Alice in Cheongdam-dong: Episode 8

The drop into hell is just as bad as I thought – if not worse. The truth really changes people, and while you’d hope it’s for the better, in this instance it changes people for the worse. We’ve seen Se-kyung grow into a stronger person who will do whatever it takes to achieve her dream. Now we’ve reached the point where it’s time for her to achieve that dream, and become a “Cheongdamdong wife” – which was the focus of the series. However, I now fully realize that I never really wanted her to succeed.

For all that I’ve seen to this point, I commend this drama for forcing us to take an introspective look into who we are and what we really want in our lives.


“Love Like This” by K.Will for Alice in Cheongdam-dong OST [download]

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So – we’re back in the elevator of truth! What exactly did Secretary Moon hear?! Flashback to that night, and Ah-jung reveals her truth first: “Han Se-kyung likes Secretary Kim!” Seung-jo goes into shock – did he just hear that the girl who refused to work with him… actually likes him?!

The doors open – and you’d think he saw Se-kyung across from him – but he’s actually too dazed to focus on what’s right in front of him. Se-kyung turns around and sidles up next to the elevator wall so she can’t be seen, and an usher and Secretary Moon wake Seung-jo from his reverie.

Secretary Moon guides Seung-jo to his private room behind the stage. Seung-jo, still in disbelief: “Really?” Secretary Moon assures him it’s true, but Seung-jo still asks in an innocent manner: “Really? Really really? Really truly?” Hehe – he sounds like a kid.

Se-kyung’s elevator doors close again, and she clings to the handrail. Overhearing Seung-jo being addressed as the CEO just confirmed what Ah-jung said, and she noticed the handmade bracelet she had given the CEO on Seung-jo’s wrist. Instead of feeling relief, Se-kyung looks more like she’s worried for the future. But as she runs through all her encounters with Seung-jo in her mind again, it’s starting to make sense that he is Jean Thierry himself.

In the privacy of his room, Secretary Moon confirms the truth, which makes Seung-jo wildly happy and prompts Dong-wook to wonder if he’s gone mad. Next thing we know, he’s lifting Dong-wook up and jumping around excitedly, even giving his buddy a playful slap on the butt. Someone’s gone mad as a hatter…

Seung-jo thinks that Se-kyung doesn’t know about his real identity, so Dong-wook encourages him to be honest – tonight’s the night! But suddenly, Seung-jo’s happiness turns to horror – Se-kyung loves Secretary Kim – not Jean Thierry Cha! And he’s Jean Thierry Cha right now! What should he do?

Dong-wook: “Get a hold of yourself! You’re not Secretary Kim, but you’re not Jean Thierry Cha either. All of that is just like fashion, like the clothes you are wearing. The clothes don’t make you.” Oh you’re so wise. He reminds his friend that he is only “Cha Seung-jo” and the confession of love is coming from Cha Seung-jo. That makes Seung-jo feel loads better.

Se-kyung finally emerges from the elevator and is led to her table, where she finds a special placard with her name on it, indicating that she is a formal guest and not some random person given an extra seat. She looks around in her unfamiliar surroundings and notices Jean Thierry’s seat not too far from her.

She doesn’t notice two men peeking around the curtains behind her, staring at her. Dong-wook confirms to Seung-jo that Se-kyung is present, and when he sees her, he gets another panic attack. Dong-wook tries to calm him, but instead of going into the party hall, he just makes a mad dash in the other direction.

They zoom past Tommy, who’s just arrived at the party and wondering what crazy people ran just past him. But he becomes more befuddled when he sees Se-kyung in the party hall – what is she doing in this party in particular?

On to Yoon-joo. Her position as the wife of GN Fashion is all thanks to Il-nam, quite frankly. She made it so far, and so Yoon-joo now gets on her knees to beg him one more time to help her. She begs him to help protect her position by never revealing her secret. Il-nam sits down – of course he will keep her secret. They will both keep the secret to their graves, because that is the only way that the marriage between Seung-jo and In-hwa can occur.

Yoon-joo protests, but Il-nam doesn’t listen. Why is she being so emotional? Wasn’t her relationship with Seung-jo based on business anyway? He notes that he only liked her for her business-minded sense. I wonder if he now realizes that Yoon-joo could possibly have loved his son. He knows that Seung-jo truly did, and when he remembers Seung-jo refused to have any association with GN Fashion or his father in the marrying sense, Il-nam realizes that his son must have known of Yoon-joo’s new life.

Yoon-joo exits Il-nam’s building with a heavy heart, unable to stop crying. She doesn’t pick up her brother’s phone calls, but hails a cab to take her anywhere but here.

Tommy happens to be seated at a table behind Se-kyung, allowing him a perfect view of her without her knowledge. Min-hyuk and In-hwa arrive at the party as well, and Min-hyuk has a good view of Se-kyung. Displeased to see her, In-hwa goes over to ask what she’s doing at this exclusive party. Se-kyung quietly says that she was invited by Jean Thierry himself, which makes her quite surprised – how does her lowly part-timer know the CEO personally?

Before Se-kyung can explain, the MC bids everyone to take their seats as the art talk by a fashion curator is about to begin.

Backstage, Dong-wook tries to calm down Seung-jo, who’s freaking out over the impending big reveal. He doesn’t know what to do, flailing and whining, when suddenly Secretary Moon snaps: “You should have lived your life more honestly!” Seung-jo switches immediately into boss mode – “What did you say!?” Secretary Moon backtracks – ha! – because what he really meant was that Seung-jo should be truthful to the person he loves.

Dong-wook agrees – a love without truth has no future. No matter what Se-kyung feels, he must be truthful. Now psyched, Seung-jo goes into his quiet space, takes a deep breath, and transforms into the smooth Jean Thierry Cha.

The MC introduces him, and Se-kyung fidgets in her seat. Seung-jo walks onstage; before him, the audience is dark, so he can only imagine that she’s out there watching, realizing that the man she knew as the secretary is truly the CEO. He introduces a specially made Buche de Noel made for the occasion, and in his mind, he hopes that Se-kyung remembers the conversation they had about it. The cake is meant to cast away all the bad things of the past year and bring hope for the new one.

Seung-jo recites a poem from Nazim Hikmet: “The most magnificent poem is the one yet to be written. The most beautiful song is the one yet to be sung. The most glorious days are the days we have yet to live.” Each line in his mind is related to his relationship with Se-kyung; they are just about to start on a journey together, if she can accept this truth and accept him. He toasts to the crowd, and hopes that they can make all their wishes come true with Artemis. He himself wishes for the future where the truth would be the easiest thing in the world.

The toast is made, and the lights turn on – and Se-kyung is nowhere to be found. Seung-joo glances over at Dong-wook in a panic, who doesn’t know himself what happened to her. But Tommy knows – he saw Se-kyung get up and leave the party before Seung-jo came out to greet the guests. Unfortunately, she left her phone behind, and it is now in his possession. Ugh – slimeball.

Seung-jo walks around to greet the guests, but when he gets a moment with Dong-wook, he worries that Se-kyung may have left because of him. Dong-wook is sure that she left before he came onstage, so it’s not likely she knows his true identity yet.

Se-kyung meets with Ah-jung, who’s positively thrilled for her friend hitting the jackpot. Their pauper is really their prince, and what’s more, he likes Se-kyung for the hardworking girl she was in the past. Ah-jung adds that she remembers telling Secretary Moon that Se-kyung liked Seung-jo, which gives her bonus points. “Just keep treating him like you always have,” Ah-jung advises, since Seung-jo clearly fell for Se-kyung because she was a Candy character.

“Candy” – the diligent girl who doesn’t know Secretary Kim is the CEO and only loves Secretary Kim. This is perfect for Se-kyung, right? Se-kyung tears up over her luck, and while she tells Ah-jung she’s happy, she doesn’t sound altogether convinced.

At the party, a guest chit-chats with Min-hyuk and notes that Jean Thierry Cha looks a lot like Cha Seung-jo, the son of Royal Group’s Cha Il-nam. Min-hyuk then notices his sister approach Seung-jo, complimenting him on his choice of poem, which she read while in Turkey. Seung-jo is disinterested in this talk and checks his phone, but gets no messages. Then he notices Tommy off to the side, laughing. Seung-jo excuses himself, blowing off In-hwa completely. Ha!

Seung-jo isn’t happy to see Tommy at his party, especially since he didn’t invite him. Seung-jo: “Did you see Han Se-kyung here today?” Tommy smiles, and says that she left before he was even introduced: “I lost the opportunity to apologize to her again,” he adds. Seung-jo gives him a tip on how to apologize properly: how about Tommy just never appears in front of Se-kyung – or him – ever again? Hehe – guess helping mend the relationship between Seung-jo and Il-nam will be a lot harder than Tommy thought.

Se-kyung heads back to her work studio in college and takes out her sketch pad. Slowly, she writes out a list, logically going through everything in her head right now.

  1. Secretary Kim is Jean Thierry Cha.
  2. Jean Thierry Cha likes the “Candy” Han Se Kyung.
  3. However I am no longer a Candy.
  4. The CEO doesn’t know that I’ve changed.
  5. In the end, he likes the me before I changed.
  6. I have to act like the person I was before I changed.
  7. I like Secretary Kim.
  8. However, the one I must target is not Secretary Kim, but Jean Thierry Cha.
  9. This is good fortune. It’s like winning the lottery.
  10. That is why I have to act like the Han Se-kyung before the change.

By the end of the list, tears are streaming down her cheeks. I don’t understand her heartbreak though, because I feel she hasn’t truly changed, even though she thinks she did. In the end, what it boils down to is that she wasted a lot of effort to win the heart of a man who likes her for her.

Seung-jo returns home unhappily, and he hugs the Happy Bunny to help comfort his aching heart. He doesn’t realize Se-kyung is standing outside his home, contemplating their relationship. She sits outside her house, crying for a bit before finally resolving to be the girl she was before her “change.”

Se-kyung composes a letter to Jean Thierry Cha, and gives it to Ah-jung for a read-through. Se-kyung is convinced that a letter is the surefire way to win his heart, since it worked with resolving In-chan’s problem. Ah-jung slowly agrees, but also adds, “You’re kind of an ass.” HAHA! Along with the letter, she is going to return the clothing that Seung-jo had sent to her.

Deuk-gi comes up to her room and asks why she’s not picking up the phone. That’s only when Se-kyung realizes she never brought it home. He tells her to look for the phone later, as she has a friend outside waiting for her. Friend? Turns out – it’s Yoon-joo, teary-eyed and looking for a confidante.

Seung-jo still cannot understand why Se-kyung would leave, when she had been so insistent upon meeting the CEO. On top of that, she won’t even pick up her phone. He’s confused by the mixed messages, and Dong-wook smiles at his friend: “Do you want to see her that much?” Seung-jo does – “I like Han Se-kyung.” He likes her so much he just wants to see her right away and tell her everything and get the truth out in the open.

Se-kyung follows Yoon-joo to a fancy hotel, where Yoon-joo has booked an expensive room. After a glass of water, Yoon-joo explains that when she was working in the store in Cheongdam-dong several years ago, she had always wanted to book a room like this. She resolved to spend her following Christmas in the same room, and the following year, she married Min-hyuk and was able to. Now that she’s so rich though, booking the room is nothing special for her anymore.

Yoon-joo: “Are you jealous of me (for feeling that way)? Do you really want to keep going down this path?”

Se-kyung doesn’t like what Yoon-joo is suggesting, especially since it’s hypocritical to have lived a life of luxury, only to tell others not to go down the same path. Yoon-joo backs down, as years ago she felt the same way. She asks if her “love crisis” has been resolved, and Se-kyung says that she didn’t succeed – because it ended up not being a love crisis. Yoon-joo pieces together that Se-kyung had fallen in love with the secretary. But Se-kyung reveals that the secretary is also her White Rabbit for Cheongdam-dong, and he’s in love with her.

Se-kyung: “In your diary, you said that love and business don’t mix together. In this case, I think it will work out.”

Yoon-joo gives a slight shake with her head, a look of pity on her face. Se-kyung becomes defensive – is she saying it’s not possible? Yoon-joo shakes her head – rather than believing it’s impossible, she just realized how alike she and Se-kyung were.

We get a flashback as Yoon-joo explains her history in France, without names of course. She married Seung-jo in front of a priest, exchanging the metal bracelets instead of rings. She had been very happy in France, and she truly loved Seung-jo. The love came first, and the realization that he came from a very good family came second. Back then, she wondered if she could possibly be so lucky as to have met him. But then, their whole marriage fell apart because of their love for each other. Because his family was against her, Seung-jo had given up his inheritance and his family.

Yoon-joo also points out that love isn’t just love – it also includes everything like family background and personality. However, if the relationship were just a business, then only one thing was important – his wealthy background. Yoon-joo finds love and business much too different, and that it’s difficult to reconcile both because you have to follow one path more than the other to make sure the marriage works.

But Se-kyung is already so sure that she can have both, and has become greedy for it. Yoon-joo smiles, wise beyond her years, knowing that Se-kyung isn’t really understanding her right now. If that’s going to be the case, then she wishes Se-kyung luck. “Waiting breeds desire,” she says, knowing that Se-kyung knows what to do next.

Se-kyung wonders if Yoon-joo came to see her originally for a different purpose, to tell her something. Yoon-joo: “I was going to, but now that I think about it we’re not that close.” She congratulates Se-kyung on her progress, and leaves the hotel room first.

The following day, Seung-jo has still had no contact from Se-kyung until he finds a letter and his gifted package on his desk from her. At the same time, Tommy learns from his detective assistant that Se-kyung had sought pardon for her boyfriend, and Seung-jo had granted it, forming a crush on her at the same time because she was a “Candy-like” girl. But Tommy realizes first that she is no longer an honest, hardworking Candy because she had come to his party in the hope of meeting a match. Now he can’t figure out why she didn’t pursue Seung-jo and went to him for help instead.

The assistant just so happened to also have cracked Se-kyung’s password on her phone, so Tommy goes through her recent calls. He notices a lot are from a Secretary Kim…

Seung-jo opens the letter; it’s addressed to Jean Thierry Cha, and Se-kyung is formally handing her resignation through this letter. “The reason is that I like Kim Seung-jo, who works for you. However, liking someone right now is an extravagance and no matter how much I try to ignore it, I can’t. I am desperate enough to quit this job.” Oh my God that bitch. I’m sorry – but she is an ass for playing with his heart so much right now.

Of course, Seung-jo’s tears are falling again, and he bids his driver to take him to GN Fashion immediately. Once they’re there, they discover that Se-kyung has gone on sick leave. He calls up Se-kyung, and Tommy picks up without saying a word. He hears Seung-jo’s voice calling out to her, introducing himself as Secretary Kim. Shocked, Tommy hangs up, and he goes through Se-kyung’s texts to find Ah-jung’s message that Secretary Kim is Jean Thierry Cha.

At the same time, the manager informs In-hwa that Se-kyung went on sick leave, which makes her suspicious over why Se-kyung disappeared after the party.

That evening, Seung-jo heads over to Se-kyung’s home. He bumps into Se-jin and their mother outside the front gate, and they recognize him as the kind secretary. They don’t know where Se-kyung went, as she disappeared without a word. Se-jin offers to pass along a message, but he declines. He calls up Se-kyung instead and leaves her a voicemail, then heads to her college to see if she’s there, but she’s not.

Se-jin watches Seung-jo from her room and immediately calls up Ah-jung, who’s in a sauna with Se-kyung. Ah-jung was right – Seung-jo did visit! And per Ah-jung’s instructions she had said she didn’t know where Se-kyung was. Ah-jung praises her – it’s so easy to get Se-jin to do what they want as long as they bribe her with designer bags. Ah-jung is excited that their plans are going well. Although they can’t track down Se-kyung’s phone, Se-kyung is making good progress in stealing Seung-jo’s heart.

Meanwhile, Tommy is super scary smart. He figures out that Seung-jo approached Se-kyung as a secretary, but she found out that he was really the CEO. Seung-jo doesn’t know that she knows, and she knows he doesn’t know, so she chose to hide from the world. By doing so, it means she’s going to use Seung-jo and toy with his feelings. He orders his assistant to find out where Se-kyung is hiding now; he may be able to resolve this quickly.

Min-hyuk updates Mrs. Shin about the party and tells her that it’s likely Jean Thierry Cha and Cha Seung-jo are one and the same. Of course, Yoon-joo is rattled at hearing this, especially since Min-hyuk finds this marriage helpful to them as a business. In addition, if In-hwa gains a position with Royal Group, she won’t fight her brother for control over GN Fashion. Poor Yoon-joo – her hard work is falling apart.

Seung-jo runs around in circles at home, begging Dong-wook to give him advice. Dong-wook thinks Se-kyung is running away from the truth, not unlike what Seung-jo had done before. It could have been resolved if Seung-jo told the truth earlier, but Seung-jo couldn’t. In a touchingly honest moment, he says that he couldn’t trust anyone. He didn’t want her to know anything about him until he knew exactly what her motives were. He was afraid that she might end up being like other manipulative women. But now, he misses her terribly, and he’s sorry for not having seen that she probably did care about him a lot.

And Se-kyung does – to an extent. She rereads Yoon-joo’s warning about avoiding love in the diary, and she looks quite reluctant to avoid it.

The following day, Dong-wook assists Seung-jo in looking for Se-kyung by visiting her home. He sees Se-jin instead, and once he proves to be a rich doctor friend of Seung-jo’s, Se-jin immediately takes a liking to him. If he wants to see Se-kyung, he’ll have to follow her.

Se-jin leads him to the eyeglass store where she works and hands him seven different pairs of glasses. Why not have different glasses for every day of the week? HAHA – Se-jin’s smart, getting what she wants from him (money) before giving him what he wants (information). So Dong-wook gets suckered into buying seven pairs of glasses, but he does discover that Se-kyung is in a sauna, and calls up Seung-jo with directions.

At the same time, Se-jin calls up Ah-jung at work to warn her that she told Dong-wook where Se-kyung is, so they’ll need to warn her sister. Ah-jung freaks out and hurriedly calls the sauna to contact Se-kyung. Meanwhile Seung-jo rushes out with his chauffeur, and Tommy’s spy (another worker in Artemis) discreetly calls Tommy with directions on where Seung-jo is headed.

Ah-jung manages to warn Se-kyung in time to get out of there, and she hurriedly gets out of the spa. She ends up in the parking lot, and spots Seung-jo’s car. She tries to hide around the staircase, but it’s too late – he’s seen her!

He chases her to the rooftop parking lot, and Tommy arrives just in time to witness this.

From another parking lot across the street, Tommy watches Se-kyung hide behind a larger car as Seung-jo runs up and down the rows, screaming her name. She refuses to come out, so Seung-jo decides to tell her the truth right then and there, and she can just listen. Se-kyung panics – is he really going to admit everything now? What should she do? As Seung-jo says, “Honestly, I am…” she steps out from behind the cars dramatically.

Se-kyung addresses him as Secretary Kim still, and he goes forth with his apology. She may not ever want to see him again after hearing what he has to say, but Seung-jo feels like he must say it anyways. As he starts and hesitates in telling her about his identity, Se-kyung keeps reminding herself to do well. She must perform well.

Seung-jo: Honestly, I am…
Se-kyung (thinking): You have to naturally be surprised.
Seung-jo:  I’m Artemis’ CEO, Jean Thierry Cha.

Se-kyung’s eyes widen as she looks Seung-jo in the eye.

Se-kyung (thinking): Han Se-kyung… you’re doing quite well right now, right?


This was quite a heady episode, as I felt I went into a tailspin from melodrama to romantic comedy and back to melodrama in a quick eight episodes. For one thing, I’m really starting to like Yoon-joo and hate Se-kyung – feelings that I didn’t expect to have in the start of this series. In addition, Se-kyung’s inner monologue during Seung-jo’s confession was more surprising because it revealed her motivations and makes her a more unlikable protagonist.

Identity is proving to be very fluid in this drama. As Dong-wook pointed out, one’s name and identity can change just like fashion and it depends on whom you are with. Seung-jo has three different identities he can hide within, with “Cha Seung-jo” and “Secretary Kim” being closest in demeanor. Yoon-joo also shows that she has different sides to her – the wife of GN Fashion, and the young, lost woman whose life is falling apart because they’re based on fragile relationships. As for Se-kyung, she keeps changing from the hardworking ‘Candy’ character, to the ambitious, ‘Cheongdam-dong wife’-wannabe character, using either identity to fit her situation. It’s sad that no one has been able to retain or show their true selves thus far, whether it is out of fear or out of ambition.

Speaking of Se-kyung, she seriously annoyed the crap out of me in this episode. First, it was as if she was exhausted by all the deception because she’s convinced she’s become more like Yoon-joo and doesn’t want to be a ‘Candy girl’ again. But here’s the thing – I never felt for a moment that she had become a cold-hearted gold-digger that she seems convinced she is, because she never seemed comfortable with the idea of doing whatever it takes to get a rich man. Her declaration of saying that she’s “changed to the Se-kyung she was before” felt completely facetious because what changing was there to go back to?!

But while I was initially annoyed with her, I ended up understanding her a little more. It was when she wrote that letter to Seung-jo and the parking lot scene at the end that I realized Se-kyung had actually turned into the “Cheongdam-dong gold digger” that she said she wasn’t going to be any longer. It was then that I understood why she was so heartbroken. Knowledge can be corruptive in this instance, and she knew that knowing Seung-jo’s true identity would lead her to manipulate him because the opportunity was too tempting to deny. Perhaps that’s why she was so conflicted and crying so much in the beginning; she was becoming aware of just how much of a gold digger she really is, and perhaps is losing more of that good, honest self we had come to love of her.

I want to understand Se-kyung to like her, but I really don’t want her to succeed as a Cheongdam-dong wife because she doesn’t deserve anyone’s love. You can’t manipulate others or buy love. If she is to end up with Seung-jo, then I hope she doesn’t do it through manipulation. I hope that she realizes the wisdom in Yoon-joo’s words, and chooses to love Seung-jo wholly, rather than singularly because she views it as a business. It would be much too heartbreaking to watch a character so honest (Seung-jo) end up with a character so deceptive (Se-kyung).

Hand me a Happy Bunny please.


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Whew!The comments are long.But i enjoyed reading all of it because this means we care about our heroes/heroines for us to bother writing comments this long.I want to focus on just Se Kyung and Seung Jo for now or else it's gonna be long.I understand SK decisions.I know she thought much about it before doing so.She only knew Kim Seung Jo is Jean Thierry Cha.Should she have know that he is Cha Seung Jo and has a past with Yoon Joo,I'm sure her decision would be different.She chose to be dark knowing that it will be a risky road to take,she knew that if she is discovered and it all fails then at least she tried.True,who wouldn't want to marry a rich guy?We might proudly say we're satisfied to be able to put food on the table or have our own apartment.It doesn't have to be a big house or a designer clothes or bag but we are silently saying and hoping, "but a nice big house and designer bag would be good,too."

But yes,I would feel for SJ if he finds out all about SK's plan.It will break my heart that after all the pain he went thru and then to finally believe that women are not all the same as YJ,he will find that he was right all along.........

The drop to hell wasn't that bad for me with the hope that SJ will rescue SK before she falls deeper into that darkness.


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I seem to be missing something here. I do not understand why SK has to continue being mercenary "Alice down the Rabbit Hole" after she found out that Secretary Kim is really the president of Artemis. Why the continued charade? She likes him, he likes her....done deal....no? If she liked Secretary Kim, but was willing to turn away from him because she thought he was poor - that is an intellectual decision, not one from the heart. She does not trust her heart any more.

The other thing I do not understand may be a South Korean cultural thing, but why does one member of a family become the designated "saviour", and why doesn't everyone just carry their own weight? So many dramas have the "Fate of the whole family" weighing on one person, while the rest of the family mooches off of them. That seems pretty sick to me. Just get off your butt and do your part I say. Geesh.....


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SJ likes SK because of the way she acted during her breakup with her ex-boyfriend. He likes her because he thinks she's genuinely someone who puts love above everything else. But SK isn't that person anymore. Once her love put money above her, she started to change as well. So SJ doesn't like the real her anymore, because if SJ were to lose everything would SK still like him? She was already dumping him when she thought he was a secretary.


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Typically a Korean thing: They are not as independant as us Westerners. It's a good and a bad thing (sometime it drives me crazy too), and one of the reasons why I find this country so fascinating. Look at how often the "our" replaces the "my" in the sentences: Uri appa. (my dad).


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The savior member's brother is working and managing the cafe.

The wannbe savior's father works as baker, sister still going to school works in eye glass store, and mother is going to school, while wannbe savior was able to accept part time job in her field instead of working full time at anything to leave home and support herself alone.

Suceessful families work together like a successful business.
The West used to be like that before they went downhill.


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Thanks for the recap and I agree with a lot of what you said in the comment section.

I never really believed that SK had changed and still don't having a mercenary side and using someone else's playbook doesn't really make you a gold digger. Neither does schemes that are not put into play

At this point if she just confess that she know's the truth and found out the night of the party.

YJ and SK both surprise me that they both think it is so easy to manipulate rich men into doing what you want. If YJ was that sure about her skills would she be so afraid now? the fact that her new family treat's her the way they do suggest otherwise.

When the mother and son are talking about the advantage of having IH and SJ marry YJ is serving tea as if she is a maid, and presence is not even acknowledged.

YJ needs to ask herself why her husband married her and not believe in that crap in the diary so much, and the same goes for SK.

SK never used anything out of the diary on SJ, and she was never anything but herself with him. Her wanting to me JTC was never to make him her match but to get him to be her rabbit. Her problem is because she likes him not because he's rich.

SK is more superficial than she is a gold digger, even when it comes to YJ all she see's is her ability to shop. How does that make her think that what she want's from marrying rich will happen? Has she looked at what YJ's life is like or seen that YJ"s family lives have changed? She needs to think a little about what she is wishing for.


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It's kind of sad that envy of having an expensive room for Christmas motivated YJ to marry her current husband. It's also sad that SK rejected SJ for brand name clothes and bags.

And crying while wearing expensive clothes and sitting in an expensive room does not make your lies, cowardice, and rotten heart look or feel any better.

SJ is going to drop from his manic heights down to rages and depression. It's good he has a Voice of Reason next to him, with a supportive shoulder for hysterical cries.


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it's much much more than a room and bags dear...


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though i agree with the 2nd paragraph! :)


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Oh dear, but we don't engage in such concrete thinking do we? Those were visual symbols of status. It's like visualizing your goal and seeing yourself in the future helps with resolve. :)


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Tommy = jerk! seriously....taking other's phone to get their secrets? wth??!! On another note, My fav scenes are still those when Seung Jo is childish. I liked the ending scene too...


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I'm starting not to like Se Kyung...

She's becoming a horrible person.


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Such great comments with this recap!

Most people don't like Se Kyung's actions, but many understand her motivations...

I don't think anyone said they were rooting for Se Kyung to go through with her lie/s to Seung Jo or were left feeling good or smiling and satisfied with the last scene.

I understand Se Kyung's actions and motivations, but I can't support her or tell her that what she is doing is good. I can't believe Ah Jung is actively helping Se Kyung be a gold digger...I hope she is there to help Se Kyung when she gets found out.


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So many shoes have yet to drop in this drama: Tommy Hong is being positioned to cruelly manipulate all the major characters to his own advantage. He simply knows more than any one character, and therefore how to exploit their weaknesses. He needs Yoon Joo's SIL to marry Cha Sueng Jo, so he must do everything in his power to keep Se Kueng out of the loop with threats and blackmail. He probably wants to exact some sort of revenge against Cha SJ also, so ultimately revealing Se Kyung's true intentions kills many birds with a single stone. I predict that when CSJ finds out how badly he has been played by SK, he'll agree to marry YJ's SIL out of sadness, rage and disillusionment (won't that torment SK?). And it's almost painful watching YJ twist in the wind at the impending collapse of her house of cards.

I'm loving this drama so far, even this latest episode, because of the growing complexity and subtlety of the main characters. I was really pleased to see the deepening of Yoon Joo's character, and quite honestly feel sorry for the way the threat of her past coming to light is causing her to come unhinged. She has as much reason to try to thwart the marriage of CSJ to her evil witch of a SIL as Tommy Hong has to facilitate it. I think she knows there's no going back to SJ (even if she still has feelings for him), and only wants to preserve her hard won, though tenuous footing in Chuengdamdong society.

I could feel the conflict Se Kueng was feeling throughout this episode. Being cold and calculating is entirely new to her, and it doesn't feel comfortable in the least. Her copious tears showed how much the decision to be black-hearted is costing her. I already feel sorry for her, given how badly she is going to hurt herself before all is said and done. At bottom, she is a good, pure-hearted girl, who will have temporarily lost her moral compass, but I have faith that she'll find it once again before the story ends.


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Well said. Couldn't agree with you more. :)


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Acting ---impressed by everyone's acting except perhaps two- four very minor characters. Moments - MGY acting as devastated HSK in first two episodes when she accepted the break up of a relationship; PSH over-the-top acting as JTC around his psychiatrist friend. Excellent adjustment by PSH in making his character more youthful. Excellent expressions by MGY to hint the depth of what her character is going through.

As far as feeling bad ---most viewers have sympathy for JTC because of PSH's acting. I have more empathy for the HSK character who was fooled by a mentally unstable but likeable wealthy man with the support of his psychiatrist friend who wanted him to get healed.

Entertaining and yes, very easy to be hooked by CCDA.


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“Speaking of Se-kyung, she seriously annoyed the crap out of me in this episode. .... But here’s the thing – I never felt for a moment that she had become a cold-hearted gold-digger that she seems convinced she is,”

Kaedejun, well said, and exactly how I feel. I spent the whole episode wondering why she was agonizing so much when she really wasn't cold-hearted, she hasn't really changed, she just thinks she has. People don't change that easily. Completely delusional.

The big trial will come when daddy finds out his son is in love with a... poor... common girl, someone he deems unacceptable to his business interests. And the real battle will come when Seung Jo and Se Kyung get over their deceptions and present a united front to everyone who will try to keep them apart.

Granted, the path they walk to get to that point will not be easy, for them or for us. How many episodes is this dang thing. It's shows like this that make one long for a full series, so you can just do a marathon watch. Week-to-week, I'm not sure if my heart can take it.


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dAMN THIS EPISODE WAS QUITE THE CONTROVERSIAL ONE!!... So many comments and "arguments" about han se kyungs actions and whether she should come clean towards seungjo!! Very interesting episode and a very complex drama..
I suspect that seungjo has a hidden card in his hands (maybe he read sekyung's list when he was in her studio and now he is testing her or something) or else it would be ridiculusly hard for him to overcome the same heartache again!!!
Kudos to the writers of this show and to Park Shi Hoo for rocking yet another role!!


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well i still think seung jo is a creepy asshole who should go fall off a cliff

Se kyung made it VERY VERY VERY CLEAR that she wanted nothing to do with secretary kim, and gave a resignation letter to jean theirry cha. So i don't understand why the HELL seung jo thinks he's still entitled to her. She made her decision. That is her choice. But then Seung Jo STALKS HER. HE FUCKING USES OTHER PEOPLE TO MANIPULATE SE KYUNG'S SISTER TO FIND SE KYUNG. THEN CHASES HER AROUND UNTIL SHE IS FORCED TO TALK TO HIM. I don't care if this is what se kyung eventually wanted so she could control Seung Jo's feelings; he doesn't know that. He is a stalker, abuser, and a creepy little women-hating shit and I want him dead.

You guys think Se Kyung is unlikeable? I'm having a damn hard time feeling anything but hate for Seung Jo.

Se Kyung is my favorite. She is doing what she feels is important to her-- seeking financial security for her family and herself, and eventually reaching her dream of becoming a designer. Hey, if she has to step on a few rich assholes to get there, that's fine. They deserve to have their feelings shitted on if that's how they treat women.

Seung Jo is a misogynistic stalker, abuser, and spoiled fucking crybaby plain and simple.


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This drama will make a good literature book. So much depth and points for discussion. Thought provoking and it does make us think about ourselves. It is fun to watch too. Hope the story will develop in the same pace...


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Someone once told me that in order to be great you have to start off greedy and "evil." Unless you step on and take advantage of people, you'll never get anywhere, least of all if you have good intentions. Only once you're at the top can you change things, do good things in the world. It's also only when you're at the top that you can reflect on your actions and see where you were and whether you were happy doing so. At first, I sort of just gave him that blank stare and questioned his morality. Now, reflecting back and looking at the fact that he has a job that pays 80k immediately following graduation, I can kind of see the point. I actually want SK to succeed. Don't get me wrong, I feel incredibly sorry for SJ and sometimes I just stare at my computer screen and angrily shout "NO! Don't fall for it! she's got a one way ticket to golddiger nation!" But can you really blame SK? She's tried to fight fair, only to fail time after time. Money does speak in this world and it's matter of have and have not. I'm hoping that she succeeds and discovers a bit about humanity in the process. At the same time, I want her to change how things are, to learn from her mistakes. What I really like about Alice in Cheongdam-dong is that it shows that there's really 2 sides to a story. Gold diggers aren't just one dimensional shallow beings, they have their motives and reasons for becoming how they are. Truthfully, we're all a bit like SK. We don't take things to the same level of course, but we still want the finer things in life. We still notice that wealth makes things easier and we still worship celebrities and royalty. And for what reason? They have something that we don't have.


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I think the reason Se Kyung cries so much after finding out the truth is because she knows she can no longer be innocent. When she's making that list, it's another evidence of her no longer being the "Candy" girl. By pretending and acting like the girl she was "before she changed" she's actually turning into someone else, and I think that knowledge is what is painful. She doesn't want to be that person, but she will be. We know that she's not going after him just because she loves him; she has ulterior motives, and it's her loss of innocence and self-awareness that is bringing on the tears.

(And by the end of the episode, her transformation is complete. Ugh... so sickening and disappointing.)

I honestly just want her to take a break from all of this scheming for something empty... just give up on it, and leave Seong Jo. That way, he'll realize she actually has real feelings for him, but didn't want to deceive him. Of course, judging by the end of the episode, none of this will happen... But a girl can dream~ I really liked her character, but... when Seong Jo was reading the letter she wrote to him, I was soooo done. HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HIM? poor lovesick baby Seong Jo. She's going to break your heart :(

I hate this so much. Tommy Hong is going to reveal that Se Kyung wanted to get into Cheongdamdong, and if she accepts Seong Jo's feelings after she "finds out" he's actually Jean Thierry Cha, it's going to be an even bigger betrayal later. Her phone has incriminating evidence (proof that she knew Seong Jo was Jean Thierry Cha before he told her), and Tommy Hong has her phone. Seong Jo will either fall apart or become super jaded/heartless once he finds out the truth, and then Se Kyung will self-hate and become depressed and alone. However annoyed I am at Se Kyung right now, I don't really want that for her.

!!!!! This is so frustrating ugh. My heart was going out to Seong Jo when he blamed himself and said he couldn't trust her before, that he was afraid she would be like other girls. I really hope that even after Tommy Hong breaks up the relationship, Seong Jo won't just give in and agree to marry In Hwa. That way, everyone's plans can be foiled.

But this is a k-drama, and I feel like it'll get even more melodramatic, so... I can't keep my hopes up.

sidenote: I like Yoon Joo a lot more now.
suuuper sidenote: okay I actually couldn't watch the last five minutes because I really didn't want to see her keep pretending. /sigh


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Honestly, my biggest issue in this whole episode (and maybe drama?) is Tommy because, seriously dude? Maybe you should try focusing on your actual business designing fashion. So I'm sort of okay going along with the Cheongdam matchmaker persona he has going on the side, even if, logically, I don't get it. But now that he's all fashion designer turned gigolo/private eye who makes intuitive leaps there's no way in hell he could ever make, I just want to grab him buy the shoulders and tell him to GET OVER IT ALREADY. Stop meddling. Make clothes. His character has been demoted to this little meddlesome fairy who seems to exist solely for the purpose of maneuvering the other characters into new configurations that they couldn't get to on their own.

I was so not intending this to be quite as rant-y. Whoops! -_-


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I honestly don't think Se Kyung is lost. She certainly knows all the facts going into this relationship (however it turns out business vs love). But, she is torn because she already loves him, so I don't think it's a stretch that they could end up happily together.

Of course, the two have to be honest with each other which is the key factor in whether this a success or failure. Se Kyung's life is already fairly transparent and Seung Jo can't blame her for her shift to value money. He knows the entire story of her first love being ruined over money. It'd be crazy of him to think she didn't care about money at all.

She's a Candy because she is in fact a Gold Digger. She just never realized that she could use a different type of effort until now. Yoon Joo is in fact a Gold Digger that is a Candy. She has come full circle from valuing money to valuing love. So, it should be interesting to see if Se Kyung can come full circle as well.

Seung Jo has to figure out if he really loves Se Kyung or if he loves an ideal of her.


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I like this episode. I love se kyung. It's just one episode guys. I don't know why you guys are hating on her. She's going to be a developed character. Unlike yoon joo.


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If I was the writer for this drama I would have SK just tell SJ that she was planning on using him but she can't because of her gratefulness to the CEO and her feelings for the Secretary. She should warn him to stay away from her because she is no longer the candy girl she used to be any more than he is Secretary Kim. He on the other hand will refuse to believe her and tells her he wants her to prove that she isn't a candy girl anymore. The rest of the drama should be him getting in the way of her trying to become a who she thinks she wants to be. I think there is a lot of room for comedy and romance there, especially more scenes like the soy sauce episodes.


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Although Se-Kyung's actions, especially at the end of the episode, is a cold bucket of water compared to Seung Jo's brave new feelings of love, I cant hate Se-Kyung too much.

Everyone is multifaceted and no single characteristic explains all of who a person is. I think she keeps trying to be a ruthless golddigger b/c she struggled so hard before and went no where in life. If she backed down now, it would only make her feel as if she was letting herself down, that she was letting people take advantage of her (again) and step all over herself. And that, well that would make her hate herself.

Instead of just being a Mary Sue-like "candy" girl, wouldnt it be better if, throughout the remaining episodes, we see how love saves the hero and heroine, curing Seung Jo's closed heart wrapped up in revenge and restore Se-kyung's faith in love and effort and hard work? (Although being a golddigger looks like hard work too!)

Just think of the struggles she had to have in her life to have finally been pushed to the breaking point, to literally change herself and all her values. That is not a simple thing to do. And she's a strong-willed girl. If she's decided to become a hardcore golddigger, she wont give up easily.

It will be up to Seung Jo to help or hurt her. Sometimes, it really is the people around you to help shape who you are and what decisions you end up making


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I watched ep 8 with anger. I continued feeling anger for the long 2 weeks before ep 9 came out. i REALLY thought I was going to give up the series. But somehow I had to see the rest of the train wreck and watched ep 9.

I'm still all mixed emotions about CDDA.

Writers, there is a point where you have to have your main character stop lying and face the consequences. It stops being funny, interesting, complex, and instead becomes painful and us viewers start hating the character who perpetuates the lies.


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I am wondering if the show will bring us a situation where Seung Jo may lose everything, and Se-kyung will have to make a choice like Yoon-joo did. I think then she will choose him, and you will see the difference between Yoon-joo and Se-kyung. Although Se-kyung is trying to be this new person, I think, deep down, she will always be "Candy".


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I freaked out when HSK left her phone in front of mr mustache TH.... its like giving a burglar the key to your house without realizing it... How many text msgs did he read ? or will he stage fake messages or calls to SJ .. or will he call Yoon Joo.. so many evil plans are possible.. TH is ultimate baddie.. he and IH should hook up instead.

(Makes me appreciated that my phone has auto-lock with PIN required :) It also has data- auto wipe if it ever gets stolen)


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I'm really behind u guys lol, but I don't understand why she can't just tell the truth that she have known he's the CEO since the dinner. No harm to just tell the truth.If anything he shd be guilty of withholding his real identity from her..


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Glad am not the only one who used the b-word to curse at SK's choices in this episode. I was terribly annoyed. However, I agree that almost all the girls do infact wish and hope for a happy, wealthy lifestyle, but DOESN'T necessarily take up this approach towards securing your future. I don't say I hate SK, I understood her state of mind when she decided to take the gold-digger route to fulfill her thirst for a *wealthy without any financial crisis life*. But right now she is unlikable..
On why I am really annoyed and thoroughly miffed with her manipulation tactics in this episode is not because I love SJ and he captured my heart with his cuteness(which is true, but not my reason)
Its because he was terribly hurt in the past, he is damaged to the extent that he needed psychiatric aid through the years to stay afloat, he himself said that he did not wish to reveal his identity until he was sure of SK's intentions(understood and not a major deception) ..I know how bad psychiatric treatment and the medication can be because I've seen my brother get hurt because of his wife and taking the medicines for the last 6 years. And to play with a person like that is in fact a sin. SK got a few hints on how SJ's life has not been a bed of roses all the time, ofcourse she may think it was part of the ruse in being Secretary kim. Still, I can never forgive her for deliberatly hurting someone who has just begun to believe that not all people are faking love to suit their respective desires. Imagine his plight when he realizes that he was conned once again in love, perhaps it'll shatter him to the core this time. But since, its a drama, he'll heal through I hope or SK will redeem herself before SJ succumbs to another betrayal in love.

Kaedejun thanks a bunch for the recap.. Keep up the good work.. :)


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