Jung Yong-hwa goes from nice guy to rude hero

Jung Yong-hwa became known for playing the nice guy in You’re Beautiful, where he fell for the girl, helped her as much as he could, and then had to watch her fall for his (haughty, cold-seeming) best buddy. For his first leading role, in the upcoming MBC musical-themed drama You’ve Fallen For Me, he sheds his gentle “Shin-woo hyung” image to play the cocky lead vocalist of a band of pretty boys.

Hmm… that sounds familiar… If you can’t beat ’em, turn into ’em? The thinking must go: If I turn into a Hwang Tae-kyung type, I’ll finally win Park Shin-hye’s favor. I guess to get the girl in K-dramaland, you’ve got to turn into a rude bastard. SIGH.

It’s one trend I’ll be happy to see the back of, and not just ’cause it’s romanticizing something that’s irritating in real life, but also since it’s just such a damn cliché at this point. A crutch, a hackneyed plot point. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed our bastardish heroes — the Hwang Tae-kyungs, the Gu Jun-pyos, the Dokko Jins — but haven’t we gotten as much mileage out of The Darcy as we can at this point, which should enable us to move on to greener (and kinder) pastures?

Jung said, “When I first got the script, I thought that [the character] Lee Shin was extremely uptight and indifferent, but as I get more familiar with the character, I see that Lee Shin is just not interested in things outside of music and therefore just seems cold. When you see what he’s like on the inside, he’s got a pretty warm and attentive side too, and he’s an appealing character.”

The youth melodrama series (which suggests it’s not a rom-com) follows Best Love and premieres on June 29.

Via Chosun


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well, what do you expect from a drama with a less than mediocre lead actor? Yes, i do have something against singers getting lead acting roles.


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Same here, mainly because there are many strugling actors out there who dont have the opportunity to showcase their talents because they are not as popular as these so call teen idols or whatever you call them.


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That's my sentiment too. If idols want to act, they should take acting lessons, some of these idol acting are really hard to stomach!


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Why don't we just reverse it?
If actors want to get more important role in short term, they should debut as idols first!


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Don't feel bad. I really liked him, too.

I kept yelling at my TV screen to "Just give her the flippin' shoes already!!!", lol. Maybe because I don't speak much Korean the bad acting didn't register as much with the pretty being so overwhelming, but I enjoyed him in You're Beautiful and found myself sympathizing with his character.


not a hater, but from what i've seen so far from him (in variety shows and all) the person he's acting as ain't too far from the actual him...
I really like Park Shin Hye though
(I'm not saying Jong Yong Hwa doesn't have talent, but he just doesn't seem like a nice person... Please give me examples to show i'm wrong!)


I'm not trying to defend anybody here. But I can't help feeling pity to those Idols.
A lot of people here saying that they don't work hard enough and just take advantage from their popularity.
While actually they can get those popularity because of their exceptional hardwork since their training days.
Some of them even only get holiday once a year.
It's true that they need to improve. But part of my mind think that they deserve those roles.

Aww, I feel sad he is being misunderstood T.T
You can't get a boy who wants to knit a (very looong) scarf for his girl anywhere.
Especially, when he only has like 3-4 hours sleep time everyday.


*I mean everywhere, not anywhere. :P


to helloimys, i just watched him on Happy Together and he seems totally sweet! I've seen him host a few times, and some clips of him on things like strong heart and such and i've never gotten that bad vibe... i haven't watched we got married, but i hear he's really really adorable and sweet in that... idk, you're totally entitled to your own opinion though.

I'm kind of a fan though as far as him as a musician goes...CNBLue was one of the first groups i got into in kpop (im a loner? gyah!) and i'm a little biased because of it. Ijust love when his busan accent comes out, and the fact that he writes his soungs/ plays instruments... i didn't have a huge problem with his acting in YB either. I mean, sure, it wasn't award winning acting, but it wasn't godawful either. we'll see how this one goes lol


Well you might as well get over it because apparently this trend is staying. Sorry for you :(


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I agree ! Idols are everywhere now, it's underwhelming...


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i do but it's yonghwa.
to me he proved himself worthy of being the main lead actor of a drama through you're beautiful.
i thought he portrayed the really hard emotions of pain and longing really well.
(and that was even before i liked him as the leader of cn blue)

however, it is sad when really talented actors can't receive the spotlight because of a mediocre idol star.

but let's remember not to stereotype all idol actors.


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what? ^
he was horrible -__-


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really? i liked him a lot. i thought he was awkward when he had to express simple emotions such as joy or sadness but then there were scenes where he really shined (especially since the hong sisters love angst -.-)
there was this one scene where he had to see minam and taekyung hug and he was so heartbroken >.< he expressed the sense of betrayal, hurt, and longing so well.


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yeah he really was horrible.


Yeah! he was horrible there! but I won't complain about the tight pants he wore in the show! :()


Sorry, it is supposed to be a :))


i agree~in You're Beautiful lets face it guys....he was a TAD bit wooden.....emotionless.....cringe-worthy??

but comon.....like a year and a bit after.....he's gone through

1) BAD MC (we remember where....)--->good MC
2)NO VARIETY---> good sweet variety (WGM)

so MAYBE.......

he'll be the BAD ACTOR----> to GOOD ACTOR!!

*fingers/legs/everything crossed*


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I agree. He may not have been *fantastic*, but I think he played his part well and was enjoyable. I'm looking forward to seeing him again. I wouldn't write him off JUST because he's an idol- that's just as unfair as the newbie actors being turned down for someone with star power.


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agree! and i don't think "horrible" is a correct word to describe his performance in YAB. infact i thought it was quite good, considering that was his first real role! and what's this whole idea with just because he's an idol he can't act?


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as much as i enjoy idol dramas, i agree with this so much.
the only exception (to me, at least) is hongki/jeremy in you're beautiful though. that bus scene made it into one of my favorite kdrama moments EVER.


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Actually Hongki was a child actor waaaayyy before he became idol. So I think it's not very suitable to catagorized him into idol-turn-into-actor.


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who knows... YAB´s actors were all really bad xD but is still one of my favorites dramas!!


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Yeah, I've been thinking the same thing. But then again, the "nice guy" image sometimes requires a more subtle and nuanced actor to keep the character from being bland and unoriginal. With the cold chaebol types, at least greener actors can at least act passably while that may not be the same if they had to really convey the emotion and personality of the "nice guy" character.


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Damn, almost first for once ;P Love you JB


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Jay-Z, im big fan of yours!


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Who knew Jay-Z watched kdrama? It really is an addiction that crosses all demographics! :P


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That is so true!

I still agree with JB that I am sick and tired of the drama cliche of the sometimes cute and sometimes naive/innocent/gullible girl who falls for/melts the cold cold heart of the male protagonist who seems to have a grudge on the rest of the world. In real life, who would be attracted to such a person? I'd just be pissed off and keep my distance.


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I agree. Greener pastures are needed. Guys who are like that in real life are not attractive or loveable.


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kim soo hyun............ sigh.............
nice guy character + great actor = all time high.
too bad everyone else sucked.


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I so loved Kim Soo Hyun....even when he went through all the angst I knew the real him would come through!


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baahaa! now i want to say there's a reason Darcys have been around since ms. eliza bennet first rolled her eyes at darcy's refusal to dance, but holy hell dramaland! the flipside of that is that DARCYS HAVE BEEN AROUND FOR LITERALLY HUNDREDS OF YEARS.

maaaaybe time to move on.

that said, despite this likelihood of this show going down like a mellowdramatic (why?) lead balloon. I'm fan girling hardcore on the inside. And just possibly...that fangirling will last enough to keep me watching...sigh...


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fangirling for the couple specifically... not Jung Yonghwa's acting abilities...just to clear that up...


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I think it's funny how they're always called "Darcy"s, when I think they're almost nothing like the original one!!! D:


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Totally agree with this. The original Darcy was haughty and uptight, true, but he was also very decent and kindhearted. I guess it's a complex characterization that lazy writers just translate into "hot jerkface".


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Ehhh? Another one huh? Hmm...I'm still not sure it I'll be tuning in yet.


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He looks like Kim Jae-won minus cute.


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That 1st pic with the silent-white-sweater-emo look makes me think he'll fit as 2nd lead in BOF (or is it because he's on the same acting level as Kim Hyun Joong?)


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nail. on head. been hit by you my friend.


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this made me laugh and i agree


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seriously, how about we give nice /quirky/adorkable guys like Pil-joo a chance?!

this trend is a problem. these type of characters have been around forever that people have already gotten use to them. if something new comes along, it might not do so well. they rather play it safe than different. :(


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but there's samdong ;)


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and suddenly the drama world has been redeemed! mah BB!!! *hugs*


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So true!


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but even he turned into a cold, emo, rebel punk for a couple of episodes. and wasn't it then that hye-mi started to realize she was attracted to samdong? :(


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Sam-dong was cold emo rebel punk, but he never treated Hye-mi badly, he just pushed her away. and that was when she realized that she cared about him more than she thought she did. and then when he wasn't angsty anymore, he started being more upfront about his feelings for her.

in other dramas it's a lot of "i like you even though you treat me like crap and don't feel the same way. but it's okay because it's a k-drama and eventually you'll realize that i'm the only one for you." *sigh. ruining our women indeed.


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im liking pil joo really , like studying is fun for me i heard that a lot with my former boss hahaha , but pil joo type need a lot of lee sung gi and pil joo combine to be adorkable lovable hero


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I was just thinking about how nice PJ character (winning the girl) would be.

As DB said, I absolutely adore the bad boy: I swoon for The Darcy, Flutter at the Dokgo Jin, and generally love the dynamic. But it's seriously over used and over worn.

And so often unwisely! We have a "bad boy" who stutters at the mention of a kiss, blushes at fingers touching, etc. I say, if you are going to have a "bad boy" don't wuss out (examples: Jo In Sung in 'What Happened in Bali' or CSW in 'City Hall')

Otherwise, I would LOVE to see a PJ win the girl. Dorky, endearing, not (please not) dumb as a brick to feelings.


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Maybe if we all didn't fall for the Mr. Darcy type so much there would be more Prince Charmings. In 49 Days there was Kang-ah but I guess a lot of people like me were more into the half-and-half Yi-Soo by the end.


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Ya know... i was gonna mention kang-ah as a substitute for darcy...but he's not THAT far away from one, at least in the beginning. I mean he's never snobby chaebol type darcy, but...

I think if they're not full darcys they're still in that vain of emotion, the "this feeling of affection is too confusing for my manself to process therefore i shall be a grumpy old hot mess"


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I am definitely a Yi-Soo/schedule fan all the way.


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yeah me too! definitely !


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Ugh blah -- so bored of The Darcy. Darcy was a special character because he was different at the time. Not the fun and sweet charmer, but the haughty self-important ass. And I think that it's important to note that the self-important ass had to change - massively - to get the girl!

I would love to see these dramas pull a bait-n-switch, wherein we don't actually KNOW who the first male lead is ahead of time (i.e. who she will end up with). Set it up to look like the Darcy will win, and then show a little reality wherein the Reformed Douche ends up being exactly what he is in real life -- a total fake. Then let the sweetie win and we all cheer!


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They can't.
There's laws against that.
Like bread laws in France.

I'm not making this up. Leonardswench told me.


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But Kang-ah didn't get the girl. God forbid him. :(


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I mean the nice Kang-ah..


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Gee, now I finally realize why Kang-ah didn't get the girl!!


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Imagine the travesty!


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I really like him as a singer... CNBlue totally rocks... I really hope that he would proof everyone wrong and really nail it this time... his charactor in YAB is such a nice guy and so sweet that I can actually ignored his acting at time while watching it.. but he is the lead this time... so all eyes are on him... so wish him luck.. somehow i have a feeling that he should stick to singing...

I will check this one out for a couple of episode but with PSH's drama is also airing in July... I might have to skip this one...


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I saw him in WGM as part of the Goguma Couple and I love him as a person - his (real) family is nice and his mom is really pretty and cool.


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strange, it's like kim hyun joong in WGM, he was so natural, miles away from his (constipated) acting. Why can't they be as natural as they are in WGM?? Okay they have scripts, rules instructions to fallow, accurate emotions to give but ahhhhh do something guys because i really liked you in WGM (& outside) so don't make me watch your dramas with a pain on my face!


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i loooved kim hyun joong in we got married.
even now, 3 years later, it holds a huge place in my heart ^^


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Actually, I don't really mind the overabundance of rude Darcy-types. If they *weren't* playing to that stereotype, we'd probably be seeing the same trend with the "nice-guys", and get sick of that just as quick. At least this way, the nice guy comes off as special, and refreshingly new - like Dong Joo in Can You Hear My Heart?


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Oh I love DongJu but I am rooting for JunHa...so I know I'm in for hearbreak time later...sigh..I just felt JunHa need more love...sigh...both are such tragic heroes for once I dunno who's a sadder case...and they're both not rude! LOL at least not that typical ones...


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haha, I'll keep my mouth shut then. I don't have a real high opinion of Jun Ha.


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I know, JunHa's not for everyone...I think I'm kinda twisted that way...I just felt that JunHa's a sad guy because he doesn't know what he wants and ends up doing things that may cost him the thing he wants most...that's so sad... and maybe because I knew DongJu will happily end up with Woori that I'm rooting for JunHa...

Actually now that I think of it, JunHa don HAVE to get the girl...I just hope he gets a not too bad ending...

Although I conceed that DongJu is a doll...the way he angled for a kiss was oh-so-adorable!


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they are both adorable! but i agree, jun-ha is such a sad character. he had a stronger emotional history with woori but he screwed it up big time and we know he can never get the girl now. btw how is hair so perfectly swooshi in every scene?! but cha dong joo and his perfect smile, gahhhhhh kill me.


Agreed, they are both so very cute with Woori; my heart flutters everytime either of them have a scene with her! Even their bromance is cute hahaha
But I think its more like a brother-sister relationship between junha and woori whereas with dong joo, it feels more like lovers. Therefore, I root for Dong joo!! Maybe its because I have a soft spot for childhood sweethearts? =P


(Dong Ju and Jun Ha will always have each other.)

I want Woori to
1. Change her ridiculous hair-do.
2. Get rid of the preschool back-pack.
3. Grab ONE of the boys and kiss him good.

Who is better for her?
1. Deaf pretty smiley one who has some sort of low burn sexy thing going on. Didn't see it coming at me in My Love Patzzi, and still can really pin it down in this show. Is it the thing he does with his face right before he smiles? Could be the fact that he is always finding reasons to touch or surround Woori...

2. Confused, sad, yearning neurologist with the beautiful hair, uneven eyes, and, oh so kissable mouth. He has had less contact with Woori, so I haven't been able to gage the sexy off him. He has, however, gone off the charts in scenes with his fake mother and his fake father, so he has that going for him.


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fake brother.
He is sweet with his fake father now that he is grown, but no touching.


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LOL I agree with all ur Woori points...she reminds me of the japanese anime Chibi Maruko...with her red backpack and all...

I love DongJu because he wants to get touchy-feely ALL-THE-TIME...so true and so sweet..

But whenever I see how much in pain JunHa is when he looks at his father and grandma I just feel like giving him a hug. Like DongJu does...lol...LOVE their bromance...I mean they even share the SAME BED!!!!


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i just finished watching ep 16 and im so curious about how dong joo will react and if it'll change things up with junha.....gah cant wait.....and omg i love him always wanting to be near woori its so adorable ...and when she sang for him....my heart melted


I actually like the rude Darcy-types. Maybe it is just me, but I always feel like they change a little threw-out the drama... or the girl changes them... in some dramas it is more of that then in other but that it what I see. I also find it funny when they try to act nice but it fails because they don't know how... I like seeing them in pain like that, or something.

Or it might just be that I never or almost never get the second guy-syndrome. In real life I would love them more then the Darcy-type but in K-dramaland I almost never notice them, or I hate them / don't like them. I don't know why.


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But I do think we need more guys like Samdong. Maybe we need more couples like robot like Hyemi and sweet Samdong. We get so often robot like hero and sweet heroine, maybe we need to switch. Or maybe I just need to watch more dramas.


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yes! I think the sunshiny sweet heroines are getting far more old... but then again, they're at a bit of a handicap as the lack the unconditional love i tend to give to men i drool over....


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I actually like the sunshiny heroines quite a lot. But I would like to see a good mix too.

Sometimes I feel like I am the only one who actually like the innocent and cute heroine and I actually don't hate it when they cry. Maybe it is because I am a total crybaby myself.


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heehee feel ya. I don't mind crying when it's used sparingly and so for good effect... it gets me good...

but aside from a bit repetitive the really huge issue i have with the the sweetie pie characters (on both sides) is when they're the long suffering, sacrificial type (Geum Jandi cough cough Gu Jun Pyo cough cough damnitthewholeboysbeforeflowerscast) that silently takes things "for the good of the other"


But wasn't Hyemi a darcy? It seems the roles were just switched. I loved Samdong too his smile was so...*faint* However two nice heroines seem to bore me to tears at times. It can be done but most of the time for me it's just blah. x___x


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anyway this is out topic but did anyone notice the cnblue song , i forget the title but it the latest they sound like arashi , and im a little sad coz im an arashi fan


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Nevertheless, I'll be keeping an eye on this show. Yonghwa was very sweet in You're Beautiful and he was such a cutie in his WGM episodes. It's nice that he's not being type cast as a "good boy".

About the Darcy type, maybe it was romantic on the 80's (or 1800's) but right now it doesn't resonate that much in our independent girls' hearts and minds. Oh... but how gratifying is to watch them inevitable fall in love (most of the time against their will). The rudest they are, the harder they fall and I enjoy every step of the way.

Peace ♥


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Kang-ahhhhh! Linda, you said the exact same thing I wanted to say. I swear we must be long-lost siblings, or have telepathic kinship. Or could it be our ramen hair? Yes, I love Yonghwa. I loved him in You're beautiful ****SPOILER****.he broke my heart in the scene where he was following her quietly, and she gets a phone call from Hero and runs off, as he was just a hairs breadth away from touching her.....so sad. I think he was fine in You're Beautiful; he reminds me so much of Kim Hyun Joong, and I love KHJ too; they are singers first, and I think they're improving tremendously in their acting with each new foray into drama. Yes, I also love that he's playing the cold lead here....I love shows with cold lead guys, so romantic to see them thawing slowlyyyy...such a worn formula, but heck, I LOVE IT!!!!! Agree with you 1000000 % the ruder they are the harder they fall and the more I love them! Really looking forward to this show. Don't know why all the other new shows leave me cold. Sometimes, it's so refreshing to catch this kind of drama where you can smile and laugh and just enjoy yourself. After 49 Days, I need a break from reality.


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Yeah, must be our ramen hair. Mine is extra nervous today. As Monica used to say in Friends: "It's the HUMIDITY".

"After 49 Days, I need a break from reality." Let's not go there, please... I'm not yet ready... to talk.... sorry... TT.TT


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"Agree with you 1000000 % the ruder they are the harder they fall and the more I love them!" I know right! I loved how in 49 days MIN Ho was falling for JiHyun/“Song Yi Kyung. I was squealing all over the place...though I was glad he didn't get the girl. He was a prime example of when The Darcy goes a tad too far for redemption...I still loved him though @ the end. But of course if this was reality he wouldn't have gotten a second look...


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I'm not really looking forward to watch this drama. I am not a fan of Park Shin-hye. She isn't pretty to me and her acting skills are not all that great. But for Yong-Hwa's sake, I'll maybe watch a little of the drama.


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There aren't a LOT of main lead types out there, but you are right, Darcy could use a rest for the big star scenery-chewing roles.

Instead of haughty and rude from selfishness, I'll take misunderstood, conflicted, wounded, naive and untested, strong and untested.

Actually, as I type, I realize one of the reasons Joo Sang-wook never hit it BIG, Hyun Bin BIG, is he has never played the Darcy. I don't think we would buy it from him, not with that heartbreaking, apologetic smile.

It's an opportunity to seize and hold our attention, then effect a transformation that melts our little hearts.
OTOH, if we can see how flawed the Darcy is before he is rude, OK. As in the rudeness is a cover for something so sad or misunderstood you forgive them.

Yoon Kye Sang, in Who Are You, was one of the best bastards I have ever seen. I HATED that character.
I remember saying to myself, "Nope! Not this time, guys! I will NOT be falling for him." Then he turned into Kim Nam-Gil. I'm pretty sure the directors thought they had died and gone to heaven picking him.

Un-freaking-believable was that transformation. It was as if they had two identical actors playing the two roles.

I <3 YKS.


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Yoon Kye Sang at the begining of Who Are You? was such a ddong-ko that only his turtles loved him.


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And that was only because he fed them.
I think I'll go watch this again to remind me that, yes, there once was a time where YKS got the girl, to gird myself against the inevitable pain and tear soaked heart I will have throbbing in my chest.


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I love Yong Kye Sang too. Wow. So many guys to love, so little time.


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So little time indeed. Thank God I excel at multitasking


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Oh... Joo Sang Wook, he kills me with his sad eyes. sigh.

Even when he's being sexy, his eyes are sad:



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I loved his sad little person in PR.
Another drama girl completely ignoring the sexy!


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i don't remember too well, but wasn't JSW's character in kimcheed radish cubes a darcy type in the beginning too? well i guess that only lasted about 2 episodes. LOL he went from being a jackass at the temple to head over hills in love in the span of 2 minutes it took PSH to make an elephant towel.

YKS=total win. i hope he gets to play lead in a drama that gets good ratings. who are you was so good yet so underrated. and then he went back to 2nd lead territory.


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I melted when I see his smile..I laughed so hard when he went from oh to hmmm to huh!! OMG, he's so adorable and cute....


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YKS was AMAZING in Who Are You. You're so right, I actually found myself 100% believing the body switch. It was incredible. And his transformation was heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time.

<3 that drama. Will have to rewatch it after BL is over just to repair my poor, cracked heart.


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Errr..I really adore him as a loving bf/husband in WGM. Why on earth we do have to have a cold-type lead again? Writers, you need to be CREATIVE!


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And the boys! I can totally see the innocent male mind going from:

Ah - Girl's have great response to "You are Beautiful" and "Secret Garden" ---> Therefore must become complete...Dokko (did I just pun?) Jin to get girl.

It's a very bad cycle for us who wouldn't mind some PJ (a well done second lead if I ever saw one) get the girl.


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I honestly cannot wait anymore XD


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Well that's true kind of boring with 'mr. darcy' typical character. Sam Dong is better I think ! or Cha Dong Ju in "Can You Hear My Heart" he..he..he totally my type now !


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hehe i'm also addicted to Cha Dong Joo right now! He's the proof that good and nice male lead can still be a deep and complex character. Why to dramas need them to be jerks to get the girl?


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And doesn't he look like he smells really good?
Everytime he gets near Woori, she reacts like I would, with a little bit of shock followed by a melting.


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Dear Jomo, you may not have a hair fetish, but you certainly have a smell fetish!!! LOL


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Oh my god, I so do! It's all those pheromones floating out there ready to pounce!


i'm not particularly excited for this (am i the only one that would prefer hongki as the lead over yonghwa?) though i have nothing against them and this may suprise me (if i watch it that is)


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though I love FT Island and Jeremy was by far my favorite guy in all of YB I don't feel the need to see him with Park Shinhye and I don't think i could buy Hongki as a cold Darcy...

bahaha.... i tried to imagine it.

He might be able to act in a variety of roles, but as jeremy i really couldn't tell...


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Well, you actually cannot say his acting in YAB is too bad if you know that he really has more of a mischievous, cute and boyish personality. Let's wait and see what he can deliver ^^


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wait, they're naming his character Lee Shin? You can't call him that and expect me NOT to think of Goong. Unless the name is as common as calling someone Robert over here...


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I know right?! for me atleast there will be only one Lee Shin in dramaland.......and Lee Yul and Chaegyung


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I thought i was the only one who noticed. Lee shin is the prince in goong.


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i'm so loving this guy ever since I watched him as guest in Running Man.. so reliable, damn cool, and has good sense of humor..

but his character.. reminded me of that annoying guy in Playful Kiss..


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To those wanting a break from such a rude boy gets girl type of drama.....if you can bank roll one then do so but until you can finance that kind of drama then producers will always back up dramas that they will know will have a chance of clicking with the masses.

For me I love dramas like these so I would definitely check it out and see if it's a drama that will click with me for the whole ride.


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The thing I don't like about the Darcy type in kdramas is that the characters aren't truly Darcy types per the original Darcy. The original Mr. Darcy was always proper (meaning he behaved in the appropriate way in society). Of course it was to the point where he seemed cold and unfeeling, but he was never improper or abusive or just plain old mean like some of the kdrama leads today and he never abused or did horrible things to Elizabeth Bennet. The original Mr. Darcy was also socially awkward, he was never a player or suave to the ladies which the kdrama "Darcy types" are sometimes made to be, though not all the time.

This is why as cracktastic as some people found Boys over Flowers I could never get into it because the F4 were down right cruel and ugly people....I mean why would you be attracted to that unless you're a masochist. (The characters, not the actors obviously)

As for the innocent heroines, I don't mind them, but there needs to be good writing to pull that off. Innocent, naive and chaste does NOT = dumb, stupid and gullible, but unfortunately that is often how bad writing portrays innocent kdrama heroines.


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I spent so much time nearly screaming at my laptop "What is wrong with you?!!!! How is any of this romantic?!!!!" while watching BOF. I mean, doesn't every girl fall for the guy that almost gets her killed by an angry mob not once but several times? I still wonder what kept me sucked into finishing the whole thing.

Oh, no, now I remember....I kept holding out hope for a Ji Hoo/Jan Di romance even though I knew it was never coming. Argh.


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Yeah. I was the same with Goo Joon Poy or whatever his name was, just no. I didn't care for Jandi and Ji Hoo romance at all. I only finished it because of Soeulmates.


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You are very, very spot on malta! I especially love the points that you made about Darcy being "socially awkward" when comes down to it and that he never appeared cruel, just cold and indifferent (yes, there is a difference people!)


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1. Every time I think about BOF I hate it more and more. I simply can't forgive it and *a bit* myself for finishing it....I just kept hoping for actual....logic.

2. Mr. Darcy WAS socially awkward! How right you are! I believe a lot of people hear "Mr. Darcy Character" and assume wealth, and (unfortunately) cruelty. Honestly he was just awkward, gentlemanly, and in love for the first time (and rather bad at proposals.)

3. I don't mind innocent heroines as well. It seems like people have got into that 16th century mentality where you can either be the Virgin Mary or the "Death of humanity" Eve (this is of course from the sake of the 16th century metaphor).

One of the best writer's of female leads, in my opinion, was the writer for' Kim Sam Soon' and 'What's Up Fox' - they actually seemed like real women, real sexual desires (hell I'd settle for "feelings" with some dramas) and we're truly dimensional.


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Darcy was also selfish and self-righteous.
Remember he crushed Bingley without even noticing his friend was in pain.


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you've got a good point. I feel like the type kdramas are really going for are the Gu Jun-pyo type. Even before BOF, the Hanadan manga has been out for quite some time.

I don't mind cruel heroes but it irks me when they try to justify WHY he's cruel and try to make us cry for him. Oh noes, he's a broken man and the heroine needs to heal his soul! If he's going to be an ass that the heroine falls in love with, let him be an ass, but likable for himself and not for his sob story about how he was orphaned and his grandfather had emotionally scarred him.

Nice types can still work. Han Kang was the cold type for the first 10 episodes, but I don't think he really won the hearts of the everyone until he became nice Han Kang. He made it work! In the last episode, I think that is what MinHo says he liked abt HK. He didn't let his past turn him into a bad man.

And why aren't there nice guys falling in love with cold girls?


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I'm also tired of the "I'm a real bastard, but you love me anyway" characters. It's tiresome, and to be honest, impressionable young people who watch these dramas may begin to develop a skewed perception of what is and what is not okay to tolerate in relationships.

"Oh, he grabbed my wrist, dragged me down the street and treated me like dirt! I'm in love!"

WTF? No.

But anyway, Yong-hwa seems like a sweetheart from the many times I've seen him on Running Man. I hope he can do well in this show.


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Exactly! To be honest, I sometimes don't get what the appeal is to these 'bad guy' types (other than being smokin hot but that's another story).
I mean, wouldn't you be forever pissed if a guy kicked you out of his car and left you on the highway? Or if you discovered he was just using you for his master plan?


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Sorry for the superficiality of this one but... Is it just me, or does his arm look waaaay short in the 2nd pic? I'm sure it's the angle and the unbroken line of blue, but still.



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I think some of you guys already mentioned a couple of the "good guys" that ends up being the male lead:
Samdong in Dream High, DongJoo in Can You Hear My Heart, Song Jin Poong in The Sons of Sol Pharmacy, and Kang Hyun Soo from Smile, You (my favorite beta male!!)

...and that's pretty much all I can think of at this moment haha


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Anything Kim Jae Won is in.
I always love him the second he appears on screen.


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And Kim Rae Won


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he was a big meanie, esp. to his mommy in great inheritance. of course i'm sure he's a big softy inside but i only saw ep 1. haha


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Park shi hoo got the girl both times in prosecutor princess and queen of reversals. seung joon in sparkling is the cold, proper type, but he's not a jerk and treats the women well. never finished cain and abel, but so ji sub's character was like the perfect, nice guy who could do just about everything. in glass slippers too, he was the adorable dork in love for the first time, but then he turned into a gangster and i never finished it and can't say for sure if he got the girl. yoon kye sang was also the good guy(minus the whole killing a guy part) in crazy for you.


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ceh, just because they are idols doesn't necessarily mean they suck in acting. and i like his acting in YAB, for a newbie it was quite good!


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wait, the above reply wasn't meant for a reply. hehe.

and i love yks in crazy for you!!!-such an underrated drama.


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don't finish watching glass slippers cuz you're not gonna like what happens to so ji sub's character. also, pil joo actually reminds me a lot of hyun soo in "smile, you". so freaking adorkable!


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lee seung gi in MGISG


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Don't forget Ku Dong baek in the Accidental Couple, the ultimate k-drama hero with the golden heart.


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Joo won's character in Obs/Gyn! My ultimate ideal husband. XD

And Uhm Tae Woong's Characters in Resurrection and Mawang. Btw, is there any other drama that has similar vibe with Mawang?


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omg i LOVE joo won!


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As much as I like the Darcy trait myself, the formula is getting a little old. But Korean society loves both - the rich cold man and the innocent pure hardworking girl.

I liked it with Park Shi Hoo in Family's Honor, Joo Ji Hoon in Goong, and Yoon Kye Sang in Who are you? but beyond that I've found it really flat and uninteresting.

I think that while MGIAG had flaws, it was so refreshing to see that new dynamic. I wish he had more friends falling in love after long times... I love that storyline myself - rather than two people meeting, instantly pissing each other off and then later falling in love. Because really, that doesn't happen in real life like 99% of the time.


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So we're going down the melodrama road? I wonder how that is going to work. Even though i've watch lots of Dercy type characters I can't get enough. I know it's boring but there just something about it.... ?? I'm trying to think of a drama where the guy wasn't a dercy type. Maybe HanKang from 49 days who was semi dercy.


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The Mr. Darcy schtick is getting awfully old. I get so tired of that dynamic-- especially since we never really get to see a transformation of the Mr. Darcy character. It's like in film version of Pygmalion-- My Fair Lady-- Professor Higgins still acts like a jerk in the end, not changing his behavior in any way, because apparently admitting to caring for another person was enough of a compromise.

Drives me nuts.

I think the last Mr. Darcy character that actually sold me was Lee Seung Ki's Sun Woo Hwan in Brilliant Legacy. I mean, he was downright awful, and Han Hyo Joo's character couldn't stand him at all. She didn't show the slightest preference for him until he started to change-- which he did because of her. He actually became a better, nicer, kinder person-- and that's when she began to feel something for him. There was a total transformation and not just some grudgingly given compliment or admission of love.

I can totally buy into that sort of set-up, but for the life of me, I don't see happily ever afters for the women who just go and pick up the slippers as directed.


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I think we're seeing some changes year and it's very refreshing....we had Sam Dong, Hae Young, Han Kang, Dong Joo and even Daniel Choi's character in BFB


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Oh well, I'm going to let this Darcy type slide this time, since we've just had KAAAAAANNNNNNG-AHHHHH!!! :D


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I wouldn't necessarily call them Darcy-like but they were probably inspired by his character so while they may not be exact, they have some similarities. I love these characters only because I want to see their journey to transformation and that there is hope for people to change into better people through either love or other circumstances.


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i also like the journey of transformation, but i feel like it often overshadows the parallel story of the girl. i hate when when the story starts out as being about the both of them, then ends up simply being about the dude, why he's a douchebag and how the girl reforms him in some manner, which usually requires her putting up with way too much bullshit. which is different from the real Darcy, who had to do a lot of changing on his own before Elizabeth even gave him the time of day.

i will be checking out this drama, because i think Yonghwa might connect better with a character that shows as much passion for music as he does in real life, and thus give a good performance. it's also been nearly two years since YAB - there's a good chance he's gotten better. then again, i suppose cold, emotionless characters are easier to act out if you're not that good, so i might be disappointed. but i'm willing to risk it.


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I can't wait to see him in this Drama , But what is this cold boy affections i can't get it nice boys are much more lovely .
i like yoon jiho , shin woo ,etc.

i just can't get it :)?!!


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I'll watch it just for the sake of...watching a drama that is located at a school again. Since I'm done with school (even though I know this is college and I'm just done with High School) and it'll give me the nostalgia.
Plus I like Park Shin-Hye and since i'm a fan of CNBlue, and I liked his acting back in "You're Beautiful"...(screw me, but I never even knew he actually wasn't an actor back then xD), so yush :DD
And yes, this entitles itself as Yotuh-melodrama? Or something...I don't see where this is going, seriously, because as far as the plot description takes us, I don't see where the melo will be coming from, seriously. And remember: If you entitle yourself a melodrama, you gotta be melo ALL THE WAY THROUGH. At least in my opinion.
I mean, all rom-com's have some melo and angst somewhere towards the end, so there's gotta be a difference between a drama that entitles itself melodrama and a drama that has melo IN IT.
I'll be watching this for the actors and the start-out plot, but since I don't see where this is going in ANY way...I might as well drop it off my to-watch-list if it goes too...weird on me. xDD


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See, the thing is I actually love the bad boy type in real life. Sweet guys are lovely but they get kind of boring after a while. And bad guys can be sweethearts too once their hearts are moved by or heroines. They become lovely as soon as they realise they want the girl and will do whatever it takes to get her. But they still manage to hold onto that devilish charm-the reason we fell for them in the first place. I want all the 'bad boys'. from the time of Rain in full house to present day (Dokko Jin, Sceduler) . Does early-on-in-the-drama Kang-ah count as bad? Cause I want him too. And Pil-Joo (his poutting counts as bad behaviour right ? and his ramen rebel?). Actually I want all of them. To the rest of you- move away from my harem.


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I'm sorry Molly, I won't move aside. Besides, I'm the only person in this blog licensed to have a harem. You need to talk with Ms. pippit and fill an application. She knows people.


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Well you are going to set yourself up for heartbreak and losing your self-respect. Relationships =/= kdramas.


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Yong-hwa didn't blow me away in YB, but I liked his character and I think I will give this show at least one chance because of that.

Re: the Darcy thing, yes, it's getting old (even though I am loving Dokko Jin - because he's relatively older than most trendy K-drama heroes but acting like a six-year-old teasing his first crush in the playground). I like the quirky guys like Pil-joo, but would love to see some lovable rogue heroes someday - kind of like Jin-gook in Dream High. Guys like that deserve some lurve, too! :)


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I got this feeling that this is gonna be a daebak drama...but i'm usually wrong tho..:)


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I really didn't think he was that bad and I actually wanted him to get the girl. I guess this is why I'm so happy about this drama!


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OMO, he looks like Kim Hyun-joong's doppelganger!


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i felt that too when i watched YAB... it was like watching a rip-off of Kim Hyun Joong's Jihoo from BOF... from the hair, the earring, the clothes...


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This has probably been mentioned before but I keep wondering WHY they'd let Jung Yonghwa have this role. Just because he's an idol with a considerable following?

Don't get me wrong, he's my fav in CN Blue but, GAH! When I first heard he was going to be in a drama i thought, ok, let's see what it is. Personal opinion is that he doesn't have enough acting talent to pull this off without experience. Especially since this is pretty far off from his own personality. I'm just totally NOT thrilled by this casting and imagining him substituting all the cold, indifferent, hurt, tense emotions he's supposed to be conveying into his standard wood-block-wide/narrow eyed-stare pretty much like what he did with Shin Woo.



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Also, even though I wanted him to get the girl in YAB, I think it was more to the credit of the writers than to JYH's acting (plus he was cute, that always helps)


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Hm, sounds pretty similar to YAB except the melodrama theme. Why all leading guys now must be modern kind of Mr. Darcy (except Darcy isn't bitchy & baka just proud and aloof)? What happens to the sensible men who got the girl? That is it like it works in real life for me and for all people around me.

I was waiting for that drama soo much but now I'm a bit indecisive.


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Can stop thinking how similar is he with Kim Hyun Joong. They really look alike!! And I think that this new character played by Jung Yong Hwa is similar with Baek Seung Jo from Playful Kiss. CAN'T WAIT!!!
I just loveeeeee him. He has a great voice and...he is my perfect type. ^^
(P.S: I'm not crazy. I realize that he is a star and maybe I won't be able even to be around him.)


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I agree that the The Darcy is getting old. One of the reasons I loved Dr. Champ so much.


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I'm a fan of Yonghwa cos of CNBLUE. I think the boy is a great singer and musician. I have to agree though that his acting in YAB wasn't that great but I don't care. Even if he sucks big time in this new drama, I'm prepared to be there all the way to the bitter end :)


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Lols. Personally, I think Yong is going to play this part much better than YB's Mr. Nice Guy. However, the stereotypical role is getting old. Trendies are so...unoriginal nowadays. Even weekend dramas seem more appealing.


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I actually liked Jung Yong-hwa's character in You're Beautiful better than Tae-Kyung. But towards the end, I just got frustrated with him. I'm looking forward to this drama. Hope it does good!


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Same here. I rooted for him but got frustrated because he was just too slow.


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sigh~~~ i guess it's the idea that opposite attract~?
well i hope that this trend will change soon~ we need variety you know ^^
i can't wait to see the Nice* guy getting the girl (i cried for Shin woo on you're beatiful)
it still looks very interesting though, i think they've got talent


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So many things that can go wrong with this drama

First of all, Yonghwa. Let's not kid ourselves here, he was godawful in YAB. I watched some scenes a second and the more I focused on Shin Woo, the more I could see just how bad his acting is. Seriously I honestly think I could have done a better job than him. And it wasn't just his emo scenes. Even in scenes where he was supposed to be laughing or mucking around I could see right though him and could smell the awkwardness.

Second, I agree these Darcy types are getting old however if done right they can still be entertaining. Especially if they're funny like Tae Keong in YAB or Domyuji in Hana Yori Dango (never watched BOF), these guys were actually amusing to watch. Problem with this drama is that it's hellbent on being a melodrama, so I would assume that there isn't much room for comedy for the character to be funny in anyway (not that Yonghwa could pull that off anyway). So if there's no comedy its gonna take a seriously good actor to not make this character bore the life out of everyone, but unfortunately for everyone, they've casted Yonghwa. Lol at that interview "I originally thought he was just a cold person but then I saw that deep inside he really cares" etc etc....I swear I've heard that a million times already, about every "cold" character in every show

The third problem is Shin Hye's character, they're making it sound like she's gonna be sooo innocent I can already predict a million crying scenes with her, and getting pushed over by her rival. I'm actually more sick of stupid innocent female leads than Darcy dudes. I really hope Shin Hye won't just be a sob fest and actually have a selfish or sinister side to her, she is human after all.


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i am done watching the drama.. and it was good.. because of it.. i am now learning to love kpop.. well.. jung yong hwa is a singer in the very first place.. it was his first time to act in you're beautiful so you can't expect a fabulous and expert acting from him.. but at least he tried his best.. so.. you can't just criticize him right away...heartstrings is his second so you can see his improvements in terms of acting.. and he's really getting better.. so in other words, as time goes by, he's acting skills will be as good as other actors...YONG hwa forever...:)


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