Arang and the Magistrate: Episode 18

So much good stuff today, packed with development and intensity. A few ends get tied up so we can turn our attention to the big ramp-up to next week’s finale, and I’m glad of it: We could use the time to confront the Big Bad and address the numerous mythological mysteries still to resolve, of which this drama has plenty. The mythology is also this show’s forte creatively, so I’m happy to direct my attention to that. And the romance, of course, which is inextricably linked to that mythology. ‘Cause I’m still dying to know how this universe and all its rules are going to allow our couple their happily ever after. Because they’re getting a happily ever after, right? I’m sure of it. Don’t contradict me.


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Eun-oh is called a criminal and arrested by the newcomer and his armed guards: Governor Park accuses him of misusing his power to plot a rebellion. Which makes him a traitor.

It’s obvious this is Lord Choi’s doing, and we saw him previously sending word to the governor. He can’t best the magistrate of his town, so he has gone over Eun-oh’s head to upper management, so to speak.

Lord Choi assures the governor that all his accusations are founded. The governor believes he’s locking up a true insurgent, but worries about Eun-oh’s powerful father causing problems for them. Lord Choi just chuckles, saying that they can use this opportunity to rid both father and son.

Arang makes her way inside the cave to face Mu-yeon, and gets to the point: What did Eun-oh’s mother want from her? Mu-yeon asks why, and for a moment I’m afraid Arang is going to tip her hand, but thankfully she just supposes that Arang wants to know what could be powerful enough motivation to give up her body. She answers that Mom wanted revenge against Lord Choi—but not to kill him. She wanted for him to spend his entire life groveling and submissive at her feet.

Ah, it’s a clever revenge, and exactly up Mu-yeon’s alley. She didn’t even have to do anything differently since that was how he spent his days anyway, so she could enter Mom’s body readily. Arang shakes her head in disbelief: “She wouldn’t have given up her body for that reason.”

Joo-wal paces outside the cave anxiously, and decides to barge in. He stops at the entrance just as Mu-yeon asks what Arang would want enough to exchange her body for it. Revenge on her killer? Protection for a loved one?

Arang stammers, “I… I…” No! Don’t say a word! Then she hurriedly gets up and runs outside. Phew.

Joo-wal stops her outside and entreats her not to forget what he’d told her—about never giving herself up.

Arang asks why the heck Joo-wal is with that woman in the first place, and he can’t answer. He enters the cave and finds Mu-yeon put out by Arang’s resistance, saying that she won’t be easy. Well, thank goodness for that.

She wants the magistrate out of the picture and he agrees to it, but she contradicts him: Leave him alone for now. He’s surprised, but she says that she changed her mind after meeting Arang, and with a sneer says she understands now why Joo-wal was so slow in finding out her heart’s desire.

Lord Choi drops by the prison to chuckle over Eun-oh’s predicament, saying that he could arrange for someone to bring him food if he likes. “Ah, she could do it—that woman ghost.”

Eun-oh’s eyes narrow. Lord Choi continues, smirking that even if Eun-oh were to die right now, the unkillable ghost-woman wouldn’t be able to die to meet him on the other side. Hm, he must really think he’s got Eun-oh good to reveal his hand like this. Don’t you know you do the Scooby Doo monologue after the fall guy’s dead? Or better yet, not at all? Some secrets you should just take with you to the grave. I’m no evil genius (or am I?) but that just seems like standard evil operating procedure to me.

Lord Choi adds the taunt that he could go to Eun-oh’s mother and describe in grotesque detail the way her father died. Sick bastard.

Eun-oh fumes, angry tears filling his eyes as Lord Choi tells him, “You can’t do a single thing, just like your foolish mother couldn’t.” He laughs, and Eun-oh launches himself at his bars, yelling into his face.

Arang returns home to the strange scene and wonders what happened. The Bangs fill her in and she beelines for the prison. Bang-wool arrives moments later, having heard the same news. Aw, that’s so sweet that both men at least have sweethearts to lament their downfalls.

The men urge the women to leave quickly before Lord Choi causes trouble for them too.

A notice is posted in the village of the magistrate’s supposed crime. The townspeople are convinced it’s slanderous, which warms my heart, and even propose taking a stand on his behalf. But thankfully these men have wits to match their hearts because they see that fighting in the name of the magistrate actually makes true the charge against him, which is that he was inciting rebellion. Still, brownie points for the thought! They decide to keep quiet and sniff around for the truth behind the matter.

Joo-wal is stunned to hear of Eun-oh’s capture, and his faithful servant informs him that it was Lord Choi’s doing. Joo-wal tears out immediately.

At the magistrate’s office, a crowd has gathered for Eun-oh’s punishment, while the governor presides with Lord Choi at his side. Along with Dol-swe, Eun-oh is dragged out and charged with his crimes; he is to be stripped of office and investigated. Eun-oh spits out that they’re trumping up false charges with no evidence.

The governor lays out his offenses, which Eun-oh forcefully refutes, like that he misspent earmarked funds for his patrols or offered jobs to the low-born with the intent of undermining national law. But when leveled with the accusation that elevated his slave to government office, which is also against the law, he can’t protest because that’s exactly what he did.

He tells Eun-oh to acknowledge his crimes, which will save at least his life. Furious, Arang starts to step in (“Oy, old man!” she barks) but she’s held back and cautioned to be quiet for Eun-oh’s sake.

Eun-oh insists, “I won’t confess to a crime I didn’t commit, not even if I die!” He glares and challenges them to lock him up or cut off his head if they like: “If I am guilty of a true crime, I won’t run away—I’ll accept my punishment!”

Lord Choi is determined to make an example of him, and tells the people to watch and see what happens to lawbreakers. He yanks Arang along, accusing the people of being too stupid to see that their magistrate has been bewitched by a ghost. He points a finger at her: “This woman is not a person!”

Arang tries to protest, but Lord Choi draws a sword and announces that the woman won’t die, no matter how many times you kill her. Uh… are you just going to stand there and let him kill a body without reason, on the off-chance that his whackadoo theory is true? (I mean, yes in this case it does happen to be true, but still! In normal people situations, this is not acceptable logic!)

Eun-oh fights his bonds and screams, “Don’t you dare touch her!” Even Joo-wal darts forward to intervene, but is blocked by the governor’s officers. Lord Choi swings his sword upward… and Eun-oh shouts, “Stop! I acknowledge all my crimes.”

Nooooooo! But even though his ploy has succeeded, Lord Choi is so worked up that he declares that he must see this through anyway, wanting to kill Arang to get the proof out in the open. But the governor orders him that it’s enough, and he lowers the sword.

The Bangs lament this unfortunate turn of events, and just when they hopped on the Eun-oh train! Weak-hearted Lee-bang trembles that he hopes Lord Choi will take him back, but Hyung-bang argues a different way: Let’s rescue the magistrate. I like him.

But a masked breakout seems above their heads, so they keep brainstorming. What if they take this to Eun-oh’s father? They draft a letter and send a messenger straightaway.

That night, Bang-wool and Arang sit on her front stoop, feeling gloomy. Bang-wool asks why it’s such a bad thing for Dol-swe to wear an official uniform, and why there are such strict differences between people when you’re all looking up at the same moonlight.

Arang says, “I don’t know either. People who should live become wandering ghosts, while Lord Choi should have already died and become a demon but runs amok. I suppose there’s a reason for everything. Maybe they’re throwing a mistake-ridden world at us, telling humans and ghosts to do what they can to change it.”

Eun-oh and Dol-swe are dragged out to the courtyard again the next day, to kneel before a smug Lord Choi, who says that maybe now that the rabble-rousing magistrate has been subdued he’ll be able to get some reading done. Eun-oh spits back at him that he’s the one killing men to silence them and filling his stores in corrupt ways: “But heaven doesn’t exist just to look nice—you’d better prepare yourself to receive your thousand punishments!”

Lord Choi kicks him and growls, “I am heaven, and I am the law. You receive those thousand punishments—I’ll give them to you!” He starts stomping on Eun-oh in his rage.

A cry sounds, “Stop!”

Lord Kim has arrived. Aww, yeah. I’m itching for a smackdown.

Lord Choi accuses him of interfering in due process—how can he harbor a traitor, no matter if he’s his son? Then he advises the governor that Lord Kim should also be considered under suspicion.

To which Lord Kim declares, “Governor, receive the king’s command!” Everyone reels in shock. Booyah! Daddy came prepared.

Immediately everyone gets down on their knees, including Lord Choi. Lord Kim reads the royal decree: Pardon the magistrate, Kim Eun-oh. His disregard of social status in his administration within his purview and not a crime. Furthermore, the magistrate has improved the lives of his citizens, which is to be commended.

The reactions of everybody are moved and relieved (except for the Old Evil One, but he doesn’t count), but the scene is worth noting just for Eun-oh’s alone. There’s such an intense mix of emotion in his silent reaction that you can’t help crying along with his tears of shock, relief, and gratitude. Or at least, I can’t. Blubbering mess here. Give me a sec to recover.

As they leave the premises, the men are greeted by their sweethearts: Bang-wool races into Dol-swe’s arms in a loud outburst of emotion, while Eun-oh and Arang have a quieter, but no less intense, reunion.

Eun-oh’s father explains that he got additional support from ministers who’d failed to step in when Eun-oh’s grandfather was unjustly accused. Eun-oh has taken on a key role in ferreting out Lord Choi’s evils, and he vows not to stop until the job has been completed.

Dad says that the people’s spirit is something that, like water, flows on its own once it starts to trickle. Eun-oh has tapped that public sentiment, and should stick around to see where its path leads. Eun-oh replies that he can’t presume to know what that public sentiment is, but he will make sure no more lives are taken.

Arang thinks to herself of all the things Eun-oh has, as though just now remembering—he has a father, and a mother, Dol-swe, this job, this home. “That’s right, he had his own life,” she notes sadly, as though she’s not a part of it. She thinks of Mu-yeon’s offer/question of what would entice her to give herself up.

In her cave, Mu-yeon is seized with a gripping pain as she becomes weaker still. “Mu-young…” she gasps.

She must be sensing his presence, just outside the cave. He enters, and she entreats, “Please help me.” He clenches fist and turns, leaving her pouting after him.

Eun-oh and Dol-swe set out to “finish the job.” With their patrolmen in tow, they storm Lord Choi’s household, a full-on battle waging in the front yard. Lord Choi is outraged, but refuses to heed his servant’s warning to flee. Instead, he begins emptying his drawers of valuables to take with him. Yes, so at least your road to hell will be paved with gold.

Predictably, he isn’t fast enough to both line his pockets and escape. Eun-oh strolls in as he’s packing up his chest and says he’s here to say: “After experiencing it firsthand, prison life is quite endurable.” He’ll escort him forthwith, so he can see for himself.

He arrests Lord Choi for murdering Seo-rim’s maid and illegally organizing a private army, among many other crimes. He’s dragged off literally screaming and casting one last longing glance at his gold, heh. Eun-oh sends him off tut-tutting. It’s pretty satisfying.

The officers clear out Lord Choi’s ill-gotten stores and dispense rice to the people.

Up in heaven, the gods watch the fall of one more of Mu-yeon’s minions, prey to his own desires. Always one to play devil’s advocate, Jade Emperor says that desire isn’t always a bad thing—it’s just that it can twist you up when you use it wrongly. However, “there are times when desires have the power to move the world. If all humans had powers of discernment, gods like us would not be so beset with such headaches, would we?”

Joo-wal comes out of the chaos unscathed, perhaps because heeded his servant’s cautions and left. He’s surveying Lord Choi empty room when Eun-oh returns and announces, “Now we meet again.”

Eun-oh knows Joo-wal secretly moved Mu-yeon and demands to know what their relationship is. Joo-wal replies, “Arang met her.” He warns that Mu-yeon never lets go of something she wants: “I don’t know what Arang is thinking, but at the very least you had better make sure she doesn’t give herself up for your sake.”

First thing back at home, Eun-oh asks Arang about the meeting: “You can’t possibly believe what she says?”

Arang explains the whole we’ll-forget-each-other quandary, “At least this way, we’d stay in each other’s memories.” Aww. So it’s not noble sacrifice driving her, but a last-ditch attempt to hold on to her love. Which, while also frustrating, is something I can’t take issue with.

He scoffs at the reasoning, telling her, “If it’s because of my mother, stop it. No—whatever it’s because of, stop it.”

Arang replies that the moment she found out that his mother had killed her, she realized that the truth bell was meaningless. “So, it made me think that my truth isn’t about killing your mother, but saving her and saving you. Let me do one real thing for you.”

He fires back, “Do you know how much of a coward you’re making out to be? Did you think that that’s what I’d want you to do?!” He glares at her with hurt eyes and storms out.

Eun-oh drowns his sorrows, while Arang writes a letter. Please tell me it’s not a Dear John. Don’t do it!

Joo-wal receives a different letter—one whose contents put him into a panic.

Later that night, Arang brings a tray of food to Eun-oh’s room, which she prepared herself. There’s not much time left till the full moon, she reminds him, and she wanted to cook for him at least this once.

He’s not feeling very enthusiastic about dinner, but she concedes that he was right about her misguided thoughts, and she’ll do as he wishes. You’re not lying, right? To lull us into a false sense of security or whatnot? At least her words get him to relax a bit and he eats, telling her the food is tasty. And still, I am not reassure at the way her smile drops when he’s not looking…

Neither am I getting good vibes at the way Arang strolls around the yard in the early morning, giving everything one last, wistful look. Oh, this is so sad. It’s the little wifely gestures that get to me, like the cooking of dinner and the way she turns around his shoes on the stoop. She grows teary-eyed as she walks away, and starts crying in earnest as she walks through the village.

She arrives at the shaman’s house just as Bang-wool is primping in the mirror, and the timing has Bang-wool grumping—because all the fussing in the world can’t compete with Arang’s beauty. Aw, but one solid bit of flattery is enough to revive her spirits.

Arang hands her a letter, asking her to convey it to Eun-oh. Ack! I knew it. Arang says she was a big bother to Bang-wool and tells her to be well. There’s no hiding the goodbye intentions, and Bang-wool hurries to Eun-oh right away, handing him the letter.

Eun-oh reads, understanding what she’s gone off to do. As he races out of the yard, Arang narrates her letter:

Arang: “Someone once said, I dreamt of a butterfly one afternoon and when I awoke, I did not know whether I was the butterfly or the butterfly was me. While I’ve known you, I felt that. Was I a ghost who’d become a human for a brief moment? Or a human turned ghost? It was enough to make me forget, and time flowed by like a dream. I felt happy spirits happily, and sad spirits sadly—living as a human was quite moving. Thank you for holding me dear. Thank you for allowing me to live with that dear heart. Just as the cold wind wipes away the spot where the moon grows dark, the place where I was will also disappear. But I won’t ask you to forget me. Please remember the name Arang. Magistrate, I love you.”

I love the shift from “I loved you” (i.e., I used to be here) to the present tense, to claim her love as enduring and without end. *Tear*

Arang arrives outside the cave… where Joo-wal awaits. Ah, so she wrote him the other letter, telling him of her intentions. He asks if she really means to do this, and she nods.

He blocks her advance, however, fighting his tears to say that she’s quite cruel, that she gives no consideration to what he feels. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t deserve that consideration, but his pain is palpable and he’s trying to urge her against this crazy idea, so I’m cutting him a little slack here. Arang tells him it’s not about that, but offers to go the rest of the way alone.

Joo-wal pulls her back, telling her not to go. The move sends her whirling back against his chest, and the motion recalls Seo-rim’s last moments—only this time, it’s Joo-wal who remembers. He flashes back to Seo-rim darting in front to take the dagger, and how she fell at his feet with her last words calling to him.

Arang pulls away and hurries to the cave. Joo-wal stands there stunned speechless, finally putting together that Arang is Seo-rim.

Mu-yeon smiles to sense her visitor. Arang heads inside the dark wearing a grimly determined face. And nearby, Eun-oh runs madly up the mountainside.


Oh man, did I love Lee Jun-ki today. I’ve been enjoying him all series long but he had a lot to work with today, running the gamut of emotions in one concise story arc that I also really appreciated (the conciseness, I mean). When they introduced the treason accusation at the end of last episode I was afraid this would be the conflict to take us through the final stretch of the show, like so many sageuks do at some point or other. Instead, they let Lord Choi sneer and smirk for a while, seemingly back our hero up against a rock, and then resolved it before the story had any time to lag.

Perhaps for a different kind of sageuk (say, one more politically inclined, or set at court) this kind of resolution is laughably simple, but it felt just right for this drama, which isn’t about those things. It’s more about how these machinations mean for our hero and how our good guys can best him and turn their attentions to more important matters. Namely, that whole heaven-hell dilemma and the twisted ethereal monster on the loose trying to upset the order of the universe. You know, that little thing.

This plot turn also gave me one of my favorite emotional moments from Eun-oh, after his father read the king’s order. It was such a small beat—a wordless moment that played out almost entirely as a fleeting facial expression—that I’m surprised how strongly it affected me. The primary emotion isn’t elation or amazement, as it is for everybody else, but this overwhelmed and overwhelming well of pathos. Like he can’t believe this show of support, the hand of solidarity, being extended to him.

I wonder if it’s a double-edged moment for him, as sharp and keen as it is comforting, because it’s this validation that he wasn’t expecting, that perhaps he’d believed was never his due because he’d been forsaken. It’s that curious in-between state of being an illegitimate son, particularly the higher up in status you go; there the rift is especially vast between the life (and honor, and respect) your bloodline commands, but from which you are not allowed to partake. Eun-oh has a kind father so his struggle isn’t, say, quite at the level of Hong Gil-dong (who famously “cannot call his father his father, or his brother his brother”), but we’ve seen that insecurity manifest itself at various points throughout. And thus we can presume Eun-oh became that cold, indifferent man to shield himself from the world’s rejection. To have the king not only back him up but praise him for his progressive ways… well, it explains the fullness of feeling in that moment.

I find it intriguing that Arang’s decision to give herself up is such a close echo of Mu-yeon’s own origin story—it’s her way of claiming a bit of agency in a situation that robs her of control. The winds (and whims) of Fate have seemingly shoved these two in an untenable situation, of giving them all the provisions to feel and cultivate love, but no way to actually act it out. Neither has been born into a situation where that love can be realized in a “normal” way, without breaking the laws of life and afterlife, or twisting the natural order of everything. And any way you shake it, the gods are telling them that you don’t get to keep this—it’s precious and dear and you can take a nice long look, but don’t you dare want it!—and moreover, that it’s not even right for them to want it.

So they do what they can to cling to whatever scrap they can, to resist the limitations of their supernatural Catch-22. What they end up with may not be anywhere near as close to the real thing they desperately want, but in the absence of anything better they’ll take it. So while I don’t love the shades of noble idiocy in her sacrifice, I bear with it because I do like how it rings true in this world, and how it connects these two opponents in a really fundamental way.

Of course, Arang and Mu-yeon are worlds apart, and Arang has additional reasons driving the decision; since giving herself up is the only way to have a shot at defeating Mu-yeon, I’m sure she’s comforting herself with the thought that at least this way, they’ll remember each other. Not that I find hers a selfish desire in the first place. All series long, she has faced this existential struggle to claim herself on her terms—to know she mattered. Her love of Eun-oh is just part and parcel of that. Here, the difference between Heroine and Evil Being makes itself clear: one lets her love pervert her very nature, and the other holds fast to it as a way of remaining true to herself.


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Haha! @Yaya I was about to say the same thing, I swear! I also think SMA likes him. I mean you never know :)


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She is boiling inside girl .


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its weird how such a long comment is first. just wondering..did u pre-type it? Either that or u a pretty fast typer.


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I want to hear a news that they're officially dating after this drama! Hahaha!! I've never anticipated a pairing since the lettuce couple in WGM :) LJK and SMN just look adorbs :) And yes, based on the behind the scene videos I've seen, I think SMN, is falling for this gentleman, and she's falling rapidly! Hahaha!


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in which video? I want to watch it also :p


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I'm praying for that as well! Yep. When she laughs everytime she looks at Junki (doesnt matter what he's doing), I can feel that something's going on. Haha. But I mean, who won't fall for this guy?


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Thks for nice recaps java beans. Your best recaps so far . Love it. And i love reading all the comments here. How people response to this drama.
I love this drama too. The best. Agree with all the commenters here , this drama is nothing without sato. Ljk made all of us think sato is real. It's hard not to fall in love with him. Everybody mention his great acting in this ep. I just want add ... Junki was great in ep 13 & 14 too. When he met his mum .... And he called her omuni .... Look at his amazing expression !!! Beyond words. Re shinmina . I think She is quite good ... As arang she tried to help sato solved the problems . Re . Kissing scene .Ljk is Bloody Hot ir resistable man .... I bet all girls will be as stiff as sma ...she is stiff outside but boiling inside. HAhaha .


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Hahaaha... what a nice terms... you mean Cold outside ...boil inside.


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Personally I like ep 12 too. His eight-octave range of emotions can be seen in this episode - from his derisive manner towards the Chois and the three bangs, his happiness and lovingness towards Arang, his desperate and hurt feelings towards her, his incredulity when he saw the ghosts rebounded from the invisible barrier, his sorrow when he spoke to Dol Swe. You can see it all here in this episode. Truly amazing!! LJG rocks!


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and yup! I'm re-watching ep 12 again.. :) and aaaah.. I see your points there.. :D


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Want to Add ....his Glare ...his Gaze ...Melts me !!! His sharp eyes so sexy LOL !


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Can't wait the next ep. Eager to see the ending but sad this means this drama will be ended soon. Waiting for ljk next drama . Gonna miss Sato.


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LJK is fine!


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Fine wine. I swear he's looking better and more manly as he grows older.


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Gosh. I've read every comment here and everyone has their own opinion and somehow they made sense. I would have watched the whole drama while I wait for the last two episodes socould have all the info (I tend to forget things) on this but I have my midterms. ㅠㅠ


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I juz hope we don't get an ending of arang coming back as butterfly to accompany eun ho, coz there's so much mentioning of butterfly. NOO..


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Thanks for the recap! I've been watching this drama although it doesn't always activate my "love it" mode. It's quite lovely to look at, it's layered, it had some really cook and fun moments, it's quite a soundly put together show, but somewhere along the way it lost me a little. I can't say where really. I think some of it has to do with the two leads quirky fun appeal not being utilized to full effect and I do not enjoy many of the secondary characters-the Sato minions, the second lead, Lord Choi and his sidekick, they don't keep me invested. I agree about some of the small moments being wonderful in this show, such as you pointed out, LJK in the scroll reading scene. The moment where Sato hears the scroll read is probably one of the best moments of LJK's acting, really finely nuanced facial expressions. Quite moving.

I will be behind on viewing the last episodes as my course assignments will kick my butt this week, but I will be curious to see how it all comes together and look forward to reading the wrap up recaps when I can get back to this show. Thanks again, and I hope it wraps nicely and satisfies the followers of the show.


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everyone else has said what they had to about this better than I ever can.

But i just want to say how much I like it that the fact of the Magistrate's job originally being advertised as 'open to anyone, regardless of class' is a part of what saved Eun-oh from Lord Choi - it's a small detail we might not even notice, but I loved that it's in there to make sense.

(and the answer to why no one took it before him is already there - Arang scared three previous magistrates literally to death so no one wanted to die, ha.)


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There are a few more details that stood out at least to me from this episode.

Eun-oh's grandfather (Lord Seo), the death penalty and the method that was used.
Lord Choi told Eun-oh in prison that his mother had to watch his grandfather's flesh torn into pieces.
In earlier episodes I thought that maybe he was beheaded or poisoned but this has to be the most cruel method rarely use in Joseon, the dismemberment of the body. Lord Choi, this cruel bastard is unforgivable. This hit me really hard and I hope that she will get her revenge in this life although it wont be enough and after he is dead I hope Hades will give him the harshest punishment in hell.

I was impressed with Eun-oh when his father mentioned that his detailed accounts of Lord Choi's wrong doings played a major role in the king's decision.
/Big grin...I love you writers. There are so many more little details that I noticed in every episode that if I disn't go back and rewatch it I'd missed it.


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err didn't.


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yeah I don't know much about Joseon Korea either apart from sageuks (keke), but the tearing him to pieces sounded so barbaric and not the usual kind of punishment. I hope Lord Choi goes to the worst hell the old fogeys have, he deserves to.

(and YES to Eun-oh's own careful records and reports of Lord Choi's wrongdoings also playing a part in clearing his name, I like when details like that are noted and used)

I love the writers too, their scripts are solid and so well-thought-out, it's amazing.


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Well this episode re-solidified my love for Lee Jun-ki, who will always have a special place in my heart because he was the first k-actor I liked back in 2007.

I'm not all about Arang's sacrifice. She should be smart and work with Mu-young to kill the evil fairy, since it was Eun-oh who was opposed to Arang being bait - not Arang herself.
I mean, what does Arang think is going to happen if Mu-yeon possesses her body? Eun-oh will try to get her back, and he'll never stop trying. He could probably make a deal with Mu-young to kill Mu-yeon actually. I mean, Arang's soul is going to try to come out to save him just like his mom's does, and Mu-yeon will be vulnerable. So there's the moment where she can be killed with the Jade Emperor's blade.

I thought this was the most engaging episode so far.


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I do not consider Arang a Noble Idiot in her self-sacrifice. I never actually believed Arang would give herself up to Mu Yeon -- just pretend to give herself up, and while Mu Yeon is out of Mom's body, Mu Young would be able to stab her with the Jade Emperor's knife. Arang's days on Earth are almost up anyways, so it can hardly be considered a sacrifice when she must leave no matter what she does. Mope around for a few days then leave? Or attempt to defeat the Big Bad then leave? Of course Arang is going to choose the latter. Eun Oh is just so blinded by love that he can't even see Arang was lying to him.

I am so happy Joo Wal remembered. In this lifetime, their roles are reversed. Seo Rim's one-sided love for Joo Wal made her willing to die for him. I sense deja vu in that Joo Wal's one-sided love for Arang will push him to save her at the risk of his own life.

Thanks for the recap, javabeans!


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That's a great point about Mu Yeong: she can communicate with him so she could ask for his help to destroy Mu Yeon. I do hope we flash back a bit to see something like this, or to her plan otherwise. This show up to this point has been so well plotted and surprising that I cannot imagine them going stupid in the 11th hour. Same goes for the ending. I feel like an Arang reincarnated as a butterfly ending or similar would be a cop out or too disappointing. This show's theme has been about the human heart and about what it means to live. To have them not together as earthly beings in the end woul feel like a failure of that theme. And I think the jade Emperor and his goat will help make the ending a satisfying one.


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I just have to say that this is one instance where I am not overly upset about the Noble Idiocy. While it still pains me to watch, I understand why Arang is doing this. She does it to preserve, as best she can, her love for Eun-oh. She does it to give him one last chance at happiness with his mother and to try to strike a blow against Mu-yeon. When that truth bell rings, it will be a bittersweet moment for all.

Lee Jun-ki was simply amazing in this episode. He is turning out to be one of my favorite Korean actors, and I have several. I really need to look at other dramas he's done.

I, too, am hoping for a happy ever after for our main couple. But things look bleak at the moment. I really hope Jade pulls through in the end.

Also, when Lord Kim showed up with the message from the king, I laughed out loud, I was so happy and impressed. I'm glad that little incident was wrapped up like it was.

I'm not sure what to make of Joo-wal now. He was ready to give Arang over to Mu-yeon, then tried to stop her. I'm not sure where he's at. He's a bit of a wild card at the moment.

Two episodes left. I'm ready for them, and don't want to see them, because I don't want Arang and the Magistrate to end yet.

Thanks for the recap, Javabeans!


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I have seen a lot of noble idiots and Arang is not one of them. I hope the writers wont let me down on this but I trust Arang's charecter. I think she has a plan.

That aside. I know I have said this before and someone also realised it I think its pogo? Anyway even though PD'nim didnt allow Arang to kiss back I still loved the fact that towards the end of that scene she grabbed his clothes and the fact that she also cried.

The fact that she cried makes me feel like she is saying, "loving you is painful because we will have to part ways. But this moment right here is worth it." And grabbing his clothes made me feel like she was thinking, "i can't breathe..." Haha LOL!! Anyway I really like that scene.

I'm anticipating one more kiss... Darn it! Why does wed & thur have to be so far?


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I love your interpretation of their kiss.. :)


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This drama is so beautiful and the script! I've been watching K-dramas for years and I think this script is one of the best I've ever come across. I'm so used to "Logic Fails" in so many K-dramas, but the writers of Arang and the Magistrate must have really have everything planned out before the show started to air. The pacing of the drama is great too.

Lee Jun Ki really blew my socks off in Arang and the Magistrate. I know this is going to sound strange, but I love his crying scenes. There's so much emotions and I love the expression in his eyes!

Speaking of crying, I think there will be quite a fair bit in the last two episodes. I think from episode 10 onwards, there has always been a sad/teary moment in every episode but I love those moments. The interaction between Arang and Eun-Oh are so beautiful. The confession scene in episode 17 is definitely one of my favourite K-drama moments ever!


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There's one final thing I noted, the shot of Arang's feet slipping into her shoes (the very same shoes EO himself put on her) as she's about to leave.

Is this the drama's way of acknowledging the 'if you give shoes to a lover, they'll run away from you' trope? Because then I hope she doesn't make it too far and he catches her ;__:


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Good Point . Probably she will leave for a while but she will be back or re-born ... anyway, i hope happy ending.


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Can't help but share these lovely pictures of LJG. If you had watched LJG's JG Style 15 and 16, you would have recognised these photos as the one he was taking during a recent photoshoot in between his filming for Arang. These photos came from his recently released Episode J - LJG's personal magazine (for his Jap fans??)

Photos include pics of him in his bathrobe and shorts (meaning to say you can see his neckline and legs!!) - don't say I didn't warn you! haha ...

In particular, the first 2 pictures on p. 4 (side by side) - the left is a photo taken in 2008 and the right his most recent photo, OMG! he really doesn't seem to have aged!

Which is your favourite? I like the ones where he has a blue hoodie and playing with the football and boxing gloves - love that hairstyle.

Just keep scrolling to view the photos - currently there are 4 pages. I think there should be more coming - I recall there are some taken at the swimming pool..



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Found another website with better resolution and bigger photos.



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Omo ... He is bloody super hot ! My god ! So perfect ! Super sexy ! Thk u so much ...if u have more plz .....share with us ! Love u so much jk .....
Junki is the sexiest man alive....his eyes ...melts ! Now i'm really boiling inside .... LOL !!!!!


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Omo ....my man is so hansome .... So hot ... So .sexy ! He is so manly & cute adorable at the same time.... He is a man but he also a boy . God is so good sending him ...to us. What a beautiful creature ! . Argh ... Forget to thks JK ... Thks a million JK ! Unable to sleep ... Tonight ...by watching him ...made my nose bleeds .


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I think I know...why he looks like a boy ...his SMILE & his LAUGH . If everybody ...noticed ... when he smile he still looks like a boy ... he still have those "innocent look" in him ... beside his manly side. What do you think guys ??? I mean girls ??? Understand why JK pick those pics. That's the innocent side of LJK .What do you think JK ???


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Btw , JK...that pic. I think that's the cover of the Magazine, right ?? The one holding a glass of wine , smile & his head slightly nod ... looking down.
Well, I think ... I can see albert point . Get me some insight ... I guess I understand why Junki-shi is loved by so many women. He still preserved his "innocence within" him ( inside). Women tend to have mixed feelings. Want to be protected but want to protect as well. Maybe I'm wrong ~~~


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I'm curious...what is your answer ??? And what other girls think ??? Man to Man ( Man seeing another Man) and Woman to Woman - must be different . Is it only me ??? Or others have the same thought ???


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Uhm ...probably . I was rain 'bi' fans . Mu mum too. We love him since 'sandong back to school' & 'full house' but then ... Rain has changed ...a lot . A love to kill ...and his last series ...i forgot the title ...the one shoot in thailand, china & sev countries.. He still the same but he doesn't look the same to us. Something has missing. He used to have sincere smile ...now he looks fake. I know everybody will change ...but unable to like him as much as before. So probably you were right. I like junki since the king &the clown...he is so pretty . In ilijimae ...he looks really cool. We become his fans since then. Like you said his smile like a boy ...i can see from those comparison pics... He still have the same smile...he didn't change. That sincere smile... . We're glad he still the same guy ....keep the sincerity within him. I used sincere instead of boyish smile.


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What the Hell ??? How come a Man can be this Handsome ??? My fav pics are the one when he holding a glass of wine , his eyes half close & the one when holding a glass of wine and look down. Maybe I'm more mature woman ... so I choose those 2 pics. I would like to answer Albert Q - when junki shi smile he does looks like a little boy - it shows his playful side. So, I'm agree ~.
Love you J.K .


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I'm trying to share some more links here but my post is pending moderation?? let's see if the post goes through. If not, I'll try again later. Don't mean to offend any copyrights.


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He is really ...a man to die for !!! How come ....he is so perfect !!! I'm really sad AATM will be over soon.... Just few more days.... Gonna miss sato.... Miss AATM ....miss every body here. Once again thk u so much JK .... You really made my day !


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@Donna, the website has just been updated with more pics a while ago. Take a look. Not sure if this is all there is... but the ones at the swimming pool are out... but don't be expecting to see LJG in swimming trunks.. haha.

Also, I just realise that you can simply click on the pictures if you want to see the photos close up (bigger and better resolution). Enjoy!



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Yes JK. Just open it ... Haha he didn't wear swimming trunk , i'm expecting too much ...but at least he show his thigh...LOL ! I can see why you like him.. In the blue hood ... He looks so cute & adorable there and his smile so sweet lol ! . I love all the pics .... Many sides of him. Can't judge which one is my fav ...haha. I will post in my fb wall ... And all my friens will scream .... I have junki pic with allure & j homme fatale but don't know how to share ...just post it in my fb wall. I've forgotten i download from which website . Having download too many pics ....of ljk ... Hahaha. Btw reading his chinese fans comments is really amusing ... They are funny ... I heard he has nearly 3millions fans in china ( weibo) ... Once again thk u JK .... I miss junki sato & Aatm ... Already... Unable to believe it will be ended .... Few more days ....hic, hic .


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JK did you said ...the photo sessions ...was taken during AATM ? Hard to believe . He looks so fresh ... or maybe ...the photo was re touch by air brush ??? But still hard to believe... he must be really worn out ...shooting Arang. He said he works 24 hrs a day ...but the pic ...looks so nice. Look at him ??? How come he still be able to SMILE like that ??? He looks Happy and smile without burden ??? Gah , what a Real Pro ??? . Btw, thks JK.


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JK did you said ...the photo sessions ...was taken during AATM ? Hard to believe . He looks so fresh ... or maybe ...the photo was re touch by air brush ??? But still hard to believe... he must be really worn out ...shooting Arang. He said he works 24 hrs a day ...but the pic ...looks so nice. Look at him ??? How come he still be able to SMILE like that ??? He looks Happy and smile without burden ??? Gah , what a Real Pro ??? . Btw, thks JK.


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Thanx for the link JK!!!! I love the pic where he is at the study table hehe... it's like he is staring into my soul.


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Im also curious to see how SMA could play out Arang if she were to be possesed. I dont wish for it to happen but im really interested in seeing it.


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Yeah ...by thinking she will be possessed ... made me scared. I'm really afraid but curious at the same time . But well, watching junki oppa pics ...made me feel so happy . You should open the website too...the one JK sent. Must seen pics. Oppa so hansome LOL ....


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I'm going to take a look at them right now. Will come back to comment if I'm still alive! LOL!!!


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┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻


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Real Hero !


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OMG ....Fantastic Fans !!!


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So happy to see you guys enjoying the photos as much as I do. I called Kinokuniya but the lady told me the magazine is not for sale?! :( I'm just thankful for the person who made the photos available online :)

@dhamma, yes, you are right, that's the magazine cover. Of all his photos in the tux, I esp love the one where he's holding the wineglass and glancing sideways towards the window, with a brooding expression. He had me there. I wish I were there to comfort him haha

@Albert, One of my personal favourites are the ones in the blue hoodie (playful). For me, LJG's charm lies in being able to exude a playful boyish but seductive manly allure. Maybe that's the reason why he can appeal to a wide variety of audience.

And yes, these photos were taken in between his filming for Arang. LJG is just that great looking! And he looks very fresh during his photoshoot. Let me share the videos with you. And then you can see the photos don't differ much from what you see on video. His photoshoot takes place over two episodes of JG Style.

JG Style 15 (LJG's really funny here. He pretended he's in his own house and when his cameraman knocked into one of the lamps he joked with a straight face that the lamp cost him a lot of money. His expression at 54sec was priceless.)

Note: the bottom video on the website has a clearer resolution but has only Jap subtitles. The video on top has both Chinese and Jap subtitles. When u enter the website, Arang's teaser plays automatically - just go to the right hand column to stop the video.

JG Style 15

JG Style 16

Last but not least, here's sharing another one of my favourite from the series of photos from the shoot (it was only shown in his Tweet).



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So happy to see you guys enjoying the photos as much as I do. I called Kinokuniya but the lady told me the magazine is not for sale?! I’m just thankful for the person who made the photos available online

@dhamma, yes, you are right, that’s the magazine cover. Of all his photos in the tux, I esp love the one where he’s holding the wineglass and glancing sideways towards the window, with a brooding expression. He had me there. I wish I were there to comfort him haha


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@Albert, One of my personal favourites are the ones in the blue hoodie (playful). For me, LJG’s charm lies in being able to exude a playful boyish but seductive manly allure. Maybe that’s the reason why he can appeal to a wide variety of audience.

And yes, these photos were taken in between his filming for Arang. LJG is just that great looking! And he looks very fresh during his photoshoot.

Let me see if I can share the videos with you. For some reason, my previous post is pending moderation.

JG Style 15

JG Style 16


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Just to add, LJG’s really funny here. He pretended he’s in his own house (it was a hotel) and when his cameraman knocked into one of the lamps he joked with a straight face that the lamp cost him a lot of money. His expression at 54sec was priceless.


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Argh .....the vid is not working ....in my country the statement there ....the service only available in mainland china.... Gosh !
Anyway thks JK the update pics are really nice.


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@Donna, download Google Chrome and then google and download "Unblock Youku" which is a Google extension. Once that's done, you can watch any video on any of the video sites of China.

FYI, I'm not in China either but now I'm able to watch all the videos :)

Hope that works for you! :)


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It worked now . Thanks a lot JK. Junki is like a wine... Somebody has mentioned it here. Fine wine... Never get enough til we 'drunk'. Hard to describe why we like him so much. He has UNIQUE charm. Sex appeal .


Oh No ...it's not work for me too.... the stream only in mainland china . Whoa .......
Some other youku junki vid worked ... but all the LG didn't work. Anyways, Thks JK


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@yaya, download Google Chrome and then google and download "Unblock Youku" which is a Google extension. Once that's done, you can watch any video on any of the video sites of China.

FYI, I'm not in China either but now I'm able to watch all the videos :)

Hope that works for you! :)


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Nice....JK. Good Pont. I think he has both boy & man charm . True...he didn't lost his innocent look though now he is a man. Those youku vid - was taken when he shoot the JG style magazine.


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Last but not least, here’s sharing another one of my favourite from the series of photos from the shoot (it was only shown in his Tweet).



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First I like to apologize for the repeated posts above - I thought the post didn't make it through.

Apparently there are more photos of LJG from the latest Episode J (Hooray!). The latest photos are being uploaded and can be found below. I believe there are more photos coming out so just keep going back and checking the website yeah? Enjoy!

the new link (new batch of photos - currently being uploaded)

the old link (first batch of photos as shown in my post above)


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Seems to me he has ....many many fans in China & Japan. I love the sporty junki ! The one with racket tennis . Thk U


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Thks JK. Junki looks so fabulous ! very hansome...Love it ! . Re :JG vids. Guess, no one can open except the one in China.


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@Waiwai, download Google Chrome and then google "Unblock Youku" which is a Google extension. Once that's done, you can watch any video on any of the video sites of China.

FYI, I'm not in China either but now I'm able to watch all the videos :)

Hope that works for you! :)


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Just to add that you have to download "unblock youku" which is an extension (after you download Google Chrome) and then use Google Chrome as the browser to watch. Should be ok. Hope that works!


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Oh.... Thk U JK . I'll try it now....


Thks JK. It's work now... Hahaha ...Junki is so Funny ...his face expressions LOL !!! Btw, I tried with IE ( INternet Exploder) & it's work too. Too unable to download these video. Tried several times but failed. But really enjoy watching it. ^^


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Junki voice is so SEXY LOL !!! Just by hearing his voice made me shivered...and just looking his sharp eyes...made me faint ! What can I do LOL !!!


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His sharp & long eyes..I mean. Too bad unable to download these vids.


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oh goodness, that's so sad. My sympathies to him.


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Not his fans . But my sympathy to him and his family


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Have to wait few more hours ... next Episode....so exciting !!!


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Only two episodes to go


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I purposly didn't want to watch this episode because I know I'm gonna b in tears the moment that most starts and run ho starts running. I just hope kdrams wouldn't b so complicated...but then again we wouldn't b cuming this far if it werent for the feels #thefeels.
I just hope for a happy ending as always.
Is it just me or is Lee joongki's voice like so .....
No words can explain that.
Anyway thanks for the drama recap^^


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It's noble-idiocy time... :-P

Just one question: why the heck does she necessarily have to kill her killer? Is that "justice", for the Jade Emperor? =.=


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