Ojakkyo Brothers: An Introduction
by girlfriday
One of the highest-rated shows of 2011 was actually one that we couldn’t include in the year-end reviews because of its length and that whole space-time continuum thing: the weekend family drama Ojakkyo Brothers, on KBS. I don’t normally pick up family dramas because I find it daunting to start a longer-running show. (I know, I have commitment issues.) But this weekend drama has been far ahead of the pack in the ratings game, and has gotten some rave reviews in Korea. So I decided to check it out, and see for myself if it was hype or well-deserved praise.
I’m ten episodes in, which isn’t very far considering the show’s been extended to 58 episodes. But so far it’s got a good premise, a great cast of characters, and lots of potential for both comedy and heart. Basically I’m just going to introduce the series and give you my first impressions, because while ten episodes might be most of a miniseries, here it’s just the beginning.
This comedy-drama revolves around a family that lives on Ojakkyo Farm, just a quick drive away from Seoul. It’s a bustling household with four grown sons, and though the setup is a familiar one for family dramas (Think: Sons of Sol Pharmacy), this cast of characters is kind of awesome. We’ve got:
Snarky GRANNY (Kim Yong-lim, Life Is Beautiful) who packs a mean bite when she’s feeling saucy, but is as loving as a grams can be. She still likes to give her daughter-in-law a hard time about the little things, but now that both are older, she’s loosened up and they’re kind of like old war buddies now.
DAD (Baek Il-sub, Flames of Desire) is an overgrown silly manchild, but a sweet and well-meaning guy. It’s clear he never really grew up, because he still kind of acts like a bumbling son rather than the head of the household. Dad is stern with his sons, but adorably sweet to his wife, and defers to her without hesitation. He’s basically a grumpy teddy bear.
He’s made countless mistakes in life with one failed venture after another, and his biggest mistake of all comes to the surface at the start of the drama. What he never told his family is that the farm they’ve toiled over for most of their lives isn’t really theirs. Ten years ago, the farm’s true owner left it in Dad’s care, rather than handing it over to his own irresponsible son. But according to the contract that they signed, in ten years’ time, it goes back to that original family. Thus begins the avalanche of trouble on Ojakkyo Farm.
MOM is played by the always adorable Kim Ja-ok (High Kick Through the Roof) — the heart of the family, and the true head of the household. She talks about the farm like it’s a fifth son, raised up from nothing with her two hands. It’s mostly a pear farm, but she grows all sorts of things, and lately has poured her heart into raising ducks, which is a great source of comedy, but also a nice little metaphor for her family – the baby ducks in line behind the mother.
She’s a fantastic character, full of warmth and lively spunk, and is the emotional center of the show. It’s her love for every tree she’s planted that pulls you into the central conflict, because you can actually see how much it rips her heart out when she finds out that the farm she raised from a mound of dirt was never hers to begin with.
First son HWANG TAE-SHIK (Jung Woong-in, SNL Korea, Coffee House) is the hapless eldest son, and the hilarious sad sack. Nearing 40 and still looking for The One, he goes on blind date after blind date, rejecting every woman he meets because she isn’t his Fate. He is most like his father, having a lifetime of failed ventures and mistakes in his life, and feels extremely burdened by the fact that he’s the eldest, but the family’s financial support has come from his younger siblings two and three.
It’s a fact that Dad doesn’t let him forget either, and he is especially hard on the eldest son, for being so wishy-washy and not accomplishing much with his life. Tae-shik is extremely sensitive and meek, always teased by his younger brothers for being pissy (He even takes issue with their word choice of calling him “pissy” rather than “angry,” ha.) and is a careful worrywart while his younger brothers are decisive and dependable.
I like the choice to make the eldest the non-traditional kind, who is neither a leader nor the family’s crowning jewel. Not every family follows the mold, and I love Tae-shik’s conflict of having the expectations of First Son hang over his head like a cloud, while stumbling through life. He’s a hilarious character – a fuddy-duddy with the emotional range of a twelve-year old.
He works as a physical therapist and has two potential women in his life as the story progresses. He meets a beautiful young woman on a blind date and finally feels like he’s met his fated match. It’s mostly because she’s pretty and way out of his league. The other is the neighbor ajumma KIM MI-SOOK (Jeon Mi-sun, Poseidon, Girl K) who turns out to be a classmate from grade school. He treats her like a nuisance, though she recognizes him right away as her childhood crush. He only has eyes for the pretty younger woman, but I’m thinking she’ll be the bad relationship that makes him wake up and smell the Fate right under his nose.
Second son HWANG TAE-BUM (Ryu Soo-young, My Princess) is the family’s ace – first place throughout school, winner in all things, successful, dashing, charm oozing out of every word, wink, and smile. He knows how to charm Mom with compliments that make his brothers gag, and has supported his family through every major financial crisis. In a word, he’s perfect, and yet… not so much.
He’s a 36-year old television news reporter who’s just starting to gain some star power, and like he is with all things, he’s aggressively competitive and a little trigger-happy. He causes some major problems for his younger brother when he sneaks a peek at police records and leaks a story, which is clearly not the first time he’s done so. Tae-bum is selfish and an arrogant bastard, but he knows it and doesn’t apologize for it in any way. He’s equally refreshing and infuriating, and his journey looks to be one of the more promising character arcs, of forcing him to look beyond himself.
He’s the only one of the sons who lives on his own (in an officetel in the city), but comes home often enough to fight with his brothers. He’s got the best brother-conflicts, within the foursome – he’s a nagging know-it-all, especially to his older brother, while his hyung is just as bristly to him because he resents how much his younger brother has acted the part of eldest son in his place. But despite being a thorn in his brothers’ sides, he is extremely loyal and infuriatingly loveable.
Tae-bum has his own little newsroom screwball comedy, which serves as a mini-rom-com within the drama as a whole. He constantly butts heads with his boss CHA SOO-YOUNG (Choi Jung-yoon, Manny), and they have a classic bickering hate relationship. She’s a great character and a perfect foil for the cocky Tae-bum, because she’s the only one who can match his verbal sparring wit for wit.
Throughout the first ten episodes, they bicker, they hate, they drink… and have a one-night stand. Tae-bum takes the coward’s way out the morning after, running off and avoiding her, and Soo-young chooses to play it cool despite having secretly had a crush on him since he started working there.
But the real trouble comes soon after, when she finds out that she’s pregnant with his child. Ruh-roh…
Third son HWANG TAE-HEE (Joo Won, Baker King Kim Tak-gu) is the silent, dependable son. Where second son Tae-bum might be the kind to cut corners to get ahead, third son Tae-hee is the stalwart honest guy who will stick to his principles above all else. He’s a cop, a plain-clothes detective nicknamed Dog Tae-hee in his precinct, for his prickly demeanor and quick temper.
He’s got some anger issues and a violent streak as a cop, but then at home he’s the gentlest puppy ever. Tae-hee is especially loved by Grams – her favorite by a long shot, which she doesn’t take pains to hide. His partner watches gobsmacked as Tae-hee pulls out the aegyo for his grandma in the middle of a stakeout, noting, “Hyung, you almost seem like… a nice person.” Ha. I love what he says in response – that when Grams is happy, she’s easy on Mom, and then Mom is happy. Could a son be any better?
Tae-hee is 30, and second in line behind Tae-bum in supporting his family and succeeding in his career. Combined, they’re the one-two punch to Eldest Son Tae-shik’s pride. On top of it all, Tae-hee is Dad’s sole confidant when he’s in crisis mode, because he’s level-headed and less judgy than the other boys.
His story converges with the central conflict of the farm through an investigation, where he gets tangled up with the heroine. (Though their official first meeting involves a misunderstanding where he accidentally arrests her thinking she’s someone else. Whoops.)
Fourth son, maknae HWANG TAE-PIL (Yeon Woo-jin, All My Love), is the mama’s boy, and resident sweetie pie. He’s 29, but doesn’t do much other than odd jobs here and there, and mostly helps Mom out with the farm. He’s suave and charming like Second Son, but is hapless in the career arena, much like First Son. He’s fiercely loyal to Mom – he’ll blindly take her side no matter what, and be the first to defend her to his brothers or anyone else. It’s pretty much the cutest thing ever.
He gets along with everyone swimmingly, always the one to smooth things over between other family members. But he has a particularly combative relationship with third son Tae-hee, refusing to call him hyung, and resenting his dad-like orders to get his life together. They’re the closest in age, and theirs is the classic conflict between the perfect-son hyung and the rebellious younger brother who gets away with whatever he wants because he’s the maknae. You get the sense that Tae-hee has gotten him out of more than a few scrapes, but that Tae-pil still immaturely resents him for it.
Tae-pil gets through life on his looks. It’s an advantage that First Son doesn’t have, that Third Son blindly ignores (though how he could is unfathomable), and that Second Son uses only insofar as it supplements his other first-place traits. But Maknae skates through life being a sometimes-model, errant pretty boy, and noona-killer by trade. He runs around posing as his two successful older brothers Two and Three, while zeroing in on women dressed in expensive clothes like targets.
He doesn’t take anything in life very seriously, so he’s got a lot of growing up to do, but like all his brothers, he’s got a good heart.
Then there’s our heroine BAEK JA-EUN (UEE, Birdie Buddy) who is the only daughter of the farm’s real owner. She’s a bubbly art student who’s famous at her university for being its spokesperson, and she’s spoiled, but in a fairly normal upper-middle class, only-daughter way. Her dad’s been remarried three times, and the longest relationship is the current one, with her stepmother of five years.
Her father is on the brink of bankruptcy when the drama opens, and he comes to Ojakkyo ready to reclaim the farm as his only solvent asset. That leads to the Hwang family finding out about Dad’s unfortunate choice not to tell them about this ten-year contract, and Mom’s breakdown at the possibility of losing her farm.
At the same time, Third Son Tae-hee is investigating Ja-eun’s father in a case, when Dad travels to China in a last-ditch effort to save his company, he goes missing in a boat crash. Suddenly Ja-eun’s entire life comes crashing down around her – debt collectors take everything, and her evil stepmother abandons her, leaving her homeless and alone.
The stepmother’s abandonment is heart-wrenching, as Ja-eun tells her that she called her Mom because their five years together was the longest she’s ever had a mother. (Her birth mother died when she was a baby.) When she confesses to knowing that it was a sham but wanting her as a mom anyway, it guts me.
Left penniless and adrift, she wanders the streets with one bag and the last remnants of her father – among them a picture of her and Dad, inside which she finds the contract for Ojakkyo Farm. Seeing it as her lifeline, she arrives on the Hwang Family’s doorstep, ready to claim what’s hers. Thus begins the real drama, of Mom vs. Ja-eun, for that one very crucial piece of land.
It’s a great conflict because you can see why both women feel like the farm is theirs, and why each deserves it. Ja-eun is alone in the world and this is her means of survival, while Mom’s poured ten years of her life into making this farm what it is, and can’t bear to hand it over to some strange girl.
Even in the first ten episodes, the setup takes a few turns. Mom’s first reaction to Ja-eun’s arrival is to kick her to the curb, but then Dad feels terrible for her plight and wants to take her in as part of the family. Eventually Mom agrees, but only because she sees it as an opportunity to salvage the farm.
Ja-eun has nowhere to go and no family, so she agrees to live there until they figure out what to do, but treats Mom and Dad like an ATM machine, lording the contract over them all the while. Finally Mom snaps and in a moment of weakness, she steals the contract right out of Ja-eun’s purse, and kicks her back to the curb.
It’s Mom’s low point, but she does it out of desperation, and then kicks Ja-eun out partly because she wants to remove any threat to the farm, and partly because she can’t face the guilt of what she’s done. Ja-eun throws a fit, accusing her of stealing the contract, but Mom swears up and down to her entire family that she never laid a hand on it.
Unable to prove anything without the contract, Ja-eun ends up back on the street, spending her nights huddled on the couch at school. What I do like about her is that she’s not spoiled enough not to start working. She picks up any odd jobs that she can, waiting tables and washing dishes, and trying not to cry into her instant ramyun every night.
Throughout all this, she develops an antagonistic bond with Third Son Tae-hee, whom she calls Ajusshi. (She calls the other brothers First Ajusshi, Second Ajusshi, and Maknae Oppa, and when she asks what she should call Tae-hee, his gruff response is “Anything except Oppa.”)
He’s the least talkative one, the prickliest, and they get off on the wrong foot about twelve times. But she inherently trusts him because he’s a cop. It comes from a naïve understanding of the profession, like the way a little kid thinks police officers will always do the right thing. It just happens that he actually is that kind of person and always tells her the truth, albeit in the meanest possible way.
She spends a good long while being angry and lashing out against everyone, culminating in one epic drunken breakdown where she trashes the entire farm and sets the ducks free. It’s pretty damn hilarious. (And mostly harmless, since the ducks just have to be wrangled back in, though the fields she stomps through are another story.)
Mom flips out and has her hauled away by the local police. By now her outbursts are growing more and more shrill and just when I feel like they’ve gone too far with her character (because yes, I feel bad for her, but tantrums are the fastest way to make me stop caring), Tae-hee gives her the talking-to that brings her to her senses.
He yells at her for acting like a child, and simply railing against the universe in a giant pity party. He’s the one to teach her that if there’s something she wants, she has to work for it instead of being angry that life is unfair to her.
So she pulls herself together, stops feeling sorry for herself, and goes to Tae-hee for advice – if she wants the farm, what should she do? He wonders why he’s telling her this, but says, “If you want the farm, you have to move my mother’s heart.”
The next day she spends every last penny she has on camping equipment, and shows up on the family’s doorstep with a pitched tent, this time with a smile and a plan, to win Mom over.
I love where we end up by the end of Episode 10, the setup for what I think will be the best part of the story. Now that we’re past all the screaming and the yelling, Ja-eun’s sunny attitude is bound to make a dent in Mom’s heart, if not break all the way through. Her becoming a part of the family is really what I’m dying to watch, and now that she’s gone through the necessary tribulations to change her outlook, I can’t wait to watch all the family hijinks.
Often times longer family dramas feel extremely slow as far as plot goes, but Ojakkyo feels breezy without being fluffy. There’s a lot of meaty conflict, but people find things out quickly, situations get reversed, then turned over again, and everything moves along at a brisk pace. I love that we can focus on one or two brothers per episode for the main stories, while having the others in the background, so that each character gets their time to shine, in rotation.
One advantage to a longer-running drama is that I can put faith in character arcs that settle in and take their time – when Second Son Tae-bum finds out that Soo-young is pregnant and then acts like a teenager instead of a man, I’m annoyed at him in the moment, but I trust in the story to eventually bring him around. The same goes for Ja-eun, who spends a good deal of time being a spoiled brat to the point I almost give up on her, but then when push comes to shove, she grows up.
I had big question marks about some of the cast when I started this show, but the characters all feel perfectly cast, and most of the actors have surprised me. UEE does a great job being emotionally vulnerable, and commits to the funny, which I didn’t really expect from her. Ryu Soo-young plays Second Son Tae-bum pitch-perfectly as that cocky bastard that you want to kick in the shins… and then climb like a tree.
Joo Won is a standout as Third Son Tae-hee, alternating from intense action hero to sweet puppy grandson, and he has maybe the prettiest eyes of any human being ever. Though it’s early for romance, the sparks are flying between Tae-hee and Ja-eun, and they have great chemistry together, as do Tae-bum and Soo-young.
I think what clicks with me most is the tone of the show – it’s light, so that even the most dire of conflicts isn’t played for overwrought high drama. Everything is done with a touch of humor and warmth, and every character has good traits and bad.
My favorite parts are always when the brothers are gathered together, in twos or threes, and especially all four at once. They’re so fantastically layered and completely different from each other, and the way they fight and push each other’s buttons feels so realistically petty. If I have a complaint about the show, it’s that I’d rather have the brothers all together all day, every day.
I’m in it for the long haul, but there’s no time in this dimension for 58 recaps, so I’ll check in periodically, to give you my thoughts and weigh in on the Hwang Family and their newest resident plucky duck.
Tags: Choi Jung-yoon, featured, Joo-won, Jung Woong-in, Ojakkyo Brothers, Ryu Soo-young, UEE
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51 Noelle
December 31, 2011 at 2:49 PM
"Climb like a tree" LMAO!
Now I wanna watch bridesmaids.
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52 Ginny
December 31, 2011 at 2:57 PM
Will you please, please do recaps on this drama? I can't watch it and I don't know the story very well, but I would love to watch it by reading the recaps you write. It may be a lot of work since the show's over 50 episodes, but can't you do the recap format in something like Hick Kick 3 or Sons of the Sol Pharmacy? Please.... I am dying to know the entire story....
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January 1, 2012 at 8:07 AM
Read it here - http://soulsrebel.wordpress.com/
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53 dancinfff
December 31, 2011 at 3:30 PM
Thank God! I can skip the first 10 episodes.
I started watching it but I couldn't sit to the chair and enjoy it. I was trying to give this a chance because I recently finished watching Smile You (lol, 2 years late) and I loved it so I was like oh, this one is kinda similar.
I was kinda scared that it was the same thing with the plot and they have some of the same people (soo young was the evil sister in smile you, and kim joo won's mom was in smile you to... don't know her real name. She's hilarious by the way when she's not acting evil) I had to get passed episode 10 to really start liking Smile You too.
Anyway, now that they've gotten passed the introductions, I'm hoping things will be a lot better.
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54 Linda165
December 31, 2011 at 3:40 PM
"the prettiest eyes of any human being ever". Hear, hear!
Don't forget his lips...
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55 Yeni Ulloa
December 31, 2011 at 3:43 PM
I'm telling you, YOU WON'T REGRET IT!!!!! :)<3
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56 dowon
December 31, 2011 at 4:34 PM
ojakgyo brothers! i love this show! and i am so glad dramabeans finally took notice of it. seriously, this one is in the pack for best drama of the year for me (princess' man is the other). it's so heartfelt, its characters so real, and i am truly rooting for each of the love lines (no matter how awful the beginning of their relationships are).
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57 xiaoSxin
December 31, 2011 at 7:51 PM
who is subbing the drama?
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December 31, 2011 at 7:55 PM
Dark Smurf Subs. Its also available on some online sub sites like watchkshownow....or something like that.
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December 31, 2011 at 10:46 PM
darksmurf ^^
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58 Szufontana
December 31, 2011 at 8:04 PM
At last, some recognition! I lurve this drama and have been wondering why no one has picked it up. It's well-deserving of the hype and ratings and I highly recommend it anyone who wants to watch a drama with heart. I think I've cried countless times through the drama.
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59 Bownie!
December 31, 2011 at 8:14 PM
Thanks for the reviews. I'm not watching it as the episodes are 58 and there are too many dramas lining up to be watched *sigh* Reading the reviews at least makes up for it.
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60 jazza
December 31, 2011 at 10:32 PM
I love this show. I always watch it on KBS World and watch the latest episode at the same time. ^^
My sister and I are addicted to this show.
I love Taehee & Jaeun couple. :)
I was wondering why I haven't seen this series here. ^^
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61 yammy
December 31, 2011 at 11:15 PM
i think i m the minority here, but the only reason I glance at this drama is because 1. Joo Won (cuz he's such a cutie) 2. its the only drama playing on the only korean channel (out of three) that is showing something else than news during the time it airs at my place. I guess I'm not qualified to rate the first ten episodes because I haven't watched them, but the later episodes are becoming a drag... Maybe it's because I hate watching adults not being adults and acting like kids. The dad annoys me with his close-mindedness, the first, second and fourth sons annoy me with their immaturity, and the third son, even though it's joo won and he's SUCH an eye candy (and slowing becoming more than just a kang dong won substitute while KDW is in the army as he started as) is annoying me with his moodiness and his similarity to Heathcliff. Uee's deer in the headlights look is also an eye sore. I also personally find the plot a drag, since I know how it's going to end... so it's frustrating to see the characters taking a long time to get there. Also, the story plot lines tie in later in such a unrealistic ways that it makes me frustrated. [SPOILER ALERT]: An example of such unrealistic story plot line is the heroine and the third son meeting because the third son HAPPENED to apply medicine STANDING IN THE STREET, the SAME STREET that the heroine walks, and he drops the bandages so that it stops rolling RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE HEROINE's feet. The scene was predictable as well as unrealistic. Also, there are too many "recollection" scenes, and these cuts are way too long. Oh, and some of the scenes unnecessary long. But these are just my opinion (that I felt like commenting to be sort of the devil's advocate here)
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December 31, 2011 at 11:18 PM
Ahem OB is like Emmy award winning. You obviously haven't started or heard about A Thousand Kisses. Go check it out and see.
OB my longest drama and the only drama I've watched to ep 43 without subs thanks to softy. Not to mention the writing is so good and the acting is terrific.
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January 1, 2012 at 1:17 AM
spoiler alert: at that time they would probably met because they went to see the same person...
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January 1, 2012 at 10:25 PM
that's right. they both went to see the same person, namely Baek Inho's (Jaeun's father) driver. i even remember that Taehee begs the driver to help him clear Jaun's name for her sake. Sorry for the SPOILER ;P
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January 1, 2012 at 10:31 PM
oh BTW! i love the idea of them being soulmates. it indicates in the earlier episodes, where they are both in the airport and they are so close to each other and their surroundings are in slow motion (it reminds me of Soulmate series) and they meet in unexpected ways, many times.
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62 :D
December 31, 2011 at 11:31 PM
okay i might check out an ep tomorrow :)
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63 bmcblc
January 1, 2012 at 5:44 AM
Simply lovely & touching drama!
I enjoy it very much & will continue watching till ep 58
Just hope the ending is not disappointed
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64 john
January 1, 2012 at 7:17 AM
This is on my " to watch " list. I've seen the first episode and liked it. Thanks for the recap.
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65 fenny
January 1, 2012 at 7:41 AM
love this drama very much, especially tae hee and jaeun couple =))
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66 am
January 1, 2012 at 8:26 AM
Great intro! Thank you so much! This is my first kdrama this year!
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67 koreandramalover/kay
January 1, 2012 at 9:48 AM
Girlfriday!! I can't thank you enough for this this recap and your vow to be in for the long haul because I promise you - you will not regret it! I have been following it from ep 1 mostly because of Joo Won and then from ep 2 onwards for the whole ensemble, writing and acting.
In fact, I think it is so good that it comes in second to City Hunter for me for modern dramas in 2011! ;)
Thanks once again for giving your unfailingly captivating and insightful comments, thoughts and feelings on a drama that I am so in like with!! Now I am, more than ever, SO looking forward to watching this drama till its charming end! ;)
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68 MahiGirl
January 1, 2012 at 1:40 PM
I can't believe it took DB so long to find this drama. It's the best ever, really light-hearted and family oriented. The interaction of the parents and 4 sons each having their own problems and how they all come back to mom and dad is great, how each son finds their love. I like that the Ojakkyo Brothers drama engages in issues in Korean society that is so different from the States, i.e. younger man is attracted to an older woman, marrying a pregnant woman and finding out a past relationship resulted in a child and having to raise that child which seems to be a repetitive theme in most k-dramas.
Keep watching and you'll get hooked to. I'm glad the drama was extended there are so many strings to tie and settle before it can end.
I don't quite understand how the deconstruction of the k-drama's by JB are selected. Please enlighten me. I look for a deconstruction on a k-drama but find it was not considered and at times some k-dramas are not worth it but is deconstructed.
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69 pigguboo
January 1, 2012 at 4:33 PM
Yes? Yes Yes YES. I'm thrilled that you have decided to embark on this. For me, I've been following it religiously since ep 1, and I can assure you that you will not be disappointed.
I'm just happy that Joo Won is picking the right dramas to star in. That boy has some talent.
Looking forward to your thoughts!
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70 mizweng
January 1, 2012 at 4:39 PM
wow GF welcome aboard!!! am a bonafied OB lover ... I LS every weekend and camped Cadence's blog for the fastest recap...honestly I started watching this because of Jo Woon who impressed me a lot in Baker ( I dunno why but I liked his acting better than the main lead) and his super cute dimples... and I got hooked ever since... I just love how the story unfolds and how it has a lot of heart...the actors are superb in their respective roles and i admit I started liking UEE whom I disliked in YAB... the love lines are sweet especially that of Tae Hee and Ja Eun and am like the millions of fans wishing that they date for real...LOL... i hope you keep on watching this drama til the end and that you'll love it as much as we do... Happy new year!!!! :) :) :)
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71 hanif
January 1, 2012 at 6:32 PM
Oh man, I've download 5 eps, I hope it wotrthy.
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January 19, 2012 at 3:09 PM
i'm now only on epis 9 & i tell it's worth it, i can't wait to go home & watch after dinner, it's so good, if u love sons of sol pharmacy you'll love this one as well!
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72 brian
January 2, 2012 at 2:50 AM
I started watching it on KBSWorld one day and got hooked when I saw that UEE seemed to be living in a tent outside of the farm house, with the mother treating her rather unkindly. I was like -- I must watch this to see why she's in this predicament.
I also wanted to give it a shot because I also felt that UEE was pretty good in You're Beautiful. Any time a "villain" can get under my skin that usually means that there's some substance to their acting. I figured if she was that interesting as an antagonist, how good can she be as the lead? I'd say pretty darn good!
Finally, OMO, 8 more episodes -- I really don't like my dramas quite so long. I hope it doesn't cause the plot to slow down.
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73 sweetspring
January 2, 2012 at 4:38 AM
Thanks to girlfriday's intro am now hooked (line & sinker) onto this show, very curious as to how they'll be able to squeeze so many episodes out of it though but they can drag as long as they want coz when Joo Won gets on the screen my brain turns to mush & repeats "itsch soooooo purttyyyy" he looks like he belongs in some beautiful lord of the rings elf race or something... ahh brain still mushy...
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74 limegreenglo
January 2, 2012 at 9:16 AM
Dang it, I have school tomorrow and I'm on episode five. Something about reading things on here forces me to start watching... I haven't watched a 50+ episode drama since 대장금. Let's see if I can follow through.
Thanks for the intro! Hehe.
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75 zashi
January 2, 2012 at 2:42 PM
I like this drama. So funny with heart felt tone. I think the writer of this one is okay. But then we shall wait. Usually the ending is where it gets muddled. But so far enjoying the brother and the family unit and the themes they bring up in this drama. Wish I could watch the eps. that I missed.
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76 Ash
January 2, 2012 at 4:07 PM
Where can you watch this subbed?
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January 3, 2012 at 2:32 AM
YOUTUBE <3 type in O.Br
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77 Roggy
January 3, 2012 at 2:31 AM
OMG thanks to the intro I started to watch the drama. Amazing. Thank you soo much for introducing it to me. Up to the current episode after 3 days of continual watching, 40 hours is no joke (engsubs for ep 41 arent out yet).
Absolutely Love Joo Won, especially when he's jealous. MOST ADORKABLE THING <3
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78 izuyam
January 3, 2012 at 4:08 AM
I normaly don't care for family drama. But I'm soooooooo loving OB. How I wish you & JB would recap this drama
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79 Min
January 3, 2012 at 3:25 PM
I swear Joowon (Taehee) is a spliting image of Kang Dong Wan/Won?'s character in 1% of anything: voice, face, character!
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80 Bebop Bea
January 3, 2012 at 4:28 PM
I am also enjoying the series.. but I have a weird question.*SPOILER*
HWANG TAE-HEE's brother the vice president or whatever of Good Film's... can anyone tell me what kind of car he's driving? it's white sporty 4 door but I can't catch the car name/type.
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81 Bebop Bea
January 3, 2012 at 4:35 PM
Wow thanks it was a KIA optima I'll go check it out.
Also I prefer watching on TV see schedule http://www.kbs-america.com/schedule/schedule_channel.aspx
Because there subtitles are more accurate than the ones online
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82 MM
January 4, 2012 at 11:11 AM
please check back as soon as is possible cause ive watched the show in bits and pieces hence as expected i need some bringing up to speed and i dun wanna watch all the previous eps
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83 ohemgee
January 6, 2012 at 7:11 PM
ahhh that last picture-- MATCHING PAMAS?!!!
love it.
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84 Lady Machito'
January 7, 2012 at 3:06 AM
Finally!! I have been waiting for so long for u to do this!! ^^ I have watched until episode 44, but there is no eng subs starting from episode 41 onwards.. @_@.. Please catch it faster to the latest episode.. Please....! Its hard to watch with feelings when you don't understand what they are saying... ~~,
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85 giddy
January 7, 2012 at 8:00 PM
Family dramas are my favorite along with rom coms. The lengthy run time allows for great character development, and this one is no exception. Joo Won is knocking it outta the park, but so is everyone else. It's a great ensemble of familiar faces and the conflicts keep you on your toes.
The mom, especially, has really been a roller coaster, and it refreshing that even when she makes a bad decision that disappoints everyone, her family deals with it in different ways, but still pour out their love to her...as they do to all their family members when they err.
Up to 38 right now and it's really addictive!
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86 Victoria
January 8, 2012 at 2:22 PM
Love, love, love this drama....
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87 JJ
January 19, 2012 at 3:04 PM
"My favorite parts are always when the brothers are gathered together, in twos or threes, and especially all four at once. They’re so fantastically layered and completely different from each other, and the way they fight and push each other’s buttons feels so realistically petty. If I have a complaint about the show, it’s that I’d rather have the brothers all together all day, every day."
i echo this one DB/GF - i luv to see the 4 brods all the time! i'm so liking this drama to da max.
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88 JJ
January 19, 2012 at 3:28 PM
i have a feeling that ja eun's dad is still alive & well somewhere in china maybe? he's just avoiding the bankruptcy or am i wrong? pls anyone?
thnx JB/GF for recaps you guys are amazing
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89 grace
June 29, 2012 at 2:27 AM
2011 BEST DRAMA FOR ME.. LOL... why im so excited!!!
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90 Hi.
July 10, 2012 at 7:28 PM
Ahaha I agree with you on this part...
"Joo Won is a standout as Third Son Tae-hee, alternating from intense action hero to sweet puppy grandson, and he has maybe the prettiest eyes of any human being ever."
Prettiest eyes of any human being ever <3
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91 sheila
October 29, 2012 at 11:04 PM
where can i watch this full episode!!
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92 hottestjen
December 27, 2012 at 12:24 PM
I love this sitcom!!!!
the family are all so cute and they all def have character.
and i really love joo won and uee bc of their chemistry and their characters.
love them til no end ♥
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93 Ailee
January 11, 2017 at 6:30 PM
What does it mean "Ojakgyo" ?
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