Yoochun considers new drama project

It might be a fast turnaround to dramaland for Park Yoochun, who has been offered the lead in a new project only months after completing his last. Reports circled that Sohn Ye-jin might be his co-star, but she turned down the role due to her movie schedule, which is too bad since she’s one of my favorite actresses. The project is a conventional melodrama called I Miss You (or more literally, I Want to See You) about first loves. Groaaaaan. That’s redundant, dramaland. That’s like saying your show’s gonna have a cast, and a director, and possibly even a love square with second leads. GASP!

On the upside, the project’s got some good pedigree, so we can’t say it’s down for the count. Writing is Moon Hee-jung, of Last Scandal of My Life, Smile You, and Can You Hear My Heart. All projects with solid, positive reviews. And directing is PD Lee Jae-dong of Thank You and Can’t Lose.

The story centers on a first love at fifteen, that gets torn apart and leaves both parties carrying the deep scars. They meet again as adults and then comes the angst. Correction: more angst. It’s described as a “hide-and-seek kind of love story.” It’s not a lot to go on, but it might be enough for me to say it’s not my kind of thing.

I love first love stories when it’s the story of first love at the time, as in when you’re young and stupid and horribly awkward (See: Answer Me 1997). But when stories center around grown adults and who angst for sixteen episodes because they haven’t figured out how to move on from a love they felt fifteen years ago, my eyes tend to auto-roll. Most dramas just shoehorn the trope in and focus on the present-day connection which works fine, but dramas that are All About The First Love usually make the characters seem juvenile (See: The Moon That Embraces the Sun). Aaaaanyway, let’s hope the writer’s got something good up her sleeve to keep the story out of beentheresville.

I Miss You follows Arang and the Magistrate (Wednesday-Thursday) on MBC, so we’re looking at a late October premiere.

Via Nocut News, My Daily




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Woohoo! Looking forward to Yoochun new drama. Is his rooftop prince that drawn me into Kdramaland with no return! (I know am late in e kdrama craze). Hence am now fully transformed from hkdrama to Kdrama.


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Welcome :)


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Me too - SO looking forward to seeing more of Yoochun


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yup, i'm looking forward to seeing more of YC
but he hasn't decided to take this one, has he?
hope the drama is more than what it is described above


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yes welcome indeed beware though you wont be able to leave it lol I have been a fan since middle school, lets say I now have a lovely family of my own, yep a loooonnnggg time. Don't have time to watch it as much as I use too but that's what dramabeans is for! <3


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welcome to the drama land..

be thankful and grateful to Mickey!
if not him, you won't be exposed here! lol!!!

You've got a LOT TONS of drama watching to do :)


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Ooo! I will look forward to YooChun's acting performance in his new drama!! Woot Woot! :D (I can't help myself when I think of Park brothers are reaaally adooorable!) XD


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I don't mind it if it's done right! Bring on the melodrama. Too bad Son Ye Jin didn't sign a kdrama yet... I just LOVE her--don't care for Yoochun too much though. =X


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Yoochun... Worst actor EVER!

what a douche...


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Really Mia,douche??...that's not nice.Whatever happened to just saying,he is not my favorite and you keep it moving.People forget that these actors are people too and just because they can't see what you write about them doesn't mean you get away with it.You reap what you sow.How would you feel if someone said you were a douche.Be respectful and you get respect in return even if we're talking about entertainers.


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Maybe because she knows he beats and cuss at his saesangs fans and she doesn't like violence?

I for example don't like him as Yoochun but dp think he is good at acting and watch his dramas.


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ohhhh god. I dont wanna get into an ugly fan/anti war here, but please don't judge without knowing(and if you do, think twice). First of all, I am not saying that violence towards women(or anyone for that matter) should be condoned. But, let's look at a few things here:

1. Sasaengs fans have been stalking DBSK for years. Like almost since their debut. Let's subtract a year or two to account for their rise to popularity. Soooo okay. That makes about 7 years. 7 YEARS of being stalked around the clock.

2. They've stolen DBSK's social security numbers and their cell phone numbers. There was actually one time where one of them (i think it was Changmin, maybe I'm wrong) changed his cell phone number and then he got a text saying, "oh, oppa you changed your number!" Another incident is when Jaejoong texted Yoochun and told him to come out somewhere and he got a text saying, "Who are you and why are you calling Yoochun?"

3. Girls have actually broke into their house before, and they took pictures of Jaejoong or something. They uploaded them to the internet, but idk if they are still there.

4. Girls have left feces near the entrance to their houses. Like seriously, WTF EW.

5. Sasaengs hire Taxi's to follow DBSK. There's actually this whole thing where a group of taxi drivers get together and take sasaengs around trying to follow DBSK. DBSK have been in car accidents because of this. Freaking car accidents.

6. Once, a Sasaeng that was following them and almost got into a car accident. The members saved her. From then on, they had multiple incidents of sasaengs trying to get their attention by being in a car accident

7. And of course, saesangs, hit/grope/touch DBSK all the time. Violence should never be condoned. but why do people take sides against DBSK, when it's obviously the fans who are wrong too? In one incident, Changmin and Jaejoong were trying to go to a bathroom at this public place, and two chinese fans tried to follow them in to get video footage. Later when they came out, the Sasangs threw the video camera at Changmin and started hitting him with a bag. Now of course, that's not the only time that they've been hit. If I had to include them all... well i'd probably be here for another hour.

8. Sasaengs have bought houses just to be next to them. Freaking houses. Like, all the way from China.

9. Here's some more random incidents:
Copying the house keys to DBSK's home, Changmin's finger was broken once because of a Sasaeng, the Rock in the Bag Happening (mentioned above), Identity theft with the member's Family Social Security numbers, Call member's family after finding their phone numbers, Block service of TVXQ's cellphones and check the call list to make sure who's a girl or not, Breaking into TVXQ's house and look for their legal stamp in order to forge marriage papers, Put in (their own) underwear into member's bags, Stealing member's possessions... oh this list could go on forever.

10. The members have pleased before for saseangs to stop. One time Chanmin cried infront of them. One theory is that he was actually crying, and the other is he cried to try to make them go away. In any case, it didn't work.

so, bottom line is, while I don't exactly think that they should have used violence, it was clear that nothing else was working. And hell, that didn't work either! You know, when you look at it this way, it's really more like self-defense. Plus, it's not like the sasaengs were like hit with a rock or had things thrown at them(ex. Changmin) After being stalked for 7(+) years like that, don't you think you would have blown your top too? Hell i would have after a month.

I just summarized the main problems and incidents, so if you go here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QXbyYQjPbfXtdcRF4Uh9k-2wx_VUHzfbjV80ZnwsRHg/edit?pli=1

you will find a crap ton more. Don't judge a situation by what it appears to be.


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I agree, no fan/anti war here. If Rui likes watching Yoochun's draman, she may prefer not seeing him as violent person, so I'll add just a short one to DarknessEyes. :)

Rui, I suppose you're referring to that audio incident where we could hear Yoochun swearing at the phone, and Jaejoong supposedly beat his sasaeng fan.

I am very suprised that people would still believe that when I read alongside with all the other news concerning that incident, that:
1- the girl supposedly beaten up in the audio said herself that actually Jaejoong had only flicked her forehead.
2- the audio had been edited and some sound modified, so the flicking would sound like beating.

And what's the deal about Yoochun cussing at his sasaeng fans? He has been harassed by them for years, why wouldn't he have the right to be angry that these sasaeng keep calling him on his phone?

Seriously, with all that these boys endured, I am suprised that they didn't go mad.

I'm sorry I don't remember where I read these articles, but if I were able to read them, then you should be able to find them quite easily. If anyone absolutely wants the links, I'll try finding them back.

PS: DarknessEyes, you forgot the MENSTRUAL BLOOD!!! Of all the sasaengs misdeeds, that one shocked me the most. Like, ewww!!!


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I know what terrible things they did, but still violence is not the way. They have money, get some good boyguards!!

Plus Yoochun has pictures and a video showing him slapping twice a girl.

Some say she slaped him first, but to slap twice and very hard like he did. No. I'm sorry I don't approve it.

Is the same as if, if I kill someone the parents from the other person can kill me. No they can't.

I said I can watch the drama he is in and see him only as a character not a person.

I know what these sasaengs did is horrible and all, but violence is not the way. Sorry.

And It is my opinion, I don't like him as a person that is my opinion, you like him that is your opinion. You say I don't know him in real life, well, you guys also don't so everyone can think what they want.


ohhh yeah ur right i forgot the menstrual blood. I was going to put it on there, but i guess it just slipped my mind lol.


@Rui, I'm very sorry if you took my comment badly, it wasn't my intention at all!

I was just a bit surprised you would consider Yoochun as a violent person because to me he isn't (it is only my opinion). I believe the girl did slap him first, and it's not the first time, neither the last, that it happens to him. So I am not surprised he would lash out at the girl. I don't think we can call violent someone who lashed out. To me, a violent person is a person that would choose violence to solve any problems, or would even choose to beat up persons on a regular basis just for the fun of it.

I totally agree with you that violence is not the way. I am a pacifist and I would rather hurt myself than hurt someone else. But human beings are only that, human beings. Of course, as rational beings, we can choose weither or not to use violence. But as human beings, we are also vulnerable to psychological and physical abuse, so we cannot always be rational, especially under situations of stress and pain. Most people blaming someone for having lashed out definitely have no idea of what it is to be under this extreme pressure. This is only my opinion. But to me these people are naïve if they think that a human being is solely a rational being.

Anyway, I'm sorry it you felt like I was criticizing you, it really wasn't the case! I was only discussing a bit about this situation. What shocked me the most with all these scandals, is that if Yoochun had been a woman, and the sasaeng fans boys, nobody would have blamed him.

Of course all these are only our own opinions, I just believe that opinions are made to be discussed (meaning I can change of opinion too), that's why I had answered in the first place. I didn't mean to upset you!

Well, in this case I won't change my opinion because to me, these are only ugly rumors to screw up with JYJ. In my opinion, these kinds of things happen in other idol groups as well, only that they are well-guarded by their company. It is just way too convenient that that stuff would only happen to JYJ.

Then again, this is only my opinion...;)
Have a nice day!


umm, you heard that the audio abt him n Jae cussing n 'hitting' their sasaeng fan have proven heavily editted, right? there isnt 'violence' even occured, and if you said the report was false, the report that cleared this out, was from Ent. Relay who actually known to report negative news abt JYJ before (just like Dispatch, who at first was the one reported the audio in their site). it just unfortunately this time their witness turned out said opposite what they hope. and there was also a youtube video from audio analyst who did analyzed the audio in which you can hear that the smack sound was added in n the audio was editted (and i was wondering abt the sound too since i was in drama team for almost 7 years and we did alot of audio recording for our plays).

and for the blurry youtube video, the owner of the video herself have posted in her cyworld/blog that no violence ever happened. and many eyewitnesses on that event (back in 2009) also said no violence ever happened. many said it wasnt him, others said it seems like accident. and as far as i remeber, back in the day, the girl herself came forward and said she wasnt slap/hit. thus this video didnt even being talked again in SK nor make it as news in SK, not like the latter-proven-as-editted audio which became major news in SK n internationally. the video came out again this year after an anti fan posted the cut video on her blog/cyworld. thus you wont find any full length of the video anywhere.

even after all this mess, medias, celebs even non-fans in SK show their support to JYJ. even so many shows/celebs later made fun of the false report (gag concert for example). then many celebs later than talked abt sasaeng. and as you can see, before this mess even until now, not even 1 negative report abt JYJ. just like you wont found full video or the un-editted audio anywhere. all you ever see just those short blurry video n the editted audio (in which Dispatch didnt even really shown the full audio as they promise).

before the audio n video until today, you WONT found any report that said JYJ was behaving badly or un-polite to others. all you can hear was praised from their fellow actors/actress even sunbaenims who work with them. even those who havent work with them also praised them. like World-famous violinist Jung Kyung Hwa who praised Yoochun in KBS2′s “Win Win” (who hosted by Kim Seung Woo who work with YooChun in Ms Ripley).


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i'm sorry a hard-working young man offended you so much with his efforts that you had to call him a douche. he's only had three projects, please respect that he is still on his way. i'm not saying that criticism is bad, but please make it well-founded.


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if Yoochun is in it then i am gonna watch it^^
a bit disappointed to see that Son Ye Jin declined the role :(
i hope the drama is good..i dont want Miss Ripley part 2..


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Yoochun has improved tremendously from his early acting days...and I don't even listen to DBsK or JYJ, so I'm not biased....he's got great screen presence and I'm glad I gave him a chance and watched his later dramas...he's got it in him! Yeay,,,,Yoochun,,,,but Booo...why SYJ too busy...they'd be great together!


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a word to describe an individual who has shown themself to be very brainless in one way or another, thus comparing them to the cleansing product for vaginas.


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LMAO sabohee thanks for the laughs :)
I'll probably end up watching this drama~~ I watch nearly all of them (yes... i even watched all of Dr.Jin)... except the daily ones~ though i did watch all seasons of High Kick :p


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LMAO. Thanks for that nugget of gold. Learn something everyday.

Though I agree that if I'm watching this drama, it won't be for Yoochun, it'll be for Writer Moon and perhaps whoever his female co-star will be, but I don't think the guy is a "douche" who is trying to make his transformation from "idol" to "actor." Gotta give him credit for his effort at least. Have seen way worse.


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I had no idea douche meant *that* hehehe now I forgot the angry reply I was gonna post to the original comment.

Beanut war, averted! Thanks sabohee!


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you welcome :P


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In case you're despairing about the story, there's this Jane Austen novel about a couple who fell in love and broke up early.

It starts 10+ years AFTER the lovers have broken up. The dumped guy returns to town to "romance every possible marry-able lady EXCEPT his ex-fiancee". Because, y'know he totally doesn't care about his ex. Nope. Not at all. See how he dates everyone else?

You will love it for those "Oh crap it's my ex with a young hot girl and I'm wearing an ugly dress what the f*ck do I do now?!" moments. We've all been there, right? :D

+++ points because the guy isn't some socially-restrained Darcy but an I'm-trying-to-be-a-playboy-but-I'm-so-not-over-you-yet type.

If Yoochun's new drama is like this, I'm sold!

PS: The novel is called Persuasion and it's my favorite of all Austen novels. (Better than Pride and Prejudice, in my opinion.)


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Waah, this wasn't supposed to be a reply to this thread. :'( Sorry, beanut friends.


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You get major points for bring up Persuasion! :)


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OMG... i would love to read that Novel!!!!

I've read Yoochun isn't confirmed on this as well.
Son Yejin's agency said it was offered to her long ago but they were not given the script yet! ... writers what are you doing??... coz most of the time... Rush scripts tend to go downhill.

I hope there's more to the story than just cliche "can't get over you" kind of stuff


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The book is free (as are all other Jane Austen novels) at Project Gutenberg!


Any oldish-old book whose copyright has expired is free at Gutenberg. They even have a list of "most downloaded" if (like me) you just want to find and read popular classics:
- Sherlock Holmes
- Dracula (really creepy; this will make you hate/fear vampires again)
- Fairy tales by the Grimm brothers
- *cough*kama sutra*cough* (do not download/research if you're a minor; I shall not be held accountable!)
- Peter Pan
- Count of Monte Cristo
- Da Vinci's diary O_o
... and thousands more! :D You can find "lists" like top downloaded, top authors, etc here:

Aaah, 100 years from now, will there be such a database for kdramas? <3


Persuasion is so great! i have read it like 10 times and i never get bored.
As the Jane Austen's book club states: "Don't understimate the power of a well written letter".


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Yay Persuasion - my favorite book of all time!


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wow! i sense a hater here! -_-;


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that's rude girl. you didn't have to be so harsh and offensive. you could just say you don't like him, period.
what did he do to you? ¬¬.


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Serious?? When I first saw him in SungKyunKwan Scandal I didn't even know he's a singer!


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You're not lee soo man, are you?


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HAHAHA i see what you did there :)) :))


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LOL probably one of his workers :P


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I think Mia mean SS505 Kim Hyun Joon as the worst actor of all time but a very good looking one , the douche part is a little harsh UNLESS you are personally know that ...as for me: i'm looking forward to his new acting gig , i love ' The Roof Top Prince "


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Woah, that's rude, very rude. My mama says a person who calls another a douche is way lower than a douche herself, so I pretty much know where you are standing right now, that is - LOW!!!


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Woah, that' rude, very rude. My mama says a person who calls another a douche is way lower than the douche herself. So, I pretty much can see from here where you are standing - LOW!!!


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Ms mia,
If u dont have anything nice to say, then dont say anything at all. Its that simple. It shows your immaturity.


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You're so rude. You don't even know him in person, you don't have any right to call him a douche. Maybe you're talking about yourself.

If Yoochun were the worst actor ever then he wouldn't get any drama offer at all.


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It's cool that he might be returning to dramas so soon, but I wish it was a little more plot driven than just first loves. But it's still early, maybe it will surprise me!


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Love the picture, love the guy. But IF he really does it I also hope the story's better than it sounds. Couldn't even finish Miss Ripley.

That said, I dearly want him to be releasing more music first.. October's too soon....


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I like the writer a lot, I enjoy all of the writer's works. Let's hope that this will be good. I like Yoochun from Sungkyunkwan Scandal, I'll say he's quite a natural actor. But his management company is great because they keep landing him in dramas with famous co-stars, Park Min Young, Lee Da Hae, Han Ji Min, etc.. Hahaha..

It's too bad SYJ rejected the offer but I hope thet another actress of the younger generation and maybe someone younger than Yoochun or around the same age like him can take up the role.


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i want kim seo hyun -- is that how her named is spelled - the girl with kim bum in bof

i think she'll be a lovely lead in that kind of story ~~


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So do I! ... I was just thinking that they would look great as the leads to such a drama. Sadly she's busy filming another drama (Horse Healer) so I doubt she can do both :(


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I agree with you about the first loves thing. They dwell on it waay too much in kdramas. And really, most people are emotionally healthy enough to move on. Hopefully this will be a good vehicle for Yoochun to improve his acting skills. We can all hope. (I enjoyed Sungkyunkwan Scandal and Rooftop Prince, but he has a lot of room for growth in the acting dept.)


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Aww she has turned it down already? I'm super excited that he's going to have another drama! I'm actually happy it's a conventional melodrama, I'm one of the few who love them.


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* well, I love them if they are done right ;)


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That was fast, her turning it down.
Man, I love him but can I just ask for a working class normal happy guy of a leading role for him? Cos' when he smiles * I dies * :-)


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gaahhhh i know right! his is so adorkable.


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gaahhhh i know right! he is so adorkable.


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Fairly generic description, which is perhaps why it reminds me of Will It Snow for Christmas?, which I liked well enough. (though that was perhaps due in large part to Go Soo. And Kim Soo-hyun. And Song Joong-ki...)


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Usually K-dramas make stories revolving around first love too angsty. Which makes it a bit too much. One of the best Asian shows that I watched (which dealt with first love) is Tatta Hitotsu no Koi.


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Sounds like a lot of unnecessary angst. 15 and scars from a 1st love.

What is SK trying to say to its young ppl that one cannot move on from their youth or past? As an international viewer, the cultural exchange has me looking sideways.



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Ooh, my inner fangirl is just dying to see Yoochun in something - ANYTHING - so this is interesting. But a melodrama...about first loves...hm, not really my thing. I really hope there's something more to it. =\


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I hope he passes on this one. I'm tired of Kdramas making actors play so much older than their actual ages. Sometimes it works but Yoochun has such a baby face...


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Am not watching 5 fingers & May Queen cuz am just sick of melo & romance combo so no thanks al stick to the happy stuff (tho i am watching Gaksital...oops! Double standards lolz)


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i also hate melodramas..but i have high hopes in gaksital that it will have a happy ending..lol..


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well its the opposite for me as most freedom fighters are known to have lost their lives so i went into gaksital knowing that was a huuge posibility as it adds authenticity to the whole story, plus am not really into the whole romance thing, i'd still enjoy it minus the whole 2 guys loving the same woman storyline!


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I think you're okay. Gaksital kinda sets its own standards, even if it is a melodrama. ^^


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Ah, this plot horribly reminds me of Will It Snow For Christmas. But I love CYHMH, so I'll be crossing my fingers. Sometimes plot lines aren't all what's the story is about. I miss Yoochun :) I hope he gets more challenging roles so that he can continue to grow~


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And central to CYHMY was a romance between two adults who met in childhood, too.
Although do you think theirs was a "first love?"


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Bleh, this just sounds boooooring. Or like one of those dramas where one honest, mature conversation would take care of all the misunderstanding that make up the plot.

I love YC but I don't want to watch him being all mopey and getting skinnier and more unhealthy for 16 weeks. I hope if he takes this it's because he/they know more about the plot than we do. (I don't think I can stand another Jin-like fiasco for one of my JYJ boys.)


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melodrama like can u hear my heart is bearable. yoochun's been doing great in his past dramas. i'm ok with anything as long as it's yoochun is the lead.


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i hope i'm wrong, but i think the plot is going to be full of cliches... i'm not that invested in watching it even though Yoo chun will be there.


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Thank you for the news!


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Good news for him, not so much for the viewers considering the plot. :)

@Girlfriday: would you also hav any news about his lil' bro's "comeback" to kdramaland?


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Not loving what I'm making of the storyline thus far, though maybe if they tweaked it a bit I might.

I mean, isn't "Nice Guy" essentially a story of first love gone wrong? Hopefully the new drama will have more plot than just two loves, separated and thrown back to express their love/angst/agony in never ending circles.


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If they actually play hide and seek I would be all over this.


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I think it will be kinda like this Spanish Soap Opera from the 90's called Caminos Cruzados.... Omo the two leads were first loves but as always they end lol they get some life experience but their lives are running parallel never crossing paths but like in the same building but different floors, never hitting the elevator button while the dude was coming down.... (Hide & Seek?) I was 14 and I wanted to YANK my hair while watching it - then something happens and they meet - fall in love again with their "adult" selves but then dude gets Amnesia (lol) the second fiddle chick re-wrote history with help of Mother dearest... But then they meet again and SERIOUSLY do they know how to play up the Makjang!! But anywho - Love Yoochun, can't wait to see him in another drama improving his skill set. And even though I have been there done that, I would probably watch it - Marathon Style on a Lazy Sunday. =)


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oh please let this drama be good. i love yoochun and i want to keep watching him. i love skks and still in love with rooftop prince. but i couldn't stay for more than 2 episode of ms. ripley (lee dae hee isnt my cup of tea.). so please dramagods... let his be a great drama for our yoochun.


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Ooh, I loved Smile You but this will be a melo? Damn.
Too bad SYJ couldn't do this. Been dying to catch her in a new drama :/


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Yoochun in a melo? Kinda DNW. I never really cared for Yoochun when he was in DBSK (loyal to my bias Yunho LOL), but I grew some newfound appreciation for him in his dramas. However, I feel like melodramas will just highlight his weaknesses in acting. He's lucked out with his roles, especially with Sungkyunkwan Scandal and Rooftop Prince, and he'd do great in a few more dramas like those.

Stay away from melos, bb!


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I've read that its still not confirm for Yoochun too...
Im in for melodramas with a good plot. Hopefully there's more to it.


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I've read that its still not confirm for Yoochun too.
Im in for melodramas with a good plot. Hopefully there's more to it.


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I dont get it. Many actors can't even act, many idols are terrible but they are rarely called by name like this. And Yoochun is quite good in RP. Give him a break.

And I am in.


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I love first love stories but I'm not a fan of how sk dramas portray them. I like when lovers part, date and love other people, meet again and then fall in love again. The whole i've only loved you for the past 15+ years, never been with anyone else...yeah no. (and if they are dating/have dated then of course that woman/man is/was a horrible person, nothing compared to the saintly first love. yeah, no.)


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you know how romcom currently sounds to me? a jerk guy, a spunky girl, a butthurt ex/second lead girl, a veeeerrryyyy nice 2nd lead guy. all with over the top jokes, extraordinary first meeting, bullying to the female lead, and couple catfights. every. single. time. oh well.

for me, personally, regardless of the genre, a good drama is good. be it romcom or sageuk or melo or whatever. and premise can lead you to something wrong. how cliche is the 'princess man' or 'the duo' premise? romeo and juliet in joseon era? 'birth! secret!'? mehhhhh. yet, both of them are my favorite dramas from last year, and critically well-received too. if they put the casts who can act, put the angst and fluff in appropriate amount, gave more layers to the characters, write a well-written and not (too) illogical plot, pull out nice screenplay, put up nice soundtrack... well, this kind of premise can also do a good job.

simply put, writer's works are good, director's works are good (esp thank you)... i'm going to anticipate a good drama. *cross finger*


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Very well put.
I agree.


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Yoochun & SYJ aren't the only actor & actress who're offered the roles like [email protected] said :

It's kind of annoying that some agencies leaked out this info, since Son Ye Jin and Yoo Chun were not the only candidates for this. The script was sent to other top hallyu actresses, but someone from one of the agencies must have leaked this info to push them ahead, which is quite dirty in my opinion. It's unfair to the actor and actress who really gets chosen, if incase SYJ and PYC don't end up getting the part, because it would make them seem like the second choice, when it really isn't the case. The script was sent to at least 7 popular actors and actresses not just them.

Yejin's agency said that Lee Kim Production mentioned the project to her a long time ago, however, they also offered it to other actresses and Lee Kim Production hasn't even sent her the script for it.

"They asked long ago, but we haven't even received a script yet. We're sure they also talked to many other actresses."

I know of another actress that they sent it to (wont mention her name here), not just Son Ye Jin. as for the guys, I know of another actor who they've sent the script to.


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but I just don't get the point of being bitter about that though. I mean if they get it they get it, that's it. Noone cares and is going to talk about stuffs like that. Except some, of course.


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My point is Yoochun isn't their first choice to be the male lead candidate as this post's assumed. The production company said they're looking for top hallyu stars for the male and female lead in this drama. YC is a top hallyu singer but he isn't a top hallyu star/actor, not yet.
They also said the male lead character is supposed to be in their 30-ish. So with the baby face of his I doubt he will fit to this role.
I'm not surprise if they also offer the role (male lead) to another top hallyu stars such as Wonbin or Eric Moon.
So how come he can be compared to them, in term of status in acting field ?...


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because if they sell to overseas markets yoochun would bring in more $$$$$$

even though SKKS was his debut it still sold for a really high price

and also japan is considered the primary market for kdrama after korea

no matter what his status as an actor

Yoochun will still have residual tohoshinki popularity in JP+ large hardcore japanese fan base
so that is a major + in yoochuns favour

yoochun would bring in just as much money as the actors listed above or even more than them (in japan for eg.)

i can see why won bin is top hallyu star but is eric (As much as i love him) really that popular as an actor?

He's also coming off a RTP high
Rooftop prince was also popular in china/TW


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yeah I agree with komodo..

Yoochun is VERY popular overseas, have you heard of his Asia Fanmeeting Tour? It's a tour that consists only of fanmeetings.. and the number of fans coming is quite huge. In Thailand they are selling 5,000 tickets while in Shanghai it's 18,000... so there you go... lots of $$$ coming in if they got YC as the main lead actor


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yeah I agree with komodo..

Yoochun is VERY popular overseas, have you heard of his Asia Fanmeeting Tour? It's a tour that consists only of fanmeetings.. and the number of fans coming is quite huge. In Thailand they are selling 5,000 tickets while in Shanghai it's 18,000... so there you go... lots of $$$ coming in if they got YC as the main lead actor

also I've watched a lot of kdramas before and I have to say YC's acting is good and at the same level of some of the more popular names, so why not?


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yeah I agree with komodo..

Yoochun is VERY popular overseas, have you heard of his Asia Fanmeeting Tour? It's a tour that consists only of fanmeetings.. and the number of fans coming is quite huge. In Thailand they are selling 5,000 tickets while in Shanghai it's 18,000... so there you go... not to mention some other cities.. lots of $$$ coming in if they got YC as the main lead actor

also I've watched a lot of kdramas before and I have to say YC's acting is good and at the same level of some of the more popular names, so why not?


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I dont think the poster who said that was being bitter, in regards to that, I think she has a point.

No one wants to be known as replacement actors. If the drama ends up succeeding in the future without having SYJ and YC onboard, this false rumor about them being the first choice, will end up haunting the new leads who deserve the credit and will brand them as replacement or second choice actors after SYJ and YC.

I've seen it happen too many times before. That's why it's not so nice to see this kind of thing in K-drama land.


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I dont think the poster who said that was being bitter, in regards to that, I think she has a point.

No one wants to be known as replacement actors. If the drama ends up succeeding in the future without having SYJ and YC onboard, this false rumor about them being the first choice, will end up haunting the new leads who deserve the credit and will brand them as replacement or second choice actors after SYJ and YC.

I've also seen this happen too many times before. That's why it's not so nice to see this kind of thing in K-drama land.


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First loves in Kdramas never work out. If this is one of the hide and seek love dramas don't know if I can stick it out.
Didn't like him in Miss Ripley and couldn't finish it. I loved him in Rooftop Prince and SKS.
I think his acting is improving. Seeing that the writer is pretty solid and if they get a competent actress that Yoochun can have chemistry with, I'll watch it.


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I would love to see him in another drama but I want to see JYJ get another album out first! :)

IF he does take this role, I just hope the plotline is good. I have not seen many kdrama that does not have second leads caught in between first leads relationship. I really wish there were more story just about first leads and overcoming whatever hurdles they need to be together.

^^ Would be so awsome!


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These "First Love" Boo Hoo stories make me think that the majority of Korean screenwriters got dumped by their first love, and are spending the rest of their lives writing soppy dramas as a therapy for that.

I disagree about the "Moon Embracing the Sun". That was not juvenile and it was a very well done love story.


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I'm glad Sohn Ye Jin didn't accept this as I didn't like her in Personal Taste (even with the extremely hot Lee Min Ho). Maybe it's the younger guy thing. She's too elegant and sophisticated to work with younger men.

I mean, what, she fell in love with a baby as her first love?


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Glad SYJ didn't accept either. Sorry, just not a fan of hers. Couldn't finish Personal Taste (despite how much I like LMH) because of her acting.

I think Yoochun is getting better, especially since there are other idol actors that are worse. Hopefully the female lead will be an actual actress (not an idol), as it's hard to watch a melodrama with bad acting.


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Lol yeah, can't finish Personal Taste too (despite how much I like SYJ) because of LMH's acting. ;))


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Is Lee Da Hae available?


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She has a drama in China/Taiwan right now with the lead guy in It Started With A Kiss (the TW version of Playful Kiss).


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looking forward to see micky yoochun in another drama
series. hope the the leading lady is Lee Dae Hae again.


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I'm not a big fan of melodramas either. All the ones I endured, I did through gritted teeth because of my love for an actor/cast. Since Yoochun won me over with RP, I'll definitely be tuning in. Hopefully the plot won't be too tedious and predictable.


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all my favorite actresses are currently involved in a drama...like Shin Min Ah, Moon Chae Won and Park Shi Yeon...so i really dunno who should star with Chun now...i wish we could see him with Han Ji Min again but thats so not possible! and please no Lee Dae Ha...i like her but their pairing in Miss Ripley was horrible...atleast for me it was...


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he has a tattoo??

sorry, i got distracted there with his photo. i forgot what i was about to say.


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he has a tattoo???

sorry, i got distracted there with his photo. i forgot what i was about to say.


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yes he has a lot!
left chest, lower back, and right/left ankle :)


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I think the only 1st love drama that I like in the recent years is Moon/Sun. However, YooChun is good at picking his drama so if he's in, I will watch it. Also glad that he's not paired with Son Ye Jin. I like her a lot but only in movies, I can't remember a drama with her in it that has me blown away.


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hope Yoochun can choose wisely ^^ whatever he picks, I'll watch it anyway


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Meh. Pass this one, Yoochun darling.


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not sure if this one is going to be good, but i don't mind first love stories, even if they are a bit annoying, and well with Yoochun in it, I'll see how this one starts off. :)


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I don't mind first love stories either... but some of them are really unbearable. I haven't particularly loved him in broody, cold kind of roles. I don't really think this storyline will be for me. But I still wish him the best. I did like SKKS and RTP. I had to quite MR... that was just too much for me.


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If it is a Park Yoo Chun drama then we surely assume that it will be another big hit! Waiting for it, thanks


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Yahoo! Yoochun is back so soon!!! but I hope its a good story with a good cast.. otherwise it won't be too great...

anyways.. only time can tell with what his next pick is going to be... whether its this one or another one.

Thanks for posting!!! :)


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I enjoy his acting a lot. He has presence and stands out as different with his own style to me.


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