My Princess: Episode 16 (Final)

So I never would’ve put my money on this, but this finale rocks. It’s not only adorable and as cute as always, but there’s actual conflict, and it’s good. (I KNOW!) So weird. What the hell were you doing for all those episodes, Show? Saving your wad for the big finale?

What’s nice is that it’s actually a solid episode with a singular arc, which SO many finales aren’t—most are cobbled-together, resolution bow-tying heaps of dung—but this one actually nailed the tone of the show in a great hour-long plot that made me wish we had gotten to this conflict sooner. Also, never thought I’d say this, but how much do I love Kim Tae-hee right now?


So at the end of the last episode, I expected it to be a fakeout, and it was—Seol rides her bike to school two years after the vote, but then is immediately followed by her security team, running to keep up with her. When her main bodyguard catches up to her, he huffs and puffs that she still can’t manage to get her driver’s license in two years. Well, perhaps you could at least get bikes for your security team, to ride alongside you?

A crowd gathers to take photos of the princess, but this seems to be a common sighting, as Seol rides to school every day, intent on finishing grad school. It’s good to be a princess with goals.

She heads to class, where she’s met with her professor of archaeology for her final term: Yoon-ju? Aw, geez, really? Would it have killed you to take a class with Jung-woo, for our sakes? Or is he too busy being your cultural ambassador and whatnot?

Thankfully they’re still antagonistic towards each other, Yoon-ju making a point of announcing to the class that she doesn’t abide people who think they can get away with not coming to class. She smugly addresses Seol that she’ll just get another F if she thinks she’s exempt.

Seol chases Yoon-ju after class to ask if she’s going to fail her again out of personal ill will, but Yoon-ju just claims that Seol’s F last semester wasn’t due to her absences, but her performance. Seol tries to play nice because this is the last class she needs to pass before getting her degree, and even acknowledges that though she doesn’t like it, Yoon-ju is the one who knows the Hae-young Museum best.

She explains that she’d like to do a good job maintaining the museum, for its namesake. That just raises Yoon-ju’s ire, as she notes that Seol must be trying to appease her guilty conscience, since she’s chased Hae-young out of the country and made him live just like his father.

Seol disagrees—he’s choosing a life of purpose as a diplomat, and that’s admirable. So, one thing’s clear: Hae-young has spent the last two years abroad, probably in an effort to stabilize the monarchy and let Seol begin her reign without scandal, in regards to both Daehan’s money and their romantic relationship.

One of the things Seol has done as the princess is open the palace to the public, and we see groups of tourists snapping away photos, and in the main hall, they’re greeted by a cardboard cutout of Seol. HAHAHA.

As Seol gets ready in a traditional hanbok, her aides come to her with birthday phone calls from princes: one from Prince Harry, and another from Prince…Nichkhun. Ha. Her face falls, really wanting a call from a diplomat rather than a prince.

She goes in front of the cameras on a stage, in what seems to be a regular gig. She presents different parts of Korean culture, like traditional foods, and even plays a gayageum. So pretty.

The lights go out in the middle of the shoot, and the staff presents her with a birthday cake. Darn. I seriously had my hopes up for a romantic gesture by Hae-young. Too soon?

On her way out, reporters surround her, but she’s now become a pro at the press-walk-and-talk, ignoring and answering the right questions. She’s thrown by one comment asking if Hae-young has cut ties with the monarchy, and then when asked about recovering her grandfather’s lost journal (recently found abroad), she says she’s working on it.

Back at the palace, she’s greeted with a mountain of presents from her fans, and she lights up, as she asks, “Which of these do you think it is?” … “The one from Park Hae-young?”

Um…awkward…none of them are from him. She doesn’t believe it at first, thinking he’s prepared some extra special surprise then, but this time, it’s the truth. No present from Hae-young.

She stews for a while, staring at her phone, and then finally announces that she’s going to call him, “Because I’m cool!!” Hahaha. The way she shouts that is hilariously unconvincing.

She calls, totally put out by the fact that she has to call HIM on HER birthday…only he doesn’t answer. Cue princess outburst. “Is he…cheating? Aaaaargh! He’s cheating with some busty leggy blonde, I know it!” LOL.

The next day she takes her driving test again for the millionth time, and fails like always. I do love that she’s so flawed, and consistently so. She goes to visit Grandpa’s ashes, and finds that someone else has left flowers already. One guess who.

She tells Grandpa that Hae-young is abroad, and she knows he must miss his grandson; she does too. She says that he’s always away, and sometimes it even confuses her—is it for his job, or because of her?

Seol: So that’s why I’m asking. I know you always give me everything, without holding anything back, and I know it’s shameless of me to ask for more…but…couldn’t you give me Park Hae-young?

AW. I love that she’s the one asking for HIS hand. God, I LOVE that.

She gets an update from Jung-woo on her grandfather’s journal, and they vow to keep trying to get it back. Meanwhile, she goes driving again to practice, determined to beat that test.

She drives along like a little grandma, fine until somebody drives up behind her, honking. Yay! Reunion on the racetrack! She gestures at the driver to go around her (in the totally empty driving course, mind you) and she doesn’t put two and two together, so he goes around her and races to a stop up ahead.

Seol grumbles at the crazy driver to herself, ready to give him a piece of her mind…until she sees him get out of the car. It’s Hae-young, in all his shining glory, doing his best imitation of a car CF.

Her jaw drops open as she realizes that it’s him, and he just smiles at her, shaking his head. She inches closer, so slowly it nearly kills me, and manages to get so close to his car that she sandwiches him in.

I love the pairing of her little pink car and his manly black car, parked side by side when they reunite. It’s adorable, and probably a car commercial’s subliminal advertising, but I’m totally buying into it. Gah.

She’s parked so damn close that she can’t actually manage to get out of the car to meet him, and he doesn’t help matters by slamming the door in her face like a little kid. He totally neeener-neeners at her, though they’re technically both trapped.

She finally puts her window down and asks if he’s back for good, and she yells that she was worried. He says ditto—he read an article saying she failed her driving test yet another time. He reminds her that he said if she was going to drive like this, not to drive at all. Heh. Am in agreement there.

She decides she’s had enough…and leaps out of the window into his arms. So. Cute. Even Hae-young dies of cuteness, and hugs her with the biggest smile. Seol: “You can’t go anywhere anymore! Got it?”

He laughs and agrees to stay put, and they hug like a basket of kittens under a rainbow.

She makes him dinner at his apartment, and he basks in the happiness. Not one to skip over the important things, Seol asks why he didn’t send her a birthday present. Hae-young throws her the line that she taught him when they first met: “I didn’t want mine mixing in with everyone else’s.” Cheeky.

He’s impressed with her improved cooking skills, and she boasts that everyone’s calling her Lee-Jang-Geum now. She adds the not-so-subtle hint that it makes her ripe for marrying, and he just muses that someone would have to take her.

She goes to the bathroom in a huff, and he takes the opportunity to take out her birthday present—big fat diamond the size of Mars. He smiles at it, quite pleased with himself (what’s new) and gets interrupted by a phone call.

While he’s on the phone, Seol comes out of the bathroom, and sees the giant ring sitting out in front of him. Her reaction is priceless.

When she comes out, he puts it away hastily, and says he has to go meet the President. She just smiles to herself, pleased to know what’s in store. Oh, honey. Any writer will tell you—if you’ve seen the ring but he hasn’t given it to you, that means you’ve got a bout of angst up ahead before you can call it yours.

Sure enough, Hae-young goes to meet the President, who basically tells him not to marry the princess. He says that the country has barely found a way to harmoniously live with the monarchy, and Hae-young’s move to marry her will put the entire monarchy (and all those who supported it) into scandal.

Anyone else think that this would’ve made a much better conflict than the preceding fifteen episodes? That could’ve been cut short and the conflicts after establishing the monarchy would’ve been SO much more interesting. Whatevs. Too late now.

The President offers up a position in Washington, with the added push that Hae-young should pursue his ambition, rather than have his title become “the princess’ husband.” At home, he takes out the ring and weighs the big decision.

Over the phone, he tells her that he has something important to tell her, and they make plans for the day after. Seol squeals in delight knowing what the important thing is, and swoons wondering how he’ll propose.

But the following days are met with a big round of phone tag, as both their packed schedules keep pushing their date further and further. Seol’s finally had enough of the runaround, and storms over to Hae-young’s office like an angry girlfriend.

…Except she doesn’t really have the luxury of being the angry girlfriend when their relationship is so public, which he tries to get into her head, but she’s too upset to hear him. See, this is what happens when you see the ring first, and your expectations make your head go all haywire.

She lays into him for not making the time because he doesn’t want to see her, reminding him that he told her to be the princess, and basically railroads him into a breakup, just because he won’t leave his meeting RIGHT NOW. Hahaha. She very dramatically breaks up with him, but the whole thing’s hilarious because we know she’s just acting out.

He comes to the palace later to try and coax her back, but he’s met with a locked door and sounds of Seol wailing in heartbreak. Only it’s all an act, to set him straight. HA. He sighs and tries to get her to open the door, but she stands her ground, quite pleased with her own performance.

He waits it out, and tells her lady in waiting to give her the message that he’s really sorry. She says that it’s unlikely Seol will see him (since she’s coaching her to stay firm), and tells him that she must be doubly stressed because of trying to recover her grandfather’s journal.

Hae-young makes a phone call to a contact in England and gets a plan in motion to recover it, and then comes to see Seol with the news. She runs and hides under the covers, making crying noises and insisting that she doesn’t want to see him anymore.

He tells her that he’s here on official business, not as her boyfriend, and tells her that he might be able to get the journal back. She immediately throws the covers off and beams, clearly, not having cried AT ALL today. Hahaha.

She’s caught red-handed, but breezes past it in her princessy way, with a hair toss and a smile. Hae-young can’t help but just roll his eyes and smile back. He tells her that if he can recover the journal, then she has to take back the breakup. She says casually that people who break up can get back together. He muses that he’s got to make diplomatic phone calls to see his girlfriend’s face, and she just says, yeah duh—I’m a princess. Touché.

But there’s just one hiccup: the British Museum only wants to deal with Yoon-ju, since they have a long-standing relationship and they can trust her. So Seol goes to see her, putting aside her distaste to ask Yoon-ju for the favor. Yoon-ju is as icy as ever, scoffing that she must really think little of her, to assume that she’d help Seol do anything.

Seol admits truthfully that she’ll never forget what Yoon-ju said and did to her, nor will she ever forgive her, but she acknowledges Yoon-ju’s unparalleled skills career-wise. “I know that even if you hate me, you love history, just like Nam Jung-woo.”

Back at the palace, Seol tells Jung-woo that she thinks she failed, despite being pretty sure that her cool I-acknowledge-your-awesomeness approach would work. Jung-woo thinks it might have worked, and sure enough, in comes Yoon-ju.

Some time later, they get a letter announcing the return of the journal, and Seol jumps up and down in excitement, while Jung-woo smiles to himself, proud of Yoon-ju. (Grumble, grumble. Bitter grumble.)

Hae-young comes to congratulate her, and when the staff leaves them alone (throwing hearts, no less) Seol thanks “Hae-young-ee…oppa,” and plants a kiss on his cheek. He calls out to the staff that Seol is taking advantage of him, and she covers his mouth in a panic.

He teases her for being Ero-Seol and wonders what she’ll do to him if he does shut up. OH, you two. She finally just asks when he’s going to say his “very important thing,” and tired of going in circles, she just sticks her hand out and asks for the ring. Ha.

He’s taken aback, not only because he’s surprised she knows, but because he’s clearly still weighing the decision. She picks up on his hesitance, and worry starts to cloud her face. “Is it not mine? Is it for someone else?” Haha. I love this running gag of her always assuming he’s got other girls, when he’s never given any indication of being that guy. Not that I wouldn’t make the same assumption, with a boyfriend who looks like THAT. Just sayin’.

She tells him if it’s for someone else, to at least hand over the receipt…so she can get a rebate. Heh. Nice callback. He finally answers, “So what if it is?” She actually does start to worry, asking, “Did you stop liking me?!” Ha. What are you even supposed to do in the face of that kind of sincerity?

He sighs that he wished that were the case. “Then my heart would hurt less.” But before he can explain (not that he was going to, knowing him), they’re interrupted with news that her sister Dan’s been found.

Seol heads over to find her sister living in a tiny studio, with nothing to her name. She shouts that if she was going to do all that to betray her sister, she should be living it up. The shouting match turns into throwing things, and eventually they’re hitting and screaming, which is actually strangely touching, since they’re fighting like real sisters.

They get it all out of their systems, finally sitting side by side calmly. Seol tells her to come back home, and Dan says she can’t…not like this. She swears that she’ll get her life together and succeed—even more than Seol—and only then will she return. Seol: “Fine! You’d better succeed! Just you try and come back without succeeding!” Aw, it’s the only way she can show her love, and once she leaves, Dan cries.

I don’t like Dan or wish her well, but because she’s Seol’s sister, I do like her resolution. She’s family, so she can’t just be left dangling, but their resolution is both realistic and in character. Now Yoon-ju, I’d rather see scrubbing porta-potties for a day job, but Show doesn’t seem to want to do that.

Seol goes to see Mom to lie for Dan (for Mom’s benefit mostly), and tells her that Dan’s doing well, and will come see her once she’s settled into her new job. Mom asks if Hae-young is back and why he hasn’t come to the house, and when she says he’s busy, Mom just tells her wisely not to waste her youth, and to date other men.

In the same token, Seol’s right-hand-maiden makes her peace with Gunnie, content to break it off with the kid to play with men her own age, who don’t, say, spend two years circling first base, for instance.

Gunnie’s shocked at this turn from his noona, and in an outburst, cries, “YA! …I mean…noona…” Aw, he lurves her! He admits to not being a total idiot about things, and tells her that she’s of the age where if he takes things further, he’s got to be in the position to take responsibility for her (ie. marriage). So he waited. So she’d better not go anywhere! Cute. Adorably old-fashioned and totally unrealistic, Show, but cute.

Yoon-ju gets ready to leave for Egypt, and goes to see Jung-woo for one last date. He wonders what he’ll do if he wants to see her, and she tells him that he can come visit. Jung-woo: “If I do, will you greet me with a smile?” and she does, and they grin at each other like idiots. Gah, I’m annoyed that she gets Jung-woo, but the moment is kind of cute, which is also annoying.

Hae-young packs a bag, and then takes out the ring again for more pondering. He finally takes it and heads to the palace. He finds Seol out by the fountain, and tells her that he has to leave again…tomorrow.

Her face falls, and she asks where, how long. He looks at her intently, and then asks her to marry him. Right now.

Taken aback, she asks if it has to be right this second. She starts murmuring to herself about all her engagements scheduled for tomorrow, and wonders if they can’t do it later. He gets mad that she’s pushing it off, which is totally unfair when you’re the one springing ultimatums, mister, and Seol calls him out on it.

Hae-young: If you knew how much I want you right now, you can’t say that to me.
Seol: Are you the only one who wants this? What about me? For two years, I have to wonder if I’m going to even see you once a year, and then all of a sudden you want to run away, so I’m supposed quit being a princess and go with you? Why is it always what you want?
Hae-young: Even when you weren’t a princess, we were never easy.
Seol: Looks like we’re going to have to be a little more difficult.

She walks off, and he leaves the ring there, and goes.

They each mull over their choices that night, with heavy hearts. The next morning Hae-young goes to the airport, and looks around about a million times before dragging himself to the gate.

He gets on the plane and takes a glass of wine, but when he goes to drink it, a blinged-out hand stops him. It’s Seol, chastising him in her sageuk speak for not relinquishing a glass of wine to her highness.

He asks how she came, and she just says with a smile, “Because Park Hae-young wanted it. And because I wanted it.” She clasps his arm and declares that he can’t go anywhere—she’ll chase him to the ends of the earth.

She practically squeals at the thought that they’ll have thirteen straight hours of nonstop date time, and asks what he wants to do.

Um, one guess.


Okay, so I totally didn’t expect this, but I loved the finale. It was infinitely better than the rest of the series. For one, the conflict was actually tense and believable, and not cobbled together with six legos, much like the main plot has been, for the past fifteen episodes. What the hell, Show? If you had been this good before, I’d have been on your train since Day One.

If they had passed the vote and made her the princess around Episode 8, then this awesome push-and-pull, ambition vs. love, duty and honor and all that jazz could’ve carried half the series, or more. Showing me what you could’ve been is almost making me angrier than if you’d gone out on a cute whimper, like I kind of expected.

Once the will-she-be-a-princess plot was resolved, their relationship (and the realistic conflict of maintaining such a precarious public affair) became a much more interesting focus, and one I really could have stood to watch for another few episodes. Can we go back in time and cut that Press Conference crap, and ditch the royal satchel, and replace it with this? Sigh.

Overall the series was as cute and fluffy as the string of princess outfits that Seol sported, and made me laugh and smile. And despite the fact that most of it was frosting on a hollow cake, it sure was delicious, pretty, lovable frosting. Who needs all those empty calories anyway?


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I avoided this drama for most of the day because I'm so sad to see it go! Plus I was doing some Korean-styled embroidery. (It was rather crewel) So I needed to watch things I wouldn't get sucked into otherwise I would hurt my hands repeatedly. *cough*

1. Told you so. Those were reporters. Am I good or what? <-- tooting own horn. I know. Maybe from watching Park Hae Young-ssi I've been infected.

2. Seeee... Yoon Ju didn't become all good. So she wasn't 100% redemed.

3. In case you missed it, LS told the professor that if she became princess she would pull something like Dae Jang Geum. Dae Jang Geum for those who don't know this classic drama had lots of cooking scenes (Jang Geum was a palace maid that worked in the kitchen.) and she made references to it earlier. So that scene was a nod to the earlier information and a fulfillment of the foreshadowing.

4. Score on the grandfather. Told you so. I know that bouquet was from Park Hae Young.

5. I like the fact that Hae Young is working hard for her.

6. Life goes on ending--I called it.

7. I love the failure to be able to drive.

8. The ring was pretty. And I don't like diamonds.

9. I told you the President would play evil.

10. Told you they would bicker.

11. I love how LS gets under PHY's skin. Still the unpredictable princess to him but he loves every second of it.

12. I love how she's playing with him now by faking crying. And how the palace maid is helping.

13. I like how they show being the princess isn't easy work.

14. Lee Dan popped up. Loose end tied. I liked the fact they didn't redeem her 100% either--but showed a point of growth for her instead on a long, long journey.

15. I like the reversal ending in additon to it goes on ending. LS took over and showed herself not the be "stupid" as YJ said.

I guess they ran out of budget for a wedding. TT But the ending was nice and similar to the one I predicted. So I'm content. I like how it ended on a personal rather than a grand level, and now they are working together.


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I should note that the things I wish they had used in this drama were the birth mother card, and something to finish the strawberry hairtie arc. Things don't have arc? Of course they do, especially when you look at things like the Hong Sister drama. That hair clip had a complete arc. ^.~


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re 8.:

drama rings rarely look half as nice as they're supposed to be, but that one was a WINNER

:works in a jewelry store:


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"He laughs and agrees to stay put, and they hug like a basket of kittens under a rainbow."

AHAHAHAHA I burst out laughing when I read that. ahh these witty remarks. :D


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I'll say it again and again, LS did NOT give up on being the princess. GF said it herself in the comments. Instead, she compromised with PHY. She would marry his way "We have 13 hour date together" and then they would tackle the PR issues together and defeat the super evil president and his agenda. This is their "And it goes on without you, the viewers." moment.

I told you it would be a "And it goes on" and not a circular ending. I pulled my inner writer to predict that ending. I nailed most of the general plot points too.

LS, decided to choose both PHY and being the Princess. Not one or the other. And she showed in the last moments to her Prince that she could do so by taking over the kiss. And he was totally down with her showing she had equal footing.

In this way it means after the 13 hours is up, she knows that the report that she eloped is going to hit the fan, but unlike before, they are going to tackle it together... I think this is what the writer was going for. That no matter what problems, they now have enough equal footing to not only share it in the relationship, but to tackle problems together rather than just PHY like before--LS has gotten savvy and PHY's pride isn't as much an issue anymore. This shows the most character growth. I very much doubt after all that work and build up that the royal family was undone in that moment... because unlike SG, this is a show of a partnership and how the main characters became perfect partners, professionally and on a romantic level. One not having an advantage over the other.


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Kim Yoonmi,
I particularly like each and everyone of your comments in this thread especially on your indepth analysis of HY's and LS's characters and their development.
I am also in agreement with you about the ending.
BTW, I love Korean fashion even as a Singaporean. I think LS's dressing is NOT over the top. Last Sept when I was there, I went crazy at Myeongdong!


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Restraint in Myeongdong--it's really, really hard. TT It's near to impossible to be able to not say, "OMG, I want to wear that..."

I loved the lacy outfits of LS and how it seemed smart too. I think it may be because KTH's a fashion designer so she knows how to dress. (She has a BA in fashion design.) The flouncy skirts that expand out--I also wanted those too. Lots of fashion smarts on KTH

Unlike most people I thought YJ's outfits were appropriate for her. If you hate the character, putting her in sweet and romantic clothes isn't going to accentuate the character at all. She needed to look older and they achieved what they were going for--even at the expense of the actress to do so. Costume needs to match the character role.


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"This shows the most character growth. I very much doubt after all that work and build up that the royal family was undone in that moment… because unlike SG, this is a show of a partnership and how the main characters became perfect partners, professionally and on a romantic level. One not having an advantage over the other."

Agree with you wholeheartedly on this, Yoonmi! :-)


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I'm with you , excellent analysis , i truly enjoy it , thanks .


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Thanks for clarifying the ending... sometimes things get lost in translation and I wasn't sure what the ending really meant.

I think it probably was the only way to do this... let's get married and face the press later....

When I watched the president say to him..."well how long do you think you could be happy being the princess' man?" I thought isn't it better than being "your boy" which is what the president was offering him...

I enjoyed the first part of this story, and loved the chemistry of the two leads but it started dragging around episode 11....

An important factor to me is the rewatchability factor in a drama or movie and this probably ranks as a see it once and then walk away......

I discovered "One Percent of Anything" on Dramafever and enjoyed that much more (although the subtitles are not great and in some episodes they flash by so quickly that Evelyn Woods would be tested.... But I have rewatched selected scenes from that over and over... and I think the other story lines made it a much better show.


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And last note... No Rom coms for a while, right? How can I live without a Rom Com?

49 Days looks like a long shot for me. Body switching is often really hard to act well.

Jeon Woo Chi, I might try... but no Rom Coms for a while, eh? I'm melodrama allergic.

*Sighs* Maybe I'll hold out in the interim with Royal family. I'm sad, sad.

The intense sageuk also aren't coming up until later and who knows if that report of Full House 2 coming out this year is true or false.

Rescue me, Hong Sisters. Chaebal. Or even Chaebol (Like PHY-ssi?). Because the recent dramas have been following some of their trends. I don't think Dream High could have been made without YAB.

Jeon Woo Chi probably wouldn't be made without MGIAG. (It looks like they are going for the light-hearted variety.)

Hong Sisters always set trends, so I'm excited to see their next drama. But here I am a K-drama addict without a K-drama anchor. This is sad. Even Yoon Eun Hye went to the dark side of melodramas (I respect her for expanding her acting range... but still...)

What am I going to do without a decent drama for a while? J-dramas are even thin. And TW-dramas are pathetic right now. *Goes into the the corner to stare into her onggi to cry to the drama gods.*


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I only want watch Rom Com too. It's going to be boring for me. Well, i need to take a break since there's no rom com.

I love your comments Kim Yoonmi. Will be looking forward for more in depth analysis in the next Hong Sister's drama.


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Hong Sister's dramas aren't all that subtle. =P So there isn't much the analyze. It's more that they are going to take you for a long, long ride and you better enjoy every second of it. They outclass my inner writer and because of that I love them dearly.

They so play with reader expectation it makes your head spin. The only thing you can say, is, "Whatever they are hinting at now will never happen... instead they will come up with an ending to this plot thread that will rock your world harder than you ever thought possible."

The only drama I ever had to analyze from them was Hong Gil Dong. Some people hadn't watched Sageuk, so they couldn't follow some of the politics, so I ended up analyzing that for them (In regards to the minister's death--people got confused.)

The other thing Hong Sister dramas demand is that you watch all the popular dramas before you watch theirs from that year. They love their parodies and their toilet humor.

I do expect Kim Eun Sook to write more subtle dramas. She's been striving towards this direction since her failed attempts in Lovers in Paris. (She had to explain the ending for viewers which is a fail for a writer.) So I look forward to her future work.

Also to the work of the Hong Sisters, of course. And Kim Yi Young (Dong Yi)

The next Hong Sisters drama is coming out in the summer. I'm entirely looking forward to it--but what to do in the meantime is a mystery.

Winnie is still working on his new drama with Ariel. (both of ISWAK fame, Winnie is the director I admire most out of the TW directors.)

The other dramas in current times look like rehashes of already presented new ideas and that makes me shrivel. So I'll wait for the powerhouses to come out, which should be around Summer... and pray for good winter/Fall dramas.


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Why is she the princess and not the empress/queen?


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She'd have to get pregnant for that... traditionally. ^.~ Maybe I watched too many Sageuk... But I think she'll get promoted when she has a royal child with PHY. (Hold back your dirty thoughts.)

But I think if they were following the rules of the Korean monarchy, then she'd have to have children.


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My Princess should just be renamed as "The Seol & Haeyoung Show of Cute". Honestly, other than the OTP, everything else fizzled and died towards the end.

It started out solid. the first 4 episodes were delightful, whimsical and cute, cute, so freakin' CUTE! Who knew SSH could be so adorable and KTH so charming. Together, they were like this big explosion of happy energy; radiating sunshine everywhere they turn.

Then the angst kicked in for the next 5 and we lost a little of the cute, which i didn't mind at all because the conflicts were necessary and weren't too far-fetched, or at least, i bought it.

However, from ep 10 onwards, i began to loose my patience, and brain cells, trying to dissect the plot, which turned out to be utterly non-sensical and dreadfully boring. I grew exasperated at the characters and find it harder to suspend my beliefs by the episode.

but thankfully they bought back the cute at the end, with many sweet kisses and all. it was like a reward from the writers for putting us through so much bull in the previous eps.

YJ, who i initially thought was interesting (or had the potential to be so), turned out to be as dull as a dead fish. I couldn't be bothered to even hate her. Dan was just outright annoying; I failed to see how the character and the whole satchel arc served any real purpose to the story at all.

Professor Nam was totally shafted. I can't understand why he couldn't get over YJ, especially after he witnessed what she did. I wish the writers could just let YJ go to Egypt (which isn't exactly the best place to go now btw) by herself and let Prof find new love. sigh.

The OTP was definitely the strength of the drama, without Seol and Hae-young, i probably wouldn't have made it through to the end.

Overall, weak plot, frustrating characters, but a winsome OTP. It turned out to be a lot better than what I thought it would and I don't regret spending 16hrs of my life on it.

thank you so much for the recaps.


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Autumn, nicely put! :-)


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I think HY and LS is more than cute...they represent a partnership that not many couples can attain somehow due to lack of communication, openness and honesty. The 2 leads are not perfect and flawless but we see them working together to build each other up and make it work despite their very demanding personal and professional lives. And they have fun while they are at it ;-)

We can learn from them. :-)


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KTH and SSH have a passionate affairs already :) enjoy each other! life is too short!! dont worry abt fame and convention...


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Thanks for the re-cap. It was well written and intriguing. Really wish there's going to be a continuation to this wonderful drama with an awesome pairing. I love SSH and KTH!!


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I did wonder about the actual ending of this couple. Do u have any thought of another series of My princess II. According to my experience, those ending like this will suggest something to be continued. ^_^. But anyway, our princess never gives up our PHY in spite of the "even more difficult" situations.


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Plot wise... I agree with GF and many of you here, they should have cut down on the press conferences and what-not and have the vote come through early on for LS to be princess and let PHY and LS relationship as a princess and a diplomat become the focus of the show....
BUT with the open-ending, we now have plot material for Princess 2 isn't it?

So I'm waiting!


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http://joongangdaily.joins.com/article/view.asp?aid=2932618 They say a musical is being made! LOL.


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girlfriday, I was wondering if you know what the picture in this article was about (http://www.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474979094504). They have a wedding picture but no wedding in the finale. hmmm...


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That picture was from a fashion show long ago


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got it. thanks!


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i agree, i think it's one of the late Andre Kim's fashion show! i guess we hv an idea how they look like when they get married either on screen or off screen :) i luv them both, i'll surely miss this drama!


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after watching the episode, i've picked my favorite scenes.

the first is when SSH alights from the car for the first time after a 2 year absence. that's awesome---the self-awareness of how hot he looks... sweeeet! i could liken it to halle berry emerging from the ocean in a bikini in that bond movie. SSH's scene was the male version. he had that effect and yet, dang, he was fully clothed! LOL!

i also liked the scene where KTH charges in his office and goes bonkers like some crazy girlfriend. i think it was funny and cute, though i know, in real life, that's probably not cute for any boyfriend heehee! the pettiness made them look like a real couple.

however i still cant get over the fact that they shot the last scene in the coach section of a plane! couldn't they have done that in those new first-class cabins with those privacy pod-slash-partition thingees? would've been more realistic esp. with that make-out session. :p

now don't get me started with the yoonju character. i have a lot of beef with that...

then again, i'm pretty pleased with the drama overall. fuzzies... :)


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Missy, I have the same thoughts!
My favourite scene is also the one where Seol charges to PHY's office and interrupted his meeting. They fought like a real couple... The acting and the quarrel were so believable. I mean, I feel myself empathizing with them cos they are like so many real life day couples who re do caught up in their careers that their relationships suffers. I was totally engaged in that scene!

I also LOVE the part where PHY got out of the car and looking at Seol approaching. SSH was SMOKING HOT! And the laugh he gave when KTH jumped into his arms, sounded so heartfelt. Priceless.

And, yes, the kissing scene at the end was good too. Though I would have liked to see some side profile closeup of the kiss...

I also like the fact that PHY stuck to his ambition and decided to leave, makes him his own man.

Plotwise, like what GF says, Show could have cut to the chase and cut out some press conferences and what-not, have the vote for princess come in earlier and than focus more on the LS and PHY conflicting relationship, one being princess and the other, a diplomat.
BUT you know what, this means we now have plot material fir MP 2...


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Oh... I have no problem that PHY and LS are in economy class of the airplane. Remember PHY is a public servant, his air ticket is probably paid by the government, so that explains it. Not many public servant gets to fly first class... Unless he is minister or something I suppose. Of course, he could have fork out his own money to upgrade, but that's another story all together.


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i know my upbringing won't seem to match my reaction if my b/f is as good looking & yummy as SSH or Park hae young but I'd do what Lee seol did just like that grab him & kiss him hahahaha weeeehhhhh i luv this drama, can't wait to get a hold of the dvd when it comes out to add to my collection! the only sad part tho i luv the ending is they should hv shown a wedding scene let alone extend this series to another 5 epis or more!

once again thnx for the excellent recaps JB as always!

i leave this box with a note that i hope these two grt actors date in real life, they're so cute together!


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Overall this was a good drama. But i do have to say that the middle of the drama I started to lose interest T.T The beginning and ending of the Drama was good :) But for the finale there was so much conflict that could have happened sooner @.@
KTH AND SSH CUTEST COUPLE!!<3 and totally kick ass chemistry! Hoping for more future dramas starring them together :)


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why was the ring on her middle finger?!?!


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It was on her right hand, too, wasn't it?

She's wearing it, but maybe not as an engagement ring, since he didn't give to her and put it on her finger... And then they can move it to the right one if they get married before she flies back. XD


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No, on her left hand (She had the window seat). She did say her fingers had slimmed down. ^.~


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wish for part two for kim tae hee and song sueng hun...please!!!!!!!!


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I get more annoyed with "we can't figure out how to be together" plots than hand-waving intrigue, so I'm pretty okay with the whole series, but I understand this is a unique affliction...

So true about the drama and her outfits matching. Except the drama was much prettier. >-< Those dresses are all flounce and no taste--total waste of the K-Drama shoes.


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I actually love all of lee seol clothes and shoes..very cute!!


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They did figure out how to be together. Just it's off screen and hinted at instead of in your face. It's the "Life goes on without you" ending.

And I loved her dresses and fashion. Really goes with KTH's figure. But I don't want to go into the grueling specifics and jargon of that. But I really did like it... the laciness, flounce, hairpins and all.


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will there be MY PRINCESS 2? :|


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Highly doubt it. The writer doesn't seem intent on the idea from what I saw in the ending. The couple is together and the loose ends are tied pretty well. The writer got what she wanted the characters to do. All the character arcs are neatly tied off, even if they continue without us to grow.

There really isn't more story to tell beyond this point. All the endings are inferred deeply. And I analyzed all of them and talked about them... with Samgetang a whole lot as well as others.

Besides, let's not forget how Goong 2 was a disaster and a half. Sequels in Korea rarely do a good job.


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Although I would watch the next SSH+KTH pairing in one heartbeat, I agree with you that MP does not seem to have any other story to tell...well, unless they delve into the difficulties of married life for a princess and a diplomat which may be a thin proposition and better suited for maybe 2-hr film or one TV special and even with that the storyline might be dragging already.

If they cast them in another story altogether it would be a better idea but they would have to surpass the chemistry that they created in MP. :-) It would be too soon to have it at this point.


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CFs with both of them in a similar MP-esque set-up is more like it...to cash in on the cow, so to speak hahaha!


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I rather it be a melodrama if they come together for another project. Who knows these 2 would create SPARK in a melodrama together then they were apart in their past projects. Their chemistry is what make it work and not the gender of the drama.

Anyway, as long as they do it together :)

Very spoiled by their pairing when watching other drama now - every other CP seems jairing to my eyes :(

Waiting, waiting, Calling, calling for new crack (not appearing yet).. where r u?


Oh Yayy! to their "CFs with both of them in a similar MP-esque set-up ". Hurry up ppl (businesses) cast them while its still HOT.


Gerri, try "Sunny Happiness" a Tdrama but light and fun and the chemistry of the 2 leads are as cool and fun almost same as MP :-)


Sorry Samgetang, never been a fan of the male lead in Sunny Happiness :(

I hv to like the lead before watching anything :) will not try even if its a good show :(

Very bad picky me :)

Thanks for the recommendation *continue wating for my next fix..*


What I liked about Lee Seol is the same reason I liked Miho in MGIAG. Both are not afraid to love =)

haha..of course Miho surpasses Lee Seol in her "naiveness"..but overall both were great ways of spending my rest time!


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13 hrs to date:
Mr P: 1 st thing is KISS
2nd thing ???????
Love it


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Episode 15 BTS - Breathing exercise. SSH to KTH: "I'm bored. Shall we kiss?"



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Episode 16 BTS - KTH to SSH:"PHY Oppa!" and SSH acting all weird ;-)



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I loved the BTS: It seems like KTH managed the crew and SSH managed to keep it light on the set, considering some of the things he did, no wonder she was bright and smiling during the filming.

His teasing was funny too, but not mean.

I also knew she had to be the one doing the coordi on some of her clothes since she was in Fashion design.

All of the hairbands were chosen by her.


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"It seems like KTH managed the crew and SSH managed to keep it light on the set, considering some of the things he did, no wonder she was bright and smiling during the filming.

His teasing was funny too, but not mean."

Nodding with you on both counts, Yoonmi. :-)


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For those who haven't start this series yet, my advice, skip ep.01-14 and dive into ep.15-16.


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Then you miss out on how the characters change and arrive at their destination. Shows about cute really are shallow and have no substance. Shows about character change, especially subtle character change, is really difficult to write. And MP has that. Perhaps for the teenage crowd that has fantasies of the perfect man--but this drama shows that you need to work for the perfect man. And that's what you miss out on by just watching the cute and just watching 15-16. That guts the heart of MP and the values that it teaches.


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So sorry, Carinne, but i must agree w/ KY. There is more meat to this drama than SSH's abs or KTH-SSH's making out scenes or KTH's outfits. You'll be missing the whole point and doing the show an injustice by skipping those episodes.

Consider this a learning opportunity, not just entertainment... don't take the shortcut.


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Gaahh finally a show with good makeout scenes! It might have been utter fluff, but the chemistry between those two makes you squee like oh so much. I love the ending on the plane, gyahh... A drama watched completely for the couple.


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Glad MP didn't end w/ the whole overdone wedding cliche.

KTH has joined the ranks of Shin Min ah and Jeon Ji hyun in being perfect for rom-coms (it's not surprising that all 3 do such a great job on CFs).

Granted, actors/actresses don't want to keep doing the same thing, but it would be nice if they did more rom-coms than they actually do.

Overall, I'd say the character of Miho (MGIAG) was a little bit more endearing than Seol, but Seol and HY made the more memorable couple (Dae Woong was kinda a whiny brat and didn't exactly believe in Dae Woong/LSG in being popular w/ the ladies and an action star).

Coffee Prince still had the best coupling since that relationship had more depth.


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Hi guys,
check this out(got it from viikii).It is so funnie!



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Hi I'm a k-Drama fan from Germany. I loved this show. :)
it was funny and romantic. And the couple.... they were perfect. I think thats very important in K-Dramas. And Sorry I didn't like "Personal Taste"? why everybody liked it??? it didn't have "the heart"!!


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Cute ending! But a little expect. K dramas love to end with an airport scene... But this one was a little different. Still, I have yet to see a better ending than The Vineyard Man. Now THAT'S an amazing ending.


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this is my first comment ever on this site... thanks a lot JB & GF for the wonderful recaps :D MP is my latest obsession... I sleep a lot less because of this! (I'm not complaining though :D ) This site is such a joy... my daily fix of anything Korean! I became a Korea drama fan (...addict... deny....addict...) ever since I came across your recap of Coffee Prince :) keep it up and make more people happy because of this site! can't wait to find out more shows to watch :)


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i just finished this drama..it's too cute, it gives you a good time. I would have spared one or two episodes though. But i understood and accepted the problems they had, fake princess, not wanting to give up the inheritance, i think it was understable, I wouldn't have liked what gf said about not being able to be together because of their positions, and that, that would have been predictable for me...and the ending was very good. It was the best episode, it was a bit unfair for Dan, i mean, she was a lawyer. She could have found a decent job, even as a secretary ¬¬...and director Oh's finale was ok, i loved it. I like when they redeem bad antagonists, they did a good job in that.

Nice drama , kth and ssh i love the two of you together XD


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I'm soooooo disappointed that the bitchy piece of wood (what am i saying, even a piece of wood is more expressive) finished peacefully, she didn't event learn to move her neck ! Maybe its the realistic part of the drama, like "the means aren't always punished tadammm".. --'

Otherwise, SHE FINALLY KISSES HIM, YEAHH ! Not to soon ! Seriously next time if its so difficult to you i can help 0:)

Ahh i rally liked this show, thank uuu :)


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I really enjoyed this series. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!


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gawd! it's been an awfully long time since I've seen an ending this gooood!


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THANK FOR AL THE RECAPS! I read all 16eps at once n it felt like i was reading a novel w/ pics LOL

but, i couldn't figure out how did Seol's father die? Was it really Hae-young's dad who did it? And, there isn't any solid evidence to prove Seol is the real princess?

I'm guessing if I watch the drama, i would find my answer, but I was hoping someone could simply answer me. many thx!


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oh my gosh! i just can't help myself falling in love all over again in this korean drama. How i wish they're really couples in reality, it will surely be a perfect one.

Does this 'My Princess' has a continuation? like season 2? I would really watch for it thou. Please have a season 2, please? They're so cute on the small screen. They're too perfect for their roles (thumbs up! for all the casts!) CONGRATULATIONS to 'Mr Princess'! Really addicted looking forward for season 2 or another series that still pairs them both, Kim Tae Hee and Song Seung Heon.

I surely can't get over it for several months. hahaha


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sarang heyo song seung heon..
you're such a babe..
you're doing better and better..
keep it up..God Bless.c:


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sarang heyo song seung heon..
you're such a babe..
you're doing better and better..
i wish to keep in touch with you personally..
God Bless.c:


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im excited!!!!!


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luv u kim tae hee!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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(currently seeing this recap with a bunch of Yoo Ah-in's smiling...daeche wae?!!!) -> totally unrelated WTF, sorry about that...


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song seung just asking how does it feel to be kissed like that by kim tae hee? being aggresive? i want the truth do you feel any unusual? being kissed by a pretty face?


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it is not just asked by the script. how does kim as a kisser? dont be offended. just asking


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I love the crowd here in dramabeans. How it sees the smallest of the smallest details in a drama. I spend my time reading the comments most of the time. How the wittiest and the funniest people flock around here to make their own observations and commentary. AN AMAZING WEBSITE WITH AMAZING PEOPLE, REALLY <3

My Princess has made me laugh and smile (and cry) more than any drama has made me. (Except MGIAG but SSH + KTH's cuteness pawns). Even with the plot disappointment and writer mishaps, I still think that this drama deserves all the praise purely because of the cast's stellar acting. Who knew rom-com was in THEM? I personally think that they should have been given this type of drama even before but then they would have been partnered to others and I can't bare to witness that. Not now that I've developed a very strong liking to the couple and now that I'm completely stalking them for future advancement.

I ain't complaining about the plot (or I'm trying hard not to) because the plot (oh well.. not exactly the plot but the execution of the plot) made me fall off my chair so many times and made me have so many sleepless nights just to finish this drama. THE DRAMA HAS BEEN GIVEN JUSTICE. By yes, our lovely couple. But of course, all of us WANT MORE. When I mean more, it's knowing what happened after the plane, knowing the decisions, knowing the choices to be made, knowing when the marriage will be, knowing how many babies they're going to have etcetera etc.

AND THIS CALLS FOR A SEASON TWO. Oh yeaaaaah. I mean we all need our second dose of Song Seung Heon and Kim Tae Hee, more kisses, more hand towel half-naked shining glories, more cuteness, more love. And if the two actors make a season 2, it is much more possible to fall (deeper) in love with each other. Not that they haven't fallen in love with each other already considering the way they look in each other's eyes. (OK, HELP. I CAN'T TYPE ANYMORE ♥__________♥) But really. I want to see these two together again AND. FAST.

And then after the season 2 of MP, they can get married. Because no matter how nice Seung Heon ages (like wine as pointed by some.. Oh wine *___*), he still needs someone to take care of him, someone he could be with for the rest of his life. He's also in the right age to marry so why not let him go and let him be happy? I'd rather see a married Song Seung Heon (with Kim Tae Hee of course) than see him single and continuously rumored to lots of girls. Because it'll not only break my heart, our hearts, but Kim TaeHee's as well. (Hahaha. I'm assuming.)

I fervently agree that it could have been more of an enjoyment and plot enhancement if they had made Seol a princess during the early episodes so we could have seen what it was like for them to announce their relationship status to the public, how it affected the people around them etc. I also want to know what happened in this last two years (maybe they could have a special for that or something to make up, of course) and what happened after the make-out scene in the plane (which was oh so cute and charming, as I have failed to mention.) Thus, it NEEDS a season 2. Not that I'm not welcoming the idea or prospect because I will every second of every day (so pleaseeee, start taping now.)

Overall, this drama had been a BLAST! I had fun and even with the disagreement of some, I think they did well. They really did. The crew, the cast and of course, the main leads.



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you know what i definitely agree with you. if others doesn't' like my princess to have a season two. well let them be. because WE WANTED A SEASON TWO. PART TWO CONCLUSION. i cannot sleep what is next after they flew together. what happened? they really getting married? common guys. to all the staff writers crew specially to the director of my princes. PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE OH PLEASSSSSSEEEEEEE!!!!!!! can you just give them a second chance, here in the Philippines they are really loved by many Filipinos. it really drives us crazzyyy when we watched them kiss. oh God.
seriously, i love the story because no matter what happened song seung really make it up to kim he really try his best to please kim. and may be they build up something off cam. hehhehehhe.


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Ok. I submitted without editing. Lol.

I read the other comments and it was mentioned that it was somehow completely impossible for them to have a season two.

And then when I thought again, not all kdrama sequels are successful. And what will they do in the sequel? Just take care of their babies and such?

This is why I am revising the comment I made and changing it to CHEERS FOR ANOTHER ROM-COM FOR THIS COUPLE <333 (Yessss. Give them more shows, pleaaaaaaaaase)

Because seriously, Rom-com is there genre. They PAWN it =)


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i watched other korean dramas before, they were nice and have a good story. thou my princess is different. so please can you just give us the conclusion after riding on the plane with song seung heon.


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i'm a fan!
im not young anymore nor old but i can't get over with the drama - my princess; song seung-heon and kim tae-hee. it has ended and its over but the feeling of excitement is still with me. i can't help myself to rewatch all the episodes and read again all the recaps from start to finish, the comments and even the you tube.
am thrilled to see and to learn that there are so many others kdrama freaks like me out in the world.....well i would say in my opinion, my princess is one of the best kdrama ever produce. it is serious, funny and cute at the same time. the actors do not only act well but they have some kind of strong chemistry in the person of song seung-heon and kim te-hee. i love their team up, they are so refreshing to watch. they are so good together in this drama, like a real couple in love, with their sacrifices and trials.
episodes 15 and the finale were the best! episode 15 is damn cute esp. that part were kth jumped into ssh arms. i love the laugh he gave, the tight hug. so very much in love so very much happy to be together.
my congratulations to all the people behind my princess, looking forward to a sequel of this drama or a reteam of the two, again in the future.

love you, love you, loveeeeeeeeeeeeee you both
song seung-heon and kim tae-hee. !!!!!!!!


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I loved this drama! It was so cute! Just one criticism: if this is a show about royalty and palaces and all that, why on EARTH didn't they have at least ONE ball where she could put on a big fancy dress?? I waited for it all the way through. :( But still, it was a good drama.


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whoa...the best drama so far...yet i'm still watching it but because i'm so eager to know the ending i try to Google it...then the result i found THIS....thanks for the info...^_^


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