Dream High: Episode 7

It’s Showcase vs. Showcase, as the Rebel Misfit Mafia takes on the Top Dogs. And the teams don’t shake out the way you’d think. There’s shifting alliances, crossing love triangles, and best of all, the stakes get raised all around. Dreaming High has never seemed so tough, or so rewarding.


“어떤 이의 꿈” (Dream High version) by San E [ Download ]

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Jin-gook gets slapped by Daddy, and hauled away for some private yelling. Hye-mi grabs Jin-gook’s arm, worried and wondering if she should call the cops. He smiles at her and says it’s nothing like that; it’s his father.

Dad threatens Jin-gook again, and tells him to go abroad if he’s going to do silly, embarrassing things like sing and dance. But Jin-gook holds his ground, and tells Dad that he’s worse for throwing away his son over his career. He tells Dad to just disown him—he’s never asked to be taken care of, and it’s unfair for Dad to throw him away and pick him back up, whenever he pleases.

Look at you, standing up to Daddy. It’s not going to make you any less tortured, by all means, but good for you. Not that I’d want to miss out on you dancing out your daddy issues. Those are good times.

Dad moves to strike him again and Jin-gook winces. But Dad sees that and breaks, putting his hands on his shoulders, feeling remorseful for throwing Jin-gook and his mother away. And then he pleads that he doesn’t want to do it anymore. So then don’t do it anymore, and stop making it contingent on your son’s choices. WTF, Dad?

He even goes so far as to offer to give up his political career and just live as Jin-gook’s dad. Which turns out to be a totally manipulative emotional ploy. Gah. Jin-gook lets out a tear and shakes his head no, basically agreeing to live quietly again for Dad’s sake. He’s told to wrap things up and get ready to go abroad.

He goes to school and starts singing the beginning lines of “어떤 이의 꿈,” (Someone’s Dream) an 80s song by 봄.여름.가을.겨울. (Spring.Summer.Autumn.Winter.) [Original version here.] Baek-hee finds him there, saying that she really likes that song too, and wanted to sing it at the showcase, as a duet. She adds wistfully that it doesn’t matter anyway, since no one’s coming to see her. She explains that her mom doesn’t know what her dreams are, and doesn’t really care to know. Jin-gook finds a connection with her over indifferent parents.

The next day Jason dances alone instead of practicing his duet with Ria. Kyung-jin interrupts to tell him that he needs to practice for the showcase, and Jason just breezes that it’s no fun, and that he’d rather sing it solo, or with a different partner.

Ria overhears as Kyung-jin gets in his face and cuts him down to size: sure he’s got some talent, but he’s not good enough to be up there on his own. He should be thankful for someone like Ria, and be grateful that if he’s up on stage with her, while the cameras are photographing her, he’ll get noticed too. She spells it out plainly, that skills and talent come after notoriety, and adds that if he wants to sing for fun, he can go to a noraebang (karaoke).

Jason stalks out, fuming, and takes it out on his locker, punching the door a few times. Pil-sook, who’s there for her daily lollipop delivery, ducks behind the staircase. Jason whirls around to her: “Hey, Sushi, are you free?”

Aw, yeah! Noraebang bonding time. I love that Jason takes Teacher’s backwards advice literally out of spite, and uses the noraebang as therapy of sorts. Pil-sook just swoons at first, watching him sing, but then ends up joining him, starting with 2PM’s “Heartbeat,” complete with dance moves. Hahaha.

At school, Jin-gook broods and Baek-hee approaches, as Hye-mi and Sam-dong walk up behind them. She asks Jin-gook to come to the showcase for her, since everyone else will get flowers from their families, and she’ll have nobody. He thinks about Dad’s words to quit everything, and agrees. Hye-mi notes Baek-hee with a jealous eye and Baek-hee scurries away.

Hye-mi and Sam-dong interrupt to remind him that their showcase is on the same day. He tells them that he’s backing out, and to do well on their own. Hye-mi hesitates, and asks if it’s because of Baek-hee. He says no; he was always going to drop out anyway.

He walks away and Hye-mi chases him down, asking what happened yesterday to make him do this. He says that he just got sick and tired of chasing after a fake (meaning impossible) dream, and getting excited, and happy, and nervous like a fool.

He plans to drop it all—everything they had started. He puts his headphones on to end the conversation, but Hye-mi knocks them off his ears and grabs the other end of the cord, reminding him that she knows his trick of avoiding the world. Heh.

With angry tears brimming in her eyes, she asks what he meant last night then, when he said he wanted to stand up on stage with her someday. He pretends not to remember and shrugs it off, as Hye-mi turns to him angrily: “Then I must have been the only one…to be excited, and happy, and nervous…like a fool.”

AW. I never thought I’d say this, but my heart is totally breaking for her. How adorably vulnerable is she right now? She turns to walk away, but comes back for one last thing—a swift kick in the shin. Hahaha. Jin-gook watches her walk away sadly, like the Silent Idiot that he is.

Back at the noraebang, Jason wants to go another round, but Pil-sook regretfully has to leave for Rebel Showcase practice. He pouts, making him look even more like a little chipmunk. That’s it. You’re just Chipmunk from now on.

Chipmunk offers to drop her off where she’s going, but she jumps up to stop him, since he can’t know about their super-secret showcase. He just gets more and more curious that she won’t let him accompany her, but she begs him not to ask questions, and rushes out. She adds that she had a great time, and he says he did too.

She heads out but has a moment of crisis, debating between her professionalism: practice is important; and the chance of a lifetime: date with her crush. Oh, the dilemmas of youth. She goes back and forth about ten times (ha) and finally decides to go to practice. Chipmunk sees her and breaks into the biggest smile, as he trails after her. Cuuuuute.

At practice Pil-sook sulks that she had the debate of a lifetime to come, and Jin-gook’s just dropped out like it’s nothing. Jin-man worries that they can’t pull this off without Jin-gook, not to mention the risk of doing the Rebel Showcase at all. They all start to cave, but then Hye-mi stands up, ignoring his protests to be heard, and decides that they can rework it.

Jin-man whines that no one is listening to him, until Hye-mi tells him that he should replace Jin-gook in the dances, dangling the carrot that if he puts on a uniform, he could pass for a high school student. HA! Jin-man immediately melts at that, insisting that it’s true, while Oh-hyuk just scoffs at the absurdity.

They rally together and start practice, as Jin-man decides that he should dance a little badly, since he’s supposed to be a student…but then wonders how he’s going to pull that off since he’s so naturally awesome. Pffft. I’m loving Park Jin-young in this. So. Much.

Jason’s followed Pil-sook all the way there, and peeks in to watch them practice. Yay for Chipmunk jumping ship! Jump ship! Jump ship! He heads to his own practice for now, as he and Baek-hee learn their moves from Kyung-jin.

Jin-gook, meanwhile, gets his paperwork in order to go abroad, as Daddy beams in delight. Baek-hee’s mom ponders her showcase invitation. Pil-sook presents her parents with her Rebel Showcase invite, and they squeal. Sam-dong’s mom puts on her finest hanbok (Aw, how cute is she?) as she prepares to head to Seoul.

Hye-mi and Sam-dong stay up late to cut the paper confetti for the show, and Hye-mi starts nodding off. Sam-dong thanks her for doing all this, and she replies that it’s to repay him for everything he’s done. He starts to tell her that the debt’s been repaid already, so she can just be comfortable around him now, as she falls asleep and starts to fall…

He catches her and she lands with her head on his shoulder, as Sam-dong has the most adorable moment of OMG-OMG-OMG to himself as he tries to figure out what to do. He can’t quite bring himself to touch her hair or look directly at her, so he sits awkwardly like that, basking in the moment.

Jin-gook comes home and walks in on them cuddling sweetly like that. Serves you right for bailing. It’d be awesome if jealousy is the thing that brings him back. Heh. Sam-dong shushes him and Jin-gook broods.

At the studio, Jin-man walks in on Oh-hyuk playing Sam-dong’s song, and they play around with it, adding a verse and a bridge. It brings them back to their high school days and all the songs they wrote together. Love these two.

It’s Showcase Day, and Ria makes a point of reiterating Kyung-jin’s words to Jason, angry because he doesn’t like her back. She tells him that he ought to stick close to get any attention, and that performing with him is a burden. Well that’s a great thing to tell your hot-headed duet partner just before the show.

He walks out, just in time to overhear a teacher on the phone, saying that he has to go to the school to pick up a CD. He remembers that Pil-sook’s showcase is going on at school and they can’t be found out, so he offers to pick up the CD himself, making up an excuse about forgetting his costume.

As he rushes off, the teacher yells, “Eee-son-ah!” which cracks me up, because Jason in Korean is three syllables: Jay-eee-son, so the teacher is treating his one name like a traditional Korean name, thinking Jay is his surname and Eee-son is his given name. I am perhaps the only one who died laughing at this, I know.

Oh-hyuk is surprised to find that scary debt collector guy is actually being quite generous and helpful with the showcase, adding a giant professional banner to make everything look legit. He says he feels like Candy, adding that he’s just like Terius, helping him out…and then the two grown men realize the awkward of that statement and break away. Heh.

Oh-hyuk rushes out to meet Sam-dong and Hye-mi, and has them listen to this song they just finished…Sam-dong’s eyes widen to hear the song that he wrote, completed. Oh-hyuk says that he and Jin-man finished it, and that it’d be nice to finish the showcase with a song that Sam-dong wrote himself. Hye-mi can’t believe that Sam-dong wrote a song, and Sam-dong just beams at Oh-hyuk’s proposition.

Kyung-jin arrives at Kirin to pick something up, noticing that there’s people about. Ruh-roh.

Jason sends the music that they need for the other showcase, saying to himself that Pil-sook ought to thank him. But he’s stopped in his tracks by the sound of her voice ringing in the halls.

She’s practicing her duet-turned-solo, as Jin-man (actually dressed in uniform, HA) laments that Jin-gook’s part would really make it so much better. He then offers to sing it with her, and Pil-sook jumps to say no. Jin-man: “Why…don’t you want to sing with me?” Hehe.

But before he can finagle himself into the duet, Jason appears to save the day. Jin-man shrieks and hides his head under a desk like an ostrich, as Jason offers to sing the duet with her, since they’ve already practiced it together at the noraebang. Pil-sook floats on cloud nine. Yay for Chipmunk saving the day, and jumping ship! The Misfits welcome you.

Hye-mi walks up on the empty stage and thinks back to Jin-gook’s declaration that he wanted to stand up on stage someday with her, and she starts to text him the same words…but decides against it.

Both showcases get under way with final preparations, as things start coming to a head. Baek-hee gets a call from Mom, who’s there in the audience, but wondering when she’s coming on, because she’s asked someone to watch the store for her. Baek-hee overhears the teachers fretting over Jason’s disappearance and Ria’s tantrum, thinking that they have no opening act anymore.

Jin-gook shows up backstage to wish her luck and head out, but she stops him, pleading that she really wants to show her mom once that she’s really good, and stand up proudly in front of her. She asks Jin-gook to help her. Aw, yeah! Jin-gook and Jason switch places? Love the dramatic twist. The Misfits are going to be SO pissed when they find out where you really are.

Meanwhile, Kyung-jin gets the call that Jason is MIA, so she heads back into Kirin to find him…only what she comes upon is a filled auditorium, with Oh-hyuk pulling the strings. She tells him that what he’s doing isn’t good for the kids or their parents, since if they have no chance of living their dream, he shouldn’t be filling them with false hopes. She thinks he’s being far crueler than she is.

While that’s not untrue, it’s also just as cruel to judge a couple of freshmen who have yet to spend a semester at your supposedly stellar make-a-star school now, isn’t it? Oh-hyuk pretends to give in, and then scoops her up over his shoulder, and carries her kicking and screaming into the janitor’s closet. He locks her in there, telling her that she can hit him all she wants later. Ha.

The shows start, with both showcases doing different renditions of “어떤 이의 꿈,” / “Someone’s Dream.” Pil-sook and Jason do the sweet earnest ballad version with a little funk, while Baek-hee glams it up for the showy updated version, with Jin-gook as her partner. Well, there goes your good relations with Papa, not to mention the girl you like. Whoops.

“어떤 이의 꿈” as sung by Pil-sook, Jason, Baek-hee, Jin-gook. [ Download ]

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While Baek-hee’s rendition is flashy and well-choreographed (and the slick overall package), Pil-sook’s vocal chops win by a long shot. Backstage, Baek-hee thanks Jin-gook for helping her, especially since she got a standing ovation from her mom. But Jin-gook in turn thanks her, since he really came here to run away. He’s now realized what he really wants to do, and who he really wants to be with…

He thanks her and leaves, and Baek-hee scoffs: “So the person you want to stand beside…isn’t me?” On his way out, Jin-gook gets stopped by a manager, who recognizes him by his proper name, and as one of the special entrants hand-picked by President Jung.

At Kirin, Sam-dong gears up for his performance, and Hye-mi asks if his mom is here. She asks what he actually told her about them as a couple, and he sheepishly replies that Hye-mi is head over heels; that she’s the Chun-hyang to his Mong-ryong. Ha. (Think: Juliet to his Romeo.)

This kid and his lies. Heh. Hye-mi sighs, and agrees to be his Chun-hyang for a day, putting up her hand for a high-five. Hilariously, he ducks for cover thinking she’s going to hit him, and she has to teach him how to high-five. Oh, country boy.

They head out to the stage for their duet of “Maybe,” which they start by meeting in the middle of the stage and holding hands. Gah, so cute! They’re adorable, of course, and close out the showcase with a bang. A rip of their performance:

“Maybe” as sung by Hye-mi, Sam-dong. [ Download ]

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After the show Sam-dong sits in the dressing room, still reeling from the excitement. Oh-hyuk finds him, happy that he had a good time. Sam-dong tells him, grinning from ear to ear, that he can see his dream so clearly now, and the path to it, and all of it looks so bright and happy. Aw.

But just then, he starts to lose consciousness, as all the sound around him dies out, and he struggles to keep his eyes open. OH NOES. Oh my god, if you go tragic artist on me, my heart might not be able to handle it! Noooooooo.

He almost goes down, but then regains focus and the feeling goes away. He shakes it off like nothing happened, thinking he’s just heady from being onstage. But Oh-hyuk, shouldn’t you know better and have him checked out, on account of his very recent head trauma? No? Grarrrrrrr.

Kyung-jin starts to cry in the janitor’s closet, tired and scared of being locked in. She finally takes a deep breath and runs at the door full force, running smack dab onto Jin-man. She mistakes him for Oh-hyuk and starts bawling, asking why he came now, and Jin-man stares up at her in shock. She screams when she realizes who it is, and walks off pretending to be fine. He swoons. Uh-oh, I smell adult love triangle. But their bromance was just getting back on track!

Oh-hyuk takes to the stage, and to everyone’s shock, he confesses to the audience that this is a fake showcase, put on by students who were kicked out of the real one. He says that parents always ask him if their child has potential, if they’re able to fly, or just jumping off a cliff with no wings. (Using Kyung-jin’s words from earlier.)

Oh-hyuk: Truthfully, whether these students have potential…I don’t have the answer. But of one thing I’m certain. That these students, more than anyone here, want to fly. … Because they love the stage like crazy, because their dream is so beautiful, they believe that their road is a happy one. Telling them not to start because they might get hurt…is cruel, is it not? I think loving something like crazy is potential. I saw that potential today. So trusting that potential, I want to tell them to try and fly. I don’t know how big their wings are, but I want to tell them to start. And to make sure the road is happy, I’m going to put my full strength behind them.

Yay for rousing speeches! Goosebumps, really. (Even Jin-man cries.) He adds that they’ll all need safety nets, to break their falls—family, to support them and love them no matter what. He asks them to cheer them on, and thanks them, and the audience breaks into applause. Aw, so loving Teacher right now.

He’s greeted in the dressing room with high fives from the Misfits, and comes up to Hye-mi, who hesitates. She puts her hand halfway up, and it’s enough for Oh-hyuk to meet it with a high-five. She smiles, probably for the first time ever, directly because of him.

Jin-gook presents Dad with his papers to go abroad, apologizing. He says that he’s sorry for going to Kirin in the first place, since it really was an act of rebellion, and he didn’t really take any of it seriously. He apologizes for knowing that Dad had a dream, but messing with it anyway.

Jin-gook: I’m sorry for not taking your dream seriously. Once I had a dream of my own, I realized…that there are no dreams that should be laughed at in this world.

He tells Dad that he won’t be going abroad, and that he’ll stand up on stage someday; that this isn’t a rebellion, but a true dream. Dad reacts as expected, declaring that he’s blocking his path. Jin-gook tells him that he’s going to root for Dad and become a son that he can be proud of, and asks Dad to root for him too.

He leaves the office in high spirits, texting Hye-mi that he has something to tell her, and to meet him at the studio. But once outside, Jin-gook is greeted by Dad’s toadies, who cart him away. What, are you going to lock him up till he complies? Sigh, kdrama fathers.


I just love this show more and more each week. I love the rousing underdog-to-soar-to-new-heights speeches, I love the song and dance, the funny moments, and the dramatic turns. My heart totally lurched when Sam-dong almost went down, and now I’m just on pins and needles about where this kid is headed. I had a feeling that if he wasn’t K and they went with Hye-mi being K in the future, that Sam-dong might become her songwriter. But now with this looming over them, there’s this sense of urgency in everything because we don’t know how long he’ll…be able to hear…or (gulp) stay alive… … No. You wouldn’t do that to us, Show, would you?

Aaaaaaargh. Did I mention that this show is my new crack?

And just a reminder: no Episode 8 tomorrow, as Korea is playing in the Asia Cup semi-finals, against Japan. Talk about a ratings sweep. Even my grandma’s gonna watch that.


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Why is everyone talking about K?? i don't get it, someone please explain this to me :-S does it mean 'the main leader' or something? Sam dong Sam dong Sam dong just like my name except mine is Samantha :P I heart you my little munchkin Samdong !!


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K is (not sure who but) one of six possible kirin students. the actual identity is unknown for now, but its in the picture. The possibles are samdong, hyemi, jingook, baekhee, pilsook, or jason.

K is basically a singer who won a grammy and is the person being interviewed at the very beginning of the first episode.


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For the first time (...EVER) I am totally at a loss for which dude to root for. I love it when the rare drama comes along where they totally blur the lines of the triangle and make it all the more suspenseful and dramatic. At the same time too, it enables you to love all the characters cuz they're all on the same footing! Looove it.

The scene where Hye-mi turns back to kick Jin-gook - THAT MADE MY DAY. It always kills me when the guy does something totally assholery and the girl just stands there and cries or looks wounded or something and I always end up screaming, "Punch the bastard!!" But this time I didn't need to!! :D What, guys are allowed to be all forceful and impose their will on girls with their dumb wrist-grabs, why can't the girls vent the way they want to? (I especially loved SG for this, too.)

Also, wow...some of you guys watch episodes at work? I admire your dedication...I can't watch any episodes where there are people around because my responses to whatever is happening onscreen is...a bit over the top xD

Thanks for the recaaap


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Dude, I know! I have no idea which way they're going to take the lead pair. I'm loving it.

I think both guys are like Jae Shin in that they are head over heels, but neither one is really the suave, debonair, says-all-the-right-things kind of person. They're clumsy and shoe-shuffley, but neither is really a snooty jerkface like the other leads in Secret Garden or SKK, It's Hye Mi who is in control, even at her most vulnerable.


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i want an official release of the song "Maybe." sam-dong's voice is just like deep-ish/faint-ish in a way. but it sounds really good. and suzy's voice just makes it better than it already is. HEHH. <3


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Baby i'm in love with youuuuuuu. Gotta love the song. Especially the people who sings it. Hint hint... Hye mi Sam dong :P Love their voice & duets !


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Sam Dong/Hyemi FTW.
They look so good together on stage like real high school couple and their voices are really compatible with each other. Can you imagine that kind of thing with Hyemi and Jin Gook appearance wise and voice wise to do a beautiful ballad duet? I think not.
Their first stage appearances defines who gonna be with who even though a lot people still confuse about the pairings at this point.
Sam Dong/Hyemi
Jason/Pil Sook
Jin Gook/Bak Hee


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... and Japan won. My family was crying. All I could think of was Park Ji Sung promising they'd win this year. My poor team. *sobs*


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i can just feel a lot of misunderstanding will come about between hyemi and jinguk

and i probably pessimestic but i hope something bad doesn't happen to samdong.... now i've probably jinxed it

but great episode. jason and pilsook were sooooo CUTE together in this episode!! and samdong, adorable as always. i really liked the duet.

and oh hyuk's speech was touching. he's a great teacher


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Im gonna be so mad if something happens to Sam Dong!!!! :( and in the preview for ep 8 he was yelling at HyeMi to not to tell him why she was crying (cuz of JinGook)....
poor Sam Dong :(


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Oh oh! I'm thinking that K is actually Baek Hee! She's the one with the pendant, and K says that the teacher who helped him/her was Baek Yong Jun's character right? He's the one who accepted Baek Hee into the school in the first place. If K was any one of the Misfits, then the teacher they would credit their success to would be Oh Hyuk isn't it? Since he's doing so much for them. There's this possibility right? Haha


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i can watch that mafia dude laugh his ass all day long


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More and more I'm getting the feeling that artist "K" might actually turn out to be a group made up of some of the characters.


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Nooooo~~~ they are making me wait another week for the next episode??? damn you soccer, damn you.

i was feeling sympathetic towards BH before, but now i think she's really loosing it. i don't dare to imagine the things she will do once she realise that "someone" JG wanted to be with is HM.

Pilsook and Jason are adorable~~~ and seeing them together makes me so happy. but the problem is, i think Jason is kinda leading her on atm. i mean, i don't believe that he isn't aware of her crush on him, if he doesn't have any special feelings for her he shouldn't be giving her false hopes, i.e. being extra nice to her. the preview is making me worry, if Jason ends up making my Pilsook miserable, i will totally slap him across the face.

thanks for the recap.


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That is what HyeMi told Jason. Don't give her false hopes.


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I'm kind of hoping that Ri ah or whatever her name is pulls sabotage by telling Pil Sook that she heard Jason saying how fat she is or something (but she's still gorgeous- Drama, you make no sense!). I can totally see her running up after hearing it, making this declaration, leaving him completely flummoxed, and running off to exercise.

In my head, Jason is pure of heart and truly does like Pil Sook the way she is. He's said from the beginning that he likes her voice, and I think her voice is tied so much to her soul that it's the same as loving her.


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I love Jason and Pil Sook but base on the preview for episode 8 I don't like how Jason tells Pil Sook to give up on him just because she didn't really look that good yet! but i love the part she said she was going to go on a diet for him for 200 days, it's so romantic and sweet!!


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How could I possibly still enjoy My Princess when Dream High pulls an epic episode every week?!

Gah, my heart goes out to Jin-gook. Poor, misunderstood (and kidnapped D:) babyy. Sam-dong, though, wow, good singer live too! At first I thought Suzy might be sloppy live and that's why she was lip-syncing in the beginning of "Maybe". But later, wow, d'awwwwwww they sound amazing together live :)

Pil-sook & Jason are so freakin' adorable together too. Zomg, so many cute couples in this drama cuteness overload.

Reading the recaps is not helping to curb my fangirling ><!


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Jason is seriously the most ADORABLE thing in the universe... and I'm including my soon-to-be-firstborn-child. As vain as I am, even I don't think I can make anything that cute. I bet his parents had a blast pinching his cheeks when he was a kid. If I were his mom I would still be pinching them to this day.

The adults in this show are HILARIOUS! Especially Jin-Man... I laugh my head off every time he is on screen. And, a loan shark who we actually like? Who would have thought? I even like the pretty long-haired teacher and the one with glasses (not Oh-Hyuk, the other one)... they only get like three seconds pf air time per show but they are always funny, especially this episode.

I was so not planning on watching this show, I was just going to read the recaps and enjoy the ride. But last week sounded so interesting that I spent the day Saturday catching up and I'm loving it now. My Princess better blow me away this week or I might have a new favorite show.

And, finally, I have always been leaning towards Beak-hee as K. Not because she has the pendant, but because I can see her character being the one that does whatever it takes (good or bad) to reach that dream and maybe finding out that it's not what she expected. While the others pursue music for the love of it and, while they may bot become as successful, end up happier. I'm expecting a tearful, regret-filled Grammy acceptance speech at the end.

By the way, once you drop a blunt object from a tall building onto somebody's head, you no longer have the right to be a sympathetic character... no matter how much your mother misunderstands you.


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The writers should probably go jump off a cliff if they're planning on doing anything horrible to Sam-Dong.

If he ends up really sick or dead or doesn't end up with Hye-Mi or anything less than perfect, I'm going to be really disappointed hahah!

...but really.


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Oh man. So good. Thanks for recapping, girlfriday! You're always so much fun.

If Sam Dong dies or is otherwise permanently injured, there will be HELL. TO. PAY. It's like kicking a puppy, guys.

Although it's an interesting dramatic decision, since Baek Hee's early crime really will come back to haunt her. I still have hope that she can be redeemed, and she's built a long, hard road for herself, but it will be great to see how she walks it.

Also, for everybody who's hating on Suzy- I just don't see it. Somebody tackled this a bit in the last post or two, but I think she is doing a great job, from the very beginning, of portraying this person who's put her trust out again and again only to get stomped on. She's pushed herself so far into this shell that it's taking quite a bit of chiselling to get her out.

Even her cruel words to Baek Hee in the audition were understandable, if not justified, because she's a kid who's father abandoned to deal with his debts, and her only option for redemption is this crap school, and here her friend is betraying her. Watching her thaw out under Sam Dong's adoration, Jin Gook's clumsy love, Teacher's confidence, Pil Sook's good-natured comraderie- is great to see. I also love that she's straightforward, even if it's armor- she straight up calls Jason out to think about what he's doing, she sings along with Sam Dong in a rice bag, she goes after Jin Gook, dammit, and makes him sorry for lying to her.

And again, maybe the writers forsaw this problem, but whether she's a great actress, or they cast her well in that part because she isn't- I'd say it's worked out brilliantly.


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Yes, myth thoughts too!


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Not that I'm a Baek Hee fan by any stretch, but I wasn't as offended by her 'not me' comment at all (as some commenters have). OF course, it's delusional, but it's been well set up that BH's a little delusional. I mean, she used to think that her and Hye Mi were super best friends when HM treated like a servant. It's consistent with her character, so I'm good with it.

Also, it's a pretty good parallel with Jason/Pilsook, in that PS was reading too much into things because Jason was a bit nice to her. And BH's got more reason to be delusional, since as far as she see, JG is nice to only her and sometimes HM (let's not forget she's not privy to all of JG and HM's intimate conversations.)

And please, they're high school girls. It's natural and realistic for her to be upset and a bit narcissistic about it.


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I'm not BH fan either but I also don't get why people hate her so much. If we don't know better, there are people like BH in every industry who have the will to get what they want by every mean that include crying, pretending.
At least she has the sheer will power even if it is misplaced.
The person I hate most in this show is JG(I know people throw stones at me for that). I hate the guy who has weak heart and waver too much. He ditched HM alone on stage in their welcoming ceremony because of camera flashing. He can't even make up his mind whether he's going to listen to his father or not. He can't withstand a girl's crying. I don't know I think he wavered too much and people think he so mighty and cool for HM in fact he's not. I hate that fact that he can't stand on one firm ground and go back and forth between things like daddy issue, girls and showcase all around.
For me he is not the one for a girl like HM who is so strong.
On the other hand, my lovely SD is the one who gonna stay beside HM all the way no matter how she turns out and I like that kind of guy.


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Wah! What a great episode! And the preview! Wah!


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anyone else bothered by idol exhibit 1's shaved armpit?


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just read recap. 이슨아!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ some of the writing is brilliant...i didn t even notice the first time i saw it...i suppose it sounded natural and didn t pay attention but now that u mention it!


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Ikr It's as if they zoomed in just to show us how well shaved his armpit was. XD


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I WILL TOTALLY HATE THIS SHOW IF SAM DONG WILL END UP DEAF AND ALONE! I would really love to see Sam dong and Hyemi together! Pls pls...JIN GOOK should just end up alone or be happily together with his father. pls pls I was so heartbroken when Sam Dong shouted at Hyemi to not say anything.....pls Hyemi don't break poor Sam Dong's heart! They look so cute together...pls writer make them end up together.


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aaaackkk~~ writer-nim please don't harm uri Samdongiee TT^TT

IF and IF theyre really going down the deaf path...at least they shud give him Hyemi in the end. Only fair that way...Gah, this drama is killing me with excitement Every. Single. Time.


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Love,LOVE,Love! This ep was so entertaining!

lol I 2nd what you said this is also my new crack.. =P


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Sam dong is just too cute!! wonder of it's actually Kim So Hyun singing. I really hope he gets the girl.
Jason and Pi sook are adorable together!
this show is full of cuteness :). ty heaps for the awesome recaps.


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Yes KSH can sing. I was pleasantly surprised. I believe his voice is also on the OST theme song (not completely sure) I came across a MV of him doing a ballad which sounded nice.


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His voice is even better than Jang Geun SUk, In My Opinion!!! I llove his voice, especially when Kim Soo Hyun sing with Wooyung... <3


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Words cannot express how addicted I am to this drama. I was constantly refreshing every drama website I knew, hoping to see episode 7 subbed.

Oh Hyuk's speech at the end of the showcase had me in tears. Like I seriously cannot wait for the moment when the Misfit Mafia one-ups the entire school. LOL

Did anyone see the preview for Episode 8 yet? [I'm about to unleash a spoiler so if you haven't seen it and would like to...look awayyyyy] But OMG I was totally crushed since it looked like Jason turned Pilsook down, prompting her to lose the weight. But I'm excited to see what happens when Pilsook loses all the weight. I'm just hoping she makes him suffer. >:] [end spoiler here]


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I can't wait for the next episode! Watching the preview just makes me want more of it! Too bad we only got one episode this week. Can't wait to see Pilsook and Jason


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First of all, am I the only one who ship SamDong & Hyemi???
Ok, the preview; with SamDong screaming at Hyemi, possibly bcoz she wanted to tell him she likes jingook; im ok with that.. so she likes him, now. It is still early i think for the 'big turn' to come. Especially with the dizziness(think that'll play a huge part in the 2-3 ep later..hope they dont kill him or anything). I have a feeling that later she'll fall for SamDong again..
samDong is the Lead dammit haha.. im going to go crazy if Hyemi doesnt end up with Samdong.


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haha i totally love how in this drama, ppl take care of thier issues by singing and danceing. sigh,,,,, if only all ppl were like that


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I'm probably one of the few people who don't totally hate Baekhee yet and also don't hate her pairing with Jinguk. Even though I hate the fact that they made here drop a freakin flowerpot. That's the only thing that put me off. But anyways, let me explain myself:
1. She's most likely been living under Hyemie's shadow for many, many years. I know that feeling because I've also been living in my older bro's shadow for many years until just last year. It's a very frustrating feeling. It's escalated to the point where I have tried to start a fight with my bro.
2. I don't believe she's being manipulative with Jinguk. I actually thing she's being sincere with him. She's honestly telling Jinguk her feelings because I think she feels comfortable with him. Even though they've only interacted like twice.
3. It's not like she forced Jinguk to go to her showcase/leave the fake showcase or to perform with her. It was Jinguk's own choice. He could have said no. But I can understand where Jinguk's heart is though. It's really hard for me to say no also. In fact, I almost never say no when someone asks me a favor. I hate myself for that.
All in all, she's the type of character where you can understand better if you've been through her circumstance. I have so I guess that's why I'm a little more tolerate with her character and Jinguk.(A lot of people are bashing him for leaving the showcase despite having his emotions played with by his father). Also, if Baekhee does get all prissy with Jinguk liking Hyemi, I can also understand that. It would be like she's losing to Hyemi again, the person who's shadow she's been living under for a long time. But in the end, I do prefer the Hyemi/Jinguk pairing, but I'm fine if she ends up with Samdong, or if he ends up with Baekhee.


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Although I'm a SD+HM shipper and root for them no matter how the show'll end... but I think the lead guy is JG.
I maraphoned all the episodes and JG had a lot of screen time much more than SD. He had the most winning moments with HM. In addition this childhood story. Ectually I'm not touched by his encouragement actions to HM but he is OK.
I'm afraid when HM get to know that SD go deaf she feel guilty and stay with SD but it'll be a pain for both of them.


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is there anyone know the closing song?


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HUmours + interesting performances I like....
it's nice to see two very different performances of the same song interspersed!

definitely have a good music director =)

I'm glad I decided to continue after 2 episodes..the beginning was really blah!


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God, this drama hits all of my love notes.

Dreams/Ambitions - check, Misfits - Check, Pretty people - check, Cuteness - Check, High production quality - check, Bromance - Check, High School/Youth - check, MUSICAL!!! - Hell yeah. Check.

So addicted. Am I the only person in the world who doesn't care about soccer? D:< Give me my Dream High.


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Is it weird that with all the pretty on Dream High I am in love with Oh Hyeok instead? There must be something wrong with me.

Thanks so much for this! I never have the time to sit and watch a whole bloody episode, when they start talking I just fast forward it and read your interpretation of the dialogue in these recaps later.


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No matter what it should be Hye mi and Jin gook. Hye mi changes because of Jin.
Also if you think about it if their was a flashback the memories shes shared with Jin would definitely look much better ex. (the subway, the motorcycle + helmet, shoes, earphones, Towel part when she learned he went to save her,
Snow umbrella part, Childhood memories, The bus window, singing happy birthday and hugging in the street.)


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jin guk and hye mi all the way!!

Sam dong is cute but JG and HM just look so much better. I would feel empty if they don't end up together because they've had too many sweet moments!! It just feels more right!!!


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As he rushes off, the teacher yells, “Eee-son-ah!” which cracks me up, because Jason in Korean is three syllables: Jay-eee-son, so the teacher is treating his one name like a traditional Korean name, thinking Jay is his surname and Eee-son is his given name. I am perhaps the only one who died laughing at this, I know.
I did, too. LOL


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i never mean to nag, but WHERE IS EP.8?!!

i need to know your thoughts, JB/GF!!!! i watched it and my heart just broke.

i thank god high school wasn't ever that dramatic for me!

as much as i appreciate the dramz, bring on the singing and dancing!!!

haha i just can't wait to discuss ep.8... sorry everyone!

thanks dramabeans for letting me a dramafreak!


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Is it just me or whenever I click on the little Dream High icon, it's not updated to the latest episode and it only comes up to episode 2, despite the tags on the latest recaps. I don't mind going through previous pages to find the recaps but it's just something I'm wondering about.

Anyways, I'm totally lovin' this drama to pieces! The characters are adorable, especially Pilsook and Jason ♥


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Dear girlfriday, every week i saw your posts about dream high and didn't read them because i thought the plot was too pop and shallow for me.... but that situation lasted until yesterday when i watched the first episode and got adicted to your new crack!!!!! now i can't stop watching DH!!!!!!
i'm in episode 7 and tomorrow i'll catch up with the series. i must say, your summaries are helping me a lot because some translated lines are terrible :( ...
i don't want Sam-dong to lose his hearing, when i saw him confused, trying to read the lips of Mr. Kang and almost fainting i started to cry and cursed the drama gods for even thinking in such a sad plot for my favorite character of the series. And Pil So & Jason, just pure cuteness....
I think this year is so much better than 2010, now i have 2 dramas to follow every week (3 if i consider summer scent, which just started screening in my country).
now, are you aware of your power??????
Thank you GF!!!!!!!!


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i don't bout u guys, but i think the make up on baek-hee's face at the showcase made her look like someone gave her a black eye....

jasonxpilsook!!! hwaiting!!!!!


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do you know what's the name of the third song that IU sang at the Karaoke scene? I heard that song when moon geun young sang it at a karaoke in My little bride. If anyone know, please drop me a mail!! Thanks so much!!
[email protected]!!


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OMG....I'm sooo into Jason and Pil-Sook as well, the start os their meeting is cute, I'm so waiting for their side of love story since episode 1...I can't wait for Pil-Sook to finally slim down, very much like 200 lbs. beauty...
Anyway, the love triangle of Hye mi-Sam dong and Jin Guk is not that exciting since it's so obvious that it will be Hye mi and Jin Guk in the end, after all, it was always been that way from the start of drama. I'm just excited of how they will grow as stars.

BTW, why 'K'...can't they think of more catchy names?


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5 stars for this episode


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