Secret Garden: Episode 4

I didn’t necessarily get the “you’re prettier when you’re angry” thing, but I definitely get it now… Joo-won and Ra-im are totally angry-hot, as in having especially explosive chemistry… when they’re at each other’s throats. I mean, I always knew the bickering hate phase was intended to spark a few flames, but these two are downright X-rated. I swear, every time they yell at each other, I half expect them to rip each other’s clothes off. Whew! Is it getting hot in here?


Joo-won sees Ra-im standing in his department store, and takes her up to his office to talk. He can’t believe that she came all the way down here, just to pick up a stupid raffle prize, as if her desire for a free vacuum cleaner is a direct affront to him. Did you maybe stop to think she came here to see YOU, doofus?

She asks if maybe he put her name into the drawing, and he scoffs that he doesn’t have the time to do something like that, and belittles her coldly, that he really must’ve been crazy to fall for a woman without family or education, who’d come all the way here to claim some dinky vacuum cleaner. Oh, you are an ASS.

Ra-im’s jaw drops as she hears the angry, haughty words come out of his mouth, which he even repeats, just to get his point across, adding that she’s embarrassing him at work. For someone so obsessed with manner and upbringing, you really are the biggest asshole of them all. No doubt he’s reacting in this childish way to cover up his own insecurities and troubling obsession, but still. If it walks like an ass and talks like an ass…

Ra-im steels herself and then apologizes, retaliating with a, “You said I’m pretty when I’m angry, but I’m pretty when I smile too, right?” Heh. If you’re planning to make him more obsessed with you for revenge, that’s pretty ingenious, but a little passive for my taste. I prefer it when you kick him in the shins. She insists on taking the vacuum cleaner, just to prove a point.

She says that if he’s that embarrassed, he can tell everyone that she was just someone he played with and threw away. He flares up at those words, saying that he can’t, and drags her down to the department store. He starts throwing shoes and clothes at her feet, angrily yelling, “Play? Play with you? You’re not even at the level for me to play with!”

Dude, you are taking rich bastard to new heights. He basically throws the evidence down at her feet, of how far apart they are in social standing. It’s beyond insulting—it’s degrading and hurts her where she’s most insecure.

He grabs a dress and drags her into a dressing room to put it on. He follows her in there, and they end up face to face in that tiny space, within kissing distance and tension flaring high. Gah, it’s unfair if you’re evil AND sexy. That’s just not right.

He tells her to put it on: “Should I put it on for you?” He reaches to undress her, and she stops him angrily. She asks him what he’s trying to prove—what he’ll do with her if she puts on the dress. He replies that he’ll do nothing; he’s just trying to show her how far apart they really are. Listen, if all you’re doing is trying to prove that you’re unattainable, you’re sending a girl mixed messages, what with your stalking of her and all. I know you’re nuts, but that’s no excuse.

Beads of sweat start to pour down his face, as he looks up at the four walls of the tiny dressing room, realizing how small a space he’s in, all the while trying not to lose the argument. You’re the one who pushed her in there, Mr. Claustrophobia. He holds his panic in for just a moment longer, and then can’t stand it anymore and pushes her aside to clamor out of there. He runs out, barely breathing, and has a panic attack in the middle of his store.

Ra-im leaves in a daze, and arrives at the action school, late for training. She decides to spend a few hours taking out her frustrations…by hurling herself at a car. Repeatedly. Sheesh. I guess stunt people can’t just punch a wall or something.

Meanwhile, Joo-won drives home, and has another panic attack in the middle of a tunnel. It’s a nice visual sequence, and the tunnel is great literally and figuratively as a motif for his fear of being trapped. He barely manages to make it out to the other side, and pulls over on the side of the road. He calls number 1 on his speed dial: his therapist. God, I love that his shrink is speed dial 1. That’s so telling.

She comes over to check on him, but because they’re old friends, he refuses to actually tell her what’s going on with him. I’d like to ask his shrink, but I bet half the stuff he suffers from is made up in his head to give him an excuse to keep himself locked away. He finally tells her not to think of him strangely, since he just read it in a book, but…”What are the symptoms of lovesickness?” Hahahaha. His sincerity about this just cracks me up.

Later, he sits outside in his garden, and starts picking the petals off a flower, saying, “She’s cursing at me, she’s not; she is; she’s not…” until he picks the final one, landing at: “She is.” He gets mad at her for cursing him (in his mind, but that seems to be no different for him, hilariously), and stalks off angrily. Heh.

As he walks away, the camera pans down and we see that he’s left a giant pile of those yellow daisies, having plucked the petals off of a hundred of them. Little twinkly lights start to work their magic on the daisy patch, and one lands on the last flower that he dropped, magically re-growing one last petal. Aw, cute.

And how adorable is it that the guy’s the one killing flowers over “She loves me; she loves me not”?

The next morning, Joo-won wakes up to find that Seul’s family has sent him a strange present, out of the blue. He walks outside to find himself face to face with a herd of…deer? He asks if he’s supposed to eat them (to the horror of his assistant: “Omo”) and tells him to send them back. It’s a totally random, hilarious comment on the oddities that rich people spend their money on.

He gets a call for his monthly obligatory family dinner, and heads over to his grandfather’s mansion, where everyone takes turns being passive-aggressive over the steak course. With a family like this, I’m surprised Joo-won doesn’t have a few more neuroses under his belt. In particular, he gets outed for only showing up to work two days a week, making his disappointed grandfather even more disappointed in him.

Also, random fashion note, but how neurotic and nerdy is it that he’s wearing three highlighters in his pocket as an accessory?

Oska goes all the way down to Jeju to find Tae-sun, who rebuffs him yet again, this time acknowledging who he is, but saying that it doesn’t make his music any less crappy. Oska just stands there slackjawed, unfamiliar with people who don’t worship at his feet for being a Hallyu star. I love that he constantly refers to himself as “The Hallyu Star,” making him just that extra bit of ridiculous self-aggrandizing.

Oska has punked out on his music video shoot in Thailand, but it doesn’t seem to matter much to the director, who has washed his hands of the project at Seul’s request. Or rather, her payment of large sums of money. She takes over the music video, with the excuse that she doesn’t need to spend any time improving her looks or her schooling, so she may as well have some fun. Oh, okay, princess.

She goes straight to Jong-soo’s action school, embarrassing herself with her VERY LOUD and off-putting use of English. Gah, the horror! I’m cleaning my ears out with soap. Jong-soo replies, but looks at her strangely, as well he should. Because girl’s off her rocker. She asks for his help in the music video shoot, announcing that Oska is the star.

Ra-im continues to work out her angst, thinking back to the department store fight with Joo-won. As she was leaving earlier, she had paused in front of a mirror, holding the dress up wistfully. I like these little touches that reveal her girly side, that she doesn’t show to anyone.

Her roommate Ah-young arrives home with the dreaded vacuum cleaner in tow, causing Ra-im to freak out that she accepted it on her behalf. She calls Joo-won right away, who goes from brooding to instant happy face when he realizes that she’s calling.

But of course he can’t let HER know his excitement, and just snaps at her to return it herself or throw it away if she doesn’t want it. He hangs up abruptly and returns to the task of art-buying with a renewed sense of interest. He even starts seeing the paintings differently, now that Ra-im is back in his orbit. Heh. And aw.

He insists that the house in one of the paintings had its lights on a minute ago, making everyone think that he’s insane, but we see that it’s the same bit of whimsy that’s been re-petaling the daisies and such in his life, having a bit of fun.

Ra-im heads out to give Joo-won a piece of her mind, and when Ah-young tells her that he isn’t at work today, she calls her action school sunbae to get Joo-won’s address off of his registration form. Jong-soo overhears and hangs his head.

Joo-won, meanwhile, sits on his patio with sheets blowing in the wind and desserts and…wait…did I fall asleep and land in some fantasy? He is totally going to such lengths on purpose, waiting for her to show. (Also, he happens to be reading a book about why there are starving people in the world, as if he can read a book to study her, like she’s some social experiment.)

Ra-im rides in on her motorcycle, vacuum strapped to the back. She marvels at the expansive grounds as she rides around, and stops to ask an employee where Kim Joo-won lives. The lady’s like, um…here. Ra-im: “I know here, but which house is his?” “They’re ALL HIS.” Haha.

She finally finds him, and throws the vacuumn down at his feet, demanding to know what he meant by sending it to her. Oh, honey. Don’t you know when a boy is pulling your pigtails? He did it so you’d do this.

She leaves it there and turns to go, when she hears a splash. She turns around to find the vacuumn floating in his lake, and Joo-won sitting there without a care. He tells her that he doesn’t need it, so if she wants it, she can fish it out herself.

She looks at him in shock, then walks right into the lake and hauls the box out, carrying it back to her bike. It’s enough to finally get Joo-won out of his seat and yelling at her. He can’t believe that she’d go in there herself, instead of making him apologize. (And you couldn’t have, say, apologized yourself WITHOUT the tantrum?) Sheesh. He basically calls her a charity case, making her feel as low as she can go.

She fights him off and to keep her from leaving, he grabs her key and throws it in the lake. You are so transparent, buddy. He ends up dragging her into the house to get cleaned up (rawr), only to come face to face with his dragon lady mother. Damn it, Mom. You have the worst timing ever.

She glares a hole through Ra-im’s skull, making it all too clear that she’d rather her precious son play with others “at his level.” Shivers. Now we know where his horrid snobbery comes from. Ra-im insists that she’s not here to play, and that she dare not deign to be someone that Joo-won sees romantically, since she’s just a charity case (nice job, to use his words back at him). Mom is offended at her tone and the mere presence of a poor person, and sneers as Ra-im makes her exit, even as Joo-won ineffectually tries to stop his mother.

He’s interrupted with a call that Oska has gone AWOL to Jeju, and does some damage control. Looks like the music video will have to be shot there, along with the department store contest, since that lands him in Jeju anyway. He comes out to find Ra-im’s bike still there, and jumps into the lake to retrieve her key.

Ra-im returns to the action school to find the guys planning a car stunt for Oska’s music video shoot in Jeju, and excitedly asks what part she’ll get to play. Jong-soo tells her that she doesn’t have enough experience with car stunts, and when she begs him for the chance, he snaps at her that it’s too dangerous; he can barely tolerate the danger she puts herself in now, but he does it because it’s what she wants to do.

Jong-soo broods for a while, then calls Ah-young for a favor. He gives her a purse for Ra-im, and has her pretend that she bought it for her at work. Ra-im swoons from the pretty. See, this is why you’ll never get the girl, Tall dark and handsome. Because even though Joo-won is a petty bastard, he’ll take credit and endure the backlash. Silent protector never wins against self-righteous asshole. I know. It’s unfair. But them’s the rules.

Oska calls Joo-won from Jeju, having landed himself in jail for an altercation with some gangsters. He’s being extorted for harassing a woman, but he tells Joo-won: “You know me. If I sleep with a girl, I sleep with her. But I’m not the type to harass.” Haha. I love that he’s so forthright—he is who he is.

Joo-won makes sure that he’s repaid, tit for tat, and has his lawyer sent to bail him out. He asks Secretary Kim about the winner of the trip to Jeju, and finds out that the first- and second-place winners had to forfeit out, so that leaves third place, which is Ra-im of course, former winner of the vacuum cleaner, now upgraded to vacation with her favorite pop singer.

Joo-won immediately cries, “NO! Send the fourth-place winner!” But she’s already gone, because her stunt team is down there for the music video shoot. Joo-won: “So, what you’re telling me is…Oska and Ra-im are on a vacation, and I’M paying for it?!” Haha. Well, that’s karma for ya, babe.

Ra-im arrives on the island and sneaks a peek at her stunt team, who report to Seul for the shoot. Well this isn’t going to get complicated or anything.

Oska sees Ra-im lurking and greets her warmly, surprised that she’s the winner of the contest. He warns her that he believes in fate, and invites her to lunch. He chomps down on some tofu in the meanwhile (having just gotten out of jail) and when Ra-im asks why, he says, “Because I stole something. Someone’s…heart?” Hahaha. Cheesetastic, as always.

They head over to the restaurant for lunch, where Joo-won is waiting for them. Ra-im’s eyes widen, and he smirks, “You’re ten minutes late.”


The maneuvering of every single character to Jeju is clunky, but I do love Joo-won’s reaction to realizing that he just sent his crush on her dream vacation with her idol, and his lifetime rival…on his dime. It’s as delicious a revenge as you can get, for the assholery that went on throughout this episode.

Which isn’t to say that I hate Joo-won, because I love his character, with all of his rich boy eccentricities and girlish affectations. I like the little touches, like the fact that he cares enough to accessorize his outfits down to every last detail, or that he always has fresh flowers nearby. Ra-im in contrast is so oblivious to the kinds of things he puts so much painstaking care into, that it actually angers him—because he can’t control the situation. She’s outside his wheelhouse, which throws him, and he can’t control his feelings, which is even stranger. It’s the perfect wrench to throw in the neurotic control-freak’s world, made even more delicious by the crackling sexual tension that they can’t ignore.

I seriously feel invasive when I’m watching the close-quarters angry fighting scenes, because they play it like they’re two seconds away from tearing their clothes off. The acting in those moments is so amazingly layered, from both of them. They go from I hate you, you disgusting excuse for a human being, to Kiss me now, and I’ll forget it all in a matter of seconds, in just a look. It’s crazy good.

What’s great about the pair is that they’re both incessantly stubborn (Joo-won’s haughty stubborn versus Ra-im’s prideful stubborn) that it seems like if left to their own devices, these two would NEVER work out their differences. Neither of them would give an inch, ever, and even if their fights landed them in bed, they’d never be able to sustain a relationship that way.

It makes the body switch necessary, if we ever want to see them grow up, and start to inch toward understanding one another and their circumstances. By now I’m dying for the switch to happen, not because I don’t enjoy this stage, but because I can see the potential hijinks around the corner.

And I actually really like the unexplained, whimsical magic fairy dust or whatever you want to call it. Because this isn’t a mythology-laden show with a gumiho that needs a mystical throughline, I prefer it that the magical element is just left oblique, without driving an explanation into the ground. It can just be seen as an extension of Fate, with sprinkles on top.


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been anticipating the body swap. Now that we've got to know Joo-won and Ra-Im, I hope that when they switch, each will be recognizable in a different body. I know HyunBin and Ha Ji Won are great actors, but I hope the writing and director will not show an exaggerated version of them just because they go through this switch. I want to look at HyunBin and know that it is Ra-Im inside of there and not Joo-won pretending to be Ra-Im. and vice versa.


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Thank you sooo much for the recaps - Girlfriday and JB! It really makes a difference to watch SG (and all other dramas) with them :o). Thanks a lot!

I am actually curious about stunts - does anyone know if HJW does them herself or if she has a double? Like in fighting scenes, jumping down in LOEL and then throwing herself at the car?


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I don't know about other scenes,but the action scenes in Ep.1 was all done by HaJiWon without a double.


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I've been trailing HB since MNIKSS. I liked him in Snow Queen the most. But now I love him more in SG! ^_^


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Why is my last take away from the dressing room scene (and from that entire scene) is that he is most upset that she doesn't consider him or think about him in anyway. He points out that though he showed up at her job in the tracksuits and gave her a workspace it was because he was trying and she makes no effort at all to do the same in his workplace. He is obsessed with appearance and she cares not at all so his anger is at himself AND her


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late again...thanks for the recap girlfriday....just on high after watching episode 4...whew the scene with Joo Won and Ra Im is just crackling with sexy tension... the attraction between them is explosive and i keep chanting for Ra Im to just slap the jerk... loathe Joo Won's jerkines...he's full of contradiction but I can't hate him... Ra Im's will have her hands full handling him ....the future body swapping will bring the story to another dimension

"I seriously feel invasive when I’m watching the close-quarters angry fighting scenes, because they play it like they’re two seconds away from tearing their clothes off."
in my alternate universe they would have....


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Again thanks for the recaps, and glad to know Dramafever.com will be showing episodes of SG...happy dance.


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Thanks for the funny update
I'm loving this drama very much and from all previews it seems it gonna be more interresting and even funny in the next episodes :)


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Sorry to spam but does anyone think RI knows jong-soo's love feelings towards her , I have this feeling becoz she keeps defending herself infront of him whenever JW is the subject of discussion , dunno if it's just out of respect for him ( JS ) or becauz she knows his feelings and doesn't want to hurt him so what do you think about it .


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Did someone already point this out?
- The painting of the dark house that lights up represents JW's soul which has dwelled in darkness (for undisclosed reasons) and is now lighting up again thanks to Raim.


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I like it! I'm going with that.


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To be frank, if episode 1 & 2 make me fall in love with Joo-Won, then episode 3 & 4 make me fall out of it. Yes, the sit-ups and the dressing room scenes are hot but the way he treated her is appalling. In real life, I can't imagine how any women will be attracted or even like a man who behaves like that. There is no excuse for his behavior, he is a self-centered jerk who is incapable of feeling for others.

The reason why I haven't hate him (yet) is because I know that he is due for change and that he will probably get a taste of his own medicine soon. It better be really soon, because there are only so many times I can excuse and make passes for him before I drop him in my hate bin. I do want to like him. Hope next episode will put him in a more positive light.


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Anon, i like what you said: "he (she) is due for a change..." cos that's the one everyone is waiting for :-) if not for that, this kdrama would just be a senseless pursuit to self-destruction as the girl tries to weather his prejudices and the guy tries to deal with her pride ;-) and we are loving the journey towards that :-)


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No seriously, if you both don't want that poor abused vacum cleaner. Give it to me!!! It's a Philips for gawd sake!!!

And any one else think that Joo-won's assistant is kinda adorable :-)

Oh well, guess everything else about Joo-won & Ra-im has been covered.


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Phillips? Really? I cant never imagine that was a phillips xDDDDD

*LOL Korean semi-advertisements+


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i keep on thinking that the whimsical magical details in this drama is all in Joo Won's head... that because of his crazy thinking, the audience could have a taste of it too.

well.. that's just me and my own analysis. i find his crazy mind pretty much entertaining. *grins*


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Your recaps keep me going before the subbed videos come out. Thanks so much!!


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I was on Viikii, and someone noticed that Joo-won's highlighters match the colors of Ra-im's shoes that she wears throughout the episodes, like the neon yellow pair (matching Joo-won's yellow highlighter) she wore in that first episode. Is this true?


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I have to admit the only reason I keep watching this drama is because of the leads (Hyun Bin *_*). Right now I am waiting for the switch to happen because the last two episodes where painful to watch for me and nothing is really happening.

Joo Won and Ra Im are always arguing over the same thing and it's getting annoying. I don't know if it's the character or Ha Ji Won's playing but Ra Im is always showing the same expression (and I don't like her hair xD). Plus I don't really understand her:
- She won a vacuum when she didn't do anything
- She thinks it's because of Joo Won's doing
- So she goes and ask for it
- But it's not Joo Won's doing (?)
- So she leaves without the vacuum
- When she finally gets the vacuum she doesnt want it
- She calls Joo Won and ask him to take it back
- He tells her to trow it away
- She angry - goes find Joo Won's house in nowhereland - give it back
- he trows it in the lake because he does not like the design or idk
- and wtf she goes right in the cold freezing water to get it back????
... ??

I know this is a drama and it's because she has a lot of pride and I should not take this so seriously and blablabla but this whole moment was just wtf to me and I wanted to fast forward everything -.-

By the way the vacuum box is clearly empty guys. Boxes filled with vacuums don't float or anything -.- I couldn't stop laughing at that (highlight of this episode lol)

I want more moments like the one in the changing room or when he is happy over a call, or see her smile a little. This is only the 4th episode and it looks like we are already in the usual annoying angst kdrama moment.

Even Jong Soo is plain. For now the only 'entertaining' thing to watch is Oska and that cutie he wants to train.. and Hyun Bin because mr. gorgeous and flawless will always be relevantly gorgeous and flawless lol

I wasn't planning on writing so much o_o
Anyways, I'll keep watching this and wait for the switch to decide if I like it or not.

thanks for the repac :p


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Yes there are a lot of problems with the writing (some very witty parts but often illogical and lazy). As you said, it's worth watching for the actors (I adore them!) but it is uneven and sometimes disappointing.


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i think mr. action school must have registered her for the contest when he bought her the bag.


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I think I may be able to defend the writter (hehhee):

She won a vacuum when she didn’t do anything
- She thinks it’s because of Joo Won’s doing
- So she goes and ask for it ---> I agree with rawrling or it could be another magical stuff in this about the part that she won it.
- But it’s not Joo Won’s doing (?)
- So she leaves without the vacuum----> She was in chock over JWs reaction and upset, so she left in chock and disappointment, I think.
- When she finally gets the vacuum she doesnt want it
- She calls Joo Won and ask him to take it back
- He tells her to trow it away
- She angry – goes find Joo Won’s house in nowhereland – give it back
- he trows it in the lake because he does not like the design or idk ----> he throw it because he was angry that she does not need him or his pity/attentions at all. He just did it to get her attention.
- and wtf she goes right in the cold freezing water to get it back????----> She got angry with the fact that he does not care or understand the meaning of hard working to earn money. She took it to show him that she does not need his "charity", but she values the right stuff and does not want to waiste it.

Well anyway, it is only my ideas / interpretation.


… ??


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could it be possible for the box to float since it has styrofoam in its packaging? just a thought..


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It's only Wednesday BTW in advance Happy Turkey Day to all DBs' viewers. Can't wait till Sat to watch SG raw and then Mon for the subbed. Just read an article regarding the upcoming SG, don't know how but the body swap will happen twice in the next 5 epsiode. The 1st one will happen at the end of ep. 5 and then back to their own body in ep. 8 and then swap again later...I am confusing but can't wait.


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omo i have a calculus exam in 2 hours but i'm watching episode 4!


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Just watched Episode 4 subtitled. Even though I've watched the raw a couple of times and read two different recaps there was so much more to notice.

When I think about Joowon's three verbal attacks on RaIm I think the dispassionate one by the pool was the most vicious and the one most designed to hurt. He designates her an object of charity and calls her a "poor alienated neighbor" [Which of course she used to insult both him and his mother later in the scene]

Unlike the poolside attack, the attack in the restaurant, was not planned and like the one in the boutique is a result of his frustration that he doesn't occupy her thoughts the way she occupies his.

Also in defense of Joowon, the conversation at the family dinner and the gossip between RaIm's roommate and Joowon's assistant proved him right about the concern he had to his reputation at the store when she showed up at the department store. [Of course the gossip might have been the result of him throwing a hissy fit.]

Also, during the art buying scene Hyun Bin did a great job in expressing how awful Joowon felt about his behavior. The pain on his face when he remembered the dressing room scene, his disconnection from the art presentation what was going on, and his joy when he realized she had telephone, went a long way towards cutting his some slack over his behavior.

During the post throwing the vacuum cleaner in the water scene there was a line that i couldn't understand the meaning of. I wondered if it might be a Korean idiomatic phrase that makes no sense when translated word for word. Does anyone know what he meant when he said.

"Show me the room that I can squeeze into you."

Also, does anyone know is the vacuum cleaner he sent over was top of the line, mid-market, or down market?

I assume it was mean to provoke her into showing up but I'm trying to figure out if it was meant to be a insult or a peace offering?


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I love your analysis of all the little details! I totally agree with you.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the phrase "show me the room that I can squeeze into you" means "give me some leeway to redeem myself". He was expecting her to either make him go into the lake to pick the vacuum up or make him apologize, but she does neither and goes pick up the vacuum herself, which leaves him "helpless". (for lack of a better word.)

Thanks for the recap girlfriday!


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Oooh! You said it faster and better!


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Thanks Miu.. Now I understand the scene better.. JW is baffled as the other girls put him on a pedestal and let him be the hero while R doesn't.. What a great way to show how a rich guy could also be helpless..


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“Show me the room that I can squeeze into you.”
I replayed that subtitle a few times so I could absorb it, too.

He says it after he yells at her for going into the water for the vac, instead of making him apologize and get it for her.

So I guessed it meant something like, "You are NOT reacting anywhere near the way I expect you to. Work with me a little. I am acting like such an ass, and you keep taking it from me. If you break down in front of me, I will be able to comfort you, and touch you nicely instead of all this yelling."

It was a very revealing line from him.


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really like yours and Neurotic not Crazy's analysis of JW. that's why even though a lot of people are throwing rocks at him, i really don't think he is that horrible


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that fitting room scene is definitely crackling!! hot, hot, hot!


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Thanks so much for the recaps! Such a hoot to read and I always pick up things I missed!

Kicking myself for not waiting until this series was further along before starting! Now I'm hooked and there are still 16 episodes to go! AHHHH!


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do you know the title of the song that came up right after the fiiting room scene? Loved the singer's voice.


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I have a question , Why is RI a poor person , I mean her boss seems to be a rich guy na ( I don't think his aww car can be bought by any middle class guy ) and even his buisness and stunt school seems working well for him so I suppose he is paying his stundmen/woman well so why is she not able to buy the bag or presentable clothes or whatever , do you think there's any hidden reason for that ?


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i couldnt be any happier to see ha ji won and hyun bin together! so far, all the episodes are very interesting and i can say that im officially hooked! i agree that there's crazy chemistry between the two sexy leads..sexy chemistry for that, so yeah, rawr!

great recap (as always!), good job GF!


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that's also my question, rainyrainy. why cant she even buy a decent bag? why is she in dire straits? i dont think her boss is not paying her correctly is he...and to think he is smitten with her. i hope the writers will shed some light on this later... :-) or maybe it's me who've missed the explanation for this? lost in translation, maybe? :-)


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nope samgetang , I'm sure they didn't give any expalanation for that , I watched the 4 epi so many times and I'm sure I didn't see any .
and I also think the same as you , her boss is surely paying her correctly especially becoz in addition of being a stauntwoman she also teaching the newbies in the stunt school and top it all her boss loves her so why she's not be able to bye a new bag or anything else .
me thinks it has something to do with her family for sure .


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The series hasn't given an explanation for RaIm financial situation. The way she lives seems to be below her income scale. In episode 1, when she refused to let the Director of the Action School drive her home, I thought it was a man/woman thing. But as the series has played out, I'm beginning to think she didn't want him to see where/how she lived. He obviously wants to help her but is very careful of her pride, hence the lie about the bag.

Also, the series hasn't explained Joowon's claustrophobia.
I think it is a relatively new thing, because his employees and family don't seem to be aware of it. I assume if his family knew about it, they would give him some slack for only working two days/week and Oska and Director Park (wannabee Great Uncle ParK) would have something to use against him.

I'm interested in the reveal to to see how the writer uses those issues explain the characters' personalities.


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now that you mention it, neurotic, this must be the intention of the writers to further establish how deep is the pride of Ra Im, that even if she can afford it she will not buy a new bag because...just because...

and as for Joo Won's claustrophobia, i must agree with you.

indeed, these little things/details would be perhaps instrumental when the body switch takes place...

thanks, neurotic not crazy ;-)


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I think she really doesn't have the disposable income she should.

On another site someone mention that she has several expensive sneakers. But sneakers are a part of her work supplies. She need good sneakers to train properly.
A bag is an accessory, not an essential.

Also, although she said she was going to buy a new bag, I doubt it would have been an expensive leather bag.


i think the Ra-Im financial situation and the JooWon claustrophobia will be explained later - the story is still building up to it. i suspect that the later has a lot to do with his family's setup. i sense a lot of weird and unsavory history on Joo-Won's family. which brings me to another set of questions: where are Joo-Won and Oska's fathers? what's the back story on the mothers? why are they so different? could it be that Joo-Won's phobia stems from the (assumed) loss of his father? Is there a Sun Woo Hwan story to it?

and by the way, Oska's line: "he's my cousin according to the family registry"
is that just figurative speaking or could it be that he and Joo-Won ain't blood-related? (one of the mothers must be adopted? hence the angst towards each other?) there's another hint to that when Oska and Ra-Im came upon Joo-Won's sister.

@samgetang: hey there, moony-loony sis! :) i made it to the secret garden! :)

"i dont think her boss is not paying her correctly is he…and to think he is smitten with her."

must be because the stunt job doesn't pay well, and Jong-Soo couldn't pay Ra-im more than what she should receive because of her pride and his respect for her decisions as well - remember the part where he told her not to come to Jeju to work on the car stunts? He wants her to quit because of the dangerous nature of their profession, but couldn't fire her because loves doing stunts. you could see on Ra-Im's face that she wanted to appeal for more faith in her ability to be competitive in that male-dominated field. (common female struggle) inside, I staged a protest when she held her peace.

regarding the worn-out bag, here are my views on it, aside from her weak financial capacity:
- Ra-Im's too preoccupied with more important things like work and her struggle to be recognized in a male-dominated field.
- it's Ra-Im's favorite bag, so she uses them until it reaches the state of dis-assembly. i can relate to that 'abusive' tendency by way of my sneakers - I love my Chucks and I wear them til they're worn-out.
- it didn't occur to Ra-Im that she needs a better bag until it was brought to her attention (by her friend/roommate) that bags say something about a woman's overall packaging - just like the neckerchief. i think the bag issue was also used as a vehicle to convey Ra-Im's not-so-obvious, new-found/alien-feeling interest on Joo-Won: she unconsciously tries to look pleasing to him by putting on (the neckerchief) or using (the borrowed bag) things that are in good shape to improve her image.

i like it that the logic, scenes and dialogues in this drama say so much more than what are delivered. the silent staring scenes between any two characters brings awareness to undisclosed battles that go on between them - we are only given sneak peeks through their eyes. we've seen such from Joo-Won and Ra-Im, but I wonder if many have noticed another in the JongSoo-JooWon confrontation scene in the latter's office. there was a silent moment there where they stared at each other - not glared, but merely stared - and you could sense the swordfight that went on in their heads. it was quick, but bloody.


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@izzie: welcome to the secret garden, moony-loony sis ;-)

you couldn't have explained it any better! thanks, izzie.

yes, i echo yr views on the now-famous (err..infamous) worn-out bag. i also have the same feelings with my old sanuk loafers and a black knit shirt that i wear week after week even if the elastic in the shirred front already gave in, hehe. so i can identify with raim's penchant with the old bag. i agree that with the appearance of joowoon in her life she suddenly became more conscious of her looks (e.g neckerchief).

i like how you worded the swordfight stuff, "quick but bloody" :-) the interaction between the cousins here is also one of the things i look out for because of its unique dynamics ;-)


you mentioned sanuk. :) a friend of mine was wearing a red pair today and she was bragging about how comfy they are. :)

sanuk or espadrilles? (sighs at limited budget)

those safety pins on Ra-Im's bag (which reminds me of another friend's fashion item: safety pin bracelet) also show how little time she allots for less important things. she could've sewn the strap to the sac, which would've made it a lot safer, but she went for the quick remedy. so how many of us here had done similar things? like temporarily adjusting the length of our pants with adhesive tapes, staple wires, or safety pins, rather than taking them to the tailor for size adjustment or altering them ourselves?


izzie, my dear moony-loony sis...sanuk is super light-weight...ive had mine for over 2 years now, in black, all ragged in the edges already (i think there's even a hole already on one side where the pinky toe gets to abrade it), but still so darn comfy i cant seem to let them go. the fun thing is you buy them already comfy and it still gets more comfy as the days (and years) went by.

ive had espadrilles too...their cool as well but not as light-weight. i think it depends on yr preferences. others prefer the espadrilles precisely because its not as lightweight/thin-soled and so absorbs more of the shock when it hits the road.

i love to be in sneakers and rubber shoes. im comfort- before-beauty kind of gal, much like raim...except that i dont do stunts as cool as she does... ;-)

and yes, im the type to use safety pins...a lot! i can sew a mean dress but in real-life safety pins are my closest friend. especially when i direct/design costumes for stage plays. these teeny-weeny metal gadget can save an impending world disaster and avert a major catastrophe, hahaha! this is my ode to the good 'ole safety pin! :-) if i were a composer i would've written symphonies in praise for it :-) if i were a poet i would've made sonnets dedicated to it... :-)


thanks for the tip! :) I'd get me a pair of espadrilles for work and then sanuk (much later) for my holiday vay-kay. :) aside from my trusty chucks, I have stilettos (the ones which require license for possession :) ) for my girlier outfits. but since I get to walk around much at work, I tend to put on comfy clothes. so I'm thinking of getting comfier shoes that would match the girly outfits. :) (sigh) the complexities of buying clothing items.

and then I'll have to buy a bag that would match the espadrilles. :P but that wouldn't work with the present budget.

Ra-Im, I so can relate to you right now! :P

bags or shoes? bags or shoes? bags and shoes? :D

nah. I'd buy chocolates instead and have a feast and be happy :) ... while I wait for moony-loony sis samgetang to finish up her safety pin poem.


"the silent staring scenes between any two characters brings awareness to undisclosed battles that go on between them"

"the interaction between the cousins here is also one of the things i look out for because of its unique dynamics"

I was mulling about these when a funny thought occurred to me: Joo-Won locked eyes with the deer too! :P

deer: aw $#!%, here comes our new human! hmm, he looks... yummy.

JW: aw $#!%, why did they send me a herd of deer?! hmm, this one looks... yummy. what if I have it cooked for Ra-Im? will she like it?

deer: please send me back... :(


hahaha! izzie, i'd go for the chocolates too anytime... :-)

oh yes, i know (nods vigorously)....we can so relate with raim...

i wonder where the bulk of her budget goes to if not to the proverbial girly bags and shoes? hospital bills maybe? :-) JW had been milking her til her last drop so its no wonder why she cant buy a new bag... :-)


"JW had been milking her til her last drop so its no wonder why she cant buy a new bag…"

LOL. he has billions of money and spends a lot, but he was at a loss at what to do with the W40,000 he got from Ra-Im. :D


hahaha! poor deer ;-)


must be...thanks rainy! let's wait and see how the story will unfold...


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I don't think she is so poor that she can't afford to buy a bag. The scene where her friend gave her a new bag, she said that she is about to buy one. Ri-am was probably just thrifty and feels that the old bag can still be used.


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Anon, yes, thrifty and proud to the point of carrying a worn out bag. and she also doesn't care about appearances or would like others to think she doesn't care. all about pride, i would say. :-) which brings us to the parallelism of this kdrama with Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen.


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While I agree that Ri-am is stubborn and has a lot of pride, I don't feels that her carrying a worn out bag is a sign of her pride. If she is indeed proud, she would not have asked to borrow a bag from her friend and choose to continue to carry her old bag around. Whatever pride she has, it's not over clothing. Similarly, not buying a new bag doesn't mean she is living in poverty either.

From what I can see, Ri-am is hardly starving. She may not earn a lot but probably has enough to feed herself and buy basic necessities. My point is, a lot of people seems to think that Ri-am not buying a new bag indicates that she is dirt poor and in bad financial condition. Which I feel is kind of over-analyzing the matter.


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Anon, interesting point of view, thanks for sharing.

I wonder what is the point of the writers in highlighting the worn-out bag especially use of the safety-pins in several scenes, there must be some valid reason or connection there.

If not to reinforce her pride and nonchalance with her appearance nor establish her financial situation then there must be some other logical reason for the focus on it.

But your guess is as good as mine ;-)

Or yet, we might just be over-analyzing as you suggested :-)

Oh me and my over-active detective tendencies :-)


"we might just be over-analyzing as you suggested"

could be. :D

the worn-put bag and the vacuum cleaner have become hot topics. (thankfully, the deer herd haven't - so far)

these could be merely tools for the plots. just ways to stir the hot blend that is JW and RI.


I like this series. I love Hyon Bin and Ha Ji Won

they're very good acting. They're very cute in this series

"Secret Garden".

I wish them acting the other series together in the



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Thanks, girlfriday, for another amazing recap!

You know, after watching eps. 3 and 4, I walked away thinking, "man, JW has been an absolute ass to RI, having shoved her face repeatedly in the doo-doo vast gulf between them in social class and wealth...and how she's so profoundly beneath him that she isn't even worth a thought. So why don't I hate this guy??" In the other many dramas that I've watched, I'm usually hurling hate bombs at the prickly, arrogant, rich and handsome beyond imagination, jerk ass lead male, at this point. But not with JW, not even once, not even for a moment. I think this has a LOT to do with how wonderfully drawn and deftly executed JW's character has been. Huge credit to the writing, directing, cinematography, and especially HB's skillful acting. It's really all about the subtle nuances...the very slight and perfectly timed shift in facial expressions and body language, the equally slight shift in the tone behind the words delivered. I not only don't hate this guy; I like him, feel sorry for him, and find myself cheering him on(when he's doing something nice for RI, that is).

Even though these last two episodes have been a serious dump job on Ra-im, and huge, huge credit must be given to Ha Ji-won for her perfectly tuned Ra-im character, I really loved these two episodes. All the posturing, bickering, and anger that these two wonderful leads have been dishing to each other, and you can still feel on a very visceral level the ever growing and undeniable attraction between them.

I anxiously(but also cautiously) await their body swap. I hope that it will be handled as deftly as this entire drama has been, so far. I know that there'll be some hilarity coming our way and look forward to it...but I hope that their body swapped characters won't become overly silly and cheesy body swapped caricatures. And I hope that we'll have opportunities to be touched, as well.

JW's mom- could they possibly have found anyone more dry, stiff, and dreadfully life-sucking than this individual? I mean, good grief, having a mom like that it's a wonder that JW isn't completely off the rails. And, isn't she the same actress who played that dreadful life-sucking mom in Smile, You? "Anyway, anyway..."


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haha, thanks for reminding me where I've seen the mother before! I, for the life of me could not remember where. "anyway, anyway..." Lol. You have to admit, the woman is good.


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LOL Yes, I do admit, she is good. The quintessential uber rich life sucking dragon lady mom. ;)


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her curly side hairs bother me. :(
and it looked as though fierce little creatures are gonna emerge from her faux fur and attack Ra-Im any minute.


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LOL Yeah, and didn't you like the way that she "played" with her curl as she was shooting Ra-im with the death rays coming out of her eyes? Kinda creepy, kinda scary.


Something about that hair-playing thing tells me that she's goinh to be obsessed with Ra-Im in a very, very bad way - a way that would rival Go Jun Pyo's mother's thang for Jandi. :p


Hi izzie,

Good take on the hair-playing thingie, and I've got a feeling that you're right. When life sucking dragon lady mom picks up on just how hooked JW is on RI, I think she's going to make RI her new pet project. Just like GJP's mom.


the interesting part is how this "project" is going to push through while Dragon Lady Mom's son is in Ra-Im's body.


I couldn't agree more. Looking forward to seeing how all this plays out. :)


what i want to know is how he got to jeju so quickly haha if he had to fly wouldn't he be claustrophobic in an airplane as well? tv show magic, i guess i just like the though of him having to squirm all the way to stop the plan he put in motion


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thank you for pointing that out. :) there's no other way for Joo-Won to get to Jeju that quick. and airplanes (this, coming from someone who has slight claustrophobia) can be panic attack-inducing.

if he had that anxiety fit while driving through the tunnel, he must've suffered a lot inside the airplane. and to think that he was educated in the States too! it takes at least 14 hours to fly from New York to Seoul.


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perhaps he did take anti anxiety meds before taking the airplain. :)


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to the people whos wondering about how KW got to jeju using a plane. Perhaps he did take anti anxiety meds for the anticipated attacks.he may be sedated for the whole flight. :)

SPOILER ALERT! hmm i think the person responsible for Raim's winning stuff becoz of the GREAT UNCLE . Hmm. To make KW and raim be together therefore it will look bad to his family and Company. LOL. Show needs conflict right?

THanks Gf for a wonder recap. You guys awesome.
i love reading comments they are hilarious and very insightful as well. if it is for my own i wouldnt even consider it or thought about it. from pride and prejudice to the cuteness down to angsty steamy yelling. Do i have to say more?

Looking forward for the ep 5 recap. Or Not ?

P.S. whats wrong with the site? i getting all this error.


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"he may be sedated for the whole flight."

he must have traveled with a companion for that 1hour 5minute-flight.


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Ra-Im, please take that vacuum cleaner and sell it if you don't want it. :)


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i'm curious: i think the koreans in this post/site can help me out -- doesnt Samsung or LG have their own model of the vacuum cleaner? why would they use Philips, a Dutch brand, as the props? I guess the writers would also like to show that Joowon's dept store is an international and cosmopolitan shop and would carry other famous foreign brands and not just local brands... By the way, in Netherlands, where Philips hail from, the Samsung TV is one of the bestselling brands. Ironic huh?


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maybe it can be considered sacrilege for them to throw around and toss to a pond an appliance with a national brand. :) LOL so they used a foreign one.

i find it a bit amusing that they covered part of the brand name on the box, leaving only the word "lips" exposed.

With all the global warming and massive flooding happening to cities nowadays... I want a Phillips vacuum cleaner! It floats on water! :)


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hahaha! izzie, it floats on water because it's just a box ;-) as if you did not guess this already hehe...and maybe the reason they had to cover part of the brand name is because this company is not one of their sponsors. and if they were going to throw it around, then its really wise for them not to let the brand be known, hahaha! me too, i want a Philips vacuum cleaner, hehe! With Hyun Bin/Joowon in tow :-)


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"it floats on water because it’s just a box"

ikr? :D was just hoping they've placed a stone or any weight inside to make it sink so we'd be convinced that there actually was a vacuum cleaner in it. :D but that would make Ra-Im search deeper in the pond, right? hmm, it wouldn't look good. so okay! let's go for the magical floating Lips vacuum cleaner. (I just love how they left out those letters, hehe: you throw your Lips to the pond if you don't want them.) :)


"throw your Lips to the pond if you don’t want them."

LOL! :-)

amazing imagery there, izzie ;-)


three gifts have been given in this episode:

- the herd of deer given by the Minister to Joo-Won (right! send them back! what use do you have for them, anyway?) but I think we haven't seen the last of the deers.

- the vacuum cleaner from the department store *cough*Joo-Won*cough* for Ra-Im (although I'm not sure if it qualifies as a gift. and why did it float in the pond, by the way?)

- the new bag from Jong-Soo for Ra-Im (which, by the way made me think: what in Ra-Im's wardrobe would match that bag?)


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very interesting for you to point out these gifts, izzie ;-)

- maybe the deer is part of the secret garden scenario and would probably re-appear during the body switch?
- hmm..why a vacuum cleaner in the first place? hahaha!
- yes, the bag from Jong-soo would totally require a new wardrobe from ra im :-)


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"maybe the deer is part of the secret garden scenario and would probably re-appear during the body switch?"

probably. or they are the patronus of the entire clan sent to convince Joo-Won to marry Seul...

... sorry for that. I'm getting confused with all these new dramas and movies that came out. :P

"hmm..why a vacuum cleaner in the first place?"

Neurotic not Crazy explained below that the vac is merely incidental, since the real aim was the date with Oska.

it could be that. or it could've been used as symbolism for something. so why a vacuum cleaner indeed?

"yes, the bag from Jong-soo would totally require a new wardrobe from ra im"

which would put her into another financial burden. j/k :)


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"I won a vacuum cleaner, did you make that happen" scene

On reconsideration I wonder

1- Is it possible Joowon thought she was in the store to see him at first? (I don't really thinks so. . . but finding out she wasn't would certainly have added to his anger)

2-Why didn't he reference that the sweepstake wasn't for the vacuum, but for a trip with Oska. The idea of her entering to go on a trip with Oska would have make ihim even more furious.

It seemed he only put the info together only in the later scene.


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"1- Is it possible Joowon thought she was in the store to see him at first? (I don’t really thinks so. . . but finding out she wasn’t would certainly have added to his anger)"

might be the reason why he hurled her insults.

"2-Why didn’t he reference that the sweepstake wasn’t for the vacuum, but for a trip with Oska."

maybe he was too appalled by Ra-Im's deviation from his life script that he totally forgot about the first prize at the time he was talking to her.


hahaha! had a good laugh over the sacred mission of the entire clan of deer :-) LOL!


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LOL. I just can't get over the expression on the deer. it mirrored Joo-Won's. :D


I don't think JooWon got her the cleaner. Her boss must have signed her up for the romantic get-away with Oska [oscal-calcium supplement) when he bought her the bag because he knows she is a big Oska fan.

At first she didn't win the get-away, but got the vacuum as the third place winner.

Joowon explained he would not give a woman a vacuum cleaner as a present, he would get them the vacuum cleaner factory. LOL.


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thanks for pointing it out. :) now I get it. again, it's the doing of the selfless second male lead.


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delicious! ;-)

*im rubbing my palms together and squinting my eyes as i ponder on the new set of evidences and leads that will help us find whodunit*

and the culprit is...dandandandan!... the "selfless second male lead"!

neuro, thanks for cleverly unravelling this mystery for us! :-)


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it's now sounding like a murder mystery game to me. :D


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sure does to me, too ;-)


I've been lurking around, but this episode just made me more confused than anything else; I had to mull over it for a while.

Maybe it's because I'm a woman and maybe it's because poor people are who we automatically side with, but WTF JOO-WON.
I didn't understand his reasoning in the last episode-"you have no consideration for my higher taste"- and the skirmish he and Ra Im had at his fancy house is beyond my understanding.

Ra Im was kinda wishy washy too.
"I want the vacuum cleaner." "Now I don't because it's too late." "Oh, wait, I want it again because you pushed it into the lake to make me mad."

On a happier note, Joo-Won definitely made me smack my face in delight several times. GF, thanks for putting it in words so nicely--- his sincerity is totally winning me over.

Thanks for the recap, Girlfriday!!!


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he's basically crazy and totally confused, as he himself confesed to Ra Im..... =)


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I also cannot wait for when the body switch occurs. So far I am liking that the story is focusing on how the characters are. Thanks for the recap.


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I'm confused about something so please can someone give me some clarification .
ok the body switch is gonna happen RI'm personnality ( soul ) will switch to JW's body and vice versa , according to me this means everything concerning the personnality of one of them will switch to the body of the other so RI in JW's body won't clostrophobic , and JW in RI's body won't be able to do stunts anymore so RI in JW's body will only know about his clostrphobia and his habits only by the people usually surrounding JW ( like his doctor for ex ) and same thing for JW in RI's body , he will surely knows about her and her family from her roomate and maybe from her staff in that room and that's how they will start to know each other conditions better and learn to understand each other , Am I right ?


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the claustrophobia is tied to Joo-Won's experiences and memories, so yes, he will take that with him into Ra-Im's body. and he won't be able to do the stunts because he won't have memories of training for that.

with the body switch, they are bound to know a lot of things from each other.

what I'm curious about is how their living setup will be. will they be both living in Joo-Won's house, since it would be the most convenient setup for them if they'd want to keep a close watch on each other? on the other hand, that would strengthen the rumors about them having a relationship and might lead to a disadvantage for Joo-Won in his company since his great uncle is out to get him by wielding the "dating-a-stuntwoman" weapon.


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watching this, I forgot how I was soo addicted to SKKS! so fun and addicting.


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good for you. :) I still haven't gotten over SKKS despite watching SG and MSOAN. :(


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oh, izzie! i so miss SKKS, too. maybe this is the reason we've been dissecting all little minute details of SG for lack of any meat to chew on aside from the electrifying chemistry between the two main leads...awwwww! ;-) other than his fascinating neuroses and her mysterious pride, there is nothing loftier or bigger than themselves that these two have going on for each other. he is a self-absorbed jerk albeit charming in his frankness and she has a chip on her shoulder although admirable in her resiliency. i wish they could go beyond their own small worlds but maybe it would encompass the other's when the body switch happens...but still hoping for more! ;-)

- expectant ;-)


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you're so right! :) that's why I, too, can't wait for the body switch to happen between RI and JW to see what all these build ups are for.

right now, it feels like the story is leaving many details for us to question and figure out with all the double meanings of dialogues and obscure circumstances. as I've mentioned earlier, it's like a murder mystery game. it's fun, but at this point I want to ask, "what's the point?"


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precisely, izzie! ;-) what is the point indeed? exactly my thoughts, too. the conflict is all internal here right now in SG - like how the characters deal with their baggages. and so it needs some magic spell/divine intervention to facilitate the realization for them, i.e. via the body switch. externally though there is no gripping conflict that needed their problem-solving skills and creativity. i dont know...maybe the writers could have added another dimension to the story like in the aspect of how the department store business can change the perception of females with regards to beauty and tie this up maybe with raim's world where the females are admired if they are as athletic/active/sporty as the men or something to this effect. but it may be too early to tell...maybe when the switch happens another dimension will unfold that will add not just whimsy to the story but can also challenge common perceptions/ideals in the society. i can see huge possibilities ;-) drama, pls dont fail us! ;-)


You're a fantastic writer! I was vastly entertained with your blow-by-blow synopsis! I'm eagerly anticipating your recap on the next episodes. Gee, I'm really loving this drama to the point of obsession!... :-) Cheers and thanks!


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I think Oska is my most favorite character in this drama. XD He's always shouting and his situation is always the most hilarious to watch lmao. Whenever he pops up, it's like it's cue for me to start laughing more than I've already been laughing, thanks to Hyun Bin and his adorableness.

Btdubbs, another unique thing about this drama is that it focuses more on the guy and the guy's thoughts than it does on the girl and only Hyun Bin would be able to make the guy's perspective as fun to watch haha.


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On a random note :
This is the first time am seeing plastic pens being used as fashion accessories!! lol .. that too in pink, sky blue and lime green colors.. hehehe


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i started watching the first ep yesterday and i totally got hooked to it & finished watching the fourth episode.

This drama is so good! hyun bin & ha jiwon have great chemistry together. At first i wonder how are they gonna play out the body switch and i was afraid what if it wasn't that good. After watching ep.4 i was like yess!! they should have a body switch so both can understand each better.

I totally can't wait for ep5!!


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i can't wait for episode 5. tnx very much! :)


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The garden scene was so beautiful......

pampered Joo Won is so irritating but I just can't hate him. It must be the Hyun Bin factor.......

and I have to say that Oska does make me laugh though the second leading lady makes me go urgh!


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LOL am i the only one that appreciates kim sarang's acting skills? its definetely improved.. and further more.. i think she's funny at times when she's not being hated


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on the topic of JW i'm just a little confused as to WHY he's being such an ASS. if he really has these feelings for RI why does he treat her so poorly? I understand that he doesn't fully comprehend why RI acts the way she does due to her financial situation since he's been rich all his life but if he likes her why does he keep on saying hurtful things to her? like in ep. 4 about "the little mermaid" and to disappear. is there a reason he acts so rudely to her? i feel like if i was RI i would be SUPER confused because one second he's telling me i'm pretty when i'm angry and then the next saying you should disappear because i would never date a girl of your standards. maybe i'm totally missing something, but i'm just confused as to why he says such hurtful things. Sure JW is super hot and who wouldn't want to fall in love with him, but the way he treats her is SO beyond anything that i'm just like WTF?? if i was RI i would be at the point like i don't need this verbal abuse bc the things he says are SO rude that i would truly believe he doesn't like me. would someone be willing to explain? again i may be totally missing something but i'm just super confused as to why JW is acting and saying mean things to RI when he OBVIOUSLY has feelings for her. ????? thanks if u can help!


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just want to say your recaps are the most hilarious and entertaining recaps i've ever read in my life. it's sometimes even more entertaining than the show itself. KUDOS TO THAT and thanks a lot! ;-D


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Thanks for the amazing recaps!

(Did I just spot farmer grandpa from You're Beautiful?!)


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Hi! Thanks for the recap! Sometimes I miss important things because of cultural difference, so being able to come here and figure out..."did I miss something???" is really handy, since I LOVE Kdramas! Thanks so much!


(feel free to visit my blog where I somtimes talk about my love for Kdramas: imogenbegins.blogspot.com)


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y do wmn fall in love with assholes like joo won its a mystery


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