Nice Guy: Episode 9

We all knew it was going to happen, we just didn’t know when. Surprise! Now we do.

Amnesia hits Nice Guy‘s shores, finally, and it’s a relief to get that hurdle over and done with. Not because it’s the greatest story turn ever, but because we can finally stop looking over our shoulders wondering, “When is it going to happen? I don’t want it to happen. It’s not going to happen, right?”

But on the bright side, we have a time skip. And with any good time skip comes that most joyous of cast events: New Hairdos. Let us rejoice.


Nice Guy OST – Lee Soo-young – “Nice Girl” [ Download ]

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Waves crash on the shore as Maru asks Eun-ki how long she’s known about him and Jae-hee, something she just shrugs off as not being of any consequence. She never said anything because she claims she didn’t want to lose him, which sends Maru into a So you know I know and you know and your mom knows that I’m going to use you for revenge.

Eun-ki’s fine with that, “Because what you feel is not important, but what I feel is important. Regardless of how I do, it is okay as long as I have you.”

Maru doesn’t seem to want her depending on him, and repeatedly tries to warn her away. First when she wonders if they should sleep together and he shoots her dow by saying he’s only got eyes for Jae-hee, and then when he tells her that an Eun-ki who has nothing is worthless to him. He needs the ‘Heir of Taesan Group’ Eun-ki in order for his schemes to work.

She then asks him if everything on his part up until now has been calculated, but I love that she calls him out when he claims the doll incident was planned and literally scolds him for risking his life over a girl.

Eun-ki: “Why did you lie? The Kang Maru that I’ve seen and the Kang Maru that I know are different from you who is standing in front of me right now, trying so hard to act bad. That’s why I came to you like a crazy woman, throwing everything away in the process. Did you know that?”

But then there’s an immediate reversal – as if feeling bad for getting upset, Eun-ki then throws her arms around him and begs for them to just run away and be together. Where he goes, she’ll follow.

Maru has to pry her arms off of him as he looks at her coldly, practically clucking his tongue at how easy she was. By pretending to risk his life for her, he nabbed her too easily.

We don’t know how much of this is true, or how much he’s saying just to warn Eun-ki away. But, there’s no denying that his words are hurtful, and Eun-ki finally has no choice other than to leave. As she walks away, Maru looks ill at ease, and swallows down his feelings, whatever they may be.

Meanwhile, Chairman Seo seems to have regained some strength and works with Joon-ha to tie up any loose ends relating to Jae-hee, while she tucks her son in bed. He’s drawn a family picture, which includes Eun-ki despite, well, everything. Aw.

While on speakerphone with Chairman Seo, Joon-ha asks one more time if he wants to think about things a little more. He interrupts him to ask about Eun-ki’s birthday tomorrow, meaning that he’s hearing Joon-ha’s warnings, but is choosing to ignore them.

The phone stays on when Jae-hee enters with a dangerous look on her face. Chairman Seo’s heart is giving him trouble again, and he grapples with the pain as she hands over all the evidence of his fraud, which she’d kept a copy of just for a moment like this.

While Joon-ha listens on the other end, Chairman Seo looks legitimately heartbroken that Jae-hee would bring this to him. Jae-hee: “In order to protect you, I sacrificed my whole life. Even to a point of ruining the life of a man I loved with all my heart.”

Chairman Seo is still in disbelief, until Jae-hee fires back that he never trusted her for a moment either. She knows the woman he always had in his heart was Eun-ki’s mother, but it’s all the same – she never loved him either, and always had Maru in her heart.

Another wave of pain hits him, and the pill bottle he reaches for falls out of his grasp. Jae-hee holds it hostage as she breaks down, her cold facade fading as she begs him just to give Eun-suk the same amount that he’s giving Eun-ki.

She wants nothing for herself, and seems to mean it when she asks for just this one favor. She seems to only realize how dire the situation is when Chairman Seo falls over in his wheelchair, all while Joon-ha listens.

While in the midst of dialing for help, Min-young arrives and takes the phone away. She resolutely takes it back, and when he does it again, she takes out her cell phone instead. He takes that too: “He’s going to die anyway. Just think that he passed away a few months earlier.”

This was not part of Jae-hee’s plan, and she looks disgusted at his actions before she tries to call for the maid – and this time, Min-young clamps his hand over her mouth as he all but croons, “Didn’t you ask me for help?”

Well, when you put it that way… yeah, she did. But his version of help is leaving Chairman Seo to die so he can protect what’s most precious to him (Jae-hee) and so she can protect what’s most precious to her (Eun-suk).

She seems to realize the horrible genius of Min-young’s plan as she sinks helplessly to her knees, with no more thoughts of calling for help.

Joon-ha’s heard everything and sends Eun-ki a text while she drives, the reading of which almost causes her to get into an accident. Yeek. It reads simply that her father just passed away (that’s a nice way to put it) and to call him back.

Eun-ki finally makes it back onto the road just as Maru belatedly leaves their beach spot, but she makes a U-Turn Of Decision at the last moment. They end up in the same tunnel together driving toward each other, but Eun-ki swerves her car into his lane. What what?

They recognize each other, yet neither crazy person decides to get out of dodge. In fact, they both seem to be at peace with driving headlong into each other. Hooray for romantic joint suicide? No, wait. That sends a bad message.

Maru and Eun-ki smile as their collective headlights engulf them, and we hear the sound of cars crashing.

Fade to white.

Jae-sik sits in a restaurant as the news reports on Chairman Seo’s death earlier that day, along with Eun-ki’s car accident. Both her and Maru are reported to be in critical condition.

Meanwhile, Jae-gil attends a memorial for his father, who’s recently passed away. He ignores all requests for him to return home, especially with word that his brother is an even crueler mob boss than his father ever was.

As for Jae-gil, he just shakes his head and sighs. “You can’t take all that money when you die anyway.”

Eleven months have passed, and a much more dapperly dressed Jae-sik finds Taesan employees handing out flyers in an attempt to find Eun-ki.

It seems like she disappeared while receiving hospital treatment and no one has seen her since, and Jae-sik glances at the flyer before looking up at Taesan, wondering who’ll be in charge if Eun-ki doesn’t come back. I’m sure he knows exactly who.

Cue Jae-hee, sportin’ some new presidential hair as she and and Min-young strut down Taesan’s halls. Joon-ha watches them warily as we flashback to the moment Min-young realized he’d been listening in as they’d let Chairman Seo die.

Despite Joon-ha’s attempts to hang up, Min-young had picked up the phone and addressed him directly. In a surprising twist, he blackmails Joon-ha against taking what evidence he has to the police, because he has evidence that Joon-ha’s father is the one who orchestrated Eun-ki’s mother’s fatal car accident. Uh oh.

So he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place – either go to the police and risk losing Eun-ki forever if she were to find out the truth about his dad’s involvement in her mom’s death, or keep everything a secret. Seems like he chose the latter.

It’s not clear yet whether Chairman Seo ordered the murder, but Min-young claims that it was all because Eun-ki’s mom threatened to take her away forever. Iiinteresting.

Jae-hee is doing business on Taesan’s behalf for the time being, and while she has a friendly chat with a representative from a rival group outside, their talk in private is much harsher.

The woman, Representative Cho, quickly puts Jae-hee in her place by telling her that she’s nothing more than a dog guarding an empty house. Until Eun-ki returns, Representative Cho warns Jae-hee to watch her back, since she’s acting as a friend of Eun-ki’s late mother. Jae-hee seems surprised, but can’t muster up a defense.

Later, a nervous man with glasses gets sucked into some street gambling, where it looks like the odds are literally stacked against him in the form of a rigged game. He even bets all his paycheck only to come up with nothing, but Maru makes a surprise appearance to intervene and coolly prove that the gambler was cheating.

He gives Glasses Man his money back, explaining that his father was a gambler and the games aren’t made to win. He even takes him out for a nice dinner, and the man profoundly thanks him for stepping in, because he’d planned to hang himself if he lost the money.

However, Glasses Man grows increasingly uneasy as the conversation wears on and he realizes that Maru isn’t just a good samaritan, but a man that knows too much about him and his finances.

Turns out that Maru is a hired man with an agenda to get Glasses Man to divulge company secrets in exchange for money to cure his problems. He’s a cheeky bastard, but at the end of the exchange he drops his glass and doubles over in pain. We find him vomiting in a bathroom stall next. Jeez, who isn’t sick in this show?

Jae-gil and Choco are having to wait with a high school kid in Maru’s yard, one who claims that Maru scammed his father and caused him to attempt suicide. Choco tries to get Maru to deny it when he arrives, but is shocked when he instead turns on the kid and asks, “Why are you complaining to me about how stupid and weak your father is?”

Ouch. He launches into an almost introspective speech as he tells the kid that his father trusting someone like him was his own fault. When the kid almost raises a fist against him, Maru again tells him that he’s too weak, but if he gains strength, he can come back and get his revenge.

Choco expresses her disappointment in her brother’s actions: “It was better when you flirted with girls. Flirting with girls, playing with them, and getting their money… I prefer that over this, Kang Maru.”

Maru retreats into his darkened room, but Jae-gil follows to tell him that it’s like another person has been living in his body since the car accident. But he knows his friend enough to realize that Maru must have been shocked to hear that a man almost died because of him, despite all outer appearances.

Jae-gil: “When I look at you these days, I think of a lifeless desert.”

He’s staging an intervention of sorts, or at least, telling Maru to hurry up and die if he really has no will to live. But it’s just a plea for him to come back to his senses, since Jae-gil reminds him that he wasn’t even this bad when Jae-hee left him. “After overcoming all those hardships, how can you be like this now?”

So he cries at Maru’s side, holding onto his friend even though Maru won’t say a word to him.

Jae-hee is unhappy to find her brother outside her house, especially since he’s sniffing out more money. She’s been paying him off only for him to gamble it all away, but she’s not having it this time and forcefully dismisses him without handing over a cent.

Representative Cho’s words about Jae-hee merely being the dog that guards an empty house while the owner is away haunt her once she’s inside, and she takes one look at Eun-ki’s room before ordering the maid to have it cleaned out by tomorrow. She’s going to make it into Eun-suk’s playroom.

Her insecurities from her earlier put-down are showing as she jumps on the maid the second she expresses any trepidation. It’s been almost a year since Eun-ki’s been missing, and they’ve spared no expense to try and find her, so is the maid still waiting? Jae-hee: “But Seo Eun-ki is nowhere in the world!”

Meanwhile, Maru stares at Eun-ki’s ‘Missing’ poster and thinks back to her confession in the rain and her scolding at the beach. Cue brooding session.

At the spa where Representative Cho tried to have Jae-hee banned for being too low class, Jae-hee finds the woman in the midst of a facial and hands her a picture of her husband with a young girl on his arm. Representative Cho shrugs it off, no biggie.

Then, Jae-hee hands her another picture of her husband… only she’s in the picture too, having dinner with him. Oh damn. Time for some revenge.

Jae-hee calmly dangles the woman’s husband in front of her eyes, claiming that there hasn’t been a single man who said no when she wanted him, Representative Cho’s husband not excluded.

I have to hand it to Jae-hee, since she’s probably right about being able to usurp Representative Cho as the lady of her house with little to no effort. “I even seduced Chairman Seo, who is much more faithful than your husband,” Jae-hee sneers. “I gave birth to his son. I’ve become the director of Taesan. Seducing your husband would be easy to do, don’t you think?”

Representative Cho doesn’t have much choice but to give up and agree. As for her list of demands, Jae-hee wants bidding rights to a duty-free store and, more importantly, an apology from Representative Cho.

Choco’s still working at the coffee shop, and can’t help but cry when she thinks of all the good things Maru has done for her over the years. Jae-gil shows up outside with written notes, telling her that his father passed away and though he’s still sad, he’s trying to smile. Aww. Now this scene is cute.

His last note reads: “If we believe, Maru will come back to us again.” What, like Tinker Bell?

But when Choco rushes out to hug him, Jae-gil eventually has to push her away because his heart is beating too fast.

Jae-sik looks like he’s in Maru’s neck of the woods as he begs for a bathroom, while a woman (is that Secretary Hyun?) leads another up the precarious steps. She goes to find something she forgot, and the other woman turns around…

And it’s Eun-ki. So that was Secretary Hyun. (Also: Eun-ki! I missed you!)

She smiles brightly and draws on the walls with the neighborhood children, and starts writing a name… but instead of ‘Kang Maru,’ she writes ‘Kang Ru Ma’.

It’s just at this time that Maru passes her (on his way to con another man into possible suicide) that he hears his name spelt strangely, and how the kids make fun of Eun-ki for not knowing the alphabet. She tries again, this time spelling ‘Ru Kang Ma’, completely unaware that it’s not ‘Kang Maru.’

Maru’s face is agape with shock as he recognizes her, but he’s still able to pick up a crayon to write his name correctly. Eun-ki smiles as she sees it, noting that she knew that name from before.

It’s only when she looks at his face that recognition passes over her features. “You know me, don’t you? You are the one, Kang Maru.” And she produces a camera with pictures of them together from Japan, explaining that she lost all her memories in a car accident. She even had to relearn her own name.

But she knew his name from the woman taking care of her, and claims that she didn’t know who he was from the pictures. However, now that she’s seen him, she remembers who he is.

Eun-ki: “We were very much in love. Weren’t we?”

And as she gazes at him expectantly, a tear falls from her eye. Maru’s eyes are red as he stares back at her, silent.


It’s a little early to pass judgment on the amnesiac story turn, but my only hope is that we do something fresh with it from this point forward. There’s certainly no denying that amnesia is a well-worn trope, and I don’t know whether to be more critical because we’ve known about this plot movement since the promotional materials, or just to be glad that it finally got done before the end of the first half.

There’s some hope to be had in that this was a planned maneuver, and not something thrown in at the last minute to add extra drama. (Yeah, as if we need any more of that.) Basically, I have to hold myself back from speculating before I see more than five seconds of Eun-ki as an amnesiac. We’ll check back in with this tomorrow.

As for the rest of the episode, things ran smoothly except for one big hiccup: The Accident Scene. If I’ve got the sequence of events right, Chairman Seo died, Eun-ki got the text from Joon-ha, made a U-Turn Of Decision, and presumably either recognized Maru behind the other wheel of the car or just didn’t care what car she ran into. Maru might have maybe seen that it was her behind the wheel, which is maybe possibly probably why they both smiled as they were about to die together.

Which, what? Just… what? A whole new character realm opens up as soon as characters become suicidal, and for all intents and purposes what we saw (or heard) was a death attempt, not a I-Hope-I-Just-End-Up-Slightly-Maimed attempt. Granted, we didn’t see the crash so anything could have happened, but if it was anything except a crash I’ll be calling shenanigans on the sound editor.

It does take a bit of wind out of Eun-ki’s sails for me, especially if she was raring to die because events had just become too much to bear. She’s a passionate, impulsive person, and while I could believe her near-suicidal efforts to save her doll from the edge of a cliff, it gets a bit trickier when she’s not in it for a greater good or personal gain. What did she believe in in that moment? That the company no longer meant anything to her, and life without Maru and her Dad was just not one worth living?

I’m looking forward to all that being explained, as well as who was involved in what and to what kind of degree, especially in the case of Eun-ki’s whereabouts for the last eleven months. For a second there I thought Maru had been squirreling her away this whole time, which would have been pretty fun. But, I suppose a good ol’ lover’s reunion is just as fun, too.


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OMG Jae Hee is despicably vicious! She makes me want to pull my own hair out. O.O


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Thank you, Lord!!!!! for that time-jump. I don't think I could've handled them dragging this out for five or so episodes.

My sweet Joon Ha!!!!!!! His sweetness and loyalty trumped.

When is Park Jae Gil's storyline gonna merge with Tae San Group's? Yeah, i keep waiting.


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I never thought I would fangirl over Joong Ki until he suddenly appear in the second half of the hour, sleek and sharp looking with new hairstyle and a suit. I like the new look, but as the drama progress until the moment both MR and EK met each other then it hit me. The changes are meant to emphasize on the character's turning point. Before the accident, MR was just a nice guy trying to act really bad just to hurt those that he set his eyes on. Just like what EG had said during their last meeting at the beach. The styling for MR was always rather floppy with his fluffy hair, sweater, jeans and sneakers. But the new MR, with his impeccable hair, sharp suit and a pair of dressing shoes... I got the feeling that whatever he did, he meant to get a "deadly" result out of it. Like what JG said during his outburst, trying to beat some sense into MR to stop destroying himself and keep living.

While EK, the always sharp looking large corporation heir, with straight sleek hair, a pants suit and an expression that always read as "Don't mess with me, I'll destroy you to smithereens" sporting a soft wavy hair, even softer expressions, sweater and skirt - something that she only wear during her date with MR at Aoyama. She looked so... angelic. So when both MR and EG stood facing each other, the stark contrast and major changes happened for both characters were so resounding.

What I'm trying to say is that, MR is turning himself into the past EG, but much worse because his final goal is to destroy those people that falls under his trap and die, just disappear forever. While EG, is like a newborn trying to relearn her past and I hope on her way to rediscover herself, she would cling to MR so he would have another reason to keep living. Because part of the reason why MR turning into what he is now is because of EG disappearance. He already giving up on JH, and to actually loosing EG all at the same time is enough to destroy his will to live despite Choco's existence in his life.

I like how the final scene coming out, how they make EG wearing all white and MR was dark, dark, dark, dark. Even the crayon that they used was black and white, as if to emphasize on what the both of them had turned into, as the time goes by.

MR is lost in the deep dark corner of his life and with EG's appearance, it was like a stray of light had managed to slice trough the darkness and I hope that that light won't fade until MR manage to come out of the darkness.

Thanks for the recap ^^


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Very good observations, noanao, and nicely put.


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Thanks ^^ I just can't let that scene go because from the start after the President's death and the accident, nothing really exciting coz both the baddies are doing their normal routine of being the baddies.

The episode started to get exciting when MR appear out of nowhere, looking sooo yummy as ever. And to actually realized that his character has taken even darker deep, I am so glad that final scene happened. I can see the wash of relief all over MR's face to know that EG's disappearance was not because she hates him and don't want to have anything to do with him anymore, but because she can't come running to him the next moment she opened her eyes. It made me see hope and I want to keep having faith that there is chance for my OTP to work things out for the better.


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Thanks for the recap.
Love the Jae-gil & Choco scenes too, so the love-line is about to starts.
Hmm, I'll be kept Jae-gil & Choco motto "If we believe, Maru will come back to us again" :(
hell yeah, the crayon-wall scene was just too awesome, even just with KangMaRu's name written on. MCW & SJK just looks stunning. <3
I mean the ending scene both Maru & Amnesia-EG, when EG pointing out that they were much in love in the past. Maru’s eyes are red as he stares back at her, his glance unconsciously saying (so you're fine, where have you been I really miss you, it's been a long time we sees each other and glad to meet you again) that kind of feeling.

And the vomiting part, the thought of mine is it caused by car accident (after-effect), maybe? probably?


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There were rumours that the writer for nice guy had a knack of starting off good then end badly. Le fan girl dreams of a happy ending of eunma sweet couple. Could we write a petiton? Since I suppose they haven't finished filming the drama. Petiton for an ideal ending. HAHAHAHA. Okay, my dreams, this drama knocked some sense out of me. *sighs* Cross-fingers HAPPY ENDING PLEASE! (Yes, happy ending even for the much hated JaeHee. But no, she shouldn't end up with Maru. I SHIP EUNMA ! <3


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MARU will die at the end , i have to start thinking like that from now so i dont cry a river at the end cuz there is noooo way it will have a happy ending , if they want to shock us at the end they better not let maru die...so i can say at the end ahhh thank god maru is alive .


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Thanks for the recap, HeadsNo2.
(Maybe your affinity for their hair in the second half is because of your screen name...)

Um, love this show.
Love SJK. Love. Love.

Agree that JH's look is bad. Total ahjummah hair. I guess the stylists know what they are doing with that. Are we supposed to be focussing on her intellectual powers now instead of her seductive ones? Shaking my own ajummah hair head.

I like what you said last time about JH being her own worst advocate, and how every attempt she makes at winning sends her a few yards back. The only thing that miscalcutales more than her is a busted TI-84. (HA! Calculator humor!)

I hope we get to see a lot of perverse MR. I don't really want redemption soon for him. He still has a LOT to learn about being a true Bad Guy from Han Jae Sik, the ultimate sociopath. In fact, THAT would be him hitting rock bottom.
Put those two on the same side for a little while and see how much havoc they wreak.

The actor, Yang Ik Joon (Jae Hee's brother) only had a short screen time, but continues to be my favorite surprise from this drama. He owns the screen whatever evil and ridiculous thing he is doing or saying. I want to see him as a lead in something on TV stat.


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"There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone."

I’m pretty sure I heard Rod Serling’s announcement at the start of this episode.. Cuz Nice Guy is Twilight Zone Korean style.


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Pffffft! The entire two episodes I was like, "What exactly is happening right now? Someone please explain."


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^^Too funny.


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So, umm...did anyone else LOL when the chairman's wheelchair fell over? I mean, those things are pretty stable, and he was presumably weakened by his illness. How much effort did it take to tip that thing over?!

My other (irrelevant) thought - JaeHee would be a lot easier to watch if she would just STOP sneering. Seriously her lip is always curled up, as if that helps to convey emotion. Just no.


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And with all these illnesses and brain problems and whatnot, WHERE'S DR JIN WHEN YOU NEED HIM? AND HIS COCONUT STETHOSCOPE?


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I think he is in heaven on Gilligan's Island.


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I need to stop reading because I have tears in my eyes.


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Thanks for the recap Heads!


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I KNEW IT! I knew it had to happen in THIS episode!

At least everyone looks good in their new hairdos.


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I love all the new hairdos, except Jaehee's! Why did they have to give her that hairstyle >:/ But I still love her character.


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Totally loving the new look of Joong Ki oppa <3 My heart beat totally increased when he appeared on screen with shades and all the dark clothing :D

Can't wait for the rest of the episodes to play! OOOH but allow some speculation, it looks like it is going to end up with

1) maru managed to help eun gi regain taesan and then just when they profess their love for each other, maru will die of severe bleeding in the brain

2) A perfect happy ending

I don't want maru to die ˜˜˜˜


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Oh...I wasn't aware amnesia was part of the package. Hmmm....usually do not like how it is used. Got to agree that so far I do not hate it bit neither do I love it.


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i just started watching this coz my good frnd recommended it & for the fact that i don't want too many dramas on queue since i'm already following five fingers & may queen however i'm really liking this drama, my regret is i shld've known how good it is then i can get uptodate with my episodes but better late than nvr too bad it's only 20 epis?


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So awesome! Oh please let this be the only show where amnesia actually works for the plot.

Superficialness: Gotta say, I loved Song Joong-ki's other hair better. This cut makes his face look fuller.


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Song Joong Ki...since I saw him first in SKKS, I keep expecting Gu Yong Ha, whom I liked (personally) a lot more. SJK is no longer that twirling, perceptive, mischievous playboy who cared so deeply about his friends.


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I just realize now that Kang Ma Ru never said yes when Eun Gi asked if all the things he had done to her were planned and calculated. He only said 'Probably'. Which I noticed just now is his way of self-sacrifice in order to protect the people he cares for. He says this a couple of times in the future episodes.


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