Gu Family Book: Episode 8

Yay, this is a great episode that brings together all the story threads in a simple, cohesive way—the hero’s quest to become human comes to the fore, tying in the family’s revenge and the overarching Good Guy/Bad Guy war, all while launching us into the part of the story we’re all dying to get to. Yunno, the part where the superhero figures out what his powers are, and learns to fight the good fight. Bring it on.


Today’s episode starts out with a definition of the Gu Family Book: a promise passed down from Hwanung, the son of god, to all guardian spirits, giving them the chance to be human. I guess this means it’s time for the book to make a reappearance in the story. Figuratively, I mean. No one’s ever laid eyes on the thing, according to legend.

Back to Kang-chi’s trial, where Lee Soon-shin makes his grand entrance to claim Kang-chi as his man and basically save the day, hero-style. Obviously Jo Gwan-woong takes issue with a murderer being set free, and I love Lee Soon-shin’s response: “And, who are you?”

When told by Lee Soon-shin that he’s extending his authority beyond reach in this province, Jo Gwan-woong changes his tune to say that he’s simply here as an eye-witness to Park Mu-sol’s murder.

Kang-chi screams that he’s the one who killed Lord Park and starts fighting against his ropes, and Lee Soon-shin lays a hand on Kang-chi’s shoulder. It immediately calms him down and makes him think of Lord Park, and he just looks up with the saddest puppy eyes and sheds a tear.

Lee Soon-shin asks if it’s true that Park Mu-sol was a traitor. They say yes, of course. “So then if Choi Kang-chi killed a traitor, how is that murder?” Cha-ching. You can see everyone’s eyes darting back and forth to try and wriggle out of the logical fallacy. It’s pretty awesome.

He says there are only two options: either Kang-chi killed an enemy of the state and did a good thing, or Park Mu-sol was not a traitor and was therefore framed. So which is it? You can almost hear the collective Buuuuuuuuh.

From the sidelines, Yeo-wool does the cutest little fist-pump at the victory.

Jo Gwan-woong takes a moment to figure out his next move, and his puppet official suggests that they have no option but to let Kang-chi go. He reels at the thought of handing Kang-chi over, knowing he has the strength to kill seven men. They get the idea to ask Lee Soon-shin for a contract, promising that all of Kang-chi’s future actions are his personal responsibility. Eep, that’s gonna cause problems later.

Lee Soon-shin comes to fetch Kang-chi out of his jail cell, but Kang-chi argues that he’d rather die than live the rest of his life as the person who killed his father and teacher. He thinks it better to just kill everyone here and die himself, and Lee Soon-shin asks how he can give his life so easily.

Kang-chi: “Because my life no longer has any meaning. Because I’ve become nothing, not even a person.”

Lee Soon-shin just nods, “Is that so?” prepared to let him do as he wants. Instead of arguing, he hands Kang-chi three nyang, and tells him to think of this day as his last. He tells him to use each nyang to say his final goodbyes to three people, and then return to him after midnight. Once he’s done that, he’ll be free to die as he wishes.

Kang-chi doesn’t understand the task nor why he’d have to obey, but Lee Soon-shin says that Park Mu-sol personally asked him to take care of Kang-chi, so it’s within his right to command this one thing. Kang-chi doesn’t have an argument for that.

So out he goes, back into the world, where everyone now thinks he killed his own father. It takes all of his self-control not to run back inside and kill Jo Gwan-woong, but Lee Soon-shin’s request that he keep his promise this one day rings in his ears.

And then we flash back to Lee Soon-shin signing the contract without hesitation, making him now entirely responsible for Kang-chi’s actions. Dam Pyung-joon worries that it was a reckless move—Kang-chi isn’t exactly a stable person. But Lee Soon-shin says that humans can only do their best in any situation and hope that it’s enough to move the heavens.

Jo Gwan-woong squirms with curiosity, wondering what’s so special about Kang-chi that Lee Soon-shin would risk everything to set him free. He plans to find a way to kill two birds with one stone, and tells his minion to lie in wait because Kang-chi is sure to come looking for him.

He asks after their contingency plan, and the minion says that the illusion is set. Cut to: Tae-seo having a nightmare. Oh noes.

A flashback to his torture reveals that Jo Gwan-woong’s black-magic-wielding minion cast a spell on Tae-seo to make him believe that Kang-chi killed his father. He’s told to kill Kang-chi on sight.

And in the present, Tae-seo finally wakes up, and that’s the first thought on his mind. (And apparently he’s been relocated to Dam Pyung-joon’s headquarters in the meantime.)

Kang-chi can feel Yeo-wool following him, and she admits that she’s keeping an eye on him in case he goes berserk on Jo Gwan-woong. Kang-chi doesn’t hide the fact that he plans to do that very thing, and she points out that he made a promise to Lee Soon-shin.

Kang-chi says that promises are things people make with other people, and says he’s not a person anymore so it doesn’t apply. He adds bitterly that he is half-human, but he doesn’t know when the beast half of him will appear and kill her.

They’re interrupted when a group of townspeople start pelting rocks and vegetables at him, calling him all manner of names for killing the man who saved him and gave him a home. Augh, poor Kang-chi.

Yeo-wool steps out in front of him (Are you protecting him? That is SO CUTE.) and tells the people that they have it all wrong. But they just assume she’s a bad guy too and start pelting her with more vegetables.

Kang-chi pulls her away from the crowd before they get hurt. You sure do wrist-grab her like a girl. Just sayin’. She says that the truth will be revealed someday, but he asks what happens if it doesn’t—then he has to live the rest of his life this way, as the man who killed Lord Park.

He turns to go, when Yeo-wool calls out that she’s at the gisaeng house. “Chung-jo. That’s the person you most want to see right now, isn’t it?” Aw.

At the gisaeng house, Chung-jo and the other trainees go through a hazing ritual led by head bitch Wol-sun, who pretends to teach them a class, only to make them drink. Chung-jo refuses, so Wol-sun tells her friends to help her out, and they pass her bowl around so everyone can spit in it.

Then they give it back to Chung-jo and order her to drink it. She takes the bowl, and then chucks the liquor right in Wol-sun’s face. Nice.

But the act of rebellion gets her a beating from the gisaengs and then a second beating from Soo-ryun, after Wol-sun and her gang insist that they were only offering her a friendly drink in their free time, and she threw it back in their faces.

Kang-chi finally arrives at the gisaeng house and pushes the guards aside to storm right into Soo-ryun’s room, to find Chung-jo being whipped in the shins. He makes his grand heroic entrance: “I’ve come for you,” and takes her outside, ignoring Soo-ryun’s warnings.

They only make it to the courtyard before they’re surrounded by men with clubs, and Soo-ryun comes out to tell them that if they manage to run from here, they’ll have to live as runaways and traitors for the rest of their lives, the punishment for which is death.

Kang-chi isn’t deterred in the least, and tells Chung-jo that he’ll get her out of here in no time. “I won’t leave you here alone any longer.” But Chung-jo begins to waver, and tears stream down her face as she pulls her hand away and lets go. Ack! No!

Kang-chi stands there frozen, and then reaches out for her hand again. But she steps back. Oof. Kang-chi: “I came here to get you. I came to get you out of this place.” She tells him to clear her father’s name first, and then come for her the right way, honorably.

She tells him that until then, she won’t take one step out of this place, and runs off crying. Soo-ryun tells him (almost as a piece of helpful advice) that if he really wants to take Chung-jo away, he needs to think about what it is he has to do first.

He walks out of the gisaeng house completely spun around, and off in a corner, Chung-jo collapses in tears.

Yeo-wool watches Kang-chi leave and thinks back to her orders from her father: to kill him the second he deviates from his promise. Gon offers to do it if she can’t, but Yeo-wool says she’ll do it. Dad warns her that this is Lee Soon-shin and the entire Jeolla naval command on the line here, and tells her not to hesitate for even one second.

But while she’s lost in her thoughts, she loses sight of Kang-chi, and Gon gets word that he’s headed in this direction—to the Hundred Year Inn. He takes out a bow and arrow, and Kang-chi walks closer and closer, as he steadies his aim.

Yeo-wool runs over to the inn and arrives just as Kang-chi is walking up the steps to the front door. She sees both Gon and Kang-chi, and takes out her bow…

She aims at Kang-chi, and then in the last second she swings left and fires at Gon, splitting the head off his arrow with perfect precision. Badass.

Kang-chi storms into the Hundred Year Inn and snaps the stick off a broom with purpose. This is looking bad…

Gon can’t believe Yeo-wool would risk everything like that and starts to follow Kang-chi inside, but she stops him. She assures him that Kang-chi made a promise and that she trusts him to keep it. He doesn’t share her trust in him, obviously, but she asks him to trust her instead then.

Kang-chi walks right into Jo Gwan-woong’s room, and says he’s here to give him an answer to his question, about joining his side. He SLAMS the broomstick through the center of the table, cutting it in half and making the ground quake beneath him.

He leans forward: “I will come to reclaim the Hundred Year Inn. And on that day, I will take your life as well. That is my answer.” He even gives a little smile, leaving Jo Gwan-woong fuming in his wake. The servants are waiting outside to greet Kang-chi with tears, and he urges them to protect this place, promising to return someday with Tae-seo and Chung-jo.

Dam Pyung-joon wonders if Kang-chi will even return, while Lee Soon-shin has faith that he’ll keep his promise. But as soon as he says the words, a government official arrives to claim that Kang-chi broke into the Hundred Year Inn and caused havoc.

Jo Gwan-woong shows Lee Soon-shin the broomstick, insisting that he has eye-witnesses of Kang-chi’s attack. This is the crime you’re trying to get him with? You’re losing your touch, Evil One.

Lee Soon-shin asks to speak to the witnesses, and asks the servants to step forward if they saw Kang-chi making trouble. One by one they step forward… and swear they never saw Kang-chi here at all. Ha. Foiled again.

Lee Soon-shin suggests he work a little harder on the evidence next time. Jo Gwan-woong takes his rage out on the servants, ordering them beaten and starved for their disobedience.

Jo Gwan-woong is assured that he can rely on their contingency plan, because Tae-seo will kill Kang-chi the first chance he gets. Sure enough, Tae-seo gets out of bed and gets his hands on a sword.

Kang-chi returns to Lee Soon-shin, who asks if he’s done his homework. Kang-chi puts the three coins down on the table, not having spent any. Lee Soon-shin asks what this means, and Kang-chi answers, “I have to live a little longer.”

When asked what changed his mind, Kang-chi says that there are three things he has left to do: clear Lord Park’s name, return the Hundred Year Inn to Tae-seo and Chung-jo, and the last… “If it’s possible, I want to become human.” He says that he’s nothing right now—neither human nor beast, just half of each.

Lee Soon-shin: I’ve seen countless people born as human, who live as worse than beasts. The thing that determines your humanity is not your birth, but your heart.

Kang-chi says he can’t return to his family this way, so Lee Soon-shin asks if it’s even possible. Kang-chi says he heard that there is a way: the Gu Family Book.

Flashback to the Moonlight Garden, where green-eyed Kang-chi first learned of the book. He lights up to hear that there’s a way to become human, but So-jung says there’s no way he’ll pass the trials to get to the book. If his thousand-year old father couldn’t manage it, how will he?

But Kang-chi swears he can do it, and begs on his knees for So-jung to help him. So-jung tells him to first master endurance, in learning how to control his beast half so that he only appears as human—it took Wol-ryung a few hundred years to master this, apparently, so he doesn’t seem too optimistic about hotheaded Kang-chi’s chances.

The second thing is to stay away from women altogether. But So-jung worries that he already has a fated match in his midst, thinking it unlikely he’ll manage this trial either. I guess it’s a good thing in this case that Kang-chi still thinks Yeo-wool’s a boy.

Kang-chi whines, “Do you want me to die?” Heh. So-jung answers literally, saying that if he were to give up this fool’s errand of trying to become human, he’d never die. But Kang-chi doesn’t care about living forever, and pleads for So-jung’s help to find the book.

Thus Lee Soon-shin asks to leave Kang-chi in Dam Pyung-joon’s care. Wheee. He doesn’t look too pleased at the idea, but Kang-chi gets on his knees and swears allegiance, asking for his guidance on learning endurance and control.

And in the distance, Yeo-wool looks on with a huge grin. D’aww. Gon watches a few feet away and says through gritted teeth that they could’ve lost their commander today. But Yeo-wool chides him for having so little faith in Lee Soon-shin.

She says that the thing that made her chose to spare Kang-chi earlier today wasn’t her faith in Kang-chi, but in their leader. She knew Lee Soon-shin would never risk everything without faith, so she trusted his judgment. She suggests in a friendly tone that Gon ought to learn a lesson from the day’s events, to trust people a little more.

The next morning, Kang-chi asks Lee Soon-shin what he would’ve done if he had spent all his coins in preparation for his suicide mission to kill Jo Gwan-woong. Lee Soon-shin: “Do you want the honest answer? I would’ve cut your throat without mercy.”

Kang-chi gulps. He continues, “One who does not consider his own life precious, does not know how to consider anything else precious. There can be no hope placed in such a man.” Kang-chi just laughs nervously that he sure does have a sense of humor, and Lee Soon-shin chuckles good-naturedly, even though he was totally not kidding.

Yeo-wool comes to get him, and they say their goodbyes. Lee Soon-shin tells him to come see him anytime, and they join Gon and Dam Pyung-joon to head back to the martial arts school.

Chung-jo receives a little pouch, with the message that Kang-chi came by early in the morning to leave this for her. Inside is the medicine that Yeo-wool once gave him to heal his wounds.

The warrior foursome marches through the woods, and Kang-chi playfully ruffles Yeo-wool’s hair, teasing her that she must be excited that she gets to see his face every day. They run around playfully, and Gon actually rolls his eyes, ha.

So-jung watches as they pass, and prays that this path will not be one of misfortune, for either of them.

At the gisaeng house, Chung-jo approaches Wol-sun with a table and silently pours herself a drink, and then another. She declares that her name is Park Chung-jo, and boldly asks to be called by her name from now on, calling her Wol-sun unni. Soo-ryun looks on with a smile.

Kang-chi arrives at Dam Pyung-joon’s base and literally goes slackjawed at the grandeur. The rows of men bow to their master, and he tells Kang-chi to introduce himself.

He stares blankly for a moment and then starts in on a terribly awkward introduction, and Yeo-wool has to push his head down in a bow. There’s no response, so she commands one, and they all bow immediately and answer in unison.

Kang-chi looks over at her, totally impressed that she’s a hotshot around here, and she pretends to be modest about it but puffs up proudly. He admits that this place is really impressive, and she says that if it weren’t for Lee Soon-shin’s request, Kang-chi could never be admitted as a student.

The courtyard clears out, and it’s only then that Kang-chi turns to see Tae-seo walking toward him. He’s just so happy to see him that he doesn’t notice that he’s zombie-walking over dragging a sword along the ground, and just runs to him happily.

Tae-seo doesn’t miss a beat and skewers Kang-chi right through his mid-section as he’s running to him, and everyone freezes in utter shock. Blood starts pouring out of his mouth.

Jo Gwan-woong sits in front of his broken table, declaring to no one, as villains are wont to do: “If I can’t have it, I will steal it. And if I can’t steal it, I will get rid of it. That is the law of Jo Gwan-woong.”

Back to Kang-chi, who ekes out, “Tae-seo-ya…” and reaches out a hand to his brother. But Tae-seo just shakes with rage as he screams, “Die. DIIIIIIIIE!”

He stabs the sword in further, and it comes clear through the other side. Aaaaack. Aaaaack.


I’m not afraid that Kang-chi will die, but it’s still a pretty gruesome scene, especially on an emotional front. He’s spent a day being treated as the lowest of the low, with rocks thrown at his head by people who think he killed his own surrogate father, and then to have Tae-seo drive a sword through him believing the same… augh. There’s going to be a way to snap Tae-seo out of this trance, right? He’s not going to spend the series thinking that Kang-chi killed his father, right? RIGHT?

I have to say I saw Chung-jo’s noble sacrifice coming, given her proclivity for noble idiocy in the past. And while I understand it, I also want to scream at her. On the one hand, it makes for a beautifully tragic story—it does, with the honorable noblewoman, fallen from grace but enduring for the sake of her family’s name. But on the other hand, if she were my sister, I’d drag her ass out of there, law be damned. I think she’s a beautiful character, and strong in her own way, but I also can’t champion her choices because everything inside me is screaming Nononononono. When she lets go of Kang-chi’s hand, I know that in that world she’s making the hard choice, the noble one; but damn if I don’t want him to just pick her up and carry her out anyway.

At least now that her choice is made, it does set us off on a new course for her that’s different from Seo-hwa’s, which is frankly a relief because I was getting tired of watching the show repeat its own storylines this early in the game. She’s doing what Soo-ryun failed to get through to Seo-hwa, in shedding her noblewoman pride and choosing to survive in this world. In that alone, she has a better shot at revenge, at life; but it still kills me what she’s giving up, even if it would be a life on the run.

Today’s episode felt like the start of a new chapter, and one that I’m really looking forward to. We’ve spent the last few episodes spinning our wheels with a lot of setup—it’s plot that needed to happen, to set the stage for Kang-chi and the Park family’s tragic story, so that our heroes have something to fight for. It was just rather depressing, because it was like dominoes of tragedy, one right after the other, on top of which our hero was busy beast-brooding because he found out he wasn’t a real boy. I’m much happier with the new plan, where he figures out how to control his gumiho half gradually.

I like the association of Kang-chi’s beastie side with his anger a la The Hulk, because it feeds into the plot in a nice way. The promise with Lee Soon-shin and the test of his patience today was a really great way to connect his supernatural dilemma with his human revenge one. The episode felt cohesive—in following Kang-chi’s One Last Day, it tightened the grip on the scenes that normally feel disjointed because they stray from the main story.

I’m thoroughly excited for the next part of Kang-chi’s journey under Dam Pyung-joon’s care, and even though Yeo-wool’s gender-bending is going on longer than I expected, I love their dynamic as friends, so if we’re going full-on Coffee Prince with this, let’s go all the way. I do love that we’re basically following Kang-chi’s life as he gets adopted from family to family, because that’ll never fail to get me in the heart. As a child Kang-chi is of unknown birth and accepted by Park Mu-sol as one of his own, and now when he is half-beast, Lee Soon-shin accepts him yet again. The drama’s themes are simple, but that doesn’t make them any less lovely—that humanity is a choice, not a birthright, and worth fighting for.


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"...that humanity is a choice, not a birthright, and worth fighting for."

Never better said.


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Agreed. :)


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Worthy to be quoted.


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The beasthood is also a choice.


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Other than the first two episodes, I think this episode was the best. It brought everything together in a really nice way, setting us up for the remainder of the series. I really enjoyed it. I like that Kang-chi will do everything he can to control his beastie side, and that he'll do it under Dam Pyung-joong is all the better. I really hope they don't drag out Yeo-wool's gender-bending too much longer.

Chung-jo's act of noble idiocy had me rolling my eyes. I get why she did it, but still, I, too, just wanted Kang-chi to drag her outta there. At least now, she's becoming stronger than Seo-hwa. Actually, the fact that she chose to stay and not run away the way Seo-hwa did, makes me think she's made of sterner stuff than Seo-hwa. I still don't like it, but I can respect it in this instance.

And poor Tae-seo! Why, Show?! The spell better be broken, like, now. Maybe stabbing Kang-chi will wake him up? Maybe? Sadness, overload.

Also, will Yeo-wool really die? Will they find someway to circumvent their doomed fate? I WANT TO KNOW!

Thanks for the recap, Girlfriday!


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I will cry if Yeo Wool will die. I love her already :(


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YW won't die! I think that's impossible unless KC would die as well. I don't think that's the story they are trying to tell here.


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The magician didn't say someone had to die, just that one of them "may" die. Lots of wriggle-room there I think.


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@Abbie: "Actually, the fact that she chose to stay and not run away the way Seo-hwa did, makes me think she’s made of sterner stuff than Seo-hwa."

Yeah, Chung-jo is much stronger than Seo-hwa. Chung-jo sacrificed herself to save her (older) brother and friend. Seo-hwa sacrificed her younger brother and maid to save herself.

Okay -- maybe not entirely fair of me to see it that way, since Seo-hwa didn't realize she was putting her dependents on a path to their death but... That rankled me a little at the time. Still -- Chung-jo stepping up to save people who, by all rights, should be saving her... I loves her. :)


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I swear its not because of my undying hatred for her, but Suzy really was the worst pick for this drama. I personally think if you're a better musician, stick to musical dramas where your talent us at least admirable. For a sageuk, she is too dull, stiff and acts a lot more poorly than I
originally thought she would. I love every actor in this drama except her, and if I'm honest, I'd probably prefer Kang Chi with Chung Jo and Gon with someone else because even her character isn't enough to deserve him. Neither actress nor character Yeo Wool has enough depth. It's really ruining the drama for me


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I disagree. I like Suzy here. I like how she portray Yeo Wool and I'm rooting for her. Then again opinions and such.


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I dunno what you talkin bout but Yewool is cool for me.


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Excuseme for LOL, "acts a lot more poorly than i" says UNKNOWN. Nobody even knows who you are so how would we be so sure your acting is better? Imagine a world where no one would be given a chance to try out something different. Everybody is entitled to their opinions but why spew hate, i never understood that. Its a shame you have to suffer another what 16 chapters. Hopefully Suzy improves in your eyes


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tina, I think the problem was an unfortunate line break. What she said was "acts more poorly than I originally thought she would." So unknown is not comparing Suzy to herself, but reflecting on un-met expectations. And there are plenty of ways of trying new experiences at less exhalted levels. I did not think unknown was "spewing hate," - really, she admitted her personal bias, but kept the discussion to professional issues.


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I only saw that now, thanks for pointing that out. Sorry for calling her/him a hater. If people aren't given opportunities to try new things then there would be no chances of improvement. Some are talented enough where they don't need to keep practicing & some are just naturals. To just say you suck so don't bother, i don't agree.


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Personally, I like Suzy here. I don't listen to her music, nor have I seen her in anything else. I've seen her on variety shows, and she seems really sweet. I think she's doing a great job here. I don't get why you hate her. Still, everyone has there own opinion. And I am of the opinion that your hatred of her is what makes you dislike her character here. I'm sorry if that offends you, but that is my honest opinion.


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I agree she is not a good choice, but not because she does music or what ever she does, she just cannot act, she is not ready for a lead role to this degree, she is playing a character that we should be rooting for. YW says all the right things I guess but the delivery is really bad. and her facial expressions gah! I am really trying to warm up to her, but I just cannot. I think the fact that she is surrounded by such awesome actors just highlights her flaws and at the same time are allowing her to skim by. But I feel her being bad is causing negative comments regarding LSG acting, and this bothers me.


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It does seem like LSG is overcompensating a little bit for Suzy's blankness, but this can occur even with respected actresses. For example, I thought CSW was way, way too over-the top - even for a Hong sisters comedy - in The Greatest Love, and I think it was because he was over-compensating for the very understated (really, I felt like she was sleepwalking through some scenes) performance of GHJ.
People still thought CSW did a fabulous job, and I think the same will be true of LSG. His problem is that he is coming off such a fabulous performance in K2H. K2H had the trifecta of a fabulous part, directed well, with a talented co-star. Gu Family Book has the great part, but the other two, not so much.


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It's not causing negative comments anywhere but here or other international blogs. Most people are praising his acting as great. I seriously don't get what people see that is so different from his acting in TK2H (and Jae Ha is why I became a SG fan in the first place...) other than the character/PD/story being totally different.


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lol, i agree.
I didn't understand what people were talking about with his "downgraded" acting.
I can understand that Kang Chi is a completely different character than Jae Ha, and thus, has much less intense, emotional scenes. Just because he's not crying or hurting in every scene doesn't mean his acting was taken down a notch.
Kang Chi is an adorable fella that doesn't bear the weight of ruling a country. In no way can one compare kang chi scenes and jae ha scenes and say one's lacking and the other exceeds. Both characters are different in their own ways, and i'd like to point out that Seung Gi didn't start really killin` it until the second half of K2H, where he goes through a painful experience with his brother/sister-in-law's death and is forced with a role he didn't want in the first place. I'd say there are definitely different reasons why someone's acting is different in shows. Directing, Writing, Co-stars, etc.
We all know how capable Seung gi is after watching his performance in K2H so i think we should just leave that in memory and enjoy him in GFB.


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I'm in total agreement with you, our T2H maknae! I wrote something very similiar in 4.3.2, but I think you wrote it better! Just give him time!


@crazyajummafan @ilikemangos: How I love to have you two here, *hugs*


100% agreement~!!!


@reglest @ ilikemangoes - hugs too!!!! Missed you guys!!!


Well said! Absolutely agree with all you've said.


If he take off his bracelet, He will be gumiho right?
I want that bracelet out. He should fight like a man against his gumiho half. He has Yewool with him to helpp.
Yewool is so awesome and cool. I want to see more action.


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I want Kang Chi to know she's a girl. I have had enough of that kind. I hope next week, he'll realize it.


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I don't. Because knowing that can distract him from his goal. Just like the monk mentioned.


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I dunno about anyone else, but I don't really care if Kang chi doesn't know Yeo Wool is a girl yet, because the focus of the story is not about that, IMHO. I trust that he'll know it eventually, soon.


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I kind of like it makes their relationship more natural. He would probably act differently around a young lady than he would a guy friend. Though let's not go so far that he has to question why he has funny feelings for his pretty guy friend...


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Yeo wool is acting more like a girl than a boy. You can probably see it from miles afar that She is a girl. Seunggi is really good in acting his part around her. Looking forward to see more of them.


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I love Yeo Wool, but Suzy is still not nailing the acting... yet.
When YW is supposed to be frightened, Suzy does not act frightened enough. When YW is supposed to be angry, Suzy does not act angry enough. When YW is supposed to be worried, Suzy does not act worried enough.

She's improving but I need her to improve faster... she does at least seem more at ease and natural in scenes with Seung Gi, that's a good thing since they are the OTP. But I can't help comparing her with Lee Yoo Bi whom is luminous as Chong Ju, even though I like YW as a character more.

Wish the love between KC and YW can get going soon... At this point, I can't see how KC will fall for YW when it's so apparent that KC and CJ like each other. I hope the eventual YW-KC romance won't seemed forced.

Seung Gi is good here, especially in emotional scenes. But I also think that there is a lack of synergy with his co-leads, which I think is partly due to the director, and partly due to co-leads whom are weaker in acting. I actually find that Seung Gi is at his best in scenes where he is alone.


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Totally agree, madqueen.


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He does have a magical way of emoting alone, but I think he has been more than fine with the others. Honestly the entire cast has been awesome IMO with the exception of YW, but I cant say that he is not awesome then as well, but on second thought he is still acting alone, LOL


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lol madqueen you also took the words out of my mouth.
Seung Gi is doing particularly well on his own, which makes me wonder if there really is a lack of synergy with his co-leads...
"She’s improving but I need her to improve faster… "
I chucked at that sentence. I like to remain optimistic about younger, inexperienced actors/actresses... But when you're attached to a project like GFB with its popularity, you're bound to get some backlash.


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Hi Madqueen! Glad you're here too. Agree with you about Suzy. She has been improving, but she needs to do it faster. I'm concern that she won't be able to handle the really dramatic and intense ones that well, and that will certainly affect the drama and the emotions that it hopes to convey.
Come on, Suzy! Fighting!


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Agree, absolutely agree...
I just found in episode 7*havent watched the 8 yet*, the directing in Kangchi's scene is a bit 'off', the scene went too fast in some emotional scene, like when Kangchi collected gems from his bracelet..I was wondering whether it would be better with him search it more than suddenly found it? *a nerd admit herself here* or when he was slapped in head by Yeo Wool.

For Suzy, after early scenes in episode 7, I found a confidence that she is actually able to emote well, the problem is, the girl doesn't know how to build a stance yet, which resulted awkward act (hope she will improve)

Lee Yobi display a skill which surprised me, but then, I realize that she is indeed got better shoots. Her scene always full packed emotionally, packing every little detail. (Which honestly annoyed me since they'll able to bring out KangChi's full emotion if they do the same for KangChi too).

You don't need to doubt senior actors, although chief inspector annoyed me (the actor always play the typical character, corrupt, coward & greedy, in the same way!) Jo Gwan Woong has the perfect emotion and charisma as a villainous side. And I can feel the charisma of head gisaeng here


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Thanks for the recap. Great as usual.

Loved this line especially: "Jo Gwan-woong sits in front of his broken table, declaring to no one, as villains are wont to do"

I love the sweetness of the father figures in this drama. Seriously, what a sweet set of noble guys. It's like... "of course they're nobility, they're noble....except for villainous baddie."

Am really liking this drama, although a few of the glitches do bother me. Just directorial issues. I know there are people within the 100 years inn and people outside of it. I wish the director would make it clear why the folks in the 100 years inn all know the truth about the murder of Lord Park but seem unable to tell the rest of the villagers the truth. Just seems odd to me that so many people can be silenced...even when they go outside the inn to the market place. I think the direction is better than okay but yeah...some moments just make me think, "Wow, this would be so good with a better director."

I'm a sucker for needy lost boys looking for fathers. Or Sonless fathers picking up sons. So glad Kang Chi has so many fathers there for him. I kinda got teary there when the Governor touched Kang Chi's shoulder. Am glad also that Chung Jo has one woman who is kinda sorta looking out for her.

Am waiting for the day when Kang Chi confronts both evil villain and Lady Jeo Wool's dad about the death of his biological father. Not sure that would matter now since Lord Park was his true adoptive father.

I'm thinking that Tae-Soo's trance will go when he thinks he's killed Kang Chi. Suddenly his eyes will be opened, maybe? I wasn't liking the hypnotizing idea but I'll accept it.

Loved Mom Park's death. Group grief is done so well in k-dramas. All that wailing and sorrow...just gets to my heart.


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I prefer that he was hypnotised into spearing KC than 'made to believe' that KC was somehow responsible.


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Love this ep, thanks for recap.
Love Mr. LSS, he's so father-like, love his hand on KC's shoulder too, his fingers are so chubby --> cute :D.
Even though I don't like the idea that he wants to rescue KC just because he might be "useful" to them, I like the
amount of trust he put on KC despite not knowing him much.

I still don't get how Chung Jo chose to stay in the Gisaeng place, it's not the place that you can "safely" stay in there, what if GW come back and ask for her? What can they do about it? Even the Head Gisaeng has no power against that guy. I guess she want to pull another "Hwan Jin Yi" by doing so, but, if she choose to stay with KC, it shouldn't be a big problem, she can stay at Dam PJ's place together with Tae Soo, or even learn martial arts and the three of them can get revenge together :D,haha, wow, sounds like a perfect world there. But well, that's not how the dramas work I guess. The destined couple should be together not the second lead :)).

About Yeo Wool, her character is likable but well, I guess since Suzy had a lot of scenes in this ep so people said that she improved but well, I think they just relieve at the fact that she looks like she is "acting", not being "blank" all the time. I don't see the tomboy in her ever, just pretty much a teenage girl, no more no less.
About the last scene, OMG, I hope someone can treat Tae Soo out of being hypnotized, he shouldn't be like that the whole drama, right? Poor KC, he will die if they don't take off his bracelet, but then he can't be human anymore? Well that's awesome news for me, since I prefer him as a Gumiho more, but not for ppl in the drama, so what to do? So curious!


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Thanks for the summary wow I had quite a hard time with the subtitles for it was a bit incomplete in some parts of the story but many thanks to you I understood this episode correctly haha!

I like the gender bender aspect and I also don't fear for kang chi's life granted he's supernatural.I wonder if he'll be truly human or simply just accept his fate (with a fight of course ;) it's not kang chi without a fight XD )At least there's a bit of character development on Chung jo ugh I'll go with Yeo wool any day she's a princess who doesn't need saving totally a kickass character XD I hope Kang chi will realize that (in future episodes).


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Best episode so far. I love the fact that after an episode of struggling, This episode already shows how Kang-chi was able to come to his senses and have definite goals. Now his true journey is about to begin, and I'm in and excited for the ride.

Maybe I've seen too much of the variety show Seung gi through 200+ episodes of 1n2d, that's why I can totally separate his persona there and only see him as Kang-chi in this drama. The boy is nailing the part, and he just gives off that kindhearted and carefree vibes on eps 3 to 6, and that of a scared and confused young boy on eps 7 and 8. The fact that we are able to separate his character from TK2H just proves that He is able to tackle both roles differently. Though some say that they can't relate to the character, the fact is we see him as kang-chi, no less. I'm sure that he still has a lot to give to the character. That look on his face alone when LSS put his hand on his shoulder literally brought tears to my eyes, and that's really telling considering that he didn't have to say any lines. His eyes are just so expressive, you can feel all of his emotions just by looking at them.

In my opinion, his emotions are being played out perfectly. I don't think he's compensating for Suzy thus it seems that he overacts, it's just that you can readily pinpoint that the level of acting is different. It doesn't seem like that with his scenes with other characters, specially the veterans. I'm perfectly fine with Suzy though. I am loving her character so far and she brings out the light side, when things seem to go all heavy.

Thank you very much for the wonderful recap gf. I'm glad that I've checked this out, it's been a while since I visit this blog.


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yeah... I love his eyes~~~ his eyes can speak tons!!!

And I feel that he is really good in being in character, to be Hwan, to be Jae Ha and to be Kang Chi~

When I watch them, I always get shocks that they are all played by Seung Gi who is a totally different, sweet and perfect gentleman~~~


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"His eyes speak tons!" Ditto to that. Just finished re-watching ep 8 with subs, and I must say I'm impressed. A few scenes really touched me:

1) The scene when he came out of GW's room after driving in the broom. His face changed subtly. He came out angry, but suddenly, it softened, and when the camera swung, to show his father and the other servants, my heart went out to him. The way he looked at his father touched me.

2) When he went to meet LSS and gave the three reasons why he wanted to continue to live. When KC gave the last reason, that he wanted to be a human and said why, I teared! He said it so sincerely and earnestly, my heart went out to him again.

3) This scene didn't so much touch me as it impressed me with SG's acting. The scene where he had to greet the other men in PJ's school. He was so Kang Chi-like - awkward and unsophisticated and bumbling! He did it very well!


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Thanks for the recap!! I don't post a ton, but I just had to get it out there...

I enjoy reading the comments and seeing what other people have to say about the story and its characters, but it's starting to become really annoying seeing the level of fixation people - usually always the same individuals - have towards actors/actresses they don't like.

We get it, you don't like them and think that their characters could have been better acted out by someone else. But hey, guess what? They aren't going to change, so there's no use repeating it over and over again.

Just try to enjoy the drama for what it is. That's it. Peace!


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Totally agree with everything you say.


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Seriously! I was hoping they would have dropped the show by now if they were so bothered by the acting. Well, some of them aren't even watching and still feel the need to complain. People need to stop camping the recaps and ruining the fun.


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It's actually very inconsiderate and spoils the show and discussion for most of us.
We should learn to separate the character and the actor.


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Ladies (or gentlemen) if you are sick of some opinions, just say who and what. I can assume that one of the posters you are tired of is me, because I am the worst one to complain about Suzy's acting, but I would appreciate it if you would just shout it out, so I know for sure.


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Nobody is sick of any one poster. I know I wasn't talking about a particular person, but just the general feeling of some people constantly talking about the same thing which basically derails most actual discussion (not completely the fault of the people complaining though...) Some people spend more time talking about the actors than the characters.


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Why do they have to point out who & what, they did it this way so it doesn't offend anyone. You assumed it was you & it obviously caused you to be upset, hence your response. Just like you are entitled to your rants, they are entitled to speak their mind. Or you can not ASSUME & make an ASS out of U & ME.


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tina, I wasn't hurt at all. I just like things spelled out, and if someone wishes to debate I'm all for it. Conversely, if someone really wishes me gone, I'd like to know that, too. I know that I can argue my point too vociferously on occasion, so it never hurts to ask.


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I dont know how you were going to debate on how someone feels. That poster was basically saying they were tired of certain people always complaining about the same things and had to state how they feel. It was not directed at any one poster, so naming anyone is not necessary. I dont wish you gone cause you do bring a different perspective. Lets just enjoy the remaining chapters of GFB. We can debate on the coming chapters :)


@ skelly,
It's NOT you, sweetie. At least where I'm concerned. There are just too many, especially in the earlier episodes. I'm just glad that a good number of them have decided to 'retire' somewhere else.


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I did had a mini marathon watching the episodes thats why I commented Suzys lack of emotions especially the fight scene as Ive notice she is a newbie and I know she will do great in the future . The problem with me is that Her character is a badass heroine more like a tomboy princess fighter and I felt that shes lacking of that emotion she had been great if she just played the lady in distress


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Sometime around episode 12 . . .

Gon: "Dog of a Man! I told you I'd gut you if you manhandle Yeol Won again."

KC: "Aigo! What is wrong with two men roughhousing, you stiff-neck?"

Gon: "Because Yool Won is a woman! Idiot, you are the only soul in Joseon who doesn't know this!"

KC (arching eyebrows): "O'reeellyy? And here I've been wrestling and laughing and speaking familiarly with Yeol Won for weeks! How embarrassing for me!"

Gon (sees KC make a face of fake shamefulness: "Pervert! you knew all along."

KC (grins): "Gon, if you weren't so stiff-neck, or had fox-blood, you'd know this . . . (leans over and whispers) . . . girls have a different scent than boys. And their hair is more fun to muss . . . (Leans back) . . . and I figured that all out around episode 5."


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Ha ha ha ha! Good one Quiet Thought! We should send this dialogue to the writers....Quick! Paili, Paili!


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Brilliant, you're hired!


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brillant "quiet thought"~~~


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LOL! That would only mean that Kan Chi has succeeded to manage the hardest of all controls, and that he definitely has gained the right to be a human!


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Shocks!!!! What happen to Tae-Seo? Please wake up dear, Kang Chi is not a killer of your father. Poor Kang Chi, he's been humiliated by the town people and now the person he treat as a real brother want to kill him? Yeol Wul do something.. Arrrrr!!!!


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I was thinking that in the next episode KC will take out the bracelet so he will not die. But as SJ said that it's the last time the bracelet will work on him. When it's then broken again KC has to struggle to defeat his beast side. And here comes the heroine to help him. Just my guess :D


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It's broken and she'll save him ala Kagome-Inuyasha or Noriko-Izark? *wink wink* (manga fans mode)


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Exactly my thoughts reg <3 <3 <3


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In episode 5, Gon plainly told KC that YW's name was 'Young Master Dam," and I think that is a big reason why KC is oblivious. he's too naive to wonder if Gon lied to him or not. Two other reasons- she continues to hit him on the head, not they way he'd expect to be treated by a younger girl, and she grabbed hiim by the scruff of his neck and made him bow, also not the action he'd expect from a girl.

I don't get the hostility towards Suzy's acting- I think she's doing fine with most things (she runs like a girl, and that's kind of awkward). I also think the character YW herself is more level headed and emotionally anchored, so I would expect that YW herself would not go to emotional extremes in her fear or anger.

The corrupt police chief's acting makes me cringe- way overdone.


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Yup, everyone keeps ragging on Suzy's blank expressions, but I'd much rather see that then listen to the police guy stutter uncontrollably every time he gets near JGW. We get it already, you're terrified of him. Now stop getting saliva everywhere!


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Suzy has no chemistry with Kang Chi. It's a shame, but I don't buy the fated love just yet.


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I think this writer has a common theme running throughout her shows.
If there's one thing that connects them all, i'd say it's the family aspect. Taking someone in who isn't blood as your own, providing for them so they can reach their highest potential.
First park moo sul and now lee soon shin? I'd say kang chi is one lucky guy, for a half-demon, half-human that's fighting to stay alive.


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I really enjoyed the first two episodes about the mom and dad gumiho's fill fated romance. After that, the story was just dull because I think the young actors, LSG, and Suzy's lack of experience acting in a sageuk really shows. Kind of stiff and not buying their ill fated romantic connection yet.

Finally, this pace started up for Kang Chi to find a way to become human. Too bad he had to loose everything and it seemed like it took forever for him to grow up.

Can't fathom Chang Jo's decision to stay at the gisaeng house. Kang Chi should have carried her off away from there.irregardless. Mr. Sleaze is waiting to get his dirty hands on her.

Also, bad editing at the end of the episode, hypnotized Tae Soo seemed to take an eternity to run the sword through Kang Chi while everyone was stunned motionless. Shouldn't someone run over and clobbered or stopped Tae Soo? There were enough people watching this happen.


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Those who do not understand why Seo Wha and Chang Jo do not leave the Gisaeng House, pay close attention to what Madam says to them.

This is 16th Century Joseon, after all. It is a small, tightly organized country surrounded by oceans and Manchus. In another 300 years, a fugitive from the law might have some hope of escaping to America or some cosmopolitan port in China or Southeast Asia. In this time and with their lack of worldly experience, for either of those young women to get more than a few days away from this town without being run down by police or starving in the mountains would take a great deal of luck. To get aboard a ship and make it to Japan or Ming China and live as anything other than a slave or beggar would border on the miraculous.

The gisaeng house is a chance to survive, the only remotely plausible chance either young woman might have.


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Exactly. It wasn't an act of pride and nobility on Chang Jo's part, but rather logistics.

Not only that, but Chang Jo urged Kang Chi to clear her father's name. If Kang Chi eventually clears her father's name, than Chang Jo could potentially lead a normal life.

It would have been a disaster if Chang Jo chose to leave with Kang Chi right then and there.


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yeah... but the creep, the creep, THE CREEP!!!!!!


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Agree! This is not set in 21st century, but the Joseon era, where women, can hardly survive on their own, and worse, if they are being hunted down. Seo Hwa knew this, and did what she did. Lady Park knew this, and therefore decided not to escape. Even being a slave is better - hopefully, she'll get a good master. Of course, she didn't reckon on GW buying the Inn.
So, we need to look at the drama in the era and culture of its time, and not impose our 21st century mindset and values on it. Otherwise, a lot of things won't make sense.

To be honest, though I love YW's matter of fact character, I feel that her reaction to KC's transformation is less realistic than SH's. It's a reaction of one who is quite undaunted by gumihos and beastly creatures. She finds it acceptable rather than fearful.

But 'm glad she's not affected in a big way. It's a fusion saguek anyway!


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Unni, actually in the beginning of ep 7, YW was afraid of KC's transformation, that's ehy she fled the forest... except that Suzy does not act rightened enough.
But YW's concern for KC overrudes her fear, that's why dhe went bavk to look for him.


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Oops, pardon the typos... butter fingers on smartphone.


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Yes, YW was initially frightened, but the fact the she so quickly overcame that fear, I feel, is not quite the typically expected behaviour of a Joseon citizen, much less a female. Even if she was concerned for KC, it would have been more realistic if she had been a little more cautious in approaching him. Instead, she walked right up to him, and whacked him on the head! And then proceeded to lecture him! But then, YW is not our typical, Joseon female!


Part of it is I think YW is used to killing people, while SH isn't/hasn't seen it. I can see why she might not be so bothered by KC doing the same. I mean, she shot that guy with an arrow to save KC and then was all smiles. Different mindset all together.


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Yes, didn't I read in one of the drama reviews that well-bred Joseon women could go months without leaving their houses, and that when they did appear, they were always heavily veiled and accompanied by retainers. So anyone out and about, without a veil and without a retinue/family, could then be assumed to be a woman of ill repute and anything could be done to her, willing or no.


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Is there anyone who knows the title of the background song when they were on their way to YW's home?
Thanks in advance:)


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should be Lee Ji Young - Love Is Blowing

can be found easily in youtube!


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That last scene where KangChi gets stabbed by TaeSeo... Um, why didn't anyone help??? Aren't they quick-on-their-feet warriors for goodness sake.


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Cos it's the last part of the episode...
same as when the episode is ending when KC and YW is going to fight with the illusions and the episode ended with them just posing to fight...


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I am not a fan of any actor or actress in this drama. I started watching because I thought the story had potential. Just silently reading DB recap. So much hate for Suzy and so much love for Lee Seung Gi. Before this show, I saw Suzy briefly in Dream High and LSG in MGIAG and variety show. Totally new to the other actors. My opinions:
Suzy neither disappoints or excites. Just the typical kpop idol acting.
LSG disappoints because I had expected more from him. I do not understand why people here criticize him for overacting. IMO, he underacts. He is better when playing cheeky, in serious scenes, his flaws show. Guess I find him better in variety.
3 actors stood out. Lee Yoo Bi , Choi Jin Hyuk and Lee Sung Jae.
Lee Yoo Bi and Choi Jin Hyuk are less popular than Suzy and Lee Seung Gi. That's the problem of kdrama these days. Popular actors and idols fronting dramas


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Suzy disappoints b/c she actually did a decent job of acting in "Intro to Architecture" and since then, she has had a couple more acting gigs under her belt.

As for LSG, his acting is passable and it's not so much over-acting here, as one can see him trying to act as opposed to just "being one with the character."

Actually think Lee Yeon-hee did a better job than Lee Yoo-bi and while having a small role, Kim Mo-bi, who played Dam, Seo-hwa's maid, actually was the most impressive out of all the actresses.


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Kang Chi : going to 20 years demi god orphan, who act first, hate to use his brain. He prefer strength to everything. Since he' a little fox, I bet he is a kid in demi god world. Since PMS treat him as his own son, and he is the 1st baby before TS bornhe's got abundant love from PMS, also being a goodluck charm, he's got pampering from everyones minus Lady. But hey...if you grow up to do whatever you do, and only got a kind good heart example from wise surrogate fathe, you will mirroring him. And since he's the first, no wonder everyones depend in him. Since he's strong, and put family above everything, everyone felt safe if he's around. He have to mastering patient and controlling his beast side.

Jae Ha: 30 years old crownprince turn to King, Hates everything to do related to sweat . Claimed for 187 IQ, a playboy narcistist prince, who born with silverspoon. A smart prince with 'attitudes'. Head over heels with KHA, grow up in palace and have to wear masked as in a King he have to be tough and unreadable expression.Being 2nd son, he have his awesome hyung to depend on, young sister to mess up with and warm Royal family.

Lee Seung Gi: 27 years multi E. He's famous with hoedang things. A very deep thoughtfull young man, grow up with many achievements from academic & entertainment. With nation titlein his sleeve, still very down to earth humble person.

I think LSG doing a very good job picturing his role. I didnt see any trace of Jaeha here. Also I didnt see Seung Gi, what I see is Kang Chi.
The hotheaded Choi Kang Chi who loves to use brute strength to settle all matters.

Just saying.....


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Why do everyone today makes me want to be a 'one liner commenter'??
@Ivory: THUMBS UP!!


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The most important things for me when watching K -drama :

for GFB :
enjoying so much and time flies so fast.....
loves everything, except the 1st ost ( with english ) and dragging shoot ( in the beginning )...
good manga feel drama...

GFB storyline :
I buy everything in those story....
Hot daddy...
Weakling silly mommy...
Craze pervert dirty old man...
Warm wise Father...
Joseon Xena...
Magic SJ....
including LSS .....

and off course puppy Kang Chi...(just for this once GF...)

As long as I have my fun time enjoying this drama, without any yawn......
I'm in...wholehearted.


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If only people will talk about the story...acting is just part of everything..sigh

News update: WR might return around ep 12/13. can't wait for badass confrontation.


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Just watched ep 8 with subs. How come no one commented about the awesome way in which LSS managed to free KC? I did mention this earlier, but would like to bring it up again. There are a couple of things I love about that scene:

1) The way he brought GW down. "And who are you?" Haha! GW has such an outsize ego, he thinks that everyone should know who he is!

2) His logic: If Lord Park was a traitor, then KC should be rewarded for killing him. But if KC is guilty, then Lord Park is innocent! Haha! GW, you can't have your cake and eat it too!

Pump fist!!! Suzy's fist pump so cute!


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OMG! I love that scene! GW was owned hahahaha!

LSS also pointed out some insights to KC and my favorite is this statement "Someone who doesn't hold his life dear, can't take anything else as precious" omg.. It's a very beautiful insight!


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YW is a perfect manifestation of LSS' ideals. I remember when they have that ninja fight, YW told KC to survive and that death is not an option.

I really can't wait for the next arc.


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Yea, and I would say again that LSS is really cool to make the bet, writing the letter to be responsible for KC's actions, in order to release KC!

I was so touched by his belief and trust in people he feels is worthy...

It was such a hard choice but he made it seems easy~

And of course, KC started calling LSS "nali"!!!!!! I hope KC will learn much from the school and LSS and that LSS and KC will become closer~!


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I would also like to say that I think this scene should be pretty significant to KC. LSS is using his brains and logic to get GW, not muscle and brawn. KC needs to learn that as a human he can do likewise. Not everything can be solved by brute strength - that's what Lord Park was trying to tell him in ep 3.
He needs to control his temper and his strength and use it wisely, or it can lead to severe consequences.


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Girl crushing on suzy. Shes so cute~


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WOW!! This dramas has no many surprises it's just so good!!
I feel for KC in this episode but also for YW since she still thinks KC has a major thing for CJ. The ending was mind blowing I mean I saw it in the preview before but wow I didn't think for (some reason) that it would actually happen. I don't know how they're going to cure KC, Are they going to have to take off his bracelet so he can be cured? Who knows, we just gotta wait and see next week!!


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As the drama now is, I'm rather dissapointed with it.

It's lazy. A few examples from the current episode:

1. Kang chi was a pillar of the society before the death of his foster father, everyone liked him and he was their hero, the defender of the people. Now, suddendly an evil doer enters the city, caps off the daddy and tells everyone it was Kang chi who did it... And everyone actually buys that? Either Joseon people were awfully dumb, or the producers are taking us, the audience, for idiots.

2. The magical-dura-bamboo-stick. Kang chi cuts it like snapping a straw, then he rams it through a thick, wooden table so hard that the whole house trembles... and the magical-dura-bamboo-stick (Registered trademark) doesn't explode into a million splinters?

3. This was announced light years before it really happened: the fateful 'letting-go-of-his-hand-in-distrust'. And then the 1001 different angles it was shot (and displayed to us) from. You know, director whoever: sometimes it's more powerful to tone things down a bit. We all got it that it was a B I G thing that she let go of his hand - even without you underliningly underlining it.

4. The brother is suitably h y p n o t i s e d (in a flashback) into thinking Kang chi is the baddie. So, in his all but too weak condition he goes, takes the heaviest sword possible and goes to kill him. Not only that though, but Kang chi, the innocent blue... ah, green eyed nature child sees him, his face burning in rage and anger, and so, smiling like a baby Kang chi runs to greet him. Of course Kang chi's got the reflexes of a beast, but when it comes to his brother, what we, the viewers with our human reflexes see coming from a mile away, he doesn't, and so the brother tucks the sword neatly (with good force, I might add) into his guts? All this sillyness just to build up to a scene where he can look into his brothers eyes, betrayed and innocently bewildered? Was he running too fast to stop before the sword, or to duck to the side or sumthin...?

Instead, why not have the brother pick up a dagger, have Kang chi see his face and approach him slowly with a moment's pause and silence and then hug him. And THEN have the brother stab him with the dagger - that Kang chi would not have seen, as it would have been hid in the folds of his robe... But no, the director opts with showing us a stupid Kang chi.

5. Gon. Really? A flat figure who's got no other brain function but 'I've got to kill him and I'm all but too eager to do it'? Flat.

6. Lee Soon shin. The person just can't be a great sea faring admiral if he doesn't hit bull's eye each and every. single. time. he shoots his arrow? *Sigh and a resigned head shake*

But, I'm still going to watch this next week, to see if things pick up any. After all, the first two episodes were just THAT good ;)


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1. Kang Chi was not THE pillar of the society. The daddy/Century House's owner is THE pillar of the society. It was said before in the drama that he is very respected by the people, even more so than the emperor! That's why when the people learns that KC killed the owner, they were outraged!!!

2. ermm... that is too physics... it would be cool if the stick burst into bits too but I can't imagine a way for them to do so...

3. that is the director's habit since the very start of this drama...

4. I agree with you on the hypnotism point. It is just so convenient and that his strange actions and bland face was not discovered by anyone in the ooh marital arts school...

But for the point about KC being pierced so easily... I am not sure...
I know about the gumiho danger-sensing ability but I am not sure if it would be right for KC to be alerted in this case as the last time he saw TS (his brother), TS was so tortured and bloody. They have grown up and lived together for 20 years... so he would be super relieved to see TS alive and standing... so I was not really aware of the "silliness" until you point it out...
And TS is hypnotized and super messed up to believe that KC was the murder of his father so he would not have the crafty mind to use a smaller weapon like a dagger instead... He just need to KILL KC so a killing sword is used.

5. I am a little frustrated with Gon too but in this episode, I saw something else in Gon as before his actions seem to stem from his jealousy of KC but then in this episode, I saw that he is just a straight-forward, stiff and super loyal person... and I can't dislike a loyal person~

6. Hai... what does this matter? He said earlier in the ep that he would practice his archery as he waits for KC's answers so we find him practicing his archery. What is wrong with this? Do you want him to miss his shots?


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Oh ya, the last point,

I know that the first two ep is great but that is just because it is a 2-hr movie like story packed full of contents which cover the whole life and tragic ending of the parents. Therefore, it is definitely impactful! It would be truly ridiculous if it is not!

So can't we stop comparing the parents full story with KC and YW's just budding story? Please~! Thank you~! :)


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on your #6
But Lee Soon Shin did hit bullseye each time


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Kangchi was a trouble maker and was some orphan boy picked up that I doubt everyone really adored. This probably happened his whole life judging by his fighting flashbacks. Yes, he helped people and defended the inn but he's not someone respected and loved by all. He wasn't a pillar of society. Seriously don't get where you got that from. If they had turned on Lord Park you might have a point.

Though the masses turning on even the most beloved person for something they find bad isn't the most unbelievable thing in the world tbh.


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Yup, remember the story teller in ep 3? He was raving and ranting about the goodness of Lord Park, but when YW asked about KC, he hemmed and hawed. That's how the villagers saw him. Trouble maker one minute, saviour, another.

The psychology of mass behaviour: They can love you one minute, and hate you the next. Just look at history. Read Shakespeare too. He uses this quite a bit in his historical plays.


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Nerd alert! haha. but on your second point - it's easiest to break an object when the force is applied perpendicularly to it rather than parallel or obliquely. that means yes, he snapped the handle from the broom easily because that was a force directed side-on to the stick. And then again with the table - right in the center would be the easiest place to break it with a blow applied directly from above, maximizing the force on the table, while the force on the stick is parallel to the stick. Therefore, making some allowance for the durability of a bamboo stick of that thickness, it's actually reasonable that the table breaks rather than the stick. /nerdiness

I totally agree about the director's heavy handedness in significant moments, though. it's super distracting - I laughed out loud at the endless "letting go of the hand" alternate shots.

As for Gon, I was beginning to think that his character was too flat as well, but we got some really important insights into him since the last episode. He's so narrow in his loyalties that he has no compassion or mercy for others, which makes him neither good or bad but definitely in need of growth himself, almost as much as KC.


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@ellaminnowpea: I see your nerd and raise you a geek ;): Apparently you can kill someone with a sipping-straw to the neck. For the physics you gave.

@Jenny: Point 5: Yes. Absolutely yes. Gon is flat. Move along. Nothing to see here. Ignore the tall, dark, broody and sarcastic, somehow over-coming the hideous hair, Gon. He is boring and bland and... yeah. I just look and look and think, "sooo boring, sooo bland..." And then I look some more. :D

And to point 6... I was actually laughing for totally opposite reasons. That was a damn big bullseye. (Maybe "War of Arrows" spoiled me?)


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My big question: If KC switches his love to YW, then CJ would be Gisaeng all her life? since I guess no one will take a gisaeng to be his wife (well, may be except some old geezer want to have a second wife or sth), isn't that too cruel, dear writer? Then what's the point of letting her waiting for KC?


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CJ-as-gisaeng worries me, too. I know that they need to do something to split CJ and KC apart, but I hope it is not that she is now a "sullied" woman because she let go of his hand and stayed behind at the gisaeng house.


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KC doesn't have any status so I'm not sure that matters? Though obviously if her father's name is cleared then she'll be free to go. I guess her marriage prospects aren't going to be good just because she was one for awhile. We probably shouldn't think too hard about how this ruins her life forever though.

I think the head gisaeng will protect her for the most part. I'm interested in see how she works the system there doing what she can.


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Isn't her potential groom actually listed in the character charts with an attached actor? Which has me on the lookout for his arrival and... something? Possible romantic? Or did I just make that up in my head? (I sometimes completely make stuff up in my head.)


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no groom


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Yup, I made it up then. ;) Well, I'll stop the lookout now.


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Ok im hooked, this show is really awesome! Im glad i found this site, thanks for the recap dramabeans! Suzy and Seung-gi are sooo cute together!


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Can anyone please explain to me how come Tae So turned to be around Dam Pyung Joon's school, and not in the hiding place anymore? Maybe I missed something.


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I think they just skipped the part where Tae So was rescued to DPJ school. YW did tell the guy to keep TS hidden a few days & she will send someone for him, so it was just one of those details left out.


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Thanks, Tina.


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wow! a lot of acting professors here but who cares as long as the korean tv viewers and korean media reporters admire and respect LSG's acting..there is no write ups regarding LSG bad acting..


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I think Suzy is doing a great job. The character is supposed to be mistaken for a guy right? I think being naturally a bit less emotive helps with that and it's also nice to get away from all the sobbing a screaming that "good" actors do.


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The admiral and the villain don't exactly go into hysterics but they show their acting chops.

Even the actor who plays Gon, who is a restrained character to say the least, shows his acting ability.


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While a lot of people are arguing about Suzy and Lee Seung Gi's acting abilities, I'm sitting here wishing Lee Sung Jae were better at this role. This is apparently the first time he's played a bad guy, from comments I read for ep1. The Jo Gwan Woong we see here is a cartoon. They may as well give him a mustache to twirl. In the hands of a better actor, this character would be so much more interesting. What a shame. What a waste.


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yeah... to be honest, I really hate that creep character who is just a creep in and out with no reason as to why he is such a CREEP... (haha~)


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I only know Lee Sung Jae from Rascal Sons & at the beginning , I remember telling crazyahjummafan that i had a problem hating him cos he was an exemplary big brother/eldest son who was a role model .A filial son, a good doctor , a kind patient giving brother ,an involved single parent , a great boyfriend/ husband...a man of few faults!
So,for me , I feel he's making a pretty decent jump from brother dearest to Evil personified here.
Its convincing enough to make alot of viewers hate him.
Granted that there probably a few other actors who have carved a niche & honed their skill always playing evil baddies, who could do a better , more cringeworthy job. But he's evil enough for me to wanna go back to one episode of Rascal Sons to revisit him as the decent brother & son, when this drama ends.


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The evil character that LSJ has been given is one note, but LSJ has done the most with it.


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I dont get why people mock Suzy so much. I am actually glad that she is not overreacting like most actresses do, yet i can still see emotions in her face. Yeowool is a grounded character, that is why overreacting would be weird, especially in a sageuk. Both lead acting might seem weak because the drama has strong villains and seniors character wise. You just have to see that they all are diferrent and thus it may collide for some in weird ways if you have seen more romcoms or melodramas where everybody is the same type of way. I personally love this variety of characters because it is uncommon. Also more about suzy-she has improved, but she was never that bad. If you see how she is naturally like in bts and shows and such, you can see that she doesnt have a character that is like her in real life. She does grounded emotion not the usual overacting, but i guess since we are used to lead actresses overact, when we have grounded ones, they look like not acting enough
That is my opinion.^^


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Actually Yeo Wool's character should just be grounded for now. She's the cool guy here while everyone are in depressing state. I don't get why people wanted her to emote so much when the character doesn't really need to.


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Not to mention the fact that she's made a lifestyle of being a boy in the public eye, even if all her closest people know better. What I want to see if why she made the switch from the hanbok girl that GangChi saved from the dog to a martial arts prodigy parading as a boy with a stoic sidekick who's obviously in love with her.

This reminds me of SungKyunKwan Scandal, and how much it annoyed me that no one could see that she was a girl no matter how hard it was to believe that a girl could sneak into the college. YeoWul actually does a good job of acting like a tough guy.

And I think people are forgetting that a girl dressing like a boy would have been so unheard of that, even if all your instincts told you she was a girl, you'd still have a hard time believing it just because that simply did not happen then. Unless that girl was Park MinYeong, because there's just no way anyone would fall for that...


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kang chi is such a BAMF in this episode like omfg...this show i hate the feels it gives me so effin much but damn its an awesome show...like im clenching my fist most of the episode...i wanna slap the bitch out of that mofo GW.


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erm... what is BAMF?


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bad ass mother f***** ...in a good way. lol


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Oh so that is what it means every time Night Crawler Teleports. (The sound effects for his Teleport)

Thanks for the info


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I like where the drama is heading. A story of the half-man -half gumiho trying to redeem himself and become human, when all he should do is stop to realise that he is already more human than the super evil villain in this drama, Jo Gwan Woong. And is this Lee Soon Shin, THE Lee Soon Shin?


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"All he should do is stop to realise that he is already more human than the super evil villain in this drama, Jo Gwan Woong." Lilian, you can't be more correct! And I think that's one of the things that the drama is trying to address.

And yes, he is THE Lee Soon Shin, the legendary Lee Soon Shin who built the turtle ships that destroyed the Japanese.

Incidentally, I think that SG admires LSS very much. In one of the 1n2d eps, they played a game where each member had to write down the name of a historical person whom they think best represents Korea, and SG wrote down LSS. And he again made reference to LSS and his turtle ship in ep 175.


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Everyone seems to be complaining about the acting, but what bothers me the most is the writing. It's like the writer has a predetermined destination, but forgot to tie things up in a neat way in the process of getting to the destination. It's so frustrating sometimes when I have to come up with the logic myself (e.g. Kang chi is too happy to see Tae-seo, hence he didn't notice his zombie expression or the fact that he's dragging a sword along with him. The rest are just as happy for them?)
Directing is another thing. A better director, I daresay, would find ways to conceal the weakness of illogical writing using his creativity with certain camera angles but I find that this is not the case. I have seen other shows capable of concealing logic flaw e.g. TK2H episode 19's cliff scene, when the King just walks to near the cliff with an open view from far away without seeing dozens of armed men waiting for him? It doesn't really bother me in the end because of the way the scene was shot. I'm not saying that the director sucks, it's just that when the writing is flawed, it makes me wish that the director has the capability to conceal its weakness as much as possible. The actors are doing a decent job but it also depends on whether the camera can capture the right actions and emotions on screen in order to draw the viewers in, hook, line and sinker. With better writing and directing, i think the actors can do a much better job. This is my opinion.


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hai...What can we do?

I just hope that the reason for the not detailed enough writing is because the story has too much interesting content to cover and the great content took the writer's focus away from the details... :)


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i actually love this drama and the actors and the atmosphere and the music omlord the muslic is amazing 0.0 i love it all!!!! I just hate JGW...


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its funny because i actually am liking chung jo a bit more than suzy...i find suzy...i dunno...a bit annoying..? just a bit...i like CJ's fierceness...and shes not a complete and utter coward...she takes the pain and she doesnt whine...and she sacrificed herself being saved for her bro and clearing her fathers name first...yah. I know these two dramas dont have much to do with the other but besides this historical drama i only watched warrior baek dong soo (and even that only til like the 12th ep.) anyway, in that drama i hated the fact that dong soo ends up with ji sun...I REALLY DESPISED HER CHARACTER. really and i think alot of people did. I liked jin joo alot better because she was fierce and cute and funny and all good things in one...on the other hand...in suzy's character, something seems off which makes me wary of her and kang chi being together...but who knows...might change...I think shes cute though :)...what about you guys??? which girl?


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I am liking CJ more at this moment but I am afraid how she might change or be forced to change as she lives in the gisaeng house...


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Can someone please tell me what is the song in the beggining of the episodes? thaaaanks ^.^


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I really like the way you end this post.

"The drama’s themes are simple, but that doesn’t make them any less lovely—that humanity is a choice, not a birthright, and worth fighting for. "

Just want to say it out loud.


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