Gu Family Book: Episode 7

Kang-chi finally learns the hard way who, or what, he is, and faces his demons quite literally in a war between his beast and human halves. And in a refreshing change of pace in dramaland, our heroine steps up in a big way to save his bacon. Now if only he could figure out that she’s not a boy…


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We back up a little to the moments before Kang-chi’s transformation. Yeo-wool narrates: “Even in that moment, I didn’t want to believe those words…” Flashback to So-jung’s warning that one of them might die if she didn’t avoid this fate. “I didn’t want to believe such false words. But…”

Kang-chi rises up, growling like a beast, and Yeo-wool’s eyes widen. “What is that? Who is that monster in front of my eyes?”

Kang-chi attacks the men surrounding him, and Yeo-wool flees. Gon catches up to her and finds her terrified, screaming on contact and muttering, “Something went wrong. Something went terribly wrong…”

They hear a roar in the distance, and then the last of Jo Gwan-woong’s men falls to the ground, surrounded by bodies torn to shreds. Kang-chi limps away, losing his grip on consciousness with each step.

He wills himself to go on: “I have to go. I have to go to Chung-jo. She’s waiting…” but he collapses in a heap, and the rain starts to come down.

Chung-jo finally reaches her destination—a very familiar front door. She asks where they’ve taken her, and we of course know the answer: she’s being sold to the gisaeng house.

It’s only now that we see madam Soo-ryun again, after Seo-hwa’s story twenty years ago. She’s told that they have a new girl, but when she hears that it’s Lord Park’s daughter, she freezes. Hm, curious.

She heads outside, where Chung-jo is refusing to go in. She screams that they can kill her before she’ll ever step foot inside that place. It’s Seo-hwa all over again, and Soo-ryung even sees Seo-hwa standing before her.

Soo-ryun hasn’t changed at all in twenty years, and orders them to strip her clothes and tie her to the tree. Chung-jo screams in protest, talking down to Soo-ryun and declaring herself the daughter of Park Mu-sol.

But Soo-ryun tells her that name can no longer protect her: “From now on if you do not protect yourself, you won’t survive.” She tells the servants not to give her one drop of water without her say, and they leave her there tied to the tree.

Chung-jo cries and cries for her father as it starts to rain. The servants wonder what’s gotten into Soo-ryun, because she hasn’t done this in twenty years, ever since Seo-hwa.

As the rain continues to come down, So-jung finds the site of the massacre and picks up one of Kang-chi’s bracelet beads. He’s too late.

Yeo-wool reports every last detail to her father, which is frankly a surprise. I didn’t expect this turn at all. Dam Pyung-joon immediately puts the pieces together—Wol-ryung’s death by his sword, Seo-hwa’s baby… Kang-chi is their child.

Gon asks for a few men to take back into the woods to find and kill Kang-chi, which alarms Yeo-wool. Thankfully Lee Soon-shin is there to speak up and suggest they bring Kang-chi here first, because Lord Park treated him as a son, and they should respect that.

Yeo-wool immediately pipes up that she agrees with that plan, and she and Gon argue about the right thing to do. Dad kicks them out, so they take the argument out in the rain. Yeo-wool can’t believe Gon would be so callous about taking a life, while he argues that Kang-chi isn’t a person, and that they both saw those bodies in the woods.

Yeo-wool: “But finding out what’s going on, what’s happening to him right now—that should be first. Concern should come first!” Gon says his only concern is their home and Yeo-wool, which makes her sigh that he was always that way, only ever concerned with what her father ordered, nothing more and nothing less.

Yeo-wool: “Sometimes you feel like a wall. Without a heart, without feelings… a cold wall.” Aw, poor Gon. But I do get why she’s drawn to Kang-chi if he goes out of his way to help others while Gon never once strays from what he’s ordered to do.

She turns to go, and he calls out, “Do you like him?” It stops her in her tracks, but she answers defensively that he must be stupid if he already forgot what she told him—that she owes Kang-chi her life. It doesn’t sound very convincing to either of them.

Dam Pyung-joon worries that if Jo Gwan-woong’s people find out about Kang-chi’s true nature, they’ll hunt him down. Lee Soon-shin thinks that’s the brighter side of the coin, since the truly worrisome outcome would be if the enemy took Kang-chi in to use as their weapon.

They decide to bring Kang-chi here to assess what he is and what he’s capable of as a half-human half-beast. Lee Soon-shin adds that if he is a danger to them, he’ll kill Kang-chi himself.

Gon checks in on Yeo-wool in the morning, only to find her room empty. Kang-chi finally stirs awake in the same spot where he collapsed, and has flashes of his transformation. He runs back to the spot where he killed those men…

But do you know what’s creepier than a bunch of dead bodies? Nothing, where a bunch of dead bodies should be.

He looks around, even more confused than before. “Was it a dream?” And then So-jung appears from behind a tree with a very disappointed look on his face.

Jo Gwan-woong gets the report that the men chasing Kang-chi up and disappeared without a trace. His head minion expects anger, but instead Jo Gwan-woong gets this glint in his eye, musing that if Kang-chi really is capable of killing those men and making them disappear, that’s strength that he wants for himself.

So-jung fills Kang-chi in on his gumiho/human parentage, which unsurprisingly has him thinking So-jung is a crazy person. But So-jung says he knows better than anyone what changes his body is going through, and Kang-chi stops cold at those words.

So-jung sighs that he should’ve listened to him, because if he could have lasted just ten more days, he would’ve lived the rest of his life as a human. What, you’re telling us this NOW?

Kang-chi asks incredulously, “What, am I not human anymore?” So-jung just tells him to stay in the Moonlight Garden for now, until he figures out how to control his own strength.

Kang-chi flares up in anger. His eyes blaze green and his hands start to change, and it scares him more than anyone. He begs for So-jung to change him back. So-jung: “Accept it. This is your true face, Kang-chi.”

He cries in desperation, “No, no it can’t be! I can’t be this monster!” He grabs a handful of beads from his bracelet and pleads for So-jung to put him back the way he used to be. “I can’t go back this way. I can’t go back to Chung-jo this way!”

He pleads on his knees, looking up at So-jung to be his savior, and though it moves So-jung to tears, he has no answers for Kang-chi. And then off in the distance, Yeo-wool gasps, having overheard their entire conversation.

Chung-jo wakes up still tied to the tree, and finds herself surrounded by townspeople, clucking in dismay. She clenches her fists in anger and shame, and sheds tears thinking of Tae-seo and Kang-chi, wondering why no one is coming for her.

Kang-chi looks down at his own reflection in the water, his head only filled with one thought: Chung-jo.

Four days pass that way, and Chung-jo finally passes out from starvation and exhaustion. Soo-ryun has her brought inside, and presents her with warm food. She asks if Chung-jo still has any noblewoman pride left, because if she does she can go right back to that tree. But if she leaves that behind, she can eat.

Chung-jo trembles in fear at the threat of being tied up to that tree again, and in the end she lifts her spoon to the porridge, choosing survival over her pride. She cries as she shovels the food into her mouth, knowing what she just gave up for this bowl of rice.

Yeo-wool follows Kang-chi into the Moonlight Garden and watches as he rejects the food that So-jung brings him for the fourth day in a row. She’s finally had enough and walks right over and smacks him upside the head, asking if he’s planning to starve.

They both look up at her in shock, and she continues in this totally matter-of-fact tone that you shouldn’t turn away good food, poking it in Kang-chi’s face. She explains that she saw everything and heard everything, and he gapes, “And you still followed me here? Do I…not look weird to you?”

Yeo-wool: “Of course you’re weird. But then again, you were already kind of funny-looking before.” HA. “So what, your eyes are a different color now. Is that a reason to shrivel up and hide like your life is over?” Hahahaha. I luff her.

Kang-chi still refuses to eat, so she hits him over the head a second time, asking him why a man is so weak, to be so defeated over a thing like this. Kang-chi: “A thing like this? I’m a monster! I’m not a person anymore!”

Yeo-wool: “You’re alive! I thought you died that night. But you’re here, alive.” Aw. He still doesn’t see how that’s a good thing, wondering how he’s supposed to live this way. He swears and she swears right along with him, agreeing that this sucks beyond measure and that she understands.

Yeo-wool: “But…you’re still Choi Kang-chi. No matter what you look like on the outside, you’re still Choi Kang-chi on the inside. Aren’t you? Aren’t you?” Kang-chi: “I don’t know anymore.”

He can barely remember what happened that night or how he even killed those men, and all he felt was his body burning up from the inside and every bone breaking, and he could hear everything all at once. He cries that he doesn’t know anymore if he’s Choi Kang-chi or just a monster.

Yeo-wool decides that he’s Choi Kang-chi after all, because if he were only a monster, he wouldn’t be this tormented. And at those words, his eyes turn back to normal. So-jung sees it too, and his jaw drops.

But they flicker back to green and Kang-chi turns away, defeated. Yeo-wool reaches out to put a hand on his shoulder, but stops short and just stands by his side. So-jung looks at the pair of them and wonders aloud: “Could it be… that these two…?”

Meanwhile, Jo Gwan-woong officially takes over the Hundred Year Inn, and to add insult to villainy, he brings Lady Yoon and the rest of Lord Park’s servants in to work there as slaves.

They’re ordered to serve their new master, and Lady Yoon sneers that he’s the hollow shell of this inn’s true master, and though he might have taken the name, he’ll never possess it fully. She says he can steal all the power he wants from other people, but it’ll never wash his blood clean.

He fumes and pulls out his sword, thinking it’ll scare her, but she just sneers at him spitefully and pulls his sword into her chest. She cries: “Jo Gwan-woong! This place will soon be your grave!”

It shakes him, and he yanks his sword out and slashes her again, and she falls to the ground. The servants surround her, wailing on their knees, as she thinks of Tae-seo and Chung-jo with her last breath, and dies. I knew she wasn’t long for this world, but I’m glad she got to rattle his cage before going.

Jo Gwan-woong wonders what Lady Yoon could’ve meant when she said he could never possess the Hundred Year Inn, and if there’s some secret about this place. Of course what he doesn’t know is that he’s sitting right on top of Park Mu-sol’s immeasurable fortune, which was supposed to go to Lee Soon-shin’s turtle-ship-building endeavor.

Back to the Moonlight Garden, where Yeo-wool jumps up at the sound of pained cries from Kang-chi. So-jung stops her from going inside the cave to check on him, saying calmly that Kang-chi’s two halves need to fight it out and whether he lives or dies or is beast or man, it is his choice and his fate.

Yeo-wool takes issue with his passive demeanor, and asks just how much So-jung knows about the fate of people. He says he knows enough to know she shouldn’t be growing attached to Kang-chi, while she gives the excuse that Kang-chi likes somebody else.

So-jung: “That’s because he’s an idiot who doesn’t know the difference between pity and his fated match.” He warns her to be on her way, and let Kang-chi determine his own fate. At least he’s making a new bracelet while he sits here, though he sure is taking his sweet time with that.

Inside the cave, Kang-chi writhes in pain, struggling not to let the beast take over. He cries out for someone to save him, and hears Yeo-wool’s voice, pleading with him to hold on and endure, “because you’re Choi Kang-chi. Don’t forget your name.”

But he’s overcome with rage at the thought of his family’s suffering at the hands of Jo Gwan-woong, and loses control, roaring, “I want to kill him. I want to kill them all!” His roar rings through the mountain, and So-jung gets up, alarmed. He warns Yeo-wool to leave because Kang-chi lost his inner battle, and she takes off running.

Gon apologizes to her father for letting her out of his sight, and Yeo-wool finally stumbles back home after four days without a word. Gon runs to her in a panic thinking her injured because she’s so out of breath, but she just gasps at her father: “Help him! Choi Kang-chi is in danger! Please help him!”

So-jung uses all his strength to hold Kang-chi back, and he urges him to fight this before he spills more blood and ends up so far gone that he’ll forget entirely who he was. But Kang-chi’s already given into his rage, and knocks him aside to go after Jo Gwan-woong.

Chung-jo gets called out of her room by another gisaeng and led to another room. Ugh, I have a bad feeling about this. Is this happening already? The doors open, and there’s Jo Gwan-woong, leering right at her. Gross.

Kang-chi makes it all the way into town when Gon gets in his way, snarking that he sure did wake up ugly. He makes it known that this isn’t his idea of a good time, but he’s under orders, and takes out his sword to fight.

Gon manages not to get shredded, but he is taken aback when he cuts Kang-chi’s arm and it heals over in seconds. His team tries to capture Kang-chi with ropes, but he shakes them off like flies.

It’s only when So-jung hurls a new bracelet on his wrist that it calms the beast, and Kang-chi returns to normal. Hilariously, Gon sees it and still gets in one last punch, just because he can.

Kang-chi struggles to remove the bracelet, but So-jung warns him that if he removes it this time, he’ll never be able to return to his human self. He says that’s his choice and his fate, and this is the end of the line for what So-jung can do to help him. The rest is in his hands.

His hand trembles as he fights the urge to pull the bracelet off, but he finally lets go, and So-jung lets out the breath he’s been holding. He tells Gon it’s all over now, and Yeo-wool and her father step out from the shadows.

Chung-jo quakes in anger at the sight of Jo Gwan-woong, and tells the other gisaeng Wol-sun that she won’t go inside. She slaps her for her insubordination, and Jo Gwan-woong laughs that he enjoys watching her from afar too. Ewwww.

Finally, Soo-ryun gets word of what’s going on and she interrupts to get Chung-jo out of there. He mentions how this whole thing reminds him of Seo-hwa, and how she shouldn’t make the same mistake twice. He chides that Soo-ryun is showing her age, and Wol-sun smirks at that—a sign that there’s likely going to be a power struggle within the gisaeng house.

Kang-chi gets tied up in ropes and brought before Dam Pyung-joon, who orders him turned over to the government. Yeo-wool panics—that wasn’t the plan and Dad promised to help Kang-chi. But he says it’s a direct command from Lee Soon-shin.

So the next morning, Kang-chi is brought to his knees, as Jo Gwan-woong’s puppet presides over his trial and accuses him of murdering Lord Park, springing Tae-seo from jail, and killing government officers in the process.

His sentence is to be hacked to death as a criminal, and Kang-chi scoffs that he’s fine with that, as long as he gets to kill one more on his way out. He calls out Jo Gwan-woong, calling him the bastard who framed Lord Park to claim the Hundred Year Inn.

“If I can kill him, I’ll give you more than my life in return. How about it?” He’s ordered to be killed on the spot, and Gon has to hold Yeo-wool back. Jo Gwan-woong comes out from behind his screen with a chuckle, and approaches Kang-chi.

He asks what he has that’s worth more than his life, and Kang-chi says it’s his absolute will to kill him. Jo Gwan-woong wonders if that’s really it, or if there’s something else. He pokes at Kang-chi’s bracelet with a smile.

He gives Kang-chi one final offer: become his person, and his life will be spared. Kang-chi’s like, What kind of horseshit is this? and rails that he can shove it because he doesn’t need anything except Jo Gwan-woong’s head on a platter.

Jo Gwan-woong is disappointed, and doesn’t waste any more time. He orders an execution. Kang-chi looks down at his bracelet, knowing that taking it off means he loses his last chance at living as a human… he reaches to pull it off…

Suddenly a voice booms from the crowd: “Stop!” Everyone turns around, and there’s Lee Soon-shin, standing at the gate. Jo Gwan-woong asks who he is, and he introduces himself as the Naval Commander of the Jeolla Province, which shocks Kang-chi and silences Jo Gwan-woong.

“I heard that one of my people was being held here, so I came. His name is Choi Kang-chi.” Everyone, including Kang-chi, goes slackjawed.

He turns to Kang-chi and says warmly, “Have you been well, Kang-chi-ya? I came to get you.”


Well thank goodness there was a plan. I wonder if they used Kang-chi as bait to see what Jo Gwan-woong’s intentions were, or more as a test of Kang-chi’s own loyalty—risky, but rather effective in any case. If he has Lee Soon-shin’s protection it’ll at least keep him from being drawn and quartered anytime soon, not that Jo Gwan-woong will stop trying to murder him secretly, but what’s new? I just hope this means he’ll be staying at martial arts school… where he’ll be roommies with Gon? Please? Just imagine all the hijinks in store.

I do hope they’re going to do something different with Chung-jo, because right now she’s just Seo-hwa redux, without the fire. I like her character too much to have her relegated to damsel in distress, and even if her situation is tragic beyond belief (which it is), I want to see her fight back. I think we’re setting the stage for Soo-ryun’s redemption through her, but so far there’s little to separate her from retreading Seo-hwa’s story.

I’m glad we spent some time with Kang-chi’s discovery and his inner torment, but I find that the monk So-jung is a little too convenient at this point in the story. He just shows up at the right time and has all the answers, which feels a little too easy. I know, I’m the sadist that wants the hero to suffer more. But would it kill him to be a little more adrift, a little more lost as he searches for the answers and figures out his path?

I don’t resent the character, since obviously Kang-chi isn’t able to overcome his darker impulses yet and without his magical beads we’d have another massacre on our hands. But IF he’s going to be Cryptic Knowledge Man, then I think he’s better in small doses, otherwise you’re kind of wondering why he’s always around but unwilling to share what he knows until it’s too late.

Yeo-wool really came to the foreground in this episode and so far I’m happy with her character—she’s brave and compassionate, but has no patience for self-pitying crybabies, which I love about her. She does the opposite of everything we expect, from telling her father about Kang-chi to speaking up in his defense, and the biggie—seeking Kang-chi out after witnessing his transformation, because concern overrode her fear. She seems to hold the key to his humanity as well, which we only saw a glimpse of when her faith in him made his eyes flicker for a moment. I’m sure it’s only the beginning, but I like where we’re headed if she’s going to be his reminder—his human bracelet if you will—who keeps him tethered to his human half.


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nice you


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I want kangchi to play brain games with evil guy Jo Kwan Woong.


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Dam faction VS GW+ WR= EPIC


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WOW!!!! What an episode!!!! And I can't wait for episode 8, to see (partly) how things develop with LSS.

I had a few questions (again) about this episode, so I will get them out of the way 1st:

1--Does anyone know the names of the drums that were played in the 1st episode by the head gisaeng? I am curious about those, and I saw a brief documentary on those on KBS World last Friday, on a (very) short program called "Pulse of Korea." I learned in that documentary that those drums used to be played by monks (historically), and there is a sound that they make (the drums) and that sound has a name (which I can't recall at the moment, but wish I had written it down). I checked on Wikipedia, however, I could not figure out the names of those particular drums. Interestingly, those drums were played by a woman in the documentary as well (and her head was covered).
If anyone can help me with that information, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

2--I watched this episode raw (again) and I believe I heard Gon call YW's dad "sambonim" or something like that (this was 11mns into the drama). Would that word mean "teacher?"

3--Regarding KC's beast/animal side: can it only be mean/bad? (so the human side is the "good one," and the beast side "the bad one?") I am asking because WR was a beast/fox who was also a spirit who was GOOD, except when he was cornered and attacked. Does that mean that his beast side was bad as well? (I was not under that impression, but now I am questioning it). I am also asking because we saw KC's beast side fight with his human side, and I know that one poster in particular about the show also showed those "opposite" factions. Does this then mean that the animal side could not co-exist with the human side? It seemed that it did for WR, for a 1,000 years, no? Can it only be one or the other? Just wanted to get the beanies' thoughts on that.

4--This is about the last episode: did anybody (besides me) wondered where the 7 bodies of GW's minions went? I wondered if they were covered by the grass and vegetation, like WR's body had been, after he was slashed.

5--When Lady Yoon was killed (Lord Park's wife), her servants wailed and beat the floor in their grief. I am just curious, was that a way to show/express their grief (the depth of it), or did that mean something else? It reminded me of the scene in Gaksital, when Kang-to was at his brother's grave, and he kept beating his chest, as if he wanted to hurt himself. That was probably a sign of his grief as well, right?

6-- This is more of a technical question: I am always curious when I see veins pop out in movies or dramas, and we have been seeing some of that in this drama, especially with KC (his hands, neck and face). I wonder how they make it happen. Do you guys think they inject something in the actor/actress to make the veins pop like that? I don't know if someone can just make that happen on their own strength... (those veins were popping, and popping for a while). It also didn't seem like it was computer generated to me.
I have to say that KC's nails made me laugh, I couldn't help it. It was so obvious they were fake, it made that shot funny to me.

This is random, however, I loved the head piece the head gisaeng wore in this episode. I kept thinking, "wow! That must be heavy, but it sure is intricate and beautiful."

SH and WR's story, as well as KC and YW's story keep reminding me of the tale about Beauty and the Beast, in which Beauty (or Belle) had to see the heart of the beast, for him to be able to become human. She struggled with it at 1st (as we know), but once she did, he turned into a handsome prince. It seems to be the same requirement here, and in SH's case, she couldn't get past WR's animal side, whereas YW sees and remembers KC's heart as well as his human side. It was interesting to see that when KC accepted (briefly) YW's comforting words, he went back to being "normal," which leads us to think that YW would be KC's anchor, and as GF mentioned, his reminder and link to his humanity. That might be what saves him as well.

I am hating more and more the coward chief of police, however, I was so relieved and glad to see LSS show up. I wondered what his role would be, when he was 1st introduced to us, and now I am glad to see that he seems to be one of KC's rescuers and protectors (I hope).

I too wished that SJ had explained to KC why he kept urging him to wait 10 more days, though I also question whether KC would have believed him, to be honest. At least, KC would have had that information and he would have been able to make his own (informed) decision.

I give a lot of props/praise to the actor playing the baddie (GW), because he is really good at being bad, lustful, at giving us the creeps and make us hate him. I have been watching him and he is very nuanced in his reactions at times. I am impressed.

Now, talking about YW: 1st, I am still curious about her mom, about whom we are left to think that she is just dead (I am assuming). I would have liked to have a little background on that front.

Like GF (and many viewers, I am assuming), I was really impressed with YW. She is head and shoulders above KC, when it comes to handling life issues. I was glad to see that she didn't let her fears get the best of her. I also glad that they showed that YES, she WAS afraid at 1st (which makes her human and easy to relate to), but her curiosity and concern won over her fears. She is a very strong character, and I hope that she will remain that way till the very end of the drama.

YW's maturity, her strong will, her loyalty, her compassion, her no nonsense approach to life, the fact that she does not forget that KC saved her life (twice, unlike the townspeople), make her a very compelling character. It becomes easy to root for her, and I am looking forward to seeing how her relationship with KC develops. I love that she follows her heart and her conscience, and that she has a sense of right and wrong. I love that she doesn't discount that yes, KC killed people (or he would have been arrested and used by the baddie), however she wants to know why that happened and how that affected KC. Thank goodness, she doesn't have amnesia, and forgot who KC used to be, and still is, to an extent. I love that she sees past KC's exterior, so early in the game.

And that of course, puts YW at the other side of the spectrum when it comes to how two women have reacted to finding out that their romantic interested is a gumiho in this drama. SH could not get past it, and YW not only does, but she is also the one who (literally) beats some sense into KC and tries to comfort him. I wanted to give her a standing ovation (but I like to be sitting, when I am watching my dramas :-) ). I love how matter of fact YW is at times, and I loved her lines in this episode. Some of my favorite ones were: "so, your eyes' color changed, big deal..." (or something along those lines) and, "You are still KC, you are the same inside," (and "I can see it," she might add).

I really enjoyed this episode, and I feel invested in the characters' stories. I look forward to seeing what happened to TS, CJ, Gon, GW and WR, if he comes back. Drama, please stay good till the end.


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Regarding Beauty and the Beast - yes it did occur to me too!


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Hello crazyajummafan,

Good to hear/read from you! You know, about Beauty and the Beast, it first occurred to me when I watched the 2nd episode, with SH and WR's story. When the caveat was finally revealed to the viewers that WR could become human if the woman he loved did not betray him (which I also understood to mean "if she loved him back"). I remember thinking to myself, "this looks to me like (or this could be) the Korean version of "Beauty and the Beast."

Thing is, Belle was repulsed at 1st when she saw the Beast and she couldn't hide it (if memory serves me right), and the Beast's feelings were hurt at that time. Then, as she lived with him, she learned who he was, saw how gentle he could be, how lonely he was, and basically, she saw his heart, and she saw that it was good. So much so that, when something happened to the Beast, Belle felt the need to go to him and she did. As we know, it was what saved him and Belle got everything: a handsome prince or man, a castle, servants, wealth etc... All she had to do was get past the external appearance of the Beast, past her fears and prejudices and as a result, she got way more than she was expecting.
It was almost as if that was her test. SH failed the test (but that was needed for KC's story), and YW is doing really well at that test. That's a great result, if you ask me.

P.S.: I did respond to your comments in ep. 5 and 6 recaps. You don't need to respond (or read them), but I wanted to let you know...


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true analysis the beast had a rose and KC has 100 days


Hello Sur, can you please remind me what the deal with the rose was again?




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Hello metoday,
Thank you for your comments. I agree with you that YW has had some great lines, so far. I don't think she will die, since she is the main heroine. I think that maybe because this drama is a fusion sageuk, people do have to die. People die more in sageuk dramas, much more.


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sabeomnim = master


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Thank you Jin!


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@ivoire - love how detailed you can get! :)

#3: "Does this then mean that the animal side could not co-exist with the human side? It seemed that it did for WR, for a 1,000 years, no?" - This does not apply to WR because he was 100% gumiho. The animal vs human side will only apply to KC because he's half human, half gumiho :)

#4: my guess is that LSS+DPJ team took care of the dead bodies

#6: your theory of something being injected to the actors to make their veins pop like that is funny and cute. but i think it's all CG. :) thank God for CG, otherwise, I would have to fly to SK to comfort my LSG whenever he gets shots to make his veins pop out. :)


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Hello deedeenoona,
And thank you for answering some of my questions. I will be back later to respond. I am glad you loved how detailed I can get. That is one of the things I personally love about my writing and my commentary as well :-)...


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That face, on top of this blog!

I am all for against-type casting, gender bending, etc. Pleasantly surprise me, is all I ask, and in return, I am game to try anything once.

But Suzy is something else entirely. Her face is just spooky!


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Yea! Took a while, but I am now starting to trust this shows direction. Oh Sung Joon, the second lead syndrome you are going to give me... bring on the heartbreak!


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I'm sorry to say this, but I found Gon's action of punching KC rather cowardly. KC's strength was suppressed and he was taken off guard when SJ placed the bracelet on him. Yet, he took the opportunity to hit him. Not very nice!


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he does that ea time, hits him when he is down, he is not likable to me at all. his attitude stinks.


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I sort of love that Gon isn't perfect. So many second leads are so sickeningly sweet and nice that they lose dimension, and yet there's absolutely no reason for them not to end up with the heroine, except they just don't. With Gon's dry humor, pettiness, and Tin Man attitude to life, it makes him a much better character, and gives him room for development.


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^ consider this co-signed.


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Gon is pretty obnoxious...and clingy. I can see why YW isn't that into him.


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He's her body guard. He's.. ermm.. employed to stay by her like a shadow. It's kinda his job to be clingy.


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Didn't say it wasn't. But I can understated why she's not into him...


Awww, cut Gon some slack. Him punching Kang-chi who's already down was indeed foul but Gon's her bodyguard and he does care about Yeo-wool. He is wired to protect her first and ask questions later.

Imagine this: someone you care about (not necessarily romantically) was put in danger by another person. Would you be gracious and forgiving especially if you don't know and trust that person enough? Or would you be generous with the punches and entertaining some murderous thoughts? I know I would.

Remember that Gon does not like Kang-chi yet because they have only just met and he does not know Kang-chi well enough to know that the latter poses no threat to Yeo-wool or that he would intentionally hurt or endanger her. For now, Gon is only putting up with Kang-chi because of Yeo-wool.


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Since when has KC been a threat to YW? YW can kick and fight like any guy. Moreover, she's a master archer. The times he kicked and punched KC was more out of temper and jealousy... and in the last episode, meanness.

He's technically not her body guard. It was just a term used to describe him. But in the drama, he is more like her partner.


kinda agree with this. i mean i love his character, all the bickering with KC but boy really doesnt know how to control his feeling. i can only see jealousy in his eyes..and being overprotective is just~ and too many Gon scenes not that im complaining but the writer might as well gave the second lead role to him..


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" too many Gon scenes" - I was just thinking the same thing! Tae Seo is supposed to be second lead, but so far there are more scenes of Gon, especially with YW. And so far, our second lead has had only one scene with YW - and his response to her was more like that of a 'good friend that I haven't seen for some time'.

I wonder if the writer had a change of mind.


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No, TS will have more story line now I'm sure. Gon doesn't have much to do other than to figure out KC isn't a bad guy. Though with TS, I doubt YW is going to be too into the person who stabbed KC in the stomach. I still don't see the actual love triangle as being anything other than CJ/KC/YW.


I think Tae-soo is already smitten with Yeo-wool if his face lighting up like a Christmas tree at the sight of her is any indication. I think she's the reason he is not interested in other girls (as pointed out during the pavilion scene with the Park family).


I guess am the only one then whose first reaction was smart boy! I figured he hit him to subdue him, cuz for a minute there he kinda lost consciousness momentarily and because of that they were able to tie him up-no? Besides the bracelet was placed on KC yes, but Gon had no way of knowing the extent of its powers on him so knocked him out just to be sure-better safe than sorry methinks!


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I agree, Gon does not know that the bracelet would subdue Kang-chi so maybe that last punch was to knock Kang-chi out so they can tie him up.


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maybe maybe maybe...


I totally agree! And as he said, his main concern is YW. Until he was sure that KC was subdued I doubt he'd let YW near him, especially after he has seen what KC can do!


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Hey I know we don't like seeing Lee Seung-gi get hit but I like that Gon is such an imperfect ally to him, and how was he to know Kang-chi wouldn't rip off the bracelet in a second and go back to wild? He's a fighter, he did the smart thing for a fight.

I LOVE watching LSG and Sung Joon together, they riff off each other better than anyone else in this drama.


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Thanks for the recap gf!!


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Thank you GF! Off to read :-) excited hehe


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FINALLY more Yeo Wool! love her character so much! :D


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Actually I agree, It was surprising yeo wool told her father everything. I was thinking she would cover up the fact about kang chi. Drama earns points for not being super predictable.

Liking this show a lot. Can't help but have a crush on suzy.


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I'm guessing she told her father because he is the most knowledgeable on these supernatural creatures after she seemed to know about those weird illusions in episode 5 and her dad was the one who killed WR. That said I'm loving YW at the moment because she see what's underneath a person, not their physical appearance, which was something SH lacked. The monk perhaps didn't expect YW to be so accepting and understanding of KC so their fates are not set in stone.
About CJ...I don't think she'll be exactly like SH. CJ seems to be made of a more tougher material and also CJ is alone, while SH at least had her brother and maid. CJ would probably be quite shaken by this and I'm curious to see what path her character will begin to take.
Last but not least...I just love gumiho Kangchi..especially during the part he was fighting with himself and gon. I'm really hoping for gumiho kangchi and hot gumiho daddy to meet up soon, then I can safely die from all the hotness.


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Is there such a thing as a safe way to die? LOL

But, I agree that Chung-jo is much stronger than Seohwa ever was. I just hope she would not blame and hate Kang-chi too much for all her sufferings. That would just break Kang-chi's heart.


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There's also another clear difference. CJ was quicker to give up her pride. If mummyHo would have surely tried to stab herself with the spoon rather than continue eating. She was definitely more stubborn and less concerned with her safety than CJ.


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If we were to die from all of the hotness, would there be a gumiho heaven to which we could go? lol!


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I love how Yeo-wool does not seem to keep secrets from her father. How many dramas have we seen where characters angst (and worse, die or kill) over misunderstandings that could have been avoided had they thought of speaking up instead of taking the Noble Idiot route.


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I'm glad that YW told her father and I can understand why too. He had sent her out to find out what was happening. So it's natural that she tells him everything. Moreover, this is not something she should keep to herself.
In any case, it shows that there is respect and trust in the relationship.


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I'm seriously so glad someone finally has some power over GW. You go LSS.

YW/KC are great. Yes, figure out she's female soon. I'll excuse him for now since he's got a lot on his mind...

I'll disagree that Chung-jo is SH without the fire. SH was completely weak despite all her yelling. CJ is a lot smarter and I think stronger despite maybe appearing more weak and submissive. She'll end up saving herself by any mean necessary while SH basically accomplished nothing and had to be constantly saved.


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Lol, seriously I thought he ought to be able to tell that she's a female, especially in her new clothes.


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Yup, she was always wanting to end her life. CJ, on the other hand, chose life. And I think that the head gisaeng will offer to help her gain back her status, but that would mean not being with KC.


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we may see her choice to leave him ep 8


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is that a spoiler?


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Yeah, that's a good point about Chung-jo. I'd forgotten about Seohwa trying to commit suicide every 5 seconds. I'm loving Chung-jo's character so far, so here's hoping the writers take her somewhere great, even if it ends in tragedy (hopefully not).


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When he came to the rescue, I was like you're the best Lee Soo Shin!


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*giggles like a crazy person*
To the people that launch the complain early in the year. I knew which LSS she was refering to.


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Exactly my thought.


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Now I know why LYH looked so pissed during the infamous script reading lol Her character sucks


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Maybe she was like this while reading: "What's wrong with this girl!? How can she betray him like that!?*wants to throw tables* Wait, people are taking photos...smile LYH, smile! And what!?She tries to kill the baby!?Phew, baby's safe!(he's the main character after all) And she finds out how much her hubby loved her *sobs*(nooo!!! I am supposed to be all smiles today, it's just the reading!!!) Then what!? she just goes on a suicide mission and the character just dies in 3rd episode? Are u kidding me!I guess she does end up leaving a mark on that creep's face but still... "

We have no way to know what she was thinking, I know I would have been like described in the previous paragraph.I'm always in my own world when reading something and with such an engaging story, I bet she was sucked in right away.


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I would love YW so much on paper, but it's kind of frustrating how little chemistry she and KC have (the actors, I mean), I mean he has better chemistry with Gon for heaven's sake!

And I too disagree that CJ has no fire - unlike Seo-hwa, she has a personality beyond being pretty and proud. I'll be interested to see where her trajectory goes, and since this drama did not take last week's predicted spoiler route and have Lady Yoon making a deal with the devil for her status (I knew she wouldn't, bravo lady), I look forward to seeing CJ NOT be Seo-Hwa redux.

And her stepping up to ensure her own survival is one part of the way towards that, I know YW gets to be the obvious badass with weapons galore but I'd love to see the girly-girl be strong, too.

(and please no more rapes, we got the message, he's evil and lecherous, the first one was unnecessary too and a definite black mark against this drama in my book)


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Thanks for the recap!
I didn't read for I will watch it first... yay!


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I don't speak nor understand Korean, but I was sobbing my face off when I saw this RAW. Daebak!

Thanks for the recap, GF!


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Same here. I learned to speak Korean from watching kdramas hehe


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So Jung the monk got on my nerves today too. Why doesn't he just spill the beans already! This holding back of important information is driving me crazy. However, I officially think Yeo-wool is an awesome heroine, so Ill forgive the writer. For now.


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Agree on both YW and CJ.

CJ is Seo Hwa incarnate. Have a little creativity, writer.

I'm surprised that KC's secret was found out by most people in the drama just like that. I thought this secret would linger and complicate things later on.


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I think it's not that Chung-jo is Seohwa incarnate. It's that they had the same misfortune of catching the eye of the same evil pervert.

I wonder though, if Jo Gwan-woong was indeed in love with Seohwa, why didn't he just ask for her hand instead of killing off her father so she could be sold off to be a gisaeng for him to rape?

But then, I already know he's a pervert with no heart so I guess that makes my question stupid.


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I'm wondering along with you, simply because "he's a pervert" is not an interesting enough reason to be evil. There was that moment that showed how he at least had a crush on her from afar, but we haven't seen anything else to flesh out that idea. Not that it will justify anything he's doing, mind you, but it's better if the villain has a code and/or motivation, even if that code is seriously messed up by the standards of decent humans. It gives him more of an identity than Cardboard Cutout Cackling Bad Guy.


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I have a feeling that GW fell in love with SH, and did ask for her hand in marriage, but because of his low status and maybe age, her father did not allow it to happen. The synopsis mentioned something to the effect that he came from a lowly family, but rose up to power and was bitter about how he was treated.


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Is that so? Still, this does not excuse any of this misdeeds.


See, that would have been better to show from the beginning. You can't put stuff in the character description and expect people to know it; you have to show it in the drama.

Maybe it will come out eventually, but I think seeing any backstory like that now will just look like retconning. It seems like a couple of plot elements are like that, like with Tae Seo. I do wish this one were a bit more adept at developing things simultaneously.


@ Claudia
I'm not saying that it excuses his misdeeds. Just a guess why he's so mad about SH.


Man, that is one twisted quack who needs a big hug and some TLC...


I don't think CJ is Seo-hwa (and certainly not in personality), but the 'past-repeating-itself' motif has been getting old for a while and I don't want the story of a far more interesting character to be forced along the same track as Seo-hwa's just for the sake of hammering it home.


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Ye-wool beating Kang-chi upside the head twice for going into self-pity mode cracked me up lol


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Heh check this out LSG getting smacked so many times :-)



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I wish the guy (or gal) who stunt choreographed for Vampire Prosecutor was working on this show. The fight sequences are a little too bland for supernatural showdowns.


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Agreed! It seemed really... tame.


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I liked Gon and Kang-chi's fight, but then of course the movements do get a bit lost between the darkness and Gon's black clothes.


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thank you for the recap.thank you very much.


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Nice ep. I was also surprised YW didn't turn Kagome but it's accepteble since she's nowhere near the power of a gumiho. She'll be dead in seconds. I like that KC will have people who will be on his side while struggling to accept his gumiho fate.
I don't know why they have to kill the mother. Is it really necessary?


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I know, right? I hope Kang-chi realizes he's lucky to still have people who accepts him. In other dramas, he would have been left alone to deal with his gumiho-human dilemma until he realizes he can use his supernatural powers to help send the bad guy to hell.


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No parent is safe. YW's dad better watch his back.


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ha, seriously.


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Hah. He should have a bodyguard like Gon :-)


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Oh please, make him roomies with Gin. That would be the greatest thing ever.


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Oh yaaay...our heroine YW stepping up :-) I like her character.
LSG is killing it. He's acting is DAEBAK!


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i am so tempted to read this article right now but i can't because the episode has not been subbed in English yet..i guess i would have to come back when i am done watching with subs


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Thanks GF!

LSG is great in this episode!


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Ahhhh I love lee soon shin ! Lol hehe I loved the ep it was very good and I really really want him to know that she is a girl !


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“Of course you’re weird. But then again, you were already kind of funny-looking before.” HA. “So what, your eyes are a different color now. Is that a reason to shrivel up and hide like your life is over?”


I lurve her character. Please stay this way Yeo wool ahh...


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Thank you very much!


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Sooo. Chung Jo... anybody realize whats going on there?.... Anyone curious as to where she was sent?... No. Thought not. If I was YeoWool or Gon or So Jung I would be helping the poor guy in the cave by saving CJ so he could check that off his to-do list and deal with his bodily changes.


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I know right!!! why does he need to save her himself? delegate!!!


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I guess they must've forgot to watch over TS as well since he's once again in the hands of the GW's men in tomorrow's episode. Whatever happened to a little bit of micromanagement...


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I know!! I had a lot of trouble focusing on a lot of the scenes because I wanted them to save Chung Jo first and worry about everything else later!


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Seriously. First Gon and YW fail to protect the inn when they've been sent there to do just that, and now they ignore CJ while knowing she's out there and KC can't go to her. Delegate, people!


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found the monk very annoying in this episode, like sassy in a condescending way if that makes any sense ha

evil guy makes my skin crawl ugh he reminds me of dirty old men who leer and snicker while smoking in alleyways


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oh and yeo wool is snarky in the best way, love her


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the pacing felt very off this episode and I got super frustrated why kang-chi's never tells anyone to go save chung jo...i mean yeo-wool is right there
its the same thing as last week, they needed her to go to the gisaeng house so they ignore logic. that got me super frustrated.

but f-yes yeo-wool! if you make her a sniffling pansy damsel in distress at the end, we have WORDS SHOW


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because KC wants to save her himself! Be her hero! No one can saves her if not him! He promised he would and he will, doesn't matter if her isn't virgin anymore and scared forever because of it...

(I'm joking btw)


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Ahhhhh! I'm glad to have a bit of resolution there, but they really should have cliffhangered as he was about to pull the bracelet off.

OMG I keep forgetting that he doesn't know she's a girl! Ahhhhahaahhaahhaha.

I really like this development of Gon's character. Generally the second lead is so sickeningly perfect that there's no reason he shouldn't be with the heroine, except he just isn't. However, with a flaw like single-mindedness bordering on obsession, it makes much more sense. It makes for a much more complex character, plus I love his dry humor.

I'm with you on Chung-jo's story. I hope they do something different, but at this point I'm not sure how she'll fit in. One part of me wants her to seduce, then kill Jo Gwan-woong, but the other part of me wants him castrated before he gets near any other women at all, ever.

Yeo-wool-ah! I love her too. There's nothing quite so good as a redemption through love arc. And I like that they're spending so much time building their non-romantic relationship, too.

I hope Kang-chi goes to martial arts school, and what would be even better is Gon and Kang-chi AND Yeo-wool as roommates. Commence Sungkyunkwan-style hijinks!

Anyway, I like how there are a lot of different plot lines being set up and being woven together. Yaaaay, Drama! Keep it up!


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Gon is not a lead in this drama, TS is the 2nd lead, and he will become more visible now as he turns on Kang Chi, and he will like YW too, and honestly I see no character development in Gon, he has a bad attitude, and a closed mind, and is blinded by petty jealousy, and no balls to tell the girl he likes her.


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Oh right, I forgot that Sung Joon isn't the lead in everything. Generally those things are set up earlier; I had forgotten about Tae-seo as a rival for Yeo-wool. At this point, though, it's not going to be much of a contest, since Kang-chi and Yeo-wool already have a strong connection, even without him knowing she's a girl. I guess once Kang-chi's battle for humanity kicks into high(er) gear it will become more of an even fight.

Still, Gon having some negative personality traits is better than him being too perfect. I hope his character develops more.


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someone, you can come up with quite a few characteristics for someone who is not a lead character and has "no character development."

I get that you do not like the character, and do not like the fact that people think Sung Joon has a main role (sorry, but if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...) but Gon is supposed to be humorously unlikeable, he's meant to be stiff and unyielding and annoyed about his inability to keep her in line, much less "get" the girl; therefore Sung Joon is actually doing what he is supposed to do, and well enough to fool a lot of people into thinking his part is more major than previously documented.


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...and, touché!

Some people really have no idea of the distinction between a 'good' character and a well-written/well-acted one,


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yes SoJung is way too convenient and his (and the show's) do-this-first-i'll-explain-only-after-you-don't-follow-my-instructions mentality(?) is horrible. If he's going to be "Cryptic Knowledge Man" I need his character to come off as more mysterious not just in terms of what he "knows," but also as a being unto himself.

The battle-the-inner-beast scene felt misplaced to me. Yes it should happen in the Moonlight Garden but if KangChi has been struggling since he raged against the 7 henchmen then I would think he wouldn't have time to mope in the garden.

The past few episodes feel like 90% plot and 10% chemistry. I want all the hijinks back... and KangChi and YeoWool need more facial expressions... The prologue may have set my expectations too high for the show on the whole.


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More facial expressions from KC and YW? I don't think that LSG has any more facial expressions left that he has not yet shown! And as for Suzy, I think this ep is so far her best!


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100% agree~!

And I feel that when with LSG, Suzy acting is more natural~

Does anyone know so as I do? Or is it just me... ^^


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sorry, *feel as I do*


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lol seriously. They already released a 100 Kangchi expressions image didn't they


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eh, Suzy's performance was better in this ep over previous eps but I still feel that she has the same doe-eyed expressions to me.
KC was expressive in the happy-go-lucky beginning but once the main plot line started rolling in it is as if his eyebrows are permanently stuck in the same stern-furrowed position the whole time. i.e. His look of "confusion" over Lee SoonShin looks more like generic stern gaze rather than genuine what's-going-on-and-who-is-dis.


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Agreed....Suzy's doe-eyed looks are starting to get annoying, she pretty much has the same expression for EVERYTHING and i mean everything.....she looked the same fighting a dozen men as she did when she found out KC is a monster.....sigh. I was hoping she would have improved by this point, but alas, nothing has changed much.

Seungi isn't too bad with the expressions, im willing to be more forgiving with him because his character requires such a WIDE range of emotions, literally from human to monster, so he's doing a decent job of bringing forth the expression of being frustrated and confused with his recent predicament


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I know, Monk is wayyyy too Resident Yoda for my style, and he gives out even less intelligible information than Yoda!

And Suzy's got a fair bit better at the expressions, she was good in those scenes with her dad and Gon but there's just not enough chemistry between her and LSG to make me want to root for YW and KC - my head gets why she's so obsessed with him, but my subconscious wants to tell YW to stop being a pest and following him everywhere.


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yes agree about your comment on Suzy. Perhaps my desire for more facial expressions is really just an attempt at asking for more chemistry. Regardless of whether more facial expressions are objectively needed, something is definitely missing between them. The "chemistry" between them is not holding its candle to the prologue very well.


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I like =) thanks!


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lol kinda funny before this everyone was like "YW is just plain boring" "i dont like her" etc etc but now everyone declaring their love towards YW. and yes i love her! **not homo


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character development will do that to people


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only because KC was sulking for far too long.


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hey, anything's better than Kang-chi in a long Hulk phase


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seriously is the /not homo/ even necessary? pretty sure no one will question your sexual orientation when you declare your love for a fictional character.


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ha ha, should I help her take her foot out of her mouth.


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Thanks for the recap.


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YW's character is very well written, it's just that the actress tasked with bringing her to life is a wee bit mmhhhh.... Am thinking of awesome YWs and 2 actresses come to mind-HJW and SMA (but then again we dont want another Yeong hwa-Park Shin Hye situation) sigh!
Oh! And am probably the only one who didn't see mom's death coming-she was a piece of work but still feel bad about her death.


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Exactly, it's frustrating because the character COULD be awesome and is, on paper, but Suzy just can't bring her fully to life, and no amount of open-mouthed utterings of the name 'Choi Kang-chi' are going to change that.

She's not as bad as she was in episode 3, but it's a juicy part and she isn't doing justice to it - other actors in this drama are doing much more when the material they're given is less.


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omg, love your comment cracked me up lol and So True


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Amen to you, pogo.


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lol your comment was halarious and i completely agree....Suzy has such an awesome character sketch to work with and she's really not doing much with it...c'mon woman.


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"YW’s character is very well written, it’s just that the actress tasked with bringing her to life is a wee bit mmhhhh" ---Love this Line of yours & I'm with you agreeing 100% when it comes to your opinion regarding Suzy's acting..


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It's so nice to see more of YW. I was not dissappointed
with her decision. Her actions led to a more positive
consequences with LSS on KC's side. I don't really care about the gender part so long that it would not create awkward plot points in the future. It's not that big of a deal..at least for YW. She just doesn't care what people think of her. (but finding out her gender in an epic way will not hurt our eyes dear writer hehe)

For now, we aren't sure how LSS treat KC. Will he be considered as a weapon to fight against GW or LSS will be KC's father figure or both. I'm digging with their relationship. Other things that I really looking forward also is the Awesome Trio! Oh God knows how I love their potential to make this drama awesome for me.


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Your comment reminds me of when Lord Park asked Lee Soon Shin to take care of Kang-chi. I'm glad LSS honored that request.


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One thing I'm sure of...they can't kill Lee Soon Shin haha!


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I think LSS main goal is to get that tons of gold at 100 YEAR INN to build a ship..helping KC is his first step .


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I don't think he is saving KC to honor that request. He is aware of KC's superhuman/supernatural power, and is afraid it'll fall into the hands of the evil lord, so he is there to calim KC first.


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Obviously hjw & sma are better actresses they went to school for acting and have more experience. Suzy might not be on their level (yet) but she's actually doing a pretty good job as yw. I am loving this drama, everyone's pretty convincing in their roles.


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I feel inclined to argue ur point (seeing as ur comment about the 2 actresses is an obvious reaction to mine) but then again this whole idols vs pro actors debate is getting kinda old! Funny thing is I actually think Suzy did a better job in Architecture 101 than HGI, I really liked her acting there and was looking forward to seeing her improve even more here but it just seems like a case of 3 steps forward, 5 steps backwards! Plus it doesnt help that she's surrounded by mostly seasoned & veteran actors, her flaws stand out more.


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LOL we'll agree to disagree. I actually think her acting is steadily improving but i do agree she did a better job in architecture, hence her awards for that movie. I'm glad she's surrounded by veteran actors hopefully she learns alot from them. With 17 more chapters i hope Suzy turns you into a fan :)


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I agree, everyone is believable in their roles especially Lee Sung Jae who's making me want to slice and dice his Jo Gwan-woong into very tiny pieces and serve to the sharks.


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I also like Suzy here. I don't really care who's who in a drama as long as I am convinced then I'm in.


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Thanks for the recap! Ur the quickest. Eng sub up on viki.com now btw for my fellow non Korean speaking folks watching it raw


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omg, just saw the preview for ep 8. WTF, TS?!?!?! u saw who killed your father!!!!


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I like the sound of the story so far and will definitely check it out! Thanks for the recap!


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trouble is, Gon has to do what Yeo Wool and her father say. so he goes against himself. whats the damage if he gets a small punch in? sometimes even brothers beat each other. I wonder if Gon will at some point act in the benefit of Kang Chi out of his own will, and not by order from Yeo Woo? like: I cam to help you, Kang Chi - I dont trust you - shut up and lets just get this over with. there aint ever gonna be bromance, but there will be this really really awkward cooperation. it is like a handy, convenient opponent, you know, like glad you´re here brow cause I feel like punching someone. and then drinking beer.


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I haven't started this drama yet....so I don't know much about what is going on....

but the synopsis released earlier didn't say that it will have cross dressing!!
that's news for me...

thanks for the recap :)


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It was kind of an aside moment, but 'My Lady' did such a good DIE!


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yeah, I don't get the hate for her - she's harsh to our hero, but not without her own reasons for that, plus she was good to her people and a loving wife and mother. And that was a good death.


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I think I'm finally seeing Yeo Wol in a different light.. THIS kind of concern is what Seo Hwa should've had. Annnyways.. liked that scene and hoping to see more twists. I also wish they would stop with the Seo Hwa references.. Show, we can tell they are similar, you don't have to remind us in every scene....


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But it wouldn't be a kdrama if they didn't do the similarities flashbacks. Over. And. Over.


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Heee, I know! And Kang-chi hallucinated Chung-jo for Yeo-wool when he first met her, which means that Yeo-wool equals his mom?!? Come on, Drama, at the very least you only get one heroine substitution!


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Er, most of the Seo Hwa references relate to Chung Jo, so I really don't think the show is trying to say Yeo Wool = Kang Chi's mother. (Chung Jo, on the other hand...)


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Oh yeah, I understand they aren't trying to do that, but they did use the same visual cue for her. Now that I think about it, I guess they had to, since he didn't realize Yeo-wool was a girl yet. Still, I thought it was funny.


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maybe its so we can see her handle the same things with a different outcome


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This is off-topic but I really love how this drama is making me, a long-time lurker, come our of the woods and join the discussion.


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This is off-topic but I really love how this drama is making me, a long-time lurker, come our of the woods and join the discussion. I didn't know I had it it me hahaha


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Lol same here :-)


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Every episode becomes interesting... Thank you


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Wow, the fight scene between Gon and Kang-chi was so boring. Maybe I was expecting Saiyan transformation level of fighting, but I was led down.


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Also, is Soo-ryun a gumiho or what? It'd been 20 years and she hasn't aged one bit! Lol


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Shes' consistently milk bathing w/ anti aging concentration.


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Her servant too, is probably having those milk baths! Probably after she uses it. The two of them have not aged a bit.
Come to think of it, neither did Lord Park or his man servant Choi, (KC's foster father).

But kudos to the make up artists! They did a really good job with Tae Seo's make up after his torture. One eye was slightly swollen. And CJ's make up when she was tied up to the Tree of Shame was very good too.


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She probably eats goji berries.


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lol they always shoot from a distance with Gon its a stunt double


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Yes I am finally back with a whack. Doubt that any of you even remember me lol.

You know what really irks me is that Kang Chi's mom blamed his dad and said that he deceived her (Not telling her that he was a Gumhio) among many things. Well before she got married to him she should have been aware of what she was getting into. Yes the Dad should have clarified but she should have picked on that he wasn't fully human on her own. For instances those blue glowy lights that would pop up when he was around at times. Why couldn't she notice that isn't something a normal human can't do, then there was the matter of the butterflies in the sack. No normal person could go and capture that many butterflies and hold them in a sack that size (assuming that the big was even half full. They would have flown away when he opened to enter the next one also how could one person even get that many even in one bag. :) To me it would be quite obvious she was clearly in some sort of denial I suppose.

Speaking of his mom I want her to survive I was also hoping that Chung Jo and Tea Soh mom also survived and that they could become buddies of sorts, Fate cast them in similar roles and while they would not be aware of each others identities at the start they would have something in common. Guess that can now happen with Chung Jo.(if she survives hopefully)

In terms of which one is stronger (Chung Jo and his Mom) they both had their inner strengths and I don't thing that either of them were weak. Yes his mom certainly had her pride (perhaps she may even have wanted to kill herself at itmes but she survived) The last suicide mission she undertook may seem cowardly to some but to others it took a lots of GUTs to do so that to in broad day light.

Chung Jo on the other hand is a survivor as well. I don't doubt for a minute that she would want to do the same thing if she got a chance though I suspect that she might try to go about it a bit smarter maybe hire assassins. :)

Kang Chi should learn to delegate for the rescue missions. Unfortunately he has always relied on his own strength. Getting into trouble and solving problems with his own fists but at the moment he is undergoing his own trials that he would have easily forgotten about the others. Also the others can't really do much without revealing themselves to the villain and declaring war openly to him.

Can see why Chung Jo and Tah Seo would turn against Kang Chi. They would each think that he abandoned them when they needed him the most. Also each of the siblings wont like the condition the other is in. Not to mention their parents deaths would most likely be blamed on him or his actions. There are few more points that I can easily bring on this point itself but due to the length of this post will be leaving it for now. Doubtful that anyone will even reach this far but if you do congrats.

I wonder what Suzy and Kang Chis reaction will be when they discover that her dad was the one that killed his dad. Though he did save his moms life and in turn his so maybe he might be forgiven but just think up the scene. :)
Like the monk character though I think that he should attend a Jedi Academy to learn to be more mystic and all.

Anyway this is all for the moment so I hope to hear all of your thoughts regarding these matters as well.

On a side note I don't want Kangi Chi to become human. I don't mind the quest for the book and all but in the end I want him to realize that he doesn't need it or the villain ends up destroying it somehow. I know this may seem a bit harsh of me but I feel that being part beast is just him and that without it he wont be the character that made him. Perhaps I just have a soft spot for hybrid characters such as Spock and Deanna Troi from Star Trek to name a few.

How many of you want him to become a human. :)


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"Doubtful that anyone will even reach this far but if you do congrats."

I did! :)

"How many of you want him to become a human. "

Definitely not me. I want him to realise that he is fine and worthy of respect on his own. And that humans are not the only creatures worthy of respect and love. And this might sound cliché and like it was copied from some plastic surgery forum, but I want him to know that he is beautiful in his own way and nothing needs to be changed.

~When I see your DNA, there's not a thing that I would change. Cos puppy/foxy you're amazing, just the way you are~


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Thankyou for your reply.

You more than adequately made the point that I was trying to make but only way better and simpler. Thankyou for that once again

Now I just have to wait and watch this episode when it is subbed. Initially I was hoping to watch it all in bulk when it is translated fully but the story and acting just won me more LOL :)


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I also don't want him to become human. But I want him to have his happy ending with YW. I just hope he can grow old even in his gumiho state. I don't think he'll want to stay gumiho if he has to watch his fated match grow old and die...


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Great assessment. I want Chung-jo to be the assassin, rather than hiring them. Hell, can she become a badass gisaeng assassin? I kind of want her to be the one to get Jo Gwan-joong, like maybe partial seduction then murder, but I also just want him castrated before he gets near any other women ever because EWWWWWWW he is disgusting.

Heeee, I agree with you on how dense Kang-chi's mom was, especially with the butterflies. I thought she knew something was off about him, and didn't think she'd be quite so surprised when she found out, but I think she was traumatized and in denial.

I am with you on not wanting Kang-chi to become fully human. Much better if his love for Yeo-wool and friendship with everybody anchors him in this world enough to be human when he wants. In Korean dramas, gumiho-ness is generally considered a negative trait no matter what, though, so he'll probably become human in the end.

I see the problem with Chung-jo and Tae-seo, although I would hope they would take their lifelong knowledge of Kang-chi and realize that he would never willingly abandon them. Unfortunately, I think the issue will be that he won't be able to explain to them about his beast side, so they'll turn on him.


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In this lifetime I want Kan Chi to stay half-man-half-gumiho to fulfill his mission.


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I seriously loled at the scene of YW running away from moonlight garden after the monk told her that KC lost the fight. Oh poor me. That face she had as she was waddling across from the water. Suzy was doing such a decent job a minute ago too when confronting KC.


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I haven't watched this episode yet but from stills alone i can see lee yoo bi killin` it!


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yes she is. Never saw her b4 this but shes good.


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She is SO GOOD in this. I thought she was vaguely annoying as Little Sis in Nice Guy, but she could have been worse, and I think her character was supposed to be annoying. Here, she is doing a fantastic job of portraying this vulnerable, proud character.


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She is. She really surprised me. She wasn't bad in Nice guy, but she came across as a 12 year old and her romance with Kwang Soo was the most unbelievable thing in that drama (and that's saying a lot). So to see her like this is very nice.


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She really is. I wondered what she'd be like once her character was forced to separate from Kang-chi for an episode so we're not looking at her through the filter of their chemistry, but it turns out she's even better than I thought, and their characters don't interact at all in this episode.

(I liked her take on the shame tree scene, it was written to be Seo-hwa redux but Lee Yoo-bi plays it differently enough from Lee Yeon-hee to make it stand as something that's happening to HER character)


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felt like a century since I last saw the previous episode.


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Suzy expression is one dimensional. What a waste. Drama ,why u have higher rating than JOJ?


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Maybe if you spent your time watching joj it would do better ratings wise, instead of watching Suzy and her expressions. LOL. Suzy's one of the main actors so if you don't like her acting don't WASTE your time watching it.


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well I must admit Seung Gi is the only one that can get me to sit and watch her. I would have stayed away because of her, but I will support him no matter what.


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Too bad, because some of us are watching this drama for other actors and have to put up with Suzy in the way.

I don't get the 'if you don't like her. don't watch' argument because it just sounds like the person making it forgot that dramas are not a single-person effort and there may be other things about the show that we're here for.


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lol they just sounded so angered & disdained by Suzy i was just merely pointing out that they don't have to put themself through such torture. You are aboslutely correct in the fact that a drama is not a single person effort so people should't act as if Suzy can ruin this drama. Like i said to other non Suzy fans, hopefully she turns you into a fan by the end of the drama.


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the thing is, she's the weakest link in the cast, skills-wise, and in a show where everyone else - even the supporting characters - is pulling their weight and then some, she definitely brings the standard down quite conspicuously and people are perfectly within their rights to criticise her acting.

And stating that she has a one-dimensional expression and the role is wasted on her doesn't even sound particularly angry or disdainful.


I couldn't reply under your latest response so doing it here. The thing is i get that not everyone is going to like Suzy's acting. I just don't understand why people need to voice it out, i guess if it makes them feel better. Calling her the weakest link is also your opinion (not a fact, just had to point that out). Someones trash is another mans treasure.


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I just don’t understand why people need to voice it out

....and I still don't understand why people should not voice an opinion you disagree with, since that is all it boils down to - that they don't like her acting, and are saying so.

'If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all' is not a rule that applies to commentary on pop culture, especially when the criticism is directed at someone's work. And if you have a problem with that, then maybe you're better off reading GFB recap comments on a Suzy fansite and not here.


maybe she is not the reason some watch, everyone else is really doing a fine job. Perhaps this story line is better received as well. Some may enjoy both. No need to compare.


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I'll take Suzy's lack of expressions over anchorwoman KTH :) And she's not in it enough to ruin the drama for most even if they don't like her.


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Surprisingly, KTH is pretty good in JOJ, but you're right, GFB has enough going on that even Suzy at her worst can't manage to ruin it for me just yet.


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lol I was actually talking about this infamous clip


Maybe she's awesome every other scene, but it boggles my mind that's a veteran actor of 10+ years.... But yeah, enjoy JOJ.


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I'm actually enjoying both dramas, JOJ and GFB.


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