Mary Stayed Out All Night: Episode 14

Well, it finally happened. You knew it was coming. The episode in which girlfriday’s sanity gets kidnapped and sold on the black market. What’s the going rate for what’s left of my marbles?


So…Mu-gyul gets KIDNAPPED. No, really. I was hoping that maybe I just had too much to drink and imagined that part last night, but then I realized I would just be angry at myself for imagining such a ridiculous scenario…and lo and behold, it’s actually happening. Sigh, Drama. Sigh.

Mary manages to conveniently find a pair of cops to hop a ride with, as they chase down the kidnappers. Gracious kidnappers that they are, they lower their window so that Mu-gyul can see Mary hanging her head outside the cop car as they drive alongside. Aw, they’re fans of romance, the kidnappers. That’s sweet.

Meanwhile, Jung-in does what he can to delay the showcase, and calls Mary’s phone. Dad picks up, and when Jung-in says that he’s looking for Mu-gyul, Dad lets it slip that he’s busy getting himself served. Jung-in’s ears perk up, but he gets no other information.

Then, for no apparent reason other than the fact that they’ve caused enough dramatic tension for Mu-gyul, the kidnappers decide to pitch him (AND his guitar—hey, thanks! He’s gonna need that!) out of the moving car. The cops ditch Mary just as handily, with no recourse or explanation. This drama is So. Weird.

Mary worries about Mu-gyul’s injury, but he insists on going to the concert, of course. Because rockers don’t need medical attention. They only need Rock.

Jung-in tries to stall as best as he can, but they’re out of time, and Absolute Mu-gyul takes to the stage…without Mu-gyul. Jung-in persuades Seo-jun to front the band in Mu-gyul’s place, but the crowd starts chanting Mu-gyul’s name, backing them into a corner.

They stand there, frozen, not knowing what to do…

…which is when Mu-gyul makes his way through the crowd of screaming fans, Mary in tow. The awesome part about this is, none of the enthusiasm of the fans is faked in any way. They really are this excited to see Jang Geun-seok perform.

He takes to the stage, still cringing in pain from his hand injury. He starts to say his big declaration to Mary, that this song is for the girl who warmed his cold heart…but then breaks into laughter at his own cheesiness. Heh.

He pauses, and then shouts into the mic: “Mary Christmas…I love you!” Mary pretty much dies right there, among the screaming fans.

Seo-jun’s jaw drops at the unabashed declaration of love: SO not the Mu-gyul that she used to know. Jung-in just breathes a sigh of relief that the concert didn’t go down in flames.

Mu-gyul sings “Hello, Hello” and the concert is a roaring success. Then, all of a sudden, we cut to Mu-gyul tied and gagged, back in the trunk of the kidnappers’ car. What the…if the concert was all a dream, I’m going to rip some heads off, starting with this writer…

Oh, it wasn’t. The re-kidnapping is the dream. Mary wakes him up, asking if he’s having a nightmare, and Mu-gyul opens his eyes to find that he’s in Jung-in’s house but doesn’t remember getting there. It turns out he collapsed right after the concert, and they brought him here.

Mary asks if he can think of any reason someone would want to kidnap him (Oh, let’s see….) but he can’t. Jung-in has an inkling, and says he’ll look into it. Does he not know that his father has a yakuza background, or is he just in massive denial?

Speaking of denial, Seo-jun has a drink with Lee Ahn, and decides that Mu-gyul doesn’t love Mary. Listen, if you don’t know the meaning of words, then I can’t help you. I’m pretty certain “I love you” is quite rudimentary grade-school level stuff.

Dad meanwhile calls Jung-in’s father to very loudly ask if he took care of Mu-gyul…right in front of Mu-gyul’s mom. He then decides to go see Jung-in, where the three kids are sitting there, discussing their next plan of action.

Dad has a fit, of course, and this time they don’t try to run away or hide. Jung-in tells him that it’s all his doing, and they pretty much tell him everything. Dad can’t believe that Jung-in would lie and use Mary to secure investments for his company, with no real intention of marrying her.

Jung-in is clear about one thing: he does want Mary to be happy, and will do anything to help her have the life that she wants. Aw. But Dad is just ridiculously, irreparably against Mu-gyul, and will not listen to reason. Gawd. I’m getting REALLY tired of shrill papa, who has NO RIGHT to call anyone out for being a ne’er do well.

Mu-gyul and Mary both plead, with Jung-in even chiming in, but Dad continues to be a frustrating, stupid block of wood. He declares that it’ll never happen, and leaves in a huff. He goes straight to Jung-in’s father and tells him everything, which is frankly a relief, since the repetition of lies was getting quite tiresome. Jung Seok is peeved that the kids dared to fool him, and plans to do something about it. Does it involve more kidnapping? Please, no more third-rate kidnapping attempts.

Back at Mu-gyul’s place, Mary tends to his wounds, where he takes full advantage of her tender loving care, much like he did when they first met. He tells her to blow on his shoulder, then his forehead, and his lips…

And Mary, instead of kissing him, decides to smack his lips for puckering up. Listen, I’m concerned there’s something wrong with you. Can someone please explain to me what she is doing pushing Jang-Geun-seok-lips away from her person? Does not compute. Does not compute.

Mary remembers that his birthday is on Christmas Eve, and asks what he wants as a present. He thinks for a while, then decides there IS something he wants…to get rid of that curtain dividing their bed. Rawr!

He makes his best come-hither look at her, while she cluelessly wonders why he’d want to get rid of a curtain in perfectly good condition. Oh, Mary.

Jung-in has some bed drama of his own, but in the form of a nightmare/memory, where he recalls a fight between his parents, with that picture of Mary’s mom as the catalyst. He wakes up crying, and we finally get to see a glimpse of Kim Jae-wook‘s acting chops, which have heretofore been sorely underutilized in this drama.

His father calls him over to give him the wedding invitations. So I guess we’re barreling through with the faux wedding after all, eh? The Denial…it is strong with these people. Jung-in has finally had enough (Thank God) and stands up to his father for the first time. He calls him out for kidnapping Mu-gyul, and asks what he thinks Mary will say when she finds out.

He adds that he’s always followed his father’s wishes because he thought it was the right thing to do, but he’s not going to play that game anymore. He tells Dad not to use him and Mary as pawns anymore. That gets Jung-in slapped across the face for his defiance.

Mu-gyul’s mom gets to brag to a couple of Mu-gyul fans about being his mom, which Mary’s dad eyes with some curiosity, although he won’t acknowledge it. Mom rushes over to Mu-gyul to fawn over his newfound success, while he brushes her off coldly, still upset with her for Paris, the ring, and let’s face it—her general flightiness.

She tells him that she’s working at Mary’s dad’s restaurant to repay her debt for the ring, and adds that she overheard Dad talking about Mu-gyul, asking his hyung if he took care of him. It dawns on Mu-gyul that Jung-in’s dad is the culprit.

He goes to confirm it with Jung-in, who doesn’t deny his father’s wrongdoing. He apologizes on his father’s behalf, but Mu-gyul isn’t here for an apology. He doesn’t understand why Jung-in’s father thinks he has the right to decide Mary’s fate, and decides that it makes no sense. Join the club, friend.

Jung-in tells him that his dad’s got some fixation with Mary (yeah…don’t you two think that’s, say, weird?) and that he’s doing all this with the misguided notion that it’s what’s best for her. Mu-gyul tells him that he’ll show them who the right man for Mary is, the one who will make her truly happy in the end.

Jung-in even encourages him to do well with the drama OST so that he can succeed. Well, if you’re not even going to put up a fight, it’s no fun, is it? So, now there’s zero romantic tension, and ramped up Daddy tension instead? That’s the name of the game? Really, Show?

To that end, Jung-in books Mu-gyul’s schedule solid, as his popularity grows, idol-size. He goes on a radio show, which Mary listens to, and talks about writing the song for Mary Christmas, only the radio host twists his words to make it sound like it’s a nickname for Seo-jun. Mary happens to hear it while she’s shopping for treatment for Mu-gyul’s hair, making it sting even more.

Dad calls her home with a fakeout that he’s sick, and gives her money to get a hanbok for the wedding. She tells him that they can do all the planning they want, but ain’t gonna be a wedding without a bride. What…is that…logic? What are you doing here?

Dad lets it slip AGAIN that Jung-seok will force her to marry if he has to, just like he did with Mu-gyul. Mary’s jaw drops, as she tries to get Dad to tell her if he really had anything to do with Mu-gyul’s kidnapping. He refuses to say anymore, so Mary runs off to confirm it for herself.

She happens to walk in on Mu-gyul and Jung-in arguing over doing a photo shoot with Seo-jun, and catches them just as Mu-gyul shouts, “What, are you going to drag me there by force, like your father?” He turns to storm out, and sees Mary standing in the doorway.

Mary’s eyes widen as she looks at Jung-in. She asks if his father really ordered Mu-gyul kidnapped, and decides to go confront him to put an end to the madness. Yes, please.

She tells Jung-seok that she and Jung-in lied to him because of his investment in the drama production, and tells him that she’ll take whatever punishment is necessary herself, so to stop hurting Mu-gyul. He doesn’t even deny kidnapping him or admit that it was wrong; he justifies it, in fact, by saying that it was necessary to keep her from living a lifetime of regret because of a mistake.

She tries to tell him that it’s no mistake and that she’s happy with Mu-gyul, but he cuts her off and reminds her that he’s a man of his word, and that she made a promise with him. What, now? Doesn’t your act of violence negate that stupid promise? How about just “I love him, so shove off”?

Mu-gyul ends up doing the couple-themed photo shoot with Seo-jun, who marvels at how much Mary has changed him. She seems to be purposely trying to jab at him, implying that Mary’s tamed him like a housecat, but he doesn’t seem to care.

Mary falls asleep waiting up for him, and wakes up to find him crouching by the bed, watching her sleep. He just came home for a moment to see her face, and she tells him that she told Jung-seok the truth, and that she no longer has to stay at Jung-in’s house. I don’t remember you saying that. Anyway, they make a date for Christmas Eve.

Mu-gyul stops by a jewelry shop to pick up a little kitty necklace for his kitten Mary. He smiles thinking about her giant Shrek-cat eyes. He goes on interview after interview, gaining popularity by the minute, and even gets Manager Bang re-orbiting him to sign with her again. Why, because he has amnesia?

Jung-in comes home that night to an empty house, and sighs when he looks for Mary but she’s nowhere to be found. See, you didn’t actually tell anyone that you weren’t living here anymore, did you?

He calls and she braces herself as she answers the phone. He asks, voice shaking, if she’s going to be late tonight, and when she’ll be home, so that he can take her to the bookstore. Oh my god, heartbreaking. He closes his eyes, knowing what’s about to come, but not wanting to hear it.

Mary tells him that she went to see his father and told him the truth, so she’ll no longer be coming by the house. Jung-in, grasping at straws, tells her that the contract isn’t over yet. She tells him that it seems meaningless at this point, so she’s calling it off. She hangs up, and his heart sinks.

It kills me that he’s so unable to just admit that he likes her, and has to use the dreaded contract as an excuse to be near her. Also, I really wish this revelation had come waaaaaay earlier. Like centuries ago.

It’s Christmas Eve and Mary preps for her birthday date with Mu-gyul. She makes a cake and pulls their bed-dividing curtain back, tying it with a heart. Aw. Her phone rings and she races to pick it up thinking it’s Mu-gyul, and asks when he’s coming home.

But it’s Jung-in, calling her to come over one last time…because he has something to say that he never got to tell her. He’s sitting in the kitchen with fruit and cupcakes, wearing a reindeer sweater…aw, somebody give this guy a hug.

She apologizes and tells him that it’s Mu-gyul’s birthday today, and she can’t come over. He asks her for just a moment of her time, but she turns him down.

Aw, it kills me, the holiday party where Mary waits for Mu-gyul alone, and the holiday party where Jung-in waits for Mary alone.

She waits and waits, and finally gets through to Mu-gyul’s phone. He just arrived close by, but pretends to be stuck in traffic, and tells her to go ahead and sleep because he’s going to be a while. Her face falls in disappointment.

Meanwhile, Jung-in texts her to say that he’s going to keep waiting until she comes to hear what he has to say. Oh Noes! Don’t go now!

Mu-gyul picks up the engagement ring from the pawnshop (thus freeing them from the contract and any ties to Jung-in) and heads home.

Jung-in sits alone at the world’s saddest Christmas party, until Mary arrives. He tells her that he has to have cake, otherwise it doesn’t feel like Christmas; Mary says she knows what that feels like, since after her mom died and Dad was busy being chased by debt collectors, she spent Christmases with candles stuck in Choco Pies. Oh my god, that’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard. He’s officially the worst dad ever.

Jung-in: “It’s nice…spending Christmas with someone else. It’s warm.” Mary, with tears in her eyes, asks him for a divorce. She knows she’s breaking his heart, but says it’s what’s best for everyone involved.

Mu-gyul rounds the corner, and we see that he’s not in Hongdae, but in Cheongdam, on his way to Jung-in’s house to return the ring. Crap.

Mary gets up to leave, but Jung-in backhugs her, asking her to stay like this for just a minute longer. Tears fall, as she lets him hold her like that…

…which is when Mu-gyul walks in.

Double crap.


Now THAT’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout, Show! Why the hell did it take us so long to get here? Why did we spend so many episodes with Jung-in denying his feelings, when clearly he’s not just some benevolent cupid for Mary and Mu-gyul?

What a crazy episode. The last ten minutes were great—some actual conflict in the love triangle, with pent-up feelings and all. But the rest of it was like blowing hot air. I hate this one writing tick in particular, which happened to be ALL OVER this episode like cheap perfume: it’s that circular thing where characters say words to each other, which in the moment are delivered like big declarations…and then the other person DOES NOT HEAR the words that are coming out of their mouths.

All episode long, people were shouting things, for no reason it turns out, because there was zero plot advancement that followed. Usually, let’s say: I know something you don’t know, so then I tell you, and then that awareness changes something in our dynamic. You learn, you reply, we go forward with new knowledge. That’s how human beings interact. Even if it isn’t, that’s how narrative information propels a story forward.

But we just spent an hour with people declaring things, like “I love her,” or “I don’t want to marry him,” with no effect, no change, no ripple. It’s like they’re all shouting into a vacuum, and not at each other. It’s confusing, at the most basic level of conversation, because what on earth is EVER going to make these people listen to each other? What is the point of words in this drama? Will they suddenly be hit with lightning bolts in the eleventh hour, or drink some magic listening tonic?

The problem you set yourself up for when you do this, is that when characters all of a sudden DO listen, when you’ve been saying the same damn thing for a bazillion episodes—”Dad, I really, really, really don’t want to marry that guy”—then what is the impact of those words suddenly taking on meaning in the end?

Yes, this is a strange obsession, I know. But just once I’d like for someone to say something in this drama, and for the other person to hear the words, compute their meaning, and reply like a functional human being.

Okay, rant over.

On the upside, lots of pretty Mu-gyul-onstage this episode.


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OMG!! Love to see mugyul on stage <3


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****READ PLEASE******

HEY YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!

Please remember that we are all having fun!!!!!!

Whether you like this Drama or not is "Beside The Point" but please refrain from making personal attacks, I know that some of us are more "Sarcastic" than others and i kinow that there are a lot of "hardcore fans" of this drama, but I think is "Uncalled" for when people start to take it personally and the attacks start to become personal.

I have been guilty as charge so lets keep it all in good jest!!!

Thank you all!!!!!!!!
: O }


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im just gonna ask why is it always a happy ending, although that's a good thing, but can i just suggest to be more dramatic like someone's gonna be dead in the end i mean in the very last episode? so it will mark to our hearts and mind that kind of scene in this drama..its either MARY or MU-GYUL, i know its gonna be sad but for sure it will mark maybe i say gonna be an epic,since all korean drama are ends happily... what do you think ????



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Nooooo!!!! lol Tiffany I hope you're kidding!!!! :) he he...


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I think if someone dies, it should either be Mary's dad or Jung In's dad. If Jung In's dad dies, he would finally be free from his dictatorship and stand on his own two feet. If Mary's dad dies, she would realize his role in her life and maybe rethink her own, take a break from the craziness etc. (Goes off to Paris, does some growing up, comes back, develops feelings for JI and whilst still having old feelings for MG, have some actual drama, conflict and a REAL love triangle, hello season 2! haha)
Or maybe both dads can die. Then JI wouldn't have anyone to please and can fully pursue Mary as he desires. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! this ending is a win!


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i think its rather weird to suddenly fit in a death somewhere just for the sake of being different..cos the whole atmosphere had been light-hearted and no hint of major catastrophe.....if sb were to die SUDDENLY.....it just doesnt match up...there's gotta be a build up somewhere at least..


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i think the drama is going to be too overboard if they did that.. besides, its a rom-com, not a drama..


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looks like you haven't watched many k-dramas to say such things! Try ''warrior baek dong soo'', and you'll never wish sad endings...I cried like a baby till the end...!!!


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i will say this: that backhug was FREAKING HOT


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HAHAHAHA. yeah, and every girl around the world is now wishing that they're mary. i wish i was. HAHAHA. obviously, kim jae wook is the HOT guy in this drama, not the lead actor..


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ooh. yes, i have to agree with you there.

JGS is beautiful, but KJW is sex on legs.


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I SO TOTALLY AGREE!!! haha.. though im a fan of JGS, KJW is just HOT in this show compared to JGS...


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Toooooooooootally agree, I prefer KJW in this drama than JGS.
oh, or is it because of the hair -_-


Thank god I'm not the only one who likes KJW better. Not only is he rich, he's so cute. If she was smart at all, Mary would pick him. But we all know, that's not going to happen, by the k-drama laws. -__-

Hopefully, he'll end up happy with another girl.


gosh, how lucky is Moon Geun Young. getting to act with Jang Geun Suk and Kim Jae Wook?!
If I was Mary, I think that would be enough to sway me over to Jung In (even though I was never into Mookyul haha).


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How I wish I'm Mary! Dang!

I'll keep MG for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday while JI for Thursday, Friday and Saturday! Sunday will be my rest day! hahaha


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super duper agreed XD


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I so agree! KJW is smokin' hot!


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okay... now what???


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I've been asking the same question after the first 5 min in every episode.
After they have given a 'cheap' answer to the last moment 'ill - constructed' cliff-hanger of the previous episode.

Girlfriday ! Thank you, for the great laughs. You rock!

Whenever I'm watching this I pity myself for stooping so low just because of a nice cast, but after reading your playful, creative recaps I just admit that even Achilles had an exposed 'heel' and couldn't help it.

*thumps up*


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gave up since episode 8 but I'm happy it's finally getting there. Personally, I'm rooting for Jung-in.


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Me too! jung in team go go!! :p


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team Jung-in :) fighting!


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team jung-in!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Jung In FTW!!

Mayday, Mayday! Calling for team Jung In!!


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I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hoping for a reversal ending. That would be so unexpected. GO TEAM JUNG IN!!!!!!!


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Jung-In Fighting Hey Hey Hey !!!!!


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I'm so rewatching if there's this twist in the end!

Trying to find the signs that led to it!


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Team Jung-in! Team Jung-in! Team Jung-in!


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Count me in...team Jung In...lol


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me too......Vote for Jung In...this drama has to do something different..the only way is make mary n jung in together...


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im all for jung-in as well :) i WISH they'll twist the ending too but thats highly unlikely isnt it? *blow air*
although moo-gyul is cute here but i totally prefer jung in / kim jae wook, went n find all his runway jobs and OMG that cheekbones, i wish i'd knew him back then il sign him up ! ^_^


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Count me in too!! Team Jung in!


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What about me? Who's in for Team Jung Seok?


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Me, master. Sorry we let the rocker get away. Her fart was killer and she screamed a lot.


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You're confusing me with your pronouns. You're fired.


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I'm team Jung In! Because I want MG for myself :)


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I'm Team Jung In too....... ^^


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thanks for sticking w/ this show :D


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this drama is driving me fluffy-rolling-my-eyes-non-stop-nuts. for some unknown reasons had to rewatch random episodes of You're beautiful and Baby and I .

still love JGS's lovely voice. saankyu JB and GF.


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i am sorry, girlfriday, for the torture u had to go thru recapping this episode... :(

but thank u from the bottom of my heart for your willingness to continue recapping nonetheless... ;)

i empathise with you and javabeans... ;)


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finallyyyy the most interesting episode!! love triangle is here but we already know who MR will choose


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If I buy your marbles, will they return MY sanity?

What do you MEAN, that's not how it works???


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I don't think the transitive property applies to marbles.

'sides, you'll just lose 'em again next week when you have to recap the next episode.


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why have we all stopped the song of the week in the reviews! that's my primary source of listening and download ksongs! T.T


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Yeah, I was wondering who sang today's version of one of the OST songs that Jang Geun Suk usually sings. Moon Geun Young?

As for the drama, whatev! Lunacy. I'm at this point in it just to see pretty faces, listen to some nice songs sung by voices I dig, and hope I don't let this ever get to me as to make me blow my top in utter disbelief.

Sigh. This drama reminds me a bit of all the times when I second-guessed my initial judgment and gave second chances to people who turned out to prove my initial judgment right, only by that point I'd come to invest so much energy and care into those people.

JB and GF, props to you for seeing this through. Major props to JGS, MGY, and KJW - I wonder what's going through their minds.


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My Precious?
the only other singers are Ernest and Kim Hyo Jin (Seo Joon). Moon Geun Young doesn't sing anything, as well as Kim Jae Wook.


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There was a new one during this episode. It wasn't Kim Hyo Jin's My Precious. A much breathier and slightly raspy voice. Less slick a production.


To be honest, normally I'd go back and find the song, but I just can't subject myself to this episode anytime soon again. :)


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Whatever happens I will stick to this drama till the end.
It makes my heart awwww at such moments how can I part ways to this drama?.. HOW?.. (T___T)


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i loved the boys in their holiday sweaters!!!


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Gosh, GF! I'm reading your recap over lunch and I love it! :)

Finally, we are going somewhere with this drama, regardless whether it is late or not. Btw, can anyone let me know - how many episode are they in MSOAN?

Man.. This drama is wasting JGS, MGY and KJW's talents with crappy plots (erm.. sorry dear writers..)


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and, thanks to JB and GF for the recaps! ;D

This is completely out of topic but, Christmas is around the corner and I just want to wish Mary er.. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! Hope Santa is giving you the presents that you're wishing for and may next year be a prosperous year to all!



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Lol.. I gave up on this drama a long back, but I still think it can be salvaged if they bring back the yaoi moments between Jun-In and Mu-Gyul. If only it could turned into another Antique Bakery.. Otherwise I don't know where will we go with all the craziness and irrationalities ..


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MSOAN is coming to town (sung to the tune Santa Claus is coming to town)

You’d better go run, you’d better go hide,
You’d better go shout, I’m telling you why,
MSOAN is coming to townnnnnnn!!!!!!!

Don’t see this when you’re sleeping,
Don’t see this when awake,
Go see this when you’re mad or screwed,
So be smart, for goodness’ sake!


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Dude!!!! That was kinda mean yet so appropriate!!!!!


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I was reading the comments from @ 3 others sites (not gonna mention any names!!)

and the "Hardcore 3M" fans are "Furious" at us here at Dramabeans because in their eyes all we are doing is "Bash their favorite Idols" and they imply that we are just "Mean and Hateful People", but I will like to say that "it is not my personal fault" that this so anticipated drama turn into a piece of "Schizophrenic Rubbish", and yes is true that we all enjoy making fun of this drama for being so bad.

But as my grandma used to say "Son if you cannot handle the heat, get out of the kitchen", and the "roasting of 3M" is in full swing.
: O }


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hey Amg1 agree with you! Don't venture into hostile territory my grandpa used to say ke ke...wanna join us for turkey and cheese xmas eve dinner? Bunch of crazies attending....all driven nuts by MSOAN hahahaha


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Hahahahaha, I love your song, at it fits perfect with this drama.


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Love it! You are so right!


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Sung to the tune of Jungle Bells

Crappy all the way
Oh what pain it is to watch
This horrible nightmare-eh

Crappy all the way
This terrible turkey
Is driving me crazy
Santa please make it stop


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turkey and xmas ROFL


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Santa will scoot up the chimney again if he catches a glimpse of this show ke ke


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LOL, Mu gyul can kiss your ass in writing songs department.


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LOL. I am pretty sure that MSOAN has chase away your sanity! I have no doubt it does that to everyone who view it. :P


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yeah MSOAN has pushed me over the edge LOL but I'll have Amg1 and you guys for company koookooooookooookooooo


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kinda feeling bad for this drama for the comments/reviews it gets, i guess since people had high hope for it with its actors caliber, people just ended up disappointed in the end.
But now, it is multiplied with all the Xmas-related songs that is sang. I guess there really is no helping it, since its Xmas season & wih people want something Good (drama/plot/story) for the christmas but with this drama, it just doesnt work for some people..
oh show why do you have to be this way...


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haaha thats so funny! but i'm still enjoying the nonsense of the show, i get excited for every monday and tuesday! I'm so sad its about to end.


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"Aw, they’re fans of romance, the kidnappers. That’s sweet." ROFL I was like "why did the kidnappers roll down the window?" I doubt MG could've done it, with two guys beside him and all. But i guess they're all for the romance haha.
the cops ditching them was even more ridiculous. aren't you going to take care of the victim first? or at least have one cop be with the victim and the other chase the kidnappers?

on a different note, I complete love Kim Jae Wook and Jung In. so sad that he never really got to "act" in this. he only had a few scenes, and even then there were only 3 or 4 scenes total that were worthy for good acting. major talents gone to waste.
but anyways, with that aside, my heart cried out for Jung In so many times. I hate how he was in this love triange, but never really in the love triangle, only until it's too late. He kissed her in episode 7, but the writer never really developed anything after that. they could've done so much more in his and Mary's relationship, but no. sticking to the main couple. SIGH (honestly, there's too much lovey-dovey going around, it's making me sick). such a big disappointment in the script.

I hope Kim Jae Wook gets lead role for his next project, as well as a better script.


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AGREEEEEEEEEEEEE~~ hahaha. i was like, why would kim jae wook take this project in the first place..why why WHYYYYYY~~!!! it's such a waste of time. seriously. the rating obviously isnt doing good, so moon geun young or not, she's not doing anything to the drama. and yes, the lovey dovey parts get too cheesy sometimes.


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I guess if it's something that appeals to Kim Jae Wook, I would watch it just for him even if everything else was out of order or pretty much nonexistent (as in this drama). Bad Guy was okay, and his character was definitely interesting to watch. Hopefully he gets a good part for his next project.

I don't know if I can handle KJW being heartbroken again if he only gets to be second lead. But as a good fan, I will watch it anyways


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allow us to explains ourselves:

- guitar boy was so nervous, he farted. hence the open window. :(

- we don't like run-ins with the law. the open window exposed our faces. we had to let guitar boy scoot. at the most we will only face "attempted kidnapping" at court. that is if charges will be filed at all. looks like we're off the hook, cops were uninterested they booted chasing girl out of the mobile.


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I told you... it wasn't me! <_<


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Where else would the smell of ROTTEN CHEESE come from, eh? None of us had pasta or something.


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Hey boy! Own up to it! Why d'ya think we booted ye girlfriend out of the mobile? She made us open our window to have a good look at ya, but what did we get? A WISP of ye fart!

Awful! I say, AWFUL, boy!


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I don't normally talk either, ummmmm ummmm what was I gonna say...oh yeah cldn't have the girlie on me cos she was so heavy! Wearing so many layers like she wanna weigh as much as her dad. Plus I smelled the fart too OOOHHH UGGGHHHHH it made me crazy like this show~


You guys! I' seriously offended!

I'M NOT FAT!!! :(

Mu-Gyul-sshi! Defend my honor, honey!


Honey, you forgot your "m."





Mae Ri sshi.

Um. I have not speak to you for a long time. I just came back from North Pole. I can write and speak English now. But not so good (pls forgive).

How are you? Sorry I never call you when I was away. My phone service ended after my bank account closed.




no phone?

no bank account?

no good!


Yeah you did! Right in my face, man!Why d'ya think I wound down the window? I was choking ,man, that fart was a real stinker man! And I should know, yeah, I'm a farter myself, but man, this fart was the mother of all farts!!!!Hey, man! Just own up like a man though you kinda look like a girl to me no offence


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Wait. Farter was a BOY?! *confused*


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Duhhhh I don't normally talk duhhh but got something to say duhhh wanna say duhhh guitar boy is a girl duhhh I swear duhhhh and that fart duhhhh was guitar girl's duhhh it was a real stinker duhhh I caught a wisp duhhh and found I could talk duhhhh don't ask me how duhhh


where I am?..O0o0Oh Fart! Good Idea,I should use it in next epiode....where are you farter sorry I mean writer.


What can I say? I'm all gassed up.




Useless gangsters! You're all fired!


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Ypu guys are too funyy! FUNNY!!! :D


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woot!!! raise the roof :P
I'd rather see these silly peeps play comic roles in this drama... GOLD!


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you guys, you made my day :)

the weather is so grey here but after reading your comments I felt hella better


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What a sense of humor ! Very funny LOL.


hahahahaha....turkey of the year indeed...I'll think of this show when I'm eating my turkey on Xmas eve


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turkey and cheese. i'm cooking.


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omigosh. this is like the crappiest, yet addicting drama. i just cant get myself over it and i wanna know how it's going to end for jung in! boohoo!!

my heart goes to jung in all the way. i mean, COME ON~ jang geun suk? eh~ it's just toooo teenage like love. while jung in is like the man i've dreamed of since i was a lil girl-of course without the cuckoo dad and past. HAHAHAHAHA.

i dont care whats gonna happen to mu gyul, all i care is whats gonna happen to jung in. the new writer better make a good happy ending for him. i dont wanna see another "i'll let you go and if you're happy, then im happy" kinda thing. nor do i want jung in to end up with seo joon, the bratty actress who thinks the world revolves around her.


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Actually, what I'm doing right now is skipping forward the scenes between Mary and Mookyul and going straight for the Jung In scenes HAHA. I don't care about Mary and Mookyul. As long as Jung In has a happy ending, then I'll be happy. I agree, I also do not want to see the "I'll let you go and if you're happy, then I'm happy" ending. I'm totally hoping for a reversal ending. JI somehow makes her heart sway in the last two episodes (or Mookyul and Mary are brothers and sisters and JI could be with Mary LOL! yes!!! It's become quite nonsensical, anything could happen. but who knows, maybe there would just be incest. EW. but honestly, I secretly wished that if Mary really did end up with Mookyul, she'd end up like her mother... which, I assume was unhappy for the most part, as dad had said in an earlier episode that her mom was blinded by her first love => him).
I at least want JI to be released from his father's dictatorship. Sadly, that might be the happiest ending we see for JI.

I originally wanted to see JI and SJ together when it seemed pretty obvious that MR and MG would end up together (because JI & SJ seem to get along well, they seemed to understand each other and enjoy the other's company). But the new writer didn't keep the old SJ. If she kept the old SJ, I think SJ would've been able to let go of Mookyul and see JI as the good, sweet man that he is. SIGH. but, I guess what's done is done. SJ's not fit for JI anymore, now that she's the spoiled princess.

I actually don't see the appeal in Mookyul. I think Jung In has so much more appeal than Mookyul, I don't understand why he wouldn't end up with the girl in the end.


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thanks for sticking by this show! it's really silly and the writing is insane but I really think the leads make it enough to watch it.

and gosh, the geun/geun couple just make me squee so much.


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This show is fun and entertaining to watch. MGY & JSK chemistry is off the chart sweet and sizzling, that's enough to make me follow it week after week.


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It may have worked for you..but not on me..whew! Don't get me wrong..I also like JGS but I just don't like how the story turned out. I guess reading dramabeans' recaps is better than watching it..hahah


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This "Episode" is not even worth commenting!!!!!!!!!!

If I was to take a "shot" of Tequila every time that "She" gets "Manhandle" by any of the two "husbands" I will be at the "Emergency" ward by now.
This drama deserves the award for more "schizophrenic" drama of 2010! KOO KOO KOO KOO!!!!


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LOL just join me and sing the MSOAN jingles.....crap, crap, crap.......ke ke


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this crappy show is driving us all kookoooooo


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This just about kills me!

Both my current addictions MSOAN and Secret Garden has 2 episodes with no english subs. Both have climatic ending for each episodes. Lots of angst and brooding moments from the hot guys - very drool worthy moments which I have no idea why! (I watched them raw of coz)

I thank you jb and gf for giving me glimpses to my addictions and give me some understanding of what is happening. Love you both!

I'll be stewing/brooding over Christmas until I get my eng sub fix for BOTH Secret Garden and MSOAN. Waiting with bated breath - or going comatose soon

Merry Xmas everyone!


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"asking her to stay like this for just a minute longer. "

HAHAHAHAHA omg i haven't watched the episode, did he really say that? omFg we've seen this exact scene with these exact words so many times before in so many dramas i can't believe they are still using it


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jung-in wins mary over.
jung seok crosses over to secret garden to secure the magical brew.
he invites his son to a drinking session.
they body switch.
mission: achieved.


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hahahaha .....hilarious


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yes, hilarious!! physical manifestation of a father trying to live his life over again through his son. jung seok is really psycho. :D


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hey queen I don't think he's going to be happy in his dad's body cos the old guy's losing his hair


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who said anything about jung-in being happy? :P this is creepy daddy show!


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Oh wow... daddy's show eh? So it'll have to be renamed Secret Daddy


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No. Secret Creepy. ;)


Hahahaha so funny!


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So much anticipation but what a dissapoinment.


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Oh my freaking god .. But I guess the last 5 mins made up for it & yes thanks to jang geun suk for his whatever wired hotness (even with that hair ). This drama sure is making me loose my sanity trying to understand it + still watch it ! ;-)


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hi there, Sumee, my Moony Loony noona!! ;)

so nice to see u here!! ;)

i am in the same position as u!!! ;)

i can't understand why the writer/s wrote the plot/story the way it is but i can't help but be attached to it because of JGS, MGY and KJW... ;)


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Heyi sista KDL ..i seriously thought this drama will definately be awesome..but bang on my nose..its quiet haey-why ! seriously JGS, MGY and KJW… are totally wasted ! :-(


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u know how i have stuck with watching this drama?

look on the bright side always and appreciate

- the sweet, adorable and heartwarming moments btwn Mary and Mu Gyul;

- the times when JGS sings on stage - i just swoon watching him sing and move to the music... ;)
(brings back memories of the times when my rocker boyfriend [now ex-boyfriend] did the very same thing on stage more than 20 years ago) ;)

- the memories of what my now-ex-boyfriend did for me when he was on stage - his heartfelt confession and the songs he composed to dedicate to me (about 10 songs altogether in our 2 years together) ;)

how CAN i not watch this drama??? ;)

btw, did you notice Mu Gyul's wink to Mary when he was singing during then showcase?
it was just so SPECIAL... ;)


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awwwwwwwwwwwww...ur story is so fascinating..i am sure dating a rocker would have been a hell of a ride ;-)
& songs esp for you ..you are blessed !:-)

regarding this drama i just cannot find myself attached ..i am emotionally checked out !!!!


"Gracious kidnappers that they are, they lower their window so that Mu-gyul can see Mary hanging her head outside the cop car as they drive alongside. Aw, they’re fans of romance, the kidnappers. That’s sweet."
-Lol, MSOAN never fails to confuse me. I was just like, "Did the kidnappers just roll down the window? WHY?!"

So usually, I can deal with the crap MSOAN deals out, but this episode was just weird. As soon as the concert switched to Mu-gyul getting kidnapped, "this is going to be the longest hour ever" was the only thing going through my mind. It was just bad, just a really bad episode that I just wanted to end.

On the upside, I love Jung-in and the end just killed me. It was so sad when he was calling Mary. I haven't rooted for the second male lead in a while, but I am so mad that Jung-in is not getting the girl in the end. Ugh, at least let him get rid of his crazy dad by the time this show ends next week. That will at least make me half-satisfied.


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Everytime I read a comment about Jung In or reread the recaps about Jung In and the ending for this episode, my heart breaks... and I still gotta rewatch this with subs, just for KJW/Jung In too T.T

I'm just so incredibly frustrated that Jung In was never really given a chance. screw you writers. I don't care about your OTP, I just need my sweet, happy, cute, in-love-and-is-loved-back Jung In moments!
If only Mary had never gone to meet Mookyul that one night that she was to be engaged to Jung In........... scratch that. If only Mary had never went to Hongdae with her friends............ sigh.


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are we having lucid intervals now because of this "crappy" drama? haha. something you have thrown out from your big tube window but amazingly you still sticking on it , create songs even for it, and though you boycotted the remaining series, you still read the recaps. how 's the sanity level gals? haha ;)

i feel like am in a pandora box.but hugging it nevertheless. wooot <3

thanks for the recap. lovin it hardcore!


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Damn! Now I understand why Juliet killed herself! Freakin' parents! Gah!


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thks for recap!

looks like people who dislike this drama are still hanging around to check what's happening in the drama and ranting episode after episode! lol!! love-hate relationship? morbid fascination?

there IS something abt mary! on to the glorious crazy end next wk! it's now a rom-com plus melo-drama.

i so want to know the story of jung in's father and mary's mother and his 30-yr fixation on her. he's crazier than joon won (hyun bin) of secret garden! :D


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ahhh thanks for the recap guys! It's the only way I can get through this series. -- I have resorted to just reading the recap to get through the series since I've already invested a good amount of time watching it, and I'd like to know where this train wreck takes us.

GF, you took the words right out of my brain which fails at articulation. Yes, this is how it has felt for the past many many episodes. Their dialogue has no meaning at the end. They might as well not be saying anything and mime this whole thing, and it could be more interesting - silent acting. (Just watch that last scene of Episode 12 in Secret Garden) 'cause frankly, Mary saying the same thing infinite times, Jung-in lying infinite times, Seo-jun in denial forever, just doesn't make any sense, and it creates much, much frustration in the viewers.

I think it would also help if the Papa is actually a very protective father, who has been looking out for Mary's interest forever. I think I would find that more reasonable than the way he is now.

The drama is just all over the place, opening cans of worms and then trying to cover them in the most miserable way.

I'm aware there are people out there who are still very much enjoying the drama. Props to you. But for the rest of us, the reason why we're even "wasting our time" to comment on this show is obviously because, we once cared alot about it. For me, I am disappointed at the way it turned out, but am holding my breath hoping that maybe a miracle would come and at least end on a good note. Just as how we rave about dramas we like, we should also have the equal opportunity to comment on the dramas we dislike. Since, after all, the "Comments" section is for comments.


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Oh, shared opinion.

With acting talent, eye candy, good storyline, even if it is a drama, it doesn't have to be so damn corny! SOMETHING could be believable, even a little thing. There is plenty of drama in someone saying something that should, or would, be normally be said. Or simply telling someone "I do not think that is any of your concern." Or, "I am not going to marry your son so you will pay off my father's debts." THEN the real drama could begin. It would be even more dramatic because it would be PLAUSIBLE.

Perhaps I am another frustrated writer?


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I'd just LMAO reading your recaps! won't even bother watching the crazy show now and waste my bandwidth. You are a much better bet. ;)


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When I finished watching this episode, I was soooo totally praying that there was a recap of this here. And boy am I so thankful because I think I would have gone out and smoked an entire pack of ciggies in frustration if I hadn't had the recap and comments as laugh therapy.

Thanks, folks. For the Mary Christmas craparol jingle and the Kidnappers for your back story.


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Seriously, doesn't Jung-in's house have a door that locks? How are they just going inside his house like nothing? This drama has officially gone too far for me. Why do I keep watching? Why?


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its crazy but so interesting! :D


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I agree with you about this drama has gone so far but I stick with this .How can I do? So many people like us still follow to watch and eagar to know what will happen in the next episode.
Because we're all dramaaddicted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pal.


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Yup, and I thought he should've learned from his castmate in Bad Guy what happens if people don't lock their doors ^^'


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LOL the comments KILL me


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ROFTL!!! AGREE! Reading it is so much better than watching the show itself.


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First time in 14 eps that I'm torn between MG and JI; then again, what I have for the latter is largely pity. Props to KJW!


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hey, the comments are labeled "rant and/or rave" for a reason.

Personally, I'm enjoying the heck out of M3. It boarded the train to Crazyville a long time ago, so I just sit back and giggle madly at it. The couple is just so darned cute, and they've literally pulled out every silly drama stunt possible (although by my count we're still missing a birth secret....possibly JGS is really the long lost unknown son of evil Dad....and then KJW can get his wish and stab evil Dad? No?)

It completely makes no sense, but was it ever going to? Seriously? I think not. It's being very very silly. Even without a drinking game it's just ridiculous, and if you happen to be in the mood for OTT silly, then this show serves up the zany with no qualms....kinda reminds me of the unexplainable manga based doramas that you just have to accept are wack.

And I love that jacket JGS is wearing at the concert. If he has ANY sense, he'll liberate it for his own wardrobe.


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although by my count we’re still missing a birth secret….possibly JGS is really the long lost unknown son of evil Dad

I know!!! I am more and more wondering if there's precisely this birth secret.


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mu-gyul still gets mary
jung-in was devastated he went on an expedition to find himself
that's when gong-yoo and im soo-jung set out to find kim jae wook


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You suck. haha :P


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and so does this drama. haha.


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HEY!!!!!!!!!I do not want to get between you 2, but my lady @Michelle,if you start to get personal with the "INSULTS" then go and "Scr**" yourself!!!!! No one in this forum has attack you or offend you as an individual, so take it like a "Grown UP" or you do not have a place around here. If you are unhappy about the critical comments that is fair enough but for you to start with personal insults it is uncalled for!!!!!!

P.S Do not forget that this is just a drama, maybe you need to chill for a while!!!!

: O }


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she sucks, no? :D


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I second Amg1,Why does some people take our constructive criticism(being sarcastict)to the heart?

All I can say is that I am having so much fun reading this recaps and comments more than watching the drama itself so what?,and it is sad because I totally expected this drama to be on my good list but it ended on my black list.

Lastly @"Queen of Rehearsals",NO she does not sucks, she only has better imagination than MSOAN's writer,LOL.
and YES this drama does sucks(^___^)


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I thought this drama was getting a lil boring and out of line, but now it's finally getting somewhere. But it's almost near the end..how will it end. It's horrible to admit, but I wish Mary will end up with Jung-In, sigh..if only that was possible. Can't wait until next week!! :D


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"Gawd. I’m getting REALLY tired of shrill papa, who has NO RIGHT to call anyone out for being a ne’er do well."

You go girlfriday, THAT'S what I'm talking about. He just kills the last bits of joy out of every episode. The inconsistancy of the story line confuses me, it makes me feel bipolar.


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...and they still don't have locked doors!


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door locks must be pricey in Korea.


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My thoughts exactly! How is it, that people just walk into other people's houses unannounced? WTF!

I so want to quit this drama but, against all common sense, I keep on giving it another chance (and another chance...).


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Thanks for the recap! I loved MG on stage - JGS is awesome when he performs! JI - why did you wait so long... you only have two more episodes left! I know this drama's got dozen cliches in it, but this is the kinda stuff that makes Korean dramas... well... Korean dramas (or least that what made me fall in love with them). LOL :)


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"And Mary, instead of kissing him, decides to smack his lips for puckering up. Listen, I’m concerned there’s something wrong with you. Can someone please explain to me what she is doing pushing Jang-Geun-seok-lips away from her person? Does not compute. Does not compute."

girlfriday, I totally identify with that. In that kind of situation, it would have been hard to keep off him :P

Just check out your brains when watching this and you'll have more fun. :P It's just fluff like those trashy novellas that one can finish reading in 4 hours.


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Okay your recap is SO much more entertaining than the actual episode. Thank you!


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why is jang eun suk looking more and more like a girl.
triple crap..
i don't know what those two self-fish, twisted fathers are thinking about. they are so illogical and im not sure if they know the meaning of: LEAVE THEM ALONE!!


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These comments are even sillier than the plot of this show ...if you don't like it...just move on, already!


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If you don't like dramabeans recapes;I think there is another recape for MSOAN;The initial sentence is "Our lovebirds are running around like headless chickens..."...WTF..kekeke


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Hello everybody, my name is Jung In. I just came back from the North Pole. I went on expedition to find myself. While I was there, I studied English every day. So now I can write English. But my spoken English still not so good....pls forgive. You wanter to know why i went so far away? It is cos I was sad. I was sad becos:

1. they didn't make me the no1 guy. The long haired guy the no.1 guy. So that made me sader (I pronounce sader but writing is SAD pls forgive.)

2. they made me wear short long pants. Yes, it is winter now so my ankles were frozen like cold Xmas turkey during shooting. Is not fair. The long-haired guy got to wear long pants. So I was sader (pls forgive).

3. they told me to act sader in show. Is crazy show. I wanter to laugh all the time cos the show so crazy but I have to act sader. So that made me sader (pls forgive).

To my fanser, thank you for your support. I will try harder in 2011. Maybe I will keep long hair and borrow my mother's dresses so I will looker like the long-haired guy. I must also practise looking angry like the long-haired guy, not sader. Merry Christmahs and Appy New Year.


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LOLwelcome back Jung In!


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Don't be sader Jung In, you will make me sadeder


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Don't be sader, we got Team Jung In for you!! We give you all the long pants you wanter :D


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Everybody is getting crazy in Christmas...oh well look what you done MSOAN...


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very fun! No No sorry very Sad..I'm sader too!


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So this is what you've been up to after failing to bag Maeri, huh?

You think it's fun, eh? I'll tell you something funny! Mu-Gyul is your brother! And I'm not your father. I'm your mother!


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Father! All my life I never say no to you, but you slap me and close my bank account. Now you say you are my mother! No father or mother will leave their son with short long pants to go to North Pole. You are mad.

I have no brother who will make me sader. I will not speak to you again.


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ROFL omg you guys are making me laugh until I cry


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I laugh until my lips split open.. it's bleeding now. How come you make us laugh tears and blood??


Suits me! You haven't been brushing your teeth for a long time!

I'll just send you text messages. Or e-mails. Don't block my messages. I have gangsters.


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Is that so?

Which service provider are you, by the way?

I'll send my 'people' over.


pity guy...so sader..you'r your father is your mother...you should be even more ader.


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if you're so sad, should i give you a hug? ;D


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How about me? I'm sad too.


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You are bader daddy. You freezer my money in the banker. I hater you.


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I catcher fish in North Pole and bring backer for you cos you are my daddy but you bad daddy. You freezer my money in the banker. No more fish for you.


we can't hug you cuz we don't know you are fatherrr Or motherrrrrr, So 0ne questioner! is Jung_In your doughterrrrrr?...


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and both.


if Jung In is your daughter and you are his mother and MG is your maybe son/daughter, then who's MG's mother? Huh? I'm going nuts cos of you guys!


I am sorry, you cannot backer hugger me, cos I am shy, I only backer hugger Mae Ri cos I liker her....maybe another time. I am one woman maner. Also I just back from North Pole and haven't taken my bather. Pls forgive. I bow to you. Merry Christmahs and Appy New Year.


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Does anyone have a time machine? I want to go Terminator on this boy. <_<


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You one bad bad daddy. You wanter to send gangsters after poor son and now you wanter to terminater me. You think I scarer? I not scarer! I only scarer bader dreamser when I sleeper. I not scared of you you big bad bad daddy. I bow to you. But I still hater you.


when did I ever have a German son? I was pretty sure you were Korean when I sent you out to the North Pole.

you can keep the fish. make some kimchi.


@tracy Honesly i don't know who is MG's mother but I have to say it "I'm Jung Seok mother"


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What???????!!!!!! *faints*


Fanser, if you turn to the other page, I am grateful. I need help. Thank kiuu all. I bow to you.


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LOLOLOL. Wow. This actually made me laugh so hard. HAHA.
I'm not 'sader' anymore. xD


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jung in....


I'm sorry. The year after you were born, money was a little short. I didn't expect raising a newborn would cost so much. in order to buy materials for the gifts for the children around the world, I had to borrow some money. Jung Seok agreed to GIVE me money but told me his only wish was to have a son. Since it was christmas, I had to give him the gift he wanted. In the end I gave you up so i could give gifts to all those little children.

I'm pretty sure you understand now why you're so caring to Mary and Mu-Gyul and Seojoon. It's the Santa blood in you.

I'm sorry you didn't come see me when you went to the North Pole.

To the Readers:
This is the big birth secret. This is why also why Jung In now speaks with a German accent.

HO HO HO!!!!


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yay! fanfic! LOVE it. =P


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agreed just check out our brains and watch to have fun,

remember young "kids" watch this drama so don't put unnecessary pictures to their brains...ah ah ah


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I giggled a lot when I read the recap, and I giggled even more when I read the comments, ha, ha, ha The recapers and the commenters at Dramabeans are crazy, thanks for the laugh

The most "reasonable" kidnapping in K drama land ever that has the most "significant" effect on a k drama's storyline ever.

I admit if it is no way Jung-in will end up with Mary at the end, I rather chose sad ending instead. Just for compensating the flat plot. I know I'm such an evil, but I started getting bored with Mu-gyul - Mary overload cuteness at few episodes back.

It has already been at 14th episodes, but I feel like the drama has just started.


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yep. sure MG and MR have chemistry, but it gets so dull and boring when they are together.

If you think you're evil for that, I'm more evil than you. ha.


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There are the Mu-gyul and Jung-in scenes to look forward to! (and i'm even starting to root for Seo-jun and Lee Ahn)

Thank you for the recap, girlfriday!

is it weird now that the drama has gone nuts that I'm finding it much more interesting than the past bajillion episodes?


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That's true. but Mookyul is so hostile towards Jung In and I think is very intent on breaking ties with him after the 100 days. oh well. Jung In forever~

I too am rooting for Lee Ahn and SeoJoon. SJ is not a bad person. I think SJ needs someone to love her.


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I'm enjoying the comments so much more than the show.....you guys are so funny and crazy....the christmas songs and kidnapping comments are hilarious....you all should be writing the script that way it's sure to be a hit!!!!!


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