Movie rumors for Yoon Eun-hye, who denies casting is final

Nothing’s confirmed yet, but the newest Yoon Eun-hye news is that she’s considering taking the lead role in a Korea-China-Japan co-production, a movie centering around the last love of Cao Cao, a powerful warlord, military tactician, and poet in the twilight years of the Three Kingdoms era. (He died in 220 A.D.) The project is titled Dong Jak Dae or Tong Que Tai, depending on which language you’re translating.

According to reports by a Chinese media outlet, other lead roles will be played by China’s Chow Yun-fat (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon), Taiwan’s Alec Su (The Message), and Japan’s Tamaki Hiroshi (Nodame Cantabile). Helming the project will be Chinese director Zhao Lin Shan.

Chow Yun-fat will play Cao Cao, and Yoon would play his “star-crossed heroine,” the “pure beauty” who was with him at his death. The plot uses real-life discoveries as its jumping-off point; the Henan Provincial Cultural Heritage Bureau announced in 2009 that Cao Cao’s excavated tomb revealed the remains of two females (one aged 20, one about 50) buried with him. The women’s identities remain a mystery.

Although early articles stated that Yoon Eun-hye has been cast, her reps stated that she has received the offer but has not decided yet, and one source from her agency’s side put the likelihood of her taking the role at 50%.

On one hand, this could be a great opportunity for Yoon Eun-hye, who’s one of a very small number of Hallyu actresses with that level of pan-Asian popularity. (The only others I might put on her level are Song Hye-gyo and…uh, that’s probably it.) On the other hand, Yoon Eun-hye with Chow Yun-fat? I can’t help but feel she’d be eaten alive, and while she’s enormously appealing and charismatic, Yoon’s biggest sticking point as an actress has always been… her acting. And if we’re not pulling any punches here, there’s the fact that her last three projects have been major flops. My Fair Lady, My Black Minidress, and Lie To Me — all commercially and critically unsuccessful.

If she does end up taking this, it would be pretty interesting to see her stretch herself and take on a new genre. Maybe it’s time for her to ditch the rom-coms and try something more meaty. I did want to see her tackle romantic melodrama with Love Song, before that project was shelved.

Either way, she’ll have to decide soon; the project is set to begin filming next month in Beijing, and hopes to be ready for an October 2012 release throughout Asia.

Via Star News, Hankook Ilbo




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Awesome! Love her!


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I just adore this girl ...one of her fans for ever !!
I am dying to see her in Chinese period costume ...you know she is so sexy ,modern girl and i am curious to see HOW she will look in that costume !


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Bye the way , can YEH speak Chinese?
we all saw how terrible she was at LIE TO ME !


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I think I've heard her speak Chinese at some awards show
Since I don't speak a single word of Chinese, I don't know if she was good or bad!
Here's the link



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Objectively, it was Lie to Me's script that was flawed but not her acting...several articles in the Korean portals attest to her good acting in LTM.

I didn't like MFL but to say that it is a flop at 19% rating by its last episode would also not be accurate. Reading how it is rating well in Japan also does not support the "flop" phenomenon.

I would be happy if she takes on the project and knowing how she has a talent of putting her heart and soul into her acting in the hands of a good director and supported by a tightly-written script like Coffee Prince
( I still have to see another Korean actress who can act so convincingly as a man like YEH in the said drama), I am certain that she will rise to the occasion of coming up with another sterling performance alongside Chow Yun Fat.


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I still have to see another Korean actress who can act so convincingly as a man like YEH in the said drama

How about Moon Geun Young in Painter of the Wind?


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YEH and MGY are the only two actresses who convinced me that they were really boys (with MGY having a slight edge). That being said, YEH is really overshadowed by Chow Yun Fat, especially since I don't think this project is a rom-com.

Like jajangmyun said, hopefully a project this high-profile will have a good writer/director who'll bring the best out in her.


Moon Geun Young and Chow Yun Fat?

hmmm..that would need real make over to make their looks somewhat appropriate for each other..
although acting wise I believe that MGY would be at par with CYF...
but the again, MGY did well with PSY in Painter of the Wind..
BUT, if YEH would do the project it would still be awesome for me because it's her...with CYF..AWESOME


If she does it, it's possible she would be dubbed. Happens all the time.


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I think there's a high possibility she will be dubbed... and the dubbing will be cringe-worthy.

I still don't understand why they dub... even when the actors are fluent (they sometimes dumb their own county's actors too)!

Interested to see YEH alongside Chow Yun Fat... I wonder how that will go.

-- And shouldn't it be Hong Kong's Chow Yun Fat?


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To be fair, I think dubbed movies have improved a lot over the years. Just like all those Cantonese movies dubbed Mandarin. They were alright! Quite good in fact.

I would really like to see Chow Yun Fat with Yoon Eun-hye!


whats with whether YEH can speak chinese or not got to do with LTM? and what do you mean we ? speak for yourself okay.
there is is no way i share your opinion.just because she wasnt yelling and crying in agony in any scene that make one a bad actor.its how a scripted role is potrayed and communicated then how the audience perceived it.thats acting.how the character was given life with just mere simple facial expressions and body movements thats acting. how one was able to make the best of a bad situation, staying in character and finished the job thats good attitude and very good acting. one doesnt have to jump up and down swearing and acting crazy to be called a good actor.
YEH is known for her hard work and power to make people accept and loved her in any role.thats why she was asked to do TONG QUE TAI. may i remind you asked. she was asked.
and if she decide to do the movie she will learn all that is necessary for her role,work hard and give the role her own well known charm.then she will not only bring honor to herself but to SK as well.GOOD LUCK YOON EUN HYE.MAY GOD BLESS YOU.


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"yelling and crying in agony"

I agree with you here. Every Korean actors/actresses like to do that so much it made me stop watching korean drama or movies

But sorry to tell you that but YEH is everything but an actress


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sorry to tell you too that Yoon Eun Hye is an actress and her acting in Coffee Prince proved what she can do with her talent if the writers dont F her over.

Just because her new drama didn't do too well in ratings in Korea doesn't mean you can just discredit her previous performance. Even Choi Ji Woo, Son ye Jin and Ha Ji won had some unsuccessful projects. Yoon Eun Hye is human not a perfect robot. Every actor have stellar and not so stellar projects.

YEH is a multi-awarded actress won not just once but many times, so you can't consider her accomplishmenst a fluke. Her talent wasn't only noticed in Korea but in international festival when she made it as a finalist for Best Actress at the Monte Carlo International Festival.


Please let this casting news be true...
I love her so so much


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hmmm, she is a good actress but I agree on the fact that she could be eaten alive. I don't know much about the other actor Alec Su but Tamaki Hiroshi is a very good actor and could also overshadow her.
I think most likely the dialog could be dubbed over.


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how did you know she will be eaten alive.have you seen actors in actual working situations? i did many times.
do you know they rehearse every take.that their lines are being fed to them even, to help the memorization process. they have meetings constantly even on actual shooting hour to correct any mistakes or lacking in whatever to make sure every scene is perfect. do you also know that leads are very concern on how they are perceived as actors that they even spend time with whoever they have scenes with newbies or not, teaching them anything to help make every scenes perfect and right? they are to the point of teaching, making suggestions on pronunciations or how to act a certain scene.actors are real people.they have certain qualms but they are kind and artistic. so they are very helpful and considerate with other castmates.that is real showbiz not the kind we see in everyday drama. they dont eat castmates if they do their acting and the project will suffer as well.

no sugar YEH is not going to be eaten alive. instead she will come out a much better actress with valuable lessons and experience to cherish.


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I think Jenny means YEH's acting experience in comparison with Chow Yun-fat. He is a more veteran actor and therefore his performance could outshine hers. Though in saying that I don't think that would happen because Chow Yun-fat's acting has never overshadowed others fellow actors in his movies. I think what makes an excellent actor is one that works well with his/her fellow actors to makes a movie or show where all the characters shine, regardless of talent or experience.

Though i really can't picture YEH acting opposite CYF XD
I hope this movie is a good one~ because the premise seems to be good.


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Everybody forgot about cofee prince... her acting is brillant in that drama... she wons a lot of awards... then i don't understand the words of javabeans.


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Didn't MFL end up near 20%? It wasn't a flop...


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My Fair Lady is generally considered a failed drama, although its ratings (mid- to upper teens) are what keep it from being called an outright failure (although some refer to it as that). The ratings were all Yoon Eun-hye -- I think without her that show would've been a single-digit nonentity, but she really carried the numbers. However, of all her projects since Goong (her drama debut), My Fair Lady also brought her the harshest criticism by viewers and critics alike. Having watched all her dramas, I'd say her acting was actually the worst in that than in anything else she's done.

My Fair Lady, Minidress, and Lie To Me basically set her back career-wise in terms of critical success and viewer estimation. People still remember and love Coffee Prince (which is why I have hope that she has it in her to burst free of mediocrity, given the right vehicle), but that was over four years ago, so the longer it takes to get back on that acting upswing, the harder it'll be for her to prove she can. She still commands a huge paycheck and rakes in the CF contracts, though, so she'll be fine on that front.


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I'm a general fan of Yoon's too but her articles always invite some divisive comments don't they?

It's as if being a fan bars you from giving critiques on her performances and projects. If you call her latest projects failure, which let's face it, is TRUE people considering the context of her popularity and star power, you're considered some kind of hater.

It's definitely a bit of a turn off to be honest.


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I think that she is a great actress. When it comes to intense crying, she cries like a real person with emotion and passion that it makes you want to cry. Though she is not the most best actress out there, I believe she has it in her. I heard Lie To Me was exceptional, and I absolutely loved her in in. My Fair Lady wasn't very good, Goong was nothing extradonary but Coffee Prince was really good to me. I think if given the chance to do a hard core drama, she will probably do very good.


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If anything Lie to Me was exceptionally mediocre.


Lie to Me the drama was really mediocre. BUT Yoon Eun Hye was really good given her cardboard-cutout role. She played her everywoman with so much heart and made her relatable and unique.


In all of YEH's dramas w/ the exception of CP, she overacts and overdoes the cuteness-thing (don't know how much of that should fall on her and how much on the PD).

Ironically enough, YEH acts more naturally (w/ her natural charisma and cuteness) in her 1st role (the film "Legend of Seven Cutter" - which, btw, isn't very good) than she did most of her projects, including LTM (where she overdoes the cuteness thing where it doesn't seem natural; contrast that w/ the natural cuteness that Shin Min ah showed in MGIAG and Kim Tae hee in MP).

W/ the right script and the right guidance, YEH is capable of delivering a strong performance as she did in CP, but unfortunately, she has picked too many bad projects.

And one can't simply blame it on bad writing, she clearly is overacting and overusing the same mannerisms.


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in LTM she did her role with finesse and strength. she gave it her heart and soul.
there is nothing wrong with her acting. she is as natural can be and very convincing actor.
my advise why watch its abvious you dont like her.


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It's OK if you want to believe that YEH's acting in LTM was natural and convincing - even if it wasn't.

And how is it that I don't like YEH?

I've liked her quite a bit BEFORE she even started acting - back in her X-Man days (where she showed her charm and charisma) and that's the reason why I forced myself to watch as much of the dreck she has done.

And CP is what I consider to be the best Korean rom-com drama (that wouldn't happen if YEH didn't do a good job w/ the role of Eun Chan), but nothing she has done has come close to that acting job.

Don't be blinded just b/c you like YEH; I like her a lot as well, but I'm going to praise her when she does a good job and criticize her when she doesn't.

Unfortunately, she hasn't done another thing close to the quality of CP yet.


if LTM and the other two projects set back YEH's career then how come she was asked to do this movie TONG QUE TAI.
if her career was in such a set back woudnt be YEH just sitting in one corner instead of globe trotting making more CF's , PHOTO shoots and landing that might be the biggest potato role of YEH's life?
wouldnt it be more appropriate to stand aside bite your tounge and give YEH a round of applause and kinder thoughts.i wonder if its possible.


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B/c YEH is a big name in Korea and other parts of Asia due to Goong and CP.

It's not like Jeon Ji heon has had a hit or gotten the critics praising her for a long while and yet she still gets offered big roles and CFs b/c she is a big star.

If an actor/actress has 1-2 megahits under their belt and the right look - they can live off that for a good while.

And no, this doesn't mean that I don't like JJH either; she's one of my favs but lately, her CFs have been more entertaining than her film roles (JJH really should have accepted MGIAG - even tho SMA ended up being perfect for it).


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way to ruin a movie... or not..................


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Yeah, she'll be acting with such top Chinese actors.. Which I think it's the main reason for her hesitation to accept the role.

I think another actress with huge popularity, and could probably act in such an epic movie is Choi Ji Woo. Although she might be a little old for the role..:/


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There always Jang Nara who is [clearly] arguably the best known of the Hallyu stars in all of China, she even has history with Alec Su as they made Bratty Princess together. So many people just can not understand just how popular she is inside China, and i mean all of china not just the capital or the ex-colonies. And I think she showed in BFB how much her acting has improved during her years in China. She can easily play a 20 year old, she did so effortlessly in Unruly Qiao
The simple truth is having a korean in the cast makes it easier to sell overseas


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NOT JANG NARA!!! for the love of all things holy!!! I CANNOT STOMACH her in that silly-stupid chinese historical that she did sometime ago...it made me cringe whenever I get to see the commercials and previews...
but I'm not a hater...:D


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I believe you honest i do.
I was thinking more of her status as a draw card and popularity inside China. For love her as much as you may do or not Yoon Eun Hye is not that good an actor, she getting the role more on her money making power than any acting skills. And that pretty common i never believed just because an actor makes films it makes them automatically a good actor.
I think she always been a brave actress and has possibilities to become a good actress but she still a long way to go, and that two year break she took didn't do she any good. You need to work to get better.


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Its all subjective, Yoon Eun Hye may not be a good actress to some but she is to a lot of people. Just because you dont think she is, doesn't mean you are right and they are wrong. Agree to disagree. There's no right or wrong when it comes to personal preference.


CJW might be popular but the PD of TONG QUE TAI dont wnt her or any other actress for that matter. he wants YEH.get it?
PD wants YEH.


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MFL didn't fail in ratings as much as it could have, but YEH was criticized for her poor acting in it, so it didn't do her any favors either. Don't know if she could hold up against a big actor like Chow Yun-fat, she might be in over her head, but it'd be a good way for Hert to expand her acting beyond rom-com


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she forgot acting after Coffee Prince. that's why she is hesitating to work with top quality chinese actors.
but she is beautiful and popular .


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*her to
Not used to using my phone yet


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MFL wasn't a flop it was at 20%. She is very popular in china and asia thats why the role was offered to her plus her age is suitable for this role. Due to her previous experience in love song she is now careful in announcing her project we just have to wait for the date to her filming.


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"On the other hand, Yoon Eun-hye with Chow Yun-fat? I can’t help but feel she’d be eaten alive, and while she’s enormously appealing and charismatic, Yoon’s biggest sticking point as an actress has always been… her acting."

I agree completely. Chow would unwillingly crush her just with his on screen charisma.


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but on the other hand, maybe a good sparring partner is what YEH needs to lift her acting. in crouching tiger, hidden dragon, zhang ziyi was mediocre i thought. but her scenes with michelle yeoh and chow yun fat was really memorable, they had very good chemistry.

that said, may i propose that ha ji won is also relatively up there in terms of star power in asia.


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Meh. Nuff said.


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While I loved her to pieces as My Chan, all her other roles have been rather bland imo. And she has a tendency to over act. So I'm really hoping they find another actress for the movie, for Chow Yun Fat's sake. The man is a legend. Although his Hollywood movies are... appalling, his Chinese movies are awesome awesome awesome. It's gonna be like watching Al Pacino romancing Hanna Montana.

Dear YEH, please say no!


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Dear YEH,

I am so excited to see you become a David among Goliaths!

Your indomitable spirit toward life and acting has always been your strength!

People may put you down but the only person who can really put yourself down are not the others but yourself... so keep on!


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"Al Pacino romancing Hannah Montana..."

so funny. hehe!

I dunno.

I've got no true ability to measure an actor's acting chops vs. charisma vs. beauty vs. whatever. I'll leave that to experts. I just know that I like her plucky vibe.



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Al Pacino is overrated. He always plays same roles. I better like an actor like Robert de Niro or Denzel Washington

But meh YEH sucks at acting. I guess people think she has a lovable personality but I think that as an actress she is unwise and she is pretty mediocre. After CP's sucess she might have taken acting classes or projects to works on her skills but she only featured in a lot of CF or magazins ect...


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She was outstanding in Coffee Prince! But I haven't been able to finish Lie to me.

She's suffering from a lack of interesting roles/choices: take Chuno or City Hunter: 25 leading male roles and 1 female role. Absurd!
The roles for women (The woman who still want to marry, all KSA's roles, 9 ends 2 outs, Protect the Boss are exceptions) go from doormat to midly irritating dits all virgins, of course).
She's like a hurricane condemned to play a flower pot.

The netizens comments (about Eun Chan's appearance, her teeth, etc) might have discouraged her from playing roles in which she won't appear "commercially" pretty.

Kim Sun-Ah (the goddess of all things) needs to sit her down and have a talk: girl, forget the pretty and go for the meaty!


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agree with you msim completely. actresses should join together and offer encouragement because some of them lose their confidence after crappy roles like MFL.

Such a waste if YEH doesn't capitalize on her talent now!


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I will be watching this movie.


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Back to the main subject. YEH I find her acting alright. CP was amazing and I even liked MFL but for me it was less her and more the lead actor. LTM as everyone knows was a disaster but again thats just because the writing went 6 ft under and then some. Nobody could of made that show work. I did like her acting in it before it all went down hill. She just needs an awesome opportunity to prove she's got the chops. I don't know about you but I can kind of see her as a villain. That said, she shouldn't do this movie. Chow Yun Fat would make her look like Myong Wol doing "this is my sad face". No, she should work on her craft and either fire or hire someone who knows the difference between a decent script and shit.


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I am curious now, how about YEH vs SHG? Whose acting is better?


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SHG by a slight margin in my opinion, but YEH has boatloads of charisma compared to SHG.


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I think actresses like Moon Chae Won, Moon Geun Youn, Nam Sang Mi, Shin Min Ah, Seo Woo... are miles better than her !
Why not giving the role to Shin Min Ah or Nam Sang Mi ?


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Sourgraping much cause your favorite actress wasn't picked?

Shit Min Ah are you kidding me? How hard is it to play a pretty Gumiho or play the same unchallenging roles that she always plays? Nam Sang Mi? She's like a dead fish she has no charisma. Seo Woo makes me wanna punch her face when she's onscreen. Moon Chae Won is ok but not popular enough for international audiences to give a shit. Moon Gyeon Young, good actress but looks too much like a kid and not enough international pull.

Yoon Eun Hye has decent acting chops that can be improved even more with the right director, writer, co-actors and etc. She has international appeal, narketability, charisma and is also aesthetically pretty.

Besides the chinese PD WANTS YOON EUN HYE to play the lead... again YOON EUN HYE not Moon Chae Won, Shin Min ah, Nam Sang Mi, Seo Woo, Moon Gyeon Young or some other actress but YOON EUN HYE get it?!


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Yoon Eun Hye fans are kind of crazy, aren't they?


@Jilly, YEH fans have every right to be crazy and defend their idol. I have been following this topic since the day it was first posted and even I think people are being too ruthless and way too harsh on this poor girl. They treat her as if she's committed some great offense.

From what I know, Miss Yoon has always been known for being one of the most professional, loyal and hardworking artist in this industry, so she doesn't deserve all this unfair bashing that she's getting. Yes, there is always room for improvement in terms of acting but she really doesn't deserve all the bashing that she's been getting.


Even an ant would be fought back if it always push to the corner. So what do you expect YEH's fans would react if their idol's always been put down ? Of course they defend her.


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My post is for Jilly


Eek. Got it. Sounds like you know what you're doing.


I'm sorry.. But if YEH is in here, I can't watch. I seriously cannot watch anything she is in (Goong, Lie to me, Black Mini Dress)Egh. I'm sorry, just though that i could add my opinion in here. :\


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then dont watch.not needing a tamarind in yeh's corner.
get it?


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Chow Yun Fat was an ahjussi to me when I was coming of age, so I'm just grossed out. There's a 30 year age difference between them. I realize the film would be depicting historical reality (in terms of age difference), but I can hardly buy a 20 year old girl buried with Cao Cao to have been his Twue Wuv.

Nevermind the whole disparity in the caliber and style of acting. (The opportunity would be an excellent one for YEH to develop as an actor.)


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"Al pacino romancing Hannah Montana"
Bwahaha Lol this gives me eeeerrrkkk feeling.

"choi Ji Woo is another pan asia actress"
true but I don't know how Chow Yun Fat's wife feel about the pairing. did u forget that CYF was a big fan of CJW and he back hugged her at LV party. although the chemistry would be good . Maybe CJW can be the 50 yr old woman who looks like in the 30s. Give her gray hair and few more wrinkles. She's good with melo role. But now i learned that she can act in romcom too. she's so funny in cant lose


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Please correct me if I'm wrong, but wast MBMD a commercial sucesss in Korea? Didn't it open in first place?


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I think Take My Lady was more of a success.
The media treated as it wasn't a success because it was a follow up of mega successful Coffee Prince.
But it did pretty well in the ratings, better than many other dramas that are considered success by many people here.

My Black Mini Dress wasn't that successful.
But it was also a movie that had low production cost.
So they broke about even in the end.
But it did better than most recent Song Hye Kyo, Ha Ji Won, Hyun Bin, Kang Dong Wan's latest movies in terms of profit margin.

Lie To Me probably did the worst, judging from the ratings. But it had higher ratings than Heartstrings, and some other dramas that are deemed successful.
Overall, seems like most dramas this year ended up with not so good ratings. But if I had to say so, I'd say Lie To Me is her worst result.


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Forgot to mention, the biggest failure of movies this year was Kim Tae Hee. Mega, mega, mega loss on her movies~wow. Don't know how she gets movie scripts sent to her.

There's only one actress on Kim Tae Hee's level in regards to movies. That's Shin Min Ah, who holds the record on most consecutive failures in movies.

I like to see them on dramas. Kim Tae Hee is good on dramas. Her movies are big time failures. Shin Min Ah did pretty good in her last drama. But one decent result after dozen failures hasn't convinced me yet.


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But movies are more difficult to succeed. It takes lots of luck too. Bottom line is, many successful actors do poorly in movies and many movie actors do poorly in dramas.

Two who has success in both.

Ha Ji Won & Son Ye Jin.

Ticket sells wise, Ha Ji Won is the best.
Profit margin wise, Son Ye Jin is the best.
Ha Ji Won tend to do more expensive productions.

But both also has many failed projects.

In the end, everyone has many unsuccessful projects.

Can you tell I'm more of a movie freak?
Don't put too much into actors success and failures.
Some win, some lose. They are usually fine.
I think writers and directors are far more important.


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A lot of the times it seems wether a drama is deemed a success or a failure is based on the general feeling towards that drama from the domestic Korean audience and the expectations for the drama before it airs, as opposed to the final domestic ratings numbers, international popularity, or achieving a cult status. There are lots of mediocre dramas which are considered successes (Can't Lose will probably fall into this category) and vice versa. That's why I don't give too much weight to these kinds of labels.

Lie to Me has gotten a lot of hate (too much IMO for such an innocent and innocuous drama) and was branded a failure by many despite it's international success, and rabid cult-like fan base that ship the OTP straight to heaven. MSOAN had as many flaws as Lie to Me IMO, but you'll inexplicably find that more people act as if YEH is responsible for the problems in Lie to Me than hold Moon Geun Young (or God forbid Jang Geun Seok) responsible for the problems in MSOAN. And yes, MGY is a better actress than YEH, but really it would be total BS to hold either of those actresses responsible for the problems of those particular dramas.

Many times, not always, it's all about the story/narrative that the press collectively develops about the show as it's airing that decides whether a show is *considered* a failure/flop or a success in our minds. That's why there is so much hate for Lie to Me while there's general ambivalence towards MSOAN and all it's issues...

Also I think YEH is just such a "likeable" female lead that ironically she just can't please everybody or even most of us (or fly under the radar and not get attention) with her projects. It's kinda like the curse of being too popular. YEH hasn't had all giant hits like Coffee Prince, but she has a good acting portfolio that continues to grow. I'm always interested to see what she does next. And I will watch a film or drama just because she's in it. Many other's would too and I think those are part of the reasons why she's in the enviable position of being offered this role.

I kinda hope she takes this role and owns it 'like a Boss.' That would make me very happy, mostly because I love an underdog story... such a popular and well liked actress seems like an underdog... :)


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I do not need to add anything, you said it so well! Thank you Malta!


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I agree 100% with you Manna.

I believe in Yoon Eun Hye ;)


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@ malta
THANK U MY FRIEND ....You exactly get point !!
I am speechless ....


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a thousand times clicked to the "like" button...


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i wont call YEH a good actress. she is nt bad or as stiff as Song Hye-gyo or Kim Tae-hee, but she is no Kim Sun-ah. she's almost mediocre, like Sung Yuri to me. dont shoot me, its just how i feel abt her acting, nt her in particular.


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KTH's acting improved dramatically in MP (better than anything I've seen w/ Ha Ji won).


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Excuse me, did you just call Kim Tae Hee better than Ha Ji Won? o_o I know everyone's entitled to have an opinion but ._.


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KTH was quite good in MP (this isn't about KTH's other roles), in particular the crying/emotional scenes.

I haven't seen HJW do anything of that caliber (granted, I've not seen everything HJW has done - mostly films, but her emotional/crying scenes in SG were underwhelming to say the least).


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Try watching Damo, and Hwanjini. HJW blows a lot of actresses out of the water. Neither KTH nor YEH can compare.


@bd Kim Tae Hee better than Ha Ji Won? are you on crack or something? I really wanna know what you're smoking.

I watched My Princess mind you, though boring and cringeworthy as hell, I forced myself to finish till the end, simply because no matter how much I dislike a series, I always finish watching what I started.

Kim Tae Hee's acting was pretty bland and annoying, even my brother cringed and moved away from the livingroom cause he couldn't bear to watch her. I dont see anything spectacular about her acting in My Princess that's so worthy of praise. The only good thing about that series is her looks but her acting is not something to brag about...

I actually felt embarass for you that you compared her acting to Ha Ji Won cause Kim Tae Hee can try as hard as she wants, she may even improve a bit but she will never ever be a good actress.


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I like KTH and think she's really cute. But a good actress? She tries, but she does not have innate talent for it. To say KTH is better than HJW? Well, there goes that person's credibility.


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As much as I adore Yoon Eun Hye, I agree that Chow Yun Fatt will totally swallow her alive. That man is like the godfather of Chinese film. He dominates the screen completely.

So please YEH, do not take it up... =X


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actors dont eat fellow actors instead they guide and teach to get a better performance from their juniors to ensure the success of their project.
but haters will say and do anything to take someone down because they have no better things to do.AND THATS A FACT.


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I like Yoon Eun-Hye a lot, but as Chow Yun-Fat's lover? A little creepy! She's my age and he's my Dad's age... ewww.

Then again, you tend to get away with such things if you 1) are rich and 2) lived over a thousand years ago.


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Also, I'm seconding that Ms. Yoon's at a huge talent disadvantage. Mr. Chow is as big a costar as one can hope for, and a great actor (despite most of his Hollywood roles, but that's not his fault). Those are some very big shoes to fill.

It's sort of like pairing Emma Stone (Easy A, The Help) with Tom Hanks (every Hollywood movie ever). The disparity of talent, experience, and age is humongous. It isn't impossible to be successful, but no doubt will be extremely hard to pull of on her part.


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Ok, call me crazy because I know I'm on the fringes here, but I've never enjoyed YEH's acting.

*dodges tomatoes*

And even more blasphemous, I've never enjoyed anything she starred in including Goong, LTM, and Coffee Prince (the latter of which I could only get through because of Gong Yoo *fangirl sigh*)

I'm genuinely curious as to why drama-watchers find her so appealing. Am I missing something? Someone pls tell me!! :)


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you need to be below 15 years of age to feel her acting.


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@ hahahakid: thank you very much for calling this 60 yrs old lady under 15! You just make my day!


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Really? Don't get me wrong, I respect everyone's opinion. Either like her or dislike her, it's up to you... but I don't think it was necessary at all for you to say that. I don't know if you were trying to be funny or whatever but it just seemed ridiculous for us who are over 15 years old reading this and actually like YEH's acting.


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I don' t like her acting either. I just find any of her characters annoying, and all annoying in the same way, which makes her boring to me.
I was able to get through Goong though, guess why ;)


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well luckily the chinese movie director finds her talented not annoying which is all that matters.


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yah a brain and respect.


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yes you are missing a brain and respect for others.


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Yikes! read my post again and then tell me I have no respect for others.

don't get me confused with the person who replied under me, pls.


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"I’m genuinely curious as to why drama-watchers find her so appealing. Am I missing something? Someone pls tell me!!"

I guess this is a subjective thing...I know how you feel.
In my case I still wonder why people find lee min ho appealing when he made a character like Ryo Saeba appear like a starving looking g.y boy.


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LOL! You're right, absolutely subjective.

Being relatively new to K-drama land, I was more wondering if she's considered a sweetheart of KDrama. Is it her personality? Her determination?

I usually hear that Goong wasn't that great (in terms of plot and acting), My Fair Lady was a flop, and LTM was contentious at best. So aside from Coffee Prince, what draws people to her so fiercely?

I don't have any bad feelings about her, I've just always wondered what YEH fans loved about her that I must have missed because I'm so new to the landscape :)


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It's her personality, her determination and her talent! She wouldn' t be getting all these offers if she had no talent. PD Hwang In Roe of Goong wouldn't have fought until the very end for her against investors and protestors if he didn't see something there. Vineyard Man PD and Coffee Prince PD also have high regard for her talent.

Of course her detractors will always say bad things about her projects and her acting that's why they are called 'detractors' cause their main goal is to pull her down.

if Goong wasn't that great drama and if her acting sucked it wouldn't have catapulted Yoon Eun Hye to mega stardom.Her acting was surprisingly good for a newbie. My Fair Lady's ratings was too high to be considered a flop, though I agree that it was Yoon Eun Hye's weakest performance due to her pronounciation at that time which she totally turned around in Lie To Me. She got lots of praises from korean media for her acting in Lie To Me.

Lie To me's rating is higher than Hyun Bin's other drama yet I dont see people bashing him for sometimes getting low ratings on his projects or other actors and actresses for that matter (only YEH gets harassed for it like no other)... Lie To Me is kicking other dramas butts in other countries may it be on sales or in ratings.


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Yoon Eun Hye is already confirmed. Chinese director Zhao Lin Shan said she will be playing the lead role when he went to Japan just a week ago.
Yoon Eun Hye's company usually doesn't make an announcement till days before the press conference.

Director Zhao thinks the world of YEH!


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If there's one thing I've learned from observing Yoon Eun Hye over the years is never say she can't do it, cause SHE WILL!

When she was casted for Goong people said she would never make it as an actress and that would be her first and last project. Well she certainly proved them wrong by becoming more succesful than even I thought she'd be. Then came Coffee Prince they said she would fail on that as well but she did the total opposite.

YEH is a force to be reckoned with when she puts her mind to it.

One more thing, she got great reviews for her acting in Lie To Me and My Black Minidress in Korea it was the script that was being critized not her acting.


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I love her dramas, but i think she will bring herself to the next level for accepting this movie. and the drama my fair lady and lie to me, was not her acting that was the problem but the script


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I think that this would be a great move for her, because she would get to work with incredible actors like Chow Yun Fat and Tamaki Hiroshi (he's one of my J-dorama crush) and she could learn a lot from this opportunity.

She's definitely my favorite Korean actress and I'll support her no matter what decision she makes. It was her real life personality that made me like her in the first place, and she's still as humble and nice as when she was when she debuted.



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I hope YEH takes on this challenge. You can't succeed and grow in your craft without taking risk. How will she ever know how good she can be if she doesn't try? Plus she's already come so far (remember her Baby V.O.X. days) so who know's how far she can still go.

I'm a fan of hers and I will be excited if she takes this on. One question is how big a role her character would have... I know actors always say how much they learn and grow from working with and learning from better actors so this could be an awesome opportunity for her as an actor.


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The career path for actors are unpredictable. For example:
1. Jo In Sung had his shining moment through WHIB but prior to that drama he had been considered very mediocre (Love of South and North, anyone?)
2. Park Shi Yeon - all the hate just kinda disappeared after Coffee House and the estimation of her acting ability just shot up
3. Mariah Carey - just google the number of nominations and winnings for her acting in Precious. This is the same woman who does Glitter.

I don't know how YEH would perform in this movie but I wish her the best. Sometimes it's just a matter of time, where you are in your learning curve and the right opportunity. It's okay to doubt her but don't be too sure that she can't surprise you.


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I don't think she's a bad actress - she can really make me empathize with her character, but she has chosen some pretty bad projects.

I'm not sure how I feel about her partnering up with Chow Yun Fat. I think she still needs a bit more practice acting in a non-rom-com on the small screen first.


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It does sounds like it will be a tough project for her, but I feel she always does best when people think she cannot do it.

And of course you should not forget that working with veteran actors will probably teach her a lot too.

Jiayou Yoon Eun-hye!!


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I'm trembling for her. She might not make it alive. to be in the same ship with such heavy weight actors... brrrrrrr....Her acting is not there yet.


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where exactly is "there"?


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my there


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Please.. no no no YEH.

I involuntarily shudder when I read the names of those two dramas and movie. I used to eagerly look forward to seeing her in a new project. But after the last debacle, I've thrown in the trowel.

I don't understand why they would even be considering her alongside Chow Yun-fat and Tamaki Hiroshi. !!


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maybe they saw and know something about YEH that you dont eh!!!


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"I don’t understand why they would even be considering her alongside Chow Yun-fat and Tamaki Hiroshi. !!"

She's popular, she will lure many people to see the film. She may attract sponsors as well. Basically, if we don't know why, it's about money ;)


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What's there to understand?

The chinese director acknowledged YEH's acting talent as he has already seen her dramas. He even posted on his weibo that everyone likes Yoon Eun Hye. He picked her for his movie so he clearly knows that she is the right one for this role.


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plain and simple...dont watch! The over dramatic post is ridiculous.


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Well I dont hope she takes it on too. It just does not suit her in and out. she doesnt have the ancient look. but Eunhye is one of my favorite actress. enormously appealing!


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I have been a fan since Goong and as a supporter I would just like to express this:
Eun Yoon Hye does her best in all of her projects. No matter what the results are, may it be a total success or a complete failure (in some people's eyes) bottom line is she exerted a lot of effort and put her heart and soul in it.
Give her a chance people!


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AGE DIFFERENCE EWWWWW!!! CYF is my dad's age and YEH is my age!!! grosssssssss


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I think this is a good role for YEH, this is right up her alley. As mistress all she has to do is be beautiful, cry a little, pout a little, simper a little, be daring enough to do bed scenes and torrid kissing scenes. She is a great kisser. She will do well in this movie.


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thats a good role for you sweetie.if your acting is as dirty as your brain you will do a good job.what an ignorant bird brain.


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^it just goes to show your ignorance! She will be a warrior in this movie with a lot of fight scenes. Do some research before you post so you wont end up making idiotic posts.


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oh dang it, you just ruined the movie for me. i was hoping she'd be some femme fatale. there are very few femme fatales in movies so i was really looking forward for such a role from yeh. oh well, guess i'm gonna pass.


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thank you very much.you made a very wise decision.
one ignorant bird brain OUT!!!!!


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I see a lot of jealous and butthurt people in here because the actress they're supporting acted twice as long and has double the experience but doesn't gain as much attention and hype as Yoon Eun Hye.

Haters will aters be haters. All they're doing is adding more attention to YEH. The opposite of like is not hate, but indifference so at least its a fact that when it comes to Yoon Eun Hye people give a shit!


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I'm fairly certain that those who tend to routinely denergrade YEH's performances are, for the most part, jealous, butt-ugly hags with no hopes of ever kissing a boy if they offered the guy their own bloated weight in gold. Beauty may only be skin-deep, but ugly goes clear to the bone! Detroy your mirrors if you hate the sight of your own face. She will have these people eating out of her hands...


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You are not funny and I dislike you.

Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration. I don't really have an opinion of you, since all I've seen of you is what you've just posted. But anyway, people who don't like your favorite actress's acting are ugly and jealous? Besides the implication that an ugly face = an ugly attitude, your comment is pretty closed-minded.

Anyway, good luck to YEH!


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i like you.you hit the right spot.thank you again.

words true or not hurts ha.specially coming from closeminded people who with hate and malice judge and insult a person who never once hurt or offend anybody.
just a reminder if there are haters there are more people who loves and support YEH VERY UNCONDITIONALLY.
iam in my 50's not fifteen and i like YEH.


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hahahaha!!! you are very funny but i like you.
you are right, very right.thank you.


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someone here said that she doesn't suit the role because she doesn't have the ancient look but what is an ancient look, ashes? Mummies? Those are ancient. There is no such thing as an ancient look. What made them look ancient are the clothes. And I'm talking about physical appearance here. She changed her appearance before in coffee prince so she can do it again.. besides, unlike those actresses who look the same in every single role, she doesn't. She has a versatile appearance and not just one same old boring appearance.


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Actually, in the past there was an ideal of beauty. A beautiful woman had lips like a cherry. As red and as small. If you look at some ancient paintings you'll see. I guess YEH with her dynamic flair wouldn't fit into those esthetic conventions.


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The ideal of beauty for women back then (facially) wasn't that diff. as it is today - fine features and "bright" eyes.

The only real diff. is that the ideal woman wasn't as skinny as it is today.


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just wondering, do we still like YEH?


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I love Yoon Eun Hye, she has a tendency to put her all in her performances, but even I'll admit I don't necessarily think that she's that strong of an actress. In that respect, I really don't think that she can match with Chow Yun-Fat( partially because of the age difference because that's one big age difference and it's hard for me see them together) and also just because acting wise I simply don't think her acting chops currently are on par with Chow Yun-Fat's.

I think Yoon Eun Hye can be an emotional actress and that translates well when it's tapped into certain roles, Goong, Coffee Prince, ... for instance, but she does have a tendency to sometimes overact and I sometimes cringe at that over-acting.

Either way, it's not everyday that someone gets to act with heavyweights like Chow Yun Fat who is a pretty good actor in his own right and if she does actually take the role tutelage from the actors on set may actually benefit her and may her performance better.

Therefore, I may be completely wrong and she may just give a stellar performance, but I still can't really see Chow Yun Fat and Yoon Eun Hye together just because of how big the age difference between their characters is.

As for her mandarin( her mandarin is actually ok) but I doubt she's fluent though and it's pretty likely she'll get dubbed. For the record for the one who asked why they dub, usually it's to keep uniform the different regional mainland accents or dub over someone speaking in a dialect that isn't mandarin. I.e. if a Taiwanese actress/actor stars in a Chinese drama they'll often dub so they'll sound similar to the rest of the Chinese mainland cast.

The same occurs in Taiwan where they'll sometimes dub Chinese actors with Taiwanese actors though the trend now seems to be more toward simply letting the actors speak as they are, dialectical accent and all.


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It's not a competition between Chow Yun Fat and Yoon Eun Hye or whether she can match his acting or not. They will be in the same movie and to make the movie a good one, they wont compete with one another but work together as a team.

The chinese PD himself expressed that he wants YEH as the heroine for this movie, so to risk on her speaks volumes on how much he believes in her....just like when the PD of Goong gambled everything on YEH when she was still a newbie because he said he knew he has it in her to succeed1

People are confusing me, they say that Yoon Eun hye just keeps on taking romcoms, but now that she is going for a challenging role, her detractors are still not happy and are trying to put her down.

How will someone improve in their craft, if they dont even go for it? Yoon Eun Hye is a smart cookie, if she's going to learn from someone why not learn from the best like Chow Yun Fat?

As for the age gap that's part of the storyline. It's about Chow Yun Fat (Cao Cao's) older years and how he fell for a young 20+ warrior. during that era it was normal for Lords and Emperors to be with younger gals.


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YEH can do a good job (as evidenced by CP) w/ this role if it has a good script and if she gets proper guidance by the director.

I have a hunch that she overacts (overdoing the mannerisms and "cutsey" bits) b/c that's what the PDs in her rom-coms (aside from CP) wanted from her b/c they saw that as adding "humor."

There are plenty of other actors who overdo it in romcoms.

CP was diff. since YEH's role was more of a "straight" role (the humor was largely left to the supporting roles) and humor was more dialogue-driven rather than left to cheap antics.

If YEH gets any action scenes, she'll do well in those since she's athletic ("girl warrior") and is a pretty good dancer.


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I hope she takes the role!


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Find it amazing reading all the posts. Each have its own point. Clap clap clap. Well, i think she already accepted the role. Twas already announced in her official FB fanpage. And accordingly she will start shooting next month. Also I read it in koalasplayground.

ill keep mine. we'll just wait and see


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I don't think "flop" would be the right word for her dramas...because in fact all those last 3 projects (MFL,MBMD,LTM) did pretty well...not much with the ratings of LTM in Korea...at least LTM'S rate for the last episode was not lower than 9% unlike other dramas who garnered lower than 6% only with a famous cast as well....even with the sales and internationally it was very well accepted even on line...well my advice for the one who wrote this article...you should have read the true reviews of her works...just a piece of advice! :-)


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Is it hard to believe that an actress like YEH will get a meaty offer while other actresses who is considered better than her (by some people) don't ? Do you think actress like Angelina Jollie or Jennifer Aniston got so many movie offer just because they has so many awards on their closet ? No, they got it because they have appeal to the audience/people so the movie goers will watch their movie, and the people in Hollywood know that, because it means big bucks.
For the people in entertainment industry, acting capability is important but it's also important to cast an actor/actress which has that APPEAL. And YEH has tons of that. So don't waste too much time mull over why it's YEH who's got that offer. Besides her acting isn't that bad like what the writer of this article want us to believe.
My advice : watch her dramas by your self before give some comments. And don't get affected. Has your own opinion.


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very well said. She not that an good actor but has that X factor that makes her a money making machine. Bums on seats to use an old expression.


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You get me wrong. Yes I find her has THAT appeal and that make her one of the much sought after Korean actress domestically & internationally. But I also see her potential to be a great actress one day. Just because she picked some drama that considered "failure" by some people doesn't mean that she's not a good actress.
But since I knew that you has a lower opinion about YEH & her acting skill I think it will be useless to give you some explanation. Have a nice day...


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YEH for me is a good actress.. will be looking forward to her next project


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