The King 2 Hearts: Episode 7

Part I of our King 2 Hearts marathon is a doozy. Jae-ha gets a rude awakening, and Hang-ah finds out that kissing a prince is NOT like kissing a toad. If only fairytales came with some useful life lessons, like how to turn your prince back into one if he keeps mouthing off.


The two teenagers get caught making out, and then the father figures decide to divide and conquer. Jae-ha paces nervously and then at the sound of the door, he launches into, “Hyung, back there was…”

Only it’s Hang-ah’s father who enters. Oh crap. Pwaha. Did you guys bait and switch on the kiddos? That’s hilarious. I’m mentally filling in the scene where they give each other silent baseball signals: You deal with that one. I got this.

Jae-kang sits down awkwardly with Hang-ah, who didn’t think she could be more mortified until he asks, “Do you like Jae-ha very much?” Oh, the secondhand embarrassment, so large.

But then he follows up with, “Thank you. And I’m really sorry. You must’ve been through a lot because of Jae-ha.” Her jaw drops. He tells her that things’ll get even harder if she gets engaged to him.

He says, much like he knows very little about her (both personally and in the North-South cultural way), people will assume things of her, misunderstand her, burden her with prejudice and expectation.

“How about if I split it with you? Just until you get used to it. Until Jae-ha gets his head on straight. How about if I hide behind you and keep watch?” Aw, why’s this hyung so cool?

He’s basically like, I’ve got your back, and adds adorably that he may appear like he’s not much, but he’s a king: “I’m perfect to use as a shield.” Her eyes well up with tears of gratitude.

Hang-ah: “Is it okay that it’s me?” Jae-kang: “It’s okay because it’s you.”

Jae-ha’s conversation is going a little differently. He sits upright with his hands folded as Hang-ah’s father sighs over and over, finally asking if he likes Hang-ah. Jae-ha fidgets, stammering that they had too much to drink…

Dad: “So when South Korean royals drink, do they always just grab any girl and do that??” Dad asks again if he likes Hang-ah, and when Jae-ha can’t give an answer, Dad just gets up, “Fine! I’ll just report it thusly: South Korean prince gets drunk, succumbs to his animal instincts, and messes around with peace!”

Hahaha. Are you using your country a metaphor for your daughter? Jae-ha gets down on his knees and grabs his leg. He looks up with his best puppy dog eyes, but he knows when he’s defeated. He hangs his head.

A giant banner unravels: Congratulations on the engagement. HA. The city buzzes with the news, stands selling Jae-ha/Hang-ah t-shirts spring up overnight, and political commentators give their two cents on every network.

Hang-ah’s father watches a broadcast of the prince and princess bride’s marriage fortunes, one saying that they’re perfectly matched, followed by a blurred out shaman who says that in her vision, the bride is covered in flames, and the prince ought to help, but he just pours gasoline on her. HAHAHA. It’s like she knows them.

She does say with an ominous tone that it’s a union that cannot be. Dad buries his head in his hands, and then gets called – it’s time for him to go. Jae-ha greets him, and they bow to each other.

But then Dad suddenly gets down to the ground, in a full bow. Taken aback, Jae-ha tries to get him to stand up, and orders the guards to leave the room. Dad calls him “your majesty” and Jae-ha insists it’s not the Joseon era anymore, and keeps awkwardly trying to make him stop bowing.

Dad says, full of father-of-the-bride emotion, that Hang-ah grew up in harsh circumstances, and stepped up to take care of herself AND him when her mom died. “She’s everything to me.” He gets up to bow again, and this time Jae-ha lets him, understanding what it means.

And then Dad walks out of the palace, and Hang-ah looks out from her window to see him go. He does that Korean dad thing of waving her away brusquely, just to hide his bleeding heart. Mrrmph. Gets me every time.

Hang-ah looks down at her phone, at the text that Dad sent her on his way out: “No matter what, follow South Korean ways. From now on, you are a South Korean.” He’s saying it to her to be a good father, but she reads it and whispers an apology, knowing what it took for him to say that. “I’m sorry, Father. I’m sorry.” She cries as she watches him head home without her.

The queen mother watches the tv with distate (where Yoon Yoo-sun, aka Woong-ah’s aunt, along with the rest of the High Kick cast, cameos to give a celebrity congratulations to the royal couple, hee). She then joins the family for the first of what I’m sure will be many an awkward family dinner.

Jae-kang mentions that one of the dishes was made with something that Hang-ah’s family sent from the North, and Mom absentmindedly says they needn’t, since they’re so poor. Eep. Now we know where Jae-ha gets his foot-in-mouth from. It’s genetic.

Jae-shin tries to stop her, but true to form, Jae-ha just fans the flames, “Did you guys get the HUNDRED refrigerators we sent?” Going on and on about how they’re probably too shiny, until Jae-kang kicks him about twenty times.

To their credit, both Hang-ah and Mom try to find common ground, but there’s not a lot to find. At least Hang-ah is used to Jae-ha’s teasing, enough to evil-eye him comfortably at the table. But he notices that Mom sees it, and asks teasingly if she’s afraid of Hang-ah. “If you get to know her, she’s actually a huh-dang.”

Hang-ah tries to compliment Mom on her beauty and her personality, only to muck it up when she accidentally calls her “petty,” because the same word means bright and cheery in the North. The dinner comes to a screeching halt. Jae-ha smoothes it over, and everyone ends up laughing but Mom. Oh dear.

Even the waitstaff bursts into laughter, which does not please the queen mother. Later she calls the head of the staff to her office, and you think she’s complaining about Hang-ah’s mistake, but it turns out that she’s complaining about the laugh.

Mom: “Just because she made a mistake doesn’t mean we should laugh. Think about how lonely she must feel, here all alone. We have to be that much better to her.” Awwwww. Why is this family so awesome? I love it—just when we think we’re heading into the age-old mother-in-law conflict, we take another turn.

Hang-ah begins some basic lessons about being a southerner, and there’s some rather funny fish-out-of-water stuff that hadn’t occurred to me, like she’s confused by the concept of putting your money in a bank rather than stuffing it under a mattress, only to be further confused by the motivation behind it, “Interest? What’s that?”

Mom interrupts the lesson and notes that Hang-ah’s studying like a high school senior, praising her. But as much as intentions are good, these two aren’t exactly peas in a pod, and Mom’s suggestion that maybe not speaking (as a preventative measure to keep from making mistakes in front of others) gets interpreted by Hang-ah as a request to just stay silent at all times.

Mom gets upset that she’s acting defensively, Hang-ah doesn’t even know what’s right and wrong so she asks how she’s supposed to know when to keep silent and when not to… You can see where it’s going, because Hang-ah is confused and being told to just keep her trap shut, while Mom’s thinking she’s being a smartass, and walks out.

Jae-shin goes out drinking with some friends, who start to order another round, only to shrink back when Shi-kyung gives him the stinkeye from the next table. Heh. She sighs and heads out, and then announces that they’re going to race on the count of three.

She takes off at two, and Shi-kyung runs after her, beating her to the top of a hill overlooking the city. She climbs up to the ledge to look at falling stars and makes him sit with her, and tells him to make a wish at a shooting star.

He starts to explain that it has no bearing on wishes, but she’s like, make a friggin’ wish and don’t ruin my moment. They close their eyes and clasp their hands, and Shi-kyung sneaks a little peek at her.

She asks what he wished for: “World peace?” Earnest Bot turns to her in surprise. Jae-shin: “Really? Really? That’s what you wished for?” She dies laughing. But he doesn’t think it’s very funny, and asks what she wished then. She says for her next secret album to do well.

He says sure, since she’s a singer. But he’s a soldier. So what’s so wrong about a soldier wishing for the safety of his country? Aw, I just want to bottle your earnestness and save it for a rainy day. Why so cute?

He adds that she must think people like him are dumb, naïve, laughable. “Yes, soldiers simple-mindedly and innocently guard this country. But that’s why it’s possible for you to drink with your friends and sing at clubs. It’s because of us! So then why… do you laugh at us?”

She feels terrible, and even worse when she sees his eyes brimming with tears, and offers to sing him a song. I love that she has to explain that it’s not in mockery, but because she’s sorry and words seem like they’re not enough. He nods.

She sings him a song about first love, and you can just see him fall in love with her right there on the spot.

Eun Kyu-tae meets with someone who regularly donates to the royal family’s estate, and he compares Korean culture to the Beatles, which makes no sense, but whatever. The point is, the man wants to know where the king is vacationing, and Secretary Eun refuses to answer.

But when he comes back to the palace, he finds a gift from the man on his desk – an original Quarrymen album (pre-Beatles beatles), and over the phone, he accepts the gift and suggests that if he’s looking for a vacation spot, to try Anmyundo.

Wait, did you just sell out the king for a Beatles album? I’m just gonna go ahead and assume you were evil from the beginning, which I always suspected anyway. No good guy would have two-tone hair like that. But aaack—what will Shi-kyung do when he finds out you’re a traitor? His little Earnest Bot heart will break!

Hearing the news, Bong-gu plots the king’s assassination in Anmyundo.

Secretary Eun leads the security sweep of the mountain villa before the king and queen are left alone for their vacation. Shi-kyung leads the guard rotation down below, and he salutes as Dad passes on his way out. Get your spidey sense tingling! Sense something’s wrong! Sense something’s wrong! But no, Dad just leaves with a smile.

Meanwhile the palace staff is ablaze with rumors because someone leaked Hang-ah’s recent missteps over interoffice mail (though thankfully not on the interwebs), and Mom has to call her in to warn her to be more careful.

Mom says that she was a commoner when she married into the royal family, and she basically had to lie down on the ground. “But you’re from the North, so don’t you have to lie lower?” Oof.

I know you mean well, Mom, but your prejudice is ghastly. Hang-ah asks, “Is being a North Korean that much worse than being a commoner?” She says that she knows she’s being mocked in the South, but she’s still representing the North. Mom asks if she really plans to be both, clearly thinking it an impossibility.

Jae-ha interrupts, reading the tension in the air, but Mom dismisses Hang-ah and says it’s no big deal. She warns him not to ask Hang-ah either, “She’s having a really tough time right now, do you understand?” Why is everyone only nice to Hang-ah behind her back?

Jae-ha tries to see her, but the head staffer says she’s in the middle of lessons and will be free in two hours. He smiles, all, You do know my resentment infamously knows no bounds? But she just bows, “Yes, I do.” Ha. Foiled again.

Jae-shin calls Little Oppa to suggest a trip to go surprise Big Oppa while he’s on his vacation, and Jae-ha asks why they would go interrupt them when they’re trying to make a baby. Oh is that what they’re doing up there?

She’s like, I’m not gonna climb into their bed—I just want to have dinner! She tells him to bring Hang-ah, and he complains that he can’t even SEE Hang-ah, let alone take her anywhere, and hangs up on her. Oh, you miss her.

But Jae-shin won’t be derailed, and calls Shi-kyung (pretending to be in trouble which he doesn’t buy, ha) to invite him as well, and tells him she’ll call at seven. Meanwhile Bong-gu’s team of assassins arrives at the base of the mountain and sneak up on foot.

The assassins spy the king and queen out for a walk on the beach, and set their trap in the house, putting something in the fireplace. Drat, I was hoping for a fakeout, but it looks like Eun Kyu-tae is straight-up Dr. Evil.

Jae-shin arrives at the house, right in the middle of their stealth mission… just in time to be taken as a hostage. Oh. Crap.

The king and queen arrive, and discover the bags of groceries left behind. Jae-kang takes one look at the wine and guesses it was little sis, but she’s nowhere to be found. He just laughs, assuming she dropped off the stuff and left.

Shi-kyung waits at the watch station down below, realizing that it’s past seven and Jae-shin still hasn’t called…

Hang-ah finally arrives in her room, dressed in half princess bridal garb, which is just funny—it’s like seeing the behind-the-scenes back end of every sageuk. Jae-ha is there waiting for her, and he asks what happened with Mom as she plops down on the bed from exhaustion.

She tries to explain what happened, but Jae-ha insists that his mom wouldn’t hurt a fly, so she must’ve done something. Ugh, don’t you know anything about moms and daughters-in-law? In case you were wondering, this is what pouring gasoline on a fire looks like.

He makes it worse by accusing her of acting prideful and defensive with Mom, “You guys don’t live well! You’re poor! So what’s the point of having pride?” Aaaack. Damn, really? She looks up at him like he just shot her all over again, and this time, even he knows he was wrong.

He starts to stammer that he’s sorry, but she cuts him off, “Well then we ought to at least have pride. Since we live so poorly.” He knows he was wrong so he tries to apologize, even sweetly sitting at her feet, but she’s too angry for that, and pulls her hand away.

That’s just enough to send him storming off in anger, because the man has like two grams of patience. GRAR. He slams the door behind him, but then immediately turns around…

…and then can’t bring himself to open the door. What? He sighs, wondering aloud why he’s such an arse. Do you want that in alphabetical order, or should I be creative?

Inside, Hang-ah calls Dad and screams that she can’t take it anymore. All they care about is money money money, and demands that he send a car right now for her to go back home.

And then we hear an operator’s recording on the other end. Oof, that breaks my heart. She has no one to talk to, and can’t actually say those things to Dad… awwwwww, somebody give her a hug!

Just then, Jae-kang calls her, just to check in and be his awesome self. She bows (so cute) and clutches the phone as she talks to him, asking when he’ll return. He asks if Jae-ha is treating her well now, and she lies through her teeth that he is.

A little later he calls Jae-ha, who’s dressed in a tux for a night out. He slurs, “Jae-ha, I really really like you.” Pfft. “Have you been drinking?” He giggles. So cute.

Jae-ha says he doesn’t know what he’s talking about because it’s war down here, and hyung tells him it’s just a lover’s spat. Jae-ha: “Must be nice for you. How can you see everything through rose-colored glasses?”

Jae-kang: “Try to have some latitude, and an open heart. Then paradise will open. For everything in the world.”

Jae-ha sighs, barking into the phone that it was a rhetorical question. Hyung just texts back: “Kekeke.” I love that he has hyung saved into his phone as ” king-frustrating,” which is funnier in Korean, because it’s basically the way a child would call someone king of buttheads.

But what’s even cuter is Jae-kang on the other end, staring at his phone like a sad little puppy, “There’s no reply.” He lies with his head in wifey’s lap, sighing that he’s come pretty far, since it feels like yesterday that he watched the Berlin wall come down with his father.

He asks like a little kid if he’s done a good job, and she laughs wondering if the people knew their king was so cutesy. He says they can’t, like it’s their little secret. He says in a few months Jae-ha will be engaged, and the WOC will happen. He wonders if placing in the top three is too big a dream.

“Just seeing North and South Korean soldiers with their arms around each other, running together… that’ll make me happy enough.”

She says that’s all fine and good, but what about some baby-makin’? He promises her that once he’s got Jae-ha engaged and the WOC done with, he’ll live more simply, and they’ll take vacations like this all the time, and they’ll have kids.

She says she wants a son like Song Joong-ki, but he says he wants a daughter first, and they imagine going on family outings with Jae-ha’s family. He chuckles, “Their kid will win over ours, ’cause they’re both so strong-willed.” Then it’s a good thing pride isn’t a cumulative gene.

They get drowsier and drowsier, which they assume is because of the wine, but the fireplace crackles with an ominous tone. As they lose consciousness, the glass in his hand falls to the ground. Nooooooo!

Jae-shin and her car get taken to a cliff, where the assassins prepare to stage an unfortunate car accident. She’s ordered to get in, but she looks up defiantly, “How about a fall to the death instead?” And she runs off the cliff fearlessly. What?

She drops to the sand at the bottom of the massive cliff with a thud. Holy crap.

The one stroke of luck – Shi-kyung is the first to find her, on his way up to the house. He tears up to her, screaming, and then takes off running again. Ohgodohgodohgod.

The secret service knocks at the house to alert the king about the princess… only there’s no answer. They’re lying there on the couch in each other’s arms. Ohgodohgodohgod.

Jae-ha arrives at his banquet and gets up to give a speech, all jokey and smiling for the cameras. But Eun Kyu-tae arrives abruptly with a small army of guards. He announces (IN PUBLIC? Like that??)… that the king is dead.

Jae-ha can barely register what he’s saying before Secretary Eun kneels, “Your royal highness!” The whole room follows suit.

OH NO. I was seriously so fixated on hyung dying that I forgot about the other part—that this makes Jae-ha king, like RIGHT NOW. Shit. How could anyone deal with all this at once?

On the car ride out, Secretary Eun rattles off the situation and list of things to do (Jae-shin is in surgery, meetings with leaders of the free world are lining up, he has to address the public), as Jae-ha just stares off like a zombie. He finally screams, “Stop the car!”

The whole entourage pulls over on a bridge, and he gets out. His hands shake as he grips the railing, and just stands there, on the ledge. The tears come, but he pulls every last ounce of strength together to hold them in.

Secretary Eun waits, and ignores a call from the M Society.

After a long moment, Jae-ha turns around, seeming very different from moments ago. He rattles off the to-do list again, this time adjusting for what has priority. Aw, look at him stepping up to be king. I’m not crying right now. I’m not.

Mom waits at the hospital, and gets word that Jae-shin got through surgery okay. But her legs… Oh no (they don’t say, but we can tell it’s bad). Mom just says she understands and waits. But she’s surprised to see the king’s entourage arrive down below.

Jae-ha walks down the hall and then stops short before entering the room. He gathers himself again, and the door opens.

Mom yells at him for coming here—he needs to act as the king, and there are more important things he needs to do. The door gets shut behind him and she finally lets herself crumble a little behind closed doors.

He holds her up, and addressing him formally now as his majesty, she tells him that he has to get it together. “If we crumble, everything crumbles. The two of us have to get through this.” She tells him that she’ll take care of everything inside the palace walls, and he needs to deal with everything on the outside.

“That way our royal family… Jae-kang…” she catches herself, like she shouldn’t be calling him by name. But by now she’s trembling in tears, “so that he’ll shine… Please… please…” And she hugs him for dear life.


And that’s why having someone like Yoon Yeo-jung playing the queen mother is important. Her role wasn’t large until now, but man, does she ground that heartbreak. You can just feel her terror and her pain, and her struggle to be tough, knowing what Jae-ha has to become. I love that scene—her words are stern, but her eyes are a mother’s, full of loss, needing as much comfort as she’s giving.

We knew the king’s death was coming—Jae-kang was never the king of the title of this series—but I’m really surprised at how much I feel that loss. *TEARS* The show did such a good job of building Jae-ha’s character always in relation to hyung, from the very beginning. (And Jae-kang is actually the first character that we meet in the series, if you’ll remember.)

It’s important because everything about this character is what will inform Jae-ha’s future as a leader. I thought it a lovely change of pace from the usual father-son monarch torch-passing relationship, which is usually so burdened with harshness and expectation. But theirs was such a sweet fatherly hyung-dongseng relationship characterized by warmth and love. I really loved everything about Jae-kang’s character, from his idealistic sense of duty and honor to his playful sense of humor, played so naturally by Lee Sung-min.

And in most ways, Jae-ha has miles and miles to go before he’ll ever be like hyung. But he’s also shown a different kind of sharpness that his hyung never possessed. Where Jae-kang would stand down, Jae-ha will dig his heels in and weather the storm. I think he will someday be a better king, which will be Jae-kang’s true legacy in the end—to have raised him to be one. It’s just going to be a while before we get there, because there’s still a whole lot of maturing left to do. But the journey’s the interesting part, and the little glimpse we see of him stepping up to the task instead of pitching a fit or running away—I think that says a lot already.


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lee seung gi is the best!


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That is one simple sentence but captures the spazz/swoon/fawn-tastic effect LSG's been having on us!!


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Oh my god, like...when I was reading the part where Secretary Eun arrives and announces Jae-kang's death...I'm like transported back to the time of France's Francois I & Henri II..."Le Roi est mort, vive le Roi!"
It broke my heart to have Jae-kang leave like that...but then again...

Hang-ah dressed up in chi-jeok-ui (which, weirdly, looks similar to the one worn by Kim Yoo-jeong & Han Ga-in in "TMTETS", and possibly as far back as Park Ha-seon in "Dong-yi") is an odd premonition for me, that not for long she'll be Queen Consort and bypassing the role of Crown Princess Consort...scary... *shivers*

Waiting for episode 8 AKA part 2 of our marathon...


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Shi-kyung is the one that is going to discover his father's betrayal, right? Can I begin crying right now? I lub him so much!


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Oh, great, thanks for giving me the chance to cry every time I see those two together knowing where they are headed.
ARRRRRRGH! How many ways is this show going to make me cry already?!


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ughhh, I'm seriously getting a whiplash cuz the King's death has led to the domino effect....so many consequences all due to that dumb secretary!! I KNOW this is a drama but how can somebody JUST disclose something that vital!! Totally befuddles me! When he was apologizing to the former King's portrait....i was seething, "oh sure, you've destroyed the perfect family and your lame 'private' apology is not going to bring back our beloved JK!!" I hope he better protect JH from that crazy dude!! I have yet to watch his scenes in their entirety......i just fwd all 'o them!! I just want to protect my OTP from his evil intentions!!


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this ep is so sad.. yet very good... Lee JAe Ha holding back his tears then let go is the climax for me.. wow thanks fo a very detailed recap GF..


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i really dont get it... shouldnt The King n Queen have like... hundreds of guard standing to protect them? and shouldnt someone have to checked if the wine or food being poisoned before they drank n eat? i mean... they dont even know who brought it... and after the whole bomb incident in eps 5, shouldnt they be more careful? esp since they are planning to have a NK girl as their crown princess... many people who dislike the engangement will tried to hurt them, no?

and shouldnt the princess also have bodyguard or something? i mean, SHE IS A PRINCESS for earth sake!!! even Lady Di after divorced with Charles still have bodyguards guarded her n followed her everywhere in the 2nd car. how come she was all alone walking so freely without ONE guard protecting her? and where are the King's secret services or bodyguards? she was in their villa, the place where the King n Queen are staying... but no one even there? no maids, butler, guards guarding the place? i mean heck.. those people WERE INSIDE to put the trap so freely without guards to fight to... how come??? shouldnt there are guards everywhere eventho the King n Queen are walking outside? and i thought the King kinda knows that Bon Gu have hidden agenda toward the Royal family (or maybe just to him), so shouldnt he be more protected?

when my President come to one of the Presidential Villa, the area around the villa would be cleared n closed to public, there would be guards dogs, soldiers/army men to guard around some kilometres around the villa. they would gave the President time alone, but guards will always, always near him...not close anough to bother him, but also wont far enough to let him wandering without protection, esp after a a bombing incident happened. even Lady Di said that sometimes she hoped she have time to be alone, but she cant since there always, always, protocols for Royal family, even for her, who wasnt crown princess again, have to follow the protocols.

oh... The King... T_T (*angry mode*) how come they just move on like that, shouldnt JaeHa took care of the King's n Queen's death first, like inquirying what happened n how the KIng n Queen could possibly death, where are the guards, etc.. i mean, at least ask questions!! but, the secretary just announced the King n Queen are death, and then all palace staffs n Jaeha just accept it, without asking questions of how, when, where, etc, and then just move on to took care the 'bussiness'? heck, when lady Di died, we hear how Charles sit with his children n told them n be with them before later the Royal family gathered n talked how they would announced her death to public n then they announced it to public. but this... they just announced it like that without any protocols? just mentioned it and then without provided any other infos, without questions, then they just declare JaeHa as king? just like that? those were a King n Queen who died, not some random people... and... and... T_T

(*sobs*) i dont want him death... T_T i was kinda hope that he's in coma or smthg n Jaeha just need to take over temporarily... but since they announced the King's n Queen's death in public like that.. it means the King n Queen really are death?? no... i like him T_T


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They died of carbon monoxide poisoning to make it seem that their deaths were accidental!! In the next episode they'll be addressing this a bit! And, you're right about the lack of security personnel guarding the cottage atleast!! I was facepalming and cringing at the same time at how 'easily' the bad guys were able to get through....do they not have security cameras etc!! In any case, it's a moot point cuz we all knew that the King was supposed to die but we've all been stumped at the 'how' and the muted emotions of Jae-ha and his mom display publicly!! How his mom crumbles when the door to their room closes.....oof!!

As the audience we're led to believe that the investigation is ongoing on the side.....the story's focusing on the royal family! From the Ep 9 preview I can tell that things will turn really grim for our Hang-ah!!


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actually Jae Kang himself is the one who asked secretary Eun to get rid of all the CCTV in the house...so yeah..


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I meant on the cottage's outskirts....nobody even realized the trio sneaking in! Just cuz they're on a vacation didn't mean they had to lax up the security to a laughable minimum! They just had 2 guards at the entrance from what I could tell!


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yeah, i know the King himself asked for a private time. but this is a King we talking abt. they shouldnt really left alone. and not to only easily sneak inside the villa but also be able to kidnap the princess all in one go?

and, eventho they made it to look like accident... how about the device? the killer trap? have they found it? they should by now know how the King n Queen died right, so they should looking for the cause of death isnt it? and have to look for the source where the gas came out n how they came out? even if a death caused by a gas leaked, police will look where the gas have been leaked out..

and no.. i dont just talk abt the muted emotions. it just, no one even asking how they died? JaeHa doesnt even asked like, "what? how they died?". he didnt ask at all. shouldnt it be the 1st thing u ask when you were told abt the death of your family? you ask how? and also not asking how could her sister also found badly injured near the villa (since Shi Kyung was able to found her so soon) without any guard with her?

i also cant understand how come after they announced the death of the King n Queen, the next things the Royal Sec talked to him were abt his sister in hospital, meeting with world leaders, stand on public, etc but not one they talked about the King-Queen death n the Royal funeral.. i mean, i understand if Jaeha n his mother have to hold themselves, they are Royals. but for all other people to just dismiss the death of their King n Queen like that? i mean... Really?


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you should watch the next episode then. ;) they will talk about the king's death in the episode.


Thank you for the recap~! this episode is so sad...


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So sad the king died :(
Thanks GF for the recap.


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Thank you for your loving recap!

Gosh! I knew that the King is going to leave us, but still, it's such a heartbreaking scene. So sad! I just hope that the Eun kyu Tae won't succumb to the darker side. I now realizedd why this drama is so underappreciated by the SK., because in my opinion they are not ready for this subject yet. But I for one really appreciate this lovely GEM. I love how everything is coming in to place and can't wait for Hang Ah's tough side. For now, I know that she's supporting Jae Hae silently in her own way and her presence would helped a lot too. I know it's just a drama, however, it gives us a lot of lessons in life.


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so touching, thanks for recap!


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Hi guys!

Want to invite you all to join our fan project for The King 2 Hearts to show our support and love for the show.

Check here for details: http://www.soompi.com/forums/topic/373955-drama-2012the-king-2hearts-%EB%8D%94%ED%82%B9-%ED%88%AC%ED%95%98%EC%B8%A0/page__st__1860#entry17705722

You just need to send a simple short message.

Thank you again Girlfriday for this recap!
Looking forward to your next one, take your time ^^


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OMG so I'm not the only person who thinks that Eun Kyu-tae character is two timing them! I've felt like there was something was wrong with this guy and his behavior from the very beginning! Not to mention he is in too much direct contact with the M society. Personally though I think this guy is in it for himself. He's just using the M society to get what he wants.


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hell no! i loved the king... my goodness... this drama is edgy


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Agh!!! So a long time for the next episode. Very good the part of the hospital and the interaction of the princesse and her sister in law, very well done.


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still sad about hyung’s death! I mean…I want him to live longer! T_______T

and what will happen in the next episodes? now that's hyung is dead...does that mean more scenes with the bad guy? T_T


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although some people might be complaining by the simplicity of the way the king&queen died, i'm just gonna say that i'm glad it was that way.
don't think i woulda been able to handle the dramatic exit like being hit by a car accident or brutally murdered.
Atleast he was able to call hang ah & tell his little bro he loved him, all while being in his wifes arms.


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Thanks for the quick recap. I love this drama for the emotion and the drama. I'm tired of the creepy magician and hope that Jae Ha finds out and plots revenge for his brother's death. Wishful thinking! Anyhow, what I love the best is the fashion. I absolutely adored the strawberry dress that Kim Hang Ah wore to meet with the queen. She is so innocent.

Take a look at it:


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jeonha...you're DAEBAK!!


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I will preorder a copy of the King 2 Hearts OST.


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thanks GF.

Cannot bear to watch the king die


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I am so glad that the next episode has already aired... I know I'm a bit late but I've just watched this right now (with the recap on one side, like I always do) and I couldn't bear to wait a week after this ending, so so sad... I was wondering when it was going to happen... And well it was so painful to watch, even if we knew that it was going to happen.


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I totally expected to be bawling through this episode, but it felt like mourning a real person bec sometimes you can't cry, even though your gut is being wringed out. Every scene leading to the death, the fireplace conversation, every character's reaction to the death was like adding one more stab into the gaping wound. Yet, contrary to the sob fest and overkill on 'cue sad music'---it was all stoic, understated, and beautiful. I felt like Jae Ha--that I couldn't just do nothing but weep and wail.

I love Jae Kang!!!! He is the perfect brother. I am so sad:(((


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the way the king died was really unrealistic and had not been well thought of, given n. korea's infractions against its southern cousins in the past. and perhaps the show will reveal that the king's secretary still has leftover resentment from such conflicts, which caused him to sabotage all efforts at reunification.

also, so happy lee yoon ji is here playing yet again a princess. i so love her in goong. in the last episode's preview, i thought she would also die like the king, but im glad they didn't kill off her character. hope she and shi-kyung have their happy ending.

can't wait for the series to be finished so that i can rewatch it over and over again. XD


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Okay. So, we all knew Jae-kang was going to die. Eventually. But OH MY GOD! WHY?! I've never had such an emotional reaction to a kdrama! He was my favorite character because he was brother and father to Jae-ha (and I guess Jae-shin, though we didn't see them interact very much), and he goes and dies! WHY?!

I am so pissed at Secretary Eun. I never expected him to do that. And for a CD too. URGH! I'm so disgusted with him!

Poor Jae-shin! I hope at the end she makes a miraculous recovery!

I am so proud of Jae-ha right now. The way he stepped up and took charge, knowing he has to present a strong front for his people and family, was so cool. I love him even more now.

I wonder how people will react to the death of the king.

And the ending, where Mom showed such strength, yet such grief.... That just about killed me.

Thanks for the recap, Girlfriday!


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it's sad Hyung died, wish he could stay until the drama ends but that will change the real point of the story..... well just like what others said here, I also noticed the security and how easy for the villains to penetrate the rest house. Well I had a chance to work near the president of our country and even during vacations the security is strict. Of course it's always a number one rules to keep the location of the president confidential unless it is a public event. I am also curious on how they were able to escape with the princess and her car? or maybe we can find out when the sister remembers? she didn't seem to remember, coz if she does she will probably have an idea who killed her hyung and wife? so many things will still happen I guess, too many twists and turns... The WOC will hang ah and jae ha still part of the Korean teams?will it still be a part of the drama.... LOL in other words more to expect in the future


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No record of the princess going in or out? Hmmm.


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Omg...I'm not ready for him to die yet!! Nooo!!! Ugh..the tears keep pouring.


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I was totally fooled! I wasn't expecting the death of the Jae-kang to be that way. I thought a fire will break out or something. Stupid, stupid. And here I was listening to their wonderful plans for their kids, and then slowly I realized they're dying! OMG. I can't even...

Then Jae-shin runs off a cliff. My god. I seriously paused the thing and googled whether she dies cause I don't think I could handle two of them dying.

The last scenes were just heartbreaking. From the announcement up to, and especially, the Mom's breakdown.


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Oh, I miss my Apa when I saw he kneel down. Love U Apa.


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Awesome episode. Very touching. Tears just trickled down my cheeks. Thanks, GF!


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omg..I so loved Lee Seung Gi's acting at the end. The way he wants to cry but holds back. so real and touching! he has the "world" on his shoulders now....but I still hope we get to see glimpses of the mischievious him later


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you know, i really cant tell how i feel about the whole thing but thank you for telling us all. u jst have said it all.
thanks for the recap!


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I lost interest in this series along the way but felt like getting back in after the kiss. Now, with the death of the king and queen, I'm in 100%. I didn't see this coming at all. Also, what happened to the princess was also very shocking. My tears....TT__TT I will miss the King dearly.


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the army and korean secret service guarding them are the most uselesssss guards ive seen it basicaly wasnt heavely guarded enough, i hope they fired the guards!!!!


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DAMN. I guess I knew this was coming, but holy moly. I have two main thoughts:

1) Et tu, Alfred? Why the hell would the old guy tell him where the king was vacationing? DON'T YOU KNOW THAT ALL ENGLISH-SPEAKING PEOPLE IN THIS DRAMA ARE EEEEVIL?

2) Damn, Queen Mum, I know you're all traumatized and shit, but cut the boy some slack!

... oh wait, three thoughts:

3) I LOVE the princess/ Shi-kyung interactions, so so much.


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Just watched this episode now because I didn't have time...OH GOD! I didn't expect what happened (or hoping it wouldn't happen).


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i was already expecting the king's death but the total surprise for me was the princess jumping off the cliff. WTF! it totally scared the hell out of me..i was expecting negotiations and then she successfully escapes, or the the villains thought they killed her but failed. The jumping without any notice was like a shocker,thank heavens it was sand.after that scene, i couldn't understand the next part of the drama anymore. i was totally thinking of reasons why she jumped liked that.phew....


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Kings2Hearts is a good drama. Pity it received poor ratings. The chemistry between LSG and Han Ji-Won is great. The scenes between them in this whole drama is so romantic and makes you want to watch it over and over again. Seungi is really good at romantic roles. He brings out the love and passion really well.


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i love "the king 2 hearts" specially the love team of princess jae shin and eun shi kyung!!!! please make another love story for this couple..... i love them ... from PHILIPPINES


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The death of the King tore me up. Why do the good ones always have to die? xp I'm glad it was peaceful and painless and he died thinking happy thoughts.

One thing I love about this show is that the families are functional and loving. The bromace between JK and JH has been absolutely fabulous, hilarious, and heartwarming. Such great chemistry.


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