boob grab....omg, poor Kang-Chi would have three men wanting him dead.


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A good way to start every recap would be: "Look how good this show is with such an amateur hack of of a director." Every episode thus far has had multiple scenes where shots drag on too long, extras stand around like fence posts, action scenes slop from move to move, dialogue looks bad because the shot mix is clunky, and so on and so on. I'm moving my rating of the actors up a notch for putting up with and overcoming this director. It's like he just moved up from kiddy shows on local cable.


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What's more surprising is that he's won 2 baeksangs and a seoul int. drama award.


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whoa, i thought I was the only one. Direction is very sloppy, I'm not a film student or anything but even I could tell that it can be better. I'm surprised too how can he win baeksangs? For the sole reason of Secret Garden's popularity? Perhaps the director of King 2 Hearts can take over? hehe.


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We usually worry about the actors looking bad under the pressure of the schedule, but this guy is just clumsy. There is something wrong with him.


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well, to be fair, the crazy shooting schedules K-dramas live by aren't very helpful, I imagine it would be fairly difficult to present a refined final product with all the time restrictions. Action-y sageuks must be extra difficult.


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Great epoisde this was. Lots of suprises and that ending--- the cliff hangers always get me in this drama--- cant wait for tomorow when YW is going to have to explain that one. Love how this drama is going, really makes me wonder what they are going to fit in to complete the whole 24 ep. Does anyone know if KCs papa gonna show up again? I know he is not dead just a diffrent form or demon angek sonething like that. I really would like to see KC meet id awsome papa and see them actually fight together---not against each other like it might end up becuz this is dtamaland--- and kick that perverts ass once in for all. I really cant seem to watch his part and CJs it's just so nasty and sad. oh well, only time will tell what happens thank you for the amazing recaps!!!!


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Now to wait for the scene where YW has to dress as a proper girl and he goes slack jawed and all "she purdy" hehe!


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I was surprised by the choice to do the boob grope. They could have just had her lose her hair tie and her long flowing hair reveals all.

Poor Suzy. Or maybe they had a male double step in just for that scene??? hopefully??


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I'm sure Suzy's wearing something under her clothes. Usually they're prepared when it comes to sensitive scene like this.


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I think i read in Tryp that she was wearing some super thick stainless steel plate .


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I'm sure she was well protected...and he didn't actually touch anything. But doing things like this is part of being an actor at times. Though truthfully I'm surprised they went there given it's Seunggi and Suzy of all people. I figured YW/KC romance would be pretty chaste and vanilla.


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Hmmm, who was the mean stylist for Gon!! poor guy...

I have this gnawing thought in my head about t YW wound... could it be like lycanthropy infection deal????? she can be one kick-ass waregirl...or gumiho pup....


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I didn't think of that, but anytime someone has a fever like that in Kdrama I get worried there is more than meets the eye.


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OH no! She gets an infection that can change her her nature, like into a werewolf or being bitten by a vampire?! No, we want to see her wear pretty clothes n KC's jaw drop all the way to the floor!


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Such a cute episode :-)
I love the bickering of the old fogey and KC :-)
And the ending was so funny...what a naughty puppy :-)
Can't wait for tomorrows episode :-)


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Such a cute and funny episode. It's quite refreshing especially after the hard 8 episodes where pretty much people dying in every episode.

Love the KC and YW's moments. They're so cute. Love how dependable KC is to YW. He's calling her name "Dam-kun~~" before he passed out after the stabbed. His body knows his destined partner very well i must say. He always passed out in YW's arms..Heh.

I love YW very much. I really want to know her back story. I hope we get that when KC starting to remember the childhood memories. The boob touching~ lol I can't believe the writer did go there. Suzy's fans are having hard time.. XD Love how the focus is on their expression first which makes me wondering what's happen and then slowly showing where KC hand landed..lol Nice expression from Seunggi there. Can't wait for tonight. More moments for KangDam couple. ^^


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Oh Gon. THE HAIR. I feel so bad for Sung Joon all of a sudden.


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I know! I just want to give him a hug and tell him he's still purdy. Imagine walking out of a hairdresser's with THAT and then instead of going home and crying you have to go on national TV. *sniff*


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LOL!!! I am totally picturing his face in front of the mirror and he's not liking what he sees.


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Am I the only one who loves Gon's new hairstyle? I think he looks amazing *^_^*


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all that he is missing is his black and white polka dot suit


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Hahahahaha!!! Good one!


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YES! He knows! Finally! I'm so glad they didn't drag this out for too long. Now, we get the awkwardness. Hehe.

So, pretty much a solid episode. Love the broom stick ahjusshi. He's hilarious. Looking forward to all the antics at the school.

Thanks for the recap, GF!


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This episode is awesome to the max ! How many times have I watched the ending scene just to look at Seung Gi's expression? Hee, hee. Love Seung Gi's new hairstyle and looking forward to tonight's episode for more drama awesomeness. Fighting !


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Thanks for the recap! The ending scene was hilarious LOL! But the bracelet scene is top of the charts for me, so great and poignant ^_^


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me too!!! I LOVE the bracelet scene~ Keep watching that part again and again~~~


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"I’m still confused about the bracelet’s rules, because I thought there was a no-backsies clause on this new one, but I guess it’s a little looser than I understood it to be—he can take it off, but he just can’t break it." - me thinks the bracelet is just there to 'restrain' KC's gumiho side. It no longer has the 'wear-it-to-become-human' thing to it. I think that power ended when KC took off the bracelet before the 20 years is over. Thus, sans bracelet, there are those magical blue thingies healing his body, with the accompanying green but still adorable eyes. With bracelet on, he is sort of tamed. :)


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Man the drama hairstylists are trying so hard to cover sung joon's sexiness. I need ti go rewatch white christmas to erase the mullet from my mind.


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yeah we can't have the 2nd/3rd male lead out shinning the main lead now can we? Now how do we uglify Sung Joon more?! *GROOOOANS*

Thanks so much for the recap! I can't wait to get home later and watch this hehehehe


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why are all sungjoon fans complaining? GFB is good exposure to him. He was popular before but only to the young adults crowd. Here he's exposed in a more national level..and I mean the ahjummas and ahjussis (which seem like a big demographic in korean viewing audience?)


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Lmao we're not being serious. Or at least I'm not. His hair is pretty funny though. U gotta admit


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lol CWGM was a huge hit among the ajumma crowd, it's not like he was hurting for exposure anyway.


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anyone noticed the blooper @ 12:47-12:55 when KC's hand position changed when he was unconscious? It was too obvious to miss, I supposed.

This episode is sooooooo good. can't wait till the next one.


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Bro-mind-meld... I died. So hilarious.


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Found this episode more enjoyable than the previous few. The hijinks between KangChi-YeoWool-Gon trio are the best. Also, HangAh's dad/teacher Gong is so cute~. Can't wait for more of the school hijinks.

I still feel that Suzy does not come across as a martial artist still (which was my major gripe with the previous episodes) but, as with some of the other aspects of the drama (i.e. the monk's magic rules over the magic and such), I suppose I will have to suspend my disbelief further if possible. I do love the character though.


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I love this drama but I hate what they do to my poor Sung Joon hair :(


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So good! Loved this episode...it was really cute and funny...
Thanks for the recap!


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HAHAHA this episode is just plain awesome. Gals look at this photo, Kang-chi is being punished by Yeo-wool's dad :D


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I notice that the actor playing Master Dam doesn't seem to ever change his expression.


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Honestly he's one of the weaker actors in the show even though he's a veteran. I guess the non changing expressions is perfect for YW/Suzy's dad though..


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awww..this is cute. love that they're having fun on set.


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