
The King 2 Hearts: Episode 18

I love a drama that deepens the conflict as we go. So many shows will spin their wheels in the final stretch to just prolong the inevitable, but here we launch into a whole new conflict, as the final battle begins to unfold. And I swear, it feels like a reward just for me, but bromance takes center stage, and it is awesome.


King 2 Hearts OST – Taeyeon – “미치게 보고싶은” (Miss You Like Crazy) [Download]

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Hang-ah stumbles into a building to ask the couple inside if she can make one international phone call. The man inside eyes her warily, noting her accent and her bloody arm, and tells her to wait. He goes in the back, while his wife pours her a cup of tea.

Grateful, Hang-ah takes off her watch and puts it on the table. The woman gives it back, and then warns, “Run away, now! Hurry!” But it’s too late – as soon as she stands up to go, police officers march in to arrest her. Damnit.

She gets hauled off to be investigated as a North Korean fugitive, and when she gives her name, the guy just laughs, “The Kim Hang-ah who’s engaged to the king of South Korea? Yeah right.” HA. There is a certain irony to fame working against you.

The guy in charge gets a call from Bong-gu, who assures them that they should by all means follow their protocol… but there’s nothing to stop them from, say, detaining her a little longer, is there?

He reminds them that he didn’t not kill Hang-ah because he was afraid of them, but because she’s such a good pawn in the North-South game. Oh, ’cause I thought you couldn’t kill her because she escaped from your cookie fortress.

Hang-ah rattles the cage in her jail cell, asking when she’ll get to see a doctor for her arm. The guard tells her she’ll be transferred in a week, and the doctor will treat her then. A week? For a bullet wound? Though she’s more concerned about where she’ll be transferred to than anything.

Despite the injured arm, she spends her time working out like the badass soldier that she is, always preparing for her escape.

She finally sits down to rest, a wave of despair about to hit her, but suddenly Jae-ha’s hand appears on her shoulder. With her bruised and battered hand, she reaches out to touch it.

She looks up and suddenly he’s there, sitting right beside her, his arm around her shoulders. He smiles and she looks up at him with tear-filled eyes.

He wraps both arms around her tightly, and she closes her eyes. They sit like that for just a moment, and then he fades, leaving her sitting there with her hand on her own shoulder.

Man, it’s that moment he fades that really stabs you in the heart. Beautifully played. I like this vision even more than his a few episodes back, because it’s wordless but delivers a stronger impact.

She opens her eyes to find him gone. A tear falls, and she holds her hand to her heart as she sinks back.

Meanwhile, Jae-ha pursues his plan of attack: prosecuting Bong-gu in the International Criminal Court.

Secretary Eun heads out to his fishing spot and stops in his tracks to see Shi-kyung waiting there for him. He stands there with a smile on his face. It’s enough for Dad to know how he feels.

I’m glad Shi-kyung isn’t totally broken, but the reconciliation does come too fast for me—you were just sobbing in the pouring rain, remember? These are all things I want for them, but paced waaay way slower.

They sit down and Shi-kyung says that he always found Dad difficult. He knew what Dad wanted of him, but also that he could never deliver on those expectations. So he was always scared of him.

He says that’s probably why he screamed at him—to make up for all the complexes Dad gave him. “But I’m happy now. I think I can finally be independent of you.” Good for you.

He tells Dad not to think that anything he does is because of him. He repeats Jae-ha’s words: “You’re you, and I’m me.” So no matter what he does, it’s his choice. Hm, that sounds like dangerous martyr talk to me. Don’t you go doing anything stupid, ya hear me?

They have a nice father-son bonding moment over fish, or lack thereof, and laugh and smile together.

But then Dong-ha bursts into Jae-ha’s meeting to warn him that Shi-kyung is trying to go to China anyway. Drat. I KNEW you were being too smiley for a regular day! He gets yelled at by his commanding officer, and just replies, “I haven’t once taken vacation days, so I’m just going to use them.” Ha. Did you really think that would work??

It doesn’t, so then he takes out his resignation letter. What? You’re quitting to go be a hero? Dong-ha tries to stop him as he packs up his things, but his mind’s made up. Dong-ha sighs, “You can’t leave the country anyway.”

OH. SNAP. Did Jae-ha put you on a no-fly list? HAHAHA.

He storms into Jae-ha’s office yelling, but the secretary tells him no one’s allowed inside. He can only talk from outside the door. Hee.

Shi-kyung says that they have to do this to make sure Bong-gu appears in the International Criminal Court, otherwise mounting a case against him does no good. Jae-ha counters that he has plenty of super secret spies he can send in to do that job.

But Shi-kyung asks what happens when Bong-gu kills all those agents. Bong-gu knows that Shi-kyung is Jae-ha’s right-hand man. That means that for the sake of driving Jae-ha crazy, he’ll keep Shi-kyung by his side. Damnit, stop making sense!

He yells, “Why can’t I go? Because I’m your friend? If it’s that then don’t worry. I have never once thought of you as a friend!”

W-wu-wuh? Nooooooo! We survived this long without noble idiots in this drama, and now you’re telling me the bromance is going there? Take it back! You ARE FRIENDS! You are! You… are… *whimper.*

He pleads with Jae-ha to be stronger than this. He turns to go, but then suddenly he swivels back, grim with determination. He yells, “Lee Jae-ha!” OMG. Did you just call the king by name? In banmal?

“Go ahead and spend the rest of your life in there, looking for friends! Because Kim Hang-ah is gone, you’re scared of losing me too, aren’t you? I’ve long let go of my guilt. So GET IT TOGETHER!”

That was so awesome. That gets Jae-ha out of the room right quick. He fumes, “Lee? Jae? Ha?

Shi-kyung: “You said we were friends.” HEE. I love Quippy Comeback Bot best of all. Jae-ha roars, calling him a bastard.

But then Shi-kyung just stares with his super earnest puppy eyes, and Jae-ha caves with a sigh. Perhaps this is why you weren’t allowed in the room in the first place. I love that this part of the exchange needs no words.

Shi-kyung promises (now back to formal speech), “I will return.” Jae-ha lets out a shaky sigh. I’m not even going to warn you that you’d better return, because there’s no option to do otherwise. You WILL return, gorramit.

Bromantic study montage time. They plan their mission, down to the letter, complete with A SECRET CODE. Is there a secret handshake to go with? Sometimes I really love this drama.

Jae-ha asks Shi-kyung to do one last thing before leaving—go see Jae-shin. “You know the condition she’s in. And you know her heart. No matter how frustrating you are, if you don’t know that…”

Shi-kyung: “Can I do whatever I want?” Rawr?

Jae-ha: “You mean you haven’t, till now?” Dude, you don’t even know the half of it. Shi-kyung asks if he really can, just once, treat her not as the princess but meet her person-to-person. Jae-ha corrects him: “It’s man-to-woman.”

Shi-kyung: “Can I, just this once, follow my heart, and see her?” Jae-ha doesn’t answer, and instead turns around and picks up the phone. He orders that Jae-shin be brought out to the garden, and no one allowed within two kilometers of her, “…except Eun Shi-kyung.”

Wingman for the win. He turns around, “Will that do?” Shi-kyung starts hyperventilating now that he has no excuses left.

Jae-shin gets brought outside and then they take her wheelchair away, leaving her with nothing but a picnic basket. She wonders what’s going on, and then Shi-kyung comes up the road to meet her.

She asks if he knows about the memory she recovered, “It’s like a monster, isn’t it?” She starts to cry. But he tells her that the person who gave away the Anmyundo location was his father, and he’s decided that he’s not going to let himself feel guilty about that. “Because my father is my father, and I’m me.”

He kneels down in front of her. “It’s the same for you. It was because of them. It wasn’t your fault.” He takes her hand and tells her that recovering the memory alone makes her impressive.

He says it again, “It’s not your fault.” He holds her hand as she sobs.

Then a little while later, he piggybacks her through the garden, as he tells her that he’s taking a short vacation. He says that he’ll give her some homework, and once she completes it, he’ll have returned.

“Say It’s not my fault a hundred times a day.” Aw. She tells him that he has to do the same then. They both agree. “Laugh three times a day, even if you have to force it.” He adds going to therapy diligently and practicing being in front of people, and she agrees.

They reach her wheelchair and he puts her back in it. Still kneeling, he adds one last thing: “Sing again.” She kisses him on the cheek, startling him, and asks what else.

He stands up to give his answer, and plants a kiss on her.

But his own impulsive move sends him reeling, and he steps away from her, more in shock than she is. Heh. He quickly apologizes, and she asks what for, but he feels so awkward that he just gets behind her and speed-wheels her back to the palace. Pfft. What happened to the gutsy guy who told her oppa that he was gonna do whatever he wanted? Cracks me up.

And then he berates himself in his office for losing control. That was you, losing control? Whoa there, wild child. He thinks of something and decides to write a letter. I will admit, I hope it’s to Jae-ha, but it’s probably for Jae-shin.

Secretary Eun sits at his fishing spot and this time an entire royal entourage arrives. It’s Jae-ha. He tells ajusshi about what Shi-kyung did, and starts to say that he tried to stop him, but corrects himself: “No, I sent him.”

He says he pretended to put up a fight because sending him freely made him such a bad person. But Secretary Eun sees right through the guilt parade. Jae-ha says that there’s so much to prepare for the case, and asks him to return to the palace: “Like you did for hyung, come be by my side.”

Secretary Eun looks over at him, moved and startled. Jae-ha warns that the pay will be downgraded though—times are tough. Heh. They smile, and then ajusshi says he has to seek forgiveness from one person first.

He goes to see the queen mother, to confess his wrongdoing. She already knows, but I think it’s important that he says it and seeks forgiveness. She just asks with tears in her eyes about how Jae-kang was that day, since Secretary Eun is the last person to see him alive.

He tells her that the king was happy and smiling, and she says that’s enough for her.

The good guys get a break and finally recover the video player from Jae-ha’s hostage standoff in North Korea, but it’s too damaged to recover any data. Drat.

Jae-ha sighs and turns to hyung’s portrait, “You happy?” He’s just talking, but that phrase is the one that opens up his diary recorder, which he ignores. But then suddenly, something dawns on him. Aww, yeah.

He looks up at the portrait, and then over to the table and chairs sitting across the room, and then back at the recorder. Nice. I KNEW it would come in handy that his keyword was so conversational.

The music swells. He calls Shi-kyung. Mission is on. He walks down the memorial hall and into the pressroom to make his live public announcement. The world tunes in, and so does Bong-gu.

Jae-ha announces that the late king’s death was murder, and he has the proof. He plays the video. Hell yeah. It’s a top-angle view (because it’s aimed at the desk, if you remember Jae-kang’s footage from before) but it captures both Jae-ha and Bong-gu sitting across from each other that day that he confessed to the murder.

Backtrack to that day, when Bong-gu himself had said the phrase, “You happy?” which started the recording that neither of them noticed. The reporters and the public watch, horrified, as Bong-gu lays it all out on the video—that the real reason he killed Jae-kang was because he kept him out of the country, and sent him peacefully like a drunk idiot.

He makes that shudder-inducing quueck noise, and everyone who’s watching jumps out of their skin. Man, this is so awesome. And strangely even more horrifying out of context—he just seems like a pure monster. One of the reporters asks the man’s identity, and Jae-ah confirms it. Bong-gu sits frozen in his chair.

Jae-ha: “A king is not just a king. He is South Korea itself, and its 50 million people. Club M’s John Mayer murdered those 50 million people.” And with his game face on, he declares that he’ll be prosecuting him according to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. (Specifically used to prosecute crimes against humanity, genocide, war crimes, etc.)

Cut to Secretary Eun delivering their case to the court. Jae-ha continues: “We will fight. And we will capture him. We will uphold justice, and make him face the strict judgment of the law.”

Gah, goosebumps. I love a hero who fights within the system. Renegades are cool, but a king IS the system, and if he doesn’t have faith in that, his position is meaningless.

Needless to say, Bong-gu starts to panic, though he does his best not to show it. He tells his minion that it’s time to lay low, and orders him to call the prison and have Hang-ah moved.

But instead of doing that, Minion calls someone else in Club M to say that Bong-gu is now a liability. He orders a hit on Bong-gu… which Bong-gu overhears. I wish I could say that I’m surprised and shocked that you’d be betrayed by your own people, but who’re we kidding. Most of us were wondering how he lasted that long. Mia walks into the room, and minion starts crying instantly. Ha.

Shi-kyung and Dong-ha are hiding outside the compound, and Dong-ha worries about the plan, but Shi-kyung tells him to just do as he said, and pets him on the head before going in. Aw.

By the time we get back to Bong-gu, his minion’s already a dead fish. Shots ring out and they scramble, and Shi-kyung sneaks his way in. He gets into a fight with Mia, and I want him to kick her ass, but sigh, that’s not the plan, and he lets himself be captured.

She hauls onto his knees in front of Bong-gu and trains a gun to his head. Shi-kyung just tells him to kill him and get it over with. But Bong-gu thinks back to Shi-kyung’s initial rejection of rotten cookies, looks over at dead fish backstabber, and orders them to treat him well.

Shi-kyung hides his reaction, and Dong-ha watches him get hauled away from afar, crying. Aw. He calls Jae-ha to tell him that phase one is complete. Jae-ha hangs his head with a heavy sigh.

And then begins the horrible torture. They knew this going in—Jae-ha told him that he’d have to endure for an unbearably long time, otherwise giving in too quickly would seem false. I know they’re right, but aaauuuugh. They lay him on the ground and she threads a stick through his fingers, and then GRINDS his hand till his fingers break under her heel. Oof.

Hang-ah finally gets treated by a doctor in the prison. She winces from the pain, but he says it’s already healed over, so she’s overreacting. But of course it’s just a diversion…

While he turns his head to speak to the guards, she grabs him in a headlock and screams at the guards to step back. They panic and she orders the doctor to hand over his cell phone.

Jae-ha sits with Secretary Eun discussing the trial and IF YOU IGNORE THIS CALL I WILL KICK YOU IN THE NUTS. Thankfully, he answers. Hang-ah yells frantically into the phone, “Comrade Lee Jae-ha!”

She barely has time to tell him that she’s in a Chinese prison before an armed guard comes running in. He fires a shot into the air, and she drops the phone. He’s left screaming her name, not knowing if she’s dead or alive.

He tells Secretary Eun that he’s going to China right now. They rush to try and move her before the king arrives. He comes with troops both North and South (Dong-ha and Young-bae are both present).

He tells the prison’s commanding officer that a call from his fiancée originated here, and sends his men in to look for her. They search frantically, Young-bae especially falling all over the place, desperate to find Hang-ah in time.

They call out her name over and over, and then she finally hears it faintly. The guards have her somewhere removed, held at gunpoint, but she fights them off long enough to scream for Jae-ha.

He hears her, and takes off running toward the building off to the side. The agents follow. At the same time, the guards gag her and start to move her out, on the upper level.

They nearly miss each other, but then Hang-ah sees Jae-ha from behind, below her. She screams through her gag, and he hears her and comes running, and they finally lock eyes.

But they’re still moving her, and he races to catch up. She fights them off and manages to free herself long enough to run, but one of them grabs his gun and fires. Oh. Fuck.

She goes down. Jae-ha freezes just below her.

Blood drips down through the metal-grate floor to the lower level, at his feet.

He runs up the stairs as his agents secure the guards. She isn’t moving. He stumbles over to her with his head in his hands, not sure what to do, not ready to face it. He crouches down, hands shaking, and turns her over.

She looks up at him. He calls out her name like a wave of relief, and she screams from the pain. He looks down. It’s her leg. She was shot in the leg. Ohthankgoodness.

He cradles her in his arms, and she looks up and smiles, “Comrade Lee Jae-ha, it’s no big deal.” He clutches her to his chest for dear life, crying uncontrollably.

Wow, I was so wrapped up in that, I thought for sure it was the end of the episode. Man alive.

Bong-gu’s associate gives him the update and suggests they use Shi-kyung. He’s bloodied and currently enduring Chinese water torture. (Is that like a when in Rome thing?)

Bong-gu finds him being treated thusly and slaps Mia across the face. This is why you have no friends. He sits Shi-kyung down to make the offer: join his side. He seems to be playing right into their plan.

But Bong-gu is as shrewd as he is crazy, and needles Shi-kyung to take the offer as planned—after all, isn’t this a double agent mission? He points out Shi-kyung’s lack of a poker face, saying that someone with his personality isn’t cut out for mole work. I’m starting to agree. And worry.

Bong-gu says that really, Jae-ha is the bad guy for sending his friend into the enemy’s lair. I mean, he probably even pretended to put up a fight to appear less callous, but “he’s actually more ruthless [than me].”

He muses that if Jae-ha were born in a different time, he’d have slapped the faces of Yeonsangun and Nero. Ha. Shi-kyung counters that that’s all people like Bong-gu can see—what’s in front of his face.

He appeals to Shi-kyung’s vanity, asking him to set him straight then. He offers to let him get rid of anyone on his staff with a foul stench. Shi-kyung: “Aren’t you the cause of that stench?” Damn.

I love that knowing their plan doesn’t stop Bong-gu from trying to make Shi-kyung go darkside anyway. That’s HIS vanity, and they know it. Attempt #1 is a failure, but Bong-gu is determined to win Shi-kyung over. The fish is on the hook.

Hang-ah wakes up in bed (they’re still in China) and Dad scampers around to make sure she’s okay and getting rest, but she will have none of that—she asks for Jae-ha right this instant, freaking out about not wasting another minute in finding Bong-gu.

Jae-ha rushes in and she asks him, eyes wide with panic, if he has a plan for catching Bong-gu because they can’t let another minute pass with him out there. Jae-ha and Dad exchange worried looks and Dad leaves the room.

She asks again and again, and he tells her not to think about anything, and just rest. But she shakes her head no, getting more and more frantic. Tears start to fall, as she gasps, “How can I rest? Do you know what a scary person Kim Bong-gu is?”

She’s never once shown fear before this. Now I get why he and Dad were looking at each other so strangely.

He hugs her tight. “I’m sorry, Hang-ah-ya, for not protecting you. I know. I get it now, seeing you like this… how scared you were, how difficult it was for you. I know it now. I’m sorry Hang-ah-ya. I said I’d make you happy. But I’m a powerless bastard. I’m so sorry.”

She cries into his shoulder, her panic subsiding. Gah, the sight of her blue and purple hand clutching onto him just breaks my heart.

Jae-ha and Dad meet with a Chinese official who apologizes for the “incident” and Dad freaks out, but Jae-ha holds him back. He says that if they’re sorry, they can show it, by letting South Korean troops in country to catch Bong-gu.

The Chinese official in turn tells Bong-gu they’re no longer in cahoots, and orders him out of China in three hours. How perfect is it that Bong-gu’s bedroom is decorated like a child’s, full of oversized stuffed animals? It’s exactly as I pictured.

He’s short on time and moves, so he calls Shi-kyung over to make threats—what he got a taste of was Torture Lite, so if he doesn’t want to be begging to die, he should sign up for Team Blackhats.

His plan: have Shi-kyung pretend he’s succeeded in Mission Double Agent and then be a double-double agent, and feed Jae-ha false information about his whereabouts. He gives Shi-kyung time to think it over, or else he’ll end in bloody torture. And then he screams, “Why do you MAKE ME be this way?!” Yunno, I always found that to be the creepiest thing serial killers say.

Jae-ha sits with Hang-ah in bed and fills her in on everything. She freaks out at the news that he sent Shi-kyung. “That’s like entrusting a piece of meat to a tiger!” Aw, you think he’s a beefcake too?

Hang-ah: “If something goes wrong…” Jae-ha: “Then I’ll spend the rest of my life blaming myself…” He’s worried because there hasn’t been any contact, but says all they can do is wait. “We have to trust him.”

Shi-kyung’s torture just gets worse and worse, and Mia goes to town, threatening Dad and the princess like it’s Torture Christmas. Shi-kyung trembles, screaming out in pain. Did they finally do it? Did they break him?

Jae-ha gets a call. It’s Shi-kyung. He says that the plan worked and gives him the coordinates where Bong-gu will be… as Bong-gu listens. Jae-ha says their troops are arriving soon in country, so they’ll meet him there.

Shi-kyung asks if Jae-ha will come himself, but he says no—he’s found Hang-ah and she needs medical care. But Shi-kyung tells him he should come and witness Bong-gu’s capture with his own eyes, since this is what he’s been working towards. Bong-gu practically licks his chops at the king headed straight for his trap.

Jae-ha agrees and Shi-kyung gives him a place to meet. He sends Hang-ah home first, and she worries but he says it’ll be fine—it’s Eun Shi-kyung after all. He gives her a kiss and heads out.

Shi-kyung waits at an industrial plant and Jae-ha arrives, happy to see him. But Shi-kyung seems different, detached. Jae-ha asks why he’s lost so much weight, but he says nothing. We see snipers on the roof, and a bug behind Shi-kyung’s ear.

He takes Jae-ha in his own car without a security escort, and Jae-ha tries to make conversation on the way but Shi-kyung remains cryptically aloof. Hang-ah and Dad are on their way out, but she asks them to turn the car around—something doesn’t feel right.

Jae-ha and Shi-kyung arrive at a rocky cliff overlooking the ocean, and Jae-ha looks out, confused. Bong-gu is here? Shi-kyung says yes, so he follows. They climb through some rocks and come out onto the cliff, where Bong-gu is waiting with a team of gunmen.

Sitting across from each other are two thrones. One is empty, while Bong-gu sits in the other. He greets him with a smile and a bow, “Welcome, your majesty.”

Jae-ha turns slowly toward Shi-kyung…

Shi-kyung raises his gun in Jae-ha’s face.

Oh. Holy. Hell.


AAAAUUUUUUUUUUGH. Damn is that a good ending. You finally learn how to do a cliffhanger right, just when it counts. The thing is, I still hold out faith that Shi-kyung is being a quadruple agent (or something, the math is confusing) – in that I think he and Jae-ha were banking on Bong-gu’s counter moves. This is chess, after all. Just with live pieces.

The thing that’s selling the other side though (that he really put on a black hat) is Shi-kyung’s performance, because he really did endure an insane amount of torture, and afterwards he seems hollowed out and lifeless. Even though I firmly believe he’s still got it together on the inside, seeing him that way puts everything into question. Nicely played.

No matter if this is Shi-kyung being a triple agent or not, that last image just kills me—him holding his gun out at Jae-ha like their first meeting. Before it meant nothing, but now it’s betrayal because of the friendship they’ve formed. Their relationship might honestly be my favorite thing about this drama, and if you kill that bromance, Show, I will break up with you.

I’m so glad that Jae-ha has finally made his move against Bong-gu and proud of the kind of king he’s become. He once laughed at Jae-kang for saying that the king was the people and that the throne belonged to them. He was the guy who called the royal family puppets and empty scarecrows, but in the end he puts his faith in the system and the people.

And I like the question of morality that Bong-gu raises, because after all, a king is often as ruthless and tyrannical as any mass murderer. But again that difference is people. At the end of the day, a king still answers to his people. A murderer does not. Though the system Jae-ha operates in is flawed and can be abused, it has a balance in place that keeps any one person from having too much power. Bong-gu just consumes endless power and wealth thinking that it’s enough, and is left asking why he doesn’t have what Jae-ha has. I love that it’s so simple – he has too much power to ever have what he really wants.

And Shi-kyung is the embodiment of that. He is in the purest sense the faith of the people in their king, and Bong-gu sees it. He wants it for himself like a shiny toy, thinking that possessing Shi-kyung will be the same as having his faith. The fact that Bong-gu and Jae-ha stand there on the cliff, waging war over one soldier – (besides the fact that the bromance tickles me pink) is the perfect distillation of that conflict. I didn’t think his capturing Hang-ah or Mom was anything more than a plot device, but the war over Shi-kyung feels vastly different—it’s their ideological war, and it’ll get at the heart of the central hero/villain conflict, which is exactly where I want to be before the finale.

Warning: I’ve been pretty lax about the spoiler posts in this thread, but if you post spoilers about next week’s finale (and I mean both episodes), you will get a pair of VERY CRANKY recaps from me. [Note: Proper spoiler etiquette is to mark anything even remotely spoilery in CLEAR, no uncertain terms, short of neon lights, so that anyone who doesn’t want to read it (namely ME) could see it from a mile away and swerve around your comment.] You have been warned. I hold a mean grudge, Lee-Jae-ha-style, and not the kind with revengey kisses either.


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Wohhoo, Ms Ha ji-won (Hang ah) spoke in very good Mandarin when she was conversing w the Chinese couple & the Chinese prison guards in this episode. How cool is tt? She's just amazing. I love the whole cast in TK2Hs too...Thanks girlfriday - I absolutely love this site.
Jen from Singapore (am a big fan of Ms Ha ji-won)


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Are you Jennifer Lai? If so! Annyeong! I'm glad to see you here :D


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I cannot get my mind off this drama. I've watched ep 18 about 5 times so far. I just will not and cannot accept that SK has turned. No No No!!!!!!!!!I keep going back to one part over and over. I noticed something. When JH meets SK on that bridge or where ever it is. Their having eye to eye contact, They show the back of SK's head. We see the listening device is behind his left hear. Then they show a front view of SK and he turns his head very slightly to the left. I believe these two are talking in code and actions. In the car, JH: The car's nice. Everytime I see this part it seems so stange and out of place. Then we see in the rearveiw mirror the car behind them.

Also SK always shows his emotions in his face and eyes. BG noticed it too. Now he's like a dead man walking. I think that last session with Bon Bon brought the reality home for him that these people are truely dangerous and have to be brought down.


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If I may,
-listening devise is form BG, to track SKyung and listen his conversation;
-following car, BG again, to make sure they won't make turns;
-as for zombi SKyung, he needs to prove himself to BG;
Conclusion (mine); It's all be planed by SKyung, he knows what to do, and his gonna done it.
Is JH into his plan...that's my doubt?!


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I have no doubt about it.
Watch again the last minutes of episode 18

When SK told JH to "come with me" JH asked "What about the guards? "
SK replied" Send to the location that I told you - they have a lot of machines .and we need more people there" ---something like that....
and they clearly 'communicating silently.because SK is being monitored.
--- this is all the hint we get going into epi 19th.


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@mtoh What I was saying was that SK's slight turn of his head to the left was to warn JH of the listening device. There were very little words spoken between these two, but those few words meant something only to JH and SK. JH's first words to SK were "why did you lose so much weight". I believe JH and SK planned this down to the very smallest detail to make BG think he has won SK over.

The words of JH saying "The car's nice" was another code to SK that they were being followed. That's when SK looks in his review window.

SK knew going in that it was going to be ruff and hard to get BG to think he had won him over. He knew BG and Bon Bon were dangerous but he didn't really know to what extent until he experierced it himself. If he does not help bring these people down they are all in trouble. When he was be torchered and thinking about his father and JS something clicked in him. He knew then that he had to put away his emotions and become a dead man walking to achieve his gold.


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Great observations and comments! Must watch episode again!


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I had to rewatch all the scenes because I thought I was imagining it. Thank god there are others who saw it the way I saw it.

Pat on my back, pat on my back... No, you're not loosing it yet!!


Agreed! I just rewatched it subbed and I'm convinced Shi-Kyung hasn't switched loyalties.


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I think its been planned also. When JH asked if it was safe to talk. SK response was he won BG over, he never responded to the question. I just feel everything was planned! JH knew that BG would figure out what they were doing!


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I'm so sad everybody forgot to mention me. Poor me. Now I'll just go and find princess. Annyeong Princess! Even the princess forgot about me. She said she has too many homeworks and is working on homework no. 2. It's creepy inside our room. Mind if I ask you? Why is princess laughing alone? Do you have any idea?


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Jajajajajajajajajajajajaa! I missed you parrot. I was wandering where you were these last few episodes!


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Don't tell me you're hanging out with Kang-Seok as his props to get SNSD's Tiffany's attention! HUH!


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Hehhaaaa... ;) wing man!


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Hahaha! Great play on words!


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Haha! Very clever. I've been wondering about the whereabouts of the the little birdie myself. Kang Seok could be borrowing tweetie for anger management therapy or something.


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;) I started to watch move, and first scene Kang-Seok with Beatles haircut.... ;)


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dear parrot-
BG does not know you belong to the princess-
why don't i give an asignment? can you fly over to BG and spy on them? of course you will be mute -and then report it all back to JH or SK and HA?

you can do it -- not that's a good bird!


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Hey, wouldn't that be great if they really wrote that in? Or similar.


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I tried that once! I want to revenge on Bong Gu after knowing what he did to my master. Damn you Kim Bong Gu!
When I went there, Bong Gu offered me some rotten cookies. I'm tempted and ate it I can't help it because a beautiful girl named Bong Bong gave it to me. I barfed when I ate it. GROSS! I don't want to spy on that weirdo again.


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LOL! Oh poor bird, had to endure those rotten cookies. I can't blame you for not wanting to continue spying on the weirdo of all weirdos. Fly away. Fly far, far away!


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LMAO! Aigoo...


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Dear Parrot, please fly over BG's head and land a large load of crap on him but fly away fast before Bon Bon shoots you! Or maybe she won't in retribution for BG slapping her. Did not look like she cared for that much!


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I'm considering re-watching episodes 1-18 of TK2H this weekend (maybe even through to Wednesday)…

Anyone else? Or am I the only one :)


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HAHA I actually envy you and wish I could do the same. I already watched ep 17 and 18 for the zillionth time today and then I went back to ep 10 several times to check out the 'Are You Happy?' scene. I keep getting side-tracked from my work and keep going back to my favourite scenes in ep 17 and 18 and then spend the remainder of the time thinking about it.

HEY! You can actually try waiting after next week to marathon the whole drama without any cliffhangers! Speaking of which I might actually do that...


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Its already planned for the Memorial Day weekend :-D


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i started this morning im on ep 8 now haha! such an addict lol!


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Happy to join you , Advovie! Its such a pleasure seeing Jaeha evolve fr a irresponsible prince always looking for d easy way out & saying whatever comesto his mind to a king wt responsibities overflowing & Jaeha rising to meet all challenges in such a admirable way. Their love progress is so addictive to watch too! Speaking of whuch , I'm gonna run off to watch epi 18 as my nightcap! zzzip>>


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@A -- Not a bad idea…

@Stressor -- Episode 8?! Already? Wow—impressive…!

@Jade Butterfly -- Everything you said is why I want to re-watch starting from ep. 1!
--> "I’m gonna run off to watch epi 18 as my nightcap! zzzip>>" <-- too funny—awesome!

Oh my my and OMG, we're all in trouble…SMH LOL!!!!
TK2H…what have you done to us?!!!!!!!!! :)


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I will have to say I got teary eyed re-watching the first 3 episodes today! Jae-ha's growth makes this collective journey that us Hearties have taken with him (wrt JH) bittersweet!!

I cannot wait for further growth in the next 2 episodes!!


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I'm actually thinking of the same thing, marathoning through 1-18 just to get ready for 19-20 hehe. But I'll most likely be marathoning through it AGAIN the week after it ends! And then I'm hoping there's a D-cut DVD so I can watch it yet again when it's out lol


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OMG @Raine, you are my long lost twin that I wish I'd had—hehe!


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i'm joining u! but instead of marathon this weekend, i might marathon from ep 1 till 18 until wednesday. u know, just to get everything refreshed back and preparing myself for the final. :D

if only i work this hard for exam.... :P


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You, me and @Raine are long lost triplets—hehe!

Regarding exams—I know what you mean! :)


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is this some sort of birth secret? that means we are living in a kdrama! yeay! :P


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you're not the only one dear......HA

I always ask myself "why do I always watch Kdrama very hard instead of study hard for my exams?"


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HAHAH "I always ask myself “why do I always watch Kdrama very hard instead of study hard for my exams?”"

i'm always ask myself that too. gosh if i could take an exam on kdramas. A-star anybody?
i dont even think i've re-read any of my Literature texts as much as I've re-watched episodes of TK2H


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Excellent idea. I've been hopping back and forth to my favorite parts or stuff I wanted to check on for a second or third (or --th time), but 1-18 marathon...can do.


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I so wish I can do the same, but my schedule does not allow me to :(

I hate that I have so much work when a good drama airs, but when my caseload is light...I seriously cannot find anything good to watch. That is why I appreciate every moment dedicated to K2H...even as I typing this comment.


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Bad boys :)


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i'm glad they're so real :)


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"According to the AGB Nielson Media Research, the 18th episode of 'The King 2 Hearts' that aired on May 17 received a 13% viewing rate."

That is all. :) *reporting for duty*


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i wish the ratings would go up on the last 2 episodes but i really don't mind if they stay that low. all three 3 dramas are on par when it comes to ratings. 2-3 diff is not that much. so i would say all are successful.
the only thing i lament is that not all koreans are ready for a big change in their dramas. remember how we all pointed out how there are scenes that is a must in a korean drama like the piggyback, airport scenes, etc.
you don't see those scenes here being portrayed stereotypically.
well, i hope we're going to be seeing more like this drama in the future. 2012 has really good dramas that i'm looking forward to.
but i can be rest assured that the ratings on the most downloaded sites and live streaming would skyrocket next week. :)

can't wait!!! ..... at the same time feel sad. it's ending already :(


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I think the one controlling the TV remote control is the ajuhma or ajusshi and they love revenge type of drama, ie. Equator Man and likely that's why ratings are low for TK2H. On the other hand ratings for internet live streaming are the highest for TK2H as well as episodes download websites.


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Some thoughts of mine after watching ep 18 with eng subs.
1) Scene where JH asked Sec Eun to return to his side. I was impressived with JH's honesty. He told Sec Eun initially that SK insisted on going and that he tried to stop him, but was unsuccessful. Then he confessed that that was not true. He was responsible for sending SK to BG, but only pretended to stop him, or he would look bad. Some of you were wondering how JH could forgive him so quickly. I think that JH came to the realization that we all need forgiveness. For him, he would need Sec Eun's forgiveness if anything happened to SK, so how can he not forgive Sec Eun?
He is also wise enough to know when he needs a good man by his side and put aside his anger and disappointment.
Interestingly, BG also hit the nail on the head when he told SK that JH had sent him, but pretended to not to want to.

2) I wish someone would tell JS that her part in her brother's death meant that he died peacefully. He would have been assassinated any way, and despite it being an assassination, it was a beautiful way to die. Instead of having his brains blown out, he died intact, he died in the arms of his beloved wife; his last thoughts were happy thoughts and he died with a smile on his face, as Sec Eun had told the QD.

3) JH's discovery of the evidence against BG was epic and what I call poetic justice. It didn't dawn upon me until I watched this episode how utterly obnoxious BG's confession was. I was previously just too shocked by it, now I realise that he did it with absolutely no shame or guilt. Worse, he was so arrogant about it and he confessed with the late king's photo overlooking the whole confession!

It felt as if JK was revealing to JH the evidence. The password, 'Are u happy?' was said to JK. And in mocking JH, Bong Gu unknowingly opened the recording device. Ironically, he brought the evidence against himself.


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Great analysis. Also, this is the difference between JH and BG...the ability to forgive. JH can forgive Sec. Eun for his betrayal, but what does BG do when he is betrayed? He shoots and kills Tara himself; he has his toupee assistant drowned and killed. He doesn't trust his minions, unlike JH who trusts his people. Even though both JH and BG claim to be alike, which they are in the begiining of this drama, but at the end, they are fundamentally different.


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Love your comment. The JH and BG confrontation was really brilliantly executed. The first time around, I was focused on the individuals' performances, because they were just out of this world good. This time, the fixed camera simply framed them in a mid distance composition. And the camera acts in fact like the eyes of Jae Kang. The cruel, callous, and absurd way of the 'confession' and the setting (like you said, of all places, this was the late king's office, his desk, his chairs, and his portrait staying guard!) just give me the chills. So satisfying. Poetic justice indeed.


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I'm positively optimistic about the show's ending. What has been consistent is the characters swim against the tide and do the right honorable thing and victory will come. Be it ah-ha relationship, woc, js-sk. Believe the writers will not let us down. This show inspires us to transcend the ordinary and rise above the occasion. It's not just about the metamorphosis of jk but also of ha and js, so they prove their moral mandate and impeachable authority to be of royal blood and take their rightful throne.


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I'm optimistic too! It's so refreshing to see a drama where the male lead starts out with a cynical view of everything and everyone but later, from shouldering great responsibility and with the help of people around him, become determined to work hard to let good prevail. Yay JH!! Looking forward to an epic finale. After all, as you mentioned the theme is pretty consistent and the writers would be silly to let it all down instead of ending with a bang.


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three ;)


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since i was so curious i tried to take a peek at EM and try to check why it is on top now...A revenge drama with a great portrayal of the lead actor...not my cup of tea... but i am sure koreans (esp ajjumma's) love this type of drama.. I am reminded of the drama temptation of a wife also a revenge drama plot, gosh how my mother and granny was so addicted on it lol! EM got the attention of viewers when both k2h and rtp did not broadcast because of the election day... it's a great turning point for them..


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I was watching it and I found the second leads' interaction more interesting that the lead pair...am I weird? :P Great acting by UTW and LJH but for a revenge drama I feel that revenge is slow moving and simplistic especially after Sun Woo came back from the States. It's all psychological game between the characters and sometimes I wish there's more action than just talk. But I heard Ep 17 is epic, so I'm gonna watch it while I'm waiting for my main course on MBC next Wed :D

People like to watch how wronged underdogs struggle to triumph over evil, which is why shows like Baker King is such a big hit, IMO. Maybe for some viewers, they prefer simpler plots rather than racking up their brain in thinking a lot about certain plotlines. For me, TK2H made me ponder a lot about the real situation of North Korea, the diplomatic ties between South Korea and their allies, and the real power of Kings in constitutional monarchies, the latter which I can relate to because of where I live. I like it when a show gets me thinking (in a good way, not thinking to throw something at my screen out of frustration) because it shows that it has many developed layers beneath its seemingly simple exterior, each revealed nicely as the story progresses.

Granted, this show is not without its flaws (some of which you try very hard to forget), but what this show is best at doing so far is the characterization and portrayal of characters, and their ability to connect to the viewers emotionally. You watch these characters on screen, and despite the bizarre world they live in (an existing monarchy in SK) you can feel their emotion, their pain, their struggles and their love for each other (the Royal Family). Because it's how real people would react in the real world. They are not painted as martyrs or heroes who have no fears or selfless to the point of idiocy, something which we often encounter in K-dramas. Every character has its flaw, and to this day I still marvel at how the writers manage to write them in such a way that it feels....human. Of course, this would be wasted if not for the excellent portrayal by the actors and the director's keen sense of directing.

Ah, too much blabbering, sorry :P Just needed to get it out from my head before I forget everything. I'm still thinking the exact reasons why I love this show so much though. Need to list it down somehow :P


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The Best EPYYY!! The storyline is very complexed. I'm really excited on what's gonna happen next week.

I think JH and SK has another plan... love the BROMANCE. and

The writer and the director have done a superb job. A WORTH-WATCHING Drama! DAEBAK!


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This episode left me so drained. Eun Shi Kyung ah... 어떻게?

I agree with the spoiler warning, I've been trying frantically to avoid spoilers, but to no avail. I really wish to be "wowed" by the drama as it goes along, being spoiled is really no fun at all :(


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Tell me about it :(


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Which is why I don't read recaps, summaries or anything until I actually watched the ep at least once!


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Chingus, I have a bad feeling. And I swear, if something happens to one of my favorites, I'll probably go crazy and start screaming through the streets.


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Ooooo, everything is gonna be fine...deep breaths...breathe in, breathe out...repeat!
Better ;)


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"And I swear, if something happens to one of my favorites, I’ll probably go crazy and start screaming through the streets."

you and me both *grabs hair in frustration*


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I have a question, remember when ESK asked JH, do you remember the password? And there was something written on the paper, ok all of you that can read Hangul, what was it? Why do I feel there was some significance to JH saying he lost weight or am I imagining it? I believe JH is way smarter than BG and anticipated BG figuring out what they were doing! I swear, I don't know what I am going to do after next week!! Serious drama withdrawal!


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Please refer to comment #34! =)


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That's what I thought it was and I felt SK did not answer the question which signaled he was being watched/listened to. Let's hope one of the WOC fellows are sitting in the wings!


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I haven't watched the last two episodes yet *pluggin finger to ear*...I know you'll mad over me hehe

But I want to say... I love how this drama portraying a family is. It's not flawless nor perfect family, but it's definitely perfect at portraying what happened inside family.

I had said this long long time ago, how I love the families in this drama (The Royal's, the Kim's) and how the parents is so lovable and accepting, also excluding Eun family from the happy family... But now, Eun family is also an incredible family...

When I understand this...a tear brought to my eyes unconsciously, these writers..how can they make this?
This drama..portraying parents to their children perfectly, a mother to her son (Queen mother to Jae Ha), a mother to her daughter (queen mother to Jae Shin), a father to her daughter (Hang ah's father and Hang Ah) and finally a father to her son (secr. Eun and Shi Kyung). There are no things left behind, it's just balanced and natural!

As a mother to her son, Queen Mother push Jae Ha til the edge as he need to take the throne. He let him being strong by his own foot, but never left him by himself. But she still a woman, who acts based on her feeling (dear gals, we need to admit that we are Venus!), and her love to her children minds her when there is chance that she'll lose them again.

As a mother to her daughter...she is protecting Jae Shin, she cares her..maybe too much, because she is afraid any mistake will hurt her (again). She keep her as a little girl, until the daughter finally able to prove herself in her eyes.

As a father to daughter...(I have tears brimming on eyes now) Hang Ah's father is a perfection, he admit he can't undertand a woman feeling, since so he can't catch that his daughter actually longing to get married. But when he know, he use all the power he can to make it come true. He treasured his daughter, so he beg Jae Ha to love her...He try to make her live easier..he keep his logic, he know his daughter will have a heavy live, but he know his daughter's feeling so he let her go.

As for father to son...it's a different and complex situation. There is a popular saying in East Asian, I believe: A son grow with looking at his father's back. Which implying that fathers should be a good example to their children, esp Son.

I love that it's not money which drive Eun senior crossing the dark side but his fear about how his son will learn about his imperfection. He is a perfectionist, as Shi Kyung said, he set goal from afar, for him and for Shi Kyung him self. He want to be 'an example' to his child, but his 'perfectionist way' just dig his own hole. I'm happy he is admit his mistake and finally back to palace.
As for Shi Kyung, I understand how mixed his feeling is. A father that you looking up to, a father who set his way and capable in every way you look at him to, a father who makes you suffering from inferiority complex, now crumbling your world apart for his action & betrayal to your trusted one.

I want to claps my hand and applauding both Jo Jung Seok and Lee Soon Jae for their portrayal. Their father-son relationship is timid, but finally we understand that it's all based on love. Because Eun. Sr love Shi Kyung, he doesn't want to be a shame for him, and because Shi Kyung loves his father, he isn't blaming his father for his inferiority complex but he want to cover his father's mistake with his action....

I've lost words to describe how beautiful families in this drama is...very beautiful...and I'd treasure this families to my heart, longingly someday..I could raise a family like that.


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I love this drama because it offers so many different angles to look at. One of the biggest story lines is family...but what family...'It’s not flawless nor perfect family, but it’s definitely perfect at portraying what happened inside family'! well said!
Family isn't just number of people or people who share the same blood, it's divine feeling of knowing where you belong.
'longingly someday..I could raise a family like that' you certainly will ;)


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Nice analysis! btw not sure how you're staying away from ep 17 & 18, superhuman powers?


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It's more likely have no connection to download that give me the super power *staring at the download link longingly*


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I started to watch movies...I need to KILL time! ;)


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Love what you just wrote. The family bonds are just awesome.

The other day, I was raving about kdramas (esp TK2H) to a colleague. hen she said, "I don't watch soap operas." I was so deeply offended! Told her that kdramas are NOT soap operas, esp THIS drama. The familial love is so beautiful and heart-warming. It's what this world needs!


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I'd have the same reaction with you!
It's not easy to develop a family drama, even so in this drama circumstances with all politic and action bonding, but this drama able to deliver it!

The family bonding in this drama isn't in fairytale cover or evilish side...it's just..as realistic as a family that you thought you should. We nod our heads understanding reaction of the parents in this drama, except for Eun family who just revealed (and I love how they portrayed it), cries with them, engrossing in their feeling. While watching this drama, never once in my mind crossed the thought 'Heh, you're so lucky to have mom/dad like that'. I admit that I cursed secr.Eun for his behavior towards Shi Kyung before, but finally I understand their relatonship. Indeed, it's more difficult to grasp since no 'woman' included in their relationship.

I'm not married nor have children yet, so particularly it's difficult for me to synchronize with my parent. But this drama teach me, about what choices my parents and I think most of parents , or me in the future will do when they are in the same situation. Because the core of parents in this drama presenting the core of each parents in their hearts.


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I hate when people call them soap operas. I've seen soap operas and this....IS NOT IT. >< I hate them and having kdramas compared to them offends me.. *grumbles*


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I cannot express in words how much I love K2H. Such a unique k-drama for me.

Epi 18 has done it again! I am overwhelmed with emotions. I cried a lot in this episode, but sometimes can’t understand why my tears are falling. That’s how much I am affected by K2H. It’s making me feel emotions without me even realizing.

JS & SK…their picnic scene was bittersweet. Why is SK talking like he’s not coming back? This scene made me cry the most! It made me fear for what’s coming. They have great chemistry. He finally showed his real feelings, but it seemed like that would be the last. Ahhhh stress….my heart aches.

Now onto our OTP couple…love love loooooooved. He goes to fetch his woman in person! My heart was dropping lower and lower as the guards dragged HA further and further. If I had magical powers, I’d put my hand through the computer screen and picked JH up with my fingers and moved him quickly to where HA was. My nails were literally scratching the screen. The way he ran towards her…picks her up…and realized she’s alive…the look on his face…sniff sniff…I sobbed like a baby.


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I cried the most during JS and SK's scene too. I'm so afraid that he's not going to make it back :(


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I usually read the recaps and not post anything but the show was SO awesome I HAD TO post a comment!!

This ep evoked so many emotions in me.. I TOTALLY wanted to punch the mofo who shot HA!!! I would've loved to see those guards being punished! Was crying not coz I thought HA was dead (I knew they wouldn't kill the main character off, at least not yet), but coz of what JH must've been feeling during those moments he thought she was!!

And SHIKYUNG!! I pray to God he's not turning or even worse, gonna die!! The scenes with his dad and Jae Shin look like a bad omen though.. BUT HE CAN'T DIEEEE!!


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Welcome... :)


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Welcome!! Welcome dear hearties!!


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Years ago when I was much younger, we were required to do a weekly thing to hand in at school. You had to write a news digest about things happened during the week. And then there was this killer review/commentary section where you were supposed to do an article or book review. Now I had plenty I wanted to say. The problem was I was not sure that's what the teachers wanted to read. (Like most youngsters, my taste was skewed heavily toward the romantic side!)

Imagine if I had TK2H back then! Wow, the different angles I could play at writing those reviews. Politics, cultures, economy, human nature, commerce, family, geopolitics, psychology (this was the first shrink session I saw in a K-drama), the possibilities are endless. Yes, even the romances. I am sure any red-blooded person, teachers or not, would appreciate the romances in TK2H. And you can go as deep as your heart will take you. I tell you, TK2H is art!


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@Ann Michelle - Hear Hear !
I so agree ! easily A+ distinction.
But I think I wdn't hv gone thru enough of life's up & downs to hv written with as much emotional depth & passion . Cos of life's cobbledstone road, I can so appreciate d struggles of trying to achieve goals that one's station of life places in front. I can appreciate..JH's being 'forced' into a catch 22 position of family responsibilities. I can understand how HJW can fall so crazily in love with a man shose so frustratingly different fr her stoic Northern man & yet so crazily drawn to d kind of coquetish passion & sexiness he exudes. I laughed at how all these lovers here & how they are drawn like flies to a light . How poignant & miserable a mother feels when her child is in danger or dies. So many many points of real life emotions are paralelled here !
I'm crying , laughing ,screaming in frustration, clapping uproariously , jumping in tension , grabbing my cheeks in glee...Oh ! This Show This Show!

I woke up this morning wt a start .Ala HangAh style when she woke up in d chinese hotel room. only No IV drip.
Anyway , Shouting in my mind " Hey , there's too many things happening & too many lose ends still not tied & too many happy occasions still not screened so how can we finish next week ?? Come on ! This show shd go on for another 2-3 weeks! " RIght hearties ?


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Actually , the rate I'm going wt watching & dreaming & spazzing about K2H , I DO Need an Iv drip !


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I will say it loud and clear....the thought of not seeing LSG (n HJW, but esp. LSG) every week after the 24th (& discussing this show with my Hearty loves) makes me all panicky!

This drama totally blind-sided me and came from left-field and has left me flailing trying to come to terms with the sheer brilliance of art when stars allign and we have a perfect culmination of writing/acting/directing/music/production.

I've been contemplating watching the QIHM after we wrap up TK2H but I think I'll be needing a break from K-drama watching after being viscerally affected by TK2H!!

The 24th is going to be a sad day...am pretty sure I'll sit in a corner and sob my heart out and in the mean time freak my family out!!


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You can take a break....then watch QIHM. ^^


Love your insight, Jade Butterfly!

About 'emotional depth and passion' as you pointed out so acutely, yes, a viewer with more life experience and matured outlook on life will certainly feel differently than someone just starting out. TK2H is very giving in that respect. You can pick what you want. Young (in the sense of experience) and pure love, seen-it-all, cynical, jaded love, primal responses, considered and weighted reactions, you name it. I am sure everyone can find something resonant here.

Of course my fave is the kind of coquetish passion & sexiness someone exudes, as you so beautifully put it. Again, I have to give the writers credit. I love LSG from the beginning. But I did not imagine Jae Ha and Hang Ah's relationship could turn into this, quick, give me an adjective, profound journey that I've been swept along the way, to the highest mountains and the lowest valleys. It's exhausting. It's exhilarating. As far as I am concerned, this couple will live on forever!


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Forever ! This couple is definitely gonna get Best Couple Award ( strangely they always award a few 'best' though)
& LSG better get something for his amazingly portrayal ..Its just too amazing a performance .
Give the man a Baeksang !


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In Ep 13 we had quite a discussion on JH being a grey character. At the time I kept mum since I try to evade all sorts of sticky topics that will lead to unnecessary heated-debates. It was that episode that I loved JH even more (and, I loved him plenty prior to this epi).

Up until that point he was a typical K-male lead but after that point as a ruler/leader he's had to take decisions that would invariably lead to viewers being split in supporting him in his decisions or not liking his character due to said decisions.

I've always thought HA & SK to be the upright characters that would always rein JH from getting too dark, etc. I wondered what would it make HA & SK, as characters, if they too knew JH's role in Tara's death. Apparently they thought it was o.k. since we were never shown them talking JH out of him visiting Tara and the pandora's box it would open.

It's his his love for his fam, country, greyness, and now to bring down BG (not only to avenge the wrongs his done to his family but also the danger he poses to the rest of the world) that turns me into mush!! really, does!! Recalling JH's face when he sobs upon finding his HA safe makes me fan girl like no other...


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Just a thought. If S Korea needs a dynamic, honorable and intelligent leader, Seunggi is the Man. I feel that his portrayal of JH (in the latte part of the show) is very much like real persona.


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Like your comment about how you can identify with what the characters are going through. It's the same with me. That's why this show's so daebak!


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you got it right - that is why we had 2,300 comments in epi 16, and i am sure epi 18 will get as much --- we will be dissecting this drama until we get to the minutiae...

we got plenty to talk about for sure...
with so many minds tuning in to this - we get as many views, observations and points of view on the different subjects presented.....
I am not done either - this is like a movie running in my mind constantly -


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I just want to share this, recent LSG's interview, there is some questions are related TK2H and kiss scene, the rest are interesting to read too


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I jus read it. LSG mentioned that d Fridge kiss was unnerving cos too many people around & he also needed to 'bring it' . It was a 'deep' kiss as he put it & took 6 takes. Well , thats why ,in d NG , he stumbled , out of balance when he got up fr d floor .Thats d kind of feeling I should get from giving HJW , his crush , six deep kisses!
So cute !


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Opsies * One ( not I) should get fr giving HJW..."


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thanks for the link -
I like LSG's honesty and innocence. I hope he will stay that way.

I hope Lee Seung Gi won't feel too burdened as his fame grows. He should remain as he is - he is already a great guy -he is dutiful and respectful son, he is playful, and serious with his work, and witty and smart and multi talented - keep doing all those things and keep perfecting your craft ---and don't stop smiling - thats his 'biggest charm, and I might add, he also looks adorable when crying.
He seems to be a one-woman type of person -so I hope he would meet a truly great woman to marry when he is ready.
Meanwhile, it is okey for LSG to "date " and meet plenty of young women so he can learn to discern what a good woman really is. I have faith that he will use his 187 IQ and not be deceived or fooled by a wicked woman. I can't bear to see him suffer from a broken heart!!!
My precious LSG - I wish you a great life and be healthy and happy. Please do a concert in America-


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I read in an older interview of his that he's quite stubborn when it comes to girls. If he's made up his mind that he'd like to pursue her despite everyone else stating otherwise he'll go with his gut-feeling!! *raawwwwwr*

Considering how popular he is in Korea (and, thanx to TK2H is gaining global popularity) hope he can tread down the dating scene with caution! When all is said and done he is but a puppy!! =)


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Singapore first! It's a lot closer to Korea!


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gahh, this guy is soo frickin' adorable!! Just wanna nomnom him!!

oh man, he seems to have soo much pressure from the domestic crowd on being the good kid!! Not that he isn't but we all have our good and bad days!! And, I like that he'd like to subtly change their presumptions...I'll say he's very intelligent by taking on a grey character like Jae-ha in his third drama outing as the lead!!

Also, his ex-gfs...wonder what they think of him being the #1 choice for omonies (for their SIL) and single girls?!

During MGIAG he'd mentioned that his kiss scenes with SMA were the best (or something along those line). hmm, I wonder what he thinks after the fridge kiss?!! :P


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I meant perception and NOT presumption...ehh!!


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I am rewatching all of TK2H (I've finally convinced my husband to watch with me and we're two episodes in now), and I am just astounded at how far all of the characters have come, and how naturally and organically they have matured. Of course there's Jae-ha, who experiences the most dramatic growth from a cocky, deeply insecure boy into a self-assured leader. But watching the old and new episodes side-by-side, I also noticed how fully Hang-ah has come into her own.

Her growth is subtler than Jae-ha's, but no less drastic. At the outset of the show, Hang-ah is defined by her duality--on the one hand, she's a totally badass killing/fighting machine who commands the respect of her sergeants. On the other hand, she's a hyper-feminine, marriage-obsessed, naive girl. She fluctuates between the two extremes, but she doesn't ever seem fully comfortable in either role, and she tends to keep the roles more-or-less separate.

And this makes perfect sense, given that she was raised by her father and lacks a mother figure in her life. It’s as though she's "playing" the part of the hardass drill instructor when she's acting as "Army Hang-ah," just as she seems to be "playing" the part of timid and cutesy girly-girl (essentially what she *thinks* men want her to be and what her female friends advise her to be) when she's acting as "Girly Hang-ah." She can (and often does) switch from one to the other at the drop of a hat, when the situation warrants it--but neither role seems to suit her entirely, and as such she seems to be acting in both roles.

Over the course of the series, though, as her naive idealism surrounding romance chips away and she realizes that relationships are complicated and take work; as she experiences hurt and loss and eventually the love and acceptance of the royal family and Jae-ha (namely, as she matures), the two facets of her personality begin to merge and she becomes a more complete, "real" person. And Jae-ha is frequently the catalyst for this growth.

As rotten as he is to her in the old WOC training days, I think the main reason Hang-ah falls so quickly and so hard for Jae-ha is that he's the first man who sees her both in her scary/hardcore training mode and in her vulnerable, playful girly mode...and accepts both facets of her.

He approaches her as a woman even after she beats the crap out of him and manipulates him with scare tactics (you know, before he cruelly takes it all back and denies any attraction between them--to which I say, in retrospect, "Boy, you haven't a clue what just hit you!"). He sees through her facade, getting at both the vulnerable young woman underneath her tough exterior and getting at the badass strong woman underneath her childish girly exterior. He also exposes this facade to the world by leaking the information that Hang-ah is obsessed with finding a husband, which prompts her to expose her true intentions of coming to the WOC explicitly to be set up with a man.

Again, Jae-ha goes about this in the most hurtful way possible, but the byproduct of him telling the comrades about her "secret" is that she steps into her role as a woman and owns it, right in front of her comrades. From this point forward, we see less of a dichotomy between Hang-ah as a woman and Hang-ah as a soldier. Her relationships with her comrades strengthen, and she starts to feel comfortable showing those around her the different facets of her personality without compartmentalizing herself as either a soldier or a woman.

And then, when she starts to develop relationships with the royal family, who fall in love with her for her integrity and bravery, Hang-ah is able to fully come into her own as a strong, independent woman. Naturally, this coincides with the development of a relationship between her and the queen mother.

Hang-ah’s treatment of Jae-shin in the hospital right after JS becomes crippled is a key example of the merging of Hang-ah's femininity and her badassery. In this scene, Hang-ah acts both as a mother figure and a drill sergeant, smacking Jae-shin into shape when JS needs a wake-up call, and acting as a tender confidant when JS needs love and understanding. In this scene, Hang-ah is both tough and tender, which is a natural tendency that she grows into when she feels comfortable being herself.

Notably, Jae-ha sees through Hang-ah’s forced femininity (Bo Peep dance, anyone?) and loves her for the fearless, empathetic, kind, kickass woman she is underneath her posturing. I think this is why I love the royal couple so much—it’s truly an equal pairing. Both are made better by their partnership. Many previous analyses (including my own) have focused on Jae-ha’s personal development and how Hang-ah’s love has helped him evolve into a better man and a better king. But Jae-ha’s honesty and his ability to accept his own flaws and to see the flaws in others without condemning them wholly have made it possible for Hang-ah to embrace her duality and mature into a complete, multifaceted person who owns both her femininity and her kickassery without being ashamed or trying to hide elements of either.


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Clap, clap, clap!

Oh, rearwindow, if I could, I would give you a raise! Heck, here is a promotion!

Such wonderful insight - things I felt but did not have the definite grasp like you did to say it out!

So true. In Chinese tieba, they like to call Jae Ha "賤賤" or jian-jian. It's not a complimentary term. It's used to describe a person asking for more when he has just been through a beating, for example. Or someone who won't take refusals but persist to fool around you and grate on your nerves. And Jae Ha dares to do that to Hang Ah (I am pretty sure he is the only one). Why? Just like you said, he sees through her. And she lets all her guards down to let him see it!

I have to think back to the courtship of me and my husband. Of all the boyfriends and boy friends, he was the one that I felt (still feel) most naturally comfortable with. I mean I did not feel the need to pretend at all. I found myself telling him things I had not told any other living soul - no inhibition whatsoever. And that's how Hang Ah and Jae Ha are with each other. Many faces of Hang Ah are finally at peace and find a home.


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Aaaw, thanks for the promotion, AnnMichelle! :)

I love your description of jian-jian. It fits Jae-ha perfectly. In fact, for all his faults, he is extremely loyal and extremely forgiving (once he decides/realizes someone's worth committing to).

I also love your description of your relationship with your husband. Isn't it amazing how mature the relationship between Hang-ah and Jae-ha is? These writers are just too brilliant.


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I envy you that you found your Jae Ha in real life...Me? Still looking and waiting...haiz...Oh Jae Ha my Jae Ha come to mama! :D


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I'm always happy when someone has found their real life Jae Ha! Congrats to you!


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Move over, Mr Darcy! Jae Ha is THE man now!


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The king 2hearts should be listed as one of the great literary works.


haha!! Luffs it! <3


Jae Ha... There's a few out there I think! Keep on searching!


Yeah, there were definitely times during TK2H where I was reminded of a Shakespearean play, in terms of its in-depth portrayal of relationships and its exploration of global relations.



Kudos to you for a very insightful analysis. I enjoyed every word you wrote.


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Thank you, californiagurl!

ps. What part of CA are you in? I just moved from the Bay Area and grew up in San Diego.


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I live in San Ramon, just down the 680 freeway from Walnut Creek. Are you still in Ca?


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I'm not; just moved to NYC. I lived in Berkeley, though. Too bad, otherwise we could've had K2H viewing parties! lol :)


putting note on phone -
* read this #219 after returning fr church * (^^)//


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Your take on Hang-ah is soooo good.:)


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Thank you, abu!


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HangAH - what a beautiful portrait- wow, wow, wow.

I just read LSG's interview and when asked about his ideal girl , Seunggi said that he wants a girl that is girly, who would show her weak side and who would show she needs him, and praises him. And that during the filming of the kissing scenes, he wanted to "show" that he is "experienced" in that matter :):)))- he is a man after all. (LSG is so candid - I love him)

In this drama - Hang Ah is girly and weak and vulnerable when she is with Jae Ha. A complete woman can be both strong and independent , smart and "girly" - all in one package.

the biggest problem with couples is miscommunication - ( i am speaking from experience here) - and biggest mistake is thinking "if he/ loves me he/ should know what i want" Wrong thinking!
A woman or a man is not a mind reader - it does not matter if you've lived with that person for a long time... if you don't let your partner know what you like or what pleases you , you won't get it -and then you will feel frustrated and then you will think - he does not love you ---which leads to anger and arguments etc. (and i am not saying that surprises are not welcomed- those are great too!)

A very clear example is--- in the earlier episodes, when Jae Ha told Hang Ah that he likes a woman who is girly, and does girly stuff to her man like flatter him, and to dress up like a girl etc.
And of course, Hang Ah did exactly the same - bo beep dance and cutesy smiles aegyo..:)))
we modern women would laugh at this - but really, that is what JH wanted - he melted right there --did you see that big smile?
This is a cute example - the point is a woman has to know what pleases his man, and the man should tell the woman what pleases him. vice versa... That is communication.
Let us not be fooled by movie scenes and dramas - except in K2H - it is a real scenario.
People want to be loved --- but it is not the same with every person.


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"People want to be loved, but it is not the same with every person---" let me delete this -
sorry this a badly written sentence..

what i meant was - in the line of "how do i love thee, let me show the ways...

the ways are different with every person...so find out what those" ways " are ...from your partner. becoz what works for Jae Ha might not work for Shi Kyung -- got it?


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It's called 'Love Language'. There are 5 kinds. What your love language is may not be your partners, so you need to find our each others and love them they way they need to be loved.

1) Giving of gifts
2) Touch
3) Spending time
4) Words of appreciation and praise
5) Sorry, can't remember the last one.


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Sorry seems to be hardest word...I know this isn't 5th...but just pops me!


#5 is Acts of Service

Applied this on my kids. Totally works! Thank God!


Ooh, I love this comment. So true that communication is the heart of a healthy relationship, and for all the rockiness between them, Jae-ha and Hang-ah have always been able to communicate openly and honestly with each other (sometimes too openly, lol).


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"A woman or a man is not a mind reader . . . the point is a woman has to know what pleases his man, and the man should tell the woman what pleases him. vice versa… That is communication"

So true! Communication is really tantamount to a successful relationship. It would be nice, too, if your significant other can also pick-up on non-verbal cues and not rely solely on spoken communication.

I'm just amazed with couples who are so in tune with each other that they practically finish each other's sentences, so to speak. It's as if they know exactly what the other one was thinking. That scene in Episode 17, where Jae Ha just "fired" Sec. Eun and the QD and Jae Shin was talking to him about it, asking him what's his reason for doing so, comes to mind when I thought about that. It took one look from him and Hang-Ah immediately knew what to say to both ladies AND, her response, that one subtle nod and he knew that she would take care of it. It's so satisfying to witness that level of communication play out, one that did not need words. I just love their dynamics.


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Oh rearwindow I think I love you. I happened to read on another thread on DB that they thought Hangah was a static character without growth, which is grossly wrong, for all the reasons you mention above and more. I've been wanting to write about Hangah's journey in this drama for a while, but you've taken my thoughts out of my brain and made them a million times better.

Because Jaeha has been the one on the flashier, more obvious journey, it is easy to assume that Hangah has merely been there to support his growth and give him strength, however I think you've perfectly illustrated how their relationship is not at all one sided, and that Jaeha has provided his own form of support for Hangah, through his total and easy acceptance of all facets of her personality.

I think the sparring between the two of them at the beginning of the drama is actually really significant in that after Hangah has totally kicked his ass, Jaeha doesn't meekly run away like other men she has encountered (like her blind date in the beginning). Even though he responds by being an asshole, the fact that he fights back surely must be incredibly attractive to her. I think it instantly puts her at ease- she knows she doesn't have to hold back from being herself, and as AnnMichelle mentioned- it gives her a level of freedom and comfort she's probably never experienced with the opposite sex. THAT freedom has slowly, over the course of the drama allowed her to accept herself as a woman proper, and come into herself as a strong and independent person.

As you mentioned rearwindow, the equal nature of their relationship is constantly emphasised, and shown to us in their complete support and acceptance of each other, as well as the source of their desire to be better people. Oh, my god they are hands down my favourite K-drama couple ever. *fangirls*. I love that the nature of their push-pull bickering hasn't faded from their interactions now that they're together either. They continue to challenge each other, and at times deliberately bait each other for a reaction, for the pure pleasure of it.

Sidebar: one of my favourite scenes from this entire drama is that moment in episode 5 when Hangah is looking for Jaeha (who has already returned to Seoul) and when she thinks she finds him, slaps him on the back really hard, so pleased with herself and looking forward to his annoyed reaction... and realises it's Shikyung. That moment of horror that she's hit the wrong person, coupled with her disappointment that it wasn't Jaeha, kills me every time.


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I believe you're talking about the OT, right? Yeah, I saw it as well. Thought about responding then just meh'd the idea. Don't want to shove my love for these spectacular characters down other's throat. Perhaps we, fans, appreciate the subtle growth in HA's character wherein we it isn't "Look at her growth...how awesome, ne?!" heh


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yeah I was the same, I didn't think there was any point to replying to it, and it's not like everyone has to have the same opinion as me... even if they're wrong (haha).


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I will say one of my favourite scenes of Hang-Ah in the first half of the series is when she's answering the question as to where her loyalties lie?

I've watched that scene multiple times and every time my eyes well up with tears. Which is funny since I wanted to shake her in the concluding scene in Ep 9. I didn't know which party to side with, heh!!

It was that week's episodes that convinced me that this show would be the first one that I'd be finishing at the same time as it would wrap up. In my 2 years of K-drama watching I've lost that emotional connection to many a series....yes, I've seldom gone back to finishing the series much later but only out of compulsion. This one's the first time I've gone rabid for...


Oooh Saima, I ADORE that scene too! I remember that was around the time in the series where some commenters had started complaining that Hang-ah wasn't as badass as she used to be. Not only did I disagree, I remember thinking how much I appreciated that Hang-ah isn't ever defined by any one aspect of her personality. From the start, she's shown to be strong and yet feminine. But as she develops more, she's shown to be shrewd, intelligent, poised, earnest, and empathetic. I love that she's not just the "brawn" to Jae-ha's brain. I suspected that she would be a good queen from the start, but her response to the "loyalty" question (in addition to her interactions with Jae-shin post-injury) was the first instance where I thought "ooh, this woman's going down in the (fictional) history books as one of the world's greatest queens."

I think that's why we all love this show so much. Nothing is in black and white. The characters are complex and frustrating and inspiring, and their evolution is so beautiful to watch.


Wow, comments to comments are great too, what is this, a paradise of intelligent fangirling?!

Hang Ah static? What are they thinking!

I think I will use TK2H as the criteria for friends screening in the future. In my humble opinion those who can't appreciate this drama have a lot of growing up to do.


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Hehe AnnMichelle! I actually told my best friend the other day that we couldn't be friends anymore if she didn't like this drama (we've made plans to watch it together soon...)

Of course I was kidding... OR WAS I?!


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Oh, you are after my own heart, Jenlikeskettlecorn!

I forgot to mention that I love the scene in ep. 5! Hang Ah's expression, from mischief to anticipation to surprise to panic to total crush - she's just adorable beyond belief. They were both kidding themselves that they could just go back to where they came from and pretend that nothing had happened.

I am sure the thing between you and your best friend will work out. No doubt she is as smart as you!


LOL. My husband started watching it, and at first he wasn't a huge fan, since Jae-ha was such an asshole in the first few episodes. But once we got to episode 4, I could tell that he was hooked. We're up to episode 8 now, and I had to force us to stop last night and go to bed! :)


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FABULOUS comment! Sorry it took me so long to respond. I especially love what you said here:

"I think the sparring between the two of them at the beginning of the drama is actually really significant in that after Hangah has totally kicked his ass, Jaeha doesn’t meekly run away like other men she has encountered."

YES. Exactly. Hang-ah doesn't feel the need to pretend when she's around Jae-ha. Their relationship comes from a place of honesty and communication, rather than a desire to control, protect or "possess" each other (which is a kdrama trope that drives me nuts). And how lovely that they both challenge each other but they also learn to be a source of support for each other as well.

I also love the scene that you mentioned where Hang-ah slaps Shi-kyung, thinking he's Jae-ha. Such an incredibly succinct way of illustrating how comfortable Hang-ah is with Jae-ha, and how well-suited they are for each other. They're real with each other from the get-go. On the flip side of this, I think Jae-ha doesn't know what to do with a woman who is so "real" around him, either. He can't rely on his "playboy" exterior because she doesn't play into his games.

Her earnestness (just like Shi-kyung's), even when that earnestness leads her to be rough-around-the-edges (and/or beat the crap out of him) is probably a totally new experience for him when it comes to women, and extremely attractive (just as his acceptance of her toughness must be extremely attractive to her).


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1. Love your analyses on our beautiful & fierce Hang-ah!! <3

It's interesting that HA is diametrically opposite of what JH had listed that guys around the world look for in women (Ep 3). heh

Those characteristics were mainly physical & it was only later when he confided in HA that after his first crush went south, he became cynical, and never allowed himself to be vulnerable to another person. This allowed us to think that HA's guesstimation that at the core of his being he is afraid that he may not find the right one, was right after all! It is ultimately HA's solid personal traits that attracted him to her & fall in love with her.

Since he's so new to being in 'love' that when HA lashes out at him he thinks that she deceived him, and sends her packing home. Thanks to his mum and sister's intervention that he's able to realize the importance of all things that encompass love, including forgiveness.

I was amazed when he learns of Secretary Eun's betrayal, within seconds he's able to decipher through the information that he could understand that he may have unintentionally given away his hyung's holiday location. My jaw dropped right after that statement. I thought to myself that after that brief separation from HA this guy's learned not to jump to conclusions too quickly. Although Secretary Eun's not family his deception cut him deep.

So, since the start of the series both HA and JH have been a part of their journey of discovering & molding each other for the better. Which is a reflection of real-world relationships!!

2. How awesome that you've convinced your husband to watching this series!! yayyyy


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Good job too, Saima! Just LOVE the disussions going on!


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Sorry, 'Loveth discussions'


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Another amazing comment!! I have nothing to add, but your insights on the balance that these two bring to each other's lives is spot on. I especially love your analysis of how Jae-ha's reaction to the Eun betrayal is much calmer and better reasoned, thanks to Hang-ah's influence on him. It's wonderful that we get to see these characters constantly making choices, and that these choices are directly affected by their relationships with one another.


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@rear window
Beautifully analyzed & explained . You got it down pat .I agreed wt everything u wrote , dear .
Cheers * clink glasses * to you .


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Thank you! Cheers to you as well!

(*downs entire bottle of wine in an effort to make the next 24 hours pass more quickly*)

(*bows head in shame that TK2H seems to have made me into an alcoholic...or at least, a pretend alcoholic, online*)


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*Hands down*

You, my friend, just did a wonderful job in describing HA character. Can I treat u for lunch? Or should we all go for lunch next weekend? U know, just so that we can treat the withdrawal symptoms together?

On another note, I gotta say that I can relate with HA's character myself. I've been a bit (well, probably not a bit) boyish and grunge since I was kid and people has been perceiving me as that and I to be honest, love to be looked like that. But somehow, deep inside I still have this girly side of me which I only show to my closest friends (but most of the time, not). So people like me would love to find someone who can see this multifaceted character of mine but still sees me as a normal person. I've been receiving remarks from guys 'Ah, u can take all the harsh word right? U're not even a woman. Or at least u're not acting like one.'

To be honest, I used to think that was a compliment but later I feel that I wanted to be treated right but I don't want to be bullied at the same time. I wanted to show the real me but I sometime confused with what is the 'real me' look like actually.

So, when watching K2H, I can't help myself from dreaming to have someone like JH who can accept HA the way she is. A kickass woman but with a very delicate heart when it comes to love. hurmmmm


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ok, that has become very personal. where's the delete button? aaaaaaaaa!!!!


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maeye, thank you for sharing so much of yourself. Be bold and dream on. Don't settle for less, my dear. May you find a man who love you for who you are!


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awww, thanks babes! i've been regretting for posting the comment (and yeah, i think db need to add delete button now. :P)

but yeah, thanks for the support!!


Wow,look at how similar Hang Ah with us?

I mean..hmm..I'm also a lot of Hang Ah, and during my college day, I behave like you, in fact, I'm so boyish that my mom even scold me..but yes..I'm still a girl inside, I love lovely things and all..

I guess Hang Ah's character is a representative for nowadays women isn't she?


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"I guess Hang Ah’s character is a representative for nowadays women isn’t she?"



Wow, thank you so much for your beautiful and inspiring comment! I'm so sorry that I didn't respond sooner--this weekend was unexpectedly busy and internet-less.

But please, do NOT feel ashamed at your comment. These characters are drawn so realistically that we can't help but see bits of ourselves in them. Honestly, I think there's no greater compliment to the writers than to have fans say that they see themselves in the characters. I know I personally see a lot of myself in Hang-ah. Heck, I wish I saw more of myself in here, because she's just so awesome!! So you should be proud of relating to her as a character :).

And do not worry, dear, you will find your own Jae-ha--a man who loves and respects you for your complicated, wonderful, multifaceted self.

Thanks again for sharing. Much as I personally wish there were a delete button (ah, late-night drama-crazed commenting :)), I'm thankful that you didn't have the opportunity to delete this because I so enjoyed reading it.


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Rearwindow, you are spot on, as usual. I always enjoy reading what you think. :) And as I read this analysis you wrote, I think of my own view of Hang Ah over the course of the show.

You are absolutely right that her changes are much subtler compared to, well, everyone else. And of course the reason those changes were so drastic and sudden was because the catalyst was so traumatic and sudden. That is the Assassination.

The Royal Family nearly fell apart after Jae Kang and Hyun Joo's deaths along with Jae Shin's injury. Jae Ha suddenly was King, Jae Shin suddenly was paralyzed, the Queen Mother suddenly had to resume her previous duties as Queen AND take care of her children. Not to forget that there is now a gaping hole in each of their hearts where Jae Kang and Hyun Joo used to reside. With their grief and these new responsibilities, they had to make a change immediately or fall to the wayside emotionally and politically. (In some ways, Jae Shin took the longest to recover but her trauma was more than just grief and responsibilities. It was also wrapped up with her new paraplegia, PTSD, and Bon Bon's ongoing terror attacks. Her delayed recovery is completely understandable to me.)

Now, on a personal level Jae Kang's sudden death did not affect Hang Ah in the same way as his family. The reason Hang Ah was afforded such an understated evolution was because of her slightly removed relationship with the old King and Queen. I won't say that it didn't affect her but, let's be honest, she knew him for maybe a few months. While they had a very affectionate relationship building, it was only budding when he died. For her his loss was more like a good friend with familial connections that never had the time to grow as strong is it most likely would have been. She hadn't known him her entire life as the others had. That's why she has a much quicker "recovery time" and is able to become a pillar of strength for the Royals in their time of need.

So while suddenly the Queen Mother went from inactive to active, Jae Shin went from vibrant and cheery to depressed and fearful, and Jae Ha went from slacker to leader, Hang Ah simply began tapping more into her HBIC personality that we'd already seen from the WOC training days. The others seemed almost like new people to us. (Not completely since you can still see glimpses of their old lives.) Hang Ah, on the other hand, seemed to grow firmer in who she was already. There is, however, a significant difference from her HBICness during the WOC training and her HBICness during the Royal Crisis and I postulate that it had a lot to do with Jae Ha.

Remember the scene in Episode 2 when Jae Ha patted Hang Ah's back while she fell asleep? Just before he told her that she needed to yield and learn to accept others. Even though he was playing her then, he struck somewhat on the truth. Like you said, rearwindow, in the beginning Hang Ah had a problem melding her unyielding soldier side with her gentle caregiver side. It's not that she was too strong/independent but that she could not yield to others. Prime example of her rigidity was her botched date with that first guy who she instinctively choked out when he went for a kiss.

Dealing with Jae Ha and his douchebag shenanigans allowed her to get a crash course on when to yield and when to be firm. Unlike her first date, who I think she went out with just for the sake of dating, she had a reason to try to yield/accept with Jae Ha. She had no intention to date Jae Ha and he was a complete dick but she felt extreme attraction to him anyway. That attraction made her keep trying to open her heart to him even during the rough assholery he kept giving in return. From that experience, painful though it was, she learned and was able to begin to meld her two halves into a whole after the Assassination. (Though she doesn't truly complete her change until after her miscarriage and final acceptance of Jae Ha in Episode 12.

Wow...That got way longer than I intended so I'll just stop here. Hope it was coherent. I just poured out a bunch of my Hang Ah feels all over the place. lol


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I agree with you about Jae Ha's douchebaggery allowing her to yield when it was important to her, and I also think that works both ways- for Jae Ha as well (that he also learns to yield).

I think it's quite interesting that Jaeha and Hangah are actually quite similar, and in the beginning they both react to each other by lashing out at the other when they feel vulnerable. It reinforces for me that they were equals from the beginning, not abuser and victim, and equally, that they're both attracted to finding someone who could possibly match them/beat them. For Jae Ha it was finding someone who truly challenged him, and for Hangah it was finding someone who wasn't afraid of being challenged.

Jae Ha's actions had more repercussions because as Prince and later King, he ostensibly had more power, but in a lot of ways Hangah is almost as rash and vindictive as Jaeha. At the end of episode 9, I was 100% sympathetic to Hangah, but it's also true that her "trash" speech to Jaeha wasn't about getting answers as much as she wanted to hurt him for hurting her. And sadly vice versa, leading to their separation. This is also why I think episode 9 (as frustrating as it was) was so great at redefining the boundaries of their relationship and how they discover 'this is how far I can go, and no further' if they want to be together- which they both discover they do.

Similarly, this is also why the proposal scene was so romantic (and I am generally unmoved by proposal scenes) because as much as it was about Jaeha stating he'll love Hangah for the rest of his life, he was also making a promise for the future that when they're tested, when he is tested by her, instead of getting back at her, as he has in the past, he's going to invest in the two of them even more, he's going to love her and look after her more, that kisses will be the extent of his revenge.

Anyway, I just want to clarify I don't think Jaeha being an asshole is what makes Hangah fall for him, only that both of their journeys have actually mirrored each other, and both of them challenge each other to not only be better, but truer and more honest to themselves.


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**Jaeha's douchebaggery allowing her to learn when to yield and when to stay firm when it's important to her, I mean.


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Indeed. I agree that they behave very similarly. I love their symmetry so much! Even in the midst of an argument they are similar. The writers set that up beautifully by mirroring their interactions.

I also love that she doesn't fall for him BECAUSE he's a douchebag but DESPITE the fact that he was a douchebag. A lot of the times it feels like the former. And when he finally crossed the line with her, she made it clear that even though she could get over some things, not everything. Not deporting her and definitely not his neglect during her miscarriage.

Even after they get back together, Hang Ah continues to draw the line on what she will allow from him. I love that scene during the WOC when she flat out told him she will not accept a man she can't respect.

Ugh, their relationship slays me!



God yes, I totally love this too. I love that she lays down the law with him, "do better!" and his response (after sulking) is eventually "Ok then".


Wow I love your analysis ---
we have some beautiful minds in this forum. Did I tell you I like reading your thoughts?
Jenlikeskettlecorn,reglest,crazyahjumma,eva,mtoh,jade,jane,ilikemagoes,wood etc -too many to mention----all of your here and of course the best recaps Girlfriday.

You have been my company for the last 3 weeks that I have been posting here. I've been lurking for the previous 6 months.

---Another note..
I read at koalasplayground comment section --how "china is banning K2H from being aired in china because of course china is depicted in the drama. - and the netizens are in uproar - "

I hope the netizens are in uproar because it IS not being aired in china
and not because china is depicted in the drama.
awww c'mon be a good sport. just - it is fiction people! It wasn't even depicted badly because in the end - the Chinese official hang-up on BG and told him to leave china...he is not entirely corrupt :)))) Is that what they are worried about??
--Should USA then ban the airing of K2H in America because the USA team lost to team Korea ???? That would make them petty and small minded- right???

Anyway, K2H will be permanently inked as number 1 on my best Korean drama list of all time. It might stay number 1 for a long time - unless a drama that will surpass K2H and captivate my mind and heart comes along -- its gonna be a long wait, i think.

K2H is my first Kdrama love- it owned me heart and soul!!!

I am hardpressed to think what to put as number 2-10.
I have to think about it first. I have watched lots of kdramas and movies since discovering them 2 years ago, mainly for entertainment and to cure boredom when I was recovering from my surgery. So since I was new to it, I just watched indiscriminately and then I noticed a pattern in the story lines.
At one point I was thinking - ughhhh- I am glad I am not korean because , man- those wicked mother-in-laws , they are scary....LOL
and the others ----some we already touched here..

So right now, I am redoing my favorites as my standards for kdramas have been raised and altered, thanks to K2H.
Lee SeungGi will sit in number 1 actor (just because aside from being Jae Ha, he is an all around wholesome guy and I like his smile and voice and wit) . He is the only actor I will fangirl. I won't have time for anyone else.

After K2H - i will need time away from kdramas- to restore my equilibrium and my real life.

I will come here and check from time to time, what good drama to watch next. Since I got to know you in this forum - I will count on your collective judgment and let you be my guide. I hope you won't change your names so I will recognize you.

This has been a unique experience for me - I have always wanted to be in book club but never found the time - this is a close semblance and I take it.
Nice to know you all and thank you sincerely.


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"Lee SeungGi will sit in number 1 actor (just because aside from being Jae Ha, he is an all around wholesome guy and I like his smile and voice and wit) . He is the only actor I will fangirl. I won’t have time for anyone else. "

Me too. I have never, ever fangirled any celebrity like I do LSG - not even during my teenage years. I'm a one-man woman! Haha! But really, don't have time for anyone else and can't find anyone else who can match up to his personality and character... except hubby of course.


@luvs @AnnMichelle:

Same goes to me, I even said that I despise fangirling thins before right?
Seung Gi make those I said before fireback me. I found my self constantly browsing about him, squealing over the news/pict, anything a fangirl do, attending gathering for airen (who most of them is teenager! OMO!I'm such an ajumma there!), many many things!

Even content of my blog shifting to talk mostly anything related to him. Because I don't find the joy for blogging if not about him/related with him hahaha.



Another comment to fist-pump! I am so humbled to have sparked this INCREDIBLE discussion. I can't handle how smart you all are. It's awesome.

"Jae Ha’s actions had more repercussions because as Prince and later King, he ostensibly had more power, but in a lot of ways Hangah is almost as rash and vindictive as Jaeha."

Wonderful point, and yes, I sensed this from the start though I never articulated it as well as you did. Hang-ah's behavior towards Jae-ha at the WOC is comical and understandable, given Jae-ha's "don't give a fuck" attitude, but it is telling that her way of "controlling" his behavior is threatening him and manipulating him. Particularly since she's completely in her element here, while he is scared out of his mind (even if he attempts to cover that up by playing the "bad boy"). Even once their engagement is initially leaked to the world, both Hang-ah and Jae-ha are thinking about how to play each other and come out "on top" rather than about their true emotions (or the emotions of each other). When Hang-ah declares to the world in the press conference (where Jae-ha was hoping to announce that their engagement was broken off) that she's in love with Jae-ha and that the engagement is still on if he says it is, she is doing it get revenge on Jae-ha for breaking her heart (and she admits to him later).

It's particularly satisfying to watch their relationship develop because as they slowly learn to trust each other and open up to each other, they also learn to forgive each other. The more I reflect on it, the more I think this show is largely about the power and necessity of forgiveness in forging relationships and in separating us from the animals (or the Bong-gu's) of this world. TK2H takes a very realistic look at our tendency to make mistakes and hurt those closest to us, and posits that there are no perfect relationships. The best relationships are those built on honesty and trust, and in order to maintain those, we must learn to forgive each other when we inevitably fall short of our promises.


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I also have to say, your interpretation of the proposal scene was hands down the most compelling I've read. I agree 100%. Brilliant comment, Jen!


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You write beautifully. It is a total essay. Yours, and the one by rearwindow, are the final words on Hang Ah as one of the best heroines in any drama.

I only want to add that at the beginning of our story, Hang Ah was the only whole person among the principals. Being whole means that she has come into her own already, although the two-faces-of-Eve thing still needs to be settled, but she's got the whole package. Jae Ha was the catalyst that promoted and completed the fusion of her parts. Without him, she would still be functioning relatively normally I think. But oh, what a lonely existence that would be! All those untapped womanly potentials (remember the scene where she watched the friend's baby celebrating the one year birthday)...And missing the love for the whole woman that she really is!


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Wow! Nodding my head over and over and over from comment #219 up to 219.10.2! I can't believe that I'm reading these brilliant feedbacks based from a drama. I think I need to go back to school because suddenly I feel so dumb. LOL!


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Yes. Hang Ah very much struck me as a whole person. Though I would argue that everyone except Jae Ha felt like they were whole. Shi Kyung was already on his way to being a decorated soldier and even Jae Shin was already on the path to pursuing music.

Only Jae Ha was wasting his life away. I think of the scene with Jae Kang in the first episode when he listed how everyone else from the Royal family was contributing to society but Jae Ha simply leeched off of the people.

I think that's why his change is the most striking to us...because he became a real person in front of our very eyes.


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yeah - Jae Ha character is like our son - and boy, it took a village to raise him :)
now we can watch him be a king and a man and be proud of him!



You're right!! Jae-ha's growth from bratty & rash Prince to
a brave, strong, & wise King has made us so proud of him!! *sniff sniff*

I'm waiting for him to make that final leap to being THE King his country needs when he brings BG down in an atypical manner using his intelligence.


Yes. What Hang-ah lacked, to some extent, was opportunity. She would've been (hell, she already was) an amazing soldier, undoubtedly she would've found someone to settle down with, but her greatness was such that Korea would've been deprived if it did not have her as queen. I feel the same way about Jae-ha, now that he's come into his own as king...though as ravens_nest so beautifully put it, becoming king saved HIM in addition to him saving the country.


I'm deeply humbled and feeling inadequate after how well everyone have written here, esp about HA and JH. (nominee lists growing longer and longer.)

They say human relationships are often most complex and hardest to understand. It's true even in real life. Often one is so busy managing careers, family, friends, oneself, that we take things for granted and assume them as they are.

When I watch a drama or movie, it's more for entertainment or distraction. I certainly do not do such in-depth (I mean REALLY DEEP like what all of you are doing) character analysis, if I have to prioritize my time and energy.

But here, you all did !! And we actually can, and it all make sense. I love how JH and HA evolved, everything that you all have mentioned, all the time and energy you have spent here. Gosh ! I'm in awe ! Which also brings to the point how hard the writer, the actors work at their characters.

If this hasn't been mentioned before, the most distinct difference is how HA behaves with JH vs with SK in the beginning. HA sees SK as her ideal, behaves "girly" with him, ie during the snow fight. Typical of how a person behaves as what they assume the opposite sex likes. Contrasting how honest she behaves with JH. One example as mentioned, the slap on the back in ep5. JH is probably the only one whom she would do that to.

Thus there is no awkwardness, no "reconciliation" of behaviors needed between JH and SK, because theirs have been so real and honest to beginning with. Fast forward to now, this is why this depth of love, trust, and need for each other is so convincing, and touching to me.



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Opps .. "Thus there is no awkwardness, no “reconciliation” of behaviors needed between JH and " ... what was I thinking ... sorry sorry sorry ...


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*nods* So right! It was very telling to see her contrasting behaviors with Shi Kyung vs. Jae Ha. The person she had to pretend with and the person she could be herself with.

And don't worry...your views are great and very insightful. Don't knock 'em! :)


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Thanx for pointing out another facet of their rel'p!!

I recall cracking up at how oblivious JH was re his feelings towards HA when he was being a dick to SK. I still remember his "How did you seduce her?!!" and poor SK trying to formulate a coherent response!! Epic!! <3


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I'm in awe too! And your comments is one of the many insights to be applauded!

Love your final paragraph. That sums up perfectly why this couple hits a nerve with so many of us.


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Is it appropriate to fist-pump a comment? I started picking out quotes and points to highlight, but honestly every sentence you wrote, I found myself nodding with a big grin on my face because your insights are so spot-on.

Such great points about the reasons for Hang-ah's development being slower than that of the rest of the royal family. I love your insight about Hang-ah's rigidity and how Jae-ha inadvertently caused Hang-ah to come into her own in terms of learning when to yield and when to set boundaries.


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Wow rearwindow! This comment deserves an A+++. It's true that we always write about JH's maturing character. HA's is more subtle.

To be honest, I didn't really like the way her character was protrayed at the beginning. I couldn't understand how a trained assassin could have such an ultra feminine side. I felt that it was not realistic. From what I know, trained assassins usually suppress their emotions, so that they can do their jobs better. But your assessment of her character brings things to light.

Fantastic piece of analysis! And so well written!


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Oops, "portrayed at the beginning."


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Thank you so much! That means a lot coming from you, who always has such profound insights into this show.


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thanks rearwindow for your brilliant character analysis! :)

I've often felt that Hang Ah fell for Jae Ha in two instances of the WOC training - when they were on the treadmill bomb (i felt he already fell for her then), but more so when they were fighting in the toilet during the mock exercise (his speech about not getting captured without a single bullet fired). that was one of those rare moments when he took off his mask and she saw what he was made of. and of course during the 60km walk.

These were also the instances where she put down her tough cookie army drill segeant persona and took on the nurturing self.

They are so good together!


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It's interesting that all of those instances that you mention are instances where she got a glimpse of Jae-ha's potential for greatness. As ravens_nest pointed out, Hang-ah falls for JH in spite of his cruelty, not because of it. And I think it's largely because she witnessed moments like the ones you mentioned, where Jae-ha stepped it up and acted like the king he was destined to become.

This also ties in with her later insistence that she won't marry the scared little boy that Jae-ha tends to revert to when he feels truly threatened, but rather that she intends to marry the strong man that she knows he can (and will) become.


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Oh...MWAH!!! It's like you and bern 75 reached into my mind and laid out my Ah-Ha feels. :)


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Those are exactly the moments I felt Hang Ah fell for Jae Ha. Partially because they were the moments I started to fall for him too. Because you saw him grow up in those moments and become a man.


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Ooooh, thank you all so much for your amazing comments. I can't wait to read & respond to all of them!


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I was dumbfounded when viewers were annoyed that HA became vulnerable & weak (Ep 6-10ish). It boggled my mind that they expected her to be in scary assassin mode when she's sorting out her 'feelings' for the man she's fallen in love with.

Are we in the same static mode throughout our lives? No! We play different roles in our lives and we keep switching personalities, in a way, according to the demands of said roles!

And, do not get me started on the number of times I've explained how HA easily got over JH shooting her!! To put it briefly: she got over it (despite being deeply hurt) when in 'comrade' mode but it came back to haunt them when they fell for each other.


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I agree completely. It's like you took the words right out of my mouth. Have we really come to expect our kdrama heroines to be so one-dimensional? Just because a physically strong woman is depicted to have feelings, or be a little naive, or even display OTHER (non physical) acts of bravery, can she really be labelled as weak? Hang-ah is a three-dimensional, complicated character and I LOVE that about her.

Also, I doubt many (any?) feel the same way, but Jae-ha shooting Hang-ah was actually the thing I least fault JH for doing to HA back in the WOC training days. It was undoubtedly traumatic for her, but I imagine as a soldier, she's seen a lot of people do a LOT of crazy/shameful things in battle. I love what you said about her getting over it as a soldier, but then having to process it later as a woman.

I also really felt for Jae-ha during the aftermath of the shot, in some ways even more than Hang-ah. I think it's because the situation was incredibly raw; they were acting on adrenaline, and his shooting HA was so clearly a reflex borne out of deep-seated emotional trauma. His shooting HA, as I see it, was related to everything he hates about himself--his abandonment issues, his growing attraction to HA, his intense fear of vulnerability and the fact that the moment he let his guard down and started to trust the woman he had an inkling of real attraction towards, (he perceives that) he's betrayed by her.

It also brought out the core of JH's relationship to his brother and the royal family--that while they all love each other, JH is basically the joke of the family and Jae-kang is deeply ashamed of his brother. Jae-ha, up to this point, had been so afraid of amounting to nothing that he had built up a wall around himself--essentially embracing his role as the free-spirited playboy to avoid taking actual responsibility and risking learning that even when he tries, he doesn't measure up. He at some point decided to play the role of a piece of trash, to avoid admitting to himself that he is worthless even when he does put in the effort. But what this moment did is strip away all that pretense and reveal Jae-ha in his basest, most primal state. And that darkness, more than anything, is what Jae-ha was dancing around and avoiding and trying to cover up.

What makes this a brilliant drama is that we get to spend the next 16 episodes watching him put himself back together and, with the help of his family, develop into a man who is worthy Hang-ah's love.

(Totally did not mean to write an entire novel, there, I was just so inspired by your comment that I couldn't help it. Hehe.)


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What a lovely, lovely piece! *stands on top of chair on top of table and claps vigorously* I have loved Hang Ah from the start but after reading your character study of her (and the ensuing discussion after your post!), I have a renewed and heartfelt appreciation for the kind of woman that she is and has become.

I easily forget that she is a fictional character because how her character was written, and ultimately portrayed, makes her seem much more real to me. She exemplifies the kind of woman we secretly (or not secretly) want to be, at least me personally, who is both kickass and feminine at the same time. I mean, how can one forget that scene in Episode 12 when she was fighting the kidnappers in all her badass glory wearing a skirt? Or that scene in Episode 1 when she emerged at the train station looking all girly girl just AFTER kicking someone’s butt in that NK Mixed Martial Arts semi-finals championship? It’s so fascinating to see a character displays such traits that are polar opposites from each other with such aplomb and conviction. The tough yet vulnerable. The kickass yet girly. The perfect yin and yang. Kim Hang Ah. To me, she truly has become the benchmark of what a heroine should be like - *insert all the adjectives that you have described her with*. :)

@all the other commenters

Wow! Reading through all your insightful and well thought-out comments drives home the fact that I’m so glad I’m watching TK2H while it’s airing (and not have waited until the series is over). Otherwise, I would have missed participating in this vibrant community. Not to mention, appreciating TK2H on a much, much deeper level. What a truly enjoyable viewing experience!


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I agree--Hang-ah (/Ha Ji-won) is totally my hero. Such a strong, capable woman. And seeing her evolve has been a joy to watch.

Also, I totally second/third/fifth/one millionth your comment about watching TK2H while it airs. The viewing experience is made immeasurably richer by the lively discussions that occur on these recaps. You all have inspired me to look at the drama and its characters in new and provocative lights, and I can't imagine watching without you.


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Wow! Rearwindow, Saima, Jenlikeskettlecorn, ravens_nest and all other commentors, thanks so much for your in-depth analysis and insights. Feels like I'd just attended a Literature 101 tutorial. The only time I took Lit as a subject for 'O' levels, I totally sucked at it. So I really, really appreciate how you guys dissect the characters and their growth in the drama. I already loved the character HA. Now, she's fully fleshed out for me. I think JH & HA will be my new Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett.

I seriously feel sorry for those who watch tk2h without coming to DB for recaps. They would only be scratching the surface of the great drama that it is. If tk2h does come out with a director's cut DVD set, they should enclose the recaps and comments here as supplementary reading otherwise viewers will prob not be able to give it the full credit that it deserves.

Thank you, everyone, for enriching this thread with your intelligence and in so doing, enriching my world, which will be a much less colourful place when all this ends.


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I've been recommending this drama to my friends, but I also tell them that have to read GF's recaps and the comments, or they will lose the beauty of the show. Also recommended the show with a warning: That all other shows will pale in comparison afte watching.

Actually to newbies of Kdrama, I do not recommend this show as their first drama. I feel that they will not appreciate it as much until they have watched other less great dramas.


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Yeah, I feel like I'm back in a film theory conference in college. Everyone's so insightful and encouraging. What a wonderful community!


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Omo, finally I've read it. ^^

You've written a beautiful insight into Hang Ah's character and her subtle development in interaction to Jae Ha's obvious change from a volatile younger brother to a caring and responsible young king.

This characters are authentic, indeed.


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Thank you, Chethaera!!


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@ rearwindow

I didn't read your long comment yet, but I'll catch up on it later, when I'm less tired (if that's possible the next few days)

It's just not often that people here post comments of such length and I'm about to upload a similar one right now. ^^

Let's give the hearties something to read!


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Oooh, I look forward to reading your comment! Lol, I didn't even realize how long my comment was until I published it. Hehe. Whoops! I started re-watching the series and was compelled to analyze Hang-ah's character--and once I started, I just couldn't stop! There's so much to discuss!

We're blessed to be watching a drama that is so rich and detailed that it inspires such in-depth analysis.


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So true. ^^

I never did this before with any drama or movie. The fact this is a kdrama makes everything sooo much more pleasant.

great story + intelligence + authenticity + (bonus) eye-candies = fun!!! *lol*


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Hello hearty, who ever you are, where ever you are! ^.^ Before you will read my long comment I just want to "warn" you that I'm a exceedingly Shi Kyung focused person. Sorry, but I can't help it. Both, the actor and his alter ego in TK2H completely captured my attention and blinded me that much I can't see clearly the other protagonists any more. ;)
Since observing people and getting their interactions rather subconsciously is one of my greater talents this remains a home game for me. I still get mostly why the others are acting as they do. Lucky me. ^^
But as I've mentioned before, I will and I want to focus mainly on Eun Shi Kyung in the following analysis and my assumptions about the events in episode 18 and what could happen next.

*takes a deep breath* Okay, here we go.

Just when I thought I'm trough the worst it comes even worse.
To watch episode 18 with subs deepened the feeling of being tortured, nearly as much as our poor Shi Kyung, who suffered for the sake of his king, the loyalty to his country and their people, the truth about the late kings death, his father's guilt (no matter what SK said, he feels responsible) and especially for his love Jae Shin.

Yes, of course I have read girlfriday's detailed and insightful recap, nevertheless it makes a difference whether I watch it raw and read later what they've said, or I watch it and simultaneously I can understand them. In my case it made everything worse. Especially the scene where Eun Shi Kyung was in front of the kings door, not allowed to enter, hence pleading loud and vehemently for being send as spy to Bong Gu, even by provoking the king. Without understanding a word it was hard to figure out what he was discussing that emotionally, with subs I went a second time through the irrational and sudden impulse to hold him back from acting self-sacrificing, like a martyr.
How much responsibility he must feel for his people if he even pleads to enter hell on earth??
Can a man like him so easily be broken?

*makes a dramatic pause to give time for thinking* ;)

But I need to slow down. ^^
As some of you before I also realized with rapidly expending uneasiness of my gut feeling that Shi Kyung is preparing for the worst. On the one hand it's understandable, since he plans to step into the lions den. At that point everything can happen, he might be killed before completing his mission, so at least he can die with the knowledge he said goodbye.
(While I state this objectively, my fingers start to shake again … Emotionally involved, huh? 0.0)
But I'm more than sure he don't have any intention to sacrifice himself. He WANTS to fulfill his duty and promise toward his beloved people. Still he must prepare for the worst case - that he won't return.
For example the letter he wrote after he met Jae Shin. In my opinion it's quite possible he wrote it for the princess in case he never will see her again. What is inside the letter I don't want to go further into the matter. Even the question for whom the letter is and why he has written one doesn't change the fact he's in grave danger cause of his undercover mission, that doesn't involve he will give up on himself easily.
More important is the fact he HAS THE STRONG WILL to bring Bong Gu and his bought people down. Shi Kyung is a man of honor, he virtually lives for it. And as he went to the enemies side as an agent he was definitely aware about the physical torment awaiting him. Bong Gu "only" gave him the taste of a mild torture and unfortunately I know enough about humans nature that this kind of torture can't break such determined persons as him. There are much worse torture methods and people still don't change their ideals. Based on his characterization Shi Kyung is one of this people. So have some faith in him!!

That he's resembling a walking dead is no wonder. Everything he went through to reach this point (and Bong Gu is still certainly not trusting him) claimed an enormous power, both, of will and physically. And there is no other way making Bong Gu believe he won Shi Kyung over. Bong Gu might be a psychopath, absolutely not able to empathize with other people, but he's no fool. So Shi Kyung has to play his role carefully.

In my opinion the pointed gun on Jae Ha at the end of episode 18 is Shi Kyungs last act against his king for make Bong Gu really believe he changed to the rotten side of existing. That gives him more control and leeway to influence the current dangerous situation in behalf of his people.
Jae Ha, equipped with an IQ of 184 (!!!), is the last man I could imagine of following blindly and unprepared into such a situation. At least not, since he matured so much. His guards aren't far, for sure. And Shi Kyung is a friend he doesn't need words to communicate with. Hang Ah is may be the only one he doesn't count in. But it can't be bad to have her close by, even when she's injured.

Finally I can't figure out what will happen in episode 19. It's entirely possible someone of the good guys will die. Who knows what the writers have thought up? But rarely I have more confidence in someone as Shi Kyung. This man, no matter what he went through, never left the side of Jae Ha!
But if the writers are longing for a furious fandom in front of their home for the next six months and they decide to let Shi Kyung die … someone should immediately start CPR on him, in case he'll fall into the water and drown.
By the way, I know how to do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and even cardiac massage!! ;)

Omo, this post is long and filled with the thoughts of a TK2H mutated to TK2H-SK virus infected person. I apologize in advance for causing any mental defect on you, dear reader. Just blame the virus.


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Oh, you have summarized quite beautifully what I think and feel, yes, feel, for SK.
I majored in communications and they make us take film and television classes. I am no expert at screenwriting, but I do feel confident enough to usually make assumptions about what will happen in a series or a movie. Even in well written scripts you can get a feel of where the writer is going with his story. The beauty of TK2H is that you are always wrong! Or almost always, anyways. This is even more true for Shi Kyung's character. I can say that I have never seen a character quite like his and let me explain.

Logically, he is the character that in this kind of script is the ideal one to be the sacrifice... even the ultimate one...death. However, this is not your typical drama and certainly not your typical script. And the kind of suffering that each and everyone of the characters have gone through, including our Earnest Bot is cruel. And it represents sacrifices. In his case, his innocence.

Honestly, if I were a scriptwriter I would be debating one minute to kill him and the next to save him. Not only because as his creator I would have fallen in love with the character, but because it makes sense to do either of those things in the script.

Now, as a fan... PLEASE, do not kill Eun Shi Kyung. It just would not be fair, to anyone. Not to the King, who just doesn't need a faithful right hand. He needs a friend that is not Hang Ah. Someone that can balance him. It would not be fair to Jae Shin.

It wouldn't be fair to kill the character that "is in the purest sense the faith of the people in their king, and Bong-gu sees it. He wants it for himself like a shiny toy, thinking that possessing Shi-kyung will be the same as having his faith. The fact that Bong-gu and Jae-ha stand there on the cliff, waging war over one soldier – (besides the fact that the bromance tickles me pink) is the perfect distillation of that conflict. I didn’t think his capturing Hang-ah or Mom was anything more than a plot device, but the war over Shi-kyung feels vastly different—it’s their ideological war, and it’ll get at the heart of the central hero/villain conflict, which is exactly where I want to be before the finale."

It would be like killing the people, if you get what I mean.


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Yup I'm with your line of thought

I had written before that SK was doing things out of duty and honor- you just expounded on this beautifully. Thanks. SK's is growing nobler and grander day by day on account of his character.

He must have been a real King in his past life .:)


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I re-watched episode 18 and sk says in no uncertain terms to jh and js that he will be back. For js, it will be after she has completed homework - say its not her fault, laugh 3x a day, rehab, counseling and finally, sing. Sk is always true to his word and I believe he will honor his word. But, he will have to risk bring the martyr and national hero, so he can be worthy to be the royal consort in spite bearing his fathers guilt of being somewhat culpable for king jk death. So far no good person has died except jk who must for the central storyline. Qd survived too, so had ha. I cannot see how the happiness can be complete if sk and js don't end up together. I feel like we are all dissecting this story like a literature classic. And it's so tightly written that it can pass for one.


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I too do not believe for a moment that SK would betray JH. That would make BG a winner and betray the underlying theme of this drama - 'People' - loyal and loving people.

I think that the kidnapping of QD and HA was an attempt by BG to strike fear into JH, and to also see how much he can play with JH's emotions. It was essential to the story, because these two women are very much loved by JH.

BG tries to take down JH's people, one by one. First was JK and the the queen, then Sec Eun, then JS. He did not succeed with JS, who stood up to him. Even Sec Eun's betrayal had no dire consequences. JH did not brand him a traitor - he simply retired, which must have been very frustrating to BG. I think that when he finds out that JH took Sec Eun back as advisor, BG would be extremely infuriated.

He tried wooing SK, but did not have much success, so he tried kidnapping. But we all know the results of that. I bet he didn't expect these two women to be so gutsy, esp QD.

So now, we come to the episode with SK. BG knows that it was a setup, but he's pulling all he's got now to get SK to betray JH, but because BG has never experienced love and loyalty, he does not understand that SK cannot be so easily bought. He does not understand filial piety, honour or a commitment to love, which SK has and believes in. Thus, he thinks that SK has transferred his loyalty, but I know he has not, or he will not be true to his character. Moreover, it will not fulfill the theme of this drama.


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"It wouldn’t be fair to kill the character that “is in the purest sense the faith of the people in their king . . . but the war over Shi-kyung feels vastly different—it’s their ideological war, and it’ll get at the heart of the central hero/villain conflict, which is exactly where I want to be before the finale."

♥ ♥ ♥ :)

I really liked your symbolism of Shi Kyung - of what he stands for and means for the two opposing sides.

At this point, it's anybody's guess really on where the story is going because there have been several times that TK2H has pulled the rug from under us even if we were looking.

I just hope that the end doesn't leave us broken-hearted. That's not too much too ask, I hope, considering that from Episode 1, TK2H has been sapping our energy, drying our tear supply, and leaving us dysfunctional, incoherent, and bipolar most of the times.


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Eeeep! sorry, GF, that symbolism of Shi Kyung and passage was yours. I was re-reading your recap and saw that. *sheepish* Sorry, Jane, I didn't notice the quotation marks.


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Yeah, I was thinking that the whole thing with BG is a JH-SK set up planned right from the start, since they need to get BG physically in front of the ICC to face the charges (remember that scene when it was mentioned that he needed to be there or the charges would be useless?). And JH tried to send HA away to protect her from any danger. I think the way he tries to protect her is really sweet - but he should know HA better. =p


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JH being very intelligent should know the different ways their plan could go awry. I believe or I'd like to believe that they must have a fool proof way to communicating. According to me, SK holding JH at gun point is one of the most possible ways that BG would've wanted to test SK's loyalty to JH.

I have full faith in SK's faith & loyalty in his king AND in JH's intelligence!! It's a difficult thing to wait but let's keep the faith fellow hearties!! <3


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I am with you about Shi Kyung, yep...have a faith on him!! I've re-watched ep 18 few times, and I think, the scneario will be something like:

1. SK pointing gun at JH is a plan B of the plan...remember when SK and SK used "Bong Gu" as their password when JH asked SK to investigate Club M. And when SK called JH from Club M after SK being captured, he mentioned...."don't you want to see Bong Gu captured"....SK never used the word "Bong Gu" in any of their conversation before until that phone call...if you notice JH paused and raised his eye?? JH knew that SK is trying to send him the message with the password.

2. The thought of SK died at the end is a NO, it is too sad to handle by JS and JH...JH said that he will regret the rest of his life if something happen to SK (JH told HA on the bed conversation!)...unless T2KH episodes are plan for 35 episodes then this may happen...but we only have 2 episodes to go.....no way for another sadness for JS and JH

3. I think...sure SK will get injured but he will live and keep his promise to JS that he will return..

Omoo...almost midnight in this part of the world

gud night hearties :)


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You have raised a lot of really good points regarding ♥ ♥ Shi Kyung ♥ ♥ :D

Like you, I have faith that he never once was broken by Bong Gu despite the torture that he suffered at the hands of Bon Bon. The way he was portrayed from the start was crystal clear – resolute, principled, fearless, and extremely loyal (who can forget “I don’t eat rotten cookies”?). And these traits are deeply ingrained in every fiber of his being.

I must admit that the first time I watched Episode 18, I was unsure of whether he actually defected or not to Camp Bong Gu. (Mad props to JJS for his convincing portrayal of a “defector” Shi Kyung, btw.) But after watching it the 2nd and 3rd time, I thought there’s absolutely no way he was going to betray Jae Ha and go over to the dark side. His character make up would not allow it. He just needed to hold out and resist a little more so he can convince them that he had a change of heart (like what Jae Ha told him in voiceover).

One of my favorite scenes in the drama (among so many) was the goosebumps-worthy scene in Episode 10 where Shi Kyung pledged his belief and loyalty to Jae Ha as his King (that was the defining moment which really cemented my love for his character and their bromance :)). So I’m banking on that pledge and, consequently, believe that there really is a grand plan that they are both working on to bring down Bong Gu. There must be. There has to be.

There has been a foreboding of his death because he was suddenly setting his affairs in order as you and some of the commenters have thoughtfully pointed out. It’s a natural route for him to take when he has that kind of knowledge - that he might not make it out alive of the mission he’ll single-handedly undertake in the belly of the beast. As you have said, ". . . at least he can die with the knowledge he said goodbye". When you put it that way, it's just so heartbreaking.

But still, I refuse to even consider that he will be the sacrificial lamb in this madness created by Bong Gu. I'm going to be optimistic and pray that they both will come out of it alive and stay alive until the end. Anything otherwise would be too cruel.

On a totally fangirly note: how hot was SK wearing that black t-shirt after he was captured? *swoon*


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I actually see the foreboding as not of Shi Kyung's death but his rebirth.

In many ways, there was a death of Shi Kyung's blind faith and innocence. In his father's betrayal, Shi Kyung rose from the ashes of disillusion to realise that his stick-in-the-mud ways are just not going to cut it.

Which is why he "suddenly" went rogue. A fire has lit under him and is tempering a newer, tougher, edgier (and dare I say, smexier?) Bot.

I believe Shi Kyung needs this literal trial by fire to prove that he can overcome his father's sins, be a better protector of the woman he loves and end the tyranny of fear John Mayo has placed on his King, country and loved ones. A man like him needs to feel worthy in order to push past his own self-imposed bias and insecurities. Not just because of his romance with Jae Shin but for his family honour.

Perhaps it is also my blind faith in the writers but I think they needed to make Shi Kyung more than the faithful sidekick and palace guard. In order for him to ascend to a position of equal standing as Jae Shin so that they can have a happy ending, they needed an excuse to endow him with prestige and position.

Voila, an act of such bravery and sacrifice that his King will endow him with the means to get his princess and make all of us even more fan-girly. And all without having to kill his character off and piss off a bunch of rabid women from DB.


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Can somebody please post the link wherein I can sign the petition(?) for the producers to release the Director's cut of the DVD in the future?!!

It'll be much appreciated!!


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Hi Saima,

Go to tryp96's site and you will find the instructions by yon in one of her comments there. Note that this thread has lots of replies so you need to scroll down a bit.



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Merci beaucoup!!


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Does anyone else want to request kisses? Because I'm all for voting for more neck kisses (real ones!), slow kisses up the neck for Hangah please Jaeha...

/sorry, just being a perv


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Don't be shame it's in your blood...I'm always for lot of kisses!


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Did you watch the BTS of the neck kiss?!! If not you should watch it!! :P

Seung-gi sinks so deep and it's quite a long one. It must've been quite stimulating since HJW totally covers her face and let's out an embarrassed laugh!!

Seung-gi = <3!!


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haha, I don't know if I need anything else to fire my imagination! *slinks off to watch*

Man this bad, I'm at work trying to get some paperwork finished, but instead I keep drifting to this thread.


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Ep 2 BTS:


One of my fave fanvid MVs:


ps: after reading that Seung-gi has chosen for the second time HJW as his ideal woman my 'lil fangirl heart swooned & had me post these links!! :P


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“Senior Ha Ji Won is my real dream lover. After cooperating, I completely fall into her.” LSG



I just watched the BTS of the neck kiss (that you so conveniently provided a link - thanks!) and the fridge kiss. Oh boy! *fans self* I need a cold shower.


Unlocking big thick bolts to let out my perfie out of the attic...to join yours . Perfie said to say " Mor..MORE Kissses " " Hangah ,PLease Kisss JaeHa BACK plenty . "
..Er , think Perfie has to go back into attic to watch more K2H. He's baying for K2H !


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pfffft, you crack me up!!

I will confide the reason as to our inner pervs coming out to play: Seung-gi has the most delicious set of lips, heh!! That is, in addition to being absolute perfection of a male specimen!!!!! [Will have to thank Osi for pointing out his uber-long eye lashes in Ep 18!!]

That's all ya'll will get from me...


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Hey Saima, my thoughts exactly about SG's lips. They are perfectly shaped - they way one would draw lips on a face. And his eye lashes! When I first realised how long they were, I was actually wondering if he used mascara! What do u think?

@jade butterfly - yes more passionate kisses please! Last one was in ep 6! And only two more eps to go! This is one area I'm not completely happy with the show. I thought that since the relationship was settled so quickly, that there would be more skinship and kisses, esp after the proposal and engagement! Sorry, this is the pervert in me!


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Seung-gi and mascara?! naaaaaah. Perhaps if he were a flower boy!! lulz

He's been blessed with crazy long beautiful lashes...he's perfect, our boy! =)


LOL I'm giggling like a crazy at the thought of more kisses from Seung Gi! Seriously, half the time when they're hallucinating that the other person is there (when Jae Ha's imagining Hang Ah and then Hang Ah imagining Jae Ha's backhugging her), I just wish all of them is true rather than just imagination...

And then when we get to reality - we only get a Jae Ha's hand behind Hang Ah's back on the bed and I'm like "NOOOOOOO..... please show her LYING WITH HIS HAND at the back". And also, Jae Ha should just go ahead and kiss Hang Ah when he saved her in the prison.

Arghhh they really need some good kissing scenes for ep 19 and ep 20...


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'crazy fangirl'*


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"That’s all ya’ll will get from me" - Wooo hoo hoo hoo!
@ A
Dear , did you see how clingy & fearful Hangah was , after she woke up? I dun think Papa is d one bunking in to allay her fears so , lets just ..entertain the idea , that ,equally clingy kissy Jaeha was 'tasked' to be on night watch .
hee hee hee!


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Its Sunday , I wanna count KISSES ! *Muaaach *
hmm...6 takes for Fridge kiss + 4 takes for Everland kiss +
? takes for Neck Kiss + ? takes for Camp Kiss + ? takes for hotelroom kiss .. ( correct me anytime )
If we take 4 kisses as approximate kiss-takes then , the total will be something like
6+4+4+4+4 = 22 kisses ! Is that alot ? What d'ya think?


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@jade butterfly-

Seunggi is lucky he does not have girlfriend - can you imagine how she would feel?

LSG "sure it is only part of the job..."
GF " yeah.. right....sniff sniff"
LSG " yah yah yah ottokae???


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@ luvs
you're so right . It'll drive any sane girl crazy !
Actually , Kdrama male celebs have it real good. They get to kiss lovely female celebs & it doesnt harm rather it ups the male celeb's atttraction qoutient .But for the ladies , i think it may be good for their resume but behind the scene , its probably not that positive if they wanna marry into a tradtional family. Maybe thats why some of the popular female celebs aren't married even in their late 30s & 40s .
Hey but back to Seunggi ,all this intimacy wt HJW is really a Big Bonus all round for him.


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hi dear hearties
i like the very first scene in ep 1-night,palace,snow-and then music and lights are on one by one.
and then is this analogy between N/S Korea and West /Est Germany.Germany was a split nation,one was comunist and the other democratic,just like Korea.
It's very clear what the writers wants and hopes for their country--exactly what happend in Germany in 1989 and forward.There are many many german elements in this drama,including the hitlerish Bong Gu
I wonder how the final episode would be like--full of optimism or not...


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I just want to say, TK2H is like Renaissance of Kdramaland for me. After a long....long....dark time my experience watching Kdrama, TK2H make in exception to me. Thanks God!
And reading all of insightful comments from u're hearties is wonderful journey same as like watch TK2H.


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So, reading everyone's comments: I love that the overall sentiment is that we have absolute faith in Eun Shikyung remaining loyal... and we're just worried about whether he's going to be offed by the writers (NOOOO!!!).

I really do have faith in Shikyung, AND in Jaeha's faith in Shikyung as well, but I was impressed that the final scene in this episode managed to convey the horror of the possibility that two of the people you trust most in your life, a father and son no less, could betray you and your family. I know in my heart (ha) that Shikyung will pull through at the end, but I was still like, "Noooo, don't pull out your gun!". Too awesome.


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Noticed that they had the same chinese guy playing the representative at the WOC meeting and then he is also the chinese representative that is collecting money from Club M who meets with Jae-Ha and Hang-Ah's father.


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This is maybe late...
But has anyone here, before Jae Shin reveal her memories...noticed that actually we had got the hint long long times ago?

Yes, I'm talking about 'Ride of the Valkryes' anyone had noticed it before?

I know what valkryes is..I know the song well, still, when I connecting the dot..I'm shivering, I don't know is it because suddenly fears to Bong Gu surfaced, or awed at the writers brilliance..or maybe both...

This show let me involving my emotion too good. Very good*shivering


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1. Seung-gi + actress playing Tara= lookin' gorgeous together!!


Not gonna lie....they both look spectacular!!

2. ARTICLE: Lee Seung Gi falls for the real Ha Ji Won, “My ideal type has changed to Ha Ji Won”


O.M.O!! :O

I really am easy when it comes to falling for these shipping rumors re ma boy Seung-gi (&, i've never shipping couples before).

Seung-gi yaaa stop playing with our naive 'lil feelings & go pursue unnie hard! Pointers to help you out: either cry or give her puppy-eyed look!! hahaaaa


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@ Saima- Thanks for tapping my shoulders to look at the article . He said he's fallen for her !? Oh no no No , he's just playin' with my shippy heart . DONT say what you don't mean Seunggi ! * doing a jiggly Jig *
Hjw doesnt look easy though .The odds look intimidating.


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Oh, Saima! Thks so much for the article! Can't believe how fast my heart is beating and how much I'm grinning right now.

It's not hard to understand if LSG truly falls for HJW. I think the biggest obstacle would be HJW herself, though. Can she accept their age difference?

I will continue to hope and wish them both happiness. Baek Ji Young's boyfriend/hubby is also 9 yrs younger, isn't it? So, it's possible. Anything is possible. Heehee *giggling like a crazy fangirl*

Can't wait to read the full interview.


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Please add my name to d list of those who trust ShiKyung 100% . I can't see him renegading on his chingu . Just not in his character plus there isn't any extenuating personal situation to push him to do anything against Jaeha.
2 scenes I CAN'T watch , no matter how many times I've watched epi 18.
Can't ever watch SK being tortured
Can't watch d slow-mo shooting of Hanga
What I cannot ever tire of ,is the scene after the shot , when Jaeha froze in pure horror , when he race up d stairs taking d two steps at a time then, holding his palm to his head in absolute abject fear that his one & only love could be just killed right there & then . I love to watch him stumble to her side. I love his pent-up release of build-up tension as he clutches Hanga to his chest.
Unadultered expression of intense Love . Swooon .
This really is The Most Touching Scene for me. I dunno if any scene in the last 2 epis will top this for me.
If not ,its fine . I've got more than what I asked for ,in this wonderful show .
Nuggets of KD gold scattered in every epi .


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@ Jade Butterfly

Add me too :) - I have full faith that Shi Kyung is still with Jae Ha all the way. Remember how he was pledging his allegiance to Jae Ha? it was at a time when even Jae Ha himself doesn't have the confidence to go on battle against Bong Gu. He just have this uprightness and loyalty that's is no match against ANYONE.

But the problem is that I don't know how much torture can really change a person's mentality. Poor Shi Kyung looks so lifeless when he met Jae Ha. But I'm pretty sure he would not be easily wavered, since he's a soldier and all. And like he said himself, he's he and his dad is his dad. So I don't think he will become 'like his dad' so to speak...Plus there's also Jae Shin :)

Oh man, I can't wait til Wednesday! It's going to be EPIC EPIC EPIC. It's just so amazing how every episode I keep thinking 'this is the best episode out of all K2H by far' and it can't get any better. But then the next episode keeps topping it. The writers have written a truly magnificent script - I just wish I can write to them to tell them how awesome they are to have written a story so fictional and yet feel so real at the same time.


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Okay, being inspired by all the high quality reviews here, let me take a look at the Jae Ha during that fateful first meeting with Hang Ah, or, why Hang Ah was attracted to him at the get go (that being my working theory).

Reputation, as usual, has preceded Jae Ha even before he showed his face. Hang Ah knew all about his pedigree, his playboy ways, his anatomy anomaly. When the real person did show up, however, Hang Ah was struck by his aura and appearance. (Remember she has a weakness toward tall guys. And pictures don't do any justice to LSG/LJH as we are told repeatedly.) And then things went downhill fast from there.

She expected respect. She expected obedience. She expected cooperation. She got none of them. What she got was a shrewd player trying to diminish her and her country. A smart saboteur, using wits and well placed potshots, set out to destroy the WOC team before it even got to training. The most irritating and difficult thing is his criticisms are all fact based. They are those inconvenient truth both sides, for the good of the reunion, would like to sweep under the carpet and forget about it ever being in existence. And he deliberately let her know that he knew she knew what he said was true. "I am not your COMRADE!"

A tough opponent, thought Kim Hang Ah. She resorted to her old trick - overcoming by brute force. It worked. Like for 5 minutes. His stubborn defiance, in fact, was something she respected. So, this combination of suave facade, sophistication, acute political awareness, intelligence, mental toughness, and a body that surely can benefit tremendously from some workout regime, is the sum of the person Lee Jae Ha.

How could she not fall for him?


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@ AnnMichelle
So aptly written dear .
Ya ,He got her at 'hello' .She was a bird in hand from the get-go. In fact she fell in love before she feel in like .


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What you said crystalizes what I have felt from the start: that HA loved JH first (perhaps just a second or two before JH loved her)


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im in totally in love with jae ha and shi kyung
bromance :XD
im straight !!


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Lee Seung Gi falls for the real Ha Ji Won, “My ideal type has changed to Ha Ji Won”

Lee Seung Gi has once again picked Ha Ji Won as his ideal type.

On MBC ‘Section TV Entertainment News’ broadcast on May 20, Lee Seung Gi said, “My ideal type has changed to Ha Ji Won sunbaenim,” and attracted attention.

Before drama ‘The King 2Hearts’ started, Lee Seung Gi had referred to the drama script and said, “Recently, ditzy glamour seems to be my ideal type.” Now, he confessed, “Ha Ji Won sunbaenim is really my ideal type. Because of filming together, I’ve fallen for her.”

In addition, since he has swept all kinds of awards like rookie awards, couple awards, popularity awards and etc., he was asked what awards he would like to receive again. He spoke frankly, “Since I’m in a drama right now, it would be nice if good things were to happen at the end of year because of the drama,” and made everyone laugh.

source: newsen via nate
English translation: tryp96.wordpress.com
source: http://tryp96.wordpress.com/2012/05/20/lee-seung-gi-falls-for-the-real-ha-ji-won-my-ideal-type-has-changed-to-ha-ji-won/#more-1404885517


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okay this is a fail post. I forgot to change my name lol


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You got the same curse as me kumon. lol
But at least you're better than me. Sigh.


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really Osi? who are you commenting as? lol share me your experience. I'm so busted. My identity is already known. Good job kumon. Ha. :))


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*whispering: did you forget #175?*


now I remember! I was so preoccupied by the latest confession of Seung Gi that I forgot that comment that made me LMAO. We really share the same curse. I have to change K2H characters now. :)) It's really fun commenting as a character from King 2 Hearts. Right Osi? Others should try it too! ;)


LOL. Too funny! Seems everybody is in split personality mode (or covert mission mode?) these days. I don't know which one is which anymore.

Good thing you unknowingly out yourselves right away. Heeheeheehee. Bad spies in the making :D


Lol. You're one of the funniest. :)


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LOLs..and we know who is Jae Shin's Parrot now! Kkk

You did? :O who are you?

Ok..now we need to know who Hang Ah, John Mayer, from comment #109, seriously, I can't get over that comment XD


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*whispering #175*


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HAHAHAHA! Me, too, I can't get over how good that was. It was just so brilliant! It was none other than commenter #109 herself who morphed into all these hilarious TK2H characters. (or so, I guess) So, if you look out that window at the back . . .


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LOL! I was just going to praise "Jae Shin's Parrot" for a job well done on giving us this HOT news then I saw your next comment! LMAO!


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Lol. You should've left it as is. Then we all could've said " a little birdie told us"


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Bright idea right there. Haha.


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Lol. I haven't thought of that. I just feel that it's weird for a little birdie to ship a couple. Ha.


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Maybe someone else used your laptop?:D


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This interview is soooo revealing. Don't you think that Seunggi is hinting at a possible attraction for Noona Jiwon? The part where he says that fans and other people may feel that the girl may not be suitable, hints at a 9 year age gap that some people mat not approve of.

But I love the part where he says the he will love her the most! My heart swooned, then melted. Whoever that girl is, she's so blessed!


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Heaven knows I'm openly secretly shipping 'em so if there's anything happening , I'm opening up a Moet .But if you keep calling someone noona & call her sanbaenim , how can there really be something romantic floating around ? Could it just be in line with what HJW's been saying openly at Win Win & d other talk show that he's d best kiss & she'salways in 'love'( in character) with her screen love interest at d time of d filming.


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I cant believe people want them together, let alone believe that he would openly admit at this point in time if he did like her for real.

He needs a girl who is closer to his age, and not in the limelight. IMO


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but BZINDSC... Seung Gi is the original "noona" lover! (u know his first hit is a song about liking an older woman, right?) and that kiss in the MV with an older woman (former Miss Korea Kim Sarang, who coincidentally co-starred with Ha Ji Won is SeGa) is probably his first screen kiss...??

Ha Ji Won seem to have little social life outside of work (watched Win Win interview). they both understand how tough it can be in the industry. They'll be perfect for each other!!!

and noonas all over world can live vicariously through Ha Ji Won.... it'll be great!!! :))


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just for you guys...to tide over till King Day.
Seung Gi singing his first hit 'live' on a recent music show.


start from 0:58, and you can see his appeal on the female audience. it looked like a Lee Seungi Gi concert but he was just a guest on the show (there were other singers). but all the women got on their feet (boyfriends/partners who were there be damned). and how their eyes were all sparkling and following the song.'

So farni!
no wonder Seungi Gi once joked that he understands why he has no male fans.



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hihi, can i add another video?


this is the video that made me fell so hard for lee seung gi. look at 1:01 when he sang , o noga na noga na noga (translation: oh i melt i melt i melt)

tell, who can resist his charm? dangerously hawt!!


@maeye86 - :)) u too, huh?
Already downloaded this on my hard disk 3 months back when i was trying to wean off 1N2D hehe....

ya, i had the same reaction as you... HAWT!!!


I am currently downloading all 1N2D eps with Lee Seung Gi in it. U know, to prepare for withdrawal symptoms. :D

And yes, extremely dangerously hawtness!!


I have been around the k-drama, k-variety show, k-idol, k-singers for a while and it was difficult not to miss Seung Gi but way back then I just couldn't see what his appeal was (Forgive me for I was just passing through then). The one day, I lingered and stop. Whoa!!!! My journey to 'Seung Gi Discovery'....1n2d>his songs>the dramas!! And then this daebak K2H! Thank God I found him.


He also has an 'old soul'. He's mentally in his 30's.


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@Jade Butterfly:
Finally he change his ideal type..after three years in a rown being yoona SNSD, kkk

Oh, it's okay dear..
A shipping is usually aftereffect of drama, like HyunBin-Ha Ji Won in SeGa or,Rain-SongHyekYo after full house.
Me too have the same opinion with you ;)

But as long as he/she is happy, then as fans we need to happy too :)


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I'm glad he changed his ideal type. It was due .


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yeah, he chose Yoona as his ideal type for 3 consecutive yrs. What is up with that, Seung-gi?! I'll say he's made quite a stark jump from Yoona to HJW....lulz!!

As for your inquiry on why he uses sunbaenim: despite him falling for her he still has to use modicum of decorum and address her appropriately in public. Otherwise, all the haters will attack him for being disrespectful.


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Well... the boy finally grew up and developed good taste... haha!


@Jade butterfly:
Actually I'm throwing a party here with a few fellow airens for this 'shift' ;p


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@Jade Butterfly
What if the "noona & sunbaenim" are just code words? LOL!


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We need to crack that code...look at body language. ;)


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Should we hire Bon Bon so she can torture both of them to admit the truth about their relationship? :D


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Yes, yes...she can also use her's pick up lines!!!!!
What will LSG do...hahahheee...?!


Like when Hangah calls Jaeha Comrade when she actually mean 'Jaeha honey' ?


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@Jade BUtterfly
Yes...just like that! "Noona/Sunbaenim" terms of endearment, right?!


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I like where you guys are going with this :)


1. According to Ms. Koala C-netizens have renamed TK2H to The King 2 Hands since apparently there've been BTS pix where Seung-gi keeps touching her.

Do you remember the Ep 15 still where they're both leaning against each other on the boat? At least we know they are comfortable with each other physically.

2. I know there were a lot of HJW-HB shippers post-SG. Don't know if HJW ever made statements re HB similar to those she's made re LSG (he's bold when it comes to kissing scenes, she cries just looking into his eyes, etc.)

3. LSG seems to be a lot maturer for his age than his peers & HJW younger (someone had mentioned that she lives vicariously through her characters since she hasn't been in a rel'p for around 7 yrs). During the engagement interview when asked the most memorable scene she picked the proposal scene wistfully (the way she phrased her sentence).

At the end of the day we will NEVER know whether these two are dating? Until they are ready for marriage (to whosoever) will we ever hear anything about their partner (viz frustrating but the norm for K-stars).

So, I say as LSG-HJW shippers let's squeal for this bit of news that Seung-gi publicly acknowledged her as his ideal type.


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Also, the first time I watched the Ep 6 BTS (shorter ver) I was surprised that HJW got embarrassed and covered her face (@ 0.36). I mean she is HA JI WON who's kissed all those high-profile actors and here gets embarrassed on kissing uri puppy. And, Seung-gi smiling surreptitiously in response is soo adorable.



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maybe everyone should tweet HJW and tell her to accept Seung Gi....hehehe....


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Trust me I would SO do it but sadly I still follow the modicum of decorum and guy, it'll be soo rude to tweet her about dating our puppy!! hahaaa


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Ha Ji Won searches for her name in the net and enter anonymously in fan forum sites. She will eventually stumble upon well - wishers (shippers) ...

I can attest it here in heaven when I had watched her on Win Win episode ^^*


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hi Jae Kang! So you are a HJW fanboy too? Lols


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Of course! This hyung would have not heavily favored her for Seung Gi - yah, I mean, Jae Ha - yah if I am not a fanboy!


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*thunk* I went away to catch up on real life, came back to virtual world to read this. Now wearing a silly grin on my face.

Is our boy teasing us fan-shippers, and unni HJW(ie. Doing a Jae Ha?)?


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I still marvel at how this drama draws such brilliant and witty people together. I love you all, as much as I love girlfriday and K2H. It sure feels like everything about this drama's awesome.:)

There must be something wrong with my laptop lately, for I keep finding myself trapped in this post over and over and over again. Hahahaha.


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it's norma @abu...all of us have the same virus on our comps as well, that's why the comments forK2H posts have been going through the roofs.



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Tsk. K2H has a lot of tricks up its sleeves. But I'm really enjoying everyone's company, anyway.


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@ abu.

Haha ... Let me tell you my virus in my laptop. I have 8 different tabs in my FireFox. 1 tab for one page of comments each, 2 tabs for Tryp96 blog, 1 tab for Google search. They get manually refreshed every 20 mins.

2 months ago, I was checking in my Facebook account, clearing emails at Yahoo, reading news at Reuters, and monitoring my shares at Bloomberg, and they get refreshed every 1 hour .... :P


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WoW, WOw...
I have most of my stuff in bookmarks...I'm operating from there.


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LOL. Wood, look how far this drama has influenced us all. :)


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LOL. Wood, look at how this drama has influenced all of us. :)


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uhmmm Hearties...I'm not as smart as you all are so I'm wondering if you can give your opinion about this matter:

When Jae Ha is going to meet Shi Kyung and was saying good bye to Hang Ah, they showed Hang Ah's hand touched Jae Ha then Jae Ha moved his hand over Hang Ah's

Is there a meaning of this hand gesture or am I just over analyzing this part? hehehe... the TK2H virus just made me over paranoid about little things. Usually, I just watch a drama and enjoy the ride but here, being with smart/brilliant people that gives high quality discussion, I need to start to learn how to use how much brain cells I have left on me :D


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Body language is saying this:

CLOSED PALMS …….This is a controlling gesture, typically used when telling people what to do. It’s an influencing gesture.


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aaaaahhh I see. thanks for the info :D


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OMG what's wrong with me ? All I've been doing are reading every comments here. What a VIRUS I picked up.


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If Shi Kyung dies, don{t be surprised if you read the following head line: Woman dies of Nutella overdose after "Shi Kyung's" death in TK2H.

Just saying.


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Chocolate, ice cream, cake...but Nutella...hahahaaaa...never thought of that, brilliant!


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LOL @Jane!!!

Die... it's 1am monday morning local time. i am supposed to wake up and go to work in 6hrs' time. and i am still spazzing here. rewatched bits of ep 2, 6, 7, hot fridge kiss bts... haha. virus on computer as well as brain. no hope.

still worried about Shi Kyung although i know there is nothing we can do. script for ep 20 already written and filmed (they end filming 20 May I heard, which is already yesterday KST).

68 more hrs to go till King Day!
gd night, hearties!!


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You're really worried for Shi-Kyung, aren't you?!

I wish we could comfort you since I know you'll be beside yourself until Ep 19 airs so here're some *hugs* for you!!

Hope these hugs keep your anxiety at bay!!


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Yes, I am worried. It is so rare for me to get this emotionally attached to one particular character in a series, but SK's character is soooo good! And it doesn't help that JJS is such a great actor. His portrayal is superb.


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Perhaps you can watch What's Up in the meantime to distract you!! :D


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...already did. That man has a voice! And I did love his character. Again, he is one heck of an actor, but Shi Kyung is beyond!



In Shi Kyung we trust!


In Earnest Bot we trust!


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I am worried too. T_T


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LOL. We're sitting in front of our laptop or desktop, with a big bottle of Nuttella, and if SK dies, we're crying buckets of tears while keep snacking it.

WOW. I leave this page for several days and when I'm finally back the comments are over 1500! Ckckk... somehow I know it's gonna happen after Thursdays episodes. And here I am, reading all comments and starting to feel like every characters in K2H are REAL. And I gonna miss ALL OF YOU GUYS here when this drama finally ends.


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Actually after watching ep 17 again, I realised that the person who might be dying could propably be Eun Sec...
Remember when SK went to question Eun Sec about his bad-doings, after SK just up and left, Eun Sec crumples down and he had a nosebleed!? So maybe...


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I know I will definitely miss all of you. I have never in my entire life written this much comment on a single issue as I have on this one. I don't think there will be another K-drama that will attract me as much as this one. I was definitely hooked on TMETS but not once did I comment in DB but when I started watching K2H I started commenting and haven't stopped since. Weird, right??? Ha!Ha!


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Hee hee. Not weird at all. We're all the same :)


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I am squealingggggg!!!!
Yes yes yes, LSG admitted in an interview that his ideal woman is HA JI WON.... I knew it - it wasn't just acting when he kissed and hugged and caressed her.....
I will them 100% approval! - LSG is smart I told you - he could not have picked a better ideal girl. now go date already!
I want to hear HJW say YES!!!!!!!
Please LSG's mom - don't be like a drama mother-in-law , age does not matter - HJW will look forever young, promise. LSG and HJW both have mature outlook in life and they share similar values....
and they are equally successful on their own...
It's gonna be a challenge but i hope they have learned from Jae Ha and Hang Ah - they can do it together...
And Airens - I am warning you!!!! you want to make your idol happy right? So give your blessings already!!!!


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hahahaha!I am for LSG's happiness...whatever makes him happy i will surely support him..:)


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Me too~ :)


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Ooh...I am believing in the faithful puppy =D this will break John Mayer!haha.... and I love how he comforts Hang Ah!


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googled "king 2 hearts update" -- it has now reached ONE BILLION and 500,000 hits.!!!! May 20 2012 11:23 am Pacific time. that's like 1 out of 7 in the planet interested in K2H?????? whoaaaaa


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Oh, The King 2 Hearts is getting better at each new episode! I could barely breathe during this episode!
I do think that Lee Seung Gi is such a great actor... Everytime he cries, you cannot not cry with him ! :(
The scene where he rescues Hang Ah... wonderful ! The 10 seconds when he hears her screaming and goes after her... it last 10 seconds, but I cannot stop watching this scene!
Now one more week for the finale... the only thing I REAAAALLLYYY hope is that they do not make Eun Shi Kyung die and Bong Gu lives!
Can't wait, can't waiiiiiiiiit!


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yeah, that scene was SO riveting!! The first time I finished watching it I literally paused my video and rolled to my side to breathe!! hahaa

Seung-gi's grown into one heck of an actor! Although I'm a little anxious as to what can he possibly take on next that won't compare his acting prowess in TK2H to his next role! egads, so nerve wracking!!


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Haha same here... I could totally watch this scene thousand and thousand times!
I agree ! But I am not worried about his carriere... Even compared to My Girlfriend is a Gumiho, his role so much more different from his one in The King 2 Heart! I think it shows that he can play any character! Though, any new part is gonna be a challenge for him!


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LSG's appeal is he is so accessible - he looks ordinary but oozing with charm and playfulness. He has the boy-next door appeal and you could imagine him to be a brother or a son or a best friend or a safe boyfriend or a doting grandson --all rolled into one. He is so charming and when he flashes that sweet smile - awww you just want to hug him and pinch his cheeks... aigoooo
This is how I feel about him from watching him in 1N2D and Strong hearts.

I am quite pleasantly surprised in K2H - because he has become a different person! Like maturing overnight and becoming a distinguished King - he is so believable as king Jae Ha --young, wise, strong Monarch with a heart. I am imagining him as a King in Joseon era --- where he wields absolute power - and what he does with it -- it's going to be a joy to watch!!!

LSG and HJW - makes a real power couple - forget Brangelina...


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I would love to see him in a sageuk, although the long hair that he would have to wear might not be as attractive on him as the short style he has in k2h. I could be wrong! Park Shi Hoo looked awfully yummy in TPM.


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Me too! Seunggi did at one time express a desire to act in a segeuk. Hope he does one soon.


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Forget brangelina hahaha! i'm a huge fan of hollywood actors before..now i am more into kdrama/movie actors/actresses... ;)


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Brangelina?? Who are they? ..... Not even a contender! Ah Ha couple incomparable!


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That's why if I don't get married...I'll blame and sue LSG! Why? Because I'll set my standard based from him knowing that a guy like him exists. He's my IDEAL MAN! :D *ok heading to my crazy cell right now*


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LOLs...Eva..you know, there are times when I was searching about Seung Gi in twitter, I stumbled upon a boy's comment: Friends, if her wallpaper or profile picture is lee Seung Gi, just admitted, she is not yours LOL XD


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OMG! That is true! Mine are all LSG! LMAO!


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Hello ladies and gentleman...

I've been being a wondering soul these latest day, until I found this comment in Ms.Koala's blog, and I think we should read it, yes, it's about this show popularity in korea ;)

Kender says:
May 20, 2012 at 8:56 AM

Actually, it’s more popular here than you’d think. It’sin reruns literally all the time, and frequently on my way to tutoring or shopping or wherever I can overhear ahjummas chattering about how much they love it (and Seunggi’s acting).

Part of the problem, I think, is that Drama Time is also usually Family Time (10pm is late, sure, but not, ridiculously so), and K2H is a bit heavy for most families here to comfortably share with their children. The girls I tutor are mature enough that their parents let them choose (unfortunately, both girls happen to be DBSG/JYJ fangirls and chose RTP instead, although they also watch K2H in reruns), but many parents would probably prefer the fluffy safeness of RTP over K2H.

There’s also EM, which I’m not up on at all so I can’t vouch for its appeal, but it’s a classic story of revenge and angst (you know Koreans love their makjang) and stars the super-popular UTW, so it’s not surprising it has a decent fanbase, which of course makes it harder for K2H.
Initial ratings aren’t great, yes, but they’re not terrible, and rerun ratings are fairly decent as well. So basically, don’t discount Korea’s interest in K2H.
It’s there, I promise.


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I wouldn't dwell too much on local/national ratings.
Nowadays, everything is global - the international market is way bigger than 50M koreans.
Just google TK2H updates - i got one billion (yes 1 Billion plus)(1,000,500,000) hits. compared to 15 million hits for RTP , and 19 M hits for EM ; K2H is wayyyyy ahead ..
that is the global impact of this drama.
I keep harping on this - so bear with me.


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I usually let it slipped away like you :D

But since It's a rarity for someone from korea posted in international forum, I'd decided to share it here. It's nice to know what happened there than my 'hypotesis' before^^ *giggle


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glad to know about this one...:)


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Hang Ah's Father scene... epi 18 around 49 minutes

After Hang Ah is rescued and taken to a hospital? We see her with her Dad in the room but then HA asked for His Majesty. When Jae Ha entered the room - her dad left them alone. Afterwards, Hang Ah let down her emotions and cried while JH held her tight and they cried together. It was a natural reaction to let down after an ordeal - when the adrenaline slows down and all the pent up emotions is released...

What is so endearing about this scene to me was - HA's dad graciously turning over his daughter to Jae Ha. He was saying in effect - Jae Ha is your man now - and letting JH take care of her emotionally. The Dad accepted his role as a father-in-law at this point.
Contrast that to the beginning of the drama where HA cried on his father's shoulders after being sent home by JH.

So sweet.

It reminds me of the countless dialogues in kdramas where the guy tells the girl that he likes "do not cry in front of other men, you only cry in front of me" - blah bla ---so cliche'

but in this scene - we saw how it should be done - without saying the cliche'd dialogues....

...Another scene at around 52 minutes...
Lee Du kyung and Jae Ha -- together persuading the Chinese official to assist them in capturing BG. North and South K both working towards a common goal - and it was so natural and no bureucratic fan fare. There was trust and understanding between N and S K leaders - and this is a start.

It's a beautiful sight. Jae Kang must be smiling from his grave if he's seen these scenes. His dream came true and his legacy is fulfilled...

I want a book adoptation for this story. Usually there is a book first then a script adoptation. But this - I want a book out of it in English please.


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this drama is so addicting especially the storyline


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The writers are sooo going to kill Earnest Bot.
Mass Suicide, anybody?


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Must you be sooo cruel.


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@Jane - it is written by "MonaEatBabies" u know... that's cruel!


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ROFLing at the absurdity of it all!!


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I just automatically laughing out loud when I saw that mass suicide thingy! which I forgot that I'm actually in my office! hahahaha


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