Miss Ripley: Episode 12

He knows! It’s the death of the puppy and the rise of Dark Yoo-hyun, who is no less polite than before, but eerily icy beneath the surface. And let’s not count out Myung-hoon, who is quickly becoming Miri’s biggest opponent yet. Basically everyone serves Miri up a slice of humble pie, and it’s kind of awesome. Let the real fun begin.


Awkward family dinner, party of five? Right this way.

Let’s see, we’ve got Dad, Evil Stepmom, Son, Daughter-in-law-to-be, and… her ex-boyfriend? Why not? I invite all of my exes to meet my next boyfriend’s families. It’s the new passive aggressive way to say, “I’m just not that into you.”

Myung-hoon sits down and it’s really interesting, the divide—Lee Hwa, Myung-hoon, and Miri all know what’s what, while Yoo-hyun and his dad are all smiles, none the wiser. Though Yoo-hyun isn’t a complete fool, as he picks up on Miri’s tense vibes, especially when Stepmom starts asking Myung-hoon pointed questions about his love life.

He says that he was seeing someone but they broke up, and Lee Hwa asks what kind of person she was. He looks up at Miri: “I think there was so much that she wanted… that I couldn’t fill.” Dayum. Such good tension.

He adds that he was lacking, and that she left him when she found something else she wanted. He purposely uses the word “greed,” though out of context (in the gold-digger way) it can also just mean “really really want.”

They get left alone when Dad has a coughing fit and the family gets up to help him to bed. Shaking, Miri asks how far Myung-hoon is planning to take this: “Are you going to cut off my air supply too?” He smiles, a little amused that for the enormous size of her lies, she seems more afraid than he would’ve imagined.

I’m such a fan of this new dynamic. They were great as a couple but now he’s the perfect antagonist for her—he’s a spurned lover, he’s wise to her lies, AND he’s in a position of power to totally mess up her program.

She tells him that no matter what he does, she won’t go back to him. Oh, okay Princess. He makes it clear that he’s not waiting. Good. Now that we’ve got that off the table, let’s see if we can’t toy with her a little. I’m now seeing Myung-hoon as a sadistic kitty, and I LOVE IT.

Yoo-hyun returns just in time to overhear a key point in their conversation, as Miri tells Myung-hoon that his mother came to see her. She tells him that she explained that she won’t go back to him, and that her heart changed through no fault of his.

Myung-hoon: “Loving you, and you becoming like this… it’s all my fault.”

Eeeeeee! He knows! He knows! I might’ve been a little more satisfied had he put some clues together himself instead of happening upon an incriminating conversation, but I’ll take what I can get, since he’s too trusting to go digging without a big push.

Lee Hwa rounds the corner, pleased as punch to see Yoo-hyun listening in. Oy, what is this, 49 Days, with the lurkers having lurkers? But inside Miri admits with a different twist on his words that yes, what she’s become now she owes to him. (It’s so interesting that he means that he’s to blame for putting her in the position to hurt so many people, while she takes it to mean that she owes her success to him.)

Then Myung-hoon asks: “Song [Yoo-hyun]… do you sincerely love him?”

And then we cut away before she answers! Aaaaaaargh. Well at least Yoo-hyun realizes that this is a question for her, like there’s a possibility that her answer is no, whereas until now, he’s never considered it an option.

He’s particularly distant and cold to her as he drops her off that night, and Miri worries, though she doesn’t know what’s changed.

Myung-hoon gets a call from the hospital and rushes off, but finds that his mother was never able to fully recover from her collapse the day before. Before he knows it he’s in funeral clothes.

Everyone comes to pay their respects, while Miri sits alone at her desk, finally struck with guilt for maybe the first time ever. She tries to rationalize that it couldn’t be because of her, but she can’t shake the thought. I feel bad that she died, but I love that it’s indirectly Miri’s fault.

Yoo-hyun arrives at the funeral. He lays a flower down and bows, and then looks up at the picture of Myung-hoon’s mother. Dun dun. It confirms everything—she’s the woman who pleaded with Miri that day and collapsed, and he was the one who brought her to the hospital. There’s no denying it now, buddy.

Myung-hoon confirms his suspicions that her collapse that day was the instigating factor in her death, but Yoo-hyun doesn’t reveal his part in the matter. He does confide how he dealt with his own mother’s passing, at age nine when he didn’t understand that death meant a forever kind of goodbye.

He relates how his last word at his mother’s coffin was the send-off you say when someone is returning to you, which breaks my heart. It makes Myung-hoon feel lucky to realize that he had a lifetime with his mother, while Yoo-hyun lost his so young. Aw, man, their friendship is so sweet. I just want it to last forever. But sadly I know that this bromance is not long for this world.

On his way out, Yoo-hyun sees Hirayama walk in, and remembers him right away from the day he chased Miri away from the gosiwon. I love that once someone sees one of Miri’s lies, all of her others start to come into focus. If you only knew how little of the iceberg you’ve really seen. Hee-joo notices him too, at the door.

Hirayama returns the money that Myung-hoon had given him, announcing Miri’s name publicly. Myung-hoon drags him outside and tries to get him to take it back and leave, but Hirayama makes it clear that if he’s been dumped by Miri, he’s no longer of any use to him. Oh snap. What’s worse than being cast aside by your ex-girlfriend’s pimp/debt collector? That’s gotta be the strangest rejection ever.

Hirayama: “Love is not the kind of thing that ends because you don’t see her, or because she’s dating another man. You know what the simplest calculation in the world is? Money. My heart’s debt goes long and deep. Because love is a petty thing.” I love that this guy talks in riddles and aphorisms, but twists them around for his own dark purposes. It’s such an interesting character quirk, especially in a drama where everyone else speaks quite plainly, if veiled.

Yoo-hyun ponders all the facts he’s now gathered about Miri atop his perch above the city. His assistant comes with Hirayama’s envelope with his club’s name on it, and tells him that they’re tracking down the address now. Nice. I love the rise of Dark Yoo-hyun. Puppy version was cute and all, but this guy’s kinda hot.

He meets Miri the next day, his demeanor totally different now that his rose-colored glasses are off. He asks her about her childhood and her dreams, as if trying to reconcile how she became this way and looking for a reason to explain it all.

But as she talks about her mother and off-handedly says that he wouldn’t know what her life was like, he bitterly notes that she’s assuming she knows something he doesn’t, and that it implies she never thought they were the same. She wonders if it’s possible for any two people to be alike down to the bone, and he answers darkly, “Is that so?”

Iiiiiiiinteresting. You know what’s creeping me out? He’s seeing her true face but at the same time he’s showing his too. I don’t think he loves her any less either, because maybe he’s always seen her this way—as something to have. I feel like he’s decided long ago that he must have her, so he’s going to see it through somehow, no matter what. He’s starting to scare me too.

Miri can sense something’s off the rails, but is in no position to manipulate the situation now. I love that the power balance has flipped for her in BOTH relationships. He tells her that he’ll be busy for a while, purposely distancing himself from her, but for what we don’t know.

Meanwhile Lee Hwa gets some alarming news of her own, that someone is digging into her past and her whereabouts, starting from the orphanage where she left Miri. She’s told this by the secretary of a deceased company president, who I’m guessing was her first husband. Just positing a guess, but it’s likely that she abandoned Miri to marry her first chaebol, and then when he passed away, she traded up for a new one in Yoo-hyun’s father. The man asks if she doesn’t want to find her daughter now, and she tells him no.

But she goes to visit her old apartment building anyway, for the first time in twenty years. She walks up the steps only to be confronted by a vision of young Miri, asking her what took her so long. With tears in her eyes, she heartbreakingly smiles up at her full of guilt and longing, as she tells her that she was in America to earn money.

She follows Little Miri up to the door of their old home, and then she disappears, leaving Lee Hwa to call out, “Child, child!” out at nothing, only to realize that she’s alone. Okay, while I dislike this Stepmom/Mom story thread altogether, I do for once feel a twinge of sympathy for Lee Hwa. Just a drop.

Miri goes to work the next day and finds that every promotional brochure and video with her face on it is gone or in the trash. She panics. Her tower is finally starting to crumble. She meets Hee-joo, who tells her that she’s resigned at Mondo, and plans to go study abroad.

Miri freaks out, turning it totally around to her, “How can you do this to me?” Whoa. She takes self-absorbed to a new plane of existence. Hee-joo tells her plainly that she doesn’t want to live with her anymore, and Miri reacts like a child being abandoned by her mother all over again.

She keeps repeating that she can’t do this to her, that she’ll be all alone, which really makes me wonder how she’s worked it out in her brain that Hee-joo is family and all she has… and yet treat her the way that she does.

Hee-joo stands her ground (yay!) and tells her that this isn’t what she wants. She asks where the Miri she knew went—the girl who refused to let other kids call her an orphan, or helped her hide so she wouldn’t get adopted.

Miri looks at her in genuine shock, and her disbelief in this situation is in turn really throwing me for a loop. Are you really that surprised that Hee-joo wouldn’t want to be your BFF? Her shock, at something so obvious to the rest of the universe, is so fascinating.

Yoo-hyun starts to piece together a few key events, like the timing of the two baseball games—the first where he was stood up by Miri, then the second where she was suddenly so friendly… right after the banquet at Hotel A. Ding ding!

Wow, I didn’t even give you the benefit of the doubt that you’d think that through, but again, once you see through one of her lies, you kind of can’t help but start to revise the entire past sans love blinders.

Miri finally makes her way to the funeral, but stops short in the doorway at the sight of Myung-hoon. She can’t bring herself to go inside and face it. And though I desperately want her to, to confront her guilt and even to comfort Myung-hoon, it’s fitting that she doesn’t, or rather that she’s too scared to face the consequences of her choices.

So Myung-hoon buries his mother without so much as one word from Miri, finally shedding a single tear after she’s laid to rest.

Then Yoo-hyun meets with him to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. He tells him about having seen his mother before with Miri, and asks directly if their relationship is that kind of relationship.

Myung-hoon doesn’t hem or haw, which I like, and neither does Yoo-hyun, who is clearly uncomfortable, but would rather hear the truth. Myung-hoon tells him about how he had spent his twenties and thirties just trying to stay afloat, and then one day turned around and realized how alone he was. It was then that he met Miri, who reminded him of himself in his twenties.

He shares his own harsh background, having to become the head of a struggling household at the ripe age of twelve, upon the sudden death of his father. He saw himself in Miri, and was happy to help her, and felt somehow like he was reliving his youth through her. Aw.

Yoo-hyun asks if he’s ever told Miri these things, but Myung-hoon says no, “Because these aren’t the things you want to burden the person you love.” Still crushing my heart.

Hee-joo stops by the orphanage to tell them that she’s going to study abroad, and happens to see Lee Hwa’s contact stop by to ask about the person digging into her past.

Miri goes to work and finds that Myung-hoon has put up a notice looking for her replacement, in effect putting her head on the chopping block. She storms into his office in a fury, calling him petty for stooping so low. Damn, the entitlement on this girl… it’s just a sight to behold.

She asks if this is because of his mother, and he admits that he doesn’t entirely not blame her. But he explains that this is purely a business decision, which I believe, and adds that he’s already cleared it with Yoo-hyun. Well that effectively shuts her trap.

She stomps away in a self-righteous huff… that is, until her co-worker drops the bomb that a shady looking debt collector came to the funeral to return an envelope that Myung-hoon had given him on Miri’s behalf…

Which then Yoo-hyun asked for… the envelope with a rose on it.

She finally starts to clue into how far this has gotten out of her control. She races over to Flower Blossom to track down Hirayama. She pleads with him to let her go. But he confesses now that this isn’t about the money. It’s about her.

He reminisces about the day she came and found him, at fifteen, wanting to sell cigarettes in his club. He talks about raising her for ten years, half like a father, half like a boyfriend, which really makes theirs a lot like her relationship with Myung-hoon (the totally twisted dark version, don’t get me wrong).

With tears streaming down her face, she reaches the end of her rope.

Miri: Just let me go. I’ll do whatever you want. If you want me to work again I will. I’ll do whatever you tell me to. I’m begging you. Just keep it a secret from Yoo-hyun. I really love that person. I love him. I mean it.

And there’s the answer to the question. There’s no telling what love means to her, or if she even believes in love herself. But whatever it is, love or desperation, she’ll clearly do anything not to lose him.

They’re interrupted by someone’s henchmen punching their way into the club. Hirayama walks out and Miri peeks out from the corner to see Yoo-hyun’s assistant demand a meeting and escort him out. Uh-oh.

Hirayama gets taken to an empty office in a high rise, where Yoo-hyun waits for him like a power mobster.

Oh, this ought to be good.


I like how the tables have turned, now that Miri is two steps behind the guys, who each know more about her than she fears, even now. Before she used to be able to preemptively lay the tracks down for the next lie miles before she had to get there, but now she’s scrambling to catch up, desperate to plug a whole in a dam without realizing that the whole thing’s about to cave under the weight of her all her lies.

It works well because her lies are such a complicated web that the downfall is just as suspenseful as when she carefully built everything up. I also like the change in her demeanor, whether borne of fear and desperation or actual human feelings of love and guilt. Either way, it’s fascinating. And the way she interprets everything as a personal affront to her, like Hee-joo leaving, is downright batty and yet makes perfect sense in her completely self-centered worldview.

I was concerned that Park Yoochun wouldn’t be able to handle the dark turn in his character, because let’s be frank, there’s only so much character work a haircut can do. But he actually pulls it off rather well. I think it helps that the character’s razor edge is always couched in social graces, making him stony and polite on the outside, while the wheels are turning in his head. He’s no Kim Seung-woo, but he does a good job, and in this episode I really did feel a marked change in Yoo-hyun’s character, which effectively creeped me out.


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Wow! The boy is proving he can act! Still a little green but if he keeps this up, he can go places. Hmmmm, hope he takes me with him.


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Thanks for the recap, girlfriday!

Yoo-chun is definitely showing us that he can handle a role beyond SKKS. Badass Yoo-hyun is pretty darn sexy too!


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I just realize that Lee Da Hae always gets roles where life is hard for her (lots of misfortune) . . . lol


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whoever looks down at Yoochun's acting.. *look onto those eyes* and be scared kekekeke


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i haven't commented in soo long, it feels good to be back. as for Ripley, this has got to be the best drama of the year! it's just too good. the acting is great, the storyline is great, the pacing is great, it's awesome!!! the suspense and melo are built up so well, i'm at the edge of my seat wanting to know what will happen next...


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hmm.. for me City Hunter is a bit hard to beat.. but Ripley is up there the top 3 for this year to me.. alongside 49days..


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Miss Ripley is the only drama that I am following right now and others are set aside in the back burner. Will watch them later to enjoy the story. I don't know why I always fall for melodrama and very eager to know the next scene. Another good one is the Thornbirds which aired at the beginning of 2011. I was really pissed off by the character of Kim Min Jung. She is even worse than Miri. KMJ's acting was really good that it affects your emotions and you want her to repent for all the evil deeds that she has done to many people there. Dramabeans did not do a recap for this drama.


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And the award for best supporting actor in a K-drama goes to...... Mickey Youchuns HAIRCUT!!



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I think since this is a melo and not everyone's cup of tea.. it is slightly underrated.. but i love underdog dramas and depends on the ending .. (the last 4 ep.. or 8 if it gets the extension...)

if they decide to extend i hope the angst wont be too draggy.. so far there is none like that yet..


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Hey Mickey Youchun Fans:

I bet Yoo-hyun is thinking:

"Doushite.....Kimi Wo Suki Ni Natte Shimattan Darou?"

Sorry couldn't help myself.. LOL


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i thought it was jaejoong & junsu who sing those line... LOL... XD


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LOL... smile...

You're right. Jae sings that line. But with all those scenes of Youchun deep in thought I'm sure he is thinking
Why did I fall in love with you?

When DBSK did this song the first lines were as follows:

JJ sings:
- Why? Did I fall in love with you?
No matter how much time passed by.. I thought you'd still be right here.

YC sings in reply:
Demo kimi ga eranda no wa chigau michi

- You ended up choosing a different path.


I wander what Miri will do in the end.

Anyway I love the drama and I think Youchun is doing a fantastic job.


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OMG now i think Doushite would be the best OST for Miss Ripley! LOL!


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Let's tally up.

I've read lots of shippers for Miri and Yoo Hyun here of late. But Im still a Hee Joo and Yoon Hyun shipper.

Anyone with me?


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I dun ship any1, but if Yuhyun must end up with s1, it should be HJ

Even tho MR may redeem her self later on, YH still deserves better.

I feel more chemistry btw YH n HJ too


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Bringing HJ back in to the mix fully would take a lot of work and that take the drama in a different direction.
I don't think they've spent keeping HJ in direct interaction with Yoo-hyun to move the drama there.
And I'm not sure the now "Dark" Yoo-hyun's could really feel for HJ now. He seems so much deeper than she is.

Anyway it is sad that they seemed to have totally reduced HJs screen time. It feels like she may check out of the drama really, what with her saying she is going to go and study abroad.


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no offense... i don't think this is such a ~shippy~ drama. everyone is too damaged for that... except Heejoo... who I think deserves better than YooHyun. I am shipping Miri and death... does that count?


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im with you and Heejoo and Chuljin -- FTW


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i'm sorry i disagree hoping for better ending for Miri.


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I'm with you. But only after heejoo makes him suffer a bit.


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I am for a Hee Joo and Yoon Hyun ending and can't imagine it ending another way.

And that's even without the ship.


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I think it make no sense to make hee joo character like yoohyun and make her leave like that what's the point of having her as a second lead? I want some actions where Hee Joo steps into the game but if there is no extension it's most likely not going to have a hee joo and yoohyun ending i mean we have 4 episodes left there is no way the writers going to make yoohyun fall for hee joo in those 4 episodes. T-T if i have to choose i would choose hee joo and yoohyun together in the end yeah everyone say that yoohyun love only miri but what about miri she barely feeling love towards him. Hee Joo gave up so that Yoohyun can love the person he love and she suffer on her own. I mean that's a huge thing to give up on someone you love so they can feel happy with the person they love. Hee Joo deserve someone and I'm not saying it have to be Yoohyun I just want her to deserve the right ending. I want to see Hee Joo stronger.

If the writer is just going to move Hee Joo out of the story I felt like they shouldn't even have the character....it makes me sad i mean i know the show is about Miri Lies and the two men in her life but Hee Joo i mean the writers need to give her scenes make use of her character.


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I pray n hope the writers will not go "Bad Guys' with the ending. Here i imagine the show goes like this;

Miri will go crazy and try to 'defend' YH (where Hirayama prob tried to kill YH or MH and Miri jumped to defend YH/MH..) killing Miri. Miri died. Thus the previous
"Goodbye Miss Ripley" title.

In the little corner of my heart, i don't want Miri to die. But in what way will there be a good ending for everyone if Miri doesnt bow nicely? Should she be jailed? If that's the case I think YH/MH wont be happy anyway. So, sadly, i hv to prepare myself see Miri die while trying to save either YH/MY.. In that way, she'll get her ultimate redemption. By dying.



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agree to that, but hopefully they would have a better ending withoutMiri dying, huhuhuhu (going crazy, no subs for ep. 12 yet and no videos of ep 13). Constantly checking youtube.


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"I’m now seeing Myung-hoon as a sadistic kitty, and I LOVE IT."

Great, hereafter, I won't be able to see KSW as anything but a "sadistic kitty," thanks GF . . . :P


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I find Darth!YooHyun hot, I wish we had him a bit earlier other than Anakin!YooHyun. His cold demeanor, the pain in his eyes, and his somehow twisted sense makes him such a complex and hot character. LOL. And the prospect of him bringing Miri down is just... wooooo... I need MOAR. MOAR, I tell ya.

And I also find that the writer not romanticizing him and making him a dark leading man kind of refreshing. The brilliant contrast between Darth!YooHyun and Anakin!YooHyun ... my my. And ya know? It does not feel contrived at all, it feels real. His sorrow and his coldness... feels real.

That someone could snap like that and react that way. I also think he may be acting out because he is expected to be behaved and perfect all his life... not being able to properly mourn for his mother because Lee Hwa and Daddy Song is all grooming him as the robotic chaebol they want. and then Miri came along, he was happy... for real again. So realizing that it was all just a lie, you see him crumble and you see him also revealing his mask to Miri.

I like how you said it girlfriday... that there is something so scary about him that he may be willing to see it through. It was his goal to have her, and now he really will. I feel like from here on... he will be very cold to Miri, withdraw his warmth from her and make her feel like he never loved her. But I do think he still does, just shattered.

Did I say DarthYooHyun is HOT?!

I never thought Yoochun had it in him to be this complex, but I like how his quiet moments he really truly stands out.


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i hope hee joo stays in this drama... :'( ~i'm a heejoo fan

eeeepp eeeppp!!!! I can't stop raving about Yoohyun's hair!!!!!! ~ok... im only getting in touch with this thru recaps.


this is soooooo intense!!!!

~holds hand in front of Yoochun and says: Yoochun, WELCOME TO THE DARK SIDE. ~evil laugh

i'm loving it that Minhee seems to be falling apart. ~sighs~ bad me. hahhaha!!! and also, happy to see how she really feels toward Yoohyun.

~gives Myunghoon a cookie. hope you feel better.


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yoochun's expression in his eyes gave me goosebumps...

his dark and cold stares really made me feel the coming dilemma in Miri's life.


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since the beginning, i always wondered, will this drama go the 'original Sin'(Banderas & Jolie's film) route or will it surprise me? I kinda hope Miri would end up with YH but still I want to see more from her, I want her sincerity and her proving her worth. I'm not feeling HJ with YH and i would be disappointed of they do end up together since i don't think YH loves her at all..

Maybe YH will disappear at the end after Miri truly cares and loves him-as a 'penance' for her lies and deceits.. A plot devise I remember well from a 90s HK drama titled 'vengeance' starring Irene Wan and Deric Wan but then again SURPRISE ME!! XDD


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I can see a Painted Veil route... when Edward Norton realizes Naomi Watts was a gold digging cheater... he "punishes" her in marriage. Separate beds, he won't speak a word to her, coldness, prenup, etc, etc. He leaves their luxurious lifestyle... and he brings his wife in a secluded province with everyone sick with malaria.

I can see a modern version happening. Miri has no face to show because Myung Hoon is building a case against her.

A loveless marriage. YooHyun leaves his dad's riches... tries to make Hotel A (he will never leave that... this is his mother's last venture) into something out of himself. Makes Miri sign a prenup. Separate beds. Cold galore. Hellish lifestyle with YH never there. He wants to do research in a secluded part of say... China for a new Hotel there. Build one of Heejoo's designs there.
Brings Miri with him in the hellish province.

In the middle of the punishment... they realize there is still some love there. But pride is making them hold back a little.

In the end...I want Miri to look over say the docks, looking for boats headed to Korea like how she envisioned her mother. She accidentally slips up on the boat, yells help... no one hears her... she stays there for hours... until she starts freezing and she drowns... think: Natalie Wood kind of death.

YooHyun finds her, he cries, when he finds some sort of letter whatever... some plot point that Miri "loves" him. He mourns for her loss.

Lee Hwa satisfied with Miri's death... goes to YooHyun upon hearing the news. In her usual plastic fake manner. YooHyun holds on to Miri's necklace. Lee Hwa recognizes it. upon research, her henchman reveals to her who her daughter really is. She cries. She wails. When she sees Jang Miri = her daughter.


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4 an actres of kang hye jung's actin chops, er role s gtin mo & mo insignifican... c'mon i tot she wd b pivotal n bringn abt miri's dwnfal, bt so far she hs bn v pasiv...

n dis ep she hardly apears, & nex she's leavn 4 d US... i hope she dosn leav tl, say, ep 15-16 (f t's a 16 ep dram) & plays sum imp part, evn f t's as miri's defendr!!! lol...


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Im not watching Miss Ripley...YET!

But I'm excited to marathon it...especially since Ive been seeing the screencaps of Micky Yoochun up there for 2, or is it 3, episodes now, instead of Lee Dae Ha

Looks like Chunie is doing an amazing acting job in this one. For this alone Im going to give this drama a go!

I like the idea of adorable-turned-badass. Very interested to see how he would manage to pull this one off.

He was very promising in SKKS...Im sure he still has a lot more to show/more tricks up his sleeve...

Happy that the young ones in kdramaland are showing amazingly improved dramatic skills (eg LMH in CH) that will give the veterans a run for their money.


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...Call me a weirdo but I really want Yoo-Hyun and Miri to work out..DAMNIT! Yoo-Hyun eavesdrops at the worst of times. =[ *sigh* I guess Ill have to wait for next week.


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me too! YH and Miri all the way!
I'm not into HJ. Loved episode 12. cried for Miri, mesmerised by YH's transformation. Was MJ behaving like a spurned lover ? Would he have protected Miri if she had stayed with him ? Felt that Yoo Hyun is the only one who can deal with Hirayama. Cool!
and finally loved all the dark sides coming out . Brings this drama to a different level. Never ever judge a book by its cover.


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I think MJ was being a spurned love (hell hath no fury like a man scorned)....LOL. I am sure if Mi Ri had stayed by his side, he would have done everything in his power to protect her.......................................

Amazing how we all see Mi Ri for what she is but not the others.


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YH and Miri <3

Funny that I love that Hirayama is back as the 'villian' - the key to Miri's past
I wonder if the character 'President Kang' ofHirayama going to a big plotline .. hmmm


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Thanks so much for the recap, as usual, I enjoyed it immensely.

This drama epitomised our misguided ideas of love.........."What Is Love?"...Indeed, it is one of the most difficult questions for us as a human being to answer. Centuries have passed by, relationships have bloomed and so has love. But no one can give the proper definition of love. To some Love is friendship set on fire for others maybe love is like luck. You have to go all the way to find it. No matter how you define it or feel it, love is the eternal truth in the history of mankind.

Yes, we all know the kind of person Mi Ri is, my question is.........what is love for Myung Hoon and Yoo-hyun, and how will they overcome the atrocities that Mi Ri has committed to both of them?

I hope Mi Ri finds peace at the end, for although she is a twisted and thought-provoking character, I must say, I find her fascinating all the same.

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. "
~William Shakespeare.


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things have gotten interesting! i will never be for yoo-hyun and miri bc the way he "fell in love" was literally noticing how pretty she was and being aggressive about it. then having fun filled dates with a girl he actually know in the heart of the word and proposing. i don't really feel sorry for him if that's how he got jipped, a lot of gold diggers could play him if he will fall for a pretty face. i wonder how this drama will be if they do extend it to 20. usually extensions are not welcome for me.


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It really is awesome how flawed the characters of this drama is but I find myself wondering if maybe the writers made them TOO flawed. The only characters I find liking right now are Myung Hoon and Chuljin (who is not even a main character).

Hee Joo is way too passive. The drama writes her as too sympathetic to Miri (in the first parts of the drama), a little too naive (in the middle parts), and now way too self-sacrificing (in the more recent parts). There would have been so ways to out Miri while keeping others from getting hurt but instead she hurts herself! Argh! Aside from that, she's written as kind but look at what she is allowing Miri to do to Yoo Hyun! If Yoo Hyun didn't wise up, he would have been trapped in a marriage of fake love.

While I loved Yoo Hyun's business persona of being polite but very firm, I just how hated how he just fell for a pretty face. Miri's character was so bad to him yet he still "loved" her. I know smart guys (or any guy) fall for pretty faces but it still irks me how it seems to be the only thing he wants from Miri. And now, seeing that he really just wanted Miri as something to have, its really putting his character in the black for me. A lot of people seem to like Dark Yoo Hyun but I found Kind Yoo Hyun way more appealing. For once I want to see the really nice character to not be so self-facing (like Hee Joo) and I thought I found that in Yoo Hyun.

And miri... I don't really think I need to say anymore. Its all out there. I really really don't want her to be happy.


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I am a fan of Kang Hye Jung and I dont like what they do with her here. Well but what do I know? Inasmuch as I love the woman, I dont like it too much that Heeju is not so developed as a character. Of course she's pivotal in Miri's life - a good plot device to construct the Jang Miri of today but they could have made her a more realistic character to say the least. Her character is toooooo 'K-drama-ish' i find myself cringe at her more than I do Miri. Saving grace is that KHJ is still very natural even when she has to do this so yeah.

And so yay for no extension!


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I'm late to the party. Can't wait to read, yay! Thank you, GF!

Tension so thick, wonder how people in this drama breath.

Gobbled up the past two episodes on an iTouch today. I just replayed the end of 12 on laptop after reading a comment on Yoohyun's hotness there, and saw Hirayama's glint of recognition, as he squinted to get a better look at Yoohyun. (I didn't catch this on my tiny screen earlier.)

DUN-DUN. Hirayama remembers Yoohyun from the gosiwon chase to the subway!

Miri's response to Heejoo moving out. Wow. This week is the first time I'm seeing that screws really ARE loose in Miri's head. I mean, yes, she's been falsely and defensively accusing Heejoo of numerous things, but THIS?!

Extremely gratifying to watch Miri's castle of lies begin to crumble around her.

And I don't know if this is intentional, but this is also the first time I distinctly understand that Miri does NOT love Yoohyun (despite her numerous professions) and I get a strong vibe that Yoohyun also does not love Miri.

Previously, I did believe that Yoohyun was innocently infatuated with a pretty thing, but now? His response to Miri at that restaurant gave me a chill.

This week's episodes are letting Yoochun bring Yoohyun to life. It was so natural, and I think he did a great job. Previously he was just a goody-two-shoes, so I couldn't really gauge his performance.

Ok, off to read now! :D


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Didn't we see Yoohyun leave the picture of Miri on his desk at home? Where his step-mom might find it? That would be interesting. How will it change her behavior when she knows Miri is the missing daughter? Wonder if she's freaky enough to try to have her killed.


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i stopped watching the show, only reading the recaps now. i can't stand miri's facial expressions. ever heard of subtlety, miri? reading these recaps is more gratifying than watching the episodes. no offense to ms. ripley fans. :)


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i fall for you
i wish i could make love with you


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I think Miri's actually a pretty terrible actress in terms of actual lying talent (or maybe Lee Da Hae just plays her too over the top). I mean even before she went and idiotically talked about her situation with Mgr Jang in a GLASS room she got all wide-eyed (as she does pretty much every 10 mins when someone pops up), and made that awkward and totally transparent attempt to turn the convo to wine instead of Jang's ex.

I'm pretty sure in reality someone with half a brain could spot out the situation, but in this kdrama characters just smile and pointedly ignore anything weird, even the villainess mom. I mean, how could they not notice that Mgr Jang was totally staring at Miri the whole time he was talking about his ex?

And ugh for 50-year-old mama's boys. Who actually has a mom that would go up to an ex and beg her to hook up again with her middle-aged son? Pathetic. And great reuse of the whole old-people-get-sick-and-die-when-convenient plot point here.


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let me just take a moment to tell you how much i love dramabean's recaps. i've been wanting to watch Miss Ripley for Yoochun so I started today. I got to episode 4 but i just couldn't wait to see what's currently happening so i just went and read the recaps. i feel like a cheater (heehee~) but reading them makes me feel like i'm actually watching the drama (probably because of the screencaps), plus the added commentary and insight is very entertaining ;D same goes for the Cinderella's Sister recaps. i have never watched a single episode of it, but i was legitly crying as i was reading the recaps. so much suspense and emotion xD


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Why is Lee Hwa treating Miri so badly if she's her mother??? I mean She looks like she loves the kid when she was younger so why the hell is she venomous towards her???????


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Love Gangster Yoo Hyun. It's definitely a great change and livens the drama up....I still think it's too much of melo stuff and overacting by Lee Da Hae!


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Haha just wanted to say that your commentary and word choice is beyond hilarious. xD rather than impatient for the episodes, I get impatient to see your recaps. (49 Day's was also extremely funny with the lurking and what not.)


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"Oh snap. What’s worse than being cast aside by your ex-girlfriend’s pimp/debt collector? That’s gotta be the strangest rejection ever." LOL LMAO :D
I just love reading your recaps ! [ ROFL.. my tummy's aching from laughing..] more power !


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