Introducing 1 Night 2 Days: Episode 324
by javabeans
New feature!
So, I’ve caught a few episodes here and there of the Sunday variety show 1 Night 2 Days (hereafter called 1N2D), and while I enjoyed them, I never got hooked. Not even to Lee Seung-gi. Although in retrospect, that’s probably a good thing, as it spares me from getting my butt kicked by a possessive girlfriday. In any case, the show’s just about four years old, meaning I’d not only missed the bandwagon, but it had left me miles behind, choking on its dust. Like I was about to catch up on 300+ episodes at this point.
But then, the show recently added a new cast member in actor Uhm Tae-woong (Devil, Resurrection, Queen Seon-deok, Cyrano Dating Agency, Delightful Girl Chun-hyang, Dr. Champ, Stranger than Heaven, Chaw, Forever the Moment, Public Enemy Returns, and more). I figured that this would be the ideal time to give 1N2D a try, since it sort of resets the game at a common starting point — AND gives me lots of Uhm Tae-woong, acting silly and performing all manner of outrageous tasks. As if I’d pass that up.
So I’ve joined girlfriday in this newfound 1N2D attraction, and we decided it was too much fun not to weigh in on some of our favorite moments. So here we go!
But first, a little introduction.
If you aren’t familiar with 1 Night 2 Days, the gist is: You take a group of celebrities, put them on an overnight trip, and make them perform certain games and missions. Usually for food and/or shelter, or to avoid certain punishments. The more dignity stripped in the process, the better. Stir in some inclement weather and a sadistic genius for a PD, and there you have it: 1 Night 2 Days.
Each trip provides material for two episodes, so the members are basically shooting every other weekend. The member count has been five in recent months, following the departure of MC Mong, and currently comprises (in order of their photos above):
- Kang Ho-dong, 40, comedian and frequent MC on just about every variety show ever;
- Lee Seung-gi, 24, singer and actor (My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho);
- Lee Su-geun, 36, comedian and actor (Chopsticks);
- Eun Ji-won, 32, singer who debuted with K-pop group Sechs Kies back in ye olden ’90s, currently re-debuting with group Clover;
- and Kim Jong-min, 31, singer with pop group Koyote.
- Oh yeah, and Sadistic Genius Extraordinaire Na Young-seok, or merely Na PD.
And now: 1N2D initiates Uhm Tae-woong. Also javabeans.
EPISODE 324. Broadcast on March 6, 2011.
girlfriday: FINALLY! Welcome to the 1N2D family! I knew the Uhmforce would bait you!
javabeans: I’ve always liked him as an actor, but I’ve gotta say that since I’ve seen him in 1N2D, he’s become SO much more adorable. He’s just so…earnest.
girlfriday: And unassuming. Just so UN-star-like.
javabeans: You could see the guys were curious to see whether he’d have star airs, but he really doesn’t. In fact, they were surprised at how accommodating he was. I’m sure it’s ‘cause he’s new, but he just kept agreeing to everything.
girlfriday: I think that threw them off because these guys are used to arguing over everything—they have to fight like dogs over every little scrap and they constantly live in self-preservation mode. Uhm threw them with his super sincere “Yes” to everything.
javabeans: Not having seen many of the 323 episodes prior to this, I’ll venture to say that adding Uhm is good for the show and the viewers in that the rules are shifted a little. I can see that the guys are so used to how things run that there’s this shorthand for everything—they’ve figured out how to game the system (kind of). And now with a new guy they have to recalibrate their expectations, and adjust to the new dynamic. Also, maybe figure out how to use/abuse/manipulate him.
girlfriday: It’s nice to have a changeup because the other guys have such solidified identities, but it shakes things up in a fun way. Also, eye candy!
javabeans: As far as initiations go, I’d say this was an effective one. You could see the other guys were sort of in awe of him when they were waiting for him to show up at the station in the morning. I guess that’s the tricky part of introducing someone who’s more famous, someone who’s kind of, maybe, just a little bit on a higher rung of the celebrity ladder. By ambushing him at 5am without warning, you get past those initial barriers real quick. The guys totally went from feeling nerves straight into mission mode when they find out they’ve got 1 hour to wake, feed, clothe, and bring Uhm back to the studio, which is 20 minutes away. No time for niceties—must find pants! Go!
girlfriday: Yeah, it was the perfect way to introduce Uhm to the group. And I’m not just talking about the boxers. *mrawr*
javabeans: I wonder if his manager was sweating bullets, hoping Uhm wouldn’t be indecent. Or swear. Or embarrass himself. ‘Cause those 1N2D producers are SHARKS. They’re not leaving anything out on the cutting room floor.
girlfriday: And that’s why the show is good.
javabeans: It was kind of brilliant to tell the big star that go-time is 11am, lull him into a false sense of security, and then jump him at dawn. I suppose it could’ve been a trainwreck had he acted like a diva, but he was so sweet that it made me love him right away. Even Ho-dong was all giddy, saying how his first impression of him was so awesome. And in that kind of panic mode, the other guys went from worrying what to call him (in a way that wouldn’t offend the star) to jumping right in and yelling, “Tae-woong-hyung!”
girlfriday: It’s weird to call them by their first names, but that’s the nature of the show….so….Tae-woong? Ho-dong? That’s so weird!
javabeans: When in Rome… Does this mean I can call him Tae-woong oppa now?
girlfriday: Yes. Just you. As long as I’m the only one getting called noona by Seung-gi.
javabeans: I’ll take that deal. Oh, and I thought it was adorable how he admitted his sister [pop diva Uhm Jung-hwa] had picked out his clothes for his first appearance and gave him advice, only to have that all go by the wayside because he was ambushed.
girlfriday: I love when they went to go pick out his clothes, and all they found were three closets full of suits. They weren’t even surprised. “I bet you he just has suits…oh look, suits!”
javabeans: Tae-woong was so bewildered, you could see he was self-conscious about having eye-boogers or whatnot the whole time. And then you have random guys going, “Hi, nice to meet you! I’m Jong-min! Eat this!” and shoving raw egg into his mouth.
girlfriday: Omg Jong-min’s attempt at cooking with that electric stove cracked me up!
javabeans: He was all, “How do you work this fancy thing? It’s because this is an Actor’s house…” I was dying laughing when they’d fed Tae-woong, and then the other guys were eating all his leftovers. Like how Ji-won was sneaking in bites of cereal.
girlfriday: That’s the thing about this show—you never know when you’re going to eat again, so they stuff themselves at any opportunity.
javabeans: It was impressive how they actually got him back to the broadcast building in their allotted time. And although they lost their next task with the singing game, I was just glad that it wasn’t Tae-woong who messed up. Just ‘cause it would suck to screw up your first mission. Thank god for Jong-min.
girlfriday: He’s reliable that way.
javabeans: We were just talking about Korean ages in this post, and this episode was a good example of it. As soon as the cast members acquainted themselves with Tae-woong, they asked what year he was born, because they had to figure out how to address him—who would call him hyung, etc. It’s easy with the extremes: Ho-dong is the mat-hyung (eldest), and Seung-gi is the maknae (youngest). It’s everyone else that needs some figuring out.
girlfriday: That’s the Korean way—I’ve never entered a social situation with Koreans without having to go through the age rigamarole.
javabeans: For example, Tae-woong’s a 1974-er, but Su-geun offered that he’s an “early 1975” because they might be close enough in age to forego the hyung-dongsaeng hierarchy. But then Tae-woong said he started school early, which kept him firmly in hyung territory—even if he was then held back a year, because he didn’t do so good in kindergarten. I cracked up when he admitted that, totally honestly and without shame.
girlfriday: Who gets held back in kindergarten? So cute. And I didn’t know Tae-woong was that old. He’s actually Seung-gi’s ddi-dong-gap, which means he’s the same Chinese zodiac sign, but one cycle over. Basically it’s a shorthand that means he’s twelve years older, but it’s a cultural marker used to denote a difference in generation. For example, a full generation would be two cycles: my mom and I are ddi-dong-gap by two cycles, or 24 years.
javabeans: My brother and father are ddi-dong-gap by THREE cycles. 36 years, booyah! (Side note: I can be competitive about anything.)
girlfriday: Yes, my liver thanks you for that.
javabeans: My liver thanks you back, from the deathbed. Oh, what the hell was up with that clown car? Is that a 1N2D thing? Force six grown men into a van that is shorter than them?
girlfriday: They love any opportunity to make the guys look ridiculous. I think they brought that car back from the dead, which would explain why it stalled on them, and Ho-dong had to practically carry it along.
javabeans: Didn’t it have an “Uhm Tae-woong on Board” sign painted on it?
girlfriday: Yeah, like “Baby On Board,” but hotter?
javabeans: I’m guessing they went easy on him with the games this time, because they seemed kind of simple: Rock-Scissors-Paper, multiplication tables, and country capitals.
girlfriday: No, the games are always simple. You’d be surprised at how often they mess up simple things. That’s kind of the beauty of the setup, because it’s genius-simple. Like you find yourself rooting for the boys in tasks that a child could do, but the stakes are what make it interesting. That and their competitive nature.
javabeans: Apparently Tae-woong does not know how to count. Or multiply.
girlfriday: OMG Seung-gi’s face when he realized Tae-woong was the multiplication Black Hole was just hilarious.
javabeans: I love how seriously the veterans took their roles “mentoring” the rookie. Like, Jong-min’s super-serious advice on how to beat the director in Rock-Scissors-Paper. Dude. There’s a limit to how much strategy you can use in that game. Although, I guess it was technically Mook-Ji-Ppa, not Rock-Scissors-Paper.
girlfriday: (In case you haven’t had the pleasure of playing Mook-Jji-Ppa, it’s a bizarrely stressful version of rock-paper-scissors where you have to NOT play the same hand as your opponent, while still beating them at rock-paper-scissors.)
javabeans: Does that sound confusing? IT IS. Basically, you have to play a juiced-up-version of rock-scissors-paper and avoid mirroring your opponent. It’s REALLY stressful.
girlfriday: Also, that cameraman is notoriously good at that game. He NEVER loses.
javabeans: He looks freaky. Like the Terminator of childhood playground games.
girlfriday: I love how impressed they were that Tae-woong beat him.
javabeans: He was surprisingly good at country capitals, too. It’s just where numbers are concerned that he sucks. But the PD was really lenient about letting them go double-or-nothing every time they lost. It’s like they wanted him to win and were trying to give him all the opportunities.
girlfriday: No, it’s because Na PD is an evil genius. He has nothing to lose by having them up the stakes with more members offering themselves as collateral for punishment. It’s always better TV.
javabeans: That, and pantsless idols. But that’s for the next post!
Tags: 1N2D, Eun Ji-won, featured, Kang Ho-dong, Kim Jong-min, Lee Seung-gi, Lee Su-geun, Uhm Tae-woong
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51 Ruchika
April 4, 2011 at 10:31 PM
OMG OMG OMG.. Thank you for recapping this.. I absolutely love this show..
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52 meisa
April 4, 2011 at 10:31 PM
awww. i love 1N2D!! i'm in front of kbsw every fri nite!! they're super funny. lmao every single time
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53 Tammu
April 4, 2011 at 10:43 PM
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE 1N2D. I hope everyone can share in my love for this insanely hilarious show. Some of the older episodes are hilarious. You should really check out those episodes with Seung gi when he was basically the ratings king -- the way they "postured" to him during that period of time was hilarious. Some of the earlier episodes are funny too -- Seungi gi is hands down one of the more popular members. XDD
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54 MARj
April 4, 2011 at 10:44 PM
THANK Goodness DRAMAGODs!! are you really gonna start doind 1n2d posts??? cause that would be soooooo amazing for 1n2d fans like us..I've been hooked to this show eversince i watched MGIAG which I discovered through this site a year i'm addicted to Lee Seunggi and 1n2d..cant get enough of all the LOL would be so great if you Ms. Javabeans and Ms. Girlfriday could start posting this amazing variety show...thanks for the post!! i soooo love it..!!!
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55 Flyn
April 4, 2011 at 10:50 PM
Thanks for directing my attention to this show which was in my "to-watch-list" for the longest time! Among all the K-variety I've watched Family Outing (1&2) and Running Man (ongoing) - please try watching them too, they are hilarious!
Been wanting to try 1N2D but I just didn't know where and when to start! As mentioned there are 300+ episodes!
Now I can finally start watching from this episode onwards.
Korean variety shows FTW!
OT but i prefer the "juiced-up-version of rock-scissors-paper" to be "rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock"
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56 aimei
April 4, 2011 at 10:55 PM
my favorite korean variety show!!! <3
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57 Porcelain
April 4, 2011 at 11:07 PM
Omona... Variety invaded Dramabeans! YES!
Along with XMan, Family Outing Season 1, Infinity Challenge, 1N2D is one of the most iconic...
It was really sadface when Kim C left previously...
And they play the most random games...
Always make me laugh when Kang Ha Dong bargains like a little boy...
I especially remember a Foreigner episode, which they they invite foreigners joining them in the trip, that itself was not really funny, but it was the mangled language they speaks that kills me...
And some random episode with Seunggi as Clock Girl, literally hanging a clock on his neck and having a wig and informing people of time while trying to get to his destination... variety gold!
Thanks for recapping this... Good to see Uhm Tae Woong(wae is he so cute?!) in here... Wonder if he will be like Kim Suro in Family Outing Season 1, still to me, the most epic of actor making the transition from actor to variety star! Uhm Tae Woong fighting, 1N2D fighting!
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58 Lenita
April 4, 2011 at 11:15 PM
"a sadistic genius for a PD"
you got that right! i love this show. haven't seen this episode though. *oh life!*
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59 Eebakeel fanatic
April 4, 2011 at 11:23 PM
Oh, how happy I am to see 1Night2Days on here.
I don't know why I'm nit-picking on this, but IT'S NOT 300+ EPISODES. I'm always bugged by this misinformation, not only here but everywhere else. For some odd reason that I have not yet figured out, (and would be pleased if someone told me how and why this is), that's just how the files/episodes are encoded by the uploaders/station?. Last Sunday, episode 198 just aired. If we are counting the 12 episodes before the revamp into 1N2D, then we just have a little over two hundred episodes.
(My theory on the 300+ is probably in reference to the whole Happy Sunday corner and not the show itself, but I'm not sure if that's the case.)
For a very good reference on what you missed and to choose what episode you may wish to watch from the previous hundred or so episodes refer here:
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Eebakeel fanatic
April 4, 2011 at 11:25 PM
Oops, my mistake, most recent episode was 200.
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60 laya
April 4, 2011 at 11:24 PM
*coughs* Sorry. I'll calm down and read it now.
Sorry. *sits down and reads it*
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April 4, 2011 at 11:29 PM
Got used to thinking of him that way *facepalms self*
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61 Rachel
April 4, 2011 at 11:38 PM
Been hearing about this show for ages, but never watched an episode - till now that is! Found this episode subbed by PikeYenny and I really enjoyed it.
It hasn't knocked Running Man off as my current favorite variety show, but seeing the team kick Taewoong out of bed was hilarious. I'm definitely sticking around for more and I look forward to your future re-caps, JB and GF!
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62 Rachel
April 5, 2011 at 12:10 AM
Can you introduce any of infinity challenge episodes? It is, after all, an unprecedented legendary show.
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63 XCB
April 5, 2011 at 12:11 AM
ah.. ur post makes me wanna watch it..
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64 Amy
April 5, 2011 at 12:17 AM
You should do Running Man next!
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65 strawberryfieldsforever
April 5, 2011 at 12:36 AM
Uhm Jung Hwa picked his clothes? how cuuute is that? :D
and the Uhm Tae Woong on Board is so effin' funny! well, it's not everyday that you get the chance to have uhm tae woong board the same vehicle you're in..but that sign is really funny!
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66 QueenPiNAY
April 5, 2011 at 12:46 AM
i saw one of the eps when i was in ROK 2 wks ago and it was HILARIOUS! i dont understand most of what they are talking about but its really funny!
THANKS GF! this is something to watch in between the K series :)
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67 asea
April 5, 2011 at 12:48 AM
I LOVE this show.. (also feel in love with Lee Seung-gi after watching this.. such a sweet guy :D)
I was living in apartment owned by korean that has KBSW channel :D.. I came across this show by accident and then addicted to it ever since.
My bf usually sulks if I droll over korean guys, but he can't do anything if I droll over Lee Seung-gi watching 1n2d since he enjoy the show so much and in his own way is Lee Seung-gi fan too lol :D
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68 djeedjes
April 5, 2011 at 12:56 AM
ohmy I love this post.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Korean variety shows, and sometimes I think I love them more than dramas.
I caught few old episodes of 1N2D, and usually only watched them if the guest stars were famous n interesting.
Actually I don't really like the way Kang Hodong hosting shows.. I'm more Yoo Jaesuk's fan.
When I read about UTW joined the show, I was so estatic and couldn't wait for the subbed episodes, because, I like him, and found him weirdly adorable from his appearance in Happy Together with Cyrano's castmates.
( and I thought he doesn't really live with his mother! Ohmy, 36 and still living with his mother, err, weirdly cute? :P )
I cracked so bad when they woke him up! And he was laughing himself at the bathroom thinking how they woke him up!
And it is, so cutee when he mentioned how his noona was checking on him and trying to prepare for his clothes for the show. UJW should show up one day as guest, I bet she's a nagging noona to him!
that multiplication game! he kept answering 49 to every question!! kekeke.
I will start to follow this show regularly for UTW.
btw, I also love Running Man and (now canceled ) Family Outing ( die hard Yoo Jaesuk's fan here! ), you should check them out too!
By watching K-varieties, I learn more about Korean cultures ( and cuisines - ramyun always looks good on the show ).
Thanks God for K-variety shows. I always watch random show whenever I feel down.
( and I wish you can share thoughts on these shows. Esp girlfriday, I guess you watch them more than javabeans, no? )
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April 5, 2011 at 1:17 AM
I totally agree with you! Like I always hear, Yoo Jae Suk is the best! Chae gu!
I learn about Korean culture through K-varieties as well - yes the cuisines, how they address each other etc.
Also variety shows are much more re-watchable thus best choice for a rainy day.
Running Man and Family Outing season 1 takes up the most space in my HDD!
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April 5, 2011 at 1:51 AM
I know, right!
I started bought a bigger capacity of HDD just to save variety shows.
Fortunately KBSW has most of the best variety shows, so there are many subbed shows out there.
But YJS's shows mostly on SBS, but thankfully there is dedicated fansub like iSub.
FO s1 was epic. I love the original casts the best. I didn't like Hyori at first ( I think she's just pretty n sexy but that's all, but girl, I was wrong, she's just the best and so down to earth. Love her to bits now )
I like YJS first and Hodong 2nd.
Seunggi has potential to become a good MC too.
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April 5, 2011 at 4:31 AM
Exactly! I don't remember how many times I've re-watched FO S1! Am very grateful to both Ramen Soup Subs and iSUBS. Won't know what to do without them. But I'm still following Running Man every Sunday, watching the raws. I love love love both Daesung and Yejin's Ep!!
I was initially reluctant to watch because of Jong Shin and Jae Suk (I didn't know about him). I was just bias, wanting to see young blood. But I am so very glad I give it a try! The whole family just grows on me and I love every single one of them! Even the guests are awesome as well... Cha Tae Hyun and Jang Hyuk are legendary! hahaha
I'm hoping 1N2D will grow on me as well...
Just finish watching this episode, the impression was pretty good, but I was hoping for some ROFL moments like in RM and FO. Still, I'll check out more episodes later.
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69 bd
April 5, 2011 at 12:59 AM
JB & GF -
When you 2 get the chance, you should do a rundown/recap of Family Outing (season 1 only).
Not only does hilarity ensue, it has more heart than any other Korean variety show.
It's as good as the very best rom-coms for comedy and heartfelt moments.
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70 rouby
April 5, 2011 at 1:02 AM
I like when JB talk with GF,,both of you so funny...
I watching this episode,,,and very surprise when I see Uhm tae wong in there....make me more like 1N2D,,, like I see lee seung gi personality in this reality show make me more like him,same feeling when I see umh tae wong personality :)
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71 mousey
April 5, 2011 at 1:19 AM
there was this episode when they kidnapped Kim Jong Min on the very day he was discharged from the Military, and was doing interview with the media, right outside the court (where he served his military)...
the look on him and the interviewer was priceless!!! hahaha!!!
i also love the episode when Seunggi imitated PD Na!!
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72 zie
April 5, 2011 at 1:24 AM
I love this sow... Never miss it... xDDDDD
Thanks for doing this. Hope it will continue.. ^^
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73 Valentina
April 5, 2011 at 1:28 AM
I love watching 1N2D, they so funny ^^ esp when Eun Ji Won have to stay in island coz the bad weather, but yesterday eps so so funny, when the pick UTW so hilarious
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74 anais
April 5, 2011 at 1:31 AM
Oh my god! This is it! My mom has been trying forever to get me to jump on the variety show bandwagon, and - lack of language proficiency be damned - I must see Uhm Tae Woong being so adorable. Gah... Salivate.
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75 Christine
April 5, 2011 at 1:51 AM
Great News! to see UTW on 1N2D.
It was LSG which made me watch this series and now I have more reason to keep on watching.
I was so impressed with UTW in Queen S that I even visited the General's grave in Gyeongju.
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76 kaye
April 5, 2011 at 2:12 AM
I'll have to visit this site even more frequently because of this new feature. I've enjoyed 1N2D since I spotted this on KBS World. /off to read your recap.
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77 conan
April 5, 2011 at 2:17 AM
I didn't catch this episode :( I hope they have it online or something. 1N2D is something I must watch every week. It's so hilarious! I started watching in 2008/2009 but I'm still hooked. They're a bit evil sometimes with the punishments or games but always hilarious. I haven't seem Uhm in action but I'm looking forward to it. I'm also curious of what color his name tag (is that what it's called?) is! I hope this year they can do more amazing trips, like maybe that Arctic trip they planned for months?
I was actually surprised you're doing a recap of a reality TV show but I guess that's cool. I'll be looking forward to them but I'll definitely catch every episode!
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78 marina
April 5, 2011 at 2:30 AM
cool, variety shows. i watched all subbed episodes in the last 2 month. not healthy but you start to really really like these guys and their antics. the Mount Baekdu episode was amazing. i am not korean and i cried for/with them.
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79 Kailia
April 5, 2011 at 2:31 AM
I'm a huge fan of 1N2D. It's my favorite variety program to-date. The dynamic between the members is very compelling. I'll be more than happy to read more posts breaking down the adorkableness that is 1N2D
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80 Jess
April 5, 2011 at 2:52 AM
1N2D!!! <3
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81 Mel
April 5, 2011 at 3:00 AM
I'm so happy you're taking up 1N2D here in dramabeans! It's been a total favourite of mine and never ceases to make my weekend!
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82 Mel
April 5, 2011 at 3:06 AM
That said, you should check out the pre-Mong departure episodes. They're the real bomb. The guys have sort of mellowed down since Mong left :(
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83 giddy
April 5, 2011 at 3:09 AM
This show has been my crack for the past several years--my LOL to keep healthy show, and my family is used to the crackling laughter reverberating through the house as I watch it.
One reason it works is because you feel like you know each one of them personally--like they're your good buddies. Not only laughing with them, but crying with them (when Kim C left the show; their year end special with foreign workers living in Korea--bawling on that one!), and watching them grow into their own (Seungi really turning it on now, Jong-min struggling to get up to speed and finally having some break throughs--as mentioned above, that egg episode was shocking!).
I think it's one of the best things on--not only because they introduce different areas of Korea, but also because of their strong bond and always moral, upbeat messages (yes, even when cheating).
Sugeun is a genius--the funniest guy, yet also a very caring guy who had the hardest time when Kim C left. Yesterday's episode focused on Ji Won getting left behind on Hodo island due to weather, and I'm glad he got the focus for a change. Director Na is getting more and more screen time, too.
I'm SO glad you've added this to the blog--it's really too rich to bypass. We're about a month behind so the UTW episode hasn't aired yet, but hopefully we'll see it soon!
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84 Furry
April 5, 2011 at 3:13 AM
such a good and interesting read (!!)
1D2N rocks my socks ((:
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85 effingo
April 5, 2011 at 3:22 AM
1N2D as of last Sunday has 198 episodes,not 300+ like you fear so you're not that far behinds,lol. I'm so happy that you recap 1N2D as well,i just saw this article over 1N2D blog, this made me one happy girl now ^^ Love that you like Na PD too, he's not only an evil genius but also the 7th member of 1N2D as the cast consider him to be. For Mr UTW,you'll find out from episode 194 onward how "un-star" and adorable he is, he's just so far away from the image he has from his works. And who could imagine that he's a Ho Dong - ppa!
Thank you javabeans and girlfriday for this nice post,it makes me all giggly from the morning ^^
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86 estellebyul
April 5, 2011 at 3:39 AM
Omo 1N2D! My love! You girls TOTALLY made my day!
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April 5, 2011 at 3:57 AM
And Singapore is NOT the capital of Malaysia. LOL.
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87 pumpzz
April 5, 2011 at 3:43 AM
OMG! YAY! 1ND2!!!
I didn't get to see this last Friday. Ugh. KBS world change it's schedule. So I can't no longer catch up on this. I hope someone would post this on youtube or any other sites!!
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88 tonia
April 5, 2011 at 3:56 AM
Like javabeans, I was never really hooked on 1N2D but when I saw UTW, I knew I will be a dedicated fan of the show. I love his initiation. Can't wait for the next episode.
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89 yuoi
April 5, 2011 at 4:01 AM
I've started to watch 1n2d in December and still have almost 100 eps to watch, and I can say 1n2d makes my life happier! actually only amazing 1n2d team makes me laugh now, for me watching them is better than watching most of the dramas >< And UTW is great addition to the team))
so happy to see 1n2d on dramabeans!
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90 J
April 5, 2011 at 4:18 AM
Haha. Knew this was gonna happen sometime soon when I first heard Tae Woong got casted.
Welcome to the 1n2d wagon! :)
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91 J
April 5, 2011 at 4:38 AM
Oh man, i LOVE you guys <3 <3 Really happy to see my favourite variety show mentioned on dramabeans!!
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92 Han Mania
April 5, 2011 at 4:55 AM
I watched this last night and it was hilarious! Tae woong was very surprised and was embarrassed the whole time.
He's so bad at multiplication that I laughed out loud each time he made a mistake.
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93 Katherine
April 5, 2011 at 5:01 AM
Never watched 1N2D. Was always a Family Outing and now Running Man fan but I might check it out now. Hmmm ...
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94 Noonapau
April 5, 2011 at 5:02 AM
Hi All! Glad to see 2D1N here. I actually lost interest in it (even with Seung Gi in it ) but I watched the inauguration episode of Uhm Tae Woong.....Gah...had me in stitches! So early in the morning and yet so gracious....haha.. I am looking forward to future episodes now!
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95 chahaya
April 5, 2011 at 5:38 AM
my fav kvariety show forever!
Quite surprise to see this entry at Dramabeans and after reading this entry, I realized it's kind of good that GF know about this show, so she could tell JB what's this show all about :p
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96 rosy
April 5, 2011 at 5:57 AM
Not yet read the article but a very big thank you to JB for recapping this show. Your effort makes me love you even more...... thank you
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97 bgr
April 5, 2011 at 6:22 AM
love, love, love 1n2d!
i also try not miss Happy Sunday, Oh! My School and Qualifications of Man.
Thanks for the links. hope to watch their much earlier episodes during my hols.
Thanks JB & GF!
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98 lenrasoon
April 5, 2011 at 6:29 AM
welcome aboard Javabeans!
i love this show so much.
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99 marie*
April 5, 2011 at 6:31 AM
1N2D recaps..this is so awesome!! :)
UTW is so genuine and adorable in these episodes - I think all of us are pleasantly surprised by his actual character!
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100 kaedejun
April 5, 2011 at 6:53 AM
oh my god i can't stop laughing as i read your commentary/recap!!! and i'm at work!!!! >_<
it's got me cracking up much as i crack up every sunday watching the eps on TV - i can't wait for them to start broadcasting the UTW eps!!!! ahhhh!!!
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