Lie To Me: Episode 16 Open Thread (Final)


Ki-joon asks why she’s turning down his proposal. Yes, WHY? Ah-jung says that she loves him, but feels scared, like she’s lost something… but she doesn’t know what. Is it freedom? The chance to snog a bunch of men? The right to dance around your room naked?

He promises to wait. She goes to Jeju on a work trip and he sends her off with a watch and a kiss.

She spends a month working and ‘finding herself,’ which mostly consists of writing in a journal about Ki-joon. I’d be more inclined to be with you on this type of journey if you, say, had a different career path you wanted to take, or whatever. But we just spent entire stretches of drama time fighting for your civil service job that Defines You As A Person, so I dunno what we’re doing now.

So-ran finds out she’s pregnant, only to come home to find that Jae-bum’s run out on her. So she comes down to Jeju where the main cast has assembled, and reunites with her wayward hubby. The foursome go on a double date at Ki-joon’s request, in an attempt to make Ah-jung wish she were married too. That might’ve worked with Episode 1 Ah-jung, but she no longer lives here.

Ki-joon has to make up a thousand excuses to get invited into her apartment that night, and finally has to drag her in there. Sadly, it’s a bunch of false starts. Who killed the Libido Fairy up in here?

Dad calls to say that he’s getting married. (What? I thought you did that last episode.) Ki-joon gets deflated at the thought that Dad is getting married before he does. But Ah-jung just keeps pushing him away and away and away…

Ki-joon eventually gives her the engagement necklace and heads back to Seoul. He asks her to come up to have lunch with his aunt, and says that if she shows up wearing that necklace, he’ll take it as a sign that she wants to marry him. Basically, it’s an ultimatum. She frets over the decision, trying to prepare him for the fact that she might not show up.

Sure enough, come the day of the lunch, she gets swamped with a work emergency — an artifact goes missing in the museum. She finally calls Ki-joon with a curt apology that she can’t make it and his aunt fumes at being stood up. Ah-jung runs around in a panic until she discovers the artifact in question, not lost but just misplaced.

She cries, “I’ve found it! I’ve found it!” The curator finds her weeping and asks, “Is there something other than this that you lost, and were looking for?”


Wow, that metaphor could sink a battleship. Show, don’t stretch yourself beyond your means. It hurts us more than it hurts you.

Ki-joon comes down to Jeju for a short trip and asks to see her to hear an explanation. She writes him a letter and takes the necklace out. She puts the letter in the box and this is what she hands him at the airport, saying, “This is my answer.” Um… you don’t think he’ll mistake that as a big fat NO and just toss the box aside?

Which is exactly what he does, of course. Until trusty Park Hoon finds it the next day and he finally reads it. Ah-jung apologizes for not being there that day, but tells him that she’s finally found what she’d lost — her heart. And she’s prepared to run to him now.

He flies down to Jeju the second after he reads it. But the box of stuff he’s sent to her arrives first — ducks, tomato juice, cola — memories of their better moments (and the drama’s, sadly). They run to each other on the beach and profess their love, and in voiceover Ah-jung tells So-ran that they’re getting married soon, and this time for realsies.

Ah-jung: Love came and found us like a lie. And that lie became love.
Ki-joon: And we learned that in a lie, there is sometimes sincerity which is hotter than truth.

HAHAHA. Well, I learned that in a drama, there are sometimes entire final episodes filled with invented conflict in order to turn a NO into a YES.



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waaa...what an ending...very cheesy but the chemistry was amazing all throughout the drama...both actors are amazing and i hope they pick something better in the future, although can't blame them for the writers' weaknesses....better luck next time...KJH YEH FIGHTING!!!^^


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my think this drama not too good
honestly, the story is not interesting, rely on the kissing scene just to attract viewers' attention :(
not surprisingly, get low rating

although I very like YEH but if her project is bad I will not lie and say beautiful words just to make her happy.


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The writing sucked ass and the plot was non-existent, but oddly enough I enjoyed this trainwreck of a drama. Probably because I love YEH and KJH, like everybody else. Nonetheless, I thought they gave solid performances with what little material they had to work with, so kudos to them.

Hope they both find some sense in them now to (a) date each other in real life and get married and have loads of beautiful babies and (b) pick better projects with scripts that can be on par with their acting talent.

Definitely won't be picking up a DVD of this to relive the LTM experience though. Not that I do with even the best of 'em, K-dramas are something I can only watch once over of any series, with the exception of Coffee Prince and 9Ends2Outs.


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I simply can't see what DB and GF see in:

"City Hunter" (The Blue House? They couldn't conjur up a different location? Really? I wonder if anyone here has ever bothered to read the original story "City Hunter" is based on...)

OR "Miss Ripley" (a woman who's life centers on a billion lies? Really?...)

But I went kookoo for: "Lie to Me;" flaws and all!

Just saying; everyone and his/her taste people—TASTE being the operative word here :)


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but there are certain things that you cannot just attribute to taste.
Things like writing plot devices, acting are things that can be scrutinized objectively regardless of personal taste.


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No offense, but that's not exactly true.

When picking up which K-drama to watch everything has to do personal taste. Which actor or actress you like and want to see, what type of genre hence plot floats your boat, or simply what you feel like watching at the time, ie if you are up for fluff or heavy stuff.

Sure, you can judge the acting or plot as objectively as you want to, but in the end if they fulfil your sense of personal taste and intrigue you enough you're gonna keep on watching it anyways, right?

Which is why I found Best Love great (though I've probably seen the same material and plot devices recycled over and over again by the Hong sisters three times in three different series of theirs), Lie To Me serviceable, and City Hunter exactly as it is pronounced Hangul-ized : Shitty.

It's all about taste, and just because somebody does not share the same buds as you do, doesn't mean they lack any of it nor are theirs any worse than yours.


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yeah, and we know what your taste is.


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Yea, I too know what my taste is—I sure as heck don't watch Kdramas (especially rom-coms) for logic—never have, never will!

I like my nonsensical romantic stories (same as my romance book stories) so I can escape; so sorry for you if you watch Kdramas for life lessons or whatever! SMH LMAFROTL!

P.S. "Best Love" made sense, but "Lie To Me" didn't? wow—and I'm the crazy one? LOL!


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Best love created a UNIQUE premise and developed characters that were consistent, used metaphors that made sense, had solid acting, had writing that was witty.

LTM is like one of Dokko Jins potatoes. Enough said.


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LOOOOOOL the one Jin executed I presume.... LOOOOL....


Ahhh Pikachu! It's true what they say; you are what you read—next time please retort with your own words :) Then and only then will I be able to give you the proper response you clearly don't deserve LMBO!

P.S. I stopped watching "Best Love" at ep.10! I couldn't connect on an emotional level—robot hearts, potato metaphors etc., LOL


what makes you think those werent my own words?
did anyone else say LTM = Dokko's potatoes before this?

Or did people say BL was a good drama because it..was…good?


Look - the overall situations of romcoms usually don't really make sense or are have some pretty fantastical setups such as:

(1) a woman being mistaken as a man in "Coffee Prince",

(2) a mythical creature with 9 tails who wants desperately to become human and find a mate in "MGIAG",

(3) a college student who has a crush on her professor but turns out to be of royal lineage and ends up falling in love with the guy whose fortune she is taking away in "My Princess",

(4) a scorned lower level celebrity and a conceited, arrogant A-lister who initially despise each other, but are brought together by a song, etc.

Yes - these premises are somewhat fantastical, but how the relationships btwn the 2 leads start, and more importantly, how they DEVELOP over the course of the series tend to be pretty REAL.

Throw in some cute scenes and witty dialogue and then you have magic.

'LTM" had NONE of that.

Many of the scenes were forced and seemed to be taken from a "paint by numbers" type of K-drama script-writing class.

Pretty much zero memorable scenes or dialogue.

And on that of that, the relationship btwn the 2 leads didn't seem very believable and how it progressed over time made zero sense ("Secret Garden" had the same problem tho even that wasn't as bad as "LTM").


Pikachu! I only have one question for you:

At it's core, what is the purpose of a story?


ummm... BD, you say, "...the relationship btwn the 2 leads didn’t seem very believable and how it progressed over time made zero sense..." Are you sure?

Did you watch LTM! I only ask because, well—the only thing that lovers and haters of LTM seem to agree on, is the fact that they watched LTM because of YEH and KLH and how they made their characters come alive...

Just saying :)


I thought it would never end. Thank goodness.

Boring, overrated, commercial, and pedestrian. If ever both actors have anything new in the near future, you won't see me near it. This drama made me appreciate MSOAN because at least that drama did some crazy stunts that made me laugh out loud/groan out loud. The only think I loved about this was JB & GF's weecaps (and that sole weecap from Santa). Honestly if it weren't for them, I'd have thrown up from all the gushing, sacharine, and sappy reactions from rabid fans/recappers. *shudders still*

Conclusion: If the trailer is full of cuteness, run for your life. The more boring/confusing the trailer is, the better the drama.


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"Boring, overrated, commercial, and pedestrian. If ever both actors have anything new in the near future, you won’t see me near it."

I'm with you 100%!!! Esp. the commercial and pedestrian part. I liked YEH a lot in CP; I forgave her for the mistake that was MFL; but in this drama, I feel she prostituted herself for commercial reasons. I feel that she has no artistic integrity at all! I will not trust her again!

"The only thing I loved about this was JB & GF’s weecaps (and that sole weecap from Santa). Honestly if it weren’t for them, I’d have thrown up from all the gushing, sacharine, and sappy reactions from rabid fans/recappers. *shudders still*"

I read the recaps in the other websites for only one episode, I only got as far as reading 3 paragraphs. I had to stop reading and never went back to those websites - I was afraid I'd develop diabetes from the saccharine sweetness of the recaps; and suffer serious brain injury from the mindless comments of the rabid fans.


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I wouldn't be too hard on YEH.

The only reason why she did "LTM" was b/c she had initially agreed to do a project for the production company, but that eventually didn't work out.

Instead, of picking another project from another PC, YEH remained LOYAL and waited until the PC that she had initially agree to work with came up with another project.

Unfortunately for YEH, it was this dreck.

If anything YEH is too nice and loyal to a fault.

Her best interest would have been to have simply picked another project from another PC, but that would have put the initial PC in real bad shape b/c a greenlight for a project can often turn on getting a big star like YEH.


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I guess I'm not alone in deciding to no longer waste time on any future YEH offerings. Her string of duds (My Fair Lady, My Black Mini Dress and Lie to Me) have (finally!) convinced me to just stay the heck away.

I do agree with bd that YEH's loyalty is to blame for her choice to star in LTM, but she had no reason for the hot mess that is My Black Mini Dress.


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@abc: once in a while I peek at the other siites for the recaps and ask myself how long I can last (I'm really not a sweet tooth literally & figuratively). More or less it goes like this:

•open site(s) on new tab(s)
•scans 1st paragraph
•closes tab and go back to DB ;)


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"Conclusion: If the trailer is full of cuteness, run for your life. The more boring/confusing the trailer is, the better the drama."

Omo, you just summed it all up , one of my requirements in a movie/drama. I couldn't have said it any better, you nailed it.

*i hope there's a like button on this page, coz i cant seem to stop laughing at your comments.


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thanks for the journey, LTM!!

well at least we had a beautiful scene at the end...
i so love the Run To you by the waters with the wind blowing and the clear blue skies...
and of course the HOT KISSES between our OTP!!!


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It was just a big disappointment overall, I know the new writer tried to help salvage the course of the drama, but instead she kept throwing us more curve balls with last minutes angst that were really not necessary.....so much character inconsistency between the leads, it felt like another drama...also if you going to have other cast members on a drama why not make them work for their money...instead of having them come on camera for like 2minutes.....that a waste of cast and peoples time......

Sorry don't want to keep basing LTM, but really so much drama potential down the drain.....

Hope YEH can pick better projects......


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No matter what others say, no matter how shallow the story is, or how many loopholes the drama has, i will still go for my own feelings and personal opinion that I LOVED LIE TO ME. It's something that helps me get out of my stress. I loved Ah Jung and Ji Hoon and i loved Ji Hwan and Eun Ye! Period!


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i agree with you sistah....what ever what they say still im a big fan of the two lead star and will watch over and over this drama , im chill and flurry with everytime i see them together.


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I'm with u on this... I LOVE LTM!
I love how KJH and yeh 's chemistry and passion lights up my senses. Makes me happy ....when they cry I cry, when they laugh I laugh....Absolutely love this drama.


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The thing that bothers me on this blog, is how most here act all intellectual and uppity yet deep down when all is said and done, YOU'LL TRY TO DISSECT KDRAMAS (a.k.a FLUFF)!

I mean, how does one dissect FLUFF?—I've seen a lot of Kdramas but I can't name one with a bit of common sense substance—I challenge anyone to prove otherwise; SERIOUSLY!


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LTM is worse than fluff.


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obviously you only like "fluff" since you like your rom coms devoid of "logic" anyway so how would you know?

A drama has to have dramatic conflict so its not going to be exactly slice of life, but we are scrutinizing is the method.

If you want to see a drama that is as gritty as they come go and watch Ripley. It deals with the topics kdramas rarely touch.
i doubt you would be able to stomach it though.
Watch Story of a man.


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Again Pikachu?

You obviously missed my prior and now this point; so rather than writing you whole story, please visit other blogs—it seems the only LTM negativity comes from this blog!

As for my personal taste; yes, I'm guilty of liking Rom-Coms; which tend to be a bit more FLUFFIER—but so what, all Kdramas are FLUFFY! In the end, it depends on your tolerance for FLUFFINESS! NO?


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correction all dramas are not fluffy
but since you think all drams are fluffy you only watch fluffy dramas
Are you really surprised people coe here to let their thoughts lose here?
Have you seen the way they treat people with negative opinions in the soompi thread. Its almost akin to bullying.
The moderators should be all over that.


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this is also the end of my conversation with you.


ohmygaaaddd they bully people in soompi??? could be Bieber fans are also LTM fans ??? same amount of crazyyy!!!


I pretty much only stick to romcoms (aside from an excellent show like "Joseon X-Files" which comes across once in a blue moon), and all romcoms by their definition are "fluffy."

But there are good romcoms and bad romcoms; "LTM" is the latter.

"Everybody Loves Raymond" and "Friends" (until they "jumped the shark") were good sitcoms; "2 and A Half Men" and "King of Queens" are not.

But being all sitcoms - they are all "fluff."


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I love "Everybody Loves Raymond" and "King of Queens" but I don't give a **$%# about "Friends" or "2 and A Half Men!"

It does really come down to taste doesn't it? LOL :)


2 and a half Men is a terrible sitcom, just the premise itself shouldn't have sold the way it did.

But dude, I loved King of Queens. Subjectivity is a funny thing.


Agreed! For dissection, one must watch National Geographies, Animal Planet, Discovery Channel, etc. Me, if I want entertainment, I just go for things i like even if the super intelligence people say: this drama sucks, stupid, nonsensical, crazy plots. BAD, BAD, BAD!

I care naught for thy opinions. :)

Now, after LTM, me is gonna watch HYS/Eric in Beautiful Spy!


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Not all kdramas are fluff. Most of them are, but not all. You just have to find the gems among the trash. Oh, forgot that some people's trash are other people's treasures. So. My trash, your treasure. And vice versa.

The reason why the recaps became weecaps is because this drama was the ultimate fluff. I bet that if Santa was doing it, it could've been shorter. Not in paragraph form. Maybe in 20 sentences or less.

Based on your previous comments, you just have a different taste, therefore you're watching different dramas from us "intellectual and uppity" peeps here.

Last but not least, apparently, common sense is still not common.


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"Last but not least, apparently, common sense is still not common."

hahahahaahahahahahahaha............... i swear this will go down as one of the best in my "BEST QUOTES" book...Ace, can i quote you on this??? lol!


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Please feel free... ;) LOL!!


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LOL! I love your last line!


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Teacher-nim ACE,
Thought to help you out with your lesson so I've looked up "Common Sense" for you to share with the class :)

common sense
good sense and sound judgment in practical matters : use your common sense | [as adj. ] a common-sense approach.


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I can't speak for everyone else, but I do like for drama to have a little bit of common sense. I understand that we have to suspend belief when watching dramas, but that's with most things like tv shows or movies.Dramas should be entertaining yes, but that doesn't mean they have to lack logic.

People have the right not like things just as well as you have the right to like and its okay for them to say why they didn't like it.

I don't understand why some people get personally offended if one didn't like this drama. I don't mean you(respect your readers) I just mean people in general in regards to some of their comments on this board.


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Hi Tiffturn,

I don't disagree that everyone likes what he/she likes. It wouldn't make sense if everyone in world liked the same thing/s; I get that. What I don't get is how some people (Pikachu in particular) seem to say whatever without backing it up... As much as I'd like to say I LOVED LTM, I can't! Why? Because yes, the writing was flawed—I and the majority of the people who enjoyed watching LTM said so. I even stopped watching after episode 10 and just read Koalas Playground's recaps—because I didn't want to invest my time; unless I knew that I at least would get a happy ending for the couple.

I started watching LTM at the same time as BL and stopped watching both at around episodes 10; but in the end, I went back to watching LTM as opposed to BL because I connected on an emotional level with the story LTM was trying to tell but alas couldn't articulate. BL on the other hand did nothing for me on an emotional level—I couldn't even get past BL episode 10 (again) while trying to marathon on the weekend...

...so yes, I too had issues with LTM but on the whole, LTM wasn't as bad as most here are making it out to be.

That's all I've been trying to say!


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I understand that. I felt the same way about 49 Days, particularly the way people were so harsh with the lady playing Shin Ji Hyun. I don't know if you liked it, but I didn't think she was as bad as some people made her out to be. So, I totally understand your point.


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Having some good, witty writing wouldn't be bad either.


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"My Princess", "MGIAG", "Best Love" and even "Coffee Prince" for the most part were all "fluff."

But they had good writing/dialogue, good acting and the development of the relationship btwn the leads seemed plausible ; "LTM" didn't do any of that.


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I agree re MGIAG and BL. They are great, great romcoms.

MP was all potential, but it wasn't so bad that I dropped it halfway like I did LTM. The writing in MP, while mediocre, wasn't really bad so the chemistry between the leads was able to make it watchable. LTM was just... painful.

Objectively, CP was a good, even great, kdrama. But YEH's character annoyed the heck out of me. Honestly, Goong was the only YEH drama that I loved.


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Wow, tensions seem to be running high.

Off the top of my head, several K-dramas with substance.

49 Days


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I would add City Hunter to that list :)


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I am so greatly disappointed with this drama...not much with the actors because they did their part...but goodness, the writers. So, if you (writers) are reading this, next time you write, make sure that the drama will not lost its steam from ep 1 till the finale. No matter how simple the plot would be, but as long as the writing is great and entertaining, I will be watching it. I apologized in advance if I am vocal with my criticism because that is your profession so probably reading from all feedback here, there will be room for improvement with the next drama.

Thanks for the recaps and weecaps JB and GF.

On the other hand...I was soooo happy that dramafever is on Roku now. Hubby dearest added it for me this morning....so sweet...the highlight of my day, being able to re-watch my fave kdramas...:)))


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I only continues watching because the two leads sparkled when their on screen. But the drama ruined even that for me. Not at all their best work, bad writer! >w<;


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I just have to write this.... I do respect you people... that we have diverse likes and dislike and all that jazz... BUT I NEED to say this proudly... I LOVE LTM TO BITS!!! FLAWS AND ALL!!! I DON'T NEED COMPLICATED PLOTS to enjoy a drama....am shallow... what I need is to be entertained after a crappy day...to swoon and giggle like a crazy teen ager... to glue my eyes to the screen til it explode because of the overwhelming chemistry of the OTP... and lastly. I like my love stories...silly and flirty with lots of skinship the better... and LTM gives me all these and more... too bad you don't like it but for us who do, we will NEVER grow tired of watching it and falling in love with our KJ and AJ all over again...



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god bless you too


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Hear! Hear! Mizweng!

You summed LTM up to perfection! I couldn't have said it better!

Thank you and GOD BLESS...


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as much as i lurve lurve lurve kang jihwan...man. i can't wait for city hunter!!!


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lie to me was fun at first but later it got on pretty ridiculous. i love kang ji hwan and yoon eun hye as a couple but the cheesy lines made me want to throw up.

this is just my opinion, but i think this is one of the worst k-dramas i've ever seen.


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Boys before flower and playful kiss


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Bull's eye! I can't stomach them.

strangely, I like LTM :)


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i started from liking Lie to me....continued with loving it and ended with going crazy about it!


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I really liked this drama initially, then once the female admitted the truth to her friend, the show started to go downhill.

I thought they were going to use the tried and true cliche of them fighting against his aunt to ride through til the end, but I think that the writers stopped trying to read the map and gave up after she got her job back.

The brother was no real competition, and the ex-girlfriend was typical (held on too long).

I didn't understand the last episode at all. Why chase the guy FOREVER, go through all the drama, and then hold things off for a month? I know that a lot of Korean dramas tend to get anti-climatic by the last drama but this was ridiculous.


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WellDamn24, I'm not criticizing your view or anything but, did you just say:

"I thought they were going to use the tried and true cliche of them fighting against his aunt to ride through til the end..."

Again, I'm not criticizing your point of view BUT OF ALL THE KDRAMA SHENANIGANS, I HATE THE FAMILY INTERFERENCES THE MOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've lived in South Korea so I understand the culture and why that storyline repeats in almost all kdramas but the family interferences simply BUGS the heck out of me! Argh!!!!

Just saying :)


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I agree, the family interference bit is really stale. On one hand I appreciate that it wasn't drawn out. But the show needed SOMETHING towards the end and that would have worked as well as anything else.

When she talked about finding herself I thought the twist would be her confronting his aunt and saying that she wasn't going to learn 20 different language and spend her life serving his social calendar. I expected her to stand up for herself a little more and basically show that she wanted him as much as he'd show he wanted her for the last few episodes.

But alas, the ending was trash. LOL


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There was no real chemistry unless by chemistry, people mean lots of kissing and groping. I hoped for so much more because I am a fan of Kang Ji hwan. Really, there were scenes where I thought he was trying to keep a straight face or was trying to make fun of his character. What a waste. He was so much more interesting and compelling in coffee house. There was a lot more genuine chemistry in that drama between the leads!


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Yeah, people think that just b/c a script calls for kissing, etc. - that it's good "chemistry."

If the writing isn't good (where you can believe in the characters and how their relationship develops), then chemistry really can't develop and it's just fangirls getting all excited by the smooching.


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I still don't get how you didn't/don't see the burning chemistry between YEH and KJH (even sans the kissing; which stopped after ep 10?)...

Anyway, I guess the majority of "us" who saw the palpable and undeniable chemistry between the leads need to get our eyes checked then... hmmm... Just saying!


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yup. totally agree that the chemistry was not-a-sizzle.


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sophia...maybe we have a different opinion and taste maybe you are the only one who dont like YEH, but for everydody they like the chemistry of the 2 leads stars of LTM, and i am the one on agree with them.and thanks for watching LTM.


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Wow so many idots here....


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Dear Yoon Eun Hye,
Please think long and hard about your next choice for a drama. I know you are loyal to your projects but sometimes you need to make sure the project makes some sort of sense (any even!), so think carefully ok? I can't wait to see you in your next drama (and will proceed to wait by erasing My Fair Lady and Lie to Me from my memory).

Hwaiting, Your Fan


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Oh man, I love Ji Hwan & Eun Hye together onscreen but honestly I lost interest about half way through. *sigh*

And the ending was a bit of a let down but at least we got a HOT kiss to seal the deal!!


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It finally ended. The last two episodes had the most exaggerated acting EVER from the two leads. Gawd, what a waste of talent.

Will I re-watch this show? Not sure. KJH had some genuine cute dorky moments only YEH can bring those out of him. And yes, he does look hawt when he acts hot headed, but nothing more to offer.

I'm disappointed the supporting actors didn't get a short closure send off to each of their own characters. Like, what happens to SH, SB, Park, and the cafe musician gal???? I wanted everyone to get some sort of satisfaction as the leads do. The finale didn't make me a happy camper.

I suppose KJH can take time off now and look for his perfect wife-to-be.


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In the meanwhile, all my sizzling feelings are cooking over at I Need Romance. Feel free to recap or weecap that show ladies. So many hot men in such a short period of time. Every episode airs I never want it to end.


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Hell yeah!! Please do the recap of I NEED ROMANCE, Javabeans! It's sooo worthed!


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i discovered a site where they post recaps of I NEED ROMANCE. here's the linky: http://couchkimchi.wordpress.com/2011/06/25/i-need-romance-week-2-a-chaebol-in-disguise/


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Oops. Yes, what she said.


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GF thank you for doing this last two epi and for doing a kinder and gentler recap. I can sympathize with you in working on a project that leaves you uninspired for the most part. I have to say that the previous writer had a polarizing effect that it did not leave me with a good feeling and I actually stop coming for a while.

Granted, its probably just his style and I can respect that but we also have a choice to read something else which is why I haven't lurked around for a long time. The fact is, I could not resist finding out what DB thought of the last two epi, so I was surprised and relieved that it's GF that wrote it.

Although the sarcasm and the dislike for this project remains evident, I appreciate the fact that you still wrote it with respect to those who appreciated this drama. You may never truly understand and accept the idiosyncratic and eccentric behavior/comments that came out of supporting this project; however, I appreciate that you and DB made it 'til the end. For that, I say a million thank you and that you have my respect back.


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Thank you for keeping this drama as a open thread. Without this, i would've ended up actually trying to watch this but to just have it end with w.t.h.



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Some dramas should have « weepcaps » instead of « weecaps » :-)
... and I so much looked forward to this drama ! Why did you have to mess up so much, dear writers ???

In my fantasy :
We start with a lie, somehow both of them have a reason to go along with the lie. They have to share space and time (attend social and family duties of each other – here we could have some funny scenes, solving unusual situations etc), they slowly learn things about each other (what is to be a civil servant and what a hotel director)... and fall in love. BUT there is this scheming little brother who is not able to get over his guilt for breaking up his brother's engagement and he is doing his « best » to split the main couple and bring the first girlfriend back. He may manage to cause quite some misunderstandings and even stir up some old feelings of KJ for his first love. Other conflicts may arise from the different worlds KJ and AJ live in (based on their own experience from their fake marriage) when they have to decide what they are willing to sacrifice and what not...


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Am super glad this show is over because we can finally call for ceasefire.

Kinda sick of all the "fightings". It gets so personal.

Not gonna watch LTM because I can see it's universally agreed that the plot and characters are poorly done, except the OTP it seems. Looking forward to all other dramas though....


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this drama is the WORST drama ever produced.

1. There is no chemistry between the leads. I am not saying that YYH and KJH are not good actors, they actually are. But their pairing did not really work out in this drama.

2. Ah Jung and Ki Hoon's character did not really grow. Actually, ALL the characters in this drama did not grow in depth. I don't even know if it is proper to refer to them as "characters". I think that they are just a bunch of unlucky creatures stuck in a drama. No growth. No progress.

3. There is no conflict in this drama. I believe that others would argue that it is THE LIE. But the LIE was very superficial. Can't see the overall significance.

4. WORDS ARE NOT ENOUGH TO DESCRIBE HOW DISAPPOINTING THE STORYLINE WAS. There are many events in the drama that happened without any justification. It seems like some of these events merely served as FILLERS so that an episode could reach an hour. I think that the drama would be better off if it was just a movie. Everything GOOD and SIGNIFICANT that happened between Ah Jung and Ki Hoon could be summed up in a 90-minute movie.

5. Since the storyline was not convincing, this drama could have at least exerted effort in its cinematography. Unfortunately, even in this area, the drama failed me miserably. If you can't give the viewers a decent story, at least give them something GOOD TO LOOK AT.

A total waste of talent not only of Yoon Eun Hye and Kang Ji Hwan but the entire cast as well. I hope that they could get better roles next time.


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than kyou for the recap i no longer feel the need to watch the final two, gonna spend my time on city hunter!!!!


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ahahah...reading at all the comments really make me think abt my 'taste' as i really like tis drama...well i wont said it is the best of the best Kdrama ever watched but at least it brings entertaining...well at least b4 they change the writer..

after they chg the writer i just watched the show as a friend love story and how you wish they will b together after all the unnecessary obstacles...so guess i still able to get along with the show....just wanna let YEH n KJH know tt i will always support u guys...n do lets us know if u guys really going to b an item in the real world...wish u guys all the best..

to GF n JB...thks for the weecap...it really brings lots of fun just by reading it...tq


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Aigoo finished off with the baywatch slowmo run... The new writer sucks like seriously!


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i LOLed at the baywatch reference...


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Anyone know what's going to replace LTM?


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Warrior Baek Dong Soo


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oh thanks!


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LTM is fantastic. The story is not boring nor the writers suck. I agree with some of the comments here, that the weecap actually sucks, because it missed out all the juicy parts but keeps on highlighting the unimportant scenes.
It's a good happy ending with moral of the story - Life is not a bed of roses. Human being plans, but God decides.
I rest my case.


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Yes, it was a bit of a mess. It is what it is.

Hey, it was still better than Manny!


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I was going to watch Manny next...is it really that bad?


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Manny is worse.


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thank you...not watching Manny then...so I'm off to BabyFace Beauty....


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Manny is REALLY bad. I am enjoying Can You Hear My Heart.


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watching the final episode sucked the life out of me - good god! why did they have to make YEH sort of change her mind...on the last episode??? the show sucked so bad that i wanted the end to at least be cheesy sweet and loving and all huggy and kissy...sigh...


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Man, you guys are all saying how there's no logic, its stupid, while others are saying even if there's no logic the leads make up for it with their chemistry etc etc

Why the hell didn't anyone mention this drama is sOoooooo booooring???

Seriously I thought it was passable up to episode 7. Was a fun drama regardless of the weak plot and writing. After that I forced myself to episode 10 and just can't take it. Its just so boring


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true bcz the first part was funny and romantic which is expected of a romantic comedy but the rest was not funny and or romantic!!!


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Exactly how I feel! I just can't get over how incredibly boring the whole drama is. Only watched the first 10 episodes and the final 5 minutes but when I watched it I always felts like I was spending hours and hours waiting for something significant to happen.


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second bomb..


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The suckiness of the drama lasted until the last scene.

How did they both end up running toward each other on the scenic bluff?

Did they call up each other to arrange it?

Was the place that AJ was staying at, on the beach? If so, don't they having parking in front of it?

It was just so random. They could have had some establishing shots of the house next to the beach. Or it could have been made their "special spot". The producers just wanted a great romantic place to have their final scene and were too lazy to establish the location.

The kisses were pretty hot.


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"Did they call up each other to arrange it?" Yes, actually, they did. KJ called AJ. Didn't you see it? Or were you eye rolling at that moment and missed it? LOL!


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Well is over, and yes, I liked it :) I guess my taste is very "pedestrian"... What can I do? :)

I just don't understand why you people hate this show so much... Granted, is not a masterpiece, but it isn't the worst show out there (Manny, I'm looking at you...). Well, at least it got a reaction out of you. They say the opposite of love is not hate, but indifference.

Lastly, thanks DB and GF for the weecaps. Poor you... how much you suffered. You guys deserve a round of soju. But hey, at least it was a challenging one for you as writers. How many ways can you find to express that you think the show sucks?? It was brilliantly done! Plus, you invented a few new words in the process.
Congratz and on to the next one!


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OMG I still cant believe how horrible that last episode was...even though the first writers were a little off I must say that if is true they changed the writers they kinda messed it up even more...a lot more I mean hello the last two episodes were very hard to watch even for the fans...horrible ending they had to do a wedding, more kissing, and less of the stupid!!!!


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I've been loving this drama from start to the end. I love both of the leads (YEH and KJH). They are both excellent actor and actress. They know how to act their characters. I don't care if the rating is not high, the most important thing is that they were able to portrayed their characters. Lie to me is superb, this is the only k-drama that I saw that has many kissing scenes. :)


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All in all, this drama had me salivating for more until episode 8. Then it went downhill from there. I wish Sang-hee and Yoon-ju could end up together, but noooo they just had to write her out of the plot altogether. There was a non-existent love triangle, and not enough Hoon in the drama. He was probably my favorite part in the drama. So was the awesome Manager Park. I give her an A+.

Other than ranting about how I wasted so many hours watching the last half of the drama and could've been rewinding City Hunter's epic moments, I have one last thing to add~

I think Manager Park deserved some love too, and so did Hoon. Is it just me, or did anyone else want those two to end up together? That would've probably been more interesting than AJ and KJ. Hoon/Ji Yoon might've made me somewhat excited to watch this drama.


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I'm not too sure if I'm reading this right, but I'm getting the notion that the term "logical" is being used a little too loosely here. I don't think a drama is bad because it's "illogical." It's bad because the illogicalness doesn't fit snugly into the plot's premises. If you ever watched Hanazakarino Kimitachihe, that shit is the epitome of nonsensical because it was modeled exactly after a manga (and we all know how mangas are), but the absurdity of it all MADE SENSE because that's what the drama originally had to offer, and thus, was logical in terms of STYLE. The story STILL made sense. (Super fun drama to watch, btw--you just have to go into it with an open mind and enjoy the lovable stupidness of it all.)

But a plot that consists of no original ideas, no sense of character development, no mind-blowing twists/turns/ surprising revelations, or simply NOTHING SPECIAL, then you might have a crap story at hand. I mean, dramas are like literature. We like books with a good solid plot with great characters. We generally don't like to read stuff with bad writing (boring dialogue) or a bad plot (imagine if Harry Potter started off as a boy going on a quest to kill Voldemort and then focused the last half the series on his and Ginny's romance, and thus, never actually defeated Lord Voldy. It wouldn't be as popular, that's for sure.)

I offer loyalty to a drama solely based on how good a drama's plot is. I thought I can watch it based on fluff alone, but I realized that plot and character development is really important, and that's just how some viewers are. I went into My Princess with high hopes, but dropped it halfway because the plot was going nowhere, despite KTH and SSH being the best eye-candy OTP I had seen in a while. Same with My Fair Lady, Witch Amusement, and Secret Garden. Plot closure is so important to me, that the moment a drama produces such an anti-clamatic conclusion (or none at all), I drop it like a stone. (Like, wtf, the body-switching in Secret Garden really was pointless when Daddy saved them in the end, anyway.)

Then there's character development. Truthfully, I'm not a fan of Hong Sisters drama, because they always manage to contrive a character that has a sackful of hay for a brain. Out of all their dramas, I seriously think Delightful Girl Choon Hyang might be the only drama that has intelligent non-ditsy characters. The only other drama I like is Hong Gil Dong, but only because Sung Yuri was able to pull of the Stupid Girl with enough grace and lovableness, AND that her stupidness and aloofness ties in nicely with the story. But really...the immense exaggeration of the stupid nun (You're Beautiful), ditsy schemer (My Girl), clueless Gumiho, and child-man (Best Love) was too much for me. TOO MUCH.

So I don't really see why one should get all uppity about why we don't see eye-to-eye on the drama LTM. I guess it really does come down to taste (or lack of), and if watchers like myself have a higher standard on what is a good drama, then so be it. No need to showcase a Bitter Betty.


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Anyone else notice the plot similarities between Lie To Me and Coffee Prince?

YEH is a cheerful, bumbling, hard worker.
YEH has only one parent.
Relationship with chaebol starts with a lie.
Getting out of that lie proves to be difficult.
YEH falls in love with a chaebol in the midst of the lie.
Chaebol is not over his first love.
Chaebol's first love is mixed up in an icky love triangle with close male relative (sibling/cousin).
Chaebol's first love comes back after some time away.
Male relative is heroine's confidant.
Male relative also falls in love with heroine (for a time).
Chaebol has a secret room.
That secret room contains toys (lego models and toy models).
Chaebol has never shown anyone secret room before.
Chaebol shows secret room to YEH.
Chaebol's family opposes YEH at first, but then grudgingly accepts her.
After Chaebol and YEH declare love for one another, YEH acts all coy about marriage for no apparent reason.
YEH decides to go away to find herself, making chaebol wait for her.
Chaebol says to not make him wait too long.
YEH writes cute letters to chaebol while she is finding herself.
Chaebol acts like he is the only one who suffers while YEH is finding herself.
YEH and chaebol end up happily ever after.


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skim, dont you think it would have plot similarities also with more than half a dozen other kdramas aside from CP? I have not watched that much kdramas so I would not know....

where do you think the similarities end between the two shows (aside from sharing the same female lead)? which do you like better/best?


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I LOVED Coffee Prince and it remains one of my all-time favorite dramas. It is also one of the only Korean dramas I've watched multiple times. I felt mostly ambivalent about Lie To Me. I just could never bring myself to care about it much, even though I wanted to. I just thought it was kind of ironic that YEH was in 2 different dramas with so many similarities (and yup, I agree that there are a lot of dramas with similar plot points), like she was essentially the same character. One which turned out AWESOME and one that did not. On paper, so similar but with such different outcomes in execution.


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The logic in this drama was extremely flawed, but what made me drop this drama was the fact that it just became EXTREMELY boring. I just didn't care about the characters anymore, but I guess that is a result of the flawed logic as well. lol. Nothing seemed to make sense anymore, and there was dialogue just for the sake of having lines read out. I don't even know how I managed to watch 13 episodes of this.
I love both YEH and KJH, but the writing couldn't support their acting or "chemistry". Everything they did together, no matter how hard the two actors tried, just felt very forced to me. I know it isn't YEH's fault, but her two most recent dramas have made me very wary of her future projects. I gave her a pass for MFL (didn't watch the last episode), and jumped into LTM like MFL never happened, but I'm going to take precaution for her next drama, for sure.
What this drama has confirmed for me is that a drama cannot AT ALL be carried by actors no matter the amount of talent the two leads have. The effects of writing enhancing the work of actors in a project is much higher than the other way around (acting helping the writing). Although we can appreciate when an actor enhances the writing, it is really only within the realm of his/her character. It doesn't at all affect the overall drama's quality. I mean, this seems obvious, but this drama really made these points clear.

I'm watching I Need Romance now, and it is super fun!! That drama needs to get recapped here!!


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Ohhhhhh! Finally this kdrama is over...

Since Ive decided to stop watching this around midway I would not know for myself if it did turn out good or bad (based on my own taste/standard).

But based on those who do not like it, it seems it went the way of a train wreck. Sad.

While based on those who love it, it looked like they are just happy with how things turned out. Hmmm...

I love YEH from watching Goong and Coffee Prince, and so I refused to finish this show for fear that it will change my level of likeness for her for the worse.

I have not watched KJH previous to LTM and so it made me curious if his other dramas maximized on his acting chops. Despite the poor writing/directing in LTM, his chemistry with YEH is extremely powerful and his acting skills were evident!!! BUT I would not watch a show for that alone if the plot and flow of the story is lazy and unimaginative; it will just bore me to tears. And so I sought to find ways to love KJH also. Before I know it I was marathoning "Coffee House" and I was amazed that his character there is crazy-good! In fact the cast was great! And the show engaging/funny. In short, the show was able to redeem KJH in my eyes...

Because of LTM, I discovered "Coffee House" and so it's worth the hours I spent on it's first few episodes! ;-)


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coming out of lurking to say thanks for the weecaps!

second time i've felt vertigo from a drama (marry me, mary was the first).... all the inexplicable mazelike turns of the main characters... and all the dead ends (- poor MIA manager park and sang hee...)

still... it was a pretty trainwreck... and the OST is lovely... my kids make me play that ice cream sarang song over and over and over...

lastly, i really enjoyed the depictions of different relationships at different times - a new relationship, a new(ish) marriage and a mature relationship that surfaced later (too late) in the drama....

thanks again! :)


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DB ratings is already updated for this drama and GL.


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I really liked this dorama. But some situations are too cliche...and just wouldn't happen in real life. It could have been a better story


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Seriously??? That was it?
... dang... I could've been watching City Hunter instead.

The only thing I appreciated were KJH's lips... yum.


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LMAO! True that.

Umm~ I'm just curious. I saw an old pic of Baby V.O.X. several months ago, I swear I saw YEH's upper lips were very thin... so, I hate to ask, however this has been in the back of my mind since then, so... did YEH get a lip implant to make it plumper?


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Whenever I don't like a drama, I comment once and that's enough. Likewise when I love a drama. Yes, this is the place to either rant or rave but I think this has gotten way out of hand and turning to be uncivilized. It seems both sides are getting touchy but I must say the haters of this drama sure like to "give it" to those that do. I wonder why those that hate this drama has spent so much time and effort on it? Can't we play nicely here? Grow up people.


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Surprise isn't it. Those who says that they don't like it actually like it. They just can't stop talking about it.

As for the drama, like it.


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The snarky comments are entertaining which is why those who don't like the drama keep commenting.


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Yes, I stopped commenting on LTM once I stopped watching. Though, I have occasionally come back and check to see if it somehow picked up or saved itself. Sad to see that it ended badly. I feel like this drama could've ended on episode 12, which was where I stopped.

I agree with you about the comments that are here. I would hate to see DB turn into the way PopSeoul used to be. There's a fine line between snarky and bitchy.


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