Dream High: Episode 13

This drama gives me the warm and fuzzies, but even more than that, it fulfills that hole left by so many dramas where style and fanservice are swapped in as stand-ins for actual plot or continuity. With so many idols, Dream High could so easily devolve into a nonstop fanservice extravaganza, but instead it’s working the performances in to make sense with the plot, rather than just shoehorning them in ’cause they know the fans’ll eat it up regardless.

This episode kept the drama in first place for the night, recording a strong 17.9%.


Sam-dong stands there onstage, hearing dulled, wondering, “Is this the answer the stage is giving me?”

He watches the keyboardist play and counts down to his cue, then starts singing. Problem is, while he’s on time and his voice sounds good, he’s singing in the wrong key, sounding a discordant melody.

Sam-dong sees the confused murmuring in the audience and realizes that something is wrong, and breaks off, courage faltering. But Hye-mi, true to her promise, refuses to let him fail and heads to the second story. She gestures that he’s flat, then indicates the beats so he can get back on track — and he does.

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Hye-mi mouths along the lyrics as she keeps the beat, and Sam-dong keeps his eyes fixed on her as he wows the crowd, both of them letting their tears fall.

In the end, he gets a standing ovation, and he cries out of pain and relief — his dream’s not dead, but the revival of an almost-dead hope is a painful thing.

Hye-mi and Oh-hyuk meet with Sam-dong’s doctor for notes on how to help Sam-dong, and are surprised when the doctor informs them that his illness has nothing to do with head trauma.

Jin-gook is the guest of honor at a ceremony celebrating his recent No. 1 performance on Music Bank as a solo artist. Even his manager is impressed with the level of his success, but Jin-gook is more moved by a particular congratulatory wreath, sent by his father.

Hye-mi presents Sam-dong with a tuning fork, telling him that if he’s able to grasp the A note as his anchor, he’ll be fine. She starts to rattle off a list of foods he needs to avoid, and Sam-dong cuts in to remind her that the doctor said his head injury has nothing to do with his deafness — so she can stop acting out of guilt. Hye-mi says that she knows, but that doesn’t matter, and that she’ll help him no matter what.

Sam-dong asks if she’s doing this because she likes him, or feels sorry for him. It’s a rhetorical question, and he adds the request that she stop, because it’s confusing him. Aw. It’s the sort of thing you say when you like somebody who you know doesn’t like you back, and you’re trying your best to get over them.

He tells her that she’s done enough and that he won’t do anything stupid, so she can stop worrying about him. And that he’s sorry for making her cry.

The next focus of music lessons is about pitch, and Pil-sook is the only student with perfect pitch. (Perfect pitch is a natural talent where a person can identify any note without needing a music cue.) Kyung-jin tells them that perfect pitch is nice, but what they really need is relative pitch, the understanding of the notes’ relation to each other.

This lesson is particularly relevant to Sam-dong’s interests, because he could perform without worrying if he could always be assured of the right notes. He asks if one can learn perfect pitch, disappointed when Kyung-jin answers no.

Still, it’s worth checking out, so he asks to meet Pil-sook later, and she readily agrees…which gets Jason’s Pil-sook-radar up and his jealousy-o-meter spiking. He asks Sam-dong, then Hye-mi, what that’s all about, but doesn’t get any answers and stands there in dissatisfaction.

Baek-hee is now the new outcast at Kirin, thanks to her showcase disaster. She sits at a cafeteria table, only to have the two girls haughtily move over to a different table. Sigh. The misery of the high school condition is universal.

Ah-jung joins the girls and gossips that Baek-hee plagiarized her showcase song from a songwriter at her agency, and she’s going to be cut loose any day now. That means no other agency will take her on, and her budding career is finito.

Baek-hee is joined at the table by Hye-mi, who sits down without saying a word and sticks her earbud into Baek-hee’s ear. Baek-hee points out that there’s no music playing, to which Hye-mi tells her to just go along with it.

Touched at the gestury but wary, Baek-hee says that her career isn’t over, and that she won’t give up. Hye-mi merely says, “I know.”

Kyung-jin finds Baek-hee sitting alone backstage, and approaches her sympathetically. Baek-hee admits that she knows why she did what she did, and that breaking the rules got her to this point. She intends to ask President Yoon for another chance, and if he gives it, she promises to work hard without cheating. And if he doesn’t…well, she’ll have to start all over from the bottom, hard as that’ll be.

Kyung-jin nods her approval, and answers Baek-hee’s request for help with a heartfelt “I will.” I’ve gotta say, I’m really liking how formerly tough-as-nails Kyung-jin has evolved into this awkward softie.

Sam-dong practices in the studio, trying to grasp perfect pitch. Oh-hyuk cautions him that learning it isn’t easy (or even, perhaps, possible), and that with medicine and care, he won’t lose his hearing. The problem is the tinnitus that comes and goes and drowns out sound — and if Sam-dong were to give up the idea of performing and instead took on songwriting, he’ll have no problem continuing on.

But Sam-dong doesn’t want that — he won’t give up performing, and he vows to rid himself of his weakness.

At half-past five (and therefore well into Pil-sook’s meeting with Sam-dong), Jason is hyper-conscious of the time and trying to talk himself out of caring, or barging in on them. The other students send him annoyed looks since he’s ostensibly listening to music, but instead arguing to himself like a crazy person, and holding up the line at the listening station.

With some prodding from an annoyed In-sung, he finally decides to go. Well, it only took you forever.

In the old Misfit classroom, Pil-sook describes to Sam-dong how she hears pitch, and how her vocal cords understand how much they have to vibrate to produce a particular note. So it’s not just about the sound, necessarily, but about the feel of the note.

Hye-mi doesn’t seem to be jealous of the situation but she’s there nonetheless, watching the lesson, keeping abreast of Sam-dong’s progress. She finds it very amusing to see Jason sidle up to the window, and upon seeing her he comes up with a lame excuse about losing his way to the library.

I love that Hye-mi always sees Jason at his weakest, and that she calls him on his bluff: She offers to take him to the library, and he has no choice but to go along. Well, it’s that or tell her the truth. And we all know he can’t handle the truth. Yet.

The teachers meet with Ma Doo-shik, now the CEO of White Entertainment, who is interested in managing the debuts of Pil-sook and Hye-mi. Each student has her weaknesses: Pil-sook’s is her old photos, considering how this is a cruel, cold world that values appearance more than anything.

Jin-man is disgusted with this line of reasoning and throws a mini hissy fit (“Does a person sing with their face? Or dance with their face?”), which is both hilarious and a little paining since Park Jin-young has seen his share of face-ridiculing in his day. Aw. I’m sorry. Your awesome comic acting totally rocks, if that’s any consolation. Well, plus you’re super-rich and successful.

Hye-mi’s problem area is her personality, and although Jin-man tries to defend her as “not that bad,” he then remembers examples of her rudeness and is shut down by Principal Shi. The principal wonders why Doo-shik picked such problematic students to back.

Doo-shik wonders that himself, and imagines a scenario where the two girls (who’ve been formed into the group “Sook and Mi”) are guests on a live radio show, hosted by Super Junior’s Eunhyuk and Leeteuk. A fan calls in and makes mention of Pil-sook’s weight troubles, sending Hye-mi into a rant against her since she’s recognized the voice as Ria. Gotta say, when Hye-mi seemed like a bitter pill, I had no great liking for her attitude — but now that she’s shown herself to be caring and sympathetic, I LOVE her surly face. It cracks me up every time it’s used as a recurring joke.

Doo-shik backpedals with Oh-hyuk, who says he’s “disappointed” in Doo-shik for being no better than all the other agency presidents who throw money around to make kids into singers.

Jin-man hilariously flip-flops loyalties from one side to the other, and Oh-hyuk smartly maneuvers Doo-shik into proceeding with the debut. At mention of Sam-dong, Jin-man says that it’s too bad he has such stage fright (the explanation that has circulated about his showcase performance), since he has such a strong sense of relative pitch.

Stirred by those words, Oh-hyuk hurries to inform Sam-dong that there may be a way for him after all: Instead of trying to learn perfect pitch to identify all notes, if he just focuses on one note — the tuning fork’s A — then he ought to be able to figure his way around, using the A to root himself and link him to the other notes.

Jin-gook loiters outside his father’s house, feeling buoyed by the wreath his father sent. Gruff Dad isn’t comfortable with those fluffy things normal people call emotions, so he mutters to his secretary, “Why’d you do something I didn’t tell you to do?” But the secretary answers, “But you told me to send it yesterday…” Jin-gook smiles, and tells his father he’s been working hard. He sees that Dad is wearing the watch he gave him and grins wider, and leaves in high spirits.

Jin-gook calls Hye-mi out, who congratulates him for his No. 1 on Music Bank. He scoffs at her trademark blank face, to which she answers, “This IS my congratulations face.” Ha. Love it. He tells her about his father sending the wreath, and she brightens up in excitement over it.

Jin-gook pinches her cheeks to confirm that he’s not dreaming, so she returns the gesture and tells him to confirm his own dreams. So they stand there, pinching each other’s cheeks, grinning like giddy fools. This may be the first time I’ve ever thought this couple was cute, but it’s better late than never.

Sam-dong approaches and Hye-mi quickly lets go of Jin-gook, which is a fact that doesn’t go unnoticed by him. But Sam-dong isn’t fazed to see them together, and congratulates Jin-gook pleasantly on his single success.

A call from his agency darkens Jin-gook’s mood, as he had specifically asked President Yoon to NOT turn his father’s gesture into a promo opportunity. Looks like the president has reneged on his word, and Jin-gook heads off to go take care of the matter.

…and the next thing we know, he’s at the police station for assaulting President Yoon, with reporters swarming around for the juicy story.

Oh-hyuk comes to collect him, and delivers him to tempoary refuge in the old basement studio, which Doo-shik has rented. Sitting there, Jin-gook notes glumly, “I’ve come back to the bottom.” So fleeting, the idol’s fame.

Hye-mi and Sam-dong see the report on TV, which looks mighty bad for Jin-gook. President Yoon works the victim stance by sobbing about trusting a friend, wearing a neck brace and sitting in a wheelchair. Worst of all, the attack was all caught on CCTV.

The Kirin students enjoy a laugh at Jin-gook’s expense, since some Photoshop-happy netizens have parodied the incident with references to Baker King (changed to Assault King) and My Gangster Boyfriend (changed to My Gangster Shi-hyuk). Gossipmonger Ah-jung spreads the story that Jin-gook hit Baek-hee at a previous showcase, bruising her face and necessitating her stage makeup. At least there’s one voice willing to dissent, and In-sung defends his friend.

Make that two: Jason tells Ria (who’s busy speculating on the gangster status of Jin-gook’s supposed bio-dad) to shut up. Baek-hee feels bad for him as well, but she keeps herself out of view.

Oh-hyuk takes Jin-gook home late that night, and they arrive as Hye-mi and Sam-dong are cleaning up the graffiti’d posters and slurs posted up on their front wall. Oh-hyuk’s sister fusses over him sympathetically, but not without trying to fish around for a story. Lol. Can’t blame a reporter for trying.

Jin-gook’s father hears the news with chagrin, and is advised to keep his distance because involving himself would only cause more media furor. He arrives at Oh-hyuk’s house later that night and asks for an explanation, showing some faith that his son wouldn’t have acted like that without a reason. Jin-gook merely bows his head and says through tears that he was reckless, and that he’s sorry for disappointing him. Really, is now the time to be playing the noble idiot? What do you have to lose by admitting the truth?

Instead, Jin-gook just kneels and apologizes over and over.

Baek-hee goes to her mother’s store that night, where Mom has been delivered a special present from the agency president — a box of fresh abalone, an expensive and generous gift.

Mom is pleased to accept, and doesn’t understand why Baek-hee suddenly looks desperate and begs her to return the gift. Such a large gift without reason may just signal a prelude to her being let go…

Sam-dong comes into the room as Jin-gook is sulking in bed and wallowing in his misery. I love that Sam-dong’s first attempt to draw a response is, “Hey, I’m wearing your underwear.” HAHA. But no, you know the depression is severe when that gets no rise out of Jin-gook, so Sam-dong offers to play a little game of “Whose life sucks more?” Hey, I thought this was supposed to cheer him up, buddy.

Jin-gook is in no mood for this, but Sam-dong proceeds, starting with their parents: Jin-gook has no mother, but Sam-dong has no father, so they’re square on that front. But Jin-gook has got a No. 1 TV appearance under his belt, while he hasn’t even debuted yet, so he’s got one up on him.

And sure, Jin-gook has turned into a national gangster overnight, but Sam-dong has a bigger concern: “My ears are ruined.”

Jin-gook is shocked, and that defuses some of his tension. Sam-dong presses his point: “I’m just as depressed as you, but I’m doing my best. Even if there’s no sound, I chase it so I can sing. Do you know why? So I can beat you.” He wants to take on Jin-gook fair and square and be so strong that nobody can pity him, and win — meaning, with Hye-mi.

Sam-dong tells him to buck up and get it together, which is just the thing Jin-gook needs to hear to kick his butt into gear. In the morning, he finds a note from Sam-dong telling him to see him prove himself, since his music test at school today.

In the cafeteria, Pil-sook overhears Jason talking to some hussy named Julie and signing off with an “I love you.” So when he slides over to ask about her meeting with Sam-dong, she glares at him while he explains, just as her senior, that hanging around with guys one-on-one could lead to misunderstandings and scandals — though of course HE’s not the type to misunderstand. It’s just all those pesky other people she has to watch out for!

She retorts that he’d better watch it with the “I love you”s to his precious Julie, and that brings a smile to his face as he guesses, “Is that advice, or jealousy?” She asks him the same thing, but neither one is willing to confess first, so they agree to both spit it out on the count of three…and then neither one says anything.

Jason huffs, “Forget it” and leaves, while Pil-sook sits all peeved. But then he turns back and sits down again, admitting, “Okay, I was jealous. You?” She admits the same, and AAAAGHHH THESE TWO ARE SO CUTE.

Hye-mi grabs Sam-dong (pushing him against a wall, rawr!) before his test to check on his condition, and tells him to look to her if his hearing fades out again so she can signal him.

She’s not sold on his assurances that he’s fine, but he points out that she can hardly follow him around all his life sending him hand signals, and promises to demonstrate so well that she won’t ever worry about him again.

There’s an adorable moment in the testing room when Jason and Pil-sook both reach for their test music and draw back shyly, urging the other to go ahead. Then they decide to both go on the count of three, which is hilarious because you just know they’re the couple who gets sickeningly lovey-dovey at everything, cooing, “No you hang up first. No you. No really! Okay, on the count of three…” I love that Kyung-jin puts the kibosh on that ridiculousness with an eyeroll.

The test is simple: Sing their selections a cappella, two students per song, complete with harmonization. The piano will start them off.

The Milk couple had looked excited at the prospect of singing together, so when Jason realizes he has the same music as Hye-mi, he sends the most hilarious sad-puppy face Pil-sook’s way. Adorable.

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Hye-mi and Jason perform well, with just a few flat notes each. [ Download ]

Next up: Sam-dong and Pil-sook. Jin-gook arrives at the school in time to join Oh-hyuk and Jin-man outside the test studio. Before starting, Sam-dong asks if they can nix the piano, wanting to start off a cappella, which shouldn’t be a problem for his partner since Pil-sook has perfect pitch.

It’s a strange request since this would be a handicap for most students, and the teachers are nervous at Sam-dong’s show of bravado. Kyung-jin warns that he can’t complain about his grade, then.

With that, Sam-dong starts them off a cappella, and when Pil-sook joins him, they’re perfectly in tune with each other. [ Download ]

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Everyone’s amazed, and Jason’s really tickling my fancy in this episode, with the way he smiles widely when looking at Pil-sook sing, then grimaces when he looks at Sam-dong, then smiles again at his honey. Silly, transparent boy.

Kyung-jin admits that she’d thought Sam-dong was full of hot air — but sure enough, he and Pil-sook both managed without any mistakes. A+.

Jin-gook watches in with a mix of admiration and, I think, bitterness (or at least self-pity) that Sam-dong managed his demons so well. Sam-dong chases him down in the hall to tell him that it’s Jin-gook’s turn to dig himself out of his own abyss, reminding him that he won’t wait for his showdown forever. So he’d better get on it, pronto.

Sam-dong turns back at the last minute to toss something his way — the K pendant, which he no longer needs.

At the lockers, Hye-mi sees Baek-hee in a daze, stumbling over her own feet and swaying dangerously as she walks up the stairs. She follows her to the roof, where Baek-hee approaches the railing and slips one foot out of her shoe.

Hye-mi interrupts, playing the moment lightly by chiding her for walking around with her shoelaces untied, bending down to tie them for her. But when she looks up, she’s startled at Baek-hee’s expression. In tears, Baek-hee cries on Hye-mi’s shoulder and says pitifully, “It’s all my fault, what happened to Jin-gook. He hit President Yoon while saving me.”



I need to knoooooooooooooow!


Oooh, great twist! After I was all ready to sigh that Jin-gook’s reckless moment seemed overplayed for something relatively small, this is a welcome revelation. So the question is: Why exactly did Baek-hee need saving?

I have a couple of theories. Perhaps Baek-hee went to the agency to beg the president to take her back, and he got angry and was about to get violent with her, which Jin-gook saw (while there to talk about his own beef with the prez) and stopped. OR… and this is more unsavory, but perhaps Baek-hee was begging for another chance, and President Yoon saw fit to take advantage of the situation by offering a sponsorship situation (sponsorship = casting couch scenario). I don’t think she’d offer that herself (what with her vow not to break the rules anymore), but the guy always seemed a bit scummy… It would be an interesting way to address one of those common issues that everyone knows about but doesn’t address openly (at least, not until recent years).

As much as I’m a fan of bromance, I appreciate that the Sam-dong/Jin-gook storyline in this episode went much deeper than that. I love that Sam-dong beelines for Jin-gook after his test (rather than, say, Hye-mi or his teachers) and pushes him to dig himself out of his funk. These characters care about each other too much to let each other slide into misery, but they’re not afraid to tell each other the harsh truth, either, rather than coddling them. Like with Hye-mi and Sam-dong — she is essentially let off the hook by the doctor…only she realizes she perhaps doesn’t want to be let off the hook. Or rather, she wants to help regardless of things like obligation and guilt.

It’s this kind of tough love that Baek-hee lacks, and while strength of character is at least partially innate, it doesn’t help that she fell prey to exactly the type of cutthroat, superficial system that feeds off of her weaknesses and insecurities. In contrast, our Not-Quite-Misfits-Anymore have built up a support system, and I love that the round-robin with the K pendant is a nice motif to illustrate that. They know they can’t save their friends from their demons, but they CAN push and encourage and persuade their friends to save themselves.

Last but not least, here’s the ending clip, with Taecyeon/Jin-gook singing “My Valentine” on Music bank. [ Download ]

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If there is a CCTV recording of the fight between Jin-gook and president Yoon, that means there must also be a recording of what happened between Bak-hee and the president. What I want to know is who has that recording and what are they planning to do with it. This will probbably never happen, but wouldn't it be great if Jin-gook's dad used his power and money to get that recording and clear his sons name. So far, he has not been much of a father, but I thinh this would redeem him a little.


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There may be a CCTV of Baekhee going in but there wouldn't necessarily be CCTV inside individual offices, especially not that of the President. After all, even high-powered folks do very human things - like nose-picking - that they wouldn't want caught on tape as source of potential humiliation. And I mention nose-picking because one of my former bosses, who is a very highly-esteemed, very, very, very important person who goes between at least 3-4 continents each week, felt so comfortable with me that he, unbeknownst to himself, started to dig deep for gold.

As for Jin Gook's dad to the rescue, wouldn't that be so redeeming. A take down of TE Pres by Ma Doo Shik and Jin Gook's dad - I'd be in the front row for that show.


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I don't think so. Usually CCTV cameras installed on public area ( such as corridor, where the fight happened ), but not on private space ( President Yoon's office ). That's why they don't have footage for what had happened inside the room. And the tapes must be already screened by the company - if not they must be have proof that Baek Hee was entering the room before Jin Gook came.

JG's dad can buy the tapes from the company, but I think Pres.Yoon wants to exaggerate this matter for publicity. See his interview after the accident? He said his jaw injured, but he was talking perfectly fine.

I think javabeans' 2nd theory is the reason why JG doesn't want to reveal things. He's trying to protect BH's reputation.


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Mr. Byun is hiding it.


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Another awesome ep!!!! I love soo many moments in this ep!!! Phil suk has such an endearing sweet voice!!! Love her duet with sam dong and jason getting jealous...sooo cute!!! Best vocal for me!!! Cant wait for next week!!!!


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Totally Agree! Kim Soo Hyun and IU Really harmonize well together! That was not only one of the best a cappella songs I have ever heard, but hands down one of my favorite performances in the whole show. Live or not, cause I'm not sure if they were singing it live or if they recorded it earlier. If it was live, that would just make me more in love w/ the performance :)

Kim Soo Hyun really is a good singer, yeah?



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I ran across this. This person/site is stealing your hard earned work. I am disturbed that anyone would be so blatant.


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two weeks left

I'm not ready to let this show go ;____;

also I totally called BH being the reason why JG punched Scum Agency guy. And i'm almost 100% certain it revolves the casting couch (though I'm sure BH was resisting and Scum Guy was forcing himself on her).

God poor BH. What I absolutely love about this drama is that there ARE no villains. As much as we all wanted to believe that BH would fit that role, really everyone is a well rounded character going through tough shit. No mustache twirling - they all just need to find themselves and keep pushing forward. Which is why this drama just gives me warm fuzzies everywhere.

Also, Dramabeans crew - you guys are pretty well versed when it comes to dissecting narratives - have you ever thought of writing yourselves? :D


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hmm the baek-hee connection wasn't that much of a twist for me. i mean, baek-hee and jin-gook were both called to their boss' office. we saw baek-hee requesting to meet with her boss right before (or after?) jin-gook decides he has to meet with him as well, after he learns that they are going to use his father's gift as promo material.

my theory was (and not so sure of it anymore) was quite simple actually. jin-gook overhears or finds out that baek-hee is being let go, and he confronts the president. from what we've seen of him, he seems to be a loyal soul, and it wouldn't be so out of character for him to try and defend a bandmate from getting fired. there was that scene where he saw that the producers wouldn't allow baek-hee to go on air, despite the president's requests. he also found out earlier that hyemi would have replaced baek-hee. i don't think the president was a type to try and strike baek-hee, or try to take advantage of her himself...

it's killing me, i really want to know who K is!! i would love for it to be baek-hee or samdong. they are the underdogs after all. hyemi and jin-gook were always talented, but baek-hee and samdong are the ones who have worked so hard to improve themselves...


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haha loved it when IU's "Good Day" song came up during that confession scene! I'm definitely enjoying this drama more with each episode.


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I'm going to miss this drama when it ends... I didn't think I was going to like this drama.

The writers and directors are just awesome here. I love the pace, twists, and turns. This drama doesn't dwell on an issue to the point of boredom. It creates conflicts/drama, deals, and moves on. With this drama, I realize the true importance of good writing and directing. Out of the young casts, KSH/SD is, I think, the only real good/great actor, the others, have there moments but ... they are however, cute, adorable, and have a solid place in this drama. The script and the directing compensates for their average acting successfully and makes it work.


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I am officially sad. What is wrong with me i can't stop thinking about this drama?! :S Still two weeks left till this drama end but im depressed already. I think it's because i wont see Samdong/Hye mi moment anymore :'( I'm so upset its ridiculous


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Totally love love this recap! Thanks for doing it so fast.

All I got to say is Cool! Awesome! Tears! Joy! Shock!

If I were writing this show, I would start with this as the opener (with small changes) and flash back to the rest of the story.
It puts us in the middle of the conflicts, and with a lot still to resolve.


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My fav parts in this episode were definitely the BaekHee HyeMi bonding and SamDong JinGuk bonding! <3
I also loved all the Milky couple cuteness!!!! <3


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I have a feeling it's the casting couch situation. It seems like that would put her more in a daze, not that she offered herself, but more like the President was forcing himself onto her or acting in such a manner, and she was too weak to completely rebuke it and JinGook walked in witnessing the President preying on Baekhee.


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I totally agree, I really like B*H character. I don't want to see her end up alone and giving up everything. Man, I feel so bad for her, yes she did bad stuff, but hasn't she been punished enough????

AGAIN...I really hope she doesn't end up alone, maybe with J*G!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Baek Hee's possible storyline sounds like Jang Ja Yeon's story. Where she commited suicide claiming that her agent forced her to have sex with media execs.


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I love this shooooow!
But....WHYYY! Why did end like that?! How am I going to survive these next few days without knowing?!>.<


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Thanks for the fab recap Javabeans! I'm so glad Sam-dong finally got out of his funk! I missed the happy-go-lucky Sam-dong! :) Oh, and how I adore the Milk couple! Jason was mega distracting with his facial expressions during Sam-dong and Pil-sook's harmonizing duet, but it was too precious! Sam-dong and Milk Couple fighting!!


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So I haven't read anyone talk about it yet, but if someone has already mentioned this, then my apologies:

Ok, so was anyone else as bummed as me about the fact that we didn't see anyone else's performance during the showcase? Yes, SD's was great and all, and that was such a great and emotional opening, but I had been REALLY looking forward to seeing PS's and Jason's performances too (any time we see either or both sing [preferably together, of course], it's Happy Time in Kim Land... lol).

I will say that the a cappella performances in the later half of the ep were great (although I would have enjoyed it more if the pairings were switched....ahem........*cough*...Milky couple FTW!....*cough*..........

Also, although I know this has already been mentioned numerous times, but... How Freaking Cute Were WooU in this ep!? Seriously, during the "kiss" scene, I literally had to go back and watch again like 3 times, and probably would've died from the cuteness if that scene has lasted any longer! :) :)

Can Not wait till next week... need more Crack High like now!

And how are there only 3 eps left? :( Sadness...tears...


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thanks for the link


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loved loved this episode...it was so nice to see sam-dong smiling again!! yayyy :D did anyone else notice how cool as a cucumber sam dong was when he bumped into JG and HM being all cute? I was waiting for a jealous reaction but none! Maybe HM will chase after him now?

ahh man can't wait for monday, this show just keeps getting better and better!!


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do you know if the acapella songs came from somewhere or if it's just some random song they have to sing? If they came from somewhere, then do you know what the name of the song and artists are?


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i was bawling the first 5 minutes of this episode. this drama always make me cry....no, Sam Dong always does. i don't understand how someone can be so perfect...he's practically good at everything! i'll go nuts if he won't end up as K seeing that he's been the underdog since day 1. Him being K would make more sense as this show has mainly been about his journey.

i wish they'd extend this drama :(


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It is actually from the OST ^^
You can listen to them here

I really wish they could release an album with all the covers from the drama.
I want the studio version of Goose Dream ( Eun Jung- Suzy), Maybe ( Soo Hyun, Suzy), On the road ( Eun Jung), Can't let you go even if I die ( Woo Young, IU) and many more.


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Since Glee now is starting a LIVE show tour, then it's reasonable for Dream High to bank on live concert fandom as well.


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i agree!!!


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I realised that the K pendant is passed around, from people who benefit from it already to people who need help (?) Like firstly, Baek Hee to Hye Mi, then Hye Mi to Sam Dong and now Sam Dong to Jin Gook. It sort of signifies encouragement


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When SD was on stage trying to sing his piece and HM was out there coaching him with the beat and all, wasn't that cheating?

Just wanted to make sure its not cause I know BH tried to cheat too and caught in her own trap.


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Baek-hee was definitely cheating because she was trying to pass off someone else's work as her own.

I think Hye-mi's offense is much lighter because it's still Sam-dong's song and it's still him singing it. They also didn't agree ahead of time that she would do that for him, it just happened. So it's less "cheating" and more "prompting" - like assistants holding cue cards during TV show tapings.

But then I feel that way because I have a huge blind spot where Sam-dong is concerned. I'll leave the hardcore ethics discussions to other people :D


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How does what HyeMi and Samdong did constitute cheating? If so, any time a singer has a conductor directing her must constitute cheating.

What Baekhee did was plagiarize. That's blatant cheating.

And I've no soft spot for Samdong. And I'm not a Baekhee hater.


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Isn't that supposed to be a showcase of individual skills graded by judges (other than the mentors) on their own merits.

Isn't HM aiding SD to get a successful rendition?

It would have been more prudent if it was openly declared that SD is impaired and needed assistance, rather than misleading people that it was stagefright which I thought was dishonest.

What if the word got out that SD showcase was being aided in his delivery?

Perhaps this is why SD declined HM's further attempts to guide him before the duet.


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However, it seems to me that Sam-dong thinks that having the people closest to him know about his condition is enough. He doesn't seem to want the rest of the world to know.

At any rate, I'm glad he decided to bounce back and try to work around things rather than keep sitting around and moping about it.

(Yes, Hye-mi will help him no matter what he says, but there's no stopping her, is there? :D)


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I think Samdong's situation is extraordinary. Were Samdong hearing-able yet relying on someone else to help him determine whether he's on or off pitch, that would make Hyemi's assistance questionable. However, Hyemi's help is much more like an inhaler for an asthma attack. A temporary stop gap for someone who is normally capable.


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I always felt the show is presented to us in such a way that it mirrors Hye Mi's perspective. Just like we, the audience, meets Jin Gook first, Hye Mi feels for him first. We don't get introduced to Sam's character until the 3rd ep, Hye Mi feelings for him aren't developed until the 3rd act of the drama. We're confused about the love triangle because Hye Mi's character is confused about who she truly wants. She has yet to truly face the fact that Sam likes her or her feelings for him. Part of the reason is Sam hasn't outright said it. Twice when Hye Mi has asked Sam if he does know the reason behind her actions he deflects it. I also think its important that she thinks the only reason Sam was upset was because of his hearing loss. She hasn't realized yet that he saw her and Jin Gook kiss. That's probably why she shied away from the pda in front of Sam. Just like the show hasn't confirmed that Hye Mi and Jin Gook are officially together, neither has Hye Mi. So when Sam says "Don't confuse me" she can sorta be in denial about what he really means and how that makes her feel. Now that guilt is out the way what's drawing her to Sam? Is it only friendship? Other than Bak Hee whats the reason she turned down the debut she had been working towards? Does anybody else feel that Hye Mi hasn't honestly asked herself or stated what or who she really wants? All Hye Mi's emotional scenes with Jin Gook revolve around his painful past and not necessarily love. Can the ferris wheel speech, which is one of my top 5 scenes so far, be scene as an outright confession from Hye Mi and not just Jin Gook?


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I really agree on this and i hope this is what all hye mi's actions meant.. And i agree on why else did she turned down the debut besides baek hee?! Ahhh i really hope Samdong and hye mi end up together. I feel like she accepted Jingooks kiss cos she felt bad for him after all the dad talking he's been going on and on. I hope it was cos of sympathy. But with samdong i hope she loves him deeply and needs to wake up to realize


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Bahahah! JB is where I'm at with this hair pulling cliffhanger. > __ <


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This is pure speculation or maybe not haha, but looking back at episode 1 where "k" is shown from the back, I'm like 110% sure that he is samdong. It's BS that the writers say that they don't know who "k" is. LOL...or iderrno fingers crossed that Sam dong gets both the girl and the career!

<3 samdong and hyemi


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oh freak! i didn't get a chance to listen to samdong and pilsook's song until now. so beautifuuulll. love their voices.


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If you love IU, and SG's "cupid" Jang Seo Won, here's a very cute Samsung Galaxy S Hoppin CF:


At 0:48, IU's line was from SG: "IU, since when did you become so pretty? Last year?" LOL


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Oh so cute!!!! Thanks.


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ok, this ep was awesome, i don't even know where to begin...

the opening adskfjahdsljfhasdfasd was beautiful and bittersweet. i love how the whole scene was executed and couldn't stop bawling when Sam-dong and Hye-mi both started crying.

Pilsook and Jason are adooorable, i don't know how many times i've said it but they really are. I love that he was first jealous of her and then she was jealous of him, then they both deny their jealousy but he gave in and so did she and then she gave him her bread, and he bit it and....OMG that was an indirect kiss right? right? ah cuteness overload.

Baekhee and Hyemi, oh how i waited for this moment. it was sweet, and kinda adorable that they are being stubborn with each other while their actions suggest otherwise. I really hope HM can pull BH out from her destructive self and protect her from harm, especially now with the whole scandal thing going on. I am putting my money on the sponsorship scenario or i hope it is, because
a) the situation is more grave and better justifies (imo) JG's actions; and
b) it is a prevalent issue in the entertainment industry and im curious about how the show will handle it.
but at the same time i am praying that nothing extremely bad happened to BH.

thanks for the recap.


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Perfect pitch can be learned through lots and lots of practice.


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I must say I love the OST for this drama! I was pleasantly surprised when I heard Irene Cara's "What A Feeling from Flashdance in the background ^_^


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I still think Sam Dong is K given the way the story is developing.

The story shows him slowly maturing in singing, dancing and composing. Given his talent in music, it makes more sense if he is K.

And I swear that the back shot of K (in episode one) looks like him!


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i was convinced K was samdong until this morning... i think it's suzy. the whole story just revolves around her, and BYJ's statement in the first episode would make a lot of sense.


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I feel the same way... She *is* the main character... kinda odd not to have her be K... although I would prefer SD to be honest.


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The only reason I think Hye Mi wont be K is because she strikes me as a classical singer. Whether she is K or not...I see a bright future for her.
And same for Sam Dong..if he doesn't turn out to be K he will be an amazing songwriter.
^Well..that's what I hope anyway ;)

Personally I think the K necklace will be passed around and we are left in the dark until the final episode. I kinda liked the idea of Pil Suk or Sam Dong being K from the first few episodes because narratively it's more structured and foretelling.

Change of topic..what's your ideal ending?

In my ideal ending K should be Sam Dong..he would also be a famous song writer. HyeMi would be a world famous classical singer. Jin Gook would be a dancing focused singer..hehe kinda like 2PM. ;) I think Baek Hee should become a teacher at Kirin..whoop whoop who better to spot talent and support students than her once she gets over her problems. And finally can't forgot Pil Suk+Jason..they should totally marry each other.


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"you'll be entranced by me."
Sam-Dong is definitely the centerpiece of this drama... he just captures every single scene he's in!
and my favourite part was definitely the bit when Hye-mi bundled him up to the wall! wow... that was kinda hot lol!
<3 IU. as always she is gorgeous and hilarious... wooyoung is ok to although don't give sam-dong evils ya bastard!


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Anyone see Hyemi's earphone transfer from her right ear to her left? Amazing stuff, really. Hahaha :)


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oh my...i cant get enough of this drama. how am i gonna survive when the show is over? noooo...
eventhough it's a high-school/teenage drama, it's so inspiring and motivational. lets dream higher !


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Long time lurker here ... finally decided to pop up due to my love for this cracktastic drama.

Yay, the drama has finally revived hope in my SamMi heart :) I've been supporting this couple since the beginning. Part of it is due my general neutrality towards Taecyeon's acting (he isn't good, but I don't feel anything for his character and I find his facial expressions too stiff), and part of it is due to my belief that Suzy and Soo-hyun have chemistry, which is obviously lacking in Suzy-Taecyeon scenes.

There's been a lot of debate as to whether Sam dong has let go of Hye mi or not, and I believe that he hasn't. The reason why he's doing things on his own (to the slight dismay of Hye mi) is because he wants to become worthy of her admiration - he doesn't want just her pity. At the beginning of the episode, he asks her "Do you like me or pity me? Don't make me confused" (paraphrased) meaning that it bothers him if she only treats him well out of guilt. Later, when he's provoking Taecyeon, he says "I want to be someone no one will dare pity," and I think that this is a direct reference to Hyemi because of the way she's been treating him, which he thinks is out of guilt. Lastly, in the scene when Hyemi grabs him aside, he says something along the lines "I'll do well, you can't help me forever." The overlying theme appears to be Sam dong wants Hyemi to see him as a equal through his act of "letting go" and "distancing himself" - it doesn't mean that he's actually letting go.

Also, it appears that Hyemi has finally realized that she may have some hidden feelings for Sam dong as well - looks like the drama is slowly moving away from JG/HM and towards SD/HM or an open ending. Either way, I'm happy. The drama's been way more awesome than I expected it to be.


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Ah i hope ur right i love them together and i have been rooting for them aswell since the beginning. He just catches my heart


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I totally agree with you on this. In the scene outside the classroom he clearly tells Hyemi that she's not his mother or his sister. He's straight up saying that he sees her as a woman. So I definitely think that he hasn't given up on her. He's basically changing his tactic. And darker/tougher SamDong is hottt. Win winnnnn!


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i have a feeling Jin-Gook is "K"..i dont' think he will end up with any of the girls and continue to be famous. Whereas, SD and Hyemi will prob end up together.

as for PS and Jason, i just LOVE those two..hehe


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I hope so toooo !! SamMi come on fighting please


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This is such a greatly made video, everything is just spot on and goes with the lyrics.. It's so sweet. SamMi shippers must watch this


Highly recommended


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Thank you for the link to this vid! It's made so well and managed to make me burst into tears once again :) lol


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it is rather beautiful :') and ur welcome


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I loved it!! thanks for sharing....
SAMMI forever


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cnt wait to see the nxt episode!!!


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does anyone know what the name of Sam-dong's solo at the showcase is called?


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it's called Dreaming.
you can listen to it with eng subs on youtube:


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Amazing recap, once again!

First off, I'm so happy I stumbled upon this website, otherwise I never would have watched this drama. It's a contender in the most-emotionally-invested-I've-ever gotten-in-a-Kdrama contest. I don't think I've ever cried so much over fictional characters! Literally every time SD appears on screen I shed like three tears.

Anyway, am I the only one that would rather the three core misfits stay just friends? I find myself more interested in the growing friendships than I do with the romantic relationships (except, of course, Pil-sook and Jason, who make me squeee every time they're on screen). I don't think any of them have much romantic chemistry together, but I can see them sticking together as friends forever. Please, Show, don't hurt my sweet Sam-dong :(


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Thats how i am ! I literally mimic all Samdongs expresion, when he smiles i smile too, and when he cries, i cry harder. Damn, He is sucha good actor i am in love with him !

But will have to disagree on the friendship thing, i want Samdong and hye mi they hae so much chemistry together.

Its funny how in real life it looks like that suzy is chasing kim soo hyun. And he's acting so cool towards her its like completely the opposite from the drama haha x)


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I totally mimic his feelings too! LOL that's so funny! I haven't laughed and cried this hard in ages. It just goes to show what a wonderful actor he is.

And you're absolutely right, if I could choose, I'd want Hye Mi to be with SD, but I have this horrible feeling that's not going to happen. So I'd rather she not be with either of them. They're both great guys (although I can't forgive JG for debuting and not ever calling...but that's another story hehe)


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"how in real life it looks like that suzy is chasing kim soo hyun" -- really?? how? maybe? but i think it is just her innocence. she probably does not know how to behave in the public eyes so that people won't make a speculation like this. well, nobody knows the truth about this but suzy herself. :)

suzy is just a kid (17 or 18 yrs only?) and still lack of experience in the entertainment business. looking from how she answered the interview. the most frequent asked question: the ideal type. she just picked ksh.
very honest and without second thought.

unlike, ksh, he is older (23yrs) and has more experience. with the same question, he mentioned 3 female leading actors in DH plus taec. ....


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OMG! So many DongMi shippers. hehe. I'm not DongMi shipper but I love Sam Dong and I want him to be happy.

This episode was absolutely heart warming. At the first time, every characters seemed connected. I mean about their friendship. The friendship in this ep was the best part and I feel happy for them. Beak Hee and Hye Mi finally tried to share their feelings, their thoughts after a long time. Sam Dong helped Jin Gook by showing the way he chased his dream. Pil Sook taught Sam Dong about music and Hye Mi taught Jason about love. The 6 people finally found their way to the others. They didn't go by couple or triple, they went along.

And I think Hye Mi somehow realized her feelings for Sam Dong. Maybe it's not love, yet, but it's more than friendship now. I don't care about the fact that she's dating Jin Gook ( isn't she? ) but I feel there's nothing between them. Just like 2 best friends with some funny jokes. That's all. Hye Mi didn't share so many things with Jin Gook. All she could think is about helping and being with Sam Dong when he needed. But then SD said that he didn't need her help anymore, that she had done her best and now she needed to stop. I think she felt unexpected. And then she will find out that she wants to BE with SD, not just help him.
By the way, she found out that SD's ears problem is not because of the accident but she didn't even care. She didn't do everything because she was feel sorry for him. She wanted him to be happy. Like SD always wanted.

SD is just lovely. He's now strong and confident. He finds his way to success. And he doesn't go around finding Hye Mi anymore. ( now is her turn, haha ). That's not mean SD doesn't love her anymore. Just because he doesn't want to be suffer again and he doesn't want Hye Mi feels sorry for him all the time. He wants Hye Mi sees his bright side, knows how good he can be, understands his own passion.

After watching the couple episodes, I don't think there's a way for Jin Gook. Or maybe I was wrong and obsession about everything. Jin Gook seems nothing to me. He was going around all the episode, talking and making troubles, but I didn't feel anything. The acting was definitely one of the biggest point, and the character, of course. I can't feeling for him now. And I'm afraid that I probably never will.

However, I want a kiss between Pil Sook and Jason. Someone gives them the kiss.

I love Song Sam Dong =) I'm dying for his smiles.


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I know me too! i am in love with Kim soo hyun/Sam dong. His smile is just too mesmerizing i am hypnotized by him and his acting skills. I really hope he gets the best happy ending though, i actually want him to be with hye mi and i'm glad she is kinda realizing how important sam dong is to her. And ur right about the being with jin gook but all she could think about was sam dong. I hope ur right in this. And when she shook jingook off and pulled her hands down from his face when she noticed sam dong was there watching.. LOL what could this mean... I love him ;')


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kim Soo hyun is a great actor. the beginning scene at the showcase where he cried was so touching....T_T


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The show gets better and better! Such a pleasant surprise. I went into it totally expecting just a fun ride, but it is a genuinely well-written, engaging story.

I love that the group continues to be a support system to each other. Just look at Jinguk and Samdong, when other dramas would ramp up the rivalry and scowls, it seems like even while they're rivals for Hyemi's heart, they are still bros that share underwear and will always nudge each other in the right direction especially when it comes to their dreams. That's awesome.

As soon as Baek Hee's mom got that package, I knew the whole thing with Jinguk had to be about her going to see the President. My first thought was definitely him offering her safety in the company and group in exchange for some unseemly "acts." Relating it back to the horrible practice in Korean entertainment and the cause of the devastating suicides would just take this show to another level! Very interesting.

And yup, Kim Soo Hyun is the lead male here, look no further than the opening credits. =]
Jinguk and Hyemi's childhood sweethearts-ish angle is pretty much typical soap opera. Not that they'll end up together, but that they aren't destined for each other.

But in this episode, I couldn't help but think how sweet the two innocents Samdong and Pilsuk are together! Ha!

I hope the special concert features them all performing special numbers with each other.


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i'm totally appreciating all the changes with each of these characters! They all do their share of chasing and looking after one another :). I agree with the neat passing of the K-pendant. You almost forget about it but each time it happens every situation is accounted for and it totally makes sense. I love what it represents.

Thanks javabeans & girlfriday for always updating the recaps so soon! :) It's always fun reading and comparing my thoughts with you two.


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Hey.. I need to know all DreamHigh OST Tracklist!!
Where can i have that?


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wah..this episode was awesome...I kinda guessed Baek Hee was involved with the Jingook incident coz she said she was going to talk with the director and Jingook too.....

and seeing how she avoided him at the school and all the other clues....

I'm guessing it's the director asking for favours and her being not strong enough to resist. and here comes the hero. noble idiot who keeps it a secret to protect baek hee!

I hope Baek Hee becomes stronger and becomes part of their gang. Now all 4 of them have held the pendant so I can't wait to see who K is....but no matter what the ending I'm loving the ride.

PS. Jason being jealous is just so so cute!


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hey everyone! I’m a huge Samdong/Hyemi shipper, and I just noticed something in the preview for ep 14. The scene with Samdong and Hyemi where he’s pulling her cheeks looks like the one from episode 13 when she gives him the tuning fork (they’re wearing the same clothing)

I know that there was supposed to be a kiss scene in ep 13, so could they have put that cut into ep 14 instead?? It makes more sense to put it here since now if they kiss, it won’t be because Hyemi pities him since he’s found a way to overcome his disability.

What do you think??


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OMG i just saw the preview and i hope ur right !! Are u sure they'r wearing the same clothing? Cos i thought Samdong wore grey jumper in the last ep, but that's besides the point i just want them to kiss or atleast get together in the end!! i would actually drown in my own tears if it turns out otherwise :'( SAMMI COME ON PLEASE!!!


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hey! I thought the same thing too, but he's actually wearing a black sweater, check it out:

I REALLY hope this guess ends up being right >___<


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aaah, hate cliffhanger endings, im DYING to knowwww. , cant wait till the next one. i usually wait till a drama has ended and then marathon watch the episodes coz i cant stand waiting, but i just HAD to start watching thiss...AARRRGG, i blame u, dramabeans, for all the anxiety im goin thru.
best part of this drama for me was when sam-dong gives jin-guk the pendant. it started out as something so simple, just a lucky charm that was stupidly fought over and gave the plot a lil move along with making hye-mi hated( when she stole it n all) and when it wa sgiven out of spite to hye-mi, thats when it became more. i love the way they pass tehir love around with it. it symbolizes so much. no wonder the K thing becomes something major. I HOPE SAM_DONG TURNS OUT TO BE K!!! even if he doesnt get the girl, he shud beat jin guk at the rest.


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I hope Samdong gets both ;) But that will be abit unfair to Jingook. Oh well i want Samdong to get the girl..... and be K haha


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I'm really curious... I searched youtube for ep.13 and ep.14 preview but I couldn't see any Sammi scene (Sam pulling her cheek).. :? Can someone link me to it please? I'm also a Sammi shipper!


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