Nice Guy: Episode 4

Wires get crossed and double-crossed as we get manipulation going on with every side, which is really making it hard to tell where playtime ends and real feelings begin. If there’s one thing I love unreservedly about this show, aside from all the things I love unreservedly, it’s every interaction between Eun-ki and her Wicked Stepmother. These two just set the screen on fire. Who knew that watching mortal enemies clashing could be so fun?

Nice Guy took a tiny dip in ratings, but still managed to keep its number one spot at 13.3%.


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Exercise turns out to be the best way to reminisce over past lovers, since Maru takes a jog and thinks about Jae-hee, while Jae-hee takes a much more ritzier jog as she thinks about him.

We rewind a bit to see the rest of last night’s conversation, where Maru took Eun-ki up on her offer to meet again and pretty much just asks when and where. Jae-hee has the nerve to look devastated that he’ll be seeing Eun-ki again, enough to where she falters on her treadmill and almost falls off.

Luckily, or unluckily for her, Eun-ki’s right there. She gives Jae-hee the equivalent of “Why so serious?” as she talks about the wedding like it’s nothing, and that she sees right through Jae-hee. Them’s fighting words.

Eun-ki must be really steamed about this wedding, since her bitchiness level is at about a ten right now. Jae-hee finally caves and asks Eun-ki how she knows Maru, and Eun-ki’s reaction makes it seem like everything with Maru was just a way to rile Jae-hee up.

It works, since Jae-hee starts pestering Eun-ki with questions a jealous ex would ask, like how far she went with Maru, how well she knows him, etc. Eun-ki jumps on that and asks, faux-innocently, “By chance, you don’t have any interest in him as a man, do you?” Score one for Eun-ki.

I just love when these two are together, because their hateful chemistry is tops. But there’s an interesting moment where Jae-hee could almost pass for sincere, when she tells Eun-ki that Maru approached her knowing her background, and that “He doesn’t look like a good person.”

Eun-ki: “Even if he did approach me knowing who I am and what my background is, I don’t care. Since I’ve already experienced Han Jae-hee, what else do I, Seo Eun-ki, have to be scared of?”

But Jae-hee seems to be genuine in warning her that in the end, out of her and Maru, Eun-ki will be the one getting hurt.

Choco worries that she’s only a burden to Maru, but then proceeds to list all the times she’s helped him, like that time she saved him from a crazed stalker, or that time she maybe helped him do dishes. Maru just plays into it all, “Thank you, Kang Choco. Thanks to you, Oppa has lived.” Hee.

Looks like Choco has aspirations to be a singer, since we find her anxiously waiting for a chance to audition… only the moment she opens her mouth to sing, a harsh, nervous whisper comes out instead. Cringe.

She fails the audition, and fails to put on a bathroom performance for a child afterward.

But then, she pulls up a picture of Jae-gil on her phone and is finally able to sing by looking at his face. (New love line alert.)

Joon-ha is sleuthing in Maru’s neck of the woods, and shows a picture of Jae-hee to one of the neighborhood ajummas, and she reacts strangely by over-insisting that she’s never seen Jae-hee before. Hm.

Of course, Joon-ha’s got a spy in Secretary Jo, who calls Lawyer Ahn up to report on Joon-ha’s actions. He admits that the neighbors have been paid off to lie, which explains the nervous ajumma. But whatever this whole thing with Jae-hee and Maru is, Secretary Jo and Lawyer Ahn want to keep it under wraps.

Before the smooch the night before, Jae-hee had confidently told Lawyer Ahn that she knew he’d liked her for a long time. Flash back to their first meeting, when Jae-hee was still a reporter and had stubbornly invited herself into the Executives Only elevator, where Lawyer Ahn was.

She was just as fearless before as she is now, and that moment seems to be where the whole not-quite-an-affair began.

Speaking of affairs, it’s pretty ironic that Dad gets taken for some air by his most trusted companion, Lawyer Ahn Min-young. He asks Min-young bluntly, “Eun-suk’s mother… what kind of person is she?”

Dad wants to know if she’s someone he can trust, since he admits that he doesn’t trust women. “Han Jae-hee. She’s probably different, right? She probably won’t betray me, right?”

You almost feel bad for him, especially when Min-young reassures him that Jae-hee is nothing but sincere. Dad has no reason to suspect Min-young, but I can’t wait to see if/when he finds out that Jae-hee and his most trusted companion have been plotting behind his back.

By the time Jae-hee and Eun-ki are out of the gym, Jae-hee’s already got a smile plastered on… which fades in an instant the moment she sees Maru, who’s come to pick Eun-ki up. “We decided to meet right after we open our eyes,” he reminds her.

It’s strange, because we know Eun-ki is putting on a show for Jae-hee, but is Maru doing the same? I love the little touch of her asking Maru if he waited long, and his reply, “No. About two hours?” Like two hours is just a drop in the bucket when waiting for her majesty Eun-ki.

Maru finally greets Jae-hee as though their first meeting was last night, when he brought Eun-ki home. Eun-ki has a little roll of the eyes here, which must be because she knows that’s a lie.

Eun-ki introduces Jae-hee as the person who will be marrying her father soon, almost as if to remind Jae-hee that she has no ground to stand on in the jealousy department, since she’s a taken woman.

This scene is LOADED. Maru claims that he remembers Jae-hee from her days as an anchorwoman, and admits that he was her fan. When Jae-hee collects herself enough to politely thank him, Maru finishes: “But, not anymore. Unfortunately.”

And he drops his smile, just like that. Aw yeah. Jae-hee is rattled, but they’re all interrupted with Dad’s arrival.

I didn’t think it was possible for things to get any tenser, but they do as soon as Dad asks about Maru. Eun-ki: “He is someone I am dating.” And you just see Jae-hee trying to swallow that news.

Dad invites Maru to a fancy family brunch, all while Jae-hee looks like she’d rather be anywhere but there. He’s interested in Maru as the first person Eun-ki’s ever introduced as her boyfriend, and gives him the normal interview runaround we normally see our poor-but-plucky stock drama heroines receive. I like this turnaround.

To Dad’s credit, it’s like he wants to like Maru, but Maru’s past doesn’t allow it. He explains how both his parents are dead and that he dropped out of college to become a bartender.

That’s a hard pill to swallow already, but it’s worse when Dad probes further on the college issue and Maru answers plainly: “It’s not that I quit. I was expelled.” Jae-hee is sweatin’ like a whore in church at this point, and though Maru has been forthcoming so far he finally admits, pretty boldly, that he doesn’t want to answer any more questions.

This riles Dad up, and it’s strange to see Maru sending pointed looks Jae-hee’s way, as though he’s doing this all on purpose since it rattles her deeply. Her hands are shaking so much in her lap that Min-young secretly reaches under the table to hold her hands still.

Dad turns his anger onto Eun-ki for not knowing enough about Maru’s past, but Eun-ki retorts that the past doesn’t matter – she only cares about their present and future together.

Eun-ki: “And what about you, Chairman? The person you decided to marry, even at a younger age than myself, wanted to be your woman when you already had a wife and a child. The person who seduced you. There is only a five-year age difference between her and your daughter. How much do you know about the hidden two-faced person that she is, and how much do you really know about her past?”

Oh. Crap. Gauntlet thrown. Dad pays her back by throwing a glass of water in her face, and all but threatens to write Eun-ki out of his will. He addresses Jae-hee and talks as if Maru isn’t there, telling her to get rid of him at any costs… because looking out for one’s child is a parent’s duty.

“If Eun-ki’s mom were alive, she would have done those things for her. So why don’t you take over for her now?” Dad asks.

Eun-ki goes running after him, leaving Jae-hee and Maru alone in the room. He asks her whether her world is really as nice as she says, and asks how much she’ll pay him to keep him away.

He sarcastically asks if she’ll give him the same one million dollars she tried to pay him off with before. She then demands to know what his objective is, and he turns on her fast: “What do you think I’m doing?”

With that prompt, Jae-hee’s paranoia takes over as she desperately fishes for the right answer. Does he want money? She has money to spare. Does he want revenge? It’s worthless. Jae-hee: “Be practical instead. Ask for money! You sell your body for money anyway, don’t you?” Ooof.

She’s not using it as a jab, but because it’s reasonable to her for him to take money, care for Choco, and live richly like everyone else. Maru finally loses his cool as he tells her that that line of thinking is the very reason he wants to take her back.

Maru: “I don’t know how glamorous, splendid, and great your world is. But that’s not where you belong. A person like you shouldn’t be there.” He claims that she’s living in the very world she bitterly despised during her days as a reporter, which is exactly why she can’t stay.

“If you can’t come down from there,” Maru continues, “I’ll go up there. I’ll go up and bring you down. I’ll kill your world. Pack your bags and wait until I come get you.”

Jae-hee asks if the place where he thinks she belongs is the slums she used to live in. Maru: “No. Even that place would be an honor for you.” Buuuuurn. BURN. Ouch, that even hurts me.

Eun-ki is waiting for Maru outside, and he uses a handkerchief to help pat her hair dry. He asks if she’s planning on quitting, and reassures her that he didn’t take the money and that he’ll be fine if her dad sends thugs to beat him.

But Eun-ki seems to be more in the “It was fun while it lasted” camp, which has Maru taking a proactive role to court her compared to his aloof dismissal before, which we now know is because of Jae-hee. He tries to tell her that they haven’t even been dating for twelve full hours yet.

“It may not be twelve hours since we’ve known each other, but it feels like we’ve been dating for twelve months. I just fell for you,” Eun-ki replies. “Even though it’s embarrassing and hurts my pride.” Hmm. I wonder how much of this is true. Maybe it’s all true.

She offers her hand for a goodbye handshake, but Maru instead proposes a goodbye kiss, maybe in a different setting. (I see what you did there, Maru.) He claims it’s felt like a hundred years since he met a woman he likes, so it’d be a waste to end things without a kiss.

Jae-gil’s girlfriend finds Choco working at a coffee shop, and blames her for the jealous doodling she did on one of their pictures together. Choco denies liking him, saying “My ideal guy is Ashton Kutcher, alright?” And Jae-gil’s girlfriend snaps back: “My Oppa looks like Ashton Kutcher!”

…Which Choco admits is true, after a pause. Hah. His girlfriend sees right through her and knows she has a thing for Jae-gil, who pops through the door right as she’s faking tears and calls her YOO-RA. (I love the running “I’m naturally pretty without plastic surgery” joke.)

Yoo-ra cries to Oppa that Choco stepped on her foot, and Jae-gil drags Choco out to make her apologize. She apologizes for the t-shirt vandalism but not the foot-stepping, which has everyone bickering again. This scene is really overstaying its welcome.

To sum up the rest, Jae-gil chides Choco like a little sister and puts Yoo-ra on a pedestal before piggybacking her whiny behind to the cafe Maru tends bar at so he can serenade her.

Everyone gets a brooding session, and while Eun-ki clutches her doll in the confines of her office, Maru shaves a block of ice into a nifty ball, which he then serves with alcohol to Min-young. Is he in Maru’s bar as a coincidence, or is something else going on?

It seems like a little time has passed, but not enough for Dad to get over the brunch debacle. He sends Joon-ha to deliver the news to Eun-ki that she’s basically fired from her job as Executive Director for the time being, which fires up Eun-ki’s temper as she declares that she isn’t going anywhere.

Joon-ha tries to dissuade her as she beelines for the meeting room, not at all dismayed when the door is locked. Despite her pounding at the door the meeting carries on as usual, until Min-young finally gets the go-ahead to let her in.

There’s another group that Taesan wants to acquire, but the only way they can work up the funds is to sell a resort in Aomori, something that has Eun-ki up at arms because they can sell every place but that place.

Luckily for Taesan, Jae-hee has a close contact with an American company who’ll pay them lots of money for the resort. Eun-ki’s dissent falls on deaf ears even as she swears to come up with a plan to get the funds herself. Like we thought, the resort has sentimental value attached to Mom.

Finally, Dad orders Eun-ki taken out, and tears into her when she calls him ‘Father’. “How am I your father here?” he demands to know, and literally takes Eun-ki to school in front of all the other board members. He appoints Jae-hee as management on the project, since the American firm is in Japan with the resort and thus presents the perfect negotiation opportunity.

Eun-ki is forced to stay and listen silently as Dad and Min-young iron out the details for Jae-hee to take control of the project.

And when Jae-hee herself gets the news, she can barely contain her happiness.

Maru ends up going through a box containing his old doctors’ scrubs and schoolbooks, and finds a picture of himself and Jae-hee inside. He flips the picture over so it’s not facing him, while Choco deals with one of his lady callers outside by frankly telling her that her Oppa isn’t picking up her calls because he’s a player and a con artist.

She had no idea he was inside and is mortified to know that Maru might have overheard her, but he takes it like a champ (as usual). She wants him to meet a girl he actually loves, and mentions Eun-ki specifically.

But Choco knows her brother, and knows that he can’t really date other women because he can’t forget Jae-hee. “Please forget her,” Choco pleads. “Jae-hee Unni will not come back to you now.”

Eun-ki calls him once he’s outside, and he asks whether she’s found a place for them to kiss yet. She asks him to name ten people who’ve thrown away their throne or power for love, and I love that Shrek, Princess Fiona, and Gu Jun-pyo (Boys Over Flowers) are among Maru’s picks.

The feelings/not feelings/pretend feelings in this drama are seriously messing with my head, especially when Eun-ki admits that she wants to see him. She’s calling from the resort in Aomori, Japan, which she’s trying to save from being sold off by her father and stepmother because it was dear to her real mother.

But she acknowledges that the odds are stacked against her, and guesses that she’ll be kicked out of the company if she fails. She doesn’t even have to finish her sentence, because Maru automatically cuts in and says he’ll accept her even if she loses everything.

Eun-ki: “Okay, I’ll believe you this one time. If it comes down for me to give up, I’ll give up quickly. If it comes down to surrendering, I’ll surrender even faster.”

Jae-hee pops up before she can hang up, and Maru gets to stay on the line (or Eun-ki lets him stay on the line) while Eun-ki plainly tells Jae-hee that she’s there to ruin her schemes, since she alone has found a way to get the funds they need without selling the resort.

Jae-hee calls her a liar: “I thought I told you. You can’t beat me.” She launches into a tirade about how far she’s gone to overcome all the obstacles in her life, and what she’s had to do. Basically, she’s made her bed, and she’ll make damn sure she gets to lay in it forever.

She leans in at the end to lower her speech and punctuate her words: “Don’t play around and just move, Eun-ki. Like I told you, you can’t beat Unni.” She even rubs in the fact that Eun-ki’s got nothing but time on her hands since she pushed her out of the company, and coos at her to go sightseeing and, you know, do all those other things people without jobs do.

Only once Jae-hee’s gone does Eun-ki hang up on Maru.

Eun-ki heads to a small house on the property where she and Mom used to visit, and admits to her Barbie that she did lie to Jae-hee. She hasn’t found a way, but “I am Seo Eun-ki. It won’t be taken away from me that easily. Believe in me, Mom.”

Meanwhile, Jae-hee meets up with the American businessman buying the resort, and even if they’re good friends, it seems a bit weird to say a business associate is sexier than you remember.

Eun-ki burns the midnight oil to do some serious number crunching, since everything’s better in a montage. Still without a solution, Eun-ki stares at the starry sky and affirms to herself and Mom: “Not yet. I won’t take my hands off this. I won’t give up yet. I won’t surrender yet.”

She ends up falling asleep outside, and in the morning a mysterious person picks her up… and dumps her into the nearby river. HA.

She comes up sputtering, face to face with a brightly smiling Maru. He’s there to help her get her shiznit together: “Let’s kill them all.”


Not going to lie, I thought it was kind of funny (in a sad way) when Maru was basically telling Jae-hee that for every moment she spends in her dreamlike, luxurious world, an angel loses its wings. Like every single second she experiences happiness after how she’s treated him causes an orphanage to spontaneously combust, or a baby seal to get separated from its mother. Maru declared war, and it was awesome.

This is the kind of show that really epitomizes the phrase “Your Mileage May Vary”, because there’s so much that’s just plain hidden from us. In the absence of exposition, I keep trying to not make glaring assumptions since they’ll always be thrown up in the air by the next scene, but I can’t waver in Indecisionland forever. I do love that we have a melodrama playing like a mystery, and it’s doing a great job so far of keeping the audience on their (our, my) toes.

I wish I could be that omniscient recapper who can read five levels deeper into each scene and discern the ONE truth the writer wants us to know, delivered from on high. But the truth is, I still don’t have a solid grasp on where fiction becomes reality, at least where our characters are concerned, buuut I’ll try to sort it out.

Yes, I think Eun-ki has fallen for Maru, but thinks she has control over who’s manipulating who. Yes, I think she knows who he is as well as his background, because it’d just be too out of character for her not do to some fact checking with him. Yes, I think she plays up the relationship to grate on Jae-hee’s nerves, but not all of it is just fancy pretend time for her. Yes, Eun-ki is very guarded, but she seems like the kind of girl who falls hard when she lets herself.

No, I don’t think Maru is in this for the good of Jae-hee’s soul, and what he’s doing is basically revenge. But the interesting thing about Maru is that he speaks like he’s going to bring her down for her hypocrisy, not just for what she’s personally done to him, said like he’s working on the side of The People.

She’s living in the same world she’d once condemned, sure, but last time I checked, that wasn’t against the law. Maru has more than enough reasons to want to take personal revenge, and I hope that he acknowledges that Jae-hee’s actions against him are what she needs to pay for. But who knows, maybe Maru does have a real grudge against those whom he thinks perpetrate social inequality and class injustice, and Jae-hee is all the things he hates rolled into one. I’m not quite buying it, though.

It’s where Eun-ki and Maru’s “I’ll use you/No, I’ll use YOU” comes into play that I’m honestly confused, but that’s not a bad thing. Maru seems in it to win it as far as bringing Jae-hee down, and I thought it was pretty telling that Jae-hee is so scared of him. He’s told her he’s going to bring an unholy fire upon both her houses, so who wouldn’t be quaking in their boots?

I’m just hoping Eun-ki is capable enough to handle the fact that Maru is using her, to whatever degree. The thing that makes her a step above the usual drama heroine is that I’m pretty sure Eun-ki is using him too.


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thanks for the recap :)
this drama really gets into me that I can't even wait till it was fully subbed. i like the fact that MARU's using EUN KI and vice versa and i just loved the way Jae hee is scared of Maru knowing that he will be her DOWNFALL..
i agree with you that it's really hard to guess or to believe whether they were acting or not in every scene esp when a feeling is a must.. well, they were actors who were ACTING in a drama..
i'm curios about this drama and i'm digging for more :)


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I'm not sure who wants what for now but I'm pretty sure MR and EK already fallen for each other, and I think they know it too. It's just that there are far more important goals in their mind to really care about it, plus it's kind of a mind-challenging game as in who will win and get out of it unshattered.


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Love it.. The higher she claims, the harder she'll fall.


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“I haven’t lived that long, but, you see, the thing is that when you start to think it’s too easy and everything flows your way and you skip along and whistle as you go…at some point you stumble or you find something is wrong. Especially if dirty or dishonest methods are involved. It seems as if now, you are half way to your destination. I’m saying don’t let your guard down because its been a smooth ride. As a fighter for justice, you think I would just sit back and watch you?”

Seo Eun Gi to Han Jae Hee

And that's why I adore Eungi. One of the best drama heroines of the year.


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I personally think it's part personal revenge and a fight against this horrible person for Ma Ru. He does have that personality trait where he just wants to knock down people who do bad things, like the guy who was beating on Cho Go's mom.

You can tell that Jae Hee, that scary bitch, has stepped on a lot of people to get where she is and Ma Ru senses that and he's like "this horrible bitch needs to be knocked down and left to crawl in the slums which are too good for her, not only for me, but for everyone's sake." He just hasn't really admitted to the fact that it's partly personal revenge. But he will...I hope.

Oh my heart it is so TORN. When i first heard of this show i was drawn in because of my Joong Ki love. I'm not a fan of melo's but i figured that it had to be good. And the director/ writer have good track records so I told myself I'd watch it. This has helped me greatly in my Gakistal withdrawal. BUT i love Arang and the Magistrate to death and when i heard that NG got ahead in the ratings race i felt so torn. I was happy and sad, since ratings mean so much to these shows. Cant' they just stay tied in ratings like they did for ep 3? Please? DX


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The two actresses, MCW and PSY, are so wonderful in their dynamic scenes where they try to out bitch each other. At first, it looks like JH is winning, but slowly EK is wearing away JH's resolve.Loved the way JH was shaking at the brunch table when EK was telling everyone that MR was her boyfriend! Score one for EK.

Even though all of the persons in this drama are such terrible characters, but I find myself rooting for EK. She is the most honest and hardworking girl who is so naive about love. I don't think she is in love with MR yet. She knows MR is a player and is using him only to get back at JH.

What Kdrama wouldn't be without an amnesiac or a birth secret? I hope they are a little more creative than having the usual automobile accident.

Who wouldn't fall for SJK as MR. MR has such a cute smile, but then he says something evil like "Let kill them all". Bring it on! Let them kick some JH's butt!


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Regarding the scene in which Maru confronts Jae Hee and says he's going to bring her down because if she succeeds it would mean there's no justice in the world, while I think that Maru is being extremely hypocritical, I also think he has more against her at this point than just the fact that she betrayed him. Practically every time he has seen her since they came back into each others' lives he has learned some new bad thing about her. At the end of episode 3, he finds out that she is cheating on her husband. At the brunch itself, he finds out that she started a relationship with the Chairman while he was still married to Eun Gi's mother. Remember, Maru's golden rule is that despite being a gigolo, he absolutely won't date married women. Since cheating is such a huge taboo for him, the fact that Jae Hee is willing to stoop that low (on top of the fact that she's willing to frame innocent people), must have caused her to drop in his estimation even further. Incidentally, it also confirms the fact that she doesn't love the Chairman but married him purely for money. And her reactions at the brunch confirm that the Chairman doesn't know about her past (such as killing that person), meaning that he married her based on deception. And that's not even counting the fact that she wants to steal Eun Gi's inheritance, since I'm not sure Maru realizes that until the phonecall later. So, basically, he knows by now that her betrayal of him wasn't an anomaly, or feelings legitimately changing with time, but in fact she is a wholly unscrupulous person who will do anything in order to live in luxury forever, and that is why he finds her despicable at this point in time.

That being said, I do think Maru is being incredibly hypocritical in that scene. If he just dated women in exchange for money, that would be one thing, but it seems that he deceives them into thinking he likes them and then cons them out of money. That is really reprehensible, and the fact that it's to pay for his sister's medical bills doesn't justify it. If he has the high ground over Jae Hee by refusing to date married people, it's only by an incredibly miniscule amount. I'm only putting up with this kind of behavior from the hero because I trust that he's going learn his lesson later on when he falls in love with Eun Gi. But right now she's the only character I'm truly rooting for.


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MR does not get a pass for being a gigolo from me. I accept the fact that it was his choice like becoming known as a murderer. Why accept such a horrible "brand" over the rest of his young life? Unthinkable. Just no.

He is a hypocrite and seeing that he was so close to taking a hypocritical oath to save lives just boggles my mind.

He's in the gutter and as he thinks it is too good for JH just makes me laugh. Both are selling themselves in exchange for what they "need" to survive, but can we not all say the same on some level?


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Oops! *Hippocratic oath to save lives...


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I think you got it wrong, MR being gigolo doesn't always mean he fools the girls. The only 1 time he didn't wholeheartedly when he help Jae-Gil's get his money back.

Hence, how many times Choco and JaeGil warns all those girl who came for MR...


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Can't wait for the next episode. Can't believe the plot's that good. Well maybe not too good for my mood swing :/ really want to see Jaehee feels like she's winning while Eungi-Maru are planning on tossing her closer to her end.


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Moon Chae Won and Kim Young Chul reunited as father daughter again.. Princess's Man and Nice Guy. :)


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Thanks for the recap!!!

I Love the splashing water scene when the camera focused on MCW, she looks stunning. When she grabbed JH from falling in the threadmill. i officially hate JH and Lawyer Ahn.

When Eunki called Maru from japan is so touching and heart felt. I think Eunki knows Maru and JH past.
Thank u for the hardwork!!
2 episodes per week is not enough, i wish there was more!!


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I think in the who-is-using-who department Eun Gi knows exactly what's she's doing, hence the phone conversation she had in Japan with Maru, she clearly intended for him to hear her and JH talk.

Eun GI and Maru will only admit they like each other if they let go of the their burdens in form of daddy/company and JH.

I wonder how they gonna play the amnesia thing...


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If they have MR "not" being in love with JH all of those years prior to their chance encounter and now, I will be not so amazed with this drama. To try and tie it up in a nice "true love" pretty-please ending with EG is not going to sit well with this viewer. JH only manipulated him to take the fall for her. Any other ending will be taken as a cop-out ending where love is concerned because the heart like a hearth can be rekindled all the time.

MR is a grown man able to discern what love is and it was not some "puppy" love because he sacrificed poorly. He'd do it again, and again for the one he loved only we, the audience, would hope the object of his affections was "worthy" of his selfless actions. [No one is, but it's done for love anyway.] Besides, it was his and JH’s kind of love where MR gave and JH took. Outside of his sister, it appears that he does not know the kind of love where he loves and is loved in return but then again JH was jaded from an early age where she did love back and her family prostituted her love so she apparently stopped. At least she acknowledged how bright of a light MR was to her. Some people cannot take the light shining so brightly on their doings and want to block it out---cruelly by some. She does not want to be awakened from her dream-like stat by that light, but it's an illusion. I don't agree that he has the right to take it away from her just because she obtained it by default. And yes, he is complicit in a way, but should forgive himself and move on, forget about her.

I may not sympathize with the MR's character, who’s given so much grief upon grief, the way the writer wants because it's by his own hands and choices in the matter as an adult. Has he become a glutton of punishment? Yikes! I hope not. His eyes are wide awake now knowing who the players are. He needs to stop feeling responsible for JH just because he inadvertently helped put in the Seo household. It seems his teaming up with EG is to right that wrongs to her family by the interloper JH. Just like Choco's mom struck MR at her husband's cries for help, I sense a déjà -vu later when the wicked step-mom's cries for help from EG who has amnesia....Family is first MR. Never should have left your little sickly sister’s side that fateful night….

All of the actors are great! Applause!

Continuing....Again, this writer is very heavy handed with the sympathy cards being played for the OTP and demonizing the antagonist which is like looking at an uneven see-saw when three people are on it. I tend to not have any sympathy when everything is apparent so at this point I'm not rooting for anyone other than MR to make it out alive/well because he committed no crimes. If we see that JH did murder that man in the motel and/or her husband dies by her hands, I'll write her character off completely and not look back. On the other hand if she is just another unfortunate character who’s skillful at turning life's bad events against her around to her advantage using others in the process, I'll reconsider my pov of her character, but right now, I like her character.

None of them are nice people but there are shades of goodness and niceness in all of them that peeks through the rubble of their lives that each one has created for h/herself.

It's odd that I only feel sympathy for EG where her father is concerned, NOT her mother. Mothers are people too and she left her young, and ADULT daughter [who made up her mind to stay] to live out the rest of her life in peace away from a brutal husband. It's her prerogative as a human being to live her life as she sees fit and she need not justify that desire to her adult child. Now if EG thought her "abandonment" cowardly of her mother, she's a selfish, bratty b of a woman concerned only with her "feelings"* and not that of her parents who sacrificed much for their daughter I would imagine. Her father's assessment of her is correct imo. She's weak and cannot take over in her current state of mind. When she referred to him as "father" in that board meeting I shook my head and cringed for her. Yet, I would think there would be some members of the board of directors that think like EG and want to keep her.

*She and JH have a lot in common.


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totally agree with you when it comes to MR! Why does he feel responsible for every mishap around him? Its frustrating to watch at times. I mean like how selfless can a person be, there are limits no? Stupid perhaps!
Among the three I like EG best, JH is too shady for my liking and a complete sham too. I know EG needs to be emotionally stronger but i like the fact that she's the only one with the right kind of ambition/agenda, i mean she's fighting for what is rightfully hers and despite all the trashing from her father she's determined as ever.
Funny how i still love MR despite his character ha! I just want MR-EG to fall hard <3 if only. But i've got a gut feeling the writer will play by the title T_T NO SUCH THING AS NICE GUYS!


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I think it will only be EG who falls hard in love with MR.

It will give the actress an opportunity to shine in this one-sided love triangle that is different, no? Not every kdrama should be so easy for the professional actors or the audience.

There are many card-carrying viewers and since this drama came off as a bit oppressive for MR, I took out the "reality-check" card. :) It may be swapped later on....


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that's going to hurt tons man! But well i better be prepared if that's what the writer intend to do. Although i was looking forward to their 'ill-fated-love' :)
I know all we can do here is rationalise.


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Am I the only one who's wondering, "if Lee Kwangsoo's character is a chaebol, WHY DOES HE HAVE A ROOM AT MARU'S HOUSE......."


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Yes.....And I will think the same if EG moves in too. LOL!


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Jae Gil's character description has been the most deceiving. If the characters didn't mention he's rich I wouldn't even know it at all. Just based on what he's doing - he doesn't know how to drive but he knows how to manually saw....or Maru's been slaving him for 6 years. Probably.

So far his comedy seems unnecessary and out of place.


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I agree, Jae-gil and Choco's scenes feel really out of place and even long (for me anyway). I'm not really interested in either of them because their characters aren't as fleshed out (Jae-gil less established than Choco). And it rather strange that he's living with Maru when he's "rich". But then again, there's a lot of things we don't know yet in this story and that's what makes it even more interesting.


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Damn. This drama is great. I seriously sometimes don't even know what's going on. Can't wait for the next episode. Hahaha maybe it's because I'm a big Running Man fan, but damn can Kwang Soo sing. I was surprised again.


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I was enjoying the episode except for the awkward scenes with Choco auditioning and Choco vs I Need Romance Girl over Tall Guy. (See - they're so unimportant to me I can't be bothered to learn their character names.) Anyway, I ended up skipping through these painfully unfunny scenes. I thought they threw the story off track and had nothing to do with anything.

Besides all that, what's up with that mysterious Lawyer Ahn? He goes to Ma Ru's bar and orders an ice baseball, but we don't get to see any interactions between them except a staring contest. Then in the previews it looks like Ma Ru coming out of a room and there's Lawyer Ahn. Are they working together? Are they using each other? I feel like there's something more going on here.


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hey hey begger--
agree with you about choco. she's 20+ yrs old and acts 14.

someone needs to bitch slap her into present day...shes the downer of this drama.


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Love the drama so far, but one thing kinda irks me. Song Joong Ki's character is supposed to be broke, so why does he drive a fancy new car? (yeah, sponsor product placement I know, but still)


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Hahaha...No confirmation yet, but I had always assumed the car was JG's since he can't drive and is chauffeured all the time. JG is supposed to be from a pretty wealthy family.

Then again, I can also see a wealthy woman buying a car for MR. Not like he doesn't have the opportunity or skills.


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he's not broke...he's a gigilo. and still lives in the house his dad built---me thinks there is a storyline about that house.


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about the house, i think jaegil mention somewhere, 1 of the reason why maru is still living in the house is that he's hoping that JH will come and find him someday, and if he leaves the house, JH wouldnt be able to find him...


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Holy Cow...this drama is choke full of fodder for drama threads all over the map!

i find myself thinking a lot about this drama because of all the possible betrayals, attacts, love scenes. wow--it's mind boggling to me!

and that's just it...possibilities. hard to even guess what is gonna happen next.

but ya know what...? YOU'RE EVEN SEXIER THAN I REMEMBER. who says that anyway...no one! just hoping viewers don't get the wrong idea and start greeting others with this opening line because it's just sooooo (gives me chills) bad.

thanks for recap.


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LOLs lols and LOLS....

that's exactly my sentiment.... what's with that foreigner???!?!?!?

No one says you look sexier than ever on biz trip not even in friendship nowadays



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I'm terrified and would be traumatized if the story will take the same route as A Love To Kill.

Writer-nim please have mercy on my heart.


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This show is really intense, which I love. I hope Jae-hee gets her comeuppance good and hard, and everyone who's on her side gets taken down too. Is that too harsh?

I love Maru and Eun-ki together. But I'm not sure about who is using who here, and if the other is aware they are being used. This show gets confusing with all the underlying tension and drama and stuff. But I love it anyway.

Thanks for the recap, HeadsNo2!


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I'm loving this show and all the underlying tension between the characters! It does feel like a manipulative mystery!


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Frankly, I'm trying to take all the events at face value right now rather than theorising about who knows/thinks what (it's confusing enough attemping to keep track of what the show is telling us, let alone attempting to keep track of what we can read into each action/word - and I don't want to be disappointed if the proceedings turn out to be less intelligent/well-crafted than I thought they were). Thus, Eun Gi didn't leave Ma Roo on the line on purpose, Eun Gi still doesn't know about Ma Roo being her saviour on the plane (she only tried to use him to provoke Jae Hee because she saw Jae Hee's expression when Ma Roo brought her back home), etc etc.

That being said, I'm glad that there's much to enjoy here beyond plot machinations. The acting is top-notch, and though I'm a little disappointed that Eun Gi isn't as badass as she seemed at first, her loneliness and vulnerability make her relatable and a character I can get behind. <3 And I love that we get these tantalising little glimpses of backstory and motivations as we go along (although I can't wait for the big reveal(s)!).

And, on a side note, I really like what an earlier commenter pointed out about Jae Hee seeing Ma Roo as a provider of something she desires rather than someone she loved? It seems to be a recurring theme in her life, and I find that pretty fascinating (though it doesn't make me like her, of course).


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The chemistry is awesome between the leads. Stepmum vs stepdaughter. The ex boyfriend vs ex girlfriend. The new couple? I just breezed through the first four episodes and cannot wait to watch more.


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awkward. I'm definitely the only one that's favoring park si-yeon over moon chae-won.
but that's only because in every drama i've watched with moon chae-won in it, her character has always bugged me to my limits. even if it was always because she had to have some form of corrupted influence from her family.
i'm biased i know, but seriously, moon chae-won and song joong ki. (waaah no. please no. writers, just let si-yeon be nice and let song joong ki take her back after she gets some crazy ass shock to get her back in check).

i just want si-yeon and joong ki to be happy on their boat. let moon chae-won be happy with resolving tensions between her dad and give her the attorney. the man is pretty cute.


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I am with you on favoring Han Jae Hee over Eun gi. I dislike Eungi so much.

This drama is lacking for me right now though. It's not boring, but I'm losing interest.


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Okay...so this is a little off topic. But I was re-read the plot summary of Nice Guy and it says that Eun Gi is going to have an car accident that makes her lose her memory....is that accurate or was that just a mistranslation about referring to her car accident in ep 1 that affected her lungs?


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Insights like, "Jae-hee is sweatin’ like a whore in church at this point," and, "I’m just hoping Eun-ki is capable enough to handle the fact that Maru is using her, to whatever degree. The thing that makes her a step above the usual drama heroine is that I’m pretty sure Eun-ki is using him too," totally keep me coming back for more.

Thanks for these awesome recaps!!!


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Why stop here? You're not planning to continue recapping? Sad...sad...sad :-((


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Yeah, I'm hooked on this drama. I can't believe I'm only 4 episodes in. The sheer level of story makes it feel like I've spent a much longer time with these characters.


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just a quick pointer. after brunch, when MR met EG outside, EG actually was going to carry on with their r/s despite parental objections. but MR ask her, at what price? giving up the company? (cos he is sure her dad would disown her by marrying an unsuitable man) that's when EG said, let's break up. cos EG main motive in life is to revenge her mom and herself, by gaining control of company and kick JH out.


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