Dream High: Episode 16 (Final)

Dude, someone owes me drinks, and then MORE DRINKS. I’m on a roll. Maybe I should play the lottery or something. Vegas, anyone?

We’re here at the finale whether we like it or not, and we’re met with song and dance, laughter and tears, as we send off our dreamers to their bright and shiny futures.


Suzy – “Only Hope” [ Download ]

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We begin with a montage on the REAL star of today’s show, The K Pendant. We see it make its journey from President Jung to Baek-hee, from Baek-hee to Hye-mi, who gives it to Sam-dong, who tosses it to Jin-gook…

And we see the moment (going back in time into Episode 15) when Jin-gook gives it to Hye-mi. He asks if she has the confidence not to regret her decision. She figures that she’ll have regrets either way, and then Jin-gook hands her the pendant, and asks her to stay and regret it then. Aw.

The Dream High group gathers with Doo-shik, who tells them that he’s running up against a giant wall when it comes to the studios: Baek-hee and Jin-gook, who they refuse to put up in front of the cameras. He tells them that it’s either split those two off and debut the rest first, or stay together and face the chance of never debuting.

Baek-hee and Jin-gook both offer to stay behind, not wanting to hold the group back because of their past. But Sam-dong tells them that it’s not an option—they’re all or nothing. He admits to not particularly liking either of them (Baek-hee for making Hye-mi suffer and Jin-gook for being stingy about his underwear, HA.) but tells them that this is what he would want from them, if the tables were turned.

He turns to Hye-mi and says that he’ll never leave this group, making her gulp down her fluttering feelings. She walks out later to get some air, and Sam-dong gets thisclose to her face…to tell her to smile. She can’t even look him in the eyes (awwwww) and just stammers a “yeah.”

At school, she takes up her usual thinking position—head-to-desk. Pil-sook immediately recognizes the signs and asks what’s on her mind. After hemming and hawing, Hye-mi finally leans in uncomfortably close to ask how you know who’s in your heart.

Pil-sook reminds her that she’s already told her—it’s the person you think of first when you’re happy or sad. Hye-mi: “Yes, but…what if it’s not the person you thought it was going to be?” Eeee!

Pil-sook looks confused, only ever having experienced the all-in, one-and-only kind of crush. As they ponder what it means, Jason bursts in from out of nowhere, getting right up in Hye-mi’s face with a devilish smile.

Enjoying the moment more than life itself, he tells Hye-mi that THIS is what you call two-timing, which he reminds her is what she said his “manners” were about. He throws her words right back in her face, loving the fact that he gets to rub her smug face in it.

I have never seen Jason this happy about anything, and it’s HILARIOUS. Seriously, if you made me choose my favorite pairing in this show, it’s this one, right here. Their mutual dislike coupled with their protectiveness over Pil-sook is just the cutest thing ever. It rivals the Jin-gook / Sam-dong Underwear Wars.

Hye-mi denies it and leaves in a huff, but she’s shaken by Jason’s words. Meanwhile he actually lets out a “Yessssss” as she leaves, totally relishing the victory. Pil-sook shakes her head, embarrassed, and he smiles at her like a guilty little chipmunk.

Hye-mi shakes her head, trying to knock the Sam-dong-feelings right out, and yells, “Sam-dong is just a friend! Stop getting confused!” Only Jin-gook happens to be standing right behind her, and he confirms what he’s noticed for some time now. Aw, well if it makes you feel any better, she’s as happy about it as you are.

Jin-man shows Hye-mi, Baek-hee, and Sam-dong a video of himself doing a dance in his apartment, and tells them that it went viral on the internet. He gets the idea that maybe they don’t have to wait for a studio to pick them up—they can do a flash mob.

All they need is people, and Hye-mi smiles. They get started on gathering as many students as they can, using everything from intimidation to fear. Pil-sook actually becomes a horror movie ghost to scare Ria into helping. Heh.

They give everyone costumes and start putting the show together, and Hye-mi takes the lead with the bullhorn, directing everyone. It’s so great to see her use that bullhorn for good, even if she’s still a little scary to some of the students. Meanwhile, a new reporter (from a fishing magazine) sees the students gathering and starts snapping away.

At home, Hye-mi’s dad just counts down the days until they can go back to the States, while Sam-dong and Jin-gook just eye him warily and do passive-aggressive things like sing and dance around him.

They both end up at school, because they can’t practice at home. Jin-gook takes the opportunity to ask Sam-dong what happened with Hye-mi, since he swore to go up against him, man to man.

Sam-dong says that he’s decided not to confess his feelings. Jin-gook looks at him, surprised.

Sam-dong: When Hye-mi said she was leaving, I knew. It doesn’t matter who she has in her heart. I like that girl. I like her if she likes you, and I like her if she hates me. She just has to be nearby.

AW. Jin-gook finds himself moved, and then shakes out of it: “You still have that talent…of turning people into chickens.” (In Korean, goosebumps = chickenbumps, hence chickens.)

At home, Hye-mi’s dad starts singing “Dream High” despite himself, and then gets into a fight with Oh-hyuk’s sister. He ends up spilling the beans about Oh-hyuk putting up their house as collateral for Hye-mi’s debt, and she ends up spilling the beans about his wife.

He cries outside, finally facing the fact that he is the worst dad ever, and admits as much to Oh-hyuk. He promises to repay the debt, deciding to go to the States alone, unable to face his daughters. Not sure that you’ve learned your lesson there, but whatever. Oh-hyuk’s a better dad anyway.

Oh-hyuk asks him to go find Hye-mi first, and he finds her, just as she’s about to perform in the middle of the street.

Oh, yeah…here we go! Jin-man walks up in the middle of a busy square, wearing a chef’s outfit and holding a takeout delivery carrier. He holds it up above his head, and it says “Dream High” on the side. The music starts, and he begins to dance, in all his JYP glory.

One by one, the kids who were dressed as random passers-by join in, until soon a giant group of Kirin students is dancing in unison. It’s totally cheesy, and TOTALLY awesome.

As they watch from the crowd, Oh-hyuk tells Hye-mi’s dad that she didn’t give up her dream—this is her dream, right here. He adds that now is his chance to step up and guard her new dream.

In the coming days, the street performance goes viral, and all sorts of people upload videos of themselves doing the dance to “Dream High.” Kyung-jin finds Oh-hyuk uploading the videos wherever he can to help them gain some traction, and they share an accidental kiss in their excitement.

They separate awkwardly, and when Kyung-jin turns back to ask Oh-hyuk to dinner, she has a pin in her hair. Hahaha. Oh-hyuk declines, and Principal Shi witnesses the whole thing, getting ragey over the fact that he kissed her and then dared to turn her down.

Doo-shik stands vigilant at his post in the studio, passing out CDs, bodily functions be damned. And finally his work pays off, when he comes upon a PD who gets a last-minute cancellation on his music program.

At home, Oh-hyuk gets the call and runs to tell the kids. Jin-gook, Sam-dong, and Hye-mi share a jumping three-way hug, until Hye-mi realizes how close she is to Sam-dong and breaks free awkwardly. Sam-dong clocks her reaction, misinterpreting it of course.

It’s the day of the performance, and everyone is a ball of nerves. Jin-gook finds Sam-dong minutes before their turn onstage with a dark look on his face. Uh-oh. He realizes that Sam-dong’s hearing is on the fritz, but Sam-dong assures him that he’ll be fine as long as he’s on cue, and not to tell the others.

Hye-mi sees him, and when she walks up, Sam-dong makes an excuse and leaves. She asks Jin-gook if his hearing is out, and tells him the same thing that Sam-dong just said—not to tell the others, and that he’ll put everything into the performance.

She turns to go after him, and Jin-gook stops her to say that the day has finally come, for them to stand up onstage together. She agrees, like it hasn’t occurred to her until just now. He says that it took longer than he thought, and smiles.

They take to the stage, and he counts down for Sam-dong, and they perform without a hitch. As they sing and dance together onstage for the first time, Jin-gook says in voiceover:

Jin-gook: There are two kinds of happiness in the world. One is a happiness that you realize after the fact. The other is a happiness that you feel in the moment. The happiness in the moment is so rare that they say you can live your whole life on the light that shines from remembering it. I think we’ll go on remembering this moment, today, like that kind of happiness…that we can remember for the rest of our lives, the moment when we shined.

Later at the house, Hye-mi continues to be awkward around Sam-dong and avoid him (or rather, her feelings) like the plague. He finally calls her on it, asking why she’s being so avoidy, and she just stammers that she’s not.

Jin-gook interrupts to ask Hye-mi to go somewhere with him, since it’s her birthday today. Sam-dong suggests they throw a party all together, but Hye-mi shuts him down cold. Aw, if you only knew why.

Jin-gook takes her out on his motorcycle, but she realizes that she’s dropped her wallet inside. He says she doesn’t need it, but she insists on running back in to get it in a panic.

And here’s why…Sam-dong finds it on the floor and opens it up to find a group picture of all of them. He goes to take it out, and here’s what’s underneath:

!!! So. Cute.

He barely has time to register what just happened, when Hye-mi runs in to retrieve it. She asks worriedly if he looked inside. He lies that he didn’t, and Jin-gook watches from the doorway.

He takes her to the river, back to where it all began. He watches her walk with heavy steps as she tries to put on a smile for him, and he finally admits that they’re both trying to force it, when he knows—and has known for some time now—who her heart really belongs to.

He says that he selfishly was hanging on even when he knew, and tells her that the heart isn’t something you can force to go where you want it to. She looks at him in the eyes for the first time in a long time, and cries, saying she’s sorry.

He puts her helmet on her head, letting her cry. I love this gesture that gets repeated in their relationship. He tells her that they can be comfortable around each other now, and go to school together, and look each other in the eye, and be friends like they were before. Aw, I always knew he’d be the good guy and send her off to Sam-dong, but I love that he’s so sweet about it.

Oh-hyuk gets called to the principal’s office on official business, since one of his students made it to the final round of the EMG contest. But Principal Shi isn’t in the mood to be congratulatory, since Oh-hyuk is out to break his daughter’s heart.

He points it out to Oh-hyuk, who of course had no idea…until now. Awkward. He grins, giddy at the news, while Principal Shi kicks himself for playing Cupid between his daughter and his least favorite person in the world.

Oh-hyuk gets ready to announce the winner, as everyone dies from the anticipation. Only Hye-mi looks unconcerned, swearing that she never expected to win anyway. He pulls the paper out of the envelope…and the winner is…Hye-mi!

She jumps, screaming, and then tries to play it cool as she sits down. Everyone congratulates her, and even Jason has to eat his own words and say he’s happy for her, through clenched teeth. Heh.

But when Oh-hyuk pulls the paper all the way out, he sees that hers isn’t the only name…all six of them have passed onto the next round. In the days that follow, they gear up for their solo auditions, fighting good-naturedly over who gets to practice in the studio first, deciding over rock-paper-scissors.

Kyung-jin watches them wistfully, noting to Oh-hyuk that she misses that time in her life, and he notes that life is fair, since they don’t have the perspective that she’s earned since. He then asks her to dinner, and she jumps to accept.

The second he walks away, she puts a pin in her hair and primps. I don’t know which is funnier—the hairpin as an indicator of her crush, or the fact that she carries it around at all times, just in case.

As they practice, Oh-hyuk tells them that he realized why they all passed the first round, despite not qualifying, according to the contest’s crazy prerequisites. He tells them that it was a test to see who would rise to the challenge. Yeah, only in a drama, people.

They wonder how they even made it past the second round when they never even interviewed. They find out on the day of the audition: it turns out that the weird fishing magazine reporter was actually an EMG scout, and he was observing them the whole time.

They stand outside, wondering what it would be like to be the best. Sam-dong thinks that it’ll probably be lonely at the top. Jin-gook asks if that means he doesn’t want to be at the top. Sam-dong: “I still want it.”

They audition, each with a flashback of where they came from, and their words about how much they want this dream. It’s a lovely sequence, and it takes us forward in time, to 2018.

Pil-sook has a slew of albums and awards to her name, displayed at her kindergarten class, where she sings the kiddies to sleep. Cute. Jason comes to escort her for the Big Night, and they get excited about seeing everyone again. He says that he’ll be going onstage as a guest, and asks if she wants to join him. She laughs and says no, she’s had enough of being in the press with him.

Baek-hee is now a teacher at Kirin, and an exact replica of Kyung-jin. She even uses the same lesson with the thumbtacks, and cracks the whip. Kyung-jin, who’s now the Art Director, observes her with a smile.

Oh-hyuk meets her outside, bowing to her as his boss…and then offering his arm as her husband (and father of her baby). Yay, cute!

Jin-gook is a huge star in Korea, and he even has a rivalry going on with K. Doo-shik is his manager, and he’s married to Oh-hyuk’s sister, with a kid of their own. He insists that his schedule be cleared tonight for the big concert, and smiles to see good news about his father.

And…it’s time for the Grammys. We catch up to the beginning of the series, and go backstage, as K puts down the picture of Dream High next to the K pendant…which is next to his…TUNING FORK! YESSSS!

Sam-dong for the win! He puts the pendant around his neck, as we flash back to the day when he found out that he won the EMG contest.

He refuses to go to New York, and Hye-mi tells him he has to go. (Man, after all that running and crying for Hye-mi not to go…now HE’s going!) He tells her that he didn’t enter this contest to go to New York—he did it to show her that he could do it, and that she needn’t worry about him anymore.

Sam-dong: I’m NOT GOING! From the beginning, you were music to me, and music was you. That’s why I came this far. If you’re not there, there is no music.

Hye-mi reminds him that he wanted to show her that she didn’t need to worry about him. But she says with tears in her eyes that she’s still worried…so he has to go, and become the best, so that she’ll consider what he means to her.

Oh, man. Who would’ve expected Hye-mi of all people to do the gallant thing, and send him off to pursue his dream, even when it breaks her heart? She smiles at him through her tears, and he shakes as he cries, telling her just like he did in the beginning, that she’s lying to him right now.

He insists that she’s lying, and that she wants to hold onto him right now. But she says no, if this were a year ago, she would’ve been upset that he won over her. But she’s happy to let him go. She says it through her tears, and he asks if that’s the face of a person who’s happy. She responds with her trademark: “This IS my happy face.”

Gah, they’re breaking my heart. They cry, and Hye-mi insists that he go, and show her. He finally puts her cell phone charm in her hand, and walks away.

Cut back to the Grammys, and Sam-dong as K gets ready to go onstage. He takes his earpiece out, ’cause he don’t need it, yo, and flies onto the stage like a bird.

Back in Korea, we get to the Big Concert, which we find out is Hye-mi’s 100th concert, as she thanks all her friends and teachers who have helped her along the way. Oh-hyuk and Jin-man watch proudly (Jin-man cries, heh), Baek-hee smiles, Pil-sook and Jason snuggle, and Jin-gook arrives backstage.

He watches with a smile, and then a girl wearing a Kirin school uniform comes up next to him and motions for him to come closer. He leans in, and she kisses him on the cheek. He looks at her curiously, and she flashes her nametag at him: it’s Hye-sung, Hye-mi’s little sister, all grown up. LOL. He really DOES end up with Hye-mi’s little sister! That Cracks. Me. Up.

Hye-mi thanks everyone and adds a thank-you to someone who couldn’t be there tonight, someone who’s walking a lonely road, and dedicates the following song to him. It’s her cover of Mandy Moore’s “Only Hope,” (posted above) which she sang to Sam-dong when they first met, that snowy night at the outhouse.

We flash back to the first time he chased her on the bus, when she lied to him that she liked him. And then as she finishes the song, we catch up to when they parted, on Sam-dong’s way to New York.

He hands her the cell phone charm and leaves, and Hye-mi cries. He gets on the bus, and then she chases after him, in another of this show’s great reversals. She catches up to him at the next stop, and he opens his window.

Without a word, she puts the K pendant around his neck. He leans out, and pulls her in for a kiss.

Aw, sweetest ending ever.


Excuse me while I do my victory dance to Swan Lake, hip-hop style.

What a satisfying end to a satisfying drama. The funny thing about this show is that it delivers exactly what you want it to, but somehow manages to keep it fresh, despite playing by the rules. It’s a great example of what happens when you follow a classic storytelling formula, but inject it with a lot of heart and a whole lot of pop culture wit and style.

While I can’t say that any of the outcomes surprised me, it did successfully keep me on the edge of my seat the whole time. The whole ride was suspenseful and engaging from the get-go, not only because of the K question, but because we were rooted in each character’s journey toward their dream.

I’m a huge fan of this kind of ending, that gives us the satisfying resolutions to the immediate questions—that Sam-dong is K, and that he finally got Hye-mi’s bus-chase confession—while still leaving the future open-ended.

I like that everyone’s succeeded in their own way without ALL having to be pop stars and such, and that their futures are still left to be written. It’s neat, but not sealed: it speaks to fulfilling their dreams, but leaves the road ahead of them, and not behind.

I also love that this episode was as much about Hye-mi (maybe more so) than it was about Sam-dong. Her love, and her willingness to put his dream before everything else, is what makes him K. So in essence K is the both of them, because she’s the music, and he’s the dream.

It’s no secret that I wanted Sam-dong to be K and get the girl, so I’m sure this ending made me happier than those of you who backed a different horse. But I say, if you loved Dream High, you’re a winner. Cheers!


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Am I the only one who notices the Pilsook has got fat again!! love it....they really showed that she can be happy either way!!


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I just finished watching this finale.

That scene w/ her preschoolers was smittenly cuteness overload. Gotta love her... either bodies. Kids are just angels... when they are sleeping. = , =

Anyone else notice 2AM in the flash mob scene? LOL!

If Kyung-jin and Oh-hyuk married, then where are their wedding rings? Opso?!?


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2AM? really? I didn't...oh man! I gotta go watch again!


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I noticed right away when I saw Seulong! Lol! I missed Jo Kwon though xD

Ah. If only they put all the 2PM boys~ I've to find out which one is cute-but-hotter: Junho or Soohyun xD


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And how awesome can that get...thanks JB & GF not a day goes by without me thinking about your recaps!

While the two handsome leads are basking and glowing in anticipation making "quick artwork" out of chasing buses, the PD threw JG under the same bus and worse, he now looks more like a hapless "craddle snatcher".
Can't they find JG a suitable HM lookalike? not a kid please....

As for the local boy from valley (Mr.K) who so much preferred chasing buses than rabbits, finally made it to the "big leagues"...who knows, might even find enchantment with Lady Gaga's daughter by then.
Oh you're so Blonde!


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Awesome. I loved every minute of it. Totally cracktastic!


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Am I over Dream High? Nope!
Hahaha! I feel empty too. What do I have to look forward to now? Huhu...

Need a new fix. Stat!

Anyway. I made a playlist of the Dream High Special Concert. Enjoy!!


I totally love it.


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Bluefyre this is great. Thanks for posting it.


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I LOVE IT! but I still kinda wished it was extended :/
Oh well the ending was epically awesome so I'm still happy n_n


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Im so saaaaad
Gonna miss my fav dreamers!!!!

One of the best things about this drama was actually reading it on ur blog.





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omo! i love this drama so damn much. so so much.

i have to be honest. i didn't have the highest expectations for this series. i thought itd be corny & cheezy. but i was wrong. this drama was both smart and solid in every way. love how the plot developed overall. I was all for Sam Dong & Hye since the beginning. Pilsuk & Jason's scenes were so adorable. Even though she had a mini shrine erected to herself in her classroom. Haha. JG & Hye Song 7 years later cracked me up as well.

Every couple, every character, i fell in love with even Pres Ma. & SD's line to HM, "you are my music and music is you." Gah. Dead Swoon.

There are so many more scenes i love that i didn't mention but i want to go back and rewatch this ep.

Love Love Love!


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Song Sam Dong, why so sweet? <3
It ended and now in sad! there better be a next season! <3


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I freaking loved this drama! I actually wanted Baekhee to end up as K becuase i thought she deserved it the most, but ahwell. The ending was bittersweet. I was rooting for the sammi couple the whole time because ksh is DAMN GORGEOUS. But too bad they both ended up lonely.:(..well, tears to the ending of the drama.


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"K is the both of them, because she’s the music, and he’s the dream." AWW! I couldn't have said it better myself. Seriously I don't know why but every speech that Sam-dong gave in this series turned me into goo. I wish there was someone half as sweet as him in my life.

I just finished watching the episode and a drama hasn't left me this happy in a long time. It's nice to see that everyone got their happy ending even if it didn't coincide with their original dream.

Also the part where Jason rubbed Hye-mi's face in her own advice was priceless. The funny part is that Jason & Pilsook became THAT couple... yes the one that doles out advice. I love that Hye-Song and Jin-Gook ended up together. HILARIOUS!

Great job on the recaps GF and JB. We all love you for it!


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I loved every second of this drama! Everyone contributed immensely to its success. Not only am I obsessed with Kim Soo Hyun now, I love JYP so much its ridiculous!
Im so glad it ended exactly the way I hoped it would. I would've liked a massive cheesy reunion between Hye-mi and Sam Dong, but oh well!
How hillarious would it have been if during the wallet scene, Sam Dong had 'convieniently' lost his hearing? HA.


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awwwwww, that was the sweetest ending ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I totally loved it though i was rooting for jin guk all the way!!
Yeah, it included everything, not leaving anything important out unlike some other dramas............


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ah...I'm having some withdrawal symptoms...
I am so going to miss this show...especially Sam Dong! =)

the songs were great, surprisingly I enjoyed all parts except maybe the 1st 2 episodes with its over dramatic action scenes and probably coz Sam Dong did not feature much XD

all in all, loved the ending....

all of them are successful in their own ways and most importantly happy, and they never gave up on their dreams!


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This was such a great drama, thank you Dream High for kicking ass!, thank you girlfriday for recaping this greatness for us, and thank you Misfits for being such awesome characters !!!

LOVE DREAM HIGH <3 Will miss you!


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what's the old old old song that's playing while pilsook and hyemi have their heads on the table?


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I feel compelled to say that I am now in therapy.

Congratulations to those who had it right! I only knew and wished the "K" part for Sam-dong. He is lovely, cute, gifted, sweet, and all THAT. I never said he wasn't. I will admit I had the Hye-mi/Jin-gook ending WRONG!! It has not changed the way I FEEL about them. I am in mourning right now... He (JG) knew her heart all the way to the end. Priceless!!

Jin-gook getting the sister is all speculative, of course. If that is the case it reminds me of the Biblical story of Jacob, Rachel, and Leah. That story is heart-breaking in many ways. Hye-mi could tell her sister, "I have kissed your man and seen him in the buff." That, to me, goes against Korean moralistic sensibilities which is evident in most dramas. Why did they have that scene (JG in the buff)? Made me wonder!!

Anyway, I had to rant AND rave...


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GREAT DRAMA! And awesome recaps... ive never thanked you for them... but watching this drama and reading these recaps has made this drama even BETTER for me!!!

I am satisfied... but dunno what to do without Dream High now...


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MOST SATISFYING ENDING EVER!!! before watching the last episode, i thought to myself that i wud die of happinness if sam-dong turned out to be K AND get the girl. AND THATS TOTALLY WHAT HAPPENED!!! *me dying of happiness now*
ALL the individual endings were adorably cute. im in blissssssssss. and i need a new drama addiction


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so samdong is getting all the girls in america and hyemi is by herself becoming an old maid.


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Dream High was AMAZING!


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So happy about this freakin' AWESOME episode but so sad our Crack High is over! =(

Sam-dong and Jin-gook both make our hearts ache<3 That kiss in the end, omgggggg Sam-dong. *swoooooooooooooons* *fangirls* *repeat*

GF said it best. Dream High delivered exactly what we wanted it to, but still keeping it fresh. Omg, more than fresh. Fcking awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeee is more like it! :)

Reading the recaps help me curb my obsession over this drama, 'grats to GF for winning tehehe. This just about beats out Secret Garden for the crack drama of the year. Though, more Hye-mi & Sam-dong scenes/resolutions would've been nice.. *coughFANSERVICEcough*

But overall, lovelovelove all six of them!<3


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THIS NEEDS TO BE SUBBED! But zomg loves<33


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amazing Iloved every minute of it


whats next???


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i'm a happy girl alright. i wanted samdong to be K and get the girl :D


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oh btw, whatever happen to their relationship? will they really be able to be togethr in the end?


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i'm kinda sad that although samdong got the girl.... he wasn't physically THERE the last episode.

:( hahah if only he just showed up last minute or sooomething.

but. Dream High. Dream High. you were awesome indeed.
Writers did a great job building all the characters... and a great reversal of roles.... i feel like we went in a full circle :) awesome.

the episode still had me guessing who K would be!

and i LOVE LOVE ALL of the cameos this episode.

withdrawals.. starting now! haha


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I really wanted a confirmation of them being together after the time leap forward (you guys were right!!) .
Still it's such an inspirational drama one that I will probably watch over and over again.

Thanks for the recaps!


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me too... I want a confirmation that they are together inspite of the distance....


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loved the ending! loved the whole series!
and like some of you, id wish that the ending wouldnt be so rushed..
i think it could've went to a 17th episode...bt o well! whats done is done! and it was still good!
hmm actually, i wished that they'd film some special episodes like playful kiss and let the fans get some extra doses of the couples.. =)
i was really hoping that sam dong would see hye mi after 8 years...bt didnt =(

lastly, does anyone know...how old hye sung is in 2018? LOL cant believe she'll prob be with jin gook after all


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AGREE 100%!!!!!!!!!!


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She should be....16/17? Around there. Either a second-year or last-year student at Kirin, so yeah, 18 max. lol....The funniest part is, the age she is, is actually the age Suzy (who acts Hye-mi) is. And the age Jin-gook is in 2018 (something like 24) is basically the age Taecyeon is in real life. AHAHA.


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Does anyone know the song they play right before when Jin Gook is like mobbed by the huge crowd?? It goes "One, two, three... let me touch ya and give you electric city" Please help

Btw This is like one of the best drama's ever!!! There's angst, saddness, happiness so much more! I hate dramas have ridiculous plots that don't make sense! Gah! I am so happy that Hye Mi ended up with Sam Dong!!! <3


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that song is by wooyoung...like his solo song..
but its not released =\..not too sure if it will or when it will be released! thought it would've been when they released the full dream high album but guess not


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Gahhhh I love this!!! Love the ending but I too wanted more of the sami couple!!! Love all the characters and music!!! Except for the poor start..great drama!!!!


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"So in essence K is the both of them, because she’s the music, and he’s the dream."

couldnt have said it better, jaybee. :)

i only wish we had one more episode...the ending seemed fast paced. Jason's future wasn't really shown as much as the others. I wouldve liked to see sam doong and hye mi together in 2014.

oh well. it was a beautiful last episode. :)


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I'm so happy with the ending, I like that all characters had a nice little section dedicated to what their "end" was. Even though I was sad that Hyemi and Samdong didn't even go on a date or anything, their feelings were so cute and the kiss on the bus? awwwww!
But I don't think Jinguk ends up with the Hyesong, JB why do you think that? It didn't indicate that they were going to date or anything ._. Plus aren't they like 10 years apart or more? I know age isn't everything but it's just weird thinking about him and the little younger version of Hyesung ending up together LOL..o.o..


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i squealed so much this episode.....finally a last ep that was just amazing


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.. still sad because it's end. Hiks..

I have something in my mind though..

SamDong said that he knew Hye Mi better than she knows herself.
But the fact that Hye Mi let him go instead of asking him to stay... did it mean that SamDong actually didnt know her?
Or did Samdong refer to Hye Mi 's feeling to him, that he knows it's him in her heart from the beginning?

A friend of me mine is arguing and said it was JinGook who knows Hye-Mi better, from the advice, confidence for her to pursue and reach her decision.

Ahhhhh... I'm in limbo.


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What I am writing is kind of half-baked. When I finish writing and think about it some more, there is always something more I think could have been said.

What you are saying is something I have been thinking about. I cannot get this drama out of my mind. I drives me nuts! Maybe even literally!!

I think Hye-mi learns to love from Jin-gook and Sam-dong. They both love her and each have unique ways of expressing it. If you can recall the time she is accused of stealing the pendant from Baek-hee; Jin-gook wants her to come clean and Sam-gook hits Jin-gook for making her look like a liar and thief. The next scene is her using the megaphone and telling everyone she is a winner, not a loser (basically). Jin-gook is smiling and nodding his head while Sam-dong is dumbfounded. The time he tells her he thinks of her as a good person who should not throw temper tantrums but just tell people what she thinks. I also believe Jin-gook is instrumental in helping Hye-mi forgive Baek-hee and encourages her to actively seek friendship with her again. There is more...

Sam-dong loves her from the minute he sees her. He tries, in every way to protect her. The thing that is so different about their relationship is that there is not any bickering or conflict between them except for his jealousy of Jin-gook. The time he runs away is when Hye-mi maybe realizes how much she misses him and loves him. He is a true and loving friend who is there for her when Jin-gook is away. His love is open-handed and does not expect anything in return.

Hye-mi's love for Sam-dong incorporates both kinds of love. The love she shows him when he misses his notes and timing is the protective love he shows her. The love she shows him at their parting is the tough love which she learned from Jin-gook.

Hye-mi needs both types of love at different times in the drama. Sam-dong's love is the love that moves her the most. Both guys are willing to let her go. Sam-dong doesn't care who she loves; he just wants to be next to her (what he tells Jin-gook that gave JG goosebumps). He does not get his wish.

I HAVEN'T ANSWERED YOUR QUESTION. Sam-dong says that he knows her heart. Does he know it because of the picture or for some other reason by which we were not made aware. How does he know this all of the sudden? It is perplexing. I always believed and felt that Jin-gook knows her heart the best. He is never wrong about her. To me, Jin-gook is the true winner of the story. This is my conclusion. He gets to be famous. He gets to be near his true love. This is why HE is smiling the most at the end of episode 16. Forget the Hye-seung bit!!!


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Whoaaa... that's a long one..!
But make sense in a way.

To me, what's he's referring to as "know her better than herself" refer to the heart matter.
I think sam-dong already knew that Hye-Mi likes him but not aware of it yet.

I dont know... We can interpret anyway we want.. but still we love this drama. It's just awesome and made me want more..

Oh well...


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i love this show. if only eun jung's jawline isn't that weird and distracting.

Cant focus on her acting, its the jaw thats taking the limelight. And the lips that needs a generous amount vitaminized lip balm.

That aside, this show is insanely monstrous in a subtle way.

'Hyemi ah, sam dong ah, guk ah' i will miss the characters big time!


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I wanted SD to at least come back.. Bec from HM speech at her concert.. SD has all the fame and glory but lonely and alone. I don't like that... it's heartbreaking. SD did not have his genuine smile at his Grammy Awards show. AND THAT KILLS ME. It is like he sacrificed a lot for fame but in the end. He is alone at the top, just like what he said. It's a bittersweet ending to my crack drama.

Either way. I love how DH's finale was presented.. the editing of the scenes kept me on the edge of my seat wondering what happened or who will be revealed next. and then i just squealed so loud when we knew already who was K. It was that satisfying to find out.

I am sad this is the finale. Because honestly.. I WANT MORE.


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"So in essence K is the both of them, because she’s the music, and he’s the dream."

Oh my goodness, your comment is PERFECT girlfriday! Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside...

*sigh* I'm going to miss Dream High.


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Dream High! Ah, can't believe it's over!But that was a really good drama, still got to go back and actually watch ep 14 and 15 since I only just read the summaries.

SAM DONG -AH!!!! actually Kim Soo Hyun, marry me, please? He's a great actor, and out of all the characters from the drama, I could really feel his emotions as Sam Dong. and I actually like his voice too....aaahhh Kim Soo Hyun <3 squeeeeeel haha

But during the last scene when he is talking with Hye-Mi, he seems adament about not going to the states, because she won't be there, and she is his music to him.
but do you think he actually had the intention of going to the states entering that conversation, and only said that he won't go because he likes her so much? or do you think he actually had the intention of not going, but he changed his mind in the conversation?

I just wanted to get your opinions =)

and hee hee Hye mi's sister with her cheek kissing ways!!


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The only unanswered questions is,how do President Kirin know about Samdong's ability when Samdong lived at country site at that time?lol

JinGuk/Hye Sung are really cute together !


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Yes... I was wondering about that too.

Maybe the p[resident saw him on the local TV or whatever it is he's joined. You know, the one when he's wearing his rice jacket.

maybe hehehe..


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Yeah i was thinking about this too. But MAYBE cos Samdong's dad used to be a singer right? Maybe he had a connection with the president :/ Thats the only reason i can think of..


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and i was thinking, maybe samdong's the president's son. but NO. byj's son should be khj. no other than him. xD


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and for anyone who ever asked:

Kim Soo-hyun is the lead! YAY!!


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who knows the song thats played just after sam dong gets on the bus and suzy starts chasing him at the end of ep16?


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Dreaming -kim soo hyun
i's in the ost


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My thoughts on Pil-sook being fat again, she is pregnant! hah! i wish they playes a spun of things on that or gave us clues. >< SEASON 2 baby!


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DAMN. I watch the flash mob again and again.
I was like YAAAAAAAAAAAY when I saw Jia, and Fei, and Min. AND SEULONG! AND JIN WOON! AND CHANGMIN! *hugs* Thanks for such fanservices. Daebak! xD


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I loved this drama - more than I thought I would!

I'd love to have a list of songs played during the drama, not an OST, but just songs heard. For example, I heard a Rain song during the last episode, but what other songs did I miss? Does anyone know if there's a list available?


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Who knows where I can download only hope thats sung by suzy the full version
if possible


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Ok, so, i finally caught up with ep16 and......please excuse me while I take a moment to spazz at the ending!!!! ahhhomgomgitcantstopthereineedmoooorecracknow!!!!

Anyways, I got to say, that was probably the sweetest and the most satisfying drama finale I've seen in a very very looong time. Most dramas (including the ones I loved) usually start out great, but tend to loose steam and direction halfway through the run, which often leads to cop-out or/and crappy endings. But Dream High managed to maintain its balance and kept its momentum going throughout, leaving us, or maybe just me, totally happy and satisfied, but at the same time, craving for more.

I loved how all the loose ends were tied up, but not so tightly that it still leaves room for the characters to grow and continue to further pursue and discover their new dreams.

The ending for the OTP was so bittersweet. I loved the reversal take on the bus scene, that and the flashbacks, coupled with Hyemi's Only Hope, totally brought me to tears. It was ironic and oddly nolstagic and I hate that the two of them had to part ways so early, esp when their love was just blossoming. But you gain some and loose some; for them to sacrifice being together for their dreams will make them treasure it even more. oh and the kiss !!!!(omgcan'tstopsquealingandcrying). sure it wasn't anything groundbreaking (not that i was expecting it to be so) but it totally warmed my heart. They love each other, and he knows she loves him and she knows he loves her...I don't wish for anything more.

It has been an enjoyable and rewarding ride and I am reluctant to let it go. Dream High was a drama that gave me much joy, happiness and tears, and that's what i will always remeber it as.

Thank you JB and GF for the recaps, it won't have been the same without you two.


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Amen to that.

The ending still borught me tears, regardless I've watched it several times already.
The reversal bus scene, flashbacks, and the Only Dream in the background... it's just so touching.

I've rewatched ep. 3 back when they met and then fast forward to ep. 16 last scene...
Gosh.. it's really fate that brought them together. So bittersweet. They pursue their dreams, keep each other in minds, and I'm sure they will unite together..


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he may be K but that doesn't mean he was happy...

breaks my heart


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woohoo... i dont like the samdong-hyemi ending... hahaha. STILL. but it would be a totally bad drama if they let jinguk and hyemi end up together so i'll just drop it and have my own wishful thinking of a 2018 loveline for jinguk and hyemi since samdong is out of the country and all... whatever... my point is... im forever a JG-HM fan and a Samdong as K fan. hahaha. :) my gosh if i shipped samdong and hyemi in the first part i might be soo happy that my KIM SOO HYUN oppa got the girl and the dream but its not soo... whatever. i still love Soo Hyun and forever will... gahh... im soo gonna watch Giant now hahaha. since i am missing him again. :))

awesome ending... i think it was an awesome series! if it wasn't for the loveline it would now have been my number 1 drama hahaha :))


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please look at my review!
i loved the eeeend! :)))




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