Secret Garden: Episode 4

I didn’t necessarily get the “you’re prettier when you’re angry” thing, but I definitely get it now… Joo-won and Ra-im are totally angry-hot, as in having especially explosive chemistry… when they’re at each other’s throats. I mean, I always knew the bickering hate phase was intended to spark a few flames, but these two are downright X-rated. I swear, every time they yell at each other, I half expect them to rip each other’s clothes off. Whew! Is it getting hot in here?


Joo-won sees Ra-im standing in his department store, and takes her up to his office to talk. He can’t believe that she came all the way down here, just to pick up a stupid raffle prize, as if her desire for a free vacuum cleaner is a direct affront to him. Did you maybe stop to think she came here to see YOU, doofus?

She asks if maybe he put her name into the drawing, and he scoffs that he doesn’t have the time to do something like that, and belittles her coldly, that he really must’ve been crazy to fall for a woman without family or education, who’d come all the way here to claim some dinky vacuum cleaner. Oh, you are an ASS.

Ra-im’s jaw drops as she hears the angry, haughty words come out of his mouth, which he even repeats, just to get his point across, adding that she’s embarrassing him at work. For someone so obsessed with manner and upbringing, you really are the biggest asshole of them all. No doubt he’s reacting in this childish way to cover up his own insecurities and troubling obsession, but still. If it walks like an ass and talks like an ass…

Ra-im steels herself and then apologizes, retaliating with a, “You said I’m pretty when I’m angry, but I’m pretty when I smile too, right?” Heh. If you’re planning to make him more obsessed with you for revenge, that’s pretty ingenious, but a little passive for my taste. I prefer it when you kick him in the shins. She insists on taking the vacuum cleaner, just to prove a point.

She says that if he’s that embarrassed, he can tell everyone that she was just someone he played with and threw away. He flares up at those words, saying that he can’t, and drags her down to the department store. He starts throwing shoes and clothes at her feet, angrily yelling, “Play? Play with you? You’re not even at the level for me to play with!”

Dude, you are taking rich bastard to new heights. He basically throws the evidence down at her feet, of how far apart they are in social standing. It’s beyond insulting—it’s degrading and hurts her where she’s most insecure.

He grabs a dress and drags her into a dressing room to put it on. He follows her in there, and they end up face to face in that tiny space, within kissing distance and tension flaring high. Gah, it’s unfair if you’re evil AND sexy. That’s just not right.

He tells her to put it on: “Should I put it on for you?” He reaches to undress her, and she stops him angrily. She asks him what he’s trying to prove—what he’ll do with her if she puts on the dress. He replies that he’ll do nothing; he’s just trying to show her how far apart they really are. Listen, if all you’re doing is trying to prove that you’re unattainable, you’re sending a girl mixed messages, what with your stalking of her and all. I know you’re nuts, but that’s no excuse.

Beads of sweat start to pour down his face, as he looks up at the four walls of the tiny dressing room, realizing how small a space he’s in, all the while trying not to lose the argument. You’re the one who pushed her in there, Mr. Claustrophobia. He holds his panic in for just a moment longer, and then can’t stand it anymore and pushes her aside to clamor out of there. He runs out, barely breathing, and has a panic attack in the middle of his store.

Ra-im leaves in a daze, and arrives at the action school, late for training. She decides to spend a few hours taking out her frustrations…by hurling herself at a car. Repeatedly. Sheesh. I guess stunt people can’t just punch a wall or something.

Meanwhile, Joo-won drives home, and has another panic attack in the middle of a tunnel. It’s a nice visual sequence, and the tunnel is great literally and figuratively as a motif for his fear of being trapped. He barely manages to make it out to the other side, and pulls over on the side of the road. He calls number 1 on his speed dial: his therapist. God, I love that his shrink is speed dial 1. That’s so telling.

She comes over to check on him, but because they’re old friends, he refuses to actually tell her what’s going on with him. I’d like to ask his shrink, but I bet half the stuff he suffers from is made up in his head to give him an excuse to keep himself locked away. He finally tells her not to think of him strangely, since he just read it in a book, but…”What are the symptoms of lovesickness?” Hahahaha. His sincerity about this just cracks me up.

Later, he sits outside in his garden, and starts picking the petals off a flower, saying, “She’s cursing at me, she’s not; she is; she’s not…” until he picks the final one, landing at: “She is.” He gets mad at her for cursing him (in his mind, but that seems to be no different for him, hilariously), and stalks off angrily. Heh.

As he walks away, the camera pans down and we see that he’s left a giant pile of those yellow daisies, having plucked the petals off of a hundred of them. Little twinkly lights start to work their magic on the daisy patch, and one lands on the last flower that he dropped, magically re-growing one last petal. Aw, cute.

And how adorable is it that the guy’s the one killing flowers over “She loves me; she loves me not”?

The next morning, Joo-won wakes up to find that Seul’s family has sent him a strange present, out of the blue. He walks outside to find himself face to face with a herd of…deer? He asks if he’s supposed to eat them (to the horror of his assistant: “Omo”) and tells him to send them back. It’s a totally random, hilarious comment on the oddities that rich people spend their money on.

He gets a call for his monthly obligatory family dinner, and heads over to his grandfather’s mansion, where everyone takes turns being passive-aggressive over the steak course. With a family like this, I’m surprised Joo-won doesn’t have a few more neuroses under his belt. In particular, he gets outed for only showing up to work two days a week, making his disappointed grandfather even more disappointed in him.

Also, random fashion note, but how neurotic and nerdy is it that he’s wearing three highlighters in his pocket as an accessory?

Oska goes all the way down to Jeju to find Tae-sun, who rebuffs him yet again, this time acknowledging who he is, but saying that it doesn’t make his music any less crappy. Oska just stands there slackjawed, unfamiliar with people who don’t worship at his feet for being a Hallyu star. I love that he constantly refers to himself as “The Hallyu Star,” making him just that extra bit of ridiculous self-aggrandizing.

Oska has punked out on his music video shoot in Thailand, but it doesn’t seem to matter much to the director, who has washed his hands of the project at Seul’s request. Or rather, her payment of large sums of money. She takes over the music video, with the excuse that she doesn’t need to spend any time improving her looks or her schooling, so she may as well have some fun. Oh, okay, princess.

She goes straight to Jong-soo’s action school, embarrassing herself with her VERY LOUD and off-putting use of English. Gah, the horror! I’m cleaning my ears out with soap. Jong-soo replies, but looks at her strangely, as well he should. Because girl’s off her rocker. She asks for his help in the music video shoot, announcing that Oska is the star.

Ra-im continues to work out her angst, thinking back to the department store fight with Joo-won. As she was leaving earlier, she had paused in front of a mirror, holding the dress up wistfully. I like these little touches that reveal her girly side, that she doesn’t show to anyone.

Her roommate Ah-young arrives home with the dreaded vacuum cleaner in tow, causing Ra-im to freak out that she accepted it on her behalf. She calls Joo-won right away, who goes from brooding to instant happy face when he realizes that she’s calling.

But of course he can’t let HER know his excitement, and just snaps at her to return it herself or throw it away if she doesn’t want it. He hangs up abruptly and returns to the task of art-buying with a renewed sense of interest. He even starts seeing the paintings differently, now that Ra-im is back in his orbit. Heh. And aw.

He insists that the house in one of the paintings had its lights on a minute ago, making everyone think that he’s insane, but we see that it’s the same bit of whimsy that’s been re-petaling the daisies and such in his life, having a bit of fun.

Ra-im heads out to give Joo-won a piece of her mind, and when Ah-young tells her that he isn’t at work today, she calls her action school sunbae to get Joo-won’s address off of his registration form. Jong-soo overhears and hangs his head.

Joo-won, meanwhile, sits on his patio with sheets blowing in the wind and desserts and…wait…did I fall asleep and land in some fantasy? He is totally going to such lengths on purpose, waiting for her to show. (Also, he happens to be reading a book about why there are starving people in the world, as if he can read a book to study her, like she’s some social experiment.)

Ra-im rides in on her motorcycle, vacuum strapped to the back. She marvels at the expansive grounds as she rides around, and stops to ask an employee where Kim Joo-won lives. The lady’s like, um…here. Ra-im: “I know here, but which house is his?” “They’re ALL HIS.” Haha.

She finally finds him, and throws the vacuumn down at his feet, demanding to know what he meant by sending it to her. Oh, honey. Don’t you know when a boy is pulling your pigtails? He did it so you’d do this.

She leaves it there and turns to go, when she hears a splash. She turns around to find the vacuumn floating in his lake, and Joo-won sitting there without a care. He tells her that he doesn’t need it, so if she wants it, she can fish it out herself.

She looks at him in shock, then walks right into the lake and hauls the box out, carrying it back to her bike. It’s enough to finally get Joo-won out of his seat and yelling at her. He can’t believe that she’d go in there herself, instead of making him apologize. (And you couldn’t have, say, apologized yourself WITHOUT the tantrum?) Sheesh. He basically calls her a charity case, making her feel as low as she can go.

She fights him off and to keep her from leaving, he grabs her key and throws it in the lake. You are so transparent, buddy. He ends up dragging her into the house to get cleaned up (rawr), only to come face to face with his dragon lady mother. Damn it, Mom. You have the worst timing ever.

She glares a hole through Ra-im’s skull, making it all too clear that she’d rather her precious son play with others “at his level.” Shivers. Now we know where his horrid snobbery comes from. Ra-im insists that she’s not here to play, and that she dare not deign to be someone that Joo-won sees romantically, since she’s just a charity case (nice job, to use his words back at him). Mom is offended at her tone and the mere presence of a poor person, and sneers as Ra-im makes her exit, even as Joo-won ineffectually tries to stop his mother.

He’s interrupted with a call that Oska has gone AWOL to Jeju, and does some damage control. Looks like the music video will have to be shot there, along with the department store contest, since that lands him in Jeju anyway. He comes out to find Ra-im’s bike still there, and jumps into the lake to retrieve her key.

Ra-im returns to the action school to find the guys planning a car stunt for Oska’s music video shoot in Jeju, and excitedly asks what part she’ll get to play. Jong-soo tells her that she doesn’t have enough experience with car stunts, and when she begs him for the chance, he snaps at her that it’s too dangerous; he can barely tolerate the danger she puts herself in now, but he does it because it’s what she wants to do.

Jong-soo broods for a while, then calls Ah-young for a favor. He gives her a purse for Ra-im, and has her pretend that she bought it for her at work. Ra-im swoons from the pretty. See, this is why you’ll never get the girl, Tall dark and handsome. Because even though Joo-won is a petty bastard, he’ll take credit and endure the backlash. Silent protector never wins against self-righteous asshole. I know. It’s unfair. But them’s the rules.

Oska calls Joo-won from Jeju, having landed himself in jail for an altercation with some gangsters. He’s being extorted for harassing a woman, but he tells Joo-won: “You know me. If I sleep with a girl, I sleep with her. But I’m not the type to harass.” Haha. I love that he’s so forthright—he is who he is.

Joo-won makes sure that he’s repaid, tit for tat, and has his lawyer sent to bail him out. He asks Secretary Kim about the winner of the trip to Jeju, and finds out that the first- and second-place winners had to forfeit out, so that leaves third place, which is Ra-im of course, former winner of the vacuum cleaner, now upgraded to vacation with her favorite pop singer.

Joo-won immediately cries, “NO! Send the fourth-place winner!” But she’s already gone, because her stunt team is down there for the music video shoot. Joo-won: “So, what you’re telling me is…Oska and Ra-im are on a vacation, and I’M paying for it?!” Haha. Well, that’s karma for ya, babe.

Ra-im arrives on the island and sneaks a peek at her stunt team, who report to Seul for the shoot. Well this isn’t going to get complicated or anything.

Oska sees Ra-im lurking and greets her warmly, surprised that she’s the winner of the contest. He warns her that he believes in fate, and invites her to lunch. He chomps down on some tofu in the meanwhile (having just gotten out of jail) and when Ra-im asks why, he says, “Because I stole something. Someone’s…heart?” Hahaha. Cheesetastic, as always.

They head over to the restaurant for lunch, where Joo-won is waiting for them. Ra-im’s eyes widen, and he smirks, “You’re ten minutes late.”


The maneuvering of every single character to Jeju is clunky, but I do love Joo-won’s reaction to realizing that he just sent his crush on her dream vacation with her idol, and his lifetime rival…on his dime. It’s as delicious a revenge as you can get, for the assholery that went on throughout this episode.

Which isn’t to say that I hate Joo-won, because I love his character, with all of his rich boy eccentricities and girlish affectations. I like the little touches, like the fact that he cares enough to accessorize his outfits down to every last detail, or that he always has fresh flowers nearby. Ra-im in contrast is so oblivious to the kinds of things he puts so much painstaking care into, that it actually angers him—because he can’t control the situation. She’s outside his wheelhouse, which throws him, and he can’t control his feelings, which is even stranger. It’s the perfect wrench to throw in the neurotic control-freak’s world, made even more delicious by the crackling sexual tension that they can’t ignore.

I seriously feel invasive when I’m watching the close-quarters angry fighting scenes, because they play it like they’re two seconds away from tearing their clothes off. The acting in those moments is so amazingly layered, from both of them. They go from I hate you, you disgusting excuse for a human being, to Kiss me now, and I’ll forget it all in a matter of seconds, in just a look. It’s crazy good.

What’s great about the pair is that they’re both incessantly stubborn (Joo-won’s haughty stubborn versus Ra-im’s prideful stubborn) that it seems like if left to their own devices, these two would NEVER work out their differences. Neither of them would give an inch, ever, and even if their fights landed them in bed, they’d never be able to sustain a relationship that way.

It makes the body switch necessary, if we ever want to see them grow up, and start to inch toward understanding one another and their circumstances. By now I’m dying for the switch to happen, not because I don’t enjoy this stage, but because I can see the potential hijinks around the corner.

And I actually really like the unexplained, whimsical magic fairy dust or whatever you want to call it. Because this isn’t a mythology-laden show with a gumiho that needs a mystical throughline, I prefer it that the magical element is just left oblique, without driving an explanation into the ground. It can just be seen as an extension of Fate, with sprinkles on top.


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Thanks girlfriday. This epi was intense, but I did not enjoy JW's tirade against RI....Why should she spend her few dollars to impress him? He would only belittle her more re her choices in designer wear?

I do not really expect the body-swap to fully help him eleviate his obsession with class and status. That would be too one-dimensional. The fairy dust does not like JW so I see it as a form of punishment to prove the point this jackass made early on about why he was created.....Just because JW will be in RI's body does not mean he will be able to understand her world atfter how many years of pampering.???? Now that would be a fantasy because he is out of touch with the common person rarely leaving his ice palace.....

I liked how fate stepped in and granted her time with Oska who makes her smile/blush.....


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Hyun Bin's character has brought 'rich jerk' to another level. I can see Mr Darcy in him (Mr Darcy's proposal was a classic in "I can't help myself falling in love with a girl well below my level") but 1000 times worse. He is so haughty and proud and rude but why can't I hate him?

I think it's because deep inside, we know he is confused. His intentions are genuine though delivery of the intent is offensive.

I so love this drama from the 1st episode and here's hoping it only gets better and better.


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haha girlfriday, I thought exactly the same as you - I wrote in soompi that it's time for them to body swap. There'd be no other way for them to be together unless they get to know each other and both of them are living in such different worlds that unless it's a crazy world (when she suddenly became a famous actress or he suddenly accepts everything), the relationship would never work out!
that's why i think i like this drama - so far, it's built up well


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The sequence with the petal-picking by the pond were some of the most beutiful images I've ever seen. I love that they got the nighttime sky JUST that shade of blue to complement to the yellow flowers. So insanely gorgeous. Thanks for capping so many!


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It's always fun to read your recaps! Thanks again Girlfriday!!!


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This was such a fun, exhilarating recap, Girlfriday. Totes gigglefest. I'm struggling to distinguish whether I'm more in love with the flimmin' show or these recaps.

Whee! Bring it, forth, Show. Bring forth the 'Fate, with the sprinkles on top'. Hee!


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Thanks for the awesome recaps! Love the jb and gf tag team!

RE highlighters: So genius - HB's probably been use those for his scripts, and might be an "ah-ha" moment on set when they just happened to notice that they fit perfectly with the neurotic JW. Just a thought

I didn't see immediately the need for body switch after ep1 and 2, but after this week, somehow I can't wait for it to happen. Really all this angst and mean talk is making me crave for some of those comedic antics they've been teasing us with in the previews, and for it to bring them closer...

The deer gift scene really cracked me up, i was thinking exactly the same thing as JW when i saw them...seriously a case of too much money and not having the common sense to spend it? it makes JW's gift of the vacuum seem so much less absurd in comparison.

In the meantime I'm rewatching Who are You?, another heartwarming and funny drama where another looney with money's body gets hijacked by a "peasant." Who are you was good, but IMO the Ha ji won and HB pair here really pushes Secret Garden to another level.

The weekend better come fast before I get crazier than JW while waiting for the next ep. I can't get enough of all the magical realism...


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So it wasn't just me who thought that fitting room scene was hot. Or that they were about to make out any second :P
When I first started this drama I trusted Ha ji won to be great since she's one of the best in her generation and I knew Hyun Bin had improved a lot since his Kim Samsoon days, but I had worried that they wouldn't have much chemistry together. Boy was I wrong. I am very pleasantly surprised that they're so intense and explosive together and look forward to watching more!


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i love this episode...
JW with ”What are the symptoms of lovesickness?”, petal picking she loves me she loves me not bit..
OK with, “You know me. If I sleep with a girl, I sleep with her. But I’m not the type to harass.” "because i stole somethif, someone's heart" & "i am the Hallryu Star"
those two cousins are really blood related..!!!
they are way over their head..!!!

the best part: “So, what you’re telling me is…Oska and Ra-im are on a vacation, and I’M paying for it?!”

this episode EPICness personified....!!!!


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Highlighters as accessories? That's so funny.

I was wondering what was up with that.

Hyun Bin is going to be the best neurotic leading male actor in kdrama history, EVER!!!


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"Hyun Bin is going to be the best neurotic leading male actor in kdrama history, EVER!!!"

I Agree!!! and I love it so much.


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hahaha..agree with u! Hyun Bin is improving so much since in MNIKSS! I fall in love again with him in this role :) He is so insane but i can't help not to love him..his chemistry with Ji Won is so beyond my expectation!


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The refreshing of the page has paid off! Thank you so much, Girlfriday. I'm glad the fantasy element is finally slipping its way in and more obviously this episode.


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"The acting in those moments is so amazingly layered, from both of them. They go from I hate you, you disgusting excuse for a human being, to Kiss me now, and I’ll forget it all in a matter of seconds, in just a look. It’s crazy good."

Hahahaha~ I totally agree!


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i nearly combusted during the dressing room scene!

tks GF for describing what the book at the patio is about ... explains a lot! there was one other book, a blue one, wasn't there?


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Girlfriday, you are just so awesome! The scene where the both of them were in the changing room, I could feel so much tension and looks like they were going to kiss! and after I read your recap, I realize that it wasnt only me.

"The acting in those moments is so amazingly layered, from both of them. They go from I hate you, you disgusting excuse for a human being, to Kiss me now, and I’ll forget it all in a matter of seconds, in just a look. It’s crazy good."


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The recaps....are seriously making me smile at the oddest moments. :D


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Whoahh this is my first time to write a comment here and what more i can say Thank You ^^..
i always waited for your Recap on this Drama ^^..
although i havent watch this on TV or on youtube your recap is good enough....
and i Hook this drama even though i smile or laugh alone and my officemate thinks that i am crazy.. ^^..and i cant help not to finish to read this while im on a middle of my reports....
and thanks for your recaps..^^


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My godddddd THANK YOU SO MUCH,
in love with this movie already ^^


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Whoahh this is my first time to write a comment here and what more i can say Thank You ^^..
i always waited for your Recap on this Drama ^^..
although i havent watch this on TV or on youtube your recap is good enough....
and i Hook this drama even though i smile or laugh alone and my officemate thinks that i am crazy.. ^^..and i cant help not to finish to read this while im on a middle of my reports....
and thanks for your recaps..^^.


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Thanks as usual for your recaps!!They are always so well written! It amazes me^^

I am trying since sunday to keep myself from watching episode 4 in raw but you're making me waver

This episode seems interesting, hot and sad at the same time....oh i really can't wait to see it now!!


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I waited all day for your recap.


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thank u for the recap girlfriday. Your recaps of ep 1 and ep 2 is the main reason i started to watch this drama. I actually love it very much. I haven't watched ep 4 yet but I'm liking it already. Hyun Bin's really great here. His neurotic complexes and affinity for tacky trackwear really cracks me up. He does seem like an asshole in the dresaing room scene, but I think he's just really confuse with his feelings. I also cant wait for the switch. Without it, this might just be another kdrama, although the main pairing is great and the chemistry sizzles. I think it will happen in Jeju Island, don't u think so? I can't wait for the next episodes.


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thanks for the insanely awesome and speedy recap, girlfriday!

i have not watched this episode since eng subbed are not yet available but by the recap alone i can see the tension building up to the necessary body switch.

also, the reason for the "secret garden" still bugs me and the scene with KJW plucking petals from the daisies makes me think that it might be in connection with this...perhaps this would be instrumental in the body switch theme, i dont know.

looking forward to watching the actual episode and see how the situation have been cleverly orchestrated to lead up to the romantic get-away between Raim and ego-centric cousin to the horrors of KJW who finds himself in an uncontrollable spiral...delicious revenge! ;-)


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wow it's amazing that in the very first episode, it was described that the camera pans over an austen-esque landscape... this is TOTALLY Pride and Prejudice!

Their closet scene... well.. and many scenes before and after that... they are all a variation of the proposal scene between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth.

And I looooove me Mr. Darcy! <3 <3 <3


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Why can't it be another saturday already??!! I need more of this drama so badly!
While I'm glad to have a great weekend drama to look forward to, there's nothing I'm inclined to watch on the wed-thurs slot.


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who gives a herd of deer as a present?? i don't think i have as many loose screws as Joo-won but if got the same present, i'd also wonder if i'm supposed to eat them :)


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with this and Mary both on early in the week it makes a great start to ones week for sure.
I just clicked where I seen the lead lady..lol took me a while as I guess she makes more movies than TV dramas. I know her really only from The Duellist and the silly fuss last year when her fanbase attacked Jang Nara and her movie Sky and Sea blaming them on her not getting nominated instead.


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i love how Joo won takes notice at every single detail he can see down to irrelevant things and he gets annoyed by it. i like how he is very stubborn and he can't ignore Ra-im because he is just into her and he can't stop it. lol.
his ignorant-rich-stubborn-childish-guy makes him unique from other k-drama character.
this maybe the best guy character i ever seen in K-drama history, its very refreshing.
kudoo's to the writer.


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This character brings K-drama stable rich jerk to totally new level !! It's totally 3D ,no,4D complex and absolutely fascinating to watch !!! KUDOS to HyunBin ~~


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I Love it! the drama and the recap. thanks!
im sorta watching samsoon and secret garden simultaneously. Hyunbin looks so different!


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Did he have a dimple-ectomy. Because his dimples have been nowhere in sight during Secret Garden, even though the character has smiled a couple of times.


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I still can't get over how different he looks now. Did he just lose weight or did he do something to his face? Can anyone in the know enlighten us?


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hyun bin lost a lot of weight while filming a movie titled "i am happy"... i think he still look the same, just much thinner... and his dimples are the cutest! lols!


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You can still see them at the end of ep 2.


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it's been a really long time since i've re-watched episodes of kdrama. i've seen episodes 1-4 twice already...this drama has got tons of addictive qualities!
1. hb and his hotness
2. ha ji won and her kick-ass attitude
3. phil lee as nice eye candy
4. yoon sang hyuns comedic ability
thanks for the caps


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Hi girlfriday. Thanks for the speedy recap. I actually was counting how many times you called binnie's joowon an ass... and i can feel how much you are in love with this character.

i feel that sexual tension in that fitting room scene too.. hey.. without a sub....

Joo won's happy smile after getting a phone call from ra im was so subtle at first and so good...


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Agree concerning JW's smiling when he got that phone , I was so pissed off for what he said and did to RI but ASA I saw that smile ( he smiled so fondly and it was cute ) I felt my heart melted :) , and I also felt the same when he smiled to her at that disco/bar in epi 3 when she told him she's going to the rest room , it was the same fond smile :)


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yahooo....SG recaps. thanks *off to read now*


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GF... Thanks for the hilarious recap...can't wait to see the episode.


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yeah i want the body swap!! and omg kekee like CHUCK AND BLAIR.


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Thank you so much Drambeans. This has to be the best drama for the year, way to wrap up 2010!!!


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So far, this drama is definitely the winner of this year.
1. Very BEAUTIFUL leads
2. Strong chemistry
2. Solid acting
3. Solid characters
4. Beautiful cinematography
5. Interesting storyline

It's 5 stars so far.


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Thank you for the recap, girlfriday!

This episode had gotten me pretty angry at Joo-won. I could forgive the stalking and some of the "why do i like a woman like you?", but I think he is toeing over the line here, even for his eccentric personality. He has gone from pulling on a girl's braids to get her attention to cutting off one of the braids. I hate it when the guy treats the girl really badly just because he has feelings for her. And Joo-won needs to stop tugging on Ra-Im wrist so much! And Ra-Im needs to stop letting him. Show him that kickass side of yours when you threw that trash into Seul's bag! It's not fair that Joo-won has all the cards while Ra-Im is left guessing. I can't wait till Ra-Im has hold of Joo-won's body and hug (or maybe even kiss) Oska with it!

You can tell I was rubbing my hands in glee when Joo-won found out that he had paid for Oska and Ra-Im's trip! This episode redeemed itself with this scene (and of course the hotness of Joo-won and Ra-Im being stuck in that dressing room together)! Oska/YSH is also slowly winning me over here, with the way he was eating the tofu while chatting with Ra-Im. I wish they had more time together before Joo-won interrupted them.

Nevertheless, this drama is really winning me over. Hot chemistry. Hot chemistry! and hot chemistry!! between the two leads. And it's only episode 4. Cold showers for the next 16 episodes! I hate the boys' family but I love how the cousin relationship is mirrored by their mothers! So THAT's where Joo-Won and Oska got it from. I hope they reunite to fight against their step-grandmother and their step-grand-uncle.

"Silent protector never wins against self-righteous asshole. I know. It’s unfair. But them’s the rules. " -- so true. Jong-soo, you're pretty involved in the drama world. Aren't you aware of this at all?!! Don't hold back! Yes, it is embarrassing to pull a Joo-won, but you've got to do SOMETHING.

Going off to watch that sit-up scene from ep 3 again.


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I love the additional insight your recap brings to this episode. I personally loved the way the writers deal with their socioeconomic differences, instead of glimpses over them. You're right about the stubborn, on both their parts.

But what gets to me, hah, is that same thing. Joo Won is angry that he's attracted to Ra Im, mostly because he's probably always imagined his perfect woman to be something else. And here Ra Im is, all... so not textbook dream girl and he's so damn attracted to her.

But am I to just assume that Ra Im's perfect guy is someone like Joo Won (minus the asshole)? I understand her way of defending herself because she knows how tough she's got it or w/e. But girl needs to snap this boy out of his fantasy, 'cause he's not her dream guy either.

And does no one in drama land know JL is head-over-heels with her? When it's so obvious to.... anyone with eyes? And why isn't she with him, when he's all hot and dependable and not a pouty, immature school boy? Oh, that's right cause he's being all knight in shining armor instead of getting her lovin'. Pfft.

Oh, and am I the only one that's soooo done with the Darcy comparisons? I'm tired of all the men folk with their egos coming in to sweep the poor girls out of their miserable life.

I want more Gil Ra Im kicking people's asses. And more about her family and how much she loves her life, despite how tough it can be to make ends meet. And more about why she choose to be a stuntwoman. Wth, that seems critical. Anyway... Women's. Men's. Little boys'. Kick all of their asses, Ra Im! :)

As always, thank you for the recap. Doesn't feel like my drama-crazed weekends are over without your and JB's recaps. You're such rock stars!


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With you Easterner- while I'm addicted to the chemistry between the leads, what I love most about this drama is the characters. Love all the quirks and silliness and girlishness (both from the men and women here!) but, best of all, I was lovin' kick-ass, workin' girl RI and self-absorbed, goofy, but fun play-boy cousin and crazy family dynamics, and all the other great examples of fun character- hopefully we don't get carried away with the bad-rich-boy, good-poor-girl thread.

Dig the whip-sharp banter, and RI is giving as good as she gets, but I want her to shake off his hands (come-on, she whipped those purse snatchers' arses, she can whip JW's in self-defense against being dragged around!) and just show us she can rise above his nonsense, strap herself down, get into some cool-as-ice car stunts, go for cute dates with her idol-crush and plot revenge against Seul with her roomie. All the reasons why we love her in the first place!

Well.... at least for now. :)

Just until they do the body-swap and their budding sexual-attraction/magic-forces driven almost-romance tips into a full out wacky-as-hell relationship! ;)


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Love, love, love your recaps and love your sense of humour! It just mirrors what how I feel too. Been waiting for it for 2 days! Well worth the wait, I thought.


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I can't believe how in love with this drama I have become. That scene episode 3 when he kicks at the Action School student who tries to help hold his legs for him? LMAO. And all the little magical elements that keep cropping up. (The father's smile fading, the daisy petal, the picture changing, the poem in the book titles) I am jazzed for the body swap to happen! How much more crazy are people going to think he is once it's Ra-im freaking out in his body? I Can't Wait! I also agree with the statement that these two are going to walk a mile in each other's shoes and maybe gain a lot of understanding. Hyun Bin is hitting this out of the park in my book. Can't wait to see him play a man who's really a woman trying to act like a man. Awesome.


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Ultimately, was Joo-won responsible for the vacuum or not? I thought so, but now I'm a bit confused. How exactly was Ra-im even entered for the trip, also?

Thanks for the fabulous recap!


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I think JS helped her enter when he bought the bag for her.


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I am confused too... is it fate that she won the vacuum? and how did Secretary Kim logically come down to giving her the trip when she already go the vacuum? maybe the subs were bad so I didn't quite get it.


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Loved the recap. :)

I'm so looking forward to the next episode.


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omg the chemistry between the two is awesome! i'm totally hooked, and the visuals... just amazing! it's like dreamland ^^ and on top of that Hyun Bin <3 my kdrama obssesion is at astronomical levels!


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I love this drama just for the beautiful cinematography. It has this magical feel about it sometimes. So it is bonus when you get good acting from the cast. I can't believe what a jerk JW is to Ra-im. It does remind me a little when in BOF , GJP fell for Jandi.Rich jerks falling for poor girl-of course it is fantasy because it does not happen in real life, but that is why we watch dramas.


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having read the recap, i must say that this is the very first drama ever that drove me, not only to fawn and go "i'm loving his show so much" into wanting to go into character analysis. and into the intensity of the writing and the show itself.

i must say, i really love the complexity of JW's character here. he is such a neurotic with so layers and layers in his character. for instance, the department store scene and the dressing room scenes, up to the pond scene --- he was really very MEAN there, his words totally biting and insulting --- but it doesn't end there. he is not plain BAD, he is not plain MEAN. what gets into me is the knowledge, subtly and effectively conveyed by the our actor here, that JW is not just doing this because he is BAD or MEAN --- but because SHE is really getting into him and he doesn't know how to handle her nor how to talk to her.

we see the anger then, even how obvious and intense, as merely on the surface, because we damn know that he's soooooooo into her to the point of volunteering his store for a shooting location, preparing an elaborate spread; doing hundreds of "she is" an "she's not"; and enduring and forgetting his phobia. this is taking the 'pulling on the pig tails' so much higher....to the nth level of intensity.

RI's reaction too, and her unbending pride matches the intensity of that of JW---and this totally makes this show so wonderful to read (yes i read them first, thank you, Softy, JB and Girlfriday) then watch. we see, that as with JW, RI's reaction is not purely anger and pride too --- underneath her boiling anger for this MEAN and RICH bastard (and so well deserved at that) she is also affected by the manner by which JW consistently flatters (his brand of flattery that is) her and treats her like a lady --- helping her to the hospital, looking after her wound, offering her a ride home, preparing her dinner, saying that he's her fan in front of everybody...no matter then how much they argue, shout at each other, push and pull, and no matter the number of insulting lines flying here and there --- it only ups the intensity and the tension between them. ergo attraction.

i totally agree with girlfriday, they might as well be tearing at each others clothes off .... it's already too hot in here as it is....and i can't wait for more....


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Well put! it is his underlying confusion and confuddled-ness (if that's even a word) on how to deal with his feelings and how it manifests itself that has me so hooked. Add the extra layer of his neurosis and ice the cake with a body swap and I am sitting on the edge of my seat biting my nails. I'll say it again...Hyun Bin is really kicking this character's arse. The two leads chemistry is smokin'. As my Grandma always said... "She's got him all tangled up in his underwear."


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so true, hyun bin is really kickign this character's arse.

JW is the best neurotic character ever! highlighters and all.
who would have thought crazy/neurotic could be so engaging.

is it just me or has any one been reminded of Story of a Man neurotic with that of JW. In Story of A Man, its too dark neurotic you could drown in the blackness of it (but very much intense and engaging too), while with JW it's nuerotic, but surprisingly endearing (well he makes crazy fun to watch)

or i might just have been imagining things.


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I suppose there are always two sides to "the crazy". The Story of a Man crazy was played just a well. I'm blanking on both the character's and the actor's names. So dark and well done. To me he was completely insane trying to keep his sanity or at least keep up appearances. Crazy and intelligent = scary. JW is only a little crazy and trying to understand where it comes from. And you know what else? ...I suspect that Joo won was actually at home and comfortable with his quirks (to a certain degree) until Gil Ra-im came along and seemed to shine a light on them and maybe rub some sandpaper on them. It is just great fun to watch him so flustered and discumbobulated by it all. And then the little moments where he forgets how much she frustrates him and just plain purely likes her. (taking pictures in her locker, smiling with joy when she phones him.) ...Okay I'm obsessed. I'm stopping now.


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"until Gil Ra-im came along and seemed to shine a light on them and maybe rub some sandpaper on them.It is just great fun to watch him so flustered and discumbobulated by it all"

well put. before Gil Ra-im, he was able to keep his crazy at bay. it wasn't that obvious. but because of her, it seems that the crazy is forced out into the open, overflowing...notice how distracted he is at board meetings, how he even talks to his cell phone, and how people start noticing the oddity. The girl made him vulnerable and that totally irks him.

ans so true too...to our delight, that he keeps forgetting that he's angry and just plainly adores her. (Love JW in those moments)

Stop. i have to stop now or i might soon have JW[' brand of crazy (well ,as long as its not Story of a Man scary crazy)


Like your description too.


ok - JW's mom need to meet with the fashion police!

Her hairstyle & those clothes are SO horrible looking. Instead of making her LOOK like a high-class woman, it makes her look like a hag TRYING to be a high-class woman by dripping herself in expensive accessories and fur and lace.


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"If it walks like an ass and talks like an ass…" Agreed. Even if he's a tortured, neurotic, hurt etc etc how-many-time-have-i-heard-it-before hero, he's still being an ass. However, I do still love the show, and I'm also really excited for the switch because the two characters are basically heading to a point of no return. The things that JW says are so hurtful that if RI's not already there, she will soon arrive at that point where she can't forgive him and want to have nothing to do with him, but the body switch will force these two to retain a relationship even if they've crossed a line where they really would rather walk on the opposite side of the street than see each other.


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so addicted to this drama. Can't decide which one is the best drama of the year: Secret Garden Vs. My Girlfriend is a Gumiho. Love them both...


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hahaha. love the highlighters. prolly his next fashion statement would be toilet rolls as scarfs.


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I like that Joowon is not subjected to the same naivete that we usually see chaebol male leads have! I mean, it doesn't make him any less of an asshole, but it does make the whole scenario much more severely realistic, because all the other chaebol characters we've seen are so unwilling to follow in their parents' footsteps or inherit the throne of the company president, but Joowon is pretty invested in successfully managing his family's inheritance, so it does make sense that he would be super disgusted at the different lifestyles he and Ra-im lead. In that sense I can see how his bundle of crazy would amount to a person who can say words as harsh as he spewed at Ra-im.

I think partly it may be that he is sorta mad at himself for falling for someone who is going to be his obvious downfall (because he just knows too well that it won't work) but I do think he is just poking at Ra-im to make any sort of sign that she's invested in the relationship just a little, and to show that she is willing to fight the distance between them. I mean, who else thinks that if Ra-im actually acknowledged her attraction to Joowon to him, that his attitude would completely turn around, and that he would actually loosen up? He was at least trying to protect her a little when his crazy mom showed up.

But... Hurrah for a new drama wagon to jump onto! These two are seriously too hot for huuuumaaaan tooouuuchh.


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(sounding like a total stalker) YOGURUTU! and i was wondering where you have been!!! oh, nvm, scene 9 is up lol anw, my wishful thinking: you'll recap SG too! or at least post some comments/translations (you know I love translation). but! we're happy as it is with your SKKS trans. keep 'em coming! :D
your long time fan <3


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Haha working on them as we speak!


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oh and ~ i agree with you. Nature vs nurture has always been a debate in, oh i dont know, philosophy, psychology, etc. we can argue that those naive chaebols were born good, but but but (!) it's also a fact of life that a lot of chaebols are arrogant (ok this is me talking based on stories ive heard from other people...does that equal...groundless? lol), and it's not easy giving up what you grew up having. heck, im not a chaebol but i dont think i'd run away from my cozy home to be with some hobo...
and JW is going about this courtship in an extreme version of the middleschool boy who pulls the girl's pigtail because he likes her lols i feel like everyone of us at least has been, seen, and dealt with such a boy that it's so...endearing to watch JW getting all confused and "assholy" (assholy!).
oh and btw ive left comments on your blog before, sometimes using my google acc sometimes anonymous ~ love your blog! ^_^


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I agree with you that some of Joowon's meanness to Ra-im is because he is going nuts over her and nothing in her behavior indicates she ever thinks of him. He keeps looking for signs that she cares/thinks about him and keeps coming up empty.

His explosion at the restaurant was about her not making an effort to look attractive for their meeting. He goes on about the cheapness/shabbiness of her clothes, but he also said don't you have clothes that I've never seen before. It seems her clothes and shabby bag was not only a sign of her poverty but also an indication that she had no interest in attracting him.

Also, the central question of his conversation with Oska was did she say anything about me?

He is in the center of a emotional tidal wave and it makes him angry that he's out there by himself.


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"He is in the center of a emotional tidal wave and it makes him angry that he’s out there by himself." >>> WORD. So true.


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loved what u said , give me an other view ( opinion ) about what he did to RI ( eventhough I already melted when I saw his smile when she called him about the vaccum LOL )


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Imeant gave me and not give me :)


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Is it the same Yogurutu that have translated SKKS novel??

Surprise, surprise

I still check your blog for another SKKS scene, hee Thank you for it :) SKKS never dies


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haha yeah, I've come here as Dramabeans' follower and fannnn. How you guys put up these recaps at this speed and quality is beyond me.


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hELLO, yogurutu, finished reading SKKS scene9, looking forward to the next.


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I do,I do !!! He has not been mean to her until she totally refused to have lunch with him after all the grand gesture by him in the department store and put 40 dollars on the table saying"there is absolutely no more reason for us to ever see each other again!"Even then, he couldn't give up on her and showed up again in the action school notbringing hospital bill as an excuse.To JooWon in the club scene, RaIm's worn- out bag represents not only the differences in their socio-economic status but also RaIm's total indifference toward him(She didn't mean that at all,we all know ,she actually cared to look nice in front of him---like wearing a scarf----).So that really triggered his anger on two levels,angry at himself helplessly falling for a girl who's way below his league and also angry at RaIm not showing even a little bit of interest toward him at all.


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Oops,typo..."Bringing hospital bill"


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Such a colorful recap. LOVE it. And LOVE this drama. Thank you ^.^


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