
The King 2 Hearts: Episode 18

I love a drama that deepens the conflict as we go. So many shows will spin their wheels in the final stretch to just prolong the inevitable, but here we launch into a whole new conflict, as the final battle begins to unfold. And I swear, it feels like a reward just for me, but bromance takes center stage, and it is awesome.


King 2 Hearts OST – Taeyeon – “미치게 보고싶은” (Miss You Like Crazy) [Download]

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Hang-ah stumbles into a building to ask the couple inside if she can make one international phone call. The man inside eyes her warily, noting her accent and her bloody arm, and tells her to wait. He goes in the back, while his wife pours her a cup of tea.

Grateful, Hang-ah takes off her watch and puts it on the table. The woman gives it back, and then warns, “Run away, now! Hurry!” But it’s too late – as soon as she stands up to go, police officers march in to arrest her. Damnit.

She gets hauled off to be investigated as a North Korean fugitive, and when she gives her name, the guy just laughs, “The Kim Hang-ah who’s engaged to the king of South Korea? Yeah right.” HA. There is a certain irony to fame working against you.

The guy in charge gets a call from Bong-gu, who assures them that they should by all means follow their protocol… but there’s nothing to stop them from, say, detaining her a little longer, is there?

He reminds them that he didn’t not kill Hang-ah because he was afraid of them, but because she’s such a good pawn in the North-South game. Oh, ’cause I thought you couldn’t kill her because she escaped from your cookie fortress.

Hang-ah rattles the cage in her jail cell, asking when she’ll get to see a doctor for her arm. The guard tells her she’ll be transferred in a week, and the doctor will treat her then. A week? For a bullet wound? Though she’s more concerned about where she’ll be transferred to than anything.

Despite the injured arm, she spends her time working out like the badass soldier that she is, always preparing for her escape.

She finally sits down to rest, a wave of despair about to hit her, but suddenly Jae-ha’s hand appears on her shoulder. With her bruised and battered hand, she reaches out to touch it.

She looks up and suddenly he’s there, sitting right beside her, his arm around her shoulders. He smiles and she looks up at him with tear-filled eyes.

He wraps both arms around her tightly, and she closes her eyes. They sit like that for just a moment, and then he fades, leaving her sitting there with her hand on her own shoulder.

Man, it’s that moment he fades that really stabs you in the heart. Beautifully played. I like this vision even more than his a few episodes back, because it’s wordless but delivers a stronger impact.

She opens her eyes to find him gone. A tear falls, and she holds her hand to her heart as she sinks back.

Meanwhile, Jae-ha pursues his plan of attack: prosecuting Bong-gu in the International Criminal Court.

Secretary Eun heads out to his fishing spot and stops in his tracks to see Shi-kyung waiting there for him. He stands there with a smile on his face. It’s enough for Dad to know how he feels.

I’m glad Shi-kyung isn’t totally broken, but the reconciliation does come too fast for me—you were just sobbing in the pouring rain, remember? These are all things I want for them, but paced waaay way slower.

They sit down and Shi-kyung says that he always found Dad difficult. He knew what Dad wanted of him, but also that he could never deliver on those expectations. So he was always scared of him.

He says that’s probably why he screamed at him—to make up for all the complexes Dad gave him. “But I’m happy now. I think I can finally be independent of you.” Good for you.

He tells Dad not to think that anything he does is because of him. He repeats Jae-ha’s words: “You’re you, and I’m me.” So no matter what he does, it’s his choice. Hm, that sounds like dangerous martyr talk to me. Don’t you go doing anything stupid, ya hear me?

They have a nice father-son bonding moment over fish, or lack thereof, and laugh and smile together.

But then Dong-ha bursts into Jae-ha’s meeting to warn him that Shi-kyung is trying to go to China anyway. Drat. I KNEW you were being too smiley for a regular day! He gets yelled at by his commanding officer, and just replies, “I haven’t once taken vacation days, so I’m just going to use them.” Ha. Did you really think that would work??

It doesn’t, so then he takes out his resignation letter. What? You’re quitting to go be a hero? Dong-ha tries to stop him as he packs up his things, but his mind’s made up. Dong-ha sighs, “You can’t leave the country anyway.”

OH. SNAP. Did Jae-ha put you on a no-fly list? HAHAHA.

He storms into Jae-ha’s office yelling, but the secretary tells him no one’s allowed inside. He can only talk from outside the door. Hee.

Shi-kyung says that they have to do this to make sure Bong-gu appears in the International Criminal Court, otherwise mounting a case against him does no good. Jae-ha counters that he has plenty of super secret spies he can send in to do that job.

But Shi-kyung asks what happens when Bong-gu kills all those agents. Bong-gu knows that Shi-kyung is Jae-ha’s right-hand man. That means that for the sake of driving Jae-ha crazy, he’ll keep Shi-kyung by his side. Damnit, stop making sense!

He yells, “Why can’t I go? Because I’m your friend? If it’s that then don’t worry. I have never once thought of you as a friend!”

W-wu-wuh? Nooooooo! We survived this long without noble idiots in this drama, and now you’re telling me the bromance is going there? Take it back! You ARE FRIENDS! You are! You… are… *whimper.*

He pleads with Jae-ha to be stronger than this. He turns to go, but then suddenly he swivels back, grim with determination. He yells, “Lee Jae-ha!” OMG. Did you just call the king by name? In banmal?

“Go ahead and spend the rest of your life in there, looking for friends! Because Kim Hang-ah is gone, you’re scared of losing me too, aren’t you? I’ve long let go of my guilt. So GET IT TOGETHER!”

That was so awesome. That gets Jae-ha out of the room right quick. He fumes, “Lee? Jae? Ha?

Shi-kyung: “You said we were friends.” HEE. I love Quippy Comeback Bot best of all. Jae-ha roars, calling him a bastard.

But then Shi-kyung just stares with his super earnest puppy eyes, and Jae-ha caves with a sigh. Perhaps this is why you weren’t allowed in the room in the first place. I love that this part of the exchange needs no words.

Shi-kyung promises (now back to formal speech), “I will return.” Jae-ha lets out a shaky sigh. I’m not even going to warn you that you’d better return, because there’s no option to do otherwise. You WILL return, gorramit.

Bromantic study montage time. They plan their mission, down to the letter, complete with A SECRET CODE. Is there a secret handshake to go with? Sometimes I really love this drama.

Jae-ha asks Shi-kyung to do one last thing before leaving—go see Jae-shin. “You know the condition she’s in. And you know her heart. No matter how frustrating you are, if you don’t know that…”

Shi-kyung: “Can I do whatever I want?” Rawr?

Jae-ha: “You mean you haven’t, till now?” Dude, you don’t even know the half of it. Shi-kyung asks if he really can, just once, treat her not as the princess but meet her person-to-person. Jae-ha corrects him: “It’s man-to-woman.”

Shi-kyung: “Can I, just this once, follow my heart, and see her?” Jae-ha doesn’t answer, and instead turns around and picks up the phone. He orders that Jae-shin be brought out to the garden, and no one allowed within two kilometers of her, “…except Eun Shi-kyung.”

Wingman for the win. He turns around, “Will that do?” Shi-kyung starts hyperventilating now that he has no excuses left.

Jae-shin gets brought outside and then they take her wheelchair away, leaving her with nothing but a picnic basket. She wonders what’s going on, and then Shi-kyung comes up the road to meet her.

She asks if he knows about the memory she recovered, “It’s like a monster, isn’t it?” She starts to cry. But he tells her that the person who gave away the Anmyundo location was his father, and he’s decided that he’s not going to let himself feel guilty about that. “Because my father is my father, and I’m me.”

He kneels down in front of her. “It’s the same for you. It was because of them. It wasn’t your fault.” He takes her hand and tells her that recovering the memory alone makes her impressive.

He says it again, “It’s not your fault.” He holds her hand as she sobs.

Then a little while later, he piggybacks her through the garden, as he tells her that he’s taking a short vacation. He says that he’ll give her some homework, and once she completes it, he’ll have returned.

“Say It’s not my fault a hundred times a day.” Aw. She tells him that he has to do the same then. They both agree. “Laugh three times a day, even if you have to force it.” He adds going to therapy diligently and practicing being in front of people, and she agrees.

They reach her wheelchair and he puts her back in it. Still kneeling, he adds one last thing: “Sing again.” She kisses him on the cheek, startling him, and asks what else.

He stands up to give his answer, and plants a kiss on her.

But his own impulsive move sends him reeling, and he steps away from her, more in shock than she is. Heh. He quickly apologizes, and she asks what for, but he feels so awkward that he just gets behind her and speed-wheels her back to the palace. Pfft. What happened to the gutsy guy who told her oppa that he was gonna do whatever he wanted? Cracks me up.

And then he berates himself in his office for losing control. That was you, losing control? Whoa there, wild child. He thinks of something and decides to write a letter. I will admit, I hope it’s to Jae-ha, but it’s probably for Jae-shin.

Secretary Eun sits at his fishing spot and this time an entire royal entourage arrives. It’s Jae-ha. He tells ajusshi about what Shi-kyung did, and starts to say that he tried to stop him, but corrects himself: “No, I sent him.”

He says he pretended to put up a fight because sending him freely made him such a bad person. But Secretary Eun sees right through the guilt parade. Jae-ha says that there’s so much to prepare for the case, and asks him to return to the palace: “Like you did for hyung, come be by my side.”

Secretary Eun looks over at him, moved and startled. Jae-ha warns that the pay will be downgraded though—times are tough. Heh. They smile, and then ajusshi says he has to seek forgiveness from one person first.

He goes to see the queen mother, to confess his wrongdoing. She already knows, but I think it’s important that he says it and seeks forgiveness. She just asks with tears in her eyes about how Jae-kang was that day, since Secretary Eun is the last person to see him alive.

He tells her that the king was happy and smiling, and she says that’s enough for her.

The good guys get a break and finally recover the video player from Jae-ha’s hostage standoff in North Korea, but it’s too damaged to recover any data. Drat.

Jae-ha sighs and turns to hyung’s portrait, “You happy?” He’s just talking, but that phrase is the one that opens up his diary recorder, which he ignores. But then suddenly, something dawns on him. Aww, yeah.

He looks up at the portrait, and then over to the table and chairs sitting across the room, and then back at the recorder. Nice. I KNEW it would come in handy that his keyword was so conversational.

The music swells. He calls Shi-kyung. Mission is on. He walks down the memorial hall and into the pressroom to make his live public announcement. The world tunes in, and so does Bong-gu.

Jae-ha announces that the late king’s death was murder, and he has the proof. He plays the video. Hell yeah. It’s a top-angle view (because it’s aimed at the desk, if you remember Jae-kang’s footage from before) but it captures both Jae-ha and Bong-gu sitting across from each other that day that he confessed to the murder.

Backtrack to that day, when Bong-gu himself had said the phrase, “You happy?” which started the recording that neither of them noticed. The reporters and the public watch, horrified, as Bong-gu lays it all out on the video—that the real reason he killed Jae-kang was because he kept him out of the country, and sent him peacefully like a drunk idiot.

He makes that shudder-inducing quueck noise, and everyone who’s watching jumps out of their skin. Man, this is so awesome. And strangely even more horrifying out of context—he just seems like a pure monster. One of the reporters asks the man’s identity, and Jae-ah confirms it. Bong-gu sits frozen in his chair.

Jae-ha: “A king is not just a king. He is South Korea itself, and its 50 million people. Club M’s John Mayer murdered those 50 million people.” And with his game face on, he declares that he’ll be prosecuting him according to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. (Specifically used to prosecute crimes against humanity, genocide, war crimes, etc.)

Cut to Secretary Eun delivering their case to the court. Jae-ha continues: “We will fight. And we will capture him. We will uphold justice, and make him face the strict judgment of the law.”

Gah, goosebumps. I love a hero who fights within the system. Renegades are cool, but a king IS the system, and if he doesn’t have faith in that, his position is meaningless.

Needless to say, Bong-gu starts to panic, though he does his best not to show it. He tells his minion that it’s time to lay low, and orders him to call the prison and have Hang-ah moved.

But instead of doing that, Minion calls someone else in Club M to say that Bong-gu is now a liability. He orders a hit on Bong-gu… which Bong-gu overhears. I wish I could say that I’m surprised and shocked that you’d be betrayed by your own people, but who’re we kidding. Most of us were wondering how he lasted that long. Mia walks into the room, and minion starts crying instantly. Ha.

Shi-kyung and Dong-ha are hiding outside the compound, and Dong-ha worries about the plan, but Shi-kyung tells him to just do as he said, and pets him on the head before going in. Aw.

By the time we get back to Bong-gu, his minion’s already a dead fish. Shots ring out and they scramble, and Shi-kyung sneaks his way in. He gets into a fight with Mia, and I want him to kick her ass, but sigh, that’s not the plan, and he lets himself be captured.

She hauls onto his knees in front of Bong-gu and trains a gun to his head. Shi-kyung just tells him to kill him and get it over with. But Bong-gu thinks back to Shi-kyung’s initial rejection of rotten cookies, looks over at dead fish backstabber, and orders them to treat him well.

Shi-kyung hides his reaction, and Dong-ha watches him get hauled away from afar, crying. Aw. He calls Jae-ha to tell him that phase one is complete. Jae-ha hangs his head with a heavy sigh.

And then begins the horrible torture. They knew this going in—Jae-ha told him that he’d have to endure for an unbearably long time, otherwise giving in too quickly would seem false. I know they’re right, but aaauuuugh. They lay him on the ground and she threads a stick through his fingers, and then GRINDS his hand till his fingers break under her heel. Oof.

Hang-ah finally gets treated by a doctor in the prison. She winces from the pain, but he says it’s already healed over, so she’s overreacting. But of course it’s just a diversion…

While he turns his head to speak to the guards, she grabs him in a headlock and screams at the guards to step back. They panic and she orders the doctor to hand over his cell phone.

Jae-ha sits with Secretary Eun discussing the trial and IF YOU IGNORE THIS CALL I WILL KICK YOU IN THE NUTS. Thankfully, he answers. Hang-ah yells frantically into the phone, “Comrade Lee Jae-ha!”

She barely has time to tell him that she’s in a Chinese prison before an armed guard comes running in. He fires a shot into the air, and she drops the phone. He’s left screaming her name, not knowing if she’s dead or alive.

He tells Secretary Eun that he’s going to China right now. They rush to try and move her before the king arrives. He comes with troops both North and South (Dong-ha and Young-bae are both present).

He tells the prison’s commanding officer that a call from his fiancée originated here, and sends his men in to look for her. They search frantically, Young-bae especially falling all over the place, desperate to find Hang-ah in time.

They call out her name over and over, and then she finally hears it faintly. The guards have her somewhere removed, held at gunpoint, but she fights them off long enough to scream for Jae-ha.

He hears her, and takes off running toward the building off to the side. The agents follow. At the same time, the guards gag her and start to move her out, on the upper level.

They nearly miss each other, but then Hang-ah sees Jae-ha from behind, below her. She screams through her gag, and he hears her and comes running, and they finally lock eyes.

But they’re still moving her, and he races to catch up. She fights them off and manages to free herself long enough to run, but one of them grabs his gun and fires. Oh. Fuck.

She goes down. Jae-ha freezes just below her.

Blood drips down through the metal-grate floor to the lower level, at his feet.

He runs up the stairs as his agents secure the guards. She isn’t moving. He stumbles over to her with his head in his hands, not sure what to do, not ready to face it. He crouches down, hands shaking, and turns her over.

She looks up at him. He calls out her name like a wave of relief, and she screams from the pain. He looks down. It’s her leg. She was shot in the leg. Ohthankgoodness.

He cradles her in his arms, and she looks up and smiles, “Comrade Lee Jae-ha, it’s no big deal.” He clutches her to his chest for dear life, crying uncontrollably.

Wow, I was so wrapped up in that, I thought for sure it was the end of the episode. Man alive.

Bong-gu’s associate gives him the update and suggests they use Shi-kyung. He’s bloodied and currently enduring Chinese water torture. (Is that like a when in Rome thing?)

Bong-gu finds him being treated thusly and slaps Mia across the face. This is why you have no friends. He sits Shi-kyung down to make the offer: join his side. He seems to be playing right into their plan.

But Bong-gu is as shrewd as he is crazy, and needles Shi-kyung to take the offer as planned—after all, isn’t this a double agent mission? He points out Shi-kyung’s lack of a poker face, saying that someone with his personality isn’t cut out for mole work. I’m starting to agree. And worry.

Bong-gu says that really, Jae-ha is the bad guy for sending his friend into the enemy’s lair. I mean, he probably even pretended to put up a fight to appear less callous, but “he’s actually more ruthless [than me].”

He muses that if Jae-ha were born in a different time, he’d have slapped the faces of Yeonsangun and Nero. Ha. Shi-kyung counters that that’s all people like Bong-gu can see—what’s in front of his face.

He appeals to Shi-kyung’s vanity, asking him to set him straight then. He offers to let him get rid of anyone on his staff with a foul stench. Shi-kyung: “Aren’t you the cause of that stench?” Damn.

I love that knowing their plan doesn’t stop Bong-gu from trying to make Shi-kyung go darkside anyway. That’s HIS vanity, and they know it. Attempt #1 is a failure, but Bong-gu is determined to win Shi-kyung over. The fish is on the hook.

Hang-ah wakes up in bed (they’re still in China) and Dad scampers around to make sure she’s okay and getting rest, but she will have none of that—she asks for Jae-ha right this instant, freaking out about not wasting another minute in finding Bong-gu.

Jae-ha rushes in and she asks him, eyes wide with panic, if he has a plan for catching Bong-gu because they can’t let another minute pass with him out there. Jae-ha and Dad exchange worried looks and Dad leaves the room.

She asks again and again, and he tells her not to think about anything, and just rest. But she shakes her head no, getting more and more frantic. Tears start to fall, as she gasps, “How can I rest? Do you know what a scary person Kim Bong-gu is?”

She’s never once shown fear before this. Now I get why he and Dad were looking at each other so strangely.

He hugs her tight. “I’m sorry, Hang-ah-ya, for not protecting you. I know. I get it now, seeing you like this… how scared you were, how difficult it was for you. I know it now. I’m sorry Hang-ah-ya. I said I’d make you happy. But I’m a powerless bastard. I’m so sorry.”

She cries into his shoulder, her panic subsiding. Gah, the sight of her blue and purple hand clutching onto him just breaks my heart.

Jae-ha and Dad meet with a Chinese official who apologizes for the “incident” and Dad freaks out, but Jae-ha holds him back. He says that if they’re sorry, they can show it, by letting South Korean troops in country to catch Bong-gu.

The Chinese official in turn tells Bong-gu they’re no longer in cahoots, and orders him out of China in three hours. How perfect is it that Bong-gu’s bedroom is decorated like a child’s, full of oversized stuffed animals? It’s exactly as I pictured.

He’s short on time and moves, so he calls Shi-kyung over to make threats—what he got a taste of was Torture Lite, so if he doesn’t want to be begging to die, he should sign up for Team Blackhats.

His plan: have Shi-kyung pretend he’s succeeded in Mission Double Agent and then be a double-double agent, and feed Jae-ha false information about his whereabouts. He gives Shi-kyung time to think it over, or else he’ll end in bloody torture. And then he screams, “Why do you MAKE ME be this way?!” Yunno, I always found that to be the creepiest thing serial killers say.

Jae-ha sits with Hang-ah in bed and fills her in on everything. She freaks out at the news that he sent Shi-kyung. “That’s like entrusting a piece of meat to a tiger!” Aw, you think he’s a beefcake too?

Hang-ah: “If something goes wrong…” Jae-ha: “Then I’ll spend the rest of my life blaming myself…” He’s worried because there hasn’t been any contact, but says all they can do is wait. “We have to trust him.”

Shi-kyung’s torture just gets worse and worse, and Mia goes to town, threatening Dad and the princess like it’s Torture Christmas. Shi-kyung trembles, screaming out in pain. Did they finally do it? Did they break him?

Jae-ha gets a call. It’s Shi-kyung. He says that the plan worked and gives him the coordinates where Bong-gu will be… as Bong-gu listens. Jae-ha says their troops are arriving soon in country, so they’ll meet him there.

Shi-kyung asks if Jae-ha will come himself, but he says no—he’s found Hang-ah and she needs medical care. But Shi-kyung tells him he should come and witness Bong-gu’s capture with his own eyes, since this is what he’s been working towards. Bong-gu practically licks his chops at the king headed straight for his trap.

Jae-ha agrees and Shi-kyung gives him a place to meet. He sends Hang-ah home first, and she worries but he says it’ll be fine—it’s Eun Shi-kyung after all. He gives her a kiss and heads out.

Shi-kyung waits at an industrial plant and Jae-ha arrives, happy to see him. But Shi-kyung seems different, detached. Jae-ha asks why he’s lost so much weight, but he says nothing. We see snipers on the roof, and a bug behind Shi-kyung’s ear.

He takes Jae-ha in his own car without a security escort, and Jae-ha tries to make conversation on the way but Shi-kyung remains cryptically aloof. Hang-ah and Dad are on their way out, but she asks them to turn the car around—something doesn’t feel right.

Jae-ha and Shi-kyung arrive at a rocky cliff overlooking the ocean, and Jae-ha looks out, confused. Bong-gu is here? Shi-kyung says yes, so he follows. They climb through some rocks and come out onto the cliff, where Bong-gu is waiting with a team of gunmen.

Sitting across from each other are two thrones. One is empty, while Bong-gu sits in the other. He greets him with a smile and a bow, “Welcome, your majesty.”

Jae-ha turns slowly toward Shi-kyung…

Shi-kyung raises his gun in Jae-ha’s face.

Oh. Holy. Hell.


AAAAUUUUUUUUUUGH. Damn is that a good ending. You finally learn how to do a cliffhanger right, just when it counts. The thing is, I still hold out faith that Shi-kyung is being a quadruple agent (or something, the math is confusing) – in that I think he and Jae-ha were banking on Bong-gu’s counter moves. This is chess, after all. Just with live pieces.

The thing that’s selling the other side though (that he really put on a black hat) is Shi-kyung’s performance, because he really did endure an insane amount of torture, and afterwards he seems hollowed out and lifeless. Even though I firmly believe he’s still got it together on the inside, seeing him that way puts everything into question. Nicely played.

No matter if this is Shi-kyung being a triple agent or not, that last image just kills me—him holding his gun out at Jae-ha like their first meeting. Before it meant nothing, but now it’s betrayal because of the friendship they’ve formed. Their relationship might honestly be my favorite thing about this drama, and if you kill that bromance, Show, I will break up with you.

I’m so glad that Jae-ha has finally made his move against Bong-gu and proud of the kind of king he’s become. He once laughed at Jae-kang for saying that the king was the people and that the throne belonged to them. He was the guy who called the royal family puppets and empty scarecrows, but in the end he puts his faith in the system and the people.

And I like the question of morality that Bong-gu raises, because after all, a king is often as ruthless and tyrannical as any mass murderer. But again that difference is people. At the end of the day, a king still answers to his people. A murderer does not. Though the system Jae-ha operates in is flawed and can be abused, it has a balance in place that keeps any one person from having too much power. Bong-gu just consumes endless power and wealth thinking that it’s enough, and is left asking why he doesn’t have what Jae-ha has. I love that it’s so simple – he has too much power to ever have what he really wants.

And Shi-kyung is the embodiment of that. He is in the purest sense the faith of the people in their king, and Bong-gu sees it. He wants it for himself like a shiny toy, thinking that possessing Shi-kyung will be the same as having his faith. The fact that Bong-gu and Jae-ha stand there on the cliff, waging war over one soldier – (besides the fact that the bromance tickles me pink) is the perfect distillation of that conflict. I didn’t think his capturing Hang-ah or Mom was anything more than a plot device, but the war over Shi-kyung feels vastly different—it’s their ideological war, and it’ll get at the heart of the central hero/villain conflict, which is exactly where I want to be before the finale.

Warning: I’ve been pretty lax about the spoiler posts in this thread, but if you post spoilers about next week’s finale (and I mean both episodes), you will get a pair of VERY CRANKY recaps from me. [Note: Proper spoiler etiquette is to mark anything even remotely spoilery in CLEAR, no uncertain terms, short of neon lights, so that anyone who doesn’t want to read it (namely ME) could see it from a mile away and swerve around your comment.] You have been warned. I hold a mean grudge, Lee-Jae-ha-style, and not the kind with revengey kisses either.


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But what about BG room, he looks like fall out from Batman movie...


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LMAO. Hahahaha.

I was so distracted by the giant white bear in the corner. It looks like the one that 1N2D members has to carry with them on their second race mission. So I'm watching the scene and wondering if they got it from Seung Gi.


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"So I’m watching the scene and wondering if they got it from Seung Gi."

HA! Meanwhile, I'm fantasizing about the giant bear coming to life and mauling Bong-Whackjob-gu.


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lol. That'd be so hilarious. After he mauls him he'd go maul Bon Bon next.


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lol. I need to go back and check out his socks.


hahahaha! i thought i was the only one who laugh at those socks of bong goo hahaha!


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nope you're not. I thought those kinda socks be worn by kids only.

Looks like the production team really work hard for every single detail. Even BG's socks!


I think it's the same bear!


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Why is he wearing those mismatched colors clothes? BG really looks funny to me with his sense of dressings. I am laughing everytime he appears.


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when i first learned that Lee Seungi will be the leading man for this drama, I was disappointed...not that I do not like him bec I do..I just didn't think that he and Ha Ji Won will have chemistry..but OMG the chemistry is so intense..and how come they look like they are the same age?

The story is so good, acting is superb, chemistry is on fire..direction is epic..

Can I just say that Ha Ji Won really brings out the best of his leading men..


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May I add, music of time!


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indeed hjw brings out the best of his leading men...


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Can I just say that Ha Ji Won really brings out the best of his leading men..

No offense to this comment, I have seen it a hundred times, but for me no matter how much I like her, I get tired of that comment. I feel the credit goes to the actor not her in this case 2/3 of JH scenes dont include her. I have been irked at reading that same comment so much. I do not like to make negative remarks so I stay quiet, but just needed to get that off my chest. since your comment was used for my rant-checks in the mail, haha.


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I agree with you. Credit should go to Seunggi too. There were a number of soul-stealing, tear-jerking scenes with Queen mother and the ones with Bong Gu were daebak too. Mustn't forget his scenes with Sec Eun as well.


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Agree...sometimes I feel it's offending...

Though Seung Gi isn't perfect either, but his ability to balanced out within senior's acting awed me. Based on the experience, I know that when some actor's don't acted brilliantly, he/she will swallow up by the other's act. And I dare to say that I don't feel it all with Seung Gi's acting. :)


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There is a reason why so many YOUNG actors want to act with her. It doesn't mean to insult the actors (including those she has worked with) because she does always bring the best of her and it CONSEQUENTLY makes all her co-workers to do the same, sometimes even much more than her. It's a normal thing in this world, it's called a healthy competitive working environment. I am not so surprised if LSG will have the same very prestigious award Hyun Bin had AFTER working with her. That's why Korean PRESS (meaning not just her fans!) called Ha Ji Won as the midfielder, she always brings the best of her to create the best TEAMWORK in all of her projects. Let's respect that too.


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Let me share her passion and dedication to her work (which I believe will surely encourage her co-stars to bring the best of them too). Secret Garden writer Kim Eun Sook praised HJW by saying, “Her schedule was so busy that she had no time to sleep. When she was given 1 hour to rest, she came back after exercising for 30 minutes and showering for 30 minutes. She jumped rope for 30 minutes because she knew that if she slept, her face will become swollen”.


Dear @because, of course Ha Ji Won is great! And there is no single drop of doubt about that! ^^
I don't mean to offense her, of course, she is a great actress and everybody here believes her acting is also the x factor that intensifying&solidifying Seung Gi's acting. What we (or I) mean, It's not fair to says that all of his acting is rely/depend on her. It feels...hmmm.. -I don't know how to put it into good words, but I hope you understand what I mean...- belittling his role.

I don't mean to offense any person/Actress with this explanation, hope everybody understand, for any mistake, I'm apologizing in advance


you're not alone. I thought the same when i first learned that LSG would be the main actor but heck, I always know that HJW always choose the best script for her, so I put my faith in HJW's choice. In fact I thought LSG wasn't that bad at all. His acting in MGIAG wasn't that glorious but I can still remember that I cried (unconsciously) with him in MGIAG, the part when Miho left for good.

But now, I gotta admit, I was partially wrong for thinking that LSG will not be at par with HJW but I was right in the sense that HJW will always bring out the best in her co-star.

All in all, I am now an Airen and have been listening to his songs lately (even humming without me noticing it).

And LSG's acting? Let's just say, he's in a new league now. Everything that he did in K2H were sooo right and for once, I never feel he did anything off (u know how sometimes u watched drama and u feel the acting doesn't feel right and real?)

Ha Ji Won? Someone who does not even need my comment at all. She is amazing, by nature and by default!


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HA JI WON: plain and simple is a goddess! You don't question her awesomeness. You just nod along and then move on!! heh


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Even after SEGA, Hyun bin was very thankful that his co-star was Ha ji won. He acknowledged that there 'll be no Kim ji won if there's no Gil ra im.


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yeah Ha Ji Won is so great that you don't need to comment it because it'll be such a cliche. Go amazing yeoja! So for now, let me praise Seung Gi for his acting that has reached the benchmark of Ha Ji Won's. I never thought he would be this great. I am now an Airen but my love for HJW will always be the greatest. xD


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It takes two to tango - in order for a scene to work - both performers have to be do good, otherwise one will shine better than the other. We see JW simply as Hang Ah and Lee Seungi as Jae Ha - they are not competing. Both shine on screen.
The cast here whether the leads and support cast were all marvelous- they performed their roles to perfection that it came so natural. They were all convincing in their characterization - that we believe they are real life.

Congratulations to the writing, direction, acting, production for this drama - I cannot praise you enough.
K2H - this is the first and last drama that I will go totally crazy about. It will be like my first love and nothing will top this special feeling. There may be other dramas to come but you will always be special and unforgettable.
I can't and I won't do this again for any other drama.
Otherwise It will be my demise.


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i cry when shi kyung piggybacks jae shin. the conversations are sweet but heartbreaking. it's like he's saying goodbye forever TT____TT

if they kill off shi kyung, am gonna fly over to korea and stab the scriptwriters myself. like seriously!
please dun break my little heart and jae shin's heart & jae ha's heart. chaebal! i still want to see another scene of our awkward earnest little puppy kissing jae shin in a wedding ceremony!!!


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I've been reading your recaps n I finds that yours are the best recaps :)... I did read onother recaps about the same ep but yours is the best!!!! Thumbs up.. Big fan of your recaps n hope u keep up the good work :) tq


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And...this is not spoiler, I swear!!
To feed you souls, I bring A beautiful MV, though only 40s, but beautiful!!

http://t.co/Z4BKNPdg cr: martyna267


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thanks for the vid. thats so amazing with beautiful music n JH's voice when he is propose to HA. i'm tearing in my hearts. hope he/she do a full version.looking forward to it. :)


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Beautiful promises dear ;)


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love it. thx


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beautifully done! H2H's JH/HA love team will spawn a million MV's on youtube - looking forward to watching them.


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kyaaaaaaaaaaaa. this drama is killing me softly. ahhhhhhhhhh. the agony of waiting.

Thanks GF!


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Wow! Going through so many comments took a while. A lot have been said that I'd have said (stop stealing my thoughts Hearties^^) but let me add my two cents anyway.

Its so beautiful that the writers have writtent he Shi-Kyung character in a way that now leads us to wonder if he's really been broken. If we put ourselves in the situation where our parent(s) and lover is being threatened, how would we react? He can bear it for himself. If its just him, then he'll hold out, but for those precious to him...?

However, they can make us question it all we want - I believe in our EunBot who is wired to serve the king. He might even be fooling Jae-Ha as apart of his plan to be a triple agent and deliver Bong Gu to him. It reminds me of a book I read years ago called Double Agent, Triple Cross. There was a 'triple' agent in there that now reminds me of Shi-Kyung's role.

Bong Gu's room was bloody distracting. Someone should rip up all his toys to annoy him.

Hang Ah and Jae-ha's reunion was beautiful.

And as someone said before, the theme of forgiveness was really well done. The movie....erm...episode was really great and I was watching it at the time I crossed over into my 27th year. Yup...happy birthday to me. :D I hope there are many other dramas of TK2H's caliber in the coming years.


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Seriously!!!!!!!!!! It's your birthday!!!!!!!!!!
Happy birthday...I wish you good life, happy, a lot of smiles...rest is up to you...hehaha...
You aren't playing me, right!!!!!!!


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happy happy bday!!!! A happy ending for TK2H will be the gift of hearties to you hehehe...


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Most def! Thanks. :D


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lol. Nah not playing you. Thanks mtoth. *hugz*


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Happy Birthday~


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Adjust vocal chords ( Mi mi mi mi... do re mi fa sol )

Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday dear Arhazivory...
happy Birthday to you...
And many more!!!

Have an awesome one, you young chick you!!!


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happy birthday!! :)


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happy birthday! the only gift that i can give to u is that i hope and pray that LSG will appear in ur dream. :D


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Happy Birthday, and may you find your JH soon, if you haven't yet.


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I've gotten so many nice birthday wishes. *grins like an idiot*

Thanks guys. I love my fellow Hearties. <3

*sniffles* I'm gonna miss ya'll.


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Happy Birthday! Thanks for your fun to read insightful comments here in DB TK2H recap :D


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Happy belated birthdae Arhazivory! I'm 27 this year too. Haha.

Great comment! I believe in Earnest Bot too.


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Thank you, GF, for this wonderful and even amusing recap during those dark times. ^^
Since I've watched episode 18 in RAW it straighten many things out.

Unfortunately my brain begins to switch into stand-by mode, after I slept from the last 72 in total 8 hours I'm at a point I can't phrase my thoughts clearly any more.
Yep, it's because of the TK2H virus and I feel just as Shi Kyung looks in the last few scenes.
Hence, and as long as my kids let me, I'll drift from dramaland directly into dreamland, even when it's daytime here.
See ya later, dear hearties. :)
Please leave anything over what isn't told yet so that I can add my two cents soon.


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Dear rearwindow's soul,

Please go to sleep. It's 3:20 a.m. and you won't be able to catch any evil geniuses if you don't get some shuteye.


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Dear rearwindow,

I'm corporeal. I don't need sleep. You go to sleep and I'll keep eating cookies.


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rearwindow's soul,

How can I sleep when you're making bad puns at an alarming rate?! It's embarassing.


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How can I be expected to sleep when people are adding dozens of comments every minute?


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Dear both of you:

Stop arguing and go to bed. You're rapidly losing touch with reality and I will not be held responsible for your insomniac behavior.

Go to sleep and I promise I'll make an appearance in your dreams...


(the sound of silence as rearwindow and rearwindow's soul drift off to happy dreams of an outrageously hot king)


I'm laughing so hard right now and trying not to wake the house. lol...how did Jae-Ha pop up in the conversation?

Rearwindow and soul, you'll be missed. Get some shuteye. :D


Dear both of you...wake up please....

Let's play! Playing with Jae Ha in dream is boring, I'll let you play with some of my plushies. Hmm? Or would you like some cookies? I have Bon Bon if you like too... Hmm??

I'll treat you many cookies, besides..if Jae Ha is outrageously hot, then me too right? We don't have much difference either, besides..I'm also a king *smile*
*preparing to bath*


Looked at pic of HA & forced myself to get my butt off to d gym. Cann always read thread while on threadmill, rt?

Bad idea. Laughed so hard almost fell off threadmill.

You guys have gone over to the dark side. You're evwil!


People you are killing me!!!!!! Hwo can study when you pop comment like this.....!!!!!!!
Johny, Johny, Johny...don't you dare to come into my dreams...!!!!!!!!!!!


lol...so utterly funny....

I've just decided what I'm gonna do after TK2H ends next week.

Gonna read all the comments from all the Hearties starting from Episode 1 again here on DB so that I do not miss even a single one....all the priceless comments :-)

Last few episodes, the comments have been piling up so fast, I swear I would have missed out a lot....

My therapy for withdrawal symptoms !!!!!!!!!!!


OMG rearwindow! You're cracking me up. I swear this is the worst symptom ever of the TK2H bug (and the FUNNIEST!). That Jae-ha bit is just comedy gold. And you had to insert John Mayer. Puahahaha! *wipes tears from eyes* *wheezes from too much laughter*



that's a great idea! I think I'll do the same. ;)


omg, I'm dying. rearwindow you are hilarious. I'm really thankful I got a crapload of work done this week so I can enjoy everyone's cracked out comments.


OMG, LoL, hahahaha...you crack me up!! What a marvelous way to start the day :-)


I'm laughing so hard I can barely type this out! Great stress relief!


I can't get over this post, it's just too funny! LOL.

You can probably have your own country in no time with the way your personality is splitting. Republic of Rearwindow. Population: 5 (and counting)


LOL I'm glad my sleep-deprived spazz-fest amused you all. Though I can't take credit for the Bong-gu appearance. Some other hilarious cracked-out heartie is responsible for that (ps. whoever wrote that, I love you).


@Minea: "You can probably have your own country in no time with the way your personality is splitting. Republic of Rearwindow. Population: 5 (and counting)"

HAHAHAHA. I cracked up so hard at that.



I always wanted my own republic!


Me too!


Me three!


I don't care how many of you claim the throne; there's only room enough for one king in these message boards.


((tumbleweed rolls by as crickets chirp))


*stuffing Big Plushie to Empty Living Room*

Your Majesty...thank you very much for your gift, never thought I'm *cries* will get this from you..the Plushie that you piggy backing while deceiving Uhm Tae Woong ahh~ *cries again*. We're so alike, right?

*now calling the maid to get bath prepared for broody scene*


*Blows up Bong-gu's bathtub to save the world from another BG bathtub scene*


LOL! OMG. This got even funnier than where I left it. John Mayer.....you crack me up. Giant Plushie....you kill me.

I'm laughing so hard right now. :D


Whenever Jae-ha makes an appearance Kim Bong-gu has to crash the party!!


ya, Jae-ha wannabe, I told the maid to dump a blow dryer when you take your bath next!!

Or has HA already blown up your bath tub?!


@Saima: Mission Bath Tub has been executed, but Mission Electrocute Bong-gu in his Giant Pool is still open for negotiation...


You...blow the tub?...how dare you...

*pout @ Hang Ah* stomping feet like 5 y.o kid*

Gwenchana...*low voices*
*flicking fingers*pull clothes from corner of the room*

Since we have another tub...

*filling it with lukewarm water, turn head to Hang Ah*

What soap that Your Majesty like the most?


KIM BONG-GU! Let's go with your beautiful *sniggers* given name, kreyo?!

Bong-gu yaaa! Go and hide behind your body guard or you will have to face the collective wrath and ire of fangirl soldiers. That delusional 'daughter' of yours doesn't scare us.

As I said before we don't NEED/WANT YOU to crash our party!! na gaaa (get lost!)...



OMG! HAHAHAHA! You're killing me, man! You're so heartless!

Pffft. Blowing up that bathtub is pure genius. Hang-Ah, you're my hero! But Wait!!! Can you blow up the attached shower, too, just in case he gets any ideas? I don't wanna see his choco abs (Easter Egg edition)!


*defending the shower room stall*



Bon Bon is no match for me!

*blows up shower, 2nd bathtub, and all large sinks within a 2 mile radius of Bong-gu's lair*


OMG! I'm a bit too late but you all driving me BON BONs here! This is crazy fun! Ms. Hang Ah instead of blowing up all the showers and bath tubs, can you pretty please just blow up Bong Gu directly into pieces so there will be no chances of seeing him naked at all? *cringe* don't want his image in my mind at all *erase* *erase*


Just read your conversation. Hahahahahaha. My mom had to shake me so I'd stop laughing and rolling.


Hang Ah, stop blowing up bath tubs! You must be hot and sticky now. I'm going to have a bubble now. (Unbuttons crisp white shirt... shows off perfect choco-abs... slips pants off... steps into bath) Hang Ah.. quick join me!


*rawr?*hot flushes


I have given up for the bathub...
But cheonha...
This is not your time for Hang Ah..

This is for OUR BONDING, cheonha!!! Imagine two king bonding in shower stall!! Or should I call Shi Kyung here to deepening OUR BOND with him?


Gross! gross! Quick Hang Ah save your man and us from the hideous sight!


Hahahahaha this is simply priceless!


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I am seriously hoping for a double wedding in the finale. Going to be really disappointed if I don't get one.


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With BOTH the grooms singing! That's the only thing I don't like about this drama. Why get other people to sing when both JJS and especially LSG can sing?


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Oh man, that would be the best. And I'm with you..JJS and LSG sing, and sing dang good, so have them sing! (I am grateful for the bit from JJS, but he also needs to be on the OST)


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I agree. JJS needs to have a song in that OST. He's got such a swoon-y voice. *faints*


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Let's make a poll for that...I want to hear those golden voices..


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I've been hoping for 18 episodes now that they'll make our King serenade to his Queen under the full moon, accompanied by singing crickets and cicadas, then go under the covers after a passionate yet tender kiss...

Sorry, horny thoughts :P


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Gf, these recaps of yours are definitely magnanimous. Thanks for your dedication and hard work. This episode must have rattled you as much as it rattled us. Still here it is, another great recap. Thanks again!

Ep 18 left me with mixed emotions that I still cannot deal with. Whew. You really are great, show.


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I always think it's funny when a cliffhanger ending happens on an actual cliff. Another awesome episode, and another awesome recap. How lucky are we?! This show has been such a great ride-- thanks again, gf.

I'm not worried about Shi Kyung turning on Jae Ha-- this has to be their Plan B (B for Bromance), right? I can't see Show giving any of JH's saram to BG. Also, I think that one of the few inviolable rules which drama writers have to follow is that secret codes which are the product of a bromance must be utilized. It is fun when you can't tell what the dynamics are for sure though-- great execution.

I, too, am happy about the spoiler-warning request but I've seen those ignored plenty of times here before-- I think it'd be a good idea to put them in one of those nifty green boxes at the beginning of the comments section because sometimes the offenders post their comments without reading the recaps.


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That is funny...a cliffhanger on a cliff. And who's hanging off it? I mean, besides us. Nobody good, I hope.

And I'm not worried about Shi Kyung, either, about defecting, but I hated the part he was being tortured. That was very dark and I was thisclose to fast forwarding it.

I think they should have made BonBon unskillful at hand-to-hand combat, but I suppose she has to be the whole ass-asination package. I so wanted to see Shi Kyung whoop her butt, but I suppose he had to be caught. I'm hoping that's the main reason he didn't whoop her. Oh well, Hang Ah can do some pretty serious damage. We will probably see that.


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"And I’m not worried about Shi Kyung, either, about defecting, but I hated the part he was being tortured. That was very dark and I was thisclose to fast forwarding it."

You're so right. It was really painful to watch and I wanted to cover my ears when SK screamed during that torture scene.


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"I think they should have made BonBon unskillful at hand-to-hand combat, but I suppose she has to be the whole ass-asination package."

I don't think I would like it if she wasn't a good fighter. I mean it'd be strange if an assassin is bad at hand-2-hand. Not her specialty, maybe, but terrible? Naw.

Plus, if she isn't arrested, it's more satisfying to me if Shi Kyung or Hang Ah fights her and wins after a battle/fight-scene. I like the idea of the challenge more than anything.


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ahhhhh my HA-JH finnally they are together, but why?? SK point his gun to JH. I gonna die T_T


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Thank you for the great recap GF.

Another amazing episode and an awesome cliffhanger!

That's all for now. I'm off to find pain meds for the raging headache I got from crying too much while watching the past two episodes.

Someone give me some aspirin....


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Just reading the recaps, I can't EVER imagine Shi Kyung being enticed by the darkside.. But the acting is crucial, so I'll hold off on commenting on the ShiKyung ambiguity issue.

I really like Shi Kyung character regardless of how unrealistic he happens to be and he with the princess is just GOLD.


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Thank you for the wonderful recap GF.

I'm so happy to see Hang Ah and Jae ha finally together.

Thank you to the writer for sweet and memorable scenes in the park for Jae Shin and Shi Kyung.

I really hope for both couples to have a happy ending.

2 more episodes to go before we saying goodbye to this masterpiece drama :(


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and the masterpiece of comment too..kkk :(
i'll always miss you guys. HEARTIES!!


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"Man, it’s that moment he fades that really stabs you in the heart. Beautifully played. I like this vision even more than his a few episodes back, because it’s wordless but delivers a stronger impact."

That is so true for me too. By the time I read GF's recap, I had already watched this scene 3 times and each time, I just found myself crying - tears trickling down my cheeks involuntarily....oh, such an emotionally charged moment....


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Me too... I love this scene~
I always hated dreaming scenes but love all the dreaming scenes in TK2H as they are sooo impactful and just sooo right and filled with precious emotions~!


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Jia Min,

I am totally with you. Dreaming scenes in TK2H totally made sense. They dream out their most inner thought, desires, fear, and yearning. They are not just fillers like in so many other dramas.

Also have you noticed how seldom they used flashbacks??? That's another thing I cannot stand in ordinary dramas. Scenes just happened minutes ago, the PD would kindly remind the audience (did they think we were all brain dead?) and use up some precious drama minutes. Hate it. Just hate it. But here, omg, I am crying for flashbacks. I want to see Jae Kang's smiling up at Jae Ha. I want to see Jae Ha's carefree manners. Oh, I want to see Jae Shin's CAREFREE manners.

What can I say? TK2H shows what a quality drama should look like.


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"TK2H shows what a quality drama should look like."

I'm totally with u in this!


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OMG YES @ the flashback thing! I'm like--that scene happened thirty seconds ago! Do you really think we need to be reminded?!

Much as I hate to say it, City Hunter was a pretty big culprit of this. As well as practically every other drama, but for some reason I noticed it in CH more (maybe because that show got so many other things *right*).

Also, I totally second wanting flashbacks--not of things that happened mere moments before, but, like you said, of Jae-kang and Jae-shin before she went off the cliff. I just about lost it when Jae-shin had the flashback to Jae-kang during her hypnosis. Used sparingly and artfully like this, flashbacks can have such an impact.


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Whoops, forgot to change my username back to normal. Hehe.


LOLs! I thought you do it consciously!!
-which will make the situation more funny-


LOL! I was about to wonder if Empty Living Room was actually someone else. Haha. Empty Living Room made some good points...well since its connected to the rear window, I'm not surprised. ^^


@Arhazivory: LOL! Empty Living Room is one smart cookie! :P


OMO!! Of course I WOULD post that as Hang-ah. I am seriously having an identity crisis, here.

The things this show/message board does to me.


Yes! I adore deftly utilized flashbacks. How much do I love that we still get new scenes of Jae Kang because of them? He's still a present character even after his death. It nicely mirrors how his presence must still be with the people who loved him.


That's so right! About the flashback thing. I loved when Shi-Kyung was in the car (ep 17) and instead of a flashback we just heard Jae-Ha's voice. It allowed us to see the outplay of emotions on ESK's face while he remembers without distracting our hearts with a flashback.

This really does show what a quality drama should look like.


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Hi.... girlfriday

I agree with you I hate spoiler... I smiled after reading your warning... ^_^.... and I hope they understand your points and just behave... waiting for one week can't be compare for how long we've support this drama since March...

Thanks for this recap !!!


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i'm one of the guilty ones. that was my first too.

i promise i'll behave by next week!! LOL.

LOVE your recap GF as always. :)


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I can't without spoilers!
Please don't shut me down...
I'll behave...I'll try...ohhhh...killing me!!!!!!!!


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*slinked away in embarassment*


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hahaha you guys are really funny... thank you GF please continue writing magnificent recaps for us... :)


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×blushing from here to Korea! ;(


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I've known GF's no spoiler policy since Boys Over Flower days...I thought she'd changed her stance about spoilers, she'd been quiet lately....we need to behave hearties...we can go to other sites if we're dying to see spoilers.


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I hate spoilers but I love them too!! OMO ottoke????????


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I usually love spoiler...oh well..all hearties know how much I LOVE THEM, but for this last time..I think I'll spare it, no matter how it'll break my heart or ripped it and let it rotten with the cookies (and I hope it's not!) I'll..accept it.

And somehow I feel embarrassed because I am the one who GF warns to, I'm sorry GF, I don't mind to...I'm truly sorry, I'm such a killjoy *cries*bow*begging*


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lol. Regi~ya, you've been apologizing since yesterday. I'm pretty sure you're forgiven by now. ^^"


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@reglest, I think It's really hard to stay mad at you...it's all forgiven and forgotten...right?


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@arhavizory @mtoh:
*cringe* I'm trying to stay away from spoiler field...

But they keep feed me with 'unconfirmed' spoiler..eottokee??


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Just finished watching Epi 17+18 for the 6 times plus countless reruns of Rescue etc etc clips . think I'm ready to go out of my room to face the world . I've enough K2H infused blood to make sure I make it thru dinner without drifting off to think of K2H. Alright ,breath in breath out. Come ,lets try stepping outta d room . I'll be back in 2 hours K2hearts , my heart! I'm so glad hearties here are just as consumed or worse. Craziness loves company !keke


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girlfriday said: "But then Shi-kyung just stares with his super earnest puppy eyes, and Jae-ha caves with a sigh. Perhaps this is why you weren’t allowed in the room in the first place."

(‘•ㅊ •’) vs ⌒(•ᴥ•)⌒

Seunggi puppy vs EarnetsBot™ puppy...epic battle of sqeeee-inducing cuteness.

let's say it Korean style : K-yuuuu-tuh ~ ~ ~ ♥


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p.s. ..did Bon-Bon burn my baby's skin?!

Öh NO she did'unt ~

She's gonna have to die nasty....like 12 forwards & reverses of the * Korean Vehicle of Doom * ...till she's unidentifiable road-kill.

Not my Shi-Kyung gurl,....nuh uh.


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hahaha i would overdose from cuteness from those two, i am ready to jump ship tp JH /SK Ship!


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I have just finished watching ep18 and need to say it is definitely a very awesome episode.

1.) I liked the part where Hang-Ah is working out in her prison cell. It reminded me of a similar part in Terminator 2 when Linda Hunt was also working out in her prison cell.

2.) Especially like the part where the royal guard Dong-Ha told Shi-Kyung he couldn't leave the country anyway. Then that reminded me of the comment GF made about him being on the no-fly list. I work for an airline and we do not kid about passengers on no-fly list but when it is put into this context, I just laugh so hard.

3.) Love the part when Jae-Ha put on his game face when doing the interview with the media. It was perfect.

4.) Then of course I just can't leave out the part where he went to the prison in China to save Hang-Ah. Perfect acting and you can definitely feel all the emotion he is feeling at that time.

The writer so far should be commended with such good writing, just hope it doesn't disappoint us with the ending. This has to be the best drama so far this year. In my opinion, it beats out EM and RP by miles and miles. Can't wait until ep19-20 to wrap everything up.

Oh and I would take GF threat very seriously about revealing spoilers for the next 2 episodes. I don't want to miss out on her wonderful recaps. I mean I have been reading a lot of her recaps from other dramas and somehow she has outdone herself with this one. I have never commented on any other drama at all but with K2H I just had to let GF know what a wonderful job she is doing. Good work!!! Off to re-watch the episode again.


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Also noticed the Jae-Ha is always in his blue suit, the color matches him so well.


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What I also admire about this episode is that it shows Hang-Ah soft side that in the end no matter how strong she is still a woman and is also vulnerable to the horrors that Bong-Gu has done. I hope the king makes BG suffer in the end.


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I also wished the king and Hang-Ah had a longer reunion where they are with each other.


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while i was watching that scene of Hang Ah crying her eyes out, i was semi wondering -why would a tough N Korean special agent be cowed by Kim Bong Gu? cos Hang Ah was REALLY badass in front of Bong Gu during the video call. it seemed slightly out of character...

But i guess after all that she had gone through, plus being locked up in solitude in a detention cell in China not knowing whether she will get out alive and see her beloved again did break her quite a bit. she probably also realised how powerful Bong Gu was, to be able to control the Chinese. that probably freaked her out quite a bit


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True, her emotion is difficult to understand if you never experienced on your own.

I my self, pretty much had faced situation alike, not as extreme as Hang Ah. But the memories still intact in me...and I'm surprised by my self to finally understand that I'm actually fear, scared at that moment. And the way this drama portray them...ahh...so beautiful...*comparing with my snort and sneeze finally*


I think that when all is said and done, there's a woman under the tough exterior. She'll never show fear to Bong Gu or even the Queen Mother. But with the two primary men in her life she can allow herself to feel the fear that she had suppressed. With them she is allowed to feel vulnerable.

To me it wasn't out of character but rather served to show that she is a woman as much as the rest of us women are.


@ bern75

Why did Hang Ah fear Bong Gu?
Bravado can only get you so far - you have to understand and fear your enemy to win. BG has CLub M's power and resources. That is what makes BG a formidable enemy.

1) Because BG has Club M- Club M is like the World Bank - they have lots and lots of money and if they can influence the USA and Chinese gov't, how much clout can they have on lesser countries like Korea and others? They bribe political and corporate leaders in exchange for "power and influence". Remember how they bribed Eun Tae??? That is the power that BG has- and apparently he is the Leader of CLub M.
--( If it is only Hang Ah and BG- man to man - HangAh can beat the crap out of him - no problem.--)
Hang Ah experienced first hand that kind of power. Who will not be scared?

HA realized this, and Jae Ha realized this, that really, even the palace-the king- doesn't have the power , neither their own country. That is why Jae Ha realized that he has to fight BG using the International Criminal Court. (In real life there is an International Human rights law ratified by United Nations)..
Jae Ha once again used his 187 IQ in figuring this out and how to get the entire country behind him...

I smiled when I saw that it was Sec Eun Tae who delivered the 'petition' against BG to the ICC..

Jae Ha and SK also discussed that even though they had the video evidence, they knew that the wheels of justice is still slow- and given the resources BG has- it will take time to put him on trial - if they can find him at all - we already saw that BG was planning to hide when he heard that the Chinese were expelling BG from China. --
That is why SK still volunteered to get to BG (plan B).
SK is a soldier and is doing his duty for King and Country - first of all, and secondly - i am sure he is ticked off personally bec of what BG did to the Royal family and for corrupting and deceiving his father. This to me is in keeping with SK character.

....My speculation...is this ...
BG's attack against the Royal family is really personal, and this might bring his downfall. Do you think Club M will tolerate BG once they know the truth? Club M could unseat BG as the leader to protect the organization.

I think Jae Ha already thought this, right?
Why were JH and SK researching all of Club M's crimes? bombings, assasinations, bribery etc etc...
Club M will do collateral damage .. and my guess ? its gonna be BG - they have a perfect reason.

BTW- this is not a preview or a spoiler - it is my own speculation based on the hints I got from epi 18th.

We shall next week if I am right.

Last week, after epi 16th, I speculated that HAng Ah and queen will escape and they did. And that SK and his will have a falling out - which they did.

... I can preview my week though -- i will spend less hours of sleep because i will be re-watching the episodes again and thinking what will happen next week.
goodnight hearties...

Girlfriday - you have the best commentaries - I have been reading them since I found you online. About 6 months. And a week ago, I started posting my thoughts here...
I really want to thank the subbers and recaps and reviews. I wish I can read and speak Korean (Hangul) - it is a beautiful language- sounds French to me - very romantic language.

We will see what will happen.


That scene got me the most...

Yunno...being a woman as we are..and more likely in the hard field like Hang Ah which is dominated by male, we might appear strong and bold while facing the public. It also show how much responsibility she has, The queen mother, she think of her as her responsibility, and when you down, it doesn't take much time to sipped in other person.

I can understand what happen to Hang Ah...while we as women 'think' we are strong and bold, moreover in horrible state, it's more likely when all the hell loose, we broke ourselves..yes...when we finally thought we are safe..all the hell loose, and we might crying endlessly as compensation for those times.

I love how the drama portray and convey it so perfectly, she is 'strong' so she won't cry where other can see, but she loose all of it in front of Jae Ha...her trustee


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yes that's true...good observation.


I also notice he usually wears brown shoes ;)


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don't forget that equally heavenly white shirt... (drooling all over the places)


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Oh..love the white shirt with his sleeves rolled up part way. And I've grown really accustomed to the classy brown shoes.


*wiping away the drool*
I blame seung gi for that white shirt -and unbuttoned one as bonus- We have too much droll everywhere in this thread nowadays, now help me clean it, won't you? *handing mop and soap*


"I liked the part where Hang-Ah is working out in her prison cell. It reminded me of a similar part in Terminator 2 when Linda Hunt was also working out in her prison cell."

Hey! That was what I was reminded of too! but it was Linda Hamilton, rt, not Hunt?

Loved tt scene. So in character for HA. The way she pushes herself is so inspiring.


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Thanks for the correction. Couldn't really pin point which Linda it was.


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Lolz..reading all the comments form other hearties and their crazy convo's making me smile.. I just can't put more words as all of you have already said what's in my thoughts about the recent episode..hahaha..All I can say is I AM DYING IN ANTICIPATION! This drama is the BOMB!

GF..how can we enjoy this craziness without your agnificent recaps?Like..eotteoke?! Thank you so much!


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This is so incredibly off topic, BUT, while re-watching episode 17 and 18 I had a major LOL when the guards bring HA back to QD and one of them says to HA: 'Spiteful woman...' That sounded ridiculously silly! Despite the intense plot and the superb acting, those moments are just as precious!


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I always find something to laugh at... ×BG, BG


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BG's room was so preposterous that I wanted to laugh but that stupid bear distracted me from even doing that. Seriously...my eyes were only on that bloody bear.


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he said that because HA kicked his ass... :-)) can you imagine how shameful is that for him..


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I knew Hang Ah would turn around instead of going straight back to Korea.

Why? Lee Jae Ha will be in action. The love of her life, a guy she picked up singlehandedly off the bathroom floor, who needed her acupuncture to endure pain, who was so stubborn and daring to ask her to set off a bomb that could kill him, who almost fainted when SHE was the one that got hurt and needed rescue...

Just love Hang Ah's love. Her comforting words: Comrade Lee Jae Ha, I am fine. When the queen mother was so touched by her losing her mother, Hang Ah quickly, smilingly reassured her that it's okay, they moved back, she got the shots. Such a big heart. How lucky they found each other.


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agree.... she means the world to him, just like him to her.. they are soul mate by fate and destiny. It is indeed, a destiny.


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"I knew Hang Ah would turn around instead of going straight back to Korea."

- yes, she's not the kind of woman who'll leave her man behind especially at such a crucial moment. But it just makes me fear for her.


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"How lucky they found each other."

How very fortunate indeed! I love that their love transcends every roadblock that Fate stacks up against them, no matter how many and no matter how seemingly impossible to overcome. They still manage to come out of it again and again, intact and stronger than ever before. There's no doubt that there's a Higher Power that oversees all this, guiding and keeping watch, making sure they survive the roadblocks. It's a rare treat to witness that kind of true love unfold before your very eyes (even if it's only by watching this show). It's truly a cause for celebration. A celebration which I sincerely hope we'll get soon enough as this drama comes to an *gasp* end. Optimistically with both our pairings intact.


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I am really anxious that the writers plan to kill Shi Kyung because

a) he made up with his father (check)
b) he had a heart to heart with the princess, revealing his feelings and making her feel better (check)
c) he left a letter before going (check).

All of these signs point to a possible death during in the last two episodes.

Aaaaah, say it ain't so.... sniffl T_T


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Writers, I know you are trying to trick us and I won't fall for it..... No no no no no. You know you love SK just as much as we do and you won't kill him ( please, please, please on bended knees)


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I know right! During his date with the princess I was like "NO NO NO this sounds like he's saying goodbye". Please don't do this to us, writers!

Also, I REALLY want to see Jo Jung Suk in other roles! His eyes, his voice, OMG...I'll miss him SO MUCH! Are there any dramas he acted before K2H?

God bless the person who created this amazing Shi Kyung/Jo Jung Suk tumblr: http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/jo-jung-suk


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He recently acted on What's Up? I haven't seen it personally but it was also recapped her in Dramabeans. I think this is his second drama 'cause he's mostly active in musicals. He was also in the movie Introduction to Architecture. I'm trying to figure out where I could watch that 'cause his character there was the exact opposite of Shi Kyung.


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Prepare to be awed at 'What's Up', that drama is also brilliantly casted & directed. Well, though I don't pay much attention to the main couple Since Byeong Goon(JJS) and Doo ri steal the scene too good. He is a very goofy man, there, and everytime he appears on the scene I'm like: O yeah! Byeong Gun-a, bring back my sanity!
Absolutely a livening actor! When you recount the memorable scenes, you'll find Byeong Gun there. Besides him singing, my favorites including the scene when he fainted after realizing the red tracksuit ghost, or the moment he drops the collected money "XX$ and 30 cents, Ya..who just give 30cents?" I'm still LOLi,g everytime I remember those scenes


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@reglest, @mtoh

Really?! *rubs hands in anticipation* That's my next to watch probably before I watch Princess' Man (just because JJS is there ;) After hearing him sing here in K2H, I can't get enough of hearing his voice! Thanks, guys!


agree agree agree :)

if not for the ending but oh well, it was still one of those rare gems in kdrama. imo. :)


You must watch it because I loved it, you hear me I loved it!!!!
hahaheee, forget it...I only tried to hypnotise you ;)

Seriously it was good drama, sad at the end, but good.


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Ah...that's also on my To Watch list.


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You guys are going to hate me for saying this... but I am preparing myself that Shi Kyung might not make it till the end of the show. Hoping against all hope that he will, but the scenes of him in ep 18 really have me worried (i just watched the RAW version in full). so am preparing for the worst :`(


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I hate youuuu~ You~ you~~
Hate~ hate~~*singing on Heavy Rotation tune*


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No, it can't be. He said he'll be back when the princess finishes all of her homework. Keep the faith!!!


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Remember in the someone's comment in the previous episode about how this drama has not fallen into the typical kdrama category?

The writers so far have shown their best. Just look at the characters' building, the premise, the conflicts and the solution so far. None of them has been disappointing. I believe that the writers have set the best for us and stored the best ending for this drama.

And with that, I hope no one will die. Coz death will be a typical kdrama trait. :P


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Yes, I think so too. The best has yet to come!


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Yes i fully agree with you, all the checks do seems like there is a possible death for SK...

Of course we hope this is a no-no, but if it really is, god bless jae-ha who will be in guilt forever


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Fellow Hearties, remember that this is not your typical kdrama so let's be fervently optimistic that our Captain of the Royal Guard Eun Shi Kyung will be with us until the end, making kissy faces with the Princess before the end credits flash. Of course by then, the Princess would have already successfully installed an updated version of Aegyo software which, in turn, would have thoroughly uninstalled Stoic Lover Boy version Robot 1.0.

Having said that, STOP. WITH. TALKS. OF. KILLING. SHI-KYUNG. ALREADY!!! It's been speculated so many times he's practically double dead by now. Let's say it together now: "K2H is not our typical drama".

One more talk of Shi-Kyung's-gonna-die-in-the-next-episode and I'll hypnotize Bong Gu to have his broody shower/bathtub scene in YOUR house.


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Sometimes I hate Bon Bon SO MUCH I even forget about John Mayer, the evil mind behind everything. After this episode I don't think death is enough for that evil bitch, I WANT HER TO SUFFER before! GRRRRR

I know Han Ah is not in a good state right now, but I really wanted her to be the one who brings Bon Bon down and bitch slap the hell out of her


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Hehhhaaa...master mind!


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How much do I love the bromance!

When SK said that he never consider JH his friend, I was screaming at the screen " Noooo don't be mean :-(" then JH comes out of the room all mad that SK just disrespectfully called him " Lee. Jae. Ha" and SK counters that JH did say that they are friends, I just died of pure laughter and love for them. Oh you two, just hug already:-)

thanks GF, once again you weave your magical words at us and I am spellbound !!!!


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OMG I love this kdrama! And I love the chemistry between HJW & LSG! I can't believe in a week this series will all be over. :'''(


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I can't wait for next episodes..Thanks GF for great recaps as usual..


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GF, how do you make me cry and laugh at the same time? Your recap for this episode was fantastic and I love your final thoughts. I really, really, really hope that he is being a triple double whatever agent b/c he looked incredibly convincing as a turn coat in the cliff hanger.

I love how strong this drama is finishing. I commented elsewhere, this is the first Korean drama where each of the final few episodes kept building up momentum and I'm really hoping for an epic ending.

Everyone's been acting the heck out of their roles... even Bong Gu who started out almost comically evil has become convincing as true evil genius. AND LSG... what can I say. When I heard that he was going to play the King against HJW, I really thought he was miscast and he was going to be out-acted, but oh man, I can not imagine anyone else playing LJH.

I loved the confrontation scene between ESK and LJH. It was so nicely done... ESK continuing to make LJH step-up and be the king... the "get it together" yell... wow.

I'm going to miss this drama so much!!!

Thanks again for making this experience so much better with your recaps and comments.


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i am currently listing things i pushed back eversince i started this drama.. first on my list? I urgently need to get a life!


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@ann: I just want to let you know that you're not the only one. However, TK2H and the people here in this thread are so much fun and it'll be difficult and sad when everything ends :(


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I had no chance to write this in ep 17 recap. So, I write this here.

GF already mentioned in ep 17 recap that there‘s a visual beat when SK talked with his dead. Dad’s in the shadow and son’s in the light. It’s raining in the bright day. I also noticed that when SK talking to his dad, there’s a thunder in between his sentence. It’s something like this.
“Show the resignation letter and say is this real?”
“Did you really do that?”
“You told me not to be a shameful person.”
His feeling is like thunders in a bright day. And the rains represent his tears.
Also, we see leaves of wormholes before we see SK brooding in his car.
Great job, PD-nim.


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*leaves with wormholes


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holy mother of Lord where should I begin? I cut my own heart in hundred of pieces when I witness Hang Ah's tower of rock breaks down in Jae Ha's warm and soft caressing arms... the fact that she needs him as much as he's need her is so damn beautiful as well as painful for our humble mind to absorb.. like being pulled in a circle of tornado's emotion of soul mate's true love.. I finally surrender powerlessly toward the strength of their unbreakable relationship.

Jae Ha and Hang Ah.. will experience an amazing journey full of love, caress, respect, happiness.. all that is heavenly.. for a looooong looooong time...


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darn.. well said girl. pretty much well said.


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@Bali Dancer,

So well said. I did not catch that turn of our fearless Hang Ah the first time - guess I was too engrossed by the reunion. And then someone mentioned how the dear father behaved and how he and Jae Ha exchanged glances as they worried over Hang Ah. Oh, it really broke my heart. Poor poor Hang Ah (and damn you, BG!). I am just so glad for her that she can return to the embrace of Jae Ha to rest, if just for a while. Seriously, this OTP earns their right to be together. Anyone who tries to separate them will be punished by divine powers!


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Thanks again GF for greaaat recaps! It's tying me over till evil finals are over (2 weeks to goooo), and then I can rewatch eps 1-14 and finally get a chance to watch the rest !
Kinda glad I'm not watching it live - would've died from anxiety. Can't wait to watch this ep - seems truly EPIC. The rescue and all the bromance, romance and kisses too!
I love how JH teases SK about being his bro-in-law a few eps back, and how he's playing cupid now! He wants to be real bros with SK :D And how sweet is it that JH knows JS's heart? They've not had much interaction on screen, but the fact he knows (and cares) shows how closely knit this family is. Best dramaland family ever.

On a slightly different note, the comments here are as entertaining as the show! All those disembodied souls hahaha - I'm not sure CPR from our King would help... that may make matters worse *soul escapes in bliss and excitement at thoughts of JH giving breaths of life*
Body must remain and finish revision! :(


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Love your comment about Jae Ha and Jae Shin. Yes, he certainly knows his little sister. Did you remember when she first mentioned Shi Kyung's name in front of Jae Ha? JH picked up the clue right there. He is a mind reader, this one. And then the tease about having SK as his brother in law. (Oh I love his expression there, with eyebrows tilted and the false tone asking the question - how did SK become a royal killer?!) Imagine all the double dates the foursome could have. But then you had to mention the King and CPR in one sentence!!! Now I've totally lost my train of thought.


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Not just play cupid, do you notice the 'picnic basket' beside Jae Shin? I think Jae Ha want both of them goes to picnic anyway..haha..what a precious brother! ;)


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These last two episodes really turned it around for me! K2H was starting to lose me, but now they've turned on the awesome. Speaking of turning on the awesome, thanks for the recap, girlfriday. ;)


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I have a very important question. Where is the birdie my darling SK gave JS?


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Most probably hiding somewhere else because JS was thinking she herself is too ugly after knowing the truth of killing her brother and she wanna put away everything that KS gave and trying not to face anyone, i THINK...


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i thought i was the only weird one, wondering where the bird went.....


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I really had to laugh, the no fly list, who else had My Princess nolatagia...
I lurv the cliffhanger! Yes, it's totally annoying, but I wanna see if Shi-kyung is triple or quadruple cliffhanger, can't wait for our final stretch.
Oh, and thank goodness for all the smooches!


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I lost 3 kilograms of weight thanks to this drama... I was so dense in a deep despair every time an episode finished.... killing me softly..... so softly... my poor sanity just went away. Only my rough body remains.
Normally I will stocked my self with all kind of crappy snacks and cokes when I watch a drama... but with the King 2 Hearts... I even sometimes can't afford to breathe...

I'm not exaggerating... not at all.


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Geez are U for real girl? darn this is getting mental here. I'm glad I'm not alone tho!


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Hang in there Myoo...just two weeks to go.

Week 1: complete the drama
Week 2: Battle withdrawal symptoms.


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"That was you, losing control? Whoa there, wild child" Best.Line.Ever!! xD

And that ending.. as good as it was, The Moon that Embraces the sun already did it, and in no way am I believing ESK would betray him, so.. but yay~~ one more week of awesomeness TT


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I guess i just cant sleep tonight. I rushed back from work and watched this episode immediately and... my heart just stop beating (i mean.. for that 0.001 seconds) when shi-kyung holding the gun pointing at jae-ha. and WHY WHY WHY the episode must ends at that moment?

Can anyone tell me what's the best way to sleep tonight?


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Watch some 1N2D to unwind, then listen to LSG :D Or just pull an all-nighter and rewatch every ep.


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steal some of Jae Shin's sedatives. definite quick cure


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Or...you might Listen Jae-ha in comment #109 where he promise to appear in your dream..or you still awake to wait Bong Gu (also from #109) comes and bath... *grin*still can't lose from after effect reading comments in #109*


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Shut up everybody!!!!
how come no one is giving me love here??

all i read is Jae Ha, SK, Hang Ah .... am i not a person too???

Or do you want me to come over and give you sampling of my loving????
... there is a way that you have not ....


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I have a feeling you want to give your loving toi SK. Just saying!


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Awww!! I'm so sorry. Have i neglected you? You know you are so great at what you do( crazy b****) Here, have some (poison- laced) chocolates. It's your favorite ( said with evil smile).


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you will? sniff snifff.... you should have given it to me in episode 1...then i should have turned out differently ...
but BG found me first... he said he will take care of me and that I am like his daughter...
oh what will i do now?
i am addicted with chocolate bonbons ...

the cliff looks pretty and the water is calling me ---- should i jump?


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All you needed was someone who cared! I feel ya girl! Is that why you stayed with BG for so long.. I see the connection :-(

Now you can let go and smell the clear air, listen to the waves calling you from the sea. Come closer to the edge of the cliff. Embrace your destiny. Because I feel your pain, I'm incline to even help( shoves you your back over the cliff's edge ) bye BB. May you find peace in the dark chocolate of hell. Sinister Hahaha!!!

****OMG what have I done!!!!!!*****


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Thank you DT :D ***having spasm due to LMAO***


LOL you guys are so awesome.


LOL. You guys crack me up.


..last night i had a dream -- i was on stage and i was singing "nobody nobody loves me.... nobody nobody loves me...... and i was crying because that is the only line i can sing -- the rest is korean and i cant speak korean....waaaahhhhhh


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YA!! What are you doing here....
Help me up there!*point at Hang Ah*


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What do you mean what am I doing here?

I am everyone' s favorite kick a** queen to be. They love me!!!

Why should I help you? You are nobody to me.


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You people are just the best. :)


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a few movie titles from K2H...

Finding Hang Ah
The Princess' Soldier
The Guard and I
From a Joke to a King
How Do I Love Thee? Let me show the ways...
The People -- SARAM
You are You, I am Me
Hearties Club
Bong Gu? How do I kill thee, let me count the ways.
The King2Hearts II


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Love the second last one. :P


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"Bong Gu? How do I kill thee, let me count the ways.''

This ^


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I was MIA last week ... After 500+ posts, what other superlatives can I add ?!?! What other miniscule details that is not dissected, loved and fanned over ?!?! Lol....

Thanks GF, for your recap, insightful and experienced as always, I especially needed your humor after these 2 eps. One day after, I'm still feeling raw. We are blessed and grateful to have you watching this with us.

When Dramabeans give out their sticky ratings this year, TK2H will be the "Full color brilliance, all surface, weather-PROOF, lifetime guarantee, or full money refund." sticky to both heart and mind.

Maybe you should create "Best Viewer Participation", or highest no. of posts to a drama, or to single ep awards, which we will win hands down. Or "Most Insightful Comment award" (nominees : mangos, rearwindow, AnnMichelle, etc)

Since we are at this : you could consider Dramabeans "Sticky Lifetime Achievement Award" which compares past dramas against the current ones. TK2H have set the bar so high, it will be interesting when the next one this good comes along, a few years later maybe.

There, I've said my superlatives for this week .... :)



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for sure K2H viewers' participation stats is the highest ever - not that i know of any other records - since i have only participated now because of K2H. And the fans ? wow they even fed the production crew ? only in Korea - i have never seen anything like it.

@Wood if you google King2Hearts updates - its 951 Million hits as of 8:25 pacific time May 18th. This is how much interest- globally- this drama is getting!!!!!



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"Maybe you should create “Best Viewer Participation”, or highest no. of posts to a drama, or to single ep awards, which we will win hands down. Or “Most Insightful Comment award” (nominees : mangos, rearwindow, AnnMichelle, etc)."

Now that sounds like a brilliant idea! Which drama garnered most responses? Which eps rated highest or which comments did impress you the most over the year? I think that should make a very good article in the row of Dramabeans Year End Reviews. Iwould really like to see that. If you think about it - it might even be a drama like "Spy Myung Wol" which had the highest number of comments. Looking forward to it?


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Missed you at our old place at tryp96. And thanks for the shoutout. Re the comments, I really could not help myself. Like when I was out jogging, a thought would suddenly come into my mind, and I was like oh I am gonna share this with the girls (and boys, hahaha), better remember it. Then I would compose it with a few key words or phrases. Then I would smile like an idiot because the scene that triggered this would play and play again in my mind. Crazy. It's going like this for weeks now. And I am sure it will continue. But then where will you girls be? Sigh.


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@AnnMichelle. I'm still there, still had to comment that ratings doesn't matter at Ep17, *sigh* some things just don't change ..

I know ! I was reading them last week, and smiling like an idiot too !! Haha ...


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Aw shucks, thanks for the mention! This is truly an amazing community.

And I know that I for one will be voting avidly for K2H whenever possible. :)


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Aw wood. :) *kisses*


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Honestly though, i feel that for once, a drama has people putting in SO much effort into all the comments and posts.. this thread is exploding at the seams.
And we actually try to understand each other as much as possible.
Most of the time, we're in tune so we just spazz out even more.
I say we have a 'best drama recap community' award.
winner : K2H fanbase.

I am going to be so dejected once this show ends..
I feel like i'll be missing a part of me. a part of me that consists of everyone on this thread.


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I love how this show's recaps are consistently getting over 1,000 comments. That's so cray!


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I barely can do anything normal this last one month.. neglecting my surrounding like I never have them.. please tell me how to get my sanity back.

Every single cell of this drama attached inside of my deepest core of soul so deeply. The roots has chosen to be not easily able to pull out.. so, I can't afford to make my heart suffering pains from the pulling.. since it'll be hurt so much. I have chosen to let it be there.. for as long as it wanted to be.

The King 2 Hearts shall remain forever in me...


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So I am not the only one!!!! Seriously, I am supposed to be working on my thesis... Now I only dream of TK2H and Shi Kyung...


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I have the same situation here. I should be working on my master thesis. However, I can't help thinking of Shi Kyung the princess huhuhu


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I feel it for you both. Um....just hold out for one more week. :D


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That's totally what I'm going through as well. And in the real world, no one understands my obsession. My family, my friends, they all think I'm insane. :(

Well, I guess I am. TK2H has driven me crazy...


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One question,

does the production team know that we exist? I mean the K2H fanbase in DB? If not, how can we let them know?

Coz I think they deserve to know that they got support and love from this big awesome Hearties family!


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i know right?!?!? i wondered if they even got to see the K2H international fan video put tgt awhile ago.

they have to know that they are doing an amazing job. the deranged rabid fanbase should be proof enough.


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that K2H international video was recorded onto a CD by the Korean fans and given to the production cast/crew during one of the K2H fan events :) so it's in their hands, just that we don't know if they've had the free time to watch it yet :P


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i wonder if there is a way to forward all these K2H comments to MBC productions?
I think it would be a waste if MBC of the actors/actresses can't read what we are talking about.

Lee SeungGi, Ha Ji Won, and the rest should know that outside of Korea, there a almost a billion watching this drama?
The writers, directors, producers, the entire crew did a splendid job setting up the sceneries and the music - did I tell you - I only play the soundtrack of K2H in the past 2 weeks???

TK2H virus is still spreading and yet no one has taken the task of developing a cure.... hello....


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Poor Shi Kyung oppa huhuhu T_T. When he kissed her lips, I almost cried.

In my opinion, Shi Kyung knew his next mission was deadly dangerous and he might not come home. Then he decided to see Jae Shin one last time to comfort and and encourage her to be strong to overcome current obstacles.

I think, he, at first, pretended not to see her heart because he didn't want her to be upset in case he really would not return. Fortunately, thanks god, true love can not lie. Finally, at the moment to say goodbye, he did show his true feeling. His kiss for Jae Shin revealed the truth that he loves her.

I knew it, I knew it. I knew that he loves her

Therefore, Shi Kyung oppa, please don't die huhuhu :((. Please come home :((


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This song by my fellow Puerto Rican oppa, Ricky Martin, came to mind yesterday because of Shi Kyung. I guess because it's called Private Emotion... and that part that says "Come to me".



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ohhhh love MEJA!! where is she now?

.... and wherever you may find it, wherever it may lead. let your private emotion come to me.... :)

wow, haven't heard this in awhile!!! :)


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I love that song!


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sigh! what will i do until Wednesday?

The scene where the guard shoot Hang Ah almost made me punch my computer screen. I thought this is a dark comedy! Hey drama, why are you playing suspense on me? this is not good for my heart, you know... not good for my computer too!


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True... My laptop hard working for these 9 weeks...


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Just finished catching up on Ep 17's comments. Honestly, I don't know which is more addictive, the drama or the comments on DB. The line is blurring like between HJW & HA, LSG & JH. For me, DB is an extension of TK2H.

Anyway, a thought just occurred to me as I was thinking back on this ep. When SK broke into BG's place and gunfire started, BG immediately crouched down and took cover behind his bodyguards. I was just sniggering at his cowardice when I recalled JH in a similar situation in ep 2(?) during the fake attack exercise. He too reacted the same way.

The parallels between the two are just scary. So similar yet so different, all because of the presence and absence of love.


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I agree completely @ the blurred lines thing. For me, a viewing of TK2H isn't complete without reading and participating on the message boards.

Also? "The parallels between the two are just scary. So similar yet so different, all because of the presence and absence of love."

Beautifully and succinctly stated. Love is indeed a powerful force.


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The Jae-ha of yore elicits involuntary laughs! heh


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I've also been wondering about SK and JS' love theme. The production released their OST, Only YOu, but so far we have not seen or heard it in TK2H. Will they use it?


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Is there a love theme for JH & HA? I know that they each have an individual song but no song for both? Or am I just overlooking it?


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I have the same wonder as you Jane. The song "Only you" is said to be written for JS & SK' s loveline meanwhile I have not heard it in the drama yet.

Hopefully, it would appear in next episode.


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me three. maybe they'll use it in next week's episodes. but the song sounds heartbreaking T_T i dread to even go there..... *wrestles dark pessimistic thoughts*


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lemme give you all my sisters some gift... I just found it... you will falling in love all over again in a massive way to uri handsome Lee Seung Gi.



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MY STATEMENT.. I am now, officially a die hard fan of LSG. As a singer, his voice makes me feel like a deft person suddenly able to hear.. his being as a human makes me feels like a blind person suddenly able to see. Lee Seung Gi is one of God's best creation. Born to please us all.......


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watch on your own risk!!!


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Baby Seunggi singing Go Hae on a variety show...



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