Lie To Me: Episode 16 Open Thread (Final)


Ki-joon asks why she’s turning down his proposal. Yes, WHY? Ah-jung says that she loves him, but feels scared, like she’s lost something… but she doesn’t know what. Is it freedom? The chance to snog a bunch of men? The right to dance around your room naked?

He promises to wait. She goes to Jeju on a work trip and he sends her off with a watch and a kiss.

She spends a month working and ‘finding herself,’ which mostly consists of writing in a journal about Ki-joon. I’d be more inclined to be with you on this type of journey if you, say, had a different career path you wanted to take, or whatever. But we just spent entire stretches of drama time fighting for your civil service job that Defines You As A Person, so I dunno what we’re doing now.

So-ran finds out she’s pregnant, only to come home to find that Jae-bum’s run out on her. So she comes down to Jeju where the main cast has assembled, and reunites with her wayward hubby. The foursome go on a double date at Ki-joon’s request, in an attempt to make Ah-jung wish she were married too. That might’ve worked with Episode 1 Ah-jung, but she no longer lives here.

Ki-joon has to make up a thousand excuses to get invited into her apartment that night, and finally has to drag her in there. Sadly, it’s a bunch of false starts. Who killed the Libido Fairy up in here?

Dad calls to say that he’s getting married. (What? I thought you did that last episode.) Ki-joon gets deflated at the thought that Dad is getting married before he does. But Ah-jung just keeps pushing him away and away and away…

Ki-joon eventually gives her the engagement necklace and heads back to Seoul. He asks her to come up to have lunch with his aunt, and says that if she shows up wearing that necklace, he’ll take it as a sign that she wants to marry him. Basically, it’s an ultimatum. She frets over the decision, trying to prepare him for the fact that she might not show up.

Sure enough, come the day of the lunch, she gets swamped with a work emergency — an artifact goes missing in the museum. She finally calls Ki-joon with a curt apology that she can’t make it and his aunt fumes at being stood up. Ah-jung runs around in a panic until she discovers the artifact in question, not lost but just misplaced.

She cries, “I’ve found it! I’ve found it!” The curator finds her weeping and asks, “Is there something other than this that you lost, and were looking for?”


Wow, that metaphor could sink a battleship. Show, don’t stretch yourself beyond your means. It hurts us more than it hurts you.

Ki-joon comes down to Jeju for a short trip and asks to see her to hear an explanation. She writes him a letter and takes the necklace out. She puts the letter in the box and this is what she hands him at the airport, saying, “This is my answer.” Um… you don’t think he’ll mistake that as a big fat NO and just toss the box aside?

Which is exactly what he does, of course. Until trusty Park Hoon finds it the next day and he finally reads it. Ah-jung apologizes for not being there that day, but tells him that she’s finally found what she’d lost — her heart. And she’s prepared to run to him now.

He flies down to Jeju the second after he reads it. But the box of stuff he’s sent to her arrives first — ducks, tomato juice, cola — memories of their better moments (and the drama’s, sadly). They run to each other on the beach and profess their love, and in voiceover Ah-jung tells So-ran that they’re getting married soon, and this time for realsies.

Ah-jung: Love came and found us like a lie. And that lie became love.
Ki-joon: And we learned that in a lie, there is sometimes sincerity which is hotter than truth.

HAHAHA. Well, I learned that in a drama, there are sometimes entire final episodes filled with invented conflict in order to turn a NO into a YES.



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First ..man I always wanted to be the first :) thanx 4 all the effort


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watch Lie to Me Episode 16 English Subbed here: http://www.kimchidramas.net/2011/06/lie-to-me-episode-16.html


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whatever they say this drama is very cute...period!


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agreed! i thought so too! or maybe i'm just oblivious the fact that i like both of them & i'm just not seeing what ev.body's talking about flaws! but other kdramas we've seen in the past got flaws like lovers in paris, it was so good, i got hooked then booom the ending was the most confusing, lousy one for me at least! up to now i can't seem to get a grip on whether tae young was only writing that script about the whole thing that's happened or was she writing about herself, oh well sorry i got into lovers in paris now :)
back to LTM, i think this drama was good & at least there's no illness or any of that stigma we've seen in most kdramas or stereo-typing if you will! i guess in any movies or dramas for that matter, we are our own judges, so what may be good for me may not be good for everybody! peace!


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mte. imo this drama had a great start and then ehh just down hill from there but that's just me


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Sigh.... I'm just glad it is over. Although I love YEH and KJH, I just can't understand why such BAAAAD writers were given brilliant actors to work with. I watch it for the great chemistry between the two actors.....


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I agree! Love both actors but plot was weak and got boring... :-(.


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Here, here! Blasting through ep 15 I realized that it just consisted of a lot of "utterances"....err...ummm...etc. All signs of unmotivated writers that just seemed to want to get the drama done. It was a dum.-dum-duh-dum...Ah Jung, if you didn't realize it before, you are marrying a rich and famous dude...a set-up for that last ditch conflict before acquiescence...('cuz honestly, if there wasn't all hell would break loose, at least from this gal). Overall, I found myself a fan of KJH out of this. A bit over the top at times, but my fave memorable moment that clinched my heart was when he said "It's for real" before giving YEH the cola kiss. To me, that's enough to make this series worth the watch.


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this drama was so hard to finish.
yeeeeaaahhh... worst drama of 2011 (for me anyways).


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*oh so this show is over now? damn, just when i was enjoying the recaps and all the LTM fan-raving here.... kekeke

"Wow, that metaphor could sink a battleship. Show, don’t stretch yourself beyond your means. It hurts us more than it hurts you."

LOL at this, GF nobody does *sarcasm like you do... this is the reason why im having the time of my life reading LTM recaps here..

*i hope they get the joke :)


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I totally agree with you. Watching this drama was a real drag for me.


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wow!!!! your soooo cynical worst drama of 2011 although the yr isn't done yet is PARADISE RANCH.........


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I second that. Despite all the flack the show received the chemistry had me hooked until episode 13. The power of the two great actors wasn't enough after that. But to say its the worst 2011 show is 1- way too early to say, and 2- shows that you haven't watched paradise farm


HAHAHAHAHA I SECOND THAT! Paradise Farm was so boring!

The only good thing of the last... 5? episodes was the final kiss, at least it seemed real and with a bit of tongue :P not just a stamp kiss


Hello fellow LTMers, just want to love i love this drama. Period.
Its true that they are ALOT of good or best dramas out there but also they are worst dramas than LTM. However, even the best dramas for example A man from nowhere or Return of Ilmeije did not strike/ hit home to my taste or heart. These dramas have the whole shabang (plot, cinematography, cohesiveness character building and the lot) I whole-hearty admit that but I thought it was a drag from the first episode. I watched one episode and read the recap before I drop it like a hot potato and NEVER EVER look back. i DID NOT even make any comment or bitchin or bashing it for something i feel the drama is lacking.

Like a DECENT HUMAN BEING i just shut my mouth and kept my opinion to myself because i might hurt someone who loves the drama.

Like a RESPECTFUL AND EDUCATED HUMAN BEING, I know what words can do to people, intentional OR NOT.

Like a WISE HUMAN BEING, wasting my time and effort to criticize a drama week by week by week for its lacking is PURE Lunacy. If its something I dont like, would I still do it again and again and call myself sane? HECK NO!!!!!

Thats all to naysayers out there.


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Taking the High Road is like Fight Club.

This first rule is: You do not talk about the High Road.
The second rule is: You do not talk about the High Road.

Otherwise you are taking the Low Road, which I believe is what you are trying to object to.


hahaha @ chocobo hillarioussss i deff took the low road this drama SUCKED I was biting my nails just getting through it ( I wonder why I sat through it though) anyway thank CAPITAL H-I-M that its over


maybe its not the best but hey its not the worst!!!


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i agree, it's not the worst, i liked the chem betwn Yoon & Kang! there were nice tender moments & the kissing scenes were numerous! woah i think it may not be the best drama but it was entertaining enuf coz of the actors!
another one added to my collection


the same for me


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I simply can’t see what DB and GF see in:

“City Hunter” (The Blue House? They couldn’t conjur up a different location? Really? I wonder if anyone here has ever bothered to read the original story “City Hunter” is based on…)

OR “Miss Ripley” (a woman who’s life centers on a billion lies? Really?…)

But I went kookoo for: “Lie to Me;” flaws and all!

Just saying; everyone and his/her taste people—TASTE being the operative word here :)


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I may not agree to some of Jbeans and gfriday's comments about dramas or what-nots but Lie To me being a total nutjob? I totally agree. And yes, Taste is the operative word here..and your taste sucks if you went kookoo for this drama.


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Mei! Did you bother to read the part where I said LTM had flaws? Obviously not; because if you had, you'd have had the common sense to not make the nonsensical statement you just made! Just because I said I went kookoo for LTM does not mean I was blind to it's many flaws...

Really; why do I bother; it's like trying to have a civil conversation with an _ _ _ _ _! (fill in the blank Mei) ;(


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Hi Mei, I think your comment is a bit rude.


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I second that


Those are diff. genres of shows and may not be to your "taste."

However, it seems that romcoms are to your taste (as they are mine) and a good romcom is a good romcom and a bad romcom is a bad romcom - mostly due to the quality of the script/dialogue.

This was, by far, a bad romcom.

The writing sucked, the acting was mediocre (can't totally blame the actors since bad writing tends to make actors just go thru the motions) and the directing was meh.


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first of all I loved this drama... a lot and the best place to go to enjoy recaps and positive comments about the drama is at http://koalasplayground.com. What I see about most of the comments at db is that there are a lot of people who just love to hate. Why keep watching something you hate? Where is the joy in that? If you hate eating liver, you don't eat the whole thing hoping it'll get better.


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so true


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I am one of those who had to watch the drama and I... well, I didn't hated it, but I didn't liked it either.
I HAD to watch it because I was a subber in my language in a viki team. Just saying, there is someone who has to watch it.
That said, I don't love to hate, I indeed liked a lot the first episodes, but it became really plain (IMO) after a while. I've been watching it also to see if it could be funny and sparkly like it was in the beginning.
I don't usually bother to watch a drama if I don't like the first (maybe also the second, if there's some actor/actress I love) episode, but this had something like 10 really good episodes. And I really liked it! Maybe that's why people is getting so angry with this drama: they loved it and they have been disappointed in the last episodes.
(Sorry if I made some mistakes, it's late and english it's not my language, as you can probably see. I really hope that you can read my message like I'm just talking, I'm not trying in any way to be rude :3)


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@Ahjumma, well said mama.


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:O I love City Hunter! I actually liked how the drama wasn't necessarily based on the original City Hunter...I don't think it's a bad thing at all that that just took the the City Hunter guy and dropped him in a totally different plot. (An amazing plot at that)

What's wrong with the Blue House? Unless your father died in there or something I don't think there's anything wrong with certain scenes that might involve the Blue House. O_O

I really think City Hunter is one of the best dramas I've ever seen. (And let me tell you...I've seen a lot.) So far, the drama hasn't let me down, and in each episode, I'm either sitting at the edge of my chair with my faces 2 inches from the screen or running around the room like I'm mentally ill because something really cute happened between Yoonsung and Nana.

The main female lead isn't stupid either, although IQ skyrocketed between episodes 9-10, she actually has some brains unlike in a lot of other dramas. There's a great balance between the revenge and the love scheme which seems hard for a lot of dramas with a strong plot. City Hunter was also very well written and directed.

Enough about my love for City Hunter, back on topic now. LTM lost it's grip on me halfway through, but I lose interest in a drama pretty easily. I still don't think LTM was the best drama ever made, but I guess I was "kookoo" for it in the beginning too. *insert giggle here* It's just not my cup of tea. I gotta admit...it wasn't THAT bad though...haha.


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I don't think you have to justify liking this drama by putting down other ones. Agreed with bd -- you are comparing apples and oranges. It's like saying you don't like the movie "The Dark Knight" because it wasn't enough like "Bridget Jones' Diary."

I can't speak for Girlfriday and Javabeans, but I know that for me the above-mentioned dramas are refreshing because they are really different. This drama was okay, but a dime-a-dozen. I was really disappointed because the premise was promising to go in an interesting direction and ended up being like a lot of other things I have seen.

I had a blog dedicated to recapping these shows, I would do the same thing -- focus on the fresh and new, analyzing what is different and exciting about the current shows, and this one, while being entertaining to some degree, just didn't have anything new to offer.


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agree w/you on this! i'd rather watch LTM than Ms Ripley or CH! this is one of those Kdramas that didn't show us someone is ill or dying! :)


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Because this drama is like a patchwork of almost every single hit romcom that K-drama has to offer ever since the dawn of the new millenium.
Funny, heartwarming at times, but average at best and mediocre most of the time. Why? Because most of us have watched the same trope this drama has going for like 94839084+ times already.
And while I think Ms. Ripley won't land in my Top 10 list of dramas for '11, and I'm still iffy about City Hunter, I'd rather watch any of the two over a very basic rom com like Lie To Me any time.


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Wow indeed


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i wish this had been better...


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We all do.


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We really, really all do.


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Dropped this after 3 eps, and it was my first attempt to catch up with dramas this summer.
*going back to House and Mad Men*


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if only we can turn back time and wished harder this turn out better...sigh.

i gave up watching LTM @ normal speed since episode 10 =X the plot was just so MEH.


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the only thing kept me finishing were the two main leads! If it weren't for their awesome chemistry I would have stopped watching this nonsensical drama! Finally! lols.


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me too!!!


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thank god this is over. this drama was a ridiculous mess and even reading the weecaps made no sense - kudos to jb and gf for sticking through and telling it like it is. can we vote this as the dumbest drama of (the first half of) the year?


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*casts aye vote in*



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i would give it a million razzies if i could


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don't understand why you bother reading and commenting here if you don't like the drama, i think that is dumb


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because it's fun watching a train wreck like this drama and fun watching pissy fans like you get even more pissy.


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LOL! So true! Because the drama was boring, we get our fun by commenting, right?

Well, another reason is to let out our frustrations. It has been a frustrating 7 weeks (I'm not including the 1st week). Why can't we rant/rave here? Thank goodness there's a site where I can vent out.


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Well Said :)

Thanks to JB and GF


Sounds like self inflicting pain. If you suffered 7 weeks of frustration whose fault is it? No one forced you to watch! Guess for you fun is defined as ranting and being frustrated. Takes all kinds.


I'm not a fan, just commenting on your post.

just reading the comments here, I don't understand why you guys even watch it. As the old saying goes .....If you don't have anything good to say don't say anything at all


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definitely.....why bothering on something you don't like .......LTM thought bad at ratings in the most talk drama internationally ..you guys who are bashing LTM are proofs !


what I think is that they don't have anything better to do. Why waste time watching a drama you don't like? So pointless. They just love to hate is all. Joy in hating...so sad.


Have none of you heard of Mystery Science Theater 3000?


@ loppy well said.




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Believe me, the weecaps are more nonsensical than the drama itself. Cause your missing a huge part of whatever storyline there is left. So please don't make any assumptions just based on the weecaps.
For me this was a very enjoyable drama, once I got over the fact that there wasn't going to be any logic in it.
But really there aren't many Korean drama's out there that have a logic in it. Atleast I haven't come across one.
As for city hunter, I don't get why it's so hyped up. I tried to watch ep 1 two times. I read the recaps up to ep 2, and then I just couldn't be bothered with it. And you might say it's not the right genre for me, but the thing is, I LOVE dark action thrillers. And revenge story's I love EVEN MORE. You have no idea how many times I watched the Count of Monte Cristo, or read the book. (the book is better, cause he really goes all out on everybody there).
And Miss Ripley, I just couldn't get over the music, it's so freaking annoying, so I jeast read the recaps for that, cause the story is really interesting.
So what I'm trying to say is that although the storyline of a drama is important, it's not the defining factor.
Cause here you have two drama's I should like based on the story, but I don't, because I just don't connect with it.
And then there is LTM which I should dislike based on the story, but I like it, because there just is some kind connection.


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I stopped watching LTM, but I agree with you when you say that very few Korean dramas operate on logic. The centerpiece to almost all the ones I've seen is manufactured, easily solved drama. Although I didn't like LTM, I fail to see why this one gets ragged on so hard here as if this was the first or only korean drama to have dumb conflicts.

Even Best Love had some pretty dumb conflicts, but the writers here and viewers here loved it. The whole misunderstood conversation between Dokko Jin and the manager/brother about helping with the CD was just dumb and easily fixable if the main female character wasn't such a wet blanket and clarified--but she didn't even try.

Most korean dramas, especially romantic comedies, are like this. Again, I don't think LTM was good, but I am really confused by the way this one is being treated by the writers here.


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I agree with you, I finally gave up on Lie To Me a few weeks ago, I have no problem suspending belief and just rolling with madness (as proof I watch Taiwanese drama)but lie to me was to much, mostly because I was expecting so much more. And I think that is the problem here, people were so hyped for something great and then bitterly let down :( so they now are bitter in turn.

The only thing I have a tinny problem is exactly hat you said, even the drama's we love and that GF and JB rate very highly have nonsensical bits in them (Best Love included), but the recap and comments on those don't get as sarcastic as for Lie To Me, and I think this I do have a problem with on this blog, in other words drama's aren't 'fairly' treated. And this is from someone who is bitterly disappointed with lie to me.


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For me Lie to Me is a nonsensically enjoyable drama! It's so silly it's fun to watch and poke fun at it. Yoon Eun Hye and Kang Ji Hwan are great, though


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@ snow,

you can actually cast your vote here :) :



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Okay the necklace, box, note thing. Stolen from goong. Seriously at least try it on a different actress!


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Really! This whole back/forth/back again has made my neck hurt. He doesn't want me, he wants to love me, he loves me, he doesn't want to love me, but he loves me... aish!

Two great actors - great chemistry - sucky writing. Thanks for the irritation to both writers and the production company.


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yes,,agreed with u...hahaaa


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Thanks for all the mini recaps. I still like the show because of the main couple even if the writers were never able to tell a story.


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i didnt watch this till the end..but i did watch mary stayed out all night...so whats the verdict, which sucked more?


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at least i had fun in M3 (for the crazy plot)
here i got bored!
but maybe that's just me :)


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One thumb up for LTM.
By the finale of MSOAN, I seriously wanted to kill someone - and by "someone" I meant SHOW - just to punish it for the craptastic, frustrating HORROR of it all...

LTM? Meh. Just a good story that jumped on board the Redundancy Bus and refused to get off.
:) :)


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M3 Is the ji hyun to LTM's Yi Kyung
They are different yet the same.
However M3 was funner because JB GF could go all out mocking it without being constantly flamed by immature butthurt people who couldnt digest criticism


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I like your comparison.

I think MSOAN was "better" if you could call it that. MGY and JGS just delivered and were more sincere in their acting. When I watched MSOAN (though I didn't finish it) they made me see the characters not the actors acting as their characters. And yeah, it was much less annoying than LTM (BOTH actors and characters).


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Both shows rely almost entirely on the OTP, and I definitely prefer Geun/Guen from MSOAL. Yes, KJH and YEH have great chemistry, but I think that JGS and MGY are better actors and that their characters are far less annoying (on top of their fantastic chemistry).

Personally I got extremely sick of YEH's constant whining, over-the-top exasperation, and loud crying. KJH's character was quite wooden at times, whereas I feel like the MSOAL OTP delivered 100% cuteness very consistently (which is all we really want with these poorly-written shows).

If you want an amazing OTP AND a decent story, just go watch Can You Hear My Heart (it's putting all the May dramas to shame, aside from BL).


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i agree with the OTP thing
were better acting wise.


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Love YEH, but I have to agree, she resorted way too often to overexaggerated expressions, etc.

Part of that is her fault, but a lot goes to the bad writing and poor directing.


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To me, Ji Hwan is a better actor over JGS ... don't get me wrong, I really like JGS and was crazy over him in MSOAN ...JGS is a good actor but I still think KJH is better....he can go from comedy to serious tearjerker in a blink of an eye...of course, that is just purely my opinion.


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I love both Ji Hwan and JGS but KJH is a much better actor.


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MSOAN > LTM even though both dramas are horrible, hahaha


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man i'll dld this ep only to see the skinship and the kiss :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


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that ending was weaksauce.

no offense.


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at least there was kissing..


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too many kissing....boring


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i agree pipiet. When there is too many kissing,it starts to feel like an american tv series,for crying out loud.

hmm but there were also some good kdramas with lots of kisses for example coffee prince and worlds within


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Thank for the weeks of entertaining weecaps, girlfriday and javabeans!

I thought this episode was actually the best out of the past few weeks' worth, and not just because it was the final episode. Despite some of the contrived conflicts, I felt like this episode made the most sense. I wish that this new writer actually had a funny bone, because the series went from energetic rom-com to rom-drama with the writer switch and the callbacks to the earlier episodes lost some of its impact with that.

And Soran and Jaebum should have been the official secondary main leads rather than Yoon-ju and Sang-hee. Yoon-ju was pretty much useless and Sang-hee's role was widdled down to being a super uninteresting character.


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The worst drama ever!!!!!!!!!


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Believe me, there is worse. Check out Sung Yuri's first two dramas. OMG, it was so bad and the first K-drama I ever saw I couldn't get near another K-drama for another 4 years.

It also got voted on D-addicts.com to be reseeded. It lost 4 times in a row. When it finally won, those people never complained again. Yes, that bad, yet the drama Sung Yuri did before it, I heard was tons worse.

Yuri finally got to kick butt in Hong Gil Dong, for which people are still traumatized over the ending (not because it was bad, but because it was that emotional). She's now kicking it on Romance town in such a way you wouldn't know she was that horrible of an actress before. But I still can't shake off the ickies on Prince's First Love.

I can sum up that horrid drama in two phrases.

The lip biting was so bad that the writers gave Sung Yuri a lip disease to make her stop biting her lip. (I thought it would make a great drinking game--if I drunk).

And this phrase: The director messed up shooting a beach. I'm serious. How the HELL do you mess up shooting a beach with blue water and white sand? TT DUDE! Aim the camera *at* the water. AT THE WATER. A three year old can do it. (Yes, I'm reliving that moment.)

At least the LTM director got that right... but Prince's First Love... NOOOOO...


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Oh my...I first saw Yuri in One Fine Day ( which I watched because of Gong Yoo) then Snow Queen ( obvious reason: Hyun Bin)...man, it was such a pain to watch her in those two drama...then along came Hong Gil Dong...that totally changed my views of Yuri's acting...she was great in that drama


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lol goes to show that there love for everything in this universe...why because i liked Princes First Love. Unless you a hard noses drama critic the reason most 'like' a drama has really nothing to do with how good it acted or written or directed, it just that you 'like' it, maybe for that very reason other seem to hate it. Heck I even liked Sweet Spy.
And I think it should be most disappointing drama ever rather than worse.


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Agreed! This drama did not go in the direction I was expecting it to go! All the conflicts that would have been good were just left behind (for example, what happened to Ki-joon's brother and his love for Ah-jung? hm?) oji, better not to think about it too much!

And yet, I kept coming back every single week and actually enjoyed it....but have to agree that it was mainly because of the two leads.
I hope to see them together again in a different drama that will do their acting skills and the chemistry they have with each other justice.
(and I am sure we can agree that the Cola kiss will go into kdrama history as one of the best drama kisses out there...no?)
Cheers everyone!

and ps. if you are a Kang Ji Hwan fan as well (and who isn't?) you have to watch "7 Grade Civil Servant." It is uber-hilarious and the role suits him so well! Enjoy!


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He had me at Capital Scandal! And she at Goong but I still couldnt this. So thanks to the good people in youtube for LTM MVs. Those are pretty cute and probably the best snipets in the drama so Im good.


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I liked the actors, but the writing was totally a mess...


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Wow. This drama sucked so bad. And I had such high hopes. YEH really knows how to pick 'em.


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*cries* how can she follow up two of my all time favs (Goong and Coffee Prince) with 2 that I can detest just as muh as loved those


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yea end they do it ,with the same actrees..*cries*


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Yeah... I totally have to agree with you. I liked her earlier dramas (even Vineyard Man!). Her selection in roles hasn't been that great since after Coffee Prince. Hope she picks a better one next time, maybe a historical one!


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I still think Kang Ji Hwan is awesome but I didn't even want to watch this drama to the end

hope his next project is better!


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So many criticism.... I feel sorry for my beloved actor and actress...huhu


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Of the drama, not the actors


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yeah,, its there job to be antis/ to mock
so dont be pissed off by them
deal them like a psycho...
just laugh with them!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

coz they have some delusions... ( they think that they are PERFECT ) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! ALL HAIL FOR THE ANTIS!!!!! HAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!



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er... who's the psycho?


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yup same as Mary Stayed out and Playful Kiss.. being shown in other countries.. psycho..


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Hey! I'll thank you not to include "Playful Kiss" in the same category as MSOAN & LTM.
Poor writing is what killed MSOAN & LTM.
Most of the criticism coming from PK is viewer's perceptions of KHJ - not the story-telling.


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yup i live in one of those 8 countries, but then again MSOAN is currently showing here also....just goes to show..

I cringe....... I told my friend who works for that network to tell the people up there that they should fire that person-in-charge-of-choosing-imported-k dramas if they dont want their ratings to die. lol! The rival network on the other hand are enjoying good ratings from recently finished MGIAG and now showing Secret Garden.


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I am still BITTER, show, for having two talented leads and messing everything up.


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lol @ this whole drama!

choose better projects next KJH, good luck bb!

thanks for the weecap JB, I've gave up this mess long time ago but i still enjoyed reading your re(wee)caps.


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good actors but script ... too bad


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I'm curious as to how much of the script that the actors are given before agreeing to be in a drama (major run-on, sorry!) is fixed, and not likely to change based on writer-change or netizen-whim.

But even if only the first two episodes comprise the fixed portion of the story, I still don't understand why YEH and KJH agreed to do it. The storyline might have seemed okay to newbies, but I would think that more seasoned actors would not want to touch this sort of bland plot with a ten-foot pole.


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—YEH and KJH met and fell in love in real life.
—They wanted to go public but didn't want to do it (do it—:D hehe) like all other celebrity couples.
—So since YEH had promised to do LTM, she thought, "why not do it with KJH?" KJH and I love each other so why not show the world by doing LTM together :D

About the non-wedding scene:
—If you were YEH and KJH, would you want a reel wedding scene to upstage your real wedding?

Well, anyway, this is my (Adjovie's) story and I'm sticking to it.
I'll drink a bottle of tomato juice if YEH and KJH aren't married in the near future!


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I'll buy ten thousand bottles for you.
It absolutely amazes me how many people are seriously shipping these two people.
Get real...


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awww Braincoral! Does your wittle bwain hurty? I joke, I joke!

Anywho, I regret to tell you that you won't have the opportunity to purchase those 10,000 bottles because well, my momma told be not to take gifts from strange unreasonable people so what was it that you said? Oh yea, get real...


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"awww Braincoral! Does your wittle bwain hurty? I joke, I joke!"
How do you think you are making yourself look?

Pls if you disagree this kind of childish language is not necessary.


ummm... Did you not see the part where I said I was joking? His screen name starts with "Brain...?"

Ohh, just forget it! You obviously didn't get my sense of humor the first time around so... Anyway, think what and how you wanna—It is what it is! SMH!


hahaha...I like this...a lot

I'll take a shot of soju with you...that might put me to sleep for a couple of days though ...hehehehe


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This drama had soooo much potential in the beginning. It was really great actually. However, it totally deflated towards the middle... and the ending... well I'll leave it at that.

Love YEH and KJH together though! Hope they get to work together again.


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Thanks for the recaps. Now, I know that I made the right decision.

i stopped watching after ep 12...(hardly finished ep 11&12, most of time, i just skipped it)

cant really bear watching it...

it's like totally new drama with new characters.... it was interesting up to ep10... how i wish, they sticked to the old writers....

maybe let her rest for a week and continue the week after...

the new writer ruined it for me... such a shame... with brilliant actors and excellent story and interesting characters that built up from ep 1...they could do so much more...

shame shame shame....


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So AJ said NO before because she felt she had lost something and after spending a few months in Jeju, she realise that what she was missing was her heart and now that she has found it, she no longer minds being KJ's trophy wife? Why am I trying to make sense of this show? My head hurts!
At least they found a way to get them kissing passionately for 5 minutes in the last scene. When nothing else works a bit of fanservice can't hurt.


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are you guys interested in dong a weecap or recap on Sparkling?? just a question:))) for some reason, i like that drama.



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That would be great!!! I am totally addicted to Sparkling - although it is a guilty pleasure. The editor's evil mother and the publisher's crazy, selfish, rags-to-riches daughter are delightfully over-the-top. Best big hair and eyeliner ever!


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I love The Drama With Three Names. I just started a re-watch on Dfver. They really have the smartest OTP EVER.

It would be tough because of all the characters and little plots going on...Now that there is only 5 weeks left, I realize I will miss all those characters...


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I wish i could find english subs quicker... it's killing me not being able to watch raw because i dont want to miss any of the dialogue.


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im sorry to say it but it sounds really like a crap ending of a crap show. KJH and YEH, surely you can do more than just this, right???? *shake head* :(


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I agree! Whoever the new writer is, I don't like it. That writer kind of messed up everything that was good about this drama. Whatever happened to the secondary characters?! I loved SangHee's character, but by the last few episodes, it kind of felt like his character had completely gone 180. And what happened to Ki Jun? O-o He's still cute and everything...but what happened to him? He seems different, like he's a bit hyper or something...I don't really feel that Ah Jung's character changed a lot though. Sigh :( Kind of wished for a witty, funny ending to match the beginning episodes.


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I think that the change in Ki-jun's character happened for a reason. That is one character development I actually liked and could get behind. Being in love with Ah-jung brought out his childish side. His work was no longer the most important part of his life...and somehow he seemed more carefree when he is with her -- like finally he can be himself (suits him much more anyways...)


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The change in KJ's character seems logical in the mind, but on screen it became a total wreck and his character change happened in a blink of an eye without any explanation. Obviously if you're a hopeless romantic or have the patience to mull over it, you can understand his character in your mind, but on screen, that change was hopeless.

But you're right about the "himself" part. His character got kind of annoying when he was just strict and Mr. Frowny face.


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I'm glad it's over. On to the next set of dramas!!! I am interesed in the Beautiful Spy drama.

Thank you, JB and GF for all of your hard work! I appreciate you and all your recaps. I love your humor!


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People are feeling nostalgic about the first writer but let's not forget that she sucked, hence the replacement. The story which wasn't anything great, was already going downhill in episodes 9 & 10 which were the first writer's work.


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I think both writers sucked. I feel bad for the 2 main leads. I hope they'll pick better projects next time.


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totally agree~~~~~
fast forward to the end


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LOVE all the AJ and KJ moments. Still satisfied with the ending :)


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i gotta say the 2 leads had amazing chemistry together. if they go out, i wouldn't be surprised


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I stop watching this drama but AJ and KJ makes me want to watch this drama. i love them together they r the cutest couple ever. But i really wish that the script was written better


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Can't we all just get along now? Wow, it's been really harsh up in here the last couple of weeks. Yesterday, if I had 'nads I'm sure somebody would have kneed them. :) This will definitely be one of my favorites of all time. Not for the stellar storyline or scripting, but for the real life feel it had. The AJ and KJ moments that absolutely shot electricity. Say what you will, but if you really didn't connect with anything here, you just weren't watching. Hopefully, Heartstrings and Spy won't draw such intense battlelines -- I need a rest !!


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It ended. At last! I was curious about the finale, that’s why I kept watching.
Lie to me was boring and slow. I felt it was a 30 episodes drama. For me the mayor problem is that I never fell in love with the OTP. I know they look good and I think that today I saw a little, l-i-t-t-l-e, of that chemistry that everybody talked about. But in the other episodes I didn’t. The kisses were good, but also the Secret Garden kiss was good and the Goong kiss. If I just want to see kisses I know where to find them. But in a drama, I want other things too. (Plus, in the middle of the Cola kiss, the sun got in the shoot, so at one point all I saw was light)
I think the problem I have with the OTP is that I never liked Ah-jung. She was meh to me or frustrating. I used to think that Yoon Eun Hye cries well, but in this drama he never moved me. Ever.
I liked Ki-joon more, like today, because when he is cute and funny, he is too cute and funny to ignore. So he+she never did it for me.
The interaction between the brothers was one of the best things they had and they didn’t use it. The new writer forgot that Ki-joon had a brother. He basically disappeared.
The female second lead was practically useless.
Why they didn’t keep his hobby? I thought it was super geek and super cute.
Still, I don’t think this drama is Terrible. It had a few moments. But in my little time watching dramas, of all the dramas I have watched this belong in last places of my list.

Oh yeah, I loved Hoon.

I loved the weecaps and recaps. I think some people took them too personally.
Don’t be angry people, it’s not good for your health. Be happy!


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*Major problem


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I agree. Others are raving about the chemistry between the two leads but I can't get into the OTP. YEH has better chemistry with her costars in Goong and CP. Pity about this drama coz I like both the leads.

I think the problem with this drama is that it is too long. The premiere with the lie isn't strong enough to hang a 16-episodes drama so a lot of the drama feels like filler. Wonder if it will be better if the drama is 8 or 4 episodes instead.


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There was some chemistry due to the natural charisma of the 2 leads, but the awful writing really put a hamper on it and what little there was left couldn't save the show.

In contrast, while "My Princess" had its flaws, the chemistry that existed btwn KTH and SSH was made that much BETTER by the well written moments and dialogue for their 2 characters (the writing wasn't so good for the other characters aside from maybe the good prof.).


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If "chemistry" is all that takes to make a good romcom, then why don't producers just put YEH and Kim Jong Kook together on a show b/c they have great chemistry together.


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heh...that's what I love about Yoon Eun Hye....regardless of acting she always has great chemistry with her leads


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regarding the chemistry, I see it when I'm not distracted by the characters they play, so I think that while YEH and KJH had chemistry (are they dating or not?!), their characters, Ki-joon and Ah-jung, not as much. I know that chemistry usually comes naturally, but I feel that writing plays a huge part in developing that chemistry with good dialogue and well-thought-out interactions.

I really liked Ah-jung in the beginning (she became sort of lukewarm lately) and Ki-joon has been sort of boring throughout the series. My favorite character is probably Soran.

I hope people don't take these recaps too personally either (jb and gf would have dropped it if they had really hated it. and this is a blog, btw.) and I also hope that people don't insinuate fans of LTM are somehow stupid for liking it. I love mediocre kpop music more than classical music and it's really hard to explain it. People like what what they like. And I think a lot of fans of LTM acknowledge that there is a glaring writing problem, but love it because of the OTP.


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I agree about all you said. You expressed it better :).


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The only part I have another opinion is about Ki-joon and Ah-jung.


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well said often there no logic to why you like or dislike something, is just happens. I have often thought what the drama would have been like without the two leads myself. Without all that hype and expectation, how it would have gone..worse or better...better I think


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thank you!!...the most decent comment I have seen here yet


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You could have skipped all the episodes and just watched the last one to know how it ended. Nothing better to do with your time?


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Bah I was hoping that the drama would finish with as much of a bang as possible for how the drama was progressing. But it's been as disappointing as the rest :( The lovey moments do nothing in the face of the messy writing - flat, useless characters that I'm annoyed with, can't sympathize with, and emotional whipping around on the part of the characters. This drama breaks my heart </3


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Could the actors have anticipated the shoddy writing in this drama? Could appearing in such a poorly realized drama jeopardize their careers? Actors should be able to sue the producer when they are so seriously humiliated in front of millions of viewers!


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"Could the actors have anticipated the shoddy writing in this drama?"

Umm...yes. Yes, they could have. The person who wrote the first half of this drama also wrote Yun Ho's terrible 2009 soccer drama Heading to the Ground. Have you read the comments for that drama...or better yet have you watched it? It's not pretty. To say that drama was a hot mess would be an understatement.

Based on that (the first screenwriter drama track record), YEH and KHJ should have been weary about signing up for Lie to Me from the get-go.

The fact that Lie to Me did poorly in ratings isn't a surprise.


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I felt like YEH could have avoided it since she probably has like a bajillion offers for her drama comeback. Management should have looked into it after her previous drama. or maybe the writer just had connections (it's universal, how else are bad movies being made all over the world while good scripts languish on a dusty shelf)

I think KJH either didn't have as many offers (we love him, but in star status, he's no Gong Yoo or Hyun bin) and he probably wanted to be in a drama with such a star as YEH. Who wouldn't?!


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YEH could totally have...I think she stuck around for this one because of Love Song's cancellation and the people that were supposed to be behind that one were also the people behind this drama


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there were two seperate writers for this drama...the first one was the one that worked for Heading To The Ground, and the main reason I was extremely wary of this drama at first (I still have bald spots on my head from all the hair that I pulled out watching that one)..that said, this writer wasonly an assistant to the main writer of the HTTG and left the production team early due to creative conflicts... or something of the like


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YEH and KJH have had a good track record with the acting department, so I don't think a poorly-written drama will ruin their career. People acknowledge that only the writing was poor.

on the flip side, this drama has a lot of international fans. I'm sure the rights to air it will be sold to every country in East/SouthEast Asia. So here's the question: would you do a bad drama and gain lots of fans or do a good drama and not be noticed (there are tons of well-written dramas out there with abysmal ratings too)?


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i love YEH but you gotta admit her acting credentials are gonna be getting criticized soon, because this makes it 3 fails in a row and her coffee prince high which took her very high indeed is going to start wearing off soon since that was like 4 years ago.
MFL, Black minidress , LTM
I guess YEH needs brilliant PD's to bring out the brilliance in her
All aspects of CP were brilliant all around, YEH needs to pick those kinda projects.
I think KJH has a more diverse acting range but i really want to see YEH act in a totally different role.
She really should think more about picking projects.
Seriously her management is failing her.
There are other actresses like KTH who have less talent then YEH but know how to pick successful projects


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wowwwww...i agree to u "asianromance"...well said,bravo!!!Thanks...
And for me i love this drama until the end,period!!!
and also Im still looking forward for YEH's kdrama...


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Good point. I guess a career in acting is at least as much a matter of exposure as it is artistic achievement.


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it depends, even Leonardo Di Caprio gave in for Titanic but look at the role choices he made after, that's when he gained the respect from his colleagues (became Martin scorsese's new favorite) and got nominated several times for the oscars. if you are an actor who is dedicated to your craft you will do what you love and won't give a shit about fame and even money, acting i think is just like any field, you love your job, and the money (in this case the fans too) will just follow....

i think an actor can do it once in his career its fine if you do "fluff" but to do it several times in a row, its like you did it once, not your fault, twice we might forgive you but thrice definitely your fault.

in short YEH should definitely start thinking about her next roles now, unless of course she wants to become the next katherine heigl or jennifer aniston?!!??

and LTM will be shown in my country too but then again MSOAN is also showing here right now....haha...just goes to show..


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Love this drama from the beginning to the end.


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me too...


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me three


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i love the chemistry of ah jung and ki joon, and they are both good actors and actresses but the writers and directors behind the drama is to blame, they sucks.................. hope YEH and KJH will have another projects together with good materials coz I am very dissapointed with the writers and directors behind this drama. YOU STINKS..........................


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LOL. Well. That's over now, finally. *breathes big sigh of relief*


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Now that this mess is over, I really hope we'll see them together in another project, like a movie or something.

But it has to be good.


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GF, You make me wonder what ANYONE saw in this drama after this recap.
No amount of chemistry could poossibly have been worth
watching this pile of WTF-ery for...

I'm honestly glad it's over because I'm so sick of all this gushing over our main couple's chemistry.


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too bad for you if it irritates you :(


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can you also make an open thread for the remaining episodes of Baby-faced Beauty? I'm dying of looking for a recap, this drama is so good I cant wait until the videos were up. *sobs*


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I really do not think dramabeans has much time for Jang Nara, thus BFB would be unlikely to get even open thread for the 5-18 epiosdes. Unless girlfriday or one of the others do it. It is Dramabeans blog after all


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TNS Rating for LTM Ep 16

Nationwide 8.0 (16th)
Seoul 8.4 (17th)

Average Rating for the whole drama 8.4 (Nationwide)


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Usually you see an uptick in ratings for the finale, no matter how not-great the drama is. A downturn in the finale ratings bolsters the majority sentiment that this drama seriously overextended its stay.

Even Heading to the Ground and Dream, both of which suffered abysmal ratings (rough avg of 5.0) saw upticks in their finale episodes.


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Ratings for eps 15 & 16 for Nationwide are the same = 8.0%, but ep 15 ranked 20th, while ep 16 ranked 16th (went up in the ranking).

Rating for ep 15 Seoul is 8.8% but did not make the top 20 shows, while ep 16 Seoul garnered 8.4% ranked 17th (went up in the ranking).


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but usually during finale's the ending show will take a chunk of the competitions rating but this time ripley got a 2% boost an dtook #1 which means BFB and ripley (which are now head to head) were not affected by LTM ending


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replace but with "and"


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BFB still top rated up over the 15% mark episode 18 with an average of 14% for its run overall. It to be seen if Miss Ripley can over take it, it will depend on how the new dramas coming out do with lie to me ending and BFB with one week to go, plus BFB well likely get that final episode boost.


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holy cow.


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Another clunker or 2 like this and YEH won't be getting all those CF offers (since "Coffee Prince," none of her shows or the film that she did has been a hit).


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kudos to the korean viewers they have such discerning taste :)


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SO DUMB. goodbye and good riddance. cheerio. ^^


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hello! anyone knows where do I find ep 16 with eng sub?


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check viiki.com


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the videos' not available in my region :(


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why be rude and mean!


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This is one of the most memorable dramas of 2011. In a bad way. Ok well not too bad because we had fun picking on it didn't we? Actually, we still have half of 2011 to go but as much as we had fun(sort of), I pray the writers who wrote LTM go back to school to learn how to write, read some more books, anything!


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Agreed. I'll be remembered as the biggest let downs of 2011.


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Somehow, I don't think YEH got all emotional and cried her eyes out like she did after they wrapped up "Coffee Prince."

I'm thinking something more along the lines of relief that it is finished and over was what she felt.


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vote for biggest let down of the year. it could have been brilliant! i gave up after ep8. even their chemistry couldn't make up for the let down and the "wat the f?!?" moments. such a waste of the brilliant cast.


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tis show started well... i was excited, can't wait and on to ep (can't recall) i was like, just running through the show with my FF..
nothing wrong, just maybe.... now a days with more option ( lots of show with sub ) comes choices i have to make to see if the show is worth my time..


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I wish someone would do a poll of the ages of the viewers and how many dramas they have seen. Perhaps there is a correlation to whether or not they like the drama.
For example I am over 18 and have seen around 20 dramas (or so), and this particular one did not interest me at all.


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yep me too i am around the same age and i've watched quite a lot too.
It might also have something to do with the fact i've been watching dramas for almost 3 years so i have developed standards over time.
A crappy plot and pretty actors just doesnt cut it for me anymore.


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hahaha. someone really should do it. i'm quite the veteran myself, and this drama BLOWS. =D


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maybe for the teenybopper age 16 to even early twenties i can understand!!?? but if you're my age (30) and you like this, you seriously need to get yourself checked.. LOL!


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