Secret Garden: Episode 15

So the cat’s out of the bag. Frankly I’d thought we’d get some huge changes once this happened, but really, the discovery is played more for comedy than for real advancement. Thankfully, by episode’s end we finally make some progress with the body-swap gimmick that opens the door for some of our questions to be answered. Not in this episode, alas, but at least we’re heading somewhere.


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Both Ra-Him and Joo-wonita find themselves caught in their impersonations by Oska and Jong-soo, respectively. To be sure, it’s not like Oska actually suspects the truth when he declares, “You’re not Joo-won”; instead, he thinks that Joo-won has so thoroughly lost his mind that his old self is gone.

Since she doesn’t want to take this body-swap to the hospital per Oska’s recommendation, Ra-Him fesses up to the truth — that she’s Ra-im in Joo-won’s body (freaking him out by calling him “oppa”). She cites stuff that Oska had said to her that only she’d know (like his offer to let her touch his butt when rock-climbing), and flips him out further.

Joo-wonita also comes clean to Jong-soo, stating that the reason (s)he’s acting strange is because he’s actually Joo-won. Ra-Him calls at that moment to alert him to Oska’s discovery of their predicament, and he invites Jong-soo along so they can get the facts straight.

So the foursome sit around, with Oska and Jong-soo initially thinking this is a prank. To convince them, Joo-wonda says something that only Joo-won could know, reciting words he’d said to Oska earlier about being so sure that he wouldn’t fall for Ra-im, but failing.

Likewise, Ra-Him shares something bound to convince Jong-soo that it’s her: She knows that when he gets a call at midnight, his first words are, “Which hospital? Is he dead?”

At least they get to set the record straight now — Jong-soo realizes that it wasn’t Ra-im who figured out that he liked her, but Joo-won(da). And that the person who told him to never confess his feelings was also Joo-won. While it’s still a hard idea to wrap their heads around, Jong-soo concedes that if he doesn’t believe that it’s true, the alternative is that Ra-im and Joo-won are both crazy, and he dislikes that idea even more.

Ah-young has been reinstated and promoted, so Secretary Kim presents her with a gift of warm boots. She brings up his threat to quit upon hearing of her dismissal, and chides him for acting rashly; if one of them has lost a job, it’s important for the other to keep it. Aw, at least it seems she likes him back now; it was sad for poor Secretary Kim when she was all confused about Joo-won.

Joo-won’s mother gripes to Oska’s mother about Ra-im’s audacity, still incensed over their last encounter (not realizing it was actually her son giving her the smackdown). Oska’s mother reminds her that she’d advised her not to make the confrontation, and even goes so far as to say that seeing how Ra-im has Joo-won in the palm of her hand, she deserves some recognition. She suggests that Mom allow the couple to marry, but keep it out of the official family registry (making it the equivalent of a common-law marriage).

But Oska’s mother makes a slip in referring to her as a stuntwoman, which Joo-won’s mother shrewdly notes she has never said. What is Big Sis up to? What would she get out of suggesting that kind of marriage?

Oska’s mother uneasily brushes it aside and heads out to see her son, who’s in a meeting at the music studio. She delivers her decree that Oska should stop with this pop star business, since he’s had enough time to enjoy it. She doesn’t like seeing him the object of public scorn.

He takes his mother’s concerns to heart — not about quitting, but about being maligned by the public. He’s been feeling that he hasn’t been living right, no doubt bolstered by that blackmailing songwriter’s harsh words that his prior (mis-)conduct is the reason his fans were so quick to turn on him. He stuns his managers by declaring that he wants to make an apology for his past wrongs. This is the diva, humbling himself? Voluntarily?

With that in mind, the team gets to work on an image rehabilitation project, beginning with a list of his offenses (even marked by stars to indicate level of difficulty).

On the list? Things like “Throwing script at music video director of second album” and and “Skipping out of a broadcast saying that you didn’t like the look in the FD’s eye.” LOL. Some prop coordinator must’ve had fun with the list, which includes this gem: “Refusing to let another actor appear because he was better looking.”

There’s a whole string of names that are women he’s dumped unceremoniously, and Manager Choi quips, “I thought I was looking at a list of winners at a year-end awards show.” Oska’s surprised by some of the entries, having forgotten them entirely, like the one about him acting pissy about Big Bang. His reasoning is that he has to apologize for his misconduct before he can go to Seul and win her back.

Tae-sun tells Seul that he won’t be able to sign with her after all, due to his pesky conscience — he bears some responsibility for the songwriter who’s now blackmailing Oska. Seul accepts his decision, but has a final request — to find out the other singers who have chosen to work with Bitter Betty.

At that, Tae-sun smirks and guesses, “Could it be you’re thinking what I’m thinking?” Seul smiles back. Ooh, this is gonna be good. At least it had better be.

Ra-Him sits in a cafe, where the Magic Veil of Unswitchiness lets us see her (as in, Ha Ji-won) brooding. She thinks back to the hike she’d taken with Jong-soo at the stunt retreat, where he’d confided that bit about the midnight phone calls — and that he hoped for her sake that she would get out of the stunt business before she could lead her own team and have to get accustomed to such things.

She gets the good news that she has advanced to the final round of auditions for Dark Blood. Giddy, she tells Joo-won to get ready for a new round of training, to which he balks since it’s unrealistic that he could pass the audition for her.

Ra-im answers that passing isn’t the goal — she can’t even be sure she’d succeed in her own body — but that merely attending such an audition was always her dream — so all he has to do is stand there for her. Plus, this occasion affords one perk — the auditionees are (conveniently!) allowed to bring along one person. Therefore, while Joo-wonda is doing his thing, she’ll be able to watch, which will be a good experience for her.

Although he understands, Joo-won protests that he can’t even ride an elevator — how can he perform her audition for her? The comment piques her interest, but a call from Jong-soo interrupts the moment. The magic veil unswitches our leads to show us what Jong-soo experiences — the weirdness of talking to Ra-im, but hearing her words in Joo-won’s voice. Finding it too weird, he texts her instead, asking her to come by to discuss the audition dilemma.

It’s no less weird in person: Jong-soo can’t look at Joo-won’s body even though he knows it’s really Ra-im in there. He turns his head toward Joo-wonda while addressing Ra-Him, and expresses strong disapproval over their plan to train Joo-wonda to do the audition for Ra-im.

But Joo-wonda challenges, “And what if I do it?”

The magic veil drops again to show us this scene with everyone in their rightful bodies — aie, this is getting confusing — and Joo-won tells Ra-im that if it’s important to her, he’ll do it. But on one condition.

He moves back into his house, illustrated with another drop (or is it lift?) of the magic veil. Joo-won instructs Ra-im that they’ll be sharing beds and bathrooms, and dangles the threat of “Then I won’t audition” to shut up her protests. With a smile, he declares they’ll be stuck together 24/7 from now on.

That evening, he watches her pretending to sleep in bed next to him, and she asks about the medication in his bathroom. Is it serious?

He tells her about his claustrophobia, which is so severe that his reaction is far more extreme than most people — what other people feel as unease, he feels as horror. He might lose unconsciousness or, in a worst-case scenario, be in danger of heart failure. She muses that that’s why everyone was so surprised when she rode the elevator the first day impersonating him.

Magic veil unswitches them (again?! This is confusing enough without the constant back and forth, thanks) — and now Joo-wonda is staring down at her in his body. He comments, “You know, the more I look at you, I realize I’m really good-looking. How do people talk to me when they’re so nervous?” Hur.

Over the next few days, the two prepare for the audition and continue with work while fervently hoping for rain. Joo-wonda arranges for work meetings to be conducted at his house instead of the office, so that while his directors report to Ra-Him, Joo-wonda can give her signals while lingering in the background.

Seul and Tae-sun embark on their plan to find other singers who have dealt with the troublesome rumormonger, but find that it’s more difficult than anticipated, since people don’t want to get involved in the mess.

All the while, scurrilous rumors about Oska continue to spread, which come with all the attendant internet slander. Aw, poor rich boy hasn’t learned to stay away from the internet during a scandal. He even starts typing a message in defense of Oska, posing as a neighbor, but gives that up. At least that shows he’s got more restraint than your average huffy internet commenter. (Seriously, people, using dozens of screennames to flame doesn’t do anything but create extra work for yourself. I still see who’s doing it.)

Gradually, Joo-wonita improves his fighting skills as he works on his swordplay skills. (With yet more magic veil switchiness.)

Ra-im is thrilled with his improvement, wondering if some miracle might actually allow him to succeed in the audition after all. As they flirt back and forth, Joo-won is reminded of that scream he’d heard way back in Jeju, the one that sent him looking for her when she’d gotten lost in the bike race. Puzzled, Ra-im confirms that it really wasn’t her.

Only NOW does he suppose that the restaurant in the woods was “a little strange.” Gee, you think? She agrees, and asks if he gave that wine to Oska per her instructions. Not about to admit that he ignored her request, he lies and says that he did indeed give it to Oska. It’s not until she admits she drank hers and thought it might have been the cause for the swap that Joo-won comes clean.

Magic veil re-switches them, and they head straight for the Mysterious Garden restaurant in Jeju. However, when they arrive, things are different. It looks… very normal, actually. No longer are those curious little bottles of medicinal wine strewn all over the place.

Furthermore, the ajumma proprietress isn’t the one from before. She answers their questions with puzzlement, confirming that there is no other lady with a gloomy face working here, and they don’t sell homemade wine.

Well, one mystery is solved, but without any access to the mystical wine, they’re stuck without an out, destined to keep changing back and forth with the weather’s whims.

Upon their arrival home, a dour-faced Mom faces them with arms akimbo, standing by packed bags. To their surprise, she snaps that she won’t stop them if they want to live together. But she has one condition: Leave this house. She’s already packed for them.

So where do they go? To Oska’s, naturally. (I love that he gets confused when Joo-wonda speaks and complains, “I can’t get used to this — why don’t you wear nametags?!”)

Oska meets with one of the broadcast PDs he’d apologized to yesterday, who admits that he was touched to get the call, as he’d never gotten an apology from a star before.

The producer had been sitting on some information that can help Oska — until yesterday, he had no reason to divulge it. But the apology unleashed some goodwill, and now he explains that the blackmailing songwriter is going around selling songs to multiple singers. He knows the singer who had bought the song Oska is now accused of plagiarizing.

The pop star is someone Oska has some history with — a woman named Chae-ri. When he arrives to meet her, he finds that there are two people already sitting with her: Tae-sun and Seul.

Chae-ri is a bit begrudging, as she has soured on people whose names start with O — Oska, Oh Seung-ah. (The latter is a nod to writer Kim Eun-sook’s On Air; Kim Haneul played a bratty actress with that name.)

Seeing Seul’s expression, Oska hastens to explain that their relationship wasn’t romantic. They’d been linked in a scandal, which Chae-ri had admitted to, only to have Oska kick up a fuss about it. And after she’d drunk all those consolation drinks with him when he was so torn up about his proposal being rejected!

Even so, Chae-ri agrees to help, having gone so far as to record the song, only to hear Oska’s version being leaked.

(Chae-ri expresses interest in Tae-sun, to which Oska starts to retort that Tae-sun is off-limits. Tae-sun cuts him off before he drops any big news, and answers simply that he already likes somebody. Hm. I WONDER WHO.)

Chae-ri assures them that her management will release the story tomorrow, and leaves. Oska asks Tae-sun to leave so he can speak to Seul alone, and Tae-sun does after shooting him a (peeved? jealous?) glare.

Seul tells him not to thank her, since she’s repaying her debt to him. Oska tells her that he figured out why she rejected his proposal. He hadn’t known that she’d be hurt by words he hadn’t meant, back when his priority was protecting himself.

He tells her earnestly, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry… that I’m sorry about saying the words I’m sorry.” His sincerity brings tears to her eyes as she’s moved despite her better efforts, and she replies that she must not be as mean as she thought, because she doesn’t like seeing him like this — she feels sorry for him.

When she arrives back at her office, she finds Tae-sun waiting for her, having figured out a few things for himself. Such as her taste in music (read: men) running more toward the Oska type, not himself — so why did she court him?

Tae-sun’s annoyed to have been used as a means to piss off Oska, and smirks that she must have been pretty jealous of the way Oska pursued him relentlessly. That wording has Seul raising an eyebrow — does he know he sounds like one leg of a love triangle, fighting over a man?

He dismisses that casually and walks out, leaving her to figure it out.

Audition day arrives, and the Dark Blood crew arrives from the U.S. while auditionees gather for their shot at glory. Joo-wonita shivers in the cold anxiously, but when Ra-Him asks if he’s nervous, he retorts that he’s not the type to get nervous. While shaking with nerves.

A text message from Secretary Kim alerts them that Grandpa CEO is at the department store, and if he finds out that Joo-won didn’t come to work, there’ll be trouble. No problem: Ra-Him can pop by the office to show his face, make up an excuse about a meeting, and hurry back in no time.

While Grandpa waits impatiently, griping about his irresponsible grandson, Director Park starts to slyly bring up the possibility of filling Joo-won’s vacant seat. Interestingly, his sister (Ms. Fourth Wife) is the one to cut him down, telling him he’s overstepping. She’s also the one who speaks affectionately to Ra-Him and ushers Gramps out, saying they were just dropping by for a quick visit.

With that taken care of, Ra-Him is free to return to the action school, where Joo-wonda waits, and she heads to the elevator.

That immediately piques Director Park’s interest, who races to the security room, ordering everyone out for a lunch break. Finding the camera of the elevator, he’s stunned to see Joo-won (Ra-Him) actually entering the elevator calmly.

Moments later, the elevator jerkily stops. Ra-Him intercoms to the security room for help, but none is forthcoming. Acting on a hunch, she calls out, “Director… Park? You’re there, aren’t you?”

In the control room, Director Park jumps nervously, freaked out when Ra-Him states into the camera, “I know you’re there watching me.” Scared, he runs out of the room while Ra-Him continues calling out to him.

All the while, Joo-wonda has been waiting out in the cold as most of the people head into the building, and time is running out. Only… it’s then that it finally starts to rain — and just as they’d suspected, the water triggers the re-switcheroo.

Joo-won’s spirit leaves Ra-im’s body… and crashes into his own. In the elevator.

At first, Joo-won is pleased to realize the switch has happened, until he takes stock of his surroundings. The lights are flickering on and off, adding to the eeriness, and his breathing starts to quicken until soon he’s gasping grotesquely.

Doubled over in pain, he tries to call for help, but there’s nobody left in the security room, thanks to Director Park. He can barely call out a plea for help anyway, and he starts to collapse.

Back at the action school, Ra-im squeals in delight to be back to herself, since she can do the audition herself now. She starts to text Joo-won the happy news… until she remembers where she left his body.

In the elevator, he collapses and starts to reach for his (Ra-im’s) cell phone. She picks up as he manages to eke out, “I told you I can’t ride the elevator…” before he falls unconscious.

Ra-im screams his name, but he can’t answer.


Good setup for some interesting possibilities, but I was expecting the episode to go out on her giving up her audition to race back to the store, so the way it ends feels a bit premature to me. I actually would have preferred if she realized the truth, put the pieces together, and raced back without even needing the phone call to convince her. All along Joo-won has been the one pursuing her, so this would have been the first time she would have to make a real, concrete decision about their relationship — because, as has been pointed out so shrilly to her by his mother, she has nothing to lose, everything to gain. (Other than pride.) By giving up her dream to save his health, we have stakes. (Finally.)

I’m glad that the soul-swap actually brought about circumstances with real consequences, other than the comic ones of friends wondering what had gotten into Ra-im and Joo-won. Now that it’s come, I find myself wishing it had come a lot earlier. It isn’t that this drama has been slow exactly, because every episode is always full of witty dialogue and humorous moments, but it’s been curiously leisurely in its actual plot trajectory.

We still don’t know what mysterious accident Joo-won suffered in the past, or what the body-switch is for, or how Ra-im’s father is making it all happen. Who Are You is a drama where the body-swap had immediate stakes and established its rules early on, and then did one of my favorite things in a drama — it evolved its rules in almost every episode or two.

I know I’m the one bringing up the comparison but I don’t do it to start any kind of fanwars about which was better — both dramas have their strengths and weaknesses and there’s probably no point in taking up a round of “Who’s Better?” But I bring it up because I think it’s interesting to see a show with some similar traits that accomplished its purpose in a very different way. That was a drama that also hinged around a very unlikable hero — one who’s probably harder to like than Joo-won upon introduction. But what Who Are You did so well, and what I’m not getting from Secret Garden, is an evolution of the main character.

Although Joo-won has softened a little bit since the beginning, ultimately I don’t think he’s changed at all. Not in a significant, fundamental way. His view of the world has sorta been opened a little because of Ra-im — inasmuch as he acknowledges that there are poor people now, when previously he hadn’t even fathomed the concept of a woman paying rent on an apartment. But actual character development? I don’t see it. (In Who Are You, the hero shows marked, gradual, and consistent development to the point where, at the end, you feel you’ve traveled a mile in the hero’s shoes as he undergoes some really monumental character changes.)

All this to say: Yay for plot development. Too bad it’s fairly late and lightweight, but I guess that’s better than nothing.


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Who are you was boring for me. And I didn't really love the characters. I love this show cus it makes me love characters I normally would hate.
I actually think that the drama is moving at her own pace and need not hurry with dvelopments.


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I LOVE this episode!!! This has to be one of my fav drama of 2010!! Thanks for the recap and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!


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I don't know how you guys can say that Joo-Won has no character development. Yea hes still very arrogant but he has become alot less selfish. He finally got the courage to stand up against his mom. What made me mad was how long it took Ra-Im to realize where she left Joo-Won's body and how she stood there -.-.


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I agree with JB.... Character development never gets old to me... It's always interesting watching a character gradually become a better person in a korean drama... Not all writers can make character change without being absurb or too slow.... but believable...

This drama is failed to deliver that... especially for Joo Won's character..

But for intertaining factor, this drama is a plus...

just my 2 cents ;)


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Hope we will see some nice character development in the upcoming episode...

at the end of episode is very interesting. Couldn't wait what will happen next! oh Hyun Bin your acting was stellar!


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Totally agree with your comment about the lack of character development. I wish the first body-switch had more consequences as well, besides the petty "stocks dropping" and "full bladder." Not that the drama hasn't been entertaining, because it definitely has, but there has been something lacking and I don't know if I can put my finger on it yet.


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dang~ i love this drama so much, i pray to god everyday that they'll extend it to 24 episodes!

and yeah, i screamed at my screen when Ra Im just stand there n screaming like that.



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24 episodes? Amen to that.


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thx 4 the recap!!^^


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Thank you very much!! You're the best!!


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Love the training scene on snow!!! And, it's funny to see that Ha Ji-won (Ra-Him) actually plays better than Hyun Bin (Joo-wonda).HA.


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I haven't seen this episode yet, but I've enjoyed all of the episodes that have been slow in plot development (before 14) FOR their dialogue and the progression of the relationship between RI and JW. I love that it's realistic and takes time, so I enjoy every small step all the more. (Side note: I did not like Who Are You... I can't even remember scenes now, like I can from most dramas I've watched. I just couldn't believe a guy could change because of a girl that was so badly acted... maybe it was more than that, I can't remember. This show doesn't compare - the body swapping is only an element here while it was the story there.)

When people are panicked they don't always do the most logical thing right away (like RI in the end scene, I think, haven't seen it) but what I would REALLY like to see is her finding Director Park and getting back at him with her ninja SKILLZ... or threatening him... at this point I am ALL for seeing a vengeful Ra Im...

Anyway, LOVE this show and most (most) of the decisions it's made, and I'm totally fine with it's pace. It's one thing to watch as a drama critic and another to watch it as any other viewer - I think some things in dramas play out differently - I may not be able to enjoy one slow paced show while I enjoy another, because the execution makes all the difference. It would be interesting to see more comments (not that I want to complain! Just a suggestion) about how it succeeds or doesn't succeed on the drama elements that it's focusing on (but in later episodes that may well be plot development... we'll see!). I for one love the ambiance of the show and would be intrigued by a discussion of when good ambiance keeps a show from dragging and when it doesn't, or it's not good enough. Everyone has their own tastes though! =D


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i really hope she goes for director park! all that "style" talk of his is pissing me off!


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Thanks for the recap, dramabeans. I have to admit that as much I loved this drama in the beginning and never missed it (since I'm in Korea, I always caught it live), my annoyance with the male lead has made me stop watching it. It wasn't even the bed scene that sparked this...Joo Won is just annoying as all heck and I honestly don't get why Ra-Im "loves" him (although I love HJW and she's playing the heck out of this role). So from episode 14 on, I'll be relying on your recaps...I can't seem to let it go completely after being so dedicated for 13 eps.


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In the US and basically in the same boat only I stopped watching after epi 12....The initial attraction and final "love" from RI is not believable to me and to have to stretch my imagination or let go of reality is saying the writer has not done her job very well as the actors are clearly good in their craft.

I can see why this drama is popular in Korea due to the current crisis so there is this nationalistic throng.....Oh well, I'm only following the recaps to see if it warrants my watching completely this drama series.


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Yeah, I've pretty much stopped watching this drama too because I can't stand the JW character. I'll just be reading the recaps on here to see if it's worth going back to later down the line.


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I was suffocating at the same time while watching Binnie acting it! This set up reminds me of 'The Time Traveler's Wife" of Niffenegger.


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omomomomomo aigoo
someone save JW ,she needs to go and save him now


i am so addicted i was watching raw with no sub , my Korean is very limited

my korean friend was laughing at me ,he he he does not watch drama coz they are addictive

thanks for the quick recaps


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made my friend laugh coz i was asking him to watch episode 16 since he lives in Korea

he said no , coz kdrama are addictive ( why he does not know)

I think she will save him

I do wonder what Her father's death has to do with jw?

can next weekend come already


i even told my friend that he has to transfer to the branch of the army that trains the stars , wae? so i can meet Binnie of cause


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Episode 16 is up on dramacrazy.net but with no subs yet... its a really good episode and in the end i think they tell u what Ra-im's father's death has to do with Joo Won. Read my other comment (#76) and u'll see what im talking about..


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Yes. I did not like how they ended episode 15 with RaIm just screaming on the phone. Her action simply did not make sense. Although I loved all the episodes and pace of SG, this may be the first time I saw a poor execution by the write.

Still the best drama. Hope it continues.


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Then u should watch epi 16. It would change your opinion....


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Then you should watch epi 16. You haven't seen the complete version of this scene. It will change your opinion. Go Ra im!!!!


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yeah i think it's bad editing on episode 15's part. I guess they were going for dramatic with cutting it right there and then ended up falling flat.


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Just watched episode 16 that answered all my questions. I guess it was too premature to think of poor execution. This is my first time watching a drama in real time. I usually wait until final episode is in so that I don't have to wait for a week in suspense. This has been a completely different experience.

I love the story between Oska and Seul. She has complexity that makes her character really interesting.

One thing I loved about this writer in addition to everything else is that she has consistently veered away from stereotypical set ups in other kdramas, such as putting JW in coma after the incident in the elevator, etc.

Four more episodes to go... I expect a major crisis to test JW and RaIm's love. I wonder what that will be. I can hardly wait.


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lol. It'll be interesting to see how javabeans rates this drama when it's all done.


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thanks for recap. .. be seriously,, your comment nowaday are kind of piss people of and i dont' even want to read the comment section anymore..

thanks for the recap... just leave it at that...
can you see ? people stop reading your comments ..

like i said thanks for recap but keep your opinion to yourself if you still want people to come to your blog...

so u can at least make some money out of it..


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lol this is such a funny comment that i literally rofl. it's her blog and JB should keep her opinions to herself? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA omfg noobs. obsession lol omfg


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oh oh oh, pay some respect here girl. Javabeans has spent her time doing recap for us to read. If you disagree then state your opinion, not bass. If you don't want to then leave, don't say disrespectful words.


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Can someone please tell me where can I watch it sooner, after it air in Korea. I always watched it raw on dramastyle, but has to wait for about 4 to 5 hours.


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Hi bailey – Tudou (THE chinese streaming website) usually has raws up within 2 hours.

Go to http://www.tudou.com and search “秘密花园15″ – you can replace the 15 with the subsequent episode number. However, be sure to sort the search findings according to
“上传时间” (click this when you see it near the top of the search results page) which is “time of uploading” so that you get the latest raws, and not the fake clips (typically older SG episodes but named and numbered as the latest one) uploaded by some nasty users.

Alternatively, keep track of this Tudou user who uploads raws pretty fast: http://www.tudou.com/home/_77371345/

Hope this was useful! Watching the raws fast is sooo important for my sanity, I hope everyone can too


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I agree, too, Joo-won' characater development is not really existing. His last comment "I told you, I can't ride the elevator." shows it all. Even in his possibly last second of life he blames others and complains.
Indeed, I've never been able to understand why Ra-im would like a guy like him. He's not sweet even though he is capable of doing some sweet things for her but usually he's rather harsh and self-centered.
Nonetheless, I enjoy this drama a lot. "Who are you" was great, too, though.


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If I almost died, because someone served me peanuts without warning me, after I told them I was allergic and I found myself on the verge of death, and that person was standing in front of me, and there was nothing more either of us could do-- I would probably say, "I told you I was allergic to peanuts"

Then again, I might just be petty that way. ;^)


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Thank you for the recap!!!!!! Ooohh my. Quick!! Go and save Joo Won!!!! GO. Bali bali!!!


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Tae-sung is in love..with Oska?! Yay! ^__~


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everyone's talking about joowon in this post and rightly so since hyun bin did a hell of a job with that elevator scene. but i'm more intrigued by taesun and oska. jealous much taesun O.o


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Thank you for the recap and for your comments. Even if we like a show very, very much, we should be able stay objective (and you do that) and accept that it may have its flaws. Perfect things are boring, anyway. Thanks again.


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thank you for the recap, javabeans!

"It isn’t that this drama has been slow exactly, because every episode is always full of witty dialogue and humorous moments, but it’s been curiously leisurely in its actual plot trajectory. "-- > agree! If this drama was a 16-episode drama, the plot could have been tightened, BUT I love all the dialogue and interactions too much to wish it had been a 16-episode drama!! I think part of why this drama is so enjoyable despite the slowish plot movement is that 1. the machinations of mr.park are laughable and even enjoyable to watch, so no long power struggle scenes to slough through 2. second leads, seul and oska, are into each other rather than RI and JW. So we avoid wasting time watching Oska pining over RI and never getting her or cringe at Seul get all Jaeyoung up in his Joo-won's face (jaeyoung-referring to the 2nd female lead in Wish Upon a Star). I'm pretty sick of angsty love triangles.

and man did they abuse the heck of that veil with this episode!! During the first switch, I thought it was great as we can a glimpse of their real selves during those poignant moments. But now it's just ridiculous!

and FINALLY, they realized it was that sketchy restaurant in the middle of the woods and the weird homebrew alcohol they drank! Characters in dramas have no sense of self-preservation!


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Does that tae sun guy have a guy crush on oska???!


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I'm pretty sure its not a guy crush (which generally refers to platonic appreciation). The set-up's all there for it to be a romantic interest, what with TS being gay and all, but I (sadly) don't think they have enough episodes left to develop it.


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Episode 16 Spoilers at comment 76! Avert your eyes!


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Just watched Episode 16 with no subs, so i'm really wondering what is going on towards the end, because it gets really exciting...
I'm trying to figure out that the reason Joo Won's mom was at Ra-Im's dad's grave site while Ra-im was there on the day the dad died. And then they talk towards the end, i think maybe that judging from the looks of it, Ra-im's dad saved Joo Won during Joo Won's accident but in the process of it, her dad died. Thats maybe why his mom was on her knees talking while Ra-Im was crying?
Idk, thats my thoughts so i hope u can update episode 16 soon!! I'm really curious as to what is going on!!


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My sister and I were speculating that Ra Im actually died during that bike accident in the mountains, hence there was this "scream" that only Joo Won and Oska heard (I initially thought it was just the crows).

So Ra Im's father wanted to "save his daughter" through some soul-switching magic, since he himself seems to be living in someone else's body as well.

Can't wait to see how it all comes together in the end (we're all crossing our fingers in hope that it's not another "Lovers in Paris", gah I HATE that ending).

Thanks for the recap, javabeans!


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At this point Oska/Seul/Taesun is more interesting plot wise than our main couple. The writers have done a good job developing the B characters so that they're not just plot devices/obstacles to service the leads. (Drama you better give me a "Taesun confessing his love to Oksa scene!!!!!")

If this was a more meaningful (or more pretentious) drama and not pure fantasy fluff, I'd really like for them to explore some existential questions that invariably arise from body swapping like autonomy, free will, and sacrifice. I don't want the characters to change their personalities per say, but they should go through an arc of understanding how their actions affects others, as well as how others affect them. Body swapping is the perfect plot device to objectively view oneself, and too see one's strengths and weaknesses.

I don't want the drama to be bogged down by these things, but right now it feels like they're trying too hard to keep things light and comedic that it comes across as forced and unnatural. A little seriousness and a little angst will add gravity to the show imo.


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"...I’d really like for them to explore some existential questions that invariably arise from body swapping like autonomy, free will, and sacrifice."

Quoting you here, the love thingy betw the main leads does not appear real to me. It reminds me of some other kdrama that I did not complete because the leads were boring....I think the female lead was a recipient of the male leads ex-fiance's heart so she had to discern what her mind was telling her as opposed to the original owner's heart.....

It's the same thing here to me. Who is pulling the strings and will these two start over once the "magic veil " is removed because they really want to get to know each other....? So the free will element is missing because the attraction setup was too forced but nothing else may be up and there is a straight shot to the finish line with thes two.


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The drama was "Summer Scent" with SSH(Mr. Hand Towel) and Son ye Jin and yes it was sappy but I really love them and the drama too. Loved It!!! : ))


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Ohhh, well the scenery was beautiful with the tea flowers (?) or sth and I am a sucker for fireflies.....His hair color was ridiculous if memory serves correctly, but that is all I remember about the drama.

The dead girl's heart wanting to be together with her beloved is what I thought of here for some unk reason....


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(Drama you better give me a “Taesun confessing his love to Oksa scene!!!!!”)

DO WANT. And agree about them not being completely secondary to the plot. They're not as tied in to the main leads like in Woman Who Still Wants To Marry, but the triangle is interesting.


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Great episode, the leading actors are doing an outstanding job here, more then ever thanks/due to the veil thing, which causes the actors to change expression in the space of a few seconds.
Hands down, add this to Hyun Bin's performance in the elvator and you have a damn great piece of acting.

I think the rhythm of the show is perfect too.
It's a very well timed succession of cilmax and anti-climax, with the insert of their witty dialogues and banters which I could listen to/read the whole day through without getting bored.
Therefore, I feel like complimenting the writers on their work, because it's been a very long time since I've watched such a well acted, well directed and well contrived drama.

Finally, I agree with all the commenters here: I'm very happy Joo Won hasn't changed too much. The chiche scenario in which the villain turns miraculously into a mushy gentleman of the past irks me no end. I consider the small, slow changes of this character much more realistic and consistent.


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Hyun Bin is LOOOVE =) If this drama has a superb ending, not that it has to be happily ever after( Just spectacular or amazing) , its gonna take the place of Que Sera Sera as my BEST DRAMA EVER, Coffee Prince being close second cuz Gong Yoo is also LOVE.


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First time commenting here. I'm really enjoying your reviews of this show so I can figure out what happened after I watch it early!

For character changes I also have been waiting to see some in Joo-won. He has good sides but also his rude/immature ones so it would be nice to see some improvement on those, but like many people said, I am actually glad it is happening slowly because it does seem more realistic in that way. It is strange to expect his personality to change overnight but I think Ra Im is slowly affecting him.


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***Sorry but this going to be a rant***
I don't want to start any comment war or anything. If my comments start something then I apologize beforehand, JB. I can't restraint myself any longer.
I think some of these comments are ridiculous. Are some of you really asking her to withhold her comments on recaps that she writes? Seriously!?!?! You do know that this is her blog right? She is doing this on free time and for our benefits. We should respect her and any of the recappers’ opinions. If you don’t like it, then don’t read it. Even better, if you disagree with it, then state your opinions in the comments section below. JB obviously allows us to express our opinions or else she would have removed this section, especially given the number of comments attacking her recently. She didn’t remove it because she respects people’s opinions. Perhaps some of you should learn to do the same.
***End of rant***

I have been following this blog for a few years but I have not seen so many mean comments until recently on SG. Frankly, they are pissing me off so I had to say something. I have never seen JB (or GF or Kaedejun or any other recappers) censure a comment that doesn’t agree with them. I just can’t believe the audacity of some people, who are asking JB or the recappers to censure their opinions. Seriously, I just want to see a little respect and appreciation for JB's (and the other recappers') hard work.

I am thankful that I have Dramabean as a favorite place to go to for my Kdrama obsessions.


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Personally I've been thinking we ought to nominate JB and GF as saints of free speech. If it were me, I'd be buzz-cutting the comments section and blocking IPs left and right. But then, I'm the petty vindictive type. Our beloved bloggers deserve credit for being made of better stuff.


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Wow what a shock from someone who sucks up to them making this comment.


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This is what is an example of the meanness lately. Why do you assume I agree with JB or that I am sucking up You know what they say about assumptions... If you dont, look it up.

I was defending people rights to express their opinions, esp the author's rights. I didn't put my opinion about SG anywhere in my post because it was not the point of of my post. I was expressing my frustration at disrespectful comments, asking JB to censure herself.


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I hope that you are not the same "Anonymous from episode13! Cause you sound as "Idiotic , moronic and childish" as the other one, if you do not like any negative comment's than get the "Hell Out Of Her", and that goes for @maria, and her crew of crying "“Out of their mind Screaming Fan-Girls”.
And yes you can hate me all you like!!!!!!
: O }


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Are you perhaps trying to write get the hell out of here? Is this what you are trying to write huh? Hahahahahaha idiot. Hate would be wasted on a pathetic waste such as yourself now wouldn't it?


@Anonymous! I think what you and your "fan-girling friends" need is to "Get a Life" since it appears that all you are seeking is for people to pay attention to you!!!
By the way I love to get you piss off, it only shows that you suffer from a very low and shallow case of
self esteem !!!! Muahahahahahahah!!!!!
I dare you to ignore me!!! I know you can't! muahahaha!!!!
Like we told you before if you do not like it here you are free to go some other place!!!!
Lots of love!!!!!!
: O }


You really are a joke and a pathetic person like yourself could never piss me off, amuse me yes, but piss me off no way. When you do learn to use proper English or write it well in your sentences do let me know ok hahahahahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LMFAO at you let's do continue on in this fashion i am very amused at you how old are you again 12?


Really how old are you acting like this? Can you grow up or is this too much too ask of you?


@Anonymous! I do not need to used proper English, to let you know that you are a attention seeking "Slut"!!!! Muahahahaha
How's that for "Proper English!!!!!
Insolent, piece of dog feces!!!!!


The reality of it all is that you are not "Intelligent enough" for my brand of ridicule and sarcasm!!! I will suggest that you give yourself a break before I send you crying to your mommy!!!!!

Shame on your mother and father for raising such and "Idiot" as you!!!
Lots of love Amg1!!!!
: O }


@Amg1 first of all i'm a different anon but that's neither here nor there sarcasm intelligence yeah you have it so in abundance and you can take it so well that you switch off your reply button why is that huh? Run to my mommy? First of all i need to deal with someone who speaks English like i do which you don't and then i need to talk with someone on my level which you are so far from it it's laughable but i am having fun laughing at your childish replies do continue please? Ok how about i say pretty please does this make you feel better? Before you try to slander my parents at least i know who both of my parents are and i'm not a child out of wedlock but boy do you have issues dear. It's ok if you're a slut who gets around like your mother who you take after after all she's your hero. Don't worry about your unknown father either although i can see how traumatizing it's been for you to act in this way OH! Boo Hoo! Boo Hoo! Now truthfully and honestly i ireally do believe the best thing your mother could have done was be on the pill or your unknown father using a condom lord knows we don't need a piece of waste like yourself taking up our precious oxygen now do we? HahahahahaHAHAHAHAHahaha thank you for the childish repartee is this all you got? :) Keep up trying because i am so enjoying your immaturity here.


@Amg1 How old are you acting this way if you don't like what this person is saying just ignore them you come across like you got major issues yourself.


All right, we've gone way beyond productive discussion, which includes debate and disagreement, into outright flaming and shit-stirring. I welcome healthy debate on this site, but I'm not about to confuse heated argument with a mudslinging free-for-all. So please, everyone, let's shut this down -- I'd rather we all managed to bring ourselves back to civil discourse rather than having to moderate. But I will, because the atmosphere's getting toxic.


ITA with you!! I mean, don't disrespect them for recapping and tell them to keep their opinions to themselves- how rude is that? It's like spitting in their face! We have a place to comment which we should appreciate. I don't always agree with what they write but I will defend their right to write it! Can't believe how rude some people are if you don't agree with them.


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It's not disrespectful when you make the comments they made then they better be prepared for any and all type of criticism the fact that she is alluding to people changing their names but she can see their ips so what does that mean it 's the same person or perhaps more than one person is using that computer and leaving their comments here. She and her friend just can't let it go so that does kind of prove their maturity level on this issue. Not only the inconsistency with their recaps if JW was so disturbing to them his actions from the first episode should have been called out plain and simple manufactured B.S. now if they can't deal with that i suggest they let it go.


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what is wrong with you? and how mature are you attacking javabeans and girlfriday like that? are you providing recaps and news on a daily basis? are you not coming here and reading stuff and taking advantage of their hard work? so what is your problem? you don't have to like what they post, but you don't have to attack them like that either. are you upset that they're not writing something that pleases YOU? who the hell do you think you are?

none of the people here saw Secret Garden BEFORE it was aired, so obviously their opinions would change as the show progressed. and drama characters do usually undergo some sort of personality growth but maybe in joo-won's case it's not as obvious or the writer may want to make some sort of a point. jb and gf don't have to agree with the writer, and this is their blog, they have the right to express how they feel. similarly you have the right to express how you feel but you're now just abusing other people's kindness and taking things way out of proportion.

so for heaven's sake, STOP IT.


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Why uis it considered a attack because you say so like i said if they're not big enough to handle the criticism doesn't that speak about their lack of maturity sort of like what you're doing now? No i won't stop.


Anyone who writes a blog is going to open themselves to criticism for whatever they write just as reporters for newspapers or the very writers of dramas we watch open themselves to the same criticism. Now as the saying goes if you can't stand the fire stay out of the kitchen telling another person they can't criticize someone who has open themselves to this criticism by what they write really is a person letting their emotions get the best of them. If the people they favor can handle the criticism and ignore it why can't you?



because what "Anonymous" is doing is just bashing. it's all very well to pull out the "freedom of speech" card, but is coming to wreck someone's blog - a blog that provides a free service to many kdrama fans who don't speak korean - really "freedom of speech"?

javabeans never said an alternative opinion wasn't welcomed here. there are a number of comments that disagree with how she and girlfriday interpret secret garden, yet most of them have been civil and offer their contrasting viewpoints calmly. so why can't "Anonymous" do the same? you say it's criticism, but how is what you and "Anonymous" have said anyhow constructive? you guys are just picking on jb and gf because you don't agree with their views. people can agree to disagree but coming here and sliming the blog owners just reeks of immaturity.

people's opinions change as the show progresses, and that's not a crime. "Anonymous" is asking for "consistency" from episode 1... pray tell how would that work? you hate a character from start to finish? you love a character regardless of personality growth or lack of? you don't feel you are entitled to like or dislike a character as the show progresses? are you watching a drama at all?

whatever it is, this is my last post in this thread. "freedom of speech" doesn't mean you can just shoot your mouth off and attack whomever you like. some people here really need to just grow up.

peace out.


First and foremost, I want to address your assumption about my "friendship" with JB. I don't know JB personally, nor we are friends. I am just a dedicated follower of this blog.

Secondly, I do acknowledge that my comments may be immature (and to a lesser degree useless and not very constructive). BUT they do not represent JB's or anyone else's opinions or feelings. They are MY opinions and feelings.

Third, I tried to "let go" a lot of these comments. They have been annoying me for a few weeks but I could not "let it go". JB and the others are obviously prepared for the disagreements and criticisms because they allow these comment sections. Have you been to a blog where the owners have disable comments or delete comments that are negative? I have never seen JB delete or block a comment. The ability for us to comment is a privilege, not a right.

People should realize that before they asking an author to leave out their comments on a recap.


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I didn't say anything about their leaving their comments from their recaps just be consistent with their point of view call out the writer of the show then call your w=own self out for what you wrote about the same character that all of a sudden has gotten you uncomfortable. Yeah i can see how hard you tried to let it go what a joke but do continue on with your maturity.


The writers of the blog are entitled to their own opinions, just like you are. They can be inconsistent (like you're implying) because hey, no one's perfect. We all change our minds at some point. What most people hate reading are comments that are mean and rude. You can criticise, but have some respect.


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Very well said, Mona, and I couldn't agree more.

JB's and girlfriday's comments following their recaps are, for me, a huge bonus to watching these dramas that we love so much. Oftentimes, I find their "take" similar to mine, but sometimes they aren't...and that's when I really enjoy reading their comments. I love the benefits that different perspectives on each episode's various scenes offer. They help to shed light on subtle things that were said or done that I may not have caught or perhaps interpreted differently. Sometimes it'll get me to re-watch the episode to see what I might have missed. Sometimes it'll cause an "ahhh..." moment for me, and sometimes it'll make me think, "Uhm...no, I was right!" *lol* Great fun, either way!

In the end, my drama watching experience is made a bit richer because of JB's and girlfriday's insightful comments and opinions. And, for that, I am very grateful to them...and for this wonderful blog.

Recaps only, without comments or opinions? No, thank you!!


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Let's not forget that comments are NOT deleted on this blog, even if they get mean. I have been on a few sites that delete any and all comments regularly.

I think that is extremely brave on GF/JB's part. This proves they respect all opinions even those that differ from theirs.

How interesting a place would it be if all everyone did was simply hash and rehash exactly what happened rather than their take?

Didn't they actually do that once for a recap-- for all those that repeatedly complain?


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Well it does seem like those who can't take the criticism towards the recappers aren't able to have mature enough conversation with on any level. Not everyone is going to agree with comments or statements some may consider controversial. It's funny how upset they get on their behalf and try to lectured down to people well if you don't like it blah,blah you don't have to read it? Or stop and let it go when the very people who are writing the recaps can't let it go. Double standard seems like it to me. Sorry i'm not going to fawn over anyone when my opinion is different than theirs and they aren't consistent in their message. they may have wrote some good recaps in the past but it seems like they're reaching on this point when their very own recaps speak about how they are swooning from JW.


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okay, sure, stew in your own childish sandpit then. you have fun being petulant.


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Really are you being mature right now aren't you kind of stewing yourself? Have fun being angry while i and others laugh at you though.LMFAO.


I thought about not getting in between this, but just want to let you know that you're probably not alone in your opinion. But most of us just keep it to ourselves and let it go. There's just no point in stirring things up and pissing other people off.

I have faith in the writers' humility-- that their recaps are not always perfect, that they don't expect us to believe they are. I like that they have the sass to defend their opinion, or to call it back when they change their minds.


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Maybe you should stay out of it because it does seem like you are stirring the pot yourself. If this immature person can't handle what's being said to them maybe they should just shut it and try to move on which they can't.


Then maybe you should try to skip over certain comments if you're getting your panties in a bunch just saying. Sort of like turning off your TV when you're not comfortable with a scene or the way the actor is betraying the character huh?


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Oh god, get over yourself. Listening to your own advice would probably require some brain muscle movement but considering you started yammering on about consistency once someone desecrated JW leads me to believe you're nothing but an eloquent fangirl squeeing about her drama.


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I've just seen Ahjusshi (brilliant film) but now every time Secretary Kim comes on screen I get the heebie-jeebies. O_O


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hahhaha me too. I watched Ahjusshi a few days ago and I was shocked to see him there. And now, as I have expected, everytime I see him in SG I can't help but think that he's got some dirty intentions on Ah-Young ahahaha


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I also feel the same way. JW character has no change that much and the whole elevator scene was predictable. Even though the story is moving slowly I still hope that they explore more about JW past. The acting is great though. Thanks for the recap.


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Some of the comments I've read here since Bedgate '10 have been quite amusing. Reminds me of a blogger posting her dislike for BOF on her page then having all these random people reply and curse her out. LOL. Who knew kdrama viewing culture could be so entertaining?


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It is amusing isn't it i'm getting a big kick out of it too LOL:)


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OMO!!!! Just saw the raw SG 16. All I can say is I can't wait for the recap!!!!! I shall wait patiently (ohh mmmm X don't think I can do that) but I shall wait for your recap tomorrow all the same. Thank you in advance for working so hard for us - your fellow followers!!


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thanks 4 the recap!! im still wondering why she didnt run to where Joo won right away was instead of calling? is that even logical? anyways... about JW's personality... sometimes i really wanted to kick him so badly or strangle him for been so obnoxious... even when i really want him to change to a less annoying person... i like him the way he is! hes JW u can recognize him inmediately! if he does that then he'll not be JW and just an ordinary character (2 me)... and if he changes a bit after been a brat all his life... i dont think its going to be a huge change and it would not that realistic... there are so many mysteries.. Ra im's father.. why he did the switch thing... i want to know that yes, but im more interested in JW's past that we r about to discover hopefully.


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JB, Thanks SO much for the recaps. I have been in bed since day after CHRISTmas and haven't been able to watch SG or anything else. So to surface and just read the recaps before going back under is truly a good thing.....begone doggone cold! preferably to MSOAN 'dads'. I digress...it's the meds!

I am looking forward to watching the last couple of episodes and trying not to cry through JW's elevator trauma....I can barely breathe as it is.
I have claustrophobia and it is not a good thing.

JW and RI's dad...a connection?


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Loved ep 15, great acting from HY (Joo Won)!

Saw Ep 16 last night on Korean TV, and I'm sure you will all love it more. Too bad I can't understand a word theY were saying but I presume there are loads of very touching moments.


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I thinks JW is such a cool man!
And i love the fact he is so honest about his feeling and never lying to her about their reality! Most of all he always puts her in first place!
To me he started changing when he went back to get her in the forest by himself! If was love or not back then it was a change for a selfish rich guy, rite?!
and i love that our heroine is not stupid or naive! this is a change for kdrama, rite?! Go girl!!!


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lol what has dramabeans turned into... i guess the more popular, the more hate. try to ignore. try.


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OMG just saw episode 16...OMFG. halfway through the episode I was like no way, no way, no way. I guess yes way.


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The world will be such a dull dull place if everyone has the same view points. I really find differences in perspectives, especially when well grounded, very welcome. These differences make this blog all the more interesting. Please continue giving your points and counter points, everyone. But please don't forget to respect each other's opinions.


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"does he know he sounds like one leg of a love triangle, fighting over a man? "

Oh yeah! And that's exactly what I was looking for. What can I say? I like that kid, and unrequited love plotlines.

I think the plot development may seem slow because we're watching it two episode per week. But seeing it as a whole made me realized the pacing is probably just about right for twenty episodes. Of course it was frustrating during filler episodes, but sometimes they're inevitable when a series is over fifteen episodes. One of the reasons why I prefer Japanese drama at times.

The last scene was a significant change for Ra-Im. For a moment I was holding my breath waiting for her to either realize it or just run off in selfish joy. Finally, she's curbed her absent mindedness.


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Agree wih you.I choose to trust this Show and really enjoy the ride.


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If anyone takes the time to think it through each time the switch has happen was because Ra Im was going to perform a dangerous stunt. First time she was going to drive the stunt car because Jung Soo had changed his mind the second time now because of the Dark Blood tryout from what they're strongly hinting at was dangerous too. Her father sacrificed his life for JW but he told God i can accept you taking my life but in return you have to protect my family. The body switches are happening to protect Ra Im.


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My thinking was in line with yours... but in a differently weird way:

Because ra-im's dad was a fireman, to firemen, rain is such God's holy gift to help them put out the fire...

and because ra-im's dad is already dead, prolly his spirit is right there beside "God" and requests Him to pour over "rain" to trigger the body switch, just in time to save ra-im from doing the dangerous stunts.

just my thinking... he-he-he

did i tell you how i love hyun-bin? ^_^


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ooopppsss.. the same idea after all.. tee-hee *_*


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epi 16 hit 30.4% viewership in Korea, 29.9% in Seoul. Both no. 1. Yay. It broke 30%


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I just to add a little more to the speculations , Ra Im had a bike accident in Jeju, could it be she is in coma.
Cant wait for epi 17....


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Thank you for the recaps! <3


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@ Snow like i stated aren't you letting your emotions get the best of you now you accuse me of attacking someone by what i wrote? You have the nerve to get upset with some who you are considering attacking the people doing the recaps for this drama but here you are doing the same i see what i'm dealing with here no need to respond or reply because i see you turned off the reply button to your comment. Now you continue to get emotional about it all you want.


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