Lie To Me: Episode 5

The lie’s in full effect now, and with it come the shenanigans of perpetrating the farce, with a few teeny signs hinting at the budding attraction despite/because of the lie. Frankly I thought the lie-induced hilarity would be more, well, hilarious, but I hope that the things set up in this episode will play out to a more amusing payoff in tomorrow’s. *fingers crossed*


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Ki-joon makes his proposal to continue the married act for another month or two, trying to make himself sound the generous soul for agreeing to HER dear wish. Ah-jung bursts into laughter, not buying it for a second, and wants to know the real reason: “Since you know all about my messy story, let’s hear your messy story.”

Unwilling to give her the upper hand, he blusters that he’d rather call it off, but Ah-jung calls his bluff, knowing he can’t walk away now.

A contract it is. Ah-jung agrees to put on the act — or rather, to refrain from clearing up the truth about the lie — until the issue of the Chinese investors is decided, while Ki-joon will play along until So-ran leaves the country.

For a guy so keen on bringing a lawsuit against her, Ki-joon is pretty loose with the contract, not wanting to bother with the details. It’s Ah-jung who points out the need to nail down the particulars like the reason for the “secrecy” behind their marriage.

He says that if they keep mum, people will come to their own conclusions, but she doesn’t like the idea that they’ll presume his aunt opposed the match. Half-offended at this imaginary slight, she protests that there’s nothing wrong with her, and proposes that her father be the one to fake-oppose their marriage instead.

Ki-joon shows his contract to Hoon, who approves this move and suggests that he take advantage of this situation by bringing along his wife whenever meeting the Chens, since they like her so much. When Ki-joon says he’s not necessarily going to drop his lawsuit against Ah-jung, Hoon clucks that he’s being particularly mean.

Ah-jung decides to enjoy this development to the fullest, and calls out So-ran for a day of shopping. She uses every opportunity to rub her marriage in So-ran’s face, which would be more irritating if not for So-ran’s own need to act in kind, being hell-bent on one-upping Ah-jung.

When the ladies head to the menswear department, it becomes clear that Ah-jung has no idea about men’s clothing sizes, much less Ki-joon’s. She covers by saying that her husband’s secretary takes care of all his tailoring, but wonders under her breath about how men’s shirts are measured.

A helpful voice chimes in — it’s Yoon-ju, also shopping here, who explains that shirts go by neck size, and Ah-jung thanks her.

So-ran actually gives Ah-jung a small gift in thanks for visiting her at the hospital, which makes Ah-jung think in dismay that she actually does like it. Hm, are these two going to become grudging friends after all? Jae-bum joins them to pick up So-ran, and although the couple is exerting themselves to put on the lovey-dovey act, they’ve perfected the farce and Ah-jung is left feeling cranky at their outward appearance of marital bliss.

The truth is a whole other story, though, and So-ran seethes on the way home, complaining about how Ah-jung has reached beyond her status. Jae-bum reasons that So-ran can just stop seeing her, then. Alas, those words have too much sense to resonate with So-ran’s brain.

At the cafe, Ah-jung asks if ajumma Ae-kyung knows her father’s size, and when she does, Ah-jung sighs glumly, “Knowing his size means love.” To rectify this, she texts Ki-joon (“What is your size?”), who happens to be golfing with the Chens.

Scoffing, he ignores her question…and hits the ball right into the pond. And the sand pit. And away from the can’t-miss-it hole right in front of him. Looks like her effect on his mental state isn’t as marginal as he’d like.

Ki-joon asks Hoon if he knows his size, and Hoon immediately spits out numbers: “37, 107, 31, 86, 110, 275.” Some of those are numbers even Ki-joon doesn’t know himself, while Hoon worries, “Why, is there a size I missed?” Ki-joon wonders, “Why do you know them so well?” Hoon: “Good question.”

Ki-joon starts to text the info back to Ah-jung, then catches himself and stops.

A phone call throws him into sudden chaos: It’s Yoon-ju, announcing her return. Immediately he bursts out of his office in a panic, too impatient to wait for the elevator. As he runs up the stairs to the rooftop, he flashes back to another time he’d run like this — to meet Yoon-ju, who’d accepted his proposal and flashed the ring.

This time, she’s waiting in the same place, sans diamond ring. Their greetings are tentative, but happy.

At the cafe, Ah-jung waits for Ki-joon’s reply, annoyed when she doesn’t get one. Sang-hee finds her here, and she asks if he knew that those Chinese guests were big investors who were important to Ki-joon. When he says yes, she jumps to the conclusion that he’s some kind of corporate spy and orders him to stay away — she can’t be involved in white-collar crime! She’s a government employee! She storms out, leaving Sang-hee chuckling in her wake at her overreaction.

He follows her and denies the whole spy theory, pointing out that she’s mighty unperceptive. The answer’s quite simple, and he alludes to his brotherly relationship with Ki-joon, though his hints fly right over Ah-jung’s head.

In any case, Sang-hee congratulates her for settling matters with Ki-joon, and guesses that Ah-jung will enjoy gloating to her frenemy. Well, put like that it sounds pretty childish, and Ah-jung mutters that she doesn’t want to do that, which I suppose isn’t entirely a lie since she’s already done it.

Sang-hee declares a celebration in order, so they hit up a noraebang, which starts out with loud, happy tunes and turns into a ballad-fest where she sings her heart out. (Hee. It’s totally the thing that happens in noraebangs — at some point, the mood turns, which can be a little cathartic and a little embarrassing when you catch yourself getting emotionally invested in a cheesy power ballad.)

Sang-hee reads between the lines and guesses that there’s something that didn’t quite work out. She tries to explain that being “married” isn’t what she thought it would be. What did she think it would be like?

Well, in Ah-jung’s fantasy, she’d meet up with her married friends and discuss the ins and outs of being married, bragging a little (“He takes out the trash so well!”) and worrying a little about petty concerns. (Ha, even in her fantasy, So-ran is sitting there tied up in knots to see Ah-jung happy.) Then, Ah-jung would be the first to leave, saying her husband’s waiting at home.

Sang-hee calls her out for being kinda bratty, which is true enough. When Ah-jung sighs, “Ah, must nice to be So-ran,” Sang-hee wisely says that he’s pretty sure that her friend’s life isn’t all puppies and roses, either.

Ain’t that the truth: Cut to So-ran, discovering a lipstick stain on Jae-bum’s shirt. Overwhelmed with betrayal, she takes out her anger out on the washing machine while hubby scratches his ass on the couch. Driving crazily out of anger, So-ran arrives at a bridge that evening to vent her frustrations.

Meanwhile, Ki-joon and Yoon-ju catch up on the past three years, their mood light until he accidentally mentions Sang-hee’s name. That causes the smiles to drop from their faces, and suddenly the air is awkward and heavy with the reminder of what split them up.

Ki-joon starts to change the subject, but thankfully Yoon-ju doesn’t ignore the elephant in the room and tells him she tried to find a better man, “But there was no one better than you.”

Yoon-ju reaches a hand to touch his face…and that’s the scene So-ran witnesses. Gleefully. Gah, why is everyone so irritatingly spiteful?

So of course So-ran calls Ah-jung out to “comfort” her in her time of difficulty, saying with false sincerity that it’s not her fault her husband’s a cheater. In her world, that doesn’t mean the guy’s a jerk so much as it means that Ah-jung is undesirable, and she confirms that she saw the couple together with her very own eyes.

Furious, Ah-jung bursts into Ki-joon’s office and yells at him to stay away from women, before realizing he’s in a meeting with Chairman Chen. Abashed, she leaves quietly, but Ki-joon follows her out, takes her aside, and confronts her angrily.

Ah-jung orders him to stay away from other women, declaring that she can’t put up with cheaters, leaving him seething. Just as she grumbles to herself that all men have the instinct to cheat — “Except sunbae, I mean!” — that sunbae steps into the elevator with another woman. Seriously, does this guy have coincidence radar or something?

At the cafe, Sang-hee and Ae-kyung chat together over lunch, and he asks why she never married. She says she wanted to once, but there was a lot of opposition. Their parents eventually relented, but his daughter refused, so she gave up. Sang-hee guesses that the daughter was Ah-jung, just as Dad comes in to take Ae-kyung out to lunch, much to lovelorn Seok-bong’s dismay.

Ki-joon runs into manager Ji-yoon in the parking lot, and since it’s just the two of them after hours, they drop the formalities and talk as friends. He advises her not to work too hard, while she asks how he’s holding up, having seen Yoon-ju at the hotel.

He avoids the question, then goes home to brood, which is when Ah-jung calls him out for a drink. After revisiting her old gosiwon, her idealized image of Jae-bum now destroyed, Ah-jung has relocated to a bar to drown her disillusionment in drink.

She’s well into her cups by the time he arrives, and as her mood turns heavier, Ah-jung wonders why men cheat. At his protest, she clarifies that she doesn’t mean him (this time), but that she saw a man earlier at the hotel in the midst of cheating. She acknowledges that it’s not her husband — that he’s another woman’s husband — and her eyes grow teary even as she wonders why she feels this way.

She walks out of the bar thoroughly drunk, though insistent that she’s perfectly fine. She loudly slurs at Ki-joon not to cheat, and unthinkingly steps into the busy road.

Ki-joon sees the car heading for her and yanks Ah-jung out of harm’s way and into his arms. And then she vomits into those arms.

While Ki-joon washes up in a bathroom, Ah-jung comes (at least partially) to her senses. With a jolt she remembers the vomiting, and tries to slip away before he gets back. Too late!

She hurries away with a lame excuse and rushes to a pharmacy for some hangover medicine, where she catches a glimpse of her reflection, to her utter dismay.

A bit later, now sober and cleaned up, she takes a seat on a park bench, only to have Ki-joon join her. She’s surprised; he explains that he wasn’t worried, per se, but that if something were to happen to her, he’d be the first suspect.

He’d clocked her emotional reaction to the story of the cheater at the hotel, so now Ki-joon asks if she still has feelings for that guy. Ah-jung clarifies that she cried not because she still liked him, but because she was upset and disappointed in him.

She sighs, “People change, whether for better or worse. But he was my first love — couldn’t he stay as cool as he was in my memory?” But Ki-joon replies no — that that’s painful too, thinking of his own unresolved first love.

The two sit back to enjoy their scenic environs, and while looking up at the falling cherry blossoms, they happen to meet eyes. Ah-jung thinks, “Today, finally, my first love ended.”

They get lost for a moment, looking at each other, and Ki-joon starts to lean in, ever so slowly. Ah-jung closes her eyes, and he’s just about to kiss her…when they both meet eyes again and are jolted out of the moment.

Hurriedly they busy themselves straightening up and trying to ignore the almost-kiss.

In the morning, he’s mortified with himself, and therefore somewhat flustered when he gets a call from Ah-jung asking to meet. He shows up at the appointed cafe, surprised at her cheery mood, and starts to set her straight in case she misinterpreted his feelings.

But just as he starts to say he got caught up in the ambiance last night, she announces her reason for bringing him here. She has an addition to write into their contract: that he’ll be careful not to be seen with other women for the duration of the agreement.

And is he actually…disappointed that she’s not into him? Ha! On her way out, she assures him not to worry, since she forgets about things that occur when she’s drunk.

Next, Ah-jung enlists Sang-hee’s help in picking out a giant rock of a ring, since So-ran noted her lack of one. She’ll use the money she’d borrowed from the bank intending to use for a lawyer, and assures him it’s fine.

Sang-hee tells her to just tell So-ran her husband’s cheating so they can end this game, but Ah-jung sighs that she doesn’t want to become like So-ran. Except for the fact that…she’s becoming just like her by prolonging this useless oneupmanship, isn’t she?

Sang-hee calls in a favor and takes Ah-jung to an even nicer jeweler, who’s allowing him to borrow the ring. Thrilled, Ah-jung calls him her genie in the lamp, and he corrects her, saying he’s Cinderella’s fairy godmother. You sure that’s an improvement, buddy?

Armed with new diamond-studded weapon, Ah-jung arrives at So-ran’s place dressed up like the sophisticated trophy wife she’s not, and greets her old friends warmly. So-ran has been quick to spread the story of Ki-joon’s infidelity to her friends, under the guise of comforting poor Ah-jung, so they’re all aware of the supposed situation. However, to So-ran’s disgruntlement, they’re wowed at Ah-jung’s ring and advancement in life, and heap on the compliments.

There’s an awkward moment when Jae-bum comes home (conspicuously bearing roses, so as to stir envy among So-ran’s friends) and gulps to see Ah-jung there. They haven’t spoken since their chance encounter at the hotel, and Ah-jung looks away uncomfortably as well, not sure how to act now that she knows his dirty little secret.

Eager to tilt the balance of power back in her favor, So-ran pastes on a fake smile and asks Ah-jung when she’ll invite them all over to her new home for a housewarming party. Ah-jung gulps — houswarming?!


Oh my god, I was so bored with this episode. Here’s the thing about Lie To Me: there’s much ado about nothing. Which, in and of itself, is not a deal-breaker, if the misunderstandings that arose were funny and the pacing zippy. Or if there were lots of other amusing other storylines to keep the drama afloat. You know, like a fun workplace (a la Coffee Prince), or other non-romantic storylines (a la episodic dramas like Dr. Champ or Dal Ja’s Spring), or thoughtful little insights peppered throughout (like with Samsoon or Dal Ja again). Or a greater overarching issue (My Princess).

I was actually onboard with the lie for the first two weeks, because the drama did a pretty decent job establishing Ah-jung’s reasoning in blurting it out the first time. You wanted her to stick it to So-ran a little, because here she is minding her own business when a hateful pest comes buzzing around, determined to put her down. So when Ah-jung finds a handsome chaebol at her disposal, I was all for the brief moment of satisfaction in declaring him her husband.

But the problem is, she’s no longer the victimized party, the unjustly beleaguered heroine. Now she’s the one going out of her way to flaunt her lie in So-ran’s face, and I find myself agreeing wholeheartedly with Sang-hee’s voice of reason about ending the act. Heck, even Jae-bum had it right when he was like, “Uh, why don’t you just NOT talk to her then?” Sang-hee calls Ah-jung’s fantasy of married womanhood a pain in the ass, and I agree: Fantasizing about being married just so you can brag to people who are not your friends makes Ah-jung seem petty and infantile, not like the smart, approachable girl she seemed at the start.

Alas, not only is the conflict is incredibly flimsy, it’s all this drama has got. The best part of the series is Yoon Eun-hye and Kang Ji-hwan together (second place is the brothers), with So-ran being occasionally amusing and everyone else boring me to tears. No, to sleep. And while I love the leads together, they need the mechanism of this stupid lie to force them together, but because the lie is so lame, it weakens their interactions, too. Who cares about the fallout of this lie when there are no stakes? The lie continues = no big. The lie is revealed = no big. What’s the point?

Argh. I’m frustrated. I’m not sure I’m in it for the long haul for this drama after all, which pains me because I still love Yoon Eun-hye and Kang Ji-hwan and have stuck with them through worse dramas. But I do love the hints that Ki-joon may be feeling something for Ah-jung even before she feels anything for him, which is something that interests me. But still. Argh.


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I totally agree with your comments.

Also, I absolutely hated So-ran's reckless driving (and how she beat up her husband while he was driving). Totally childish and dangerous for others drivers.

And I can't figure out what made Ki-joon falling for Ah-jung: is it her personality? The story of her first love? I can't tell from this episode...


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Where do these scriptwriters come from????? It's so frustrating... just like MSOAN. I gave that one up but I really don't want to have to give this one up. I still love the 2 leads :) I can't write a drama either but I think I know when this plot is going to nowheres-ville. But even if it's going nowhere, at least give the 2 leads more screen time together.

I enjoyed scenes from the episode a lot but none of it fits together well enough. I think (??? not sure though) that Ki Joon is strangely attracted to her (maybe not quite knowing someone like her or whatever) but he has no idea why himself. I guess the writer doesn't either! I wonder if they will end up changing scriptwriters in the middle like MSOAN?

They need to live together seriously at this point - just so the interactions can get better. I'm so sad that is the way that it's going :( I wanted it to be so good. I'll be one of the few that still stick with it till the end, but I'll be kicking and screaming all the way. Please please please please get better - faster pace and tighter writing.


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Yeah, that's what I was thinking-- this feels like another MSOAN. Because of who the leads are, I hate to give up-- but the script sucks! During this episode, I kept wondering if the actors and their managers actually read the script before choosing this project and (in either case) WTH were they thinking?


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yeh is great in goong and cp , kjw im not a fan but i watch most of his drama , but sanghee he is cute here ....i agree this is a little bland .....salt please hehehe
babyface i watch it it ok for me
the best for me now is best love
romance town i cant follow the story so i will watch it maybe if it all finish
but the drama i so love now is the taiwanese drama love you i cant have enough of it


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I think Ah Jung is retarded, and she's making me brain dead trying to understand her behavior. She has this weird, idealized concept of marriage.She really hasn't had a long term boyfriend in college other then liking Jae-bum who is a total LOSER. I think this lie has continued on too many episodes. Plot is starting to drag as other viewers are in agreement. Totally think Ah Jung is asinine in getting a big diamond wedding ring to just show off to her so-called friends. How more stupid can she be pretending to be Ki-Joon's wife?She's starting to irritate me. This drama is boring me to tears.
Hope they will speed things up and finally KISS or do something, anything at all interesting!


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thanks to mary stayed out all night-- i've learned not to expect too much of a dream-couple

as it turns out i find this drama so uninterested..
which is sad when you 2 ppls fake married , you could do so much with it.. but they use that so little..im so sick and tired of so ran,why would u even still hang out with her ??
i still don't get why kj agree to marry her-if its because of the chinese investor.. why he didnt bring to her to golf course ,too?
i don't see that he can get anything at all with pretend to be married her and he doesn't really that into her just yet..so i don't think his action really makes sense..


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i hate the ost... .remind me of take care of my lady ost..

so annoy and didn't really fit the mood of the drama..


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As much as I'm loving this drama so far, it is soo predictable! I think I've seen to many dramas because I envision the scenes before they happen (not a good sign).

Anyway, ugh, can you imagine having a friend like So Ra? jeez, talk about being consumed with jealousy! vile creature. And we all know by now that her husband's cheating will be exposed to her in the most humiliating manner, but I'm not sure I'll pity her when she has to come face-to-face with it.

So far so good. I cannot wait till episode 6. I'm also bummed that I can't really watch the drama straight through. I'm an impatient person so I normally wait for dramas to finish airing completely so that I wouldn't have to wait for every week's filming.

Oh, and I wonder if Manager Park has a little crushy-crush on her boss? If your boss looked as good as Gi Joon, would you not develop feelings for him either? Mayhaps it's just wishful thinking on my part. But cute almost-kissing scene. Yoon Eun Hye has one of the best kissing scenes I've seen (i.e. Goong and Coffee Prince). Look forward to theirs.

well, signing off! addy


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Will this turn out to be MSOAN 2.0?
These drama's with fake marriage contracts gone so wrong might be an indication that the premise is *just a wee bit* tired.
TBH if this had come out mid 2000's i would have eaten it up, but unless the whole team can BRING IT, in a fresh dynamic way its better not to touch the contract marriage concept.

I hope yoon eun hye picks a sageuk or melo next time i want to see her break out of her rom com shell.
CP will forever be one of my favorites but this is not working for me
also i definitely loved KJH more in Coffee House.
If this drama's writing had been extremely witty, Ah Jung more intelligent and her motivation going beyond one upping So ran this drama might, just might have been watchable even with the mediocre plot. this concept would';ve worked well in a 9end2outs kind of setting.
My love for the lead actors is pulling me to read the recaps but thats about it.



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I like Lie to me. Kang Jiwan & Eun Hye look good together & enjoyable to watch. I look forward to the time when they fall in love with each other. Thre's a hint that Kijoon is starting have feelings for Ah Jung. Now now Ah jung has confirmed to have lost her feelings for her first love, she might start to open her heart to fall for Ki Joon. Sang Hee might even fall for her too! Hopefully, Ah jung gains confidence with her fake marriage she might mature more & drop her childish attitude about her status...single or married. Its a good eye opener for her to witness her first love cheating on his wife. Now that he's out of her system she can start anew, spring to maturity from where she got stunted when her first love broke her heart.
Ki Joon might have doubts about his feelings for Ah Jung with his ex fiance around...and Sang Hee...love square?
I'd like to see more of them, their relationship (more oomph) than the other extra characters around.

Thank you for the enoyable recap. Always loving it.


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thanks for the recap,,,i love lie to me from the start so i keep reading your recap...


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I was really getting into this after the 4th ep ,and kept expecting something, ANYTHING, to happen in this one but nothing really did. It was boring :/ I hope ep 6 is better


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I completely agree. Like so full heartedly it hurts.

The main couple is great, brother is adorable, and the frenemy is so much fun to HATE. BUT the lie is kind of dragging.

Funny that this episode brought up infidelity though, because I think there is going to be SOOO much of it in this show, it will look like a web of who kissed/loved who. AND NONE OF THE PEOPLE I HAVE IN MIND ARE OUR SECOND LEADS!!! Which is sad really, because we have barely SEEN Yoon-ju, and I already dislike her. She may have been sweet on the rooftop and in the store, but I get the feeling that she will be a conniving little heifer when it comes to getting her man.

One of the things I hate more than blatant conniving heifers, are blatantly FAKE conniving heifers. And the ONLY things I hate more than them are plotting rich matriarchs and sickeningly sweet, self righteous (What? I've done nothing wrong, I'm just fighting for my love [so I don't care who I hurt, the ends fit the means]) heifers. The other heifers look like witches (see So-Ran). The Matriarchs look like life ruining demons (see Boys Over Flowers [and you have your pick of languages to watch it in! It's only been done 5 times.]). But Self Righteous heifers...they just look crazy and obsessive. At least the Matriarchs have the excuse of looking out for their young.

It looks like so much drama is about to happen, and I'm not really looking forward to it...but Ah Jung and Ki Joon look so cute together that I feel as though I have to (plue Yoon Eun Hye has some of the best kiss scenes to date, and I would hate to miss out on the glory that are her screen kisses).

*Sigh* Darn good leads, making my life difficult.


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that falling cherry blossoms scene is beautiful but nowadays I'm waiting for Camelia blossoms instead...


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One foot out to jump off, let's see today's ep, may be I will comfortably jump with glee! Why do they keep showing drunken AJ in EVERY episode? Eh.....


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To be honest with you. My interest was completely deflated after few episode of Baby-face. The lie is virtually no better than "Lie to me", she could just ditch both her job and family and start her own business.

Our heroin couldn't even stand up for herself, let herself being beaten around by a bunch of kids. She's an underdog b/c she let herself be an underdog.

She's supposed to be a 34 yo woman with a 25 yo face, but she acts like a 18 yo girl with a 25 yo face instead. Please look at Kim Sam Soon or in "Still, Marry me", those are real single 30+ women.

Personally, I like Ah-jung better. And I love Eun Hye and Kang Ji Hwan too much to drop it. But that's just my two cents. You're entitled of your own thoughts, no need to reply to prove me wrong.


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I agree with you about BFB. I stopped watching half way through ep 4. I dislike heroines like So Young. She's so annoyingly pitiful and lets herself be walked on too much. gah. No thanks. I don't care for dramas where everyone gangs up on the heroine.

LTM, okay, so maybe I'm biased because I love the leads, but I'm sticking with it. Yeah, the plot leaves a lot to be desired, but at least Ah Jung knows how to be pushy to get what she wants.


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so true! It's boring... we've all been there and done that... *sigh*

even the supposed kiss scene was so predictable *sigh*

I could only *sigh* on this one 'coz I never miss to DL it. :( *sigh*

Anyways, thank you JB for sticking up and still giving us a good review and recap. Keep it up!


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I don't understand why she has to lie?

This drama is weird, has no solid basic main plot. There's no drama at all. Sigh please lie to me it's not going to be like MSOAN part 2


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I won't lie to you but 'Lie To Me' is just a frustrating 'aarrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh', in fact I stopped watching it since Ep.3 and am now just reading the recaps , hoping the recaps will lure me back to watching it but no dice!! And I was so looking forward to seeing YEH again in a rom-com abt contract marriage. I can't feel the chemistry between the leads and think that KJH is just cautiously acting out the scene!! For now, i'll just stick to reading the recaps and may come back to watching it in the distant future.

Funnily enough, I am into 'Romance Town'. I won't lie to you but I find Sung Yu-ri 's pretty engaging and she is not that bad acting-wise. Yes there were moment when I felt that she could be more heartfelt in her acting,especially in the scene where she was hugging the boy right after being fired but nevertheless I seem to have a soft-spot for her. I have seen the lead guy before in previous drama but was never really into him, even when he was in Dr Champ but I am warming up to him and liking the chemistry he has with SYR. How weird ....... but in a good way :-) !!!!


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one word, well two 'Idol Drama' and not a good one as there too much secondary stuff going on, it not quite an Idol Drama and not that a good straight drama either..they need to put more focus on the leads and let any story and back ground characters build up the main actors, rather than as its doing, distract. Use the two strong leads get them together and bounce them off each other until sparks fly and..well so on lol.
It not really surprising to see this drama pretty well on the same viewer rating as when it started while BFB has kept up a steady increase to the 13% mark from its start at 6% of seven episodes..perhaps quality over hype?.


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I was also bored with this ep, to me Baby Faced Beauty is wayyyyyy better. I would have love to read your recaps for it.


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No matter what others say, I'm still enjoying this drama and it makes me feel happy watching it, because I simply LOVE Yoon Eun Hye, and I'm starting to fall for Kang Ji Hwan too.

*Spoiler* It looks like YEH and KJH will share a real kiss in episode 6!!! Three pictures were released and it looks mighty hot lol *Spoiler*

Can't wait to watch it hihihih :D


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thank for the "good news"... ^^


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Actually i've been bored by its second week, the first week was boring too.. but it was not so bad.

I was actually quite surprised that you said you look forward to it after the second week's broadcast. But then no matter how i like the leads, this is such a dull rom-com.

Anyways, among the recent new dramas. I think best love is still the best. Romance town is okay.. but i think the editing is floppy at times. I love the OST though.

But still, i think my favorite drama for this season is Can you hear my heart which is quite a surprise because i was not expecting much from it.


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At this point I have to say this is just a mediocre series, there's nothing that stands out. I will give it one more episode, if it doesn't improve I'm bailing out.

Thankfully there's Greatest Love and Baby-faced Beauty.


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I prefer Greatest Love, Romance town and CYHMH...i stopped watching this at ep 2.......BFB was good at the beginning but now its getting tedious...despite daniel choi being adorable


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i like this drama, and i desperately want it get better


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Oh, JB. This must be especially painful for you.

Lie to Me writers please up your game!


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Man what a whole lot of pessimistic,unenthusiastic comments.

Oh...it's a rom com.It's not the best but in no way does it fall under the category to be compared to Bad Guy and MSOAN.Those 2...defy my descriptive powers.

There are so many to choose from...go read some other recap then.

In the meantime just give us more AJ/JH screen time that's all I ask.The spoiler better not be at the end of ep 6 >__<


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Loving this drama! The revenge part (at the mall and at So-ran's house) was ridiculously hilarious! Maybe a little petty but still funny.


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Seriously.... they should of created a story around So-Ran. She seems like a more interesting character.


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Oh... I just noticed that this month's rom coms stars two former female idols, while one is about a former female idol.


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Thanks again for the recap jb. I am really disappointed in how this show's turning out. I think this is the first time I was actually bored with a recap. Not saying your writing isn't wonderful. Believe me, I've LOLed by accident reading your recaps which have led to some weirded out stares from perfect strangers, but this show is just pffft *air leaking from balloon*. Which is super sad because I love both leads. Don't get me wrong, I'm gonna keep reading your recaps. However, I won't be refreshing your page 20 billion times Monday or Tuesday nights. Seriously, thank God for Best Love or else I don't know what I would do with my free time. :)


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maybe you would drop it then? I would be happy if you start recaping Miss Ripley.. ehh..

because I agree with leddik.. even recaps of this drama are boring.. and it is sure not your fault..


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did you watch the long trailer with subs. It was riveting.
and KHJ's little date with Yoochun was so cute.
i feel like LDH is finally bringing her A-game
After watching the presscon i can say KSW seems like a great guy.

i dont think JB will recap it, she rarely recaps melodramas but thats alright.

I'm also LOVING best love.

Dokko Jin FTW!
I'm disappointed in LTM because despite the cliched plot i was expecting it to be anything but mediocre. I feel bad for YEH and KJH who are of course very talented. This is YEH's comeback drama. :|


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Agree with comment on Ki-joon's voice! Such a turn off especially when there is Dokko Jin for comparison! I swear it is the only reason why Im watching BL instead of lie to me .. n also this is near 100% live filming too. Doesn't anyone want to avoid another MSOAN disaster?


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Thanks for the recap!

I'm a newbie in watching Kdramas and I find your recaps and comments entertaining. Yezz... this drama seems to be crippled by too much exposition. The plot doesn't feel organically developed - great premise etc ...but aren't almost all Kdramas like that?

Please continue doing your recaps though, I like it when the comments are not too fawning. That being said, I think YEH and KJH 's chemistry is great...they simply own every scene.


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Thanks for the recap, but I lost my hope for it will be better. It just kinda boring. Baby-faced beauty is much more interesting than this.
If I haven't watched Coffee Prince and only watched this, I will be sure, that YEH's acting ability isn't existing. Unfortunately.


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How cool would it have been if they had waited a little longer on the infidelity idea
-waited until there was more emotional investment when AJ finds out about YJ
-waited until it might become a significant plot device to overthrow their lie
-waited until SR got a little bit of sympathy going for her
-waited until we actually cared

Then, there could have been a moment of bonding, like in Mona Lisa Smile when *spoiler* Maggie Gyllenhall's character is the foil for Kirsten Dunst's failing marriage. */spoiler* which is an incredible scene.

Except, SR is too much of a witch to get any redemption. It's more of a way of showing AJ getting over her old crush. Like My Princess, a thing of awesomeness that could have been...and wasn't.

And how DISTRACTING is it that "Kung Foo Fighting" is playing during moments of supposed enlightenment and character development?


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i agree :| this drama is def not holding my attention T^T i find myself fastforwarding through most of the ep.
i hope ripley would be a better drama about liars


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tq jb, sorry to deviate from this topic.

So far I don't know about best love, have not watch it yet but I think BFB is better with their script and the single father and daughter thing, I have soft spot for that !.

If the president is given more screen time with the "25" year old designer it would indeed be interesting, because he is cautious to get involved with her.

he is in his mid 30 ish but the cold icy man is slowly melting to her "jinx" situations.

Ryu Jin is also HOT! HOT! if they also let him show his six packs? ?!


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So Addicted with this drama ^^b
every day wait your recaps
please do until the end ok ^^V


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I am not that happy about the storyline and it is kinda flat BUT it has two of my favorite people in it. who doesnt like yoon eun hye n ki joon together lol


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I wonder if this rom/com would have received less criticism if it had aired during that dry spell of Kdramas a few months ago when there was a dearth of rom/coms?

I'm finding LTM slow in plot development, also, but I'm feeling pickier about what I watch as a result of just coming off a near pitch-perfect (to me) of 49 Days. Having a drama that galloped out of the gate and didn't let up once in 20 episodes was an exceptional experience. It raised the bar and I'll be judging future dramas against it.

The pre-production hype of LTM certainly isn't approaching the reality of what we're seeing on screen.
Let's hope there's a shake-up in the writer's room.


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I was soooo excited for May to come, so that I'd drown myself in all those glittering dramas.
Nothing. Nada. Wellou. Rien.
Where are all those sparks, and fuzzy and warm feelings I was expecting ?
It's been so long since I've seen YEH in a drama (I even re-watched Coffee Prince before May, to prepare !), but Lie To me seems like it missed its chance to leave a first good impression. So far.....kinda boring, yes I have to admit.
Reading the recap, I felt bored.

Is it good that the only good thing I can remember of this recap is the lovely song by Standing Egg ?


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Thanks a lot for recap!!
Oh! I love it. I agree that this episode was sometimes boring. But now the lead story moved!
Does anyone know the song which played when they were sitting in the bar and when he saved her from the car?


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Thanks for the recap! Though I do agree that this episode was a little boring, the drama itself is still entertaining to me. I will definitely continue to watch to the end! LOVE the lead couple, and hoping for some romantic development soon!


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I'm kinda bored with these amateur liar (this and baby faced beauty).
I think I'll try to watch Ripley to see how the profesional liar lies.


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And I really can feel how short LTM recaps are. Especially when I compared them with 49 days or Best Love.
Apparently not much happen in 1 episode, huh?


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People help! What is this song?? It played when he saved her from the car!!!


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Thanks for the recap. I think LTM could borrow from Romance Town, which I think is suffering from too much. It's hard to keep everything in line over there but here it seems there's too little. The LTM script writer should take from that page. Of the May dramas though, I think LTM could be better. KJH is totally not being used. What's the pull for Ki Joon? So he gave up his love for his brother--so what?

Shouldn't they make it so he's say like Hyu Bin in Sam Soon and not able to fall in love anymore? Or something! And Ah-Jung's drama is so false. All tis for a one-up-manship? The writer should've showed her and Jae Bum being really close previously to explain her need to one up So Ran more. There's just not enough here to hold the story together. And even though Manny is light and fluffy, the continual growth of all the characters keeps it in balance.


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i love seeing YEH-KJH together, actually i watch this just the sake of them,
i wish there were more scenes with them


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i think you should consider giving up from LTM again.Because ep 6 was really really awesome.The last scenes... 0.o in their kissing scene music,their acting,everything was priceless.For LTM,my hope is now uncountable.


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I think it isn't worth it to keep watching.
The jealous friend's story should have ended in the second episode. She was the reason to START the lie, but there should have been something related to YEH's job to keep going. Something that would resonate with the audience.

I like that they went there with KJH's job. That makes it worth it for him.

So once everyone knows the lie, and there are 8 more episodes, what do they do to make the title mean something?

Change the idea to LTM about NOT loving me?

Last comment. Promise I won't watch and naysay.


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