49 Days: Episode 20 (Final)

If I tried to explain this episode in a paragraph, I think I’d spill more tears, and frankly, I don’t know if I have any left. So here it is in a nutshell: It’s FUCKING PERFECT. Gah. Okay, fine, it’s maybe a hair shy of perfect, but damn if it isn’t the most satisfying ending I’ve seen in a long time. It solidifies the assumption that I started this drama with—that the best thing about this show would always be the writing, which elevates everything else, and brings all our characters full circle.


Yi-kyung asks if Ji-hyun really remembers her, and Kang, from her 49 days. She says she does, but then adds, “I’m going to die soon.” What the?

Lest we think it’s her assumption because her memories are intact, we flashback to earlier in the hospital, when the Scheduler appeared in front of Ji-hyun. She recognizes him and asks why he’s here, why she can see him, if she’s not dead…

As soon as the words come out of her mouth, it dawns on her that something is wrong. Why does she remember her 49 days? Why is he appearing to her?

And in his trademark blunt but sympathetic way, the Scheduler says, “This is your last cruel gift. You can refuse it if you like.” She asks, trembling, if this means she’s going to die.

He says that he received his last schedule for his remaining time, and the last person on that list… is her. Ooof. I knew his last schedule would come back to bite us in the ass, but this is too cruel.

He tells her that she is to die six days from now, and that this date of her death was determined as she was born. He says that because she experienced the 49 days and even earned her three tears, only to be met with this, the powers that be have given her the gift to remember her time on the other side, if she chooses.

It’s crushing to watch this, because it’s clearly even upsetting the Scheduler, to have to deliver such news. But he gets through it, and tells her that she can choose not to remember, in which case six days hence, he’ll appear to her as if for the first time ever.

He tells her to go ahead and get angry. She shouts through tears, “Get angry at whom?! No matter how unfair it is, no matter how much it tears up my insides, I know it won’t change a thing. No matter how much I beg.” Heartbreak.

He puts a hand on her shoulder as she cries, and tells her that it’s one thing human hands cannot control—life and death. Still, for the love of all that is hopeful, I can’t believe she went through all that just to die again. I mean, I know she’ll die eventually, but SIX frackin’ days? Show, I know you love your circular narratives, but this is just mean.

Back in the present, Yi-kyung asks who would deliver such cruel news to her, asking defensively for Ji-hyun, not realizing that Yi-soo’s been her afterlife guide all this time. Ji-hyun just says that such beings exist.

Yi-kyung says what we’re all feeling, that it’s so unfair for her to have go through all of that, just to end up having to die all over again. But Ji-hyun shows just how much she’s matured over her 49 days, and the new perspective that’s come with being on the other side:

Ji-hyun: If I hadn’t gone on my 49 days’ journey, my father’s company would be in Kang Min-ho’s hands, and I wouldn’t be in my right mind from the trauma of being betrayed by my fiancé and friend. It’s possible that my fate was to commit suicide from that shock. But because of my 49 days, I was able to receive love from someone like Kang-ie. I was able to love. I was able to guard my father’s company. And I was able to look back on the life I had lived. I’m grateful actually, because if I hadn’t known anything and died, I would’ve lived a fake life until death.

Yi-kyung asks why she’s pretending not to remember then. She says that she wants to show the people in her life that she lived happily, as the immature, naïve, sweet Ji-hyun. Aw. But then when she saw Yi-kyung, she couldn’t hide it from her.

She clasps her unni’s hands, and it’s so sweet how happy they are to see each other, and sit next to each other in their own bodies. That sounds weird out of context, but you know what I mean.

Yi-kyung reminds her that her family might not know anything, but Kang remembers all of the 49 days, and he asked her to tell him how she feels, and not to leave without a goodbye. Ji-hyun thinks it’s no use giving him more heartache, if she’s destined to die. She’s leaving; he’s staying, and knowing isn’t going to change that. In fact, it’ll make things harder.

Ji-hyun adds that she’s learned one thing from watching Yi-kyung, and it’s that the living need to go on living. She wants to leave as Kang’s friend, so that he can live his life once she’s gone. Oh man, I’m already welling up just thinking about how sad this is going to be.

Kang goes to see Min-ho in prison, and though he does admit to being satisfied that he blocked the Haemido takeover, he asks Min-ho to serve his time and repent, and someday return to the hyung that he once respected and liked.

Ji-hyun goes home and eats with her parents, putting on a cheery smile for them, but holding back tears. Watching them be so happy that she woke up is just making it even sadder, knowing that they’re going to suffer all over again.

See, this is the stuff that totally gets to me. It was the same with Yi-kyung / Yi-soo. Their happy moments put my heart through the wringer more than anything, because of the bittersweet end that I knew was coming. It’s the happiness before the fall. When she starts doing this with Kang, I’m gonna be a wreck.

Ji-hyun shows up the next morning to Yi-kyung’s house holding a picnic basket. On her way down those familiar stairs on her street, Ji-hyun takes a moment to put her hand on the rail as she walks down, as if she had been dying to put her hands out and feel the world that she couldn’t for so long.

Yi-kyung helps her make a kimbap lunch, and Ji-hyun takes her basket to see Kang. She tells him that she’s never once been on a picnic with a boyfriend, and asks to borrow his car, his mp3 player, and he asks what else she wants to borrow. Ji-hyun: “You.”

Aw. Proper swoon. He does a double take, but agrees to play her boyfriend for a day, as long as she agrees to play his girlfriend tomorrow. Hehe. It’s just like their I-know-you-know game from before. Except, I guess, Kang doesn’t actually know this time.

They have a picnic, being adorable together and play-fighting like little kids. While they’re fighting over who looks best in their pictures, Ji-hyun’s bracelet falls out of his pocket, and she pretends to be surprised, asking if he’s had it all this time.

Then she tells him that it’s actually his mother’s, and that they were close once. We flashback to her high school days, when she’d go see Kang’s mom from time to time, and eat food and chitchat with her about Kang.

Ji-hyun asked why Kang was so mean to Mom, and she had told her that it’s because there are things she didn’t tell him. Because when you love someone so much, sometimes it’s better to just have him misunderstand, so that you can spare him pain. They’re the same words that Ji-hyun had repeated to Kang, the day she had quit Heaven before her first tear.

As they walk along in the present, Kang realizes that back then, Ji-hyun had given his mother’s words back to him. He adds, quoting 49-days-Ji-hyun, that hiding your feelings is a lot harder than not knowing (as in, the person sparing the other’s pain has the harder time of it).

That stops her in her tracks, not only because they were her words, but because it’s true of her, right now.

He takes her to a wishing statue, and tells her to toss a coin and make a wish. She gives it a toss and then closes her eyes to make her wish, and Kang turns to her, his eyes giving away more sadness than he ought to be feeling…

…Which is when we flashback to yesterday, when Yi-kyung had come to see him. She tells him the truth, and that she wasn’t supposed to say anything, but she can’t stand watching Ji-hyun go through this alone.

She tells him that she understands Ji-hyun’s wishes, to go smiling rather than crying, and to give the people she loves less pain. AHA! So it totally IS their I-know-you-know-but-you-don’t-know game!

Kang finally looks up at her, tears brimming in his eyes. “The thing I hoped for the most was for Ji-hyun to live. Isn’t there something like that? It’s okay if I never get to see her again—she just has to live!”

Nooooo! Aaaaand, here start the tears. Oh god, I can’t handle this. I can pretty much take anyone else turning into a wreck, but Kang-ah? Waaaaaaaaah.

Back in the present, Kang closes his eyes and makes a wish: “That Ji-hyun lives and stays by my side.” And Ji-hyun makes her wish: “That Kang forgets me.” God, that’s just… so… heartbreakingly perfect. Gah.

They smile at each other adorably. After he drops her off, Kang says to himself that he did the right thing, over and over again. Aw, stiff-upper-lippy Kang is so cute. And so sad.

Back at the hospital, Ji-hyun sweetly tells each of her parents that she’s so happy to have been born as their child, and hugs them. They laugh and smile together, and then… she gets a sharp pain in her stomach, and doubles over, falling to the ground.

Dad calls out but her eyes start to close. Her soul gets up, while her body lies there, and then the Scheduler appears, all dressed up, and puts out his hand. No! Already?

She looks up at him and asks if he’s been waiting all this time. She tells him that they should go, and he stands her up. She looks back, and there’s Dad, holding her lifeless body, crying, trying to wake her up.

The Scheduler walks her to the elevator. Without a word, he puts out his hand for their final goodbye. She takes it and looks up at him, smiling in gratitude. He tells her that she worked hard, and with a wave of his hand, he opens the door.

She steps inside and looks out at him with a smile, and he smiles back at her. As the doors slowly close, they betray tears at their final parting.

The doors close, and then the elevator disappears, leaving the Scheduler alone.

Mom and Dad weep over Ji-hyun’s body, now covered with a white sheet. Kang comes running in, and cries.

In Jinan, In-jung gets a phone call, and collapses in tears. So does Min-ho, only now showing true regret as he cries.

They hold the funeral, and bury her ashes by planting a tree in her name. Oh, I love that. It’s so beautiful, and simple, and marks her death with new life.

In-jung watches everything from afar, crying but unable to go near, knowing all the wrong she’s done. Min-ho weeps in his jail cell, finally repenting for the person he’s become. Kang, Yi-kyung, and Seo-woo send her with full hearts and tears.

Back at home, Mom and Dad walk into Ji-hyun’s room, and are shocked to see it stripped of all her belongings, as if she had known she was dying, and prepared for it. That’s when Dad asks what Ji-hyun had whispered in Mom’s ear that last day at the hospital, and they realize that Ji-hyun just woke up for a short time, to say goodbye.

The Mom and Dad part is where I really start to lose it. I need a tissue break.

Kang lies around in his office, hearing Ji-hyun call out his name and jumping up to find no one there. He then remembers that she’d entrusted a box of stuff to him, and opens it up. He finds a letter addressed to him:

Ji-hyun: This is Song Yi-kyung. Please return these things to me… they’re important. I’m someone who needs a friend. It would be nice if someone like Han Kang would be a friend to someone like me, who has no one to lean on. Like he was to Shin Ji-hyun…

Oh my god. She’s sending him to her. It’s breaking my heart. It’s perfectly perfect, and yet… crushingly crushing. It’s her last gesture, to send him to her, to fulfill her wish that he live go on living his life. I didn’t even know I HAD this many tears.

He returns the box to Yi-kyung, whose eyes open wide when she sees a key inside, which had been Yi-soo’s locker key, in his music studio. They go to the abandoned studio and she opens up his locker.

Inside, she finds a stack of his old music notebooks, and in the back, she notices something familiar. It’s a little child’s backpack, and she tells Kang that it was hers, from when she was first abandoned at the orphanage. They were supposed to have gotten rid of those things, but Yi-soo must’ve kept it all this time.

She looks inside and finds her little pink shoe, and then a bank book. We flashback to the day they had run into Ji-hyun and Kang and gotten the pink rose, when Yi-soo took her to the bank later that day.

He asks for her student ID card, lying that he doesn’t have his on him, and that he needs it for something. While she waits, he opens an account in her name.

The even cuter part is that every time he makes a new deposit, he adds a line in the description, and over time the whole thing reads like a letter, or rather more like song lyrics, line by line, with each deposit. It’s maybe the sweetest thing ever.

She reads it now, in the present, with tears:

Yi-soo: Yi-kyung-ah, it’s Yi-soo
The thing I promised
The February Pension
To give it to you
I made an account
In the future little by little
Our dream
Will be built
Even if we encounter hardship
If we are together
We can conquer it
This is a secret, but
Truthfully, Song Yi-kyung is
Song Yi-soo’s guardian
Because you’ve given
Me a reason to live
In all the world
Someone who needs me
You are the only one

She clutches it to her heart and cries, and we see that Yi-soo is there watching her, crying too.

Kang goes to visit Ji-hyun’s parents, and finds them arguing over old photos, as Mom clutches to her memories and Dad argues that she has to move on. Dad leaves the room in a huff, and Kang sits down next to Mom. He picks up one of the photos, but doesn’t recognize it as Ji-hyun. He asks who it is.

Mom: “It’s Ji-hyun’s unni, Ji-min.”

DUN DUN. Man, I knew they hinted at this possible thread and left the door open, but I actually didn’t think that they’d go there. I… honestly don’t love this story thread, only because there was plenty of connection and resolution without this. It seems unnecessary to me. Anyway, here we go…

Mom tells him that Ji-hyun had an unni, and that she’d lost her one day at the bus station. A lady had kidnapped her, and called to ask for ransom twice, but each time they went, no one was there. Finally the calls stopped coming. Ji-hyun was traumatized at first, but was too young to remember it as she grew up.

Kang looks at the picture of Ji-min and immediately recognizes the little girl’s shoes (not just randomly, but because Mom’s story included the bit about the girls wanting the same shoes). They’re exactly the ones Yi-kyung took out of her backpack, from Yi-soo’s locker.

They go to see Yi-kyung, and Mom asks to see the shoes. Yi-kyung denies that it could be her. She firmly remembers being abandoned by her mother. But Mom asks just to see. She adds that Ji-min liked stars, so that’s how she had differentiated the girls’ shoes.

Yi-kyung cautiously hands her the backpack, and Mom’s eyes immediately well up at the sight of it. She instantly recognizes the star Ji-min drew on it, and then takes out the shoe. She looks up at Yi-kyung and cries, “You were alive. Our Ji-min-ie was alive.”

Aw, despite the fact that I dislike how quickly this thread is being wrapped up and forced on us, it’s still tear-inducing. We see that Yi-soo is there, watching the scene unfold, and it shocks him. This is a twist he was not expecting.

But then this leaves a big gaping hole in the plot… Flashback to the Scheduler, explaining that the three tears exclude blood relations. Then on Ji-hyun’s final walk to the elevator, she asks him who her final two tears were from.

She guesses Seo-woo and Yi-kyung, but he tells her that Yi-kyung wasn’t one of them. Then flash back? Forward? Gah, who the hell knows anymore – to In-jung when she had come to try and kill Ji-hyun.

She reaches her hand toward Ji-hyun’s respirator, and in spirit form, Ji-hyun screams for In-jung to stop. I don’t know if she hears it, but something makes her stop and turn around, and she’s met with her own reflection in the glass behind her.

It’s enough to knock her back to her senses, and she cries, as she says, “What am I doing? What am I doing to you?” We see that this is when she began to regret what she had become. She confesses that this wasn’t because of Ji-hyun, but herself, and then she gets on her knees, and says that she was wrong.

She gets up to touch Ji-hyun’s face, and that’s when Kang had found her, thinking the worst. She tries to get Min-ho to stop, calling him out on his own feelings for Ji-hyun, and the fact that he pushed everything back when Ji-hyun’s dad needed surgery.

She knows that he can’t admit it, but he’s grown attached to them, and feels sorry. But he refuses to acknowledge it, and says he can’t stop it now. He’ll drag it out till the end. So In-jung goes to his mother, and asks for the file that he entrusted to her.

At first she refuses to give it up, but In-jung pleads with her that Min-ho is becoming worse than his own father. And to save him from himself, she sends the file to the prosecutor.

Outside the hospital, In-jung says to Ji-hyun that she wishes she could turn back the clock, to when they would just look at each other and laugh. And she sheds a tear. It was Ji-hyun’s third and final one, that brought her back.

Back to Ji-hyun pre-elevator-ride, the Scheduler tells her that her final tear was from In-jung. Ji-hyun looks surprised, but then instantly she lights up with a smile. “That girl. I knew it was sincere.” Wow, even after everything she’s seen, she’s so genuinely happy and trusting, that her friend really loved her. It’s amazingly pure of heart and completely without bitterness.

She turns to start her walk to the elevator, satisfied. The Scheduler looks on with a smile, and then follows her down the hall.

Alone, Yi-kyung clutches her backpack and cries, calling out Ji-hyun’s name, regretting all the things she wasn’t able to do for her, not knowing that they were sisters. Yi-soo watches her, and then realizes now the full weight of his sunbae’s words.

Flash-(listen, if you think I’m gonna keep this timetable straight, you’re sorely mistaken) to when granny sunbae told the Scheduler that he could meet Yi-kyung. She asks if his wish is still the same, to give her the rings and tell her that he loves her.

He scoffs that she assumes he’s still a child, and she laughs, kind of impressed that he’s not just a lovesick puppy anymore. And then he catches on, realizing that she gave him his memory back early on purpose, so that he’d change his wish and not waste it on something that doesn’t help the living.

She calls him smart for catching on, and then he surmises that she also broke the barrier between Yi-kyung and Ji-hyun for a reason. She doesn’t divulge what it is, but does muse that they might be connected well into the next life as well.

Then in the present, Yi-soo turns to Yi-kyung, to say his final goodbye. Gah, I HAVE GIVEN YOU TOO MANY TEARS. Stop taking more!

Yi-soo: Now I can leave with my heart at ease. Live happily, for Ji-hyun’s life too.

He reaches out to touch her face, but knows that he can’t anymore. He draws back and looks at her one last time. He smiles, and as a tear falls, he disappears.

He takes his final walk through the garden, dressed in his reaper finest, and vanishes, having completed his work.

In the coming days, Yi-kyung begins to finally live her life, eating rice instead of ramen, and looking for a new job.

Han Kang goes to… Han Kang (the river) and says his final goodbye to Ji-hyun:

Kang: Ji-hyun-ah, now I understand why you wanted to leave without a word. Though you were lonely, you’ve allowed those of us you’ve left behind to be encouraged by you. I’ll trust your words, that your 49 days were a blessing. Because they’ve returned many things to their rightful place. Be happy somewhere, Ji-hyun-ah.

Two years later.

In-jung is in Jinan, and she flashes back (wait, did we just flash forward in order to flash back? Is this drama trying to kill ME on its way out?) to when the girls were in high school.

She smiles as she thinks of Ji-hyun, and then goes to see Min-ho in prison. It’s been two years since they’ve seen each other, and she tells him that she’s moved his mother down to a hospital in Jinan.

He tells her to stop coming here, and to forget him and go her way. She tells him that she’ll continue to take care of his mother for three more years—the rest of his time in jail. She says it’s her fault that all this happened, but he makes it clear that he was the one who made the decisions and acted. She tells him that she’s living her life, and that he’ll see—someday he’ll be able to forgive himself too. He finally says that he’s sorry.

Kang is… wait, is he… WORKING? Oh my god, the man DOES have a job! It’s a miracle! He oversees a construction site for a building he’s designed.

Yi-kyung is working at Heaven, though today is her last day. Manager Oh and his wife have a baby on the way, and Seo-woo is happily dating Ki-joon.

In comes Dr. Noh. NOOOOOO! Not the doctor! No Dr. Noh!

But then, here comes Kang-ah. Oh, thank god. KANG-AAAAAAAH!

Phew. Seriously, I nearly had a fit at the reappearance of Dr. Creepy. Thankfully they hint at his being paired off to her waitress friend.

Yi-kyung confirms her plans with Kang for tomorrow, and heads to dinner with her parents. She’s heading to Haemido to work at the new resort, which is of course what Kang is designing and building.

Though the whole losing a daughter / finding a daughter thing isn’t my favorite, it IS really satisfying to see Yi-kyung with a family, and not off on her own anymore. Mom and Dad are as cute as ever, now doting on Yi-kyung, as they talk about Ji-hyun fondly. Aw.

On their last day before going down to Haemido, Yi-kyung and Kang go to pay their respects to Ji-hyun and Yi-soo, whom they’ve buried side by side with identical trees. Aw, it’s kind of killing me how poetic it is, to bury them next to each other, as they were each other’s friend and guide in the afterlife.

Kang and Yi-kyung put a bouquet of pink roses by each tree, and stand next to each other, the two in this life mirroring the two in the afterlife. In voiceover, we hear their thoughts:

Yi-kyung: Ji-hyun-ah, Han Kang is busy working, and as you requested, he’s been a really good friend to me. Because of your bright personality and your connection to others while you were with me, I was able to adjust well.
Kang: Ji-hyun-ah, though people know they’re going to die, they live as if they aren’t. Because of your 49 days, I’m living my life as if it’s 49 days. Because I saw things change that never would have happened, if you hadn’t known when you’d die. Here lie the two most important people in our lives.
Yi-kyung: Here are the two people who changed our lives and left beautifully.
Kang: Because of the 49 days’ journey that we were on with these two
Yi-kyung: We live today as if it’s precious, and our last.
Kang: Ji-hyun, because I met you
Yi-kyung: Yi-soo, because I met you
Kang: I was happy.
Yi-kyung: I was happy.



Wow, I don’t know if I’ve ever been so satisfied with a drama ending as I am with this one. Maybe Return of Iljimae, which also has this circular, contemplative tone and structure. I was fidgety about the sister thing (still am, only because it’s unnecessary, not because it doesn’t fit) but I see why it’s part and parcel of the whole resolution. I still contend that there is enough mirroring in Yi-kyung living for Ji-hyun that their blood relation isn’t needed, but I will yield that it’s very satisfying to see Yi-kyung with a family. That alone is worth the deus ex machina plot twisting that had to occur in the last episode, when all I really wanted was the death and epilogue. Thankfully, most of the episode was just that, so I got what I wanted, full-throttle.

Truthfully, until the end of Episode 19, I wasn’t expecting Ji-hyun to die. It was something I was expecting earlier on, but then the drama did a number on me, focusing all our expectations towards what would happen when she woke up, by bringing her back so early. I was so engaged with how Kang would bring her memory back that it hit me like a ton of bricks when her death watch was reset.

And though I wasn’t anticipating it, this is exactly the ending I wanted, and even better than the one I was expecting. I thought we’d get this ending for Yi-kyung, while Kang and Ji-hyun went on to be happy in this life. But the parallel send-off actually makes Ji-hyun and Yi-soo’s lives much more poignant, in what they each leave behind in their deaths. It also fits the parallel life / afterlife mirroring better.

Throughout this drama, we’ve had the motif of mirrors and circles, both as a visual motif and figuratively as a theme, in characters facing each other across the divide and living parallel lives. It’s a theme that is rendered so poignantly, because it’s a simple one: that life is circular; that life ends in death, but death brings new life; that the way you live this life affects the life you live after it.

Yi-kyung begins the story wanting death, and ends choosing life. Ji-hyun got to live the happy, secure existence that Yi-kyung so cruelly had stripped from her; and then it gets returned to her, in Ji-hyun’s death. Yi-soo guides Ji-hyun as her friend in the afterlife, and Kang guides Yi-kyung as her friend in this life. Yi-kyung’s struggle to hold onto Yi-soo’s memory is what informs Ji-hyun to leave Kang without that tether, and her choice to do so is what helps Yi-kyung move on from her pain.

In the end, Ji-hyun makes it so that Yi-kyung can live, while at the same time, Yi-kyung helps Ji-hyun to move on in the afterlife without regret or remorse. It’s the idea that regardless of the moniker “life” or “death,” that each is a road and a journey, and that you can’t go from one to the other without letting go.

There must be death to make new life, and it’s the same in love. You let go of your last love, in order to love again. The last scene sets up Kang and Yi-kyung not necessarily to be lovers, but in the position to be able to love again, which is what’s important, and what Ji-hyun and Yi-soo made possible in the way they left the ones they loved.


Hm, Imma have to deviate and express some dissatisfaction. I’m of two minds of the finale. I admit to not having expected that the drama would actually go as far as to let Ji-hyun die, not because it didn’t make narrative sense — it did, as girlfriday points out — but because it wasn’t the way the show was positioning itself. The dramatic trajectory didn’t suggest it, even if the seeds were planted (a little clumsily in some cases) well in advance. Examples: Ji-hyun’s mother crying in an early episode about how she can’t lose “my one remaining child” or the hint that the Scheduler’s last assignment was a shock to him.

I do think there’s a difference between dropping a few hints and paying off a storyline satisfactorily. The drama did the former; I don’t think it did the latter. Introducing, and then completely resolving, the mystery of Yi-kyung’s birth in the finale feels like cheating, frankly. Being mysterious successfully requires more than sheer withholding of crucial information.

For instance, In-jung being the third tear is an example of a successfully paid off storyline — because it was properly set up. We saw plenty of hints that In-jung still loved Ji-hyun, that she felt remorse, and that she could be the tear, so the twist works. Not so much the birth secret. Yi-kyung happens to get her old locker contents back, happens to find Yi-soo’s old stuff, happens to discover that he kept her childhood belongings, and Kang happens to be there so he can days later recognize that backpack in old photos at the Shin household? Yeah, I’m calling that one out, drama. What this show has done pretty well so far is keeping coincidence OUT of the equation, so to provide such a huge puzzle piece through a whole series of them is kinda lazy.

In a lot of cases, I think I’d be taking girlfriday’s line and expressing satisfaction for the symbolic, metaphoric, narrative completeness of this kind of ending. Heck, I’m someone who felt perfectly satisfied by the infamous Hong Gil Dong ending, and appreciated that the writers went for a meaningful wrap-up on a deeper level. It’s just that this kind of ending wasn’t paced properly into the story — not like the Yi-kyung/Yi-soo storyline, which I think was beautifully done. I’m now recalling the pitch-perfect ending of Flowers For My Life, which accomplished what I think 49 Days was aiming for, but in a more skillful, emotionally satisfying way.

Furthermore, I do think that effect is as important as intent, and if a large portion of your (hitherto avid) viewership has to convince itself that the ending works, then it doesn’t wholly work, does it? And I don’t mean we need to bow to fanservice, because cheap fanservice that gives us the easy resolution independent of story logic is, well, cheap. 49 Days never positioned itself as a comedy, or a light-hearted drama, so I don’t think you can accuse it of hoodwinking the audience with a slightly bittersweet ending. But I don’t blame some people for feeling bait-n-switched, because you can’t spend 19 episodes hyping up one soul’s struggle to survive, and then…just…NOT.

Having written all that, maybe I’m not so two-minded about the finale after all. I’m not bitter or upset, because I agree with all that girlfriday points out so incisively above. This is a case where I’m bumping on execution, despite being happy with the dramatic intent. On a gut level, it just didn’t hit that spot for me. I leave feeling dissatisfied, and as we know, with dramas, often the heartspeak is stronger than the headspeak.


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facebook dislike^infinity.

This is like the ending to tron where kevin had to die too. GRRRR.....


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ahhhh i didn't watch Tron yet!! I hope i forget this when I do get around to it!


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i love it. the ending was just perfect. thank you show and thanks to gf and jb.


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btw I watched this episode without sub and shed no tears because I didn't understand a single word.

But now reading the recap and understood what was written on the bank book, I cried like a little baby.

I am so gonna cry again when I re-watch it with sub. Oh well.


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er.. why don't they just adopt YiKyung? long-lost sister is too lame.. (for me). death of jihyun, it's totally owe me buckets of tears.. i wud accept it if they'd give the hint since the early episode. but revealing too much in the end..*sigh*

they're trying to make everyone coincidentally connected. JH coma coz of YK (turned out to be her host body n sis) YS is JH's scheduler, who's also her unni's love.

anyway.. this drama is still the best.. just let that all go, and just follow the storyline as how it's supposed to be..^^


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isn't YiKyung just too old to be adopted? I guess the sister connection is to make sure that if the parents ever found out YK's involvement in JH's accident/death, they would still love her and know that the heavens are just evening things out (since lil JH wandering away inadvertently led to the kidnapping)


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thank u javabeans and girlfriday. your recap make this drama series more interesting and satisfying. looking forward for more excellence drama recaps soon.
thank u so much!!!!


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Doesn't it also disturb the secrets of life and death if the living remembers their experiences with the 49 day traveler? Can a 49 day traveler explain, please?


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lol. that's what i was wondering too!
but those who knew haven't died yet...
at least not within the next 2 years.
i guess heaven has its exceptions...


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I agree... I never thought this drama was a comedy.... pure drama from start to finish...


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***sigh*** why do I do this to myself? i promised after Bad Guy that I wouldn't watch another drama with a depressing ending...only to be totally sucked into 49 days...and damn another one!

Although what do you expect? It's a Korean drama...would have been a shock it there was a happy ending :(


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you've got to admit that this ending was waaay better than the Bad Guy ending!


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oooh yeah!! Any ending would be better than Bad Guy's ending :)


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ooh I also agree that this ending was much better than Hong gil Dong's too...


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TT TT and more TT.. seriously yesterday I only read the written version and cried a LOT.. is just heartbreaking totally unexpected. It was fun, sweet, sad love story in beginning but only the last 2 episode's made me realize this not gonna be a sweet ending.. I like the story a lot, sister thing made the story complete they where all connected not knowing. But some parts felt missing.. I expected to so more about Min Ho, I thought he had his reasons for being so bad; but that story also didn't finished. Felt sorry that Ji didn't got to know that Yi was her older sister.. and because of that she also can't be with Kang since they got there love of there lives gone for good.. TT

You made me laugh about Kang is working thing XD.. We finally at least saw him working REAL this time XD..
Han Kang @ Han Kang river.. XD beautiful name btw.

I'm gonna miss this show so bad.. but than again even I watch it again I'm not gonna watch the last part.. TT


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not satisfied! even though it didn't position itself as a comedy, there's no denying that there wasn't very much of a hint that she would ultimately die, especially since she's been so close to being vanquished so many times... and finally. she just goes? like that?!


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I think a part of me just shriveled up and died. Make that two parts. My brain and my heart.

I'll have to agree with Javabeans on this one. I can't deny that 49 days is a beautifully written drama, from the very beginning to the very end (sans bits and pieces of episode 20 - see below). From an objective point of view, the ending (mostly the ending scenes) is one that I can't fault, as it makes the most sense (that and I think the majority of us saw it coming).

Subjectively speaking, my heart still (and will always) crave for that perfect fairytale ending. I suppose it stems from the fact that I've invested so much into the love between Ji-Hyun and Kang, and that I want them to end up together regardless of how unrealistic it is. A part of me had hoped that the main character lives, get the guy and her happily ever after haha.

So while this new route that the drama took is refreshing for some people, the romantic, diehard fangirl part of me is feeling betrayed. Maybe not betrayed enough to immediately clear my hard drive, but 49 days will slowly migrate itself into recycle bin (starting from ep20). For me theis story is bittersweet, and bittersweet endings tends to give my heart indigestion. Cruel reality, no matter how fitting, is still cruel.

On the plus hand, though they've slightly alluded to Kang and Yi-Kyung's new "friendship", I'm glad that they never elaborated on it. I'm not against them falling in love with one another, but once again my investment towards the Kang-Ji-Hyun relationship would no doubt prevent me from appreciating the pairing properly. It's better to leave it open, and I'm happy that everyone has find one form of happiness or another (even Min-Ho and In-Jung).

While I believe the ending itself is alright, the execution of it is in my opinion terribly flimsy. Things just seemed to have been thrown haphazardly about, like cramming jigsaw pieces into spots they don't belong. It leaves me with a feeling reminiscent of the Secret Garden ending (which ran dry way early, but at least that had a happy ending).

Yi-Kyung being Ji-Hyun's unni? All that speculation in that previous episode paid off =D, although it felt slightly dissonant being thrown out of nowhere in the last episode. I don't think that was a necessary plotpoint, and I would've preferred it if they were complete strangers. Even if they had to introduce the idea, I wish they expanded upon it more in an early episode. And Ji-Hyun's death? That was just a WTH moment. I wish Kang got a more satisfying resolution too. And the whole company deal, after Ji-Hyun spent 47 days trying to resolve it, just ended like that. Deus ex machina much? I understand it's the last episode. Maybe that extension wasn't such a bad idea after all...this felt rushed to me.

If anyone is writing AU Ji-HyunXKang fanfiction that has a happy ending, please send it to me. I need something sweet to unshrivel my heart and brain. And a hug. I need a hug.

I guess I shall stop here. While I'm a awfully disappointed with the ending, I can't deny that 49 days has provided me with a wonderful array of brain food, especially in regards to my own life and the people around me. The fangirl Litzy can't appreciate this. But the wise hermit Litzy certainly can. And it's not like I can't get my K.I.A.S elsewhere. I'd like to thank Javabeans and Girlfriday for the recaps. And also all the commenters. Sussing out the storyline and opinions just wouldn't have beenas enjoyable without other people to share it.


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omg I feel the exact same way :( I was so invested in the JiHyunXKang pairing and now I am so depressed...



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Thank you for the recap and commentary! I love the analysis on mirroring and circles

Was this my favorite ending of all time? no. Would be great if JH could live. But was it satisfying and poignant? hell, yes! I think the storytelling and the message was done well enough to help me appreciate and love the ending over the fanservice-y and messy endings of most kdramas. The drama prepared me to accept JH's death.
It is not too often that korean romantic drama is focused on a message rather than the romance. That seems more of the domain of a japanese drama while korean dramas go for a more romantic route.

Regarding Hong Gil Dong, while I mentally knew it was a decent ending (due to javabeans' recap), my gut was tell me I felt betrayed.

I agree a teensy bit that the missing daughter storyline was laying it on too thick on the whole they're all connected theme. That time could have been used to even further develop all the things that happened in this episode - like a longer date or a longer flashforward. It's funny how just like how how YK and JH took turns with YK's body, they both took turns as the daughter of the family. I really liked how they didn't try to heavily hint at the sister relationship throughout the drama so that we'd gasp every time there was a huge hint or flashback.

What I sort of have a small issue with is the last scene. Just having it at the graves, makes it seem too lonely and tragic even though they talk about living life. I would have rather that it took place at Haemi island or something. It should have ended on an image of a new beginning rather than a connection to the past.

The ratings for this episode was double that of the first episode. impressive feat! Also another impressive feat is that earlier in the series, people weren't that interested in JH and wanted YK more. But now people are super upset that she died. JH is such a great character to inspire love in so many people!


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I actually found myself completely getting behind the Ji Hyun dying ending, but the sister storyline...weak. I really can't excuse it in any way but, because of my love for the rest of the show, accept it.


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Wow, I don’t know if I’ve ever been so satisfied with a drama ending as I am with this one,,,, niiiiiiicely said


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Can't stop crying. Just reading the recap made me cry so hard. So. Sad. Didn't like the lost sister stuff, but the rest was perfect.

For me, the ending was sad but necessary and fitted the whole theme of love transcending death, and the fragility of life. I like that the writer never had Kang-ah and YK developing a romantic relationship two years later. I like that they remained friends, not lovers. I like that Kang-ah remained steadfast in his love for Ji Hyun, even in death.

There is something so strong and unyielding and uncompromising in Kang-ah's inability to move on to a new love that just reflects the strength and depth of his character, and I don't know why, I just think it fits Kang-ah perfectly, and makes me love him more. He reminds me a lot of the lonely Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights, who was almost driven mad by anguish when his beloved Catherine died. No other woman could ever take Catherine's place in Heathcliff's heart. Likewise, Kang-ah is a strong, silent man who loves once and only once in his life; a man who gives every ounce of his being when he falls in love. He gives his all, and he is spent; there is nothing left to give. He cannot move on. He has spent his whole life loving one woman, and he has no love left for another. The only thing he can offer another woman is friendship.

If fate had not been so cruel, I imagine he would have married Ji Hyun, they would have had children together, they would have grown old and grey and wrinkled together. But one thing would never have changed. I can see Kang-ah's faded eyes light up when they gaze upon Ji Hyun. I can see them filled with the same strong, fearless and unwavering love of the young Han Kang for his brave Ji Hyun, the love of his life.


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ooh..i completely agree with the Wuthering Heights comparison n what-could-have-been-had-ji hyun-lived... -.- wen u put it like dat, i can see it too. i think they'll also have a little bit of playfulness in them too...from their youth.

Now, dat i think about it, if it really had to have an ending with them growing old....i wud have them walking off as a grandpa n grandma on a picnic...a la the manga the Fruits Basket ...lyk tooru n her kyou-kun's ending...dat wud have been beautiful too >.<


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I would have loved to see KANG AHHHHHH growing old with his brave Ji Hyun. His beautiful eyes lighting up every time they light upon her. I think I will write that scene into my brain instead of the real ending the writer gave us.

YY, it has been fun reading your posts about Kang ahhhhhh. Thanks to you I come to appreciate his love for his Ji Hyun.

I think it will be a long long time before I find another kdrama hero as beautiful as Kang ahhhhhhhh.

Thank you Jo Hyun Jae for giving life to Kang ahhhhhhhh.


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....I think my heart just broke.

That ending was...heartbreakingly...beautifully...perfect....but did my heart just shatter right there.

...excuse me while I go get my tissues.


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T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T....oh! its countless..the tears i hv shed in this ep. Gah!

I have to hand it to you gf...watching this n den even recapping it....i wud hav been sitting on an island in the midst of a sea of my own tears, if i were to be in ur place...no to mention, there wud be no recap till i gt out of all the sad.
Great job. N thank you so much for all the brilliant recaps :) ....tch! i still cant smile big :'(

But, m actually happy with the ending. For ji hyun n yi soo to go off making sure their dear ones will go on living happily is quite touching.
although i really didn't want ji hyun dying--wantd to see her n kang coochie-cooing all the way T_T.
i hv to say, its a nice ending n different. Sometimes its just right to let things n people go dan be a 'genius' n work up some cure or hav a miracle (xcept My Girlfriend is a Gumiho~). So i guess its beautiful like dis. N for yi kyung n kang....their final tribute to their beloveds is d best...a promise to live on n be happy. n i love dat there is no evident hint of love between yi-kyung n kang....just two souls supporting each other. Yes, i can live with dat.

Been such a long time since i saw something so special...
All in all, it was a beautiful journey, 49 days, thank u for coming into existence n giving me smthing so precious to remember n live by...just like ur characters :')

n thank u to everyone in the production of this drama n also to gf, to dramabeans n everyone here who made the discussions so lively.

DAMN!! m still being so sentimental, show!! >.<


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I get that a lot of people are pissed off about the ending...I'm not one of them...

First, there was/were hints earlier on about Ji-hyun having a sibling but like most everyone else, I forgot about that because the writer(s) weren't constantly dropping clues every episode so it was kinda random for me when I first heard about it. After reading someone's comment about it, I've come to accept it since it wasn't so out of the blue as I thought. Granted, they could've elaborated more on that story, but it's fine with me.

Second, for those people saying it was lazy writing, I beg to disagree. It would've been lazy writing if they did the ending Hollywood style, or SKKS style (fan service). MSOAN was lazy writing, 49 Days was not. I think it was kind of brave of the writer(s) & PDs to go on with this ending.

I love rom-coms. I love happy endings. These are the type of dramas/films I love to see since it's my form of relaxation. I hate to be stressed out when I watch so I don't really go for "deep" or "thought-provoking" dramas or films. That may be shallow, so sue me. But once in a while, I can appreciate stuff like this when it's done right. It actually reminded me of a novel I once read by Barbara Delinsky called "Three Wishes". The heroine died after using up her 3 wishes, and the hero moved on with his life with knowledge that knowing her and having her in his life even for a short time enriched him, that he wouldn't be the same if they never met.

I loved the journey. There are still some dramas that I've wasted my time on, but 49 Days isn't a waste. I've read some comments about this on another blog, and people kept asking what's the point? Seriously, did you watch the drama and read the recaps? If you didn't get what they were trying to say by the time the last scene has come and gone, then I feel really sorry for you. Imagine that. There are more people shallower than me. Ha!

Thanks JB & GF for the recaps! I haven't read your thoughts yet, but whether you liked the ending or not, I'm sticking with mine. Hope you'll have an easier time next week since this ended...unless you're planning on doing City Hunter too! I'm voting for Best Love!

Speaking of votes, on a final note...I wouldn't mind if there's a spin-off...something along the lines of a rom-com with Kang-ah and Yi-kyung being cute together or with other people!!! I'd vote for that!


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great post! I understand that people feel that it is unfair and that they feel betrayed, but it confounds me that some ask "what's the point" when JH explains it to YK in the beginning of the episode, right after the scene with the scheduler.


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Wow, im crying again and a lot. I stopped watching the episodes around 5.
Not because i wanted to, mostly because my internet at home SUCKS. But I
read all the recaps and only based on that i really like this drama.
And i loved the end. Part of it. I loved all the...well read above, girlfriday explain it a lot better than I could do. Its just that for me the lost daughter was something to fill the hour. I know they mention it before but I dont like it at all. Its gratifying to watch her and her parents happy and all, but she could just go and be friends with them or something and you will have the same result.
Another thing I loved is that she doesnt end in a romantic relationship with Kang.
Its better this way, they are moving on and are on each other lifes.
The last words from Kang and Yi-kyung are beautiful. They were the thing that make me cry the most.

I repeated many things that are already said, but its impresive! 159 comments already!

Thank you for all your recaps !! I will watch this some time soon (vacations are coming!).


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I was reading the recap on the train to work and was weeping uncontrollably! I cannot imagine what will happen if i watch the actual...


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"But I don’t blame some people for feeling bait-n-switched, because you can’t spend 19 episodes hyping up one soul’s struggle to survive, and then…just…NOT."

So true. I hate this show for keeping me interested and rooting for Ji Hyun and Han Kang's happy ending! Kang's undying love for JiHyun since hs seems to be so pointless now and Ji Hyun's realization of it too. I swear kdrama writers are crazy!!!



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I found the story of the secondary OTP (Yi Soo & Yi Kyung) so much more moving than that of the primary OTP.

A part of the credit goes to Lee Yo Won for serving up such radically different characters as necessary foils for one another. Throughout the drama, I had felt as if Lee Yo Won's Ji Hyun was so lively that her Yi Kyung had seemed undeveloped even as a character whose spirit was supposed to be deadened. Now, after the finale, after seeing her story with Yi Soo play out, Lee Yo Won's portrayal of Yi Kyung makes more sense to me.

And, to return to my original point, the poignancy of the secondary OTP's storyline. OMG. The love between Yi Kyung and Yi Soo just tore my heart out. Jung Il Woo managed to convey in not that many flash backs an Yi Soo who was so tender and so loving that his portrayal made Yi Kyung's loss and grief that much more understandable.

Or maybe it's simply that Jo Hyun Jae's chemistry with Nam Gyu Ri, though ok, wasn't as compelling as his or Jung Il Woo's with Lee Yo Won. Or maybe, Jung Il Woo just rocks. His Scheduler/Yi Soo will be among those few kdrama characters I will cherish greatly.

I just loved, loved, loved Jung Il Woo's Scheduler (and I add in a whisper Yi Soo... Tear.)


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I like everything even the lost sister so I am happy with the ending. Just love this DRAMA & the PERFECT ENDING.


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I'm sooooooooooooo sad it's over!!! omo and what an ending...i just bawled and cried thru the whole thing!!!

they totally twisted the ending and added that one last bit of a surprise there about having her as their lost dtr! i didn't see that one coming...

but why oh why was it such a sad ending, although it neatly tied everything...everyone dies and it gave us lessons to nurture every single day as if it's our last...no one knows except God when we'll all go and meet Him...

nice series...i'm going to miss the Scheduler!!! wha!!!


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A Lovely drama..thanks for the great recaps, JB & GF! You each deserve multiple cocktails for all your effort ~ Salud!


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it's finally over =(

My night has been spent refreshing this site to read recaps. And then crying as I watched the drama. Thanks so much for being so fast with this, you two!

Damn. I'm so conflicted with this drama.
Honestly, I was kinda pissed that they were gonna kill ji hyun again... I didn't think they really were going to do it. But then they end up doing it pretty beautifully that I had to accept it and just be moved by it.

Yet, I wanted more between kang and ji hyun when they spent time together though at the same time, i know why that is also not a good idea. They did well with the i-know-you-know game that they know exactly how they feel about each other. And somehow, it was very poignant for me that he and ji hyun never kissed. (the fangirl inside of me is sad though)

I like the fact that yi kyung is her sister but I wish it wasn't so rushed. I know why they did the hints, since they wanted to keep the mystery of the ending and all. I think they wanted to surprise the viewers..... and surprised we were.. @@

And while I keep bouncing between satisfaction and gut wrenching pain with regards to the ending, I have to give it to the writers that they seem to know where they were going with this. I appreciate that it wasn't trying to be a popular drama (and still managed to top the rankings) and did all sorts of surprises and twists.

Another drama fully recapped and over with. Great job GF + JB!!!! I hope you two now can get more sleep hehe.


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I don't love the whole "they were sisters" thing, because then the whole thing is just one big coincidence, then, isn't it? The daughter who just happened to be kidnapped also happens to be the same person who caused her sister's accidental death? Yeah, ok. I'm not mad, though. I'm okay with this ending. I would have been upset if the drama writers decided to put the show on crack for the last episode and find some way for both couples to live together happily ever after. Better this way, imo...


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Thanks for the recap, JB and GF!

Gaaaaaaah, I know it's a well-made drama, and all that. But I'll probably not watch it unless I wanted to indulge in a weep-fest, because gah, real life's too angsty enough already. XDD I already shed enough tears over A Rosy Life when that aired.


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Well, the ending here reminded me of Bad Guy! Really, great show but the ending wasn't satisfying for me.
Thanks for your recaps!


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i did NOT see that one coming!!!!!!!!! OMG.... OMG... OMG.. OMG. O.M.G.

That's how my reaction was reading the recap.. AHHHH!! I'm a sucker for fate-related, destiny, whatever works in the drama.. it's just so damn good!!


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waaaaawwwww,its already over..hikz...
But overall,,this drama is really good..the most perfect ending ever!!!!!

n now, its the time to concentrate to LIE TO Me..KJH-YEH is a really nice couple ever!!!!


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I totally cried on this episode... i don't think i can watch it cause i know i'll cry my eyes out.. and i;m al teared uo just by reading the review... ottokke.
But one thing i must say is how very satisfied i was with the drama as a whole...Like many of you have mentioned, it's a life-changing drama, and one of you mentioned this drama show love without skinship, i so agree. The "love" in this drama is in every aspect of love, parental, plutonic, as a friend, lovers, and even obsessive love, and chidish love even. I'm so glad that out of all the k-dramas i've watched (and i've seen loads) this one gave me the most content feel as a human being.. Most dramas i feel like yay! she ended up with the right guy or why do they all have to die? etc. But i'm very satisfied with the ending of this drama except for the long-lost biological sister twist part. All in all the drama is worth-it. I would watch it all over again but not any time soon, cause it's just so good i have it all memorized, like when i finished watching Damo. And i'm so happy with the acting in this drama, every single characters in the drama played their parts well above the expected, especially our Song Yi-Kyung and the two second leads, Jung Il Woo and Ji-Hyun (sorry forgot her name); and of course Kang-ah.
Wonderful drama, thank you for a great time, and all you 49ers and the people who uploads, sub-titled, timed, and re-capped, and the drama staff, actors, actress, directors, producers, camera-man, lighting, editing, sound, and sound editing, and writiers of 49 days....Thank You Very Kamsa.


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this one gave me the most content feel as a human being
agreed! this is probably the first and only drama that has made me both think about my life this deeply...wondering how I have touched and reached to the people around me


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I loved this Drama. One of the few dramas that got me emotionally involved. The Finale was bittersweet, but nonetheless, a perfect fit for the story. Most tearful moment was the scene where Ji-Hyun smiled through her tears when the elevator doors slowly closed. Job well done.


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I really can't find anything else to talk about this drama because IT IS PERFECTLY BEAUTIFUL


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it’s the PERFECT ending that i was expecting and i am SO happy. i was weary that the writer would do something to give the audience what they wanted but instead, the story was perfectly resolved and like Yi Kyung, I can finally have closure to move on from 49 days!

full of meaning,life, and love… 49 days is all about how precious life is and how two vastly different characters in personality and walks of life are essentially the same when it comes to moving on, letting go, and making the most of life. (and of course, heh that they ARE the same...inhabiting the same body...and being of same blood..) and that death, is not something to fear but something to welcome when you truly realize that you’ve lived your life to the fullest.
so for viewers who don't like "life" stories, i think i understand that it feels "unfinished"...my little brother watched it and felt absolute hatred for the ending because he didn't really "get" it. he may have understood the story and the logic...but if you just don't understand what life and death can be in reality..or if you've never experienced loss, depression, or worthlessness...it's hard to really appreciate those life reflecting moments in the scenes and plot.

i think where i am in my personal life made me a biased viewer watching this kdrama but in a season where i so connected with Yi Kyung’s loss and hurt at the beginning of the kdrama made me not only relate to her story but to the entire journey of finding hope and a reason to live by letting things in the past go and being positive towards the future. this was not only a drama that i enjoyed, but a drama that has taught me, nurtured me, and brought me in a better place in life and for that…thank you 49 days....


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I dunno....I don't know what to think. I mean, it kinda make sense that it ended this way but then, for 19 episodes I, including everyone else was struggling along with jihyun's soul, waiting for the day she wakes up and lives happily ever after and then..there she goes. I.just.don't.know.......


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Wow javabeans, you're really thwarting the space-time continuum with doing double recaps tomorrow and then weighing in on your 49 Days thoughts (though thank you Girlfriday for doing the actual recap despite the craziness of all the time jumps ^.^). I have to agree with jb about the ending more than gf. It's like I see the beauty of it all, but when you don't feel satisfied after watching an ending then oftentimes that takes precedence no matter how much you see what they were doing metaphorically. Either way it was a great series and thank you SO much for recapping it so amazingly. I know that I for one will oftentimes wait to see whether you guys are recapping a series before I take the dive myself. Your insights are just so helpful and spot-on, it really heightens the viewing experience to be able to see your insights as well.


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....I find the finding sister also unnecessary, it blemishes the perfect ending for me. But it was a moving, brilliant ending. 10 stars for the drama. Already a big fun of the author.


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I agree more with Javabeans. JH's dead just seems like a joke; it just seems out of context with what the story was going for and a little sudden without the proper setup. I won't mind it as much if there were more hints earlier that she's gonna die whether or not she went thru the 49 days. Don't get me started on the sister-sister thing! As mentioned by Girlfriday, it fits but was totally UNNECESSARY. It just seem too much of a coincidence to work, a lazy shot to knit everything together. IJ being the third tear wasn't a surprised for me. You see enough hints in her character that you knew if it wasn't YK, then it would've been her. Javabeans pretty much sums up how I felt about the ending. I liked it to some degrees but I won't call it the near perfect ending. I do enjoy the drama as a whole: good writing, awesome acting, and it doesn't have the drab that most Korean drama have so it's refreshing to watch.


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I'm getting goosebumps while reading the recap..
I cried, smiled, cried again then smiled.


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This is the best drama ever eventhough the ending is so sad but it is the best ending ever. Cheers for all the one who give their best to recap "49days"!!!!


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No thoughts. Just feeling empty.


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Ok, I think I've recovered... here thoughts:

As much as I appreciate the life-affirming messages this drama had to offer, I didn't need them. I can get 'em from self-help books... and Oprah. I don't watch light-hearted rom-coms/dramas just to have an open-ended, ambiguous ending. I wouldn't be watching a show if, at its conclusion, things are going to be left to my imagination. What the hell did Bill Murray whisper to Scarlett Johansson? I want a satisfying resolution, tied up in a pretty bow, and with a big cherry on top. I wanted the hero to save the damsel in distress (or the other way around). I want them to kiss as they ride off into the sunset. I want villains to remain villainous and get their just desserts in the end. I wanted a grand piano filled with molten lead to fall on Min-ho's head (unintentional rhyme, I swear). If the writer can shoe-horn a semi-ridiculous, long-lost daughter cliched storyline, why couldn't they have written a happy ending for Ji-hyun and Kang-ah? (Ok I admit I didn't like that pairing at the beginning, but grew to love it, rooting for them to get together and for their relationship to grow.) Why, writer, why?

Ok, despite my misgivings about the ending, I did love the drama as a whole. And at least there wasn't a guy beating up someone at his friend's wedding. Yes you, Coffee House.

Best Love, please fill this void inside me.


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I actually don't find the finale nearly as appalling as some do... It was meaningful that sometimes you can't control life n death and have to move on. As for the sister part, I had a feeling this will happen.. I think it was ok.

Overall, I applaud this drama for being unpredictable in many ways as well as for having an ending that might not have satisfied everyone (I loved it though) .. oh, and I love the Yi Soo n Yi Kyung story.. Their flashbacks, reunion and the heartbreak!! Lastly, this is probably another drama (besides Devil) where I can tolerate this type of finales... of characters dying.


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Beautiful ending. Could have done without the sister thing at the end but it set things up to show that IJ was the last tear and to give YK a family again. Glad Dr. Noh isn't with YK. Would have liked it if YK and HK got together as lovers for certain but am satisfied with their friendship since it is helping them to continue on as JH and YS wanted them to do.


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thank you, girlfriday and javabeans, for dutifully taking us through the series episode by episode!

i watched the final episode in its entirety without English subs (i'm able to understand Korean, but not that much!) - and coupled it with reading your wonderful episode recap. that completely got me through watching it (and understanding the little nuances that i may otherwise have missed along the way) :)

personally i did kinda like the sisterly revelation, mostly because it somehow sends things full circle, and it explained why their lives were so intertwined. death, in this case, really brought new life.

girlfriday - i also loved your juxtaposition of the characters, and the theory that they reflect each other somehow as they live parallel lives. beautifully and thoughtfully written. it gave the show so much more meaning, than it already has.

thank you both for enhancing my 49 Days experience :)

(also, i do believe there's a shoutout for you here - http://fyeahilwoo.tumblr.com/post/5661292982/final-words-to-scheduler)


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Thanks for all your amazing recaps and commentary.

I am glad to see many people here are satisfied with the ending ..it was a meaningful ending, although, it was extremely heartbreaking.
I am really happy to see at the end, all of them can let go of the past and go for the future! how good is that?!!


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I watched the raw last night and woke up for dramabeans' recap.

I loved it - all of it, the ending included. I can't imagine a better ending, unless,

the writer placing it as 5 years hence, with Kang Ah playing with a toddler on Heaven's garden, and YK coming out with a tray of drinks & sandwiches showing a bump, a few months pregnant.

That would have been a good ending - everyone made happy - but too predictable.


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with the ending, i didn't get the whole story..i mean did JH was meant to be given the 49 days and the accident that happened to her in the beginning was not actually a mistake by the Scheduler? coz if it wasn't because of the 49 days she wouldn't be dying at the hospital..


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From the first episode JH was scheduled to die roughly two months later. Because someone did something unexpected (Yi-Kyung attempting suicide) she died too early, and was given the 49 days (about two months) because it wasn't her time yet. She succeeded the 49 days, only to meet her scheduled death date. To others it may seem cruel, but Ji-Hyun actually learned about life through those 49 days~


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Dear Show,

I have loved you every step of the way. You have been brilliant! I loved everything about you, even your convoluted ending. An ending that was so unfair, it made me gag. It will take me a while before I feel I can watch you again and love you all over again. Alos you owe me tears. Not 3, alot of them.
Just let Han Kang and Yi Kyung be happy please? They deserve it. And let Yi Soo and Ji hyun bicker in the after life FOREVER.

Yours sincerely


PS tell JB and GF I couldnt have loved you the way I did without them.


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