Dream High: Episode 16 (Final)

Dude, someone owes me drinks, and then MORE DRINKS. I’m on a roll. Maybe I should play the lottery or something. Vegas, anyone?

We’re here at the finale whether we like it or not, and we’re met with song and dance, laughter and tears, as we send off our dreamers to their bright and shiny futures.


Suzy – “Only Hope” [ Download ]

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We begin with a montage on the REAL star of today’s show, The K Pendant. We see it make its journey from President Jung to Baek-hee, from Baek-hee to Hye-mi, who gives it to Sam-dong, who tosses it to Jin-gook…

And we see the moment (going back in time into Episode 15) when Jin-gook gives it to Hye-mi. He asks if she has the confidence not to regret her decision. She figures that she’ll have regrets either way, and then Jin-gook hands her the pendant, and asks her to stay and regret it then. Aw.

The Dream High group gathers with Doo-shik, who tells them that he’s running up against a giant wall when it comes to the studios: Baek-hee and Jin-gook, who they refuse to put up in front of the cameras. He tells them that it’s either split those two off and debut the rest first, or stay together and face the chance of never debuting.

Baek-hee and Jin-gook both offer to stay behind, not wanting to hold the group back because of their past. But Sam-dong tells them that it’s not an option—they’re all or nothing. He admits to not particularly liking either of them (Baek-hee for making Hye-mi suffer and Jin-gook for being stingy about his underwear, HA.) but tells them that this is what he would want from them, if the tables were turned.

He turns to Hye-mi and says that he’ll never leave this group, making her gulp down her fluttering feelings. She walks out later to get some air, and Sam-dong gets thisclose to her face…to tell her to smile. She can’t even look him in the eyes (awwwww) and just stammers a “yeah.”

At school, she takes up her usual thinking position—head-to-desk. Pil-sook immediately recognizes the signs and asks what’s on her mind. After hemming and hawing, Hye-mi finally leans in uncomfortably close to ask how you know who’s in your heart.

Pil-sook reminds her that she’s already told her—it’s the person you think of first when you’re happy or sad. Hye-mi: “Yes, but…what if it’s not the person you thought it was going to be?” Eeee!

Pil-sook looks confused, only ever having experienced the all-in, one-and-only kind of crush. As they ponder what it means, Jason bursts in from out of nowhere, getting right up in Hye-mi’s face with a devilish smile.

Enjoying the moment more than life itself, he tells Hye-mi that THIS is what you call two-timing, which he reminds her is what she said his “manners” were about. He throws her words right back in her face, loving the fact that he gets to rub her smug face in it.

I have never seen Jason this happy about anything, and it’s HILARIOUS. Seriously, if you made me choose my favorite pairing in this show, it’s this one, right here. Their mutual dislike coupled with their protectiveness over Pil-sook is just the cutest thing ever. It rivals the Jin-gook / Sam-dong Underwear Wars.

Hye-mi denies it and leaves in a huff, but she’s shaken by Jason’s words. Meanwhile he actually lets out a “Yessssss” as she leaves, totally relishing the victory. Pil-sook shakes her head, embarrassed, and he smiles at her like a guilty little chipmunk.

Hye-mi shakes her head, trying to knock the Sam-dong-feelings right out, and yells, “Sam-dong is just a friend! Stop getting confused!” Only Jin-gook happens to be standing right behind her, and he confirms what he’s noticed for some time now. Aw, well if it makes you feel any better, she’s as happy about it as you are.

Jin-man shows Hye-mi, Baek-hee, and Sam-dong a video of himself doing a dance in his apartment, and tells them that it went viral on the internet. He gets the idea that maybe they don’t have to wait for a studio to pick them up—they can do a flash mob.

All they need is people, and Hye-mi smiles. They get started on gathering as many students as they can, using everything from intimidation to fear. Pil-sook actually becomes a horror movie ghost to scare Ria into helping. Heh.

They give everyone costumes and start putting the show together, and Hye-mi takes the lead with the bullhorn, directing everyone. It’s so great to see her use that bullhorn for good, even if she’s still a little scary to some of the students. Meanwhile, a new reporter (from a fishing magazine) sees the students gathering and starts snapping away.

At home, Hye-mi’s dad just counts down the days until they can go back to the States, while Sam-dong and Jin-gook just eye him warily and do passive-aggressive things like sing and dance around him.

They both end up at school, because they can’t practice at home. Jin-gook takes the opportunity to ask Sam-dong what happened with Hye-mi, since he swore to go up against him, man to man.

Sam-dong says that he’s decided not to confess his feelings. Jin-gook looks at him, surprised.

Sam-dong: When Hye-mi said she was leaving, I knew. It doesn’t matter who she has in her heart. I like that girl. I like her if she likes you, and I like her if she hates me. She just has to be nearby.

AW. Jin-gook finds himself moved, and then shakes out of it: “You still have that talent…of turning people into chickens.” (In Korean, goosebumps = chickenbumps, hence chickens.)

At home, Hye-mi’s dad starts singing “Dream High” despite himself, and then gets into a fight with Oh-hyuk’s sister. He ends up spilling the beans about Oh-hyuk putting up their house as collateral for Hye-mi’s debt, and she ends up spilling the beans about his wife.

He cries outside, finally facing the fact that he is the worst dad ever, and admits as much to Oh-hyuk. He promises to repay the debt, deciding to go to the States alone, unable to face his daughters. Not sure that you’ve learned your lesson there, but whatever. Oh-hyuk’s a better dad anyway.

Oh-hyuk asks him to go find Hye-mi first, and he finds her, just as she’s about to perform in the middle of the street.

Oh, yeah…here we go! Jin-man walks up in the middle of a busy square, wearing a chef’s outfit and holding a takeout delivery carrier. He holds it up above his head, and it says “Dream High” on the side. The music starts, and he begins to dance, in all his JYP glory.

One by one, the kids who were dressed as random passers-by join in, until soon a giant group of Kirin students is dancing in unison. It’s totally cheesy, and TOTALLY awesome.

As they watch from the crowd, Oh-hyuk tells Hye-mi’s dad that she didn’t give up her dream—this is her dream, right here. He adds that now is his chance to step up and guard her new dream.

In the coming days, the street performance goes viral, and all sorts of people upload videos of themselves doing the dance to “Dream High.” Kyung-jin finds Oh-hyuk uploading the videos wherever he can to help them gain some traction, and they share an accidental kiss in their excitement.

They separate awkwardly, and when Kyung-jin turns back to ask Oh-hyuk to dinner, she has a pin in her hair. Hahaha. Oh-hyuk declines, and Principal Shi witnesses the whole thing, getting ragey over the fact that he kissed her and then dared to turn her down.

Doo-shik stands vigilant at his post in the studio, passing out CDs, bodily functions be damned. And finally his work pays off, when he comes upon a PD who gets a last-minute cancellation on his music program.

At home, Oh-hyuk gets the call and runs to tell the kids. Jin-gook, Sam-dong, and Hye-mi share a jumping three-way hug, until Hye-mi realizes how close she is to Sam-dong and breaks free awkwardly. Sam-dong clocks her reaction, misinterpreting it of course.

It’s the day of the performance, and everyone is a ball of nerves. Jin-gook finds Sam-dong minutes before their turn onstage with a dark look on his face. Uh-oh. He realizes that Sam-dong’s hearing is on the fritz, but Sam-dong assures him that he’ll be fine as long as he’s on cue, and not to tell the others.

Hye-mi sees him, and when she walks up, Sam-dong makes an excuse and leaves. She asks Jin-gook if his hearing is out, and tells him the same thing that Sam-dong just said—not to tell the others, and that he’ll put everything into the performance.

She turns to go after him, and Jin-gook stops her to say that the day has finally come, for them to stand up onstage together. She agrees, like it hasn’t occurred to her until just now. He says that it took longer than he thought, and smiles.

They take to the stage, and he counts down for Sam-dong, and they perform without a hitch. As they sing and dance together onstage for the first time, Jin-gook says in voiceover:

Jin-gook: There are two kinds of happiness in the world. One is a happiness that you realize after the fact. The other is a happiness that you feel in the moment. The happiness in the moment is so rare that they say you can live your whole life on the light that shines from remembering it. I think we’ll go on remembering this moment, today, like that kind of happiness…that we can remember for the rest of our lives, the moment when we shined.

Later at the house, Hye-mi continues to be awkward around Sam-dong and avoid him (or rather, her feelings) like the plague. He finally calls her on it, asking why she’s being so avoidy, and she just stammers that she’s not.

Jin-gook interrupts to ask Hye-mi to go somewhere with him, since it’s her birthday today. Sam-dong suggests they throw a party all together, but Hye-mi shuts him down cold. Aw, if you only knew why.

Jin-gook takes her out on his motorcycle, but she realizes that she’s dropped her wallet inside. He says she doesn’t need it, but she insists on running back in to get it in a panic.

And here’s why…Sam-dong finds it on the floor and opens it up to find a group picture of all of them. He goes to take it out, and here’s what’s underneath:

!!! So. Cute.

He barely has time to register what just happened, when Hye-mi runs in to retrieve it. She asks worriedly if he looked inside. He lies that he didn’t, and Jin-gook watches from the doorway.

He takes her to the river, back to where it all began. He watches her walk with heavy steps as she tries to put on a smile for him, and he finally admits that they’re both trying to force it, when he knows—and has known for some time now—who her heart really belongs to.

He says that he selfishly was hanging on even when he knew, and tells her that the heart isn’t something you can force to go where you want it to. She looks at him in the eyes for the first time in a long time, and cries, saying she’s sorry.

He puts her helmet on her head, letting her cry. I love this gesture that gets repeated in their relationship. He tells her that they can be comfortable around each other now, and go to school together, and look each other in the eye, and be friends like they were before. Aw, I always knew he’d be the good guy and send her off to Sam-dong, but I love that he’s so sweet about it.

Oh-hyuk gets called to the principal’s office on official business, since one of his students made it to the final round of the EMG contest. But Principal Shi isn’t in the mood to be congratulatory, since Oh-hyuk is out to break his daughter’s heart.

He points it out to Oh-hyuk, who of course had no idea…until now. Awkward. He grins, giddy at the news, while Principal Shi kicks himself for playing Cupid between his daughter and his least favorite person in the world.

Oh-hyuk gets ready to announce the winner, as everyone dies from the anticipation. Only Hye-mi looks unconcerned, swearing that she never expected to win anyway. He pulls the paper out of the envelope…and the winner is…Hye-mi!

She jumps, screaming, and then tries to play it cool as she sits down. Everyone congratulates her, and even Jason has to eat his own words and say he’s happy for her, through clenched teeth. Heh.

But when Oh-hyuk pulls the paper all the way out, he sees that hers isn’t the only name…all six of them have passed onto the next round. In the days that follow, they gear up for their solo auditions, fighting good-naturedly over who gets to practice in the studio first, deciding over rock-paper-scissors.

Kyung-jin watches them wistfully, noting to Oh-hyuk that she misses that time in her life, and he notes that life is fair, since they don’t have the perspective that she’s earned since. He then asks her to dinner, and she jumps to accept.

The second he walks away, she puts a pin in her hair and primps. I don’t know which is funnier—the hairpin as an indicator of her crush, or the fact that she carries it around at all times, just in case.

As they practice, Oh-hyuk tells them that he realized why they all passed the first round, despite not qualifying, according to the contest’s crazy prerequisites. He tells them that it was a test to see who would rise to the challenge. Yeah, only in a drama, people.

They wonder how they even made it past the second round when they never even interviewed. They find out on the day of the audition: it turns out that the weird fishing magazine reporter was actually an EMG scout, and he was observing them the whole time.

They stand outside, wondering what it would be like to be the best. Sam-dong thinks that it’ll probably be lonely at the top. Jin-gook asks if that means he doesn’t want to be at the top. Sam-dong: “I still want it.”

They audition, each with a flashback of where they came from, and their words about how much they want this dream. It’s a lovely sequence, and it takes us forward in time, to 2018.

Pil-sook has a slew of albums and awards to her name, displayed at her kindergarten class, where she sings the kiddies to sleep. Cute. Jason comes to escort her for the Big Night, and they get excited about seeing everyone again. He says that he’ll be going onstage as a guest, and asks if she wants to join him. She laughs and says no, she’s had enough of being in the press with him.

Baek-hee is now a teacher at Kirin, and an exact replica of Kyung-jin. She even uses the same lesson with the thumbtacks, and cracks the whip. Kyung-jin, who’s now the Art Director, observes her with a smile.

Oh-hyuk meets her outside, bowing to her as his boss…and then offering his arm as her husband (and father of her baby). Yay, cute!

Jin-gook is a huge star in Korea, and he even has a rivalry going on with K. Doo-shik is his manager, and he’s married to Oh-hyuk’s sister, with a kid of their own. He insists that his schedule be cleared tonight for the big concert, and smiles to see good news about his father.

And…it’s time for the Grammys. We catch up to the beginning of the series, and go backstage, as K puts down the picture of Dream High next to the K pendant…which is next to his…TUNING FORK! YESSSS!

Sam-dong for the win! He puts the pendant around his neck, as we flash back to the day when he found out that he won the EMG contest.

He refuses to go to New York, and Hye-mi tells him he has to go. (Man, after all that running and crying for Hye-mi not to go…now HE’s going!) He tells her that he didn’t enter this contest to go to New York—he did it to show her that he could do it, and that she needn’t worry about him anymore.

Sam-dong: I’m NOT GOING! From the beginning, you were music to me, and music was you. That’s why I came this far. If you’re not there, there is no music.

Hye-mi reminds him that he wanted to show her that she didn’t need to worry about him. But she says with tears in her eyes that she’s still worried…so he has to go, and become the best, so that she’ll consider what he means to her.

Oh, man. Who would’ve expected Hye-mi of all people to do the gallant thing, and send him off to pursue his dream, even when it breaks her heart? She smiles at him through her tears, and he shakes as he cries, telling her just like he did in the beginning, that she’s lying to him right now.

He insists that she’s lying, and that she wants to hold onto him right now. But she says no, if this were a year ago, she would’ve been upset that he won over her. But she’s happy to let him go. She says it through her tears, and he asks if that’s the face of a person who’s happy. She responds with her trademark: “This IS my happy face.”

Gah, they’re breaking my heart. They cry, and Hye-mi insists that he go, and show her. He finally puts her cell phone charm in her hand, and walks away.

Cut back to the Grammys, and Sam-dong as K gets ready to go onstage. He takes his earpiece out, ’cause he don’t need it, yo, and flies onto the stage like a bird.

Back in Korea, we get to the Big Concert, which we find out is Hye-mi’s 100th concert, as she thanks all her friends and teachers who have helped her along the way. Oh-hyuk and Jin-man watch proudly (Jin-man cries, heh), Baek-hee smiles, Pil-sook and Jason snuggle, and Jin-gook arrives backstage.

He watches with a smile, and then a girl wearing a Kirin school uniform comes up next to him and motions for him to come closer. He leans in, and she kisses him on the cheek. He looks at her curiously, and she flashes her nametag at him: it’s Hye-sung, Hye-mi’s little sister, all grown up. LOL. He really DOES end up with Hye-mi’s little sister! That Cracks. Me. Up.

Hye-mi thanks everyone and adds a thank-you to someone who couldn’t be there tonight, someone who’s walking a lonely road, and dedicates the following song to him. It’s her cover of Mandy Moore’s “Only Hope,” (posted above) which she sang to Sam-dong when they first met, that snowy night at the outhouse.

We flash back to the first time he chased her on the bus, when she lied to him that she liked him. And then as she finishes the song, we catch up to when they parted, on Sam-dong’s way to New York.

He hands her the cell phone charm and leaves, and Hye-mi cries. He gets on the bus, and then she chases after him, in another of this show’s great reversals. She catches up to him at the next stop, and he opens his window.

Without a word, she puts the K pendant around his neck. He leans out, and pulls her in for a kiss.

Aw, sweetest ending ever.


Excuse me while I do my victory dance to Swan Lake, hip-hop style.

What a satisfying end to a satisfying drama. The funny thing about this show is that it delivers exactly what you want it to, but somehow manages to keep it fresh, despite playing by the rules. It’s a great example of what happens when you follow a classic storytelling formula, but inject it with a lot of heart and a whole lot of pop culture wit and style.

While I can’t say that any of the outcomes surprised me, it did successfully keep me on the edge of my seat the whole time. The whole ride was suspenseful and engaging from the get-go, not only because of the K question, but because we were rooted in each character’s journey toward their dream.

I’m a huge fan of this kind of ending, that gives us the satisfying resolutions to the immediate questions—that Sam-dong is K, and that he finally got Hye-mi’s bus-chase confession—while still leaving the future open-ended.

I like that everyone’s succeeded in their own way without ALL having to be pop stars and such, and that their futures are still left to be written. It’s neat, but not sealed: it speaks to fulfilling their dreams, but leaves the road ahead of them, and not behind.

I also love that this episode was as much about Hye-mi (maybe more so) than it was about Sam-dong. Her love, and her willingness to put his dream before everything else, is what makes him K. So in essence K is the both of them, because she’s the music, and he’s the dream.

It’s no secret that I wanted Sam-dong to be K and get the girl, so I’m sure this ending made me happier than those of you who backed a different horse. But I say, if you loved Dream High, you’re a winner. Cheers!


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"Jin-gook is a huge star in Korea, and he even has a rivalry going on with K. Doo-shik is his manager, and he’s married to Oh-hyuk’s sister, with a kid of their own." Good god! I am suffering from morning sickness and I totally misinterpreted the sentence to mean that Jin-gook married Oh-hyuk's sister! Lol! It took me another 2 readings to understand my mistake.


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that was an awesome ending
sucks that it ended, but im satisfied.
at first i really thought that this drama would suck..
but man was i wrong.. and im happy i was.
again, freakin awesome drama, will watch it again after some time. and the writers did a freakin good job!!
will miss it tho.

thanks for the recap, i just watched it with subbs but love to read other peoples comments bout the drama
and they are all good comments.
Dream high!!


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LOve this DRama! it rocks! I'm a Sam Dong fan, rooting for him to be K, as well as wanting the Sam-Hye Mi pairing, so i'm quite elated it goes this way, YAY!

loVE the endiNG, tho i would have wanted them to be together, as in together,... with Hye-mi saying "for someone who's walking a lonely road", does that mean they weren't a couple or is it only that he is far away?

This drama together with MP had been a great opener for 2011 K-dramas...hoping that something as good as these two would be on our way this year....

And last but most important of all....Javabeans and Girlfriday, all the sincerest thanks for the hardwork! More Power! Kudos!


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i promised myself i won't read the recaps ...

that i won't help out in the subbing...

and i won't try to check what's with the last episode

but my gosh! i just can't help it...i have to read this recap when someone in the subbing mentioned dramabeans, i just HAVE TO ABSOLUTELY READ THE RECAPS!!!!


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such an amazing drama....and ending. even though it frustrates me to no end that I don't know exactly if Sam Mi is gonna happen in the long run, I absolutely despise endings that tie up all knots available. and this was so charming! <3

THANKS A TON for the awesome recaps, girls!

and now excuse me while I watch the reversed farewell bus scene for the millionth time.... <3


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I held out the nearly 24 hrs to see the subbed version of this episode. Not coming here and reading the recap or checking the subs elsewhere was really difficult.

Way to go Hye-mi. You did all the things I wanted you to do totally spelling out to me that you liked Sam-Dong and singing-yeh.

Sam-Dong you said some awesome words to Hye-mi about she being your music which I love you for.

Some people are thinking it's not clear whether these guys are a couple but I say 'Surely they are.' Though I thought Hye-mi's concert could have been another week so they could have attended each other's performance...

Jin-Guk as always you were the coolest character. Glad you are still performing and who knows what's in your future what with Hye-sung and all...

Pil-suk is a kindergarten teacher/day care caregiver but obviously is still making music and being rewarded for her talent and is happy even though heavier but won't go to see Jason perform because of rumors/bad press:(

Baek-hee being a teacher is great.

Kang teacher gets the girl and so does Ma but what happens to Jin-man? I must have missed something...


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I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so truly in love with Dream High! And what's the best about it is that I love it not just because of some cute guy (But I still do love SamDong!!), but because the actual drama was just too AWESOME!!



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Only, what's gonna show today? Isn't Crime Squad going to start next week? Are they airing a special?


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I wish we could have seen Sam-dong's performance at Grammy Awards :( The beginning looked very cool. Maybe they'll include it in their special concert? And yeah, I want to see Sam-Mi's reunion. THAT would make me completely happy!!
Also, I'm glad that Jin-gook is still a match for Sam-dong. I liked his "we'll see who's pacemaker for whom" LOL


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Thanks JB and girlfriday for always giving us recaps (be it this show or others). Love your writing style and flair!

This show worked for me because everyone involved fitted so well. As others mentioned, from the producers, writers, staffers, and definitely the ensemble cast (young and adults). Chemistry on-screen and camaraderie off-screen.

When watching the last episode, the scenes seemed like it was flying by fast. But when it was over, it left a warm feeling and I got the ending I dreamt of.

Ok, here is my asking nicely to any DH cast or Production team reading this. Any chance of getting a director's cut DVD? YAB did (which I admit I chose not to). Here's to more hoping and dreaming!

If they are going to put KSH in a variety show, putting him in a team-style format would be more entertaining (something like the one SJK hosts?).


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Thank you. I loved it too!!! This definitely goes on my 'fabulous kdrama list"! So what now...


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YES!! Hye-mi + Sam-dong forever! It was quite obvious that Sam-dong was gonna be K. But ever since I started watching this drama, I was scared that Sam-dong would never get the girl or never reach his dream of stardom. But worry no more. It actually worked out to my liking in the end! I really enjoyed this drama despite some of the mediocre acting. It’s such a feel-good drama that I couldn’t help but grow attached to the characters. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen a drama that emphasizes friendship, innocence, and good-heartedness. I’ve been getting tired of all the evil scheming actors/actresses that I still end up hating. But for Dream High, I love all the characters for developing into normal, understanding people and actually realizing that you can’t win in life if you’re constantly plotting evil against all humanity. This drama was definitely a surprise winner for me!


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Yesssss I knew (had a feeling) that he was K.. Im so happy..
LOL Pil got fat again but his honey loves her no mater what..XD
hahah Baek hee is teacher doing the same method her their teacher did to them.. poor girls XD

haha no way that little girl all grown up and kisses Jin Gook was kinda cute..
But the ending felt like not so ending at all I mean i've would love to see her and him reunite again..auww
I hope for Dream High 2 with more again since they are got something.. I would love to watch Jin Gook's romance with the little sis..XD

Thank you


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AWESOME ending!!!!!
I wish Samdong actually got Hyemi (yeah, she loves him, but they are apart) but still. And cute that Hyesung gets Jingook. :) Lovely ending, overall. Realistic that Jingook, Jason, and Hyemi are big stars in Korea, Dooshik (married Oh Hyuk's nuna!) is Jingook's manager, Pilsook has retired from music, and Baekhee is a teacher. Kyunjin and Oh Hyuk together! Poor lonely Jinman...


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I loved the ending! As for me, almost everything I wished for came true: SamDong being K and getting 'his music', Jason and Pil Sok staying together, Jing Gok is still having his rivalry with K...
The only thing I'd have loved to see more of was the Milky Couple. I felt a bit sorry that Jason's career wasn't really mentioned, and it seemed that Pil Sok, who had the best singing voice in my opinion, is no longer in the music industry. Although she definitely seemed happy, so that's okay. ^^


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What a journey!!!!!!!! This ending was perfect for me, personally i like endings open up for anything in your imagination.
i like the final pairings and was surprise with hye sung and Jin gook but i like the idea for season 2; mr. ma and kang's sister; teacher kang and shi; and obviously fat pil sook with jason. Now, about Hye mi and Sam dong, i love the fact that even when the are not together they are present on each others lives. and it's very realistics that when u are on the top sometimes u have to be alone. if hye mi had to quit her dreams of becoming a performer to be by sam dong's side, then all the sacrifices, tests and tasks she had to go through would have been for nothing.
i'll miss dream high, so i'll expect recomendations from u girls! i have no idea of what to watch.
PS: i wanna learn the choreography of Dream High, where's Jang's video uploaded? anyone????


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Sure there's got to be something uploaded to Youtube sometime but in the meantime look at the 'cartoon' dancing at the end of the program.


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I only started watching this a few days ago. Should I finish it or not? Not sure . . . . . . .


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And i'm still in tears...


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why such a short recap girlfriday ? on this episode I wanted to read your prose ten times this length !

javabeans, I need your long argumented point of view on this episode, the serie, and each of the characters.

This was a very good drama, I like 2011 so far! I really enjoy that it was consistent from the beginning to the end (too many disappointing ends in kdrama for me)


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I didn't think I would like this drama so I actually didn't start watching until two weeks ago (after reading the recaps, of course). I was wrong. I'm not obsessed with it. I think it's really addicting because it keeps you at the edge of you seat - anticipating what will happen, who K is going to be, if HM will end up with SD, etc...

Overall, I am happy with the ending. I was surprised, however, that they included an explanation of HM's and JG's relationship. I kind of forgot about it since the last 2-3 episodes were more about SD. Perhaps it's because I blocked everyone out? Who knows. I really wanted them to elaborate on HM's and SD's relationship. It would have been awesome if SD had chosen HM over the grammy's =) Nonetheless, I think it's great that they emphasized the importance of following your dreams.

By the way, does anyone think that HM looked like Ha Ni from Playful Kiss, when she was singing at the end?


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I think it's not that SD had chosen Grammy over Hye Mi. But on SD's departure day, she wanted him to be successful so she won't worry about him anymore so choosing her over it would break his promise to her.


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i was just talking about the end - if he had returned to see hye mi perform instead of performing at the grammy's. i was not talking about him leaving to go to the US. wishful thinking.


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Really, she did look like Ha Ni... :D


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Crack High, how could you toy us with all the SamMi relationship just to make them separated in the end. :(

I have mixed feeling for the ending. They probably weren't a couple now but I think in the end they will get together again. The reason why Sam Dong walked the lonely road aka 'the top' is to prove Hye Mi that she doesn't need to worry about him anymore and since mission is accomplished, he will come back to her after the grammy stuff so he can get her answer what he really means to her.

And for anyone that thinks Sam Dong left Jin Gook for Hye Mi, I think that wasn't true. Jin Gook himself is a famous star and he probably won't have time to chase her again. And also the Hye Sung scene is also a sign of JG-HS loveline prospect which is kinda cute. :)

I wish there is a conclusion scene instead an semi open ending scene. Just both Hye Mi and Sam Dong where they finally together after what they've been though. Even if the scene would be cliche, I think this will wrap the whole drama completely. I didn't watch the whole drama, just a couple of episodes but I always read JB & GF recaps which is enough to satisfy my DH crack. But since the ending is dissapointing (for me) I don't think I'll rewatch DH again.


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ahha! i wont say its the greatest drama, but it certainly is the GREATEST ENDING EVAR!. PERIOD.
gosh, never thought i would love this drama. i was watching dis drama 4 d sake of taecyeon at first, n WAS rooting for jin gook n hye mi. though i didn't like hye mi expressionless acting in the beginning. i seriously thought suzy CAN'T ACT! now i know her expressionless attitude in the early episodes was necessary to develops her character. same as sam dong, i really wasn't a fan of him in d beginning (but i love him in will it snow for xmas!). he was a country bumpkin 4 god sake, wats with the hair n d accent. ok. not to be mean, in every drama when d leads are talking in deep accent, it really annoys me for unknown reasons. but OMG. i nearly kill myself for falling 4 d COUNTRY BUMPKIN as d series goes on. how in d world kim soo hyun is able to make me stray from rooting taec yeon to become a fan of his??? was it his HANDSOME face? or his MARVELOUS acting? or bcuz his love for hye mi knows no boundaries? answer: ALL OF IT! Kim Soo Hyun is officially my current OBSESSION! n i have to hand it down to suzy for such a brilliant character development. THE GIRL CAN ACT, yo~. d moment dat she realized she's in love wif sam dong is d moment i realized I'd long abandoned jin gook-hye mi pairing n was rooting 4 dis couple silently. haha. unlike others, i liked it better when jason n pil sook were still crushing on each other than when they began dating. but that doesnt mean i don't like them! i love them, though not as much as i love samdong-hye mi, or more precisely KIM SOO HYUN. gah, what cant he do? he can ACT, n he certainly can SING (i listen to his song 'dreaming' in replay mode over n over again. hehe), he can DANCE. n damn, he's SO FINE! OMG! my paranoid crushing is starting again! oh wow, my 1st comment in dramabeans n its so LONG. sorry bout dat~ can't help it. haha


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Dream High really, REALLY exceeded my expectations. I finished watching this episode, and immediately played it from the start again, this time with the subtitles...!!

There were *so* many scenes that made me SQUEEEEE, thank GOD I was alone in the house! The revelation of Sam-dong's hidden picture... the saems' accidental lip-smack........ AHHHHH


Thanks gf and jb for the greatttttt recaps!! :D


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Thanks for all the wonderful recaps! I've been following the recaps on Dramabeans for a while, and the ones for Crack High got me hooked and watching (as did the ones for Secret Garden, My Girlfriend is a Gumiho; usually I'd be content just reading the recaps). Am definitely sad that this series is over. Ottoke?


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Shit, I'm late to the party. :-( 4ever.

Off-topic: Girlfriday, you and Javabeans have to move to the East Coast and start doing recaps on my schedule. I demand this. See, I knew the recap would be coming out last night. I knew it, so I was trying to stay up and I'd been refreshing every few minutes or so from 10PM on. At some point after midnight I woke up to the feel of something dripping down my arm -- it was my own drool; I'd fallen asleep at the laptop (I've been sick and the medication made me drowsy and stupid). Anyway, Espen found me like that after midnight, drooling with one hand on the mouse, and was all, "Enough!" and literally dragged me away from the computer and dumped me into bed, and I flopped over to give him a raging piece of my mind, because NO ONE drags me around, or interferes with my recaps...and I fell asleep. Heh. And then the recap came out 10 minutes later. GRRRR!

So...yeah. Awesome recap! I was so sure that Baek-hee was going to be K, but this is so much better. Since I'm head-over-heels for Sam-dong, I wanted him to have it all, so I'm he did. It's a pity that Suzy is a minor because while that kiss was cute, it was completely lame and unsatisfying. I wanted some serious macking, but the child is only sixteen and can't be asked to deliver love-making kisses on screen. I understand this, and yet I wish she'd been older so she could do Soo-hyun's lips justice.

So in essence K is the both of them, because she’s the music, and he’s the dream.
Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous writing right there. This is why you're my idol. I'm amazed at how well Sam-dong's and Hye-mi's stories were intertwined. Actually, the drama really did a good job of bringing all of the kids into focus, but never letting any one character completely overshadow the others. Granted, starting in episode 11 the focus sharpened to Sam-dong which makes sense since he really is the star here, but it was all very well-done and equal in the long-run. It reminds me of that British show Skins where each episode focuses on one of the kids, while still progressing every character, but, you know, without all the drugs and profanity and sex and stuff. I really hope Soo-hyun picks another project soon. Of course, he needs to rest first, but then he needs to get to it!


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"It’s a pity that Suzy is a minor because while that kiss was cute, it was completely lame and unsatisfying. I wanted some serious macking, but the child is only sixteen and can’t be asked to deliver love-making kisses on screen. I understand this, and yet I wish she’d been older so she could do Soo-hyun’s lips justice."LMAOXXD


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woohoo!!! AMAZING ride! Thanks, you two, for the recaps!! Loved every single word and punctuation of it!


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Okay I was completely mad at the dramatic Sam-mi separation plotline until this:

"So in essence K is the both of them, because she’s the music, and he’s the dream."

Totally awesome way to put it. I'm not one for angsty "you have to leave the ones you love" plotlines, and at first I thought they made Sam-dong K just so they could have the drama of that plotline, but it actually makes sense, and even with the time-skip they're still young with plenty of time to get back together :D Plus, how appropriate is that Mandy Moore song?

All in all, a fabulous, fabulous ending. This may be my first drama box-set purchase :) I'm gonna miss this drama so much. p.s. are they selling replica k pendants anywhere? I WANT ONE!


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i keep clicking on the Dramabeans homepage because Kim Soo-hyun's intense eyes keep staring at me through my Safari Top Sites page. Not that I mind - he's probably the only person with multicolored hair that I've ever found attractive.

Thanks Javabeans and Girlfriday for the awesome recaps! You guys rock just as much as this drama does :)


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Thank you javabeans and girlfriday for the wonderful recaps! i had no intention of watching this but after reading your recaps of episode 1-3 i was sold... and how great is it that i did not miss on this excellent drama thanks to both of you! =D


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yayyy awesome ending! I've been waiting and waiting for the subs to be out and finally they were. So happy that sam Dong got to be K and I really like the way that you said K is both of them- she's the music and he's the dream. And the ending was just Plain Adorable. The fact that she chases him just like he chased her, the fact that she sends him off so gallantry=priceless.

I also like how the ending is sort of open-ended and there's lots of room for improvement.

And can I just mention KSH in a suit during the mob flash scene? YUMMY. Can't wait to see what he's in next...he was brilliant.

P.S- does anyone know the name of the song that plays when Jin Gook is walking out with his entourage and with President Ma??


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Pretty sure the song was Woo-young's "Electric City." The full version has not been released as far as I know.



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Thank you! Hope it becomes a full version...


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This last episode is perfect.


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Thank you JB & girlfriday for recaping this series!
I like how the drama ended, after all the speculation online (so I couldn't shy away from the pics posted by Eunjung, JYP and others). I like how they are all successful in different ways, and how the ending was open ended b/c their future is still being written. I bit sad that Sam-dong and Hye-mi didn't get their reunion. Overall, this was a good finale...even if I didn't want it to end.

I watched the raw yesterday with a heavy heart since it was the final episode (show don't go!)
I feel like the show was reading my mind:
Sam-dong gets Hye-mi - check
Sam-dong is K - check
Hye-sung gets Jin-gook - check
Jin-man is still awesome! - check
Milky couple is still cute together - check
Baek-hee and Jin-gook double back from the scandal - check

I couldn't stop laughing that Doo-shik and Ok-hyuk's sister end up together!


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Dream High OST Vol 1 - 7 on repeat LoL
plus ripped songs in the series

how can i get over with this??

JB and GF thanks for the Hardwork -- you are indeed awesome!


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Oh, I forgot to mention: thank you, GF and JB for your great recaps! *.* They were a big help and always a treat to read. ^^

Btw, I loved the song of the day. What a moving song...


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Thanks for the recaps!!

And now I'm in tears.... a cry baby...

I just re-watched episode 3, back to when Hye Mi met Sam Dong first time... then when she sang 'Only Hope' the first time.. It was sooooo sweet... and got me in tears.

then I watched ep. 16, when Hye Mi sang the same song again, and relayed back to the past .... It's just sooooooo touching..

Now I'm a cry baby..
Whenever I heard "Dreaming"... got me transfixed..

See what this drama do to me...


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Is Kim Soo Hyun one of those idol stars too??

How the hell is he so good at singing and dancing then? He's literally on par with his other "idol" co-stars......Suzy, Eunjung, Taecyeon, WooYoung which got me thinking that MAYBEEEEEE he is an idol from one of those less famous/unknown boybands. Lol.


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he trained in singing and acting when he was younger. i hear he was previously in mboat ent, which was a branch of yg entertainment until they shut down. he deserves to be k. haha.


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Thank you GF and JB for the recaps. After watching each episode, I loved reading the recap and the comments. It enhanced my enjoyment of this drama for sure.

Ahhh, what a great ending; an ending that made sense. Like GF perfectly reflected, the ending "gives us the satisfying resolutions to the immediate questions—that Sam-dong is K, and that he finally got Hye-mi’s bus-chase confession—while still leaving the future open-ended." The romantic in me would have loved to have seen SD and HyeMi physically together at the end but, I think the way it ended is actually better.

The writers, directors, editors, and producers of this drama made it work. Awesome work! KSH did a fantastic job as SD. Also, the other main characters, Taec, Susy, Eun Jung, Wooyoung, and IU did a great job. I wish I had teachers like Jin Man and Oh Hyuk.

What a feel good drama; thank you! This is why I'm hooked on k-dramas.


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also: the picture in the wallet moment=awesome
was so not expecting it (unlike the Jason/cellphone moment which we knew was coming)
I'm going to miss this show like crazy. I didn't want to watch it in the beginning, but so glad I finally decided too. PURE AWESOME-SAUCE

Also, thanks to JB and GF for the recaps! I'm kinda sad that JB didn't add her comments to the finale :( but still grateful for it all.


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Loved the entire ride, and I've only been watching dramas for a few years, but I truly haven't loved a drama as much as I love this one. I love everything about, the characters, the actors, the songs, everything. Ahh what a ride.

Although about the whole 2018, I know it's like a difference of only 7 years, but couldn't they have tried to change the actors' looks a liiiiiittle bit? Like a different haircut, or anything that made them look a little older? 'Cause I still found it a little bit hard to connect that they were 20 plus year old adults when they still looked like they were for the first 15 plus eps.

Haha other than petty little detail, AH I WANT MY OWN SAM-DONG. And KSH is the reason I actually went out and bought the box set for WISFC. For 13 bucks too, what a steal. Can anyone tell me if that show is any good?

I literally have no clue what's it's about except that KSH is in it for a few episodes playing the younger version of somebody.


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Wow that's hardcore! I only ever watched the first four episodes when he was in it and then got bored with the rest...he was so good at being the younger self, I wish he continued to play the older self too :(


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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....LOOOL ok im done with my scream! that was really really an awesome episode, it has really been long since i last saw a drama that i waited for to tears, and enjoyed each and every single through and through, and the end really like u said gf was satisfying. im glad i decided i wanted to watch this drama..ahh i love kim soo hyun! hope they make another awesome drama like this one..i seriously WANT TO SEE kim soo hyun in another drama ASAP IM SERIOUS!!


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Don't get me wrong, I love KSH and his character, Sam Dong. Even from the beginning, I knew K was him. He went through a lot. And I know many people are SamMi, but the scenes between Jin Guk and Hye Mi are too.....precious. Yes, I am in denial.


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Ahhhhh I always end up falling for the second male lead anyway. It's just that HyeMi SUDDENLY realises her feelings for SamDong in the second last episode? Too late for me.


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I'm curiou about jb's thoughts on this episode. Are you by any chance working away your debts after paying for girlfriday's drinks??


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So did Hyemi and Samdong get together or not? Its confirmed that they both like each other. But did Samdong's career in the States keep them from being together (I mean really dating).

I mean if they were really dating then wouldn't Samdong be the type of guy to move heaven and earth to get to his girlfriend's 100th concert?

And when Hyemi said Samdong's road was lonely, doesn't that mean that Samdong is alone and thus not together with Hyemi?

I really do like the ending especially the ending for Jason and Pilsuk (although I don't like that their careers seem to be less than that of Jinguk's and Samdong's but I guess its okay because they don't really seem to be that ambitious anyway. They just like singing and dancing). However, not having a picture of Hyemi's and Samdong's relationship in the future is incredibly dissatisfying.


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According to the last epi, no, they weren't together. Maybe they didn't even contact each other for 7 years.

If I'm not wrong, the 'lonely road' means 'at the top' since Sam Dong is the most successful among them and for that, he sacrificed his love and not being able to meet his friends like in Hye Mi's concert.

But I think this scene *their separation* was true to the last scene where Hye Mi wanted Sam Dong to become the best, so that she’ll consider what he means to her. So the Grammy is Sam Dong's proof to her that she doesn't need to worry about him anymore. Not that it's more important than Hye Mi's concert.

I think both of them will be together in the end. Maybe Sam Dong will fly at the first flight to Korea the next morning to meet Hye Mi. But this show wants to avoid this cliche *the two lovers meeting* and leave the ending up to us.

Which is SUCKS. >_< I need assurance of SamMi happily ever after, no matter how cheesy will it be.


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After having seen Sam Dong sticking close to Hye Mi during 16 episodes i find it difficult to think that he didn't contact her once he came to new york and during 7 years .I am sure that all his trainee's paychecks was spent in phone calls to korea :D


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having the same issues here.. Thats the only thing that really pissed me off, i need assurance of the too


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the best happy ending ever. [2]
I really love the show. Dream High are the best drama of the year! So perfect!
The End was perfect! I really enjoy Hye MIm sister and Jin Guk.
Everything was so perfect.
i'm a little bit sad because the Drama ends. This show deserve have a 20 episodes.


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Loved this drama!!! Also, I really liked the fact that they didn't do the oh-we-met-when-we-were-younger-we-are-destined-to-be-with-each-other ending like many of the kdramas out there.

Thanks for all your witty recaps. I really enjoy the way you write them. =)


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I've been waiting for this the whole day yesterday, and when it's up I was like no no, I'm not reading it before watching the episode. I keep coming to this page fighting the temptation to read the recap :(

I usually come here to read your recaps because it feels like sharing thoughts with someone else about the drama, to get some points that I miss, to satisfy my k-drama addiction which I haven't admitted yet :P

Thanks ^_^


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Soooo... fanfic anyone? I NEED to know what happened between 2010 and 2018! Please, someone write a fanfic. Please, please, pretty please?


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Ahh, I made an 'extended version' of the ending. kekeke. not really good but check it out if you're interested.



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Thanks Javabeans and Girlfriday for introducing and recapping this drama! I had loads of fun laughing, crying and growing up with the characters!

Although i would love it if they would extend the series but i fear that it may become draggy as the other K-dramas do, so I'm actually kind of glad now that they kept it at 16 episodes.

@Mariana: I only wrote a fan fic that ocurred after the Grammy's... >..<


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@ Mariana: Because there's a word limit for commenting here, I've posted my fan fic up on the soompi forum. It' under the Dream High thread, Pg 261, post number 5206...


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wow thank you. I'll be needing these fics and FMVs to keep me going for at least 2 weeks before I can get back to normal. haha.


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Thank you! xD


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I feel like forgetting the whole 2018 scenes with Samdong going away cos he's K. And just freeze the moment where he kissed hye mi and wishing he got out of the bus and lived happily ever after with her and their other friends. Cos right now, i feel like something is missing and i can't fill it in cos the show has come to an end. I hate this feeling, i hate cliffhangers so much. Can't they just be a couple in real life already. Or get married :-$


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Astounding find... no rebuttal from javabeans.... Isn't it one of those flip it, or zip it moments? LOL! Okay, I luv ya both being worthy adversaries. Maybe JB is currently busy w/ life; her final thought/comment is pending.

Predictable ending yet an amusing practice of cuteness throughout the series. Way better than My Princess.


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Damn, that kiss could have been so much more if Suzy wasn't a minor. I can totally see from Soo Hyun's stance, face angling and lip curving that he is a good kisser. LOL! The kiss was quick but it wasn't stiff. You can actually feel the connection and mutual feelings. Was this even acting or a natural flow of their bodily wants? HA. I love the fact that HyeMi had to sort of prop herself by touching SamDong's hand. Lucky lucky lass~

Wow, a whole paragraph concerning the kiss. I am such a SamMi shipper. I ship these two so hard even IRL.

Thank you Javabeans and Girlfriday for bringing me into the crack high obsession. I actually didn't want to watch it because I'm not a fan of the 2pm boys. But since there was KSH and you gave it an ok on the first ep, I tried. And even if it was a slow start, I actually liked it and seeing I'm here, I was satisfied til the end. I didn't get my happily ever after but the kiss was all I ever wished for so all is well for me. haha.

I feel empty now that DH is gone. I started on New Tales of Gisaeng though and surprisingly I like the chemistry of the lead couple. Sexual tension ftw! And it helps that DaMo is so frikkin cute!

Anyway, I'll end it here or else it will look like my own blog. :)


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So... What do I do now?
Gawd, I love it... Since Episode 3 I fell in love with this drama. Characters, OST, Directors, writers, editors... everything is SO good.
Every episode was awesome and I didn't get bored. Kim Soohyun was so good. I can't wait to see him again.
Really... Thank You Javbeans and Girlfriday. Because of you two I started this, and I'm so happy right now.

It was the sweetest ending ever, it is true, but I don't know why, I wanted to see even more. I was really looking forward to my Sanmi reunion u.u I know it is an open ending... and we can guess what we want to, but... It would be so awesome if they show us what happened after that.

I know Samdong will comeback after the Grammys ended, he is that kind of person... And I know that Hyemi was patientlly waiting for him but... but... ;O;

I can't let go this show, I just can't u.u


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