Arang and the Magistrate: Episode 13

Okay, this episode made me change my mind about wanting all feelings out in the open, because our hero’s achy breaky heart just kills me. It’s. So. Sweet. It’s a great example of when angst can be so good when it’s motivated by larger-than-life conflict, and when trying to hide your bleeding heart can be just as romantic as putting all your cards on the table.


K. Will – “Love Is You” (Arang and the Magistrate OST) [ Download ]

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We finally return to the confession (Man, what a long week) as Eun-oh says he doesn’t know why he’s like this, “But I’m going to like you, Arang.”

She tells him not to, and he reminds her that she’s the honest one, who said she was going to live doing and saying what she really felt. But she looks up at him now, “What use is that?”

She says she doesn’t feel the same, and turns to go inside. He grabs her wrist and pulls her close, “This is the last time… Is that how you honestly feel?” His pleading eyes kill me.

He searches her face, and she returns a quiet “Yes,” though her eyes start brimming with tears. He lets go and sighs with a little smile, accepting that it was he alone who struggled with his feelings. No!

Arang shuts the doors and swallows back her tears, because she’s a lying liar who LIES. Grar! Eun-oh spends the whole night pacing in the yard and sighing up at the moon.

He gets up in the morning and stands outside Arang’s room, and then goes to the marketplace. All the local townspeople bow to him now, calling him Magistrate and thanking him for what he’s done.

He stops by the shoe vendor and picks out a pretty pair for Arang (awww) and the man thanks him for changing this town—not just giving them rice, but a place they can go to when they need help.

Arang stands outside Eun-oh’s room, worrying that he went out last night and never came home. He returns to find her standing there, and tucks away his wounded heart to greet her with a cheery smile.

He presents her with the shoes and sits her down to place them on her feet. She pulls her foot back from his grasp for a moment, and he lowers his gaze, “Don’t worry. I know what you’re thinking. But I said I’d send you to heaven, and that’s the only thing I’ll do.” What? That’s not what she’s thinking at all! Waaaaaaaah.

He tells her that she has to look pretty when she goes to heaven, and asks if there’s anything she wants to eat, have, or do before she goes. “This oraboni [oppa] will do it all.” How cute. At least her going to heaven gives him an excuse to do everything he wants for her.

Her two requests: peaches every day, and for him to eat three meals a day, because they don’t even bother to give her food if the magistrate doesn’t eat. He asks if that’s really it—all food? She nods, saying that even a ghost who died while eating is always hungry.

Dol-swe gives them the stink-eye, and Eun-oh tells her to ignore it. They head out to check on Bang-wool’s progress, and don’t see Lord Choi’s minion snooping on them. He gapes to find the girl he killed… very much alive. Joo-wal heads in as well, a minute too late.

Bang-wool clutches the book she was looking for happily, and apologizes to Arang for opening her big mouth around Dol-swe. She’s figured out the talisman—it’s not for blocking ghosts, which is more like a side effect of sorts.

The talisman is to block out heaven; ghosts are just included in that package deal. Arang and Eun-oh look at each other curiously. Arang remembers the liver-eating demon in the cave and says that must be what Mu-young was talking about: A soul gets trapped somewhere and gets twisted and turned until it’s unrecognizable.

Bang-wool confirms that whatever keeps ghosts out also keeps them in. Arang never saw any ghosts on that property though, and Bang-wool guesses that whoever made the talisman is doing something with them.

Lord Choi stews at being ordered around and left out of the loop, and wonders why Mom would want that girl to be untouched when she’s already dead. But that triggers a memory—him as the young hunter, and Wife in a different body—telling him that she believed that such a being existed, and if she could have her, she could live forever.

He gets confirmation from a confused Evil Junior that the girl is alive and well, even after he made sure she was dead. Lord Choi still feels like he remembers her face from somewhere too… and then recalls having seen Seo-rim when he went to see the magistrate years ago.

He laughs, finally caught up to speed on what Joo-wal and Mom are up to. “It has come! It has come!” He’s even more amused to hear that Joo-wal stopped by looking for Arang too, as Evil Junior shares his suspicions that the young master is in love with her. Lord Choi cackles in glee.

Joo-wal waits and waits outside Arang’s room like a lovesick puppy, as the Bangs note his strange behavior.

Back at Bang-wool’s, Arang sighs that finding out the truth about her death scares her now. Eun-oh tells her she has nothing to be afraid of; he’ll find out the truth and send her to heaven, like he promised.

Bang-wool says the counter-talisman will take a while, so Eun-oh gets up and says that Arang was right all along. The fastest way in is to just hop the fence. He has a pretty good guess too… where suspicious activity might be going on in that creepy house.

Mu-young tells the Jade Emperor that he has it wrong. Uh, pretty bold for a grim reaper. He swears that he’s ready to do what is necessary, but Jade hesitates—how could he possibly have come to a conclusion already? Doesn’t he need to think, weigh his feelings, figure things out?

Mu-young reminds him that becoming a heavenly being meant cutting all those ties and living without any of those human conditions (and connections). But Jade actually disagrees, thinking that the process is necessary to be sure of one’s heart.

But Mu-young insists that’s for humans, and he’s the grim reaper. “What do I have to do?” Jade finally relents and presents him with a dagger. He says it must go in the heart, and can only be used once. Seriously? You couldn’t have made a spare?

Mu-young asks now what the reason is—why he’s the only one who can do this. Jade: “Blood. Only the strength of the will to cut the ties of blood can kill her.” I knew it.

Goddamn, fate’s a bitch. But it also means that Eun-oh’s got a chance too, right?

Mu-young gets straight to work and goes after another of Mu-yeon’s demon reapers. She can sense his disruption and fumes, breaking the jar and killing her own soldier so he can’t be used to track her down.

Back up in heaven the kings resume their usual badook game and Hades gloats that he was right about Mu-young all along. He never once rebelled when Jade kicked his sister out of heaven, and before that he even chased her down and brought her back when she escaped. Interesting.

Hades puts up a side bet that Mu-young will capture her successfully, and offers a hellfire barbeque. Hee. Jade asks what he wants, and then quickly adds, “But not my goat.” Ha.

Eun-oh tells Arang to wait a safe distance away while he scopes out the House of Horrors, and she laments not being able to jump rooftops like she did in her ghost days.

Mom heads out as Eun-oh gets closer, and she senses something… Arang? She decides to go take a peek at her face, and just misses crossing paths with Eun-oh. He makes his way inside to the house with the trapdoor to her lair…

Mom wears her black veil and makes her way down the road, but then stops in her tracks when she senses something else entirely. Is it Eun-oh? She whirls around. Oh, it’s Mu-young!

His face changes immediately as he recognizes her, and she smiles, “It’s been a while. Four hundred years?” She says she looks a little different, but whadduya gonna do; it’s the price of being human.

Mu-young: “Is that why you’re living like this? To be human?” She calls him oraboni and actually says this is all his fault—if he had helped her up in heaven, she wouldn’t have had to do any of this.

She knew that the Jade Emperor had a way of making her human, but Mu-young tells her it was wrong. “That’s why I found my own way, but you ruined that too!”

Flashback to Mu-young taking away a young woman’s soul after she died. Mu-yeon has followed him there, and once he leads the soul away, she sneaks in and lies down in the dead body, possessing her first shell.

She flashes an evil smile. But as soon as she steps foot outside, Mu-young chases her down and knocks her out of the body, kicking and screaming. She wails that she doesn’t want to go back there, but he ties her with the red rope.

Back in the present, she asks bitterly how he felt, giving her up to the Jade Emperor. Was he relieved when she was kicked out of heaven too? He sighs that rather than suffer in hell, he thought she’d be better off.

Mu-young: “But living like this for four hundred years, hopping from body to body… not human, not ghost… I never imagined you’d live this way.”

She thinks it’s impressive what she’s managed to do, but he warns that she’s possessed with ambition, feeding into that one deepest of human ambitions—to live forever. She wonders why that’s such a bad thing, and he has to spell it out, that in order for her to do so countless innocent people die.

He takes out the dagger. Mu-yeon actually moves closer, like she’s daring him.

She puts her hand over his and pulls the dagger right up to her heart, calling him oraboni and telling him to stab her in the heart and prove to them that he’s a blameless heavenly being. Oh, she’s good.

He freezes, his hand trembling in hers. And then we see that this whole time, it’s Mu-yeon’s face he sees looking back at him. She smiles and says she was too hasty because she wanted to see Arang’s face, and asks him to tell them that she is indeed good bait. She says they’ll meet again, and walks away. Mu-young stands there holding the dagger, shaking.

And up in heaven, Hades reels. Jade sits silently, having known this would be a bigger dilemma for Mu-young than he cared to admit.

Meanwhile, Eun-oh hasn’t found anything suspicious yet, but then his demon-killin’ fan starts to shake in his hand. Okay, that’s creepy.

He flares it open, and it causes the trapdoor to crack ajar. Whoa. He tries to push it open the rest of the way, but it won’t budge. The fan still shakes with some kind of mystical energy in his hand, so he stands back and swings it at the door… and it slides open. Nice.

He makes his way down and wonders what the hell these people are up to. He tries to pry open one of the jars, but it won’t budge, so then he just carries one out with him. Yessss! I love a practical hero. Just take that jar home!

Arang waits outside, but it’s Joo-wal who finds her first. He says he waited for her to come home and warns her not to come around here, his voice trembling.

But it’s too late, and Mom’s voice rings out as she approaches. He quickly moves in front of Arang, holding her hand with a vise grip. He tells her to stay behind him.

Mom finally gets a peek at Arang’s face and smiles at the pair of them. She introduces herself as Joo-wal’s aunt, and says she was just out to meet someone, and that at night, things you can’t see during the day appear more clearly.

Joo-wal can barely contain his terror, but holds it together as she heads inside. She turns back to compliment Arang’s figure, which is so creepy because you know she’s sizing her up like her next outfit. *shivers*

Arang tries to get Joo-wal to loosen up on her hand, which he hasn’t even registered that he’s holding.

But Eun-oh walks up just then, and sees them holding hands. Aaaaaah, the pain, the stabby pain!

Joo-wal finally lets go and tells her to go home safely, and heads inside. Arang watches him go with a wistful look, and Eun-oh’s heart sinks even more. He asks her what she’s doing, and she doesn’t tell him about Joo-wal, which just makes the whole thing worse.

Joo-wal finds Mom waiting in his room. She wonders why he brought her here—is it because he’s changed his mind? She lights up at the thought of having Arang’s body, making her even more anxious to get rid of this tired old meatsuit she’s been wearing.

She says she gave him a second chance because his ambition was unlike others, and he wanted so desperately to live as a human being. His ambitions were simpler than any she’d known before—to have a home, and food, and a mother. But she warns that there are plenty more where he came from.

Arang touches the jar and feels a weird, cold energy from it, but doesn’t know what it could be or how to open it. Eun-oh just shoves it aside, clearly not the first thing on his mind right now, and lies down. He says he’ll take it Bang-wool in the morning.

She wonders what help a shaman who can’t even see ghosts will be, and adds that she couldn’t even hear other ghosts besides her.

She gets up to go to her room and he calls out with his eyes closed, “Arang, I will somehow endure you not looking at me. But you looking at someone else… isn’t so easy to endure.”


She doesn’t say anything in return and lingers outside his room instead. He opens his eyes once she’s gone and lets out a sigh.

Mu-young returns and asks for another chance. Did you learn nothing the first time? Jade shuts him down right away and Hades just stalks away without a word, and Mu-young bows his head contritely. Jade warns that the bad mood will last a while this time.

Mu-young finally asks about Eun-oh—he had the Jade Emperor’s things in his possession. What is he? Is he the contingency plan? Jade: “Yes.” A direct answer? It’s a miracle!

Mu-young asks about the blood tie then, and guesses correctly another time: that the body Mu-yeon is wearing is Eun-oh’s mother.

Eun-oh heads out early the next morning and brushes past Arang coldly, telling her to stay home. He brings the jar to Bang-wool, and asks if she can’t feel the weird energy from it. She can’t and pitches a fit that he’s showing off, and then quickly apologizes for her outburst.

He tells her to figure it out because there isn’t much time. I don’t see why you wouldn’t do the same thing you did with the mass grave—just tear those suckers off and pry it open.

The Bangs offer Arang a special tonic, and she eyes them suspiciously, but figures it won’t matter if they poisoned it anyway and drinks. Heh. It turns out they’re being nice because they want to know which ship she’s on: Joo-wal or Eun-oh.

But she runs off in the middle of their question when she sees Dol-swe, and he shrinks back when she touches his arm. She apologizes sincerely and asks him not to be so hard on Eun-oh, because he really depends on Dol-swe.

She says that it’s not what he thinks, and Eun-oh is just helping her with something. Dol-swe argues that that is the troubling part—his master isn’t the type to care an ounce about anyone else’s problems, but look at him now. Look what she’s done to him.

Arang just offers the only word of comfort that she can—that she’ll be returning to the afterlife soon enough, and he can have his master back. Dol-swe turns around to find Eun-oh standing behind him.

Eun-oh sits him down and tells Dol-swe who Arang really is, and calls her the agasshi he guarded with his life that night. “H-how does a person become a ghost, and then a person?”

Eun-oh says she’s a person and he’s helping her with something. He admits that he’s someone who never once cared for another living soul, muttering that Dol-swe seemed to describe him eloquently to Arang, heh.

“But like you said, I’ve changed.” He says for the first time in his life, he was worried about someone else. “I’ve felt something lately too… that you, Dol-swe, are a hundred times better than I am.”

He says that Dol-swe guarded Seo-rim with his life without ever once having met her, but Eun-oh is just starting to care about the plight of others. He muses that someone like Dol-swe really ought to be the magistrate.

Dol-swe calls it nonsense, but Eun-oh means it, and says that rather than those who are born to noblemen and have nothing but that in life, people who can be kind to others ought to be the magistrates of the world.

Dol-swe promises to stop being mad and picking on Arang, and then wonders to himself as he walks away how long Eun-oh has seen ghosts, and if that means those rumors when he was a child were true.

Eun-oh sits the Bangs down and asks about Lord Choi, acting like he intends to become better acquainted with the man and be on friendly terms. The Bangs say that he wasn’t from Miryang, but came about twenty years ago, from Hanyang.

They note now how interesting it is that every nobleman who lives in that particular house does really well for himself. Ya don’t say.

Lord Choi was pretty famous for offing any political enemies and getting anything he wanted, but it was Eun-oh’s father who ousted him from public office. That’s news to Eun-oh, and hopefully a lead that’ll send him digging into his family’s past.

Meanwhile Lord Choi’s doing to same, and sends his minion to find Eun-oh’s mother and bring her back here.

Joo-wal just sits in his room brooding, and stares at the table of food sitting in front of him. Mom’s words that all he wanted was warm food and not to be ridiculed by others sting, and he overturns the table in anger.

Arang sits in her room as well, and then decides that she can’t just sit here thinking about Eun-oh, and tells him she’s going to Lord Choi’s house to look for those ghosts who were supposed to help out, but went missing.

Eun-oh tears out of his room and blocks her path, and tells her not to go there. She declares that she’s going, and Eun-oh shouts at her to just listen to him for once. She shouts back, asking why he’s been avoiding her all day, why he won’t look at her or talk to her.

Eun-oh: Because I don’t know! I don’t know what to do. I promised that I’d put your heart at ease, but that’s not so easy to do. I barely pushed it all down, but you… you were looking at him. When I saw that, the heart I had pushed down started to quake, everything turned upside-down, and I couldn’t keep it at bay any longer. That’s why… I began to regret that night.

Even if you said we couldn’t, I should have argued. When you said you didn’t feel the same, I shouldn’t have believed you so easily. Even if you said that was how you honestly felt, I should’ve ignored it; I should’ve convinced you! But… I can’t do that. I promised I’d send to you to heaven, so how can I lose face and turn back now?! That’s why… because I don’t know what to do. Damn it. Why is it so complicated!?

Oof. I died about three times over in that speech.

He storms off leaving Arang spun around… and of course Joo-wal chooses this moment to come for a visit. Eun-oh seethes as Joo-wal bows and says he’s here to see Arang. If there were lasers in those eyes, Joo-wal would be a mound of dust.

Joo-wal apologizes for not escorting her back last night and asks for some of her time, to accompany him out. She looks up at him…

But Eun-oh interrupts, “I can’t [let you] do that.” Joo-wal says he was asking Arang, but Eun-oh gets up in his face. Oh, it’s go time.

They stare each other down, and Arang looks back and forth between them. Eun-oh repeats that he’s not going to let that happen, “So get out!”


The confrontation between the boys isn’t so much of a climax since it’s a conflict that already exists, but the confession was. Such a great outpouring of honesty from Eun-oh, who has taken some huge leaps as a character in the last few episodes. Arang’s denial is frustrating in the sense that I want to see her hurry up and embrace the life she’s been given no matter how short, but I love that for the time being, it has the effect of making Eun-oh struggle with his heart.

The one refreshing thing about this particular denial situation is that Eun-oh knows all the reasons why she’s denying her feelings. That’s why it works well as a source of angst and doesn’t feel like a cheap drama-driven Big Misunderstanding. Here it’s the laws of heaven and earth, life and death, that keep them from acting on their feelings, and they each know that. Eun-oh is just the first to realize that he can’t control his heart, even if it’s on a crash course, and a cruelly short one at that.

It’s nice to have Mu-young’s conflict come to the foreground, especially because he illustrates the interesting dynamic between heavenly beings and humans in this universe. He was so convinced that he had left all his humanness behind, and yet there’s a line he can’t cross because of his human connections, no matter how old. I’m fascinated by Mu-yeon’s backstory, and love that her conflict is at the core, the same as Arang’s—they both desperately want to be human.

The simplicity of that adds a surprisingly sympathetic dimension to Mu-yeon—not in a you’re-not-evil way, of course, but more like we get the why in the thousand years of death and destruction. Agents of chaos, evil for evil’s sake, someone who just wants to defy the gods because she can: scary, but not so interesting. A supernatural being who just desperately wants to be human again: suddenly verrrry interesting.

Now I find myself curious what life is really like up in heaven, because she makes the Jade Emperor sound like an overlord and heaven like a prison. Was she unhappy? Bored? Did she simply desire something she couldn’t have? If she always had that streak of evil, how in the beans did she end up in heaven? There’s something I really like about her in that basic conflict though: She knows the difference between just existing, and living. Her problem lies in the very nature of life though—that it ends. It sets up Arang and Mu-yeon to be two sides of the same coin—accepting death gives one life, and clinging to life brings the other death.

All we need now is for Arang to wake the hell up and start living. There’s eternity for thinking, but very little time left for smooching!


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so sorry, would someone help me clear this:
I seemed to have seen a flashback of the time (bad) Mom took Joowal in. It showed her looking as today. That can't be possible, since she only took possession of this body (Eun Oh's real Mom) just these last 3 years. The scene showed Joowal then looked only about 6 or 7 yrs old??? That's quite a long time, maybe fifteen, twenty years?
At that time she should have looked different.


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It wasn't the same body/actress. They only showed a tiny bit of her face, but it isn't the same, and her voice was totally wrong. They just weren't ready to reveal that bit about her, so they didn't give us a good look, to keep us in the dark.


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I wrote a blog post about it when that episode aired, and I put up a side-by-side comparison of the two. You can see it here:


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so there it was! i kept reading these comments about how mom had a different face in previous episodes and i couldn't find it (granted, i didn't have time to look really thoroughly). the blood stain on her side is very interesting. arang did mention to eun-oh that every now and then, she'd experience a piercing pain in her side, and wondered aloud if she'd been stabbed there. if your screenshot is from the scene where we first see arang being led away by the reaper, then i'm even more stunned by the level of detail from the drama. thank you!


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I don't think they showed her full face in that flashback.


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dang!!!! What do they feed these guys in the army? Before Lee joon gi joined the army, he was already a good actor, but now, he's gone from good to GREAT!!!!! Love love his portrayal of Eun Oh. The show has turned me into an anxious sentimental wreck. can't imagine life once Ep 20 ends. Can we resurrect them as modern day demon hunters cum sleuths? Can you imagine how hot it would be with Jun ki kicking ass in a tux and Shin Min Ah punching the living daylights out of a thug in high heels and slits???? power to the OTP


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I was wondering about that too. Do they get extreme acting workshops in the army? Lol


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As much as I love Eun Ho (and Lee Jun Ki), I have to say that my favorite character is Mu-young. Who would have thought that you could have such a hot, I'm sorry, I mean interesting and compelling Grim Reaper?!?! I feel as sorry for him as I am for either Eun Ho or Arang. At least they will get their moment (even if brief); however, I am pretty certain Mu-young will have nothing at the end because he really has nothing now but the pain of his sister's face.


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I know, I feel so bad for him knowing what he has to do (and now can't manage).

Makes you wonder what Mu-yeon was like as a sister :/


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Okay. Breathes in. Breathes out. Just finished watching it with subs and whoa.

There's so many things in my mind right now but firstly, omg EunOh, what's with the fan move? Totally ROFL. Literally. I was thinking how convenient would it be if they have cameras then so he could have some evidence. Then he came out carrying the jar! Good thing I wasn't eating coz I'll probably choke on my food.

I'm so glad that they let us see some of Muyeon's past because I was wondering why she got kicked out of heaven. So she actually had a purpose. One thing I'm curious about though is how do they become fairies and reapers when they were once human?

The characters in this drama are so well-rounded, the writers deserve recognition for it. *claps* All of them were there for a reason. They have desires, regrets, strong emotions. We don't get that a lot in kdramas. Most of the time, characters were put there for random conflict. In Arang, I get to try understanding each one's POV. Each one has a story to tell and the stories are worth watching.

I kept on thinking about how this will end. I suddenly have high expectations now, writers, please don't let us down. Jade, I believe that you'll give Arang and Eun Oh a happy ending right? Possibly by using something of your own. *cough* goat *cough*

Seriously, there's more about that goat he's not saying.

Thanks girlfriday for the recaps! You complete my wednesdays. Ahhhhh next episode feels so far away..


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I saw the preview before watching the episode and was imagining what I would do if I were in EO's shoes when I see those urns. I was thinking to myself, maybe I'll bring them home, so I almost totally flipped when he did exactly that! Great thinking, man!


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Now that you mention it, that goat has been mentioned more than once. And knowing the writer of AATM, it definitely has a purpose.

Can't wait to see what it is!


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I'm waiting for subs on this one so I can come back and be properly squeeful.....but can I just say I love these two and am now living in legit fear that they aren't going to be together in the end (because giving shoes to a girl = terrible things for a couple, in kdramaland)


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"All we need now is for Arang to wake the hell up and start living. There’s eternity for thinking, but very little time left for smooching!"

Alls I'm saying!!


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My dearest chinggus,

I've watch the drama just now.. I cry just when this episode starts, when both of them swallowed their sadness... As well during the time uri Satto put shoes on arang feet.. :'(

* Fake smile always kills me.. Just when EO try cover his feeling by acting normal towards Arang..

I immediately chuckled when Arang said she want peaches to always be around and eat 3 meals per day..

I realized that EO tried to make his love for Arang as unconditional kind of love.. But the moment JW walks in the picture, the pain in his eyes are sooo real... It is as if he himself had experience been rejected before T_T

I salute LJK for making his emotions look so real in this drama.. As if he really love SMA but been rejected. He can potray the emotions well by just using his eyes.. It rendered me speechless.. His teary eyes make me cry too..

As for JW, altho I feel pity towards him, but looking our OTP partner in pain due to love kills me..

I love EO & Arang too much to let JW have ARang...


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Darn it! I cried too..
I had prepared myself all week for this. Somehow I knew Arang would reject him and I knew EO wouldn't put up much of a fight. He knows if he does she may run off to Joo Wal and we can't have that happening now can we? He feels that even if he may not have, her as long as she is by his side then everything is all right.

But when I actually saw it happening I couldn't take it any more.

In EO's words, "why does it have to be so complicated?"


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Oh gosh Eun-oh. This man got me so bad at "oraboni"!!!!

So sweet and yet sad at the same time. And his closing speech, it's like they took everything I ever wanted a guy to say to me. heh. Where did this guy learn to get so in touch with his feelings?

And Arang, please step it up as well soon, or at least come back to your spunky smart-mouthed self. Kinda miss her these last 3 eps


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Is there any difference in meaning between "oraboni" and "oppa"?


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I believe the only difference is orabeoni is the word for oppa during that time. Lile historical way of saying oppa


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I have a question that departs from the love focus here...does LJK does his own fighting scenes or are the fight scenes using stuntsmen and skilfully digitized somehow with his face?? cos it looks helluva like he's doing those high kicks all on his own??

Those high kicks aren't easy at all (I tried imitating just for fun and man can you pull your hamstring on it) and if he's the one doing it (with so much grace and manliness), I'd say he deserves 100% to be kungfu-shipped.


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Yes, he didn't use stuntmen for sure. You can find an article about this in Allkpop forum.



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Lee Jun-ki does it all by himself in addition, he does some of the choreography for the fights. He has a passion for martial arts and even own a black belt in Taekwondo. I've watched a video of him before doing those high kicks at the set. He is the real deal, such a joy to watch.


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Here's a video of him practicing the stunts prior to the start of the filming for Arang. This is ep 5 of a mini showcase titled JG Style, catered for his Japanese fans. Subtitles are in Japanese and Chinese. In the video, he says he hasn't had much practice for a long time because of his army but he will do his best to deliver the best effects for the drama. The wiring stunts are the most difficult for him because the straps hurt him (as is the case for most men).

The video takes some time to load but it does work. Just leave it to load before you play.



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Wow, thanks you guys for answering my question... I've been looking at him in a different light since ep 02 ..frankly only ever saw him in King and the Clown. and now this revelation..can anyone be more blasted away than I am right now? (And I'd been blasted to smithereens by his smoldering eye-work consistently every episode) Now I'm looking at him in yet another completely different aura-emanating, admiration-dripping, 'could-anyone-be-even-more-perfect' light... *runs away screaming*

And thanks for the links and video! I'll stream it when I get a better internet connection..!!


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Need to clarify: While Eun-oh is digging information about Lord Choi,
"Meanwhile Lord Choi’s doing to same, and sends his minion to find Eun-oh’s mother and bring her back here."

Here I think it's Lee Seo-rim's maid he wanted his minion to bring back, ( his minion said after taking care of LSR's funeral, she headed back to her daughter in some city)

Thanks a lot for your wonderful blog and recaps, I enjoy coming back reading your posts and brilliant comments always.
Love this show, and let's hope for a happy ending for Arang and Sato.


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Ack. They're going to make Eun Oh have a lifetime of Spike (as-William-of-the-Bloody-Awful-Poetry) Mommy issues, aren't they?

And lordy, his eyes ... his beautifully long, tortured eyes!


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wow! such development! it feels like the climax for the last three episodes!


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That was so so so good. I just love all the characters more and more. Lee Jun Ki is such a great actor, and so is Shin Min Ah. I'm gonna be so sad when it will end...But since the end will be awespectacular, it will be okay ^___^

It's really great watching innocent and pure-hearted people after watching Nice Guy last episode T_T
It's so nice to see a guy like Eun Oh loving desesperatly the right woman, a woman who deserves his love.

Their chemistry is just..wow. I can't wait to see Arang waking up and follow her heart! :D


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thank you very much girlfriday <3<3 !!!! as always your recap for this drama for me is an event not to be missed!!!!!!!!!! loooooooooooove it! I love how Eun Oh has become more sure of his feelings in despite of his refusal, however, he is aware of the real reason to Arang! I am very anxious to see the progress in their history :D:D is very interesting story of the mother devil, when he will meet with eun oh!How will his reaction?? I'm not interested in the ranking cuz people don't know what gets lost not watching arang :D REALLY ! one of my fav dramas of all time :D:D i'm serious looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove it....lee jun ki is the best<3 thanks :$


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I got chills when the mother devil met Arang!


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Please, please, please let the next episode begin with Arang finally stepping up and choosing Eun-oh! I can't bear to see much more of that suffering on Lee Jun-ki's face (which I must admit, I never found that interesting or attractive until this show came along).

Writers: when episode 14 begins, please have Arang ust step up, grab his hand or arm, and lead him away from Ju-wal, and I will feel a little less burned by Eun-oh's aching heart.


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as much as i want that to happen too, sigh. A BIG SIGH. after watching ep14 );


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I also found that my spirit has been crushed a little more after watching 14. Of course I saw it with no subs so maybe there is a little hope?


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what? plzzzzz sb have mercy on me and say what happened tonight!!! im going all crazy just wondering....
yeah.... i exactly understand how satto feels... not being able to endure!!! :((((


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From what I can see without subs, she rejects his hug and remains cordial throughout the episode, but gets no closer to accepting his love. Of course, I have no clue what was said to each other but the visual was enough to make me sad. The very end of the episode has a great cliffhanger. I didn't need subs to understand!


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oh ure making me all the more restless now! ANOTHER cliffhanger?! & ive already lost a whole week (which was supposed to be spent studying!) imagining anything possible or impossible for that last week "majimakida!".... now to make that lost week two... im sure gonna FAIL my exam!!!


Don't worry^^ Arang must have rejected him again but it's not as bad as the last time coz she's trying to hide her feelings for him but it's totally obvious even in her words that she likes him too. Okay i'm not gonna spoil it for you. Lol


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I'm just wondering if Eun-oh isn't the Jade Emperor's son? The offspring of the Jade Emperor and Mu-yeon?


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I like the way you think!!!


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There definitely seems to be more than just the Jade Emperor taking pity on a dying boy whose mother is too wrapped up in revenge to love her own son. But with the actresses they're using for Mu-yeon's human form, I don't think Eun-oh's mother's body was possessed with Mu-yeon when he was that little. Based on what the 3 Bangs are saying at the end of this episode, combined with the last known sighting of Eun-oh's mom, it looks like Mu-yeon has been in Miryang for many, many years, but Eun-oh's mom hasn't been there for more than 3 years -- about the same time as Lee Seo-rim's death.


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Thanx fornthe recap! My internet connection is really slow today that i have to resort to reading recaps. Anyhow, the only ending i can think of is for Eun oh to die and join Arang in heaven and they'll live happily there together and annoy hades at the same time. eun Oh died once and it is possible that Jade emperor extended his life just enough so he can kill mu yeon.


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so Mu Yeong can kill Mu Yeon, his sister, coz their blood related and so can Eun Oh because he's blood related to the body Mu Yeon possesses?!?! technically the body is already dead so I don't think Eun Oh can actually deal the death blow.
ahhhh like Eun Oh said, its complicated. in this show some people die over and over again, some people almost die, some people are long dead but still are walking around and some people don't die at all!!!


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I'm guessing that it will take the two of them to get the job done.


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salute! totally agree!

i like your "in this show some people die over and over again, some people almost die, some people are long dead but still are walking around and some people don’t die at all!!!"

LOL funny but true! :D


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My thought exactly about EO and Mu Yeon. He only has to figure out it isn't his mom just her shell.


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Ugh...my heart hurts for EO! Come on Arang~


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I so so so loved this episode! I was leaping up with joy or screaming or cackling out loud at every other scene. Not to mention flapping my hands like a chicken and repeating, "Oh my Gossssssssssssssh! Oh my Goshhhhhhhhhhh!" Talk about an episode with a lotta reveals and a lotta conflicts just rolling out fast and furiously one after the other. This the joy of a drama...one's patience with the slow reveals just are so wonderfully rewarded in a chapter like this!

So it seems that grims and fairies are another kind of humanoid creature made by the Jade Emperor?

IF Big Bad wanted to live as a human, wouldn't she have wanted to know and understand love? But she has reached a place in her existence where love isn't enough. Only a coveting and hunger for more life... Which on the one hand is understandable because her only place to go now is hell, but on the other hand...even with immortal life what the heck is she gonna do if she is so indifferent to that pesky stupid emotion called love? I mean for a spirit who wanted to live, why the heck does she sit in a dark shed all day?

The knife, alas, will have to be wielded by Eun Ho's mom? Now was Eun-oh's mom the fairy when she had Eun-oh? Is that why she never really loved him? Did she have the body when she was impregnated by Lord Kim?

My sweet Ju Wal, I know he will redeem himself! But, uh, maybe after he attempts to kill Eun Ho for getting between him and his destined one.

And what the heck is Lord Choi scheming to do? Ah, my gosh!!!!! Suspense!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I'm wondering a lot of things about EO's mother and her vendetta with the Chois, she says he betrayed her family and turned her into a slave and she wants revenge.....and the one to banish Choi is EO's powerful dad?! And then she goes to find him and have her revenge and ends up possessed....this is so interesting.


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What is it going to take for Arang to confess to EO?
EO in a life threatning situation? Or maybe she gets in a life threatning situation and realises that even in death or hopelessness or fear and worry she still wants him?
Im pretty sure we are not getting a confession this week. Maybe next? Either way I have high hopes for her confession...

EO is having such a hard time and it's only the beginning. Everytime I see him my heart breaks and i want to cry. Arang after you confess you must make it up to him. You must make him smile and laugh again and allow him to be able to hold you knowing you both love each other OK???

I think Moo-yeoung was a human before and maybe she missed it. It makes sense because the Jade Emperor said Moo-young was a human in the past.


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Arang has lost her spunk and hasn't done much this ep. The 2 guys have stepped up to the plate and hopefully next week, we will see Arang in action.


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Dang..true love ! Why so painful !


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sigh. our puppy hero got his heart broken again.. the look on his face when Arang pulled away from his hug just breaks my heart as much as his.

and also,

Jade : But, not my goat.

SERIOUSLY, what's with this heavenly pet of his which has a mini flower landscape on top of its body?! a heavenly beast in disguise? *rolling eyes*


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LOL ~mini flower landscape~ :D i tried to find out if there's really a goat figure in mythology associated with the Jade emperor but there's none.


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Love this couple. EO was fantastic with his confessions to her. Hey, Arang...uhm...do wake the hell up!


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I just wondered why it is there's always one of the main characters who has everything to lose. Like our Magistrate's been having a hard life and looking for his Mom most of his time and he's finally in love, but with a ghost-back to human girl whose body his now evil Mom wants to eat ans whose time on earth is counted. So he'll probably loose his lover even if they meet in the after life, and his Mom won't have a life anyway even if she doesn't die of is own hands and she's back to being normal ('cause what can she do after being all evil for so long and just wanting revenge for years when she was human? Have her son caring for her for the rest of her life?)
How do you go back from living this kind of live? Like the Magistrate will take care of others is he survives, probably, but will he be able to settle down and marry and all if Arang does go to heaven and he kills his Mom or sees her being all evil, etc?

I love this show, but it's crushing down my notion of happiness, like most kdramas do. (Though it does sublime the idea of love thanks to the star-crossed lovers doomed by the stars...)


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Loved this episode.Great mixture of drama, romance, and comedy.

When Eun Oh brought the shoes for Arang, I said Oh NO! Good gesture, but isn't there a saying if you buy a person some shoes, that person will run away from you? Or is that modern?

Arang is so lucky to have 2 hot guys after her. Although Jool Wal has a outward appearance of a handsome gentleman and that's why Arang fell for him, he is a loathsome creep.When Eun Oh confessed and Arang both had tears in their eyes, so sad. Oh crap! Get out the tissues!

Also, when the Jade Emperor said "not my goat" as the prize for their wager, LOL. I think Hades and Jade are the comic relief in this drama.


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Yes! I'm dying for a smooch, here.

Thanks for the recap! :D


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OMG I just barley figured out who is playing Mu Yeon. I love that actress!

Dang, this show is good. I know I've said that a billion times but... it is. So, Eun Oh's mother is dead but her soul is not in heaven or hell... would she be in a jar? Or did she turn into nothing when stabbed with the dagger? This is what I'm wondering. EO's Mom doesn't seem to fit the type Mu Yeon would go for unless she was desperate. Doesn't it seem if she had to choose a body it would be that of a young woman that had years of life in her? So my questions are: Why her and where is her soul?


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Absolutely agree! Arang, get to the smooching already!


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fingers crossed that it's a GOOD smooch, I've seen Shin Min-Ah in The Naked Kitchen and she's definitely capable of making a kiss all swoony if she's awake and kissing back ;)


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I first became a fan of LJK after My Girl but the way he's grown and matured and become an actor who can make you hurt with just his eyes is amazing.

And this whole episode is just too many FEELINGS for me to think straight. I love that he confessed, that he admitted he had a hard time with keeping to his promise but kept to it anyway and didn't force Arang into changing her response to him even if they both know why she's doing what she's doing, re: confession. I love the fact that they're honest with each other (well, mostly anyway) and I can't wait for more of the EO-JW faceoff next ep!

I'm glad we're back to mystery-solving too, but I really, REALLY need to know why Lee Seo Rim was killed. Poor girl never did anything but fall for a serial killer :(


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Lee junki is a great!!! His amazing!!! Love all his drama and movie!!!! I've been following him since the (time between the dog and the wolf) not sure the tittle!!!! This drama he did a good job,, his acting make swoon!!!


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when i watched the 2nd confession i was like ~Arang, if you're not getting him then I WILL~ LOL.


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lawl lee jun ki's earring holes were distracting xD (makes me remember my girl~~)


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Ha ha even I noticed the same thing ...


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All those LJK fans who were complaining there were too many mysteries must feel like idiots now! Do they get now why its so much better that the writers took their time unravelling different mysteries rather than revealing it all in the first few eps?!! Oh they of little faith ; )


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^There’s eternity for thinking, but very little time left for smooching!^

Hahaha you just kill me with your closing statements! ^-^

Thanks again for the recap!


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Thanks for the recap!

Absolutely love this show<3
Looking forward to it every week!


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Eun-oh was the heart and soul of this episode. He really stepped it up, and I am so proud of him. But I hurt for him too for all the anguish he's dealing with.

I understand Arang's reluctance to give in to her feelings for Eun-oh, but that doesn't stop me from feeling frustrated. In this instance, I totally side with Eun-oh.

I feel really bad for Joo-wal. He really is a pitiable character. I don't see him as evil, just as a lost boy who wants a home and a mother to look after him. Poor guy.

I really enjoyed Mu-young's journey in this episode. Now we know that no matter how long you spend reaping spirits and taking them to heaven or hell, there is still a streak of humanity left inside. I feel bad for him.

Thanks for the recap, Girlfriday!


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Eun Oh my heart hurts for you. Before this it was cute to are them both in denial. But now I realise that with his confession, it is bringing a newv dimension to the drama. But yes, u agree, pleade ignore the short time and just be with Eun Oh please...


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I cannot understand, for the life of me, why Mu Yeon wants to be human. Humans die. Humans grow decrepit riddled with aches and pains. She would have lived forever and been ageless as a fairy in heaven. Mu Yeon has only been living like this for four hundred years; compare that to the Jade Emperor's snarky fairy who has been living for a thousand years...

Joo Wal was so cute trembling in fear while holding Arang's hand and shielding her from Mom. It is really refreshing how honest Eun Oh is with Arang laying all his feelings out in the open, but I don't know if I like clingy Eun Oh. Every time he brought up Arang looking at Joo Wal, I wanted to scream, "You don't own her!" Even if she were lying about not liking him, he has no right to force her not to look at other guys.

Thanks for the recap, girlfriday!


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"All we need now is for Arang to wake the hell up and start living. There’s eternity for thinking, but very little time left for smooching!"



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I know maybe I'm the only one who is different here..
But really, I ship Arang with Joo-wal too..
Even though in his case, I really hope that he will leave Moo-yeon and start a new proper life..
Because I see how his life is sad too, just like how Eun-oh's..
Anyway, I'm fine with Arang-Eun-oh too.. :D
This complicated feelings of mine.. *sigh*


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The grim reaper's love for his sister is different


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I cried over into how he hold his feeling.. its damn touched and heartbreaking


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