The Moon That Embraces the Sun: Episode 11

Yay, the fun is back! I love this episode. It’s full of funny pranks, stealthy missions, and some new mystical elements that work nicely to integrate our characters further. Hwon finally starts playing detective and asking some key questions, and I say, IT’S ABOUT TIME.


Yang-myung pulls Wol aside to ask if she recognizes him (this time he means from their recent encounter, not when they were tweens) and she doesn’t have a chance to respond.

The guards tear them apart, but this time Yang-myung pulls royal rank, disclosing his identity. The guards immediately bow. He turns back to Wol, but this time Nok-young intervenes, and just in time. She tells them to take Wol away and stands in Yang-myung’s path to block him.

Meanwhile Hwon sits in his chamber, just after having compared Wol’s letter to Yeon-woo’s. (Eeep!) He wonders to himself over and over, “It can’t be…” She enters the chamber and he looks up, angry.

Outside, Nok-young explains that Wol is just a mystical object, no different from a paper talisman. Yang-myung counters that his life is worth nothing more than a slip of paper too, and continues to charge forward.

Nok-young stops him again, saying that it’s not fated to be. He yells back, wondering who determines such things. Nok-young says she’s simply delivering the message of the gods. Yang-myung: “That is not for God to decide, but me.” Gah, could I love him any more?

She finally draws her last card – that going any closer puts Wol in danger. She tells him that his actions could put her in the middle of a war, and warns that he’s putting her life at risk. She tells him the only way to keep her safe is by backing away.

Inside, Hwon is screaming at Wol, demanding to know where she was born. He interrogates her in rapid-fire – where is her family, was she always an orphan, what happened to them.

She explains that when a shaman is endowed with mystical powers she must cut her ties and her memories of her past life. Interesting. So she thinks her amnesia is not specific to her, but a commonality among all shaman?

Still as frantic as ever, Hwon demands she reopen those memories – who was she in her past life, and does she have any memories of him?

But she cries, pleading with him to stop. “I cannot give you the answer you seek. Because I am not that woman you are looking for. I don’t know how much I look like her. But if you wish to inquire more, please, ask her directly.”

His heart sinks, and he backs off the inquisition. Urg, I wish you people would consider the possibility that she CAN’T remember who she is.

At Seongsucheong, Nok-young rips Jan-shil a new one for her colossal mistake, in front of everyone. She wonders why she even bothered to crawl back in here, and kicks her out.

Jan-shil cries and pleads, and Seol tries to get Nok-young to soften, but she means it this time. She wails that it’s because she felt so bad for oraboni, because the king gets everything while he gets nothing. She wanted him to have just one thing…

Nok-young turns around and shoots her a death glare and Jan-shil freezes, covering her mouth. But it’s a little late to take back mention of the king. Nok-young screams at her to get out and turns her back.

Suddenly Jan-shil gets a vision or is possessed, because she stands up defiantly, calling Nok-young “Mother.” She asks why she’s always living to serve others, and Nok-young looks back in shock.

Yang-myung wanders outside the palace walls, and wonders if even this time, he lost the girl AGAIN, to his brother. He finds his mom praying late into the night at the temple, and asks what she’s doing.

She says that as always, she’s praying for the king. He cuts her off angrily, “Just once, can you not call my name before the king’s?” Oof. She asks how he could say such a disloyal thing.

Yang-myung: “It’s disloyal! Hold back! Give it up! Hide it! Don’t waver! Aren’t you tired of it, Mother? Once, just once – Do as you want. It’s okay to be selfish once – Couldn’t you say those words to me?”

Tears fall, but he fights them back and looks up with determination. “I will no longer live for other people!”

Cut back to Jan-shil, who we see now is channeling Yang-myung having this very conversation with his mother. She finishes his words: “If I want to laugh I’ll laugh. If I want to be angry I’ll be angry. If I want to steal [her] away, I will! I’m going to live that way!”

Nok-young watches her in stunned silence, and then Wol walks in. Jan-shil runs over to her, still channeling Yang-myung. “Let’s run away. Run away with me. If it were me, I would’ve protected you. If it were me, I wouldn’t have left you to become like this.”

Oh wow, I just love this scene, the way it cuts back and forth without spelling it out. You can just tell by what she says that she’s a stand-in for Yang-myung. How can a conversation via medium still break my heart for this guy?

Nok-young steps in to wake her out of the connection, and then has her dragged out of Seongsucheong on the spot. She declares that anyone who lets her back inside the palace walls will be punished the same way.

Wol worries and tries to change Nok-young’s mind, but she won’t budge. Seol is more confident that Jan-shil will return in no time, and that Nok-young will eventually take her back in, as always.

Wol sits down with Nok-young and says that if Jan-shil is out then she’ll go too. She confesses that Nok-young was right about her foolish decision to remain here – that she thought she could help the king.

“But I have discovered that I can do nothing for him.” She realized that she’s only made things worse for him, and thrown him into confusion. She thinks that the best she can do is leave him.

Hwon sits obsessing over the letters through the night and into the next day, as Woon and Hyung-sun plead with him to get some sleep or eat. He doesn’t even hear them, and asks what it means when Yeon-woo says in her last letter that her father will bring her medicine and that she won’t see the king anymore.

Woon guesses that she’s predicting her own death. Hwon agrees, and thinks that’s weird. Finally, you are asking the right questions! Hyung-sun gasps—is he implying that Minister Heo had a hand in killing his own daughter?

Hwon thinks back even further – Yeon-woo was always healthy, so what’s with the sudden illness? They ask what he’s getting at, and he spells it out: the princess’s death was not a simple illness.

He wonders if Yeom might know anything, but Woon confirms that he was sent away, and spent his whole life regretting it, because he couldn’t protect his sister. Hwon agrees that bringing up those memories for him would be cruel anyway, and orders him to look into that mysterious medicine that Yeon-woo was given the day she died.

For good measure Hwon actually orders Yeom to go away on a trip, and he packs to leave. Princess Min-hwa is in hysterics, of course, and he comes in to say goodbye. He promises to return soon, but she’s inconsolable.

She asks if he dislikes her because she’s always crying and throwing tantrums, and then wonders if he hates her because he’s locked away in the house, unable to fulfill his potential.

He reassures her that he doesn’t hate her, and that she saved his family. She’s also the one who brought laughter back into this house, and for that alone, he’s grateful. Aw.

She asks if he won’t leave her, and he smiles, wondering what other proof she needs that he won’t. But that’s enough for her, and she decides that she’s going to trust him—that he won’t ever leave her, and that he’ll return from his trip soon.

He wipes her tears and she beams. They’re so cute.

Meanwhile the Council of Evil meets on their latest plan of attack—to go after Yeom for breaching the rules and going on this trip. The assembly gathers and they present their case to the king, that Yeom is required by law not to act as a civil servant in any capacity because he is married to the princess, essentially meaning he ought to stay put in his house.

They argue that his journey could have political implications, but the king argues that there’s nothing wrong with a man taking a vacation. Well now I’m doubly curious about his destination, ’cause it sure isn’t for sun and surf.

Hwon muses that he can just hear the cries ringing in his ears that he’s nothing but a scarecrow, a puppet king. He leaves the council fuming, and decides to kick up a fuss. He storms into the records room where one of the ministers is in charge of sorting civilian requests to the king.

He tears the room apart while yelling at the minister for the same issue he’s always had—that the people’s problems never actually reach the king’s ears. But the whole thing turns out to be a diversion for Woon to steal into the back room and snatch some record books.

He stealths them into Hyung-sun’s hands while everyone else is focused on the king. Nice. Can we get one of these Mission Impossible things in every episode?

Hwon scans the record books from the time of Yeon-woo’s death, but finds nothing other than the official stance that she fell ill. Well that’s not surprising. Did you expect the baddies to write down: “But it was really a super-secret plot to kill her so that Bo-kyung could continue her clan’s line of power”?

Meanwhile Bo-kyung gets a report from her spy that she overheard the king say to Wol that she looks like someone, and that Wol insisted she wasn’t this other person. Bo-kyung starts to get nervous about her hunch.

She walks past the closed Silver Moon Building, and stops short when she hears an echo of a woman crying. Oh creepy. She’s the only one who hears it though, so she tries to shake it off.

Nok-young tells the queen dowager that it’s time to stop using the talisman that draws out bad energy, since remaining by the king’s side might mix good with bad. She says that it’s time to trade her in for a new talisman made specifically for the marriage consummation.

We know it’s all a crock of bullshit, but the queen dowager laps it up, and tells her to do whatever is necessary. Nok-young smiles, now everything in place to get Wol out.

She runs into Bo-kyung on her way out, who asks directly if Wol resembles Yeon-woo, citing the rumors and the fact that the king is acting out of character. She asks to meet the girl.

Nok-young doesn’t flinch and avoids an answer by going on the offensive: “Since when have you been hearing cries coming from Silver Moon?” Bo-kyung trembles. She assures her that Wol is leaving the palace soon, and that her consummation date has been pulled forward, so everything will go according to her wishes. Bo-kyung smiles, reassured.

Nok-young gives the news to Wol that she’ll leave the palace in the morning, and Wol sighs, disappointed to be leaving the king’s side despite knowing that this is what she asked for.

She gets a letter from Jan-shil that says she’s doing well because of a certain someone. We cut to her writing the letter, with Yang-myung behind her. Aw. I knew he’d take care of her.

She swoons about how awesome he is, and then requests a favor, that Wol pack up some clothes and bring them to her, except without Seol, because she suspects that Seol’s on Nok-young’s side. Heh.

Wol packs up her things as asked, and then finds something in the chest. She unwraps it to find the hairpiece—the moon embracing the sun. She doesn’t react to seeing it though, and wraps it back up among Jan-shil’s things.

Meanwhile Hwon goes over the details of what happened eight years ago, and hits dead end after dead end, figuring that everyone who might know what happened is dead. Suddenly he remembers someone who’s still alive—the king’s servant, ie. his dad’s Hyung-sun.

Hyung-sun comes in to see the king, and he’s carrying… a snowman on a tray? Hee. It’s so cute. He wonders why the king suddenly requested he bring him a snowman. Oh no. Hahahaha. I can already see where this is going…

Hyung-sun enters with his little snowman proudly, and of course, the room is empty. HA. Hyung-sun cries out, and out in town dressed as noblemen, Hwon and Woon laugh.

They go to see the former king’s attendant, and his servant lies that he’s away on a trip, even though his shoes are sitting right there on the stoop. Hwon just says loudly enough for him to hear that the king requests his presence in the palace no later than tomorrow, or else.

Outside he tells Woon that today he just wanted to confirm his suspicions – that Yeon-woo’s death really wasn’t a simple illness, because clearly this man has been told to keep his mouth shut about something, for eight long years.

It also tells him that his father must have known what happened, but had a reason he couldn’t do anything about it. “That reason – don’t you think he left that somewhere?” Yay, treasure hunt?

They walk a while, and right past Yang-myung who laughs as Jan-shil devours a chicken. He tells her to return to Seongsucheong, but she doesn’t want to, scared that she won’t even get to beg and plead, because she’ll be tortured first.

He wonders why she stuck her neck out to help him then, if she was so scared. Jan-shil: “It’s because you were the first. You were the first person who ever put his life on the line to help me.” Aw, I love these two.

He can’t help but smile as she tells him that she doesn’t even remember the faces of her mother and father who abandoned her, but his face, she’s never once forgotten. He sighs that her situation isn’t too different from his own.

She perks up, “Were you abandoned by your parents too, and do you have someone you can’t forget either?” He gives a long sigh, “Well, it’s similar.”

She asks about the person he can’t forget. He says that she’s wise and pretty, and that just looking at her brings him comfort. “She caused me a lot of pain, but she brought me a lot of happiness too.”

Jan-shil sighs, “Then maybe I shouldn’t have called Wol here.” That gets his attention right quick. He asks her to repeat it, and she says that it seemed like he wanted to see her, so she called her here. Who needs fate when you’ve got a mystical munchkin?

Wol walks through the streets on her way to them, but when she passes by the parchment shop she gets another flash of memories of being there with Seol, and then again when she passes by the blacksmiths.

The memories come flooding in, of the festival, the prince wearing his mask, and she starts to get dizzy, and falls.

But someone catches her by the waist before she goes down, and when she opens her eyes, Hwon is holding her. Guess you can’t beat Fate, munchkin.

He’s just as shocked as she is, and they stand frozen like that, looking into each other’s eyes.

They walk for a little while, and Hwon is super awkward, all why are you here, oh yeah, I already asked, and I’m here on business, oh right, I already said. Aw, it’s like he’s a teenager again.

He wonders if it’s okay for her to be wandering about during the day when she’s supposed to be preserving her mystical energy and whatnot, joking that that must be why he feels tired.

She doesn’t get that he’s just pulling her leg, so she looks up with concern, asking after his health. In her defense, it wasn’t a very funny joke. He awkwardly has to explain that he was kidding.

She takes her leave and he starts to call out for her, but then sees one of the palace ministers headed straight for him. Woon says there’s a whole group of them coming this way, so they turn around to get back to the palace before they’re discovered.

But Wol stops when she sees that minister berating a child for running into him and ruining his very expensive clothes, and orders his minion to cart the kid away as a slave. Wol steps in to ask that he forgive the child, but only incenses him further, causing him to turn his slave-intentions toward her instead.

The minion grabs for her, but then Hwon comes out of nowhere and runs off with her, head bowed so no one can see him. They take off running down the street, and happen to zoom right past Minister Yoon.

He doesn’t see them straight-on, but after they pass, it gives him pause and he wonders to himself—could that have been the king? Ruh-roh.

Hwon and Wol manage to get away, and he berates her for being so fearless, and not in a good way. She asks if she sees wrongdoing, is she supposed to just ignore it?

He argues that it’s not wrong to expect recompense for ruining expensive clothes, and she starts to ask how expensive they could possibly be, and looks up at the clothes he’s wearing. She says that the higher up you are, shouldn’t you live more simply?

She quotes a story about a king’s duty to set an example in living humbly, so that his subjects follow suit, and it pretty much shuts him up. He wonders how she always knows the right answer to aggravate him. Heh.

He starts to complain but something grabs her attention and she turns away. He’s about to pitch a fit about not paying attention to the king, but sees what she’s looking at – it’s a puppet show.

A wave of emotion hits him, as they stand there silently watching. A man comes up to sell them the best seats in the house, and ushers them to the front of the crowd. He takes Hwon and then sticks out his hand for payment.

But of course, he’s got no money. He’s the king. He looks down sheepishly and Wol laughs to herself and pays for them. Ha. Not so easy to look cool when you don’t have a penny to your name outside the palace walls, eh?

They sit down and he awkwardly says he’ll repay her, and she holds back a laugh. The puppet show happens to be his tragic love story with Yeon-woo, of all things. Hwon is actually bored since he lived it, but Wol watches, captivated.

He turns to look at her, taken with her expression.

Yang-myung paces back and forth, waiting for Wol. He finally can’t take it anymore and heads out to look for her.

Wol turns to Hwon and asks if he’s met that woman he’s looking for yet. He says no. She wonders why, so he finally tells her, “Because she is no longer in this world.”

Wol asks how. Hwon: “It’s my fault. I wanted to protect her, but I couldn’t. There were so many things I wanted to say to her, but I couldn’t. That’s why I haven’t been able to let her go.”

He asks if a shaman can speak to the dead. She says she can. He asks her to send a message: “That I really, really liked her.”

Aw, it’s so sweet and sincere. She looks at him with tears brimming in her eyes, and then he breaks into a cute little smile.

They sit smiling at each other, which is the way Yang-myung finds them. Oh no. Heart breaaaaaaaak.


Damn, if it’s one thing this show does well, it’s that perfectly tragic love triangle where you’re literally rooting for both brothers, and torn up about it each time one of them loses out to the other. It’s like whiplash, but every five minutes it’s Hwon! No Yang-myung! No Hwon! Aaaaaaagh.

It’s certainly not something you could pull off without such strong leads. Jung Il-woo slays me with his puppy angst more each episode, but his character is very naturally sympathetic anyway. Not that it doesn’t KILL ME every time, mind you, but you’d have to be void of a heart not to feel his pain. It’s actually Kim Soo-hyun who has the harder job of making the king sympathetic despite his character type. Hwon can often times come off quite assy, and bratty in an entitled way (like the small moment when the puppet-watching crowd takes issue with his view-blocking and he blurts, “Do you know WHO I AM?” like a big spoiled brat).

But the glimmer of the old Hwon is in there, and it shows at the seams which is what I love about the portrayal. And the more he’s with Wol, the cute teenage version of him comes out to play. The intensity and strength is a given, but the smiling, that just does me in.

I really love the new turn with Jan-shil and Yang-myung—both their team-up (’cause oh-so-cute) but also the way she channeled him and spoke directly to Wol. I want to see more of that kind of thing, because so far most of the magic has been a big con. I like the con, mind you, especially where Wol is concerned, but I also want to see more mystical interference from Jan-shil or others who really do have a direct line to the other side.

The best thing about this episode was the breath of fresh air it brought by taking everyone outside the palace walls. I love any time we come outside, because those walls feel suffocating to me (in a good narratively-effective way, but it still feels stifling). I love any chance to see Hwon outside his normal protected environment, and I certainly wouldn’t mind if they played hooky more often. Poor Hyung-sun will just have to start a little snowman family.


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thanks for the recap...I always read you're recaps in the office before I watch it at home....I really love this series... thank you very much...


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thanks for the recap…I always read your recaps in the office before I watch it at home….I really love this series… thank you very much…


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I think it's possible & more exciting to deviate from the book storyline.
I mean if 100% follows how the book ends, it'll no longer be a surprise. Kinda like anti-climax.
If you guys watch Vampire Diaries, I like how the TV writers came up with their own storylines to make it even more saucy & mind-blowing. The book was an utter snooze & rubbish btw.

I'm startin to ship Yang myung & Janshil too.
They're cuter.
Hell, JIW is only 24 freaking years old. So it doesn't look odd pairing him up with Janshil.

JIW aka Yang myung turns baddie in the drama please! Yes yes I want!!!

Kim Soo Hyun & HGI can romance senselessly for all I care.

JIW can hold his ground by playing a sexy villain.
That'd be too awesome for words.


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Way too awesome. Though I still want him to be his heartbreaking self. Who loves both his brother and his woman (LOL I think this is starting to sound like one of those dramas, like My Man's Woman. At least there's City Hunter's dad in that?). Sadist much?
Sexy JIW, either villain or hero? I'm in.


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Awesomeeeeee thank you!!!!


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I think Han Ga-in step it up a notch in this episode. I really felt her emotions in this episode. Do you agree?


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Agree. But she needs to improve and improve. I'm not feeling the main OTP. Just Hwon,


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I've, previously, been very vocal in my dissatisfaction with HGI's performance...

However...for this episode, I will accede that she did not googly-boogly-eye in every scene. And for that I thank her heartily. ~❤ sincerely.

re: "I’m not feeling the main OTP" -
you and me both. I getting all-kinds of feels from Hwon..name the emotion...he's having them.

Wol (perhaps through the writer, perhaps portrayal)....is just not drawing me in. Yes, she's still vocally protecting the weak and (certainly) she's very conflicted...but I'm just not feeling *fire/passion* from her.

If anyone wants to say that's because she's the 'moon'and the moon is not 'fire-y'....I won't argue with that...yet, doesn't the moon have many phases causing gravitational PULLLLL ~~~?

Wol needs to apply gravity to Hwon....soon. ;)


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Perhaps these last few episodes (where there was less humor) annoyed me because of that. It's like...two brothers (awesomely) showing their acting skills and making my heart ache for them while they try to get a girl that I don't feel like she's playing par to them. But she's getting there. And the humor is back. :)


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Same here. She definitely needs to step it up some more. Like I said in my previous comment, she has improved. And toned down the wide-eyed stares (camera-work is also helping bec now we're getting side views during the crucial scenes between the OTP). But she still can't match KSH's intensity.

I was really disappointed during that scene when they were walking side by side and Hwon was being awkward and trying to crack a lame joke. Her reaction (facial expression) was so bland. That would have been such a perfect little moment right there. *sigh*

Anyways, KSH is just all kinds of awesome. Obviously. His lopsided smile after he said "I really, really liked her" is enough explanation why I am so hopeless drawn to this drama (crack).


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re: "I was really disappointed during that scene when they were walking side by side and Hwon was being awkward and trying to crack a lame joke. Her reaction (facial expression) was so bland. That would have been such a perfect little moment right there. *sigh*"

I just rewatched that scene because you mentioned...and have to admit that I was so solely focused on Hwon...I didn't even register Wol's face.

You are right! That was a perfect opportunity for 'bouncing off the wall' sparks...embarrassment, blushing...unintentional grinning. The things you do when you feel like a *dork* around someone you like.

I'm just tossing out a guess here, but Han GaIn is 30 (?) so maybe she's at the age where she doesn't 'register' that kind of awkwardness anymore. I think that's a pity in terms of this role...there needs to be some of that uncomfortable-nerdiness that made the original coupling so captivating. (sez me) ;)


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HGI is way too old for Hwon. He looks like her little brother. The main reason why the OTP fails is because she is a 30-year-old mature actress pretending to be a young innocent girl. Her face has the stamp of experience and it is devoid of the freshness of youth. If Jung So Min, say, had been cast in her role instead, the OTP would have been young and vibrant and REAL. As it is, it just tires me to watch her go through the motions of youthful love and first love, knowing as I do, that she is just a 30 year old woman pretending to be a young naive girl.


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yeah. reminds me of BOF. i adored the japanese version but disliked the korean one. but chemistry plays a key role too. for example, in 49 days, lee yo won and jung il woo looked great together.. and take note, she's already 30.


Love your recaps, especially your asides (delicious!). I always find myself grinning from ear to ear while reading your comments. Thank you! I too enjoyed ep. 11, its pacing and outdoor scenes. Looking forward to ep. 12.


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omg the snowman part was definitely the best. i was laughing soooo hard. hyung sun is such a cute character!!!


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more more more feel excited >____< /
thank you for the recaps
i always wait every week
i hope this drama will happy end


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Thank you for another delightful and informative recap! Hyung sun is a total sweetheart, and I can't wait to see more of our M.I trio strutting (inconspicously, of course) their stuff!

I think the cast has stepped up a notch in terms of their acting, JIW's expressiveness is better than ever and I think HGI is improving; I really felt touched as she pleaded with Hwon to not get confused over her "resemblence" to the one in his heart. KSH is fantastic as ever, and I hope he smiles more adorably like this onward.

I can't wait to see the progression of Janshil and Yangmyung's relationship; I kinda think they're soulmates/soul-siblings, not too sure if they'll end up together, (i'm thinking not) but I'm hoping for more poignant conversations and hijinks from them :) Lastly, I'm eagerly anticipating Wol's future interactions with Yeom - I hope they recognise each other as kindred spirits and bond over some scholarly texts before Yeom joins forces with Hwon and investigates what truly happened to Yeon woo.


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Omg that header is too cute three puppies with puppies!! GF is that your jagi on the left? Thumbs up for whoever made that header.


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as far as the story is concern and the memory flash, I just hope that the truth will come out w/good intention and with the flying colors that make the audience lift up the spirit of intensity of longing to see justice in wol's tragic fate. Wishng that the moon can embrace the sun soon.in the next 4 episodes.Good job!!! to PD and the the superb acting abilities of all characters.


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Haha I LOLed at your "Best Love" reference!!! Heart breaaaaaaaak ;D


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I need Princess Minwha to get a life, or read a book or do something, I get it that she loooves her husband so very much and fancy a jump with him, but I need to see her next scene doesn’t involve crying, sewing, the MIL or anything related to consummation. If Yeom found out the truth and see how Seol has been keeping her promise to him to protect his dear-dongsaeng all these years, the man will waver for sure..if not, he’s nut. Wonderful recap GF.


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I'm glad you mentioned it! I thought I was the only one who remembered the Yeom + Seol pairing that disappeared from the drama. Yeom on a vacation spells sweet sageuk stalker time for Seol (to me at least). Another possible option is that Woon fall for Seol's swordplay (or will he also inexplicably fall for Wol?)

Hwan, YM and Princess MH have issues with obsession... maybe its a family trait passed on to them by the late king or probably from the crazed Grandma, she's pretty obsessed with power and family herself.

Meanwhile as queen Bo Kyung is pretty powerless, I'm guessing being out of favor with the king and childless has a lot to do with that but dang being a queen sucks.

Lastly what are we all hoping for with Wol/YW once she and the king get together? Won't she just become an official concubine? Will proving that she's YW (the 1st and Hwon's only choice) invalidate Bo Kyung as queen and the un-consummated marriage will seal the deal? Or are we supposed to be rooting for Bo Kyung to meet her demise with evil granny and Minister Yoon? She's not evil...yet.


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Yessss I would love a Woon-Seol-Yeom triangle!! Except I really see no way Yeom would get out of it safely (if he does reciprocate Seol's feelings) because his function is mainly to be... MH's husband. Without that title, he and his family are reduced to nothing. It's a bit out of character for him to leave Princess MH: I doubt he'd take such drastic measures, but I can see him pining for Seol. That would just be sad to see :(


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Minhwa scares me. Her idolization and obsession of Yeom is on par with that of her brother Myung for YW.

Given the fact that Yeom would never be able to divorce from Minhwa, and I don't think MH's death is a possibility (in K-drama, annoying characters always have nine lives of a cat), I'd be content with a Yeom-Seoul's elopement at the end because I love them so much and that's the only way they can get together.


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I'm probably in minority, but I'm seriously thinking of dropping this drama. I remember how I looked forward to every episode of SKKS. But here... I even don't care when I'm watching. The only character I care for is the king... and then Bo Kyung. And that's saying something.


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You're not alone. I'm thinking of dropping this drama too... Too bad that it came to this because the childhood romance was really beautiful and fresh and Kim Soo Hyun is awesome in here. Sigh.


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it's a so-so for me, I'm looking forward to Monday for SHFBB but not to Wednesday...


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Yeah, it begin to follow the route of a typical angsty love triangle, nothing new. You're right, Hwon is the only interesting character who stays true to his childhood counterpart but with more depth and development. But I won't drop this because there are too many eye candies to pass on. XD


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Still watching it mainly for Kim Soo-hyun and Kim Min-seo. I love these two actors and their scenes together. So much chemistry between 2 people that dont love each other. Now thats great acting and they are enough to carry the show at least for now.


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OMG! I think I'm the only one who rooting for Hwon and Bo-Kyung! :))
I've been given up this drama since a long time ago.
Only read the recap here to see some interactions from Hwon and Bo-Kyung. Never really watch the episode.
The story plot is too obvious. It's kinda frustating and nothing interesting happen since we moved from the childhood phase to adult phase.
I think the main problem is the female lead?
I know that the main plot is Hwon-Wol storyline, but I can't help rooting for the other pairing instead.
Sometimes I imagine maybe my opinion about this drama would be better if the female lead was Kim Min Seo and the second female lead was Han Ga In.


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oh, still a little comment, I read somewhere that being a shaman ("mudang") was either hereditary or the girl was chosen by the spirits/gods. That was shown by possessing the girl by an initiation illness which came suddenly and unexpectedly. This possession could last months or even years. Then it suddenly stopped and the woman begun her life as a shaman. She could never stop being a shaman or the illness would come back.

Thus I understand why nobody is thinking of a simple memory loss. Yet.


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Thanks GF! I've been re-reading yours and JB's re-caps! Two of you are just great! It is very entertaining to read your recaps. After reading your recaps, I always watch the show AGAIN!!!!

This is the first time I'm watching a Korean show that is stilling playing, such a torture!!! All bcos of KIM SOO HYUN!

He is really very good! Such intensity! And so Handsome!!!

I love Hyung-sun, too. He is so Cute, so Comical!!!! More snow-man, please.

I think our Handsome and Naughty King will come up with something new, please please please!


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Again?!! Aww, Yang-myung, you poor puppy, can't catch a break can you?

Loving this btw, more more more!!!


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i just love this drama.... no word can express how much i love this drama....

really love hwon n wol's interactions... they are just perfect for each other....


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OMG wouldnt angsty badass jiw = bidam ver. 2? That would be heartbreaking and awesome at the same time!


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Rooting for Hwon! No! Rooting Yang-myung! No! Rooting for Hwon! No! Rooting Yang-myung!
Ahhhhhhhhhhh I cannot decide too!!!


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Hehe I can actually imagine a little snowman family on a tray!

Kim Soo Hyun is my new fav IT boy actor.. it was Lee Min Ho and Kim Bum and then Jung Il Woo (funny how those 3 are good friends in real life too) but now Kim Soo Hyun has climbed the ranks. He is very charming isn't he :)


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Love you, Soo-hyun. ♥


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lol,g8 episode.Loved every minute of it.I totally agree with u biggy His majesty and woon...definitely hotness center.And yes i have eyes only for woon most of the time,my apologies ur Majesty


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I am soooo agree with your comment, GF!
I LOVE seeing Hwon and Wol together, I really want to see more of their relationship, but on the other side I want Yang Myung to get the girl too.. D: I mean, it's sad that the king ALWAYS gets everything first, and people just keep him as the second, even his own mom did so..
and that last scene broke my heart </3

Anyways, I can't wait for the next episode! The preview seems awesome already. haha


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I'm always caught in with the second lead syndrome in Korean dramas but good grieves, this is one of the few times that I can't root for the second guy. The adult Yang Myung really grates on my nerves. Holy hell this guy is f*cking insane and obsessive over a dead girl it's unhealthy. Unlike Hwon who still remains cautious and confused as any sensible human being would be, YM literally pushes his feelings on Wol without investigating her identity first and considering if she will reciprocate or not. He doesn't care about her emotions at all, selfish jerk. I mean, YW was supposed to be buried 6 feet underground and he even attended her funeral, why the hell is he so assured that Wol and YW are the same person and forcing her to recognize him? It's like he will jump at any girl who resembles YW appearance-wise and claims her like a repulsive, fanatical fanboy. Sorry Jung Il Woo I love you as an actor but this role is a waste of your talent.


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And Korean writers should just stop with the amnesia plot device. It's getting incredibly old and frustrating. Not to mention that this stupid amnesia thing has destroyed Yeon Woo's earlier wisdom and badassery. It dumbs her down several levels and makes her become a flat character who responses to other characters' action and events unfolded before her eyes in a passive manner. Wol in the book is completely different; she's in so much control of the situation because she's not plagued with memory loss plot device. People keep blaming HGI's acting but let's get real, even Meryl Streep of Sophie's Choice era could hardly bring to life this one dimensional Mary Sueness.


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Haha I think it's HGI's acting. I personally think she's trying too hard to act youthful. Hence the dumbness. @zanchan I was quite frustrated with JIW's character few episodes back but I think it's getting better, at least. He doesn't just travel back and forth from palace to street, street to palace. Looking for a girl. In which his brother reaches first despite not having been looking for her for such a long time.


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QFT. I think his character is ridiculous. Why Jung Il Woo why?. Were you completely drunk when you accepted this role?.


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Having fun with these recaps. Anyway, these actors are so good maybe we're taking them for granted.

Jung Mi-Sun:

Just a powerhouse. Her acting is so seamless you'd hardly notice her brilliance. * applause*


Kim Min-Su:

I cannot say enough about Kim Min-Su. Every second of her screen time is like a gift. I love how she controls every inch of that screen when she's on. She reminds me of Hoon Soo-Hyun performance in TPM. Just magic!

I bow down to your greatness Kim Minsu!


Kim Young-Ae:

There are no words to describe this National Treasure. Just a Pro.




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Great recap ☺ I love the Yang Myung and Jan-shil scenes . I guess I have to go to TEAM MYSTICAL MUNCHKIN☺


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omg that episode was beautiful :) loved it and your recap is as awesome as always :)


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thanks for another wonderful recap. l go from the drama to recap and then drama again to fully understand what 's was being said in the drama. sometimes what's been said in the drama is different from the recap because of poor subtitles.

l'm glad for dramabeans .

you're awesome girlfriday. you rock!!!!!!!!!!!


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I love totally love this show and everything about it! Story, Cast, Crew, Production...woot woot, marathon me did ^^ just a few days ago, I'm holding my breath in wait of what happens next and smiling from ear to ear many times in this episode... Ahhhh Prince Yang Myung, I heart thee truly me do, But King Hwon, woo even your royal struts makes my heart a flutter and your charisma, even your arching of eyebrows makes me swoon some... fan girling some for a younger man... *nothing new* kekekek

Onward to the next episode! Anticipates Woot Woot Thanks so much Girlfriday!!!!


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yes the 2nd lead syndrome again like the drama
color of woman where the second lead actor acted so well compared to the first lead actor his acting sucks.

We are watching another second lead syndrome character, but this time how will yang myung who has nothing except his name overcome an unreciprocate love

and how wol continuing to enjoy an illicit affair although not sleeping with the king but yet through other encounters in the night.

Yang myung script is so weak among the other characters that I felt sorry for JIW having to act a very difficult character,

where he is not supported by anyone supporting actors except acting on his own feelings only.

Thanks GF !


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Gahhh it's episode 12 ...I need some skinship please!!!


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Good story, good acting all around, but I swear, every time I hear Jung Il-woo raise his voice in this show, I think he's going to yell, "INTEEEEERRRRRRRRNNN!" a la Flower Boy Ramyun Shop. For some reason I can't shake that's it's really Cha Chi Soo in the hanbok. Other than that, I'm looking forward to the next episodes!


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Thank you so very much for the recaps, girlfriday! :) Your promptness in getting the recap out is most appreciated.


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Normally, I watch the episode (subs or not) and come back here to read the synopsis for further insight - it's just not working out as planned with this drama!! Moon/Sun is the first one in a while that I'm watching concurrent with the broadcast and have to wait for uploads and subs. That means... I ruin the surprises by breaking rank and reading the synopsis first!!

I wish I had more self control, but I can't resist peeking here every Wed/Thurs when I can't get a hold of the video files until Saturday!

...Which is a weird way of saying "Thank you for your hard work!!" Haha~


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Thank you for your funny and witty recaps!

Getting tired about Wol's amnesia;I hope she gets her wits back soon. Although Han Ga in has improved somewhat in this episode; she still can't capture the youthful, naive and innocence of Yeon Woo. She's 30, and she acts like it. Her googly open eyes expressions is wearing thin. Hwon has to win Wol's affection, but I don't get the chemistry between the two. Is she just too old?

Bo Kyung alias Kim Min Seo is such a good actress in her part that she is acting rings around Ga in. The thought of Bo Kyung and Hwon consummation date being moved up....EEEW! NO!!!! Hopefully, it won't happen.....

Can't feel any sympathy for Princess Minwha. She has grown up and is still a crybaby. No wonder her husband,Yeom, stays away from that pain in the b.... She knows about her sister-in-laws death and goes on her merry way pretending. She is so immature and self absorbed.

Not much action. When are they going to drop the bomb about the moon embraces the sun hair pin? The plot has dragged on too long about Wol's identity and starting to get bogged down.


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there was some development in this episode, but was i the only one that felt like the story is starting to drag a bit. its been super fast paced until now, but this episode left me a little dissatisfied with it. hopefully today's is better. loading as i type


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omg yangmyung why do you always come at bad timings )8 aslkfjas;ldkjf;slkdj..... I can see Wol and Hwon's love starting to /re/blossom again 8) lol


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LOL that snowman scene is one of my favorites. x) Hyung Sun should've learned his lesson by now: NEVER leave Hwon and Woon in a room by themselves. xDDD

Gotta love it everytime Hwon's outside of palace and he could totally hear Hyung Sun's scream. hahah it never gets old. x)


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I started this recap with squeals!


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When I saw the snowman, I was like wth? haha....definitely my fav scene of this episode. The ending is just pure heartbreak though!


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Sometimes I really hate Nok-young for playing with everyone's life so.


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JB/GF I love your recaps as usual thanks a lot.

where I feel sorry for the prince and can see his obvious pain he is doing all of this on his own. Wol 1 or Wol 2 has never given him the slightest suggestion that she had an interest in him.

I think she might just represent all of what he believes that he has lost to the king.

kdrama's use these one-sided loves to often, what happened to they are not in to me so I will move on. Why do the second string always feel that they can make someone love them.

All though I'm really loving this drama it has the same elements you see in all period dramas. The fight for power between clans. Which means the minister's vs the king.

With all the jealousy and envy at court why does the king not use this to reduce the power of the minister's.

The DQ in all of these period dramas always side with the ministers against her own family, why is the clan more important than blood.

Or is it only the male blood that counts?


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I'm looking forward to seeing the king find out she's got that hairpiece.


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After reading some of the comments on this page, I'd also like to say that I agree that I'm not really feeling the chemistry between the two mains. This is mainly due to HGI's acting. She's just not coming across. Almost throughout the entire episode she's had no expression. Although I do agree she has improved...a bit. But I just still don't think it's enough. She plays a main lead so her poor acting takes a toll on me being able to enjoy the show. Despite this, the drama is still doing really well in the ratings. However, I really do think if we had a stronger lead actress filling HGI's part, the drama would further exceed expectations. Perhaps I'm being too hard on her but it can't be helped. She's the reason for me not being able to love the show as much as I want to.

HGI's poor acting aside, I did enjoy the episode although I do wish someone would spill the beans or find out about Wol's real identity already (the hairpiece still has a role to play in that). I'm beginning to get impatient. Yeah, the snow man bit was funny. I miss the humor. It hasn't been there recently so I'm happy that it was this episode even if it was in small doses.

As for the princess, good god she really does need to grow up. I hate that Yeom's "wings were broken off" because of her. All she seems to do is cry after her husband episode after episode. I'm also incredibly angry at her for being hush hush about what she knew about his sister. She's just downright selfish and doesn't really seem to care much about anything as long as Yeom is hers. I hope that when he does find out, he will leave her. I don't ship them at all. And as someone else put it earlier, he'd have to be 'nuts' to stay.

Hmm...what else is there to comment on? I'm really interested in Seoul's (not sure how her name is spelt) story. I find her to be a really interesting character and am looking forward to seeing how her story will develop in the upcoming episodes.


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it's a rare drama that I find the political goings-on more engaging than the romance... but that's how I felt about this episode. maybe because Han Ga-In is so bleh. She's not awful, she's just dull. Grown-up Yeon-woo lacks the fire that endeared me to her in the beginning - and I can't tell if it's the writing or the acting. I'm happy that Hwon is investigating now though - at least that'll keep things interesting.

I feel like there are a lot of plotlines to be developed/completed here, but they're not being taken anywhere. I'm holding out because there are 24 episodes as opposed to 16, meaning plot developments will take longer. The first few weeks were great, so I have faith that they'll bring everything together at the end. But I won't be following from week to week anymore - I'll marathon it instead. If I don't, I'll lose patience and drop it. And this story's too good to not see how it all ends.

Also, I feel for Yang-myung, but he needs to do something more than just pine. I was hoping he'd actually go rally his supporters this episode, but he just went and pined some more. *sigh* I mean, his character is empathetic, no doubt, but that doesn't mean that the only feeling I should have towards him is pity. No matter how interesting his character is on paper, I'm not enjoying the fact that I spend all scenes with him in it feeling sorry for him. Again, here I'm not sure if it's the acting or the writing, but something's off there.

Rant over. Back to studying.


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Thanks GF for the recap.

I thought Yang-myung was supposed to be a playboy. He's so serious and sad:( Hope he gets with Jan-shil even though she's a shaman. It would be nice for them to be needed.


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