Mary Stayed Out All Night: Episode 11

Listen, it doesn’t make any more SENSE, but the pace is up and the cute is up, so we’re in happy territory. I wish the live-in hijinks had begun eons ago, not only because it made more sense back when the contracts were in effect, but because they add a nice layer of conflict and interaction that was sorely needed. Seo-jun continues to be an energy suck, but Jung-in steps up his game, and now the triangle seems to be back in action. Finally. Now if we could just get all three of them to move in together…


Mu-gyul lays down the new (completely irrational) gauntlet: they should just play house then. Um…WHAT, now? Like all move in together? And share a bed? I know we made jokes, but…

Oh, that’s not what you mean? It’s hard to tell with all that charged staring going on between the guys. They don’t even know that Mary’s in the room, to be honest, let alone consider what she might have to say about all this living-with-two-fake-husbands deal.

Outside, she asks Mu-gyul why on earth he asked for them to get further entangled in this marriage contract by playing house. Yes, good question. He shoots back angrily that he just threw it out there because he was sick and tired of time-sharing his girlfriend, and never in a million years expected Jung-in to agree. But…now you’re just going to time-share her with sleepover privileges. Be honest. You just wanted her to spend the night.

Show, If you were going to go the route of extra crazy marriage contract hijinks, then why didn’t you do that back when you could’ve gone all out, at Episode 2? Now it just makes even less sense than it would have before. Sigh. Whatever. It makes no sense, but better crazy roommate hijinks than zero conflict stasis. Bring on the nekkid bathroom run-ins!

Mary comes home to find that Dad has got the exact same idea in his head too—she’s to move out and go to Jung-in’s house at once! Convenient that everyone’s falling in step. Mary begs for one day to think it over, and Dad reluctantly agrees.

She calls Mu-gyul to say that maybe it’s better that they go with his crazy plan, which he balks at. But…you’re the one who brought it up! Did everybody have a lobotomy?

Jung-in comes by to get permission from Dad, and Mary agrees to the plan. She asks Jung-in why he agreed to this when he knows how she feels about Mu-gyul. He says that he’s helping her in the only way he can, as she helped him. She sets one thing straight: her loyalty to Jung-in is just that—loyalty, and her feelings for Mu-gyul won’t change. He says it’s okay and she gets ready to move in the next day.

Mu-gyul warns her over the phone that in all the world, the one thing you can’t trust is men. Hehe. She reminds him that HE’s a man, so is he not to be trusted either? Mu-gyul answers with the phrase most commonly uttered by men, in all languages, the world over: Men are not to be trusted, except for me!

He tells her to check the locks on the bathroom twice every time, and not to wear short skirts. Despite his posturing, she finds his worrying cute, and promises to check in. She packs to leave and has a sweet moment with Dad, who finally lets it sink in that his baby is leaving. Aw. Despite his egregious errors in the responsible parent department, their relationship is cute. She gives him a proper bow before she leaves, and she ends up worrying more about Dad eating properly without her.

She arrives at Jung-in’s house, and he shows her to her room, which he’s basically built into the library, so that she can sleep amongst the books. She takes one off the shelf and notices a handwritten post-it note from Jung-in addressed to her, and finds one in book after book: his thoughts on the theme of the book, and a personal note to her. OMG that’s the cutest thing ever. I’m totally nerd-swooning right now.

Mu-gyul waits all day for her call to no avail, and false-starts a few angry text messages before giving up, so as not to appear petty. Heh. Your cover’s blown, buddy. You should just own it.

Mary and Jung-in have dinner with his father, who over dinner calls her “baby,” not in the romantic sense (ew), but like a parent would call his own child, saying that he just wanted to call her that once. Then, he tops it off by giving her a present…an engagement ring the size of Kansas. What the…?

Who gets an engagement ring from her father-in-law-to-be? And that’s not even factoring the double ick of that ring probably having been intended for her mother, who happens to look just like her…oh, gross.

Jung-in complies and puts the ring on her finger, making Mary feel awkward that they have to keep up the act in front of his father. At home she tries to return it, but he asks her to keep it at least for the duration of the contract, since it’s a sign of affection from his father.

On the other side of town, Mu-gyul’s friends and Mary’s friends call Mu-gyul out for drinks, knowing that this is Mary and Jung-in’s First Night together. They joke that despite their trust in Mary, they know nothing of the other guy, who can’t possibly “just be sleeping.” Plus, they say, if he romances her with candles, she’s done for. It’s enough to drive Mu-gyul to drink, and then leave in an aggravated huff.

He goes home and stews in his jealousy, long enough to let his mind wander to an imaginary scenario where Jung-in wines and dines Mary with over-the-top candles and music…enough to bring her over to the dark side.

His phone startles him out of the reverie—it’s Mary, and he answers with: “What are you DOING that you aren’t sleeping right now??” Hahaha. She’s been knitting his sweater, so she answers that it’s a secret, just hitting his raw nerve even more: “You have secrets? That you’re keeping from ME?”

She tells him that Jung-in turned the library into a room for her in a pleasant tone, adding that it’s not as bad as she thought—being here. That just sends him over the edge: “Really, then if it’s that great, just live there then. Don’t come back tomorrow, and just stay there forever!” I do love a jealous Mu-gyul. So cute.

Mary stays up all night to finish knitting Mu-gyul’s sweater, and comes out to find Jung-in setting the breakfast table. He adorably sits down to practice what he’s going to say to her, and how he’s going to act, which just makes him extra sweet in Mary’s eyes, and mine for that matter. It echoes his dorky moment trying to leave that note for her at his father’s house. She catches him in the act, making him do a spit take in embarrassment, but he coolly recovers and greets her as if nothing happened. Ha.

Jung-in goes in to work that day and greets a sullen Mu-gyul, who’s back to work on the OST. Jung-in asks if he might know where Seo-jun disappeared to, but Mu-gyul tells him to keep him out of all things Seo-jun related.

He asks if anything…happened last night with Mary, and Jung-in sees the opportunity to jab at his nerve. Jung-in: “Are you curious about our First Night?” Mu-gyul: “No! I’m not curious IN THE LEAST.” Jung-in: “Perhaps it’s best if you hear about it directly from Mary-sshi.” He gives his best eyebrow arch and leaves with a saucy smile, as Mu-gyul stews in his jealous soup.

Mary arrives to find Mu-gyul’s mom deep in the throes of breakup/finance angst, and she makes the giant mistake of showing her the engagement ring that she got from Jung-in’s dad. Mom tries it on and swoons, thinking all her problems could be solved with just the one bauble…

…leading her to ask Mary in haste if she can borrow it. Mary hardly hears her and just says “Yes” without realizing what she said, but Mom runs out before she can stop her. Oh, geez.

To make matters worse, Dad calls, wanting to drop some medicine by Jung-in’s house, so Mary dashes out to meet him there. She calls Mu-gyul, whose face falls to hear that she’s back at Jung-in’s, but she promises that she’ll come back no matter what.

Mu-gyul arrives at home to find Mom packing for Paris in delight. He wonders how she took care of her debt, and she tells him that she basically pawned Mary’s ring, which she tells him was Mary’s idea. Oy.

Mu-gyul has finally had enough of his crazy mom’s antics, and blows up at her for her irresponsibility. She swears that she can pay it back as soon as she lands in Paris, but he doesn’t believe her; who could? He lays into her for all the times she’s hurt him and left him behind, without a care for his feelings, and tells her this time, never to return.

She doesn’t believe him at first, but he’s done being jerked around, and with tears in his eyes, he repeats that she should never come back. Heartbreaking. Mu-gyul’s mom is the epitome of the flighty narcissist, and even as she fights back tears, she STILL goes.

Mary gets stuck at Jung-in’s place, as Dad stays for dinner and drinks, insisting drunkenly that they call each other yeobo like husband and wife. Mary gets a call from Mu-gyul, who’s waiting for her outside.

She sneaks out, and he rails into her for enjoying the good life with a rich heir and taking pity on him—his assumption, of course, thinking that Mary gave his mom the ring. Mary can’t get a word in edgewise to explain, as Mu-gyul calls it quits and leaves her in tears.

He goes home to find the sweater that Mary knitted for him, tucked away in his fridge of all places. He holds it to his face and immediately feels like a heel for his hurtful words. He thinks of the skating rink and heads there alone, wearing his new red sweater.

Mary’s dad finally dozes off, and she rushes back to Mu-gyul’s place. He isn’t there, but she sees that he’s found his sweater, so she realizes where he must be.

Mu-gyul skates with a long face, and finds himself looking around despite himself. He scans the crowd, and Eskimo Mary appears in the crowd, making him light up instantly. He thanks her for showing up and they hug. Aw.

Commence cuteness! Mary and Mu-gyul spend the evening at the ice rink, doing what they do best—making puppy eyes at each other, melting all the ice around them.

Lee Ahn finds Seo-jun hiding out at a club, where she admits to wanting to be found, but not by him. Manager Bang shows up to ask if she wants to sign with her, which gets her a drink in the face in response. Seo-jun asks if she made a pretty penny selling her scandal pictures, and they end up in an actual catfight. Seo-jun pushes Manager Band against a wall, drawing blood. Whoops. That’s the lawsuit-happy lady you just hit there.

Mary and Mu-gyul return home from their date, and without turning on the lights, Mu-gyul draws her in for a hug, and then goes in for the kill…

…which is when their friends flip the lights on and totally kill the mood with a giant banner that reads: Congratulations on your First Night! HAhahaha. Worst way to deliver your intended message, ever. They totally invade their space with their usual round of drinking games, so Mary and Mu-gyul sneak out for some alone time.

Mu-gyul offers to play her a song that he wrote while thinking of her. Oh, dear. Get those smelling salts ready!

He plays it for her, just humming the melody since he hasn’t written the lyrics yet. Mary looks at him the only way you COULD look at your boyfriend who wrote a song just for you, and she tells him that it feels warm, and unlike any of his other songs.

He tells her that it’s how she makes him feel (AW) and that it’s the first time his music style has changed. I love the implication of that—that Mary has changed him so thoroughly that his music is different now.

Mu-gyul: I want to put lyrics to this song that are expressly for you. How about you write the lyrics yourself? That’s how music is completed—music and lyrics meet, and make one song. Like us.

Personally, I’d like lyrics AND a song, if you’re ever planning to write me one, Kang Mu-gyul, but I do enjoy the sentiment of each of them bringing something to complete a song together.

They snuggle, all smiles, all the way through the night and back to Jung-in’s by morning. They have a near-miss with Dad at the front gate, but manage to go undetected…for now.

Mary works on the song lyrics all morning, and calls Mu-gyul to ask him if what she wrote is okay, but he gets another call from the nightclub where Seo-jun is passed out, asking him to take her home. He ends up going to the club and hauling her home, and when she wakes up, he basically tells her to get her act together, and if she’s going to disappear, then to do it after she’s repaid her debt to Jung-in (his trust in her) and leave cleanly.

All four corners of the love square show up for work at the same time, making for a lobby entrance with dramatic looks Full Of Meaning, to no particular end.

They get to work recording the OST, with Seo-jun in the sound booth and Mary, Jung-in and Mu-gyul in the studio. Well THAT’s not awkward or anything. Seo-jun looks down at the sheet music for the drama’s title track, called “Hello Hello,” music by Kang Mu-gyul, lyrics by Wee Mary.

That’s enough to stop her in her tracks, as she goes over to throw a tantrum that Mary wrote the lyrics to his song. Seo-jun: “Are you asking me to sing a song declaring your love with Wee Mary?! I won’t do it. I’ll die before I do that!” She tosses the sheet music in the air.

Actresses. SO dramatic.


Well, despite the fact that the live-in fake-marriage thing makes no sense when the initial double contracts are in the wind, it’s still a welcome source of internal conflict that the drama was sorely lacking. I was wondering why they didn’t do this initially, because in my mind, when I heard “double contract marriage,” this is more what I imagined—basically a double-roommate scenario with lots of running back and forth and mounds of petty jealousy.

So although it comes late (and with the writer change) it seems the drama is finally doing some of what I wanted it to, back when it set off on this wacky voyage. With a premise as out there as this one, why not take full advantage of it and go all the way? I say, all or nothing; the crazier, the better.

Now that it’s steering itself back to its original premise, I feel like what Mary went through was a bit of an identity crisis. The original writer wanted to do cool-indie-fresh, but forgot that her premise was wacky-silly-fun, and somehow ended up with crazy-hobo-mess.

I’ll forgive your past transgressions, Show, if there’s more roommate shenanigans to come. See? I’m easy to please.


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the thing is i dont (or cant) see how hard JI try to impress or tackle MR when he knows that MR is deeply in love with MG ...
at least, if JI try harder, MR might think twice or confuse which one she should get married with.....
JI, i want to see more effort from you please! Show MG and MR that you really want MR to choose you!


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i just come to my conclusion, at the end mary will be married with jung in ..... i dont know why but i think of it....hahahahahahaa


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this drama has turned in a big load of bull***t.
its not okay to say it's okay if the plot makes no sense cuz there's plenty of cliche cheese to make up for it.

This is my opinion, mary stayed out all night sucks.
(so sad how happy and excited I was before the release of this drama and now I'm completely disappointed)

We'll probably get a boring ending to go with.

WOW!... ~_~'


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maybe they needed the reboot for them to be able to properly overhaul the story.


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I'm vouching for Jung In. He truly cares for her and his Dad loves her to bits.

It is one of the dramas that the lead won't have any chance of winning. He doesn't have much to give, and who wants the extra baggage of his mentally deranged mom.

In fact, the sooner they end this drama, the better. It is going nowhere. However, I'll continue to be a big fan of both JGS & Moon.

That's just my two cents, of course.


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Episode 11 has definitely levelled up. Woohoo!! Love the pacing and the scenes are cuter and more engaging than ever. Whatever the ending of the story will be it doesn't matter to me anywhere. I'm okay that this drama makes me feel so warm and fluffy inside and pulling heartstrings that I never knew existed before. Just loving the drama just the way it is. :)


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JGS,MGY is soo adorable and talented , MGY is fierce in Cinderella's sister and amazing in Painter of the wind, adorable and cute in Marry stayed out all night. JGS is soo handsome, he can sing ,act,dance , sooo at ease in front of camera and on stage. I really enjoyed watching MSOAN only problem i had is that Jun-In and other girl ( they are like stone they face is not moving), but ep 11,12 Jun In is starting to change thank god. they or writer were totally destroying the drama.
in reality girls.....Rocker boyfriend might make you feel special and amazing in first 2 yrs but eventually reality will catch up on you . reality

1. he will look in mirror more than you(cause his look and style is important)
2. he can't take any criticism cause he is sensitive
3. he won't be able to give you unconditional love and support that you need cause he is not a giver he is a receiver.
4. GIRLS DONT MARRY THESE ROCKer/PRETTY/ COOL GUYS , you will regret it later . just love them and have fun but grow up and find someone that will deserve and appreciate your love and will give you unconditional love


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My reason for sticking to this drama is Myung-gyul and Mary overload cuteness, despite its flat storyline, but why now I find out this thing is the one that get me bored? o_O
I don't mean that I'll drop this drama (Sigh for the waste of talent). I keep my promise to you Show....


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Thanks girlfriday,

I can't understand MR's character. She goes all out for MG and his mom but when it comes to JI family she just treat them like dust eventhough viewers say that they have the upper hand with money !. In fact they are more compassionate if you ponder upon it.

All off MR and MG working and financial woes are taken care off by the father and son regardless what their intentions are but they solved it without delaying the matter.

Now for a 24 year old mature girl who has a boyfriend and going on lying and further more to cover for MG a..... what kind of attitude is that eventhough you don't like JI at least be more appreciative and sensitive towards others. When MG's mom took the ring, she just let it be, now following bohemian lifestyle, no wories because she didn't buy that diamond ring, no money involved until epi 12 surface about the ring matter.

I love JI dorky character, he is getting lovable day by day
and when Mary followed him to his room, I thought he would take off his shirt, but just lossen his necktie,
it is not written in the script for that act to happen because he is the 2nd lead actor.

Marry would definitely dropped her jaw if she saw his muscled chest !, but it could not happen and I laughed and had tears in my eye about the breakfast fuss, trying very hard to win her attention .

Till episode 11 she still called him TEPPENYIM !
Not even Jung In shi but we heard JI calling her MR shi all the time !!. What the h......is that ! so much resentment for that dorky man who read so many books !!

Hwaiting Kim Jae Wook. !!!


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Yeah, I don't understand her character either.
Maybe i guess she's acting this way is because she's never been in love before... that's the only reason i could come up with. but i agree, she should be more sensitive and appreciative towards Jung In and his dad.
Jung In even lied to cover up for Mary when she lost the ring.
i hope the new writer makes Mary more appreciative, and hopefully give her a REAL chance to fall in love with Jung In... or at least, make her realize his kindness & be thankful.


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Mary is definitely appreciative of Jung-in. She goes out of her way to support Jung-in, in large part out of a sense of loyalty, as well as to point out to Mugyul all the ways in which Jung-in rocks, so much so that Mugyul regularly goes berserk with jealousy.

And unfortunately, the motivations of the father and (less so) the son DO matter very much in this situation, albeit Mary doesn't know the full story yet. It's a good thing Mary weren't me since I would have told everyone that it's great that Jung-in's father chose to pay off Mary's father's debt, but that is a decision made between the two fathers and, hello, Mary is an individual in her own right who doesn't live in an era when she's to be pawned off like some property of her father. And definitely all the more no-no because of the emotional blackmail.

That said, Jung-in is very, very sweet. The notes in the books would have warmed my heart so much that it would have turned into magma, and its gravitational field would have permanently become reoriented toward Jung-in.

That said, Mary isn't me and, though she respects Jung-in greatly, she just doesn't see him in the way that makes her heart pitter-patter. For understandable reasons. She's still a youth, just as Mugyul is. Jung-in, definitely no longer a youth.


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thank you, anais, for your insightful comments! :)

really enjoyed reading them and i have to say, i can't agree with you more nor could i have said it any better ;)

thanks and do continue to post your comments ok :)


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But do you realize the implications of going from Daepyonim to Jung-in ssi?

It's not the equivalent of Jung-in calling Mary Mary-ssi. She's his subordinate and as such, unless he were to call her Wi-biseoh (for when she was his "secretary") and Wi-assistant script writer or whatever her title is at this moment, it's absolutely appropriate that he call her Mary-ssi.

On the other hand, given their relationship within the company, it'd be inappropriate - if not even downright outrageous - for her to call him anything but Daepyonim.

And, primarily because of their hierarchical and age difference, were she to call him Jung-in ssi in private, it'd be tantamount to acknowledging that their relationship is intimate.


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I didn't know that the word TEPPENYIM must always be addressed even when not working in official premise, that's is all the time..

If we watched the drama, MR and her father is going in and out of "Great Villt" ? easily. MR and MG dated, holding hands, EATING TOGETHER, walk closely side by side, there was physical touch, kissing forehead, entering his or her room what else buying gift what are those actions ? more words to write ........... and the last episode her FATHER coaxing MR to call JI YAUPOH ! which I had mentioned this word in my much earlier comments. MAKE NO SENSE RIGHT !


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Typing error --- MR and JI dated, holding hands


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Hi Dandelion.

There is no hard and fast rule that Mary must continue to refer to Jung-in as Daepyonim outside of the workplace. However, the cultural tendency is to continue to address a person by the more public/social relationship one has with that person (yeah, thank Confucianism for its funny way of shaping the public and the private domains).

In Mary and Jung-in's case, their most legitimate public/social relationship is their professional one, though can you imagine the scandal that'd befall Wonderful Day if the full truth of their relationship were to get out? Gasp!

"Producer of drama a willing participant in poor, young fiancée's forcible betrothal by his Yakuza father still harboring unrequited love for the dead mother of the to-be-DIL, who's the spitting image of her mother."

Maybe this is how Manager Bang will try to take down everyone with her on her way down.


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But this part:

MR and her father is going in and out of “Great Villt” ? easily. MR and MG dated, holding hands, EATING TOGETHER, walk closely side by side, there was physical touch, kissing forehead, entering his or her room what else buying gift what are those actions ? more words to write ……….. and the last episode her FATHER coaxing MR to call JI YAUPOH ! which I had mentioned this word in my much earlier comments. MAKE NO SENSE RIGHT !

I don't quite get, especially the first bit - "Great Villt"? Are you trying to say that you find it ridiculous that Mary's father is insisting on Mary calling Jung-in yeoboh?


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just for the sake of the new writer, msoan should extend like ten episodes more or something.

it's not fair that ten episodes were wasted on a plot that didn't move since day 1 of the contract. now she only has five remaining episodes to save a downtrodden and sinking ship.

i must admit, in this ep, she goes all out. oh yeah... except she doesn't seem to care for seojoon's character development. but then again, who would?! she was already destroyed in the earlier episodes; you can't save everybody.

thanks gf for the awesome recap!^^


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Yes, I wish they could extend this show now they have a new and better writer so this drama has a chance to show the potential it originally promised.

Sigh...I hope somewhere in the close future Moon and JSG will have a chance to work together again...absolutely love them to death together..


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i used to watch even episodes w/o eng subs, read your recaps then rewatch w/ eng subs.that's how crazy i was then,,,but lately i found myself just reading your recaps and fastforwarding most of episodes...i guess the bus ran out of gas along the way. i hope our new bus driver will take us to our destination smoothly...i know we'll see MG and MR at the finish line but please let our dorky JI have a happy ending too....as a successful producer and have a Mary-like girl ( someone who gives love, loyalty and warmth unconditionally)...


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i would totally fall for jung in! his dorky ways are soooooo cute!!!! i'm in love! sorry MG
this drama is messy and its very difficult to save it from failure but i'll still watch it ... guilty pleasure :)


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PS: your posts make my day, thank you JB and GF!


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my wish is for the writer to write of the seo-jun's character...i hope that they just concentrate more on the interpersonal dynamics between myugyul,jang-in and maeri...there should be enough angst between the 3...seo-joon is just taking away precious airtime from myugul,jang-in and maeri...i really would hate it if SJ ends up with JI :-(


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i agree that seojun's character is more to pass the time than anything else. while there have been minutes of valuable intreaction between seojun and jungin (the exchanging of stories) the rest is really mostly useless. she's not evil or trying to ruin mary's life, yet she gets angry about stuff, but again, it's not nothing truly important....


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I never thought I would feel this toward JGS - hair envy.
I really wish I had Mu-gyul's hair or the stylist who works on JGS's hair.


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HAHAH!!! Ditto!

I'm particularly fond of his hair when he has it up in the high ponytail/bun.


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Does anybody know if the hairs are her own (Moon geun young)?


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It might be extensions? MGY's hair was short in Cinderella Sister.


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ughhhh mary just says yes and mom runs out with the giant ring jung-in's dad gave her and mary doesn't even bother to actually catch up and get it back?!! RIDICULOUS


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I agree. Completely ridiculous. Especially since this the girl who packed doenjang and such for her stay at Mu-gyul's house so that they don't have to spend money for cooking ingredients. Not only is it ridiculous character-wise, but it makes her seem so careless and feckless with Jung-in's situation and family.


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I could understand her not running after her immediately because I think it took her a little while to register what happened AND because I think she's way too trusting and loyal to a fault, all despite having grown up with a dad who ought to have brought her nothing but grief.

Of course, when she handed over the ring, I was screaming internally, "Mary, she's a hippy! A hippy! Do you know what that means? Hippies believe in communal ownership, i.e. everything in the world is up for grabs, specifically by them, and that anyone who thinks otherwise is not spiritually enlightened."

Mary and Mugyul's reaction after they learn that Mugyul's mom has pawned off the ring, however, had me in disbelief. Shouldn't they have been at DEFCON 1 or 2 at the least? Instead, they were at moments vaguely at DEFCON 5, if at all. (For those of the 9/11 rather than the Cold War age, DEFCON 1 would be red alert/severe risk and DEFCON 5 blue/general risk.) Maybe they're inured to debacles from having grown up with them all their lives? I dunno.


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I'm not a fan of this drama, watched Ep 1-3 and it bored the excitement that I thought I was going to have for this drama out of me. I dislike the script, it's just draggy to me.( I think that because of all the recaps that I've been scanning through for this drama) just a reminder that this is only MY opinion, it's either if you agree with me or you don't. So don't make a fool out of yourselves if your planning to reply something stupid to me. ^.^!


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i'd been trying to find the right words to describe this drama and also playful kiss, and draggy sounds just about right. i had no expectations for playful kiss, and started watching it mostly out of curiosity about all the press it got, then hoping the story would get intelligent, then just out of habit, and finally just because i figured that after watching 14 episodes, i might as well follow through wit last 2. i did also see the youtube episodes hoping for an upgrade, but they were more of the same. sure, playful kiss was light and harmless, hani was a characater without any self esteem nor any talent (although the actress did a fine job with her btw, and her character was relatable at times) but what annoyed me was the total lack of conflict and character development. that is what annoys me with this drama. i actually was excited about this drama and had hoped that all the obvious cliches were gonna turn on us at some point and deliver a total surprise, but the actions are illogical and there is no development at all. the story just drags on, the characters just drag on being more of the same way they are, and i hope the new writer will shake things up. and, yes, i will kepp watching, because its a 16 episode miniseries and i've already seen 11. maybe the last few can let it redeem itself.


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i'd been trying to find the right words to describe this drama and also playful kiss, and draggy sounds just about right. i had no expectations for playful kiss, and started watching it mostly out of curiosity about all the press it got, then hoping the story would get intelligent, then just out of habit, and finally just because i figured that after watching 14 episodes, i might as well follow through wit last 2. i did also see the youtube episodes hoping for an upgrade, but they were more of the same. sure, playful kiss was light and harmless, hani was a characater without any self esteem nor any talent (although the actress did a fine job with her btw, and her character was relatable at times) but what annoyed me was the total lack of conflict and character development. that is what annoys me with this drama. i actually was excited about this drama and had hoped that all the obvious cliches were gonna turn on us at some point and deliver a total surprise, but the actions are illogical and there is no development at all. the story just drags on, the characters just drag on being more of the same way they are, and i hope the new writer will shake things up. and, yes, i will keep watching, because its a 16 episode miniseries and i've already seen 11. maybe the last few can let it redeem itself.


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Yes, I agree with you about Playful Kiss. I did not enjoy the acting of the main guy. Sure, he is hot and all, but his actings in the first few episodes went down the drain. but, while watching the next eps until the end, was okay to me. The drama itself did not excite me. Same thing goes for this drama. I guess in some cases, we need more script writers to write about things in modern times that we can relate to. (This is the best explanation that I can write about how I feel, haha. ) ^.^!


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i want more jung in mary moments!!!


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GF, i really like how you wrote this recap.. looks like the change of writer brought a different feel to this series.. I haven't watch this.. but as always, GF, you're awesome!! can't wait to read the rest of your recaps with JB :)


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i haven't been watching this series (even thought i LOVE JGS from you're beautiful... thought i really wish he cut his hair!!), but it has been fun following the recaps.

the writing... seems so crazy lol, i feel bad for the actors...

also the main reason why i wanted to post today: i totally love jung-in, he's such a dork, but it's super SWEET!


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Finally the storyline is (somewhat) moving forward! IMHO! XD XD Thanks to the new writer! I wish it had been like this earlier. 10 eps wasted :( and 5 eps left ;-;. If not for the cute couple, waffle sun ki and the hope that it will someday shine through because of its potential, I would give it up!

I am liking the emotional progress of the characters of Jung-in and Kang Mu-Gyul. The dorky and nerdy side of Jung-in and Fluffy and affectionate Kang Mu-Gyul. I'm just afraid what will be the result of Mary's ring being pawned by mu gyul's irresponsible mother. Tsk.

Thank you so much GF! Great recaps! :D


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Mary and Mu gyul are so cute. This is a light rom com drama. it's not to be taken too seriously. Love the actors and the drama.


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Thank you for your insightful recaps! I'm so bored out of my gourd waiting for this confused plot line to pick up. Maybe that's why they canned the original writer? Maybe it's a little too late to make up for the messy storyline which just doesn't work no matter how talented the actors are. I keep hoping it will get better, but I am disappointed every time. I hope the new writer will finish off this KDRAMA and correct this storyline which seems to be going nowhere. I think that's why it is so much in a slump and losing viewership. There are better soaps to watch and the ratings reflect it.


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Thank you for your insightful recaps! I'm so bored out of my gourd waiting for this confused plot line to pick up. Maybe that's why they canned the original writer? Maybe it's a little too late to make up for the messy storyline which just doesn't work no matter how talented the actors are. I keep hoping it will get better, but I am disappointed every time. I hope the new writer will finish off this KDRAMA and correct this storyline which seems to be going nowhere. I think that's why it is so much in a slump and losing viewership. There are better soaps to watch and the ratings reflect it.


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Finally. I am glad that they switch the writer. At least, I see a stable plot and the beat has picked up gradually. Not to mention, all the clich and cute sense are very adorable. Please keep that in mind that the story is based on a "Manhwa" if you are looking for a "real" serious plot, you won't find it here. I admit that it is a waste that they have the best casts for this production but the story and the plot are kind of.....Anyway, love your recap as always and looking forward for a strong end in the next 2 weeks.


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Whatever the negativity from viewer's, as we say nothing is perfect but we do all here from Canada greatly appreciate's all the hard work of the entire team for devoting their effort's to make this drama possible for the sake of their beloved viewer's. I know everyone will agree with us for sure. Have a blessed day to all of us!
Looking forward for the entire episodes.


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I really enjoy this drama.
JGS is so HOT. I don't mind if there are 100 more episodes.
Be able to watch JGS is heavenly for me.


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I think the writers should have really pushed idea of an arranged marriage and first love in the 21st century...and if this were to be a drama about first love and indie music...where's the battle of bands?...revolve some drama around performances...this could've been a great drama if all the arcs were planned out right (character and plot).


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hmmm...so many negative comments abt the quality of MSOAN...here is something just to lighten the mood a little...

to those who are so enamoured of Kim Jae Wook, especially the ladies, here is a link of a behind-the-scene of MSOAN showing KJW interacting with 2 child actors who acted in the drama (for those who have yet to see it, that is)...

i'm sure the ladies who are already in love with KJW would just swoooonn...while those who are not yet enamoured of him, perhaps watching his tender, loving side with the childen, might just make you fall for him too... ;)


btw folks who are not so enamoured of MSOAN, do remember - it is only a DRAMA, not nuclear war, children dying of starvation or the apocalyse...

if we get carried away by our anger, do remember :

- anger is only 1 letter short of 'danger'

- anger raises our heart rate, which can lead to high blood pressure, which will lead to a whole host of other health problems

- if we complain so much abt the quality of the writing, think abt this question :

Can we do any better?

If yes, prove it.

If not, then accept that nothing and nobody is perfect and just MOVE ON... ;)


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LOL! ai... i agree with you about commenters flaming others unnecessarily. it's nice to argue once in a while, but we shouldn't really resort to name-calling or sending ill vibes across each other's screens. people really should know how to enjoy a good debate without losing their cool. :)

after all these dramas and blog threads were made in the name of fun and entertainment. ;)


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hehe...yes, izzie, how right you are! ;)

i'm sure Javabeans did not come up with Dramabeans as a place for people to spill vitriol at one another but as an avenue for mature, civil, intelligent, entertaining, creative and FUN exchange of thoughts, opinions, ideas and feelings... ;)

we are, after all, mere visitors to this wonderful blog and thus do not possess the license to sully it with our lack of decorum or common sense... ;)

let's hope we can all bear in mind that maturity, civility, graciousness and intelligence in discourse is not an impossibility and that we need to always CHOOSE that path instead of resorting to our baser instincts of pure emotional outbursts and desire to give others their comeuppance... ;)


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You recaps are encouraging me to start watching this again..... but two fake marriages and now sharing your nights with two different men alternately is too much for me to handle..... I think I'll just stick to Beanie's recap


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I really hope you recap this drama till the end! Although it makes no sense, and Mary annoys the crap outta me, it seems like it's fun for you to recap it, hehe. Like enjoying a really bad drama by pointing and laughing at its flaws.


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I'm sorry for the double post at the begining :)


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i wish they extend to 20eps so the new writer can expand more


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i was so excited for this drama but my expectations went down after watching.. just like my expectations for playful kiss :P

i really hope mae-ri goes out with jung-in instead of mu-kyul.. i used to like jang geun-suk but his hair is totally annoying me now, and they have no chemistry


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I'm thinking the same thing! ;)


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LOVED the drama! At. first. now it's justt blaa... I wonder if it was because they replaced the writer? But you know, it still has cute things, well boys in it so i think we can all manage! lol^^


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Just wondering why people say things like, "I'm watching it because if it's good enough for you to recap then it's good enough for me to watch." What? Why? I'm not trying to be impolite, I'm truly curious as to why the fact that they're recapping (not the recaps themselves) makes you stick with a show?


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Thanks for the recap. JI would have had me once he showed me the library! Let Mary have MG...JI deserves someone who loves him and sees his big heart.

I just want to know what the deal is with him...

Behind my hand I agree with Pru and Two Cents.


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when was this episode shown? how come i missed this? i never missed any as far as i can remember..mondays & tuesdays 10-11


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worst drama ever? whatever... i love Jang Geun Suk and that's all the reason there is for me to watch this....JGS forever!!!!yeaaaaaahhhhhhhh


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I am not loving this at all, but I so badly wanted to. I do enjoy reading recaps but when I watch the episodes, I'm cringing all the time. I do think it is a clear waste of the 3 leads talents. What a train wreck. I want to throw a SJ tantrum towards to drama LOL

But hey, maybe can they at least turn it around somehow. I'm still hopeful. I love the 3 leads but the story is quite messy.


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I don't know if this has been asked already... But just how many pairs of earmuffs does Mary have?!


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hehe...now that you mentioned it, i begin to wonder too.. ;)


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I've always loved MGY (ever since Autumn IMH) but this is my first JGS. OMG where have my DVD stores hidden his dramas all this while? For someone who is cute, he can really act (think KHJ)! Love how he can switch from sullen KMG to sweet KMG to vulnerable KMG in 3 blinks : ) Am so watching You're Beautiful after I'm done with Mary. Both JGS & MGY adds so much dynamics to the couple...squeeee...: ) KGS is adorable too (muaahss) Tx GFriday & DB!


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oooppsss, typo - KJW : ) sowwy....


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Where was all of the fun and romance? All just staring at each other, hugging,cheek kissing, hand grabbing in previous episodes.DULL! DULL! DULL!
Finally! This episode ups the ante.JEALOUSY!Finally, some honest human emotions!
Why does Mary wear such ugly, too large sized sweater coats? Is she wearing her dead Mom's old clothing?UGH! I have never seen such unattractive clothing. Don't they have any ones that look pretty?
I thought the scene with JI making breakfast was really cute. Finally, we see him as a human and not a robot business man.
Can't stand Seo Jun. Her tiara headpiece is ridiculous. Does she do anything else but pout?She looks like she has a Princess complex. I agree that she is a major energy suck in this drama. She reminds me of gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe, and MG can't get rid of her. MG has dumped her, and she can't face the reality and move on. She reminds me of a stalker.
Hope the new writer does a major overhaul and improve on the storyline. I'm wishing that it will make some kind of sense at the end.


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Thanks for the recap!
You know, I liked it when it seemed like Jung In was going to end up with Seo Jun but now it's the same old square again and again, boooooh
I agree this episode was way better than 9 and 10, though. It makes no sense most of the time but things are happening faster xD


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Even though I don't enjoy the show, I watch it anyway. LOL

They should totally flip the script and have Mary & Jung-In be together. Yup, yup!

I find it bothersome (sometimes) when you start watching a drama and you already KNOW who will end up with who.
There really needs to be a tug-of-war...like she's really having a hard time choosing who she wants to be with. I think it would make things a heck of a lot more interesting.
Well, for me anyway. =D

There definitely needs to be a new twist in writing.
It needs to lose its "hand-holding" mentality....or training wheels, or CliffNotes, whatever.
What I mean is: Let the watchers find out for themselves how its going to end.
Surprise us! Geez!

Sidenote: I LOVE the interaction between Mu-gyul's friends and Mary's friends. That's the only part that feels "real" in the whole dang drama.
Their inputs on the situation are hilarious. It's fresh.

Anyway, love the recap!!


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I am so incredibly disappointed by this drama, it started out so cute and funny, the plot premise was interesting and the two male leads are my two favourite K-actors (granted, I have only seen a handful k-dramas so far but still)..

The main reason why I am commenting here is because EWWWWWWWW Jung In's dad is such a creeper! I mean, all the other episodes had awkward encounters but giving her that ring oh my god! This was just way beyond uncomfortable!

.. I will watch this drama to the end because of the actors but damn, this is a shitty script. :/


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Does anyone else notice that Jung-in's bathrobe resembles Hwang Tae-gyeong's bathrobe in YAB??????

(I am clearly not over aforementioned series, hahaha XC)


Seo-jun = DIVA BITCH!

Get a life!


“Hello Hello,” music by Kang Mu-gyul, lyrics by Wee Mary.

Are these people SHAWOLs in real life?!!!

(Bottomline: my rants make no sense. AT ALL. PERIOD. XD)


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I like very much in. I love a good hero and heroine, and this will follow you to work it all in..


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girlfriday, if all three of them lived together, you'd probably comment more on the *coughshadycough* relationship between Moo Kyul and Jung In than the love triangle. xD


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Lol... me just staring at the screen while everyone is debating.

and to be honest... Just my opinion... This was an okay drama and they did win quite some medals which indicated that they had a good show that appealed to the watchers in Korea.

Anywho! Bring in the popcorn!


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