Open Thread #237

Eric Hutchinson – “Breakdown More.” I had a bit of a geek-out moment this week when I was watching Rooftop Prince and heard this song playing in one of the scenes (cafe, Episode 11). Hutch, in a K-drama?! I’ve been a longtime fan, so it was definitely a case of worlds colliding. [ Download ]

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As Rihanna would sing: Cheers to the freakin' weekend -- I'll drink to that, yeah, yeah!

What's up Dramabean-tastics?!?

Let me just say, this was an awesome-ass week for romance/kissing/squealing/giddy-ness. I'm talking Love Rain, Rooftop Prince, King2Hearts -- my triple threat! (I don't know about Equator Man but I'm sure there could have been some kinda love there somewhere amidst all the revenge stuff.) Thank God my head didn't explode from all the sweetness. What's up with y'all this week? (I'm from the North but I'm trying to practice Southern stuff. I've been in ATL for almost 6 years, after all.)


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Oh, and one more thing...holy crap this is a Fi12$T. :-)


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Congratz lol~


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Thanks Hana -- how are you this Friday? Anything going on?


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Nothing much ~ just came back from the theater.I watched the Avengers and it's pretty good . My favourite superhero movie by far and definitely best movie in 2012 so far . Wbu? :)


My Three Amigos (kids) have a day off school today so I'm trying to decide what to do with them today. I want to take a little field trip with them somewhere but I don't know where yet. Plus the weather looks a bit gloomy today so I'm inclined not to take them outdoors for too long. We'll see.

I really want to see Avengers, if only for the eye candy that is Thor and Iron Man and Captain America and Nick Fury! I wish I were more turned on by ScarJo, but something about her rubs me the wrong way. Ah well. :-)


AVengers??? I thought it didn't open until next weekend. My hubby and daughter are stoked, she was trying to talk him into the midnight show...I can't do a midnight show, doesn't matter how good it is, I will fall asleep. It's cheaper (and quieter) to sleep at home, lol.


I'd like to see Avengers, too. Robert Downey Jr, 'nuff said. But I'll probably see Dark Shadows first - that's going to be my mother's day present from daughter dearest.


I checked and Avengers is officially coming out next Friday, May 4. I love the month of May because so many action/blockbuster movies come out then.

Also, hi Joanne and shel!


Hi back! I guess it opened in England this week. My daughters jealous. She'd probably fight JoAnne for Robert Downey Jr and hes old enough to be her dad! Her other love is Kim Hyun Joong...so JoAnne, you and the kid have similar taste, lol.


It's fine but I am NOT sharing My Beloved.


LOL everyone - Avengers opens in VB this Thursday.

I'm scared to think they're gonna make a comedy out of "Dark Shadows", though.


HI Kewbie!!!


It premiered on the 26th in my country :o


Hi kewbie,
Congrats for being first:D


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Haha, thanks. How are you doing today, shirin-noona?


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I'm doing great today,thanks.The past 10 days were really hectic but today is great:)
How have you been?


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Good thanks. Been a good drama week, and a short week for me in general because the kiddies have a day off from school today. Hectic week for you because of work or other stuff?


My little brother had an accident,and he had to have a surgery ... very drama like!
But all is good now,he's been discharged and is doing fine.
Thanks for asking:)


Hi, first time greeting you.
You should try rp 7 and 8 The Marriage Plot this week.
Awesome episode.


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Hi ck1OZ! I sorta remember you from the Wild Romance thread on soompi, but wassup either way. :-) Thanks for the recommendation. I really have to get with it and into The Marriage Plot. Is it something you can just jump into right in the middle or does it need setup from episode 1? Or should I just read the Dramabeans recaps?


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There's no subs. I think, I am depending on the recap but man ep 8 was funny. You better start from ep 1 to appreciate their bickering.

OML Wild Romance. That drama and my poor Wookie. I don't know what I feel about what happened there and don't intend to get into a fanwar. Suffice to say, can't wait for his next drama where he KISSES his leading lady.


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I agree about WR. That drama had so much potential. I enjoyed it still, but it needed a bit more oomph (not the stalker lady oomph, though).

Ok I will read the recaps and see how I like the Marriage Plot. Maybe if soompi has a forum for that I will pop in.


Ah, a 'first' that starts off slightly differently.

What's up? My dad would say, everything that's not down.

I have to catch up on k-dramas (and I've only got a few days to do so, because during the month of May I'll have to go awol and deprive myself of any form of entertainment due to a non-negotiable deadline).

But, this week, I've mostly watch J-stuff, as in the awesome j-drama SPEC and some j-anime. Yes, watching some anime and totally totally loving this slice-of-life one called Tsuritama about four high-school boys. It's wacky (there are aliens! And a duck called Tapioca! How awesome is that?!). The characters are endearing and, I feel, really well defined. I'm pretty certain I'm going to cry within the next few episodes too.

Also watching Kimi to Boku (Season 1), which is nice but not too special (it pales in comparison to Tsuritama.

The other thing about anime is that episodes are only 20-25 min long, which makes them so much easier to fit into my day...


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Alua, I've missed you. But I will wait for June...

I keep seeing people rave about Spec, so it's on the list. And moved higher, since you like it.


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I'll be totally away all of May (including from my blog, *sigh*). Everyone's doing finals, while I'm one of those who get to mark them, which means a month of total withdrawal from society & life (I'm even leaving London and am going to hide out at my sister's).

You should definitely watch SPEC, but I strongly recommend you order yourself some Japanese gyoza (dumplings, fried or steamed) before you sit down to watch it, or otherwise you'll be salivating the whole time. The heroine is ALWAYS eating them and, damn, they look DELISH...


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SPEC is a drama that I have in my to watch list.
Have you hear there is going to be a Hollywood veresion?


No no no.

No Hollywood.

That's just about never good news.


I know
That is why we have to watch the original version


Besides, there is a LOT of Japanese 'quirky' in SPEC that is just NOT going to translate into any other version.

And it's that 'quirky' that makes that show. Not the stories. Not the crime-fighting or sci-fi (none of which I'd be interested in otherwise), but the two utterly gorgeous but very, very unique (and Japanese) lead characters.

Now I want to shout Go Toma! Go Sebumi! and rip up some sheets of paper and throw them into the air. (Where's himonogirl when you need her?)


I didn't hear that, no! But I'm willing to at least try it :)


HERE! *hides the gyozas*
I believe someone called my name....

You wanna some Itadakimashita, girl?
Imma buy the snow globe for ye (just wait, till I get mine!)

Oh, animes....It's been way too long since the last time I watched one. I think it was ToraDora, or something..

I don't know about Tsuritama (giggles at the name, though) but I really want to see 坂道のアポロン - Sakamichi no Appolon, adapted from a lovely manga, and directed by....Shinichirō Watanabe!!!! THE WATANABE from Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo..Kyaaah!

There's more, since he's reuniting with Yoko Kanno, who did such a fantastic work with the music in Cowboy Bebop.
I just had to watch the trailer to know that my soul was sold.



@Himono I've to run to work... but 坂道のアポロン – Sakamichi no Appolon ---- haven't watched it yet, BUT I have read some excellent reviews (or recaps as it was, on 'Lost in Anime'), so I want to watch that too!

And then I might give Uchuu Kyoudai a try, purely because while I was researching details for my "The Woodsman and the Rain" review (haven't finished it yet) I stopped by Oguri Shun's website only to see Oguri Shun AND Osaki Makada :-):-):-D staring at me as they're doing a film adaptation of Uchuu Kyoudai. Which I'm so going to watch, so I'll have to read the manga/watch the anime to be fully informed. :-)


Arigato gozaimasu!

I enjoyed Nodame Cantabile, and Yoko Kanno is the premier anime soundtrack composer. The trailer looks very intriguing. Plus, I'm a percussionist, so anything involving drums can't be bad. LOL



Thank you recommending SPEC, I loved the characters. Hollywood remake? How? Why? Ugh !

I'm going to watch Kagi no Kakatta Heya just so I can get another fix of Erika-san.


@zgznoona - I don't get this remake at all and I wonder how honest the actors were being saying "I'm glad foreign audience will get to see this". Well, foreign audiences ARE already getting to see this. The question "How can they make it without us?" hits the mark much more, because the answer to that is: they can't. Bottom line: Hollywood remakes are only about money.

@Shukmeister - Ah, Nodame Cantabile. I started that at one point, but didn't get far (ep 8). Have to get back into it, but the problem is once I start watching it, I want to watch it ALL and there are so many episodes! (A friend gave me the full set.) So I keep putting it off, but maybe in the summer holidays.

@John - glad you enjoyed SPEC! I haven't watched Kagi no Kakatta Heya, is it good? Didn't realise Erika Today was in it, since they advertise it as "the new Satoshi Ohno drama" on dramacrazy....


@JoAnne You didn't hear what? (sorry you've got me confused!!!)



Just two Eps of Kagi no Kakatta Heya so far but I like it. It's interesting , Erika plays a greenhorn lawyer, although inexperienced, isn't afraid to voice her opinion.

Ohno plays a security expert who specializes in locks, ( hints that he might have a shady past) .

They meet when Erika's character accidentally locks a bank president in a vault. She later relies on his expertise to solve a mystery involving a client.

Could there be chance of attraction between these two? Too early to tell.


I try to be different. It's not hard in my case. haha...


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ahhh, i love J-anime...... haven't watched any recently though.... :(


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My father would say "the fan. the sky. the ceiling"


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Hello Kewbie! *HUGS*

I'm MJP. I've been off the radar for a little bit. Have we chatted before?


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I don't think so, but hello! *hugs* Hope your Friday has been well. I've been off here for a few hours and came back just now after cleaning up the house while listening to "Love in the Ice" by DBSK. Too bad they're all split up (the 5 that is). Other than that, how's everything?


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Happy Friday, One and All in Dramabeans Land! Apologies for yet another hit-and-run, as I just returned home about 20 minutes ago from pulling an all-nighter trying to resolve situations at two of our European stores. So before I go collapse for a few hours, I wanna again thank the DB Recappers for keeping up with all the shows this week – remember the old ad campaign from Ma Bell when they were focusing on their long distance service? It’s kinda like that here, where I think the forum tagline should be: “Dramabeans Recaps – The Next Best Thing To Being There.”

And there’s been soooo much juicy news out there in the KDrama World that bears repeating… so as I try to type through slowly-closing eyelids, here’s a few tidbits:

W00T!! Yoo Seung Ho returns to a saeguek, but sadly, not as Woon-ah again. (Drat!) Apparently he is joining the cast of MBC’s “Arang and the Magistrate” (the upcoming drama with Shin Min Ah and Lee Joon Ki) for what is termed a ‘special appearance’ (meaning appearing in only a few episodes) as “The Great Jade Emperor.” Apparently his character will offer some sort of plot advancement to the show, but I’m pedo-ajumma-ing over the fact that he’ll be dressed in robes again. Swoon!!

I did catch the first two episodes of “Happy Ending” (the new Choi Min Soo drama over on JTBC). My heart is already breaking for my Adjusshi Crush, and we’re only a week in!! Argh. And did you guys see that The Jinman (JYP) and Chun Jung Myung are the special guests on “Running Man” this Sunday? Oh my heart explodes with all the goodness on our small screens these days…

I would continue, I can’t even see straight right now. I’m gonna put my head down for a bit and will join you all in progress later today. Enjoy your respective days/afternoons/evenings… mata ne!


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Happy Friday chekrell -- hope all is well!

I really am looking forward to Arang and the Magistrate -- out of all the saeguk type shows out there. More than Faith, and more than TSDJ. Not sure why. I think I like the ghost thing going on.

Anyway have a good day!


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Kewbie-kins, Happy Friday to you as well! Yup, now that YSH has signed on to 'Arang,' my interest in it went up about 500%. I'm shallow that way... ;)


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Wait, Happy Ending started already! Why do you people not tell me these things?!?!?! Excuse me, I have to go run and fetch that now!


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Momosan dahling!! *waves* Figured you'd be all over that big time. The usual suspects have torrents up, but I haven't found any subs yet (but not for lack of trying). I'll yell loudly if I find any!! :)


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Hey Cherkell! Glad you could stop by at least. Hope the job thing is still okay.


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Shukie! Job thing? Same old; same old. Instead of walking on sunshine, I'm tiptoeing on eggshells. I just put one foot in front of the other and motor on, and will do so until someone puts a box on my desk and tells me to fill it up. But thanks for asking, sweetie! :)


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A friend of mine got a termination notice a week before his 46th birthday from a job he's had for 14 years, so I know any time a company is undergoing turmoil can't be good.

Don't forget to squeeze in some pampering time (mani, pedi, massage), or at least stop and sniff some flowers.


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Hi Cherkell! I was excited about arirang too. 1) because LJK is in it. 2) because shin min ah is in it
And now I have a third reason
YSH is in it.

There should be a law that states that YSH should only act in sagueks with a flowing mane of glory. But if he's a "great jade emperor" i forsee a fake beard :( ugggh!


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Fellow Sister-in-Lust, there also should be a law that JCW and YSH should only act in sageuks together and with no one else. Ratings through the roof, baby!!

According to the news feeds, it sounds like YSH is going to be a young-ish fantasy Emperor with no facial hair. Why cover up The Pretty, ne? But bring on the Mane of Glory, yowza!


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You know there's only a limited number of 'hit and runs' you get each OT year, right? ;-)


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LOL I agree! I originally had scheduled today for a day off to hang out with you guys, but life threw a monkey wrench into the works. Now I can't nap properly because the complex gardeners are here for their weekly assault on my eardrums with their leaf-blowers. Hmpf. :(


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Cherkell!!!!!!!! *Squees and envelops in a big HUG*


*Giggles and runs off to play*


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MJP dahling!! How's you been? Nice to see you back on the playground again. Wee Ones keeping you biz-zayh? ;)


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Yahus, Dahling!! Theeenk Yooouuuu!!!


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Alrighty then. Since I can't sleep without extra-curricular methods (and it's a bit too early in the day to get wasted since I'll more than likely have to return to the office later), I might as well continue on with my usual blathering... ;)

DramaFever finally wrapped up securing the rights to "Smile Donghae" and started broadcasting episodes 1-20 yesterday!! Yay to that, but you all probably figured what my first e-mail to them was -- "By the way, this drama is 159 episodes, not the 100 that you have posted. Please fix that so you don't mislead your viewers." Maybe I should offer my crack researching services to them... or maybe just some crack.

Forgot to mention that I did sneak in a viewing of "Nameless Gangster" at Cupertino Square a few weeks ago. OMFG, was that ever AWESOME -- good choice for the Baeksang this year, but Choi Min-sik was ROBBED for Best Actor (sorry KSY)!! But as usual, it was this silly gaijin and about 20 other ajummas in the audience at that screening. The week of 11 May, "Unbowed" will be playing here and I will walk through fire to catch that screening -- I met Ahn Sung-ki at the Philadelphia Film Festival on my last trip there in 2007; got pictures and everything, and his English was amazing!

Time for lunch, and my favorite Thai restaurant is calling my name today. Be back in a bit!!


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OMG! I just saw this about YSH.
LJK and YSH are crazy beautiful men, and together? Holy schmidt!
Now it makes sense that he is in it but not as a second lead.

He will be gorgeous and wonderful and welcome back Mane of Glory!


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Is anyone else watching KBS Drama Special: The True Colours of Gang & Cheol, starring Oh Man Seok. It's really good and hilarious. Love it!


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When did it air?


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Every Friday night on KBS World. Watching episode 3 now :)


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I watched it! I'm not used to see OMS in sageuk robes and mane of glory. I love him though, but i always feel funny when he appears on screen...


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Funny good or funny bad?


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Funny awkward. I definitely like him better in modern attire. I love the man, and i tremendously love his acting but i feel like he is transplanted. Me and sageuks... Complicated relationship. I just love dark assassins and justiciers in them (Princess Man, Unah in WBDS, YAI in SKKS).


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Hello Hello Rubysing! *HUGS*

Good to read you are enjoying a Kdrama. I haven't heard of this one. Maybe I'll get to watch it sometime down the line.

Are you well otherwise?


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so THAT's what the tittle for that drama special! thank you rubysing for that most needed tittle.
i watched 2nd half of 1st ep, and 1st half of 2nd ep in KBSWorld, but got called away for something, and i was desperate to watch it fully (i luv oh man seok since man in the vineyard), but i dont know the tittle to even search for it anywhere. i've been lurking last week and this weeks OT hoping some1 would mention it. thank you again!

(oh crap, i just realized i missed the 3rd ep now. TT__TT)


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Good morning, my Beanie chingus!

Is K2H crazy-good or what????!!!!! This is turning into quite possibly my favorite drama of all time, at least for it's genre...whatever that is...it has it all, action, romance, comedy. I always liked Lee Seung Gi, I think it's the little boy smile, but holy cow, he's blowing me away.

RTP is nearly as good, although a completely different kind of show. I”m really enjoying that. I sit here on Wed/Thu trying to decide what to watch first.

FK is losing me, fast. It's getting too twisted, all Ga Young does is cry and although YAI does pitiful better than just about anyone, I”m losing patience with him. And what's up with she can tell JJH off, but won't tell KYG what's really going on? I dunno....for Mon Tues, I like Love Rain much better. Which is a total surprise.

Once Love Rain got into the present day, it really picked up. It's definitely headed for the melo, but right now it's cute and even though JGS is an oddball, I like watching him. I think Yoona is doing better than expected, so, all in all, I like it so far.

In real life....aaah, who wants to talk about real life. A bit of melo going on in both families, the biological one and the local “we've made our own family” one.

Two sure signs of spring. 1. The swallows are back, the barn cats spend a lot of time on the deck railing looking up, obviously wondering how the heck to get up there. It's 16 ft up, they don't have a chance, but it's sure fun to watch the little wheels turning. And 2. The strawberry farmer is back, selling his just-picked strawberries at the end of my road. Yum!

A couple of shoutouts: Sethe! Our man is gonna do it, I think. My sister in law says if he picks Rubio as a running mate, it will be at least a good looking ticket. Ha!

Ricky HRH: Oppa! We got fingers crossed, prayers going up, thinking good thoughts for you to do great on your finals. My son has his this week, too, so we just added your name after his....

MJP: I hope things are still going good with all your boys!

Shuk: You've been quiet this week on FB, I hope you're doing well.


Leaf: I didn't see you on here last week. How are you doing?

OK, that's all that comes to mind. Ya'll have a GREAT week


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Hi shel! Agreed -- everything you said about K2H, RP and LR. I don't watch FK so I don't know much about that. It has been an exciting week for drama!


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I haven't been hearing very good things about FK, so I'm really thinking I shouldn't pick it up. -_-'


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It started OK, not stellar, but it's just gotten more and more depressing...and kind of confusing.


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YES, it is all those bad things, but it is still AMAZING to watch.
There are moments of brilliance that manage to rise above the boggy fog of wtf.

Mostly, of course, it is the two male leads who are beautiful in their own way, and are out acting the script. Shin Se-Kyung is managing to make her ridiculously pathetic character fly even though the writers have shackled her...

I feel like they are trying to do a Bali or a QSS, but can't get their footing long enough to succeed.

I know it doesn't make sense that I don't like the drama, but I love watching the drama.


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I'm still watching, and I do like the 3 main actors and think they are doing amazing, but I'm not getting/liking the story much.

But I watched Lie To Me only for my Kang Ji Hwan, so it won't be the first time I finish a drama for no other reason than I like the actor.


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I made myself finish MiSa so I could watch So Ji Sub's hair.


Just got a message from Ricky HRH...he's studying like crazy and won't be here, but he says to tell everyone hi!


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hello Shel!

King 2hearts is crazy good. I don't know what it is about Lee Seunggi. his portrayal of Jae Ha is like watching him grow up, especially his first day of 1n2d is seem just like yesterday.


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I'm doing okay - had to go to some daytime classes at the precinct, which offended my nightcrawler instincts and my sleep cycle. Plus, I wasn't able to complete the current two chapters of the fan-fic, so nothing to post at this time. I should be up and running next week, and can upload several chapters and complete the FLNG rig min-arc. Then onward towards the next KDrama twist!

I watched the two most recent epis of RTP, but that's really been about it this week. I know I know, kinda quiet for me and a bit scary. I'm still alive, though, so any day this side of the grass is a good thing.

Anyways, hope Sam and gang are doing well health / job wise. Talk to you soon!


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We're hanging in there. Other than incredibly bad allergies. Whoever said on the last OT that plant sex sucks, was right on the money. Yuk.


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Hi Shel!

Yup, looks like uri Mittens has it pretty much sewn up. Rubio's got some strong positives (swing state, Cuban-American, young, attractive to the base), but also some strong negatives (little experience, charisma and star-power that might overshadow Romney)... so, we'll see...

I am TOTALLY loving K2H and RTP. They have very different appeals... K2H is super-intense and gripping and addictive, while RTP is just kind of light and relaxing but adorable (although I do at this point actively HATE several of the characters).

Lee Seung-gi is really amazing me in this role... I actually kind of disliked him before (didn't like his character in My Girlfriend is a Gumiho [my first kdrama :)], and always felt that he did way too much of that whiny intonation that Korean lends itself to so well in the roles I'd seen him in), but here he's really pretty awesome, and I totally get his appeal.

Yoochun, too... I was pretty neutral to him before this drama (didn't particularly like or dislike him in Sungkyunkwan Scandal and Miss Ripley), but again, here, I'm totally starting to get why people find him attractive. So, overall, yay for 2 good dramas that give me 2 more hot and sexy men to drool over and fantasize about!


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Drooling is always good, but keep it off your keyboard - lol.

Glad to see your're doing well and can stop by to say hi.


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Hi Shuk! Always nice to see you here.

Yeah, I'm free tonight (it's night for me) and was feeling in the mood to check out the OT.

I've been rewatching City Hunter this week... what a fantastic drama! Lee Min-ho really does have the most amazingly expressive eyes... and Korea really does have some phenomenally talented young actors.

I've been trying to think who their equivalents would be in the US (people like Lee Min-ho, Jang Geun-seok, Lee Seung-gi...) -- huge young TV stars who are also actually very good actors. I'm kind of blanking out... any thoughts?


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I like Supernatural's Jensen Eckles and Jared Padelacki. Eye candy and awesome acting by these 2. The Big Bang Theory actors are great albeit not the eye candy material of the aforementioned korean actors.


Problem with me, Sethe, is that working midnight shift means I'm mostly at work during prime time hours, and sleeping most of the day.

So I would have to defer to anyone else out there.


Shel - K2H is beyond words. There are so many people to love..but our heros just thrill me to bits. Show, I am SO HAPPY WITH YOU.


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Shel Baby! *HUGS*

Glad to hear you are all healed up. Sad to hear about the family melo, but that's live isn't it? It comes... It goes... It comes back again! LOL!!!

We are all doing fine here. Hubby took a 1/2 day today, but is still working from home. So I am on standby for fun. Which is good because I have time to come online and chat with everyone (or try to!)!!!

What is FK by the way? I know the others you are watching.

I've had to cut myself off from the Thailand dramas, way too addicting and no sleep. Each one is two hours long and they go from 14 to 30 episodes long. I wasn't sleeping at all. So, no more of those puppies!


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FK would be Fashion King


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You're right about the melo....it comes, it goes....and it comes back. Usually it's my baby sister aka Dramaqueen, which is usually blown all out of proportion and I just ignore her. But this time it's not her, and it's a bit more serious. And the local "family" feud will blow over somewhat, as soon as both parties (one a feisty Jersey girl and the other the stubborn Arab hubby of her neighbor) cool off a bit, it'll all blow over until the next time, lol. Both families are good friends, so we just act like it's all OK and carry on, lol

I hadn't started on Thai dramas yet, but t sounds like a good thing I haven't. My 4 shows are maxing me out.


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Shel, deary...

Thailand dramas you may not like. Lots and lots of violence, rape, heavy on the melo. There isn't nudity, but very violent. So beware before you venture. You may wish to stay away from the "slap-kiss, revenge" lakorns and stick with the romance/comedy ones.

They suck me in with the melo wondering what is going to happen next! MJP Hubby said today as we out and about that he is glad I stopped watching them because I needed to get more sleep.


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Hiya Shel!! Another great day here in The Valley -- blue skies as far as I can see (at least until the haze settles in around 4 PM as usual). Hope the fambly stuff settles down to a dull roar soon -- you should still be in 'recuperative mode' and taking it easy!! Don't make me drive down there and have to bake you cookies or something!! :D


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Oh...cookies! When Hazmik was here, she made cookies like every other day, lol.

But, if you're gonna drive down here, this is the time of year to do it. When it's not raining, it's pretty spectacular. By June, the fog will roll back in until October, lol.


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Good day everyone!~
There's too many dramas too watch le sigh ~
Seriously since when this this happen :P
Lucky I have all the time in the world right now haha
Currently in a transition period I finished school
but I haven't enrolled college :)


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Hi Hana! lucky you!! i felt like those days were ages ago! Mine were around "Full House". i can't name any major event, but i can remember what drama i watched then.


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Greetings Hana! *HUGS*

I'm MJP and I've not been able to be on the OT for a bit. Nice to meet you!

Congratulations on finishing school. What type of college are you planning on enrolling in? (No names, but what type of education is more what I mean.)

What field would you like to graduate from? vocational, 2 yr, 4 yr, masters? Doctorate? etc.

What is your dream?


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Ah I'm planning on taking a 1 year foundation course then straight to medicine. I hope I don't regret it though ~ the amount of studying that needs to be done and not to mention stress :P
Guess I won't be able to watch that many dramas once I start my degree course lol~


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I am loving King2Hearts...not as engaged in Rooftop Prince but liking it overall. But the music is great in both. Still, my favorite use of music was the first 6 or so episodes of Flower Boy Ramen Shop. Man, that show was a master class is use of music for humor, irony, everything. Perhaps they used up their budget and had to reduce music rights after that. Still it was terrific, if not quite as fab, to the end.

Anyway, I am trying to make a list of Kdramas to watch that go by, for the most part, the romance tropes/traditions. You know...the back hug, wrist grab, etc. Anyone want to jump in and help?
Shining Inheritance?
My Princess?


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I think you may need a list of ones that DON'T!
Seriously, they all have those elements to help us viewers recognize where the OTP is in the timeline of hate to lurrrve.

And as much as I LOVE Hunky* in K2H, Shining Inheritance was boring, and not satisfying, and I barely finished it. (Don't throw things.)

*Coined by lisah from the her meme: Does Seung Ki rhyme with Hunky?
Answer: YES!


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I wouldn't dream of throwing things at you ! And I agree about SI/BL. :)


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I just love the screencap of Seung Gi winking in last night's TK2H recap, so I started calling him Winky/윈 기 or Winky Wang/윈 기 왕 (King Winky-- which of course made me think of Kinky King Winky... ). I think we need to have a caption contest for that shot.


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I screen capped like a mad woman during Ep 12.
Between the hot and coolness of KHA kicking ass and the King being all thoughtful and loving...sigh...


I got through five minutes of Brilliant Inheritance and shut it off. They were talking about how scary African-Americans were and something else that annoyed me (can't recall right now). I mean at least with Hana Yori Dango they waited until I had already invested in a good chunk of the series before unveiling the scary black people stereotype.


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My daughter 13 at the time and I were watching Hana Yori Dango together when that stuff hit.
I don't know who was more shocked. I swear my jaw dropped to the ground.
Dudes, seriously? Who wrote that stuff for both dramas you mentioned?


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Even in the manga the attackers weren't scary black dudes so yeah...I didn't get it either. So unnecessary.


Loving king2hearts, but i suddenly dropped rooftop prince around episode 6 cause it started to bore me (and it started off so fun considering i was hooked by ep1 and 2), maybe i'll stick to checking up on recaps?


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I'm with Jomo - Shining Inheritance was a disappointment.


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Wintergirl! *HUGS*

There is this great site that has a bunch of ideas.



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Friday, finally


Love Rain

Rooftop Prince

Queen Inhyun's Man

I now see why Ricky luvs Yoo In Ya.


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Hi John! *HUGS*

I finally got to watch eps 1 and 2 of Queen Inhyun's Man. I was squealing as I was so happy for Ricky TRH that his lovely wifey Yoo In-na was finally a lead actress.

So what do you think if it? I'm a little hesitant so far because I am skipping large parts thus far, which means I am bored with the modern times portion of it. Are you watching it straight through? I don't like Sageuk's but I find the storyline from that era more fascinating that her storyline.

What think ye, John?


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I've seen the first two Eps , as I have to wait on the subs.

I like the Sageuk storyline too, it's the stronger story of the two so far.


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I really didn't want to get sucked into this drama, but I'm already hooked. One of my daughters is just the same - all I had to say was "time-travelling scholar" and she was ready to watch the whole thing.


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LOL! My Hubby and teen are watching Dr. Who everynight! I showed my teen this show last night, but he was more interested in telling me the history of Queen In-Hyun than watching the drama and he's from South Korea! Kids...


Hi John! How is everything?

BTW, what website do you watch QIM on? Or do you download it?


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Kewbie ~

Dramacrazy.net has Eps 1 & 2 subbed. 3 & 4 raw, as of this am.

Things are fine, I was off today so the wife and I had lunch and then off to buy stuff for a outdoor planter project.

Yesterday we had a couple of tons of gravel delivered for our patio project. Moved about 2/3 of it yesterday.

Cue Tennessee Ernie Ford's song 16 Tons here.

Oh, and a mouse chewed a hole in a hose for the dishwasher, so there's that to fix. I chewed the cat out for sleeping on the job.



I totally agree with you. I wonder why though... Is the modern storyline going to get better when they have fused the characters? Hmm, I sure hope so.


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Who's subbing it? I haven't seen it anywhere yet. Not that I need another show to get all addicted to, lol.


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Dark Smurf :)


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Here's where I'm watching it at:



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What about the drink experiments? How are they going? Just as dramatically? lol


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Still waiting for it to finish brewing, another month or two.


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Hi John! i love Queen In Hyun's man too! i felt like its so different with other time traveling drama. especially with the Hero finds out how he get to the future so fast! nice!!


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Kelinci biru~

It's cool how he can travel back and forth.


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anybody else watching hero on hulu and wondering how hulu can offer korean dramas but not be up to date! how rude are they! I really like yang dong geun- his delivery and energy remind me of jack nicholson in his best moments. I watched kid gang this week that show is so funny and it had lee ki woo who is gorgy porgy.
My funny kdrama list looks like this now:
History of the Salaryman
Kid Gang
Coffee House
My Girl
Bad Couple
Soulmate ( just started rewatching it I almost passed out on the vomit scenes- so weird.)

I started Sweet spy- I like my country calls better, there doesn't seem to be any story and dennis oh has what tom waits would refer to as the style but not the grace. He might be big in japan though.

I remember being very excited hearing about the new dramas but I can't seem to click the button to start any of them.


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I totally agree. It takes awhile sometimes. Also, Hulu gets some of the dramas from Dramafever, and that could take awhile because of the subbing. Kinda off the subject, but I found it funny that Hulu renamed "Shut Up: Flower Boy Band" as "Shut Up and Let's Go". Did you (or anyone else) notice that?


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I don't know about other dramas but this hero is part of their cjentertainment partnership. I actually like shut up and let's go better.


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Ah I didn't know that. At least they actually say, "Shut up, and go" a few times throughout the drama. :-)


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Using the phrase "Flower boy band" doesn't really work for an American audience, unless you're going for the Queer as Folk demographic ;) Probably that's what Hulu changed the title. (And I think the sentence "Shut up and let's go" comes up a few times in the show, so it might be as appropriate.)


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I've always thought about watching Kid Gang because it seemed quirky but somewhere along the line it fell off my radar.

*makes mental note for the future*


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I think Hulu is doing a pretty good job keeping up with the popular ones like K2H, RP, and EM, even if I do get frustrated waiting for them to be subbed and added. But, yeah, they're starting to fall behind with Hero, and I'm a little miffed. I want MORE!!

Kid Gang!!!! I finished that just a few weeks ago. : ) Lee Ki-Woo was so good, and he and Kim Bin-Woo's storyline was so funny and sweet. I wish they'd done more with that. By the way, did anyone else notice that the wedding scene was almost a carbon copy of the final scene of Bad Family?


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Yeah, Hero is falling behind in Dramacrazy too, which drives me crazy. Ah, I should have waited to marathon it. Perils of live-watching, I suppose.


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ahjummabunny love! *HUGS*

I am curious, what do you mean not up to date? I went onto hulu.com to check out Hero. Hulu is getting the data from viki.com. And there are all 16 episodes out there on hulu as of today.
But in answer to your comment, Hulu has always been way to slow. (*Warning Waxing Historical*) I remember watching Playful Kiss and ending up going to viikii.com's website, but back then they wouldn't let us watch before they translated on the old website. They told us to go to dramabean.net (which is a really bad website) but it taught me to root out the dramas via various websites. Thankfully they have the new website and we can watch while they work.


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I think you're talking about MBC's Hero. We're talking about OCN's Hero, which is still airing.


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hugs!!!! It's good to read from you. I remember viikii.com days too! They're not so long ago, I started with mysoju and googled all the video links from them to find new episodes.


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Hulu just added episode 5 of Hero. Yay!


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I saw, I danced, I manse-ed! I feel a little let even though it was such a good episode. I think it's because I waited forever for one episode after watching 4 back to back. I started immortal classic and the first episode was pretty good I thought.


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I really like Soulmates. Fortunately, I blocked out the vomit scene.


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I think sa kang did too, because otherwise how could she keep seeing that guy. ha ha


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Hello dramabeaners, my dear community!
See how my name is not written in the same color anymore? Yes, Deeno and Raine wiped away my last doubts. Red pill or blue pill? Welcome to my Queendom.

Funny thing: Can Love Become Money recap.
I have a lot of views, but not much comments, so??

People come to read because they think:
1: I'm a new-age guru who teaches how to transform prayers of love into money.
2: I'm a producer of erotic movies.
Thanks Korea for your generic English titles.
A good laugh and a good lesson of humility. I wonder if some people land on The K2Hearts recaps thinking it's about a strange medical case involving a monarch.
:) :)

Next thing, I have found a new respect for recappers all around the world... So time consuming. Consequence: I decided to change my strategy. Remember the long posts where i said i was watching 20 dramas at the same time? Finished. I will drop half of them and learn how to be selective with my food.

Now, post and let's see what my friends have to say this week.


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Doesn't it feel like I there's only 6 of us out there that are watching this? I do have all the episodes stacked up on my DVR that beg to be viewed... but until Genentech perfects some sort of cloning process, this too will have to wait. (BTW, congrats on the new home -- I'll stop by later and TP your trees! :P )


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Thanks chingu! With all those time travel dramas, how i don't understand how we can't have a solution to enjoy our dramas 26 hours a day. I don't want to be cloned: We would kill each other...


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LOL that reminds me of the old saying, "My karma is fighting with my dogma"... or "I'm my own worst enemy." My problem would be that *both* me and my clone would want to stay home 24/7 to watch dramas. And then be fighting over the remote. Hell to the no. :P

Love the blog! I'll finish reading the CLBM recap and spazz over there instead of boring everyone here on the OT...


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7 of us!
I am watching, too!


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I'm watching too. And it's all Mystisith fault. That recap made it look way too good!


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*Sticking tongue* at Deeno.
New disclaimer at the head of the recaps:
Warning: Dramas are not as good as they appear on my blog.
*Dodging eggs from KDrama staff and artists*


I'm enjoying it, but the whole lack of subs thing makes it harder to enjoy.


I didn't know you were recapping CLBM.
Linkee please?


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Hi jomo,

Episode 2 is half done. It takes me some time to produce 4500 words and i don't know how many screencaps...


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I have been watching raws with some DSS subs as a handy guideline.

The Chairman is my fav K-hero right now.
He is a wonderful character for Yun Jung Hoon to play.
Sensitive, smart, handsome, vulnerable, eloquent, angry (sometimes), careful.
I can't imagine how much more I will love him once I actually understand the dialog.


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Let's be honest, the all drama "works" because of YJH charisma and thanks to his very special acting (face and voice).
I want subs, i NEED subs... Or else i will have to give up. I hate unfinished work and i really enjoy "working" on this little thing.


Hi Mysti, gonna check out your recap and the drama itself.


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Please do topper! This drama cruelly needs some love.


I'm going to check it out, too - Mystisith and I seem to be simpatico on a lot of things, so I will probably like it as well.


Skelly, i just saw your comment. Muchas gracias! You're not forced to like it you know... But it might be better for your health.


I didn't know you had a blog,it's nice.And my baby Shi Yoon is the header!How awesome!I promise I'll leave comments as soon as I read your posts:)


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By the way, if someone has ideas for my headers, they are welcome. Condition: Blue color dominant or black and white. Yes, i'm a fetish and a visual person... the rest is for you to decide!


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Oooh! I have a bunch of screen shots from future episodes that would make cool headers. Do I email them to you?


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Sure jomo! Gimme gimme!


@ Mystisith -

I see: blow up my France office and start a blog. lol

I added it to my favorites list, and I'm looking forward to what percolates out of your head... LOL


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Hello Shukmeister!
I really must have been a spy in a previous life. :)
It's not my fault, DB made me do it!


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hee hee hee - excellent recap at your blog, btw.

I, too, have been watching CLBM raw and hoping for subs. Some of this stuff is making me thing about switching to Korean instead of Japanese.


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Congrats on 'changing colours'. :-)


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Thanks alua! That was like a leap in the unknown. I'm proud of myself actually. :)


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You'll soon get sucked into the addiction of blogging (writing posts, surfing the web for preeeettty pictures, checking your view-stats a zillion times).

You get more pressure too because you're drama rather than film focused. :-P

Have fun with it!


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I liked the two episodes of Can Love Become Money and currently I am going round craving more. But I cannot find any more subbed ones. It feels really stupid, because I think I could make sense of any other current drama watching a raw, but really, not this one.

I'll be sure to visit your page often, for CLBM, for the hot guy of the day (a brilliant idea!) and because of the DS I saw as soon as I opened your page :)

I hope you'll have fun writing your recaps and reading people's reactions.


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Thanks kopytko!
The doors are open. In fact, people don't lock their houses on little islands. :)
That show is fun for the zany sarcastic dialogues. Without translation it's not so fun. Even if i really really love vampy... Writing is my new old addiction. Trolls are welcome, they don't know who they are talking to...


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im pretty sure dramafever has all the eps that have aired so far for Can Love... subbed. Just in case u didn't know!


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Hola! I've missed dropping by here.

It's a freakin' oven 24/7 where I'm from and I have a date with my laptop on a Friday #FOREVERALONE

off to watch TBBT and Fashion King ep 11-12. Does anybody here even watch Fashion King? Sadness DB ain't recapping it #sadface

Happy Weekend y'all!


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I like that..."date with my laptop on a Friday". I feel like that often! I wish I could comment on Fashion King. I hear mixed things about it in general. What's your thoughts on it?


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Honestly speaking, without Yoo Ah In in it, I wouldn't even watch it because it's so flawed. The storyline is just...ugh, it often frustrates me how they ignore to tie in certain plot points and I don't think it's 'fashionable' enough. The clothes they're designing are pretty basic yet they label the designer as a 'genius'. UGH.

But there are some good about it (ehem, of course YAI is one hehe). There is finally real tension going on between the characters and I'm hoping for a full fashion designing face-off.


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Helllo am!
If you want to discuss about Fashion King, a little gang of commenters has emerged at Maddino's Asylum And Raine's Dichotomy place. They both do hilarious recaps and it's awfully fun. You won't fall asleep, guaranteed...


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I'd love to! I'm heading there right now thank you thank you!


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I forgot to mention that besides YAI, the four ahjumma's in Young Gul's factory are my absolute favourite!


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They are great.
My favorite is Ra Mi-ran who is two-timing on King2Hearts.
In FK, she's the crazy dancing/singing with YAI at the norebang, but in K2H, she is upright palace lady forbidding LSG from seeing KHA while she trained.
Lucky lady!


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I love her too!!! I died laughing after she used the calling card as a tooth pick!!!


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ahjummabunny, sympathize re: hulu. I started watching
Protect the Boss
on there and had to hunt up the rest of the episodes on dramacrazy. By the way, the two leads in Protect the Boss do a great job. So quirky, energetic, charismatic.


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yes there are other sites that have hero 2012 but hulu is the one with the official cje partnership! protect the boss should be on my funny kdrama list too but I'm not sure where I also have gumiho and best love there.


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Protect the Boss great. Not just the leads, but my fave part is the 'love rival' and all the bonding between the girls.


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The girls were awesome in PTB. And by the end, I loved the friendly rivalry between the guys.


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I know. And I keep saying it every time someone brings up PTB. I can't help it!

The boys were funny & eye candy, but for once I loved the girls more! It was sort of like the opposite of bromance (what is the opposite of bromance? 'Sisterhood' doesn't sound right.).


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Shemance? And you're totally right, Aula. The relationships between the girls in that show were just as powerful as the romances—and I loved that there wasn't a real "bad guy" character motivating the show's plot.


or that the bad guys could be cowed by having family dinners with their mother in law.


What about noonance or unnance?


shemance makes me think shamans...

noonance and unnance... interesting... but they'd only work for k-dramas.

It's a difficult one!


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Sorry, out of idea myself...


Hi everyone!

I'm still continuing my bigbang addiction, with one exception this week, I pledge my love for Taeyang! He of food dance, eye smile, and of course abs!

Oh. I got warning from my office because I apparently open "150pages of korean daily". Me in front of my boss "wow, that much?!". In my mind "are you sure just that much?". They feel like they haven't gave me enough work so more work for me. On the other side, I didn't open any korean pages for two days in the office then I can't take it anymore. Especially with Gong Yoo being that hot.


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Wow, really? I guess they're really tracking it. Be careful! You don't wanna give up your k-love just like that.

I know what you mean about Gong Yoo -- just saw that pic that DB posted yesterday. You can tell he's been working hard (and working IT) lately!


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I know. real life is a bit overrated, isn't it?

And makes us wonder : "how many there will be the shower scene in BIG?"


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That is why I usually have 2 windows open at once ... one for work and one for play. I just tell them that I am a good multi-tasker... and need the other one to do my work effectively. They buy it so far ... LOL.


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Hollaaaaa! Happy Friday guys!!

OK I did NOT sleep last night. I really think I spent a majority of my night and morning watching the jdrama Last Friends and ogling over Nishikido Ryo. D':

Which I will continue to do....right...now. How is everyone??? :D


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Wassup canxi? :-) Now I have to look up Nishikido Ryo because you mentioned it. What else have you been watching?


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Hahaha, I find him particularly easy on the eyes because of his tan skin and smile. So I'm easy that way >_<

And I haven't been watching any of the newer k-dramas I'm afraid. D: Because I like to marathon and just watch all 16-20 things over a couple of days.

I'm currently watching:

Ja Myung Go
(Kind of trying to forget but still kind of coming back to) Dream High 2

I've also been stuck on Take Care of Us, Captain ep.7 for a month LOL

But I kinda started a tumblr (with the tackiest name in the world- nooo shame! hahaha) to write about my thoughts and whatnot on the dramas I watch. So that's nice. I get to release some feelings that way. I'm the only person I know who watches k dramas regularly :(


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Hi all,
happy Friday:)
I've made two MVs for Rooftop Prince.Check them out if you like:)




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Yay! I love fanvids!!!!! Thanks for posting!


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Really?You're welcome:) And thanks for watching!


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Yes, I do love them. Mainly because I'm not sure how to make my own. I like when fellow fans put in the parts of the story/drama that they like and sew it all together like patchwork. It's almost like a different story. If I knew how to make them I would make a whole bunch! I'm glad you know how, though. :-)


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It's pretty easy kewbie,everyone can do it if they have the right softwares.I use sony vegas,and I love it.
Give it a try,it's so much fun:-D


Thank you shirin-noona. Your "Jo Eun- After A Long Time" MV has now made my iphone playlist.

Love videos with romanization and English translations. Also looking for any K2H OST videos with both romanization and English translations.


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Yay!I'm so happy you liked it Hilary.
I'll make a K2H OST as soon as I can:D


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Oh!So sorry I misspelled your name:(


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No problem. And thanks ... will look forward to that MV.


Hello Everyone! Happy Friday!

It's so funny that today last year I woke up early to catch Prince Will and Kate's wedding and all the fun OT time not realizing that the blog goes by Pacific time and not Eastern time.

Anyway I haven't watched any k-dramas this week but I have been a few american shows e.g. Revenge, Scandal, NCIS but am kinda bummed one of my guilty pleasures, Make it or Break it, has been cancelled. I know it wasn't perfect but I just them to get to the Olympics and see them win.

I have a question, would you get back together with a boyfriend who threatens/blackmails you (2 times in 5 years) when you get in a fight because you 'hurt his pride' and calls you names like demon, etc. Do you forgive when he apologizes and hope he doesn't use info he has on you to get you into trouble. (Disclaimer, not me).


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To answer your question: N O !


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I have a question, would you get back together with a boyfriend who threatens/blackmails you

In “Real Life” ? Blackmail? Threats? Run away, run far far away.


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Oh hell to the NO! Not even. No freaking way. Nope. Nope. Nope.


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Not a chance in that one hot place (and I'm not talking about Phoenix)


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what kind of blackmail?
" you claim to be a person concerned with a healthy balance of good deeds and bad deeds, why are you always doing bad things to me?"

" I was with you when you got the hole in that bag, I won't let you return it in peace unless you . . ."

I don't really mind name calling, or I haven't minded it so far. I have always been sore thumb girl so I have thick skin. When it comes to forgiveness I completely throw it all away including the offender. I think disrespect is somewhat organic and if someone doesn't respect you it's not possible for that to ever change.


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It's not just threatening/blackmailing, that's putting blame on YOU (or whoever the GF is).

Sounds like a manipulator. They blame you and when they want you back, they apologise and grovel, and the moment they have you back, they'll revert to old behaviours.

There's someone better out there who'll respect you for who you are.

(It doesn't matter he isn't using info he has to get you into trouble. a) no boyfriend should do that anyhow so that doesn't elevate this person above anyone and b) how do you know he's not saving it for latter to blackmail you with this?)


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Why? Because...

- there's no mutual respect. The relationship will never work. And no, one enduring the other's wrongdoings doesn't mean the relationship works. It's just torture. What's the point in staying or returning?

- calling names is just low. Why would you want to be with that kind of guy? Aren't you supposed to be with someone who adores you and not someone who calls you a demon? There's hate in there for sure. What's next, him hurting you physically?

- forgiving doesn't mean forgetting. If you have the heart, then forgive. But you don't have to risk going through the same, or worse, ordeal with the guy. You already got out of the $hitty relationship, why go back?

- you worry about what he would do to you. You don't trust him anymore, why live in everyday suspense? That would be too much negativity. Think about how you want to spend the rest of your life.

- he already has incriminating info on you. Why give him more opportunity to gather more about you?


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Amen to all that.


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Hey guys, i haven't been to a dramabeans openthread in SOOOO long, but i was wondering if anyone had a link to kmovies with subs? I remember it was posted somewhere once upon a time but now i can't find it anymore :(

Also, anyone else also watching love rain? It's the only thing i will watch as it comes out since i usually wait till a darma ends and watch it one go. Thoughts?


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THere are some on http://www.ionair.tv and I think I've watched some on dramacrazy.net.

I saw Penny Pincher Romance, Cyrano whatever-that-was with Daniel CHoi, The Crucible (Gong Yoo), and Chilling ROmance (Lee Min Ki) all on ionair.


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Thanks for that! i think ionair was the link i had lost :D Chilling romance was definitely on my to watch list, can't wait to dig in.


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dramacrazy.net has quite a bunch.


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I second dramacrazy.net. I just watched Chilling Romance two weeks ago. Pretty cool.


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I am watching Love Rain and am totally enjoying it. It was a bit slow at the beginning but now that they're in present day..JGS & Yoona are so darn cute together. Originally, I had reservations about Yoona but she has surprised me and am now a fan. I look forward to each episode but am not finding a whole lotta love for this show.


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I actually skipped the first four episodes too, same as Hillary and Kewbie because i saw some recaps and gifs that basically summarised it for me as i skip to present day.

I'm suprised how much i'm enjoying it too, though mainly for the couple (argh why so cute for) and mainly because i skip anything involving the parents. I wish people would give it a shot, i though JGS would be enough of an appeal but i guess not. I'm always wary about idol actors but i have a soft spot for Yoona, she's too cute and her character seems to suit her well.


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I just started watching Love Rain and am enjoying it so far. Though I must admit, I cheated ... skipped first 4 episodes and started with episode 5.


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I did that too, actually, because I knew the dad's story from the 70s didn't end the way he wanted it to.


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I did the same and have no regrets. It's awesome.


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Hi Sponge!

Are you who I think you are? If so, it's good to read you! It's been a long time since we chatted!


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I have a question, would you get back together with a boyfriend who threatens/blackmails you In "Real Life" ? Blackmail? Threats? Run away, run far far away.


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hello everyone! friday finally. looking forward to the weekend since it is my 11th year wedding anniversary. *throws confettis*

@shiku: nope, don't even think about getting back together with that type of person. you wouldn't want to live your life miserably. everyone deserves to be in a loving relationship.


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Happy anniversary!


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Happy anniversary!!!!


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happy anniversary!


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Happy 11th anniversary!


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Wow congrats! Happy Anniversary! Enjoy some special time with your S.O. I will be celebrating my 10th next Friday, too.


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Wow that is awesome!


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One of my first few posts here in OT, but i just need want to know if anyone's been sharing the same feeling as me, anxiously waiting for the next episode of K2H and Rooftop Prince every Wed/Thurs. It's been killing me and distracting me from all my work, but I must say these 2 are the most addictive dramas for me this time, after TMTETS. Really loving the chemistry between LSG and HJW and the last few episodes were just pure awesome. Rooftop Prince has made me happy with so much development in Episode 12 and I don't know how I'm going to survive the remaining 4 weeks or so.

Have yet to watch Love Rain though. 2 dramas is already making me half dead :\


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Me too. I LOVE both shows and it drives me nuts to wait. Maybe I shoulda waited until I could marathon them, but I just couldn't wait that long.


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Matilda, YUP! K2H is one of the most addictive and lingering dramas I have watched.
Flower Boy Ramen Shop
Coffee Prince
also had some of that quality. I can't believe I'm saying this but I think K2H for pacing and drama might be the most addictive.


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Hi Matilda,

I'm with you on K2H, although I love reading the recaps for Rooftop Prince as well. In fact, it's sucked me in so badly that I watch the episodes raw (after reading the recaps here, of course), then I watch the episodes subbed in Chinese (my second language, which I can barely communicate in), and then I get to the subs in English. Who knows, maybe my Chinese will improve as a result. . .


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And I am watching both K2H and RP ... I sometimes use a split screen and stream both live on iOnAir. While I am really crazy about both, I think K2H has a slight (very slight) edge with me ...

Have been a Ha Ji Won fan for a while ... Am now on the Lee Seung Gi train. He is blowing me away ... his acting has improved so much since Shining Inheritance and My Girlfriend is a Gumiho.


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Hey DB. I always want to be more active in the OT but there's always too much to do on a Friday morning because I work nights.

Anyway~!! Happy Friday to all. I'm getting crazier. In addition to watching K2H .< That's a lot of storylines to be following. lol.

Standby is my first real sitcom (I don't count Smile, Donghae because it was really just a melo drama parading as a sitcom) and I am sooo enjoying it. :D The subs are coming out at a nice pace too (one every two or so days) and that makes it easier for me who already has a full drama plate of goodies.


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Standby is my first sitcom, too! I've only watched the first two episodes, but I really like it so far (Lee Ki Woo!). I'm hoping to catch up a bit this weekend. I like that the subs are coming out a regular pace.


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Where do you watch Standby on? I watch it on epdrama but last time I checked the subs weren't up to the current episode. Maybe they are now...?


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I'd love to know where you watch it too. I wanted to see it, but didn't think there would be subs. So excited now. Although I really don't need another drama to watch on top of K2H. Oh well. :)


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To kewbie and Rashell: I've been watching at Aveoh.net

Here's the address for Standby: http://aveoh.net/standby-mbc-sitcom/

So far they have the first 5 episodes subbed. Enjoy!


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I started standby this morning! I like it too. There's more charming by the day. That one had some great moments. who said that smile donghae is a sitcom????? I saw subs only until episode 3 or 4 on dramacrazy, where else can I find standby?


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Ah. Sorry to keep everyone waiting on a reply.

Since DSS picked up the project about a week or so ago, they've released 5 subtitles so far. And ep 6 is soon to be finished: h t t p://www.darksmurfsub.com/public/subtitle_list.php?title=QS.Standby

I download the raws from d-addicts.com. ^^


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You can watch Standby on epdrama. I'm enjoying it as well. To be honest, I wasn't a fan of Ryu Jin in A Thousand Kisses, but man, I so enjoy watching him play a dorky character in this one. It's hilariously refreshing. :) He can amazingly pull it off.


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Hey everyone! It's finally fridayyyyy!! Whoop whoop :)

I can't wait for the day to be over so I can lock myself in my room and watch ep 12 of King2Hearts and Rooftop Prince. Ahhh but which to watch first? These are my new cracktastic shows. Along with Moon/Sun which I just started watching this week and can't get enough of. Man, I have so much to do this weekend but I have a feeling that I'll be putting most of it off until later. Dramas are always priority #1, right?


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Happy Friday DBeaners.
Tip of the week from dramaland:
Get something important from your enemy, put it in a voice password locked box with the clue:
"What I have that you do not have"
Perfect. So where do I buy one?


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Reverse psychology will always work.
"Don't open it"...

That box gonna be sold out for next Christmas...


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That's brilliant too, the important item is entirely optional!
Or I'll just leave a note, "See, I'm much better than you".


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Happy weekend, DBers :D

I just dropped in to say hi before going to sleep since I saw the thread was already up... haven't slept for over 24 hours now, lol. Due to the fact that I've been quite nocturnal lately, I couldn't sleep at all last night and had urgent errands to run this morning, so now I'm really, really bushed. I have a friend's wedding to attend tomorrow afternoon (hence the errands), so early bedtime is essential today.

Just a question: I'm watching the local dub of Dream High and realized that for most of Jin Gook's scenes, the background instrumental was "Winter Child." I'm wondering if it was the same in the original (didn't have the time to check) and I just missed it.

Also managing to fit in an episode of RTP from time to time, but I'm still woefully behind. Love it, though.

On the local scene, I'm trying to recap "Princess and I" which is about a girl who doesn't know she's a princess (because she's adopted, and was kidnapped away from her country by a woman who wants her son to gain the throne)-- but she wins a raffle prize, a trip to that country, meets the schemer's son, and sparks fly. So cute. I have high hopes for this drama! Now if only the power failures would give me a break...


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I only get a glimpse of Princess and I during news breaks but I kinda think it's cute. The girl playing the Princess is adorable!


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Am: Isn't she cute? ^_^ That's Kathryn Bernardo, who also played Mara in the remake of Mara Clara, and Maya (as a child actress), the love interest of Budong/Super Inggo. Also I have to admit Enrique Gil didn't make a big impression on me as BJ in Budoy, but I like him here as grumpy/nice Jao.


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Oh, I forgot-- Kathryn also played the child Jenny (Eun-Seo) in the local adaptation of Autumn in My Heart! :D


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hello everyone...happy friday!

My thoughts on the ff. kdramas:

TK2H- loved ha ji won in ep 12, so cool with all her moves specially when she saves her love,the king!!

RP- i got so excited when taeyong got angry at park ha when he thought that she left him, it's so obvious that he doesn't only like he but he loves her a lot. I guess what's stopping him is that he knows that he's not gonna be there for her for long, he knows that he's gonna go back to their time.. so sad..

LR- i wasn't into it when it was in the 70's but it got so cute when it was in the present time. As always JGS was great, and the kiss, he was awesome there but on Yoona's part, I was disappointed.. but Yoona's acting has improved a lot. thank god! I don't like her in Cinderella Man.

FK- like what shel said, Ga Young always has tears running down her face on all 12 eps, but i kinda like her coz she has the courage to stand up to JJK.. so funny that he fell for her. Young Gul's cockiness is ok for me coz he can deliver and i love his different facial expressions..it had me laughing. :)

EM- it's okay but it doesn't make me giggle like a school girl like RP, LR and TK2H and FK sometimes.

It's sometimes embarassing that i know a lot of kdramas and get excited and addicted to them, to think that i'm already 38 years old and have 5 kids..but i can't help it. I LOVE KDRAMAS!! and that's that!! lols

Until nxt friday! God bless you all!


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I'm 52 and should have grandkids, but my married kids aren't cooperating yet lol. My baby, who is 15, is into anime and kdrama, so we get to watch some stuff together. We've decided she needs to marry a hot asian guy so she can have me some cute brown-eyed grandkids. But, not for a few years, yet.

Five kids! Congrats! And you probably need a little escapism from time to time. My BFF has four kids, from 4 to 12, and her life is crazy-busy.


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And I am 47 and have been giggling and blushing like crazy for both K2H and RP. As a matter of fact, I even giggled for what Javabeans called "watered-down You're Beautiful," i.e. K-Pop Ultimate Survival. You are never too old to enjoy eye candy and romance.


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Hello everyone.

A few day ago I dreamt of TOP. I'm sure a lot of people have dreamt of him, so it shouldn't be surprising... but it is to me because I've never watched a single drama of his. I've never heard a single song of his either.

I wonder where this came from?

I won't go into the particulars of the dream, because well... this is a PG site. But there was a lot of skinship involved.

Anyway... to more important matters. I am so loving RTP now. I marathoned it a day and am addicted to it now. Also, love rain! sooo cute!!!! except for JGS's high heels.

I'm pulling an all nighter tonight trying to fix issues that apparently I caused. I don't have a clue what the problem is, but I'm trying to give the impression that I'm doing something. Come monday when the users find out that they are still getting crappy service from my product, I'm done for! But hey, I have the weekend to enjoy before I'm called to the director's office. :)

have a good weekend all!


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Oh i forgot to add. i'm so in love with mickey yoochun now... I can't believe I was in camp Moon Jae Shin during the SKKS days.


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Probably because he comes up from time to time here. There's lots of us who like Big Bang, and it's hard to say which boy is more popular but Top and GD seem to get the most mention.

(Top. All the way. But they're all fun to watch.)


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You had a dream with TOP in it? Man, I want one with him it. I had one with Ha Ji Won looking like she was gonna kick someone's ass, but fortunately it wasn't mine. Maybe I'll get lucky some night and dream of some ab-tastic actor from koreansexgods.tumblr.com (a real site with a bunch of actor abs). Here's hoping. *cross fingers*


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*door slams behind me as I race off*

Crap, I'm at work. But I know what I'm reading tonight.


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I have a feeling that I will be in real trouble if I go to that website you referenced ... I am at work.


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Yeah wait until you are home. It's NSFW!


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I finally made it home to see what the fuss is about ... good thing my 3-year old wasn't peering over my shoulder ... LOL.


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And now I have a new blog to follow. Thank YOOOUUUU, Ma'am!! :)


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I'm home! And going there now!


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oh my good God in HEAVEN.


Dude that's what I said. Holy mother...IKR??


I bow down before whoever that girl is and I say:

I am not worthy.


Happy Friday everyone! Got a program to write and I'm cruising around here, lol. The power of kdramas. By the way, is Queen Inhyun's Man any good, storywise? I've dropped Rooftop Prince because, let's face it, I hate the business storyline and it's losing the funny these days. So I'm looking for a replacement.

Then I'll have a saguek (God of War), a fusion saguek (QIM), and a fusion fantasy (K2H).


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Hey guys, how are you today? Its been a long time since I dropped by on the open thread so Hi!!!!
Today I want to discuss something a bit more heavy instead with a bit of drama talk. So here it is: What do you guys think of the political situation recently developing around North Korea? Do you guys think this is the reason King 2 Heart has dropped to the bottom of the ratings compared to the competition? I want to know your opinions.


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Average citizens here in Seoul seem completely unconcerned... I'm not picking up any buzz about threats from NK anywhere, and there's no feeling of panic or fear that I can sense in the air or on the streets or whatever (although it's true that my circle is pretty limited, so obviously I don't speak for all of Seoul).

On the other hand, there have been a LOT of military helicopters flying around the city the past week or so, and just tonight, in my neighborhood, there were all kinds of police officers and military people patrolling the streets. Both could be coincidence, obviously, but they also might not be...


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I don't think that is the primary reason. I think most rom-coms do better overall than dramas because people inherently would rather laugh than cry. You see that when shows start out strongly, then plummet as the fun/cute elements disappear or more makjang is introduced to the storyline.

All three Wed / Thu shows are doing strongly, so I think it's just a matter of degree.


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the reason it's in the bottom is because it's the middlepoint between rom-com and suspense.

Equator Man is suspense. it's for those suspense melodrama adults out there.

Rooftop is rom-com and for the teens out there.

meanwhile, King 2 Hearts' audience is a toss-up. i mean, if you're a person who is gearing towards suspense and melodrama, Equator Man offers that more than King 2 Hearts. if you're a person who wants laughs, Rooftop offers that more than King 2 Hearts.

i'm not saying EM and RP are better, but it's like saying if you want to watch an action series would you watch a full-on action '24' or would you watch an action-with-comedy 'Chuck'? it's like that. King 2 Hearts can not decide (intentionally) who its audience is. sure, there are people who watch 'Chuck' but you can bet there's more people who would want to watch '24'.

and honestly, i adore Seunggi and all, but if you really want to compare the acting of the 3 male leads it's obvious that Uhm Taewoong is above the other two guys. well, it'd make sense since he's the sunbae but yeah he is amazing in Equator Man.

it's not because 'oh ahjummas have control over the remote' or some other excuses that fans come up with so they can feel better about it. people aren't really digging it. that's it. just as international fans have an opinion over it, same thing as Koreans and they have already spoken. they don't dig it as much as we do. that\s the bottomline of it all. and Equator Man's plot moving really fast isn't helping King 2 Hearts' case. i've always said that K2H must progress their plot since it's been moving so slow.

i honestly have gripes with K2H's plot (mainly because it treads uber slow compared to the other two dramas). but right now, it's K2H = EM > RP for me. K2H is different that's why i like it, and seriously the writers said it'd be a black comedy but only Jae Ha's and Bong-gu's are the ones who are remotely black/dark comedic the other characters are just drama characters.

but then again the competition is fierce. it's not like EM is 40% and k2H is 10% or something. don't worry about it, it's quite a given that MBC will use syndication to have this drama be shown in Japan and other parts of Asia. they won't lose money over this.


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Yup, gotta agree with you, it's neither full-on melodrama or full-on romantic comedy. I think K2H manages it's blend of action/ romance/ comedy/melodrama fairly well, but I can see how it won't appeal to those who are looking for more laughs, or more suspense.


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This was posted on TK2H ep 12 recap thread: the stats from a Korean(?) streaming site with TK2H leading, RP coming second, & EM coming third!


So, I guess there're different ways to gauge a drama's popularity! I believe the crew is aware of the popularity of their drama with the int'l audience. There was some sorta int'l fan project to show their support for the drama and one of the actors (who played the part of the UN official in ep 11) posted a comment on Ep 11 recap thread here @ DB!!


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Yeah the swiss colonel.
commenting on a dramabeans recap.
It was so cool.


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Oh hi everyone. Hope you're all well. Excuse me if I explode quietly then try to go to bed.

This is ridiculous. My obsession with K2H. 2 lots of spoiler kisses have come out. How the heck is a girl supposed to calm down and sleep after this? It's taken me all day just to even think beyond ep 12 yesterday. And now we have 2 kisses for next week

Damnit, thought I escaped the curse of anticipating next Wednesday because this week was such a good week drama wise.


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Just give in and embrace that curse, I'm totally hugging and kissing this sweet curse of a drama.


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Exactly. I was not calm at all this week since there were kisses all around the dramas (at least the ones I watched). I'm kinda riled up for the weekend!


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I don't know about kisses in Love Rain which looked like hard work on JGS's end. The cinematography in that show is fantastic though.


I am not following the drama but someone told me to watch this MV. It's gorgeous. Isn't it?


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JGS was doing most of the work in the Love Rain eps 9/10 kiss (as most men in k-dramas do, where the women tend to be like mannequins). He kinda looked like he was eating Yoona's face at some points but otherwise, it was pretty exciting to watch. It is beautifully filmed, I have to say, especially the parts where Yoona's character's mom lives/works. Apparently it's a resort with an arboretum. Gorgeous, scenic shots. Also, the scenes in the rain...well it totally fits the title of the show, that's for sure. BTW that MV is very well done!


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Jae Ha and Hang Ah turned up in my dreams last night as I "created" my own continuing story line. Needless to say, there was a lot of skinship involved in my version of the story... and at that rate, babies will overrun the palace ... LOL.


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Hillary, what was your role in the fantasy? hahaaa


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Had none ... I was acting as the PD ... strictly voyeur.


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Happy Friday!

Currently rewatching MGIAG with my brother's gf and I'm reminded again why this was my top 2010 drama. I love Seung-gi and been repeating the latest raw episode from TK2H as it's all sorts of awesome.

Watched The Avengers in 3D this week and would watch it with a friend again in IMAX tomorrow. Great movie! My nerd cells are doing their happy dance and since I've been watching too much Big Bang Theory, I can almost imagine how the guys there would react to the awesome fanservice. Joss Whedon's a great man and I would dearly love for him to write another series.

Hope Hero, The Marriage Plot, and even TEN be subbed asap. I need my Hero fix this week!


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HI everybody, happy friday!!

I've been behind this week, I need to catch up Rooftop Prince episode 10,11,12 and Equator Man, how can I miss your episode 5&6 back to back, I'm such a sleepyhead. Thank God for reruns.

Oh, I wanna ask you guys who has KBS World, is Yoo Hui-yeol's Sketchbook airs on your KBSW? Because in this past month it didn't air in my KBSW.


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is it on a break? before I canceled my cable twc had stopped carrying kbsw and replaced it with mbn which seemed like a nice channel but it had no subtitles. I think mvibo will have the latest episode of sketchbook and you can find out if they're on a break.


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I don’t think they’re on a break, but I think KBSW just doesn’t air it anymore.
mvibo, is it only for North America viewers? ’cause I’m resides in Southeast Asia.


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mvibo had episode 142 ( airdate 21/4). mvibo has vietnamese, chinese and spanish portals. to see sketcbook you would need to subscribe, I think they have a one month free promo though.


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okay, thanks for ur info


I don't think it air in my KBSW either. its not so much problem for me because i never got to see it live anyway. also there's always immortal songs. Last week episode on KBSW, the one with Jay Park and Kim Tae Woo? the Patty Kim special, its pure awesome!


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I like immortal songs too, but Sketcbook is also great, if you're a follower of k-pop/songs but you're boring with music shows like Inkigayo & the like, Sketchbook is your option.
They're not just singing or promoting their new songs, you can also see them talking about their music. That's my fav part. They have this segment called the Touch, with new musician every month, they talk about a topic & read a letter from viewer, then sing a new arrangement song. My fav is when John Park become the guest musician & most memorable guest musician is Kim Yeon-woo when he sings his rendition of IU's Good Day.
I think Sketcbook gives you new perspective of k-music, that's why I'm so sad KBSW stop the airing.

I watch Last week episode too. And I'm bit worried when I read that Kim Gura stops his MCing activities. What become Immortal songs without him? He's one of the reason I love to watch this show, his and Moon Hee-jun and Shin Dong-yup God's given hand.
And I miss Huh Gak & Shin Yong-jae


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I love sketchbook for Yoo Hee Yeol.


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I like Sketchbook, never watched because i seem never at home when it aired. so just watch the famous one from youtube, like the IU's medley..


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Sketchbook is great. Yoo Hee Yeol is a sharp host. He really knows how to get things moving along.


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KBS World did a re-vamp of their broadcast schedule about two months ago, and dropped "Sketchbook" for the time being. There was an online petition going around for awhile to reinstate it on KBSW, but I believe it didn't get any traction and the show hasn't returned yet. There are raw torrents out there, if you're interested...


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oh is that what happened! I can't believe they would get rid of sketchbook! I remember going through the crazy that is signing up on kbs' website to comment on sketchbook ( I took a photo of my id, then emailed it to work and then uploaded the image 70 times!!!!! and then I think I was supposed to wait to hear from them or something.) I'm so upset I was hoping it was going on some where in the world even though I wasn't watching it. At least mvibo has episodes.


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so many of the artists in my kpop playlist come from the shows, so many of the artists that appeared there really impressed me and I love yu hui yol! I was just thinking of the show and trying to decide which was better sketchbook or later with jools holland. The character veronica from scent of a woman- the tall dance instructor is actually a musical star and she performed on sketchbook and she was so loveable. and there was my favorite series last spring ( I think it was episode 100 in 4 weeks) different parts of the music industry and drama soundtracks.


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Yeah, sketchbook is a great program.

where can I get the torrents?


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I would start with the fine folks over at Soompi first: http://tinyurl.com/cacogfd. I trust their content more than most DL sites out there. I've also heard that Tudou carries the show too, but haven't had the time to investigate a direct link. Enjoy!!


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Happy OT everyone!

So awesome drama week. RTP and K2H was awesome and now I just want it to be next week already! I want to know what happens. Whats in the box? Does Sena see the kiss?

Is anyone watching Queen Inhyun's Man? I'm loving it. I found the Idol guy, Dong Min?, to be funny even if he was a bit of an ass.

Also I was thinking about watching KPOP but it sounds so much like Your Beautiful I'm wondering if it's even worth the time. Anybody watching?


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It is a LOT like You're Beautiful....like the love child of You're Beautiful and Coffee Prince. But it's the only drama holding my attention right now, it's fun and..oh, THE CUTE!!!


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Well since you put it that way might as well just watch an episode...or two.


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I'm loving Inhyun's Man, just finished 3rd episode. The OTP is sizzling, which is easy when Yoo Inna is so so hot.


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I just watched ep3&4! No clue what they were saying but awesomeness transcends language.


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It is nice- KPOP- somehow it just catches your attention. At least it caught mine.
Like seung yeon and woo hyun together.


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I am also enjoying it. It is a mash-up of other dramas but it is nice and light ... no real angst. So I am happy.


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I don't think they're on a break, but I think KBSW just doesn't air it anymore.
mvibo, is it only for North America viewers? 'cause I'm resides in Southeast Asia.


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Hi everybody!

As always loving DB especially this week's drama recaps and photos, photos, photos.

Wondering if anyone knows where the fortress wall shown in Episode 7 of K2H is. The scene was the one with Jae-shin and Shi-kyung.

Also if anyone knows where the fortress wall shown in the drama Wish Upon A Star is I'd be very grateful if you let me know.

Thanks in advance!


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For K2H I think it is Seoul Namsan. I went there before and even sat on the fortress wall.


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Let King Lee Jae Ha bring you on a tour:
Around 13:00 you'll see the wall.


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Thanks Topper for the link. Grat to see LSG being natural. Will have to study more Korean to understand fully. BTW I've wsled that same pArgo up to the tower-it's beautiful especially at sunset.


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It's beautiful but too crowded. I think for K2H they filmed it really late at night. Drama actors/actresses really have it hard with sleep.


Totally agree with you re: actors and lack of sleep. Can see Android trying to hijack my comments above :-) showing I'm in need of sleep myself.


@topper do you happen to know if there is an English Sub version to this interview? I really would like to know what he is saying... he sounds so witty.

Silent lurker here, first time posting. Loving everything about K2H. Am also displaying bad case of K2H syndrome. Probably will need inervention soon :)

GF- Love all your recaps, always make my drama watching that much more enjoyable.


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Hi Yunee, I don't think there is any English subs around unfortunately.


@jessly thanks for your response. i thought as much but a girl can only hope :(


Thanks Topper. It does look like Namsan but I don't know how they got that angle if it is. Can anybody-else confirm or elaborate?


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Happy Friday/OT Everyone! ^_^

FK----Was good...now it's just... well, getting weird on me. I need the main leads to be awsome, not so so. (sigh)

k2h--I'm liking this one. As long as they keep this pace and the baddie get his head blown off, I'm a happy camper! hehe:)

RP--Niiiice. finally things are starting to come together. I still don't like the sister. Backstabber--doesn't know what families mean.

I started on Jdrama--called Answer--a police precedure drama--first episode was not bad at all. I'm liking it very much!

I hope you all have a great weekend! Thanks to all recappers for recapping. You'lll awsome! ^^


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Hey cv! Have a great weekend yourself!


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Two daughters, fake eyelashes by pairs, body tape by the yards, 12 costumes, 14 performances, sore muscles from weeks of rehearsals ..... my Friday is kicking off intense dance performances tonight, and my girls, whom I adore and am so proud of, are warming up with their classic k-pop favorites, even dipping into T-Max from BOF, Big Bang's first album, all of Super Junior and SS501 (plus solo releases by individual members), and FT Island.

Good Friday Morning/Afternoon and Have a Glorious Weekend. By tomorrow night, midnight, we will be exhausted and sparkled out, flopped on the couch, floor, or recliner with fatty fattening food and catching up on Fondant Garden, King 2 Hearts, Rooftop Prince, Lights and Shadows, et cetera ....


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That sounds FUN! and exhausting!

Break a leg with the performances!


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LOL -- you only say that in theatre ... in dance, you say, "Point your toes."

And they will! Hair and make-up now underway, 3-1/2 hours to open curtains!


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hee hee hee! I knew it wasn't "best of luck", so i tried break a leg.

ok then... don't break a leg. Just point your toes. :)


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They did! We had four numbers tonight, toes pointed all the way. Now for 14 numbers tomorrow and we are done for a few weeks ....


This is it! Rooftop Prince has broken my year-long drama abstinence. I'm still on episode 1, though. Haha! :D Looks promising. (Please, eonnies, no spoilers no matter how much you love/hate or love-hate the drama. I've been reaaaaally good at keeping my eyes off DB's recaps.)

I have to rework my weekend schedule to accommodate watching Avengers with my friends - amidst the kdrama marathon. And then catch up with Game of Thrones.

What? Sleep? What is that again? ;)


Happy Friday, Everyone!

and oh, I'm excited for Gong Yoo and Song Joong-ki's new dramas. Oh happy, happy days are coming. :D


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I'm just finishing up the most recent book by JR Ward; Game of Thrones is waiting in the wings.


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Love JR Ward, but I'm too poor to buy the book. Was it any good?


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They're starting to stretcha bit for characters, I think. The most recent I completed was Lover Unleashed, Payne and Dr Manello's story. The one I'm currently reading is Lover Reborn, which appears to be Torhment and Xhex's mother (so I'm guessing it'll resolve the whole Lassiter-the-Fallen-Angel stuff). I'm about 20% read, based on my Kindle.


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I'm the least interested in Torh's story, so I didn't really rush out to buy it like the others. Let me know if it's worth the splurge.


Cruel -

I should finish it by next Friday, so remind me at next OT, if I don't mentin it on my own. It'll be a puzzlement if No'One and Tohr get together, but I'm willing to suspend disbelief.


Indeed a very lovely week with amazing episode from all the drams..

btw.. does anyone know where i can download the soundtracks from K@H pls????


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sorry.. typo error.. K2H


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Try Viki.net. They have the OST links available for downloads.


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Greetings, Wondrous Beans!

Not much drama-watching for me this week, oddly. I am happily through episode 12 of K2H but behind on RTP and EM - and again, feeling just fine about it. I have just a few more episodes of Dal Ja's Spring to complete - 4, I think.

I just don't think there's room in my heart for anything but K2H these days. I could not possibly love the two couples more, or the side characters either. I say this knowing full well that I will, in fact, probably love them even more than this, next week.

I have two requests. I want a sequel for Shi Kyung and Jae Shin called 'Fun with My Princess'. And then I want to see Jo Jung Seok in a cop show, wearing that black suit and staring down the barrel of a gun at a bad guy. I want him to be awesome crime fighting hero by day and a shy awkward single at night. But at the end, he has to get the girl. And the black suit is optional. Because does he look amazing in that fancy uniform, or what?

Maybe it's the boots. ooh. He could be a MOTORCYCLE COP. *fans self*


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Girl, count me in as a member of the Eun Shi Kyung fanclub! I love that guy, seriously. I hope he makes up with Princess soon.


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I think you meant "makes out with". Sniggers.


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That, too! :-)


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I think that kiss will be THE kiss for the drama. even if they're not the main couple. But I don't know ANYONE who doesn't love him.


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He is intense isn't he?
Like he's carrying around a deep basin of burning churning sexy that needs the right person to release it.

I'll volunteer!


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I do have to say: it must be mighty difficult to have THAT face on ALL.THE.TIME!! poor baby, looked so forlorn after his first lover's tiff with the princess! c'mere SK, I'll make it ALL go away! <3


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Motorcycle cops and uniforms...*fans self too*


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Happy friday everyone! i'm supposed to be on a drama hiatus for finals period, but i've been sick so i snuck a peek at Queen In-hyun's Man to stave off the boredom. Next thing I knew I had watched episode 4 without subs - and I barely know any Korean. *sigh.

For those asking how the drama is, I'll try to be as objective as possible. The saeguk bits are mystery-conspiracy stuff, so pretty intriguing. The modern day stuff is most interesting when Ji Hyun-woo is around, or when Yoo In Na's Hallyu star ex is acting like a twelve year old - both hilarious in their own ways, and both have great chemistry with Yoo In Na.

For my subjective opinion: I really like it! I haven't seen Ji Hyun-woo in anything else, but he's super swoon-worthy as the Joseon scholar/man of action. And so smart! This is the first time I've actually found smarts in a male lead to be attractive, probably because there's no arrogance in it. I like Yoo In Na in this role - she's sassy and does the comedy pretty well. People have complained about her cutesy way of speaking - I don't think it's overdone, so I can ignore it, but it is a little strange to me, coming from someone her age. I also like the assy ex, and the gisaeng who holds a candle for Ji Hyun Woo's character.

I think it's gonna be good - one reason being that Ji Hyun-woo begins to research the past in the future, and there's potential for time-space continuum repercussions in that respect. BUT I won't get to enjoy all of that until finals are over - unless I'm a badass student and make enough time for 45 minute drama breaks. we'll see. for now, i shall sign off, to return on the other side of finals (hopefully). Have a great weekend everyone!


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The recap on DB was great - I do intend to pick this up but I may wait for a few more episodes to be subbed. This waiting thing for two measly episodes each week KILLS me.


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@ JoAnne - I feel you on the waiting thing. However, not having loads of episodes to marathon is great for my law school student schedule - less temptation per week :D

Also, totally for got to mention that the hottie photographer from I Need Romance is in Queen In hyun's Man as your requisite masked assassin working for the bad guys. He's only got about two scenes per episode right now, but he's there for anyone who missed him from their drama screens.


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Hello, OTers :)
Not a lot of drama watching for me this week because I wanted to focus on finishing the second ASOIAF book (which I finally did!)
I'm really interested in Marriage Plot and Queen In Hyun's Man but I haven't found the subs. Seems like I'll have to be a little more patient ^^


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QIH is subbed for the first 2 eps at DC and KRdrama, Marriage Plot is late. I love both shows. Well, i love tvN. Period.


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Ohh I didn't know, thank you! I'm going to watch it asap. I love tvN too, their dramas I've watched so far have been really good.


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Starting watching Dal Ja's Spring last night. It's so cute, and Lee Min Ki is so fine. That scene where Dal Ja fantasizes about making out with him? I could watch that all day.


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Oh, girl...you just WAIT.

If you marathon tonight find me this weekend, otherwise...you just come find me next week, and tell me what you think of his seduction scene. The first one. And then the second one. How a skinny boy with a weird face can be SO INCREDIBLY FINE is beyond me, but oh, he is.

If there's a 3d seduction scene I haven't gotten there yet but when I do I might just die.


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omg there's more? I'll hit you back next week unless I've melted into a puddle of goo from LMK sexiness. I hope they make out in real life, not just her fantasies. Of the three guys I've met so far, he's def my favorite. He's certainly the nicest (not that that's saying too much). I'm only on ep 4 but tonight I'll be doing some marathoning for sure.

His face kills me b/c it's so weird looking but I can't stop looking at it like it has some kind of magical power over me. WHAT ARE YOU, LEE MIN KI?!


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I loved Dal Ja's Spring ... I found it so refreshingly frank ... Just like My Name is Kim Sam Soon.


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Frank it certainly is!

'I am sitting right next to you and you are just fantasizing? That makes me so sad.'

Cue Superman theme music and...

I thought I would have an accident I was laughing so hard. And yet, I was strangely in need of a fan, too...


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I am so happy to be watching:
K2H, RP, EM, FK (Reading chez Raine)
CLBM (almost raw - now reading chez mysthi)

lastly -
Feast of the Gods, anyone?
The shipping wars over at soompi are getting bloody. I have never seen anything like it on a board.
As for me, I NEED Lee Sang Woo to end up with Sung Yuri, even though I LOVE Joo Sang Wook, usually.
(I think I may also need to learn to live with disappointment.)


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I watch FOTG all alone on my corner, and i just love it. 24 eps already and i don't feel bored. Well, the doormat girl makes me roll my eyes, but i'm not here for her so i totally don't care. The two guys are awesome and this is all i want from that show. I refuse to ship anyone: I want the 3 of them together... Oh, and i love the new character: The red head musician rebel brother. Where was that actor hidden? He is upper cute and his acting is FINE.


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The three of them together, actually HAS crossed my mind several times!

I love the redheaded guy, too. (I am also redheaded)
Although my son and I got all giggly when we realized he and JSW have exactly the same forward thrown hair style.
It's cute with one guy in the room, but kinda silly when their hair seems to be facing off.


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Jomo! *HUGS*

Good to read you. I was reading your comment over at TK2H on Koala's site and I thought you said you were avoiding reading over there for a while. Am I crazy or did you really write that. Something about avoiding any spoilers.

How is the family?


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HUGS! I haven't seen/read you much. You are busy I hear?

I am a anti-spoiler freak. They crush my soul.

I am staying off of the K2H-related boards, meaning I will read the recaps, but not the comments, which means I can't comment either because I SEE things I don't want to see.

I also have to be careful just clicking on some boards because of photo spoilers.


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oh, is THIS the reason you haven't been commenting on TK2H recap threads?! shucks, it's always a pleasure to read you!! :/


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That is a very nice thing to say!
It is nice reading you, too.


I think I need a week or two to catch up with your current drama viewing. Or will I ever? (Panda eyes, here we come.) I hope I get to finish watching RP (& H2K) before Big begins. :)

Happy Friday, Jomo! :) May you get your drama wish. :D


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My wife is watching Feast of the Gods. She likes it.


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I started watching that and got side tracked before the kids grew up but I fully intend to marathon at some point. Probably in the not too far distant future.


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Hello Everyone! *HUGS to all!*

It's been a while since I was able to get some time to come play with you. Everyone/everything is well in my world.

I'm watching:

Fondant Garden (Tdrama)
Ti Amo Chocolate (Tdrama)
I Love You So Much (Tdrama)
Queen In-Hyun's Man (Kdrama)
Acchi Kocchi (Anime)
The King 2 Hearts (Kdrama) reading recaps and spoilers only
Rooftop Prince (Kdrama) reading recaps and spoilers only


It Started With A Kiss (Tdrama)
Dal Ja's Spring (Kdrama)

It's funny because when I peeked on the OT last weekend, I saw that we were all rewatching Dal Ja's Spring!

You will be surprised to note that I have been successful in my new goal of turning off the PC before Midnight and getting to bed by Midnight. I had long burned the candle at both ends and my body cannot take it anymore. It will probably take me a bit of time to feel energetic, I still feel tired a lot.

Today MJP Hubby got off work early because Kteen has today and Monday off from school. Wee MJP still has school both days, but that's just a couple of hours. So we are currently waiting for Hubby to wrap up a work problem so we can go and play together.

My question to all: If you drive a six plus seater vehicle, what is it and what do you like and dislike about your vehicle. Yes, we are thinking about getting another vehicle... But I want to know what you drive and why you love or hate it. If you don't mind telling me that is.

Thanks in advance for your input!


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*HUGS* MJP! :)

My gosh, you're busy! That drama list...

I'm watching Rooftop Prince, but I think I have to stop now and continue tomorrow. It's already 3AM where I am, and my eyelids are already getting heavier. I think it's gonna take a while before I get back my drama viewing staying power. :)

And seeing a lot of mention of Dal Ja's Spring here brings back wonderful memories. Hehe. (How about a rewatch with a follow-up of The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry? Ai!)

Here's praying for your hubby's work problem to be done right away. May you have a fun family time. :) Happy Weekend!


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iZzie :) dear! *HUGS*

I hope you got some good rest! What a great idea, a rewatch of TWWSWTM!!!!!!

Well, he is finally done and the teen is watching a movie, so we are leaving without him!

Finally off to play!


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I have three teenage girls so we have a Toyota Sienna minivan; I would be lost without it. It has room for the five of us plus a spare friend or two, I can take a half-dozen kids someplace fun, I can fit five suitcases, three pillows, four costumes and two skate bags in the back. And it has built-in navigation so I can find all of their friends' houses. When they were younger, I used to time the automatic side doors to open up just as they ran to the car - they loved that.
I chose the Sienna because it had decent gas mileage, could fit 7 but wasn't as huge as the Honda Odyssey, and still had some of the zip and handling of my all-time favorite car, my 6-cylinder Camry.


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shirin-noona aawww get well soon to your brother

anyone here from Canada? i need someone to talk to over the phone regaring k-dramas. i'm going crazy. the hubby just text me and he'll be away from May-Aug protecting this country. i'm so so sad : (


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I'm not in Canada and not a phone talker either. I hope you find someone!


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oh dear, I don't think anyone has mentioned Canada! Be strong, and know that you have OT!


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i feel like you guys are family. this thread is great! thanks for the well wishes!


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OT is the most expanded rag tag family ever. With birth secrets, rivalry, little fights and all. :)
Got to love being here...


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Don't believe her; she's a loon.


[skipping away]


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A clever, territorial and vengeful loon. Who always speaks the truth that is.


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Well, yeah, there's that...


NO there really are birth secrets!


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Happy Friday everyone!

I finished the jdrama SPEC this week. Loved Toda Erika and the plot twists, but thought some of the more over-the-top stuff would fit better in an anime than a live action show. And I hear it's getting a US remake? *fingers crossed* Please be good.


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I liked SPEC. I want the SPEC Toma Saya snowglobe!


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Hi All,

Whooo...I can finally take a breather and drop in.

Day has been a little rough. The kiddo has the flu :( So we spent most of the day in the clinic. Of course wireless and phone service is always the worse in places that require you to wait for hours on end.


K2H- Still my #1. That number will forever be secure because in the last episode Hang-Ah became everything I wanted her to be from Ep. 1. She turns straight gangster when her man is threatened. No cowering in corners for her. She's fully prepared to stroll up to magic boys crib wearing brass knuckles, steel toed boots and a ponytail to give him an old-fashioned ass whoopin'. This may just become my favorite drama ever.

RTP- I can't even remember what happened in the last episode. It's just not sticking. I mean...I want to know how it ends, which is why I'm hanging around, but I'm pretty much indifferent.

KPop Survival- Surprisingly, I am enjoying this much more. Started watching on a whim because I was caught up on everything else and one lone soul in OT kept asking if anyone was watching. Well I am..and it's cute as hell. The acting is shoddy and I never thought I'd survive the lead girl's shouting in the first couple episodes. It was like she had tourettes. The show is giving me that squishy, squishy oh so cute feeling that I thought I would get from RTP.

Love Rain- *Fangirling* That is all. So much cuteness, I resort to baby babble when watching it. "Ohhh wook at da wittle cuties fawring in wub!!!" I want to smother it with kisses..

Attic Cat- Did a two day marathon. Very cute. The ending was a major BLAH.


Still a problem


I've been craving steamed buns. My ex-husband used to make steamed buns from scratch. When he turned into a jerk, it was really hard for me to let the buns go. Like seriously...you can go and throw your life away with strippers and blow, but could you please leave behind your steamed bun recipe?

Sorry for the length and crassness. Sick baby means even more sleep deprived than usual.


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Aww, Cruel [hands off steaming lotus bean paste bun].

I've always gotten my buns frozen from the local asian market, and I have a steamer tray for my rice cooker. I hope you feel better (and the family) soon.


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I was just about to ask if anyone had tried them frozen. If the kiddo is feeling up to it we'll travel to the asian market tomorrow. My tummy thanks you, Shuk.


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My two favs are the red bean and the lotus bean paste ones. I once had leek buns during a marathon party of "Fruits Basket".

Sometimes when I'm in a hurry and/or heading out the door, I snatch one out of the freezer, wrap it in a damp paper towel, and microwave it for a minute, stopping and flipping it every 15 secs.



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Aww, Cruel...if it's any help, when I read Shuk saying 'I've always gotten my buns frozen at the local asian market' I laughed REALLY hard because the picture I got was, I am QUITE sure, not the picture she meant for me to get.


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Haha...every time I either read or typed buns I had inappropriate thoughts.

OT is definitely the place for me. Many kindred spirits about, lol.


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Hah hah, JoAnne.

And trust me, my buns are not quite that white and doughy.
Or is that TMI?



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Well I know I'll sleep better with the reassurance.


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I actually had a try at making steamed buns for the first time this week because I finally got a bamboo steamer (thanks to a lovely friend!!!).

They are not that hard to make, actually they are super easy (easier than other types of dumplings in fact).

I don't have your ex's recipe, but maybe you could still give it a try? I used a recipe from the "Asian Dumplings" book, the author has a website with some free recipes, including one for bao:


Meself - made a veg version with mushroom, tofu, scallions, carrots and cabbage, totally yum! I'll be making it often now and experiment with the fillings. Pretty sure you can freeze them, I plan on pre-making lots and then having them as back-up in the freezer so I can grab them whenever I don't feel like cooking.


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I'm so pisses Kim Soo Hyun got the PaekSang. Such bs.

Shin Ha Gyun should have won hands down.

Why is this such a popularity contest? KSH is not that great of an actor yet, even though he has potential. Moon/Sun was crap anyway.


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Happy Friday Everyone!!! So I am finally back in my K-drama groove. For awhile the combo of actually having a real life + not being really engaged with a Drama i could marathon left me a little drama deprived. However I am now loving both K2Hs and RTP with a slight edge to K2H. Lee Seungi is killing it in my opinion. Also love Micky Yoochun's joseon affectation.

As far as old dramas for my marathoning pleasure. I just watched Protect the Boss (on Netflix!!), which started out really good and got somewhat repetitive in the middle but overall was pretty enjoyable and addicting. It totally made me love Wang Jye Hi who i had only seen playing the baddie in Perfect Neighbor and the evil InHeebot in Personal Taste. But she was awesomely adorable in this!! Also went through most of the drama before realizing the second lead was Jaejoong from JYJ!!!!!!!!

Um Yeah so my love of K-dramas has taken a strange turn into a small semi obsession with Kpop. My favs have to be Big Bang, JYJ (and Old DBSK), CNBlue, and I am kinda sorta totally Obessed with the EXO-K (What is Love!!!!) That song does not get old!

(In a somewhat unrelated note - so apparently its a thing to youtube yourself as you watch Kpop videos.... who knew!)

Otherwise I am finally watching Shut-up flower up boy band and I now totally get the hype. For some reason I am always reluctant to watch the highschool dramas but end up loving them (i.e. Dream High). Also I have a really inappropriate thing for the guy who plays Hyun So (who is actually L from infinite and yes i google-stalked him - its to that level....sigh).

Wow, it was great to get that off my chest. I love coming here and reading everyone's comments since i literally have noone to share my K-drama addiction with in real life!!


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Hehe, same here. I have never talked to anyone in real life about my kdrama/kmovie interests. Nobody knows. There are two reasons for that. One is that I come from a workaholic family, who despise the waste of time that watching dramas is. I just don't want to upset them.
The other reason is that this hobby is something exclusively mine, nobody barges in my little kdramaland.

As a teacher I was tempted to suggest my students some subbed drama or a kmovie to practice their English, but then I thought I would be responsible for so many addictions, so I gave up.

SUFBB - I wanted to have a look at Lee Min Ki, but reading the recaps here made it for me and I haven't watched a single second. I'm still hesitating. I don't like highschool dramas - I have real life stuff on a daily basis, and let me tell you, it's even better.


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@kopytoko: Try just the 1st episode of SUFBB and I guarantee you will be hooked just like the rest of us. It is really not like a typical high school drama. There is a much more realistic (there were scenes that reminded me of what happened to me in high school) and raw feel to it. I had the same reservations as you did but I totally love that drama.


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I am currently obsessed with EXO, I'm glad you brought it up first.

It's a real problem.


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Ah more EXO fans huh? Me and two of my friends have also caught the bug. They're just so adorably awkward. EXO is getting me through finals right now. Seriously, when I'm feeling low, all I need is one adorable pic of Chanyeol and everything seems so much better :D


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Happy Virus!!

Seriously how do you manage to find 12 of the most awkwardly cute talented guys and put them all in one group? SM Entertainment deserves a castle in the sky.


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hey beanies! :D it's been a super long time since i dropped by an open thread, and i've missed you all! this drop-by marks a real landmark in my life.. the jung yumi posts reminded me that it's totally been 5 years since i discovered dramabeans... i googled que sera sera and i got on just in time for THE que sera sera episode!!!! :D :D :D

i always says thanks for everything, but right now, i mean it in a big, big way! THANKS FOR what has been 5 amazing years of my life, JB and GF! :)


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