Queen In-hyun’s Man: Episode 5

Queen In-hyun’s Man is shaping up to become one of my favorite recent shows, with its well-balanced, well-paced, well-directed execution. The story zooms by so quickly that I’m always wanting more at the end of an episode, and vaguely frustrated when there aren’t more. This episode gives us more of the show’s trademark blending of adorable and suspenseful, which isn’t a combination you’d ordinarily expect in a drama. But ordinary is hardly the name of the game here.


Queen In-hyun’s Man OST – “지금 만나러 갑니다” (I’m Going To Meet You Now)
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After impulsively kissing Boong-do and playing it off as an ordinary modern-day custom, Hee-jin walks away cringing at her awkward lie. She doesn’t see that her manager Soo-kyung has arrived to overhear her offering Boong-do a ride back to the park (though thankfully, she hasn’t seen the kiss itself).

Hee-jin attempts to distract her to allow Boong-do the chance to slip away, but dogged Soo-kyung chases him down and insists on giving him that ride.

Hee-jin hurriedly tells him to follow her lead, knowing they’re in for the third degree, and sure enough Soo-kyung starts in on the rapid-fire questioning right away. Hee-jin swoops in to answer all the questions, introducing him as the grad student history expert who’s been helping her brush up for the drama.

Soo-kyung warns Boong-do playfully that he’s “just Hee-jin’s style” and that he ought to be careful around her, because she might come on to him. HA.

Boong-do asks, “Come… onto? What does that mean?” Soo-kyung makes lip-smacking sounds and says, “Watch your lips. She can get carried away with her passions.” Hee! This would be merely mortifying if it weren’t so spot-on; given what just happened, it’s downright hysterical.

Boong-do laughs to himself and Hee-jin lamely protests, cringing in embarrassment. Then, to make the humiliation complete, when they arrive at the park Soo-kyung holds her hand out to say goodbye, and Boong-do confirms, “Is this how you normally say goodbye? Is there any other way?” Ha, I knew he wasn’t buying her excuse. Soo-kyung demonstrates a hand-wave as the alternative, and Hee-jin just about dies.

And then, Boong-do turns to Hee-jin and offers his hand for a parting shake. Can a body die twice?

Soo-kyung doesn’t buy a word of Hee-jin’s explanation, of course, and insists on Boong-do’s real identity. Hee-jin sticks to her history-teacher line and assures Soo-kyung that they won’t be meeting anymore.

Hee-jin goes home and turns to that most favored tool of girls with crushes: She googles Boong-do. (Or, should I say, Daums him.) She uses his full name and official court title, but comes up with no hits. Puzzling, since his faction won the political struggle; therefore Boong-do should have had a successful career and left some sort of record, right?

Dong-min calls Soo-kyung to check in on Hee-jin; he’s seen the library photos, which have already popped up online, which Soo-kyung plays off as a simple research trip. She asks about the hospital psycho situation, which Dong-min blames on his manager—he must’ve missed the psycho’s escape because he was too busy flirting with the nurses. The manager points out that the shower doors were still tied shut, though, so the disappearance remains a mystery.

With the library pics online already, Soo-kyung confirms with Hee-jin that there’s zero possibility of scandalous photos with her history teacher surfacing. Hee-jin assures her that they’re fine… but has a harrowing thought: Do all elevators have cameras in them?

Soo-kyung immediately knows something bad happened and shrieks into her towel, while Hee-jin wails, “I only thought about photos, not security cameras!”

Off to the library they go, to try to sweet-talk their way with the security office. Hee-jin has come clean about the kiss and Soo-kyung is fuming, especially when Hee-jin says they’re not in a relationship—that’s worse! A kiss would be understandable with a boyfriend, but some random dude?

Hee-jin defends herself, saying that Boong-do’s a guy who might disappear at any moment. With that uncertainty in the air and time ticking, she just acted on the urge—you know, like in action movies when the heroes get a goodbye kiss before heading into battle. Haha. Soo-kyung screams, “That’s the movies!

Soo-kyung spins a tale of poor Hee-jin getting pickpocketed in the elevator, saying that it’s a delicate situation. They suspect Hee-jin’s boyfriend was the culprit, but they’d like to confirm it before going to the police with accusations…

The guard clucks in sympathy and agrees to help, but it turns out he doesn’t need to: the cameras were out of commission at the time of the kiss/pickpocketing. The girls hilariously fake disappointment through their relief.

As Soo-kyung chatters away, Hee-jin spots something on the real-time cameras monitoring the darkened library lobby—a familiar, tall silhouette is walking inside…

Hee-jin slips away, and sure enough, there he is, reading the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty. She moves him out of the camera’s sightline and points out the little machines on the ceiling that capture his movements, saying that he’s lucky she saw him first; if the guard had reported him, he would’ve gotten carted off to jail. Boong-do sighs in dismay: “I thought I was being careful, but I ended up acting stupidly anyway.”

Hee-jin good-naturedly blames him for sending her running all over town, first to help him and then to cover it up. Boong-do says he came back after hours to spare her the inconvenience, but she points out that they ended up meeting anyway. Why is that?

Boong-do: “Our meeting must not be a coincidence, but an inevitability. Do you not suppose there must be a reason for it?”

Hee-jin is struck by his words and also disgruntled, in the sense that he’s too good for her to resist. She grumbles again that he’s a player, which gets him good and curious, wondering about the word she keeps using. Ha. I can’t wait till you find out.

She asks what he’s here to read, and he replies that since he found what he was looking for, it’s time to think about his own life, ponder his future career. She teases him that she did a little search and couldn’t find much on him, so he must not have been important. He laughs that she must’ve made a mistake.

A call from Soo-kyung interrupts the conversation, so it’s time for them to say their goodbyes. Boong-do notes that her friend is pretty suspicious—not about him, but about Hee-jin’s overly passionate ways. Hee-jin launches into a defense of her so-called goodbye methods, saying that there are lots of ways to say goodbye, but that hers is the “most polite, most ideal” method. Haha.

He can’t help laughing, and she accuses him of not trusting her. He assures her that he does trust her, because who else could he trust if not her? She’s been his only contact here, his teacher in the ways of this world.

Soo-kyung interrupts again, this time having joined them on the floor. Now it’s really time to leave, but there’s a deep reluctance on both sides. So they stand there looking at each other, saying the words but not quite ready to separate.

Finally Hee-jin heads off, sending one look back at him, and after a second he goes off after her and intercepts her exit. He checks to make sure that they’re safely out of the camera’s range, and then… swoops in with a kiss. Eeee!

She’s breathless and stunned. Reminding her that she’d told him to mind his manners, he asks, “Did I do it right this time?” Ohhhh yeah, I’ll say.

I’m sure Boong-do understands exactly what the kiss is, but he can’t help teasing her; he says with a straight face that in his time, this is an act reserved for lovers. How curious that it should be a goodbye gesture here: “But I’ll trust whatever you teach me.” He smiles. Cheeky bastard.

But that deflates the wind from her sails, and she tells him that this is what she means by player—the kind of guy who does stuff like this.

Then Soo-kyung comes to collect her, and with one backward look at Boong-do, Hee-jin leaves.

Boong-do continues reading, finding the part describing his meeting with the king “today” (Boong-do’s Joseon and Seoul timelines happen on the same day, just centuries apart, so it’s the scene he lived earlier today). Then he comes to tomorrow’s entry… when he is charged with the murder in the palace library.

He flips forward, reading of how he is declared a traitor, stripped of his office and rank, and exiled. Only to suddenly fall ill and die shortly thereafter.

Upon his return to Joseon, Boong-do drinks with Han-dong, mulling over this new information. It’s a reality check for him, because he’s been feeling safe thanks to the talisman—but safety from a sword isn’t the same as safety from illness. If “illness” is even the real cause for his death.

Boong-do decides to proceed by first confirming whether the other entries in the Annals are accurate. Then he instructs Han-dong to take himself and Yoon-wol out of Hanyang; once things start happening, they’ll be safer away from the capital.

Modern day. On the drama set, King Sukjong and Queen In-hyun—Dong-min and Hee-jin, that is—are in the middle of a moving, intimate scene that ends in a tearful embrace. The director calls cut, satisfied with the take, and tells Hee-jin to keep up her soild performance.

Na-jung is among the observers, dressed in her court lady garb (so, before she ascends to royal consort status and begins wreaking havoc). Dong-min notices her pouting and grabs Hee-jin closer to send the message to Na-jung that he’s not interested. The crew, meanwhile, calls enthusiastically for a bed scene.

Not amused, Hee-jin shoves him away and tells him to cut it out. Dong-min asks if she’s seen more of her stalker, and offers to take care of him for her. Sadly (for her), she has not. She sighs glumly to herself, because it’s been two weeks and no sign of Boong-do.

When the scriptwriter praises Hee-jin on her delivery and asks if she has questions with the script, Hee-jin asks about a royal advisor named Kim Boong-do. She explains that it was a name that came up in her studies that made her curious.

The writer isn’t familiar with the name, but she fires up the computer to check—you can search the Annals online these days, which Hee-jin hadn’t known. She chides herself for going to the trouble of going to the library when she didn’t need to, but the comment earns her praise from the writer, who’s touched at the level of her dedication. Heh.

The writer finds his name and confirms that he passed the state exam in first place (Hee-jin: “So he wasn’t lying”) and was subsequently appointed to his advisory position… until he was accused of treason in 1694 (which is Boong-do’s “present” time).

Sure enough, back in our Joseon timeline, Boong-do is arrested for crimes relating to the dead body in the library. This causes a stir among his colleagues, but Boong-do has been expecting this and calmly goes. As he’s taken away, bound in ropes, he sees the treacherous eunuch smirking his way.

The king delivers his judgment: Boong-do is to be exiled to Jeju Island. Simultaneously in the present day, Hee-jin listens in shock as she learns that he died of illness right away.

Hee-jin barely listens as the scriptwriter continues that it’s too bad Boong-do, part of Queen In-hyun’s supporting faction, couldn’t hold on until she was reinstated—he just happened to die right before that. Happened to, my foot. Reading his birth and death dates, the writer muses how it’s a shame to have died at his young age.

Hee-jin starts to panic, thinking out loud, “But he’s twenty-seven now… and it’s March now…” Hee-jin quickly tallies how many days are left till the fateful deathday, landing on, “Tomorrow?!”

Joseon times, Jeju Island. A servant brings Boong-do his food in his small cottage and urges him to eat up, right away. I’m trusting in our hero’s intelligence to avoid the food, even though he does pick up his spoon to dig in. When the woman takes his tray away soon thereafter, the guard checks its half-eaten contents, satisfied.

Back in the capital city, Minister Min confers with two partners in crime, both high-ranking cabinet members like himself, who inform him that Boong-do will have arrived in Jeju by now. One minister cackles about how it was a waste of a trip, since he could have died just as easily in Hanyang.

Minister Min is warier than his smug co-conspirators, thinking it odd that Boong-do never uttered one word of protest. The others say that he must have known it was no use and decided to give up, unconcerned with this detail. But these explanations aren’t convincing for Minister Min, who recalls Boong-do’s card-playing analogy about throwing away a good card when you draw an even better one. Boong-do must have another trick up his sleeve.

The two colleagues cackle that it doesn’t matter since he’s going to die soon. Plus, he’s on that remote island—what danger he? The minister counters that the remoteness isn’t necessarily a boon for them, because if something were to happen down there, it would take at least a month for them to hear of it.

That idea jolts him: “Could he have wanted to be exiled? So he could plan something quietly?” Aww, yeah, I knew smartypants would come through.

Jeju. Boong-do leaves his guarded hut and walks over to some shrubbery where he dumped his rice. A dead rat lies beside the discarded food. When the same servant brings him his next meal, she visibly recoils to see Boong-do healthy and alive, sitting at his desk like normal.

He asks why she’s so surprised—does he look healthy to her? She answers yes, and he asks, “Then tell me what you think. If this healthy me were to die within a half-day, what serious illness would cause it? Poison?” He holds up a spoonful of his food to her, as if to say, I’m onto you.

The woman scurries out with her tray, spooked, and reports to two armed men. The men suppose they’ll have to just go ahead and kill him the regular way, since subterfuge didn’t work.

That night, Boong-do contemplates his talisman while thinking of his last conversation with the monk, just before his arrest. He had explained how the charm saved his life—but then after skirting death by the sword, he came face to face with a different death (illness/poisoning).

He had wondered: Would he be able to die an old man, or would death come for him again? Ooooh, are we dealing with a Final Destination scenario here? That would be badass.

Boong-do had asked the monk, “At first I thought of it as incredible good luck, but now I am filled with so many doubts. Why did the head monk give me this talisman? Is it to console me, to tell me not to die since the thing I wish for will happen? Or does it mean that a good future awaits, so I am to find a way to survive? When I went to that world and met that woman, was that coincidence, or inevitability?”

Outside his hut that night, as Boong-do sits contemplating this dilemma, the two assassins creep closer to the building with weapons drawn. One takes aim with his bow and arrow, aiming it at Boong-do’s shadow on the paper window, and shoots.

The arrow flies right by Boong-do’s head, lodging into the opposite wall, just barely grazing his temple.

He hurriedly tucks the talisman into his robes, then ducks out of the way of a second arrow. The door is kicked in, and Boong-do attacks his attacker from behind—with a rolled-up book, HA—and heads outside, where the second assassin charges with a sword.

In the midst of the struggle, the blade slices through his topknot and cuts his hair loose. But again he fends off the intruder with his book, parrying his sword and aiming well-timed blows to the man’s head and body, bringing him down.

Hee-jin, meanwhile, sinks into a funk. It’s premiere day for her drama, but she’s lost in thought and a shell of her formerly bubbly self. Soo-kyung wonders what’s up with her, but Hee-jin says she can’t tell her, “Because if I say, you’ll think I’m crazy. You might even drag me off to the loony bin.”

Soo-kyung urges her to fess up, promising she won’t think she’s crazy. Famous last words? Hee-jin says miserably, “Someone I know died.” Soo-kyung gasps and asks who and when. Hee-jin: “He was accused of treason three hundred years ago. That’s why I’m so sad.” HAHA, well that’s one way to put it.

To Soo-kyung’s credit, she at least tries to contain her reaction while Hee-jin starts tearing up. She cries, “You think I’m crazy, don’t you? You think it’s absurd for me to cry over someone dying three hundred years ago, don’t you?” Soo-kyung: “Y-yeah… a little…”

A phone call comes in from an unknown number, which goes ignored. Hee-jin cries harder, saying, “He must really have died. What do I do? He died three days ago but I haven’t heard from him since.” She cracks me up. Well, she’s going to think you’re crazy if you phrase it like that.

Soo-kyung tries to find a way to make sense of her words—is she talking about religion? Like, Jesus? Hee-jin laments, “Well, I never did have luck with men. Whenever I’m attracted to one, he turns out to be a playboy or dies young.” HAHA.

The phone call comes in again, and they wonder about the strange area code. The waitress tells them it’s from Jeju Island, and they wonder who they know down there. Soo-kyung starts to answer, but Hee-jin suddenly perks up, grabbing the phone excitedly.

A familiar voice asks, “How are you?” It’s Boong-do, safe and sound after all, instantly flooding Hee-jin with relief. She confirms, “You’re not dead!”

He tells her he managed to evade death, and pats himself on the back for learning how to use a phone. Dude, I’m pretty sure evading death is the more impressive feat. On the other hand, cheating death took about a minute, and he explains that it took him three days to learn how to use the phone, that’s how hard it was.



What an interesting development for Boong-do to become suspicious of his life-saving talisman. And terribly smart, though I should expect no less of our brainy scholar. I love the Final Destination-esque fear that Death will come back to claim him, because if there’s one concept that Koreans (or maybe it’s Korean dramas) tend to believe in, it’s that things happen for a reason, that there’s a force greater than us.

In Boong-do’s case, the question is just how active that force is; will it allow him to tweak the rules a bit and escape unscathed, or will it come back with a vengeance? Death has come for him multiple times, so will it be satisfied that it at least made the effort to claim him? Or is the accounting hand of fate annoyingly exact, demanding every last pound of flesh owed it?

As an extension of that idea, I like that he fought his assassins, instead of just deciding to let the talisman save him. Part of that is that he’s learning to be wary of powers he doesn’t understand, so it makes sense that he’d become more judicious in when to apply the life-saving powers. Which is a good thing, since I’m not sure it would make for an exciting drama hero if he just had himself shot at, for example, every time he wanted to nip out for a bite to eat. He’d be MY hero (hey, sometimes laziness is efficiency), but maybe not the pillar of righteousness we’d expect of our model scholar.

Furthermore, choosing to fight makes him an active hero, in more than just the literal sense. It would be completely passive of him to say, “Oh, I’m being threatened, guess I can just leap now”—and he’d have every justification to do just that. But instead, he’s going to stand his ground on his own turf and fight as much as he can before he’s saved by the magic. In this sense, his literal fighting is analogous to his philosophical fight; he’ll do everything he can to go down swinging. Even if he doesn’t technically have to.

As a lovely side note, this proves—over and over—that Boong-do is willing to fight to the death for his cause. Because he literally does that, time and time again. It’s true that he doesn’t actually die, thanks to the enchantment, but that doesn’t change the fact that he pushes it to that limit every time.

Meanwhile, I’m loving that growing bond between Boong-do and Hee-jin, which is palpable and adorable. I like that it’s not purely based on a mutual attraction, although that’s always fun, but that they’re good people who help each other and have a natural rapport. You can practically feel the longing in the air when they’re about to part ways, needing to get on with their own lives but drawn to each other anyway. I felt it in the elevator in the last episode when time was ticking down and Boong-do was reaching for his talisman, and the feeling it gave me mirrored the feeling Hee-jin must have been battling—the desperate search for some excuse to prolong the interaction.

And then that pull was there again, even stronger this time, when they met again at the library and it was his turn to make that move. Reciprocity = so hot.


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Finally done w exams and watched all 8 episodes of the drama. Just have to lament the fact that I have the worst timing EVER. Couldn't have chosen a worst timing to catch up with the show. The twist at the end of Episode08 is beyond horrible -_-

Otherwise, this is one amazing kdrama. The main couple is seriously seriously adorable and yay for no bickering! TVN is really bringing it for their dramas.


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Everytime those two are together, I have a smile on my face. I think Boong Do is the only kdrama hero I've seen who smiles in every episode lol
The manager unni and Dong-Min are also funny character.


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Ahhh, this drama. I seriously have not felt this attached to a couple since Best Love.

Seriously, Boong Do is the perfect example of brains = sexy.

I hope we'll see more clever heroes (or heroines) in future k-dramas.


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How I love this show. Let me count the ways.

My favorite thing about this show is the fact that Heejin is active. Its not like he is kissing her or pushing the skinship. Its all her. Which I love, and wish would happen more in dramas. She is so adorable I cant deal with it. I want to hug her and then lock her and Boongdo up in a room for a few days, for reasons.

Thank you for recapping this show. Its makes my heart happy.


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Totally agree with you!


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I know many have said it but the chemistry between these two is over whelming. I love it so much!

In the latest episode, he kinda ducks his head towards her in a kinda perfect kissing position way and I felt my heart speed up as if he were about to kiss me! (lol, i know it sounds weird). Ughh, words cannot explain how much charisma Ji Hyun Woo has! Love him!


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I read somewhere that it helps that he's so much taller than her so he literally has to lean down towards her in their scenes together. It created such an atmosphere of intimacy and smexiness that it's become a plot device on its own! Ah ... I'm short too ... *looks hopeful*


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Ugh, no wonder tall guys are so hot! I really need to find me a tall guy!


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Yeah, I love that he has to do that hehe.


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Epi 7 is out on dramacrazynet peeps!


*does happy dance*


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Thank you <3.

OK this is not a spoiler because it has been shown in earlier episode but it seems like Boong Do's wife was pregnant when she was killed. Poor guy I really want him to have a happy ending with Hee-jin and never go back to Joseon.


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I'm so loving this drama! It has been such a long time...
I'm excited for this week's episodes and awaiting with abated breath for recaps to solidify my understanding of certain parts of this drama.

Thanks for the recap! It was helpful.


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I wasn't quite interested to this drama in the beginning because I thought it would be overrated, just copying the idea of RTP (you know, the time travelling thingie) and the actors, I didn't know them in any famous drama as main lead. I didn't read the recaps either.
It started several days ago, when I finished downloading RTP then I still had several hours free in my workplace, then I downloaded QIHM ep 5 - 6. I was so surprised that it was such a cute show. Hee jin & Boong do are so damn perfect couple. I love their interaction, BD is smart cool and the way he teases HJ makes me fly. :))
I like the second lead, too (Han Dong Min). A character like him (arrogant, handsome, famous, rich, over confident etc) usually comes as main lead in other dram.a.
Now I have finished ep 1 - 6, can't wait the next episodes in kimchidramas.net. Fighting, JB.


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I'm insanely addicted to this drama. Forget everything else! This is my current favorite drama!

The chemistry between Boong Do and Hee Jin is crazy!


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thanks for the recap. I love the car scene especially when Boong Do LOL & Hee Jin recoil in embarrassment over 'how to say goodbye'. I feel for you, Hee Jin. I would do the same if Boong Do is in front of me, all smiling and smart like that.

I felt for this drama so hard hopefully I didn't crash and burn at the end. My initial plan is to watched it after RP end but reading your 1st episode recap makes me curious and there no turning back now...
Still can not believe that finally there is a hero who is so warm, smart and smile a lot. Move away mr. darcy, new hero is in town!!!


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Thanks for the recap, it's always a pleasure to read!


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kerennnnnn .. I remember that! Omg, she was driving me completely crazy! I am STILL bitter about it all. Ugh.


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Love this two falling in love with each other. I was smiling like a fool every time they were on screen together. Their chemistry is off the chart!!!

And I love the fact tht both of them can't keep their lips off each other lol! and tht longing gaze.....ahh I melt...


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Just started this drama from this episode! I LOVE THIS DRAMA!!! The chemistry is just.... RAWRRR!!! I want a kiss! I want a kiss!!!


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My stomach did flip-flops when he turned the corner to pull her back for a "goodbye" kiss. Is this the upside of Boong Do trusting Hee Jin blindly? I know he knows what her kiss meant judging by what he said before ("Your friend is becoming suspicious of you") and after ("Back where I live, this is only done among lovers"), so although he reciprocated, I am still unsure whether Boong Do really likes Hee Jin, so for that, I would label him a player. ^^

Being trained in martial arts, I know he would never just roll over and accept death without going down fighting, but still I couldn't help chanting during his assassination attempt, "Let them shoot you in the heart... let them shoot you in the heart..." I'm now more worried about the consequences of him escaping death. Sure, he's escaped death plenty before, but this time he's actually rewriting history. In the history books he read, Boong Do was supposed to die that day, albeit from illness is a cover up. So will there be butterfly effects from this, and what change will it have on the future? Perhaps Queen In Hyun will not be restored to power on the date as stated?

Also, I quite like Dong Min, and I believe he genuinely likes Hee Jin and has good intentions of wanting to get back together with her. Like when he was worried about the psycho stalker, even offering to go inside the bathroom with her. It would be nice if Dong Min makes a formidable opponent in our love triangle. But who am I kidding, anyone outside of our two leads are just getting in the way of our OTP. I mean, Boong Do even learned how to use the phone on his own?! Kyah~ I'm dying...


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Move away Dong Min, please! More Boong Do & Hee Jin! Can't get enough of them.


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The thing with Dong Min though is that he does not seem to care for Hee Jin as anything other than a conquest. Perhaps he will step up to the plate later but at the moment, he just seems to be nothing better than comic relief.


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This pretty much. Though he's undoubtedly charming, he doesn't really live up to his side of the love triangle because nothing about his romance with Heejin is compelling.


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Thank you! The flavor of the month! The girl for the drama! But probably competition will make her more attractive! Let's see if I am right!


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Love this show.


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I wonder how they'll end up together


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I'm glad QIM is getting more and more viewers... It's reaaly good..... Thanks for the recap...


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This drama has fresh materials. I am liking it so much!


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@duncerblur I totally agree w/u about Dongmin comic relief lol! Nice that someone sees it too :) Yay one more day and ep 9 starts but then comes the angst of our otp bd & hj will be separated for awhile ;( ty javabeans for the recap eventhough you work fulltime idk how u find the time but it's so appreciated :)


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Thank you JB for the recaps. This drama has me hooked... M so in love with the leads..


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Brainy is the new Sexy...

I love the way he smiles to HJ... it makes me jealous too...hahaha how could a man smile like that it's like he really 'sees' her i mean it's like he's entranced by her lol

i wanna my special someone to look at me the way he looks at her :))


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Finally marathoned this drama after reading all the recaps... it's so cute! I'm really loving it and the OTP are so cute together.

How can they fit so many dramas on Wed/Thursday lineup all at the same time? Not that I'm complaining... I'm wondering now if I should check out Equator Man, too since I'm loving the other three so much.

Thanks so much recapping this and introducing me to another fun drama!


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This one's on cable. The other three are on the main broadcasting stations.


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I get so excited when I see the two leads together. They have so much chemistry together that if they announced that they are dating in real life, I wouldn't be surprised!


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Boong Do is so refreshing as a main hero and as a guy. It's like you said , He's cool, confident and smart. And his relationship with Hee Jin is just so mature. There's no annoying bickering, or any question about if they know they are into each other.

They both know they're into each other, even if the relationship hasn't been officially announced by either of them. I think this makes it more realistic, in the sense that most people fall in love, in the kind of the same way.

No need for crazy declarations of "I Like you", the other person just knows already.

Basically, Boong Do is such a player, a smooth awesome player..He knows what he likes and goes for it, and at the same time has a little fun.


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I’m sure Boong-do understands exactly what the kiss is, but he can’t help teasing her; he says with a straight face that in his time, this is an act reserved for lovers. How curious that it should be a goodbye gesture here: “But I’ll trust whatever you teach me.” He smiles. Cheeky bastard.

Haha this episode made me fall in love with Boong-do even more. Episode 8 is making me crazy though.. I can't wait to see what happens next.


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I thought I was in love with Boong-do, but after watching the clips y'all gave of Ji Hyun-woo singing and playing the guitar - I think I'm going mad. Can't stop swooning at my computer screen. OMG.


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This is such a cute drama! What a change!! I just wish I had somewhere that played it continuously! I hate commercials! mysoju plays when it wants to play; kdrama.org just does not always show up on my TV Browser! Oh well, I'll keep searching for a reliable source! YouTube is not subbed unfortunately! But it is very, very good!


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can I just say that I LOVE this OST so much?? It's been on replay non-stop. Loving QIHM. Thanks for recapping this show!


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