Gu Family Book: Episode 16

Tuesday’s episodes tend to have the goods—plot movement, life lessons learned, stakes raised. This time we get a dash of humor and a little romance too, but more importantly, our new Big Bad reveals a little motivation, and it does wonders for the conflict ahead.

Time to check back in with ratings now that there’s a new show in the picture. Gu Family Book is still on the rise with a new high of 18.2% today, and in the absence of God of Workplace, Jang Ok-jung scored double digits this week with 10.5%, and KBS’s new show Shark brought in the rear with 6.7%.


Wol-ryung introduces himself by name to Kang-chi, just as Seo-hwa unveils herself in front of Tae-seo. Wol-ryung: “You are Seo-hwa’s son?” Kang-chi: “That’s what the monk says.” To Kang-chi’s alarm, Wol-ryung asks if he’s looking for the Gu Family Book… because of Dam Yeo-wool. Gulp.

He tells Kang-chi to give it up if that’s the case, and tells him that if he just continues to live as he is, Wol-ryung will spare his life. Interesting. So he does have a flicker of humanity in there, as far as love for his son might go. He doesn’t want him to end up the same way.

Kang-chi: “What right do you have to tell me whether or not to be human, to give up or not? What are you?!” Wol-ryung: “Don’t you know better than me, who I am?” Kang-chi doesn’t much care to know him, and tells him to get the hell out.

At that, Wol-ryung super-speeds over to him and knocks him back into a wall with one hand. Ack! Kang-chi struggles against his hold, but he can’t do anything as Wol-ryung chokes the breath out of him.

Wol-ryung: “Trust me. If you trust humans, the only thing you’ll get in return is betrayal. They will never accept you. They will never trust you. For the sole reason that you are different, they will ostracize you and cause you pain. This is my last warning. Leave the human world at once.”

This is great. Phew, Wol-ryung is so much more interesting now.

Kang-chi: “Go hide away in the mountains as a monster like you? Never die, never get sick, all that time with no end in sight, without being able to see the person I love? Alone?!” He refuses to live a life so lonely, and sheds a tear: “I’m sorry, but I can’t do that. Living as a human is my dream.”

Suddenly Teacher Gong shows up behind them to defend Kang-chi. Aw, tiny man, that’s adorable, but I’m not sure it’s the best idea. I love that he even talks to a thousand-year old gumiho-demon like he’s a child, and orders him to let Kang-chi go.

Kang-chi screams no, but Wol-ryung complies, and though Teacher Gong puts up a good fight with his broom, Wol-ryung has him by the throat in no time. Kang-chi screams so loud that everyone inside hears him, but this time Yeo-wool is trapped by her watchdog teacher.

Kang-chi panics and does the only thing he can—he takes off his bracelet. Wol-ryung warns him to give up living as human, or else everyone around him will die. Kang-chi runs up to attack, and Wol-ryung swooshes away, leaving Teacher Gong lying on the ground. Please don’t die!

Kang-chi pleads with him to wake up, but he doesn’t stir, so he grabs the nearest rock and slices open his hand to drop some blood into Teacher’s neck wound.

But then, of course, this is the exact moment Master Dam and crew show up at the scene—when there is no bad guy, and Kang-chi’s wolfing out, and Teacher Gong is lying there unconscious or dead. GAH. This looks bad.

Master Dam raises a sword to Kang-chi’s throat. He just looks up with the saddest puppy eyes, and doesn’t budge until he sees the blue lights heal over Teacher’s wound.

Meanwhile Wol-ryung returns to the Moonlight Garden and looks down at his scraped arm. So we knew Kang-chi could hurt him, but does this mean he no longer heals? It would make sense, if the whole blue-light power over living things is sourced in gumiho regenerative blood. Huh.

Seo-hwa and Tae-seo take turns asking each other questions, and she answers honestly that she is a Joseon person, and that her connection to Jo Gwan-woong is for mutual financial gain.

Tae-seo tells her he’s aligning with Jo Gwan-woong only to save his sister, and then she asks him the question she really called him here for: “Do you want to reclaim the Hundred Year Inn?” She says if so, she can make it happen. Now we’re talkin’.

In the morning, Gon finally comes by to tell Yeo-wool what happened, and she of course finds it ridiculous that Kang-chi would attack Teacher Gong. Gon says that maybe he’s finding it harder and harder to control his beast side, and despite Yeo-wool’s pleas, doesn’t let her leave.

Teacher Gong still hasn’t woken up, and Kang-chi is kept under guard by a circle of classmates with giant spears. He nearly starts a fight just to get rid of them, but remembers Yeo-wool’s request for him to try and get along with people, and calms down.

Lee Soon-shin arrives to survey the damage and meets with Kang-chi alone. He demands to know what happened, and Kang-chi looks at him with a stricken expression: “Do you not trust me either?”

Now Wol-ryung’s warnings about humans doesn’t feel like someone else’s story, and he asks if he’s being suspected just because he isn’t human. But Lee Soon-shin teaches him that trust doesn’t come out of nowhere, and has to be earned day by day, through relationships—so if Kang-chi doesn’t have the trust of the people around him, he hasn’t done enough to earn it.

Kang-chi whines, “So it’s my fault?” Lee Soon-shin doesn’t ease up on his tough love lessons: “Everything that happens in your life IS your fault!” And then Kang-chi just breaks down in tears, like a little kid, all quivering lip: “It wasn’t me who did that Teacher Gong-dal.”

Lee Soon-shin softens a little and tells him that trust is the relationships between people, and if he wants to be trusted, he has to learn how to get along with people first. It immediately makes him remember Teacher Gong telling him the same thing.

He comes out to ask Master Dam for one more chance. He says the other students are afraid of him, but Kang-chi says he still has two days and five bells left, and he’ll think of it as his last chance. If he fails that challenge, he’ll walk away.

Yeo-wool’s sewing teacher makes the mistake of dozing off in class, and Yeo-wool smiles mischievously at her window of opportunity. When the teacher wakes up, she’s gagged and hog-tied, and Yeo-wool is back in her regular clothes staring down at her. Hee.

She apologizes and tells her to take a long nap and hops out her window cheerily. She finds Kang-chi brooding over Teacher Gong’s broom, and he lights up to see her. She grabs him and they take off running.

They don’t have much time though, because her teacher wriggles over to the door and alerts the guard.

Yeo-wool and Kang-chi run into the kitchen, and she tells him she sneaked away because Gon was being so frustrating and not telling her everything. She rattles off a litany of questions: is he okay, what happened to Teacher Gong, did everyone think he looked guilty, and did Dad hit him a lot?

Aw, it’s enough to bring tears to your eyes, the way he looks at her while she’s rambling—with her it’s trust first, worry first, and there’s no doubt in her mind that he might be a killer monster.

He just asks if her ankle is okay and tells her to be careful, and she asks him cutely, “Did you know that you’re nagging me a lot lately?” He laughs, so she keeps going, “Did you also know that you’re kind of like a man lately?”

He leans in close, “So, do you like it?” Rawr? They inch closer and closer as they tease each other, and then Kang-chi backs away first when it starts to get awkward. He tells her that Teacher Gong will be okay and updates her on the bell test, and she gapes that he’s already down to five with two days left to go.

As if on cue, Gon comes out of nowhere to slice another bell off. He tells Yeo-wool to hurry back and he’ll pretend he didn’t see her, but her teacher stomps in, fuming, to haul her ass back to Sewing 101.

Lee Soon-shin decides to face Jo Gwan-woong himself over Kang-chi and the rumors, and makes plans to go to the Hundred Year Inn. Teacher Gong finally stirs awake and whispers something into Sung’s ear (the little guy who’s the one nice kid at school).

Sung finds Kang-chi sitting in the kitchen on Teacher Gong’s stool, holding his broom and trying to figure out the damned riddle. He’s also imagining Teacher Gong sitting next to him like a ghost, but don’t you get any bright ideas, Show. Kang-chi tells Sung to try and grab the broom, which he does in one try.

Kang-chi is hilariously impressed and pleads to know how he did it, and Sung just repeats Teacher Gong’s mantra about the intrinsic nature of things. He explains that while the broom is moving, it’s Kang-chi who’s controlling it, hence he’s looking at Kang-chi, not the broom.

The even funnier part is that Kang-chi still can’t grab the broom after learning the trick, and Sung out-maneuvers him swiftly. He looks up, “You’re not… one of the Men of Honor, are you?” Haha.

Sung says he can’t even step on their shadows with his skills, and Kang-chi asks if Gon is really that good, still refusing to believe it. Sung tells him to buck up—if Lee Soon-shin is going to face an inquisition on his behalf, he has to be strong. Kang-chi looks up in surprise. Who’s doing what for whom?

He runs out to ask Gon if it’s true, and argues that he should’ve been told. Gon tells him not to make trouble and to stay put, but Kang-chi says he has a plan to quell the rumors and help Lee Soon-shin.

He asks for their help, but the students get all fired up, saying that he can’t be trusted. So Kang-chi yanks the belt of bells off his waist and offers it up in exchange—if he makes things worse, then he’ll walk away and never go near anyone from this school again.

Gon: “Including Yeo-wool?” He agrees, which is enough to get Gon onboard. So while Gon distracts Yeo-wool’s teacher, Sung sneaks in to give her a message from Teacher Gong.

Master Dam hears about the jailbreak (er, Kang-chi’s, not Yeo-wool’s) and is just about head out when Teacher Gong hobbles in to say he’ll explain everything. Good timing.

Gon is terrible at distracting Yeo-wool’s teacher, but he’s so awkward that she mistakes his questions as interest in her, which is hilarious. Once Yeo-wool sneaks out, she heads back in to find… is that Sung dressed as Yeo-wool? Hahaha.

Meanwhile, Kang-chi heads into town and shouts in the middle of the street: “Anyone curious whether or not I’m the child of a gumiho?” (He actually says gumiho baby, which is so cute I kinda squeed.)

Chung-jo is there, but Kang-chi doesn’t seem to notice her. Ma Bong-chul runs to Kang-chi’s side and asks what he’s doing, but Kang-chi just keeps asking until hands go up. He tells them to gather in front of the Hundred Year Inn where he’ll show everyone once and for all.

Lee Soon-shin arrives to meet with Jo Gwan-woong, and they exchange heated barbs, with Lee Soon-shin wondering why Jo Gwan-woong is so afraid of Kang-chi that he won’t rest until he’s locked away, while Jo Gwan-woong wonders why Lee Soon-shin is harboring a monster.

(This is random, but Jo Gwan-woong adds this EH? at the end of his questions that Cracks. Me. Up. I think I hit rewind five times.)

Lee Soon-shin declares his wild accusations baseless, and threatens him in kind, which makes Jo Gwan-woong blow up and ask if all of it—the turtle ships, the secret funds, and Kang-chi—are all in preparation for a war.

Lee Soon-shin just uses the opportunity to ask how he knows such things. Does he have a spy working for him?

Suddenly Kang-chi’s voice rings out, calling everyone to come out and see. The servants come running out of the inn, and Kang-chi’s father worries that he’s come at a bad time. But he says he’s here to squash all those rumors, “because I’m your son, not a gumiho baby!”

Jo Gwan-woong comes out, and Lee Soon-shin tells Kang-chi to go back home and not make any more trouble. But he bows and says that keeping the person who protected him from harm, and not disappointing him—that’s the best he can do to show his trust.

He asks Jo Gwan-woong what he needs to do to prove that he isn’t a gumiho, and Jo Gwan-woong orders him to take off his bracelet since that’s what keeps his beast half at bay. He looks down at it, and then out into the crowd. Looking for Yeo-wool, perhaps?

But she isn’t there, and Chung-jo and Bong-chul start to get antsy. Jo Gwan-woong demands he take off the bracelet, and Chung-jo finally takes a step forward. But Yeo-wool runs past her and calls out to Kang-chi. Yay.

He beams to see her, and she nods reassuringly. He takes a deep breath, raises his arm… and yanks the bracelet off.

A gust of wind blows through, but Kang-chi doesn’t change. Everyone, even Yeo-wool, is shocked. They look at each other with adoring smiles, as Jo Gwan-woong asks his minion what the hell is going on.

Minion figures he’ll stab first and ask questions later, and swings his sword. Eep. But Gon swoops in out of nowhere to block it. Woot! Kang-chi’s caught off-guard and looks over at Gon gratefully. Okay, that got the biggest awwwww out of me today.

And THEN, even Master Dam joins in on the lovefest, and pops out to declare that Kang-chi is his student, and anyone who attacks him will get his master’s wrath in return. Of course as soon as the big threat is out of the way, he’s back to being Disapproving Dad, and tells the kids they’re in big trouble.

He asks how Kang-chi took the gamble that he’d let Yeo-wool come, and he says he trusted in Master Dam’s trust in Lee Soon-shin. Nicely played.

As the crowd thins out, Kang-chi and Yeo-wool stand there grinning at each other like fools, while Chung-jo and Tae-seo each watch from a distance.

Back at school, Gon holds up Kang-chi’s bells and asks for a show of hands of anyone who still wants Kang-chi out. He’ll cut one bell per person who vetoes him. Two guys raise their hands, so two bells go, and then Sung pipes up to defend Kang-chi.

He says that Kang-chi was only defending Teacher Gong, and that many of them came to this school because they were outcasts somewhere else—so why are they doing the same to Kang-chi now?

Gon asks for a final count and no one else raises a hand, so Kang-chi asks for his bells back. Gon pulls one more off before giving it back, for his own vote. But! You heroically rescued him and everything. He tells Kang-chi to guard his one last bell until sunset tonight if he wants to remain here.

Kang-chi stays behind to thank the students for letting him stay because he doesn’t really have anywhere else to go, and bows respectfully. One by one they come around with a tap on the shoulder to say that they’re sorry too.

He thanks Sung sincerely, who smiles and says, “Now you’ve finally become one bean in the sack.” Lightbulb. Kang-chi runs to the kitchen armed with his bag o’ beans and declares to Teacher Gong that he has the answer.

“One sack! No matter if there are thousands or tens of thousands of beans, if they are in one sack, it’s one sackful.”

Teacher Gong remains cryptic and says that may or may not be the answer, and orders Kang-chi to do the dishes. He hobbles over to Sung and pinches him, nagging that he told him to help Kang-chi, not give him the answers. Hee.

But Sung swears he never gave answers, just hinted, and that Kang-chi is just quick on the uptake. Uh, you mean the guy standing there scratching his head and recounting the beans on his fingers? The more adorable part is that Teacher Gong looks over at Kang-chi proudly, believing it.

Soo-ryun has a spy over at the Hundred Year Inn because she’s awesome like that, and asks the servant if she’s found out anything about the mystery woman. She tended to the woman as she was bathing, and tells Soo-ryun that she has the tattoo of one of her gisaengs, and a scar on the other shoulder, a claw-mark.

That’s enough to make Soo-ryun think of Seo-hwa right away, and she gasps at the possibility that the girl could still be alive.

Tae-seo comes to see Seo-hwa to ask what her conditions are for returning the inn to him. Seo-hwa: “Become my son. That will be enough.” Whaaaa? Curious. I wonder if she thinks he’s her son, or if this is her way to Kang-chi. Hm.

Yeo-wool’s teacher nods off again, which means she ends up hog-tied with Yeo-wool apologizing profusely about two seconds later. She heads out to meet Kang-chi, who apparently asked to meet.

He proudly presents her with his last bell. Aw, he passed the test and gets to stay. He says it was really because of the other students who accepted him.

Someone comes by, so they run behind a bush to hide out of view, landing them huddled close with Kang-chi’s arm wrapped around her. This time he doesn’t chicken out and holds her hand, and starts to inch closer…

Yeo-wool closes her eyes anticipating the kiss, and then when he gets about an inch away, Sung comes running over, screaming Kang-chi’s name.


They freeze, and she gestures at him to answer, which he doesn’t want to do for obvious reasons, so she pushes him out. Ha. Sung says Master Dam is calling for him, and runs off. Damn, does Dad have supersonic boyfriend-dar or something?

She tells him to go, so he finally starts to trudge away, but then he stops to turn back. Eee, kiss her anyway! He marches back and grabs her by the shoulders, starts to lean in… and says, “Sleep well.” Pffffft. Goddamn it, I don’t think you deserve kisses anymore.

She stammers back, “You too…” and he walks away hanging his head. She smiles to herself as she watches him go, and then suddenly a hand darts in to cover her mouth and yank her away. Oh no.

Master Dam says Teacher Gong told him about the other beast, and asks if Kang-chi knows who it is. He answers hesitantly, “I do, but…” He thinks back to Wol-ryung’s warning to give up trying to be human.

Before he can answer, Yeo-wool’s teacher comes bursting in to say that she’s missing, and Kang-chi says she should be back in her room by now. Way to out your nighttime rendezvous with her father.

He runs out to the spot where he left her, and finds the bell lying on the ground. We cut to Wol-ryung pacing in his cave, as Kang-chi remembers his warning: “Give up trying to become human. Or I will destroy everything connected to you.”

Kang-chi tightens his fist. “Wol-ryung…”


Okay, now this I can get behind. If Wol-ryung isn’t just a smash-and-grab villain with demon for brains, then there’s so much more going on that we can explore. He seems interested in looking out for Kang-chi, which is (a) terribly misguided at the moment, but (b) potentially a place for paternal love to take root. The point isn’t really for them to make up and be a happy gumiho family, but I like that he’s coming from a place of concern and hurt because he’s walked this same path and ended up a true monster. The warring motivation is both logical and the perfect opposite of everything Kang-chi thinks about humanity, and I’m digging the dark side version that’s worming its way into Kang-chi’s thoughts. Because it’s rooted in truth, and that’s why it’s dangerous.

The test of faith in this episode was similar to ones Kang-chi has faced before, but in light of Wol-ryung’s warnings about betrayal, it felt a little more desperate, like Kang-chi was one suspicious accusation away from exploding and giving up. But it’s always nice to be reminded of why Yeo-wool is special and different from everyone else, who jumps to the bad conclusion first without giving Kang-chi the benefit of the doubt. When everyone else reacts that way, she jumps into the fray concerned about him, and it really does feel like if he just has her, he can endure anything.

The public de-accessorizing was a nice payoff of Kang-chi’s newfound power to control his gumiho side (around Yeo-wool that is), especially because it coincides with the build-up of rumors and fear, and well, I always enjoy any time he can get Jo Gwan-woong’s panties in a twist. Seo-hwa’s motivations are still a mystery but I prefer her that way, in small doses with cryptic questions. I doubt that she really thinks Tae-seo is her son, but it does seem like she came to the Hundred Year Inn knowing that it has some connection to Gumiho Baby (which by the way is my new favorite thing).

It’s just great to see Kang-chi learning bit by bit what it means to get along with other people and earn their trust instead of feeling entitled to it. Now if he could just get his lips to be faster on the draw. I mean, who’s ever even heard of a gumiho with so much self-restraint? Piffle.


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An advice from a crazyahjumma fan:
"Kang Chi ah, if you want to kiss a girl. DO IT QUICKLY! DON'T. WASTE. TIME! Or else someone will come and spoil the moment!" Aigoo! Couldn't you hear us shouting and squeeling, "KISS HER! KISS HER! KISS HER!???


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Yeah, where's Sebastian when you need him?


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hahaha.. point well made crazyahjummafan! We were all clutching on our seats and screaming on top of our lungs in that scene! hahaha.. Kang Chi is such a slowpoke when making the moves to YeoWool! hahaha..


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Somebody already was "spoiling" that moment by stalking YW in a nearby bush.


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Crazyajuhmma :
just call Jae Ha and ask him to give a Kissing lesson for Kang Chi.....
how about Ivy Kiss ? Doing the kissing while Ivy growing to hiding both of them ?


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Ooohhhh! Good ideas - both about JH and the ivy!


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Sorry, but I DON”T LIKE GOON!!! Sure, he ‘saved’ KC at the Inn, but I think was more for LSS and Master Dam than for KC. What he did later at the academy was down right mean. KC had already given his belt as a surety, and was willing to put his stay and his association with YW on the line. When he delivered his part, Gon should have honoured it by giving him back the belt with all 4 bells in tact. I didn’t like the way he made the others decide on whether KC should stay or not. And when only two raised their hands, he goaded them some more. The meanest thing was when he pulled off one bell for himself, esp after Sung’s moving speech. That was so vindictive and small minded. How can he just change the rules anytime he wants? I feel that he is abusing his authority as one of the Masters of the school, and he least deserves that the title of an ‘honourable man.’ Nothing honourable about his actions. No wonder, YW never had any feelings for him at all!


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I totally hear what you're saying, but I love Gon, warts and all. Said it before and I'll say it again: I still think his hysterical pettiness gives him more depth and relatability than all other strong silent sageuk bodyguards combined. Add in Sung Joon's gorgeous voice and you had me at "Get away from Lady Yeo-wool!" Maybe he can get together with the sewing teacher...


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hahaha.. just my two cents..^^ I think he acts that way because he has always seen Kang Chi as a strong competitor with YeoWool's love. He acted that way on pure annoyance at Kang Chi because he's very much aware that he has no chance at all to win YeoWool's heart. Like he was happy when it was just him and YeoWool doing things together before Kang Chi came to the picture.. Yeah I sort of didn't like him on that part too. It was like he's abusing his power over Kang Chi. But then, I want to understand him too that maybe, for him, that is the best thing he can do to keep YeoWool and Kang Chi apart from each other. ^^ Poor Gon..he still doesn't have a chance since YeoWool is engaged to Tae Seo now..hehe..


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It's petty, but Gon is a smart boy and knows Kangchi has won already and YW loves him. I guess he can't help making him suffer just slightly more for that. When it counts he was there to save him from GW and that's good enough for me.


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I respect that you found Gon's actions to be mean.

Regardless of whether you think Gon has a valid reason for resenting KC, try looking at it this way. Clearly, there has been animosity in the school towards KC. That animosity could be left to fester, or it could be brought out into the open. By forcing the students to vote against KC, it made students take sides. The timing of it was important - if it had been done when the belt was first given, KC would have been voted off the island immediately. Gon brought it up only when it was probably clear to him that KC had won enough hearts to have earned his place. The confrontation allows the air to be cleared and KC to be fully accepted.

In truth, Gon's actions seemed like brilliant strategy. So he cut off one bell just to show he hasn't become KC's fan yet, OK, Gon's human. The end result is improved moral for the whole school. Well done.


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Well, that's another way of looking at his actions, but it somehow doesn't tie in with his character so far. All I've seen is petty Gon, who seems to give KC a hard time and be mean to him whenever he can. There was also another time in an earlier ep when he was fightng with KC, who was in his beastly form. He was tryng to stop KC from going to the Inn. SJ stepped in and threw the bracelet on KC, which made KC revert back to his human form. At that moment, Gon took the opportunity to hit KC, who couldn't hit back. I thought that was mean and cowardly.

Personally, I've tried to lke him, but I find that I can't. Thanks for your all your different opinions anyway!


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I agree with ahjumma. Gon irritated me a couple of times as well. Plus he is so bad in keeping secrets. When KC asked not to tell anything to YW, he did tell her because "she used her methods" :D. Yes, right! I mean if he is a man and strong, no one would ever be able to force him to tell something if he doesn't want. Especially because he is supposed to be one of the Man of Honor and she is just a girl, right?

His acting skills are really a disaster. Whenever they asked him for help, when he supposed to distract YW sewing Teacher for example, he end up blowing everything up. e couldn't act or pretend properly even or once. Poor Teacher she is in clouds now, thinking that he might be interested in her :D.


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umm, no he did it because he could.. purely a selfish reason.


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Ya, I agree. Goon is just acting out of jealousy. But these 2nd leads really need to understand that just because you get the main guy out of the way, doesn't mean that the girl will like you next. It's not like you're even #2, hun.


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I love the comic moments in this ep and drama. I for one am glad that the writer didn't go makjang all the way as so many of us had feared.
My fav comic moments were of KC and the bells. I felt SG nailed those scenes as well as his dramatic ones. And I continually love his scenes with Master Gong dal and with LSS.


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I love them too. Teacher Gong rocks big time! :D


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Thanks GF for the recap!
Love the Gumiho baby<3


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God damn-it Dads! I understand looking out for your kids but you guys are going extreme.... YeoWool's dad's all: be a proper lady like the opposite of how I raised you and marry a human. Kangchi's dad went for the less subtle approach: stop being with humans or I'll kill them all.


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Hahaha.. i love your comment ! damn! no like button here!


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next ep please......


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I'm far more attracted to Gon and smexy gumiho daddy then Kang Chi, I think he would make a great friend though :D

Seo Hwa or the actress looks a bit like Toda Erika in one picture.
I'm surprised how accurate her "Japan" look is, even though the kimono is far more modern also her hairstyle looks very much like the wareshinobu hairstyle which was meant for young girls and often apprenctice geisha. There was a strict rule what kind of colors commoners were allowed to wear. That's why merchants invented colorful linings in the kimono. But otherwise yay, The Horse doctor had cheap silk robes with satin belts and plastic flowers for the people that were supposed to be from Japan.

Sigh, I still want Lee Yeon Hee back as Seo Hwa.


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Agreed on the first point, especially in the case of GumiDad, although Seung-gi's heartfelt puppy eyes are winning me over.

I'm sure there's cultural insensitivity in Korea as much as there is here as far as Seo-hwa's costumes go. It could also be to drive home the importance of her position, though, that she can wear whatever the fuck she wants.

Agreed on Lee Yeon-hee, although she'd have had to tone down her acting. She's doing ok so far, but I don't understand Yoon Se-ah's appeal. And the fact that she doesn't really look any older than Lee Yeon-hee. I'm hoping it's a magical face change thing rather than an age thing, and that Lee Yeon-hee will be back for the reunion that I hope is coming for our original star-crossed lovers.


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I do like Sunggi, he is adorable but rawr at daddy gumiho :)
I'm just impressed with the accuracy and of course Seo Hwa being very rich and apparently powerful she can wear what she wants ^^

I'm hoping magical transformation as well, I was impressed with Lee Yeon Hee in ep 1 as were others. Mainly she was fantastic so bring back that Seo Hwa. Yoon Se-Ah is okay but I miss Yeon Hee. Don't know why I got so attached to her.


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For me, only Kang Chi~~~

His eyes, his smiles~~~ <3 <3 <3


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Me Too!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's charming!!!!!!!!!!


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I enjoyed this episode a lot! Seung Gi's tears was just phenomenal! The lines he delivered on that scene was very moving. I love that WR seemed to care a lot for his son as he doesn't want KC to end up like him. You can really feel the pain that WR felt when SH betrayed her. But I hope he won't cross that line of getting rid of all the people close to KC should KC continue his quest to becoming a human. The way he shows concern for his son is pretty crazy.. Like he won't mind taking KC's life if he will not follow his advice and all..
I hope there's a way for KC to control his beasty character even without YW, so as to avoid further trouble in the future. As we all know, GW is a keen observer and he will never let KC get away with embarrassing him in public like that.
It's good to see that KC is finally understanding the life lessons that Teacher Gong and LSS is telling him.
As for KC thinking that gaining trust is easy.. maybe because he was so used to the trust everyone in the 100 Year Inn gave him before. Everyone there relied on his skills and trusted him because they never knew that KC was half beast. While in the academy, everyone knew and saw him as a beast and attacked a student. And it is in human nature to be frightened and doubt him because he is really different from them. They fear for their safety which is very human. And knowing what a gumiho can do, after seeing dead bodies that died in a mystical way, they will really put the blame to KC.

I love the fact that the book could only be just a guide to open KC's eyes in accepting his true form. It's like a guide on how to become a good human even if you are a mystical creature. It's all about accepting yourself first and then the people around you will accept you for who you are later on.


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Kinda late reading your awesome recap. Thank you GF! :-)


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It might sound weird but I think Yeowool has more chemistry with Wol-ryung than she has with Kang Chi. It might be because WR has some mysterious attractive vibes while KC is a bit too slow to make a move on YW.

Anyway, after it was revealed that Gon is actually one of the Four Masters, I want them to share a bit of his back story of how he came from, how he is interested in Yeowool and such.

I wonder if Tae-seo would decline the marriage arrangement after this mission. He may want to focus on taking the inn back than fighting over YW with KC.


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I totally saw the chemistry with YeoWool and WolRyung. In the woods when he reached out and touched her face, wowza! Then my brain shook itself clear of hormonal reaction and inserted the logic that she is crushing young love on KC. Still ... wowza.


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ermm... I think it is a just misconception which is due to 2 reasons:

1. I find that Suzy's acting is better in the scene with WR as frightened emotion is easier to portray and thus YW in the scene seems more nature and more alive.

2. The directing is strange. I don't get why WR has to touch and lift YW's chin which is a very flirting move?? And why did WR push his face straight towards YW's face just to ask if KC knows that Mr. Dam killed his father??


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I found her acting pretty terrible in that scene tbh. Blank face all around. She's supposed to be scared. It's not chemistry anyway. It's people finding WR attractive.


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I don't think she is terrible. You might better play the video and watch it again properly how
Yeowol round eye expression.


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She's not terrible overall, but there wasn't good. She has some good scenes and some bad scenes. And seriously big eyes for scared is some bad acting.


I find that Suzy keeps getting the flak for bad acting, either being not scared enough (as pointed out by lemondoodle), or not romantic enough.
However I personally think she's doing a great job because c'mon she grew up with swords, all gungho as a tomboy, never learning how to sew. I'm pretty sure she was directed to act tough and only slightly scared, and in those romantic scenes she shouldn't be all lovey-dovey, because she's just not your typical delicate lady. this girl is tough!!


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If the writer bang her head and twist this drama , I will be all aboard WR and YW love story. I'm all for hotness. Both are so hot looking creatures.


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I still can't get used to the fact that Se Ah is playing Seo Hwa instead of Yeon Hee. There is something in Yeon Hee eyes (maybe sadness, or weakness) that isn't there in Se Ah's eyes... Se Ah looks so cold, full of confidence, and there is no sorrow in her eyes. That seems wrong to me. Although it's true that Seo Hwa comes back for revenge, and now she isn't the weak Seo Hwa as 20yrs ago, but still, Se Ah is too cold! and she just sits there smiling a cold and mockery smile T_T I'm not a fan of Yeon Hee, and I know people say she might not be mature to take on the old Seo Hwa's role, but I still prefer her to be Seo Hwa. A little bit of make-up can do the trick of older version, right?


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i heard such rumour that our yeo-wool going to die in this drama... noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!


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Aah. Where is the source for that? I would be devastated if that was the case.


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Kang Chi would be devastated!!!!


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Don't believe everything you read. They aren't even finished writing the drama yet. I doubt the writer even knows completely how things will end.


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Seung Gi did say that they would have a sad ending, but details are not finished. So who knows what they will decide.


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I dont' think that's exactly what he said. Something about continuing melodrama, no easy path and the end wasn't settled yet. Not, it'll be a sad ending. Characters deaths like YW wouldn't happen until the last couple episodes, which haven't been written. Anyone who knows the fate of main characters isn't talking about it.


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I agree. Many people interpreted Monk's words. He didn't say one of them will definitely die, but as you mentioned that one of them may die. It probably depends of the decisions they are going to make. It's like a faith or destiny. Nothing is written in advance. I believe in destiny but I don't think it's determined when we are born. How lucky we are going to be or how we are going to end up it depends of the choices we make. I think that faith can change by our actions.

Monk probably wanted to say that if they make wrong choices like WR did, that one of them may die. If you guys remember when the monk saw that YW can calm down KC, he was surprised as well. Monk didn't see that one coming. So me should not panic before things happen. The end it might be sad, but it doesn't necessary mean that it's going to end up sadly. I somehow believe they wont kill neither KC nor YW, but maybe CJ, Teacher Gong, Dam, or WR ( I think nobody cares for SH) :D

I am very positive about it and don't think they will kill main characters :D. Like ajhumma said once (I think), I am very romanticized person :D.


@ Bojana:

Quite true about what you said. It depends on the decisions that can change the future. After all, predictions aren't set in stone.

Although many people are taking guesses about who is going to die based by So Jung said, here's my "interpretation" about his. I believe that one of Kang Chi's sides is going to die. Not Yeo Wool. Not the WHOLE being of Kang Chi. One of Kang Chi's sides. And I believe that it's his gumiho side that is dying, seeing as he's becoming more human as the series goes on (You can see that Kang Chi didn't have claws on him when he was healing Teacher Gong as well as remembering his master was injured immediately instead of slowly aware who he is and what was surrounding him. My guess is that by using his blood to heal people, he is starting to "lose" his gumiho side little by little.)

However, you are corrected that it could be someone close to either Yeo Wool or Kang Chi such as Chong Jo, Tae Seo, or anyone.

As for Kang Chi's parents, to be honest, I have a feeling that one of the parents will die. I don't know if this will come true as well as which one will die (I'm hoping it's Sae-Hwa.) I can't picture both of the parents being alive at the end. I really don't. I can see either one of the parents will die or both. But never together as being alive since after all.... They were to represent the "tragic couple."


let's just kill the dad's......
both of them ?
it sad ending.....
while both of them save both KC and YW from GW...
off course GW have to die also.....
CJ stab him, and then CJ running the Hundred Inn....
just give TS to SH, so she can bring him back to Japan...
gave Gon the Martial arts...
and he will be bodyguard KC and YW daughter ( like twillight )....
becoz mommy and daddy will stay in moonlight garden....
since daddy have to guard the mountain....
off course Teacher Gong will be stay with them....


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Now with Goddess of Workplace out of the way maybe they`ll pass those 20% of rating! It`s easier without a stiff competition!


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Thank you very much for the recap.. Your recaps really give the drama the depth that it doesn't have. It became longs and draggy with not much substance these days. Lee Seung Gi and Suzy's cuteness are not enough to keep my attention anymore.

Only person who seemed to be steadily improving acting wise is Sung Joon IMO. I love watching him as Gon. His expressions are getting better. They speak thousand words without really saying anything.

Bottomline, I think I will quit watching Gu Family Book for now (but will continue to read your wonderful recaps). Since there are better options. I've been anticipting Shark for so long (The Devil being my ultimate favorite drama). I'm going to see if the writer/directer has brought same quality as before.


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thanks for the recap! still no subs as of the moment :(


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So we've found out the answers to both the beans and the broomstick. I admit I didn't figure that out. But those are good lessons to learn.

I agree with one of the people about how the writers wrote about the relationship of Kang Chi and Chong Jo. While the writers did pretty good at developing Chong Jo and how she reacts, I agree with the person that the writers made it poorly for Kang Chi to "let go" of his feelings for Chong Jo. I understand that he's moving on after Chong Jo broke his heart from their last meeting. However, I didn't expect him to completely forget about her and make a quick rebound. Hope the writers will put more effort to make some amends between those two.

And I apologize for those who like Sae-Hwa, but I really hate her character. Not saying that I dislikes the actress. It's just that I dislike how the writers are portraying SH's personality and characteristic. I thought the writers will make some improvement in her after she made her reappearance. But after hearing that she wants Tae-Seo to become her son.... That just utter disgust me.

I will understand if she wants Tae-Seo to become her son to a) help him get the 100 Year Inn back and b) plot her way to get revenge on GW. But if she wants him to become her son just to make up of abandoning her child, that's a big disappointment for me.

If she really wants her son, she should have send her men to find So Jung and bring the monk to her. After all, So Jung was the last person she saw and handed him her baby. So if anyone were to know what happened to her son, it would be monk.

In addition, I'm surprised that both Tae-Seo and SW didn't hear the commotion that Kang Chi made outside the 100 Year Inn, just to prove if the rumors are true or not. Heck, I'm even more surprised she didn't even hear the rumor either. Rumors spreading around that has 100 percent connection to her past and her son's identity. If I was her and hear those rumors, I would have sent the men to do an investigation on Kang Chi to see if he's really my son or not. But no, writers just made her didn't know a thing about the rumors and Kang Chi. Sortta made it sound like she's ignorant when she just didn't hear anything.

I don't know how much I can handle seeing one after another disappointment in SH. If my guess is correct that she was brought back just to break Wol Ryung's spell through love, it's like the disappointment of how Tae-Seo's spell was broken. Hopefully the writers make some improvement in her character and not disappointments.


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Do people like SH? I was one of her semi-defenders (saying WR isn't blameless in what happened), but I can't get behind her actions right. I don't get it and hope there is something that makes it all make sense. And that makes me like what she did. It's pretty sad when the 1,000 year old demon who says he'll kill his son if he doesn't listen is the better parent.

i totally don't get how she didn't hear the rumors either. I'll hope she did and she's planning something.

Though I'm 100% sure the person who will break WR's "spell" will be Kangchi or Kangchi/YW's love, not SH.


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I'm hoping for that too. I'm hoping it's either Kang Chi or perhaps So Jung that will break Wol Ryung's spell. I've already stated that having SH to break his spell only through love is like the same way as trying to break Tae-Seo's spell.


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I'm pretty sure she has some plan up her sleeve when getting TS to be her son. It's certainly not to make up for any loss since she already knows some personal history of TS. She's portrayed as a very smart lady (and she has been making JGW so curious about her - she even kind of has an upper hand in this international ties/bind that they have), so I'm excited about what she's planning ahead of her.


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I will give brownie points that she became mature, wiser, and clever after 20 years from what she was before *coughsuicidemissioncough* Not to mention, I did state before that I will understand that she's using Tae-Seo as a pawn just to plot her way to not only foil GW's plans, but also to get revenge on him.

However, if I see any expression or "subconscious" that she misses her son when using Tae-Seo, that will disappoint me that I'm going to flip the table.

I've already explained about what she can do if she misses her son. Heck, she even have plenty of time to have the men search for her son while she's recovering when living with her Japanese husband. I understand why she didn't get her revenge on GW after recovering (perhaps to respect her Japanese husband when he's doing business with GW), but as I said: she had time to search her child.


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The relationship between WR DaddyGu and KC has the potential to be really interesting.

I want to see the loneliness and connection by blood lead WR to at first just hover around watching KC and eventually come to love him, and have that love redeem WR from the bitterness in his soul.

I want a complex relationship. Daddy Gu was betrayed by the woman he loved, and he is all black & white thinking that humans are all bad. KC was raised by humans, but he is scorned by them, and Daddy should be able to give KC some doubts. Remember when you changed from innocence to a more realistic view of the world? That's what KC needs to go thru, coming of age story.

I am reminded of the relationship of two men in an old 1980's show Forever Knight. In it, one vampire LaCroix turns Nick Knight into a vampire for his companionship, and they have this love/hate relationship that spans centuries. Your enemy and your long time friend can some times be the same person. Wouldn't it be interesting if WR and KC could have a centuries long closeness, that isn't always sweet, that has them conflicting and making up and learning from each other.


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I love your Forever Knight reference. The relationship between Nick and LaCroix was truly complex. And LaCroix himself was hard to define. He was a killer but at the same time he understood human emotions and he had a sense of family (twisted as that was!). It would be interesting if Kangchi could stand to learn something from his father. l am still holding on to the hope that Kangchi will not become fully human and that he will learn to accept all aspects of himself. Then, if his father 'rehabilitates' (and doesn't die in the process), their relationship could develop in new and complex ways.


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I liked this episode but didn't love it. Some of these episodes are so uneven, and some are so perfect. In this case, it is very hard to deal with folks conveniently hearing or not hearing stuff that's going on in other rooms or outside the house. It's hard for me to believe that Kang Chi's mom --and none of her entourage-- even heard the hullabulloo outside the Inn. Plot convenience is okay but really????


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kangchi <3 yeo wool......^_^


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Can somebody convince me to continue this drama? Its teenage-romance direction bores the heck out of me lately. I feels the characters are so unconnected to each other, and the events too. (for example: KC & CJ, KC & TS?, LSS's ship plans? etc)
I swear if this drama didn't add YW character in, and let KC-CJ together it will be 100x more interesting than now, how about the two of them try to get over all the obstacles on their run away route? That's more adventurous and interesting than Kang Chi just staying comfortably at one place and having such a ridiculous teenage romance with YW. I don't think their love is strong or deep enough for KC to want to be a human at all, the reason seems forced.
Letting KC stays in the Sword school is kind of a shallow move I think, his world is still so small, after evolving around 1000yrs hotel, now it evolves around the Sword school. It's like trapping him for their safety, not helping him open his eyes to the big world at all. And what did he learn after all these eps? Nothing much, or do they even teach him anything at all? Counting beans & catching the broom? @_@, the lessons are meaningless & doesn't help him much at all. And now all he does next will be dealing with his parents @_@ until the end of the drama, b/c TS has taken the responsibility of dealing with JGW. I think at this point the writer has run out of ideas :(, all she does is dragging the events and the director helps her in dragging the scenes with the "eternal staring at each other eyes" moments. @_@
One more thing, I don't know if it's just me or I think KC & YW's speech is so broken up, esp when they talk to each other. I watched several saguek dramas & movies before, their tones are definitely different but not broken up, like waiting for 2s then continue to talk, it's kind of strange, I remembered Seung Gi wasn't like that in the 1st part of the dramas, but he talks more like this lately :(, esp when talking with YW. It sounds so unnatural :(.
I will try my best to watch just for Kang Chi's cuteness alone, but I'm not sure how much longer it will keep me going on :(.I no longer have the anticipation feeling for every new episode anymore. :(


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Why do people have to convince you? Just stop watching it.


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@lemondoddle : agreed...
just stop watching it .


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I love it...love it... LOVE it... sorry can't convince you but I love those teenage-romance...I'll keep watching it while you can switch.


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I LOVE it too. It's age appropriate with their character. What i like about YW and KC's relationship is they give an innocent feeling. Sometimes it reminds me back to my teenage years..lol


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I do understand where you are coming from, and it makes me sad. I am a true blue diehard LSG fan so I will not stop watching. I feel that they need to pull the focus off the immature loveline and more onto his journey I cant get behind him only being able to take off the bracelet if she is there, so I hope the story line will produce other obstacles that will allow him to learn control on his own. The episodes that do not have the two of them together all the time are the better episodes and I do not think that your problem with his speech is apparent when he is in scenes with others. I think he has to adjust himself down and carry the scene when with YW, so its hard to ignore. Since this is not set in a palace or royalty setting I feel like a more casual dialect is ok, but that's me. Nobody can do IN LOVE better than Seung Gi he can melt your heart, but as much as I hate to admit it, this time I can not get behind the lead female casting now matter how hard I try, and do not enjoy the over done cute scenes with him doing all the emoting and her bugged eyed blank stares. and so I try not to over analyse and just look at the whole picture and enjoy the awesome scenes between SG and the others. I hope you can find a way to make this more enjoyable for yourself too.


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Okay, I'm going to take a bullet here. I'm not going to convince you to continue watching the show. It's up to you if you want to continue or not. However, there are some things I need to point out about your post.

While I agree with you that the writers need to focus on developing/building the characters such as Chong Jo and others as well as Kang Chi trying to become human along with his goals (aka: Prove Lord Park's innocent and getting the 100 Year Inn back.) Although I see that the writers are trying to help him become human, I also see that the writers are forgetting Kang Chi's other goals that he needs to focus.

However, I disagree with you about Kang Chi being "locked up" in a certain spot and not "exploring the big world." If you remembered what Kang Chi's dream was before he realized what he really is, his dream is to live in the Hundred Year Inn with both Tae Seo and Chong Jo. Nothing more. Nothing less. Just a simple dream which he lived his nearly twenty years. He doesn't have any dream such as creating his own business or travel to see the world. Just a normal daily life that he feels comfortable with. While you may think that Kang Chi needs to explore the world in order to develop his character, the truth is... Kang Chi is simply being himself and that he prefers the simple life over everything else. Heck, even after finding out who he really is and trying to figure out how to control his gumiho side and how to become human, he is still going after original dream: to live in the 100 Year Inn with Tae Seo and Chong Jo.

As for the lessons he learn at the Dam School (aka: counting beans and catching broom), it's to help him how to control his beast side. Remember why Kang Chi was brought to Dam School in the first place. It was not only because he was following the Admiral's order, but he asked Master Dam to help him control his beast side (which So Jung the monk suggested he should do before telling him how to obtain the Gu family book.) Dam School isn't about learning how to fight, it's also about learning to how discipline and controlling your emotion, morality, and judgment. And that's what Kang Chi needs if he needs to control his beast side. You can't just throw him out in the world and expect him to learn how to control his beast side himself (of course, he did manage to control his gumiho power when no one is looking. >>; ) That will be like throwing a baby into the lions' pit in order the baby to learn how to defend.

As for Kang Chi and Yeo Wool's romance, although it feels like the writers are moving too fast on the romance in my opinion, I do want to point out that the drama IS a romantic comedy. =P What do you expect the genre of the drama will be? And although I can't prove about how strong and deep the love is due to the writers' rashness, I will prove how strong and deep their TRUST is. Ever since Kang Chi's identity has been found out, Yeo Wool has been sticking by his side, no matter how dangerous and trouble he is. She fully understand how Kang Chi is going through that no one else does and she knows how Kang Chi behaves that no one can't (except Tae Seo, So Jung, and the Admiral.) Without Yeo Wool to help him by his side, there is no way Kang Chi will be able to trust everyone as well as helping him controlling his beast side.

So although the show may not hold your interest, you DON'T need anyone telling you to convince you to continue watch it. Like everyone said, if you don't like it, don't watch it.


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Well said DesertStorm!


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Um, someone enlighten me? Why is someone else playing seo hwa than lee yeon hee? Did her character go through a face burn or face lift? :/

I mean choi jin hyuk came back, why can't the old couple get back together? I only know scraps of both love stories, did seo hwa end not liking wol ryung at all?

Sigh. Much more interested in the dad-mum love story.


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She was really young. She aged 20 years. LYH couldn't be Seunggi's adult mother tbh. She has a young face already. WR is a demon who doesn't age so he looks the same. That's all. The old couple can't get together because I think that story has past. They'll make amends in some way, but it's not going to be a romantic happily ever after.


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Who's the actor behind Sung-ah? He's good! :)


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Thanks so much for the recap.

I love YW. I love that she ties up her sewing teacher (instead of just sneaking out when she's asleep), I love that she asks her very nicely to just think of it as a little nap, I love that she runs out in her boy clothes even though she looks pretty in a hanbok. Even though she does drift dangerously close to being only concerned with Kang Chi, she does have other concerns--she wants to wield a sword to "protect the people," she wants a life of serving her country rather than being confined to domestic duties. And whenever she defends Kang Chi, she does so while mentioning broader ethical concerns--like when she tells one of the angry students that she would be defending him if he were in the same situation. I don't understand why people find her uninteresting.

I also loved Kang Chi's self-satisfied look at Gon when YW asked for a little more time with him, and the way both guys looked at her when they found out she had tied up her teacher.

Finally, I don't really see the SH/WR relationship tragedy as solely being SH's fault. Yes, she did betray him. She also watched him rip out a guy's throat with his teeth. He kept things from her that she shouldn't have. Selfishly, he did not want to see her upset, but she had a right to know that her brother died. And to know who she was marrying. I think the KC/YW relationship is different not just because of YW, but because they really know each other.

Also, I'd really like to see them continue Chongjo's storyline of potentially finding greater freedom/power through a gisaeng life. The previous two episodes seemed to be putting her on the path of becoming a really badass female heroine and I hope they don't abandon it in favor of a jealousy plot. In a way, I don't think her sadness is just about jealousy but about her loss of innocence. I don't think YW is a better person than her, I think YW gets to stay innocent (so far) because she has had better luck. And by innocence, I don't just mean not being raped, but not having to fully see or understand the horrible things that people do to each other.

Okay, thanks for listening. I've been reading this blog and comments for a while and it's like sitting through a really good book club without ever speaking. So I wanted to participate more :).


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Jah you make some good points :P

While this show is still good I feel that it is lacking something that was in the earlier episodes I just can't place it at the moment. Perhaps something in the story or maybe the great action scenes that were in the start. Want more team ups ie the Power Rangers and go all out against the baddies more often.

Bring in more conflict between the Jap Party and the martial art school before they set aside their differences and go against the BG but I doubt that will happen as I suspect that Lee Soon Shin would be the Japs enemies so a villain team up would be more likely. Though these actions would make BG a traitor and one conspiring with the enemies so the very charges that he used to place on innocent people will come and haunt him. Karma certainly is a B*@$h that will come and bite you in the A$$ when you least accept it.

Then for her revenge Chung Jo will manage to Poison him before his execution. Sorry no magical healing for you. or perhaps Wol Ryung can heal him and then someone else can think of a new way to kill him..... thus the cycle will continue ie bring him near death and just before he dies bring him back until he plead for them to just kill him :) how is that for a fitting punishment.


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I prefer WR to suck out GW 'Qi'.....
also his minion 'Qi'.....
then when WR meet KC, he just told him, I just suck them dry.....and Blurp...
he he he


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Seung go's eyes are just amazing in how he acts. All the motions are just all there and he just sucks me on that I felt all his pain in this episode. And was I the only one who laughed when suzy or director told her to squint/squirm when KC went in for the kiss? Totally ruined it for me and I just burst out laughing. :( kiss her kiss her darnit! It's so unfair for suzy, nothing can top the hot fridge kiss the poor girl. Hard act to follow.


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I think I will save the greater portion of my criticism of this show for after the final episode airs (that way I can avoid being repetitive :) and perhaps I may be, despite all odds, surprised).
I do agree that the relationship between Daddy Gu and Baby Gu should be explored in the episodes to come. I wonder how much of the old Wollyung has been retained in the darker, demonic version. I do not like things being so black and white: earlier in the show it was Kangchi's gumiho side versus his human side, now it seems to be gumiho versus demon. In East Asian lore, if I understand correctly, demons and spirits are more ambiguous figures and are not so clearly nefarious as in traditional Western lore. Of course, in the modern era both the West and East have been influenced by each other (and the modern world usually show interest in more nuanced, complex characters). In short, I am hoping that Wollyung is not evil merely because he is a demon. I see him more as a figure of death, as he represents the innocence that was lost when he was betrayed by the woman he loved and when he was hunted by humans. So I am hoping that he is merely a cursed demon and that he is not evil because he is a demon.
I like that his words give Kangchi pause and put into a different light the darker side of human nature. But just as there is that darker nature, there is also the lighter to act as counterbalance in life. And as Lee Soonshin says, blind trust is not always a given but must be earned. I am hoping that something deep will come out of this daddy/son relationship.

As others on this site have stated, I wish that this show would have had a more serious focus instead of being some childish romance. I also would have liked a more mature and experienced actress to have taken on Yeowool's role, as she could have added the necessary depth required for many scenes. While Suzy is cute, I do not think that her sweet persona and face are enough to carry such a role. I really think that she was cast because of her popularity. But because of her very young age, we cannot expect much in the way of a mature and well-developed romance. Also, although her character is supposed to be someone who has wielded a sword since childhood, I am not convinced of that when I watch the drama.
While I think that Yeowool is a good character, I hope that she does not because a female who is always in need of rescue. I want the relationship between her and Kangchi to remain one that is well balanced.


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*Correction* "I hope that she does not become..."


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I read at Seunggi's interview that Suzy always the first choice for YW. In fact YW is written with Suzy in mind. I believe it because there's so much similarity between Suzy and YW. Suzy has a tomboyish personality and i heard her dad is a Taekwondo instructor too.


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Suzy's cute and adorable in the romantic scenes but tends to falter at serious, melodramatic scenes. IMO, she doesn't look sufficiently terrified when WR found her at the forest, which I think is one of the reasons why people started shipping her with WR (I know Daddy Gu's hot, but don't steal your son's girl, LOL). The way the scene was directed was disturbing to me (YW's hair was let down, WR holding her waist and putting a sword at her throat with her aching slightly backwards...which just screams of romantic tension). She wore a similar expression during the almost kiss. It takes two hands to clap, after all. I was waiting for her to improve for 16 episodes already, so don't say that she's still young and needs to improve, because she is the lead actress in a primetime drama after all. I believe if she's given ample time and experience she will improve, but again, I think she's still green to take on a lead role that requires much more effort from her Dream High days. I think she hasn't let herself loose, as in I feel that she's still reserved when she acts.

This is not to say that LSG's acting is flawless; there are moments that I felt he could not really grasp his character and it certainly does not help when the writing is so disconnected. I think he brings out the best of his acting when he has scenes with LSS and even Tae-seo. Like Suzy, he is adorable in the cute scenes and he usually has good chemistry with his lead actresses but somehow I don't feel it this time. He has expressive eyes, I could see the 'falling in love' part in his eyes but again, it takes two hands to clap. It's a pity since his performance was so good in TK2H.

Jsut my two cents. I'd better stop before I go on into directing and writing, the two of which irks me the most. And I've been suppressing myself from criticizing because I was clinging to the hope for the past 10 episodes that it will get better, but sadly it hasn't (especially the writing). Still hoping it does, though.


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@Kyl. You make a lot of interesting points. I am also just as disappointed in the writing and the directing. And I also agree that Lee Seunggi's performance is not completely solid (and I can't ignore his lack of Saegeuk-speak lol). Still, I feel much more from him than Suzy. Your remark about her restrained (perhaps self-conscious) performance is interesting. I think that having a more capable leading lady would have raised Lee Seunggi's performance to a higher level.

There is so much that this show could explore (it has eight more episodes left). I will wait and see what it does and try to write a detailed review/criticism when the time comes. Is it too late to hope for some improvement in both writing and directing? :)


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@kyl @peridot:
You two makes interesting point. Although I'm a self proclaimed Airen (Seung Gi's fan), I also found sometimes I feel disconnected. But again, that eyes help, can't help that I'm manga fans that clinging most into eyes, so (admitting here) bias and eyes fans, enough reasons to I forgive him. :p Can't say no about your words bout stronger female lead, chemistry doesn't always means male/female romance, isn't it? we have seen Seung Gi 'react' better with better actor/actress. But as she present us with innocent bright eyes... I forgive her *please spank me here*

I'm not a fans of the writer nor the director, I admit the director made good drama like Secret Garden, but somehow, I never able to connected emotionally to that drama. Yes, it makes me cry, but I never can connect emotionally with the character. But to say that is bad...hmm... No, I don't think so, the problem here is 'too long glancing', IMO maybe he does that to 'save time'. I acknowledge him as good director after watched epi 14, the editing is tight & neat. Maybe there's no late script editing...so..the problem actually is...

The writer, my very first reason to worry even before this drama begin ...only watch Kim Tak Gu this far, but yes, I noticed that she have BIG TANGENSIAL problem in Kim Tak Gu, although not as bad as here (maybe she is suffering writer block, understandable) where she reach too large and unfocused. The writer is strong at building quotes, cute bromance scenes, create suffering 2nd female lead (but then just spin it as 'revenge'?), the sudden appearance of mom... Sound familiar? I think she use the same formula from KTG in here...
I do, honestly hope, Things will get better, please knock out some new idea writer-nim, so the director can execute that better. And the casts can play it wholeheartedly


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I agree with most of what you said, I think the mis casting of the female lead in this drama is its biggest downfall to be honest. All the negative I have heard about LSG comes in relation to his scenes with her. Thats sad too, because I know he is so professional and supportive to all those around him. The writers are now limited to how much they can do with them because of the lack of acting range in YW. This is why I say they need to lose the focus on the love story and pull in other plot lines to move the story along and give it more depth, LSG is the lead here, lets let him shine. Casting for popularity votes/ratings is such a dis service to all the talented actors/actress's involved in a drama.


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I agree completely. I think this will be more apparent as we get in to the final episodes, which will require more tension/conflict, more emotion, less of the cute.


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Suzy is great at times (when she's playing the happy tomboy) but doesn't have much range. I know a lot of people complain about her lack of actual development and the fact that she pretty much lives a charmed life compared to the rest of the cast... but I think they are doing all they can with the actress they have. Suzy could never act in the emotional scenes that YYS, LYB or LSG have had to do.

I like Suzy and she is improving, but she should stick with romcoms from now on.


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I disagree with a number of your comments. Although I find LSG's acting better than Suzy, I do think she is doing a great job in her role. I love that she wasn't completely terrified in front of WR and I understand why she was directed to act that way. This is a girl who grew up as a tomboy, learnt sword-fighting instead of sewing, climbed atop roofs, watched Kang Chi turn into half-gumiho before her very eyes and didn't falter, and even went up to hold his hand with claws while the other guys at the school encircled him and pointed their weapons. Of course she's going to show some guts while in front of WR - the amount of terror she portrayed was just right in my opinion.

I also like that she doesn't portray overly romantic expressions during the kiss, and even squirmed a little - totally befitting of a girl who grew up as such a gungho character and even heads a class of male students in fighting.


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Just to add what I disliked about the scenes with KC/YW: I don't like the directing/editing - I don't get why they've to spend ages focused on the fingers lingering over the flower stalk, for instance. Is it because of my non-korean upbringing, and I don't get the culture? But for other kdramas that I've watched, while there's mostly mild, tender kisses or light pecks on the cheeks as opposed to passionate kisses I'm used to in say, western dramas, I completely don't understand and don't feel the tension I'm supposed to feel when watching these slow scenes.


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Hmm, interesting point you got there about YW being a tomboy. YW might not express her fears because she's a female warrior. It's nice to look from a different perspective, though I'm afraid I have to offer a contradicting opinion. I have to say that there is a difference between 'looking' blank and 'acting' blank (sorry for my choice of word - I couldn't think of any other good substitute). From my perspective, I can't tell if she's scared or confused or falling in love with the thousand year old devil. It doesn't help when I'm not convinced (I tried, really) at her portrayal as a badass female warrior. I think she lacks that certain steely gaze. She's much better being cute and bubbly. As I said before, I think Suzy has potential, provided that she works on it. She just needs time and plenty of experience.

As I have mentioned before, the directing disturbs me the most in that particular scene. If the message at the end of the day is 'Wol-ryung is a scary threat', then the director has failed (evidence: YW-WR shippers). There are also times, like you said, that the moments are played too long. Gazing too long, finger-brushing too long, staring too long, trying to invoke fear too long. The director simply loves to savour his moments. It's just purely fanservice.

Note: there are other k-dramas which offers real kisses, not just the typical lip-touching-lip-and-you-call-that-a-kiss? kiss. I think Secret Garden has one, towards the end. I don't expect it to happen in this drama. It takes two hands to clap.


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Thank you, love your recap. Ha ha... Before i'm comment, i need time to thinking. i watch it by no sub. I thought alot best emotion if i'm no korean. What that talk, i only read recap and watch it.
I hope this drama will broadcast in my country with translate. Because i love thier coveration and express. This drama , you can talk slow and lack chemistry of lead. But back until now , this plot is full and best connect with lead. Kc and yw connect from friendship to love. I never saw alot in dramas. Kc and his dad really best situation. Scare , pain, love. When dad used hand to kc. Kc 's tear and emotion, he love dad too. I love son and dad. When lss show feel angry to kc , his sound really hurt kc. Me too. Tear. When gon try hard to kc , this part really move me with enjoy. Gon really charm. kc is man not yet mature in love .because his smile so friend. When he near yw . His dream only near her he is feel ease. He not yet true love. Friend vs love. Himself not yet say word love to someone. Fist love. About kiss, when you like someone or because beautiful, that feel to want kiss. Kiss kiss kiss, because he want kiss but he not yet tell he love her . Kiss by move heart. When yw smile to kc , althout i'm no kc. I'm also want kiss her. Why she so lovely. Best emotion because you miss kiss alot. If kiss you , meaning love you.
Travel this plot really stronge and long , so i need watch it again with sub. I also jude this story if not yet watch and read recap. Spot picture no emotion with story but still thank your thought. For fan this drama what that you think?


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I laughed when Ma Bong-chul said a "quiet" greeting word at the sight of Jo Gwan-woong.


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I like the character MBC. He's hilarious. I like the the way he called KC dongseng, and how he tries to protect KC. And the way he covered his eyes when KC was taking out his bracelet, and then peeked out of it later was really funny.


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I've just compared the hand on Yeo-wool's face in the last picture with the hand of Wol-ryung. It's quite obvious that the hands look very different. Wol-ryung's distal phalanx of big finger is way way longer and exquisite-looking. But the one on the face of Yeo-wool is short and roundish.


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My frustration level was so high yesterday because of Kang Chi. Seriously? Make me expect twice in the same episode, about 5 seconds apart? Really, Kang Chi?

And, girlfriday, I thought I was the only one! I laughed so hard at JKW's EH as well! So funny I had to repeat it.

Can't wait for next week. Thank you!


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I just watch with the engsub...
Now I got it why Demon Daddy Ho try to choke Baby Ho, because Baby Ho show no respect when Demon Daddy Ho warn him to become a human....
Baby Ho even expell Daddy Ho back to where he's belong from and go back to the mountain...
Demon daddy still a parent right ? How do you feel when your son show you disrespect ?
He's mad, in a Evil Demon way.....
in this brief moment, when baby Ho said tha he want to become a 'human', daddy Ho eyes flickering.....
Demon daddy Ho still care a little bit for his baby Ho....
and he mad at teacher Gong intervening, becoz it is between family business and baby Ho is his son, so it's his business .....


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Hahaha! It's cute the way you've written it, but I have some advice for Daddy-ho:
Daddy-ho, you've not been around for 20 yrs; you've not seen him take his first steps, or say his first words. Sorry, but it's not you he calls, abuji. Moreover, you suddenly pop out of nowhere, suck some ppl's chi and made ppl angry with your baby-ho. Worse, you try to stop him from having relationship with his gf... you know what young ppl are .... they want to do what they want to do...


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@crayajuhmma :
you know what young ppl are …. they want to do what they want to do…
correct 100%....

see, YW even sneak out and binding her sewing teacher to meet with baby Ho...
both dads facing the same problem, writernim just seasoning this tale with Romeo & Juliet......

Maybe Demon daddy Ho should meet up with DPJ and discuss this thing together....
be Friend or Enemies ?
be in law or just kill each other...


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Tks for the fast recap. This is my 1st time watching a drama that is still on-going in Korea. This drama is full of suspense. It is no wonder it is so well received. I waited patiently for your posting to appear. I could read it on Wednesday night (Singapore time). I revisited Ep 2 and found the reason of why Seo-Hwa did not die. Wol-ryung must have given her something while griping her shoulder with his crawls. His hand turn furry too. Later, we learnt that, in her confused mind, she attempted many time to kill herself. She even jump off a cliff, but still alive. She made the right decision by letting go of a child, she could not take care of, at the moment of her life then. She was a run-away slave. What means and future could she give to her child? There are many ???? - How could a wooden dagger be so effective? act as good as a metal one. What is that something Wol-ryung give to Seo-Hwa as his departing gift. How did Wol-ryung live on these 20 years. His coming back is not just to kill..... Seo-hwa heard him called her name, while going to the cave to give birth. She did love him and think of their good time together. She do not want a monster, cause it will be suffering for her child too. After birth, she saw her "Love-gift" from her husband and realised, she had wrong him. He had lived and give up his live for her. That is why she felt that she is an unforgiven woman. She condemn herself for causing Wol-ryung death.


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Interesting theory you have there, sylvia. Never thought that WR may have 'given' SH something so that she cant die. ...Omo! Does that mean that she has some gumiho blood in her now? That she's immortal too?


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I don't think she is immortal because in that case she would remain young right? But since she age, I guess he didn't give her anything, except the child :-).


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Thanks for the recap! :) I really am itching to know who kidnapped yeo wool. And I think next episode the gumiho form of kang chi will reappear, considering yeo wool might not be able to be by his side. And because kang chi will be full of anger due to yeo wool being kidnapped.

And the supposed to be KISS!! I just had the feeling before this episode was aired that THAT scene really wasn't a kiss scene, rather an almost kiss scene. So for the REAL kiss scene, I hope they make it meaningful. Like all that teasing with the fake/almost kiss scene will make sense once we see how epic the real one is. I hope they make the kiss scene worth the wait :D Gu family book fighting!!!


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Good GODDDDD I died with the (not a) kiss scene!!! Literally shrieked when she got grab. THAT I didn't see coming.

Awesome recaps! I've finally started to actually watch it now (we can all thank daddyho for that). It's getting exciting...can't waaaaaaaiiiittt.


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Ivaa, ha ha ... Love with name demon daddy ho and baby ho. Feel like cute. Hya...! Baby ho in not growth yet and mature in love if campare dady. So dady should teach son. Maybe wait war son and dad. Can't wait.


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Ummmm seo hwa us staying at the 100 year inn so how has she not heard the rumor of a baby gumiho?!? And also how was she not present when all the hub bub was happening with jang chi!?! At the very least her ppl would have reported it to her


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Maybe she did. :) I hope she did hear it because it would be a bit silly if she didn't.


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I love the way you said gumiho baby lol all the time im so into it that i cant wait for another recap thanks you make my day happier


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I agree with what some of you mentioned, that this week's episodes were rather slow compared to what we're used to see. I think it's not a bad thing, and it's not like nothing happened. These 2 episodes were about Kang Chi's development, which was needed.

Now that the villagers accepted him, and he gained the students' trust, I bet there will be a lot going on next week (let's hope for that!)

Also, I don't find Knag Chi's attraction to Yeo Wool illogical. Think about it. Yeo Wool had known him for a long time now, they fought together, and she even accepted him for who he was, the good part and the bad part of him.

But what did Chong Jo say? She was harsh to him the last time they met, acknowledged him as monster and not "Kang Chi" which was the opposite of Yeo wool. This is why Yeo Wool touched his heart. I don't think he forgot about Chong Joo completely though, it wouldn't make sense, would it? I'm sure there are lingering feelings somewhere in his heart, or at least he still cares for her. I mean, it would be out of character if that doesn't happen. Kang Chi is supposed to be caring and filled with determination.

About his 6- inch apart from Yeo Wool lol .. well, he had always been a bit slow and hesitant, even with Choong Jo. It is just a part of his character BUT now that bad daddy seems to have taken Yeo Wool from him, I'm crossing my fingers that Kang Chi will save her and they will sort their feelings for once and for all.


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i want both leads in hong sister drama and this is compliment


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Here are my 3 suspects :
1) Daddy WRY - so KC can see he means business. He wears black.
2) Gon - to get YW away from KC
3) JGW's minion - he saw thr YW is important to KC and he can use her to lure KC


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Im in for 'GON'...........
I bet it's Gon....
the hand and the sleeves only belong to WR or Gon....
he want to confess...
and maybe steal a 'kiss'....
since KC is soooo sloooow....
better stealing a First Kiss right ?
Gon knew that he never never ever have YW, so just kidnapped her and steal a 'kiss'....
I forgot about SJ....
SJ sleeves also look alike...
maybe it's SJ ????
my imagination go wild, 'coz writernim is sooo slow, I just make up a story.....


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Kang Chi is probably fighting back to kiss Yeo Wool because she is engaged to his Bff-- But its clear he soo wants to :D


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does anyone else feels like they are setting all this up with YW and KC so they can break them apart.

YW is what keeps KC human and if he were to lose her or their bond is broken then he would turn into a monster.

In a way, he's position is much more dangerous than his father, WR didn't rely on SH as much as KC relies on YW.


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Okay... here is a crazy idea that has been formulating in my head since about episode 2...

Wouldn't it be nuts (read: AWESOME) if in some way to solve Seo hwa's and Wol-Ryung's angst/love issues punishment etc... they were reincarnated... as in... My girlfriend is a gumiho? Sort of like this drama is a prequel to the THAT movie? It might make some sense if the writers played it well. Just a for instance... Wol-ryung's 1000 year punishment would be over by that time, yes? His mortal wife would be dead (waaaay dead) by that time. But their love (hopefully this drama will do this) live forever... soo....soo... why not?! I think that would be an interesting and creative way to "solve" the many of the problems that this poor couple will face- most especially if the writers allow them to have a somewhat "happy" ending. Which Wol-Ryung deserves... even if I can not forgive his (evil wench!) wife at this point. Just saying. *winks conspiratorially*


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Strike 1: I am hungry
Strike 2: Here is your sword and your boot
Strike 3: Sleep well

Aww...Daddy Ho turn around and gave Mommy a swooonnning kiss and got all the applaud. Baby Ho gotta learn from Dad fast! Don't you have enough of his genes?


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I haven't even watched all the episodes and I'm fed up of Kang Chi and Yeo Wool's "Let's Stare Into Each Other's Eyes And Ignore All The Important Stuff That's Going On" thing that they have going.
From the time I saw his red eyes open, that's when I became interested in this show. Yes, I'm talking about Wol Ryung. I may be a bit biased because I've liked him since the start but I genuinely find Wol Ryung more interesting than his son.
And instead of all the KC/YW romance and everyone constantly misunderstanding KC, they should try and develop Wol Ryung's character more.
They have Seo Hwa back and all mysterious but they haven't decided to flesh out this part of the story which is really what I have been waiting for. I'm waiting to see how she survived, why she's done what she's done so far, if Wol Ryung really is as innately evil as everyone seems to perceive and so on.
I understand that Lee Seung Gi and Suzy are meant to be the male and female leads but really, would it kill them to spotlight Choi Jin Hyuk and the secondary actors some more?


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Well Said.


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Just some thoughts:

I know a lot of people are wondering if the writers are going to "save" Wol-Ryung or if they are going to go the cheap route and make him evil.

Sadly... it is looking like with so many episodes left to go, that they may take this route because it would keep the drama afloat. What else are they going to do with soo many episodes? He can't stare at people from the bushes forever....It is an easy choice for the writers and director to make, but it will ruin Choi Jin Hyuk's character and undermine the entire depth of the drama, but Hey! Easy peasy!... I digress...

Anyway; technically we shouldn't be having this conversation because *technically* WR should have a loophole (as pointed out by another fan) NOT to be completely demonized because he was breaking the last two rules (2. Don't kill a living thing and 2. Don't reveal his true nature/gumiho-ness to humans for 100 days) while FOLLOWING/OBEYING rule #1. (He must help a human if they ask for help). His wife was SCREAMING for him to help her. What is a loving husband to do?!

But... that being said, if he is a demon, how to solve that? Any ideas, anyone?

I thought... 1. Reincarnation- No matter who "kills" him (again), it would allow the drama to have that epic feeling at the end. They could make it YW saving KC or visa vera... Or his wife, or suicide. Anybody. Just bring the boy back because he is friggin' amazing and he pretty much deserves it unless they ruin his character (which I am sadly anticipating).

2. Why not have his wife commit suicide with the hawthorne knife? Would this not solve the knife in the heart problem for WR? ANnnnNnnND.... maybe that monk could "amazingly" remember/reveal yet ANOTHER loophole that he forgot! If the betrayer kills themselves/sacrifices themselves to save their betrayed... they (the betrayed!) can be forgiven! YaaaaaY! I would TOTALLY do a happy dance for this.

Even better, maybe Seo Hwa is reincarnated, get this!, as a GUMIHO! Huzzah! Then she and Wol-Ryung (because hopefully he will be himself again) can live happily ever after and check on their child KC and his lover YW, occasionally from their home in the mountain, or heaven, or wherever.

3. I need more ideas. Help me out! haha!

Thank you for bearing through this. It is a pleasure to discuss these dramas, and I look forward to any and all responses (as well as future episodes!)


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"... if he is a demon, how to solve that? Any ideas, anyone?..."

A mere physical reincarnation will not help much, if the mood of the departing soul is bitter. I would say, rebirth of the heart in this very lifetime by true love would help. Just like the line from Spring Rain 봄비 (OST) suggests:

... sarangeun cheoeumcheoreom nal dasi ...

It refers not only to KC and YW, but to WR as well. And perhaps to anyone else.


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To Kumi: I agree with you. A physical reincarnation is not so much what I meant or think that some people desire for the parents as much as some form of redemption or perhaps reconciliation of past mistakes (?). A think that a lot of people have been interested in finding some way for there to be...perhaps not a "happy" ending for the parents... but some way to resolve their conflict. On my part, I personally wish that people that INTEND to do good would be rewarded. I have been repeatedly bashed on this forum *coughcrazyajummafan*cough*cough* but I watch and read a LOT of scripts that reward *BAD* behavior rather than that of good behavior. Many people think that *that* is rather romantic, and yes, it often can be. But I think that *in this particular drama* it would be rather nice to finally see someone that means well to end up well. I know that a lot of people may disagree with me and call *me* a romantic... but isn't that why we all (well, most of us, not ALL of us) TRY to be good? Don't we believe somehow that by being good or in trying to do what is right we may somehow end up better than if we purposefully act in an unethical or hateful manner?

Well.. here goes for another crazy ajumma bashing fest.


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I understand that you do not want WR to be written as just an evil being, and like points one and two. However, I think that there are several important points that you have conveniently left out or over-looked in your long defence of WR in point 3.

1) WR didn't just kill ONE student. In his 'resurrected' form, he killed a number of villagers and sucked out their chi. He also killed the innocent student for the same reason. Not ony that, he deliberately hurt his best friend for no apparent reason, and said that he was going to destroy everything related to SH. If all this is not evil, what is? How can we so flippantly disregard these murders and actions and claim that it's justified because "he's a friggin fox spirit"?

2) Even if we went along those lines, WR was a fox spirit before he was killed, yet he didn't go taking innocent lives then. The only time he killed humans was when SH's life was threatened. Which brings me to my third point.

3) You mentioned that KC had killed too. Yes, he did - so did WR when he revealed his gumiho self to the soldiers. In KC's case, he did not even know that he had any gumiho blood in him. It was a complete surprise and he had practically no control over his body and mind. At least, the second time round, he restrained himself enough to just hurt the bounty hunters and not kill them.

4) As far as suspecting that WR was the one who kidnapped YW, I don't know where you've gotten your information from, but I think that if you had taken the pains to read the discussion in this forum, you'll realise that no one has simply pinned the blame on WR. There have been other theories as well. But even if WR was blamed, what has WR done, that suspicion should not fall on him? Did he not tell Monk that he'll destroy everything connected with SH? Did he not tell KC that only if KC gives up his pursuit of being human, will be let KC live? In light of all these damning evidence, why should he not be the chief suspect?
Moreover, like LSS said, trust does not just fall from the sky. It has to be built up through time and relationships,
and unfortunately, WR has not spent much time building trust after he 'resurrected', and he certainly has not taken any effort to build any relationship, least of all with his son whom he has not seen at all.

GFB Fighting!


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Sorry, the above comment was supposed to be in answer to missDVM's comment in in the previuos page.


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LMAO. Didn't notice the "ehhhhhh?" until you mentioned it. Had a listen and tears were running down my face from laughing so hard. That nut.


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