Secret Garden: Episode 8

We’ve got kissing, handholding, bed-hopping, and towel-dropping, and that’s all in the first half hour. Our body-swapped souls get entangled in each other’s affairs, further complicated by the heartbreak rivalry going on between Oska and Seul. It’s funny that both cousins are fighting, but neither is fighting for the same girl…except for purposes of maximum annoyance. Let the best man-child win.


Oska repeats that he won’t give up on the bet over Ra-im, which we see is entirely for Seul’s benefit, as he watches her leave with angry tears forming in his eyes. It has the added benefit, though, of stunning Ra-Him, to Joo-wanda’s great displeasure.

But Oska confesses to Joo-wanda that he’s just using “her,” in this fight against Seul…because he wants the fight to last a little longer. Joo-wanda sees that his cousin is actually sincere about this, whatever mixed-up feelings he’s got going on with Seul.

Meanwhile, Seul leaves to go back to the golf course, and she broods over a past love triangle with a jealous other guy who had promised to show her that Oska was just like other men. Well that’s just too easy, isn’t it? That’s the reason you broke up? Some doofus framed him? Gah.

Joo-wanda caves, and Ra-Him drops the charges. Outside, Oska enacts his revenge on Ra-Him in a childish headlock, which Joo-wanda refuses to help her out of. So she resorts to tickling Oska to get him to let go…and he starts to lose his balance. He lurches forward not to fall, landing him smack dab onto Ra-Him’s lips.

Hahahaaaaa. I knew this “kiss” was coming, but damn if it isn’t still gloriously lulzy.

Joo-wanda’s eyes widen in horror, and Oska is the first to pull away in disgust, spitting and freaking out. Ra-Him just grins sheepishly, as her foot goes up and she touches her lips, with that I-just-kissed-my-idol-oppa dreamy look on her face. Well, on Joo-won’s face that is.

He’s quick to remind her of that fact, running up and rubbing water on Ra-Him’s lips, yelling at her to scrub them clean. He accuses her of doing it on purpose. Well, she certainly couldn’t hide her reaction, though it was a happy accident.

Oska has already fled the scene of the kiss, having been freaked out by Ra-Him’s reaction more than anything. He tries to grab a taxi with no money, pathetically trying to jog the taxi driver’s memory with a song to prove that he’s famous. Joo-wanda drives right past him.

Magic veil of Un-switchiness: Ra-im gets out of the car and tells Joo-won to go ahead without her, as she plans on going back to get Oska. Joo-won doesn’t understand her over-extending care for his hapless cousin…does she like him?

She asks if that’s jealousy, but he scoffs that he’d ever be jealous of Oska, and HER, of all people. Joo-won: “You’d love it if I were jealous, wouldn’t you? Why are women like that?” Because it’s the ass backwards way of getting you to confess your feelings. Don’t you know anything about girls?

He concedes that he’ll be jealous then, if she stops caring about Oska. Haha. Are you actually trying to pretend like your jealousy is a favor? Pffft.

Ra-im isn’t falling for it, and explains that it’s not because she likes him, but because she’s his fan. For all the tough moments in her life—enduring abuse on set, losing her father—Oska’s songs were there for her through them all. She adds that it’s the first time she’s grateful for the body switch, because she has the chance to help Oska.

Joo-won promises to make her regret those words, just as Oska pulls up to the golf course in a cop car. Back to switched bodies. He yells at Ra-Him for leaving him behind (Even as he covers his lips at the sight of her. Heh.) and Joo-wanda steps in to say that it was his idea, because he dislikes Oska, and begins to rag on his has-been idolness, with has-been hair. Haha. Ra-Him can do nothing as she watches Joo-won in her own body insult her idol oppa.

Seul arrives and invites them all to stay for a weekend, since the golf resort is her family’s. Joo-wanda and Oska decline, but Ra-Him sees an opportunity for retaliation. She accepts the invite, and when Seul comes to her side and links her arm, Ra-Him pointedly takes her by the hand instead, to the horror of Joo-wanda and Oska. Kekeke. I love that they’re milking this switch for all its worth.

They start to walk away hand-in-hand, and Oska breaks them up, leading Seul away to talk. He asks what she’s trying to do with Joo-won, who is his cousin, and his younger brother. (Aw, I adore their love-hate brotherly relationship.) He tells her that Joo-won isn’t interested in her, and she laughs that Ra-im isn’t interested in Oska either, since she and Joo-won seem to be dating.

He asks what she’s doing with a guy who has a woman, and she spits back that she has lots of experience with those kind of men. Oska hangs his head at that remark. She adds that she’s not interested in Joo-won anyway. It’s his money and his status that she’s interested in. Ugh. Uh…points for honesty? I guess?

Oska wonders why she’s doing this to him when she’s the one who ended things, but she remembers it differently, as she flashes back to the love triangle, in a moment when the other guy baited Oska into denying that Seul meant anything to him. She of course overheard.

He reminds her that she’s the one who turned down his proposal and went abroad with the other guy. Geez, well then didn’t you already have your revenge? She muses that she was so pretty and naïve back then…what did she mean to him? He thinks she ought to know, since he said it all in the proposal.

They both agree to drop the music video, since Oska plans to scrap his seventh album anyway. Seul confesses to having used the video as an excuse to get close to Joo-won, but now it seems like marrying him will be the faster route. I can see why you loved her in the past, but do you still love her now? Really?

She finds Joo-wanda, and Ra-Him joins them, noticing that Seul’s cheeks are red from the cold. She warms them with her hands, making Joo-wanda’s eyes bug out in anger. Seul blushes and puts her hands on Ra-Him’s cheeks too, as Joo-wanda yells, “Take those hands off this instant!”

Later at dinner, as Ra-Him and Oska barbeque, Seul notes that she loves a man who cooks, and Ra-Him lays it on thick, that she thinks women who appreciate her cooking are the prettiest. She invites Seul over (to Joo-won’s house) so she can cook for her again, making sure to invite her over “late at night, so you can sleep over.”

Both Oska and Joo-wanda gag out loud at the disgusting display. Oska’s had enough, and he drags Ra-Him away to the sauna, to wash everything clean (starting with their lips, heh) and start over.

Oska soaks and Ra-Him comes tiptoeing into the men’s sauna, wrapped up to her chest in a towel. Oska yells at her, thinking she’s doing it on purpose because of their awkward kiss, and so she gingerly lowers her towel to her waist.

She’s about to step in to the pool that Oska is in, so he gets up to get out…

…as Ra-Him screams, bug-eyed, then faints. Pwahaha. What exactly were you expecting, in the men’s sauna?

In the women’s sauna, Seul blathers on about her “perfect” body, and Joo-wanda guesses that it’s all fat, while the body he’s in is all muscle. Heh.

Outside, Ra-im and Joo-won sit down for a drink, back in their own bodies under the mystical veil. Ra-im asks how it was, going to the sauna with a 36-24-34, and he counters that his ideal type has changed, to “a woman who can’t run for Miss Korea.” [Note: Kim Sa-rang, aka Seul, was a Miss Korea contestant.]

It’s not that she can’t; it’s that she won’t. Joo-won: “Yeah…because your skin is dark and you’re ugly.” Ra-im retorts that it’s not a thing for a guy with uneven butt cheeks to say. HA!

He points a finger at her perviness (yeah, takes one to know one, buddy) and she asks him why he’s even out here instead of sleeping. He’s curious about something that kept him up. Why she’s missing something that everyone else has. Ra-im: “There’s so much. What? Money? A House?” Joo-won: “A family.”

She sighs, as she tells him that her mother passed away soon after she was born, and her father told her that her eyes and her laugh were the same as Ra-im’s. Her dad was a firefighter who was brave and saved lots of lives, and he died on the job when she was seventeen.

Joo-won: Who raised you?
Ra-im: I grew up on my own.
Joo-won: On what money?
Ra-im: What the government gave me.
Joo-won: So all my taxes went to you.
Ra-im: Does it seem like a waste?
Joo-won: I should’ve paid more, if I knew I was raising you.
Ra-im: When I look at you like this, you’re not a total jerk.

The next morning, Seul and Oska each wake up in their beds…to find surprise visitors asleep next to them. They both freak out, while Ra-Him and Joo-wanda don’t realize that they’ve slept in the wrong beds, in their drunken haze.

By the time they realize their mistake, Seul and Oska have a glare-off in the hallway.

Commence breakfast of most awkward proportions. Thankfully, Oska’s manager calls to break up the frivolity with some bad news. Someone leaked the title song to his seventh album—the one that was plagiarized. He rushes off in Joo-won’s car, and Seul goes with him, leaving her car with Ra-Him and Joo-wanda.

Ra-Him gets a text from Jong-soo about the script for Dark Blood and asks Joo-wanda about it, excited for the film she’s been waiting her whole career for. She’s dying to do the stunts, until Joo-wanda has to remind her that she’s not a stuntwoman right now; she’s a department store boss.

But HE isn’t, since he’s in her body…so she tries to get him to at least audition for her. She insists that she can teach him, and Joo-wanda calls her crazy and walks off.

On the way to Seoul, Oska can’t take the tension with Seul anymore and ditches her on the side of the highway. That’s what you get, princess.

He goes after Tae-sun, thinking that he leaked the song (not so bright, our Oska) only to find out that the leak came somewhere from Seul’s office.

Joo-wanda decides to do a little shopping in the meantime, and takes his own credit card for a spin, buying sequined dresses that cost a small fortune. Ra-Him refuses to be party to it, so Joo-wanda signs for the purchase himself, telling her that he’ll just take all the clothes back once they’ve switched back.

I love that he actually relishes shopping for himself as a woman, like he’s living out some fantasy of dressing a Barbie doll or something, only now he gets to dress himself like his ideal woman. God, it’s sick AND hilarious.

Upstairs, Director Park gets wind of Ra-im signing for Joo-won’s purchase (hitting a particular nerve because he’s been trying to perfect Joo-won’s signature for weeks). He announces that there is only one reason why a man would be under a woman’s thumb: she must be pregnant. OH, BARF.

Joo-won’s mother keeps tabs on him via a housekeeper, who confirms that he’s acting a little strange lately. She confirms that Ra-im has been around, sending Mom into a tizzy for her secretary to track Ra-im down for a chat.

Joo-wanda steps out of the department store sporting yet another sequined tracksuit. Hahaha, it really IS the tracksuit that would not die.

Ra-Him takes even more issue with it now that it’s on her body, asking if that’s a tracksuit that a person in his right mind would wear. Well, no is the answer, but neither is Joo-wanda of sound mind. Just sayin’.

Ra-Him: “I’m going to kill that Italian artisan!” Hahahaha.

Joo-won’s mother calls Ra-im’s phone…only her son’s voice picks up the other line. She flips her lid that he’s answering Ra-im’s phone now, and demands to see her at once. Joo-wanda shows up, and as soon as Mother sees that tracksuit, she asks warily if they went to Italy together. Heh.

She shows her distaste for Ra-im quite clearly, and offers up an envelope of money, along with a contract that she won’t go near her son again. Joo-wanda peers at the envelope, noting what a tiny sum it is, and then asks if she’s done this sort of thing before. She confirms that it’s hardly her first time buying off an unworthy girlfriend, which Joo-wanda hears with a heavy sigh.

He goes straight to Dr. Lee’s office, and tells her what just transpired with Joo-won’s mother. He asks what “she” should do.

Dr. Lee sighs that his mom is still doing such things (seeming to confirm that she was once on the receiving end of just such a dismissal attempt), and tells him not to see Joo-won anymore. She doesn’t say it in a jealous way, but rather in a very pragmatic way.

Dr. Lee: He won’t be able to protect you. Because he has no reason to protect a common woman.

Whoa. Harsh. And yet, totally true. It definitely hits Joo-wanda right in the kisser, as it starts to dawn on him that perhaps he isn’t such a saint. It also makes me really curious as to just how close he was with Dr. Lee…before she became his shrink.

Meanwhile, Ra-Him gets stuck having to deal with Director Park, who presents her with a slew of things to decide on, and one in particular that Secretary Kim motions for her to sign herself.

Director Park walks away from the meeting bewildered at the sudden 180-turn of polite Joo-won, wondering what on earth he’s up to now. He opens the file that Ra-Him signed off on, and shrieks in horror: He’s changed his signature! Hahaha. Ra-Him signed his name in the girliest manner possible, all hearts instead of O’s, and meanwhile Director Park thinks it’s a way to undermine all the work it’s taken for him to learn Joo-won’s signature.

On her way out, Ra-Him stops to tell Director Park that his voice is “totally awesome.” Heh. She asks Secretary Kim what kind of boss Joo-won is, assuming correctly that he’s pretty much as rude and condescending as he is elsewhere.

They happen upon an uproar in the men’s department, where a VVIP (Really—they make it a point to call them V-V-I-Ps, like one “very” isn’t enough.) is accosting a sales clerk, grabbing her ass and then announcing that she’ll be fired when she dares to talk back.

Ra-Him walks up and tells him to shut his trap otherwise his jaw will come loose…and then decks him. Ha! Love her driving Joo-won’s body around. Such glee.

Ah-young comes home and tells Joo-wanda what happened, as his eyes bug out in horror. He texts Secretary Kim to call his lawyer, confusing the poor guy since Ra-Him is sitting right next to him.

He rushes into the police station, appalled to see Ra-Him sitting there handcuffed, eating soup. She admits to being in the wrong, but Joo-wanda rails into her for being exactly the same as she was that night, when she showed up with that dreaded handbag—that she’s never once thought about him. Somehow you live in a universe where that makes sense, but it doesn’t to the rest of us.

He decides to let her rot in jail, and calls off the lawyer, and even tells the pervert VVIP to press charges and not let up. Ra-Him tries to remind him that it’s his body (which Secretary Kim overhears), but Joo-wanda is having none of it, and leaves.

Just then, a mystical storm brews outside, and it starts to pour. As soon as Joo-wanda steps out into the mystical rain, their souls magically get swapped back. Joo-won finds himself in his own body, handcuffed in the police station, and Ra-im is back in hers, standing in the rain.

She rushes back inside, and she and Joo-won look at each other, as smiles spread across their faces, and Ra-im jumps for joy.

They’re back!


Really, Show? Mystical hoodoo rain? That’s the thing that brings them back? Apropos of nothing? No lessons learned, no big revelations, no walk a mile in her shoes kind of thing? Just whammo, presto, change-o? Boo. Big fat boo.

Is that all they were going to do with the body switch? What on earth is the point of that? I mean, comedy aside (which is a big reason to love it, sure) I hope we’re going to get bigger consequences. There’d better be, Show.

Truthfully, as much as I loved Episode 6’s crazy switcheroo antics, I wasn’t as into 7 and 8, because they seemed to hit a stalemate as far as how much each was going to budge (in concern for each other’s lives and such). I was beginning to wonder if the switch was going to change either of them at all.

So now I’m confused, because neither character has changed sufficiently for me to be done with the body swap narratively, and yet I miss their crackling chemistry when they were in their own bodies pre-swap, so I’m torn. I suppose the door is left open for them to re-swap and un-swap at length throughout the series, every time it rains or whatever other mystical precipitation is in the forecast.

And this is maybe a nitpick, but I’m a fan of rules in a genre piece. If you’ve got a mystical world, there ought to be rules that govern that world, and we as the audience have to be let in on those rules. Why? Doesn’t it take all the mystery out? No. There’s plenty of ways to frame the rules of your world as oblique, and you can always find clever loopholes to surprise us—that’s the fun in ALL of us knowing the rules, ya dig? If the circumstance just changes, for no rhyme or reason and worst of all, in a seemingly random fashion, we lose faith that the mystical world has a purpose and an internal logic. This is going to sound inordinately picky to those of you who aren’t obsessed with supernatural, mythology-laden narratives, but I swear, there’s a reason behind my nitpickery. No matter how loosey goosey you are with the rules, you have to establish them. Because otherwise there is no meaning behind the mystical events.

Whether or not Ra-im’s father is pulling all the strings, or Fate intervened to un-swap them, or the swap is only temporary, or someone spiked the rain with magic mojo…matters, and it matters more than the un-swapping itself. Either I’m going to feel like the body swap was merely a gimmick, or someone’s got some ‘xplainin’ to do.


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Thank you JB & GF! I truly luv u!


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For me...I thought that at least one of them has changed a bit. At least JW is sometimes trying to take RI's situation into consideration versus RI who seems to think she is...a bit self-righteous? Would that be the word? I don't think it fits perfectly but it does a bit.

I think that the key to them switching back is actually in when he said "You never think about me not even for 5 minutes." Because the last time he said that RI (momentarily) realizes that she was wrong. I can't judge if this is the same for this episode until I see episode 9.

I do agree that this world needs some rules but I've been frustrated trying to figure out this whole mystical body switching magic as well. I am thinking that RI's mother had some illness that is hereditary and that was why she died. RI's father has somehow become a magical voodoo man who has switched his soul into an ahjumma's body. He's trying to protect her because she will encounter death soon so in order to preserve, keep her alive spiritually, her he has them drink the medicinal wine?

Was it foreshadowing when Ah Young told "RI" (it was JW in her body at the time) about the dream about him and RI in a car accident, that RI will die?? And the whole rose thing gives off a complete beauty and the beast vibe. If RI's dad doesn't somehow maybe find her knight in shining armor or prevent her from getting into some accident before the flower dies then RI will inevitably die?? Maybe RI and JW finally officially start a relationship and they get into some fight after they find out RI's illness and JW is racing down the highway crying while she is sleeping?



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I understand how it could just make you wonder what may come next or try explaining why this and that happened. Isn't it why dramas are doing this to lure us all into addiction? I say just stop speculating as it would for sure drive you more and more antsy when we have to wait a whole week or sometimes longer (for the sub)until the next 2 episodes are out.

With that said, I couldn't help but speculate 1 thing why the swap back at the end happened sort of randomly: Since it's Ra-Him who made Joo-Wonda stay in jail as a punishment for not considering the real Joo-Won's business and status even though Joo-Wonda did admit she was wrong. In order to make the real Joo-Won suffer in his own body AND mind because his retaliation by asking the pervert to sue him and keep him in jail, the spirit (aka Ra-Im's dad) swaps them back (probably temporarily) just so Joo-Won can get a dose of his own medicine. With that, bigger lessons learned with deeper relevation, message delivered. Just IMO...

Well, this is going to be another long week until ep. 9 & 10 are out and subbed.


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haha..I was thinking that too. Since it's Ra Im's dad who's the "culprit" he would try to protect his daughter. Hence the switch back.....


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thanks for the recap!!!


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Crap. Have to see episode 7 with subs before I can see - and read - this one. Darn parents not being korean.


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LOL @ninji! I remember being young and wishing they WEREN'T Korean. But now, I'm definitely glad I didn't stumble into an enchanted forest and swap my body. :-D


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hahahaha! I agree with you.


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Its not so bad to be Chinese either. The subs come out THE DAY OF. I dare say they are only a TAD-BIT slower that the Korean broadcast itself.


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@ilikehim: Where did you see the one with Chinese sub that fast? Please kindly share... Thanks!


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You can get speedsubs here: http://www.viki.com/channels/1565-secret-garden/posts/3422

A few lines are usually missing, but I've learned enough Korean from watching the dramas that I can figure out what they're saying.


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Loving this drama!


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I'm now really curious where this show will lead us since the body swapping is the "selling point" of this drama. I hope it won't dissappoint me...


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Because the body swapping is the selling point, wouldn't you think that the reverse body swap is temporary and that they just might end up swapping bodies again. It's possible, otherwise what's the point?


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Well, I think the body swap is temporary, just to give them an idea of the consequences their actions have when they are switched. I mean he threw himself in jail, out of pure stupidity. Yeah he can get out of it but I'm pretty sure it won't look good on his record. They'll be switched back next episode, watch.


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Maybe the temporary "reverse body swapping" only happens when there's a thunderstorm and then they get swapped again?


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I doubt that this is the end of their body swapping days.

Either A) Papa figures out something went wrong and he'll appear in the next few episodes to swap their bodies again, or B) Ra-IM and Joo Won somehow touch eachother (or however) and swap souls again.

And, no, I doubt Ra-im has a cancerous disease. I have faith that we won't be going down that road (or there WILL be consequences *grabs plane ticket to Korea...*)

Though, I must say... I did enjoy the show pre-swapping, but only enjoyed the last few episodes due to the immense hilarity. Yet suddenly, them swapping bodies hasn't been exactly "exciting" as much as before.. and Ra-him still seems overly girly. Where's that Kick-ass stuntwoman?

In fact, I want to see Ra-him moments with Joo-won's family and enjoy the immense hilarity of how that scene would turn out at a family meal. Heh.


i remember at the start of the drama they said something about an autumn rain being very special with the ability to grant what one hearts desires or sumthing like that. i think that has to do with the soul-switching. it will probably be temporary as the effect of the rain might wear off while the dad's spell may be stronger or worse permanent.


I agree, I think the body swap wasn't enough of a lesson for them (particularly Joo-Won), so they needed to switch back (temporarily) in order to see the consequences of their actions. JW needed to learn how horrible it is to make Ra-im stay in jail (even if it was in his body), and Ra-im needed to learn....?....The virtues of the tracksuit so she'd stop knocking it. Yes, that.
Because clearly, they (he) aren't learning anything. But they will, eventually. Because betterment/ understanding is that absolute outcome of body swapping story lines. It's in the rules.
As a side note, I do wish Ra-him would experience some residuals from Joo-Won's claustrophobia. I don't think she has any of the keys to understanding the weaker aspects of him yet, and I think the clearest opening to that would be through his fear.


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I think they got swapped back cos Ra-Im's dad doesn't want her girl to suffer in jail??


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Thanks for another recap. I think there'll be more swaps, not only between main male-female duo. Maybe Joo-Won and Oska swap their bodies now. Who knows?


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I can't believe it


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"So all my taxes went to you."
"Does it seem like a waste?"
"I should’ve paid more, if I knew I was raising you."

Awww. XD


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That was definitely an "AWWWW" moment.

He really has feelings for her it's just that he's

too stubborn to admit it...or too blind to see it clearly

at the moment! I can't wait to see when he finally

admits or relaizes that he loves her so much that

he'd die for her. I think JW will do anything to save

her in the end...lke the opposite of the Little Mermaid

story he's so hung up on. Instead of the mermaid

sacrificing her life, it's gonna be the prince.


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Awww... thats sad even to think about


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eekkk....I hope the sacrifice wouldn't be that big too...
both of them sacrificing would be good!

both needs to learn to bend more =)


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I love the way he puts it.


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Nice! Thanks, I've been waiting for this. How adorable is he when he sees his cousin naked and he faints. Lol.


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that scene , just by remembering it I laugh loudly , it was a priceless scene and hunbin was rocking :)
I wish I can see BTS about that scene , I bet they had to shoot many times becoz they won't be able to stop laughing .


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I want to see rge BTS of the kiss XD


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i have been waiting for the recaps thanks coz stuff happened at the end. i think we haven't seen the end of the soul/body swap


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Well, ok, it hasn't he, it was she, but still. Cute!


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Thanks for the recap! Looks like it will be an awesome episode again. But with the body swapping... I have this feeling that it isn't the last time this will happen. I get the feeling that it will happen between the two some more throughout the series :\ Just my thoughts though... I really hope that wasn't the end of the body swapping though because it WAS the point that attracted me to the drama in the first place and for it to be resolved so quickly and cleanly is.. rather disappointing :\


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yay! i've been waiting for this recap since yesterday! thanks jb!


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I heard that the netizens in korea think that in ep 7 ah young's dream was foreshadowing the drama's end.... which was somebody (joowon or harim ... forget which one) ends up dying!

do you think this is true?

any thoughts?


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Well it's just rumors, i wouldn't take seriously what other viewers say (since we all have our own thoughts)...plus there's also word going around that in an interview the writer said it was going to be a light drama compared to her others...whatever that means.


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well, i've been wondering what Ra-im's dad was referring to when he said he did the body swap to protect Ra-im. Protect her from certain harm? So Joo-wonita will 'get' it rather than Ra-him? But they've swapped back to their original bodies already so I'm at a lost.


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i know i am so confused about that.. and remember that Ra-im's dad (in the photo) smile turned into a frown AFTER Joo-won looked through her stuff in the locker... so i'm wondering if it's just Joo-won's existence... like with his personality at that time, he would ruin Ra-im. So by exchanging bodies, or souls, he can come to understand her and actually not ruin Ra-im's life but... idek D;


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i think the dream might be hinting us that scene, but i hope later gt wateva miracle which happens to save them both. It's a magical plot, so shouldn't they just let both of them stay alive. i dun like it to be sad ending, although i think this show keeps heading towards sad plot.


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10x 10x 10 :) You are wonderful :)


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They are not doing the body-swap just for the laughs I hope. Usually mystical events happen for a deeper meaning. Sorry i still think Binnie is playing Ra-im too girly ,too stereotype female. Ra-im is independent,tomboyish and has a defiant look about her before the body-swap. Isn't it too easily interchangeable this body-swap thing turning out to be?


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I totally agree with you on the sterotype female hyunbin is playing ra-im......but i guess it adds to the comedy... and he's too cute! lol


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I feel he plays her too girly mostly around Oska's presence.. which can make her girly "you know, the whole I'll rather go blind" scene

I hope there is a deeper meaning behind the switch back and both better be alive at the end!!!!


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yes I agree with you , hyunbin in playing a girly RI only with oska , remember when RI had that lunch with oska how she was behaving like a 17 years old girl and same when she met him after she was out of the hospital how she was shy and smiling so girly .


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I agree with you. I feel like the Ra-im had totally disappeared for last 3 episodes.


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I agree with you Binnie is playing Ra-im too gilrly, maybe the shock of the swap brought the girl inside Ra-im out.


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Hey! I was hoping that someone could help me with finding the song title is plays at the beginning of the episode, in the jail scene. I've scoured the Internet for the soundtrack list, but I haven't been able to find anything.

If anyone knows, it would be of great help. Thanks!

And thanks girlfriday for the wonderful recap!


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I LOVE this song!!

it's by one of the guys from the group 4men...

shin yong jae : 이유

here's a link to the song if you want.


Enjoy :)


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Thank you, @fan!! I swear, Dramabeans has the best commenters. And recappers.


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thanks so much! i was looking for this song forever but couldn't seem to find it. 감사합니다 ~


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homg thanks! i was looking for this song for the longest time! loving this song since the 1st time i heard it in SG! komawoyo! :)


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Thanks so much!


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haha... no problem!

It's one of my favourite songs now! lol


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YES YES YES!!! A girlfriday recap! Though I'm still anxious for some english subs.


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I was surprised at the fact that they switched back. I totally agree with you in terms of the characters not going through a significant change. I really hope this is explained in the next episode.

The Seul and Oska loveline is really tiresome. I find myself skipping through their parts. I mean...just get together already! Stop with this annoying jumping and dancing around the fact that they lurvee each other. XD

Other than that...I'm loving this drama. Hyun Bin's screams and Ha Ji Won's surly attitude make my day.


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I too am holding out to see how this is explained. I admit that their swap back did make me jump in joy a little since Joowon just asked to have himself thrown in jail. *cackles evilly*)

Seul and Oska are totally supposed to just get together, but they can't seem to find time to just talk about why they broke up - they seem to be the typical drama couple.

I think Hyun Bin has been told to act girly. We've never seen Raim be so close with Oska that often, and that one time when he praised her saying she's "cool" she was so girly, shy and embarrassed, which is why when it's Ra-Him near Oska, Hyun Bin needs to act that way. At least I think the only times I remember Ra-Him being girly is with Oska...


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I think they switched back because Joowon got arrested so Ra-Im would be in danger if she stayed in his body. Or maybe because Joowon already rejected the dangerous script for Ra-Im where she might have been fatally injured or something? But yeah, I can see the father changing them back and forth for his daughter's benefit. In that way the last scene made total sense for me.

I actually liked this episode even more than 6, I was laughing the whole time... and when I watched it raw and Oska was grabbing Taesun by the collar I was on the floor... I really think they were hinting something there... and anyway it's only episode 8. I didn't expect to see the two change dramatically solely because of the body swap, so I'm optimistic that future episodes will keep the story and character development going in a good direction.


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>>> I didn’t expect to see the two change dramatically solely because of the body swap, so I’m optimistic that future episodes will keep the story and character development going in a good direction.

I agree!


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I totally agree with you on this one. In a previous episode we saw the father watching them so i'm not surprised by them returning to their bodies, it would suck however if it was the rain that did it because THAT would be lame.


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I hope it's at least induced magical thunderstorms that changes them. It would bother me if it was normal weather patterns that changed them back and forth (and there can only be so many thunderstorms within the one drama before I get tired of it).


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My thoughts exactly! I think this will continue until Joo-Won realizes that he loves (not only like) Ra-im and he decides to protect her. if this is the idea, the words of doctor Lee also fits, because for the first time he will find a reason to protect a woman. Leaving her in jail is not exactly protection and dad wont leave his daughter (soul) in jail, thats why they switch. I hope that when he leaves jail, the switch back. If they dont,I wouldn't mind very much, because i like the chemestry anyway, but its like gf said, we need reasons or rules...or something!

too long jajaja

Jeje i hope i made my point. im not very good at writting in english. Thanks for the recap! ( No se si puedan leer español, pero pueden ponerlo en un traductor jajaja.) Muchas Muchas gracias por el capitulo!! Lo espere con ansias desde ayer que termine de ver el raw 8. son adoraderrimas las dos.


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hahaha...me da gusto saber que otras q hablan espanol miran esta drama.
:) saludos


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My thoughts exactly! I think this will continue until Joo-Won realizes that he loves (not only like) Ra-im and he decides to protect her. if this is the idea, the words of doctor Lee also fits, because for the first time he will find a reason to protect a woman. Leaving her in jail is not exactly protection and dad wont leave his daughter (soul) in jail, thats why they switch. I hope that when he leaves jail, the switch back. If they dont,I wouldn't mind very much, because i like the chemestry anyway, but its like gf said, we need reasons or rules...or something!

Jeje i hope i made my point. im not very good at writting in english. Thanks for the recap! ( No se si puedan leer español, pero pueden ponerlo en un traductor jajaja.) Muchas Muchas gracias por el capitulo!! Lo espere con ansias desde ayer que termine de ver el raw 8. son adoraderrimas las dos.


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My thoughts exactly! I think this will continue until Joo-Won realizes that he loves (not only like) Ra-im and he decides to protect her. if this is the idea, the words of doctor Lee also fits, because for the first time he will find a reason to protect a woman. Leaving her in jail is not exactly protection and dad wont leave his daughter (soul) in jail, thats why they switch. I hope that when he leaves jail, the switch back. If they dont,I wouldn't mind very much, because i like the chemestry anyway, but its like gf said, we need reasons or rules...or something!

Jeje i hope i made my point. im not very good at writting in english. Thanks for the recap! ( No se si puedan leer español, pero pueden ponerlo en un traductor jajaja.) Muchas Muchas gracias por el capitulo!! Lo espere con ansias desde ayer que termine de ver el raw 8. son adoraderrimas las dos.


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Oh sorry for the repeted post


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thx.love this drama, coz so many awesome scenes...


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i kinda automatically assumed they'll switch back soon


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first off, i'm loving this drama! hyun bin and ha ji-won are pure <3! secondly, i do love that we get to see them back in their own bodies again because, as girlfriday mentioned, i miss the chemistry between them as themselves. just a theory, but i think they switched back because her dad "saw" the whole conversation in the jail and didn't want ra-im to be stuck in jail so he switched them back. whatever the reason, i don't think we've seen the last of the body-switching...


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As much as I like the established base for the drama, they f'ing better switch their bodies back because this drama is about switching souls. There is no climax in this episode at all when they go back to their original bodies! So, show, you better switch them back now, or something is gonna happen.


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humm im torn too

Joo-won and Ra-im
Joo-wonda and Ra-Him

if only its

Joo-won and Joo-wonda *sigh*


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i would love that too.


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"Magic veil of Un-switchiness" made me LOL at work!

It is only ep 8, so there are a lot of episodes left for both growth, switching back, and 'splaining. If the first (that's what I'm calling in.) switch taught them enough about the other to forgive and kiss, what would be left to do?

I agree with you, though, that Joo Won's line about Key Lime not thinking about him makes no sense.
First of all, he told her very specifically what her bubbly options would be if she were interested in a relationship with him. Kiss and leave. She gave her answer in a slap.

What more does he expect her to do or to say about his proposal? The only thing she has learned about the rich from the rich is that they hate the poor.

The earlier episodes, he talks about giving her charity, "treating her like a poor and lonely neighbor." Now that we learned she was on public assistance, those words are much more cruel than even he intended.


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*SPOILER* I read somewhere that they have 2 switches? So they may switch bodies again *END Spoiler*


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Okay just read all the comments so not much of a spoiler :)

I really hope they continue to switch back and forth at key moments of their growth and what not.

I really like some peoples theory that the Dad changed them back to keep Ra-Im out of jail.


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i also read from korean news sites that there might be another switching :P


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OOO, great, now I am excited to see when/if it happens!


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Thank you for the recap, and welcome back JW and RI! To be honest, I was starting to miss them. Don't get me wrong, both actors are amazing, but I was getting a bit tired of RaHim being too girly and Joo-wanda being that much into other women's physiques. Those are not their typical behavior, and I missed them.

I'm not sure what caused their bodies to be switched back either. To me, drinking those special wines/concoctions to switch the bodies back would have made more sense!

In any case, I have the feeling this is not over yet. Who knows, the next body switch could be voluntary too (just a wild guess, here, not a spoiler).


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Anybody knows what it was about regarding the mermaid tale Oska mentioned to Joo-Wonda while he was behind bars? It seemed to have an effect on Ra-Him which Joo-Wonda nervously(?) observed? What did he say about the mermaid tale?


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Oska: JW didn't tell you about the Little Mermaid?
He is a shocking bastard who thinks the tragic story of the Little Mermaid is the world's first ever story about a mistress.


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Thanks for the clarification... really wanted to know the true meaning as was confused watching this part cuz was not sure if this discussion was adding positive or negative points for JW in RI's eyes.


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me too!! i didnt know why the two were looking at each other with seemingly meaningful/understanding eyes once oska clarified how joowon views the little mermaid story. can anyone clarify further on what sorta realization/understanding raim may have gained from oska's bit??


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the problem is... to clarify i would have to give my take on it, don't qoute me on it cuz that would make me totally out to be a straw-grabbing-guess-it-all ranter.

anyway. guess to say... the lil mermaid story is not the point. At the mention of the story, Joo-won and Ra-im are jogged of the event before the slap. He may or may not realize why he deserve the slap, but Oska saying it out loud made him worry about how Ra-im would react.On the other end, Ra-im realizing Joo-won is a hard (disturbing) person to understand. When Oska said he would help her to understand Joo-won "inner self" and she reply "okay, please make sure to help", we can assume that she meant "please help me understand how this nut job function".

-one more assumption (bear with me) lets go on some tangent. Ra-im's (and everyone else, except Disney) lil mermaid bubbles ending = a tragic self-sacrifice love. Where Joo-won lil mermaid bubbles ending = a love that was not meant to be but was given a chance to play out. hence his request for a "hug". what take it up one more notch is that, he fully understand that he is saying to fool around, but he doesn't see the severity. cause in his mind, why wouldn't anyone pass up a chance to "fool" around with such a great handsome man.
~ *exhale* thank you for bearing with me


Thanks! I like your take on the lil mermaid bubbles ending from JooWon's perspective. I could not understand why JooWon would say what he said but now I do.


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Does that mean that JW described their relation as little mermaid because he thinks RI is powerful like mistress? Is that what mistress means? But then how does this relation to to definition that habut gave as "a love that was not meant to be but was given a chance to play out"? Y do they keep on mentioning little mermaid throughout the drama and it kills me cause i feel like im missing something important!! plz help me understand o i might explode from not knowing what's happening


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At first I was reallly disappointed with the magical rain swapping thingamajic, but after thinking it over a bit, I think it's not so bad, narratively - most likely, they'll keep switching and un-switching throughout the series, which may actually make for a lot of delicious narrative fodder (also, I was beginning to think that everyone around them was being stupid for NOT realizing that the two of them had switched. Now sure, in real life, mystical things like that don't happen... but if two of my friends with such extreme, polar personalities started acted like each other, I'd surely call them out on it ("why are you acting like you switched bodies?"). So I actually like that the prospect of Ra-im and Joo-won alternatively acting like themselves and like the other as they switch and re-switch will be hilarious to watch and do more mental damage to all other characters than listening to Mariah Carey for a week straight).

Also, I'm trying to be hopeful here... but I hope that the switching will be satisfying narratively in the long run. Already I get a certain measure of satisfaction out of the fact that their souls getting into their right bodies at this moment means that Joo-won is being held at the police station for a crime he didn't commit, and that Ra-im, now in her proper body, will have to deal with the damage Joo-won did to her career while he was behind the wheel. It gives them an opportunity to clean up each other's mess, make some progress in their own proper lives - only to then be switched back, and have the tables turned again. I AM hopeful that we will get a proper narrative conclusion to the body-switching eventually (both of them changing and coming to understand the other through literally walking in their shoes) AND that we'll get some explanation and rules (if it's something like that they switch every time it rains, they'll figure it out)...

But maybe I'm just a bleeding optimist and I'll be sorely disappointed, with my expectations gutted, dried, and left out in the magical rain to rot. We'll see!

(Also, does anybody else love the reactions of Joo-wons side-kick? The one who's interested in Ah-young. I LOVE the way he reacts to Joo-won being 'eccentric', he does the most hilarious shocked grimaces, and I think he's a pretty interesting character in general. I think this drama could do without Seul and Jong-soo - they're kind of the stock second leads that exist mainly to be an obstacle - but I'm pleased to say that I find a lot of the minor characters quite winning).


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Secretary Kim. He had me from the second he went OMO! at the thought of eating the deer that had been given to Joo Won.

On the other hand, I want to feed Seul to alligators.


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Ditto on the secretary. Every time he's on screen, his reactions and dialogue are hilarious. The eating-the-deer scene "Omo" is one of the best.


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Aw, I'm so glad Kim Seung-oh's being appreciated. Though his Secretary Kim character is a bit anticlimactic given how compelling his 'lost soul' dark, twisted gangster character in Giant is/was...

Plus, he was one heck of an adorable child actor too, back in the 90s. He really does deserve bigger, better roles now.
I mean, he kind of reminds me of LOTR's Captain Faramir who was quite mesmerising, and then he went and did that role in Van Helsing and it was totally WTF? Talk about going for a role waaay beneath oneself.
But oh well *shrugs* at least he's getting noticed.


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I agree the man is on fire :) in acting that is LOL... I laugh everytime he's onscreen.
I recently had a chance to watch that movie with wonbin (a man from nowhere(?)) and he plays one of the main villain roles - I went 0_o because he's so different from his light quirky character from Secret garden, I hope to see him more in other projects!


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My thoughts too! How and Why would anyone like her at all.. she has no redeeming quality. And by the way, people with such rich background do not go for Miss Korea! They think pageants are for the lowly.


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Uh...When they said she was a Miss Korea contestant, i think they meant Kim Sarang, the actress, not Seul, the character that she's playing.


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I don't think Seul (the character) competed in the pagent as well. They are just saying that she has the body for it.


I too don't think Seul (the character) competed in the pagent. They are just saying that she has the body for it.


I'm pretty sure they're going to switch back and forth everytime it rains otherwise they wouldn't have mentioned the indian summer thing at the very beginning in the weather forecast.

Also if the writer screws me over in the ending like she did in Lover's in Paris imma punch her. in the face.


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I will join you in the face punch.


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I don't want to see Hyun Bin cry again

the way he did with AMFL.


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You are very perceptive to remember "indian summer" thing! I think you might be right...there has to be a reason why they included that bit at the very beginning, right?

Also, it's not related to this comment (just curious) but does anyone have any ideas why the drama is called "secret garden"?


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@swimmingrose : does anyone have any ideas why the drama is called “secret garden”?

My answer: When I first heard the title I immediately was reminded of the novel I read as a kid, but at the time I had forgotten what the story was about so I didn't suppose there were any connections. Until I watched the first episode, I began to realize that there was something in the drama that very much reminded me of the novel and that was Joo-won's estate: the beautiful gardens and trees and natural settings. So I then wiki-ed the novel to be reminded of the plot because I swore that the story was about an isolated boy... oops sorry to have been so long winded... okay, fast forward... The Secret Garden is a novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett. It's about a girl who changed the life of a family by entering their life and changing their dispirited, backwards and pessimistic ways... the son of the family was a sickly boy but after meeting her he started to come alive... so there... I'm pretty sure to myself that the drama's writer was inspired by this novel... it's a really good book... check it out if you have time :)

Hope that helps


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Also if the writer screws me over in the ending like she did in Lover’s in Paris imma punch her. in the face.

Oh, totally. I'll be there cheering you on. At the end of Lovers in Paris, I was sooo furious, especially for Lee Dong Gun's character who'd been through the emotional ringer. To think his heartaches were all figments of the heroine's imagination/script.


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WAIT! chotto matte! i want to "semi" defend the ending. it the writer's provocative (trying to be) take on destiny/fate/a box-within-a box-within-a-box. in the end the message was "a love like that can happen to anyone, anywhere, at anytime".

needless to say you can punch her maximum of only 2 hits. hit #1 for newspaper have a picture of same girl and same guy. hit #1 for confusing the viewer. hit #2 for not giving me the 2 year leap i expect out of a korean drama. ~grrr


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Me, too....or four in this case. I'll beat down on my screen if they go LiP.

It would make my Bad Guy rant look like frolicking puppies.

Not that I want to anticipate bad things. No, I'm still happy here in SG land. I foresee angst (I mean, there are 12 episodes left, we need some angst) but nothing that will make me do a beat down.

I'm enjoying the banter.


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me too~ although i only watch a few eps of Lovers in Paris but I googled the ending, omg is completely unacceptable if SG ends the same or whatever alike.

i bet the SG fans will surely anti Kim Eun-sook's drama forever!


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i totally agree with your analysis and also trying to stay optimistic about this whole soul swapping thing. i do really miss JW and RI in their own bodies but if the soul swapping is only for comedic effect, i'd feel cheated somehow.


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Maybe the potion ie the medicinal drink wore off


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I'm pretty sure that the two will swap bodies again and that this unswapping has a reason... especially now with Joo Won in handcuffs.


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you posted this just as i finished watching the raw- perfect timing! Thank you for your hard work and time :)


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I think that it's temporary... or anything... caus the guy just totally left the girl in the police office and say :"Stay in jail". And I guess that we'll see how, after they change back, he would manage to get out of trouble...
Also, them switching back was completely unpredictable, because everyone thought that they'd be in the other person's body for like 10 eps... and I'm SURE that if they've also got back their own body, some other interesting stuff is going to happen.
But then, if they don't change body again, it would be a bit deceiving since the main plot of this drama was supposed to be the body changing.
On the other side, even with a few days in another person's body, they've learned quite some stuff for themselves.
I just love Hyun Bin & Ha Ji Won's couple in the drama that I sometimes find the parts with Oska and Yoon Seul really long, but I guess that they needed that to make a drama...
Anyways, I just hope that everything would be explained in the next episode and that it will stay super funny. Also, I REALLY hate when we can't see the preview...!


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Me too! I really want to see the preview of episode 9.


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Thanks for the excellent recap!! I got a feeling their body is going to swap again because no lessons have been learnt in either parties yet! If this was the only body swap then I would be greatly disappointed!


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I've been stalking dramabeans since yday! I think them switching back has to do with the rain, remember in the first episode when the weather forecaster said something about autumn rain and spoke directly to him. This is turning into a mystery as well as a comedy, please don't introduce cancer, I don't think i could handle the melo part.


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thank you so much !!!!


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I agree the lack of frame of reference for the magic happenings is a bit tiresome. And the only positive results I can discern due to the body-swap is JW becoming a bit more human with his "I would have paid more taxes..." remark and not for once disparaging RI's poverty. And JW gets some credit for changing his ideal woman body type but he has to spoil it again by harping on RI's "dark skin". By the way, is RI's skin really darker than his or Seul's? But Seul looks over-madeup with her white face, and RI looks tanned and healthy, in my eyes. Are Koreans also obsessed with fair skin, just like other Asians?? Just curious as a matter of cultural thing. In my own country, Burma, too fair skinned is more enviable but in olden days brownish skin is more preferred. Thanks for the wonderful recap, Girlfriday. People like you are a god-send to non-Korean viewers like us who are desperately trying to understand what's happening when we watch the raw vids at least twice before the subbed versions become available.


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Ha Ji Won's skin is naturally tanned, I think. I think her skin is the darkest out of them all hahaha.

And yes, I think Koreans are obsessed with fair skin, but i'm not saying that they don't find tan skin attractive on certain people (Lee Hyori!)


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I don't care skin colour and HaJiwon acting skill is so adorable.She doesn't have cosmetic surgery just like HB shows sth under her t-shirt .
People have their own unique appearance and charm.I respect that.


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Yes, Koreans are very much into melanocracy, just as Western Europeans were for a long time, for pretty much the same reasons:

Fair skinned = not a field hand, i.e. nobility
Darker skinned = field hand

Skin "brightening" products are just as popular in Korea as they are in Japan.


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I happen to like Seul's fabulous skin


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woot it's up!! *happy Ra-im dance*


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I love that they switched back at the end of this! I've been loving EVERYTHING about this drama so far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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i think there was something at the beginning of ep 1, where the weather forecaster said that the Indian Summer (?) can be a joke or for real...and something about the rain. and it did rain when they first switched bodies, they just didnt get wet.
LOL lucky they didnt live in southeast asia or south america LOL theyll be switching back & forth every 5 minutes XD


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in episode 1, didn't that forecaster woman call JW by his name? and he stared at the TV with a weird face? I thought that was weird... i really hope this story isn't just a fabrication of JW's deranged mental state (b/c of his unstable mental state)...that's precisely why I hated the ending of Lovers in Paris... how it was all a story made up by the main girl...-_-'' ohh still makes me so angry... ok gonna stop now...


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and sadly that magical storm thing appeared right after the forecaster. i'm starting to think this is all an illusion


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Wait... wasn't it raining the night they switched? I wonder if the rule might be "when rained on" that switches occur, along the same lines as a few famous anime -- "when dunked in cold water" and so on.

Which means that they'll likely switch back, and then back again, and if so, I can see that setting up all sorts of crazy antics. It might also explain why they started doing the mystical-veil thingie, to get viewers used to seeing that as a reminder now, of just who-is-who, rather than trying to add that notation in after it all gets really confusing.

Or it might be that it's not "getting rained on" at all, but is a time limit (that then would naturally get shorter, if the laws of genre & tension apply), or some other factor... but if they switch back, I can only imagine the craziness they'll get into, trying to figure out what caused the switch and how to undo it.

If genre rules apply strictly, I foresee at least a few scenes of them insisting everyone redo previous actions -- off to the sauna! now, to bed! now, to the studio! now, find someone to punch! as they try to puzzle out what, exactly, causes it.

Or I could be completely wrong. It's been known to happen. (Heh.)


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I am so glad that I am not the only one that ws thinking that they are not really utilising the mystical aspects to its full potential, I was actually disapointed with the way they did the switch in the first place, we do need something to convince us that this is 'real', credible and so far that aspect of the drama is not working for me, like girlfirday I think that it is all haphazzard at the moment...But despite that I am loving the drama, waiting for the english subs is driving me crazy!


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I had thought the swap would have lasted the whole series so am confused about this change of events. Either they're going to re-swap or there's something else going on....
And totally agree with you GF about the rules thing. I wouldn't call that nitpicky-ness, but just a general expectation of creating and establishing a fantasy world. That's one of the things that made Gumiho so great, was that there was this established set of rules and norms, within which the story and the world operated. Of course there were loopholes and surprises, but they were part of that world. What is up with magical rain??


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Thanks for the recap! Totally agree about the switching... it can't just be random. I hope we get the rules soon.


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Just a side thing, there really isn't a way for Oska to get in trouble over the plagiarized song, right? He hadn't released it, it was leaked.


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I think they switched because RI (in JW's body) was about to go to jail, so the father made it rain. They will probably switch again soon.
The tracksuit convo was so funny!


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Just posted a comment right under you and I was thinking exact same thing... =)


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My theory (I haven't read any of the comments),

Since it IS Ra-Im who is really going to suffer in jail (just in a different body), the mystical powers trying to keep her from suffering made it happen so that they switch back and Joo-Won will be the one to suffer...

And I think once Ra-Im is out of harm/danger they will switch/ swap bodies again...

Just a guess..

Loving this series...


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yes i agree.
i think maybe is her father trying to protect her. Actually i love they change back because it's something i never expected...

P.S. i hope Oska will not get back with the 2nd lead girl Seul >< I am not a fan of their past.


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Hilarious episode and winningly recapped as usual- thanks GF! :)

What I love most: The moment they changed back! They just had their lives given back to them and were off-the-records happy... and yet each other were the only people who can understand why. :)

Changing bodies as a metaphor for love- being literally in each others' skin, and it being an experience that is impossible to really explain to anyone else. :)

What I'm not loving: Actually what bothers me most, even more than the lack of narrative 'responsibility' (i.e., trying to make rules that don't bend at the least narrative need), is that the characters aren't really changing as you pointed out GF.

Why is Ra-Him apologizing all the time still, and Jo-Wannita being an ass?

Even his comment about paying taxes sounded like more of his 'charity talk'... which actually annoyed me. Nothing wrong with what he said but the way he said it... like he single-handedly supports all the orphans in Korea... still rubs me up the wrong way!

I love them, but wish they were better- still it's early days yet, so I'll wait and see if all the love and laughter comes up to more than just forgettable fun.

(Keeping my fingers crossed for a truly kick-ass series that starts on high and goes from height to great height! Keep it up SG!)

And of course, many thanks to GF and JB for all your efforts helping us understand the subtleties here!


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I'm so glad that your site is not powered by Tumblr or I would be buggin right now. Love this drama.


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i'm not sure if someone else mentioned it [since i just kind of glanced over all the comments] but i don't think the switch back is permanent. i think it'll be kind of like cinderella in that they're in their own bodies for a little bit but once it hits a particular time [like maybe when the rain stops], they'll go back to being swapped again. i think it's too early for the body swapping to be completely over with esp considering why it happened.


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jkaay...you also did at the end. aahahaha [i also just kind of glazed through that...my b].


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