City Hunter: Episode 8

I can’t get enough of this show. I wail when every episode ends. I gnash my teeth and curse the heavens and wait breathlessly for the next installment. It hurts, but it hurts so good.


HOLY CRAP. She shot him! I mean, I know she doesn’t know that it’s him, but aaaaaaaaah!

The bullet hits him, and for a second, he hovers over the ledge, breathing hard and struggling to jump. I hold my breath.

He flings himself off the roof, leaving Seo Yong-hak behind, and Nana takes off running toward him. He rappels down the side of the building, though it’s really more like a slightly-guided freefall, and he lands with a thud on top of a car.

By the time Nana looks over the ledge, Yoon-sung has crawled off the ground. He gets into his car and drives away.

Young-ju and his team arrive on the roof, and Nana tells him the direction the getaway car was headed.

Yoon-sung manages to get far enough away, but struggles to stop the bleeding. He calls Ajusshi, who doesn’t pick up because he’s in the middle of his own getaway, after having been caught with the fake badge.

Seo Yong-hak finally comes to, and upon hearing that the election rally has been postponed, he gets in an uproar about being perfectly fine and not willing to lose this opportunity to get voters. He angrily tells Young-ju to catch the man who kidnapped him, and gives his rousing speech on stage.

Jin-pyo sits in the audience and scowls, knowing that something went wrong today. He’s met outside by trusty sidekick Sang-gook, who tells him that he heard a shot fired, but he must’ve gotten away, and the police are well, policing.

Young-ju and his team survey the roof, and the two biggest clues are: the rope (tied in some newfangled fancy way they’re unfamiliar with), and the blood. Aw crap. Young-ju orders a DNA test to be done right away. Double crap. I mean, I know Yoon-sung’s probably got false identities for miles, but he had to have something on file to be hired at the Blue House, no? This is bad.

But the more immediate question is how the hell is he going to survive the next two hours? He breaks a window and steals into a darkened room – it’s Sae-hee’s veterinary clinic, which will have the basic medical supplies he’ll need. Smart boy.

And then? He proceeds to do that one most badass of things… He digs the bullet out of his own goddamn back. Aaaaauuuugh. No matter how many times I watch an action hero do that, I will never fail to be impressed and equally grossed out. *swoon/shudder*

Problem is, Sae-hee returns to the office because she forgot something, and she notices the broken glass. For some reason (though thankfully I suppose) she decides to inspect the place herself instead of calling the cops.

She goes in to the exam room and turns the light on, not noticing that Yoon-sung is standing in the corner right behind her. Chills.

She turns around and gasps to see him there, trembling and bloody. Without explanation, he says suddenly vulnerable, “That thing you said you owed me… Can I collect on that favor now?”

Ah, NOW I SEE why there’s a vet in the story! Is anyone else having a Duh Lightbulb moment here? Just me? ‘K then.

She stitches him back up, and he gets his pretty boy sense of humor back long enough to ask if it’ll scar. Ha. He wonders why she’s not asking him what happened, or why he’s here.

But she’s totally calm about the whole thing, and surmises that there must be a reason he came to an animal vs. human hospital. She’s familiar with the type of wound, having treated one like it before, and so can guess what happened, but doesn’t press for more. I all of a sudden REALLY like her.

She hooks him up to an IV and turns on the tv, which reports news of Seo Yong-hak winning the primary – he’s now the majority party’s candidate for President. But the story doesn’t stop there, and reports of his attempted kidnapping, with the culprit still at large after having been shot.

Though the coincidences are too large for anyone to ignore, she doesn’t say a word, and offers for him to stay at the clinic for the night, since the streets are lousy with cops. She makes the offhanded comment, “Why do I suddenly feel like I’m a character in a movie?”

Way to be self-referential. Well this does officially give you significant character status, since now you’re the only one who knows that Yoon-sung isn’t some cowardly desk jockey. No, he digs out his own bullets, and there’s kind of no goin’ back from that.

Yoon-sung gets interrupted by a call from Dad, who’s so hardcore that he’s more pissed than worried. Gah. Did you dig out your own heart and feed it to the elephants? Your son was SHOT. He barks at him to get his ass over there at once. It’s almost like a normal dad scolding a normal son, except it goes more like you are SO grounded for not killing your target! ISSUES.

Nana comes home and waits up for Yoon-sung, unable to keep the day’s events from flooding her brain. Something about it rattles her and she struggles to push it out of her mind.

Yoon-sung falls asleep at the vet and has a nightmare where he and Nana face each other, guns cocked. In the dream he’s being chased and she’s the shadowy relentless one, and she shoots first.

He gasps for air and looks at her, frozen. Then Jin-pyo appears between them, shouting at him to shoot her. Then it goes dark, and they both fire on each other.

They lie on the ground, both bleeding out, and finally turn towards each other. Nana cries and he struggles to reach for her bloody hand. He clasps it for a few seconds before she dies, and dies alongside her.

Damn, how can a nightmare so literal be so traumatic? I love that now his fear is two-fold; he’s always been scared that he’ll hurt Nana, but now he’s just as scared that she’ll hurt him.

It startles him awake, and then he grips his shoulder in pain. He sees Sae-hee asleep, hunched over at her desk.

In the morning, Nana grumbles that Yoon-sung stayed out all night, huffy at the obvious implication. “Master of the One-Night Stand! Busy Every Night Man! The man who resents, resents, resents that all 24 hours in the day aren’t night!” Hahaha.

She gets so worked up that she chokes on her own toothpaste, and then gets mad at him for causing her nothing but grief, as if it’s his fault. Heh.

Sae-hee returns to the clinic in the morning bearing one of Young-ju’s old suits that never got cleared out of her place. Yoon-sung looks surprised, so she explains that the prosecutor is her ex-husband. OH. Well that explains a LOT.

I always thought they were way too close to be simple exes, and just assumed they had a really long history. The fact that they were married, eventually ending because he consistently chose work over her, his protectiveness, her resentment, his trust in her, why she knows his secrets… it’s all coming together.

It also makes things really complicated, if she’s going to start keeping one man’s secrets from the other.

She checks on the wound and re-bandages it, her hands drifting…

Oh, get your mind out of the gutter!

She notices all the other scars on his back, saying, “These wounds must’ve hurt a lot…” He quickly puts his shirt back on, making it awkwardly clear that it’s not up for discussion.

She tells him to take his meds and then adds cheekily that her hospital doesn’t accept insurance. “You’re about the size of a large retriever, so I’ll charge you that price. 50,000 won.” [50 dollars, give or take] Hehehehe. She says an expensive dinner will do as well, so he laughs and says he’ll take her out next time.

She walks him out and they say their goodbyes, which is right when Nana walks up and sees them smiling at each other. Oh, dear. Well, I guess he really did spend the night with her this time, so there’s no talking your way out of this one.

To make matters worse, she’s carrying a suit for him to change into (presumably this vet office is just on her morning commute route, and she’s bringing the suit to work), but seeing him with Sae-hee again flips her out and she goes running in the other direction… right smack into a guy on a bike.

Yoon-sung sees her and picks up the bag with his suit, and tries to stop her to talk. She refuses and keeps walking ahead, until finally he puts a hand on her shoulder and she body slams him to the ground, landing him on his bum shoulder. Ouuuuuch.

He asks why she’s running away like she did something wrong, though she denies it, of course. He tells her not to jump to conclusions, but she’s heard that one before, and now wonders what’s really true and what’s misunderstood.

He takes a step closer to her. “Do you… like me?” She stutters, “Who said I liked the Bad Luck Bastard?” He tells her not to concern herself with his personal affairs, since it’s overstepping her bounds. Aw, he’s probably trying to nip her feelings in the bud before it gets them both killed, but still… WAH.

She now regrets having thought of him enough to bring him clothes, and he just mocks her fashion sense, or lack thereof. She counters that he seems to have a stash of clothes at this house too, so he can coordinate his outfit however he likes. So there. Heh. That’s so ineffectual it’s cute.

At work it’s back to the firing range, and Yoon-sung gets paired up with Nana, who shoots her target with deadly accuracy. The agent in charge tells them to think of the target as the kidnapper who got away, and when Nana hits the target right through the neck, Yoon-sung actually cringes.

He steadies his gun to take a shot, but his hand trembles and he finally puts it down, too rattled to fire. I love this turn – that now Nana is kind of terminator-scary, and Yoon-sung is no longer indestructible.

As they walk away he asks if she likes being a secret service agent, and wonders if she can’t teach judo to kids or something. Oh, NO. Don’t be that guy. He asks how many women in Korea could shoot a gun like that. Dude, this is totally not the tactic you want to go with. I mean, don’t you know girls at all? I’d be like, That’s right. Just ME. Badass, huh?

He tries a different tactic, worrying that if she hadn’t shot the City Hunter first, she’d have gotten shot. She scoffs that he sure was busy with his love life for someone so concerned for her well-being. Eeep. One point, Nana.

She laments, “I should’ve caught the City Hunter last night.” He asks, a little scared to hear the answer, “Do you think the City Hunter is a bad person?”

She pauses, “Well, because I have to protect Seo Yong-hak. That’s my job.”

That it is. He sighs, watching her go. Oh, I hate this soldiers-on-opposite-sides thing, and yet… I LOVE IT. It wrings my heart, but in a good way.

Young-ju’s team finds that all the CCTV cameras in that building were shut off, and remotely by hacking into the police security system. The origin IP is the Blue House. Okay, this again? How come MIT doctor is so bad at hiding his virtual footprints?

Young-ju descends upon the communications team once again, announcing that he’ll be collecting every single computer in the place for inspection. I’m getting a sheriff vibe from him, like in old westerns. He’s totally riding high on being that righteous long arm of the law.

He turns to leave but then stops in his tracks at the sight of Yoon-sung, sitting there wearing his suit and smirking up at him. Ha. I love this. So much information exchanged in just two silent looks.

As soon as he walks out, Yoon-sung gets started in erasing his digital trail. You really ought to have done that before the sheriff came knocking, but I suppose you had a bullet to contend with first.

Young-ju finds Yoon-sung in the bathroom and asks, “That suit and that tie…”

Yoon-sung snickers and answers, “Yeah, you’re right. They’re your clothes, given to me by Jin Sae-hee,” and walks out.

Young-ju rushes after him, grabbing him by the injured shoulder. “Are you always this light? With all women?” (Read: easy.)

He tosses back breezily that it’s not even his style so he wasn’t going to wear it any longer anyway, adding, “But in a game that’s already over, isn’t your interest a little funny?”

He turns to go, but Young-ju slams him against the wall (again, right on the bum shoulder, aaaack!), yelling:

Young-ju: Sae-hee is someone to be pitied! She needs to meet someone right, not YOU!”
Yoon-sung: What’s the matter with me?
Young-ju: She’s too innocent for you to play around with her.
Yoon-sung: WHO SAYS I’M PLAYING WITH HER?! Aren’t you really afraid that I’m sincere? Clean up your own feelings. I’m not the one playing Daddy Long Legs, skulking around behind someone.

Ooooooooooo. Dayum. Why is this smackdown so hot?

Young-ju’s problem is clearly that he feels so guilty about his part in the failed marriage that he feels sorry for Sae-hee instead of treating her like an equal. Yoon-sung’s outburst right back at him surprised me—and wow was it effective—it probably scared the bejeezus out of Young-ju, who now thinks that the playboy version of him is the least of his worries.

But my favorite part, of course, is that somebody finally gave him some shit about being Nana’s lurky Daddy Long Legs. ‘Cause I’m with Yoon-sung on that one. And the look in his eye when he felt so exposed… gah, good stuff.

Ajusshi finally escapes, riding the subway back and offending others with his dumpster smell. Yoon-sung meets him on the train and Ajusshi starts to cry at the sight of him, and Yoon-sung hugs him tight. AW. I seriously love these two.

They’re so relieved that the other made it out alive, and Ajusshi whimpers into Yoon-sung’s chest, while he laughs and smiles.

They go to see Dad, who smacks Yoon-sung in the face the second he sees him. Aw, it breaks my heart to see him bowing his head in fear of Evil Daddy.

He apologizes (apparently getting shot is YOUR mistake, in this family), but Dad yells that instead of giving Seo Yong-hak a bullet, he’s given him wings. Yoon-sung knows he screwed up, and doesn’t make excuses.

He digs the knife, “Have you forgotten how your father died?” He declares Yoon-sung’s methods too soft, and announces that he’s out of the game. But that’s not an option for Yoon-sung, and he fights back, “This is MY revenge too!”

His fierceness is enough to win Dad’s trust for now. Jin-pyo: “But I will not tolerate a second mistake.” This guy seriously makes Average Korean Dad seem like a big fluffy teddy bear with a tummy made of pudding. I mean, the way he checks to see if his son’s bullet wound is healed? By hitting it with his cane. HA. WTF, Dad?

They discuss their plans for the next opportunity to get to Seo Yong-hak, during a live broadcast. Ajusshi worries that security will be even tighter, and the secret service on edge. Dad orders Yoon-sung to kill any agents who get in their way. Oh no. No more shooting!

Ajusshi cooks a meal for Yoon-sung at home, and frets over his heavy sighing. “Do you want me to feed it to you?” Hahahaha. I love Ajusshi-as-mommy so much.

He asks who the agent was who shot him… Yoon-sung tells him that it was Nana. Ajusshi: “NANA?! Nana shot you?!” I know. We’re right there with ya, buddy.

Yoon-sung tells him that he’s pretty sure she didn’t see him or notice anything weird, so they’re in the clear for now. Problem is, they’ve got to find a way to get her out of the next Big Plan, otherwise things’ll get hairy all over again.

Yoon-sung remembers that he once accidentally tripped her and sprained her ankle. Ajusshi: “No! You could break her leg!” Yoon-sung: “Should I slip some laxatives into her food?” Ajusshi: “But a woman… having to run around with diarrhea all day…” LOL.

Then Ajusshi gets a bright idea and whispers it in Yoon-sung’s ear (for no one else’s benefit but ours, since NO ONE else lives there, ha). Yoon-sung: “She could DIE!”

Next thing you know, they’re up on Nana’s roof, and sitting on the ledge are: a soccer ball, two flowerpots, and a bucket of apples. Hahahaha. I think this is a bad idea, guys. Yoon-sung agrees, “Ajusshi, no matter how I think it over, I don’t think this is it…”

But Ajusshi insists that it’s better than giving her diarrhea all day. She arrives, and they scramble. Yoon-sung has to stop Ajusshi from throwing a brick and a large flowerpot, “No, not that one! She’ll die!” but as they struggle, the smaller flowerpot and a cooking pot go flying down.

The copper pot hits Nana square on the top of her head, followed directly by the flowerpot, and she crouches to the ground with an “OW!” She looks up, and the guys duck in a panic. Yoon-sung: “You don’t think she died, do you?” HAHAHAHA.

She shouts up at them, assuming it’s a couple of kids playing a prank, “You guys are all dead!” Ajusshi: “She’s fine…”

The boys stare at each other wide-eyed in fear. Ajusshi: “RUN!” You clowns. I hope Nana beats your heads together.

Next, Yoon-sung buys a round of coffee for Nana, Eun-ah, and Da-hae, making sure to dose Nana’s coffee with laxatives. He doles out the coffees and then tries to WILL her to drink it by chanting in his mind, “Kim Nana, drink it. Drink it. Driiiiiiiiiiink.” So cute.

Only it seems to have the opposite effect, or perhaps on the wrong person, as Eun-ah declares her coffee more delicious looking, and asks her to swap. She downs the whole thing, and Yoon-sung cringes. Heh.

I love the comedy of all his failed attempts to keep her from her job.

Da-hae decides that she must sing, so they head to a noraebang and she sings a ballad and then plops down next to Yoon-sung, telling him that she cried while singing. Da-hae: “Wasn’t it a sad song?” Yoon-sung: “I think your grades are sad.” Pffft.

While the girls head to the bathroom, Yoon-sung meets with Ajusshi, who treats his wound and brings his meds. It’s cute that Yoon-sung’s been pretending to be fine with everyone else like Dad (to prove he’s capable) or outsiders (to keep his injury hidden), but lets Ajusshi take care of him.

Nana tells the girls she’ll wait outside while Da-hae primps and Eun-ah feels the full effect of choosing the wrong coffee. She looks over and sees Ajusshi making his exit, and her face goes white.

Flashback to her parents’ accident, where many astute viewers have already noted, Shik-joong was present. This time we see him give a statement to the cops while she cries over her parents’ bodies.

Back in the present, her memory flashes as she trembles, “That person… Bae Man-duk!” She runs out after him, calling his name, but Ajusshi hides in time before she catches up to him. He hangs his head guiltily and slips away, as Nana searches high and low for her first lead in probably ten years.

Meanwhile, all hell has broken loose in the women’s restroom, all because random girls have taken to insulting the President’s youngest daughter, and Da-hae is too young and foolish to just suck it up.

She starts a knock-down catfight, complete with hair pulling and screeching, and of course Eun-ah is too… incapacitated to do anything to stop it. The whole thing spills outside to the hallway where plenty of people catch it on video, because that’s what society has come to. Sad, but true.

Nana and Eun-ah get their heads ripped off by their boss, all while Da-hae’s walk on the violent side plays on YouTube on his computer. Heh. He particularly cuts Nana’s heart out by insulting her father’s name, or rather accusing her of dragging his name down with her bad work ethic. Ouch. He punishes them by reducing Eun-ah’s pay for a month, and Nana’s pay for six months, plus two weeks’ suspension, no pay. Damn, that’s harsh.

She walks out, her suspension effective immediately, and Yoon-sung catches up to her to say that he heard the news. He tells her to rest up, and to use the time to clean the house, since it’s a little dirty.

She spins around, angry tears bubbling up, and asks how he can tell her to clean when he must know how she feels right now. He stammers that he did also tell her to rest (ha) but she’s in no mood for his attitude. “Men like you are the worst.”

No argument here. Men that hot usually ARE the worst.

He sighs as he watches her go, and says to himself, “You have no idea how thankful a suspension is.” The second part of that sentence has an unspecified object, so it could be read as either: how thankful for you, or how thankful for me. Works both ways, and well, it’s true both ways.

It now occurs to me that Yoon-sung could’ve somehow sent in those random girls on purpose to antagonize Da-hae, but that seems like too many factors to be able to foresee. And if he’s thankful, he’s probably just relieved he doesn’t have to face off with her at gunpoint all over again. He should REALLY be grateful that he got her off duty without having to pull any more crazy stunts, which he was hilariously bad at.

Nana goes home and sits on the roof, remembering the last time she saw Ajusshi. She flashes back to a few days after the accident, when she had come to the police station wearing her funeral clothes, to ask why all of a sudden her father went from being the victim of the accident to the culprit.

The officer explains that the eye witness was drunk that night, and has revised his story. And though stammering, Ajusshi affirms his now revised eye-witness account, that her father’s car was the cause of the accident, and the other car merely stopped to avoid the crash.

Oh, holy hell. So basically the other driver (who Nana believes is Kim Jong-shik, aka Young-ju’s dad) got to Shik-joong first and paid him off or threatened him, or all of the above so that he’d change his story.

The officer calls him by name, Bae Man-duk, and he signs his statement and gets up to go. Nana pleads with him over and over, to no avail. She crumbles on the spot and cries, powerless to do anything and totally alone.

Ajusshi turns the corner and then watches her, guilt already settling in.

Back in the present, Nana murmurs to herself that it was him; she’s sure. She just needs to find that man again, because that’s how she’ll reopen the investigation.

Yoon-sung finds her there and tosses her some tissues, teasing that if she’s going to be crybaby, she should do it at home. She starts to walk away in a huff, but he grabs her by the hand and drags her downstairs and sticks her in his car. She demands to know why he’s doing this.

Yoon-sung: “Because I’m the worst!” Ha. Wait… is this YET ANOTHER car? How many cars does this boy have? A different car for every fling? For every pair of pink trousers?

She asks where they’re going, and he tells her that he’s trying to lift her spirits. Nana: “Why are you so good to me?” Yoon-sung: “Because we live together, like family.” Nana: “No you were, even before we lived together.”

She tells him that he talks ugly, but in fact he’s always doing nice things, like paying her father’s hospital bill, buying her house, getting her bandaids, taking her for a drive. Awww… she’s totally on to you! You big ol’ softie.

He just dismisses it, disliking all this nice talk, and instead tells her that whatever she says or does today he’ll keep it a secret. He tells her to yell or break things, or whatever she wants, and even gets her started by yelling at Da-hae.

She totally lets out her frustration, yelling out in banmal at her boss, at Eun-ah. She adds for good measure, “And you, Lee Yoon-sung! The way you look, the stuff you do, you’re a total Bad Luck Bastard!”

He throws back an insult that she thinks she’s so badass ’cause she’s good at judo and carries a gun, giving her the nickname Big Liver Girl, which sounds weird, but having a big liver is a colloquialism for being brave. They laugh adorably and he asks if she feels better now, and she nods, smiling from ear to ear.

They stop at a tree-lined dirt road and over coffee he asks if he’s really such a bad luck charm, insisting that MANY girls go gaga over him. What? That’s ludicrous. Why, what have you heard?

It starts to rain and his convertible top won’t close, so they race off, getting soaked to the bone. He takes her to his house since it’s closer and she cautiously walks inside. He turns to look at her, finally noticing her soaking wet in a white shirt, and has a little gaga moment himself.

Gulp. He finally snaps out of it long enough to toss her his jacket and a snide over-compensating remark, that he’s just ruined his eyes.

I’m just amazed that the first question out of her mouth isn’t And why do you live at my house again? He gives her a shirt to wear and they each shower, and Yoon-sung tends to his painful bullet wound, looking a lot worse for wear.

He comes out and finds Nana in the kitchen, but freezes in his tracks at the sight of her in nothing but his white shirt. Omg, I love watching him go googly-eyed over her.

She asks him to turn on his newfangled electric stove so she can cook some ramen, and he helps her awkwardly, the close proximity getting to be a little too much for him. She looks for bowls while he does that, and finds them sitting up on a shelf designed only for giants and supermodels.

Yoon-sung looks over at her reaching and jumping up, dangerously close to being nekkid as a result, and he nearly puts out the lights in the whole city trying to tamp down his reaction.

He reaches up and gets the bowl for her, making them awkwardly close again. Eeeee! The sexual tension is enough to drive him out of the kitchen for good. “Eat by yourself! I don’t want any!” Heh.

He puts out wine and fruit though, and in a bit of meta, she watches Prosecutor Princess (which City Hunter‘s PD Jin Hyuk also directed) and falls asleep.

He sees her sleeping on the couch and tucks her in, watching her sleep in that totally smitten way. He brushes the hair out of her face and gets up, but then stops and turns around…

He leans down toward her face and traces her eyebrow with his finger, totally making me swoon. And then he leans in ever so slowly, to kiss her…

And she opens her eyes. Eeep!

He stops, but he doesn’t pull away either (So. Hot.) and she squeezes her eyes shut. Omo! Green light! Do it! Do it!

He moves at the pace of molasses, which is both making me crazy, and making me crazy

He gets thisclose, and then the phone rings.



Dad, you have the WORST timing ever! Show, I love and hate you so much right now.

What’s worse is that Dad calls to say super obvious things about tomorrow being D-Day, and I’m screaming, Yeah, we already know! Can we get back to the almost-kissing?!

But the moment has passed, and he curtly tells Nana to sleep. How’s a girl to sleep when you were so very recently close to her lips?

He stays up and prepares for tomorrow, the stress and his weakened condition starting to really take a toll.

He drops her off at home in the morning. She thanks him for everything yesterday, and sheepishly asks if she should make something for dinner, wondering what he likes. He says he likes glass noodles with no onions or carrots, just beef, and heads off.

The problem is, Nana gets a call from her boss that Seo Yong-hak had her there through every recent crisis, and doesn’t feel safe without her there. So she’s reinstated. Oh crap.

It’s time for the live broadcast of the presidential debate, and the show begins, with Nana and Young-ju on the sidelines and Yoon-sung getting ready backstage. He starts by gassing the director’s booth, and then when Seo Yong-hak cues a video clip, Yoon-sung plays the recording of his shady deal with Mars. Nice.

He quickly ditches his gas mask for the black one and starts his way out, only Young-ju is pretty certain the City Hunter is behind this, and catches up to him. What commences is a damn good fight, mostly because the music is cut for great dramatic effect (love) and Yoon-sung is severely injured, making it evenly matched and even a little in Young-ju’s favor.

He manages to shake him off long enough to get a head start. Nana leads Seo Yong-hak out a different way… leading straight to the same corridor where Yoon-sung ends up.

Nana points her gun at him and Yoon-sung freezes, seeing her there. Young-ju comes careening after him, so now he’s totally trapped between them.

Nana squints her eyes for a second, possibly a glint of recognition, but he’s too far to see clearly. And then panicking, Seo Yong-hak grabs the gun from Nana’s hand, and then TURNS it… on her! What the hell, crazy?

But it’s his survival instinct that’s kicked in now, not logic, and he threatens to shoot her if they come any closer. Now all of a sudden Young-ju’s standing next to the City Hunter with his hands in the air in a total reversal.

Nana waits and then sees her moment to elbow Seo and get the gun out of his grasp, only her getting away from him means flipping over and hanging off the ledge, up many many stories.

Seo takes off running and Jin-pyo watches it all from down below, surveying the events with a scowl.

Young-ju and Yoon-sung both take off running at the same time…

…only Young-ju zooms past Nana towards Seo Yong-hak, while Yoon-sung runs straight for her. Everyone with me now: And this is why you’ll never get the girl, prosecutor.

Yoon-sung grabs her hand just in time as she loses her grip, and struggles to hang on. His shoulder sears with pain and he starts to bleed down his arm all the way to her hand, and she clutches his hand as his strength starts to give…


YAY! You learned how to do cliffhangers right! I’m so proud! These last two episodes had amazing endings, finally the kind that drives this sort of series and keeps me wound up and on the edge of my seat, dying for more. Pitch-perfect.

I love our first glimpse at a vulnerable Yoon-sung in this episode. It’s always in these moments that the hero feels most like us—not quite so perfect, not fully prepared, not bulletproof. He was already plenty relatable through his personal relationships, but seeing him spend a whole episode not at peak physical shape, having to rely on other people, makes him more human and highlights the fact that he really puts his life on the line to do what he thinks is right.

It might not be so heroic if he were just hell-bent on revenge at any cost like his father, but he’s on his way to becoming a champion for the people, which is exactly what all these politicians claim to do, but lose sight of on their rise to power.

And we’ve learned now that Nana is one of those people, too young and too powerless to have stopped the cover-up that tarnished her good father’s name, and that she carries that massive chip on her shoulder because of that experience. It makes a little more sense for her character—why she’s so rash and brave, often times overcompensating and trying to appear so strong.

I love that their growing attraction is mutual, and all the built-in complications keeping them apart. It’s actually something that I liked about Prosecutor Princess too, so maybe the reference wasn’t so random, though this show is much more effective because the stakes are life-and-death. The bigger the stakes, the better the conflict. That’s just the way it goes.

And the final moment of choice, highlighting the vast difference between Yoon-sung and Young-ju? Gold. Why so cool, Show? Just hand me a spoon. I’ll eat it up.


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This drama just getting better each episode and I'm sure everyone agree that this drama exceed our expectation especially Lee Min Ho.His acting as Lee Yun Seong was so good and definitely improved.Ep 8 is the best episode so far and hopefully it continue getting better.Why there is no preview for next episode.?This is the first k-drama this year that I watch from the first episode till now


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I'm addicted!!! Every episode is always better and better!


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I wonder why min ho doesn't wear a bullet proof jacket during his city hunter mission. He has so many hi fi gadgets but can't afford a bullet proof vest? I hate to see him hurt. After seeing the vet treats him, I really like her n I wonder why min ho still harbor love for nana, the obvious person who SHOOT you!!!!!!


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Apparently bullet proof vests are really heavy, and even some real cops tend to go without because it's better to be able to run around faster than to get majorly bruised by a bullet.

Also: convenient plot device. :D Would you really want to pass up the opportunity to see LMHot shirtless?


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I'm super loving this drama. so much happening in single episode.


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Thank You Girlfriday for great recap. I LOVE YOU


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This show is so amusingly awesome in every way. p e r f e c t ! and for the recap, How could it be so entertaining and yet very real. Loveeee ♥


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City Hunter is the best drama of the year. Period.


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Thanks for the recap, GF!
Your recaps give so much more explanation to those of us who don't speak Korean and rely on the English subs for understanding. There are so many points that you translate that the Eng. subs don't give - yours make sense.
So, thanks!

How wonderful is it that we've been fortunate enough to have such high quality kramas these last few months?!
49 Days, Best Love, Miss Ripley and now, City Hunter.

I adore CH for many reasons - the biggest of which is the absolutely sure hand of the director bringing all parts of this drama into one cohesive whole, no sloppiness or fanservice suck-ups - just solid point A to point B in plot development.

To me, it's like going up a flight of stairs to reach the top. Each episode raises the level of the one to come ahead - the pacing is superlative, and now that that CH has received its "cliffhanger diploma", Show is even tighter - and I would wonder if this was a conscious decision on the part of the writing staff. I know that ep.7 with the shooting and now ep.8 with the dangling Nana sure put me on the edge of my seat - it has the desperation factor that is called for here - pitch perfect timing for this juncture in the story-telling!

Only one point that I would quibble with GF about is her take on the developing attraction between YS and Nana. I think that YS fell in love with Nana the minute he saw her photo when he was 16 ("How can someone glow like this?")- there's never been any question about it in my head. All his actions towards her derive from this point - he loves her, plain and simple.
Almost as much as I love him. And his pants.
:) :) :)


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Forgot to add:

That dream sequence? How well done was that!
Dark, chilling and ominous.
And SHOW had better NOT end like this.
49 Days almost killed me with the ending.
Don't do it, Show. I'm warning you.


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Yes PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not pull a 49 Days. Don't get me wrong - I absolutely loved the show, it has lasting value that you don't often see in dramas, but it tore my heart out.

Hopefully the dream serves to help AVOID such an outcome, rather than foreshadowing it.


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i am afraid that is really gonna happen!


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This is SUCH a good show. I really love reading GF's recaps too. You can see her love for the show so well that it feels like your not the only one squealing and jumping up and down.


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I've not seen a drama this good and addictive in last couple of years. Last time i was so much obsessed with a drama was You are beautiful.


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havent watched a single episode of this drama yet and only read bits and pieces of this recap but i lov the sliffy and now i think i'm ready to watch it heheheheh... i'm dying to know what happens next.


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Thank you so much for the recap GF!!! I am so obsessed with this show. I have to watch the raw as soon as it's out, then the sub, and finally your recaps. Not to mention re-watching my favorite scenes a million times. ;D I've been waiting and waiting for this recap to go up cause it's my favorite episode so far, and was happy to wake up today (which happens to be my 20th bday) to find it. Thanks for the present!

Okay, so much happened in the episode so I'm gonna start with:

The date/drive/almost kiss sequence which kills me EVERY time I watch it. When she opened her eyes I almost died - because YS didn't pull back, and because Nana (knowing full well where this was headed) closed her eyes again. I knew this scene was coming since I found the stills while stalking the internet for my City Hunter fix during the interminable interim that is Friday through Tuesday, but it was 10 times better than anything I could have imagined.

Also, I couldn't help thinking the scene at the shooting range where YS can't bring himself to shoot was very symbolic. The director says to imagine the target as the enemy (meaning the City Hunter), but YS is probably imagining Nana (esp. in light of his dream), and puts his gun down to signify that he can't bring himself to shoot her.

The antics of trying to get Nana off the SYH detail were hysterical and worked wonders to relieve some of the stress of the episode without damaging the integrity or pacing.

And also, I'm noticing a few motifs that I'm hoping are continued.

1) Yoonsung's habit of driving beside Nana. I feel like it's representative of their growing relationship. The first time he follows silently, watching from afar, the second he makes his presence known (to her annoyance) by yelling and calling out to her. I'm wondering if one day she may not get off the bus and join him in the car. That would make my day.

2) In the first episode, when YS talks to Nana's picture (which is too adorable) he asks her, "Pointing a gun at someone precious to you, does that make any sense?!" I'm feeling like this was a very pointed comment that the writers set in beautifully - or at least I'd like to think so because that would be just too cool.

And finally (and I apologize that this is so long), the image of her clinging to his hand for dear life as the blood from the would she gave him runs down his arm to hers was just too perfect. She shot him, and he turned around and saved her - giving up his chance to get his target in the process (although, seeing as SYH's been outed as the ass that he is, I don't see what else there is for YS to do on that front).

P.S. Nana's earrings - how much you wanna bet Jin Pyo finds them?
P.P.S. So THAT'S why she's a vet!!!! < totally feel you. Had the same exact thought.
P. P. P.S. Yoonsung's shoulder is SOOOO infected! What's gonna happen to that poor boy? He's gonna need serious care very soon.

No idea how they're gonna get out of this with Nana safe, and YS escaping with his secret intact, but so far this show has surpassed my expectations again and again, so I'm gonna trust in the writer-nims that it'll be good. Why can't it be Wednesday already?!?!


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yupp nana's earrings! Is it going to be found by daddy? or dropped it in YS's car and found as evidence by YJ? then making the link that YS is the city hunter?

OH why isn't wednesday not coming yet!


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You think she left the in the car? I rather think they'll be in the house


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I thought JP was already monitoring his son's every move.
That is is aware of all that YJ does, non?

I like another woman finding them, thinking they belong to some easy woman, and then finding out it is the sweet Nana who may be not so sweet.


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You just cant stop talking about the show! If there wasn't a space constraint, you would probably never stop! And am definitely not complaining!

You know I didn't connect with the dialogue in first episode, and now that you say it, its downright beautiful. I love how YS as a character has grown in all of us that when he hurts, we hurt.
And all the while, we know what exactly is going in LMH's mind cuz he is that much of an amazing actor!
He is hot, adorable, sexy, can act. *sighs* Can never get enough of him!


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@ Tensai24

Happy Birthday! A funny and gushy recap really does feel like a present, doesn't it!

I enjoyed your comments and especially appreciated your calling my attention to the conversation YS had had with Na Na's picture (I had totally forgotten about that).

I hope that the coming year brings you much more of the kind of delight that you're currently deriving from City Hunter!


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Aww thank you <3


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"2) In the first episode, when YS talks to Nana’s picture (which is too adorable) he asks her, “Pointing a gun at someone precious to you, does that make any sense?!” I’m feeling like this was a very pointed comment that the writers set in beautifully – or at least I’d like to think so because that would be just too cool."


Thanks for pointing this out. An epi1 line that is so appropriate for an incident six episodes later. At that time, we didn't see this as some kind of foreshadowing, but after Na Na shoots YS in epi7, how satisying it is for us viewers (for me, at least) to see the connection. Another evidence of excellent writing, I must say.


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I'm so in LOVE with this drama NOW!!!!

......a shelf designed only for giants and supermodels *made me roaring with laughter.... hahaha*


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I gotta love the directing. The angle and camera quality are so ... fine, LMH looks extra dreamy. It helps that the plot is great too.


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vote min ho 4 THE URBAN APPAREL'S COOL STAR AWARD 2011...the link.,,http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150303885724688.414139.153657484687


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thanks so much for the recap! this show is only getting better and better. i remember reading the blurb about it and thinking i wouldn't watch it... so glad i didn't follow through! the tension and pace of the show are both perfect. let's hope it just keeps getting better!


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LOVE your recap. It's like I'm watching the episode all over again. I would say watching the best parts but this drama is ALL good so it's hard to choose one part over another.

I absolutely adore Ajhusshi and YS together. Seriously the best goofballs on the planet.
As much as I despise Dad and am pretty certain he gets NO Father's Day gifts from YS, he makes for an amazingly awesome villain.


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Wow, my friend and I started watching this a day ago, looking for something else to watch while waiting for Best Love's finale, but little did we know we were going to get completely hooked!!!! We've always been more Rom-com fans, so were expecting nothing from City Hunter, but It's not only super entertaining, It's also flawlessly executed and brilliantly acted!! Definitely a must watch! And loved the end when he was holding Nana


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a real cliffhanger!!
this show seemed slow to me initially, but now i'm screaming to watch the rest of it!

the romance and action seems to fit juust in the right combination. not too sweet, not an action thriller either. the perfect blend i would say!!

can't wait to watch!!!
omg...he's bleeding till thursday!


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LOL @ omg…he’s bleeding till thursday!

I was totally squeezing my hands and ouch at the scene where LMH's blood oze out from his wound down right to PMY. I hope she recognises his eyes and realise that it's YS!


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Wow, my friend and I started watching this a day ago, looking for something else to watch while waiting for Best Love's finale, but little did we know we were going to get completely hooked!!!! We've always been more Rom-com fans, so were expecting nothing from City Hunter, but It's not only super entertaining, It's also flawlessly executed and brilliantly acted!! Definitely a must watch! And loved the end when he was holding Nana and his arm started bleeding...


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u no hw lee min hot's eyes r sooooo distinctiv & ntens??? i hope nana recognises im whil lukin up @ im as e rescues er.... dat wd b awsom!!!

she wd gues, & yoonsung wd've 2 try evn hardr 2 hide hs identity...


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thanks a lot for the recap, girlfriday :p

I like the nightmare scene so much. It shows how love may be realized in near-death experience. but, that is too cruel, Jin Pyo.

I wonder when the prosecutor and blue house staff will be on Yoon Sung side.. unless the director plan on kidnapping Da Hae....


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Oh I've been waiting for this recap forever!! Since ep 8 had me on the edges of my seat and I was dying to know what everyone else thought of it!

I've been obsessing over the ending - is it wrong if I admit rewatching the ending about 10 times (and the intense almost kiss scene)? The blood dripping down his arm, Nana's look of horror as she realizes what it's costing him to hold her there, his grunt of pain as he tries to keep his hold on her and his whole face turning red - even his eyes looked bloodshot. That's just marvelous acting directing and scripting all around!

Only thing that really annoys me is that he was hired to do Blue House security and twice now they've managed to track his IP. I mean, once? I could forgive. Twice? ...stretching my suspension of disbelief a taaaaad too far my friend - but other than that? I LOVE this drama. It has been a surprising but totally awesome ride!

Oh man I'm SO tempted to watch episode 9 raw...who's with me?!


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I completely with you! watched ep 7 and 8 raw, then watched it with subs and read DB's recaps. I just need recaps to complete the routine for my CH addiction. HA.

I hope YS will be able to save NN and get away safely. Wonder if NN will know his City hunter identity SOON. Though i guess not so early in theseries. BUT this show just always surprise. What's daddy going to do to NN if he finds out that she's the one YS loved and shot at him? Gahh... show is killing me with recent 2 episodes of cliffhanger. And my mid year exam is just right at the corner! wasnt expecting much from CH, man...this show really kills me, havent been addicting to kdrama for such a long time. The previous addiction was SKKS.


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I ALWAYS watch the raw eps!
And I don't understand more than 4=5 words of Korean.
But I really don't need to know what LMH's saying.
All sound seems to fade away the more I fixate on him.....

:) :)


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rainecrust, i am right there with you!!! ;)

i echo every single word in your comment!! ;)

i couldn't have said it any better!! ;)


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ooops, sorry for the typo on your screen-name, it should be rainerust, not rainecrust... ;)


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I'm with you! I'm sure I'll convince myself that I'll only watch the first 5 minutes then loose all self control and watch the whole thing. Need to see what happens. Will he catch her? How will he get away? Does she really still not recognize him? How will daddy YP intervene?


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LOVED. THIS. EPISODE. I could list the reasons why, but I think GF pretty much covered it :) Anxiously awaiting episode 9!!!!


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A small, tin detail most of you might not have noticed is in the bathroom, after Yoon Sung checked his bandage and started washing his hands, there was a tiny amount of blood on the button of his shirt on his left arm. Would be interesting if they made it part of the story in the future,


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Oooo...good catch! You have sharp eyes - are you an alumni from "LOST"?!


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this show really is going to make me faint from all the hottness and badass-ness.


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Ouwww... I love prosecutor Princess meta, HAHHAHAH


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Girlfriday, thank you so much!!!

once again your recap does not disappoint...

a recap that epitomises what a brilliant mind you have by...

how exceptional you are with words to express with such PINPOINT accuracy the EXACT and precise feelings and thoughts that viewers such as myself felt and thought throughout watching every episode of this brilliant drama so far... ;)

how your choice of words never fail to make me laugh my head off like some loon let loose from the loony bin... ;)

how you made me understand and appreciate the drama all the more with your trademark and much appreciated richly-emotional reactions to every scene, esp those that stood out the most, 'cause i definitely cant have expressed it any better... ;)

Girlfriday and Javabeans, please know this -



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This show has everthing the iris/athena franchise is missing.
WE CARE! We can follow the story . lots of action, no phony
foreign locations (for no reason) good music. HEART, people we can like and identify with even tho the inspiration is a
manga........... LOOOOVE it.


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Gaahhh, now I have to wait till Wednesday!!!

I love it, i love City Hunter so much this time. Thank God I took your advises JB&GF, I was thinking to watch this after it finishes, because I'm busy watching Lie to Me and Romance Town...but now, I just can't wait for next episode!

Lee Minho is incredibly cool and hot at the same time, I can't even think. And I don't care with others' opinions, I think he and Park Minyoung have great chemistry and looking cute together.

I like that all the action scenes look so slick, eventhough there are so many coincidences, but I can still buy the story.

Lee Min HOT, is <3


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I like your take on the Epi8 ending.

It was the best of episode endings; it was the worst of episode endings. So far. (with apologies to Charles Dickens). :)

The best as literary/dramatic tension device.
The worst, in that our main leads and OTP are both in a life-and-death situation.


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Yoon-sung's nightmare had me holding my breath. It was so good and so possible to happen in the future.

It just keeps getting better and better!


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I have been HANGING OUT .. waiting for you to recap this episode, especially all the parts at his house with her in his shirt. LOL. :D The sexual tension ... arrrggghhh LMH, you make me swoon like an idiot and I love it. And the almost kiss, damnit, it was like dangling a candy in front of a kid. They (i.e. Show) better make up for it later with a too hot to handle pash. hahahaha :P


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I was watching this episode at 4 in the morning and at the end where Yoon-sung's blood started trickling down his arm, I screamed so loud that I woke my sister-in-law up, and my sister thought someone broke into the house and was fighting me. Lol

This episode is sooo perfect!!!!! Just the right balance of everything. The other episodes, I felt the cutsy parts were too forced and totally not Yoon-sung's style. This episode.... idk... something happened that just changed my whole view.....

There was a time where I felt Lee Minho was channeling Gu Junpyo, and a time where I felt he was channeling Jeon Jinho.... Which I thought was.... ehh....

I loved the part where Ahjussi was in the subway train. xCCCCCCCCCCCC
And I was grinning from ear to ear the whole time Nana was in Yoon-sung's Condo. ^_^


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I guess, for now, I won't be breaking up with this Drama after all. Lol.


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I was ready to die at the part where they were at the shooting range and everyone there was imagining that they were shooting him.... xCCCCCCC, and he was right there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xCCCCCCCCCCCC


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yes, Thatgirl! ;)

you are so spot-on! ;)

what's more compelling abt the scene is this :

Yoon-Sung could SEE for himself what a dead-shot Nana really is and that the target of that awesome-dead-shotness is none other than HIMSELF!!! ;)

his hand shook and trembled just imagining himself being shot right at the place Nana shot at with such accuracy!! ;)

once again, just AWESOME symbolism!! ;)


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Something else that crossed my mind reading your recaps (esp with your choice of words) that made me wonder...

how MUCH you LOOOOOVE this drama... ;)
much more than i ever remember you expressing such love for any other drama in recent memory...hehe....or am i wrong?

but even more outstanding for me is this -

how BESOTTED and seemingly IN LOVE (with this drama)you SOUND to me with your choice of words...hehe...or am i wrong again? hehe...

how i simply LOOOOVE that about you and your recaps...

'cause if i am right, i am right there with you -
and IN LOVE I AM with this drama!!! ;)


I have to thank you (and Javabeans) for articulating so beautifully and eloquently my LOVE for CH and LEE MIN HOT!! ;)

thank you sooooo much!!! ;)

lots of love and hugs!!! ;)


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You're not wrong. Not since Gumiho have I been so in love. City Hunter is definitely the one to beat in 2011.


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Hear! Hear peeps!


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Thank you Girlfriday! ;)

Not only am I so glad i am not wrong abt your love for CH, but more importantly, I am so heartened to know that i am not alone in MY LOVE and my being IN LOVE with CH!! ;)

As for CH being the one to beat in 2011, i can't agree with you more! ;)


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Lmao .. I remember watching this episode and then the almost kiss .. and then the phone ringing .. and then me cursing up a storm in my room cause the moment was ruined.

Oh show .. your making me fall in love with you besides the fact that LMH is in it.

It's just too much fun :D


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The best drama of the year by far. Yes the rom-com are good, but real dramas are the revenge plot dramas.


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I love how before this show airs, a lot of people (myself included) were pretty much put off by this show because no one has a freaking clue what it's about and thought it was going to be so bad and cheesy. However, I am happy to eat my words and say this is has become my new addiction.

Curses show! Why are you so good at cliffhangers now? :| The waiting feels like eternity now.


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Incoherent thoughts:

-girlfriday, thanks so much for the awesome recap. I think the Show took your advice and got that certificate at the Cliffhanger Academy.

-Lovely wrist-grabs in this episode. And we got what might possibly be the wrist-grab to end all wrist-grabs, in a life or death cliffhanger.

-I was surprised to see Yoon-sung use the same iPhone wallpaper as me.

-I laughed when Young-ju flashed that sheet of paper with the IP address written on it, and then Blue House head networking guy says, "This is our IP address." It's funny because anyone with even the most rudimentary knowledge of networking (such as myself) would know that an IP address that begins with 192.168 is part of a private network IP address block that is used internally, and not seen or used outside that of a local or home network. They do not (and cannot) intermingle with outside IP addresses. Ok, I admit I Googled most of that up.

-Who thinks "nerves of steel" Sae-hee is a much better match than Nana for our hero? *raises hand*

Here's why:

First, we have our Batman being saved by a veterinarian. See, a bat is an animal, and she's a... nevermind.

Second, at this point she's less annoying, and appear to be more mature than Kim Nana. But of course, with enough screen time she could prove herself to be just as annoying. So we'll see. (Apologies to Park Min-young fans. But you have to admit she can be annoying at times.)

Third, her attitude, demeanor, and her looks, to me, seem cat-like--you know, regal, independent, mysterious, and she might be cuddly as well, who knows? If you're familiar with Catwoman, you'd know she was the perfect foil for Batman. And I'm talking about in the comics, not the horrible movie with Halle Berry.

Fourth, the scene in which Sae-hee was fixing Yoon-sung, I felt some chemistry there, and in all the scenes they were together, but more so in this episode because of the little skinship involved. Who knew that a scene with someone dressing a bullet wound could be so hot. A shirtless Lee Min-ho did help to raise the temperature a couple of notches, though.

Fifth, she has not judo-flipped Yoon-sung even once.

So with that, I'm going against the grain here and officially shipping Yoon-sung with veterinarian catwoman Sae-hee (I bet she has a cat).


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I am not shipping YS with SH,but there were some sparks there. I was surprised by the flirting going on between them (aren't YS supposed to be obsessed with Na Na?). Perhaps we are in for some interesting complications later on.


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Birdie, i can't agree with you more! ;)

i am with you in waiting for how much more interesting this drama could be with the character and plot devts...


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No, you're definitely not alone on this.....
I love their interaction in epi 6 at the 58:37-53 mark.
These two are smoldering when together on the screen....


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mskololia, your words are spot-on!

'smouldering' is exactly the word for the undeniable chemistry between YS and SH, more amazing because they shared such brief scenes so far...

hmmm....i am so looking forward to the next episodes to see how the characters will develop...innnnteresting.... ;)


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Lol. I like the word "smoldering" (or "smouldering" for you Brits, Aussies, etc.). I was tempted to use "teeming with chemistry" although they're not at that level yet. But as Coldplay would say it, "I saw sparks."


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hehe...blame it on the use of British English in Singapore for my use of the spelling... ;)

"I saw sparks" is spot-on again!!! ;)


i agree with you, b is for batman!!

undeniable chemistry between YS and SH, for so than between YS and KNN...


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If she takes his payment in the form of a kiss, I hope YS will not let SH feel like an idiot for trying.... :)

Just go with it YS....kekekekeke


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hehe....i second that!!! hehe....just do it, i say! ;)


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Amazing episode and amazing recap. I'm going to do a rewatch on this and epi 7, my fave episodes so far, but I need to wait until I'm a bit closer to epis 8 and 9.

I love the way these two episodes fit together. Nana's growing jealousy, but also her blossoming trust in her friendship with YS. I love that there's no serious second lead drama, and that the second leads don't have to be either inimical or weak. Who's sweeter than SH? That's so different from many "evil woman tryna steal my man" second female leads, and the prosecutor isn't the rather wimpy lover with no real chance of success that many second male leads are.

Watching LMH blossom as lead actor has been amazing. His ability to wordlessly emote is growing in a beautiful way. It's especially interesting to see him now, working for the first time (IIRC) with a lead actress who's about as new to the business as he is.

The blue house IP address issues are annoying, but I can choose to ignore them. Though I'm sure most of the target audience wouldn't get it, I wish they would throw in random MIT trivia (and get it right, unlike Iron Man). Sure, grad students are less involved in school culture, but it would be awesome. I go to MIT, so I had furtive and unrealistic dreams of LMH shooting a couple scenes here :).


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Ohhhh, things I forgot that b is for batman reminded me of: LMH is SOOOO Batman in this show. But it's more like I want SH (and YJ) to be his allies. It's not a situation like with Superman, where his cannon love interest sucks and Wonder Woman is a million times better, since while SH is brainy and sweet, Nana has brawn and spunk. So, given that the both have positive, but very different, attributes in approximately equal quantities, I think we could say that, at base, they're both equally good for YS.
Being the partner of a superhero is fraught with danger (Spiderman's deceased college GF certainly learned this, as did countless other superhero WAGs). Nana has signed up to be in dangerous situations, while Sae Hee, supportive as she would be of a loving partner, would, quite reasonably, rather stay safe and sound. I'm tired of seeing superhero girlfriends die in senselessly violent and abusive manners. Nana is more cut out to protect herself from such a fate.
Secondly, and this is more of a personal opinion than the first point, I feel like SH and YJ would both prefer that they could have a working relationship. Of course, in the case that they can't, SH is fine with moving on, but there's a reason that, despite being divorced, they still see each other, spend significant amounts of time together. SH seems willing to give it another shot, and YJ seems to very much want to try, though, so far, he's been rather bad at doing so.

On YJ and YS being allies, I really, really really want YJ to be YS's Commissioner Gordon. I feel like their unspoken understanding at the end of this ep may have been the start of a relationship like that. The glance could have been, in my mind, either:
1) YJ: "I'm going to put aside pursuing you (for now, at least) because we are both after bigger fish."
2) YS: "We are not enemies. I get the girl." YJ: "Certianly not! I get the bad guy."


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I agree with you. In the beginning, I saw Young-ju as a possible villain due to his jealousy and rivalry with Yoon-sung. Even with him being such a straight-laced and consummate professional, it is possible that he could swing to the evil side given some tragic, life-altering circumstance, like what happened with Harvey Dent/Two-Face. Now the idea of Young-ju becoming Yoon-sung's Commissioner Gordon is more appealing to me than them being each other's nemesis.


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"YJ: I’m going to put aside pursuing you (for now, at least) because we are both after bigger fish.”
YS: We are not enemies. I get the girl.
YJ: “Certianly not! I get the bad guy.”

Riveting dialogue, Cam! Love this.


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I do not get the IP issue exactly though I infer that there is some factual error involved.

On a similar issue, there's this tidbit in Epi7:
"YS (talking to ahjussi about Seo Yong Hak's 3rd son): ... he sent his resume to the United States Marine Research Institute of Montreal."

Made me go What? A US institute in Montreal (Canada, I take it, unless there's a place with that name in the US)?

Admittedly, a minor point, but still annoying. Detracts from excellent scriptwriting.


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Love SaeHee! CH, you rock!!!


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I just read the #8 recap, but haven't yet read
the usual brilliant comments from the usual
brilliant commentators around here, :)
so I'm sorry if I repeat what someone else said.

Episode #7 and #8 are so smooth, so seamless,
that I guess that I have to say that CH is one of the
most well-written KTV series that I've ever watched.

And as this series gets better, I really hope that
the "Lee Min-ho is hot" comments turn into "LMH
is a really good actor." Long ago, well actually 2009,
the scenes between Gu Jun-pyo versus that evil
witch of a mom in "Boys over Flowers" convinced
me that if LMH was able to handle those scenes
then he could handle practically anything. (That
actress was beyond awesome as well as EVIL!!!)

This series is great. The scriptwriter better bring
a wheelbarrel to the award shows for this year,
to carry home all the stuff he/she's gonna' win
for writing such a great script for "City Hunter! :)

Anybody notice that there are FIVE bad guys and
each bad guy needs FOUR episodes to bring him down?
Let's see: 20 episodes divided by 5 bad guys equals 4.
Yep, I guess that I'm right! (Ha, ha.) :) :) :)



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Yes and each bad guy is worse than the preceding one too it seems.

We need this to be a 24 episode drama and if they are going to extend, make the decision now so the writer and actors can prepare please.


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I forgot to ask a question, which I hope
somebody will answer for me: "City Hunter"
started broadcasting in Korea on May 25th.
Thanks to computer sites like http://www.viki.com
I've been able to watch this series.
Is "CH" broadcasting in the US......NOW?
Or will it show up ~ LATER ON ~ on American TV?
Thanks ~



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LOL!!! Grace, TOFJ, USA, you rock!! :)

how i missed your brilliant comments after PT wrapped up... ;)

so wonderful to savour every morsel of your mind-gems in your comments ;)

and i can't agree with you more - i echo every single word in your comment!! ;)

sorry i can't answer your qn abt whether CH will be broadcasted in America though...hehe...


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Yes, good math there.

Can we assume that the last bad guy to be brought down is the President himself? I have mixed feelings about this. He is not corrupt in the sense that the other four are. And he is the one most conflicted about the 1983 decision to drop the North Korea mission. I empathize with his character, having been given the most difficult moral dilemma ever in this drama.


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I'm kind of thinking the last "bad guy" might be Jin-Pyo, not the President. We've seen that the President deeply regrets his actions, that he's an idealistic and moral guy, a good and loving father, a good leader... Basically, he's been set up as the complete opposite of Jin-Pyo. I foresee a time when Yoon-sung has to choose between obeying Jin-Pyo and saving the President, and chooses the President--and THAT'S the time when the father/son conflict turns deadly.


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grace, I agree with you "LMH is really good actor". Though because he is so physically compelling (read beautiful) I doubt my judgment a little bit. In this episode his physical pain, fear of and for Nana, arrogance and relationship with ajushi brought me right along with Yoon-sung.


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watching LMH and PMY in this drama made me rewatch Personal Taste on dvds, specifically to see the contrast between the emotional-connection i felt and still feel watching LMH and Son Ye Jin in PT, compared to the feeling i have watching LMH and PMY in CH...

somehow, even until this episode, ep 8, the strongest emotion i could detect between LMH and PMY in CH is more of a comfortable-close-friendship-like emotion than the male-female-chemistry/attraction which i could feel between LMH and SYJ in PT...

in fact, echoing the thoughts of some of the commentators here regarding the attraction between LMH with the Sae Hee character, i could feel the chemistry a lot more from the two of them, even though they have shared only a few scenes so far, which in itself says a lot...

it is reminiscent of what happened in BOF - the intended-OTP was Gu Jun Pyo and Jandi but with the inclusion of Ha Jae Kyung, there was so much undeniable chemistry between GJP (LMH) and HJK (Lee Min Jeong), that it was also highlighted by JB and GH in their recaps of the drama...

Jae Kyung was a striking, kickass lady, while Sae Hee is a striking, cool-as-a-cucumber-kickassy-like lady...i absolutely love both of them...

which i why i am SO IN LOVE with this drama because not just the LEADS are so absorbing, but also the supporting cast, in their own captivating ways...aaahhhh... ;)


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Hey ~ koreandramalover ~ :)

Here's my simple answer:
Jandi was a kid, played incompetently by the
screeching Queen of Bragging, and part-time
Renaissance woman: "What's her name."

Jae Kyung matched GJP......Remember that LMH
look when JK broke up the breakfast fish for him.
You could see the wheels turning in LMHs/GJPs brain.
(And it was Jandi's MOM who was glad to feed him,
not Jandi.)

The actress playing Na Na is charming, but she is
ALSO a kid. The lady veterinarian is a woman.
Kids are OK when 23 year-old LMH plays dorky-cute.
But when 33 year-old (and somehow he can do it)
LMH turns up the heat, little kids would get FRIED.

Just my 2 cents. I mean, just my 2 won. :)



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grace, you are too precious!!! LOL!!! ;)

you never fail to amaze me with how spot-on and priceless your two wons' worth of comments are!!! ;)

i can't agree with you more, and i echo every single wonderful word!! ;)

aaaahhhh...how wonderful to feast my eyes on the made-by-God beauty called LMH again after PT and feasting my heart and mind on your mind-gems once again... ;)

thank you so much God and thank you to you, the one and only Grace, TOFJUSA ;)


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Just my 2 cents. Comparing BOF and CH is hardly relevant. They are both different dramas.BOf is a high school drama,and CH has a totally different plot. Jandi chemistry with GJP was different from the one Jae Kyung had with GJP. It was in the context of the characters and the relationships in the drama .The actress playing Jandi won an excellent award for her protrayal and was very popular with a lot of the viewers.
In CH YS and NN interactions seem to be the naive,which is ok,too in the context of the characters and plot whereas SH,being divorced and older , bring out a different side of YS. This may add an interesting twist to the story.


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@Birdie ;)

we are entitled to our own opinion abt how we wish to view the dramas and so whether comparing BOF with CH is relevant or not should in itself be an irrelevant issue, dont you think???

i brought up BOF and CH precisely because LMH acted in both dramas, and thus generating my reflections on the characters he played in both 'cause i find interesting parallels between them but i was in no way criticising or doing a critique of the dramas' plots or characters...


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Hi kdl,
I am responding more to Grace and her remarks.

Please do not let my humble opinion put you off from commenting.Differences make life interesting. I just feel differently.


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@Birdie ;)

Oh my sincere apologies if my comment came off as offensive ;) its definitely not my intention...

even though i know you were commenting on Grace's comment but i commented on your comment because i brought up the comparison in the first place and so i felt it necessary to do so...

and i echo your words exactly - please do no let my humble opinion put you off from commenting sincerely and i agree with you totally about differences in life making it richer and so much more exciting and interesting! ;)

bless you for your calm and respectful response ;)


hehe can I click LIKE on this?


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yes, Scarlet, how i wish there is a way to click LIKE on this, or even LOVE, 'cause i would be among the first among millions im sure...hehe ;)


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I find it so interesting to read those who ship Yoon Sung and Sae Hee because I personally can't sense this "undeniable" chemistry. I get what you're all saying about her being mature and understanding but I see them as friends and nothing more. There's an underlining sense of trust and comfort but not the kind of sparks that makes your stomach have butterflies.
Though most people might not necessarily LOVE NaNa's character and find her annoying and immature, she's simple and full of life. She can't contain her emotions therefore she gets jealous and mad easily. She's pure and naive which allows Yoon Sung to be foolish and tap into that boyish side that can't come out with Evil Daddy. And c'mon, the scenes with them together have been super cute or hot sexual tension.
All to say, we're entitled to our own opinions and ship who we want with our imagination but the way the story is going, no doubt that Yoon Sung has been/is in love with NaNa. And I'd like to see Young Ju and Sae Hee get back together because I love their interactions and connection especially when he had a hard day, he went to see her. Yoon Sung in the same way longs for that sweet cup of coffee that only NaNa can make. But I'm sure with 12 eps left, there will be more conflict and confusion with the 4 so I'm looking forward to it!

I must say, superb casting for this drama. Lee Minho is perfect in every and Park Minyoung is beautiful and likable. And I love the veteran actors who are killing their roles: Ahjussi, Evil Daddy, the President and YS's mom. I love when a drama hits all the right notes across the board for solid acting, directing and writing.


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Move over, please! I'm on the Nancy boat with this one.
I, too, don't sense any sexual attraction between YS and our lady vet. If anything, I think our vet is still in love with her ex-hubby. (After all, when they were in the hotel and Mr. Prosecutor left for his office, her comment was "Why do I keep hurting" when he still blows her off for work.)

If anything, Ms.Vet has several pieces of the City Hunter's ID and she's bright enough to figure out that YS is the one.
I see her character as a Chloe to Clark/Superman - BFFs, looking out for each other's back and it also puts her smack in the middle between our two hotties. Lucky girl.



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It's obvious a Yoonsung-Nana relationship is where this is headed. It's pretty clear. They need to be in love in order for their anticipated showdown in the end to have more impact, with Nana protecting the president and Yoon-sung trying to bring him down. This is even foreshadowed in Yoon-sung's dream.  Given that, it doesn't diminish the fact that Lee Min-ho and Hwang Sun-hee (Sae-hee) look good together and have a great rapport onscreen.  This chemistry is most likely unintentional as it detracts from the main pairing. It appears her presence and her role as a vet serve as mere conveniences to the plot, as girlfriday and some commenters have noted. But there's no denying they look hot together. That's all I'm saying :D


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Yup, Sae Hee is one cool customer.

I hope that she and YJ get together again, eventually. Was it only I who sensed a hint of jealousy rearing its "ugly" (NOT! in this case, I think) head, in the exchange between him and YS in the restroom when he saw that YS was wearing his suit and shirt.

Am all for the good guys getting their happily-ever-afters here, s'what am saying.


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Will someone pleas fast forward time so i can see episode 9 and 10 today pleas pleas pleas <3


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Did anyone else notice the rainbow appear when it suddenly rained and they couldn't raise the car top? I thought it was a nice touch, almost symbolic of the lifting of Nana's spirits.


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Okay I have a theory about YJ. That he was in or somehow involved in the car crash that killed Nana's parents. The reason for this is that he feels so guilty about it - if he wasn't involved would he feel that bad, or would he even know, cos i don't think his dad would tell him much about it. Also may explain why he is so fervent about his job - again guilty about what he did or the cover up he was involved in. Also would explain why he only wrote to Nana, not doing anything more and why he was so nervous when she asked about reopening a case from 10 years ago. As i said, only a theory, but i just felt his guilt was too intense for something his dad did.


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OMG, the endings for this week's episodes gripped me like no other at the moment and I've officially (and finally) seen LMH in the light that everyone else has seen (and is seeing) him. I seriously don't know how many times I *gasped* throughout the last five minutes of this episode.



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I need to say the obvious:

Slapping your kid after he's been shot and then poking at his wound?



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how right you are!



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Actually I feel that EvilDaddy is showing his tough love in his own way.

Sure, his need for revenge is all consuming but I don't at any point feel that he would put YS' life above his revenge. He lost his leg saving YS. He wouldn't run over YS during the standoff car chase.
And he did say in this episode that he doesn't want to lose YS as well.

In any case, him being the EvilDaddy is just right for the show, cannot imaging him being all lovey dovey right?


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hi madqueen! ;)

kindly refer to my reply to DKM below as my reply to your comment ;)

thank you for your comment! ;)


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Oh, I think JP loves YS.
Tough love presenting itself the opposite of Seo who's children were despicable manchildren.


mskokolia, kindly read my reply to XTool below as my reply to your comment... ;)

i reiterate my opinion - no REAL father would subject his child to a damned life the way that Jin Pyo has damned Yoon-Sung's life for the sake of his (Jin Pyo's) purely selfish purpose of seeking revenge against the people who took away his trust, pride and belief in his country and countrymen...

such a person does not deserve the title of 'Father'!!!


It does not matter if our opinions differ dear. That's the purpose of this blog, no? :)

JP loves YS. Period.


Also, this is DB's blog and we are just honored guests..... :)


@mskololia dear ;)

i am with you abt differences in opinion being welcomed here in DB by the good graces of JB as this is her blog, and we are just honoured guests... ;)

and i was just putting my point across to your point but i was in no way saying that you are wrong...not at all...

to each his/her own...

after all, we are talking abt a drama here...
a make-believe world concocted by the writers in Kdramaland...

not abt the ideological, political, religious, economic or sociological turmoil and human suffering happening all around the world at present... ;)


Well, I’ve noticed that JB basically leaves posters pretty much alone. And some commentaries are deep here, which are fun to read and comment on. The atmosphere on this one is quite enjoyable and I think it’s because of City Hunter (read LMH) and DBs. CH has brought us all to this table.

Now, where's my spoon? ;)


mskokolia dear ;)

thank you so much for articulating
what has been on my mind
for as long as i have been a visitor in DB... ;)

JB has been so welcoming,
embracing, kind, intelligent,
mature and calm
in her handling
of the highly-diverse commentaries
in this wonderful blog of hers...

and that approach has generated so much interest
and effort on the part of the visitors to delve into, discuss and share thoughts and opinions on deep, sensitive and even intensely personal topics quite freely... ;)

except when they are those
who clearly just want to stir up trouble
by leaving nonsensical
and outrightly offensive comments...
JB would deal with them swiftly and effectively, thankfully.,.. ;)

so i feel so blessed to have found Dramabeans
by the incomparably kickassy-like-gal Javabeans,
and her closest and most trusted ally
and comrade-in-arms,
the equally kickassy-like-gal Girlfriday,
because its existence
and my taking part in its discussions and sharings
and the wonderful souls i have met here
and have learnt so much from
have enriched my life immeasurably... ;)


I don't think the DAD loves YS like a dad, more like using him as an instrument of revenge. He is obsessed with revenge for himself and his friend (YS's dad). He saved YS because he wants the son to avenge his father.


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yes, DKM, that's exactly what was on my mind from the beginning...

which is why i say again, he is the WORST DAD EVER...

i am all for being firm with one's child for discipline reasons but the way YS's dad has been portrayed so far smacks of child abuse right from the start -

abducting a child from his mother;

bringing the child up with the SOLE purpose of being used as a tool for revenge and I MEAN REVENGE,

not for justice or for setting things right
because that is how the story has developed so far in terms of the motivation behind YS's dad's goals and actions esp with his harsh words, violence and aggression in his actions and decided lack of compassion toward YS...

which begs the question that has been asked in JB's and GF's recaps as well as by the other commentators here -

why doesn't YS's dad avenge his comrades' death himself, instead of resorting to manipulating the child of one of his comrades to achieve his ultimate goal?

what kind of dad USES a child for vengeance?

i think this is one area which is decidedly lacking in logic on the writer's part...


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I wonder if the writers will make the point that his biological dad would never have pushed him this hard - only an "evil step-dad" would be able to. You can bet his mom doesn't want him on this path. A future plot point, maybe?

Thank you thank you for the recaps, ladies. I may make it to Thursday, but it's going to be tough...


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Xtool, if YS's biological father is still alive, City Hunter would not even exist because what possible reason would YS have to be carrying out JP's vengeful mission?

the core of City Hunter's plot is JP using YS as a tool for revenge against those who orchestrated the cold-blooded murder of YS's father and the other comrades...

if YS's biological father managed to come out alive from that tragedy, then it would be a totally different plot altogether...

wonder how YS's biological father would deal with losing his comrades that way...if YS would have been used by his biological father they way that JP has been using YS since he was cruelly snatched from his mother's loving arms for the sole purpose of vengeance... ;)

the way i see it, Jin Pyo is a CRUEL AND COLD-HEARTED BASTARD AND COWARD for destroying the life of an innocent child (Yoon-Sung's) for the sake of his LOST PRIDE and DISILLUSIONMENT as a result of being betrayed by his own country and countrymen one terrible night so long ago...

Jin Pyo is trying to salvage his anger, lost pride and sense of betrayal thru the manipulation of a child of his lost comrade to exert revenge...

when what he should have done was to help bring up that child - a child of tragedy - to become a tool for seeking JUSTICE and making this world a better place for all, instead of becoming a tool for DESTRUCTION -
to himself (Yoon-Sung) and everyone around him...

Jin Pyo has damned the life of an innocent life for his own SELFISH goals and for that, HE SHOULD BE DAMNED TO HELL!!! arrrggghhhh....

how i HATE AND LOATHE him soooo much for what he has done and is still doing to Yoon-Sung and Yoon-Sung's mother!!!

Jin Pyo's actions are UNFORGIVABLE!!!

Jin Pyo is not just Evil Daddy but the Devil Incarnate himself!!!


So I started watching White Collar and have caught up to season 3 a few days ago...and now this? SIMILARITIES! not necessarily a bad thing, but I realized that American multiseason shows are more slick and daring, but of course that's because they have at least a couple of seasons to resolve/mess with them.

City hunter on the other hand, can only exist in a small small world, and even more so since it lives in a comic book. After the slickness and the hotness that is Matt Bomer, I might have to ditch dramas for white collar and thoseof the like.

But hey, it's summer, and a little lee min ho doesn't hurt.


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(I never comment, but this is a MUST) WTF WTF WTF!!! Young-ju you are a freaking D-U-M-B-A-S-S wait, you're too stupid to read that. YOU ARE A DUMBASS!!!! 바보!! BABO BABO BABO BABO!!! Okay. My rant is over...but I probably will hate Young-ju forever ^.^


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Fuuuuuuuck! "

I could NOT stop laughing at this line of yours! You're TOO FUNNY, girlfriday!!!


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