Lie To Me: Open Thread? Vote!

So the recapping verdict is in: Miss Ripley in, Lie To Me out. Girlfriday and I are satisfied with this choice, inasmuch as we know our physical limits despite wanting to cover every drama ever. (Okay, not every drama. But a good chunk of ‘em.)

However, we realize there’s still a crapton of you online, right now, possibly maybe still waiting for the recap? And we realize that sometimes you just need a place to say your piece, vent, squee, fight over my man, et cetera. (By the way, he appreciates the love, but he’d like you go away now. Trust me, it’s what he wants.)

SO. We tossed around the idea of creating Lie To Me-specific Open Threads to discuss the respective episodes. (Caveat: We aren’t going to start doing this for every drama. We’re only opening this idea up now because we do feel bad for dropping one that was in progress.) Truthfully, we don’t know if this is even a good idea, or something you’d want. Ergo: Vote time!

*(Even though it’s a futile endeavor, as he is deeply faithful to JB.)

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Hmmm...I understand your reasons and I fully respect them. But, look at the poll...?! Insane right? Come on, you've recapped other crappy dramas which turn out to be not so bad, the thing is, your recaps are great! Lately, before checking on other stuff on the net...I go straight to your site. Hehehe Please reconsider.


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I think the open thread is a better option.

Although I was looking forward to JB's reaction to the kissing scenes.


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bitch please... respect the people who are willing to do the recaps for everyone.

PLUS, koala'splayground said it herself. SHE HATES THESE/YOUR attitude.


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wrong person. = = mianhae.


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plez don't discontinue lie to me recaps. We eagerly wait for it every Tuesday and Wednesday morning.


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Pls dont drop recapping of lie to me!


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dramabeans sucks like SHIT...

they can only recap some dramas...

seriously koalasplayground is much better and more educated than this site...

lets move there ppl


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*imitates Gollum*

Leave now and never come back!


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You can leave. :D I'm staying for JB and GF's intelligent and insightful recaps.


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Oh dear! Koala is so gonna be pissed reading such comment. Do you know that they are all friends.


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its ok if u wanna support sm odr site but do it nicely.

the girls here do a pretty good job too, ya know:D
so it just aint rightto put things like dat >(


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temper, temper!


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aaahhh... you are welcome to leave... i enjoy JB & GF's recaps.. I'm staying!


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bitch please… respect the people who are willing to do the recaps for everyone.

PLUS, koala’splayground said it herself. SHE HATES THESE/YOUR attitude.


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But... but where was the vote?


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Guess its fine that u girls r going ahead with Miss Ripley than LTM.
methinks its for the best...even if its kang ji-hwan...i don't think recapping a drama which can't really grip you and make u fall for it will be a very satisfactory exercise.
On the upside...a place for kang ji hwan sonnets...me likey :D So yay<3

Ummm...but i wud like to make a request (i know u n every1 else is more than knee deep in May dramafest) - but i wud b very glad if u cud also recap Baby Faced Beauty....not regular recaps; more like 2-3 recaps together once in a while. I really wish u would, plus the show aint bad :) ...so cud u??

Neways, as always, thanks for all ur hardwork :D
For sm1 like me who's not a korean and had no idea about any kdramas till a year ago..u r my godesses <3<3 I luv u :D


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Yeah i second to the Baby Faced Beauty. Please Jb if you guys can.. Pretty please :D


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Please recap lie to me. me been waiting since just now refreshing this website for recap of this drama. me like the actors and actress especially Kang Ji Hwan. pretty please. thks.


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My feelings for LTM is the same with Mary Stayed Out...I mean what a waste of talent. So much hyped but it doesn't deliver. Already halfway thru the drama and still very little progress. Expose the lie already so the story will have some movement and development. Today's episode had me yawning. Hope tomorrow will be better...

I do enjoy your insights and awesome recaps Javabeans and Girlfriday on this drama. But even great writing can't help when a drama is going nowhere.

I know am ranting...but am just soooo disappointed. LTM was suppose to be one of my top dramas to watch...but Manny is far more interesting in my opinion.


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Although I love Yoochun a lot,but Lie To Me really steal my heart sooo plis don't drop it. I'm in love with this drama already..


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How can you abandon your man?! I know, you really, really want to keep him just for yourself, right? :)
I'm just started to get into the story after yesterday's episode :( I'm gonna stick to watching no matter what. He's just so hot :D
Anyway, respect for everything you've been doing. And thanks for this open thread idea.


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I didn't realize that this might be JB's ploy to keep her KJH low profile, since we might join the mad dash for him once he shows his kissing prowess in LTM.


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How can you do this to us? Now when we got used to the drama and the characters you take it away? Not fair!I hope there is some newbee writer who can recap this drama to the end!


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Wow, what a huge and ugly sense of entitlement you are displaying.


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with you here birdscout.


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lie to me but it is your call


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Anyone can tell me other site(s) that do kdramas recap in English???
Too bad LTM is dropped, but I love YEH and not able to watch till it's finished in Korea. So I need my fix elsewhere. Thank you:)


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http://koalasplayground.com/ recaps Lie To Me fast and good, so you can go there.


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(;____;) Whyyyyy, I've been refreshing your page non stop since ytd waiting for the recaps for Lie To Me 7. ;(

Please do continue recapping LTM /sigh

Either way, thanks for all the recaps so far. Gives me instantaneous gratification of "watching" the drama cause I have no patience to sit through long draggy episodes.


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I admit I watch LTM only for YEH & KJH. (I know that I'm that shallow). Ep 7 turned to be better. I hope it will do so for the next eps.

Watching LTM will not be the same again without your recaps. I love your sense of humor and also the hilarious comments.

But it's all your choice. I appreciate your hard work in recapping dramas. I cannot express my gratitude for this wonderful site. My fondness of K-drama is actually enriched by this site.

Thank you JB & GF!


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I wan Lie to me..... it is getting interesting now..

*I agree MSOAN was more crapier than LTM....


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But MSOAN had a lot less competition (there wasn't that many dramas of interest airing at the time, or if they were airing they were near there ends). I think two long dramas (Giant and Dong Yi) were airing which the girls never recap so there wasn't as many trendy/rom coms as there is airing this time around.


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Agree, I remember Javabean ranting at My Fair Lady and Triple. But she stick with it cause there were no competition when it was airing.


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Why would you drop Lie To Me in favor of Miss Ripley? I think it's a bad move on your parts. just my opinion.


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Aw. This is upsetting. I was also hoping that after ep 6 of LTM, things would take a turn. So I waited a week for ep 7 and finally found an upload, albeit wihought English subtitles. I could understand the gist with my limited Korean language knowledge but wasrefreshing this page like crazy to read ep 7's recap because I wanted the more details. But you guys are dropping it, despite Ki-Joon's semi-admission of feelings for Ah-Jung. :( Sad face, but I trust you gals know what's best.

Ah...c'est la vie. :)


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i totaly understand . too many dramas , not enough time . i'm vain enough to stick around for the kisses lol . sigh -


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I know everyone (except me and a few) is sad that they are stopping with the LTM recaps, but think about it, if you are not really into a drama and the story isn't grabbing your interest, would you personally want to watch the drama and re-watch the drama (which is probably the case when one recaps a drama). Based on the recaps, I am getting the feeling that both of them , while they do love KJH and the OTP, aren't feeling the story at all, which makes sense since the plot and writing isn't really that great and is saved by the hot like fire chemistry of KJH and YEH, so why recap something that you are not personally invested in it.

I mean there are actors I LOVE, and I mean LOVE and Kang Ji Hwan is on that shortlist as is Yoon Eun Hye (been a fan of the girl since baby vox ) but even my love for them can't ignore the lacking story.


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Agree. The story is not engaging at all. Good Looking cast and sizzling chemistry, that's not enough to keep me hooked.

Miss Ripley looks very very promising.


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I don't comment much on here, but this time I really want to comment on this matter. I never read the recaps as they are posted in real time. I like to wait until a show is uploaded in its entirety, and then I can watch it at my own pace. I like reading the recaps alongside this to help me understand the cultural nuances I miss and to give me another perspective on the way the story plays out. As a result, I wasn't really paying attention to the Lie to Me recaps, and was totally unaware that they were at risk of being cut. That said, I definitely am planning on watching the show, and finding out now that I won't have recaps to go with it is a bit of a bummer. Guest recapper maybe? Or just finish the recaps at a later date? *puppy eyes*


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you can go for recaps here http://koalasplayground.com/


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Forgot to mention this initially, but I think it's important this gets said: I love the effort you gals put into making this site so informative and entertaining, I love it to bits. No matter what, I respect your decision and the way you choose to run the site, and I really appreciate all your hard work.


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hmm... So sad. I'm staring to really love LTM so you dropping them came as a surprise. i know it must be exhausting for you guys but I'm hoping maybe you can continue recapping this later.


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but what if it turns out Ripley's an even crappier drama? at least with KJH & YEH, we know something hot & heart-wrenching scenes are bound to happen... PLS DON'T STOP WITH THE RECAPS!


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:( that is so sad! I have been always checking this website for the recap.... pls...pls...pls... maybe you will reconsider?


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I kept refreshing your page to find recap LTM today then I read this heartbreaking news.

With my super crappy inet connection, your brutal honest recap is my last resort ;-) is there anything we can do to change your mind? :-)


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LTM is getting good, please don't drop it, and jb remember u love him (KJH). i think the drama is fun and light and i have the imppression MR is going to be dramatic and heavy *sigh* . i vote for LTM.
but u have the final say..... thanks for all the recaps anyways


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Ohhh..... T_T Please....... Please, continue recap LTM.... I really love them..... Thanks....


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awww.. i hope you guys would consider recapping lie to me again should miss ripley turns out to be a boredom fest..

nonetheless.. thanks so much for your work! really really appreciate them :)


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I don't believe you can give up on KJH and watch LDH instead!! Sorry to say, Ms Ripley does not seem interesting at all esp if we are gonna see LDH cry, which is about the only thing she can do well..

Just dont stop on City Hunter, K


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I think that my heart just broke a second time today. First, with the pictures of Kang Ji Hwan (KJ) and Jo Yoon Hee (YJ) kissing. And then this. Sigh.

I do have a question though. Even if Javabeans and girlfriday won't be recapping it, will there be a guest recapper? If not then for us Lie To Me fans, there's still Koala who's recapping this drama on her blog ( koalasplayground.com ).

Anyways, I still want to thank JB and GF for their previous recaps of episode 1-6. It's such a shame though, because the storyline really started picking up from this week. It is kind of ironic that the most popular drama online (for international fans) if we can judge from the drama's ranking (it's at number one on Mysoju and Viki for example and it has the most views and replies from the Soompi thread for May dramas) was the one that wouldn't get recaps in the end. You guys need your rest and I get it. I'm not going to deny that I'm sad, because this site is the most famous one for Korean dramas recaps and it's interesting to read them. On another hand, I'm a little glad too, because since episode 5 and 6 you guys gave pretty much very negative commens and after watching the episode live without the subs and feeling happy because I thought that it was a fun episode, I came here to find harsh criticisms. That kind of sucked.

Anyways, sorry for the long rant. Oh and I actually think that an open thread is a GREAT idea if you're not going to recap anymore.

On a happier note, I'm very excited for today's episode with the Cola kiss between Yoon Eun Hye and Kang Ji Hwan. It's going to be HOT!

P.-S: Did anyone else thought that it was hilarious how Jae Bum asked Ki Joon if he was tone deaf in episode 6, and then in episode 7, it turns out that he himself is completely tone deaf? His performence of Ave Maria was horrifying lol. Also, I thought that it was so cute of Ah Jung to give the lame excuse about forgetting her pen at Ki Joon's and then taking the World hotel pen when Ki Joong asked her if it was that one that she forgot. He totally saw through her lie and she didn't even realize it until later ^^


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looks like LTM is winning in the poll so far. I'm in the minority here but I think Miss Ripley is a lot more interesting than LTM, judging from the first ep that is. Your recaps are always great and I'll be happy with either drama being recapped. :)


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heh... i think JB didn't count on so many people misreading this post...
the very first line says that LTM recaps are a no-go, no third opinions about that :-P


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Oh no! That's really sad news. I've been watching the drama and reading recaps as well coz I just love reading all ur recaps & opinions, it'll b a bummer to not have the recaps to read but I understand it's your choice & health at risk. So all the best with ripley! ^__^
Even though LTM is not the best drama currently out here (Best Love is awesome & BabyFaces Beauty is cute) but I just loooove the hot chemistry between YEH & KJH. They are the only reason I am watching LTM. Just keep those kisses coming and I am so soooo IN!


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it's too bad...

I've actually been waiting for the recap today...

I don't love the drama but its not cringe worthy, really... :(

I hate watching a drama without the recaps!!!!

Why do they have to spill all the goodies in MAY?????

we had a drought last month!!!!!


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heh-heh. drop it. :D my dear kang ji hwan, i wish you would've chosen a worthy drama. :( and if "miss ripley" turns out to be meh, i wouldn't mind you guys dropping that too. haha. i kid. i'm all aboard the "best love" and "romance town" ship, so i'm okay with your choice. :D

besides, i'm thinking "miss ripley" might exceed my expectations. although, i probably could've filmed "miss ripley" better with my digital camera.


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i think they were going for the 90's look
but you're right they need to step it up from the production side because the actors and scriptwriters are delivering!


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lie to me IN
miss ripley OUTTTTT !!!


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I want LTM. Why is it going to be dropped? When its starting to get better?? I've been following faithfully! :( . homg, so upsetting? are there any other webbies that does LTM reviews?


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if JB & GF don't want to recap LTM its ok, we still have Koalasplayground Recap for LTM that much better than in here... actually the drama are very good to watch, just you guys so many complain that this drama has to be like this and that.. just watch it and enjoyed.. juat follow the flow.. don't judge something from the outside...

for me i really2 enjoy LTM until now coz YEH play in it...

LTM , YEH Fighting, Ganbatte...


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I agree with all you've said!!! Korean people don't want to watch a drama with great chemistry from the actors... there are more invested to serious plots???? anyways, I think Lie To Me is very popular internationally.


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I say drop the recap - there's not much about LTM that needs explaining and it certainly doesn't warrant wasting your time and talent for the sake of a few tonsil-hockey scenes.

Besides, we need you gals to rest up for the IMPORTANT recapping job - CITY HUNTER. It has a plot that will need your discerning eye to keep us all straight on how totally hot LMH is in certain (all) upcoming episodes~~~ :)


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"it certainly doesn’t warrant wasting your time and talent for the sake of a few tonsil-hockey scenes."

LOL! You made my day, hahaha! Thanks for that. I won't add anything further because I'm happy enough already with JB's decision (had a feeling when I checked earlier and saw the recap for Miss Ripley). I might say something negative and that would be like rubbing salt on LTM fans' wounds.

Can't wait for Wed bec of Lee Seung-gi's cameo on Best Love. Hope Miss Ripley's technical production team fix their mistakes and hoping for the best in general. Can't believe I'm actually cheering on LDH instead of YEH. And also looking forward to City Hunter. ;)


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Me neither. Yeh is my girl crush. But we can't deny Miss Ripey is better crafted drama than LTM.


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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! My Kang Ji-hwan sob3x


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Aww... beats me... :(. Im so on board with Lie to Me and Miss Ripley is just not my cup of tea but thanks for the recaps done for the first couple of episodes, they were great as always :).

There is so many good dramas right now and I understand you have your limits so thank you for at least thinking about doing an open thread.


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awww... i was waiting for the lie to me recap for ep 7, i really hope you will change your mind, i'm not really into Ms. Ripley, i'd rather go with the humorous cute couple of "Lie to me".


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no no no no nooooooo............................... plz don't drop this drama when it is getting better with every episode. PlZZZZZZZZZZZZ


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Sad since Lie to Me and Best Love are my two crack-dramas this season (City Hunter for the eye candy). Melo stuff is not my cup of tea. My life is melodramatic enough. However, I understand that it's not possible for GF and JB to recap everything. If the drama does not hold their interest, it'll be such an effort for them. I enjoy reading JB and GF's recaps when it is clear that they are having fun doing it too.


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I came here this morning feeling so excited, and then refreshing the button and now, when i see this, i'm so disappointed. I seriously hope that Miss Ripley's rating will drop and Lie to Me and Baby face beauty pick up.

Just when the show is becoming better, LTM is dropped? wth. But i will still find my way to continue watching it even if i'm going to wait for a long time. Or just go find other people who will review it. There should be an end to a start.

Lesson learnt: Go learn korean.


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I understand your frustration that the drama you like was not picked, but remember that JB and GF are only human and can't take on too much. Also they have been warning that they might drop Lie to Me for a while now for multiple reasons, so please try not to take out your frustration on them. They start each series with no real idea how the drama will turn out, and I feel like they stuck with Lie to Me for as long as they could due to their Kang Ji Hwan and Yoon Eun Hye love, but the drama was just not resonating with them. Remember, it is much harder to write recaps then to just watch a drama, and I think that since JB and GF are so graciously giving us those recaps we should be thankful for how long they stuck with the project even when it was becoming obvious that they were not too pleased with it. Ockoala over at koalasplayground is also recapping this drama if you feel you cannot live without reading SOME form of a recap.

Please don't forget that JB and GF put hours and hours into this site each week to bring us quick and indepth analysis of our beloved Kdramas out of the goodness of their hearts. It is not a right, but a privilege.


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seriously, this is bad,, can't you just recap both?
this is kinda disappointing :(


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Koala is having fun recapping LTM.
Ot for LTM sounds ok...not as good as recap...but its a kill joy to read a half hearted one.
I enjoy all your recaps. I leave the choice to you.


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Dramabeans sure chose a wrong episode to drop Lie to Me. Koala's recap is ok but I also like reading comments and criticisms from javebeans and girlfriday.


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Lesson learnt: Go learn korean.

Hey Mary, Loved this!!

Agree though I can understand most of it now esp when I watch some of the DVDs with the bad English subs, lol

Pls JB, can you get a guest writer to continue with LTM?

or you and GF continue later? :)


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Koala is up to date & loving this sizzling LTM. Its fun to read when the recapper is enjoying it as much. Yay! to KJH & YEH!


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Oh man...oh oh oh...not that I wasn't expecting the decisions.

LTM is not the most well thought out plotted drama.I know I know.It doesn't stop me from being obsessive over it.In fact the chemistry is so hot that's probably why.

So...yes I understand the rationale for dropping.I am slightly petrified with fear about Miss Ripley after hearing about the melo plot.The JB/GF recap will at least keep me on track on whether I will watch it or not.I am such a Micky fan but you guys have made me afraid to watch LDH after all your comments.Not JB/GF more like the comments EVERY time LDH was mentioned.

So JB/GF thank you for all the recaps and love so far.I guess I can go nuts over the kissing scenes at viki and soompi as well.

SIGH.I can never get enough screencaps for the kisses.So I am going to miss this here :-)


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Koala is recapping & enjoying LTM to bits.
I look forward to LTM OT while I can still enjoy the sizzling KJH/YEH in Lie to me with Koala.
I had fun with Lie to me recap here but its only fun to read when its done loving it.
Thank you...


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Yup I am there as well.
I wasn't kidding when I say I am stalking LTM.

I am watching GL,RT and CYHMH but I am so stalking LTM.Don't ask me why.It's called fangirling I think :-)


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No more recaps?!.....My life has just ended........


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Lie to Me is smoking! Kang Ji Hwan & Yooon Eun Hye have the hottest kisses! Can't help staring & gaping & melting when they're have that longing look & kisses. The other site recapping it is also doing a good job & loving it. I enjoy both your recaps. Since the other one is really enjoying the sizzlling Lie to me of KJW & YEH, I'd rather choose to read your Ripley recap which you might find more interesting.

Thank you for giving us more joy to Kdramas.
I read your posts daily, a habit to complete my Kdrama fix.

Yay! If OT is the choice for Lie to me. I will be there!


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LTM ep7 was good. Because love hormones are starting to kick in. Too bad, you choosed the other end.


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