
The King 2 Hearts: Episode 18

I love a drama that deepens the conflict as we go. So many shows will spin their wheels in the final stretch to just prolong the inevitable, but here we launch into a whole new conflict, as the final battle begins to unfold. And I swear, it feels like a reward just for me, but bromance takes center stage, and it is awesome.


King 2 Hearts OST – Taeyeon – “미치게 보고싶은” (Miss You Like Crazy) [Download]

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Hang-ah stumbles into a building to ask the couple inside if she can make one international phone call. The man inside eyes her warily, noting her accent and her bloody arm, and tells her to wait. He goes in the back, while his wife pours her a cup of tea.

Grateful, Hang-ah takes off her watch and puts it on the table. The woman gives it back, and then warns, “Run away, now! Hurry!” But it’s too late – as soon as she stands up to go, police officers march in to arrest her. Damnit.

She gets hauled off to be investigated as a North Korean fugitive, and when she gives her name, the guy just laughs, “The Kim Hang-ah who’s engaged to the king of South Korea? Yeah right.” HA. There is a certain irony to fame working against you.

The guy in charge gets a call from Bong-gu, who assures them that they should by all means follow their protocol… but there’s nothing to stop them from, say, detaining her a little longer, is there?

He reminds them that he didn’t not kill Hang-ah because he was afraid of them, but because she’s such a good pawn in the North-South game. Oh, ’cause I thought you couldn’t kill her because she escaped from your cookie fortress.

Hang-ah rattles the cage in her jail cell, asking when she’ll get to see a doctor for her arm. The guard tells her she’ll be transferred in a week, and the doctor will treat her then. A week? For a bullet wound? Though she’s more concerned about where she’ll be transferred to than anything.

Despite the injured arm, she spends her time working out like the badass soldier that she is, always preparing for her escape.

She finally sits down to rest, a wave of despair about to hit her, but suddenly Jae-ha’s hand appears on her shoulder. With her bruised and battered hand, she reaches out to touch it.

She looks up and suddenly he’s there, sitting right beside her, his arm around her shoulders. He smiles and she looks up at him with tear-filled eyes.

He wraps both arms around her tightly, and she closes her eyes. They sit like that for just a moment, and then he fades, leaving her sitting there with her hand on her own shoulder.

Man, it’s that moment he fades that really stabs you in the heart. Beautifully played. I like this vision even more than his a few episodes back, because it’s wordless but delivers a stronger impact.

She opens her eyes to find him gone. A tear falls, and she holds her hand to her heart as she sinks back.

Meanwhile, Jae-ha pursues his plan of attack: prosecuting Bong-gu in the International Criminal Court.

Secretary Eun heads out to his fishing spot and stops in his tracks to see Shi-kyung waiting there for him. He stands there with a smile on his face. It’s enough for Dad to know how he feels.

I’m glad Shi-kyung isn’t totally broken, but the reconciliation does come too fast for me—you were just sobbing in the pouring rain, remember? These are all things I want for them, but paced waaay way slower.

They sit down and Shi-kyung says that he always found Dad difficult. He knew what Dad wanted of him, but also that he could never deliver on those expectations. So he was always scared of him.

He says that’s probably why he screamed at him—to make up for all the complexes Dad gave him. “But I’m happy now. I think I can finally be independent of you.” Good for you.

He tells Dad not to think that anything he does is because of him. He repeats Jae-ha’s words: “You’re you, and I’m me.” So no matter what he does, it’s his choice. Hm, that sounds like dangerous martyr talk to me. Don’t you go doing anything stupid, ya hear me?

They have a nice father-son bonding moment over fish, or lack thereof, and laugh and smile together.

But then Dong-ha bursts into Jae-ha’s meeting to warn him that Shi-kyung is trying to go to China anyway. Drat. I KNEW you were being too smiley for a regular day! He gets yelled at by his commanding officer, and just replies, “I haven’t once taken vacation days, so I’m just going to use them.” Ha. Did you really think that would work??

It doesn’t, so then he takes out his resignation letter. What? You’re quitting to go be a hero? Dong-ha tries to stop him as he packs up his things, but his mind’s made up. Dong-ha sighs, “You can’t leave the country anyway.”

OH. SNAP. Did Jae-ha put you on a no-fly list? HAHAHA.

He storms into Jae-ha’s office yelling, but the secretary tells him no one’s allowed inside. He can only talk from outside the door. Hee.

Shi-kyung says that they have to do this to make sure Bong-gu appears in the International Criminal Court, otherwise mounting a case against him does no good. Jae-ha counters that he has plenty of super secret spies he can send in to do that job.

But Shi-kyung asks what happens when Bong-gu kills all those agents. Bong-gu knows that Shi-kyung is Jae-ha’s right-hand man. That means that for the sake of driving Jae-ha crazy, he’ll keep Shi-kyung by his side. Damnit, stop making sense!

He yells, “Why can’t I go? Because I’m your friend? If it’s that then don’t worry. I have never once thought of you as a friend!”

W-wu-wuh? Nooooooo! We survived this long without noble idiots in this drama, and now you’re telling me the bromance is going there? Take it back! You ARE FRIENDS! You are! You… are… *whimper.*

He pleads with Jae-ha to be stronger than this. He turns to go, but then suddenly he swivels back, grim with determination. He yells, “Lee Jae-ha!” OMG. Did you just call the king by name? In banmal?

“Go ahead and spend the rest of your life in there, looking for friends! Because Kim Hang-ah is gone, you’re scared of losing me too, aren’t you? I’ve long let go of my guilt. So GET IT TOGETHER!”

That was so awesome. That gets Jae-ha out of the room right quick. He fumes, “Lee? Jae? Ha?

Shi-kyung: “You said we were friends.” HEE. I love Quippy Comeback Bot best of all. Jae-ha roars, calling him a bastard.

But then Shi-kyung just stares with his super earnest puppy eyes, and Jae-ha caves with a sigh. Perhaps this is why you weren’t allowed in the room in the first place. I love that this part of the exchange needs no words.

Shi-kyung promises (now back to formal speech), “I will return.” Jae-ha lets out a shaky sigh. I’m not even going to warn you that you’d better return, because there’s no option to do otherwise. You WILL return, gorramit.

Bromantic study montage time. They plan their mission, down to the letter, complete with A SECRET CODE. Is there a secret handshake to go with? Sometimes I really love this drama.

Jae-ha asks Shi-kyung to do one last thing before leaving—go see Jae-shin. “You know the condition she’s in. And you know her heart. No matter how frustrating you are, if you don’t know that…”

Shi-kyung: “Can I do whatever I want?” Rawr?

Jae-ha: “You mean you haven’t, till now?” Dude, you don’t even know the half of it. Shi-kyung asks if he really can, just once, treat her not as the princess but meet her person-to-person. Jae-ha corrects him: “It’s man-to-woman.”

Shi-kyung: “Can I, just this once, follow my heart, and see her?” Jae-ha doesn’t answer, and instead turns around and picks up the phone. He orders that Jae-shin be brought out to the garden, and no one allowed within two kilometers of her, “…except Eun Shi-kyung.”

Wingman for the win. He turns around, “Will that do?” Shi-kyung starts hyperventilating now that he has no excuses left.

Jae-shin gets brought outside and then they take her wheelchair away, leaving her with nothing but a picnic basket. She wonders what’s going on, and then Shi-kyung comes up the road to meet her.

She asks if he knows about the memory she recovered, “It’s like a monster, isn’t it?” She starts to cry. But he tells her that the person who gave away the Anmyundo location was his father, and he’s decided that he’s not going to let himself feel guilty about that. “Because my father is my father, and I’m me.”

He kneels down in front of her. “It’s the same for you. It was because of them. It wasn’t your fault.” He takes her hand and tells her that recovering the memory alone makes her impressive.

He says it again, “It’s not your fault.” He holds her hand as she sobs.

Then a little while later, he piggybacks her through the garden, as he tells her that he’s taking a short vacation. He says that he’ll give her some homework, and once she completes it, he’ll have returned.

“Say It’s not my fault a hundred times a day.” Aw. She tells him that he has to do the same then. They both agree. “Laugh three times a day, even if you have to force it.” He adds going to therapy diligently and practicing being in front of people, and she agrees.

They reach her wheelchair and he puts her back in it. Still kneeling, he adds one last thing: “Sing again.” She kisses him on the cheek, startling him, and asks what else.

He stands up to give his answer, and plants a kiss on her.

But his own impulsive move sends him reeling, and he steps away from her, more in shock than she is. Heh. He quickly apologizes, and she asks what for, but he feels so awkward that he just gets behind her and speed-wheels her back to the palace. Pfft. What happened to the gutsy guy who told her oppa that he was gonna do whatever he wanted? Cracks me up.

And then he berates himself in his office for losing control. That was you, losing control? Whoa there, wild child. He thinks of something and decides to write a letter. I will admit, I hope it’s to Jae-ha, but it’s probably for Jae-shin.

Secretary Eun sits at his fishing spot and this time an entire royal entourage arrives. It’s Jae-ha. He tells ajusshi about what Shi-kyung did, and starts to say that he tried to stop him, but corrects himself: “No, I sent him.”

He says he pretended to put up a fight because sending him freely made him such a bad person. But Secretary Eun sees right through the guilt parade. Jae-ha says that there’s so much to prepare for the case, and asks him to return to the palace: “Like you did for hyung, come be by my side.”

Secretary Eun looks over at him, moved and startled. Jae-ha warns that the pay will be downgraded though—times are tough. Heh. They smile, and then ajusshi says he has to seek forgiveness from one person first.

He goes to see the queen mother, to confess his wrongdoing. She already knows, but I think it’s important that he says it and seeks forgiveness. She just asks with tears in her eyes about how Jae-kang was that day, since Secretary Eun is the last person to see him alive.

He tells her that the king was happy and smiling, and she says that’s enough for her.

The good guys get a break and finally recover the video player from Jae-ha’s hostage standoff in North Korea, but it’s too damaged to recover any data. Drat.

Jae-ha sighs and turns to hyung’s portrait, “You happy?” He’s just talking, but that phrase is the one that opens up his diary recorder, which he ignores. But then suddenly, something dawns on him. Aww, yeah.

He looks up at the portrait, and then over to the table and chairs sitting across the room, and then back at the recorder. Nice. I KNEW it would come in handy that his keyword was so conversational.

The music swells. He calls Shi-kyung. Mission is on. He walks down the memorial hall and into the pressroom to make his live public announcement. The world tunes in, and so does Bong-gu.

Jae-ha announces that the late king’s death was murder, and he has the proof. He plays the video. Hell yeah. It’s a top-angle view (because it’s aimed at the desk, if you remember Jae-kang’s footage from before) but it captures both Jae-ha and Bong-gu sitting across from each other that day that he confessed to the murder.

Backtrack to that day, when Bong-gu himself had said the phrase, “You happy?” which started the recording that neither of them noticed. The reporters and the public watch, horrified, as Bong-gu lays it all out on the video—that the real reason he killed Jae-kang was because he kept him out of the country, and sent him peacefully like a drunk idiot.

He makes that shudder-inducing quueck noise, and everyone who’s watching jumps out of their skin. Man, this is so awesome. And strangely even more horrifying out of context—he just seems like a pure monster. One of the reporters asks the man’s identity, and Jae-ah confirms it. Bong-gu sits frozen in his chair.

Jae-ha: “A king is not just a king. He is South Korea itself, and its 50 million people. Club M’s John Mayer murdered those 50 million people.” And with his game face on, he declares that he’ll be prosecuting him according to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. (Specifically used to prosecute crimes against humanity, genocide, war crimes, etc.)

Cut to Secretary Eun delivering their case to the court. Jae-ha continues: “We will fight. And we will capture him. We will uphold justice, and make him face the strict judgment of the law.”

Gah, goosebumps. I love a hero who fights within the system. Renegades are cool, but a king IS the system, and if he doesn’t have faith in that, his position is meaningless.

Needless to say, Bong-gu starts to panic, though he does his best not to show it. He tells his minion that it’s time to lay low, and orders him to call the prison and have Hang-ah moved.

But instead of doing that, Minion calls someone else in Club M to say that Bong-gu is now a liability. He orders a hit on Bong-gu… which Bong-gu overhears. I wish I could say that I’m surprised and shocked that you’d be betrayed by your own people, but who’re we kidding. Most of us were wondering how he lasted that long. Mia walks into the room, and minion starts crying instantly. Ha.

Shi-kyung and Dong-ha are hiding outside the compound, and Dong-ha worries about the plan, but Shi-kyung tells him to just do as he said, and pets him on the head before going in. Aw.

By the time we get back to Bong-gu, his minion’s already a dead fish. Shots ring out and they scramble, and Shi-kyung sneaks his way in. He gets into a fight with Mia, and I want him to kick her ass, but sigh, that’s not the plan, and he lets himself be captured.

She hauls onto his knees in front of Bong-gu and trains a gun to his head. Shi-kyung just tells him to kill him and get it over with. But Bong-gu thinks back to Shi-kyung’s initial rejection of rotten cookies, looks over at dead fish backstabber, and orders them to treat him well.

Shi-kyung hides his reaction, and Dong-ha watches him get hauled away from afar, crying. Aw. He calls Jae-ha to tell him that phase one is complete. Jae-ha hangs his head with a heavy sigh.

And then begins the horrible torture. They knew this going in—Jae-ha told him that he’d have to endure for an unbearably long time, otherwise giving in too quickly would seem false. I know they’re right, but aaauuuugh. They lay him on the ground and she threads a stick through his fingers, and then GRINDS his hand till his fingers break under her heel. Oof.

Hang-ah finally gets treated by a doctor in the prison. She winces from the pain, but he says it’s already healed over, so she’s overreacting. But of course it’s just a diversion…

While he turns his head to speak to the guards, she grabs him in a headlock and screams at the guards to step back. They panic and she orders the doctor to hand over his cell phone.

Jae-ha sits with Secretary Eun discussing the trial and IF YOU IGNORE THIS CALL I WILL KICK YOU IN THE NUTS. Thankfully, he answers. Hang-ah yells frantically into the phone, “Comrade Lee Jae-ha!”

She barely has time to tell him that she’s in a Chinese prison before an armed guard comes running in. He fires a shot into the air, and she drops the phone. He’s left screaming her name, not knowing if she’s dead or alive.

He tells Secretary Eun that he’s going to China right now. They rush to try and move her before the king arrives. He comes with troops both North and South (Dong-ha and Young-bae are both present).

He tells the prison’s commanding officer that a call from his fiancée originated here, and sends his men in to look for her. They search frantically, Young-bae especially falling all over the place, desperate to find Hang-ah in time.

They call out her name over and over, and then she finally hears it faintly. The guards have her somewhere removed, held at gunpoint, but she fights them off long enough to scream for Jae-ha.

He hears her, and takes off running toward the building off to the side. The agents follow. At the same time, the guards gag her and start to move her out, on the upper level.

They nearly miss each other, but then Hang-ah sees Jae-ha from behind, below her. She screams through her gag, and he hears her and comes running, and they finally lock eyes.

But they’re still moving her, and he races to catch up. She fights them off and manages to free herself long enough to run, but one of them grabs his gun and fires. Oh. Fuck.

She goes down. Jae-ha freezes just below her.

Blood drips down through the metal-grate floor to the lower level, at his feet.

He runs up the stairs as his agents secure the guards. She isn’t moving. He stumbles over to her with his head in his hands, not sure what to do, not ready to face it. He crouches down, hands shaking, and turns her over.

She looks up at him. He calls out her name like a wave of relief, and she screams from the pain. He looks down. It’s her leg. She was shot in the leg. Ohthankgoodness.

He cradles her in his arms, and she looks up and smiles, “Comrade Lee Jae-ha, it’s no big deal.” He clutches her to his chest for dear life, crying uncontrollably.

Wow, I was so wrapped up in that, I thought for sure it was the end of the episode. Man alive.

Bong-gu’s associate gives him the update and suggests they use Shi-kyung. He’s bloodied and currently enduring Chinese water torture. (Is that like a when in Rome thing?)

Bong-gu finds him being treated thusly and slaps Mia across the face. This is why you have no friends. He sits Shi-kyung down to make the offer: join his side. He seems to be playing right into their plan.

But Bong-gu is as shrewd as he is crazy, and needles Shi-kyung to take the offer as planned—after all, isn’t this a double agent mission? He points out Shi-kyung’s lack of a poker face, saying that someone with his personality isn’t cut out for mole work. I’m starting to agree. And worry.

Bong-gu says that really, Jae-ha is the bad guy for sending his friend into the enemy’s lair. I mean, he probably even pretended to put up a fight to appear less callous, but “he’s actually more ruthless [than me].”

He muses that if Jae-ha were born in a different time, he’d have slapped the faces of Yeonsangun and Nero. Ha. Shi-kyung counters that that’s all people like Bong-gu can see—what’s in front of his face.

He appeals to Shi-kyung’s vanity, asking him to set him straight then. He offers to let him get rid of anyone on his staff with a foul stench. Shi-kyung: “Aren’t you the cause of that stench?” Damn.

I love that knowing their plan doesn’t stop Bong-gu from trying to make Shi-kyung go darkside anyway. That’s HIS vanity, and they know it. Attempt #1 is a failure, but Bong-gu is determined to win Shi-kyung over. The fish is on the hook.

Hang-ah wakes up in bed (they’re still in China) and Dad scampers around to make sure she’s okay and getting rest, but she will have none of that—she asks for Jae-ha right this instant, freaking out about not wasting another minute in finding Bong-gu.

Jae-ha rushes in and she asks him, eyes wide with panic, if he has a plan for catching Bong-gu because they can’t let another minute pass with him out there. Jae-ha and Dad exchange worried looks and Dad leaves the room.

She asks again and again, and he tells her not to think about anything, and just rest. But she shakes her head no, getting more and more frantic. Tears start to fall, as she gasps, “How can I rest? Do you know what a scary person Kim Bong-gu is?”

She’s never once shown fear before this. Now I get why he and Dad were looking at each other so strangely.

He hugs her tight. “I’m sorry, Hang-ah-ya, for not protecting you. I know. I get it now, seeing you like this… how scared you were, how difficult it was for you. I know it now. I’m sorry Hang-ah-ya. I said I’d make you happy. But I’m a powerless bastard. I’m so sorry.”

She cries into his shoulder, her panic subsiding. Gah, the sight of her blue and purple hand clutching onto him just breaks my heart.

Jae-ha and Dad meet with a Chinese official who apologizes for the “incident” and Dad freaks out, but Jae-ha holds him back. He says that if they’re sorry, they can show it, by letting South Korean troops in country to catch Bong-gu.

The Chinese official in turn tells Bong-gu they’re no longer in cahoots, and orders him out of China in three hours. How perfect is it that Bong-gu’s bedroom is decorated like a child’s, full of oversized stuffed animals? It’s exactly as I pictured.

He’s short on time and moves, so he calls Shi-kyung over to make threats—what he got a taste of was Torture Lite, so if he doesn’t want to be begging to die, he should sign up for Team Blackhats.

His plan: have Shi-kyung pretend he’s succeeded in Mission Double Agent and then be a double-double agent, and feed Jae-ha false information about his whereabouts. He gives Shi-kyung time to think it over, or else he’ll end in bloody torture. And then he screams, “Why do you MAKE ME be this way?!” Yunno, I always found that to be the creepiest thing serial killers say.

Jae-ha sits with Hang-ah in bed and fills her in on everything. She freaks out at the news that he sent Shi-kyung. “That’s like entrusting a piece of meat to a tiger!” Aw, you think he’s a beefcake too?

Hang-ah: “If something goes wrong…” Jae-ha: “Then I’ll spend the rest of my life blaming myself…” He’s worried because there hasn’t been any contact, but says all they can do is wait. “We have to trust him.”

Shi-kyung’s torture just gets worse and worse, and Mia goes to town, threatening Dad and the princess like it’s Torture Christmas. Shi-kyung trembles, screaming out in pain. Did they finally do it? Did they break him?

Jae-ha gets a call. It’s Shi-kyung. He says that the plan worked and gives him the coordinates where Bong-gu will be… as Bong-gu listens. Jae-ha says their troops are arriving soon in country, so they’ll meet him there.

Shi-kyung asks if Jae-ha will come himself, but he says no—he’s found Hang-ah and she needs medical care. But Shi-kyung tells him he should come and witness Bong-gu’s capture with his own eyes, since this is what he’s been working towards. Bong-gu practically licks his chops at the king headed straight for his trap.

Jae-ha agrees and Shi-kyung gives him a place to meet. He sends Hang-ah home first, and she worries but he says it’ll be fine—it’s Eun Shi-kyung after all. He gives her a kiss and heads out.

Shi-kyung waits at an industrial plant and Jae-ha arrives, happy to see him. But Shi-kyung seems different, detached. Jae-ha asks why he’s lost so much weight, but he says nothing. We see snipers on the roof, and a bug behind Shi-kyung’s ear.

He takes Jae-ha in his own car without a security escort, and Jae-ha tries to make conversation on the way but Shi-kyung remains cryptically aloof. Hang-ah and Dad are on their way out, but she asks them to turn the car around—something doesn’t feel right.

Jae-ha and Shi-kyung arrive at a rocky cliff overlooking the ocean, and Jae-ha looks out, confused. Bong-gu is here? Shi-kyung says yes, so he follows. They climb through some rocks and come out onto the cliff, where Bong-gu is waiting with a team of gunmen.

Sitting across from each other are two thrones. One is empty, while Bong-gu sits in the other. He greets him with a smile and a bow, “Welcome, your majesty.”

Jae-ha turns slowly toward Shi-kyung…

Shi-kyung raises his gun in Jae-ha’s face.

Oh. Holy. Hell.


AAAAUUUUUUUUUUGH. Damn is that a good ending. You finally learn how to do a cliffhanger right, just when it counts. The thing is, I still hold out faith that Shi-kyung is being a quadruple agent (or something, the math is confusing) – in that I think he and Jae-ha were banking on Bong-gu’s counter moves. This is chess, after all. Just with live pieces.

The thing that’s selling the other side though (that he really put on a black hat) is Shi-kyung’s performance, because he really did endure an insane amount of torture, and afterwards he seems hollowed out and lifeless. Even though I firmly believe he’s still got it together on the inside, seeing him that way puts everything into question. Nicely played.

No matter if this is Shi-kyung being a triple agent or not, that last image just kills me—him holding his gun out at Jae-ha like their first meeting. Before it meant nothing, but now it’s betrayal because of the friendship they’ve formed. Their relationship might honestly be my favorite thing about this drama, and if you kill that bromance, Show, I will break up with you.

I’m so glad that Jae-ha has finally made his move against Bong-gu and proud of the kind of king he’s become. He once laughed at Jae-kang for saying that the king was the people and that the throne belonged to them. He was the guy who called the royal family puppets and empty scarecrows, but in the end he puts his faith in the system and the people.

And I like the question of morality that Bong-gu raises, because after all, a king is often as ruthless and tyrannical as any mass murderer. But again that difference is people. At the end of the day, a king still answers to his people. A murderer does not. Though the system Jae-ha operates in is flawed and can be abused, it has a balance in place that keeps any one person from having too much power. Bong-gu just consumes endless power and wealth thinking that it’s enough, and is left asking why he doesn’t have what Jae-ha has. I love that it’s so simple – he has too much power to ever have what he really wants.

And Shi-kyung is the embodiment of that. He is in the purest sense the faith of the people in their king, and Bong-gu sees it. He wants it for himself like a shiny toy, thinking that possessing Shi-kyung will be the same as having his faith. The fact that Bong-gu and Jae-ha stand there on the cliff, waging war over one soldier – (besides the fact that the bromance tickles me pink) is the perfect distillation of that conflict. I didn’t think his capturing Hang-ah or Mom was anything more than a plot device, but the war over Shi-kyung feels vastly different—it’s their ideological war, and it’ll get at the heart of the central hero/villain conflict, which is exactly where I want to be before the finale.

Warning: I’ve been pretty lax about the spoiler posts in this thread, but if you post spoilers about next week’s finale (and I mean both episodes), you will get a pair of VERY CRANKY recaps from me. [Note: Proper spoiler etiquette is to mark anything even remotely spoilery in CLEAR, no uncertain terms, short of neon lights, so that anyone who doesn’t want to read it (namely ME) could see it from a mile away and swerve around your comment.] You have been warned. I hold a mean grudge, Lee-Jae-ha-style, and not the kind with revengey kisses either.


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as early as now,be ready for your comments when Year End Reviews come bcoz perhaps a lot of bashers/haters will defend their own favorite dramas and maybe write negative things about our beloved TK2H...hopefully not.


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i'm not worried.
if i know K2H fanbase all too well, i'll know they'll whip up a tornado and blow out all the negative comments made from people who clearly have not fully followed the show or this thread.
It's alright. Hater's gonn' hate!
There's much to defend about this drama, and there's much to accept. It just takes a certain taste to be able to enjoy this drama.


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@Ripened Mango - I just had this visual of us flinging mangoes at the naysayers. Sorry for the violent (and sloppy) thought! Gotta control and be PC (politically correct)... sorta, anyway.

Somehow it's so obvious to us, what makes TK2H special. Kinda strange how it's not everybody's cup-o-tea, but oh well. I mean, I guess it's not soooo strange - everyone has their own opinions, of course, but there's just so much to love about this drama that it's especially hard to see someone hate it. To those, my thoughts are as follows: "Huh???"


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We should be ready...I remember someone in last episode *uhuk..miaw..uhuk* 'asked' and that will be happen too...

What makes TK2H precious and rare gem is...each time you peel it off..you find different view. Each time you rewatch it..you'll find an unnoticed one before. Each time you think again it, you'll consider new probability. It's the discussion which livening up this drama since we realize different matter by our own.

This drama is a very complex one, and only those who ready, able and want to open up for discussion that it'll show it's true gem.

For them who enjoy this drama alone, the drama is indeed isn't everyone's cup of ta, but after you discuss it...moreover in dramabeans thread, you can't evade the fact that this drama entice you to get more,,,and more,,,and more about it. And each time somebody point out something, you're eager to know is it true? or you'll search more (syndrome #6 and #7 by the newest definition of @lovecityhall)

Mangos had said it all, we love to dissects everything about this drama..
And this is cited from comments in recap episode #4 (OK. I'm checking this comment again LOL), hunnybunz April 2nd, 2012 at 2:38 pm said:
TK2H is the kind of show that isn't set out to impress the mass, but instead thrives to win the hearts of people who truly know how to appreciate film aka people who:
1) think a lot,
2) embrace dialogue
3) crave for character development ~which most define as draggy~
4) and has a keen sight and likeness for metaphors/sublety/hidden messages.
All of these factors usually seem unnecessary and uninteresting to most casual viewers. (end of citation)

Need to said more? I'm proud to be part of this community!


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perfect description!


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Totally agreed


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to reglest & hunnybunz : AMEN.


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i am thinking the same -
i should read all 2069 messages before i write something LOL....
so I don't repeat what was written already.

--but then i am reminded of the line that goes like this...

"how do i love thee - let me count the ways"

with TK2H I say,
"why do I love thee - let me say ? let me post? let me write? the whys....


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no you don't need to say more :)

a rare gem is always experienced by a few so here in this community consider it a privilege :D


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Hiya crazyahjummafan ,
Just drifted back upwards & replied u. Think its a superb idea cos I've no one to talk physically with over K2H. Great idea to spazz together.Think yr post has to be repeated 2mw when everyone's on again. OK gotta get some sleep .Lets update on d meet up!(^*)/


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@ Jade Butterfly @ Babes and all other Singaporean hearties.
The best time for me would be next week in the afternoons. I know that some of you are working, so don't know if that is a suitable time, but for TK2Hearties gathering, I try my best to meet at night if need to.

Those who are interested in meeting up, could you indicate your interest by replying to this post and state your preferred timing? It would be good if you could also suggest a place to meet up. Preferably one where we can squeal and laugh and talk without annoying the other patrons.

Looking forward to your replies.


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Is Ha Ji Won everyone's ideal type?
Unless someone already posted this :



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Uri magnae has ripened now? kkk
And yes..someone has posted this before.but it still squee worthy....*squeeee!!!*


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Sweetheart, this has been posted a couple of times in the previous two pages!! hahaa

It's like when we read the news, we momentarily lost our minds, and wanted to post this ASAP!! There was MUCH spazzing when this was posted!

Dunno if you did this...but check out the fanvid linked in Comment # 259!! By far the most swoon-worthy one that I've watched thus far...


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More importantly:

spaaaaaaaaazzzzz!! kldsfjasklfjasdlkfjsa;lkjfasldkjs

Thanx to this article I've been smiling ear-to-ear for the past two days! Luffs it.


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Hail me hearties! This will be my last post before I knock off tonight.

DO NOT FEAR! I am absolutely, positively 100% surer than ever before that Shi Kyung WILL NOT betray Jae Ha. I had just watched ep 17. The way he cried over what happened BG did to JS is evidence that he will not turn. In fact the memory of what she went thru will strengthen his resolve to bring BG to justice and had probably sustained him during the torture.

In fact, I think that turned the tide for both JH and him. Earlier on JH refused to let him infiltrate BG's camp and SK did not put much of a fight. But after hearing JS's agonising cries, he was determined to avenge his beloved's anguish and tortuous experience and JH realised that it was probably the best solution.


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Yep, I made the same observation about Shi Kyung.

Additionally I think Shi Kyung's act to point a weapon into Jae Ha's face might not part of their plan; but is there a better way to stay as close as possible to his king than pretending of being turned and out for revenge?
Shi Kyung had time to study Bong Gu's behavior and knows his level of thinking and feeling. It satisfies Bong Gu to see Shi Kyung threatening Jae Ha this way insomuch that he oversees the advantage Shi Kyung has for protecting his king.

By the way, since the preview for episode 19 is out, is it okay to talk openly about it?


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NO!!! Please don't get GF upset. Let us just wait until they broadcast ep19 before we discuss anything.


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To be truth, Jae Shin is the turning point for Shi Kyung. He even cries because of her, right? And his panicked state when jae Shin decide to open her memory, he had experienced Jae Shin panicked state, and remember Bon Bon's threat about the princess, so he know the princess had been tortured before. It's because Jae Shin hurt by Bong Gu that he finally decide to go. Agree with you, after heard Jae Shin agonizing cries he was determined (Gosh, who doesn't cry over Jae Shin cries?)

For Jae Ha to finally let Shi Kyung goes...it's actually interesting, very much...

In the silent moment after he cries LEE JAE HA and Jae Ha finally face him,,,,I love how both of them communicate without words there. As Shi Kyung said, Jae Ha didn't give him permission to go because he want to protect his friend, but now, Shi Kyung is begging him to go as his friend. And Jae Ha can't reject his first wish as his friend. I love this two bromance!!


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@ crazyahjummafan n Jade Butterfly

I think it's a fantastic idea to meet up! It will be so fun!


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That's great. @LoveCityHall please look up post 302.1 and reply. Thanks.


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Failed to topped the page again! LOL

For trending project in twitter, we have decided:
What: #TK2H
When: The time TK2H airing: 21.55-23.05 KST or 12.55-14.05 GMT or 07.55-09.05 Chicago-central time or 19.55-21.55 WIB/Thailand Time

Any change for this project will publish here or 1st page.

Please Join US!!^^


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or 22.55-00.05 Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia Time (forgot to add this, sorry!!)


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ermm....correction.....I've been watching live online streaming and

it is 20.55 to 22.05 Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia time


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Ah right..sorry..I'm too sleepy last night-like I said, sleep deprivation-: 20.55-21.55 KL/singapore time...

Any change will posted here...


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Er... can someone explain to me what is going on? I would so love to join in, but this ahjumma is not very tech savvy, and my teenage children are not around to explain to me. How can I tweet? And how does it work? I normally watch the drama raw around midnight.


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Eonni, I won't force you..but I'll be glad if you join us^^. For some reason I need to warn you that twitter is quite addictive, almost like this thread :p

Eonni, first I need to say sorry if my explanation offend you...because I believe actually you can do this:

How to tweet: first you need to make account, go to twitter.com and make account there,it almost similar like facebook^^. Then you can tweet anything from there, just like make status in FB. You can follow person you want (my account is the same as my user name :) ), get their update and get followed too.

So..we decide to do trending in twitter, if we get luck..the #TK2H able to join Trending Topic World Wide.

What is trending topic? Trending topic happen when twitter user tweet something same topic-or more exactly word(s)- at the same time, the rank based on the number of people tweet it.

When the number of people beat other topic world wide, it will make into the list, and we called it TTWW (trending topic world wide), sometimes the number of tweet isn't enough to reach WW, but enough to create trending in some area (based on country).

Aside from that, a planned trending usually like party. People from anywhere join to do the party. You might get surprised to meet some familiar name when saw the tweet ;) About the content..is free, but we oftenly tell anything we want about the show, just don't forget to put #TK2H in your tweet. And don't forget tweet like '#TK2H #TK2H' is considered as spam :)

I hope this is help, see ya there eonni!


ok deal! reglest i think you have to inform hearties at soompi too... :)


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I can't post in soompi... I don't know why :(

Somebody who can, please post this at soompi...

I've talked to the major fanbase again, since this is abrupt project (My mistake, I'm sorry, I'm avoiding twitter for past few days) this trending project will held when the last episode airing,but nothing wrong for heat the board first this night right? ^^


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are you not a member of soompi reglest? I'll post it for you.. :)


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You are ahead of me. Pacific time real streaming would be 06:00 Pacific time May 23. I will wake up at 5 a.m. - I hope to get to bed early tonight.


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wait wait. what day will this be? today or tomorrow? or both?


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After consulting with trending topic specialist...we decide to do the Trending Topic, for two hours, including 70 minutes of the episode airing time. So the conclusion for TTWW is:
What: #TK2H
When: May, 24th 2012. At 21.25-23.25 KST

12.25-14.25 GMT
Jakarta/Bangkok time:
Kuala Lumpur/Singapore Time:
Chicago-Central Time zone:
Pacific time zone:

Let's join the party!!


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I'm bad at timezoning. So regi, whenever you start hash tagging I'll know I should too. ^^ Hope I'm available for it.


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So for Episode 19, I've decided to watch it without having any inkling of what's coming and experience the whole gamut of hair-pulling, breath-holding, heartwarming, tear-streaming, squee-screaming, OMG!-I-don't-know-what's-gonna-happen-it's-killing-me emotions known to humans.

With that thought, I've imposed upon myself a 24-hour hiatus from the internet (but dang! it's taking a Shi-Kyung level of will power to resist looking at any spoilers and watching Episode 19 preview).

Anyway, it's been fun spazzing and discussing Episode 18 with all of you guys. Looking forward to seeing you on Ep 19 thread. Let's hope we make it out alive.

Over and out.


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Roger and out ;)

The question is how I'm gonna watch ep 19...I'm so busy these days...just don't have time... ×tears
But who am I fooling, I'm gonna watch it even if it kills me ;)


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It is Wednesday.
Countdown to Episode 19. The beginning of the end to a wonderful k-drama. Hope the end meets most if not all of our expectations.


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I hope so!!! *holds breath* *fingers crossed*


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happy kingday hearties....


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wahh.. in my country it wednesday (may 23)


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I am not sure about real life coupling of Ha Jiwon and Seungi. It is going to be difficult given their celebrity status - I guess it would be fun if they can date - if they find the time -
but marriage? unless one of them "semi-retires" - it might work out. but if both of them are at the height of their careers -

Ha Ji Won's age is right for marriage but LSG is too young...

Yah...what am i talking about? none of my business LOL...

I will always love them as Hang Ah and Jae Ha. --- I will live in fantasy land with these two.

Never mind real life --- too hard to contemplate...

one more day Hearties ---


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Koala's Playground says a "Juicy spoiler" was released…she has it on her website but, but, but, but…

I want to know but I don't want to know—ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'M GOING CRAZY!!!!!!! :(

I've so far managed to stay clear of any spoilers—how is everyone else "holding up" in regards to trying to stay away from spoilers?


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so conflicted, you are my dear.
Me & some others...rushed to the dark spoiled side...
And then there was LIGHT! hahahaha
You MUST maximize yr enjoyment & if enjoyment is compromised when u watch spoilers then ,then jz hold on.


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I want to know..but I don't want to know...eottoke?? *banging heads*


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*pulling out hair* LOL

How I've managed to stay clear of Soompi is beyond me—I'm shockprised even—I never knew I possessed such will power!


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should I sedate you? lol


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please? but wait....it's 30 minutes to epi #19 now!


@Jade Butterfly

In the many years I've been watching kdrama, jdrama, cdrama, etc., this is the first and only time that I've ever been (cared enough about the outcome) this conflicted about reading a spoiler! LOL

I'm just way too invested in TK2H…!


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@adjovie - I know what you mean. Me, too. I saw the preview, but that's where I draw the line. Others have been more strict, and I commend you if you're one of them! Such control!

@Jade Butterfly and @yellow buttercup - So is the spoiled side dark or light? If light, then hey, Shi Kyung was in the light. That was a good thing, no?

LOL at whoever it was who was going.."I can't hear anything! Lalalalalalalalalalala!"


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i saw the so-called spoiler --- but it did not reveal anything really....

except Jae Ha is shown alive..... LOL


Thoz who hv gone to d darkside & hv seen the Light cannot divulge anything that might incriminate us as Spoiler of Spoilers. You have to come into d black hole yourself.
But its 3hrs 30 mins to ' live' so I say , HANG ON!
You've resisted this long. Just wait .


@Jade Butterfly

LOL - I am hanging on, alright... for dear life. Yes, countdown. I just "parked" it at ionairtv. We'll see if I can stay up (it's at 3 am here) or just be patient for the mostly subbed version.

The dark side is tempting.


dont go into the light!!;p

count down to the first part of K2H ending, Hearties...
see you guys on the ep. 19 beanut gallery...


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I won't go, won't go, won't go, won't…

But, but, but…how am I going to survive another 24 hours…sedation please! :)


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I gave in the moment I saw "spoilers." LOL! I was sooooo scared, but didn't have the courage to back out.


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I...have avoided it. I won't look! RAWR!



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RE: K2H S'pore Meet up
Thoz who wanna meet so far , its..
crazyahjummafan , Jade Butterfly , Babes ,loveCityHall
My suggested time : Next week( while d fever is hot!)
& suggested place : Orchard or Scotts Road Area
( you know our country's small so anywhere is fine though)
How now crazyahjummafan? Do u wanna take it from here , dear ?


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Omg there's actually a TK2H meetup in Singapore! *amazed and envious*

All my friends are no longer watching TK2H and they think my TK2H obsession is crazy. It's so heartening to know that there are actually like-minded ppl out there, in our sunny Singapore no less! :)


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If you don't mind my asking: why did your friends drop TK2H?


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Hmmm they felt it was too heavy a show, with all the national and international politics etc going on. In one of my besties' words: "All the politics and WOC stuff made me lose all interest."

Most of them dropped TK2H in favour of Rooftop Prince :( I'm the odd one out...


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we can get drama like Rooftop Prince everyday, but to get one like K2H?

it's your friends' lost, dear. Cheer up, coz you have us here! :D


I'm the opposite. I dropped RTP for TK2H and I agree with "yellow buttercup" that we don't get a drama like TK2H everday.


I guess your friend isn't a fans of Sign or CSI right? Because both of them quite heavy too for me

It's okay, that's their lost by the way


Interesting!! That's cool, though. A show is not everyone's cup of tea! I respect that opinion. I myself didn't watch a couple of super famous dramas from last year. At the end of the day it's our sensibilities that attract us to these shows.


Yep my sis watched the 1st episode and for some reason, wasnt too thrill with the WOC. I insisted that it was necessary for the plot. I attested that it is a great drama and it's not bec I'm crazy abt Seung Gi. After a couple of days, she skimmed thru ep 2 n watched fr ep 3 and guess what ...marathon all the way to ep 14 continuously. She got hooked. No regrets.


Yes, I'm so glad to have all of you here! This feels like family! :D


I think the turning point is episode 4, after that episode you won't be able to resist the temptation for next episode!

Seriously, episode 4 is amazing, have you told the sister the meaning behind the marathon? I think she will awe at your explanation ;)


Are you still friends...


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Kekeke we are still friends. Just that we avoid talking about TK2H and Rooftop Prince altogether. We may end up fighting. Haha.


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OKi... ;)


OMG, symptom what number is it? I forgot LOL


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Aw...I want to meet up too, but I'm all the way in Sacramento, California, USA.


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I'm in Davis. If I ever meet someone who also loves TK2H, I would sure spaz. Finally its Wednesday! I can't wait


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I am a UC Davis graduated!!!


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no, no...not next week!! I'm outstationed and some SGi's fans are going to the japan concert, so if they are interested, they can't go either... The week after?? ok? drop us an e-mail and we co-ordinate it thru that way?


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"...and some SGi’s fans are going to the japan concert"

ughhh, SOOO lucky!! I don't listen to his music but I'd go JUST to see his gorgeous self in person!! :[


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Jinja, you really don't listen to his music? :O

Here, an account of someone who love him as an actor, but going to his concert and,,,,LOVE IT: http://www.thelostwanderer.com/2011/12/lee-seung-gi-hope-concert-2011.html

He has a distinct voice as balladers. most of Korean balladers has smooth and sweet voice, but his is raspy. And if you heard his album from the 1st until the last (just bought the bext actually) you'll find this boy improving in each album...

His voice is much more stable, has long breathing technique, more than before, but still powerful as before. Love it!


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Jade Butterfly, please refer to my post #302.1
Yup, Orchard area seems the best place. Any suggestions of specific place?

You from S'pore too? Pls join us.


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First time contributing comments. Love this show to bits. Me from S'pore too. Would love to join in.


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@ Angie T
Its Plaza Sing , Next thursday at Swenson's .12.30 lunchtime , dear .welcome. Watch out for any change!


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It is King's Day!!!!❤ happy happy happy :)))))))))
In great dilemma...Happy to see my OTP tonight and can't wait to find out the surprises it may bring in Tk2h. With the drama coming to an end, I must resume my normal life! Am not kidding.. It's madness, especially this month manifested with tk2h virus that never had happen before and unfinished work, chores piling..

Sad on not knowing what to do after drama ends. Watch and rewatch tk2h? I have done that for nth times. Can repeat each scene flawlessly to anyone too.. Heehee

Help help!! Anyone has antidote?


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I know what you mean because I have never been so hooked up on a k-drama before. So hooked up that every single day if I don't log on to any of the sites it seems like miss something and can't get any rest or peace of mind. This virus is killing me. Hopefully after this week I will be able to sleep through the night peacefully without wondering what is going to happen next week. Ha!Ha! ^_^


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Yup! Agree with u. Refresh and keep updated with any new tk2h comments. The heart simply overtake the head subconsciously.nobody can understand the 'sweet agony' we are in except my hearties.my colleagues shake head and thought I was insane cos everyday I talk about tk2h.haha!:p


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@crazyahjummafan and jade butterfly

How about next Thursday? Lunch at plaza singapura Swenson? Any of you bringing kids? I m not bringing.


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It's official...
K2H cast&crew finished filming tues night hours ago.. T_T
I can't believe it!


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dont cry, mango!

at least we still have time until Thursday... and weekend to hang out here on GF's recap... and make comments, and cry buckets of tears and.. and.. and... *where's my Kleenex?*


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There is no spy here right?
I hope you understand what I mean with THIS, THAT and THE OTHER ONE.

First, I want to say I'm sorry for That drama fans. That drama seem to be the 'golden' one, when this drama and 'the other' dropped rating, media blown it up, while when 'that' dropped...no news at all?? LOL

If you notice too..soompi never post this drama article after rating -said- dropped, no preview, only THAT ONE gain many article, even for the slightest news. Am I jealous? Maybe, because I don't feel objectivity in that.

More over, our project...there is only ONE media report it..but THAT Drama was reported by many media. Sigh, talk about the subjectivity...


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Why do this comment here? Down! Down! I intent to write it down! In the 'fans message'!


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lol seems like comments are messing up and getting frustrated too! :)


I notice it too, Reglest! Hahaha...


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You lost me at 'that'. -_-'


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Waaah! This truly feels like the end of an era.

I can say with absolute certainty that I have never before gone so ga-ga over any show or movie. This has been such an amazing experience and I am overwhelmingly grateful for all of the time and care you fellow Hearties have put into making this a lively, welcoming community.


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A bit off-topic but...
The article say's it was first time for a drama to make such fan project while it is airing.. :)

Excuse me writer, The King 2 Hearties did that kind of project a month ago hahahaha!


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kekekek copy cats - TK2H did it first ...


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LMAO! So funny!


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maybe if they saw queen i hyun's man they'll say otherwise. :) i'm starting to like that show and it makes MOOOREE SENSE.
don't get me wrong but RTP was enjoyable till ep.4 oh well.
anyways, we all know who started it.
its funny. didn't we get in the news for putting up a fan project somebody posted it here awhile ago and from what i remember there wasn't even any mention of a "first time" for a drama to have a fan project while airing. just a thank you for all of us.
hmmmm, silly writer. publicity again
somebody should post in a comment in that website for RTP and correct them and probably put a link in there too for good measure. LOL.
this can't go on.


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How is QIHM? I just cannot bring myself to watch another show (that is not TK2H). The thought that this week we will be wrapping up this drama makes me all teary-eyed and heavy-hearted. These rather interesting reactions tell me the degree to which I was/am fascinated with this drama! :'(


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I love QIHM. It's my favorite drama this year, beating out even Shut Up: Flower Boy Band.

QIHM is gorgeous in the first two episodes, but it doesn't really grab (never to let go) until the 3rd episode, where the two leads get significant time together, and when things get funnier and cuter (yet the suspense picks up, too!). The two loads (Yoo In Na and Ji Hyun Woo) have fantastic chemistry.


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I marathoned QIHM last week and I liked it. It's really cute. It doesn't have anywhere near the depth of TK2H, but it's really, really well done for what it is.


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Agree with rearwindow.

Queen In hyun's man is executed so wonderfully.
The budding chemistry between the OTP is so adorable it makes me yippy when i see them on the screen together.
I love the hero in the show -- so much smarts.
There's beauty too, cinematography's great. After K2H, i plan to catch up on the recaps and start posting my comments.
Totally blows RTP out of the water. And i'm saying this without fear of any RTP fan's lashing.


I stop watching after episode 2. Just couldn't make myself go back to it. My heart wasn't in it. It started out really good though.


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QIHM of course.
But for everyone who hasn't watch FBRS...and want smile.fun.joy.sunny watch it.really entertainy.




i tried to comment but it's on hangul... :(


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Fellow Hearties just let it go. It's a testament to how much we loved the show when the int'l project came about a month ago. We had the faith and I will say that TK2H team met with those expectations and then some. What impressed me about the show was that even with the int'l stakes that were continually raised this show NEVER faltered in character development, relationships, and finally making us actually care about said characters.

As of now, I'm hoping our show can finish with a bang!! <3


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To add to the above: we wanted our show to do well for the team's sake....it was never our purpose to hate on another show. Perhaps, the writer isn't aware of TK2H project.

That project was indicative of our love and appreciation for a show that came out of left-field and made us fall deeply in love with all things TK2H!!


the article said it's a first time??

like my friend who mentioned to me, really pissed off by reporters who do not do research or read up often before writing their articles.. So unprofessional of them.

Anyone writing to that reporter and correct him??
Reporter is 강석봉- [email protected]

We started the project when the drama was showing epi 7-8, posted our video out after epi 11-12.. how could they said that that fan project is the 1st one??? Reporter is so damn lazy and not doing their work....


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I've sent the writer 'a love letter'. Trust me, I did it in a nice way. I feel like I have to correct him/her. The truth has to be revealed, so s/he can learn his/her lesson. Seems like we can comment in that article. There's a comment in English there.


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Glad you did it, I think the writer should be more professional and do their homework first. Ignorance is no excuse, imho.


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Ah Yon.. I know how disappointed you are :(

They are blinded by one, and isn't able to see the others


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it's unfair to yon and wanne you did their best for the project yet others claim it's the first time for a drama to have such fan project.. :(
Anyway, i think SBS PR promotions is wider than MBC that they recognized the video and commented about it immediately...


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*i mean who did their best


I'm a little confused. Which drama are you referring too? Is it RTP? The article was in Korean which I don't understand.


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The article said that RTP international fans sent video message to encourage the actor and staff eonni..but they said it's the first time International fans do this kind of thing (or so that I got from google translate)


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"Although many Korean dramas made issues after they have been aired in other countries, it has been the first time a Korean drama, which has not even finished broadcasting even in Korea, made such an issue in various countries around the world and gave people shock. "

that was the english translation that caught my attention.. hahahaha! Their PR was really good!


Kamsahamida reglest.
Isn't there a saying, "Imitation is the highest form of praise"?
It's SOOO obvious that fans of RTP were imitating us. They probably thought that it was good idea and didn't want RTP to be outdone by TK2H. All the international buzz abt TK2H will definitely bring about envy and competition. But this only goes to show how awesome the show is. If not, nobody will bother.




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sounds like you want to hunt the reporter down haha take a deep breath XD


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*facepalm* Ignorance is annoying.


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Gosh I'm feeling sad thinking K2H will end this week that I just need to say this even though I'd probably say this again after episode 19 and 20 aired.

It's been such a great and fun journey hanging around DB and reading all these intellectual comments and everyone enjoyably dissecting everything there is to dissect about K2H :) I haven't love a kdrama this much since I don't know when.

There were a lot of kdramas that I like but it's because I like them because they're fun to watch but they are not necessarily qualitatively good or deserves to be critically acclaimed. However, K2H is one such drama that deserves to be recognised immensely for being original and consistent in its directing and story development to the very end. And of course, top-class acting - you can actually feel everyone in the drama is giving their 150% effort to make this a great drama. And I marvel their professionalism.

I'll definitely re-watch this drama after it finishes which I rarely do. Although it is a bit sad to have to say goodbye to such a fantastic drama, I am soooo looking forward to this week's episodes as I truly believe it will give us a satisfying and well-earned ending.

Episodes 19 and 20- BRING IT ON!


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i am going to miss this part as well since I have never done this either.

Perhaps something like will come along in 5 years or ten years time? to Kdrama land.
But this will always be a special experience for me - like a "first love"...it will always be distinct and unique and never replicated. a second love may come along .....but it will be that, second....


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I forgot to mention how HAWT SK looks pointing his gun at JH...LOL! Very manly kekeke...don't get me wrong...I really don't like the fact that he's pointing a gun at JH...he just looks very handsome doing it.

I'm so jealous of the Hearties who'll get to watch it tonight.


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BTS Footage The King 2hearts - Jae Shin & Shi Kyung Kiss Scene



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oh thank you, I always love BTS! :D


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They're soooo cute together. It always cracks me up every time I watched the scene where Shi Kyung push Jae Shin's wheelchair after the kiss ~ he is really a super uber cute Eun-bot ~ I was afraid that Jae Shin will fall from the wheelchair LMAO


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he practically pushed her wheelchair in full speed! lol. seems like his circuit cant handle the kiss!


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@yellow buttercup
And you my friend are in full speed too! double post hehehe...30 mins to go!


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he practically pushed her wheelchair at full speed! lol. seems like his circuit cant handle the kiss!


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Sorry I've been missing out on the discussions. I've been real busy. I'll watch ep 19 tomorrow afternoon and for Thurs, I'll have to watch it in the night. Hopefully I can watch it before the final episode recap comes out. Hehe. I like jumping on the recap thread as it happens.

On another note. In 2 days the OST will be available :D. I'm soo gonna get it: http://www.yesasia.com/us/the-king-2-hearts-ost-mbc-tv-drama/1030884338-0-0-0-en/info.html


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No problem Arhazivory! I myself have been missing out. But come soon! We'll all be waiting and happy to discuss every little thing the next episodes have to offer.
SO on the next ones.


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LOL. I love these Hearties.


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Emotions...over board...


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I'm just sad that LSG didn't have an OST in this drama ~ it'll be a complete 100% daebak package if he did. Oh well, life goes on...but SIX hours left for Ep 19!!! :D


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Me too! That Kim Bong Gu had made him so busy from recording an OST. >.<


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@Jae Kang
Annyohaseyo Jeonha Jae Kang! How's the after life? Have you've been watching TK2H on the other side? Did you know that I love every episode and that you're lil brother turned out to be a great King just like what you expected ~ he's the BEST GOOD LOOKING HOT KING in the entire universe! LOL!


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Was mulling about him not doing an OST for K2H.
Think he brought quite a few of his CFs into the show eg Heritory, Dunkin' Donuts ,Kolon Sports.
So if also takes over the OST , then it'll be quite an 'unfair' dominance . Maybe , for all their Biz negotiations , others were pushing for a piece of d pie. Jus guessing.
Another guess is that , with every OST , there are required appearances in Kpop or some other singing shows to promote the song & with his Japan Live Concert , he's just all stretched out . So its a matter of tossing a piece of meat back for others . I think .


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@Jade Butterfly
You made some good points...he'll be pretty busy with preparing for his concert but I'm actually surprise that the guy from the other drama didn't release a song either...hmmm :D


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good point.


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I'm going to the dark side. First time I'm watching a drama live, so previews and spoilers necessary to keep me alive till next episode. At least that's what my lack-of-sleep, TK2H addicted brain is telling me.

Dark side.... Here I come....!!!!


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I Googled everything I could...I don't wanna any surprise...just
Sweet and emotional ending ;)


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I'm so tempted to ask what google showed you but like ahjummabunny, I want to be on the dark side. ^^


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LOL .. Okay, we'll be here when you get back. (Unless you see us there, too.) ;)


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welcome to the dark side, sister XD


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@Hearties Re: Singapore K2H Meet-
I'm fine with next thursday , 31 May
& I'm fine with Plaza Sing .
Most impt criteria : Nobody shuts us up cos we're gonna be spazzing loudly ( whether other patrons or staff)

What bt other Spore hearties? Your feedback pls.


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Seems like its just you, me, Babes and LoveCityHall so far. Let's meet at 12.30, Swenson's, Sing Plaza. To identify each other, wear something with hearts!
C'mon all other S'porean hearties! Come join us! Malaysian and Indonesian hearties too if you happen to be in the country!


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oh I wish I had Doraemon's magic door so I can join you guys~


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Like madqueen and giggleshohoho, I'd really love to join you, but my office is rather far from Plaza Singapura and I've to be back by 1pm :(

Thanks so much for your invitation crazyahjummafan, may you hearties enjoy yourselves! Hope we can have another meetup in future... Hehe. We should exchange email adds or sth!


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I m so looking forward to seeing all of you! Are you going to make a reservation because it will be during the lunch time crowd?


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I'll join you too. Me from Singapore too.


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I'll love to be there but I have to work!


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I'm fr Singapore too but I wont be able to make it..just started part-time a few weeks back. Hv a great time.


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We are having 11.268 comment on TK2H so far!!!!
11.268..did we broke the record? ;)


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@mtoh - Are you adding all the numbers from Epi 1-18 to make this massive number?
If yes , its kinda crazy huge number. Think gotta ask DB.


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Aha, to the moment I posted ;)


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Woah. That is huge. I'm sure we've broken a record.


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I tried watching rtp but couldn't continue with it. It has almost all the cliches in kdrama= boring. TK2H is like a breath of fresh air, a gem in the midst of the run of the mill type of kdrama. TK2H amazes me with its exceptional casting, intelligent and thought provoking script writing, wonderful costumes n sets and terrific osts. To me TK2H is the best of the best!

So everyone who loves TK2H, please vote for TK2H when awards are due. I voted for TK2H for the Facebook competition. So please vote if you have not. Can someone post the link to that? I don't know where is the link now.


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Hmmm...I hardly go on FB so I ignored the link when it was posted in one of the threads. :$

I agree about it being a breath of fresh air. Hmmm....After seeing your name, I think I should watch City Hall. lol.


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Oh yes you should! Amazing chemistry between csw and ksa. Both are great actors. N this show is about local politics. Wonderful osts too.


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Actually I also hardly go on Facebook. But went on for the sake of TK2H. Long live The King 2 Hearts!


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Ok. If someone posts the link, I'll follow suit and go on for the sake of TK2H. <3


countdown to ep 19!

btw here's a fun linky about Ha Jiwon's old movie... let's relax a little before we ride the "K2H rollercoaster" ;)


she still looks the same, doesnt she?


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i think i`ve seen this movie- i did not know ji won at that time.


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YES! It's almost here! After a long day of hard work there's something I'm looking forward too...TK2H and the comments afterwards from all great Hearties around the world!!! Why do I feel like I'm counting on New Year's Eve?! LMAO!


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I totally feel you!


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Don't miss The King 2 Hearts LIVE recap+screenshot tonight..in 15 minutes!! http://goo.gl/T6qK9


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good morning hearties!!!!
waiting for live stream --link pls i forgot my ionair acct


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Well, here we go. I admit I am kind of nervous...


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i am so frustrated i cant get in ionair acct.


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HOLY CRAP! Over 2000 comments? Wow. I was going to check out more comments while patiently waiting for ep. 19 but I'll need a whole day to catch up!


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oh God, can't wait!


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I just don't care anymore...


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A--A--A-----AAAAAA!!! *closed my ears and running*


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i am tuned in here now and i am having a monologue in here-
awwwww so sad right now - but it is only a story - keep reminding myself that...


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we can`t reveal the details of epi 19 right
so i wont say anything......i am ranting elsewhere LOL


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where are you LUVS? I need to follow you or I'll go crazy!!!


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find momochan`s link posted --- scroll above in this page
i cant reveal details - until dramabeans recaps -


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I knew that was gonna happen :/ .. to make the story so realistic I knew something bad should happen it's not happily ever after kinda story so...


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its a sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad day for me.....
i am going out for a walk - then to work - see our later -in 10 hours....


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Mind if I walk next to you...sigh...we dun need to talk....


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haaaahhhh, i was having a monologue at the other site while reading the live recaps ----


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I don't think I can sleep tonight...tomorrow will be a horrible day for me...better stay away from me people


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Yes I need to tell myself 100X ~ It is just a story ~ It is a drama only ~ but but but why do I have to end this way? *even my dogs are scared to get close to me right now* LMAO


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sorry....*sniff...I...cant....help...myself...*snif....from...this sadness

where are you...*sniff...*sniff...I'll follow you...not saying anything..just walk...*sniff...

still...cant...stop ...crying...


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When you said K2H


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Ba~aa~waaaaaHHHH!!!! * collapsed....comatosed*


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My lifeless body is lying right next to you T.T Please take good care of it..I just have to haunt some people


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'Soul to Soul: I'll be comatosed for awhile , you're welcome to continue lying next to me. Maybe some kind soul will resuscitate us...but do we want to wake up yet?


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@LSGlover's soul
You go get 'you -know-who' back and please allow the utter pleasure of axe-ing Bonggu! GRrrrrrr


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I mean allow ME da pleasure of killing BG!


@Jade Butterfly's Soul
Please do what ever your heart is telling you to do. I'll hunt the writers too per Luvs request. If you need my assistance we can tackle Bong Gu together


"but do we want to wake up yet?"

That's negative Hearty...I'm not ready to wake up yet...Don't want to feel any pain or anguish right now...There's so much hatred in my that I need to unleash... Unless of course it's Lee Jae Ha that will give us the resuscitation ~ I'll keep on resisting until he can't give me no air anymore hehehe


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Did not finish my statement. Up to the end is a rollercoaster ride. OMG


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Andwe,,,,,you broke the rule!


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lets come back and rant and rave - that would be the antidote...


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"Aliyya -
you just put yourself in trouble... lol..
you`re not supposed to say anything revealing until dramabeans posted the epi recaps ...
i am sure everyone knows already -


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Relax...you are sorry, I'm sure they have forgiven you.


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Everyone, have faith and be strong, even though I don't know how.


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I just CANNOt bring myself to watching today's episode....just reading the comments and the live post photos had me huddled up from inside....i don't know if i'll be able to watch it tonight


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While preventing spoilers, I read some blogger's previews and this one catch my eyes. Is TK2H that bad?
Don't click if you're a TK2H's crazy fan


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well its a matter of opinion! don't mind them at all as long as we love K2H that is the most important thing! they can bash all they want but for us hearties the show is still awesome!BIG TIME!!


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I can't even finish her review errr rant - the blogger admitted she does not watch the entire series - how dare she gives a review for a drama?
she just slew her credibility to me ...


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Why do you bother to read dear...No comment for this!


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did you watch K2H - make your own opinions - don't read other's - people like different things in a drama.
we are here becoz we love TK2H to pieces...


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I just read the post you've linked- eh, I don't think it's that big a deal. She was being snarky and she's entitled to her opinion. Also I can understand why she thought those things too- they were things that crossed my mind also, but I've had the benefit of watching the entire drama so my take on things are different. When you haven't watched much of a series, it's hard to get a complete picture anyway.

I have words to say to the writers about the most recent episode, but that's another story...


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The reviewer found TK2H MORE ATROCIOUS than RTP and FK!! hahaaaaa


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The question is "Did you like and enjoy the drama? As for me- I love it and I found the drama very interesting.You can't please everybody.


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The blogger mentioned K2H treating the viewers as two years old? Duh!?! This drama is for the smart ones!

That blog is obviously an anti-fan lair. Pffft! Waste of time to deal with a spawn of Kim Bong Gu. Or maybe worst than him. At least Kim Bong Gu loves Jae Ha. Keke ...


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I think I can understand daheefanel, I remember stalked her twitter, and feel disappointed because she doesn't like This drama...
Tough she said her expectation meter is low...but I think hers is actually high, considering how she depend it in the director and the writer.. And we must admit that very 1st episode isn't looked like damo/taraung at all...
Just like what I said before...TK2H isn't kind of drama that you'll enjoy with fast forwarding or jump off the bandwagon, this is the weakness but also the strong point of this show. You need to watch it slowly..even discuss it to make you falling in love completely


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I don't give a damn what this blogger wrote..
nobody cares with it...


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I agree with all of you. Ignore this blogger. I mean has she watch any k-drama at all. There are a lot more worse produce dramas. This by far has been the best written/edit/produce one I have watched. Well everyone is to their opinion and we just have to ignore hers.


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